/* * Copyright 2020-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html */ #include #include #include #include "testutil.h" #ifndef PATH_MAX # if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MAX_PATH) # define PATH_MAX _MAX_PATH # else # define PATH_MAX 4096 # endif #endif typedef enum OPTION_choice { OPT_ERR = -1, OPT_EOF = 0, OPT_INPUTDIR, OPT_INFILE, OPT_SM2FILE, OPT_DATADIR, OPT_TEST_ENUM } OPTION_CHOICE; static const char *inputdir = NULL; static const char *infile = NULL; static const char *sm2file = NULL; static const char *datadir = NULL; static int test_store_open(void) { int ret = 0; OSSL_STORE_CTX *sctx = NULL; OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *search = NULL; UI_METHOD *ui_method = NULL; char *input = test_mk_file_path(inputdir, infile); ret = TEST_ptr(input) && TEST_ptr(search = OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_by_alias("nothing")) && TEST_ptr(ui_method= UI_create_method("DummyUI")) && TEST_ptr(sctx = OSSL_STORE_open_ex(input, NULL, NULL, ui_method, NULL, NULL, NULL)) && TEST_false(OSSL_STORE_find(sctx, NULL)) && TEST_true(OSSL_STORE_find(sctx, search)); UI_destroy_method(ui_method); OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_free(search); OSSL_STORE_close(sctx); OPENSSL_free(input); return ret; } static int test_store_search_by_key_fingerprint_fail(void) { int ret; OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *search = NULL; ret = TEST_ptr_null(search = OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_by_key_fingerprint( EVP_sha256(), NULL, 0)); OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_free(search); return ret; } static int get_params(const char *uri, const char *type) { EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; OSSL_STORE_CTX *ctx = NULL; OSSL_STORE_INFO *info; int ret = 0; ctx = OSSL_STORE_open_ex(uri, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!TEST_ptr(ctx)) goto err; while (!OSSL_STORE_eof(ctx) && (info = OSSL_STORE_load(ctx)) != NULL && pkey == NULL) { if (OSSL_STORE_INFO_get_type(info) == OSSL_STORE_INFO_PARAMS) { pkey = OSSL_STORE_INFO_get1_PARAMS(info); } OSSL_STORE_INFO_free(info); info = NULL; } if (pkey != NULL) ret = EVP_PKEY_is_a(pkey, type); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); err: OSSL_STORE_close(ctx); return ret; } static int test_store_get_params(int idx) { const char *type; char uri[PATH_MAX]; switch(idx) { #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DH case 0: type = "DH"; break; case 1: type = "DHX"; break; #else case 0: case 1: return 1; #endif case 2: #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA type = "DSA"; break; #else return 1; #endif default: TEST_error("Invalid test index"); return 0; } if (!TEST_true(BIO_snprintf(uri, sizeof(uri), "%s/%s-params.pem", datadir, type))) return 0; TEST_info("Testing uri: %s", uri); if (!TEST_true(get_params(uri, type))) return 0; return 1; } /* * This test verifies that calling OSSL_STORE_ATTACH does not set an * "unregistered scheme" error when called. */ static int test_store_attach_unregistered_scheme(void) { int ret; OSSL_STORE_CTX *store_ctx = NULL; OSSL_PROVIDER *provider = NULL; OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx = NULL; BIO *bio = NULL; char *input = test_mk_file_path(inputdir, sm2file); ret = TEST_ptr(input) && TEST_ptr(libctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_new()) && TEST_ptr(provider = OSSL_PROVIDER_load(libctx, "default")) && TEST_ptr(bio = BIO_new_file(input, "r")) && TEST_ptr(store_ctx = OSSL_STORE_attach(bio, "file", libctx, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) && TEST_int_ne(ERR_GET_LIB(ERR_peek_error()), ERR_LIB_OSSL_STORE) && TEST_int_ne(ERR_GET_REASON(ERR_peek_error()), OSSL_STORE_R_UNREGISTERED_SCHEME); BIO_free(bio); OSSL_STORE_close(store_ctx); OSSL_PROVIDER_unload(provider); OSSL_LIB_CTX_free(libctx); OPENSSL_free(input); return ret; } const OPTIONS *test_get_options(void) { static const OPTIONS test_options[] = { OPT_TEST_OPTIONS_DEFAULT_USAGE, { "dir", OPT_INPUTDIR, '/' }, { "in", OPT_INFILE, '<' }, { "sm2", OPT_SM2FILE, '<' }, { "data", OPT_DATADIR, 's' }, { NULL } }; return test_options; } int setup_tests(void) { OPTION_CHOICE o; while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_INPUTDIR: inputdir = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_INFILE: infile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_SM2FILE: sm2file = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_DATADIR: datadir = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_TEST_CASES: break; default: case OPT_ERR: return 0; } } if (datadir == NULL) { TEST_error("No data directory specified"); return 0; } if (inputdir == NULL) { TEST_error("No input directory specified"); return 0; } if (infile != NULL) ADD_TEST(test_store_open); ADD_TEST(test_store_search_by_key_fingerprint_fail); ADD_ALL_TESTS(test_store_get_params, 3); if (sm2file != NULL) ADD_TEST(test_store_attach_unregistered_scheme); return 1; }