require 'bundler/vendored_persistent' require 'securerandom' require 'cgi' module Bundler # Handles all the fetching with the rubygems server class Fetcher # This error is raised when it looks like the network is down class NetworkDownError < HTTPError; end # This error is raised if the API returns a 413 (only printed in verbose) class FallbackError < HTTPError; end # This is the error raised if OpenSSL fails the cert verification class CertificateFailureError < HTTPError def initialize(remote_uri) super "Could not verify the SSL certificate for #{remote_uri}.\nThere" \ " is a chance you are experiencing a man-in-the-middle attack, but" \ " most likely your system doesn't have the CA certificates needed" \ " for verification. For information about OpenSSL certificates, see" \ " To connect without using SSL, edit your Gemfile" \ " sources and change 'https' to 'http'." end end # This is the error raised when a source is HTTPS and OpenSSL didn't load class SSLError < HTTPError def initialize(msg = nil) super msg || "Could not load OpenSSL.\n" \ "You must recompile Ruby with OpenSSL support or change the sources in your " \ "Gemfile from 'https' to 'http'. Instructions for compiling with OpenSSL " \ "using RVM are available at" end end # This error is raised if HTTP authentication is required, but not provided. class AuthenticationRequiredError < HTTPError def initialize(remote_uri) super "Authentication is required for #{remote_uri}.\n" \ "Please supply credentials for this source. You can do this by running:\n" \ " bundle config #{remote_uri} username:password" end end # This error is raised if HTTP authentication is provided, but incorrect. class BadAuthenticationError < HTTPError def initialize(remote_uri) super "Bad username or password for #{remote_uri}.\n" \ "Please double-check your credentials and correct them." end end # Exceptions classes that should bypass retry attempts. If your password didn't work the # first time, it's not going to the third time. AUTH_ERRORS = [AuthenticationRequiredError, BadAuthenticationError] class << self attr_accessor :disable_endpoint, :api_timeout, :redirect_limit, :max_retries def download_gem_from_uri(spec, uri) spec.fetch_platform download_path = Bundler.requires_sudo? ? Bundler.tmp(spec.full_name) : Bundler.rubygems.gem_dir gem_path = "#{Bundler.rubygems.gem_dir}/cache/#{spec.full_name}.gem" FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{download_path}/cache") Bundler.rubygems.download_gem(spec, uri, download_path) if Bundler.requires_sudo? Bundler.mkdir_p "#{Bundler.rubygems.gem_dir}/cache" Bundler.sudo "mv #{Bundler.tmp(spec.full_name)}/cache/#{spec.full_name}.gem #{gem_path}" end gem_path ensure Bundler.rm_rf(download_path) if Bundler.requires_sudo? end def user_agent @user_agent ||= begin ruby = Bundler.ruby_version agent = "bundler/#{Bundler::VERSION}" agent << " rubygems/#{Gem::VERSION}" agent << " ruby/#{ruby.version}" agent << " (#{})" agent << " command/#{ARGV.first}" if ruby.engine != "ruby" # engine_version raises on unknown engines engine_version = ruby.engine_version rescue "???" agent << " #{ruby.engine}/#{engine_version}" end agent << " options/#{Bundler.settings.all.join(",")}" # add a random ID so we can consolidate runs server-side agent << " " << SecureRandom.hex(8) # add any user agent strings set in the config extra_ua = Bundler.settings[:user_agent] agent << " " << extra_ua if extra_ua agent end end end def initialize(remote_uri) @redirect_limit = 5 # How many redirects to allow in one request @api_timeout = 10 # How long to wait for each API call @max_retries = 3 # How many retries for the API call @anonymizable_uri = configured_uri_for(remote_uri) Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true connection # create persistent connection end def connection @connection ||= begin needs_ssl = remote_uri.scheme == "https" || Bundler.settings[:ssl_verify_mode] || Bundler.settings[:ssl_client_cert] raise SSLError if needs_ssl && !defined?(OpenSSL::SSL) con = 'bundler', :ENV if remote_uri.scheme == "https" con.verify_mode = (Bundler.settings[:ssl_verify_mode] || OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER) con.cert_store = bundler_cert_store end if Bundler.settings[:ssl_client_cert] pem =[:ssl_client_cert]) con.cert = con.key = end con.read_timeout = @api_timeout con.override_headers["User-Agent"] = self.class.user_agent con end end def uri @anonymizable_uri.without_credentials end # fetch a gem specification def fetch_spec(spec) spec = spec - [nil, 'ruby', ''] spec_file_name = "#{spec.join '-'}.gemspec" uri = URI.parse("#{remote_uri}#{Gem::MARSHAL_SPEC_DIR}#{spec_file_name}.rz") if uri.scheme == 'file' Bundler.load_marshal Gem.inflate(Gem.read_binary(uri.path)) elsif cached_spec_path = gemspec_cached_path(spec_file_name) Bundler.load_gemspec(cached_spec_path) else Bundler.load_marshal Gem.inflate(fetch(uri)) end rescue MarshalError raise HTTPError, "Gemspec #{spec} contained invalid data.\n" \ "Your network or your gem server is probably having issues right now." end # cached gem specification path, if one exists def gemspec_cached_path spec_file_name paths = { |dir| File.join(dir, spec_file_name) } paths = {|path| File.file? path } paths.first end # return the specs in the bundler format as an index def specs(gem_names, source) old = Bundler.rubygems.sources index = if gem_names && use_api specs = fetch_remote_specs(gem_names) end if specs.nil? # API errors mean we should treat this as a non-API source @use_api = false specs ="source fetch", AUTH_ERRORS).attempts do fetch_all_remote_specs end end specs[remote_uri].each do |name, version, platform, dependencies| next if name == 'bundler' spec = nil if dependencies spec =, version, platform, dependencies) else spec =, version, platform, self) end spec.source = source spec.source_uri = @anonymizable_uri index << spec end index rescue CertificateFailureError => e "" if gem_names && use_api # newline after dots raise e ensure Bundler.rubygems.sources = old end # fetch index def fetch_remote_specs(gem_names, full_dependency_list = [], last_spec_list = []) query_list = gem_names - full_dependency_list # only display the message on the first run if Bundler.ui.debug? Bundler.ui.debug "Query List: #{query_list.inspect}" else ".", false end return {remote_uri => last_spec_list} if query_list.empty? remote_specs ="dependency api", AUTH_ERRORS).attempts do fetch_dependency_remote_specs(query_list) end spec_list, deps_list = remote_specs returned_gems = {|spec| spec.first }.uniq fetch_remote_specs(deps_list, full_dependency_list + returned_gems, spec_list + last_spec_list) rescue HTTPError, MarshalError, GemspecError "" unless Bundler.ui.debug? # new line now that the dots are over Bundler.ui.debug "could not fetch from the dependency API, trying the full index" @use_api = false return nil end def use_api return @use_api if defined?(@use_api) if remote_uri.scheme == "file" || Bundler::Fetcher.disable_endpoint @use_api = false elsif fetch(dependency_api_uri) @use_api = true end rescue NetworkDownError => e raise HTTPError, e.message rescue AuthenticationRequiredError # We got a 401 from the server. Don't fall back to the full index, just fail. raise rescue HTTPError @use_api = false end def inspect "#<#{self.class}:0x#{object_id} uri=#{uri}>" end private HTTP_ERRORS = [ Timeout::Error, EOFError, SocketError, Errno::ENETDOWN, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Errno::EAGAIN, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error ] def fetch(uri, counter = 0) raise HTTPError, "Too many redirects" if counter >= @redirect_limit response = request(uri) Bundler.ui.debug("HTTP #{response.code} #{response.message}") case response when Net::HTTPRedirection new_uri = URI.parse(response["location"]) if == new_uri.user = uri.user new_uri.password = uri.password end fetch(new_uri, counter + 1) when Net::HTTPSuccess response.body when Net::HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge raise FallbackError, response.body when Net::HTTPUnauthorized raise AuthenticationRequiredError, else raise HTTPError, "#{response.class}: #{response.body}" end end def request(uri) Bundler.ui.debug "HTTP GET #{uri}" req = uri.request_uri if uri.user user = CGI.unescape(uri.user) password = uri.password ? CGI.unescape(uri.password) : nil req.basic_auth(user, password) end connection.request(uri, req) rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError raise rescue *HTTP_ERRORS => e Bundler.ui.trace e case e.message when /host down:/, /getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided/ raise NetworkDownError, "Could not reach host #{}. Check your network " \ "connection and try again." else raise HTTPError, "Network error while fetching #{uri}" end end def dependency_api_uri(gem_names = []) uri = fetch_uri + "api/v1/dependencies" uri.query = "gems=#{URI.encode(gem_names.join(","))}" if gem_names.any? uri end # fetch from Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API def fetch_dependency_remote_specs(gem_names) Bundler.ui.debug "Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: #{gem_names.join(',')}" gem_list = [] deps_list = [] gem_names.each_slice(Source::Rubygems::API_REQUEST_SIZE) do |names| marshalled_deps = fetch dependency_api_uri(names) gem_list += Bundler.load_marshal(marshalled_deps) end spec_list = do |s| dependencies = s[:dependencies].map do |name, requirement| dep = well_formed_dependency(name, requirement.split(", ")) deps_list << dep end [s[:name],[:number]), s[:platform], dependencies] end [spec_list, deps_list.uniq] end # fetch from modern index: specs.4.8.gz def fetch_all_remote_specs old_sources = Bundler.rubygems.sources Bundler.rubygems.sources = [remote_uri.to_s] Bundler.rubygems.fetch_all_remote_specs rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e case e.message when /certificate verify failed/ raise when /401/ raise AuthenticationRequiredError, remote_uri when /403/ if remote_uri.userinfo raise BadAuthenticationError, remote_uri else raise AuthenticationRequiredError, remote_uri end else Bundler.ui.trace e raise HTTPError, "Could not fetch specs from #{uri}" end ensure Bundler.rubygems.sources = old_sources end def well_formed_dependency(name, *requirements), *requirements) rescue ArgumentError => e illformed = 'Ill-formed requirement ["#