# -*- frozen-string-literal: true -*- module Plum module BinaryString refine String do # Reads a 8-bit unsigned integer. # @param pos [Integer] The start position to read. def uint8(pos = 0) getbyte(pos) end # Reads a 16-bit unsigned integer. # @param pos [Integer] The start position to read. def uint16(pos = 0) byteslice(pos, 2).unpack("n")[0] end # Reads a 24-bit unsigned integer. # @param pos [Integer] The start position to read. def uint24(pos = 0) a, b = byteslice(pos, 3).unpack("nC") (a * 0x100) + b end # Reads a 32-bit unsigned integer. # @param pos [Integer] The start position to read. def uint32(pos = 0) byteslice(pos, 4).unpack("N")[0] end # Appends a 8-bit unsigned integer to this string. def push_uint8(val) self << val.chr end # Appends a 16-bit unsigned integer to this string. def push_uint16(val) self << [val].pack("n") end # Appends a 24-bit unsigned integer to this string. def push_uint24(val) self << [val / 0x100, val % 0x100].pack("nC") end # Appends a 32-bit unsigned integer to this string. def push_uint32(val) self << [val].pack("N") end alias push << # Takes from beginning and cut specified *octets* from this String. # @param count [Integer] The amount. def byteshift(count) force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) slice!(0, count) end def each_byteslice(n, &blk) if block_given? pos = 0 while pos < self.bytesize yield byteslice(pos, n) pos += n end else Enumerator.new do |y| each_byteslice(n) {|ss| y << ss } end # I want to write `enum_for(__method__, n)`! end end # Splits this String into chunks. # @param n [Integer] max chunk bytesize # @return [Array] the slices def chunk(n) res = [] pos = 0 lim = bytesize while pos < lim res << byteslice(pos, n) pos += n end res end end end end