require "fileutils" require "json" require "tmpdir" require "shellwords" def load_config begin $config_file ||= File.expand_path(ENV["CONFIG"] || "config.json") $tmp_config = JSON.parse($config_file)) $datadir = $tmp_config["datadir"] rescue puts "Failed to load config: #{$config_file}" puts "You can specify config file with CONFIG environment variable" raise end end def add_compiler(lang, id, val) load_config list = $tmp_config["compilers"][lang] || {} list[id] = val $tmp_config["compilers"][lang] = list.sort.reverse.to_h File.write($config_file, JSON.pretty_generate($tmp_config)) end def retriable yield rescue puts "An error occurred: #{$!}" puts "Current directory: #{`pwd`}" print "Press a key to retry:" $stdin.getc retry end load_config namespace :compiler do RUBY_MIRROR = "" desc "Install a ruby" task :ruby, [:version] do |t, args| version = args[:version] id = "ruby-#{version}" if version =~ /^(1\.1[a-d]|1\.[02-9]|2\..)/ archive_dir = "ruby-#{version}" url = "#{RUBY_MIRROR}/#{$1}/ruby-#{version}.tar.gz" elsif version =~ /^0\./ archive_dir = "ruby-#{version}" url = "#{RUBY_MIRROR}/1.0/ruby-#{version}.tar.gz" elsif version =~ /snapshot/ archive_dir = version url = "#{RUBY_MIRROR}/#{version}.tar.gz" else raise ArgumentError, "unknown ruby" end destdir = $datadir + "/env/ruby/#{id}" raise ArgumentError, "already installed?" if Dir.exist?(destdir.to_s) prefix = "/opt" Dir.mktmpdir { |tmpdir| FileUtils.chdir(tmpdir) { system("curl -o archive.tar.gz #{Shellwords.escape(url)}") or raise("failed to download") system("tar xf archive.tar.gz") or raise("failed to extract") FileUtils.chdir(archive_dir) { to_be_applied = [] patch_ccnames = ["ruby/#{version.split("-").join("/")}", "ruby/#{version.split("-")[0]}", "ruby"] patch_ccnames.each { |patch_ccname| rvm_patchsets_path = File.expand_path("../vendor/rvm/patchsets/#{patch_ccname}/default", __FILE__) if File.exist?(rvm_patchsets_path) patches = puts "RVM patchset found (#{patch_ccname})... #{patches.join(" ")}" to_be_applied += patches end } to_be_applied.uniq.each { |patch| patch_path = patch_ccnames .flat_map { |pp| ["patch", "diff"].map { |ext| File.expand_path("../vendor/rvm/patches/#{pp}/#{patch}.#{ext}", __FILE__) } } .find(&File.method(:exist?)) puts "applying... #{patch}" patch_path and system("patch -R -N -p1 --dry-run <#{patch_path} || patch -N -p1 <#{patch_path}") or raise("failed to apply patch") } retriable { system("./configure --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-shared --disable-install-doc") or raise("failed to configure") system("make -j6") or raise("failed to make") system("make install DESTDIR=#{destdir}") or raise("failed to install") } add_compiler("ruby", id, { version: `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=#{destdir}#{prefix}/lib #{destdir}#{prefix}/bin/ruby -v`.lines.first.chomp, commandline: ["#{prefix}/bin/ruby", "{}"] }) } } } end PHPS = { "7.0.3" => "", "5.6.17" => "", } desc "Install a php" task :php, [:version] do |t, args| version = args[:version] id = "ruby-#{version}" url = PHPS[version] or raise(ArgumentError, "unknown php") name = url.split("/").last destdir = $datadir + "/env/php/#{id}" raise ArgumentError, "already installed?" if Dir.exist?(destdir.to_s) prefix = "/opt" Dir.mktmpdir { |tmpdir| FileUtils.chdir(tmpdir) { system("curl -O #{Shellwords.escape(url)}") or raise("failed to download") system("tar xf #{Shellwords.escape(name)}") or raise("failed to extract") FileUtils.chdir(name.split(".tar.gz").first) { retriable { system("./configure --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-shared") or raise("failed to configure") system("make -j6") or raise("failed to make") system("make install INSTALL_ROOT=#{destdir.to_s}") or raise("failed to install") } add_compiler("php", id, { version: `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=#{destdir}#{prefix}/lib #{destdir}#{prefix}/bin/php -v`.lines.first.chomp, commandline: ["#{prefix}/bin/php", "{}"] }) } } } end end