diff options
authorMaxime Chevalier-Boisvert <maxime.chevalierboisvert@shopify.com>2020-09-09 17:16:21 -0400
committerAlan Wu <XrXr@users.noreply.github.com>2021-10-20 18:19:22 -0400
commit1392a6f2a499f7400320b87d0bf53d3ef0e26d93 (patch)
parenta3b411b9c82010d480ce3bf203dcc8b8600722ce (diff)
Added jmp R/M instruction
3 files changed, 118 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/ujit_asm.c b/ujit_asm.c
index 41167e9d42..d8d7756ac4 100644
--- a/ujit_asm.c
+++ b/ujit_asm.c
@@ -613,6 +613,105 @@ void call(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd)
cb_write_rm(cb, false, false, NO_OPND, opnd, 2, 1, 0xFF);
+Encode a relative jump to a label (direct or conditional)
+Note: this always encodes a 32-bit offset
+void writeJcc(string mnem, opcode...)(CodeBlock cb, Label label)
+ cb.writeASM(mnem, label);
+ // Write the opcode
+ cb.writeBytes(opcode);
+ // Add a reference to the label
+ cb.addLabelRef(label);
+ // Relative 32-bit offset to be patched
+ cb.writeInt(0, 32);
+/// jcc - Conditional relative jump to a label
+alias ja = writeJcc!("ja", 0x0F, 0x87);
+alias jae = writeJcc!("jae", 0x0F, 0x83);
+alias jb = writeJcc!("jb", 0x0F, 0x82);
+alias jbe = writeJcc!("jbe", 0x0F, 0x86);
+alias jc = writeJcc!("jc", 0x0F, 0x82);
+alias je = writeJcc!("je", 0x0F, 0x84);
+alias jg = writeJcc!("jg", 0x0F, 0x8F);
+alias jge = writeJcc!("jge", 0x0F, 0x8D);
+alias jl = writeJcc!("jl", 0x0F, 0x8C);
+alias jle = writeJcc!("jle", 0x0F, 0x8E);
+alias jna = writeJcc!("jna", 0x0F, 0x86);
+alias jnae = writeJcc!("jnae", 0x0F, 0x82);
+alias jnb = writeJcc!("jnb", 0x0F, 0x83);
+alias jnbe = writeJcc!("jnbe", 0x0F, 0x87);
+alias jnc = writeJcc!("jnc", 0x0F, 0x83);
+alias jne = writeJcc!("jne", 0x0F, 0x85);
+alias jng = writeJcc!("jng", 0x0F, 0x8E);
+alias jnge = writeJcc!("jnge", 0x0F, 0x8C);
+alias jnl = writeJcc!("jnl", 0x0F, 0x8D);
+alias jnle = writeJcc!("jnle", 0x0F, 0x8F);
+alias jno = writeJcc!("jno", 0x0F, 0x81);
+alias jnp = writeJcc!("jnp", 0x0F, 0x8b);
+alias jns = writeJcc!("jns", 0x0F, 0x89);
+alias jnz = writeJcc!("jnz", 0x0F, 0x85);
+alias jo = writeJcc!("jo", 0x0F, 0x80);
+alias jp = writeJcc!("jp", 0x0F, 0x8A);
+alias jpe = writeJcc!("jpe", 0x0F, 0x8A);
+alias jpo = writeJcc!("jpo", 0x0F, 0x8B);
+alias js = writeJcc!("js", 0x0F, 0x88);
+alias jz = writeJcc!("jz", 0x0F, 0x84);
+/// Opcode for direct jump with relative 8-bit offset
+const ubyte JMP_REL8_OPCODE = 0xEB;
+/// Opcode for direct jump with relative 32-bit offset
+const ubyte JMP_REL32_OPCODE = 0xE9;
+/// Opcode for jump on equal with relative 32-bit offset
+const ubyte[] JE_REL32_OPCODE = [0x0F, 0x84];
+/// jmp - Direct relative jump to label
+alias jmp = writeJcc!("jmp", JMP_REL32_OPCODE);
+/// jmp - Indirect jump near to an R/M operand
+void jmp(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd)
+ //cb.writeASM("jmp", opnd);
+ cb_write_rm(cb, false, false, NO_OPND, opnd, 4, 1, 0xFF);
+/// jmp - Jump with relative 8-bit offset
+void jmp8(CodeBlock cb, int8_t offset)
+ cb.writeASM("jmp", ((offset > 0)? "+":"-") ~ to!string(offset));
+ cb.writeByte(JMP_REL8_OPCODE);
+ cb.writeByte(offset);
+/// jmp - Jump with relative 32-bit offset
+void jmp32(CodeBlock cb, int32_t offset)
+ cb.writeASM("jmp", ((offset > 0)? "+":"-") ~ to!string(offset));
+ cb.writeByte(JMP_REL32_OPCODE);
+ cb.writeInt(offset, 32);
+/// lea - Load Effective Address
+void lea(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t dst, x86opnd_t src)
+ //cb.writeASM("lea", dst, src);
+ assert (dst.num_bits == 64);
+ cb_write_rm(cb, false, true, dst, src, 0xFF, 1, 0x8D);
/// mov - Data move operation
void mov(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t dst, x86opnd_t src)
diff --git a/ujit_asm.h b/ujit_asm.h
index 9facd68017..1f8ed35f8f 100644
--- a/ujit_asm.h
+++ b/ujit_asm.h
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ void cb_write_epilogue(codeblock_t* cb);
// Encode individual instructions into a code block
void add(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd0, x86opnd_t opnd1);
void call(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd);
+void jmp(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd);
void mov(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t dst, x86opnd_t src);
void nop(codeblock_t* cb, size_t length);
void push(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t reg);
diff --git a/ujit_asm_tests.c b/ujit_asm_tests.c
index ac148d1b7f..b705c7bfe7 100644
--- a/ujit_asm_tests.c
+++ b/ujit_asm_tests.c
@@ -105,6 +105,24 @@ void run_tests()
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); call(cb, RAX); check_bytes(cb, "FFD0");
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); call(cb, mem_opnd(64, RSP, 8)); check_bytes(cb, "FF542408");
+ /*
+ // jcc
+ test(
+ delegate void (CodeBlock cb) { auto l = cb.label(Label.LOOP); cb.jge(l); },
+ );
+ test(
+ delegate void (CodeBlock cb) { cb.label(Label.LOOP); cb.jo(Label.LOOP); },
+ );
+ */
+ // jmp
+ cb_set_pos(cb, 0); jmp(cb, R12); check_bytes(cb, "41FFE4");
+ // lea
+ //cb_set_pos(cb, 0); mov(cb, EBX, mem_opnd(32, RSP, 4))); check_bytes(cb, "8D5C2404");
// mov
@@ -117,7 +135,6 @@ void run_tests()
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); mov(cb, R15, imm_opnd(3)); check_bytes(cb, "49BF0300000000000000");
delegate void (CodeBlock cb) { cb.mov(X86Opnd(EAX), X86Opnd(EBX)); },
@@ -150,11 +167,6 @@ void run_tests()
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); mov(cb, mem_opnd(8, RSP, 0), imm_opnd(-3)); check_bytes(cb, "C60424FD");
// nop
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); nop(cb, 1); check_bytes(cb, "90");