# frozen_string_literal: true require "tsort" require "forwardable" module Bundler class SpecSet extend Forwardable include TSort, Enumerable def_delegators :@specs, :<<, :length, :add, :remove, :size, :empty? def_delegators :sorted, :each def initialize(specs) @specs = specs.sort_by(&:name) end def for(dependencies, skip = [], check = false, match_current_platform = false) handled = {} deps = dependencies.dup specs = [] skip += ["bundler"] until deps.empty? dep = deps.shift next if handled[dep] || skip.include?(dep.name) handled[dep] = true if spec = spec_for_dependency(dep, match_current_platform) specs << spec spec.dependencies.each do |d| next if d.type == :development d = DepProxy.new(d, dep.__platform) unless match_current_platform deps << d end elsif check return false end end if spec = lookup["bundler"].first specs << spec end check ? true : SpecSet.new(specs) end def valid_for?(deps) self.for(deps, [], true) end def [](key) key = key.name if key.respond_to?(:name) lookup[key].reverse end def []=(key, value) @specs << value @lookup = nil @sorted = nil value end def sort! self end def to_a sorted.dup end def to_hash lookup.dup end def materialize(deps, missing_specs = nil) materialized = self.for(deps, [], false, true).to_a deps = materialized.map(&:name).uniq materialized.map! do |s| next s unless s.is_a?(LazySpecification) s.source.dependency_names = deps if s.source.respond_to?(:dependency_names=) spec = s.__materialize__ if missing_specs missing_specs << s unless spec else raise GemNotFound, "Could not find #{s.full_name} in any of the sources" unless spec end spec if spec end SpecSet.new(materialized.compact) end # Materialize for all the specs in the spec set, regardless of what platform they're for # This is in contrast to how for does platform filtering (and specifically different from how `materialize` calls `for` only for the current platform) # @return [Array] def materialized_for_all_platforms names = @specs.map(&:name).uniq @specs.map do |s| next s unless s.is_a?(LazySpecification) s.source.dependency_names = names if s.source.respond_to?(:dependency_names=) spec = s.__materialize__ raise GemNotFound, "Could not find #{s.full_name} in any of the sources" unless spec spec end end def merge(set) arr = sorted.dup set.each do |s| next if arr.any? {|s2| s2.name == s.name && s2.version == s.version && s2.platform == s.platform } arr << s end SpecSet.new(arr) end def find_by_name_and_platform(name, platform) @specs.detect {|spec| spec.name == name && spec.match_platform(platform) } end private def sorted rake = @specs.find {|s| s.name == "rake" } begin @sorted ||= ([rake] + tsort).compact.uniq rescue TSort::Cyclic => error cgems = extract_circular_gems(error) raise CyclicDependencyError, "Your bundle requires gems that depend" \ " on each other, creating an infinite loop. Please remove either" \ " gem '#{cgems[1]}' or gem '#{cgems[0]}' and try again." end end def extract_circular_gems(error) if Bundler.current_ruby.mri? && Bundler.current_ruby.on_19? error.message.scan(/(\w+) \([^)]/).flatten else error.message.scan(/@name="(.*?)"/).flatten end end def lookup @lookup ||= begin lookup = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = [] } Index.sort_specs(@specs).reverse_each do |s| lookup[s.name] << s end lookup end end def tsort_each_node @specs.each {|s| yield s } end def spec_for_dependency(dep, match_current_platform) if match_current_platform Bundler.rubygems.platforms.reverse_each do |pl| match = GemHelpers.select_best_platform_match(lookup[dep.name], pl) return match if match end nil else GemHelpers.select_best_platform_match(lookup[dep.name], dep.__platform) end end def tsort_each_child(s) s.dependencies.sort_by(&:name).each do |d| next if d.type == :development lookup[d.name].each {|s2| yield s2 } end end end end