# frozen-string-literal: true $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path("../../lib", __FILE__) require "plum" require "openssl" require "socket" require "cgi" begin require "sslkeylog/autotrace" rescue LoadError end def log(con, stream, s) prefix = "[%02x;%02x] " % [con, stream] if s.is_a?(Enumerable) puts s.map {|a| prefix + a.to_s }.join("\n") else puts prefix + s.to_s end end ctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new ctx.ssl_version = :TLSv1_2 ctx.alpn_select_cb = -> protocols { raise "Client does not support HTTP/2: #{protocols}" unless protocols.include?("h2") "h2" } ctx.tmp_ecdh_callback = -> (sock, ise, keyl) { OpenSSL::PKey::EC.new("prime256v1") } ctx.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new File.read(".crt.local") ctx.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new File.read(".key.local") tcp_server = TCPServer.new("", 40443) ssl_server = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer.new(tcp_server, ctx) loop do begin sock = ssl_server.accept id = sock.io.fileno puts "#{id}: accept! #{sock.cipher.inspect}" rescue => e STDERR.puts e next end plum = Plum::ServerConnection.new(sock.method(:write)) plum.on(:frame) do |frame| log(id, frame.stream_id, "recv: #{frame.inspect}") end plum.on(:send_frame) do |frame| log(id, frame.stream_id, "send: #{frame.inspect}") end plum.on(:connection_error) do |exception| puts exception puts exception.backtrace end plum.on(:stream) do |stream| stream.on(:stream_error) do |exception| puts exception puts exception.backtrace end stream.on(:send_deferred) do |frame| log(id, frame.stream_id, "send (deferred): #{frame.inspect}") end headers = data = nil stream.on(:open) do headers = nil data = String.new end stream.on(:headers) do |headers_| log(id, stream.id, headers_.map {|name, value| "#{name}: #{value}" }) headers = headers_.to_h end stream.on(:data) do |data_| log(id, stream.id, data_) data << data_ end stream.on(:end_stream) do case [headers[":method"], headers[":path"]] when ["GET", "/"] body = <<-EOF Hello World! ABC Not found
EOF stream.send_headers({ ":status": "200", "server": "plum", "content-type": "text/html", "content-length": body.bytesize }, end_stream: false) stream.send_data(body, end_stream: true) when ["GET", "/abc.html"] body = "ABC! Back to top page
" stream.send_headers({ ":status": "200", "server": "plum", "content-type": "text/html", "content-length": body.bytesize }, end_stream: false) i_stream = stream.promise({ ":authority": "localhost:40443", ":method": "GET", ":scheme": "https", ":path": "/image.nyan" }) stream.send_data(body, end_stream: true) image = ("iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABAAgMAAADXB5lNAAAACVBMVEX///93o0jG/4mTMy20AAAA" \ "bklEQVQ4y2NgoAoIRQJkCoSimIdTgJGBBU1ABE1A1AVdBQuaACu6gCALhhZ0axlZCDgMWYAB6ilU" \ "35IoADEMxWyyBDD45AhQCFahM0kXWIVu3sAJrILzyBcgytoFeATABBcXWohhCEC14BCgGAAAX1ZQ" \ "ZtJp0zAAAAAASUVORK5CYII=").unpack("m")[0] i_stream.send_headers({ ":status": "200", "server": "plum", "content-type": "image/png", "content-length": image.bytesize }, end_stream: false) i_stream.send_data(image, end_stream: true) when ["POST", "/post.page"] body = "Posted value is: #{CGI.unescape(data).gsub("<", "<").gsub(">", ">")}
Back to top page" stream.send_headers({ ":status": "200", "server": "plum", "content-type": "text/html", "content-length": body.bytesize }, end_stream: false) stream.send_data(body, end_stream: true) else body = "Page not found! Back to top page" stream.send_headers({ ":status": "404", "server": "plum", "content-type": "text/html", "content-length": body.bytesize }, end_stream: false) stream.send_data(body, end_stream: true) end end end Thread.new { begin while !sock.closed? && !sock.eof? plum << sock.readpartial(1024) end rescue puts $! puts $!.backtrace ensure sock.close end } end