require 'rake/testtask' require 'rdoc/task' require 'bundler/gem_tasks' begin require 'rake/extensiontask''openssl') rescue LoadError warn "rake-compiler not installed. Run 'bundle install' to " \ "install testing dependency gems." end do |t| t.libs << 'test/openssl' t.test_files = FileList["test/**/test_*.rb"] t.warning = true end do |rdoc| rdoc.main = "" rdoc.rdoc_files.include("*.md", "lib/**/*.rb", "ext/**/*.c") end task :test => [:compile, :debug] task :debug do ruby "-I./lib -ropenssl -ve'puts OpenSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION, OpenSSL::OPENSSL_LIBRARY_VERSION'" end namespace :sync do task :from_ruby do sh "./tool/sync-with-trunk" end task :to_ruby do trunk_path = ENV.fetch("RUBY_TRUNK_PATH", "../ruby") rsync = "rsync -av --delete" excludes = %w{Makefile extconf.h mkmf.log depend *.o *.so *.bundle} excludes.each { |name| rsync << " --exclude #{name}" } paths = [ ["ext/openssl/", "ext/openssl/"], ["lib/", "ext/openssl/lib/"], ["sample/", "sample/openssl/"], ["test/fixtures/", "test/openssl/fixtures/"], ["test/utils.rb", "test/openssl/"], ["test/ut_eof.rb", "test/openssl/"], ["test/test_*", "test/openssl/"], ["", "ext/openssl/"], ] paths.each do |src, dst| sh "#{rsync} #{src} #{trunk_path}/#{dst}" end gemspec_file = File.expand_path("../openssl.gemspec", __FILE__) gemspec = eval(, binding, gemspec_file) File.write("#{trunk_path}/ext/openssl/openssl.gemspec", gemspec.to_ruby) puts "Don't forget to update ext/openssl/depend" end end task :default => :test