path: root/ossl_bn.c
diff options
authorMichal Rokos <m.rokos@sh.cvut.cz>2001-12-13 18:08:58 +0000
committerMichal Rokos <m.rokos@sh.cvut.cz>2001-12-13 18:08:58 +0000
commit28e4b12c6ab858dc0e973b623d15d50a5ab043ae (patch)
treeef34d0d6bd966848814e25a883a63e706817d04b /ossl_bn.c
parent1a069b3b70d564521f7ccd48a208caf17d3943d2 (diff)
* added bn methods (thanks to UNKNOWN <oss-ruby@technorama.net>
* simplify ossl_digest sources
Diffstat (limited to 'ossl_bn.c')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ossl_bn.c b/ossl_bn.c
index 775ffe0..fc51cdf 100644
--- a/ossl_bn.c
+++ b/ossl_bn.c
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
* $Id$
* 'OpenSSL for Ruby' project
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Michal Rokos <m.rokos@@sh.cvut.cz>
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 <oss-ruby@technorama.net>
* All rights reserved.
* This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby.
* (See the file 'LICENCE'.)
+/* modified by Michal Rokos <m.rokos@sh.cvut.cz> */
#include "ossl.h"
#define MakeBN(obj, bnp) {\
@@ -174,6 +175,258 @@ ossl_bn_to_i(VALUE self)
return num;
+#define BIGNUM_BOOL1(func) \
+ static VALUE \
+ ossl_bn_##func##(VALUE self) \
+ { \
+ ossl_bn *bnp = NULL; \
+ \
+ GetBN(self, bnp); \
+ \
+ if (BN_##func##(bnp->bignum) == 1) \
+ return Qtrue; \
+ \
+ return Qfalse; \
+ }
+#define BIGNUM_1c(func) \
+ static VALUE \
+ ossl_bn_##func##(VALUE self) \
+ { \
+ ossl_bn *bnp = NULL; \
+ BIGNUM *result = NULL; \
+ BN_CTX ctx; \
+ VALUE obj; \
+ \
+ GetBN(self, bnp); \
+ \
+ if (!(result = BN_new())) \
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error()); \
+ \
+ BN_CTX_init(&ctx); \
+ if (BN_##func##(result, bnp->bignum, &ctx) != 1) \
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error()); \
+ \
+ obj = ossl_bn_new(result); \
+ BN_free(result); \
+ \
+ return obj; \
+ }
+#define BIGNUM_2(func) \
+ static VALUE \
+ ossl_bn_##func##(VALUE self, VALUE other) \
+ { \
+ ossl_bn *bn1p = NULL; \
+ ossl_bn *bn2p = NULL; \
+ BIGNUM *result = NULL; \
+ VALUE obj; \
+ \
+ GetBN(self, bn1p); \
+ \
+ OSSL_Check_Type(other, cBN); \
+ GetBN(other, bn2p); \
+ \
+ if (!(result = BN_new())) \
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error()); \
+ \
+ if (BN_##func##(result, bn1p->bignum, bn2p->bignum) != 1) \
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error()); \
+ \
+ obj = ossl_bn_new(result); \
+ BN_free(result); \
+ \
+ return obj; \
+ }
+#define BIGNUM_2c(func) \
+ static VALUE \
+ ossl_bn_##func##(VALUE self, VALUE other) \
+ { \
+ ossl_bn *bn1p = NULL, *bn2p = NULL; \
+ BIGNUM *result = NULL; \
+ BN_CTX ctx; \
+ VALUE obj; \
+ \
+ GetBN(self, bn1p); \
+ \
+ OSSL_Check_Type(other, cBN); \
+ GetBN(other, bn2p); \
+ \
+ if (!(result = BN_new())) \
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error()); \
+ \
+ BN_CTX_init(&ctx); \
+ if (BN_##func##(result, bn1p->bignum, bn2p->bignum, &ctx) != 1) \
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error()); \
+ \
+ obj = ossl_bn_new(result); \
+ BN_free(result); \
+ \
+ return obj; \
+ }
+static VALUE
+ossl_bn_div(VALUE self, VALUE other)
+ ossl_bn *bn1p = NULL, *bn2p = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL;
+ BN_CTX ctx;
+ VALUE obj1, obj2;
+ GetBN(self, bn1p);
+ OSSL_Check_Type(other, cBN);
+ GetBN(other, bn2p);
+ if ((r1 = BN_new()) == NULL || (r2 = BN_new()) == NULL)
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error());
+ BN_CTX_init(&ctx);
+ if (BN_div(r1, r2, bn1p->bignum, bn2p->bignum, &ctx) != 1)
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error());
+ obj1 = ossl_bn_new(r1);
+ BN_free(r1);
+ obj2 = ossl_bn_new(r2);
+ BN_free(r2);
+ return rb_ary_new3(2, obj1, obj2);
+static VALUE
+ossl_bn_mod_inverse(VALUE self, VALUE other)
+ ossl_bn *bn1p = NULL, *bn2p = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *result = NULL;
+ BN_CTX ctx;
+ VALUE obj;
+ GetBN(self, bn1p);
+ OSSL_Check_Type(other, cBN);
+ GetBN(other, bn2p);
+ if (!(result = BN_new()))
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error());
+ BN_CTX_init(&ctx);
+ if (BN_mod_inverse(result, bn1p->bignum, bn2p->bignum, &ctx) == NULL)
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error());
+ obj = ossl_bn_new(result);
+ BN_free(result);
+ return obj;
+#define BIGNUM_3c(func) \
+ static VALUE \
+ ossl_bn_##func##(VALUE self, VALUE other1, VALUE other2) \
+ { \
+ ossl_bn *bn1p = NULL, *bn2p = NULL, *bn3p = NULL; \
+ BIGNUM *result = NULL; \
+ BN_CTX ctx; \
+ VALUE obj; \
+ \
+ GetBN(self, bn1p); \
+ \
+ OSSL_Check_Type(other1, cBN); \
+ OSSL_Check_Type(other2, cBN); \
+ GetBN(other1, bn2p); \
+ GetBN(other2, bn3p); \
+ \
+ if (!(result = BN_new())) \
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error()); \
+ \
+ BN_CTX_init(&ctx); \
+ if (BN_##func##(result, bn1p->bignum, bn2p->bignum, bn3p->bignum, &ctx) != 1) \
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error()); \
+ \
+ obj = ossl_bn_new(result); \
+ BN_free(result); \
+ \
+ return obj; \
+ }
+#define BIGNUM_BIT_SETCLEAR(func) \
+ static VALUE \
+ ossl_bn_##func##(VALUE self, VALUE bit) \
+ { \
+ ossl_bn *bnp = NULL; \
+ \
+ GetBN(self, bnp); \
+ \
+ if (BN_##func##(bnp->bignum, NUM2INT(bit)) != 1) \
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error()); \
+ \
+ return self; \
+ }
+static VALUE
+ossl_bn_is_bit_set(VALUE self, VALUE bit)
+ ossl_bn *bnp = NULL;
+ GetBN(self, bnp);
+ if (BN_is_bit_set(bnp->bignum, NUM2INT(bit)) == 1)
+ return Qtrue;
+ return Qfalse;
+static VALUE
+ossl_bn_mask_bits(VALUE self, VALUE bit)
+ ossl_bn *bnp = NULL;
+ GetBN(self, bnp);
+ if (BN_mask_bits(bnp->bignum, NUM2INT(bit)) != 1)
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error());
+ return self;
+#define BIGNUM_SHIFT(func) \
+ static VALUE \
+ ossl_bn_##func##(VALUE self, VALUE bits) \
+ { \
+ ossl_bn *bnp = NULL; \
+ BIGNUM *result = NULL; \
+ VALUE obj; \
+ \
+ GetBN(self, bnp); \
+ \
+ if (!(result = BN_new())) \
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error()); \
+ \
+ if (BN_##func##(result, bnp->bignum, NUM2INT(bits)) != 1) \
+ rb_raise(eBNError, "%s", ossl_error()); \
+ \
+ obj = ossl_bn_new(result); \
+ BN_free(result); \
+ \
+ return obj; \
+ }
@@ -186,5 +439,34 @@ Init_bn(VALUE mOSSL)
rb_define_singleton_method(cBN, "new", ossl_bn_s_new, -1);
rb_define_method(cBN, "initialize", ossl_bn_initialize, -1);
rb_define_method(cBN, "to_i", ossl_bn_to_i, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "zero?", ossl_bn_is_zero, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "one?", ossl_bn_is_one, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "odd?", ossl_bn_is_odd, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "sqr", ossl_bn_sqr, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "+", ossl_bn_add, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "-", ossl_bn_sub, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "*", ossl_bn_mul, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "%", ossl_bn_mod, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "**", ossl_bn_exp, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "gcd", ossl_bn_gcd, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "/", ossl_bn_div, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "mod_inverse", ossl_bn_mod_inverse, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "mod_mul", ossl_bn_mod_mul, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "mod_exp", ossl_bn_mod_exp, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "set_bit!", ossl_bn_set_bit, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "clear_bit!", ossl_bn_clear_bit, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "bit_set?", ossl_bn_is_bit_set, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "mask_bits!", ossl_bn_mask_bits, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, "<<", ossl_bn_lshift, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cBN, ">>", ossl_bn_rshift, 1);