/* * 'OpenSSL for Ruby' project * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Michal Rokos * All rights reserved. */ /* * This program is licensed under the same licence as Ruby. * (See the file 'LICENCE'.) */ #include "ossl.h" #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_DH) #define GetPKeyDH(obj, pkey) do { \ GetPKey((obj), (pkey)); \ if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey) != EVP_PKEY_DH) { /* PARANOIA? */ \ ossl_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "THIS IS NOT A DH!") ; \ } \ } while (0) #define GetDH(obj, dh) do { \ EVP_PKEY *_pkey; \ GetPKeyDH((obj), _pkey); \ (dh) = EVP_PKEY_get0_DH(_pkey); \ } while (0) /* * Classes */ VALUE cDH; VALUE eDHError; /* * Public */ static VALUE dh_instance(VALUE klass, DH *dh) { EVP_PKEY *pkey; VALUE obj; if (!dh) { return Qfalse; } obj = NewPKey(klass); if (!(pkey = EVP_PKEY_new())) { return Qfalse; } if (!EVP_PKEY_assign_DH(pkey, dh)) { EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); return Qfalse; } SetPKey(obj, pkey); return obj; } VALUE ossl_dh_new(EVP_PKEY *pkey) { VALUE obj; if (!pkey) { obj = dh_instance(cDH, DH_new()); } else { obj = NewPKey(cDH); if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey) != EVP_PKEY_DH) { ossl_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Not a DH key!"); } SetPKey(obj, pkey); } if (obj == Qfalse) { ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); } return obj; } /* * Private */ struct dh_blocking_gen_arg { DH *dh; int size; int gen; BN_GENCB *cb; int result; }; static void * dh_blocking_gen(void *arg) { struct dh_blocking_gen_arg *gen = (struct dh_blocking_gen_arg *)arg; gen->result = DH_generate_parameters_ex(gen->dh, gen->size, gen->gen, gen->cb); return 0; } static DH * dh_generate(int size, int gen) { struct ossl_generate_cb_arg cb_arg = { 0 }; struct dh_blocking_gen_arg gen_arg; DH *dh = DH_new(); BN_GENCB *cb = BN_GENCB_new(); if (!dh || !cb) { DH_free(dh); BN_GENCB_free(cb); return NULL; } if (rb_block_given_p()) cb_arg.yield = 1; BN_GENCB_set(cb, ossl_generate_cb_2, &cb_arg); gen_arg.dh = dh; gen_arg.size = size; gen_arg.gen = gen; gen_arg.cb = cb; if (cb_arg.yield == 1) { /* we cannot release GVL when callback proc is supplied */ dh_blocking_gen(&gen_arg); } else { /* there's a chance to unblock */ rb_thread_call_without_gvl(dh_blocking_gen, &gen_arg, ossl_generate_cb_stop, &cb_arg); } BN_GENCB_free(cb); if (!gen_arg.result) { DH_free(dh); if (cb_arg.state) { /* Clear OpenSSL error queue before re-raising. */ ossl_clear_error(); rb_jump_tag(cb_arg.state); } return NULL; } if (!DH_generate_key(dh)) { DH_free(dh); return NULL; } return dh; } /* * call-seq: * DH.generate(size [, generator]) -> dh * * Creates a new DH instance from scratch by generating the private and public * components alike. * * === Parameters * * _size_ is an integer representing the desired key size. Keys smaller than 1024 bits should be considered insecure. * * _generator_ is a small number > 1, typically 2 or 5. * */ static VALUE ossl_dh_s_generate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { DH *dh ; int g = 2; VALUE size, gen, obj; if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &size, &gen) == 2) { g = NUM2INT(gen); } dh = dh_generate(NUM2INT(size), g); obj = dh_instance(klass, dh); if (obj == Qfalse) { DH_free(dh); ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); } return obj; } /* * call-seq: * DH.new -> dh * DH.new(string) -> dh * DH.new(size [, generator]) -> dh * * Either generates a DH instance from scratch or by reading already existing * DH parameters from _string_. Note that when reading a DH instance from * data that was encoded from a DH instance by using DH#to_pem or DH#to_der * the result will *not* contain a public/private key pair yet. This needs to * be generated using DH#generate_key! first. * * === Parameters * * _size_ is an integer representing the desired key size. Keys smaller than 1024 bits should be considered insecure. * * _generator_ is a small number > 1, typically 2 or 5. * * _string_ contains the DER or PEM encoded key. * * === Examples * DH.new # -> dh * DH.new(1024) # -> dh * DH.new(1024, 5) # -> dh * #Reading DH parameters * dh = DH.new(File.read('parameters.pem')) # -> dh, but no public/private key yet * dh.generate_key! # -> dh with public and private key */ static VALUE ossl_dh_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { EVP_PKEY *pkey; DH *dh; int g = 2; BIO *in; VALUE arg, gen; GetPKey(self, pkey); if(rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &arg, &gen) == 0) { dh = DH_new(); } else if (RB_INTEGER_TYPE_P(arg)) { if (!NIL_P(gen)) { g = NUM2INT(gen); } if (!(dh = dh_generate(NUM2INT(arg), g))) { ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); } } else { arg = ossl_to_der_if_possible(arg); in = ossl_obj2bio(arg); dh = PEM_read_bio_DHparams(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!dh){ OSSL_BIO_reset(in); dh = d2i_DHparams_bio(in, NULL); } BIO_free(in); if (!dh) { ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); } } if (!EVP_PKEY_assign_DH(pkey, dh)) { DH_free(dh); ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); } return self; } static VALUE ossl_dh_initialize_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other) { EVP_PKEY *pkey; DH *dh, *dh_other; const BIGNUM *pub, *priv; GetPKey(self, pkey); if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey) != EVP_PKEY_NONE) ossl_raise(eDHError, "DH already initialized"); GetDH(other, dh_other); dh = DHparams_dup(dh_other); if (!dh) ossl_raise(eDHError, "DHparams_dup"); EVP_PKEY_assign_DH(pkey, dh); DH_get0_key(dh_other, &pub, &priv); if (pub) { BIGNUM *pub2 = BN_dup(pub); BIGNUM *priv2 = BN_dup(priv); if (!pub2 || priv && !priv2) { BN_clear_free(pub2); BN_clear_free(priv2); ossl_raise(eDHError, "BN_dup"); } DH_set0_key(dh, pub2, priv2); } return self; } /* * call-seq: * dh.public? -> true | false * * Indicates whether this DH instance has a public key associated with it or * not. The public key may be retrieved with DH#pub_key. */ static VALUE ossl_dh_is_public(VALUE self) { DH *dh; const BIGNUM *bn; GetDH(self, dh); DH_get0_key(dh, &bn, NULL); return bn ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* * call-seq: * dh.private? -> true | false * * Indicates whether this DH instance has a private key associated with it or * not. The private key may be retrieved with DH#priv_key. */ static VALUE ossl_dh_is_private(VALUE self) { DH *dh; const BIGNUM *bn; GetDH(self, dh); DH_get0_key(dh, NULL, &bn); #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE) return (bn || DH_get0_engine(dh)) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; #else return bn ? Qtrue : Qfalse; #endif } /* * call-seq: * dh.export -> aString * dh.to_pem -> aString * dh.to_s -> aString * * Encodes this DH to its PEM encoding. Note that any existing per-session * public/private keys will *not* get encoded, just the Diffie-Hellman * parameters will be encoded. */ static VALUE ossl_dh_export(VALUE self) { DH *dh; BIO *out; VALUE str; GetDH(self, dh); if (!(out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()))) { ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); } if (!PEM_write_bio_DHparams(out, dh)) { BIO_free(out); ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); } str = ossl_membio2str(out); return str; } /* * call-seq: * dh.to_der -> aString * * Encodes this DH to its DER encoding. Note that any existing per-session * public/private keys will *not* get encoded, just the Diffie-Hellman * parameters will be encoded. */ static VALUE ossl_dh_to_der(VALUE self) { DH *dh; unsigned char *p; long len; VALUE str; GetDH(self, dh); if((len = i2d_DHparams(dh, NULL)) <= 0) ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); str = rb_str_new(0, len); p = (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str); if(i2d_DHparams(dh, &p) < 0) ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); ossl_str_adjust(str, p); return str; } /* * call-seq: * dh.params -> hash * * Stores all parameters of key to the hash * INSECURE: PRIVATE INFORMATIONS CAN LEAK OUT!!! * Don't use :-)) (I's up to you) */ static VALUE ossl_dh_get_params(VALUE self) { DH *dh; VALUE hash; const BIGNUM *p, *q, *g, *pub_key, *priv_key; GetDH(self, dh); DH_get0_pqg(dh, &p, &q, &g); DH_get0_key(dh, &pub_key, &priv_key); hash = rb_hash_new(); rb_hash_aset(hash, rb_str_new2("p"), ossl_bn_new(p)); rb_hash_aset(hash, rb_str_new2("q"), ossl_bn_new(q)); rb_hash_aset(hash, rb_str_new2("g"), ossl_bn_new(g)); rb_hash_aset(hash, rb_str_new2("pub_key"), ossl_bn_new(pub_key)); rb_hash_aset(hash, rb_str_new2("priv_key"), ossl_bn_new(priv_key)); return hash; } /* * call-seq: * dh.to_text -> aString * * Prints all parameters of key to buffer * INSECURE: PRIVATE INFORMATIONS CAN LEAK OUT!!! * Don't use :-)) (I's up to you) */ static VALUE ossl_dh_to_text(VALUE self) { DH *dh; BIO *out; VALUE str; GetDH(self, dh); if (!(out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()))) { ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); } if (!DHparams_print(out, dh)) { BIO_free(out); ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); } str = ossl_membio2str(out); return str; } /* * call-seq: * dh.public_key -> aDH * * Returns a new DH instance that carries just the public information, i.e. * the prime _p_ and the generator _g_, but no public/private key yet. Such * a pair may be generated using DH#generate_key!. The "public key" needed * for a key exchange with DH#compute_key is considered as per-session * information and may be retrieved with DH#pub_key once a key pair has * been generated. * If the current instance already contains private information (and thus a * valid public/private key pair), this information will no longer be present * in the new instance generated by DH#public_key. This feature is helpful for * publishing the Diffie-Hellman parameters without leaking any of the private * per-session information. * * === Example * dh = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new(2048) # has public and private key set * public_key = dh.public_key # contains only prime and generator * parameters = public_key.to_der # it's safe to publish this */ static VALUE ossl_dh_to_public_key(VALUE self) { DH *orig_dh, *dh; VALUE obj; GetDH(self, orig_dh); dh = DHparams_dup(orig_dh); /* err check perfomed by dh_instance */ obj = dh_instance(rb_obj_class(self), dh); if (obj == Qfalse) { DH_free(dh); ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); } return obj; } /* * call-seq: * dh.params_ok? -> true | false * * Validates the Diffie-Hellman parameters associated with this instance. * It checks whether a safe prime and a suitable generator are used. If this * is not the case, +false+ is returned. */ static VALUE ossl_dh_check_params(VALUE self) { DH *dh; int codes; GetDH(self, dh); if (!DH_check(dh, &codes)) { return Qfalse; } return codes == 0 ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* * call-seq: * dh.generate_key! -> self * * Generates a private and public key unless a private key already exists. * If this DH instance was generated from public DH parameters (e.g. by * encoding the result of DH#public_key), then this method needs to be * called first in order to generate the per-session keys before performing * the actual key exchange. * * === Example * dh = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new(2048) * public_key = dh.public_key #contains no private/public key yet * public_key.generate_key! * puts public_key.private? # => true */ static VALUE ossl_dh_generate_key(VALUE self) { DH *dh; GetDH(self, dh); if (!DH_generate_key(dh)) ossl_raise(eDHError, "Failed to generate key"); return self; } /* * call-seq: * dh.compute_key(pub_bn) -> aString * * Returns a String containing a shared secret computed from the other party's public value. * See DH_compute_key() for further information. * * === Parameters * * _pub_bn_ is a OpenSSL::BN, *not* the DH instance returned by * DH#public_key as that contains the DH parameters only. */ static VALUE ossl_dh_compute_key(VALUE self, VALUE pub) { DH *dh; const BIGNUM *pub_key, *dh_p; VALUE str; int len; GetDH(self, dh); DH_get0_pqg(dh, &dh_p, NULL, NULL); if (!dh_p) ossl_raise(eDHError, "incomplete DH"); pub_key = GetBNPtr(pub); len = DH_size(dh); str = rb_str_new(0, len); if ((len = DH_compute_key((unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str), pub_key, dh)) < 0) { ossl_raise(eDHError, NULL); } rb_str_set_len(str, len); return str; } /* * Document-method: OpenSSL::PKey::DH#set_pqg * call-seq: * dh.set_pqg(p, q, g) -> self * * Sets _p_, _q_, _g_ to the DH instance. */ OSSL_PKEY_BN_DEF3(dh, DH, pqg, p, q, g) /* * Document-method: OpenSSL::PKey::DH#set_key * call-seq: * dh.set_key(pub_key, priv_key) -> self * * Sets _pub_key_ and _priv_key_ for the DH instance. _priv_key_ may be +nil+. */ OSSL_PKEY_BN_DEF2(dh, DH, key, pub_key, priv_key) /* * INIT */ void Init_ossl_dh(void) { #if 0 mPKey = rb_define_module_under(mOSSL, "PKey"); cPKey = rb_define_class_under(mPKey, "PKey", rb_cObject); ePKeyError = rb_define_class_under(mPKey, "PKeyError", eOSSLError); #endif /* Document-class: OpenSSL::PKey::DHError * * Generic exception that is raised if an operation on a DH PKey * fails unexpectedly or in case an instantiation of an instance of DH * fails due to non-conformant input data. */ eDHError = rb_define_class_under(mPKey, "DHError", ePKeyError); /* Document-class: OpenSSL::PKey::DH * * An implementation of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol based on * discrete logarithms in finite fields, the same basis that DSA is built * on. * * === Accessor methods for the Diffie-Hellman parameters * DH#p:: * The prime (an OpenSSL::BN) of the Diffie-Hellman parameters. * DH#g:: * The generator (an OpenSSL::BN) g of the Diffie-Hellman parameters. * DH#pub_key:: * The per-session public key (an OpenSSL::BN) matching the private key. * This needs to be passed to DH#compute_key. * DH#priv_key:: * The per-session private key, an OpenSSL::BN. * * === Example of a key exchange * dh1 = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new(2048) * der = dh1.public_key.to_der #you may send this publicly to the participating party * dh2 = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new(der) * dh2.generate_key! #generate the per-session key pair * symm_key1 = dh1.compute_key(dh2.pub_key) * symm_key2 = dh2.compute_key(dh1.pub_key) * * puts symm_key1 == symm_key2 # => true */ cDH = rb_define_class_under(mPKey, "DH", cPKey); rb_define_singleton_method(cDH, "generate", ossl_dh_s_generate, -1); rb_define_method(cDH, "initialize", ossl_dh_initialize, -1); rb_define_copy_func(cDH, ossl_dh_initialize_copy); rb_define_method(cDH, "public?", ossl_dh_is_public, 0); rb_define_method(cDH, "private?", ossl_dh_is_private, 0); rb_define_method(cDH, "to_text", ossl_dh_to_text, 0); rb_define_method(cDH, "export", ossl_dh_export, 0); rb_define_alias(cDH, "to_pem", "export"); rb_define_alias(cDH, "to_s", "export"); rb_define_method(cDH, "to_der", ossl_dh_to_der, 0); rb_define_method(cDH, "public_key", ossl_dh_to_public_key, 0); rb_define_method(cDH, "params_ok?", ossl_dh_check_params, 0); rb_define_method(cDH, "generate_key!", ossl_dh_generate_key, 0); rb_define_method(cDH, "compute_key", ossl_dh_compute_key, 1); DEF_OSSL_PKEY_BN(cDH, dh, p); DEF_OSSL_PKEY_BN(cDH, dh, q); DEF_OSSL_PKEY_BN(cDH, dh, g); DEF_OSSL_PKEY_BN(cDH, dh, pub_key); DEF_OSSL_PKEY_BN(cDH, dh, priv_key); rb_define_method(cDH, "set_pqg", ossl_dh_set_pqg, 3); rb_define_method(cDH, "set_key", ossl_dh_set_key, 2); rb_define_method(cDH, "params", ossl_dh_get_params, 0); } #else /* defined NO_DH */ void Init_ossl_dh(void) { } #endif /* NO_DH */