#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Math::BigInt; sub calc { @_ = __adder(@_); if (scalar @_ != 1) { return "NaN"; } return shift; } sub __canonhex { my ($sign, $hex) = (shift =~ /^([+\-]?)(.*)$/); $hex = "0x".$hex if $hex !~ /^0x/; return $sign.$hex; } sub __adder { @_ = __multiplier(@_); while (scalar @_ > 1 && $_[1] =~ /^[\+\-]$/) { my $operand1 = Math::BigInt->from_hex(__canonhex(shift)); my $operator = shift; @_ = __multiplier(@_); my $operand2 = Math::BigInt->from_hex(__canonhex(shift)); if ($operator eq "+") { $operand1->badd($operand2); } elsif ($operator eq "-") { $operand1->bsub($operand2); } else { die "SOMETHING WENT AWFULLY WRONG"; } unshift @_, $operand1->as_hex(); } return @_; } sub __multiplier { @_ = __power(@_); while (scalar @_ > 1 && $_[1] =~ /^[\*\/%]$/) { my $operand1 = Math::BigInt->from_hex(__canonhex(shift)); my $operator = shift; @_ = __power(@_); my $operand2 = Math::BigInt->from_hex(__canonhex(shift)); if ($operator eq "*") { $operand1->bmul($operand2); } elsif ($operator eq "/") { $operand1->bdiv($operand2); } elsif ($operator eq "%") { # Here's a bit of a quirk... # With OpenSSL's BN, as well as bc, the result of -10 % 3 is -1 # while Math::BigInt, the result is 2. # The latter is mathematically more correct, but... my $o1isneg = $operand1->is_neg(); $operand1->babs(); # Math::BigInt does something different with a negative modulus, # while OpenSSL's BN and bc treat it like a positive number... $operand2->babs(); $operand1->bmod($operand2); if ($o1isneg) { $operand1->bneg(); } } else { die "SOMETHING WENT AWFULLY WRONG"; } unshift @_, $operand1->as_hex(); } return @_; } sub __power { @_ = __paren(@_); while (scalar @_ > 1 && $_[1] eq "^") { my $operand1 = Math::BigInt->from_hex(__canonhex(shift)); shift; @_ = __paren(@_); my $operand2 = Math::BigInt->from_hex(__canonhex(shift)); $operand1->bpow($operand2); unshift @_, $operand1->as_hex(); } return @_; } # returns array ( $result, @remaining ) sub __paren { if (scalar @_ > 0 && $_[0] eq "(") { shift; my @result = __adder(@_); if (scalar @_ == 0 || $_[0] ne ")") { return ("NaN"); } shift; return @result; } return @_; } 1;