/* * Copyright 2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html * or in the file LICENSE in the source distribution. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "testutil.h" #include "fake_rsaprov.h" static OSSL_FUNC_keymgmt_new_fn fake_rsa_keymgmt_new; static OSSL_FUNC_keymgmt_free_fn fake_rsa_keymgmt_free; static OSSL_FUNC_keymgmt_has_fn fake_rsa_keymgmt_has; static OSSL_FUNC_keymgmt_query_operation_name_fn fake_rsa_keymgmt_query; static OSSL_FUNC_keymgmt_import_fn fake_rsa_keymgmt_import; static OSSL_FUNC_keymgmt_import_types_fn fake_rsa_keymgmt_imptypes; static OSSL_FUNC_keymgmt_load_fn fake_rsa_keymgmt_load; static int has_selection; static int imptypes_selection; static int query_id; static void *fake_rsa_keymgmt_new(void *provctx) { unsigned char *keydata = OPENSSL_zalloc(1); TEST_ptr(keydata); /* clear test globals */ has_selection = 0; imptypes_selection = 0; query_id = 0; return keydata; } static void fake_rsa_keymgmt_free(void *keydata) { OPENSSL_free(keydata); } static int fake_rsa_keymgmt_has(const void *key, int selection) { /* record global for checking */ has_selection = selection; return 1; } static const char *fake_rsa_keymgmt_query(int id) { /* record global for checking */ query_id = id; return "RSA"; } static int fake_rsa_keymgmt_import(void *keydata, int selection, const OSSL_PARAM *p) { unsigned char *fake_rsa_key = keydata; /* key was imported */ *fake_rsa_key = 1; return 1; } static const OSSL_PARAM fake_rsa_import_key_types[] = { OSSL_PARAM_BN(OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_RSA_N, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_BN(OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_RSA_E, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_BN(OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_RSA_D, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_BN(OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_RSA_FACTOR1, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_BN(OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_RSA_FACTOR2, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_BN(OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_RSA_EXPONENT1, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_BN(OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_RSA_EXPONENT2, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_BN(OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_RSA_COEFFICIENT1, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_END }; static const OSSL_PARAM *fake_rsa_keymgmt_imptypes(int selection) { /* record global for checking */ imptypes_selection = selection; return fake_rsa_import_key_types; } static void *fake_rsa_keymgmt_load(const void *reference, size_t reference_sz) { unsigned char *key = NULL; if (reference_sz != sizeof(key)) return NULL; key = *(unsigned char **)reference; if (*key != 1) return NULL; /* detach the reference */ *(unsigned char **)reference = NULL; return key; } static void *fake_rsa_gen_init(void *provctx, int selection, const OSSL_PARAM params[]) { unsigned char *gctx = NULL; if (!TEST_ptr(gctx = OPENSSL_malloc(1))) return NULL; *gctx = 1; return gctx; } static void *fake_rsa_gen(void *genctx, OSSL_CALLBACK *osslcb, void *cbarg) { unsigned char *gctx = genctx; static const unsigned char inited[] = { 1 }; unsigned char *keydata; if (!TEST_ptr(gctx) || !TEST_mem_eq(gctx, sizeof(*gctx), inited, sizeof(inited))) return NULL; if (!TEST_ptr(keydata = fake_rsa_keymgmt_new(NULL))) return NULL; *keydata = 2; return keydata; } static void fake_rsa_gen_cleanup(void *genctx) { OPENSSL_free(genctx); } static const OSSL_DISPATCH fake_rsa_keymgmt_funcs[] = { { OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_NEW, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_keymgmt_new }, { OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_FREE, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_keymgmt_free} , { OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_HAS, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_keymgmt_has }, { OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_QUERY_OPERATION_NAME, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_keymgmt_query }, { OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_IMPORT, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_keymgmt_import }, { OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_IMPORT_TYPES, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_keymgmt_imptypes }, { OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_LOAD, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_keymgmt_load }, { OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_GEN_INIT, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_gen_init }, { OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_GEN, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_gen }, { OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_GEN_CLEANUP, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_gen_cleanup }, { 0, NULL } }; static const OSSL_ALGORITHM fake_rsa_keymgmt_algs[] = { { "RSA:rsaEncryption", "provider=fake-rsa", fake_rsa_keymgmt_funcs, "Fake RSA Key Management" }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static OSSL_FUNC_signature_newctx_fn fake_rsa_sig_newctx; static OSSL_FUNC_signature_freectx_fn fake_rsa_sig_freectx; static OSSL_FUNC_signature_sign_init_fn fake_rsa_sig_sign_init; static OSSL_FUNC_signature_sign_fn fake_rsa_sig_sign; static void *fake_rsa_sig_newctx(void *provctx, const char *propq) { unsigned char *sigctx = OPENSSL_zalloc(1); TEST_ptr(sigctx); return sigctx; } static void fake_rsa_sig_freectx(void *sigctx) { OPENSSL_free(sigctx); } static int fake_rsa_sig_sign_init(void *ctx, void *provkey, const OSSL_PARAM params[]) { unsigned char *sigctx = ctx; unsigned char *keydata = provkey; /* we must have a ctx */ if (!TEST_ptr(sigctx)) return 0; /* we must have some initialized key */ if (!TEST_ptr(keydata) || !TEST_int_gt(keydata[0], 0)) return 0; /* record that sign init was called */ *sigctx = 1; return 1; } static int fake_rsa_sig_sign(void *ctx, unsigned char *sig, size_t *siglen, size_t sigsize, const unsigned char *tbs, size_t tbslen) { unsigned char *sigctx = ctx; /* we must have a ctx and init was called upon it */ if (!TEST_ptr(sigctx) || !TEST_int_eq(*sigctx, 1)) return 0; *siglen = 256; /* record that the real sign operation was called */ if (sig != NULL) { if (!TEST_int_ge(sigsize, *siglen)) return 0; *sigctx = 2; /* produce a fake signature */ memset(sig, 'a', *siglen); } return 1; } static const OSSL_DISPATCH fake_rsa_sig_funcs[] = { { OSSL_FUNC_SIGNATURE_NEWCTX, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_sig_newctx }, { OSSL_FUNC_SIGNATURE_FREECTX, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_sig_freectx }, { OSSL_FUNC_SIGNATURE_SIGN_INIT, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_sig_sign_init }, { OSSL_FUNC_SIGNATURE_SIGN, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_sig_sign }, { 0, NULL } }; static const OSSL_ALGORITHM fake_rsa_sig_algs[] = { { "RSA:rsaEncryption", "provider=fake-rsa", fake_rsa_sig_funcs, "Fake RSA Signature" }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static OSSL_FUNC_store_open_fn fake_rsa_st_open; static OSSL_FUNC_store_settable_ctx_params_fn fake_rsa_st_settable_ctx_params; static OSSL_FUNC_store_set_ctx_params_fn fake_rsa_st_set_ctx_params; static OSSL_FUNC_store_load_fn fake_rsa_st_load; static OSSL_FUNC_store_eof_fn fake_rsa_st_eof; static OSSL_FUNC_store_close_fn fake_rsa_st_close; static const char fake_rsa_scheme[] = "fake_rsa:"; static void *fake_rsa_st_open(void *provctx, const char *uri) { unsigned char *storectx = NULL; /* First check whether the uri is ours */ if (strncmp(uri, fake_rsa_scheme, sizeof(fake_rsa_scheme) - 1) != 0) return NULL; storectx = OPENSSL_zalloc(1); if (!TEST_ptr(storectx)) return NULL; TEST_info("fake_rsa_open called"); return storectx; } static const OSSL_PARAM *fake_rsa_st_settable_ctx_params(void *provctx) { static const OSSL_PARAM known_settable_ctx_params[] = { OSSL_PARAM_END }; return known_settable_ctx_params; } static int fake_rsa_st_set_ctx_params(void *loaderctx, const OSSL_PARAM params[]) { return 1; } static int fake_rsa_st_load(void *loaderctx, OSSL_CALLBACK *object_cb, void *object_cbarg, OSSL_PASSPHRASE_CALLBACK *pw_cb, void *pw_cbarg) { unsigned char *storectx = loaderctx; OSSL_PARAM params[4]; int object_type = OSSL_OBJECT_PKEY; void *key = NULL; int rv = 0; switch (*storectx) { case 0: /* Construct a new key using our keymgmt functions */ if (!TEST_ptr(key = fake_rsa_keymgmt_new(NULL))) break; if (!TEST_int_gt(fake_rsa_keymgmt_import(key, 0, NULL), 0)) break; params[0] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_int(OSSL_OBJECT_PARAM_TYPE, &object_type); params[1] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_utf8_string(OSSL_OBJECT_PARAM_DATA_TYPE, "RSA", 0); /* The address of the key becomes the octet string */ params[2] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string(OSSL_OBJECT_PARAM_REFERENCE, &key, sizeof(key)); params[3] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_end(); rv = object_cb(params, object_cbarg); *storectx = 1; break; case 2: TEST_info("fake_rsa_load() called in error state"); break; default: TEST_info("fake_rsa_load() called in eof state"); break; } TEST_info("fake_rsa_load called - rv: %d", rv); if (rv == 0) { fake_rsa_keymgmt_free(key); *storectx = 2; } return rv; } static int fake_rsa_st_eof(void *loaderctx) { unsigned char *storectx = loaderctx; /* just one key for now in the fake_rsa store */ return *storectx != 0; } static int fake_rsa_st_close(void *loaderctx) { OPENSSL_free(loaderctx); return 1; } static const OSSL_DISPATCH fake_rsa_store_funcs[] = { { OSSL_FUNC_STORE_OPEN, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_st_open }, { OSSL_FUNC_STORE_SETTABLE_CTX_PARAMS, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_st_settable_ctx_params }, { OSSL_FUNC_STORE_SET_CTX_PARAMS, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_st_set_ctx_params }, { OSSL_FUNC_STORE_LOAD, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_st_load }, { OSSL_FUNC_STORE_EOF, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_st_eof }, { OSSL_FUNC_STORE_CLOSE, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_st_close }, { 0, NULL }, }; static const OSSL_ALGORITHM fake_rsa_store_algs[] = { { "fake_rsa", "provider=fake-rsa", fake_rsa_store_funcs }, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static const OSSL_ALGORITHM *fake_rsa_query(void *provctx, int operation_id, int *no_cache) { *no_cache = 0; switch (operation_id) { case OSSL_OP_SIGNATURE: return fake_rsa_sig_algs; case OSSL_OP_KEYMGMT: return fake_rsa_keymgmt_algs; case OSSL_OP_STORE: return fake_rsa_store_algs; } return NULL; } /* Functions we provide to the core */ static const OSSL_DISPATCH fake_rsa_method[] = { { OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_TEARDOWN, (void (*)(void))OSSL_LIB_CTX_free }, { OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_QUERY_OPERATION, (void (*)(void))fake_rsa_query }, { 0, NULL } }; static int fake_rsa_provider_init(const OSSL_CORE_HANDLE *handle, const OSSL_DISPATCH *in, const OSSL_DISPATCH **out, void **provctx) { if (!TEST_ptr(*provctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_new())) return 0; *out = fake_rsa_method; return 1; } OSSL_PROVIDER *fake_rsa_start(OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx) { OSSL_PROVIDER *p; if (!TEST_true(OSSL_PROVIDER_add_builtin(libctx, "fake-rsa", fake_rsa_provider_init)) || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PROVIDER_try_load(libctx, "fake-rsa", 1))) return NULL; return p; } void fake_rsa_finish(OSSL_PROVIDER *p) { OSSL_PROVIDER_unload(p); }