path: root/test/core/lib/retriever/entity/test_twitter_entity.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/core/lib/retriever/entity/test_twitter_entity.rb')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/core/lib/retriever/entity/test_twitter_entity.rb b/test/core/lib/retriever/entity/test_twitter_entity.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1822d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/core/lib/retriever/entity/test_twitter_entity.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+require_relative '../../../../helper'
+miquire :lib, 'retriever'
+class TC_TwitterEntity < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ class EntityTestModel < Retriever::Model
+ field.string :message, required: true
+ field.time :created
+ field.time :modified
+ entity_class Retriever::Entity::TwitterEntity
+ def to_show
+ self[:message]
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ end
+ # 2つ目以降のEntityの位置がずれる問題
+ def test_nested_legacy_retweet
+ model = EntityTestModel.new(
+ message: '変な意味じゃなくてね。RT @kouichi_0308: アレでソレですか…(´・ω・`)シュン… RT @nene_loveplus: 昔から一緒にいるフォロワーさんは色々アレでソレでちょっと困っちゃうわね…。',
+ entities: {
+ user_mentions: [ { id_str: "127914421",
+ screen_name: "kouichi_0308",
+ name: "コウイチ(2011年度版)",
+ id: 127914421,
+ indices: [14, 27]},
+ { id_str: "95126742",
+ screen_name: "nene_loveplus",
+ name: "姉ヶ崎寧々",
+ id: 95126742,
+ indices: [53, 67]}],
+ urls: [],
+ hashtags: [] })
+ assert_equal model[:message], model.entity.to_s
+ end
+ # TwitterがEntityを返さないという勘弁してほしいケース
+ def test_lost_entity
+ model = EntityTestModel.new(
+ message: 'RT @toshi_a: おいmikutterが変態ツイッタークライアントだという風説が',
+ entities: {})
+ assert_equal model[:message], model.entity.to_s
+ end
+ def test_mention_no_space_splitted
+ model = EntityTestModel.new(
+ message: 'もともとは@penguin2716さんに勧められて始めたついった。そして彼より遅く始めた自分がTwitterにハマり、彼の総ポスト数をすぐに追い抜いたと思ったのですが、今や彼はれっきとしたmikutter廃人となり、ワタシの手の届かぬ領域に到達されました。',
+ entities: {})
+ assert_equal model[:message], model.entity.to_s
+ end
+ # >のあとに@...があるケース。エンティティエンコードのせいで位置がずれてないか
+ def test_segment_after_escaped_character
+ model = EntityTestModel.new(
+ message: '一体何をやってんだろう(笑)。 > @toshi_a the hacker',
+ entities: {
+ hashtags: [],
+ urls: [],
+ user_mentions: [
+ { name: "蝶舞スカーフ型としぁ",
+ screen_name: "toshi_a",
+ indices: [21, 29],
+ id: 15926668,
+ id_str: "15926668"}]})
+ assert_equal model[:message], model.entity.to_s
+ end
+ # URLのあとにハッシュタグがある
+ def test_mixed_entities
+ model = EntityTestModel.new(
+ message: 'まだまだ絶賛配信中!今日は「日常のラヂオ」第35回がランティスネットラジオ goo.gl/2tsIG にて22時から配信スタートです!「日常」が好きな人ならきっと楽しんでいただけますのでよろしくお願いします。 #nichijou',
+ entities: {
+ user_mentions: [],
+ urls: [
+ { url: "goo.gl/2tsIG",
+ indices: [38, 50],
+ expanded_url: nil } ],
+ hashtags: [
+ { indices: [105, 114],
+ text: "nichijou" } ]})
+ assert_equal model[:message], model.entity.to_s
+ end
+ # まじでいらん機能によってエンティティの計算がずれていないか
+ def test_cashtags
+ model = EntityTestModel.new(
+ message: "@uebayasi I tried and it works as below:\n$ uname -srm\nNetBSD 6.0.1 amd64\n$ s ( ) { local b; b=1; echo $b; b=\"$@\"; echo $b; }\n$ s d e\n1\nd e",
+ entities: {
+ hashtags: [],
+ symbols: [{ indices: [103, 105],
+ text: "b"},
+ { indices: [120, 122],
+ text: "b"}],
+ urls: [],
+ user_mentions: [{ id: 5864792,
+ id_str: "5864792",
+ indices: [0, 9],
+ name: "Masao Uebayashi",
+ screen_name: "uebayasi" }]})
+ assert_equal model[:message], model.entity.to_s
+ end
+ # TwitterがEntityを返さないという勘弁してほしいケース
+ def test_has_media
+ model = EntityTestModel.new(
+ message: "【特価品】Celeron C1037U&HM77、デュアルLAN(82574L)を搭載したNAS向miniITXマザー Giada N70E-DR V2 14980円 http://t.co/zYaNWyebgm https://t.co/DCbLaYFXeu",
+ entities: {
+ hashtags: [],
+ symbols: [],
+ urls:
+ [{ url: "http://t.co/zYaNWyebgm",
+ expanded_url: "http://goo.gl/HDK5i",
+ display_url: "goo.gl/HDK5i",
+ indices: [88, 110]}],
+ user_mentions: [],
+ media:
+ [{ id: 352644565880168448,
+ id_str: "352644565880168448",
+ indices: [111, 134],
+ media_url: "http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BOTYXUFCYAAGmf_.jpg",
+ media_url_https: "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BOTYXUFCYAAGmf_.jpg",
+ url: "https://t.co/DCbLaYFXeu",
+ display_url: "pic.twitter.com/DCbLaYFXeu",
+ expanded_url:
+ "http://twitter.com/ph_toei/status/352644565875974144/photo/1",
+ type: "photo",
+ sizes:
+ { medium: {w: 480, h: 437, resize: "fit"},
+ thumb: {w: 150, h: 150, resize: "crop"},
+ small: {w: 340, h: 310, resize: "fit"},
+ large: {w: 480, h: 437, resize: "fit"}},
+ source_status_id: 352644565875974144,
+ source_status_id_str: "352644565875974144"}]})
+ assert_equal "【特価品】Celeron C1037U&HM77、デュアルLAN(82574L)を搭載したNAS向miniITXマザー Giada N70E-DR V2 14980円 goo.gl/HDK5i pic.twitter.com/DCbLaYFXeu", model.entity.to_s
+ end