diff options
authorKazuki Yamaguchi <>2018-06-08 16:57:17 +0900
committerKazuki Yamaguchi <>2018-06-08 16:57:17 +0900
commit6a1fa7db286c9cda11a1847affd688b9e5f80c08 (patch)
initial commit
27 files changed, 3162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77b3e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/.mbed b/.mbed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10b1233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.mbed
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/C12832.lib b/C12832.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b11b409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/C12832.lib
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3527d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+export PATH := /opt/python/2.7/bin:$(PATH)
+CXX = g++
+CXXFLAGS = -std=c++03 \
+ -O0 -ggdb3 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-parentheses -Wno-unused-parameter \
+ -MMD \
+ rm -f ss/*.o
+ make -C ss
+ mbed compile
+ prelude.mbed.scm
+ xxd -i $< > $@
+run: all
+ mbed compile -f
diff --git a/builtin_mbed.cpp b/builtin_mbed.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61dc8d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin_mbed.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#include "ss/ms.h"
+#include <map>
+#include "C12832.h"
+// LCD
+C12832 lcd(D11, D13, D12, D7, D10);
+// Joystick: up, down, left, right, press
+DigitalIn joystick[] = {A2, A3, A4, A5, D4};
+namespace ms {
+#define CHECK_INT(v) __extension__({ \
+ if ((v)->type != Value::INTEGER) \
+ return unshield().new_error("expected integer"); \
+ reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(v->p1); \
+#define CHECK_PAIR(v) __extension__({ \
+ if ((v)->type != Value::PAIR) \
+ return unshield().new_error("expected pair"); \
+ v; \
+#define CHECK_STR(v) __extension__({ \
+ if ((v)->type != Value::STRING) \
+ return unshield().new_error("expected string"); \
+ *static_cast<const std::string *>(v->p1); \
+static Value *mbed_wait_ms(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ wait(CHECK_INT(argv[0]) / 1000.0);
+ return unshield().new_nil();
+static Value *c12832_cls(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ lcd.cls();
+ return unshield().new_nil();
+static Value *c12832_pixel(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ intptr_t a = CHECK_INT(argv[0]),
+ b = CHECK_INT(argv[1]),
+ c = CHECK_INT(argv[2]);
+ lcd.pixel((int)a, (int)b, (int)c);
+ return unshield().new_nil();
+static Value *c12832_print(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ const Value *pair = CHECK_PAIR(argv[0]);
+ intptr_t x = CHECK_INT(car(pair)), y = CHECK_INT(cdr(pair));
+ const std::string &str = CHECK_STR(argv[1]);
+ lcd.locate(x, y);
+ lcd.printf(str.c_str());
+ return unshield().new_nil();
+static Value *c12832_fillcircle(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ intptr_t x = CHECK_INT(argv[0]),
+ y = CHECK_INT(argv[1]),
+ r = CHECK_INT(argv[2]),
+ c = CHECK_INT(argv[3]);
+ lcd.fillcircle((int)x, (int)y, (int)r, (int)c);
+ return unshield().new_nil();
+static Value *joystick_active_p(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ intptr_t n = CHECK_INT(argv[0]);
+ if (n < 0 || n > (intptr_t)(sizeof(joystick)/sizeof(joystick[0])))
+ return unshield().new_error("invalid joystick number");
+ return unshield().new_bool(joystick[n]);
+void builtin_add_mbed(std::map<const std::string, Value *> &map) {
+ static Memory::Shield shield(get_memory()); // FIXME
+ map["mbed-wait-ms"] = shield.new_cfunc(mbed_wait_ms, 1);
+ map["c12832-cls"] = shield.new_cfunc(c12832_cls, 0);
+ map["c12832-pixel"] = shield.new_cfunc(c12832_pixel, 3);
+ map["c12832-print"] = shield.new_cfunc(c12832_print, 2);
+ map["c12832-fillcircle"] = shield.new_cfunc(c12832_fillcircle, 4);
+ map["joystick-active?"] = shield.new_cfunc(joystick_active_p, 1);
diff --git a/examples/count_up.scm b/examples/count_up.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eb5fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/count_up.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+(define (main n)
+ (c12832-cls)
+ (c12832-print '(30 . 12) (number->string n))
+ (mbed-wait-ms 500)
+ (main (+ n 1)))
+(main 0)
diff --git a/examples/display.scm b/examples/display.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b933fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/display.scm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(display "a")
diff --git a/examples/fact.scm b/examples/fact.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af56eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fact.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(define (fact n)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ 1
+ (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
+(define (fact/cps n cont)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ (cont 1)
+ (fact/cps (- n 1) (lambda (a) (cont (* n a))))))
+(define num 11)
+(display (string-append "fact: " (number->string (fact num))))
+(display (string-append "fact/cps: " (number->string (fact/cps num (lambda (x) x)))))
+ (define return #f)
+(display (+ 1 (call/cc
+ (lambda (cont)
+ (set! return cont)
+ 1))))
+(display (return 23))
diff --git a/examples/fib.scm b/examples/fib.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2105072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fib.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(define (fib n)
+ (if (<= n 2)
+ 1
+ (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
+(display (fib 20))
diff --git a/examples/joystick.scm b/examples/joystick.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a618de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/joystick.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(define x-max 128)
+(define y-max 32)
+(define (clamp x a b)
+ (cond ((> x b) b) ((< x a) a) (else x)))
+(let loop ((x (/ x-max 2)) (y (/ y-max 2)) (r 3))
+ (c12832-cls)
+ (c12832-fillcircle x y r 1)
+ (mbed-wait-ms 50)
+ (loop
+ (clamp (cond ((joystick-active? 2) (- x 1)) ((joystick-active? 3) (+ x 1)) (else x)) 0 x-max)
+ (clamp (cond ((joystick-active? 0) (- y 1)) ((joystick-active? 1) (+ y 1)) (else y)) 0 y-max)
+ (if (joystick-active? 4) 10 3)))
diff --git a/examples/map.scm b/examples/map.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0789aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/map.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+(define (map_a func lst)
+ (let next ((rest lst))
+ (if (null? rest)
+ '()
+ (cons (func (car rest)) (next (cdr rest))))))
+(define x (list 1 2 3))
+ (map_a (lambda (t) (display t) (+ t 1))
+ x))
diff --git a/examples/test.scm b/examples/test.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05967f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/test.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+;(display (quote (1 2 3)))
+;; (define (assert x msg)
+;; (if (not x) (display (string-append "NG" msg))))
+;; (define (x y . z) (display (cons y z)))
+;; (assert (equal? ))
+(define (sum n) (if (= n 0) n (+ n (sum (- n 1)))))
+(define (sumi n acc) (if (= n 0) acc (sumi (- n 1) (+ n acc))))
+(display (sumi 1000000 0))
+(display (sum 1000000))
diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..889f1fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ss/ms.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <cstring>
+#include "C12832.h"
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+extern C12832 lcd;
+static void report_error(const std::string &message) {
+ lcd.locate(0, 0);
+ lcd.printf("fatal: %s:", message.c_str());
+static void report_progress(const std::string &message) {
+ lcd.locate(0, 18);
+ lcd.printf("%s", message.c_str());
+static void eval_string(const std::string &source) {
+ // Parse S-expressions
+ report_progress("parsing");
+ ms::Value *parsed = ms::sexp_parse_toplevel(source);
+ if (!parsed) {
+ report_error("parse error");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Compile into bytecode
+ report_progress("compiling");
+ ms::Assembly *assm = ms::compile(parsed);
+ if (!assm) {
+ report_error("compile error");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Evaluate
+ report_progress("evaluating");
+ ms::Value *rpair = ms::eval(assm, nullptr),
+ *ret = car(rpair), *rerr = cdr(rpair);
+ lcd.cls();
+ lcd.locate(0, 9);
+ if (rerr->type == ms::Value::NIL)
+ lcd.printf("ret: %s", dump_s(ret).c_str());
+ else
+ lcd.printf("err: %s",
+ (*static_cast<const std::string *>(rerr->p1)).c_str());
+int main() {
+#include "ss/"
+ std::string prelude(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(prelude_scm), prelude_scm_len);
+#include ""
+ prelude.append(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(prelude_mbed_scm), prelude_mbed_scm_len);
+ pc.baud(9600);
+ while (true) {
+ report_progress("waiting for input");
+ std::string source;
+ int found_eof = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ char c = pc.getc();
+ if (c == 'E')
+ found_eof = 1;
+ else if (found_eof == 1 && c == 'O')
+ found_eof++;
+ else if (found_eof == 2 && c == 'F') {
+ source.resize(source.size() - 2);
+ break;
+ } else
+ found_eof = 0;
+ source.push_back(c);
+ }
+ std::string concat(prelude);
+ concat.append(source);
+ eval_string(concat);
+ }
+ report_error("unreachable");
+ while (true) {
+ led1 = !led1;
+ wait(0.5);
+ }
diff --git a/mbed-os.lib b/mbed-os.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef2aac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mbed-os.lib
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29bd6b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+mbed SDK
+Copyright (c) 2016 ARM Limited
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+from os.path import join, abspath, dirname
+#ROOT = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "."))
+# Build System Settings
+#BUILD_DIR = abspath(join(ROOT, "build"))
+# ARM
+#ARM_PATH = "C:/Program Files/ARM"
+GCC_ARM_PATH = "/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major/bin"
+# GCC CodeRed
+#GCC_CR_PATH = "C:/code_red/RedSuite_4.2.0_349/redsuite/Tools/bin"
+# IAR
+#IAR_PATH = "C:/Program Files (x86)/IAR Systems/Embedded Workbench 7.0/arm"
+# Goanna static analyser. Please overload it in
+#GOANNA_PATH = "c:/Program Files (x86)/RedLizards/Goanna Central 3.2.3/bin"
+# username
diff --git a/prelude.mbed.scm b/prelude.mbed.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2661d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prelude.mbed.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(define-cfunc mbed-wait-ms)
+(define-cfunc c12832-cls)
+(define-cfunc c12832-print)
+(define-cfunc c12832-pixel)
+(define-cfunc c12832-fillcircle)
+(define-cfunc joystick-active?)
+(set! display
+ (lambda (x)
+ (c12832-print '(0 . 0) (dump-s x))
+ x))
diff --git a/ss/.gitignore b/ss/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cdccba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ss/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/ss/Makefile b/ss/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f369ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ss/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+CXX = g++
+CXXFLAGS = -std=c++03 \
+ -O3 -ggdb3 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-parentheses -Wno-unused-parameter \
+ -MMD \
+TARGET = ms
+SRCS = $(wildcard *.cpp)
+OBJS = $(filter-out prelude.o, $(SRCS:%.cpp=%.o))
+%.o: %.cpp
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -MMD -c -o $@ $<
+.PHONY: all clean
+all: $(TARGET)
+ prelude.scm
+ xxd -i $< > $@
+ rm -f ms
+ rm -f *.o
+ rm -f *.d
+-include $(SRCS:%.cpp=%.d)
diff --git a/ss/builtin.cpp b/ss/builtin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..410f8b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ss/builtin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+#include "ms.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace ms {
+static inline bool number_p(Value *v) {
+ return v->type == Value::INTEGER;
+static inline intptr_t number_to_int(Value *v) {
+ assert(number_p(v));
+ return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(v->p1);
+static Value *builtin_number_p(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ return unshield().new_bool(number_p(argv[0]));
+#define DEFINE_ARITH(name, op) \
+ static Value *builtin_##name(int argc, Value **argv) { \
+ if (!number_p(argv[0]) || !number_p(argv[1])) \
+ return unshield().new_error(#op ": wrong argument type"); \
+ return unshield().new_number(number_to_int(argv[0]) op number_to_int(argv[1])); \
+ }
+#define DEFINE_COMPARE(name, op) \
+ static Value *builtin_##name(int argc, Value **argv) { \
+ if (!number_p(argv[0]) || !number_p(argv[1])) \
+ return unshield().new_error(#op ": wrong argument type"); \
+ return unshield().new_bool(number_to_int(argv[0]) op number_to_int(argv[1])); \
+ }
+// Lists
+static inline bool null_p(Value *v) {
+ return v->type == Value::NIL;
+static inline bool pair_p(Value *v) {
+ return v->type == Value::PAIR;
+static Value *builtin_null_p(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ return unshield().new_bool(null_p(argv[0]));
+static Value *builtin_pair_p(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ return unshield().new_bool(pair_p(argv[0]));
+static Value *builtin_list_p(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ Value *v = argv[0];
+ while (true) {
+ if (v->type == Value::NIL)
+ return unshield().new_bool(true);
+ if (v->type != Value::PAIR)
+ return unshield().new_bool(false);
+ v = (Value *)v->p2;
+ }
+static inline bool symbol_p(const Value *v) {
+ return v->type == Value::SYMBOL;
+static Value *builtin_symbol_p(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ return unshield().new_bool(argv[0]->type == Value::SYMBOL);
+static Value *builtin_car(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ if (!pair_p(argv[0]))
+ return unshield().new_error("car: pair expected");
+ return (Value *)argv[0]->p1;
+static Value *builtin_cdr(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ if (!pair_p(argv[0]))
+ return unshield().new_error("cdr: pair expected");
+ return (Value *)argv[0]->p2;
+static Value *builtin_cons(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ return unshield().new_pair(argv[0], argv[1]);
+static Value *builtin_list(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ return unshield().new_list(argc, argv);
+static Value *builtin_length(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ size_t size = 0;
+ Value *v = argv[0];
+ while (true) {
+ if (v->type == Value::NIL)
+ return unshield().new_number(size);
+ if (v->type != Value::PAIR)
+ return unshield().new_number(size + 1); // FIXME: error?
+ size++;
+ v = (Value *)v->p2;
+ }
+static Value *builtin_eq_p(int argc, Value **argv);
+static Value *builtin_memq(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ Value *v = argv[1];
+ while (true) {
+ if (v->type == Value::NIL)
+ return v;
+ if (v->type != Value::PAIR)
+ return unshield().new_nil(); // FIXME: error?
+ Value *eq_args[2];
+ eq_args[0] = argv[0];
+ eq_args[1] = (Value *)v->p1;
+ if (builtin_eq_p(2, eq_args)->test())
+ return v;
+ v = (Value *)v->p2;
+ }
+static Value *builtin_last(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ Value *v = argv[1];
+ if (!pair_p(argv[0]))
+ return unshield().new_error("last: pair expected");
+ while (true) {
+ if (((Value *)v->p2)->type != Value::PAIR)
+ return (Value *)v->p1;
+ v = (Value *)v->p2;
+ }
+static Value *builtin_append(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ assert(0);
+static Value *builtin_set_car(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ if (!pair_p(argv[0]))
+ return unshield().new_error("set-car!: pair expected");
+ // check, constantnedd
+ argv[0]->p1 = argv[1];
+ return unshield().new_nil();
+static Value *builtin_set_cdr(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ if (!pair_p(argv[0]))
+ return unshield().new_error("set-cdr!: pair expected");
+ // check, constantnedd
+ argv[0]->p2 = argv[1];
+ return unshield().new_nil();
+// Boolean
+static Value *builtin_boolean_p(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ return unshield().new_bool(argv[0]->type == Value::BOOLEAN);
+// String
+static inline bool string_p(const Value *v) {
+ return v->type == Value::STRING;
+static Value *builtin_string_p(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ return unshield().new_bool(argv[0]->type == Value::STRING);
+static Value *builtin_string_append(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ std::string *ret = new std::string();
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ const Value *s = argv[i];
+ if (!string_p(s)) {
+ delete ret;
+ return unshield().new_error("string-append: string expected");
+ }
+ ret->append(*static_cast<const std::string *>(s->p1));
+ }
+ return unshield().new_string(ret);
+static Value *builtin_symbol_to_string(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ const Value *sym = argv[0];
+ if (!symbol_p(sym))
+ return unshield().new_error("symbol->string: symbol expected");
+ return unshield().new_string(*static_cast<const std::string *>(sym->p1));
+static Value *builtin_string_to_symbol(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ const Value *str = argv[0];
+ if (!string_p(str))
+ return unshield().new_error("string->symbol: string expected");
+ return unshield().new_symbol(*static_cast<const std::string *>(str->p1));
+static Value *builtin_string_to_number(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ const Value *str = argv[0];
+ const std::string &s = *static_cast<const std::string *>(str->p1);
+ intptr_t i = 0;
+ for (std::string::const_iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it) {
+ if (*it >= '0' && *it <= '9')
+ i = i * 10 + (*it - '0');
+ else
+ return unshield().new_error("string->number: invalid character");
+ }
+ return unshield().new_number(i);
+static Value *builtin_number_to_string(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ const Value *num = argv[0];
+ intptr_t i = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(num->p1);
+ if (i == 0)
+ return unshield().new_string("0");
+ std::string *ret = new std::string();
+ while (i) {
+ intptr_t p = i / 10, q = i % 10;
+ ret->push_back('0' + (char)q);
+ i = p;
+ }
+ std::reverse(ret->begin(), ret->end());
+ return unshield().new_string(ret);
+// Function
+static Value *builtin_procedure_p(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ return unshield().new_bool(argv[0]->type == Value::LAMBDA ||
+ argv[0]->type == Value::CFUNC ||
+ argv[0]->type == Value::CALLCC ||
+ argv[0]->type == Value::CONT);
+// Comparison
+static Value *builtin_eq_p(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ if (argv[0] == argv[1])
+ return unshield().new_bool(true);
+ if (argv[0]->type != argv[1]->type)
+ return unshield().new_bool(false);
+ switch (argv[0]->type) {
+ case Value::BOOLEAN:
+ return unshield().new_bool(argv[0]->p1 == argv[1]->p1);
+ case Value::SYMBOL: {
+ const std::string &s0 = *static_cast<const std::string *>(argv[0]->p1),
+ &s1 = *static_cast<const std::string *>(argv[1]->p1);
+ return unshield().new_bool(s0 == s1);
+ }
+ case Value::NIL:
+ return unshield().new_bool(true);
+ default:
+ return unshield().new_bool(false);
+ }
+static Value *builtin_equal_p(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ switch (argv[0]->type) {
+ case Value::BOOLEAN:
+ case Value::SYMBOL:
+ case Value::NIL:
+ return builtin_eq_p(argc, argv);
+ default:
+ // FIXME
+ return unshield().new_bool(argv[0]->type == argv[1]->type &&
+ argv[0]->p1 == argv[1]->p1 &&
+ argv[0]->p2 == argv[1]->p2);
+ }
+// Debugging
+static Value *builtin_dump(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ dump(argv[0]);
+ return argv[0];
+static Value *builtin_dump_s(int argc, Value **argv) {
+ return unshield().new_string(dump_s(argv[0]));
+Value *get_cfunc(const std::string &id) {
+ static std::map<const std::string, Value *> variables;
+ static Memory::Shield shield(get_memory()); // FIXME
+ if (variables.empty()) {
+#define ADD(name, fname, argc) variables[name] = shield.new_cfunc(fname, argc)
+ ADD("number?", builtin_number_p, 1);
+ ADD("+", builtin_add, 2);
+ ADD("-", builtin_sub, 2);
+ ADD("*", builtin_mul, 2);
+ ADD("/", builtin_div, 2);
+ ADD("=", builtin_eq, 2);
+ ADD("<", builtin_lt, 2);
+ ADD("<=", builtin_leq, 2);
+ ADD(">", builtin_gt, 2);
+ ADD(">=", builtin_geq, 2);
+ ADD("null?", builtin_null_p, 1);
+ ADD("pair?", builtin_pair_p, 1);
+ ADD("list?", builtin_list_p, 1);
+ ADD("symbol?", builtin_symbol_p, 1);
+ ADD("car", builtin_car, 1);
+ ADD("cdr", builtin_cdr, 1);
+ ADD("cons", builtin_cons, 2);
+ ADD("list", builtin_list, -1);
+ ADD("length", builtin_length, 1);
+ ADD("memq", builtin_memq, 2);
+ ADD("last", builtin_last, 1);
+ ADD("append", builtin_append, -1);
+ ADD("set-car!", builtin_set_car, 2);
+ ADD("set-cdr!", builtin_set_cdr, 2);
+ ADD("boolean?", builtin_boolean_p, 1);
+ // not
+ ADD("string?", builtin_string_p, 1);
+ ADD("string-append", builtin_string_append, -1);
+ ADD("symbol->string", builtin_symbol_to_string, 1);
+ ADD("string->symbol", builtin_string_to_symbol, 1);
+ ADD("string->number", builtin_string_to_number, 1);
+ ADD("number->string", builtin_number_to_string, 1);
+ ADD("procedure?", builtin_procedure_p, 1);
+ ADD("eq?", builtin_eq_p, 2);
+ // neq
+ ADD("equal?", builtin_equal_p, 2);
+ ADD("dump-s", builtin_dump_s, 1);
+ ADD("display", builtin_dump, 1);
+#undef ADD
+#ifdef __MBED_CONFIG_DATA__
+ extern void builtin_add_mbed(std::map<const std::string, Value *> &);
+ builtin_add_mbed(variables);
+ }
+ return;
diff --git a/ss/compile.cpp b/ss/compile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d73a5f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ss/compile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+#include "ms.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace ms {
+static inline const std::string &unwrap_id(const Value *id) {
+ return *static_cast<const std::string *>(id->p1);
+// Helpers for list; node is either a PAIR or NIL
+#define IS_END(node) \
+ (node->is_a(Value::NIL))
+#define CHECK_LIST(node) { \
+ if (!node->is_a(Value::PAIR)) {\
+ compile_error("expected pair"); \
+ return -1; \
+ } \
+#define CHECK_END(node) { \
+ if (!IS_END(node)) { \
+ compile_error("expected end of token"); \
+ return -1; \
+ } \
+#define CHECK_NOTEND(node) { \
+ CHECK_LIST(node); \
+ if (IS_END(node)) { \
+ compile_error("unexpected end of token"); \
+ return -1; \
+ } \
+#define CHECK(node, t) { \
+ CHECK_NOTEND(node); \
+ if (!car(node)->is_a(t)) { \
+ compile_error("unexpected token"); \
+ return -1; \
+ } \
+#define BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, s) \
+ node->is_a(Value::PAIR) && \
+ (car(node)->is_a(Value::SYMBOL) && \
+ *static_cast<const std::string *>(car(node)->p1) == s)
+#define CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, s) { \
+ CHECK(node, Value::SYMBOL); \
+ if (*static_cast<const std::string *>(car(node)->p1) != s) { \
+ compile_error("unexpected id: expected " s); \
+ return -1; \
+ } \
+ node = cdr(node); \
+#define CONSUME(node) __extension__({ \
+ CHECK_LIST(node); \
+ const Value *ret = car(node); \
+ node = cdr(node); \
+ ret; \
+#define CONSUME_ID(node) __extension__({ \
+ CHECK(node, Value::SYMBOL); \
+ CONSUME(node); \
+class Compiler {
+ Compiler(const Compiler *parent) :
+ parent(parent), variables(), seq(nullptr), label_next(0), num_args(0),
+ seq_shield(get_memory()) {
+ seq = static_cast<Assembly *>(seq_shield.new_object(Value::ASM));
+ seq->p1 = new std::vector<Instruction>();
+ seq->p2 = nullptr;
+ }
+ int feed_toplevel_sequence(const Value *node) {
+ while (!IS_END(node)) {
+ if (feed_toplevel(CONSUME(node)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (!IS_END(node))
+ emit(Instruction::POP);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Assembly *result() {
+ if (finish() < 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ return seq;
+ }
+ int feed_toplevel(const Value *node) {
+ if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "define"))
+ return feed_define(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "define-cfunc"))
+ return feed_define_cfunc(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "load"))
+ return -1; // Not supported
+ else
+ return feed_exp(node);
+ }
+ int feed_define(const Value *node) {
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "define");
+ const Value *id;
+ if (car(node)->is_a(Value::PAIR)) {
+ // (define (Id Id* [. Id]) Body)
+ const Value *id_and_args = CONSUME(node);
+ id = CONSUME_ID(id_and_args);
+ emit_lambda(id_and_args, node);
+ }
+ else {
+ // (define Id Exp)
+ id = CONSUME_ID(node);
+ if (feed_exp(CONSUME(node)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ CHECK_END(node);
+ }
+ int n = bind_variable(id);
+ // At toplevel, define behaves like set! if id is bound
+ if (n < 0 && parent)
+ return -1;
+ emit(Instruction::SETVAR, id);
+ emit(Instruction::PUSH, id);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_define_cfunc(const Value *node) {
+ // (define-cfunc Id)
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "define-cfunc");
+ const Value *id = CONSUME_ID(node);
+ CHECK_END(node);
+ int n = bind_variable(id);
+ if (n < 0 && parent)
+ return -1;
+ emit(Instruction::PUSH, get_cfunc(unwrap_id(id)));
+ emit(Instruction::SETVAR, id);
+ emit(Instruction::PUSH, id);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_exp(const Value *node) {
+ switch (node->type) {
+ case Value::INTEGER:
+ case Value::BOOLEAN:
+ case Value::STRING:
+ case Value::NIL:
+ emit(Instruction::PUSH, node);
+ return 0;
+ case Value::SYMBOL:
+ // TODO: better way
+ if (unwrap_id(node) == ":callcc") {
+ emit(Instruction::PUSH, unshield().new_object(Value::CALLCC));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (check_variable(node) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ emit(Instruction::GETVAR, node);
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ if (node->type != Value::PAIR) {
+ compile_error("expected list");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "lambda"))
+ return feed_lambda(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "quote"))
+ return feed_quote(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "set!"))
+ return feed_set(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "let"))
+ return feed_let(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "let*"))
+ return feed_letstar(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "letrec"))
+ return feed_letrec(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "if"))
+ return feed_if(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "cond"))
+ return feed_cond(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "and"))
+ return feed_and(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "or"))
+ return feed_or(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "begin"))
+ return feed_begin(node);
+ else if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(node, "do"))
+ return feed_do(node);
+ else
+ return feed_apply(node);
+ }
+ }
+ void emit_lambda(const Value *args, const Value *body) {
+ emit(Instruction::LAMBDA, unshield().new_pair(args, body));
+ }
+ int feed_lambda(const Value *node) {
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "lambda");
+ const Value *args;
+ CHECK_LIST(node);
+ if (car(node)->is_a(Value::SYMBOL)) {
+ // (lambda Id Body)
+ args = shield.new_pair((Value *)CONSUME_ID(node), shield.new_nil());
+ } else {
+ // (lambda (Id* [Id . Id]) Body)
+ // check car(node) is a pair or nil
+ args = CONSUME(node);
+ }
+ emit_lambda(args, node);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_body(const Value *node) {
+ if (IS_END(node)) {
+ emit(Instruction::PUSH, unshield().new_nil());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool found_exp = false;
+ while (!IS_END(node)) {
+ const Value *item = CONSUME(node);
+ if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(item, "define")) {
+ if (found_exp) {
+ compile_error("Define after Exp in Body");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (feed_define(item) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ found_exp = true;
+ if (feed_exp(item) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!IS_END(node))
+ emit(Instruction::POP);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_apply(const Value *node) {
+ if (feed_exp(CONSUME(node)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ uintptr_t args = 0;
+ while (!node->is_a(Value::NIL)) {
+ if (!node->is_a(Value::PAIR)) {
+ compile_error("unexpected DOT");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ args++;
+ if (feed_exp(CONSUME(node)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ CHECK_END(node);
+ emit(Instruction::APPLY, args);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_quote(const Value *node) {
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "quote");
+ const Value *ret = CONSUME(node);
+ CHECK_END(node);
+ emit(Instruction::PUSH, ret);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_set(const Value *node) {
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "set!");
+ const Value *id = CONSUME_ID(node);
+ if (feed_exp(CONSUME(node)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ CHECK_END(node);
+ if (check_variable(id) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ emit(Instruction::DUP);
+ emit(Instruction::SETVAR, id);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int parse_bindings(Memory::Shield &shield, const Value *bindings, Value **pargs, Value **pexprs) {
+ Value *pair = const_cast<Value *>(CONSUME(bindings));
+ Value *bid = const_cast<Value *>(CONSUME(pair)),
+ *expr = const_cast<Value *>(CONSUME(pair));
+ CHECK_END(pair);
+ Value *nil = shield.new_nil();
+ Value *args = shield.new_pair(bid, nil),
+ *exprs = shield.new_pair(expr, nil),
+ *args_prev = args, *expr_prev = exprs;
+ while (!IS_END(bindings)) {
+ if (!bindings->is_a(Value::PAIR)) {
+ compile_error("unexpected DOT in Bindings");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ pair = const_cast<Value *>(CONSUME(bindings));
+ bid = const_cast<Value *>(CONSUME(pair));
+ expr = const_cast<Value *>(CONSUME(pair));
+ CHECK_END(pair);
+ args_prev = static_cast<Value *>(args_prev->p2 = shield.new_pair(bid, nil));
+ expr_prev = static_cast<Value *>(expr_prev->p2 = shield.new_pair(expr, nil));
+ }
+ *pargs = args;
+ *pexprs = exprs;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_let(const Value *node) {
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "let");
+ // (let ((a b) (c d)) body)
+ // => ((lambda (a c) body) b d)
+ const Value *id = CONSUME(node),
+ *bindings;
+ if (id->is_a(Value::SYMBOL)) {
+ if (bind_variable(id) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ bindings = CONSUME(node);
+ } else {
+ bindings = id;
+ id = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (IS_END(bindings)) {
+ emit_lambda(bindings, node);
+ if (id) {
+ emit(Instruction::DUP);
+ emit(Instruction::SETVAR, id);
+ }
+ emit(Instruction::APPLY, (uintptr_t)0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Value *args, *exprs;
+ if (parse_bindings(shield, bindings, &args, &exprs) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ emit_lambda(args, node);
+ if (id) {
+ emit(Instruction::DUP);
+ emit(Instruction::SETVAR, id);
+ }
+ uintptr_t argc = 0;
+ do {
+ argc++;
+ if (feed_exp((Value *)exprs->p1) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ } while ((exprs = (Value *)exprs->p2)->is_a(Value::PAIR));
+ emit(Instruction::APPLY, argc);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_letstar(const Value *node) {
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "let*");
+ // (let* ((a b) (c d)) body)
+ // => ((lambda (a) ((lambda (c) body) d)) b)
+ const Value *bindings = CONSUME(node),
+ *body = node;
+ Value *nil = shield.new_nil();
+ const Value *args = nil, *exprs = nil;
+ while (!IS_END(bindings)) {
+ if (!bindings->is_a(Value::PAIR)) {
+ compile_error("unexpected DOT in Bindings");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ const Value *pair = CONSUME(bindings);
+ args = shield.new_pair(CONSUME(pair), args);
+ exprs = shield.new_pair(CONSUME(pair), exprs);
+ CHECK_END(pair);
+ }
+ const Value *lambda = shield.new_symbol("lambda");
+ while (!IS_END(args)) {
+ const Value *la = shield.new_pair(CONSUME(args), nil);
+ const Value *lm = shield.new_pair(lambda, shield.new_pair(la, body));
+ body = shield.new_pair(shield.new_pair(lm, shield.new_pair(CONSUME(exprs), nil)), nil);
+ }
+ CHECK_LIST(body);
+ return feed_apply(car(body));
+ }
+ int feed_letrec(const Value *node) {
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "letrec");
+ // (letrec ((a b) (c d)) body)
+ // => ((lambda () (define a b) (define c d) body))
+ const Value *bindings = CONSUME(node),
+ *body = node;
+ Value *nil = shield.new_nil();
+ const Value *args = nil, *exprs = nil;
+ while (!IS_END(bindings)) {
+ if (!bindings->is_a(Value::PAIR)) {
+ compile_error("unexpected DOT in Bindings");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ const Value *pair = CONSUME(bindings);
+ args = shield.new_pair(CONSUME(pair), args);
+ exprs = shield.new_pair(CONSUME(pair), exprs);
+ CHECK_END(pair);
+ }
+ const Value *define = shield.new_symbol("define");
+ while (!IS_END(args)) {
+ const Value *def = shield.new_pair(define,
+ shield.new_pair(CONSUME(args),
+ shield.new_pair(CONSUME(exprs), nil)));
+ body = shield.new_pair(def, body);
+ }
+ emit_lambda(nil, body);
+ emit(Instruction::APPLY);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_if(const Value *node) {
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "if");
+ const Value *ccond = CONSUME(node);
+ const Value *cthen = CONSUME(node);
+ if (feed_exp(ccond) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ int label_unless = new_label(),
+ label_end = new_label();
+ emit(Instruction::JUMPUNLESS, (uintptr_t)label_unless);
+ if (feed_exp(cthen) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ emit(Instruction::JUMP, (uintptr_t)label_end);
+ emit(Instruction::NOP, (uintptr_t)label_unless);
+ if (!IS_END(node)) {
+ const Value *celse = CONSUME(node);
+ if (feed_exp(celse) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ CHECK_END(node);
+ }
+ emit(Instruction::NOP, (uintptr_t)label_end);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_cond(const Value *node) {
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "cond");
+ int label_next = new_label(),
+ label_end = new_label();
+ while (!IS_END(node)) {
+ emit(Instruction::NOP, (uintptr_t)label_next);
+ const Value *cl = CONSUME(node);
+ if (BEGINS_WITH_KEYWORD(cl, "else")) {
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(cl, "else");
+ if (feed_sequence(cl) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (feed_exp(CONSUME(cl)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ label_next = new_label();
+ emit(Instruction::JUMPUNLESS, (uintptr_t)label_next);
+ if (feed_sequence(cl) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ emit(Instruction::JUMP, (uintptr_t)label_end);
+ }
+ }
+ emit(Instruction::NOP, (uintptr_t)label_end);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_and(const Value *node) {
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "and");
+ int label = new_label();
+ while (!IS_END(node)) {
+ if (feed_exp(CONSUME(node)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (!IS_END(node))
+ emit(Instruction::JUMPUNLESS, (uintptr_t)label);
+ }
+ emit(Instruction::NOP, (uintptr_t)label);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_or(const Value *node) {
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "or");
+ int label = new_label();
+ while (!IS_END(node)) {
+ if (feed_exp(CONSUME(node)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (!IS_END(node))
+ emit(Instruction::JUMPIF, (uintptr_t)label);
+ }
+ emit(Instruction::NOP, (uintptr_t)label);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_begin(const Value *node) {
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "begin");
+ return feed_sequence(node);
+ }
+ int feed_do(const Value *node) {
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ CONSUME_KEYWORD(node, "do");
+ // (do
+ // ((Id1 Def1 Step1) (Id2 Def2 Step2))
+ // (Test Exp*)
+ // Body)
+ // =>
+ // (x=(lambda (:$ Id1 Id2)
+ // (if Test (begin Exp*) (begin Body (:$ Step1 Step2))))
+ // x Def1 Def2)
+ const Value *vars = CONSUME(node),
+ *test_and_exps = CONSUME(node),
+ *test = CONSUME(test_and_exps),
+ *exps = test_and_exps,
+ *body = node;
+ std::vector<const Value *> defs;
+ const Value *nil = shield.new_nil(),
+ *dollar = shield.new_symbol(":$"),
+ *lambda_params = nil, *lambda_args = nil;
+ while (!IS_END(vars)) {
+ const Value *var = CONSUME(vars),
+ *id = CONSUME(var),
+ *def = CONSUME(var),
+ *step = id;
+ if (!IS_END(var))
+ step = CONSUME(var);
+ CHECK_END(var);
+ lambda_params = shield.new_pair(id, lambda_params);
+ lambda_args = shield.new_pair(step, lambda_args);
+ defs.push_back(def);
+ }
+ const Value *if_then =
+ shield.new_pair(shield.new_symbol("begin"), exps);
+ lambda_args = shield.new_pair(dollar, lambda_args);
+ const Value *if_else =
+ shield.new_pair(shield.new_symbol("begin"),
+ shield.new_pair(shield.new_pair(shield.new_symbol("begin"), body),
+ shield.new_pair(shield.new_pair(dollar, lambda_args), nil)));
+ const Value *lambda_body =
+ shield.new_pair(shield.new_symbol("if"),
+ shield.new_pair(test,
+ shield.new_pair(if_then,
+ shield.new_pair(if_else, nil))));
+ lambda_params = shield.new_pair(dollar, lambda_params);
+ // ((lambda ...) DUP ...defs)
+ emit_lambda(lambda_params, shield.new_pair(lambda_body, nil));
+ dump(lambda_body);
+ emit(Instruction::DUP);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < defs.size(); i++)
+ if (feed_exp(defs[i]) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ emit(Instruction::APPLY, defs.size() + 1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_sequence(const Value *node) {
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ if (IS_END(node)) {
+ emit(Instruction::PUSH, shield.new_nil());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (!IS_END(node)) {
+ const Value *q = CONSUME(node);
+ if (feed_exp(q) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (!IS_END(node))
+ emit(Instruction::POP);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int feed_arguments(const Value *node) {
+ while (!IS_END(node)) {
+ if (node->is_a(Value::SYMBOL)) {
+ // (arg . varargs)
+ if (bind_variable(node) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ num_args = -num_args - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ CHECK(node, Value::SYMBOL);
+ if (bind_variable(CONSUME_ID(node)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ num_args++;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void compile_error(const std::string &msg) const {
+ std::cerr << "compile: " << msg << "\n";
+ }
+ void compile_error(const std::string &msg, const std::string &msg2) const {
+ std::cerr << "compile: " << msg << msg2 << "\n";
+ }
+ int bind_variable(const Value *id) {
+ const std::string &str = unwrap_id(id);
+ const std::vector<std::string>::const_reverse_iterator it
+ = std::find(variables.rbegin(), variables.rend(), str);
+ if (it == variables.rend()) {
+ int n = variables.size();
+ variables.push_back(str);
+ return n;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int check_variable(const Value *id) const {
+ const std::string &str = unwrap_id(id);
+ const std::vector<std::string>::const_reverse_iterator it
+ = std::find(variables.rbegin(), variables.rend(), str);
+ if (it == variables.rend()) {
+ if (!parent) {
+ compile_error("undefined variable reference: ", str);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return parent->check_variable(id);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void emit(Instruction::Type op, uintptr_t arg) {
+ Instruction i(op, arg);
+ seq->seq()->push_back(i);
+ }
+ void emit(Instruction::Type op, const Value *arg) {
+ emit(op, (uintptr_t)arg);
+ if (arg) // Conservative
+ seq_shield.add((Value *)arg);
+ }
+ void emit(Instruction::Type op) {
+ emit(op, (uintptr_t)0);
+ }
+ int new_label() {
+ return label_next++;
+ }
+ int finish() {
+ std::vector<size_t> labels(label_next);
+ bool *tailcallable = (bool *)std::malloc(seq->seq()->size() * sizeof(bool));
+ if (!tailcallable)
+ return -1;
+ std::fill(tailcallable, tailcallable + sizeof(bool) * seq->seq()->size(), false);
+ int ret = -1;
+ for (size_t pos = 0; pos < seq->seq()->size(); pos++) {
+ Instruction *i = &seq->seq()->at(seq->seq()->size() - pos - 1);
+ switch (i->type) {
+ case Instruction::LAMBDA: {
+ const Value *memo = (const Value *)i->arg;
+ Compiler sub(this);
+ if (sub.feed_arguments((const Value *)memo->p1) < 0)
+ goto out;
+ if (sub.feed_body((const Value *)memo->p2) < 0)
+ goto out;
+ Assembly *assm = sub.result();
+ if (!assm)
+ goto out;
+ i->arg = (uintptr_t)assm;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Instruction::NOP: {
+ tailcallable[pos] = (pos == 0 || tailcallable[pos - 1]);
+ labels[i->arg] = pos;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Instruction::JUMP: {
+ tailcallable[pos] = (pos == 0 || tailcallable[pos - labels[i->arg]]);
+ } /* fall through */
+ case Instruction::JUMPIF:
+ case Instruction::JUMPUNLESS: {
+ // NOP always comes after JUMP*
+ i->arg = pos - labels[i->arg];
+ break;
+ }
+ case Instruction::GETVAR:
+ case Instruction::SETVAR: {
+ const std::string &str = unwrap_id(reinterpret_cast<const Value *>(i->arg));
+ uintptr_t offset = 0;
+ const Compiler *cmpl = this;
+ while (cmpl) {
+ const std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it
+ = std::find(cmpl->variables.begin(), cmpl->variables.end(), str);
+ if (it == cmpl->variables.end()) {
+ offset += cmpl->variables.size();
+ cmpl = cmpl->parent;
+ continue;
+ }
+ i->arg = offset + std::distance(cmpl->variables.begin(), it);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Instruction::RET: {
+ tailcallable[pos] = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Instruction::APPLY: {
+ if (pos == 0 || tailcallable[pos - 1])
+ i->type = Instruction::APPLY_TAILCALL;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ emit(Instruction::RET, (uintptr_t)0);
+ seq->set_num_variables(variables.size(), num_args);
+ ret = 0;
+ std::free(tailcallable);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ const Value *toplevel;
+ const Compiler *parent;
+ std::vector<std::string> variables;
+ Assembly *seq;
+ int label_next;
+ int num_args;
+ Memory::Shield seq_shield;
+Assembly *compile(const Value *node) {
+ Compiler compiler(nullptr);
+ if (compiler.feed_toplevel_sequence(node) < 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ return compiler.result();
diff --git a/ss/eval.cpp b/ss/eval.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85ec044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ss/eval.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+#include "ms.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cstdlib>
+ * Stack frame layout:
+ * 0 | oldpc
+ * 1 | oldasm
+ * 2 | oldenv
+ * 3 | oldbp // for debug
+ * 4 V ...
+ */
+namespace ms {
+static Value *new_lambda(Assembly *assm, Value *parent_env) {
+ Value *v = unshield().new_object(Value::LAMBDA);
+ v->p1 = assm;
+ v->p2 = parent_env;
+ return v;
+static Value *new_environment(Value *parent, size_t vsize) {
+ std::vector<Value *> *vec = new std::vector<Value *>(vsize);
+ std::fill(vec->begin(), vec->end(), (Value *)0);
+ Value *v = get_memory()->alloc(Value::ENVIRON);
+ v->p1 = parent;
+ v->p2 = vec;
+ return v;
+void environ_mark(Memory &mem, const Value *v) {
+ if (v->p1)
+ mem.mark_object(static_cast<Value *>(v->p1));
+ const std::vector<Value *> *vec = static_cast<const std::vector<Value *> *>(v->p2);
+ for (std::vector<Value *>::const_iterator i = vec->begin(); i != vec->end(); i++) {
+ if (*i)
+ mem.mark_object(*i);
+ }
+void environ_free(Value *v) {
+ delete static_cast<std::vector<Value *> *>(v->p2);
+void asm_mark(Memory &mem, const Assembly *v) {
+ for (std::vector<Instruction>::const_iterator i = v->seq()->begin();
+ i != v->seq()->end(); i++) {
+ switch (i->type) {
+ case Instruction::PUSH:
+ mem.mark_object(reinterpret_cast<const Value *>(i->arg));
+ break;
+ case Instruction::LAMBDA:
+ mem.mark_object(reinterpret_cast<const Assembly *>(i->arg));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void asm_free(Assembly *v) {
+ delete v->seq();
+void Continuation::mark(Memory &mem) const {
+ size_t stop = sp();
+ while (stop--)
+ mem.mark_object(copied_stack()[stop]);
+void Continuation::free() {
+ std::free(p1); // copied_stack
+static Continuation *new_continuation(Value **copied_stack, size_t sp) {
+ Value *v = unshield().new_object(Value::CONT);
+ v->p1 = copied_stack;
+ v->p2 = reinterpret_cast<void *>(sp);
+ return static_cast<Continuation *>(v);
+static bool check_argc(int expected, int given) {
+ return expected == given || expected < 0 && given >= -expected - 1;
+static Value *argument_error(int expected, int given) {
+ std::ostringstream sstream;
+ sstream << "wrong number of arguments: expected "
+ << expected << ", given " << given;
+ return unshield().new_error(sstream.str());
+class VM {
+#define stack_push(v) do { \
+ Value *vv = (v); \
+ if (sp == stack_depth) \
+ return unshield().new_pair(unshield().new_nil(), unshield().new_error("stack overflow")); \
+ stack[sp++] = vv; \
+} while (0)
+#define stack_pop() \
+ stack[--sp]
+#define stack_popn(n) \
+ (sp -= n)
+ static inline std::vector<Value *> *unwrap_env(Value *v) {
+ return static_cast<std::vector<Value *> *>(v->p2);
+ }
+ static inline Value **resolve_var(Value *env, size_t idx) {
+ while (idx >= unwrap_env(env)->size()) {
+ idx -= unwrap_env(env)->size();
+ env = static_cast<Value *>(env->p1);
+ }
+ return &unwrap_env(env)->at(idx);
+ }
+ VM(const Assembly *assm, Value *parent_env, int stack_depth) :
+ stack_depth(stack_depth),
+ toplevel_assm(assm), env(parent_env), sp(0) {
+ stack = (Value **)std::malloc(sizeof(Value *) * stack_depth);
+ assert(stack);
+ }
+ ~VM() {
+ std::free(stack);
+ }
+ Value *execute() {
+ size_t pc = 0, bp = 0;
+ const Assembly *assm = toplevel_assm;
+ env = new_environment(env, assm->num_variables());
+# error FIXME
+# define CASE(n) case Instruction::n:
+# define NEXT break
+ // FIXME: threaded
+ while (pc < assm->seq()->size()) {
+ const Instruction *i = &assm->seq()->at(pc++);
+ //std::cout << "ins:" << pc-1 << ",itype:" << i->type << "\n";
+ switch (i->type) {
+ stack_push((Value *)i->arg);
+ (void)stack_pop();
+ Value *v = stack_pop();
+ stack_push(v);
+ stack_push(v);
+ }
+ stack_push(*resolve_var(env, i->arg));
+ *resolve_var(env, i->arg) = stack_pop();
+ stack_push(new_lambda(reinterpret_cast<Assembly *>(i->arg), env));
+apply_again: {
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ int argc = i->arg;
+ Value **args = &stack[sp - argc];
+ Value *callable = stack[sp - argc - 1];
+ // std::cout << "CALLING:";
+ // dump(callable);
+ // std::cout << "\nARGS:" << i->arg << "\n";
+ // for (int ik = 0; ik < i->arg; ik++)
+ // dump(args[ik]);
+ // std::cout << "\nEND\n";
+ // std::cout << "bp="<<bp<<",sp="<<sp<<"\n";
+ if (callable->type == Value::LAMBDA) {
+ shield.add(callable);
+ const Assembly *casm = static_cast<const Assembly *>(callable->p1);
+ if (!check_argc(casm->num_args(), argc))
+ return shield.new_pair(shield.new_nil(),
+ argument_error(casm->num_args(), argc));
+ if (casm->num_args() < 0) {
+ args[-casm->num_args() - 1] =
+ shield.new_list(argc - (-casm->num_args() - 1),
+ &args[-casm->num_args() - 1]);
+ argc = -casm->num_args();
+ }
+ Value *new_env = shield.add(new_environment(static_cast<Value *>(callable->p2),
+ casm->num_variables()));
+ if (argc > 0)
+ std::memcpy(&unwrap_env(new_env)->at(0),
+ args, argc * sizeof(Value *));
+ stack_popn(i->arg + 1);
+ if (bp == 0 || i->type != Instruction::APPLY_TAILCALL) {
+ // Non-tail call && non-toplevel call
+ stack_push(shield.new_number(pc));
+ stack_push(const_cast<Assembly *>(assm));
+ stack_push(env);
+ stack_push(shield.new_number(bp));
+ }
+ pc = 0;
+ assm = casm;
+ env = new_env;
+ bp = sp;
+ } else if (callable->type == Value::CFUNC) {
+ int expected_argc = (intptr_t)callable->p2;
+ if (!check_argc(expected_argc, argc))
+ return shield.new_pair(shield.new_nil(), argument_error(expected_argc, argc));
+ Value *(*func)(int, Value **) =
+ reinterpret_cast<Value *(*)(int, Value **)>(callable->p1);
+ Value *ret = func(i->arg, args);
+ shield.add(ret);
+ if (ret->is_a(Value::ERROR))
+ return shield.new_pair(shield.new_nil(), ret);
+ stack_popn(argc + 1);
+ stack_push(ret);
+ } else if (callable->type == Value::CALLCC) {
+ if (!check_argc(1, argc))
+ return shield.new_pair(shield.new_nil(), argument_error(1, argc));
+ Value *called = shield.add(stack_pop()); // arg for call/cc
+ (void)shield.add(stack_pop()); // call/cc
+ Value **copied_stack = (Value **)std::malloc(sizeof(Value *) * stack_depth);
+ assert(copied_stack);
+ std::memcpy(copied_stack, stack, stack_depth * sizeof(Value *));
+ copied_stack[sp + 0] = shield.new_number(pc);
+ copied_stack[sp + 1] = const_cast<Assembly *>(assm);
+ copied_stack[sp + 2] = env;
+ copied_stack[sp + 3] = shield.new_number(bp);
+ // std::cout << "cont saved! bp=" << bp << ",sp=" << sp << ": \n";
+ Value *cont = shield.add(new_continuation(copied_stack, sp + 4));
+ stack_push(called);
+ stack_push(cont);
+ goto apply_again;
+ } else if (callable->type == Value::CONT) {
+ if (!check_argc(1, argc))
+ return shield.new_pair(shield.new_nil(), argument_error(1, argc));
+ // std::cout << "cont! bp=" << bp << ",sp=" << sp << ": \n";
+ Value *arg = shield.add(stack_pop()); // arg for cont
+ const Continuation *cont = static_cast<Continuation *>(callable);
+ std::memcpy(stack, cont->copied_stack(), stack_depth * sizeof(Value *));
+ sp = cont->sp();
+ bp = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(stack_pop()->p1);
+ env = stack_pop();
+ assm = static_cast<const Assembly *>(stack_pop());
+ pc = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(stack_pop()->p1);
+ // std::cout << "cont restored! bp=" << bp << ",sp=" << sp << ": \n";
+ stack_push(arg);
+ } else
+ return shield.new_pair(shield.new_nil(), shield.new_error("invalid application"));
+ }
+ // std::cout << "ret! bp=" << bp << ",sp=" << sp << ": ";
+ Value *ret = stack_pop();
+ // dump(ret);
+ // std::cout << "\n";
+ assert(bp == sp);
+ if (sp != 0) {
+ bp = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(stack_pop()->p1);
+ env = stack_pop();
+ assm = static_cast<const Assembly *>(stack_pop());
+ pc = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(stack_pop()->p1);
+ }
+ stack_push(ret);
+ }
+ pc += i->arg;
+ if (!stack_pop()->test())
+ pc += i->arg;
+ if (stack_pop()->test())
+ pc += i->arg;
+ }
+ }
+ // Toplevel
+ assert(bp == 0 && sp == 1);
+ {
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ return shield.new_pair(shield.add(stack_pop()), shield.new_nil());
+ }
+ }
+ size_t stack_depth;
+ Value **stack;
+ const Assembly *toplevel_assm;
+ Value *env;
+ size_t sp;
+void vm_mark_objects(Memory &mem, const VM *vm) {
+ if (!vm)
+ return;
+ size_t stop = vm->sp;
+ while (stop--)
+ mem.mark_object(vm->stack[stop]);
+ if (vm->env)
+ mem.mark_object(vm->env);
+ mem.mark_object(vm->toplevel_assm);
+Value *eval(const Assembly *assm, Value *env) {
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ Value *wrapper = shield.new_object(Value::VM);
+ wrapper->p1 = wrapper->p2 = nullptr;
+ VM vm(assm, env, 1024);
+ wrapper->p1 = &vm;
+ Value *ret = vm.execute();
+ wrapper->p1 = nullptr;
+ return ret;
diff --git a/ss/main.cpp b/ss/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bb7967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ss/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#include "ms.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fstream>
+#ifdef __linux__
+static void report_error(const std::string &message) {
+ std::cerr << "fatal: " << message << "\n";
+static void eval_string(const std::string &source) {
+ ms::Memory::Shield shield(ms::get_memory());
+ // Parse S-expressions
+ ms::Value *parsed = ms::sexp_parse_toplevel(source);
+ if (!parsed) {
+ report_error("parse error");
+ return;
+ }
+ shield.add(parsed);
+ std::cout << "Parsed:\n";
+ dump(parsed);
+ // Compile into bytecode
+ ms::Assembly *assm = ms::compile(parsed);
+ if (!assm) {
+ report_error("compile error");
+ return;
+ }
+ shield.add(assm);
+ std::cout << "Compiled:\n";
+ dump(assm);
+ // Evaluate
+ std::cout << "Evaluating:\n";
+ ms::Value *rpair = ms::eval(assm, nullptr),
+ *ret = car(rpair), *rerr = cdr(rpair);
+ shield.add(rpair);
+ if (rerr->type == ms::Value::NIL)
+ std::cout << "Return: " << dump_s(ret) << "\n";
+ else
+ std::cout << "Runtime error: " << dump_s(rerr) << "\n";
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+#include ""
+ std::string prelude(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(prelude_scm), prelude_scm_len);
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ std::ifstream t(argv[1]);
+ std::stringstream buffer;
+ buffer << prelude;
+ buffer << t.rdbuf();
+ eval_string(buffer.str());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ std::string source;
+ int found_eof = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ char c = std::cin.get();
+ if (c == 'E')
+ found_eof = 1;
+ else if (found_eof == 1 && c == 'O')
+ found_eof++;
+ else if (found_eof == 2 && c == 'F') {
+ source.resize(source.size() - 2);
+ break;
+ } else
+ found_eof = 0;
+ source.push_back(c);
+ }
+ std::string concat(prelude);
+ concat.append(source);
+ eval_string(concat);
+ }
diff --git a/ss/memory.cpp b/ss/memory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9972f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ss/memory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#include "ms.h"
+namespace ms {
+Memory *get_memory() {
+ static Memory memory(1024);
+ return &memory;
+Memory::Block::Block(size_t size) {
+ slots = new Value[size];
+ bitmap = new bool[size];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ slots[i].type = Value::FREE;
+ slots[i].p1 = slots + i + 1;
+ }
+ slots[size - 1].p1 = nullptr;
+Memory::Block::~Block() {
+ delete bitmap;
+ delete slots;
+Memory::Memory(size_t block_size) : block_size(block_size), blocks(), roots() {
+ Memory::Block *block = new Memory::Block(block_size);
+ blocks.push_back(block);
+ freelist = &block->slots[0];
+Value *Memory::alloc(Value::Type type) {
+ run_gc();
+ if (!freelist) {
+ std::cerr << "Memory::alloc(): no free object, triggering GC\n";
+ run_gc();
+ if (!freelist) {
+ std::cerr << "Memory::alloc(): still no free object, "
+ "allocating a new block\n";
+ Memory::Block *block = new Memory::Block(block_size);
+ blocks.push_back(block);
+ freelist = &block->slots[0];
+ }
+ }
+ Value *obj = freelist;
+ freelist = static_cast<Value *>(freelist->p1);
+ obj->type = type;
+ return obj;
+void Memory::mark_object(const Value *v) {
+ Memory::Block *block = nullptr;
+ for (std::vector<Memory::Block *>::iterator i = blocks.begin();
+ i != blocks.end(); i++) {
+ if (v >= (*i)->slots && v < (*i)->slots + block_size) {
+ block = *i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(block); // Invalid pointer
+ size_t pos = v - block->slots;
+ if (block->bitmap[pos])
+ return;
+ block->bitmap[pos] = true;
+ switch (v->type) {
+ case Value::BOOLEAN:
+ break;
+ case Value::NIL:
+ break;
+ case Value::PAIR:
+ mark_object(static_cast<Value *>(v->p1));
+ if (v->p2)
+ mark_object(static_cast<Value *>(v->p2));
+ break;
+ case Value::INTEGER:
+ break;
+ case Value::STRING:
+ case Value::SYMBOL:
+ case Value::ERROR:
+ break;
+ case Value::LAMBDA:
+ mark_object(static_cast<Assembly *>(v->p1));
+ mark_object(static_cast<Value *>(v->p2));
+ break;
+ case Value::CFUNC:
+ break;
+ case Value::CALLCC:
+ break;
+ case Value::CONT:
+ static_cast<const Continuation *>(v)->mark(*this);
+ break;
+ case Value::ENVIRON:
+ environ_mark(*this, v);
+ break;
+ case Value::VM:
+ vm_mark_objects(*this, static_cast<VM *>(v->p1));
+ break;
+ case Value::ASM:
+ asm_mark(*this, static_cast<const Assembly *>(v));
+ break;
+ case Value::SHIELD: {
+ const std::vector<Value *> *vec =
+ static_cast<const std::vector<Value *> *>(v->p1);
+ if (vec) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vec->size(); i++)
+ mark_object(vec->at(i));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Value::FREE:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+void Memory::free_object(Value *v) {
+ switch (v->type) {
+ case Value::BOOLEAN:
+ break;
+ case Value::NIL:
+ break;
+ case Value::PAIR:
+ break;
+ case Value::STRING:
+ case Value::SYMBOL:
+ case Value::ERROR:
+ delete static_cast<std::string *>(v->p1);
+ break;
+ case Value::INTEGER:
+ break;
+ case Value::LAMBDA:
+ break;
+ case Value::CFUNC:
+ break;
+ case Value::CALLCC:
+ break;
+ case Value::CONT:
+ static_cast<Continuation *>(v)->free();
+ break;
+ case Value::ENVIRON:
+ environ_free(v);
+ break;
+ case Value::VM:
+ // Is a wrapper object
+ break;
+ case Value::ASM:
+ asm_free(static_cast<Assembly *>(v));
+ break;
+ case Value::SHIELD:
+ assert(!v->p1);
+ break;
+ case Value::FREE:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+void Memory::run_gc() {
+ std::cerr << "Memory::run_gc(): " << blocks.size() << " blocks, "
+ << roots.size() << " root objects\n";
+ size_t live = 0, freed = 0;
+ for (std::vector<Memory::Block *>::iterator i = blocks.begin();
+ i != blocks.end(); i++)
+ std::fill((*i)->bitmap, (*i)->bitmap + sizeof(bool) * block_size, false);
+ for (std::list<Value *>::iterator i = roots.begin();
+ i != roots.end(); i++)
+ mark_object(*i);
+ for (std::vector<Memory::Block *>::iterator it = blocks.begin();
+ it != blocks.end(); it++) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < block_size; i++) {
+ if (!(*it)->bitmap[i]) {
+ Value *obj = &(*it)->slots[i];
+ if (obj->type == Value::FREE)
+ continue;
+ free_object(obj);
+ obj->type = Value::FREE;
+ obj->p1 = freelist;
+ freelist = obj;
+#ifdef MS_GC_DEBUG
+ freed++;
+ } else {
+ live++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::cerr << "Memory::run_gc(): " << live << " reachable, " << freed << " freed\n";
diff --git a/ss/mini-scheme.txt b/ss/mini-scheme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..659ed59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ss/mini-scheme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
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+From: Takuo Watanabe <>
+Subject: Re: Programming Project for Newcomers (2018)
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+* 作成した処理系は要求をみたしているか
+* 作成した処理系の特徴
+ - どのようなことができるか
+ - 他の一般的なScheme処理系との違いは何か
+* 技術的に解決すべきことは何で,その課題をどのようにして解決したか
+* その他実装上工夫した点は何か
+* 実装に要した時間はどのくらいか
+* 実装上参考にした文献,webサイト,ソフトウェア,言語処理系等は何か
+> On Apr 10, 2018, at 18:51, Takuo Watanabe <> wrote:
+> 例年新4年生むけに毎年行っているプログラミング課題の案内です.
+> 言語処理系・関数プログラミング・記号処理・システムプログラミングに慣れ親しむのが目的です.
+> M1以上の人が参加してもかまいません.
+> コースA: Schemeで実装する
+> (a) Schemeサブセット(Mini-Scheme)の機能全部を実装すること.
+> (b) 実装したMini-Scheme自身で実装した処理系を動作させることができるようにすること
+> (c) [オプション] インタプリタ上のプログラムを ctrl-C で停止できるようにする.その際インタプリタ自身は停止しないようにすること.
+> (c) [オプション] DのCommon-Lisp風マクロの代わりに衛生的マクロ機構を実装する
+> (d) [オプション] call/cc, 限定継続, unwind-protect, catch-throw のいずれかを実装する
+> (ヒント:call/ccのある言語でcal/ccを実装するのは比較的簡単)
+> コースB: Scheme以外の言語で実装する
+> (a) 使用する言語は静的型検査を行う言語であること.
+> (b) Schemeサブセット(Mini-Scheme)の機能全部を実装すること.ただしTCOはオプションとする.
+> (c) ホスト言語(実装するための言語)の関数やオブジェクトをMini-Scheme内から利用できるようにすること
+> (d) [オプション] ホスト言語側のプログラムからMini-Schemeの関数を呼び出せるようにすること
+> (e) [オプション] インタプリタ上のプログラムを ctrl-C で停止できるようにする.その際インタプリタ自身は停止しないようにすること.
+> (f) [オプション] その他面白そうな言語機構
+> 例:アクターモデル風の並行計算機構,リアクティブプログラミング,文脈志向プログラミング,etc.
+> コースC: マイコンボード(mbed FRDM-K64F)で動作させる.
+> (a) Mini-Schemeの仕様からTCOとマクロは省いてよい
+> (b) GCを実装すること
+> (c) mbedアプリケーションシールド,あるいは他のセンサなどのペリフェラル(一部でよい)を使えるようにすること
+> * 必要な部品や工具は用意する
+> * ホスト側である程度前処理して(例えばC/C++や仮想機械語にコンパイルして),
+> その出力をmbedで動作させてもよい.その場合ホスト側はScheme等で実装してもかまわない.
+> * 使用するボードの情報
+> - FRDM-K64F:
+> - mbedアプリケーションシールド:
+> * (参考)Cによる小規模な実装の例
+> -
+> いずれのコースとも,以下の要件をみたすこと.
+> ・構文に合致しない入力はエラーとすること
+> ・実行時エラーによって処理系自体が停止してしまわないようにすること(できる範囲で).
+> 以上です.期間約1ヶ月程度とします.完成したものはゼミの時間にデモをしてもらいます.
+> わからないことは遠慮なく私や先輩にきいてください.
+> 実装するSchemeサブセット (Mini-Scheme)
+> A. 構文
+> 非終端記号:
+> 大文字[A-Z]で始まる名前
+> 終端記号:
+> 開き括弧 (
+> 閉じ括弧 )
+> ピリオド .
+> 小文字[a-z]で構成される名前
+> シングルクオート ' で囲まれた文字列
+> X* 要素Xの0個以上のくりかえし
+> X+ 要素Xの1個以上のくりかえし
+> [X] 要素Xは高々1個
+> Toplevel ::= Exp
+> | Define
+> | (load String) ファイルの内容を読み込む
+> Define ::= (define Id Exp)
+> | (define (Id Id* [. Id]) Body)
+> Exp ::= Const 定数
+> | Id 変数
+> | (lambda Arg Body) λ抽象
+> | (Exp Exp*) 関数適用
+> | (quote S-Exp) クオート (注1)
+> | (set! Id Exp) 代入
+> | (let [Id] Bindings Body) let
+> | (let* Bindings Body) let* (注4)
+> | (letrec Bindings Body) letrec
+> | (if Exp Exp [Exp]) 条件式(if)
+> | (cond (Exp Exp+)* [(else Exp+)]) 条件式(cond) (注5)
+> | (and Exp*) 条件式(and)
+> | (or Exp*) 条件式(or)
+> | (begin Exp*) 逐次実行
+> | (do ((Id Exp Exp)*) (Exp Exp*) Body) 繰り返し
+> Body ::= Define* Exp+
+> Arg ::= Id
+> | (Id* [Id . Id])
+> Bindings ::= ((Id Exp)*)
+> S-Exp ::= Const
+> | Id
+> | (S-Exp* [S-Exp . S-Exp])
+> Const ::= Num
+> | Bool
+> | String
+> | ()
+> Num: 最低限10進整数はサポートすること
+> Bool ::= '#t'
+> | '#f'
+> String: ダブルクオートで囲まれた文字列 (注1)
+> Id ::= [0-9A-Za-z!$%&*+-./<=>?@^_]+ (注3)
+> (注1) (quote X) だけでなく 'X という記法もサポートすること.
+> (注2) バックスラッシュ \ によるエスケープをサポートすること.
+> (注3) 数値となるものをのぞくこと.
+> (注4) let* は let の0個以上の繰り返しではなく let* という名前である.
+> (注5) 節は(else節を含めて)最低1個はあること.else節は高々1個とすること.
+> B. 関数(最低限)
+> 整数
+> number?, +, -, *, /, =, <, <=, >, >=
+> リスト
+> null?, pair?, list?, symbol?,
+> car, cdr, cons, list, length, memq, last, append,
+> set-car!, set-cdr!
+> ブール値
+> boolean?, not
+> 文字列
+> string?, string-append,
+> symbol->string, string->symbol, string->number, number->string
+> 関数
+> procedure?
+> 比較
+> eq?, neq?, equal?
+> その他
+> load
+> C. 末尾呼び出しの最適化(TCO)
+> 末尾呼び出しの最適化(Tail Call Optimization, TCO)とは,関数本体の
+> 末尾の位置(tail position)に関数呼び出しがある場合,コールスタックを
+> 消費せずにその呼び出された関数に制御を移すことです.例えば
+> (define (even? x)
+> (if (= x 0) #t (odd? (- x 1))))
+> (define (odd? x)
+> (if (= x 1) #t (even? (- x 1))))
+> のような関数 even?, odd? の場合,0以上の引数に対しスタックオーバー
+> フローを起こさずに計算できなくてはなりません.
+> D. Common-Lisp風マクロ
+> マクロは例えば以下のように定義します.
+> (define-macro (positive x)
+> (list '> x 0))
+> プログラム中に (positive e) という式が出てきた場合,これが
+> (list '> e 0) の実行結果で置き換えられ(これを「マクロが展開される」
+> といいます),その後で式の評価が行われます.例えば
+> (if (positive (+ (g x) 1)) (foo) (bar))
+> という式の場合,まずマクロが展開されて
+> (if (> (+ (g x) 1) 0) (foo) (bar))
+> という形の式が得られて,それからこの式が評価されます.
+> 次に,以下のような関数定義との違いについて説明しておきます.
+> (define (positive x)
+> (> x 0))
+> 関数定義の場合は,(positive e) という式を評価する場合は,まず
+> eを評価して,その結果の値が関数 positive の引数になります.一方
+> もしこれがマクロなら,e は評価されずに (> e 0) という形の式に
+> 展開され,それから展開後の式が評価されます.
+> 引数を評価しなくてすむので,関数定義と違って以下のような定義も
+> 可能です.
+> (define (let*-expander vars body)
+> (if (null? vars)
+> (cons 'begin body)
+> (list 'let (list (car vars)) (let*-expander (cdr vars) body))))
+> (define-macro (let* vars . body)
+> (let*-expander vars body))
+> これは let を使って let* を定義した例です.このようにマクロを
+> 使うことで,さまざまな構文をユーザが自分で定義することができます.
+> Schemeには define-syntax (let-syntax) というマクロ定義機構がありますが,
+> これは展開の前後で変数名がぶつからないようにする衛生的(hygienic)マクロと呼ばれる
+> もので,ちょっと実装は難しいと思います.今回実装してもらうのは Common-Lisp
+> 風のマクロです.ちなみにCommon-Lispだと上の例は以下のようになります.
+> (defun let*-expander (vars body)
+> (if (null vars)
+> (cons 'begin body)
+> (list 'let (list (car vars)) (let*-expander (cdr vars) body))))
+> (defmacro let* (vars &rest body)
+> (let*-expander vars body))
+> 以上.
diff --git a/ss/ms.h b/ss/ms.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da94b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ss/ms.h
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+#ifndef MS_H
+#define MS_H
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <stdint.h> // yucks
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <sstream>
+#define nullptr 0
+namespace ms {
+struct Value {
+ enum Type {
+ BOOLEAN, // {bool}
+ NIL, // {}
+ PAIR, // {Value, Value}
+ SYMBOL, // {std::string}
+ INTEGER, // {intptr_t}
+ STRING, // {std::string}
+ CFUNC, // {ptr, int(args)}
+ CALLCC, // {}
+ CONT, // {ptr(stack)}
+ ASM, // {vec, int(vars)} internal
+ ENVIRON, // {ENVIRON(parent), vec<Value>} internal
+ VM, // {} internal
+ ERROR, // {std::string} internal
+ SHIELD, // {vec<Value>} internal
+ FREE, // {ptr(next)} internal
+ } type;
+ void *p1, *p2;
+ inline bool is_a(Value::Type type) const {
+ return this->type == type;
+ }
+ inline bool test() const {
+ return !(type == Value::BOOLEAN && !p1);
+ }
+struct Instruction {
+ enum Type {
+ NOP,
+ POP,
+ DUP,
+ RET,
+ } type;
+ uintptr_t arg;
+ Instruction(Instruction::Type op, uintptr_t arg) :
+ type(op), arg(arg) {
+ }
+class Memory {
+ Memory(size_t block_size);
+ Value *alloc(Value::Type type);
+ void run_gc();
+ void mark_object(const Value *v);
+ struct ObjectFactory {
+ ObjectFactory(Memory *mem) : mem(mem) {
+ }
+ virtual Value *new_object(Value::Type type) {
+ Value *ret = mem->alloc(type);
+ ret->p1 = ret->p2 = nullptr;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Value *new_nil() {
+ return new_object(Value::NIL);
+ }
+ Value *new_bool(bool b) {
+ Value *ret = new_object(Value::BOOLEAN);
+ ret->p1 = b ? (void *)-1 : nullptr; // XXX
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Value *new_number(intptr_t i) {
+ Value *ret = new_object(Value::INTEGER);
+ ret->p1 = reinterpret_cast<void *>(i);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Value *new_pair(Value *a, Value *b) {
+ Value *ret = new_object(Value::PAIR);
+ // assert(a && a->type != Value::FREE);
+ // assert(!b || b->type != Value::FREE);
+ ret->p1 = a;
+ ret->p2 = b;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ const Value *new_pair(const Value *a, const Value *b) {
+ Value *ret = new_object(Value::PAIR);
+ ret->p1 = (void *)a;
+ ret->p2 = (void *)b;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Value *new_list(size_t num, Value **vs) {
+ if (num == 0)
+ return new_nil();
+ Value *ret = new_pair(vs[0], nullptr),
+ *prev = ret;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < num; i++) {
+ prev->p2 = new_pair(vs[i], nullptr);
+ prev = static_cast<Value *>(prev->p2);
+ }
+ prev->p2 = new_nil();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Value *new_string(const std::string &s) {
+ Value *ret = new_object(Value::STRING);
+ ret->p1 = new std::string(s);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Value *new_string(std::string *s) {
+ Value *ret = new_object(Value::STRING);
+ ret->p1 = s;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Value *new_symbol(const std::string &s) {
+ Value *ret = new_string(s);
+ ret->type = Value::SYMBOL;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Value *new_error(const std::string &s) {
+ Value *ret = new_string(s);
+ ret->type = Value::ERROR;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Value *new_cfunc(Value *(*ptr)(int, Value **), int argc) {
+ Value *v = new_object(Value::CFUNC);
+ v->p1 = reinterpret_cast<void *>(ptr);
+ v->p2 = reinterpret_cast<void *>(argc);
+ return v;
+ }
+ protected:
+ Memory *mem;
+ };
+ struct Shield : ObjectFactory {
+ Shield(Memory *mem) : ObjectFactory(mem), vec() {
+ shield = mem->alloc(Value::SHIELD);
+ shield->p1 = &vec;
+ shield->p2 = nullptr;
+ mem->roots.push_back(shield);
+ };
+ ~Shield() {
+ mem->roots.remove(shield);
+ shield->p1 = nullptr;
+ }
+ Value *new_object(Value::Type type) {
+ Value *ret = ObjectFactory::new_object(type);
+ return add(ret);
+ }
+ Value *add(Value *obj) {
+ vec.push_back(obj);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ private:
+ Value *shield;
+ std::vector<Value *> vec;
+ };
+ struct Block {
+ Block(size_t size);
+ ~Block();
+ Value *slots;
+ bool *bitmap;
+ };
+ void free_object(Value *v);
+ size_t block_size;
+ std::vector<Block *> blocks;
+ Value *freelist;
+ std::list<Value *> roots;
+ bool allow_gc;
+Memory *get_memory();
+static inline Memory::ObjectFactory &unshield() {
+ static Memory::ObjectFactory oc(get_memory());
+ return oc;
+struct Assembly : Value {
+ inline std::vector<Instruction> *seq() const {
+ return static_cast<std::vector<Instruction> *>(p1);
+ }
+ inline void set_num_variables(int num, int args) {
+ assert(!p2);
+ p2 = new std::pair<int, int>(num, args);
+ }
+ inline size_t num_variables() const {
+ return static_cast<std::pair<int, int> *>(p2)->first;
+ }
+ inline int num_args() const {
+ return static_cast<std::pair<int, int> *>(p2)->second;
+ }
+struct Continuation : Value {
+ inline const Value **copied_stack() const {
+ return static_cast<const Value **>(p1);
+ }
+ inline size_t sp() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(p2);
+ }
+ void mark(Memory &) const;
+ void free();
+// static asser: sizeof Value == sizeof Assembly
+Value *sexp_parse_toplevel(const std::string &);
+Assembly *compile(const Value *);
+Value *get_cfunc(const std::string &id);
+class VM;
+void vm_mark_objects(Memory &, const VM *);
+void environ_mark(Memory &, const Value *);
+void environ_free(Value *);
+void asm_mark(Memory &, const Assembly *);
+void asm_free(Assembly *);
+Value *eval(const Assembly *assm, Value *env);
+// utils
+static inline const Value *car(const Value *p) {
+ assert(p->type == Value::PAIR);
+ return static_cast<const Value *>(p->p1);
+static inline const Value *cdr(const Value *p) {
+ assert(p->type == Value::PAIR);
+ return static_cast<const Value *>(p->p2);
+static inline Value *car(Value *p) {
+ assert(p->type == Value::PAIR);
+ return static_cast<Value *>(p->p1);
+static inline Value *cdr(Value *p) {
+ assert(p->type == Value::PAIR);
+ return static_cast<Value *>(p->p2);
+static inline void dump_s(const Assembly *, std::ostream &, size_t);
+static inline void dump_s(const Value *v, std::ostream &os, size_t indent) {
+ if (!v) {
+ os << "<nullptr>";
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (v->type) {
+ case Value::BOOLEAN:
+ os << (v->p1 ? "true" : "false");
+ break;
+ case Value::NIL:
+ os << "<nil>";
+ break;
+ case Value::PAIR: {
+ assert(v->p1);
+ assert(v->p2);
+ os << "(";
+ dump_s(static_cast<const Value *>(v->p1), os, indent + 1);
+ const Value *next = static_cast<const Value *>(v->p2);
+ while (true) {
+ if (next->is_a(Value::NIL)) {
+ os << ")";
+ break;
+ } else if (next->is_a(Value::PAIR)) {
+ os << " ";
+ dump_s(static_cast<const Value *>(next->p1), os, indent + 1);
+ next = static_cast<const Value *>(next->p2);
+ } else {
+ os << " . ";
+ dump_s(next, os, indent + 1);
+ os << ")";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Value::SYMBOL:
+ assert(!v->p2);
+ os << *static_cast<const std::string *>(v->p1);
+ break;
+ case Value::INTEGER:
+ assert(!v->p2);
+ os << reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(v->p1);
+ break;
+ case Value::STRING:
+ assert(!v->p2);
+ os << "<string " << *static_cast<const std::string *>(v->p1) << ">";
+ break;
+ case Value::LAMBDA:
+ os << "<lambda ";
+ dump_s(static_cast<const Value *>(v->p1), os, indent + 1);
+ os << " ";
+ dump_s(static_cast<const Value *>(v->p2), os, indent + 1);
+ os << ">";
+ break;
+ case Value::CFUNC:
+ os << "<cfunc " << v->p1 << ">";
+ break;
+ case Value::CALLCC:
+ os << "<callcc>";
+ break;
+ case Value::CONT:
+ os << "<continuation>";
+ break;
+ case Value::ENVIRON:
+ os << "<environ>";
+ break;
+ case Value::VM:
+ os << "<vm>";
+ break;
+ case Value::SHIELD:
+ os << "<shield>";
+ break;
+ case Value::ASM:
+ os << "<asm ";
+ dump_s((const Assembly *)v, os, indent + 1);
+ os << ">";
+ break;
+ case Value::ERROR:
+ os << "<error: " << *static_cast<const std::string *>(v->p1) << ">";
+ break;
+ case Value::FREE:
+ os << "<free>";
+ break;
+ }
+static inline std::string dump_s(const Value *a) {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ dump_s(a, os, 0);
+ os << "\n";
+ return os.str();
+static inline void dump(const Value *a) {
+ dump_s(a, std::cerr, 0);
+ std::cerr << "\n";
+static inline void dump_s(const Assembly *a, std::ostream &os, size_t indent) {
+ os << "dump-asm: num_variables=" << a->num_variables() << ":num_args=" << a->num_args() << "\n";
+ for (std::vector<Instruction>::const_iterator i = a->seq()->begin();
+ i != a->seq()->end(); i++) {
+ os << std::string(indent, '\t');
+ //os << "ins:" << i->type <<", arg:" << i->arg << std::endl;
+ switch (i->type) {
+ case Instruction::NOP:
+ os << "NOP\n";
+ break;
+ case Instruction::PUSH:
+ os << "PUSH\t\t";
+ dump_s((const Value *)i->arg, os, indent + 1);
+ os << "\n";
+ break;
+ case Instruction::POP:
+ os << "POP\n";
+ break;
+ case Instruction::DUP:
+ os << "DUP\n";
+ break;
+ case Instruction::GETVAR:
+ os << "GETVAR\t\t" << i->arg << "\n";
+ break;
+ case Instruction::SETVAR:
+ os << "SETVAR\t\t" << i->arg << "\n";
+ break;
+ case Instruction::LAMBDA:
+ os << "LAMBDA\t\tasm=";
+ dump_s((const Assembly *)i->arg, os, indent + 1);
+ break;
+ case Instruction::APPLY_TAILCALL:
+ os << "APPLY_TAILCALL\targs=" << i->arg << "\n";
+ break;
+ case Instruction::APPLY:
+ os << "APPLY\t\targs=" << i->arg << "\n";
+ break;
+ case Instruction::RET:
+ os << "RET\n";
+ break;
+ case Instruction::JUMP:
+ os << "JUMP\t\t+" << i->arg << "\n";
+ break;
+ case Instruction::JUMPUNLESS:
+ os << "JUMPUNLESS\t+" << i->arg << "\n";
+ break;
+ case Instruction::JUMPIF:
+ os << "JUMPIF\t\t+" << i->arg << "\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static inline std::string dump_s(const Assembly *a) {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ dump_s(a, os, 0);
+ os << "\n";
+ return os.str();
+static inline void dump(const Assembly *a) {
+ dump_s(a, std::cerr, 0);
+ std::cerr << "\n";
diff --git a/ss/prelude.scm b/ss/prelude.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ce1f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ss/prelude.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+(define-cfunc number?)
+(define-cfunc +)
+(define-cfunc -)
+(define-cfunc *)
+(define-cfunc /)
+(define-cfunc =)
+(define-cfunc <)
+(define-cfunc <=)
+(define-cfunc >)
+(define-cfunc >=)
+(define-cfunc null?)
+(define-cfunc pair?)
+(define-cfunc list?)
+(define-cfunc symbol?)
+(define-cfunc car)
+(define-cfunc cdr)
+(define-cfunc cons)
+(define-cfunc list)
+(define-cfunc length)
+(define-cfunc memq)
+(define-cfunc last)
+(define-cfunc append)
+(define-cfunc set-car!)
+(define-cfunc set-cdr!)
+(define-cfunc boolean?)
+(define (not a) (if a #f #t))
+(define-cfunc string?)
+(define-cfunc string-append)
+(define-cfunc symbol->string)
+(define-cfunc string->symbol)
+(define-cfunc string->number)
+(define-cfunc number->string)
+(define-cfunc procedure?)
+(define-cfunc eq?)
+(define (neq? a b) (not (eq? a b)))
+(define-cfunc equal?)
+(define-cfunc dump-s)
+(define-cfunc display)
+(define call-with-current-continuation :callcc)
+(define call/cc call-with-current-continuation)
+(define (map func lst)
+ (let recur ((rest lst))
+ (if (null? rest)
+ '()
+ (cons (func (car rest)) (recur (cdr rest))))))
diff --git a/ss/sexp_parse.cpp b/ss/sexp_parse.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eda2e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ss/sexp_parse.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+#include "ms.h"
+#include <stack>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace ms {
+struct token {
+ enum token_type {
+ DOT,
+ EOF,
+ } type;
+ size_t start;
+ std::string dstr;
+ int dint;
+ bool dbool;
+struct Parser {
+ Parser(const std::string &src) :
+ src(src), lpos(0), bs() {
+ }
+ Value *parse() {
+ token t = next_token();
+ switch (t.type) {
+ // Const
+ case token::BOOLEAN:
+ return unshield().new_bool(t.dbool);
+ case token::NUMBER:
+ return unshield().new_number(t.dint);
+ case token::STRING:
+ return unshield().new_string(t.dstr);
+ // Id
+ case token::IDENT:
+ return unshield().new_symbol(t.dstr);
+ // 'S-Exp
+ case token::QUOTE: {
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ Value *i = parse();
+ if (!i)
+ return nullptr;
+ shield.add(i);
+ return shield.new_pair(shield.new_symbol("quote"),
+ shield.new_pair(i, shield.new_nil()));
+ }
+ // (S-Exp* [S-Exp . S-Exp])
+ case token::LPAREN: {
+ if (peek_token().type == token::RPAREN) {
+ next_token();
+ return unshield().new_nil();
+ }
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ Value *first = parse();
+ if (!first)
+ return nullptr;
+ shield.add(first);
+ Value *ret = shield.new_pair(first, nullptr),
+ *prev = ret;
+ while (true) {
+ token tc = peek_token();
+ if (tc.type == token::RPAREN) {
+ next_token();
+ prev->p2 = shield.new_nil();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tc.type == token::DOT) {
+ next_token();
+ prev->p2 = parse();
+ token rp = next_token();
+ if (rp.type != token::RPAREN) {
+ parse_error("expected rparen");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ Value *item = parse();
+ if (!item)
+ return nullptr;
+ shield.add(item);
+ Value *nv = shield.new_pair(item, nullptr);
+ prev->p2 = nv;
+ prev = nv;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ default:
+ parse_error("expected token");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ Value *parse_toplevel() {
+ Memory::Shield shield(get_memory());
+ Value *ret = shield.new_pair(shield.new_nil(), nullptr),
+ *prev = ret;
+ while (peek_token().type != token::EOF) {
+ Value *item = parse();
+ if (!item)
+ return nullptr;
+ shield.add(item);
+ Value *nv = shield.new_pair(item, nullptr);
+ prev->p2 = nv;
+ prev = nv;
+ }
+ prev->p2 = shield.new_nil();
+ return (Value *)ret->p2;
+ }
+ void parse_error(const std::string &msg) {
+ std::cerr << "sexp_parse: " << msg << "\n";
+ }
+ token unput_token(token t) {
+ bs.push(t);
+ return t;
+ }
+ token next_token() {
+ if (bs.empty())
+ return read_token();
+ token t =;
+ bs.pop();
+ return t;
+ }
+ token peek_token() {
+ if (!bs.empty())
+ return;
+ return unput_token(read_token());
+ }
+ token read_token() {
+ token t;
+ if (lpos == src.size()) {
+ t.type = token::EOF;
+ t.start = lpos;
+ return t;
+ }
+ switch ( {
+ case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r':
+ lpos++;
+ goto again;
+ case ';':
+ while (src.size() != ++lpos)
+ if ( == '\n')
+ break;
+ goto again;
+ case '(':
+ t.type = token::LPAREN; t.start = lpos++;
+ break;
+ case ')':
+ t.type = token::RPAREN; t.start = lpos++;
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ t.type = token::QUOTE; t.start = lpos++;
+ break;
+ case '.':
+ t.type = token::DOT; t.start = lpos++;
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ if (src.size() == lpos ||
+ ( + 1) != 't' &&
+ + 1) != 'f')) {
+ t.type = token::LEX_ERROR;
+ t.start = lpos;
+ break;
+ }
+ t.type = token::BOOLEAN; t.start = lpos;
+ t.dbool = + 1) == 't';
+ lpos += 2;
+ break;
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+ case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+ t.type = token::NUMBER;
+ t.start = lpos;
+ t.dint = 0;
+ while (src.size() != lpos &&
+ >= '0' &&
+ <= '9')
+ t.dint = t.dint * 10 + - '0';
+ break;
+ case '"': {
+ t.type = token::STRING;
+ t.start = lpos;
+ t.dstr = "";
+ bool quoted = false;
+ while (true) {
+ if (src.size() == ++lpos) {
+ t.type = token::LEX_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (quoted) {
+ if ( == '"')
+ t.dstr.push_back('"');
+ else {
+ t.type = token::LEX_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ quoted = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( == '\'') {
+ quoted = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( == '"') {
+ lpos++;
+ break;
+ }
+ t.dstr.push_back(;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ t.type = token::IDENT;
+ t.start = lpos;
+ t.dstr = "";
+ const std::string idchars = "!$%&*+-./<=>?@^_:";
+ while (src.size() != lpos) {
+ char c =;
+ if ('0' <= c && c <= '9' ||
+ 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' ||
+ 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' ||
+ idchars.find(c) != std::string::npos) {
+ t.dstr.push_back(c);
+ lpos++;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (t.dstr.empty()) {
+ t.type = token::LEX_ERROR;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+ const std::string &src;
+ size_t lpos;
+ std::stack<token> bs;
+Value *sexp_parse_toplevel(const std::string &str) {
+ Parser parser(str);
+ return parser.parse_toplevel();