class Tweet < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :in_reply_to, class_name: "Tweet" has_many :replies, class_name: "Tweet", foreign_key: "in_reply_to_id" has_many :favorites, -> { order("") }, dependent: :delete_all has_many :retweets, -> { order("") }, dependent: :delete_all has_many :favoriters, -> { order("") }, through: :favorites, source: :user has_many :retweeters, -> { order("") }, through: :retweets, source: :user scope :recent, ->(period = 3.days) { where(" > ?", snowflake_min( - period)) } scope :reacted, ->(count = nil) { where("reactions_count >= ?", (count || 1).to_i) } scope :not_protected, -> { joins(:user).references(:user).where(users: { protected: false }) } scope :registered, -> { joins(user: :account).references(:account).merge( } scope :max_id, ->(id) { where(" <= ?", id.to_i) if id } scope :since_id, ->(id) { where(" > ?", id.to_i) if id } scope :page, ->(page, page_per) { limit(page_per).offset((page - 1) * page_per) } scope :order_by_id, -> { order(id: :desc) } scope :order_by_reactions, -> { order(reactions_count: :desc) } scope :favorited_by, ->(user) { joins(:favorites).where(favorites: { user: user }) } class << self # Builds a new instance of Tweet and initialize with JSON data from Twitter API. # @note This method just builds an instance, doesn't save it. # @param [Hash] json Data from Twitter API # @return [Tweet] The new instance. def build_from_json(json) json[:id], text: extract_entities(json), source: json[:source], tweeted_at: Time.parse(json[:created_at]), user_id: json[:user][:id], in_reply_to_id: json[:in_reply_to_status_id], favorites_count: json[:favorite_count], retweets_count: json[:retweet_count], reactions_count: json[:favorite_count] + json[:retweet_count]) end # Builds instances of Tweet and save them. This method is supposed to be used from collector daemon. # @param [Array] array Data from collector. def create_bulk_from_json(array) objects = {|json| build_from_json(json) } self.import(objects, on_duplicate_key_update: [:favorites_count, :retweets_count, :reactions_count]) end # Destroys Tweets from database. This method is supposed to be used from collector daemon. # @param [Array] array An array of Streaming API delete events. def destroy_bulk_from_json(array) ids = {|json| json[:delete][:status][:id] } self.where(id: ids).delete_all Favorite.where(tweet_id: ids).delete_all Retweet.where(tweet_id: ids).delete_all end # Imports a Tweet from Twitter REST API. # If the client is not specified, An random account will be selected from database. # @param [Integer] id Target status ID. # @param [Twitter::REST::Client] client The Twitter::REST::Client to be used. # @return [Tweet] The Tweet instance imported. def import_from_twitter(id, client = nil) client ||= Account.random.client st = client.status(id) self.create_bulk_from_json([st.attrs]) User.create_or_update_from_json(st.attrs[:user]) tweet = self.find( tweet.update(text: extract_entities(st.attrs), source: st.attrs[:source], in_reply_to_id: (tweet.in_reply_to_id || st.attrs[:in_reply_to_status_id])) nt = tweet nt = self.build_from_json(client.status(nt.in_reply_to_id).attrs).save! while nt.in_reply_to_id && !nt.in_reply_to tweet.reload end # Parses /\d+[dwmy]/ style query and returns recent tweets (Relation) in specified period. # @note When nil or unparsable string are specified, this method does nothing. # @param [String] param # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] def parse_recent(param) match = param.to_s.match(/^(\d+)([a-z])$/) if match n = match[1].to_i case match[2] when "d" then recent(n.days) when "w" then recent(n.weeks) when "m" then recent(n.months) when "y" then recent(n.years) end else all end end # Filters tweets with original query string. # @param [String] query # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] def filter_by_query(query) strings = [] query = query.gsub(/"((?:\\"|[^"])*?)"/) {|m| strings << $1; "##{strings.size - 1}" } escape_text = -> str do str.gsub(/#(\d+)/) { strings[$1.to_i] } .gsub(/(_|%)/) {|x| "\\" + x } .gsub("*", "%") .gsub("?", "_") end parse_condition = ->(scoped, token) do positive = !token.slice!(/^[-!]/) where_args = case token when /^(?:user|from):([A-Za-z0-9_]{1,20})$/ u = User.find_by(screen_name: $1) uid = u && || -1 { user_id: uid } when /^fav(?:orite)?s?:(\d+)$/ ["favorites_count >= ?", $1.to_i] when /^(?:retweet|rt)s?:(\d+)$/ ["retweets_count >= ?", $1.to_i] when /^(?:sum|(?:re)?act(?:ion)?s?):(\d+)$/ ["reactions_count >= ?", $1.to_i] when /^(?:source|via):(.+)$/ ["source LIKE ?",$1)] when /^text:(.+)$/ ["text LIKE ?", "%" +$1) + "%"] else nil end positive ? scoped.where(where_args) : scoped.where.not(where_args) end query.scan(/\S+/).inject(self.all) {|s, token|, token) } end private # replace with expanded_url def extract_entities(json) entity_values = json[:entities].values.flatten.sort_by {|v| v[:indices].first }! {|e| e[:url] } result = "" last_index = entity_values.inject(0) do |last_index, entity| result << json[:text][last_index...entity[:indices].first] result << entity[:expanded_url] entity[:indices].last end result << json[:text][last_index..-1] result end def snowflake_min(time) (time.to_datetime.to_i * 1000 - 1288834974657) << 22 end end # Returns the URI of the tweet on # @return [String] The URI. def twitter_url "{user.screen_name}/status/#{}" end # Searches the ancestors of this Tweet recursively up to specified level. # @param [Integer] max_level # @return [Array] The search result. def reply_ancestors(max_level = Float::INFINITY) nodes = [] node = self level = 0 while level < max_level && node.in_reply_to nodes << (node = node.in_reply_to) level += 1 end nodes.reverse end # Searches the descendants of this Tweet recursively up to specified level. # @param [Integer] max_level # @return [Array] The search result. def reply_descendants(max_level = Float::INFINITY) nodes = [] c_nodes = [self] level = 0 while level < max_level && c_nodes.size > 0 nodes.concat(! {|node| node.replies }.flatten!) level += 1 end nodes.sort_by(&:id) end end