# -*- frozen-string-literal: true -*- using Plum::BinaryString module Plum class HTTPConnection < Connection attr_reader :sock def initialize(sock, local_settings = {}) require "http/parser" @_headers = nil @_body = String.new @_http_parser = setup_parser @sock = sock super(@sock.method(:write), local_settings) end # Starts communication with the peer. It blocks until the io is closed, or reaches EOF. def run while !@sock.closed? && !@sock.eof? self << @sock.readpartial(1024) end end # Closes the socket. def close super @sock.close end private def negotiate! super rescue ConnectionError # Upgrade from HTTP/1.1 offset = @_http_parser << @buffer @buffer.byteshift(offset) end def setup_parser parser = HTTP::Parser.new parser.on_headers_complete = proc {|_headers| @_headers = _headers.map {|n, v| [n.downcase, v] }.to_h } parser.on_body = proc {|chunk| @_body << chunk } parser.on_message_complete = proc {|env| connection = @_headers["connection"] || "" upgrade = @_headers["upgrade"] || "" settings = @_headers["http2-settings"] if (connection.split(", ").sort == ["Upgrade", "HTTP2-Settings"].sort && upgrade.split(", ").include?("h2c") && settings != nil) switch_protocol(settings) else raise LegacyHTTPError.new(@_headers, @_body, parser) end } parser end def switch_protocol(settings) self.on(:negotiated) { _frame = Frame.new(type: :settings, stream_id: 0, payload: Base64.urlsafe_decode64(settings)) receive_settings(_frame, send_ack: false) # HTTP2-Settings process_first_request } resp = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n" "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" "Upgrade: h2c\r\n" "Server: plum/#{Plum::VERSION}\r\n" "\r\n" @sock.write(resp) end def process_first_request encoder = HPACK::Encoder.new(0, indexing: false) # don't pollute connection's HPACK context stream = new_stream(1) max_frame_size = local_settings[:max_frame_size] headers = @_headers.merge({ ":method" => @_http_parser.http_method, ":path" => @_http_parser.request_url, ":authority" => @_headers["host"] }) .reject {|n, v| ["connection", "http2-settings", "upgrade", "host"].include?(n) } headers_s = Frame.headers(1, encoder.encode(headers), :end_headers).split_headers(max_frame_size) # stream ID is 1 data_s = Frame.data(1, @_body, :end_stream).split_data(max_frame_size) (headers_s + data_s).each {|frag| stream.receive_frame(frag) } end end end