path: root/crypto/bn/test.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crypto/bn/test.c')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/bn/test.c b/crypto/bn/test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e23f21583f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/bn/test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "cryptlib.h"
+#include "bn_lcl.h"
+#define SIZE 32
+#define BN_MONT_CTX_set bn_mcs
+#define BN_from_montgomery bn_fm
+#define BN_mod_mul_montgomery bn_mmm
+#undef BN_to_montgomery
+#define BN_to_montgomery(r,a,mont,ctx) bn_mmm(\
+ r,a,(mont)->RR,(mont),ctx)
+ {
+ BIGNUM prime,a,b,r,A,B,R;
+ BN_MONT_CTX *mont;
+ BN_CTX *ctx;
+ int i;
+ ctx=BN_CTX_new();
+ BN_init(&prime);
+ BN_init(&a); BN_init(&b); BN_init(&r);
+ BN_init(&A); BN_init(&B); BN_init(&R);
+ BN_generate_prime(&prime,SIZE,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
+ BN_rand(&A,SIZE,1,0);
+ BN_rand(&B,SIZE,1,0);
+ BN_mod(&A,&A,&prime,ctx);
+ BN_mod(&B,&B,&prime,ctx);
+ i=A.top;
+ BN_mul(&R,&A,&B,ctx);
+ BN_mask_bits(&R,i*BN_BITS2);
+ BN_print_fp(stdout,&A); printf(" <- a\n");
+ BN_print_fp(stdout,&B); printf(" <- b\n");
+ BN_mul_high(&r,&A,&B,&R,i);
+ BN_print_fp(stdout,&r); printf(" <- high(BA*DC)\n");
+ BN_mask_bits(&A,i*32);
+ BN_mask_bits(&B,i*32);
+ BN_mul(&R,&A,&B);
+ BN_rshift(&R,&R,i*32);
+ BN_print_fp(stdout,&R); printf(" <- norm BA*DC\n");
+ BN_sub(&R,&R,&r);
+ BN_print_fp(stdout,&R); printf(" <- diff\n");
+ }
+#if 0
+int bn_mul_high(r,a,b,low,words)
+BIGNUM *r,*a,*b,*low;
+int words;
+ {
+ int i;
+ BIGNUM t1,t2,t3,h,ah,al,bh,bl,m,s0,s1;
+ BN_init(&al); BN_init(&ah);
+ BN_init(&bl); BN_init(&bh);
+ BN_init(&t1); BN_init(&t2); BN_init(&t3);
+ BN_init(&s0); BN_init(&s1);
+ BN_init(&h); BN_init(&m);
+ i=a->top;
+ if (i >= words)
+ {
+ al.top=words;
+ ah.top=a->top-words;
+ ah.d= &(a->d[ah.top]);
+ }
+ else
+ al.top=i;
+ al.d=a->d;
+ i=b->top;
+ if (i >= words)
+ {
+ bl.top=words;
+ bh.top=i-words;
+ bh.d= &(b->d[bh.top]);
+ }
+ else
+ bl.top=i;
+ bl.d=b->d;
+ i=low->top;
+ if (i >= words)
+ {
+ s0.top=words;
+ s1.top=i-words;
+ s1.d= &(low->d[s1.top]);
+ }
+ else
+ s0.top=i;
+ s0.d=low->d;
+al.max=al.top; ah.max=ah.top;
+bl.max=bl.top; bh.max=bh.top;
+s0.max=bl.top; s1.max=bh.top;
+ /* Calculate (al-ah)*(bh-bl) */
+ BN_sub(&t1,&al,&ah);
+ BN_sub(&t2,&bh,&bl);
+ BN_mul(&m,&t1,&t2);
+ /* Calculate ah*bh */
+ BN_mul(&h,&ah,&bh);
+ /* s0 == low(al*bl)
+ * s1 == low(ah*bh)+low((al-ah)*(bh-bl))+low(al*bl)+high(al*bl)
+ * We know s0 and s1 so the only unknown is high(al*bl)
+ * high(al*bl) == s1 - low(ah*bh+(al-ah)*(bh-bl)+s0)
+ */
+ BN_add(&m,&m,&h);
+ BN_add(&t2,&m,&s0);
+ /* Quick and dirty mask off of high words */
+ t3.d=t2.d;
+ t3.top=(t2.top > words)?words:t2.top;
+ t3.neg=t2.neg;
+// BN_print_fp(stdout,&s1); printf(" s1\n");
+// BN_print_fp(stdout,&t2); printf(" middle value\n");
+// BN_print_fp(stdout,&t3); printf(" low middle value\n");
+ BN_sub(&t1,&s1,&t3);
+ if (t1.neg)
+ {
+//printf("neg fixup\n"); //BN_print_fp(stdout,&t1); printf(" before\n");
+ BN_lshift(&t2,BN_value_one(),words*32);
+ BN_add(&t1,&t2,&t1);
+ BN_mask_bits(&t1,words*32);
+// BN_print_fp(stdout,&t1); printf(" after\n");
+ }
+ /* al*bl == high(al*bl)<<words+s0 */
+ BN_lshift(&t1,&t1,words*32);
+ BN_add(&t1,&t1,&s0);
+ /* We now have
+ * al*bl - t1
+ * (al-ah)*(bh-bl)+ah*bh - m
+ * ah*bh - h
+ */
+ BN_copy(r,&t1);
+ BN_mask_bits(r,words*32*2);
+ /*BN_lshift(&m,&m,words*/
+ BN_free(&t1); BN_free(&t2);
+ BN_free(&m); BN_free(&h);
+ }
+int BN_mod_mul_montgomery(r,a,b,mont,ctx)
+BIGNUM *r,*a,*b;
+BN_MONT_CTX *mont;
+BN_CTX *ctx;
+ {
+ BIGNUM *tmp;
+ tmp= &(ctx->bn[ctx->tos++]);
+ if (a == b)
+ {
+ if (!BN_sqr(tmp,a,ctx)) goto err;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!BN_mul(tmp,a,b)) goto err;
+ }
+ /* reduce from aRR to aR */
+ if (!BN_from_montgomery(r,tmp,mont,ctx)) goto err;
+ ctx->tos--;
+ return(1);
+ return(0);
+ }
+int BN_from_montgomery(r,a,mont,ctx)
+BN_MONT_CTX *mont;
+BN_CTX *ctx;
+ {
+ BIGNUM z1;
+ BIGNUM *t1,*t2;
+ BN_ULONG *ap,*bp,*rp;
+ int j,i,bl,al;
+ BN_init(&z1);
+ t1= &(ctx->bn[ctx->tos]);
+ t2= &(ctx->bn[ctx->tos+1]);
+ if (!BN_copy(t1,a)) goto err;
+ /* can cheat */
+ BN_mask_bits(t1,mont->ri);
+ if (!BN_mul(t2,t1,mont->Ni)) goto err;
+ BN_mask_bits(t2,mont->ri);
+ if (!BN_mul(t1,t2,mont->N)) goto err;
+ if (!BN_add(t2,t1,a)) goto err;
+ /* At this point, t2 has the bottom ri bits set to zero.
+ * This means that the bottom ri bits == the 1^ri minus the bottom
+ * ri bits of a.
+ * This means that only the bits above 'ri' in a need to be added,
+ */
+BN_print_fp(stdout,t2); printf("\n");
+ BN_rshift(r,t2,mont->ri);
+ if (BN_ucmp(r,mont->N) >= 0)
+ BN_usub(r,r,mont->N);
+ return(1);
+ return(0);
+ }
+int BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont,mod,ctx)
+BN_MONT_CTX *mont;
+BIGNUM *mod;
+BN_CTX *ctx;
+ {
+ if (mont->RR == NULL) mont->RR=BN_new();
+ if (mont->N == NULL) mont->N=BN_new();
+ R=mont->RR; /* grab RR as a temp */
+ BN_copy(mont->N,mod); /* Set N */
+ mont->ri=(BN_num_bits(mod)+(BN_BITS2-1))/BN_BITS2*BN_BITS2;
+ BN_lshift(R,BN_value_one(),mont->ri); /* R */
+ if ((Ri=BN_mod_inverse(NULL,R,mod,ctx)) == NULL) goto err;/* Ri */
+ BN_lshift(Ri,Ri,mont->ri); /* R*Ri */
+ BN_usub(Ri,Ri,BN_value_one()); /* R*Ri - 1 */
+ BN_div(Ri,NULL,Ri,mod,ctx);
+ if (mont->Ni != NULL) BN_free(mont->Ni);
+ mont->Ni=Ri; /* Ni=(R*Ri-1)/N */
+ /* setup RR for conversions */
+ BN_lshift(mont->RR,BN_value_one(),mont->ri*2);
+ BN_mod(mont->RR,mont->RR,mont->N,ctx);
+ return(1);
+ return(0);
+ }