module Plum class Response # The response headers # @return [Hash] attr_reader :headers # @api private def initialize(session, auto_decode: true, **options, &on_headers) @session = session @headers = nil @finished = false @failed = false @body = [] @auto_decode = auto_decode @on_headers = on_headers @on_chunk = @on_finish = nil end # Returns the HTTP status code. # @return [String] the HTTP status code def status @headers&.fetch(":status") end # Returns the header value that correspond to the header name. # @param key [String] the header name # @return [String] the header value def [](key) @headers[key.to_s.downcase] end # Returns whether the response is complete or not. # @return [Boolean] def finished? @finished end # Returns whether the request has failed or not. # @return [Boolean] def failed? @failed end # Set callback that will be called when the response headers arrive # @yield [self] def on_headers(&block) raise ArgumentError, "block must be given" unless block_given? @on_headers = block yield self if @headers self end # Set callback that will be called when received a chunk of response body. # @yield [chunk] A chunk of the response body. def on_chunk(&block) raise "Body already read" if @on_chunk raise ArgumentError, "block must be given" unless block_given? @on_chunk = block unless @body.empty? @body.each(&block) @body.clear end self end # Set callback that will be called when the response finished. def on_finish(&block) raise ArgumentError, "block must be given" unless block_given? if finished? yield else @on_finish = block end self end # Returns the complete response body. Use #each_body instead if the body can be very large. # @return [String] the whole response body def body raise "Body already read" if @on_chunk raise "Response body is not complete" unless finished? @body.join end def join @session.succ until (@finished || @failed) self end private # internal: set headers and setup decoder def set_headers(headers) @headers = headers.freeze if @on_headers @decoder = setup_decoder end def add_chunk(encoded) chunk = @decoder.decode(encoded) if @on_chunk else @body << chunk end end def finish @finished = true @decoder.finish if @on_finish end def fail(ex = nil) @failed = ex || true # FIXME end def setup_decoder if @auto_decode klass = Decoders::DECODERS[@headers["content-encoding"]] end klass ||= Decoders::Base end end end