require 'spec_helper' describe Bundler::Dsl do before do @rubygems = double("rubygems") allow(Bundler::Source::Rubygems).to receive(:new){ @rubygems } end describe "#git_source" do it "registers custom hosts" do subject.git_source(:example){ |repo_name| "{repo_name}.git" } subject.git_source(:foobar){ |repo_name| "{repo_name}.git" } subject.gem("dobry-pies", :example => "strzalek/dobry-pies") example_uri = "" expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(example_uri) end it "raises expection on invalid hostname" do expect { subject.git_source(:group){ |repo_name| "{repo_name}.git" } }.to raise_error(Bundler::InvalidOption) end it "expects block passed" do expect{ subject.git_source(:example) }.to raise_error(Bundler::InvalidOption) end context "default hosts (git, gist)" do it "converts :github to :git" do subject.gem("sparks", :github => "indirect/sparks") github_uri = "git://" expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(github_uri) end it "converts numeric :gist to :git" do subject.gem("not-really-a-gem", :gist => 2859988) github_uri = "" expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(github_uri) end it "converts :gist to :git" do subject.gem("not-really-a-gem", :gist => "2859988") github_uri = "" expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(github_uri) end it "converts 'rails' to 'rails/rails'" do subject.gem("rails", :github => "rails") github_uri = "git://" expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(github_uri) end it "converts :bitbucket to :git" do subject.gem("not-really-a-gem", :bitbucket => "mcorp/flatlab-rails") bitbucket_uri = "" expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(bitbucket_uri) end it "converts 'mcorp' to 'mcorp/mcorp'" do subject.gem("not-really-a-gem", :bitbucket => "mcorp") bitbucket_uri = "" expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(bitbucket_uri) end end end describe "#method_missing" do it "raises an error for unknown DSL methods" do expect(Bundler).to receive(:read_file).with("Gemfile"). and_return("unknown") error_msg = "Undefined local variable or method `unknown'" \ " for Gemfile\\s+from Gemfile:1" expect { subject.eval_gemfile("Gemfile") }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, end end describe "#eval_gemfile" do it "handles syntax errors with a useful message" do expect(Bundler).to receive(:read_file).with("Gemfile").and_return("}") expect { subject.eval_gemfile("Gemfile") }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /Gemfile syntax error/) end end describe "#gem" do [:ruby, :ruby_18, :ruby_19, :ruby_20, :ruby_21, :ruby_22, :mri, :mri_18, :mri_19, :mri_20, :mri_21, :jruby, :rbx].each do |platform| it "allows #{platform} as a valid platform" do subject.gem("foo", :platform => platform) end end it "rejects invalid platforms" do expect { subject.gem("foo", :platform => :bogus) }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /is not a valid platform/) end it "rejects with a leading space in the name" do expect { subject.gem(" foo") }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /' foo' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/) end it "rejects with a trailing space in the name" do expect { subject.gem("foo ") }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'foo ' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/) end it "rejects with a space in the gem name" do expect { subject.gem("fo o") }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'fo o' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/) end it "rejects with a tab in the gem name" do expect { subject.gem("fo\to") }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'fo\to' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/) end it "rejects with a newline in the gem name" do expect { subject.gem("fo\no") }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'fo\no' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/) end it "rejects with a carriage return in the gem name" do expect { subject.gem("fo\ro") }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'fo\ro' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/) end it "rejects with a form feed in the gem name" do expect { subject.gem("fo\fo") }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'fo\fo' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/) end it "rejects symbols as gem name" do expect { subject.gem(:foo) }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /You need to specify gem names as Strings. Use 'gem "foo"' instead/) end end context "can bundle groups of gems with" do # git "" do # gem "railties" # gem "action_pack" # gem "active_model" # end describe "#git" do it "from a single repo" do rails_gems = ["railties", "action_pack", "active_model"] subject.git "" do rails_gems.each { |rails_gem| subject.send :gem, rails_gem } end expect( match_array rails_gems end end # github 'spree' do # gem 'spree_core' # gem 'spree_api' # gem 'spree_backend' # end describe "#github" do it "from github" do spree_gems = ["spree_core", "spree_api", "spree_backend"] subject.github "spree" do spree_gems.each { |spree_gem| subject.send :gem, spree_gem } end subject.dependencies.each do |d| expect(d.source.uri).to eq("git://") end end end end describe "syntax errors" do it "will raise a Bundler::GemfileError" do gemfile "gem 'foo', :path => /unquoted/string/syntax/error" expect { Bundler::Dsl.evaluate(bundled_app("Gemfile"), nil, true) }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /Gemfile syntax error/) end end end