# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe "Bundler.with_env helpers" do describe "Bundler.original_env" do before do gemfile "" bundle "install --path vendor/bundle" end it "should return the PATH present before bundle was activated" do code = "print Bundler.original_env['PATH']" path = `getconf PATH`.strip + "#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}/foo" with_path_as(path) do result = bundle("exec ruby -e #{code.dump}") expect(result).to eq(path) end end it "should return the GEM_PATH present before bundle was activated" do code = "print Bundler.original_env['GEM_PATH']" gem_path = ENV["GEM_PATH"] + ":/foo" with_gem_path_as(gem_path) do result = bundle("exec ruby -e #{code.inspect}") expect(result).to eq(gem_path) end end it "works with nested bundle exec invocations" do create_file("exe.rb", <<-'RB') count = ARGV.first.to_i exit if count < 0 STDERR.puts "#{count} #{ENV["PATH"].end_with?(":/foo")}" if count == 2 ENV["PATH"] = "#{ENV["PATH"]}:/foo" end exec("ruby", __FILE__, (count - 1).to_s) RB path = `getconf PATH`.strip + File::PATH_SEPARATOR + File.dirname(Gem.ruby) with_path_as(path) do bundle!("exec ruby #{bundled_app("exe.rb")} 2") end expect(err).to eq <<-EOS.strip 2 false 1 true 0 true EOS end end describe "Bundler.clean_env" do before do gemfile "" bundle "install --path vendor/bundle" end it "should delete BUNDLE_PATH" do code = "print Bundler.clean_env.has_key?('BUNDLE_PATH')" ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"] = "./foo" result = bundle("exec ruby -e #{code.inspect}") expect(result).to eq("false") end it "should remove '-rbundler/setup' from RUBYOPT" do code = "print Bundler.clean_env['RUBYOPT']" ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "-W2 -rbundler/setup" result = bundle("exec ruby -e #{code.inspect}") expect(result).not_to include("-rbundler/setup") end it "should clean up RUBYLIB" do code = "print Bundler.clean_env['RUBYLIB']" ENV["RUBYLIB"] = File.expand_path("../../../lib", __FILE__) + File::PATH_SEPARATOR + "/foo" result = bundle("exec ruby -e #{code.inspect}") expect(result).to eq("/foo") end it "should restore the original MANPATH" do code = "print Bundler.clean_env['MANPATH']" ENV["MANPATH"] = "/foo" ENV["BUNDLER_ORIG_MANPATH"] = "/foo-original" result = bundle("exec ruby -e #{code.inspect}") expect(result).to eq("/foo-original") end end describe "Bundler.with_original_env" do it "should set ENV to original_env in the block" do expected = Bundler.original_env actual = Bundler.with_original_env { ENV.to_hash } expect(actual).to eq(expected) end it "should restore the environment after execution" do Bundler.with_original_env do ENV["FOO"] = "hello" end expect(ENV).not_to have_key("FOO") end end describe "Bundler.with_clean_env" do it "should set ENV to clean_env in the block" do expected = Bundler.clean_env actual = Bundler.with_clean_env { ENV.to_hash } expect(actual).to eq(expected) end it "should restore the environment after execution" do Bundler.with_clean_env do ENV["FOO"] = "hello" end expect(ENV).not_to have_key("FOO") end end describe "Bundler.clean_system", :ruby => ">= 1.9" do it "runs system inside with_clean_env" do Bundler.clean_system(%(echo 'if [ "$BUNDLE_PATH" = "" ]; then exit 42; else exit 1; fi' | /bin/sh)) expect($?.exitstatus).to eq(42) end end describe "Bundler.clean_exec", :ruby => ">= 1.9" do it "runs exec inside with_clean_env" do pid = Kernel.fork do Bundler.clean_exec(%(echo 'if [ "$BUNDLE_PATH" = "" ]; then exit 42; else exit 1; fi' | /bin/sh)) end Process.wait(pid) expect($?.exitstatus).to eq(42) end end end