module Spec module Helpers def reset! @in_p, @out_p, @err_p = nil, nil, nil Dir["#{tmp}/{gems/*,*}"].each do |dir| next if %(base remote1 gems rubygems).include?(File.basename(dir)) if ENV['BUNDLER_SUDO_TESTS'] `sudo rm -rf #{dir}` else FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) end end FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp) FileUtils.mkdir_p(home) Bundler.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@settings) if Bundler.send(:instance_variable_defined?, :@settings) end attr_reader :out, :err, :exitstatus def in_app_root(&blk) Dir.chdir(bundled_app, &blk) end def in_app_root2(&blk) Dir.chdir(bundled_app2, &blk) end def in_app_root_custom(root, &blk) Dir.chdir(root, &blk) end def run(cmd, *args) opts = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} expect_err = opts.delete(:expect_err) env = opts.delete(:env) groups = {|a| a.inspect }.join(", ") setup = "require 'rubygems' ; require 'bundler' ; Bundler.setup(#{groups})\n" @out = ruby(setup + cmd, :expect_err => expect_err, :env => env) end def load_error_run(ruby, name, *args) cmd = <<-RUBY begin #{ruby} rescue LoadError => e $stderr.puts "ZOMG LOAD ERROR" if e.message.include?("-- #{name}") end RUBY opts = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} opts.merge!(:expect_err => true) args += [opts] run(cmd, *args) end def lib File.expand_path('../../../lib', __FILE__) end def bundle(cmd, options = {}) expect_err = options.delete(:expect_err) sudo = "sudo" if options.delete(:sudo) options["no-color"] = true unless options.key?("no-color") || %w(exec conf).include?(cmd.to_s[0..3]) bundle_bin = File.expand_path('../../../bin/bundle', __FILE__) requires = options.delete(:requires) || [] requires << File.expand_path('../fakeweb/'+options.delete(:fakeweb)+'.rb', __FILE__) if options.key?(:fakeweb) requires << File.expand_path('../artifice/'+options.delete(:artifice)+'.rb', __FILE__) if options.key?(:artifice) requires_str ={|r| "-r#{r}"}.join(" ") env = (options.delete(:env) || {}).map{|k, v| "#{k}='#{v}'"}.join(" ") args = do |k, v| v == true ? " --#{k}" : " --#{k} #{v}" if v end.join cmd = "#{env} #{sudo} #{Gem.ruby} -I#{lib} #{requires_str} #{bundle_bin} #{cmd}#{args}" sys_exec(cmd, expect_err){|i| yield i if block_given? } end def bundle_ruby(options = {}) expect_err = options.delete(:expect_err) options["no-color"] = true unless options.key?("no-color") bundle_bin = File.expand_path('../../../bin/bundle_ruby', __FILE__) requires = options.delete(:requires) || [] requires << File.expand_path('../fakeweb/'+options.delete(:fakeweb)+'.rb', __FILE__) if options.key?(:fakeweb) requires << File.expand_path('../artifice/'+options.delete(:artifice)+'.rb', __FILE__) if options.key?(:artifice) requires_str ={|r| "-r#{r}"}.join(" ") env = (options.delete(:env) || {}).map{|k, v| "#{k}='#{v}' "}.join cmd = "#{env}#{Gem.ruby} -I#{lib} #{requires_str} #{bundle_bin}" sys_exec(cmd, expect_err){|i| yield i if block_given? } end def ruby(ruby, options = {}) expect_err = options.delete(:expect_err) env = (options.delete(:env) || {}).map{|k, v| "#{k}='#{v}' "}.join ruby.gsub!(/["`\$]/) {|m| "\\#{m}" } lib_option = options[:no_lib] ? "" : " -I#{lib}" sys_exec(%{#{env}#{Gem.ruby}#{lib_option} -e "#{ruby}"}, expect_err) end def load_error_ruby(ruby, name, opts = {}) cmd = <<-R begin #{ruby} rescue LoadError => e $stderr.puts "ZOMG LOAD ERROR"# if e.message.include?("-- #{name}") end R ruby(cmd, opts.merge(:expect_err => true)) end def gembin(cmd) lib = File.expand_path("../../../lib", __FILE__) old, ENV['RUBYOPT'] = ENV['RUBYOPT'], "#{ENV['RUBYOPT']} -I#{lib}" cmd = bundled_app("bin/#{cmd}") unless cmd.to_s.include?("/") sys_exec(cmd.to_s) ensure ENV['RUBYOPT'] = old end def sys_exec(cmd, expect_err = false) Open3.popen3(cmd.to_s) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| @in_p, @out_p, @err_p = stdin, stdout, stderr yield @in_p if block_given? @in_p.close @out = @out_p.read_available_bytes.strip @err = @err_p.read_available_bytes.strip @exitstatus = wait_thr && wait_thr.value.exitstatus end puts @err unless expect_err || @err.empty? || !$show_err @out end def config(config = nil, path = bundled_app('.bundle/config')) return YAML.load_file(path) unless config FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)), 'w') do |f| f.puts config.to_yaml end config end def global_config(config = nil) config(config, home(".bundle/config")) end def create_file(*args) path = bundled_app(args.shift) path = args.shift if args.first.is_a?(Pathname) str = args.shift || "" path.dirname.mkpath, 'w') do |f| f.puts strip_whitespace(str) end end def gemfile(*args) create_file("Gemfile", *args) end def lockfile(*args) create_file("Gemfile.lock", *args) end def strip_whitespace(str) # Trim the leading spaces spaces = str[/\A\s+/, 0] || "" str.gsub(/^#{spaces}/, '') end def install_gemfile(*args) gemfile(*args) opts = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.last : {} opts[:retry] ||= 0 bundle :install, opts end def install_gems(*gems) gems.each do |g| path = "#{gem_repo1}/gems/#{g}.gem" raise "OMG `#{path}` does not exist!" unless File.exist?(path) gem_command :install, "--no-rdoc --no-ri --ignore-dependencies #{path}" end end alias install_gem install_gems def with_gem_path_as(path) gem_home, gem_path = ENV['GEM_HOME'], ENV['GEM_PATH'] ENV['GEM_HOME'], ENV['GEM_PATH'] = path.to_s, path.to_s yield ensure ENV['GEM_HOME'], ENV['GEM_PATH'] = gem_home, gem_path end def with_path_as(path) old_path = ENV['PATH'] ENV['PATH'] = "#{path}:#{ENV['PATH']}" yield ensure ENV['PATH'] = old_path end def break_git! FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp("broken_path"))"broken_path/git"), "w", 0755) do |f| f.puts "#!/usr/bin/env ruby\nSTDERR.puts 'This is not the git you are looking for'\nexit 1" end ENV["PATH"] = "#{tmp("broken_path")}:#{ENV["PATH"]}" end def fake_man! FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp("fake_man"))"fake_man/man"), "w", 0755) do |f| f.puts "#!/usr/bin/env ruby\nputs ARGV.inspect\n" end ENV["PATH"] = "#{tmp("fake_man")}:#{ENV["PATH"]}" end def kill_path! ENV["PATH"] = "" end def system_gems(*gems) gems = gems.flatten FileUtils.rm_rf(system_gem_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(system_gem_path) Gem.clear_paths gem_home, gem_path, path = ENV['GEM_HOME'], ENV['GEM_PATH'], ENV['PATH'] ENV['GEM_HOME'], ENV['GEM_PATH'] = system_gem_path.to_s, system_gem_path.to_s install_gems(*gems) if block_given? begin yield ensure ENV['GEM_HOME'], ENV['GEM_PATH'] = gem_home, gem_path ENV['PATH'] = path end end end def realworld_system_gems(*gems) gems = gems.flatten FileUtils.rm_rf(system_gem_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(system_gem_path) Gem.clear_paths gem_home, gem_path, path = ENV['GEM_HOME'], ENV['GEM_PATH'], ENV['PATH'] ENV['GEM_HOME'], ENV['GEM_PATH'] = system_gem_path.to_s, system_gem_path.to_s gems.each do |gem| gem_command :install, "--no-rdoc --no-ri #{gem}" end if block_given? begin yield ensure ENV['GEM_HOME'], ENV['GEM_PATH'] = gem_home, gem_path ENV['PATH'] = path end end end def cache_gems(*gems) gems = gems.flatten FileUtils.rm_rf("#{bundled_app}/vendor/cache") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{bundled_app}/vendor/cache") gems.each do |g| path = "#{gem_repo1}/gems/#{g}.gem" raise "OMG `#{path}` does not exist!" unless File.exist?(path) FileUtils.cp(path, "#{bundled_app}/vendor/cache") end end def simulate_new_machine system_gems [] FileUtils.rm_rf default_bundle_path FileUtils.rm_rf bundled_app('.bundle') end def simulate_platform(platform) old, ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_PLATFORM'] = ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_PLATFORM'], platform.to_s yield if block_given? ensure ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_PLATFORM'] = old if block_given? end def simulate_ruby_engine(engine, version = "1.6.0") return if engine == local_ruby_engine old, ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_RUBY_ENGINE'] = ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_RUBY_ENGINE'], engine old_version, ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION'] = ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION'], version yield if block_given? ensure ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_RUBY_ENGINE'] = old if block_given? ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION'] = old_version if block_given? end def simulate_bundler_version(version) old, ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_VERSION'] = ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_VERSION'], version.to_s yield if block_given? ensure ENV['BUNDLER_SPEC_VERSION'] = old if block_given? end def revision_for(path) Dir.chdir(path) { `git rev-parse HEAD`.strip } end def capture_output fake_stdout = actual_stdout = $stdout $stdout = fake_stdout yield fake_stdout.rewind ensure $stdout = actual_stdout end def with_read_only(pattern) chmod = lambda do |dirmode, filemode| lambda do |f| mode = ? dirmode : filemode File.chmod(mode, f) end end Dir[pattern].each(&chmod[0555, 0444]) yield ensure Dir[pattern].each(&chmod[0755, 0644]) end def process_file(pathname) changed_lines = do |line| yield line end, 'w') { |file| file.puts(changed_lines.join) } end def with_env_vars(env_hash, &block) current_values = {} env_hash.each do |k,v| current_values[k] = v ENV[k] = v end if block_given? env_hash.each do |k,v| ENV[k] = current_values[k] end end end end