diff options
authorsorah <sorah@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2011-02-22 03:36:38 +0000
committersorah <sorah@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2011-02-22 03:36:38 +0000
commita790bd0bd775927583ff5502b4ccd54e6cfb0706 (patch)
parenta6fcf3e5e266836b983e50242dc18ef438320e90 (diff)
* lib/test/unit.rb: Add new options; --jobs,-j,--ruby,--jobs-status,
--no-retry. [Feature #4415] [ruby-dev:43226],[ruby-dev:43222],[ruby-core:35294] * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: Used at test/unit --jobs(-j) option. * test/csv/test_serialization.rb: test/unit parallel running ready. * test/rake/test_file_task.rb: test/unit parallel running ready. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@30939 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
6 files changed, 490 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index e0313ce9d1..ea4b6da606 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+Tue Feb 22 12:27:26 2011 Shota Fukumori (sora_h) <sorah@tubusu.net>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Add new options; --jobs,-j,--ruby,--jobs-status,
+ --no-retry.
+ [Feature #4415] [ruby-dev:43226],[ruby-dev:43222],[ruby-core:35294]
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: Used at test/unit --jobs(-j) option.
+ * test/csv/test_serialization.rb: test/unit parallel running ready.
+ * test/rake/test_file_task.rb: test/unit parallel running ready.
2011-02-21 Eric Hodel <drbrain@segment7.net>
* ext/syslog/syslog.c: Apply documentation patch from mathew murphy.
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index d4311a7c57..8839403304 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -113,6 +113,13 @@ with all sufficient information, see the ChangeLog file.
* extended method:
* StringIO#set_encoding can get 2nd argument and optional hash.
+* test/unit
+ * New arguments:
+ * -j N, --jobs=N: Allow run N testcases at once.
+ * --jobs-status: Show status of jobs when parallel running.
+ * --no-retry: Don't retry testcases which failed when parallel running.
+ * --ruby=RUBY: path to ruby for job(worker) process. optional.
* uri
* new methods:
* URI::Generic#hostname
diff --git a/lib/test/unit.rb b/lib/test/unit.rb
index 76e9fddf95..d182f2ff16 100644
--- a/lib/test/unit.rb
+++ b/lib/test/unit.rb
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ module Test
non_options(args, options)
@help = orig_args.map { |s| s =~ /[\s|&<>$()]/ ? s.inspect : s }.join " "
@options = options
+ @opts = @options = options
+ if @options[:parallel]
+ @files = args
+ @args = orig_args
+ end
@@ -75,9 +80,35 @@ module Test
opts.on '-n', '--name PATTERN', "Filter test names on pattern." do |a|
options[:filter] = a
+ opts.on '--jobs-status [TYPE]', "Show status of jobs every file; Disabled when --jobs isn't specified." do |type|
+ options[:job_status] = true
+ options[:job_status_type] = type.to_sym if type
+ end
+ opts.on '-j N', '--jobs N', "Allow run tests with N jobs at once" do |a|
+ options[:parallel] = a.to_i
+ end
+ opts.on '--no-retry', "Don't retry running testcase when --jobs specified" do
+ options[:no_retry] = true
+ end
+ opts.on '--ruby VAL', "Path to ruby; It'll have used at -j option" do |a|
+ options[:ruby] = a
+ end
def non_options(files, options)
+ begin
+ require "rbconfig"
+ rescue LoadError
+ warn "#{caller(1)[0]}: warning: Parallel running disabled because can't get path to ruby; run specify with --ruby argument"
+ options[:parallel] = nil
+ else
+ options[:ruby] = RbConfig.ruby
+ end
@@ -175,7 +206,7 @@ module Test
$: << d
- require path
+ require path unless options[:parallel]
result = true
rescue LoadError
puts "#{f}: #{$!}"
@@ -186,32 +217,299 @@ module Test
class Runner < MiniTest::Unit
+ include Test::Unit::Options
+ include Test::Unit::RequireFiles
include Test::Unit::GlobOption
include Test::Unit::LoadPathOption
include Test::Unit::GCStressOption
include Test::Unit::RunCount
class << self; undef autorun; end
+ alias orig_run_anything _run_anything
+ undef _run_anything
+ def _run_anything type
+ if @opts[:parallel] && @warnings
+ warn ""
+ ary = []
+ @warnings.reject! do |w|
+ r = ary.include?(w[1].message)
+ ary << w[1].message
+ r
+ end
+ @warnings.each do |w|
+ warn "#{w[0]}: #{w[1].message} (#{w[1].class})"
+ end
+ warn ""
+ end
+ orig_run_anything(type)
+ end
+ @@stop_auto_run = false
def self.autorun
at_exit {
Test::Unit::RunCount.run_once {
exit(Test::Unit::Runner.new.run(ARGV) || true)
- }
+ } unless @@stop_auto_run
} unless @@installed_at_exit
@@installed_at_exit = true
+ def after_worker_down(worker, e=nil, c=1)
+ return unless @opts[:parallel]
+ return if @interrupt
+ after_worker_dead worker
+ if e
+ b = e.backtrace
+ warn "#{b.shift}: #{e.message} (#{e.class})"
+ STDERR.print b.map{|s| "\tfrom #{s}"}.join("\n")
+ end
+ @need_quit = true
+ warn ""
+ warn "Some worker was crashed. It seems ruby interpreter's bug"
+ warn "or, a bug of test/unit/parallel.rb. try again without -j"
+ warn "option."
+ warn ""
+ STDERR.flush
+ exit c
+ end
+ def jobs_status
+ return unless @opts[:job_status]
+ puts "" unless @opts[:verbose]
+ if @opts[:job_status]
+ line2 = []
+ line1 = @workers.map { |worker|
+ a = "#{worker[:pid]}:#{worker[:status].to_s.ljust(7)}"
+ if worker[:file]
+ if @opts[:job_status_type] == :replace
+ a = "#{worker[:pid]}=#{worker[:file]}"
+ else
+ if a.size > worker[:file].size
+ line2 << worker[:file].ljust(a.size)
+ else
+ a << " "*(worker[:file].size-a.size)
+ line2 << worker[:file]
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ line2 << " "*a.size
+ end
+ a
+ }.join(" ")
+ if @opts[:job_status_type] == :replace
+ @terminal_width ||= %x{stty size 2>/dev/null}.split[1].to_i.nonzero? \
+ || %x{tput cols 2>/dev/null}.to_i.nonzero? \
+ || 80
+ @jstr_size ||= 0
+ del_jobs_status
+ STDOUT.flush
+ print line1[0...@terminal_width]
+ STDOUT.flush
+ @jstr_size = line1.size > @terminal_width ? @terminal_width : line1.size
+ else
+ puts line1
+ puts line2.join(" ")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def del_jobs_status
+ return unless @opts[:job_status_type] == :replace && @jstr_size
+ print "\r"+" "*@jstr_size+"\r"
+ end
+ def after_worker_dead(worker)
+ return unless @opts[:parallel]
+ return if @interrupt
+ worker[:status] = :quit
+ worker[:in].close
+ worker[:out].close
+ @workers.delete(worker)
+ @dead_workers << worker
+ @ios = @workers.map{|w| w[:out] }
+ end
def _run_suites suites, type
@interrupt = nil
result = []
- suites.each {|suite|
+ if @opts[:parallel]
- result << _run_suite(suite, type)
+ # Require needed things for parallel running
+ require 'thread'
+ require 'timeout'
+ @tasks = @files.dup # Array of filenames.
+ @need_quit = false
+ @dead_workers = [] # Array of dead workers.
+ @warnings = []
+ shutting_down = false
+ errors = []
+ failures = []
+ skips = []
+ rep = []
+ # Array of workers.
+ @workers = @opts[:parallel].times.map do
+ i,o = IO.pipe("ASCII-8BIT") # worker o>|i> master
+ j,k = IO.pipe("ASCII-8BIT") # worker <j|<k master
+ k.sync = true
+ pid = spawn(*@opts[:ruby].split(/ /),File.dirname(__FILE__) +
+ "/unit/parallel.rb", *@args, out: o, in: j)
+ [o,j].each{|io| io.close }
+ {in: k, out: i, pid: pid, status: :waiting}
+ end
+ # Thread: watchdog
+ watchdog = Thread.new do
+ while stat = Process.wait2
+ break if @interrupt # Break when interrupt
+ w = (@workers + @dead_workers).find{|x| stat[0] == x[:pid] }.dup
+ next unless w
+ unless w[:status] == :quit
+ # Worker down
+ after_worker_down w, nil, stat[1].to_i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @workers_hash = Hash[@workers.map {|w| [w[:out],w] }] # out-IO => worker
+ @ios = @workers.map{|w| w[:out] } # Array of worker IOs
+ while _io = IO.select(@ios)[0]
+ break unless _io.each do |io|
+ break if @need_quit
+ worker = @workers_hash[io]
+ buf = ((worker[:status] == :quit) ? io.read : io.gets).chomp
+ case buf
+ when /^okay$/ # Worker will run task
+ worker[:status] = :running
+ jobs_status
+ when /^ready$/ # Worker is ready
+ worker[:status] = :ready
+ if @tasks.empty?
+ break unless @workers.find{|x| x[:status] == :running }
+ else
+ task = @tasks.shift
+ worker[:file] = File.basename(task).gsub(/\.rb/,"")
+ worker[:real_file] = task
+ begin
+ worker[:loadpath] ||= []
+ worker[:in].puts "loadpath #{[Marshal.dump($:-worker[:loadpath])].pack("m").gsub("\n","")}"
+ worker[:loadpath] = $:.dup
+ worker[:in].puts "run #{task} #{type}"
+ worker[:status] = :prepare
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE
+ after_worker_down worker
+ rescue IOError
+ raise unless ["stream closed","closed stream"].include? $!.message
+ after_worker_down worker
+ end
+ end
+ jobs_status
+ when /^done (.+?)$/ # Worker ran a one of suites in a file
+ r = Marshal.load($1.unpack("m")[0])
+ # [result,result,report,$:]
+ result << r[0..1]
+ rep << {file: worker[:real_file], report: r[2], result: r[3],
+ testcase: r[5]}
+ errors << [worker[:real_file],r[5],r[3][0]]
+ failures << [worker[:real_file],r[5],r[3][1]]
+ skips << [worker[:real_file],r[5],r[3][2]]
+ $:.push(*r[4]).uniq!
+ worker[:status] = :done
+ jobs_status if @opts[:job_status_type] == :replace
+ worker[:status] = :running
+ when /^p (.+?)$/ # Worker wanna print to STDOUT
+ del_jobs_status
+ print $1.unpack("m")[0]
+ jobs_status if @opts[:job_status_type] == :replace
+ when /^after (.+?)$/
+ @warnings << Marshal.load($1.unpack("m")[0])
+ when /^bye (.+?)$/ # Worker will shutdown
+ e = Marshal.load($1.unpack("m")[0])
+ after_worker_down worker, e
+ when /^bye$/ # Worker will shutdown
+ if shutting_down
+ after_worker_dead worker
+ else
+ after_worker_down worker
+ end
+ end
+ break if @need_quit
+ end
+ end
+ # Retry
+ # TODO: Interrupt?
rescue Interrupt => e
@interrupt = e
- break
+ return result
+ ensure
+ shutting_down = true
+ watchdog.kill if watchdog
+ @workers.each do |worker|
+ begin
+ timeout(1) do
+ worker[:in].puts "quit"
+ end
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE
+ rescue Timeout::Error
+ end
+ [:in,:out].each do |name|
+ worker[name].close
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ timeout(0.2*@workers.size) do
+ Process.waitall
+ end
+ rescue Timeout::Error
+ @workers.each do |worker|
+ begin
+ Process.kill(:KILL,worker[:pid])
+ rescue Errno::ESRCH; end
+ end
+ end
+ unless @need_quit
+ if @interrupt || @opts[:no_retry]
+ rep.each do |r|
+ report.push(*r[:report])
+ end
+ @errors += errors.map(&:last).inject(:+)
+ @failures += failures.map(&:last).inject(:+)
+ @skips += skips.map(&:last).inject(:+)
+ else
+ puts ""
+ puts "Retrying..."
+ puts ""
+ @options = @opts
+ rep.each do |r|
+ if r[:testcase] && r[:file] && !r[:report].empty?
+ require r[:file]
+ _run_suite(eval(r[:testcase]),type)
+ else
+ report.push(*r[:report])
+ @errors += r[:result][0]
+ @failures += r[:result][1]
+ @skips += r[:result][1]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- }
+ else
+ suites.each {|suite|
+ begin
+ result << _run_suite(suite, type)
+ rescue Interrupt => e
+ @interrupt = e
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ end
@@ -223,10 +521,6 @@ module Test
class AutoRunner
- class Runner < Test::Unit::Runner
- include Test::Unit::RequireFiles
- end
attr_accessor :to_run, :options
def initialize(force_standalone = false, default_dir = nil, argv = ARGV)
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/parallel.rb b/lib/test/unit/parallel.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..acfdc84bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/test/unit/parallel.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+module Test
+ module Unit
+ class Worker < Runner
+ class << self
+ undef autorun
+ end
+ alias orig_run_suite _run_suite
+ undef _run_suite
+ undef _run_suites
+ def _run_suites suites, type
+ suites.map do |suite|
+ result = _run_suite(suite, type)
+ end
+ end
+ def _run_suite(suite, type)
+ r = report.dup
+ orig_stdout = MiniTest::Unit.output
+ i,o = IO.pipe
+ MiniTest::Unit.output = o
+ stdout = STDOUT.dup
+ th = Thread.new(i.dup) do |io|
+ begin
+ while buf = (self.verbose ? io.gets : io.read(5))
+ stdout.puts "p #{[buf].pack("m").gsub("\n","")}"
+ end
+ rescue IOError
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE
+ end
+ end
+ e, f, s = @errors, @failures, @skips
+ result = orig_run_suite(suite, type)
+ MiniTest::Unit.output = orig_stdout
+ o.close
+ i.close
+ begin
+ th.join
+ rescue IOError
+ raise unless ["stream closed","closed stream"].include? $!.message
+ end
+ result << (report - r)
+ result << [@errors-e,@failures-f,@skips-s]
+ result << ($: - @old_loadpath)
+ result << suite.name
+ begin
+ STDOUT.puts "done #{[Marshal.dump(result)].pack("m").gsub("\n","")}"
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE; end
+ return result
+ ensure
+ MiniTest::Unit.output = orig_stdout
+ o.close if o && !o.closed?
+ i.close if i && !i.closed?
+ end
+ def run(args = [])
+ process_args args
+ @@stop_auto_run = true
+ @opts = @options.dup
+ STDOUT.sync = true
+ STDOUT.puts "ready"
+ Signal.trap(:INT,"IGNORE")
+ @old_loadpath = []
+ begin
+ stdin = STDIN.dup
+ stdout = STDOUT.dup
+ while buf = stdin.gets
+ case buf.chomp
+ when /^loadpath (.+?)$/
+ @old_loadpath = $:.dup
+ $:.push(*Marshal.load($1.unpack("m")[0].force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT"))).uniq!
+ when /^run (.+?) (.+?)$/
+ STDOUT.puts "okay"
+ th = Thread.new do
+ while puf = stdin.gets
+ if puf.chomp == "quit"
+ begin
+ stdout.puts "bye"
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE; end
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @options = @opts.dup
+ suites = MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.test_suites
+ begin
+ require $1
+ rescue LoadError
+ th.kill
+ STDOUT.puts "after #{[Marshal.dump([$1, $!])].pack("m").gsub("\n","")}"
+ STDOUT.puts "ready"
+ next
+ end
+ _run_suites MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.test_suites-suites, $2.to_sym
+ STDIN.reopen(stdin)
+ STDOUT.reopen(stdout)
+ th.kill
+ STDOUT.puts "ready"
+ when /^quit$/
+ begin
+ STDOUT.puts "bye"
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE; end
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ begin
+ STDOUT.puts "bye #{[Marshal.dump(e)].pack("m").gsub("\n","")}"
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE;end
+ exit
+ ensure
+ stdin.close
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/csv/test_serialization.rb b/test/csv/test_serialization.rb
index 0adb972c2f..ba19b7a391 100755
--- a/test/csv/test_serialization.rb
+++ b/test/csv/test_serialization.rb
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class TestCSV::Serialization < TestCSV
def test_io
- data_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "temp_test_data.csv")
+ data_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "serialization_test_data.csv")
CSV.dump(@names, File.open(data_file, "wb"))
diff --git a/test/rake/test_file_task.rb b/test/rake/test_file_task.rb
index 1b0c0a5614..0232ac95ed 100644
--- a/test/rake/test_file_task.rb
+++ b/test/rake/test_file_task.rb
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ class Rake::TestFileTask < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_file_times_new_depends_on_old
- create_timed_files(OLDFILE, NEWFILE)
+ until File.exist?(OLDFILE) && File.exist?(NEWFILE)
+ create_timed_files(OLDFILE, NEWFILE)
+ end
t1 = Rake.application.intern(FileTask, NEWFILE).enhance([OLDFILE])
t2 = Rake.application.intern(FileTask, OLDFILE)
@@ -38,7 +40,9 @@ class Rake::TestFileTask < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_file_times_old_depends_on_new
- create_timed_files(OLDFILE, NEWFILE)
+ until File.exist?(OLDFILE) && File.exist?(NEWFILE)
+ create_timed_files(OLDFILE, NEWFILE)
+ end
t1 = Rake.application.intern(FileTask,OLDFILE).enhance([NEWFILE])
t2 = Rake.application.intern(FileTask, NEWFILE)
@@ -93,46 +97,46 @@ class Rake::TestDirectoryTask < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Rake
def setup
- rm_rf "testdata", :verbose=>false
+ rm_rf "testdata2", :verbose=>false
def teardown
- rm_rf "testdata", :verbose=>false
+ rm_rf "testdata2", :verbose=>false
def test_directory
desc "DESC"
- directory "testdata/a/b/c"
- assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task["testdata"].class
- assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task["testdata/a"].class
- assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task["testdata/a/b/c"].class
- assert_nil Task["testdata"].comment
- assert_equal "DESC", Task["testdata/a/b/c"].comment
- assert_nil Task["testdata/a/b"].comment
+ directory "testdata2/a/b/c"
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task["testdata2"].class
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task["testdata2/a"].class
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task["testdata2/a/b/c"].class
+ assert_nil Task["testdata2"].comment
+ assert_equal "DESC", Task["testdata2/a/b/c"].comment
+ assert_nil Task["testdata2/a/b"].comment
verbose(false) {
- Task['testdata/a/b'].invoke
+ Task['testdata2/a/b'].invoke
- assert File.exist?("testdata/a/b")
- assert ! File.exist?("testdata/a/b/c")
+ assert File.exist?("testdata2/a/b")
+ assert ! File.exist?("testdata2/a/b/c")
if Rake::Win32.windows?
def test_directory_win32
desc "WIN32 DESC"
- FileUtils.mkdir_p("testdata")
- Dir.chdir("testdata") do
- directory 'c:/testdata/a/b/c'
- assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task['c:/testdata'].class
- assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task['c:/testdata/a'].class
- assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task['c:/testdata/a/b/c'].class
- assert_nil Task['c:/testdata'].comment
- assert_equal "WIN32 DESC", Task['c:/testdata/a/b/c'].comment
- assert_nil Task['c:/testdata/a/b'].comment
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p("testdata2")
+ Dir.chdir("testdata2") do
+ directory 'c:/testdata2/a/b/c'
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task['c:/testdata2'].class
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task['c:/testdata2/a'].class
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task['c:/testdata2/a/b/c'].class
+ assert_nil Task['c:/testdata2'].comment
+ assert_equal "WIN32 DESC", Task['c:/testdata2/a/b/c'].comment
+ assert_nil Task['c:/testdata2/a/b'].comment
verbose(false) {
- Task['c:/testdata/a/b'].invoke
+ Task['c:/testdata2/a/b'].invoke
- assert File.exist?('c:/testdata/a/b')
- assert ! File.exist?('c:/testdata/a/b/c')
+ assert File.exist?('c:/testdata2/a/b')
+ assert ! File.exist?('c:/testdata2/a/b/c')