# -*- frozen-string-literal: true -*- module Plum class Client DEFAULT_CONFIG = { http2: true, scheme: "https", hostname: nil, verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER, ssl_context: nil, http2_settings: {}, user_agent: "plum/#{Plum::VERSION}", auto_decode: true, }.freeze attr_reader :host, :port, :config attr_reader :socket, :session # Creates a new HTTP client and starts communication. # A shorthand for `Plum::Client.new(args).start(&block)` def self.start(host, port = nil, config = {}, &block) client = self.new(host, port, config) client.start(&block) end # Creates a new HTTP client. # @param host [String | IO] the host to connect, or IO object. # @param port [Integer] the port number to connect # @param config [Hash] the client configuration def initialize(host, port = nil, config = {}) if host.is_a?(IO) @socket = host else @host = host @port = port || (config[:scheme] == "https" ? 443 : 80) end @config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.merge(hostname: host).merge(config) @started = false end # Starts communication. # If block passed, waits for asynchronous requests and closes the connection after calling the block. def start(&block) raise IOError, "Session already started" if @started _start if block_given? begin ret = yield(self) resume return ret ensure close end end self end # Resume communication with the server, until the specified (or all running) requests are complete. # @param response [Response] if specified, waits only for the response # @return [Response] if parameter response is specified def resume(response = nil) if response @session.succ until response.failed? || response.finished? response else @session.succ until @session.empty? end end # Closes the connection immediately. def close @session.close if @session ensure @socket.close if @socket end # Creates a new HTTP request. # @param headers [Hash] the request headers # @param body [String] the request body # @param options [Hash] request options # @param block [Proc] if passed, it will be called when received response headers. def request(headers, body, options = {}, &block) raise ArgumentError, ":method and :path headers are required" unless headers[":method"] && headers[":path"] @session.request(headers, body, @config.merge(options), &block) end # @!method get! # @!method head! # @!method delete! # @param path [String] the absolute path to request (translated into :path header) # @param options [Hash] the request options # @param block [Proc] if specified, calls the block when finished # Shorthand method for `Client#resume(Client#request(*args))` # @!method get # @!method head # @!method delete # @param path [String] the absolute path to request (translated into :path header) # @param options [Hash] the request options # @param block [Proc] if specified, calls the block when finished # Shorthand method for `#request` %w(GET HEAD DELETE).each { |method| define_method(:"#{method.downcase}!") do |path, options = {}, &block| resume _request_helper(method, path, nil, options, &block) end define_method(:"#{method.downcase}") do |path, options = {}, &block| _request_helper(method, path, nil, options, &block) end } # @!method post! # @!method put! # @param path [String] the absolute path to request (translated into :path header) # @param body [String] the request body # @param options [Hash] the request options # @param block [Proc] if specified, calls the block when finished # Shorthand method for `Client#resume(Client#request(*args))` # @!method post # @!method put # @param path [String] the absolute path to request (translated into :path header) # @param body [String] the request body # @param options [Hash] the request options # @param block [Proc] if specified, calls the block when finished # Shorthand method for `#request` %w(POST PUT).each { |method| define_method(:"#{method.downcase}!") do |path, body, options = {}, &block| resume _request_helper(method, path, body, options, &block) end define_method(:"#{method.downcase}") do |path, body, options = {}, &block| _request_helper(method, path, body, options, &block) end } private # @return [Boolean] http2 nego? def _connect @socket = TCPSocket.open(@host, @port) if @config[:scheme] == "https" ctx = @config[:ssl_context] || new_ssl_ctx @socket = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(@socket, ctx) @socket.hostname = @config[:hostname] if @socket.respond_to?(:hostname=) @socket.sync_close = true @socket.connect @socket.post_connection_check(@config[:hostname]) if ctx.verify_mode != OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE @socket.respond_to?(:alpn_protocol) && @socket.alpn_protocol == "h2" || @socket.respond_to?(:npn_protocol) && @socket.npn_protocol == "h2" end end def _start @started = true klass = @config[:http2] ? ClientSession : LegacyClientSession nego = @socket || _connect if @config[:http2] if @config[:scheme] == "https" klass = nego ? ClientSession : LegacyClientSession else klass = UpgradeClientSession end else klass = LegacyClientSession end @session = klass.new(@socket, @config) end def new_ssl_ctx ctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new ctx.ssl_version = :TLSv1_2 ctx.verify_mode = @config[:verify_mode] cert_store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new cert_store.set_default_paths ctx.cert_store = cert_store if @config[:http2] ctx.ciphers = "ALL:!" + HTTPSServerConnection::CIPHER_BLACKLIST.join(":!") if ctx.respond_to?(:alpn_protocols) ctx.alpn_protocols = ["h2", "http/1.1"] end if ctx.respond_to?(:npn_select_cb) # TODO: RFC 7540 does not define protocol negotiation with NPN ctx.npn_select_cb = -> protocols { protocols.include?("h2") ? "h2" : protocols.first } end end ctx end def _request_helper(method, path, body, options, &block) base = { ":method" => method, ":path" => path, "user-agent" => @config[:user_agent] } base.merge!(options[:headers]) if options[:headers] request(base, body, options, &block) end end end