nyaci ===== CI environment for ci.rhe.jp. Work in progress. Usage ----- # Edit the configuration cp config.rb.example config.rb $EDITOR config.rb # Start the Sinatra-based web application ruby webapp.rb # Request a build curl -d secret= -d branch= https://ci.rhe.jp/ You may want to kick it from the git hooks (post-receive): #!/bin/sh while read oldrev newrev refname do if test "$newrev" = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" then # Removing a branch continue fi branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic --abbrev-ref "$refname") echo -n "Ref '$refname': " curl -s -d secret=unya -d branch="$branch" https://ci.rhe.jp/project done License ------- nyaci is licensed under the MIT license. See COPYING.