# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe "bundle install" do context "git sources" do it "displays the revision hash of the gem repository" do build_git "foo", "1.0", :path => lib_path("foo") install_gemfile <<-G gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo")}" G bundle :install expect(out).to include("Using foo 1.0 from #{lib_path("foo")} (at master@#{revision_for(lib_path("foo"))[0..6]})") expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "foo 1.0", :source => "git@#{lib_path("foo")}" end it "should check out git repos that are missing but not being installed" do build_git "foo" gemfile <<-G gem "foo", :git => "file://#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}", :group => :development G lockfile <<-L GIT remote: file://#{lib_path("foo-1.0")} specs: foo (1.0) PLATFORMS ruby DEPENDENCIES foo! L bundle "install --path=vendor/bundle --without development" expect(out).to include("Bundle complete!") expect(vendored_gems("bundler/gems/foo-1.0-#{revision_for(lib_path("foo-1.0"))[0..11]}")).to be_directory end end end