diff options
21 files changed, 1201 insertions, 414 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 974ecf9b..45538337 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Features:
- add `package --cache-path` and `config cache_path` for cache location (@jnraine)
- allow `config` to work even when a Gemfile is not present (@dholdren)
- add `config gemfile /path` for other Gemfile locations (@dholdren)
+ - add `github` method alonside the `git` method (@BenMorganIO)
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index d4d08da0..19c9cf37 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -27,6 +27,29 @@ module Rake
+namespace :molinillo do
+ task :namespace do
+ files = Dir.glob('lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo*/**/*.rb')
+ sh "sed -i.bak 's/Molinillo/Bundler::Molinillo/g' #{files.join(' ')}"
+ sh "rm #{files.join('.bak ')}.bak"
+ end
+ task :clean do
+ files = Dir.glob('lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo*/*', File::FNM_DOTMATCH).reject { |f| %(. .. lib).include? f.split('/').last }
+ puts files
+ sh "rm -r #{files.join(' ')}"
+ end
+ task :update, [:tag] => [] do |t, args|
+ tag = args[:tag]
+ Dir.chdir 'lib/bundler/vendor' do
+ `curl -L https://github.com/CocoaPods/molinillo/archive/#{tag}.tar.gz | tar -xz`
+ end
+ Rake::Task['molinillo:namespace'].invoke
+ Rake::Task['molinillo:clean'].invoke
+ end
namespace :spec do
desc "Ensure spec dependencies are installed"
task :deps do
diff --git a/lib/bundler/dep_proxy.rb b/lib/bundler/dep_proxy.rb
index bc810dc5..ef98a351 100644
--- a/lib/bundler/dep_proxy.rb
+++ b/lib/bundler/dep_proxy.rb
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
module Bundler
class DepProxy
- attr_reader :required_by, :__platform, :dep
+ attr_reader :__platform, :dep
def initialize(dep, platform)
- @dep, @__platform, @required_by = dep, platform, []
+ @dep, @__platform = dep, platform
def hash
diff --git a/lib/bundler/resolver.rb b/lib/bundler/resolver.rb
index 709ad67a..df2c515c 100644
--- a/lib/bundler/resolver.rb
+++ b/lib/bundler/resolver.rb
@@ -1,27 +1,73 @@
require 'set'
# This is the latest iteration of the gem dependency resolving algorithm. As of now,
# it can resolve (as a success or failure) any set of gem dependencies we throw at it
# in a reasonable amount of time. The most iterations I've seen it take is about 150.
# The actual implementation of the algorithm is not as good as it could be yet, but that
# can come later.
-# Extending Gem classes to add necessary tracking information
-module Gem
- class Specification
- def required_by
- @required_by ||= []
- end
- end
- class Dependency
- def required_by
- @required_by ||= []
- end
- end
module Bundler
class Resolver
+ require 'bundler/vendored_molinillo'
+ class Molinillo::VersionConflict
+ def clean_req(req)
+ if req.to_s.include?(">= 0")
+ req.to_s.gsub(/ \(.*?\)$/, '')
+ else
+ req.to_s.gsub(/\, (runtime|development)\)$/, ')')
+ end
+ end
+ def message
+ conflicts.values.flatten.reduce('') do |o, conflict|
+ o << %(Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "#{conflict.requirement.name}":\n)
+ if conflict.locked_requirement
+ o << %( In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):\n)
+ o << %( #{clean_req conflict.locked_requirement}\n)
+ o << %(\n)
+ end
+ o << %( In Gemfile:\n)
+ o << conflict.requirement_trees.map do |tree|
+ t = ''
+ depth = 2
+ tree.each do |req|
+ t << ' ' * depth << %(#{clean_req req})
+ t << %( depends on) unless tree[-1] == req
+ t << %(\n)
+ depth += 1
+ end
+ t
+ end.join("\n")
+ if conflict.requirement.name == 'bundler'
+ o << %(\n Current Bundler version:\n bundler (#{Bundler::VERSION}))
+ other_bundler_required = !conflict.requirement.requirement.satisfied_by?(Gem::Version.new Bundler::VERSION)
+ end
+ if conflict.requirement.name == "bundler" && other_bundler_required
+ o << "\n"
+ o << "This Gemfile requires a different version of Bundler.\n"
+ o << "Perhaps you need to update Bundler by running `gem install bundler`?\n"
+ end
+ if conflict.locked_requirement
+ o << "\n"
+ o << %(Running `bundle update` will rebuild your snapshot from scratch, using only\n)
+ o << %(the gems in your Gemfile, which may resolve the conflict.\n)
+ elsif !conflict.existing
+ if conflict.requirement_trees.first.size > 1
+ o << "Could not find gem '#{clean_req(conflict.requirement)}', which is required by "
+ o << "gem '#{clean_req(conflict.requirement_trees.first[-2])}', in any of the sources."
+ else
+ o << "Could not find gem '#{clean_req(conflict.requirement)} in any of the sources\n"
+ end
+ end
+ o
+ end
+ end
+ end
ALL = Bundler::Dependency::PLATFORM_MAP.values.uniq.freeze
class SpecGroup < Array
@@ -65,8 +111,10 @@ module Bundler
def activate_platform(platform)
unless @activated.include?(platform)
- @activated << platform
- return __dependencies[platform] || []
+ if for?(platform)
+ @activated << platform
+ return __dependencies[platform] || []
+ end
@@ -91,6 +139,14 @@ module Bundler
"#{name} (#{version})"
+ def dependencies_for_activated_platforms
+ @activated.map { |p| __dependencies[p] }.flatten
+ end
+ def platforms_for_dependency_named(dependency)
+ __dependencies.select { |p, deps| deps.map(&:name).include? dependency }.keys
+ end
def __dependencies
@@ -110,8 +166,6 @@ module Bundler
- attr_reader :errors, :started_at, :iteration_rate, :iteration_counter, :initial_reqs
# Figures out the best possible configuration of gems that satisfies
# the list of passed dependencies and any child dependencies without
# causing any gem activation errors.
@@ -123,289 +177,85 @@ module Bundler
# <GemBundle>,nil:: If the list of dependencies can be resolved, a
# collection of gemspecs is returned. Otherwise, nil is returned.
def self.resolve(requirements, index, source_requirements = {}, base = [])
- Bundler.ui.info "Resolving dependencies...", false
base = SpecSet.new(base) unless base.is_a?(SpecSet)
resolver = new(index, source_requirements, base)
result = resolver.start(requirements)
- Bundler.ui.info "" # new line now that dots are done
- rescue => e
- Bundler.ui.info "" # new line before the error
- raise e
- end
- def initialize(index, source_requirements, base)
- @initial_reqs = []
- @errors = {}
- @base = base
- @index = index
- @deps_for = {}
- @missing_gems = Hash.new(0)
- @prereleases_cache = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = k.prerelease? }
- @source_requirements = source_requirements
- @iteration_counter = 0
- @started_at = Time.now
- def debug
- debug_info = yield
- debug_info = debug_info.inspect unless debug_info.is_a?(String)
- $stderr.puts debug_info
- end
- end
- def successify(activated)
- activated.values.map { |s| s.to_specs }.flatten.compact
- end
- def start(reqs, current_traversal=false)
- @initial_reqs = reqs.dup unless current_traversal
- activated = {}
- @gems_size = Hash[reqs.map { |r| [r, gems_size(r)] }]
- resolve(reqs, activated, current_traversal)
+ def initialize(index, source_requirements, base)
+ @index = index
+ @source_requirements = source_requirements
+ @base = base
+ @resolver = Molinillo::Resolver.new(self, self)
+ @search_for = {}
+ @prereleases_cache = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = k.prerelease? }
+ @base_dg = Molinillo::DependencyGraph.new
+ @base.each { |ls| @base_dg.add_root_vertex ls.name, Dependency.new(ls.name, ls.version) }
- class State < Struct.new(:reqs, :activated, :requirement, :possibles, :depth, :conflicts)
- def name
- requirement.name
- end
+ def start(requirements)
+ verify_gemfile_dependencies_are_found!(requirements)
+ dg = @resolver.resolve(requirements, @base_dg)
+ dg.map(&:payload).map(&:to_specs).flatten
+ rescue Molinillo::VersionConflict => e
+ raise VersionConflict.new(e.conflicts.keys.uniq, e.message)
+ rescue Molinillo::CircularDependencyError => e
+ names = e.dependencies.sort_by(&:name).map { |d| "gem '#{d.name}'"}
+ raise CyclicDependencyError, "Your Gemfile requires gems that depend" \
+ " on each other, creating an infinite loop. Please remove" \
+ " #{names.count > 1 ? 'either ' : '' }#{names.join(' or ')}" \
+ " and try again."
- def handle_conflict(current, states, existing=nil)
- until current.nil?
- current_state = find_state(current, states)
- return current if state_any?(current_state)
- current = current.required_by.last if current
- end
+ include Molinillo::UI
- until existing.nil?
- existing_state = find_state(existing, states)
- return existing if state_any?(existing_state)
- existing = existing.required_by.last if existing
+ # Conveys debug information to the user.
+ #
+ # @param [Integer] depth the current depth of the resolution process.
+ # @return [void]
+ def debug(depth = 0)
+ if debug?
+ debug_info = yield
+ debug_info = debug_info.inspect unless debug_info.is_a?(String)
+ STDERR.puts debug_info.split("\n").map { |s| ' ' * depth + s }
- def state_any?(state)
- state && state.possibles.any?
+ def debug?
- def find_state(current, states)
- states.detect { |i| current && current.name == i.name }
+ def before_resolution
+ Bundler.ui.info 'Resolving dependencies...', false
- def other_possible?(conflict, states)
- return unless conflict
- state = states.detect { |i| i.name == conflict.name }
- state && state.possibles.any?
+ def after_resolution
+ Bundler.ui.info ''
- def find_conflict_state(conflict, states)
- return unless conflict
- until states.empty? do
- state = states.pop
- return state if conflict.name == state.name
- end
- end
- def activate_gem(reqs, activated, requirement, current)
- requirement.required_by.replace current.required_by
- requirement.required_by << current
- activated[requirement.name] = requirement
- debug { " Activating: #{requirement.name} (#{requirement.version})" }
- debug { requirement.required_by.map { |d| " * #{d.name} (#{d.requirement})" }.join("\n") }
- dependencies = requirement.activate_platform(current.__platform)
- debug { " Dependencies"}
- dependencies.each do |dep|
- next if dep.type == :development
- dep.required_by.replace(current.required_by)
- dep.required_by << current
- @gems_size[dep] ||= gems_size(dep)
- reqs << dep
- end
- end
- def resolve_for_conflict(state)
- return version_conflict if state.nil? || state.possibles.empty?
- reqs, activated, depth, conflicts = state.reqs.dup, state.activated.dup, state.depth, state.conflicts.dup
- requirement = state.requirement
- possible = state.possibles.pop
- activate_gem(reqs, activated, possible, requirement)
- return reqs, activated, depth, conflicts
+ def indicate_progress
+ Bundler.ui.info '.', false
- def resolve_conflict(current, states)
- # Find the state where the conflict has occurred
- state = find_conflict_state(current, states)
- debug { " -> Going to: #{current.name} state" } if current
- # Resolve the conflicts by rewinding the state
- # when the conflicted gem was activated
- reqs, activated, depth, conflicts = resolve_for_conflict(state)
+ private
- # Keep the state around if it still has other possibilities
- states << state unless state.possibles.empty?
- clear_search_cache
+ include Molinillo::SpecificationProvider
- return reqs, activated, depth, conflicts
+ def dependencies_for(specification)
+ specification.dependencies_for_activated_platforms
- def resolve(reqs, activated, current_traversal)
- states = []
- depth = 0
- conflicts = Set.new
- until reqs.empty?
- indicate_progress
- debug { print "\e[2J\e[f" ; "==== Iterating ====\n\n" }
- reqs = reqs.sort_by do |a|
- [ activated[a.name] ? 0 : 1,
- @prereleases_cache[a.requirement] ? 0 : 1,
- @errors[a.name] ? 0 : 1,
- activated[a.name] ? 0 : @gems_size[a] ]
- end
- debug { "Activated:\n" + activated.values.map {|a| " #{a}" }.join("\n") }
- debug { "Requirements:\n" + reqs.map {|r| " #{r}"}.join("\n") }
- current = reqs.shift
- $stderr.puts "#{' ' * depth}#{current}" if ENV['DEBUG_RESOLVER_TREE']
- debug { "Attempting:\n #{current}"}
- existing = activated[current.name]
- if existing || current.name == 'bundler'
- # Force the current
- if current.name == 'bundler' && !existing
- existing = search(DepProxy.new(Gem::Dependency.new('bundler', VERSION), Gem::Platform::RUBY)).first
- raise GemNotFound, %Q{Bundler could not find gem "bundler" (#{VERSION})} unless existing
- existing.required_by << existing
- activated['bundler'] = existing
- end
- if current.requirement.satisfied_by?(existing.version)
- debug { " * [SUCCESS] Already activated" }
- @errors.delete(existing.name)
- dependencies = existing.activate_platform(current.__platform)
- reqs.concat dependencies
- dependencies.each do |dep|
- next if dep.type == :development
- @gems_size[dep] ||= gems_size(dep)
- end
- depth += 1
- next
- else
- debug { " * [FAIL] Already activated" }
- @errors[existing.name] = [existing, current]
- conflicts << current.name
- parent = current.required_by.last
- if current_traversal
- parent = handle_conflict(current, states)
- else
- parent = handle_conflict(parent, states)
- end
- if parent.nil? && !conflicts.empty?
- parent = states.reverse.detect { |i| conflicts.include?(i.name) && state_any?(i)}
- end
- if existing.respond_to?(:required_by)
- parent = handle_conflict(parent, states, existing.required_by[-2]) unless other_possible?(parent, states)
- end
- return version_conflict(current_traversal) if parent.nil? || parent.name == 'bundler'
- reqs, activated, depth, conflicts = resolve_conflict(parent, states)
- end
- else
- matching_versions = search(current)
- # If we found no versions that match the current requirement
- if matching_versions.empty?
- # If this is a top-level Gemfile requirement
- if current.required_by.empty?
- if base = @base[current.name] and !base.empty?
- version = base.first.version
- message = "You have requested:\n" \
- " #{current.name} #{current.requirement}\n\n" \
- "The bundle currently has #{current.name} locked at #{version}.\n" \
- "Try running `bundle update #{current.name}`"
- elsif current.source
- name = current.name
- versions = @source_requirements[name][name].map { |s| s.version }
- message = "Could not find gem '#{current}' in #{current.source}.\n"
- if versions.any?
- message << "Source contains '#{name}' at: #{versions.join(', ')}"
- else
- message << "Source does not contain any versions of '#{current}'"
- end
- else
- message = "Could not find gem '#{current}' "
- if @index.source_types.include?(Bundler::Source::Rubygems)
- message << "in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile."
- else
- message << "in the gems available on this machine."
- end
- end
- raise GemNotFound, message
- # This is not a top-level Gemfile requirement
- else
- @errors[current.name] = [nil, current]
- parent = handle_conflict(current, states)
- reqs, activated, depth = resolve_conflict(parent, states)
- next
- end
- end
- state = State.new(reqs.dup, activated.dup, current, matching_versions, depth, conflicts)
- states << state
- requirement = state.possibles.pop
- activate_gem(reqs, activated, requirement, current)
+ def search_for(dependency)
+ platform = dependency.__platform
+ dependency = dependency.dep unless dependency.is_a? Gem::Dependency
+ search = @search_for[dependency] ||= begin
+ index = @source_requirements[dependency.name] || @index
+ results = index.search(dependency, @base[dependency.name])
+ if vertex = @base_dg.vertex_named(dependency.name)
+ locked_requirement = vertex.payload.requirement
- end
- successify(activated)
- end
- def gems_size(dep)
- search(dep).size
- end
- def clear_search_cache
- @deps_for = {}
- end
- def search(dep)
- if base = @base[dep.name] and base.any?
- reqs = [dep.requirement.as_list, base.first.version.to_s].flatten.compact
- d = Gem::Dependency.new(base.first.name, *reqs)
- else
- d = dep.dep
- end
- @deps_for[d.hash] ||= begin
- index = @source_requirements[d.name] || @index
- results = index.search(d, @base[d.name])
if results.any?
version = results.first.version
nested = [[]]
@@ -416,139 +266,74 @@ module Bundler
nested.last << spec
- deps = nested.map{|a| SpecGroup.new(a) }.select{|sg| sg.for?(dep.__platform) }
+ groups = nested.map { |a| SpecGroup.new(a) }
+ !locked_requirement ? groups : groups.select { |sg| locked_requirement.satisfied_by? sg.version }
- deps = []
+ []
+ search.select { |sg| sg.for?(platform) }.each { |sg| sg.activate_platform(platform) }
- def clean_req(req)
- if req.to_s.include?(">= 0")
- req.to_s.gsub(/ \(.*?\)$/, '')
- else
- req.to_s.gsub(/\, (runtime|development)\)$/, ')')
- end
+ def name_for(dependency)
+ dependency.name
- def version_conflict(current_traversal=true)
- raise VersionConflict.new(errors.keys, error_message) if current_traversal
- reset_state
- start(initial_reqs, true)
+ def name_for_explicit_dependency_source
+ 'Gemfile'
- def reset_state
- clear_search_cache
- @errors = {}
+ def name_for_locking_dependency_source
+ 'Gemfile.lock'
- # For a given conflicted requirement, print out what exactly went wrong
- def gem_message(requirement, required_by=[])
- m = ""
- # A requirement that is required by itself is actually in the Gemfile, and does
- # not "depend on" itself
- if requirement.required_by.first && requirement.required_by.first.name != requirement.name
- dependency_tree(m, required_by)
- m << "#{clean_req(requirement)}\n"
- else
- m << " #{clean_req(requirement)}\n"
- end
- m << "\n"
+ def requirement_satisfied_by?(requirement, activated, spec)
+ requirement.matches_spec?(spec)
- def dependency_tree(m, requirements)
- requirements.each_with_index do |i, j|
- m << " " << (" " * j)
- m << "#{clean_req(i)}"
- m << " depends on\n"
+ def sort_dependencies(dependencies, activated, conflicts)
+ dependencies.sort_by do |dependency|
+ name = name_for(dependency)
+ [
+ activated.vertex_named(name).payload ? 0 : 1,
+ @prereleases_cache[dependency.requirement] ? 0 : 1,
+ conflicts[name] ? 0 : 1,
+ activated.vertex_named(name).payload ? 0 : search_for(dependency).count,
+ ]
- m << " " << (" " * requirements.size)
- def error_message
- errors.inject("") do |o, (conflict, (origin, requirement))|
- # origin is the SpecSet of specs from the Gemfile that is conflicted with
- if origin
- o << %{Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "#{origin.name}":\n}
- o << " In Gemfile:\n"
- required_by = requirement.required_by
- o << gem_message(requirement, required_by)
- # If the origin is "bundler", the conflict is us
- if origin.name == "bundler"
- o << " Current Bundler version:\n"
- other_bundler_required = !requirement.requirement.satisfied_by?(origin.version)
- # If the origin is a LockfileParser, it does not respond_to :required_by
- elsif !origin.respond_to?(:required_by) || !(origin.required_by.first)
- o << " In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):\n"
- end
- required_by = origin.required_by[0..-2]
- o << gem_message(origin, required_by)
- # If the bundle wants a newer bundler than the running bundler, explain
- if origin.name == "bundler" && other_bundler_required
- o << "This Gemfile requires a different version of Bundler.\n"
- o << "Perhaps you need to update Bundler by running `gem install bundler`?"
- end
- # origin is nil if the required gem and version cannot be found in any of
- # the specified sources
- else
- # if the gem cannot be found because of a version conflict between lockfile and gemfile,
- # print a useful error that suggests running `bundle update`, which may fix things
- #
- # @base is a SpecSet of the gems in the lockfile
- # conflict is the name of the gem that could not be found
- if locked = @base[conflict].first
- o << "Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem #{conflict.inspect}:\n"
- o << " In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):\n"
- o << " #{clean_req(locked)}\n\n"
- o << " In Gemfile:\n"
- required_by = requirement.required_by
- o << gem_message(requirement, required_by)
- o << "Running `bundle update` will rebuild your snapshot from scratch, using only\n"
- o << "the gems in your Gemfile, which may resolve the conflict.\n"
- # the rest of the time, the gem cannot be found because it does not exist in the known sources
+ def verify_gemfile_dependencies_are_found!(requirements)
+ requirements.each do |requirement|
+ next if requirement.name == 'bundler'
+ if search_for(requirement).empty?
+ if base = @base[requirement.name] and !base.empty?
+ version = base.first.version
+ message = "You have requested:\n" \
+ " #{requirement.name} #{requirement.requirement}\n\n" \
+ "The bundle currently has #{requirement.name} locked at #{version}.\n" \
+ "Try running `bundle update #{requirement.name}`"
+ elsif requirement.source
+ name = requirement.name
+ versions = @source_requirements[name][name].map { |s| s.version }
+ message = "Could not find gem '#{requirement}' in #{requirement.source}.\n"
+ if versions.any?
+ message << "Source contains '#{name}' at: #{versions.join(', ')}"
+ else
+ message << "Source does not contain any versions of '#{requirement}'"
+ end
- if requirement.required_by.first
- o << "Could not find gem '#{clean_req(requirement)}', which is required by "
- o << "gem '#{clean_req(requirement.required_by.first)}', in any of the sources."
+ message = "Could not find gem '#{requirement}' "
+ if @index.source_types.include?(Bundler::Source::Rubygems)
+ message << "in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile."
- o << "Could not find gem '#{clean_req(requirement)} in any of the sources\n"
+ message << "in the gems available on this machine."
+ raise GemNotFound, message
- o
- private
- # Indicates progress by writing a '.' every iteration_rate time which is
- # approximately every second. iteration_rate is calculated in the first
- # second of resolve running.
- def indicate_progress
- @iteration_counter += 1
- if iteration_rate.nil?
- if ((Time.now - started_at) % 3600).round >= 1
- @iteration_rate = iteration_counter
- end
- else
- if ((iteration_counter % iteration_rate) == 0)
- Bundler.ui.info ".", false
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf740e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+require 'molinillo/gem_metadata'
+require 'molinillo/errors'
+require 'molinillo/resolver'
+require 'molinillo/modules/ui'
+require 'molinillo/modules/specification_provider'
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/dependency_graph.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/dependency_graph.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ee5708a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/dependency_graph.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+require 'set'
+require 'tsort'
+module Bundler::Molinillo
+ # A directed acyclic graph that is tuned to hold named dependencies
+ class DependencyGraph
+ include Enumerable
+ # Enumerates through the vertices of the graph.
+ # @return [Array<Vertex>] The graph's vertices.
+ def each
+ vertices.values.each { |v| yield v }
+ end
+ include TSort
+ alias_method :tsort_each_node, :each
+ def tsort_each_child(vertex, &block)
+ vertex.successors.each(&block)
+ end
+ # Topologically sorts the given vertices.
+ # @param [Enumerable<Vertex>] vertices the vertices to be sorted, which must
+ # all belong to the same graph.
+ # @return [Array<Vertex>] The sorted vertices.
+ def self.tsort(vertices)
+ TSort.tsort(
+ lambda { |b| vertices.each(&b) },
+ lambda { |v, &b| (v.successors & vertices).each(&b) }
+ )
+ end
+ # A directed edge of a {DependencyGraph}
+ # @attr [Vertex] origin The origin of the directed edge
+ # @attr [Vertex] destination The destination of the directed edge
+ # @attr [Array] requirements The requirements the directed edge represents
+ Edge = Struct.new(:origin, :destination, :requirements)
+ # @return [{String => Vertex}] vertices that have no {Vertex#predecessors},
+ # keyed by by {Vertex#name}
+ attr_reader :root_vertices
+ # @return [{String => Vertex}] the vertices of the dependency graph, keyed
+ # by {Vertex#name}
+ attr_reader :vertices
+ # @return [Set<Edge>] the edges of the dependency graph
+ attr_reader :edges
+ def initialize
+ @vertices = {}
+ @edges = Set.new
+ @root_vertices = {}
+ end
+ # Initializes a copy of a {DependencyGraph}, ensuring that all {#vertices}
+ # have the correct {Vertex#graph} set
+ def initialize_copy(other)
+ super
+ @vertices = other.vertices.reduce({}) do |vertices, (name, vertex)|
+ vertices.tap do |hash|
+ hash[name] = vertex.dup.tap { |v| v.graph = self }
+ end
+ end
+ @root_vertices = Hash[vertices.select { |n, _v| other.root_vertices[n] }]
+ @edges = other.edges.map do |edge|
+ Edge.new(
+ vertex_named(edge.origin.name),
+ vertex_named(edge.destination.name),
+ edge.requirements.dup
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # @return [String] a string suitable for debugging
+ def inspect
+ "#{self.class}:#{vertices.values.inspect}"
+ end
+ # @return [Boolean] whether the two dependency graphs are equal, determined
+ # by a recursive traversal of each {#root_vertices} and its
+ # {Vertex#successors}
+ def ==(other)
+ root_vertices == other.root_vertices
+ end
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @param [Object] payload
+ # @param [Array<String>] parent_names
+ # @param [Object] requirement the requirement that is requiring the child
+ # @return [void]
+ def add_child_vertex(name, payload, parent_names, requirement)
+ is_root = parent_names.include?(nil)
+ parent_nodes = parent_names.compact.map { |n| vertex_named(n) }
+ vertex = vertex_named(name) || if is_root
+ add_root_vertex(name, payload)
+ else
+ add_vertex(name, payload)
+ end
+ vertex.payload ||= payload
+ parent_nodes.each do |parent_node|
+ add_edge(parent_node, vertex, requirement)
+ end
+ vertex
+ end
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @param [Object] payload
+ # @return [Vertex] the vertex that was added to `self`
+ def add_vertex(name, payload)
+ vertex = vertices[name] ||= Vertex.new(self, name, payload)
+ vertex.tap { |v| v.payload = payload }
+ end
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @param [Object] payload
+ # @return [Vertex] the vertex that was added to `self`
+ def add_root_vertex(name, payload)
+ add_vertex(name, payload).tap { |v| root_vertices[name] = v }
+ end
+ # Detaches the {#vertex_named} `name` {Vertex} from the graph, recursively
+ # removing any non-root vertices that were orphaned in the process
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @return [void]
+ def detach_vertex_named(name)
+ vertex = vertex_named(name)
+ return unless vertex
+ successors = vertex.successors
+ vertices.delete(name)
+ edges.reject! { |e| e.origin == vertex || e.destination == vertex }
+ successors.each { |v| detach_vertex_named(v.name) unless root_vertices[v.name] || v.predecessors.any? }
+ end
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @return [Vertex,nil] the vertex with the given name
+ def vertex_named(name)
+ vertices[name]
+ end
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @return [Vertex,nil] the root vertex with the given name
+ def root_vertex_named(name)
+ root_vertices[name]
+ end
+ # Adds a new {Edge} to the dependency graph
+ # @param [Vertex] origin
+ # @param [Vertex] destination
+ # @param [Object] requirement the requirement that this edge represents
+ # @return [Edge] the added edge
+ def add_edge(origin, destination, requirement)
+ if origin == destination || destination.path_to?(origin)
+ raise CircularDependencyError.new([origin, destination])
+ end
+ Edge.new(origin, destination, [requirement]).tap { |e| edges << e }
+ end
+ # A vertex in a {DependencyGraph} that encapsulates a {#name} and a
+ # {#payload}
+ class Vertex
+ # @return [DependencyGraph] the graph this vertex is a node of
+ attr_accessor :graph
+ # @return [String] the name of the vertex
+ attr_accessor :name
+ # @return [Object] the payload the vertex holds
+ attr_accessor :payload
+ # @return [Arrary<Object>] the explicit requirements that required
+ # this vertex
+ attr_reader :explicit_requirements
+ # @param [DependencyGraph] graph see {#graph}
+ # @param [String] name see {#name}
+ # @param [Object] payload see {#payload}
+ def initialize(graph, name, payload)
+ @graph = graph
+ @name = name
+ @payload = payload
+ @explicit_requirements = []
+ end
+ # @return [Array<Object>] all of the requirements that required
+ # this vertex
+ def requirements
+ incoming_edges.map(&:requirements).flatten + explicit_requirements
+ end
+ # @return [Array<Edge>] the edges of {#graph} that have `self` as their
+ # {Edge#origin}
+ def outgoing_edges
+ graph.edges.select { |e| e.origin.shallow_eql?(self) }
+ end
+ # @return [Array<Edge>] the edges of {#graph} that have `self` as their
+ # {Edge#destination}
+ def incoming_edges
+ graph.edges.select { |e| e.destination.shallow_eql?(self) }
+ end
+ # @return [Set<Vertex>] the vertices of {#graph} that have an edge with
+ # `self` as their {Edge#destination}
+ def predecessors
+ incoming_edges.map(&:origin).to_set
+ end
+ # @return [Set<Vertex>] the vertices of {#graph} that have an edge with
+ # `self` as their {Edge#origin}
+ def successors
+ outgoing_edges.map(&:destination).to_set
+ end
+ # @return [Set<Vertex>] the vertices of {#graph} where `self` is an
+ # {#ancestor?}
+ def recursive_successors
+ successors + successors.map(&:recursive_successors).reduce(Set.new, &:+)
+ end
+ # @return [String] a string suitable for debugging
+ def inspect
+ "#{self.class}:#{name}(#{payload.inspect})"
+ end
+ # @return [Boolean] whether the two vertices are equal, determined
+ # by a recursive traversal of each {Vertex#successors}
+ def ==(other)
+ shallow_eql?(other) &&
+ successors == other.successors
+ end
+ # @return [Boolean] whether the two vertices are equal, determined
+ # solely by {#name} and {#payload} equality
+ def shallow_eql?(other)
+ other &&
+ name == other.name &&
+ payload == other.payload
+ end
+ alias_method :eql?, :==
+ # @return [Fixnum] a hash for the vertex based upon its {#name}
+ def hash
+ name.hash
+ end
+ # Is there a path from `self` to `other` following edges in the
+ # dependency graph?
+ # @return true iff there is a path following edges within this {#graph}
+ def path_to?(other)
+ successors.include?(other) || successors.any? { |v| v.path_to?(other) }
+ end
+ alias_method :descendent?, :path_to?
+ # Is there a path from `other` to `self` following edges in the
+ # dependency graph?
+ # @return true iff there is a path following edges within this {#graph}
+ def ancestor?(other)
+ predecessors.include?(other) || predecessors.any? { |v| v.ancestor?(other) }
+ end
+ alias_method :is_reachable_from?, :ancestor?
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/errors.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/errors.rb
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/errors.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+module Bundler::Molinillo
+ # An error that occurred during the resolution process
+ class ResolverError < StandardError; end
+ # An error caused by searching for a dependency that is completely unknown,
+ # i.e. has no versions available whatsoever.
+ class NoSuchDependencyError < ResolverError
+ # @return [Object] the dependency that could not be found
+ attr_accessor :dependency
+ # @return [Array<Object>] the specifications that depended upon {#dependency}
+ attr_accessor :required_by
+ # @param [Object] dependency @see {#dependency}
+ # @param [Array<Object>] required_by @see {#required_by}
+ def initialize(dependency, required_by = [])
+ @dependency = dependency
+ @required_by = required_by
+ super()
+ end
+ def message
+ sources = required_by.map { |r| "`#{r}`" }.join(' and ')
+ message = "Unable to find a specification for `#{dependency}`"
+ message << " depended upon by #{sources}" unless sources.empty?
+ message
+ end
+ end
+ # An error caused by attempting to fulfil a dependency that was circular
+ #
+ # @note This exception will be thrown iff a {Vertex} is added to a
+ # {DependencyGraph} that has a {DependencyGraph::Vertex#path_to?} an
+ # existing {DependencyGraph::Vertex}
+ class CircularDependencyError < ResolverError
+ # [Set<Object>] the dependencies responsible for causing the error
+ attr_reader :dependencies
+ # @param [Array<DependencyGraph::Vertex>] nodes the nodes in the dependency
+ # that caused the error
+ def initialize(nodes)
+ super "There is a circular dependency between #{nodes.map(&:name).join(' and ')}"
+ @dependencies = nodes.map(&:payload).to_set
+ end
+ end
+ # An error caused by conflicts in version
+ class VersionConflict < ResolverError
+ # @return [{String => Resolution::Conflict}] the conflicts that caused
+ # resolution to fail
+ attr_reader :conflicts
+ # @param [{String => Resolution::Conflict}] conflicts see {#conflicts}
+ def initialize(conflicts)
+ pairs = []
+ conflicts.values.flatten.map(&:requirements).flatten.each do |conflicting|
+ conflicting.each do |source, conflict_requirements|
+ conflict_requirements.each do |c|
+ pairs << [c, source]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ super "Unable to satisfy the following requirements:\n\n" \
+ "#{pairs.map { |r, d| "- `#{r}` required by `#{d}`" }.join("\n")}"
+ @conflicts = conflicts
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/gem_metadata.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/gem_metadata.rb
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+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/gem_metadata.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module Bundler::Molinillo
+ VERSION = '0.2.0'
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/modules/specification_provider.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/modules/specification_provider.rb
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+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/modules/specification_provider.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+module Bundler::Molinillo
+ # Provides information about specifcations and dependencies to the resolver,
+ # allowing the {Resolver} class to remain generic while still providing power
+ # and flexibility.
+ #
+ # This module contains the methods that users of Bundler::Molinillo must to implement,
+ # using knowledge of their own model classes.
+ module SpecificationProvider
+ # Search for the specifications that match the given dependency.
+ # The specifications in the returned array will be considered in reverse
+ # order, so the latest version ought to be last.
+ # @note This method should be 'pure', i.e. the return value should depend
+ # only on the `dependency` parameter.
+ #
+ # @param [Object] dependency
+ # @return [Array<Object>] the specifications that satisfy the given
+ # `dependency`.
+ def search_for(dependency)
+ []
+ end
+ # Returns the dependencies of `specification`.
+ # @note This method should be 'pure', i.e. the return value should depend
+ # only on the `specification` parameter.
+ #
+ # @param [Object] specification
+ # @return [Array<Object>] the dependencies that are required by the given
+ # `specification`.
+ def dependencies_for(specification)
+ []
+ end
+ # Determines whether the given `requirement` is satisfied by the given
+ # `spec`, in the context of the current `activated` dependency graph.
+ #
+ # @param [Object] requirement
+ # @param [DependencyGraph] activated the current dependency graph in the
+ # resolution process.
+ # @param [Object] spec
+ # @return [Boolean] whether `requirement` is satisfied by `spec` in the
+ # context of the current `activated` dependency graph.
+ def requirement_satisfied_by?(requirement, activated, spec)
+ true
+ end
+ # Returns the name for the given `dependency`.
+ # @note This method should be 'pure', i.e. the return value should depend
+ # only on the `dependency` parameter.
+ #
+ # @param [Object] dependency
+ # @return [String] the name for the given `dependency`.
+ def name_for(dependency)
+ dependency.to_s
+ end
+ # @return [String] the name of the source of explicit dependencies, i.e.
+ # those passed to {Resolver#resolve} directly.
+ def name_for_explicit_dependency_source
+ 'user-specified dependency'
+ end
+ # @return [String] the name of the source of 'locked' dependencies, i.e.
+ # those passed to {Resolver#resolve} directly as the `base`
+ def name_for_locking_dependency_source
+ 'Lockfile'
+ end
+ # Sort dependencies so that the ones that are easiest to resolve are first.
+ # Easiest to resolve is (usually) defined by:
+ # 1) Is this dependency already activated?
+ # 2) How relaxed are the requirements?
+ # 3) Are there any conflicts for this dependency?
+ # 4) How many possibilities are there to satisfy this dependency?
+ #
+ # @param [Array<Object>] dependencies
+ # @param [DependencyGraph] activated the current dependency graph in the
+ # resolution process.
+ # @param [{String => Array<Conflict>}] conflicts
+ # @return [Array<Object>] a sorted copy of `dependencies`.
+ def sort_dependencies(dependencies, activated, conflicts)
+ dependencies.sort_by do |dependency|
+ name = name_for(dependency)
+ [
+ activated.vertex_named(name).payload ? 0 : 1,
+ conflicts[name] ? 0 : 1,
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/modules/ui.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/modules/ui.rb
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/modules/ui.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+module Bundler::Molinillo
+ # Conveys information about the resolution process to a user.
+ module UI
+ # The {IO} object that should be used to print output. `STDOUT`, by default.
+ #
+ # @return [IO]
+ def output
+ end
+ # Called roughly every {#progress_rate}, this method should convey progress
+ # to the user.
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ def indicate_progress
+ output.print '.' unless debug?
+ end
+ # How often progress should be conveyed to the user via
+ # {#indicate_progress}, in seconds. A third of a second, by default.
+ #
+ # @return [Float]
+ def progress_rate
+ 0.33
+ end
+ # Called before resolution begins.
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ def before_resolution
+ output.print 'Resolving dependencies...'
+ end
+ # Called after resolution ends (either successfully or with an error).
+ # By default, prints a newline.
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ def after_resolution
+ output.puts
+ end
+ # Conveys debug information to the user.
+ #
+ # @param [Integer] depth the current depth of the resolution process.
+ # @return [void]
+ def debug(depth = 0)
+ if debug?
+ debug_info = yield
+ debug_info = debug_info.inspect unless debug_info.is_a?(String)
+ output.puts debug_info.split("\n").map { |s| ' ' * depth + s }
+ end
+ end
+ # Whether or not debug messages should be printed.
+ # By default, whether or not the `MOLINILLO_DEBUG` environment variable is
+ # set.
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ def debug?
+ @debug_mode ||= ENV['MOLINILLO_DEBUG']
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb
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+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+module Bundler::Molinillo
+ class Resolver
+ # A specific resolution from a given {Resolver}
+ class Resolution
+ # A conflict that the resolution process encountered
+ # @attr [Object] requirement the requirement that immediately led to the conflict
+ # @attr [{String,Nil=>[Object]}] requirements the requirements that caused the conflict
+ # @attr [Object, nil] existing the existing spec that was in conflict with
+ # the {#possibility}
+ # @attr [Object] possibility the spec that was unable to be activated due
+ # to a conflict
+ # @attr [Object] locked_requirement the relevant locking requirement.
+ # @attr [Array<Array<Object>>] requirement_trees the different requirement
+ # trees that led to every requirement for the conflicting name.
+ Conflict = Struct.new(
+ :requirement,
+ :requirements,
+ :existing,
+ :possibility,
+ :locked_requirement,
+ :requirement_trees
+ )
+ # @return [SpecificationProvider] the provider that knows about
+ # dependencies, requirements, specifications, versions, etc.
+ attr_reader :specification_provider
+ # @return [UI] the UI that knows how to communicate feedback about the
+ # resolution process back to the user
+ attr_reader :resolver_ui
+ # @return [DependencyGraph] the base dependency graph to which
+ # dependencies should be 'locked'
+ attr_reader :base
+ # @return [Array] the dependencies that were explicitly required
+ attr_reader :original_requested
+ # @param [SpecificationProvider] specification_provider
+ # see {#specification_provider}
+ # @param [UI] resolver_ui see {#resolver_ui}
+ # @param [Array] requested see {#original_requested}
+ # @param [DependencyGraph] base see {#base}
+ def initialize(specification_provider, resolver_ui, requested, base)
+ @specification_provider = specification_provider
+ @resolver_ui = resolver_ui
+ @original_requested = requested
+ @base = base
+ @states = []
+ @iteration_counter = 0
+ end
+ # Resolves the {#original_requested} dependencies into a full dependency
+ # graph
+ # @raise [ResolverError] if successful resolution is impossible
+ # @return [DependencyGraph] the dependency graph of successfully resolved
+ # dependencies
+ def resolve
+ start_resolution
+ while state
+ break unless state.requirements.any? || state.requirement
+ indicate_progress
+ if state.respond_to?(:pop_possibility_state) # DependencyState
+ debug(depth) { "Creating possibility state for #{requirement} (#{possibilities.count} remaining)" }
+ state.pop_possibility_state.tap { |s| states.push(s) if s }
+ end
+ process_topmost_state
+ end
+ activated.freeze
+ ensure
+ end_resolution
+ end
+ private
+ # Sets up the resolution process
+ # @return [void]
+ def start_resolution
+ @started_at = Time.now
+ states.push(initial_state)
+ debug { "Starting resolution (#{@started_at})" }
+ resolver_ui.before_resolution
+ end
+ # Ends the resolution process
+ # @return [void]
+ def end_resolution
+ resolver_ui.after_resolution
+ debug do
+ "Finished resolution (#{@iteration_counter} steps) " \
+ "(Took #{(ended_at = Time.now) - @started_at} seconds) (#{ended_at})"
+ end
+ debug { 'Unactivated: ' + Hash[activated.vertices.reject { |_n, v| v.payload }].keys.join(', ') } if state
+ debug { 'Activated: ' + Hash[activated.vertices.select { |_n, v| v.payload }].keys.join(', ') } if state
+ end
+ require 'molinillo/state'
+ require 'molinillo/modules/specification_provider'
+ # @return [Integer] the number of resolver iterations in between calls to
+ # {#resolver_ui}'s {UI#indicate_progress} method
+ attr_accessor :iteration_rate
+ # @return [Time] the time at which resolution began
+ attr_accessor :started_at
+ # @return [Array<ResolutionState>] the stack of states for the resolution
+ attr_accessor :states
+ ResolutionState.new.members.each do |member|
+ define_method member do |*args, &block|
+ state.send(member, *args, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ SpecificationProvider.instance_methods(false).each do |instance_method|
+ define_method instance_method do |*args, &block|
+ begin
+ specification_provider.send(instance_method, *args, &block)
+ rescue NoSuchDependencyError => error
+ if state
+ vertex = activated.vertex_named(name_for error.dependency)
+ error.required_by += vertex.incoming_edges.map { |e| e.origin.name }
+ error.required_by << name_for_explicit_dependency_source unless vertex.explicit_requirements.empty?
+ end
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Processes the topmost available {RequirementState} on the stack
+ # @return [void]
+ def process_topmost_state
+ if possibility
+ attempt_to_activate
+ else
+ create_conflict if state.is_a? PossibilityState
+ unwind_for_conflict until possibility && state.is_a?(DependencyState)
+ end
+ end
+ # @return [Object] the current possibility that the resolution is trying
+ # to activate
+ def possibility
+ possibilities.last
+ end
+ # @return [RequirementState] the current state the resolution is
+ # operating upon
+ def state
+ states.last
+ end
+ # Creates the initial state for the resolution, based upon the
+ # {#requested} dependencies
+ # @return [DependencyState] the initial state for the resolution
+ def initial_state
+ graph = DependencyGraph.new.tap do |dg|
+ original_requested.each { |r| dg.add_root_vertex(name_for(r), nil).tap { |v| v.explicit_requirements << r } }
+ end
+ requirements = sort_dependencies(original_requested, graph, {})
+ initial_requirement = requirements.shift
+ DependencyState.new(
+ initial_requirement && name_for(initial_requirement),
+ requirements,
+ graph,
+ initial_requirement,
+ initial_requirement && search_for(initial_requirement),
+ 0,
+ {}
+ )
+ end
+ # Unwinds the states stack because a conflict has been encountered
+ # @return [void]
+ def unwind_for_conflict
+ debug(depth) { "Unwinding for conflict: #{requirement}" }
+ conflicts.tap do |c|
+ states.slice!((state_index_for_unwind + 1)..-1)
+ raise VersionConflict.new(c) unless state
+ state.conflicts = c
+ end
+ end
+ # @return [Integer] The index to which the resolution should unwind in the
+ # case of conflict.
+ def state_index_for_unwind
+ current_requirement = requirement
+ existing_requirement = requirement_for_existing_name(name)
+ until current_requirement.nil?
+ current_state = find_state_for(current_requirement)
+ return states.index(current_state) if state_any?(current_state)
+ current_requirement = parent_of(current_requirement)
+ end
+ until existing_requirement.nil?
+ existing_state = find_state_for(existing_requirement)
+ return states.index(existing_state) if state_any?(existing_state)
+ existing_requirement = parent_of(existing_requirement)
+ end
+ -1
+ end
+ # @return [Object] the requirement that led to `requirement` being added
+ # to the list of requirements.
+ def parent_of(requirement)
+ return nil unless requirement
+ seen = false
+ state = states.reverse_each.find do |s|
+ seen ||= s.requirement == requirement
+ seen && s.requirement != requirement && !s.requirements.include?(requirement)
+ end
+ state && state.requirement
+ end
+ # @return [Object] the requirement that led to a version of a possibility
+ # with the given name being activated.
+ def requirement_for_existing_name(name)
+ return nil unless activated.vertex_named(name).payload
+ states.reverse_each.find { |s| !s.activated.vertex_named(name).payload }.requirement
+ end
+ # @return [ResolutionState] the state whose `requirement` is the given
+ # `requirement`.
+ def find_state_for(requirement)
+ return nil unless requirement
+ states.reverse_each.find { |i| requirement == i.requirement && i.is_a?(DependencyState) }
+ end
+ # @return [Boolean] whether or not the given state has any possibilities
+ # left.
+ def state_any?(state)
+ state && state.possibilities.any?
+ end
+ # @return [Conflict] a {Conflict} that reflects the failure to activate
+ # the {#possibility} in conjunction with the current {#state}
+ def create_conflict
+ vertex = activated.vertex_named(name)
+ requirements = {
+ name_for_explicit_dependency_source => vertex.explicit_requirements,
+ name_for_locking_dependency_source => Array(locked_requirement_named(name)),
+ }
+ vertex.incoming_edges.each { |edge| (requirements[edge.origin.payload] ||= []).unshift(*edge.requirements) }
+ conflicts[name] = Conflict.new(
+ requirement,
+ Hash[requirements.select { |_, r| !r.empty? }],
+ vertex.payload,
+ possibility,
+ locked_requirement_named(name),
+ requirement_trees
+ )
+ end
+ # @return [Array<Array<Object>>] The different requirement
+ # trees that led to every requirement for the current spec.
+ def requirement_trees
+ activated.vertex_named(name).requirements.map { |r| requirement_tree_for(r) }
+ end
+ # @return [Array<Object>] the list of requirements that led to
+ # `requirement` being required.
+ def requirement_tree_for(requirement)
+ tree = []
+ while requirement
+ tree.unshift(requirement)
+ requirement = parent_of(requirement)
+ end
+ tree
+ end
+ # Indicates progress roughly once every second
+ # @return [void]
+ def indicate_progress
+ @iteration_counter += 1
+ @progress_rate ||= resolver_ui.progress_rate
+ if iteration_rate.nil?
+ if Time.now - started_at >= @progress_rate
+ self.iteration_rate = @iteration_counter
+ end
+ end
+ if iteration_rate && (@iteration_counter % iteration_rate) == 0
+ resolver_ui.indicate_progress
+ end
+ end
+ # Calls the {#resolver_ui}'s {UI#debug} method
+ # @param [Integer] depth the depth of the {#states} stack
+ # @param [Proc] block a block that yields a {#to_s}
+ # @return [void]
+ def debug(depth = 0, &block)
+ resolver_ui.debug(depth, &block)
+ end
+ # Attempts to activate the current {#possibility}
+ # @return [void]
+ def attempt_to_activate
+ debug(depth) { 'Attempting to activate ' + possibility.to_s }
+ existing_node = activated.vertex_named(name)
+ if existing_node.payload
+ debug(depth) { "Found existing spec (#{existing_node.payload})" }
+ attempt_to_activate_existing_spec(existing_node)
+ else
+ attempt_to_activate_new_spec
+ end
+ end
+ # Attempts to activate the current {#possibility} (given that it has
+ # already been activated)
+ # @return [void]
+ def attempt_to_activate_existing_spec(existing_node)
+ existing_spec = existing_node.payload
+ if requirement_satisfied_by?(requirement, activated, existing_spec)
+ new_requirements = requirements.dup
+ push_state_for_requirements(new_requirements)
+ else
+ return if attempt_to_swap_possibility
+ create_conflict
+ debug(depth) { "Unsatisfied by existing spec (#{existing_node.payload})" }
+ unwind_for_conflict
+ end
+ end
+ # Attempts to swp the current {#possibility} with the already-activated
+ # spec with the given name
+ # @return [Boolean] Whether the possibility was swapped into {#activated}
+ def attempt_to_swap_possibility
+ swapped = activated.dup
+ swapped.vertex_named(name).payload = possibility
+ return unless swapped.vertex_named(name).requirements.
+ all? { |r| requirement_satisfied_by?(r, swapped, possibility) }
+ attempt_to_activate_new_spec
+ end
+ # Attempts to activate the current {#possibility} (given that it hasn't
+ # already been activated)
+ # @return [void]
+ def attempt_to_activate_new_spec
+ satisfied = begin
+ locked_requirement = locked_requirement_named(name)
+ requested_spec_satisfied = requirement_satisfied_by?(requirement, activated, possibility)
+ locked_spec_satisfied = !locked_requirement ||
+ requirement_satisfied_by?(locked_requirement, activated, possibility)
+ debug(depth) { 'Unsatisfied by requested spec' } unless requested_spec_satisfied
+ debug(depth) { 'Unsatisfied by locked spec' } unless locked_spec_satisfied
+ requested_spec_satisfied && locked_spec_satisfied
+ end
+ if satisfied
+ activate_spec
+ else
+ create_conflict
+ unwind_for_conflict
+ end
+ end
+ # @param [String] requirement_name the spec name to search for
+ # @return [Object] the locked spec named `requirement_name`, if one
+ # is found on {#base}
+ def locked_requirement_named(requirement_name)
+ vertex = base.vertex_named(requirement_name)
+ vertex && vertex.payload
+ end
+ # Add the current {#possibility} to the dependency graph of the current
+ # {#state}
+ # @return [void]
+ def activate_spec
+ conflicts.delete(name)
+ debug(depth) { 'Activated ' + name + ' at ' + possibility.to_s }
+ vertex = activated.vertex_named(name)
+ vertex.payload = possibility
+ require_nested_dependencies_for(possibility)
+ end
+ # Requires the dependencies that the recently activated spec has
+ # @param [Object] activated_spec the specification that has just been
+ # activated
+ # @return [void]
+ def require_nested_dependencies_for(activated_spec)
+ nested_dependencies = dependencies_for(activated_spec)
+ debug(depth) { "Requiring nested dependencies (#{nested_dependencies.map(&:to_s).join(', ')})" }
+ nested_dependencies.each { |d| activated.add_child_vertex name_for(d), nil, [name_for(activated_spec)], d }
+ push_state_for_requirements(requirements + nested_dependencies)
+ end
+ # Pushes a new {DependencyState} that encapsulates both existing and new
+ # requirements
+ # @param [Array] new_requirements
+ # @return [void]
+ def push_state_for_requirements(new_requirements)
+ new_requirements = sort_dependencies(new_requirements.uniq, activated, conflicts)
+ new_requirement = new_requirements.shift
+ states.push DependencyState.new(
+ new_requirement ? name_for(new_requirement) : '',
+ new_requirements,
+ activated.dup,
+ new_requirement,
+ new_requirement ? search_for(new_requirement) : [],
+ depth,
+ conflicts.dup
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/resolver.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/resolver.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cfe914d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/resolver.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+require 'molinillo/dependency_graph'
+module Bundler::Molinillo
+ # This class encapsulates a dependency resolver.
+ # The resolver is responsible for determining which set of dependencies to
+ # activate, with feedback from the the {#specification_provider}
+ #
+ #
+ class Resolver
+ require 'molinillo/resolution'
+ # @return [SpecificationProvider] the specification provider used
+ # in the resolution process
+ attr_reader :specification_provider
+ # @return [UI] the UI module used to communicate back to the user
+ # during the resolution process
+ attr_reader :resolver_ui
+ # @param [SpecificationProvider] specification_provider
+ # see {#specification_provider}
+ # @param [UI] resolver_ui
+ # see {#resolver_ui}
+ def initialize(specification_provider, resolver_ui)
+ @specification_provider = specification_provider
+ @resolver_ui = resolver_ui
+ end
+ # Resolves the requested dependencies into a {DependencyGraph},
+ # locking to the base dependency graph (if specified)
+ # @param [Array] requested an array of 'requested' dependencies that the
+ # {#specification_provider} can understand
+ # @param [DependencyGraph,nil] base the base dependency graph to which
+ # dependencies should be 'locked'
+ def resolve(requested, base = DependencyGraph.new)
+ Resolution.new(specification_provider,
+ resolver_ui,
+ requested,
+ base).
+ resolve
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/state.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/state.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e394f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib/molinillo/state.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+module Bundler::Molinillo
+ # A state that a {Resolution} can be in
+ # @attr [String] name
+ # @attr [Array<Object>] requirements
+ # @attr [DependencyGraph] activated
+ # @attr [Object] requirement
+ # @attr [Object] possibility
+ # @attr [Integer] depth
+ # @attr [Set<Object>] conflicts
+ ResolutionState = Struct.new(
+ :name,
+ :requirements,
+ :activated,
+ :requirement,
+ :possibilities,
+ :depth,
+ :conflicts
+ )
+ # A state that encapsulates a set of {#requirements} with an {Array} of
+ # possibilities
+ class DependencyState < ResolutionState
+ # Removes a possibility from `self`
+ # @return [PossibilityState] a state with a single possibility,
+ # the possibility that was removed from `self`
+ def pop_possibility_state
+ PossibilityState.new(
+ name,
+ requirements.dup,
+ activated.dup,
+ requirement,
+ [possibilities.pop],
+ depth + 1,
+ conflicts.dup
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # A state that encapsulates a single possibility to fulfill the given
+ # {#requirement}
+ class PossibilityState < ResolutionState
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendored_molinillo.rb b/lib/bundler/vendored_molinillo.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e1a4256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendored_molinillo.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+vendor = File.expand_path('../vendor/Molinillo-seg-bundler/lib', __FILE__)
+loaded = $:.include?(vendor)
+$:.unshift(vendor) unless loaded
+require 'molinillo'
+$:.delete(vendor) unless loaded
diff --git a/lib/bundler/version.rb b/lib/bundler/version.rb
index c0cb4c86..73d9219c 100644
--- a/lib/bundler/version.rb
+++ b/lib/bundler/version.rb
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ module Bundler
# We're doing this because we might write tests that deal
# with other versions of bundler and we are unsure how to
# handle this better.
- VERSION = "1.8.0" unless defined?(::Bundler::VERSION)
+ VERSION = "1.9.0.dev" unless defined?(::Bundler::VERSION)
diff --git a/spec/install/bundler_spec.rb b/spec/install/bundler_spec.rb
index b85ddf8c..066b9309 100644
--- a/spec/install/bundler_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/install/bundler_spec.rb
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ describe "bundle install" do
activesupport (>= 2.0.0) ruby
rails_fail (>= 0) ruby depends on
- activesupport (1.2.3)
+ activesupport (= 1.2.3) ruby
expect(out).to eq(nice_error)
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ describe "bundle install" do
rails_fail (>= 0) ruby depends on
activesupport (= 1.2.3) ruby
- activesupport (2.3.5)
+ activesupport (= 2.3.5) ruby
expect(out).to eq(nice_error)
diff --git a/spec/install/gems/flex_spec.rb b/spec/install/gems/flex_spec.rb
index dbf9278a..691a6a86 100644
--- a/spec/install/gems/flex_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/install/gems/flex_spec.rb
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ describe "bundle flex_install" do
Resolving dependencies...
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rack":
In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):
- rack (0.9.1)
+ rack (= 0.9.1)
In Gemfile:
rack-obama (= 2.0) ruby depends on
diff --git a/spec/install/gems/resolving_spec.rb b/spec/install/gems/resolving_spec.rb
index 6e07073b..ef8aecf1 100644
--- a/spec/install/gems/resolving_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/install/gems/resolving_spec.rb
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ describe "bundle install with gem sources" do
bundle :install, :env => {"DEBUG_RESOLVER" => "1"}
- expect(resolve_output).to include("==== Iterating ====")
+ expect(resolve_output).to include("Creating possibility state for net_c")
diff --git a/spec/quality_spec.rb b/spec/quality_spec.rb
index 0a388705..378f62d3 100644
--- a/spec/quality_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/quality_spec.rb
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ describe "The library itself" do
- expect(@err).to eq("")
+ expect(@err.split("\n").reject { |f| f =~ %r{lib/bundler/vendor} }).to eq([])
expect(@out).to eq("")
diff --git a/spec/realworld/parallel_spec.rb b/spec/realworld/parallel_spec.rb
index 5fc3dd1e..ef370205 100644
--- a/spec/realworld/parallel_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/realworld/parallel_spec.rb
@@ -22,26 +22,6 @@ describe "parallel", :realworld => true do
expect(out).to match(/: "4"/)
- it "installs even with circular dependency", :ruby => "1.9" do
- gemfile <<-G
- source 'https://rubygems.org'
- gem 'activesupport', '~> 3.2.13'
- gem 'mongoid_auto_increment', "0.1.1"
- G
- bundle :install, :jobs => 4, :env => {"DEBUG" => "1"}
- expect(out).to match(/[1-3]: /)
- bundle "show activesupport"
- expect(out).to match(/activesupport/)
- bundle "show mongoid_auto_increment"
- expect(out).to match(%r{gems/mongoid_auto_increment})
- bundle "config jobs"
- expect(out).to match(/: "4"/)
- end
it "updates" do
install_gemfile <<-G
source "https://rubygems.org"
diff --git a/spec/resolver/basic_spec.rb b/spec/resolver/basic_spec.rb
index e588c9ec..12458985 100644
--- a/spec/resolver/basic_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/resolver/basic_spec.rb
@@ -57,10 +57,9 @@ describe "Resolving" do
@index = a_circular_index
dep "circular_app"
- got = resolve
expect {
- got = got.map { |s| s.full_name }.sort
- }.to raise_error(Bundler::CyclicDependencyError, /please remove either gem 'foo' or gem 'bar'/i)
+ resolve
+ }.to raise_error(Bundler::CyclicDependencyError, /please remove either gem 'bar' or gem 'foo'/i)