path: root/ext/tk/lib
diff options
authornaruse <naruse@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2016-08-09 06:44:45 +0000
committernaruse <naruse@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2016-08-09 06:44:45 +0000
commita8a06ed07b6e69bd1e88ef59f997229e25a0d78c (patch)
tree51d384de3922135bc42514af63da8aa4587a44cb /ext/tk/lib
parent67500ff75b76a07e90b9a6e72025083cd72105f5 (diff)
* ext/tk: Tk is removed from stdlib. [Feature #8539]
https://github.com/ruby/tk is the new upstream. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@55844 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/lib')
343 files changed, 0 insertions, 65032 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/README b/ext/tk/lib/README
deleted file mode 100644
index df1c7906ea..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-README this file
-multi-tk.rb multiple Tk interpreter (included safe-Tk) support
-remotei-tk.rb control remote Tk interpreter on the other process support
-tk.rb Tk interface
-tk/ library files construct Ruby/Tk
-tkextlib/ non-standard Tcl/Tk extension support libraries
-*** The followings exists for backward compatibility only.
-*** The only thing which they work is that requires current
-*** library files ( tk/*.rb ).
-tkafter.rb handles Tcl after
-tkbgerror.rb Tk error module
-tkcanvas.rb Tk canvas interface
-tkclass.rb provides generic names for Tk classes
-tkconsole.rb console command support
-tkdialog.rb Tk dialog class
-tkentry.rb Tk entry class
-tkfont.rb Tk font support
-tkmacpkg.rb Mac resource support
-tkmenubar.rb TK menubar utility
-tkmngfocus.rb focus manager
-tkpalette.rb palette support
-tkscrollbox.rb scroll box, also example of compound widget
-tktext.rb text classes
-tkvirtevent.rb virtual event support
-tkwinpkg.rb Win DDE and registry support
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb b/ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fe766c049..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3743 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# multi-tk.rb - supports multi Tk interpreters
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp>
-require 'tcltklib'
-require 'tkutil'
-require 'thread'
-if defined? Tk
- fail RuntimeError,"'multi-tk' library must be required before requiring 'tk'"
-# ignore exception on the mainloop?
-TclTkLib.mainloop_abort_on_exception = true
-# TclTkLib.mainloop_abort_on_exception = false
-# TclTkLib.mainloop_abort_on_exception = nil
-# add ThreadGroup check to TclTkIp.new
-class << TclTkIp
- alias __new__ new
- private :__new__
- def new(*args)
- if Thread.current.group != ThreadGroup::Default
- raise SecurityError, 'only ThreadGroup::Default can call TclTkIp.new'
- end
- obj = __new__(*args)
- obj.instance_eval{
- @force_default_encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([false])
- @encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([nil])
- def @encoding.to_s; self.join(nil); end
- }
- obj
- end
-# exception to treat the return value from IP
-class MultiTkIp_OK < Exception
- def self.send(thread, ret=nil)
- thread.raise self.new(ret)
- end
- def initialize(ret=nil)
- super('succeed')
- @return_value = ret
- end
- attr_reader :return_value
- alias value return_value
-# methods for construction
-class MultiTkIp
- class Command_Queue < Queue
- def initialize(interp)
- @interp = interp
- super()
- end
- def push(value)
- if !@interp || @interp.deleted?
- fail RuntimeError, "Tk interpreter is already deleted"
- end
- super(value)
- end
- alias << push
- alias enq push
- def close
- @interp = nil
- end
- end
- Command_Queue.freeze
- BASE_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__)
- WITH_RUBY_VM = Object.const_defined?(:RubyVM) && ::RubyVM.class == Class
- WITH_ENCODING = defined?(::Encoding.default_external)
- #WITH_ENCODING = Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) && ::Encoding.class == Class
- (@@SLAVE_IP_ID = ['slave'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('0')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- @@IP_TABLE = TkUtil.untrust({}) unless defined?(@@IP_TABLE)
- @@INIT_IP_ENV = TkUtil.untrust([]) unless defined?(@@INIT_IP_ENV) # table of Procs
- @@ADD_TK_PROCS = TkUtil.untrust([]) unless defined?(@@ADD_TK_PROCS) # table of [name, args, body]
- @@TK_TABLE_LIST = TkUtil.untrust([]) unless defined?(@@TK_TABLE_LIST)
- unless defined?(@@TK_CMD_TBL)
- @@TK_CMD_TBL = TkUtil.untrust(Object.new)
- # @@TK_CMD_TBL.instance_variable_set('@tbl', {}.taint)
- tbl_obj = TkUtil.untrust(Hash.new{|hash,key|
- fail IndexError, "unknown command ID '#{key}'"
- })
- @@TK_CMD_TBL.instance_variable_set('@tbl', tbl_obj)
- class << @@TK_CMD_TBL
- allow = [
- '__send__', '__id__', 'freeze', 'inspect', 'kind_of?', 'object_id',
- '[]', '[]=', 'delete', 'each', 'has_key?'
- ]
- instance_methods.each{|m| undef_method(m) unless allow.index(m.to_s)}
- def kind_of?(klass)
- @tbl.kind_of?(klass)
- end
- def inspect
- if Thread.current.group == ThreadGroup::Default
- @tbl.inspect
- else
- ip = MultiTkIp.__getip
- @tbl.reject{|idx, ent| ent.respond_to?(:ip) && ent.ip != ip}.inspect
- end
- end
- def [](idx)
- return unless (ent = @tbl[idx])
- if Thread.current.group == ThreadGroup::Default
- ent
- elsif ent.respond_to?(:ip)
- (ent.ip == MultiTkIp.__getip)? ent: nil
- else
- ent
- end
- end
- def []=(idx,val)
- if self.has_key?(idx) && Thread.current.group != ThreadGroup::Default
- fail SecurityError,"cannot change the entried command"
- end
- @tbl[idx] = val
- end
- def delete(idx, &blk)
- # if gets an entry, is permitted to delete
- if self[idx]
- @tbl.delete(idx)
- elsif blk
- blk.call(idx)
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def each(&blk)
- if Thread.current.group == ThreadGroup::Default
- @tbl.each(&blk)
- else
- ip = MultiTkIp.__getip
- @tbl.each{|idx, ent|
- blk.call(idx, ent) unless ent.respond_to?(:ip) && ent.ip != ip
- }
- end
- self
- end
- def has_key?(k)
- @tbl.has_key?(k)
- end
- alias include? has_key?
- alias key? has_key?
- alias member? has_key?
- end
- @@TK_CMD_TBL.freeze
- end
- ######################################
- @@CB_ENTRY_CLASS = Class.new(TkCallbackEntry){
- def initialize(ip, cmd)
- @ip = ip
- @safe = safe = $SAFE
- # @cmd = cmd
- cmd = MultiTkIp._proc_on_safelevel(&cmd)
- @cmd = proc{|*args| cmd.call(safe, *args)}
- self.freeze
- end
- attr_reader :ip, :cmd
- def inspect
- cmd.inspect
- end
- def call(*args)
- unless @ip.deleted?
- current = Thread.current
- backup_ip = current[:callback_ip]
- current[:callback_ip] = @ip
- begin
- ret = @ip.cb_eval(@cmd, *args)
- fail ret if ret.kind_of?(Exception)
- ret
- rescue TkCallbackBreak, TkCallbackContinue => e
- fail e
- rescue SecurityError => e
- # in 'exit', 'exit!', and 'abort' : security error --> delete IP
- if e.backtrace[0] =~ /^(.+?):(\d+):in `(exit|exit!|abort)'/
- @ip.delete
- elsif @ip.safe?
- if @ip.respond_to?(:cb_error)
- @ip.cb_error(e)
- else
- nil # ignore
- end
- else
- fail e
- end
- rescue Exception => e
- fail e if e.message =~ /^TkCallback/
- if @ip.safe?
- if @ip.respond_to?(:cb_error)
- @ip.cb_error(e)
- else
- nil # ignore
- end
- else
- fail e
- end
- ensure
- current[:callback_ip] = backup_ip
- end
- end
- end
- }.freeze
- ######################################
- def _keys2opts(src_keys)
- return nil if src_keys == nil
- keys = {}; src_keys.each{|k, v| keys[k.to_s] = v}
- #keys.collect{|k,v| "-#{k} #{v}"}.join(' ')
- keys.collect{|k,v| "-#{k} #{TclTkLib._conv_listelement(TkComm::_get_eval_string(v))}"}.join(' ')
- end
- private :_keys2opts
- def _check_and_return(thread, exception, wait=0)
- unless thread
- unless exception.kind_of?(MultiTkIp_OK)
- msg = "#{exception.class}: #{exception.message}"
- if @interp.deleted?
- warn("Warning (#{self}): " + msg)
- return nil
- end
- if safe?
- warn("Warning (#{self}): " + msg) if $DEBUG
- return nil
- end
- begin
- @interp._eval_without_enc(@interp._merge_tklist('bgerror', msg))
- rescue Exception => e
- warn("Warning (#{self}): " + msg)
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- if wait == 0
- # no wait
- Thread.pass
- if thread.stop?
- thread.raise exception
- end
- return thread
- end
- # wait to stop the caller thread
- wait.times{
- if thread.stop?
- # ready to send exception
- thread.raise exception
- return thread
- end
- # wait
- Thread.pass
- }
- # unexpected error
- thread.raise RuntimeError, "the thread may not wait for the return value"
- return thread
- end
- ######################################
- def set_cb_error(cmd = Proc.new)
- @cb_error_proc[0] = cmd
- end
- def cb_error(e)
- if @cb_error_proc[0].respond_to?(:call)
- @cb_error_proc[0].call(e)
- end
- end
- ######################################
- def set_safe_level(safe)
- if safe > @safe_level[0]
- @safe_level[0] = safe
- @cmd_queue.enq([@system, 'set_safe_level', safe])
- end
- @safe_level[0]
- end
- def safe_level=(safe)
- set_safe_level(safe)
- end
- def self.set_safe_level(safe)
- __getip.set_safe_level(safe)
- end
- def self.safe_level=(safe)
- self.set_safe_level(safe)
- end
- def safe_level
- @safe_level[0]
- end
- def self.safe_level
- __getip.safe_level
- end
- def wait_on_mainloop?
- @wait_on_mainloop[0]
- end
- def wait_on_mainloop=(bool)
- @wait_on_mainloop[0] = bool
- end
- def running_mainloop?
- @wait_on_mainloop[1] > 0
- end
- def _destroy_slaves_of_slaveIP(ip)
- unless ip.deleted?
- # ip._split_tklist(ip._invoke('interp', 'slaves')).each{|name|
- ip._split_tklist(ip._invoke_without_enc('interp', 'slaves')).each{|name|
- name = _fromUTF8(name)
- begin
- # ip._eval_without_enc("#{name} eval {foreach i [after info] {after cancel $i}}")
- after_ids = ip._eval_without_enc("#{name} eval {after info}")
- ip._eval_without_enc("#{name} eval {foreach i {#{after_ids}} {after cancel $i}}")
- rescue Exception
- end
- begin
- # ip._invoke('interp', 'eval', name, 'destroy', '.')
- ip._invoke(name, 'eval', 'destroy', '.')
- rescue Exception
- end
- # safe_base?
- if ip._eval_without_enc("catch {::safe::interpConfigure #{name}}") == '0'
- begin
- ip._eval_without_enc("::safe::interpDelete #{name}")
- rescue Exception
- end
- end
- if ip._invoke('interp', 'exists', name) == '1'
- begin
- ip._invoke(name, 'eval', 'exit')
- rescue Exception
- end
- end
- unless ip.deleted?
- if ip._invoke('interp', 'exists', name) == '1'
- begin
- ip._invoke('interp', 'delete', name)
- rescue Exception
- end
- end
- end
- }
- end
- end
- def _receiver_eval_proc_core(safe_level, thread, cmd, *args)
- begin
- #ret = proc{$SAFE = safe_level; cmd.call(*args)}.call
- #ret = cmd.call(safe_level, *args)
- normal_ret = false
- ret = catch(:IRB_EXIT) do # IRB hack
- retval = cmd.call(safe_level, *args)
- normal_ret = true
- retval
- end
- unless normal_ret
- # catch IRB_EXIT
- exit(ret)
- end
- ret
- rescue SystemExit => e
- # delete IP
- unless @interp.deleted?
- @slave_ip_tbl.each{|name, subip|
- _destroy_slaves_of_slaveIP(subip)
- begin
- # subip._eval_without_enc("foreach i [after info] {after cancel $i}")
- after_ids = subip._eval_without_enc("after info")
- subip._eval_without_enc("foreach i {#{after_ids}} {after cancel $i}")
- rescue Exception
- end
- begin
- subip._invoke('destroy', '.') unless subip.deleted?
- rescue Exception
- end
- # safe_base?
- if @interp._eval_without_enc("catch {::safe::interpConfigure #{name}}") == '0'
- begin
- @interp._eval_without_enc("::safe::interpDelete #{name}")
- rescue Exception
- else
- next if subip.deleted?
- end
- end
- if subip.respond_to?(:safe_base?) && subip.safe_base? &&
- !subip.deleted?
- # do 'exit' to call the delete_hook procedure
- begin
- subip._eval_without_enc('exit')
- rescue Exception
- end
- else
- begin
- subip.delete unless subip.deleted?
- rescue Exception
- end
- end
- }
- begin
- # @interp._eval_without_enc("foreach i [after info] {after cancel $i}")
- after_ids = @interp._eval_without_enc("after info")
- @interp._eval_without_enc("foreach i {#{after_ids}} {after cancel $i}")
- rescue Exception
- end
- begin
- @interp._invoke('destroy', '.') unless @interp.deleted?
- rescue Exception
- end
- if @safe_base && !@interp.deleted?
- # do 'exit' to call the delete_hook procedure
- @interp._eval_without_enc('exit')
- else
- @interp.delete unless @interp.deleted?
- end
- end
- if e.backtrace[0] =~ /^(.+?):(\d+):in `(exit|exit!|abort)'/
- _check_and_return(thread, MultiTkIp_OK.new($3 == 'exit'))
- else
- _check_and_return(thread, MultiTkIp_OK.new(nil))
- end
- # if master? && !safe? && allow_ruby_exit?
- if !@interp.deleted? && master? && !safe? && allow_ruby_exit?
- ObjectSpace.each_object(TclTkIp){|obj|
- obj.delete unless obj.deleted?
- }
- #exit(e.status)
- fail e
- end
- # break
- rescue SecurityError => e
- # in 'exit', 'exit!', and 'abort' : security error --> delete IP
- if e.backtrace[0] =~ /^(.+?):(\d+):in `(exit|exit!|abort)'/
- ret = ($3 == 'exit')
- unless @interp.deleted?
- @slave_ip_tbl.each{|name, subip|
- _destroy_slaves_of_slaveIP(subip)
- begin
- # subip._eval_without_enc("foreach i [after info] {after cancel $i}")
- after_ids = subip._eval_without_enc("after info")
- subip._eval_without_enc("foreach i {#{after_ids}} {after cancel $i}")
- rescue Exception
- end
- begin
- subip._invoke('destroy', '.') unless subip.deleted?
- rescue Exception
- end
- # safe_base?
- if @interp._eval_without_enc("catch {::safe::interpConfigure #{name}}") == '0'
- begin
- @interp._eval_without_enc("::safe::interpDelete #{name}")
- rescue Exception
- else
- next if subip.deleted?
- end
- end
- if subip.respond_to?(:safe_base?) && subip.safe_base? &&
- !subip.deleted?
- # do 'exit' to call the delete_hook procedure
- begin
- subip._eval_without_enc('exit')
- rescue Exception
- end
- else
- begin
- subip.delete unless subip.deleted?
- rescue Exception
- end
- end
- }
- begin
- # @interp._eval_without_enc("foreach i [after info] {after cancel $i}")
- after_ids = @interp._eval_without_enc("after info")
- @interp._eval_without_enc("foreach i {#{after_ids}} {after cancel $i}")
- rescue Exception
- end
- begin
- @interp._invoke('destroy', '.') unless @interp.deleted?
- rescue Exception
- end
- if @safe_base && !@interp.deleted?
- # do 'exit' to call the delete_hook procedure
- @interp._eval_without_enc('exit')
- else
- @interp.delete unless @interp.deleted?
- end
- end
- _check_and_return(thread, MultiTkIp_OK.new(ret))
- # break
- else
- # raise security error
- _check_and_return(thread, e)
- end
- rescue Exception => e
- # raise exception
- begin
- bt = _toUTF8(e.backtrace.join("\n"))
- bt.force_encoding('utf-8')
- else
- bt.instance_variable_set(:@encoding, 'utf-8')
- end
- rescue Exception
- bt = e.backtrace.join("\n")
- end
- begin
- @interp._set_global_var('errorInfo', bt)
- rescue Exception
- end
- _check_and_return(thread, e)
- else
- # no exception
- _check_and_return(thread, MultiTkIp_OK.new(ret))
- end
- end
- def _receiver_eval_proc(last_thread, safe_level, thread, cmd, *args)
- if thread
- Thread.new{
- last_thread.join if last_thread
- unless @interp.deleted?
- _receiver_eval_proc_core(safe_level, thread, cmd, *args)
- end
- }
- else
- Thread.new{
- unless @interp.deleted?
- _receiver_eval_proc_core(safe_level, thread, cmd, *args)
- end
- }
- last_thread
- end
- end
- private :_receiver_eval_proc, :_receiver_eval_proc_core
- def _receiver_mainloop(check_root)
- if @evloop_thread[0] && @evloop_thread[0].alive?
- @evloop_thread[0]
- else
- @evloop_thread[0] = Thread.new{
- while !@interp.deleted?
- #if check_root
- # inf = @interp._invoke_without_enc('info', 'command', '.')
- # break if !inf.kind_of?(String) || inf != '.'
- #end
- break if check_root && !@interp.has_mainwindow?
- sleep 0.5
- end
- }
- @evloop_thread[0]
- end
- end
- def _create_receiver_and_watchdog(lvl = $SAFE)
- lvl = $SAFE if lvl < $SAFE
- # command-procedures receiver
- receiver = Thread.new(lvl){|safe_level|
- last_thread = {}
- loop do
- break if @interp.deleted?
- thread, cmd, *args = @cmd_queue.deq
- if thread == @system
- # control command
- case cmd
- when 'set_safe_level'
- begin
- safe_level = args[0] if safe_level < args[0]
- rescue Exception
- end
- when 'call_mainloop'
- thread = args.shift
- _check_and_return(thread,
- MultiTkIp_OK.new(_receiver_mainloop(*args)))
- else
- # ignore
- end
- else
- # procedure
- last_thread[thread] = _receiver_eval_proc(last_thread[thread],
- safe_level, thread,
- cmd, *args)
- end
- end
- }
- # watchdog of receiver
- watchdog = Thread.new{
- begin
- loop do
- sleep 1
- if @interp.deleted?
- receiver.kill
- @cmd_queue.close
- end
- break unless receiver.alive?
- end
- rescue Exception
- # ignore all kind of Exception
- end
- # receiver is dead
- retry_count = 3
- loop do
- Thread.pass
- begin
- thread, cmd, *args = @cmd_queue.deq(true) # non-block
- rescue ThreadError
- # queue is empty
- retry_count -= 1
- break if retry_count <= 0
- sleep 0.5
- retry
- end
- next unless thread
- if thread.alive?
- if @interp.deleted?
- thread.raise RuntimeError, 'the interpreter is already deleted'
- else
- thread.raise RuntimeError,
- 'the interpreter no longer receives command procedures'
- end
- end
- end
- }
- # return threads
- [receiver, watchdog]
- end
- private :_check_and_return, :_create_receiver_and_watchdog
- ######################################
- unless self.const_defined? :RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD
- ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- end
- if self.const_defined? :DEFAULT_MASTER_NAME
- else
- name = nil
- end
- if self.const_defined?(:DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS) &&
- DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS.kind_of?(Hash)
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- @@DEFAULT_MASTER = self.allocate
- @@DEFAULT_MASTER.instance_eval{
- @tk_windows = TkUtil.untrust({})
- @tk_table_list = TkUtil.untrust([])
- @slave_ip_tbl = TkUtil.untrust({})
- @slave_ip_top = TkUtil.untrust({})
- @evloop_thread = TkUtil.untrust([])
- unless keys.kind_of? Hash
- fail ArgumentError, "expecting a Hash object for the 2nd argument"
- end
- if !WITH_RUBY_VM || RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD ### check Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!
- @interp = TclTkIp.new(name, _keys2opts(keys))
- else ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!!!!!
- @interp_thread = Thread.new{
- current = Thread.current
- begin
- current[:interp] = interp = TclTkIp.new(name, _keys2opts(keys))
- rescue e
- current[:interp] = e
- raise e
- end
- #sleep
- current[:mutex] = mutex = Mutex.new
- current[:root_check] = cond_var = ConditionVariable.new
- status = [nil]
- def status.value
- self[0]
- end
- def status.value=(val)
- self[0] = val
- end
- current[:status] = status
- begin
- begin
- #TclTkLib.mainloop_abort_on_exception = false
- #Thread.current[:status].value = TclTkLib.mainloop(true)
- interp.mainloop_abort_on_exception = true
- current[:status].value = interp.mainloop(true)
- rescue SystemExit=>e
- current[:status].value = e
- rescue Exception=>e
- current[:status].value = e
- retry if interp.has_mainwindow?
- ensure
- mutex.synchronize{ cond_var.broadcast }
- end
- #Thread.current[:status].value = TclTkLib.mainloop(false)
- current[:status].value = interp.mainloop(false)
- ensure
- # interp must be deleted before the thread for interp is dead.
- # If not, raise Tcl_Panic on Tcl_AsyncDelete because async handler
- # deleted by the wrong thread.
- interp.delete
- end
- }
- until @interp_thread[:interp]
- Thread.pass
- end
- raise @interp_thread[:interp] if @interp_thread[:interp].kind_of? Exception
- @interp = @interp_thread[:interp]
- # delete the interpreter and kill the eventloop thread at exit
- interp = @interp
- interp_thread = @interp_thread
- END{
- if interp_thread.alive?
- interp.delete
- interp_thread.kill
- end
- }
- def self.mainloop(check_root = true)
- begin
- TclTkLib.set_eventloop_window_mode(true)
- @interp_thread.value
- ensure
- TclTkLib.set_eventloop_window_mode(false)
- end
- end
- end
- @interp.instance_eval{
- @force_default_encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([false])
- @encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([nil])
- def @encoding.to_s; self.join(nil); end
- }
- @ip_name = nil
- @callback_status = TkUtil.untrust([])
- @system = Object.new
- @wait_on_mainloop = TkUtil.untrust([true, 0])
- @threadgroup = Thread.current.group
- @safe_base = false
- @safe_level = [$SAFE]
- @cmd_queue = MultiTkIp::Command_Queue.new(@interp)
- @cmd_receiver, @receiver_watchdog = _create_receiver_and_watchdog(@safe_level[0])
- @threadgroup.add @cmd_receiver
- @threadgroup.add @receiver_watchdog
- # NOT enclose @threadgroup for @@DEFAULT_MASTER
- @@IP_TABLE[ThreadGroup::Default] = self
- @@IP_TABLE[@threadgroup] = self
- #################################
- @pseudo_toplevel = [false, nil]
- def self.__pseudo_toplevel
- Thread.current.group == ThreadGroup::Default &&
- MultiTkIp.__getip == @@DEFAULT_MASTER &&
- self.__pseudo_toplevel_evaluable? && @pseudo_toplevel[1]
- end
- def self.__pseudo_toplevel=(m)
- unless (Thread.current.group == ThreadGroup::Default &&
- MultiTkIp.__getip == @@DEFAULT_MASTER)
- fail SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate"
- end
- # if m.kind_of?(Module) && m.respond_to?(:pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?)
- if m.respond_to?(:pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?)
- @pseudo_toplevel[0] = true
- @pseudo_toplevel[1] = m
- else
- fail ArgumentError, 'fail to set pseudo-toplevel'
- end
- self
- end
- def self.__pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?
- begin
- @pseudo_toplevel[0] && @pseudo_toplevel[1].pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?
- rescue Exception
- false
- end
- end
- def self.__pseudo_toplevel_evaluable=(mode)
- unless (Thread.current.group == ThreadGroup::Default &&
- MultiTkIp.__getip == @@DEFAULT_MASTER)
- fail SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate"
- end
- @pseudo_toplevel[0] = (mode)? true: false
- end
- #################################
- @assign_request = Class.new(Exception){
- def self.new(target, ret)
- obj = super()
- obj.target = target
- obj.ret = ret
- obj
- end
- attr_accessor :target, :ret
- }
- @assign_thread = Thread.new{
- loop do
- begin
- Thread.stop
- rescue @assign_request=>req
- begin
- req.ret[0] = req.target.instance_eval{
- @cmd_receiver, @receiver_watchdog =
- _create_receiver_and_watchdog(@safe_level[0])
- @threadgroup.add @cmd_receiver
- @threadgroup.add @receiver_watchdog
- @threadgroup.enclose
- true
- }
- rescue Exception=>e
- begin
- req.ret[0] = e
- rescue Exception
- # ignore
- end
- end
- rescue Exception
- # ignore
- end
- end
- }
- def self.assign_receiver_and_watchdog(target)
- ret = [nil]
- @assign_thread.raise(@assign_request.new(target, ret))
- while ret[0] == nil
- unless @assign_thread.alive?
- raise RuntimeError, 'lost the thread to assign a receiver and a watchdog thread'
- end
- end
- if ret[0].kind_of?(Exception)
- raise ret[0]
- else
- ret[0]
- end
- end
- #################################
- @init_ip_env_queue = Queue.new
- Thread.new{
- current = Thread.current
- loop {
- mtx, cond, ret, table, script = @init_ip_env_queue.deq
- begin
- ret[0] = table.each{|tg, ip| ip._init_ip_env(script) }
- rescue Exception => e
- ret[0] = e
- ensure
- mtx.synchronize{ cond.signal }
- end
- mtx = cond = ret = table = script = nil # clear variables for GC
- }
- }
- def self.__init_ip_env__(table, script)
- ret = []
- mtx = (Thread.current[:MultiTk_ip_Mutex] ||= Mutex.new)
- cond = (Thread.current[:MultiTk_ip_CondVar] ||= ConditionVariable.new)
- mtx.synchronize{
- @init_ip_env_queue.enq([mtx, cond, ret, table, script])
- cond.wait(mtx)
- }
- if ret[0].kind_of?(Exception)
- raise ret[0]
- else
- ret[0]
- end
- end
- #################################
- class << self
- undef :instance_eval
- end
- }
- @@DEFAULT_MASTER.freeze # defend against modification
- ######################################
- def self.inherited(subclass)
- # trust if on ThreadGroup::Default or @@DEFAULT_MASTER's ThreadGroup
- if @@IP_TABLE[Thread.current.group] == @@DEFAULT_MASTER
- begin
- class << subclass
- self.methods.each{|m|
- name = m.to_s
- begin
- unless name == '__id__' || name == '__send__' || name == 'freeze'
- undef_method(m)
- end
- rescue Exception
- # ignore all exceptions
- end
- }
- end
- ensure
- subclass.freeze
- fail SecurityError,
- "cannot create subclass of MultiTkIp on a untrusted ThreadGroup"
- end
- end
- end
- ######################################
- 'accessPath'.freeze,
- 'statics'.freeze,
- 'nested'.freeze,
- 'deleteHook'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def _parse_slaveopts(keys)
- name = nil
- safe = false
- safe_opts = {}
- tk_opts = {}
- keys.each{|k,v|
- k_str = k.to_s
- if k_str == 'name'
- name = v
- elsif k_str == 'safe'
- safe = v
- elsif @@SAFE_OPT_LIST.member?(k_str)
- safe_opts[k_str] = v
- else
- tk_opts[k_str] = v
- end
- }
- if keys['without_tk'] || keys[:without_tk]
- [name, safe, safe_opts, nil]
- else
- [name, safe, safe_opts, tk_opts]
- end
- end
- private :_parse_slaveopts
- def _create_slave_ip_name
- @@SLAVE_IP_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- name = @@SLAVE_IP_ID.join('')
- @@SLAVE_IP_ID[1].succ!
- name.freeze
- }
- end
- private :_create_slave_ip_name
- ######################################
- def __check_safetk_optkeys(optkeys)
- # based on 'safetk.tcl'
- new_keys = {}
- optkeys.each{|k,v| new_keys[k.to_s] = v}
- # check 'display'
- if !new_keys.key?('display')
- begin
- #new_keys['display'] = @interp._invoke('winfo screen .')
- new_keys['display'] = @interp._invoke('winfo', 'screen', '.')
- rescue
- new_keys['display'] = ENV[DISPLAY]
- elsif !new_keys.key?('use')
- warn "Warning: no screen info or ENV[DISPLAY], so use ':0.0'"
- new_keys['display'] = ':0.0'
- end
- end
- end
- # check 'use'
- if new_keys.key?('use')
- # given 'use'
- case new_keys['use']
- when TkWindow
- new_keys['use'] = TkWinfo.id(new_keys['use'])
- #assoc_display = @interp._eval('winfo screen .')
- assoc_display = @interp._invoke('winfo', 'screen', '.')
- when /^\..*/
- new_keys['use'] = @interp._invoke('winfo', 'id', new_keys['use'])
- assoc_display = @interp._invoke('winfo', 'screen', new_keys['use'])
- else
- begin
- pathname = @interp._invoke('winfo', 'pathname', new_keys['use'])
- assoc_display = @interp._invoke('winfo', 'screen', pathname)
- rescue
- assoc_display = new_keys['display']
- end
- end
- # match display?
- if assoc_display != new_keys['display']
- if optkeys.key?(:display) || optkeys.key?('display')
- fail RuntimeError,
- "conflicting 'display'=>#{new_keys['display']} " +
- "and display '#{assoc_display}' on 'use'=>#{new_keys['use']}"
- else
- new_keys['display'] = assoc_display
- end
- end
- end
- # return
- new_keys
- end
- private :__check_safetk_optkeys
- def __create_safetk_frame(slave_ip, slave_name, app_name, keys)
- # display option is used by ::safe::loadTk
- loadTk_keys = {}
- loadTk_keys['display'] = keys['display']
- dup_keys = keys.dup
- # keys for toplevel : allow followings
- toplevel_keys = {}
- ['height', 'width', 'background', 'menu'].each{|k|
- toplevel_keys[k] = dup_keys.delete(k) if dup_keys.key?(k)
- }
- toplevel_keys['classname'] = 'SafeTk'
- toplevel_keys['screen'] = dup_keys.delete('display')
- # other keys used by pack option of container frame
- # create toplevel widget
- begin
- top = TkToplevel.new(toplevel_keys)
- rescue NameError => e
- fail e unless @interp.safe?
- fail SecurityError, "unable create toplevel on the safe interpreter"
- end
- msg = "Untrusted Ruby/Tk applet (#{slave_name})"
- if app_name.kind_of?(String)
- top.title "#{app_name} (#{slave_name})"
- else
- top.title msg
- end
- # procedure to delete slave interpreter
- slave_delete_proc = proc{
- unless slave_ip.deleted?
- #if slave_ip._invoke('info', 'command', '.') != ""
- # slave_ip._invoke('destroy', '.')
- #end
- #slave_ip.delete
- slave_ip._eval_without_enc('exit')
- end
- begin
- top.destroy if top.winfo_exist?
- rescue
- # ignore
- end
- }
- tag = TkBindTag.new.bind('Destroy', slave_delete_proc)
- top.bindtags = top.bindtags.unshift(tag)
- # create control frame
- TkFrame.new(top, :bg=>'red', :borderwidth=>3, :relief=>'ridge') {|fc|
- fc.bindtags = fc.bindtags.unshift(tag)
- TkFrame.new(fc, :bd=>0){|f|
- TkButton.new(f,
- :text=>'Delete', :bd=>1, :padx=>2, :pady=>0,
- :highlightthickness=>0, :command=>slave_delete_proc
- ).pack(:side=>:right, :fill=>:both)
- f.pack(:side=>:right, :fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- }
- TkLabel.new(fc, :text=>msg, :padx=>2, :pady=>0,
- :anchor=>:w).pack(:side=>:left, :fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- fc.pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x)
- }
- # container frame for slave interpreter
- dup_keys['fill'] = :both unless dup_keys.key?('fill')
- dup_keys['expand'] = true unless dup_keys.key?('expand')
- c = TkFrame.new(top, :container=>true).pack(dup_keys)
- c.bind('Destroy', proc{top.destroy})
- # return keys
- loadTk_keys['use'] = TkWinfo.id(c)
- [loadTk_keys, top.path]
- end
- private :__create_safetk_frame
- def __create_safe_slave_obj(safe_opts, app_name, tk_opts)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- # safe interpreter
- ip_name = _create_slave_ip_name
- slave_ip = @interp.create_slave(ip_name, true)
- slave_ip.instance_eval{
- @force_default_encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([false])
- @encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([nil])
- def @encoding.to_s; self.join(nil); end
- }
- @slave_ip_tbl[ip_name] = slave_ip
- def slave_ip.safe_base?
- true
- end
- @interp._eval("::safe::interpInit #{ip_name}")
- slave_ip._invoke('set', 'argv0', app_name) if app_name.kind_of?(String)
- if tk_opts
- tk_opts = __check_safetk_optkeys(tk_opts)
- if tk_opts.key?('use')
- @slave_ip_top[ip_name] = ''
- else
- tk_opts, top_path = __create_safetk_frame(slave_ip, ip_name, app_name,
- tk_opts)
- @slave_ip_top[ip_name] = top_path
- end
- @interp._eval("::safe::loadTk #{ip_name} #{_keys2opts(tk_opts)}")
- @interp._invoke('__replace_slave_tk_commands__', ip_name)
- else
- @slave_ip_top[ip_name] = nil
- end
- if safe_opts.key?('deleteHook') || safe_opts.key?(:deleteHook)
- @interp._eval("::safe::interpConfigure #{ip_name} " +
- _keys2opts(safe_opts))
- else
- @interp._eval("::safe::interpConfigure #{ip_name} " +
- _keys2opts(safe_opts) + '-deleteHook {' +
- TkComm._get_eval_string(proc{|slave|
- self._default_delete_hook(slave)
- }) + '}')
- end
- [slave_ip, ip_name]
- end
- def __create_trusted_slave_obj(name, keys)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- ip_name = _create_slave_ip_name
- slave_ip = @interp.create_slave(ip_name, false)
- slave_ip.instance_eval{
- @force_default_encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([false])
- @encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([nil])
- def @encoding.to_s; self.join(nil); end
- }
- slave_ip._invoke('set', 'argv0', name) if name.kind_of?(String)
- slave_ip._invoke('set', 'argv', _keys2opts(keys))
- @interp._invoke('load', '', 'Tk', ip_name)
- @interp._invoke('__replace_slave_tk_commands__', ip_name)
- @slave_ip_tbl[ip_name] = slave_ip
- [slave_ip, ip_name]
- end
- ######################################
- def _create_slave_object(keys={})
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- ip = MultiTkIp.new_slave(self, keys={})
- @slave_ip_tbl[ip.name] = ip
- end
- ######################################
- def initialize(master, safeip=true, keys={})
- if master.deleted? && safeip == nil
- fail RuntimeError, "cannot create a slave of a deleted interpreter"
- end
- if !master.deleted? && !master.master? && master.safe?
- fail SecurityError, "safe-slave-ip cannot create a new interpreter"
- end
- if safeip == nil && !master.master?
- fail SecurityError, "slave-ip cannot create a master-ip"
- end
- unless keys.kind_of? Hash
- fail ArgumentError, "expecting a Hash object for the 2nd argument"
- end
- @tk_windows = {}
- @tk_table_list = []
- @slave_ip_tbl = {}
- @slave_ip_top = {}
- @cb_error_proc = []
- @evloop_thread = []
- TkUtil.untrust(@tk_windows) unless @tk_windows.tainted?
- TkUtil.untrust(@tk_table_list) unless @tk_table_list.tainted?
- TkUtil.untrust(@slave_ip_tbl) unless @slave_ip_tbl.tainted?
- TkUtil.untrust(@slave_ip_top) unless @slave_ip_top.tainted?
- TkUtil.untrust(@cb_error_proc) unless @cb_error_proc.tainted?
- TkUtil.untrust(@evloop_thread) unless @evloop_thread.tainted?
- @callback_status = []
- name, safe, safe_opts, tk_opts = _parse_slaveopts(keys)
- safe = 1 if safe && !safe.kind_of?(Fixnum)
- @safe_base = false
- if safeip == nil
- # create master-ip
- unless WITH_RUBY_VM
- @interp = TclTkIp.new(name, _keys2opts(tk_opts))
- @interp.instance_eval{
- @force_default_encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([false])
- @encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([nil])
- def @encoding.to_s; self.join(nil); end
- }
- else ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!!!!!
- @interp_thread = Thread.new{
- Thread.current[:interp] = interp = TclTkIp.new(name, _keys2opts(tk_opts))
- interp.instance_eval{
- @force_default_encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([false])
- @encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([nil])
- def @encoding.to_s; self.join(nil); end
- }
- #sleep
- TclTkLib.mainloop(true)
- }
- until @interp_thread[:interp]
- Thread.pass
- end
- @interp = @interp_thread[:interp]
- @interp_thread = Thread.new{
- current = Thread.current
- begin
- current[:interp] = interp = TclTkIp.new(name, _keys2opts(tk_opts))
- rescue e
- current[:interp] = e
- raise e
- end
- #sleep
- #TclTkLib.mainloop(true)
- current[:mutex] = mutex = Mutex.new
- current[:root_check] = cond_ver = ConditionVariable.new
- status = [nil]
- def status.value
- self[0]
- end
- def status.value=(val)
- self[0] = val
- end
- current[:status] = status
- begin
- begin
- current[:status].value = interp.mainloop(true)
- rescue SystemExit=>e
- current[:status].value = e
- rescue Exception=>e
- current[:status].value = e
- retry if interp.has_mainwindow?
- ensure
- mutex.synchronize{ cond_var.broadcast }
- end
- current[:status].value = interp.mainloop(false)
- ensure
- interp.delete
- end
- }
- until @interp_thread[:interp]
- Thread.pass
- end
- @interp = @interp_thread[:interp]
- @evloop_thread[0] = @interp_thread
- def self.mainloop(check_root = true)
- begin
- TclTkLib.set_eventloop_window_mode(true)
- @interp_thread.value
- ensure
- TclTkLib.set_eventloop_window_mode(false)
- end
- end
- end
- @interp.instance_eval{
- @force_default_encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([false])
- @encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([nil])
- def @encoding.to_s; self.join(nil); end
- }
- @ip_name = nil
- if safe
- safe = $SAFE if safe < $SAFE
- @safe_level = [safe]
- else
- @safe_level = [$SAFE]
- end
- else
- # create slave-ip
- if safeip || master.safe?
- @safe_base = true
- @interp, @ip_name = master.__create_safe_slave_obj(safe_opts,
- name, tk_opts)
- # @interp_thread = nil if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0' ### !!!!!!!!!!!
- @interp_thread = nil unless WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!!!!!
- if safe
- safe = master.safe_level if safe < master.safe_level
- @safe_level = [safe]
- else
- @safe_level = [1]
- end
- else
- @interp, @ip_name = master.__create_trusted_slave_obj(name, tk_opts)
- # @interp_thread = nil if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0' ### !!!!!!!!!!!
- @interp_thread = nil unless WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!!!!!
- if safe
- safe = master.safe_level if safe < master.safe_level
- @safe_level = [safe]
- else
- @safe_level = [master.safe_level]
- end
- end
- @set_alias_proc = proc{|name|
- master._invoke('interp', 'alias', @ip_name, name, '', name)
- }.freeze
- end
- @system = Object.new
- @wait_on_mainloop = TkUtil.untrust([true, 0])
- # @wait_on_mainloop = TkUtil.untrust([false, 0])
- @threadgroup = ThreadGroup.new
- @pseudo_toplevel = [false, nil]
- @cmd_queue = MultiTkIp::Command_Queue.new(@interp)
- @cmd_receiver, @receiver_watchdog = _create_receiver_and_watchdog(@safe_level[0])
- @threadgroup.add @cmd_receiver
- @threadgroup.add @receiver_watchdog
- @threadgroup.enclose
- @@DEFAULT_MASTER.assign_receiver_and_watchdog(self)
- @@IP_TABLE[@threadgroup] = self
- @@TK_TABLE_LIST.size.times{
- @tk_table_list << TkUtil.untrust({})
- }
- _init_ip_internal(@@INIT_IP_ENV, @@ADD_TK_PROCS)
- class << self
- undef :instance_eval
- end
- # dummy call for initialization
- self.eval_proc{ Tk.tk_call('set', 'tcl_patchLevel') }
- self.freeze # defend against modification
- end
- ######################################
- def _default_delete_hook(slave)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @slave_ip_tbl.delete(slave)
- top = @slave_ip_top.delete(slave)
- if top.kind_of?(String)
- # call default hook of safetk.tcl (ignore exceptions)
- if top == ''
- begin
- @interp._eval("::safe::disallowTk #{slave}")
- rescue
- warn("Warning: fail to call '::safe::disallowTk'") if $DEBUG
- end
- else # toplevel path
- begin
- @interp._eval("::safe::tkDelete {} #{top} #{slave}")
- rescue
- warn("Warning: fail to call '::safe::tkDelete'") if $DEBUG
- begin
- @interp._eval("destroy #{top}")
- rescue
- warn("Warning: fail to destroy toplevel") if $DEBUG
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-# get target IP
-class MultiTkIp
- @@CALLBACK_SUBTHREAD = Class.new(Thread){
- def self.new(interp, &blk)
- super(interp){|ip| Thread.current[:callback_ip] = ip; blk.call}
- end
- @table = TkUtil.untrust(Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = TkUtil.untrust([])})
- def self.table
- @table
- end
- }
- def self._ip_id_
- __getip._ip_id_
- end
- def _ip_id_
- # for RemoteTkIp
- ''
- end
- def self.__getip
- current = Thread.current
- if current.kind_of?(@@CALLBACK_SUBTHREAD)
- return current[:callback_ip]
- end
- if TclTkLib.mainloop_thread? != false && current[:callback_ip]
- return current[:callback_ip]
- end
- if current.group == ThreadGroup::Default
- else
- ip = @@IP_TABLE[current.group]
- unless ip
- fail SecurityError,
- "cannot call Tk methods on #{Thread.current.inspect}"
- end
- ip
- end
- end
-# aliases of constructor
-class << MultiTkIp
- alias __new new
- private :__new
- def new_master(safe=nil, keys={}, &blk)
- if MultiTkIp::WITH_RUBY_VM
- #### TODO !!!!!!
- fail RuntimeError,
- 'sorry, still not support multiple master-interpreters on RubyVM'
- end
- if safe.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = safe
- elsif safe.kind_of?(Integer)
- raise ArgumentError, "unexpected argument(s)" unless keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- if !keys.key?(:safe) && !keys.key?('safe')
- keys[:safe] = safe
- end
- elsif safe == nil
- # do nothing
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "unexpected argument(s)"
- end
- ip = __new(__getip, nil, keys)
- #ip.eval_proc(proc{$SAFE=ip.safe_level; Proc.new}.call) if block_given?
- if block_given?
- #Thread.new{ip.eval_proc(proc{$SAFE=ip.safe_level; Proc.new}.call)}
- #Thread.new{ip.eval_proc(proc{$SAFE=ip.safe_level; yield}.call)}
- ip._proc_on_safelevel(&blk).call(ip.safe_level)
- end
- ip
- end
- alias new new_master
- def new_slave(safe=nil, keys={}, &blk)
- if safe.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = safe
- elsif safe.kind_of?(Integer)
- raise ArgumentError, "unexpected argument(s)" unless keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- if !keys.key?(:safe) && !keys.key?('safe')
- keys[:safe] = safe
- end
- elsif safe == nil
- # do nothing
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "unexpected argument(s)"
- end
- ip = __new(__getip, false, keys)
- # ip.eval_proc(proc{$SAFE=ip.safe_level; Proc.new}.call) if block_given?
- if block_given?
- #Thread.new{ip.eval_proc(proc{$SAFE=ip.safe_level; Proc.new}.call)}
- #Thread.new{ip.eval_proc(proc{$SAFE=ip.safe_level; yield}.call)}
- ip._proc_on_safelevel(&blk).call(ip.safe_level)
- end
- ip
- end
- alias new_trusted_slave new_slave
- def new_safe_slave(safe=1, keys={}, &blk)
- if safe.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = safe
- elsif safe.kind_of?(Integer)
- raise ArgumentError, "unexpected argument(s)" unless keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- if !keys.key?(:safe) && !keys.key?('safe')
- keys[:safe] = safe
- end
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "unexpected argument(s)"
- end
- ip = __new(__getip, true, keys)
- # ip.eval_proc(proc{$SAFE=ip.safe_level; Proc.new}.call) if block_given?
- if block_given?
- #Thread.new{ip.eval_proc(proc{$SAFE=ip.safe_level; Proc.new}.call)}
- #Thread.new{ip.eval_proc(proc{$SAFE=ip.safe_level; yield}.call)}
- ip._proc_on_safelevel(&blk).call(ip.safe_level)
- end
- ip
- end
- alias new_safeTk new_safe_slave
-# get info
-class MultiTkIp
- def inspect
- s = self.to_s.chop!
- if self.manipulable?
- if master?
- if @interp.deleted?
- s << ':deleted-master'
- else
- s << ':master'
- end
- else
- if @interp.deleted?
- s << ':deleted-slave'
- elsif @interp.safe?
- s << ':safe-slave'
- else
- s << ':trusted-slave'
- end
- end
- end
- s << '>'
- end
- def master?
- if @ip_name
- false
- else
- true
- end
- end
- def self.master?
- __getip.master?
- end
- def slave?
- not master?
- end
- def self.slave?
- not self.master?
- end
- def alive?
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- begin
- return false unless @cmd_receiver.alive?
- return false if @interp.deleted?
- return false if @interp._invoke('interp', 'exists', '') == '0'
- rescue Exception
- return false
- end
- true
- end
- def self.alive?
- __getip.alive?
- end
- def path
- @ip_name || ''
- end
- def self.path
- __getip.path
- end
- def ip_name
- @ip_name || ''
- end
- def self.ip_name
- __getip.ip_name
- end
- def to_eval
- @ip_name || ''
- end
- def self.to_eval
- __getip.to_eval
- end
- def slaves(all = false)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp','slaves').split.map!{|name|
- if @slave_ip_tbl.key?(name)
- @slave_ip_tbl[name]
- elsif all
- name
- else
- nil
- end
- }.compact!
- end
- def self.slaves(all = false)
- __getip.slaves(all)
- end
- def manipulable?
- return true if (Thread.current.group == ThreadGroup::Default)
- ip = MultiTkIp.__getip
- (ip == self) || ip._is_master_of?(@interp)
- end
- def self.manipulable?
- true
- end
- def _is_master_of?(tcltkip_obj)
- tcltkip_obj.slave_of?(@interp)
- end
- protected :_is_master_of?
-# instance methods to treat tables
-class MultiTkIp
- def _tk_cmd_tbl
- tbl = {}
- MultiTkIp.tk_cmd_tbl.each{|id, ent| tbl[id] = ent if ent.ip == self }
- tbl
- end
- def _tk_windows
- @tk_windows
- end
- def _tk_table_list
- @tk_table_list
- end
- def _add_new_tables
- (@@TK_TABLE_LIST.size - @tk_table_list.size).times{
- @tk_table_list << TkUtil.untrust({})
- }
- end
- def _init_ip_env(script)
- self.eval_proc{script.call(self)}
- end
- def _add_tk_procs(name, args, body)
- return if slave?
- @interp._invoke('proc', name, args, body) if args && body
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'slaves').split.each{|slave|
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'alias', slave, name, '', name)
- }
- end
- def _remove_tk_procs(*names)
- return if slave?
- names.each{|name|
- name = name.to_s
- return if @interp.deleted?
- @interp._invoke('rename', name, '')
- return if @interp.deleted?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'slaves').split.each{|slave|
- return if @interp.deleted?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'alias', slave, name, '') rescue nil
- }
- }
- end
- def _init_ip_internal(init_ip_env, add_tk_procs)
- #init_ip_env.each{|script| self.eval_proc{script.call(self)}}
- init_ip_env.each{|script| self._init_ip_env(script)}
- add_tk_procs.each{|name, args, body|
- if master?
- @interp._invoke('proc', name, args, body) if args && body
- else
- @set_alias_proc.call(name)
- end
- }
- end
-# class methods to treat tables
-class MultiTkIp
- def self.tk_cmd_tbl
- end
- def self.tk_windows
- __getip._tk_windows
- end
- def self.tk_object_table(id)
- __getip._tk_table_list[id]
- end
- def self.create_table
- if __getip.slave?
- begin
- raise SecurityError, "slave-IP has no permission creating a new table"
- rescue SecurityError => e
- #p e.backtrace
- # Is called on a Ruby/Tk library?
- caller_info = e.backtrace[1]
- if caller_info =~ %r{^#{MultiTkIp::BASE_DIR}/(tk|tkextlib)/[^:]+\.rb:}
- # Probably, caller is a Ruby/Tk library --> allow creating
- else
- raise e
- end
- end
- end
- id = @@TK_TABLE_LIST.size
- obj = Object.new
- @@TK_TABLE_LIST << obj
- obj.instance_variable_set(:@id, id)
- obj.instance_variable_set(:@mutex, Mutex.new)
- obj.instance_eval{
- def self.mutex
- @mutex
- end
- def self.method_missing(m, *args)
- MultiTkIp.tk_object_table(@id).__send__(m, *args)
- end
- }
- obj.freeze
- @@IP_TABLE.each{|tg, ip| ip._add_new_tables }
- return obj
- end
- def self.init_ip_env(script = Proc.new)
- @@INIT_IP_ENV << script
- if __getip.slave?
- begin
- raise SecurityError, "slave-IP has no permission initializing IP env"
- rescue SecurityError => e
- #p e.backtrace
- # Is called on a Ruby/Tk library?
- caller_info = e.backtrace[1]
- if caller_info =~ %r{^#{MultiTkIp::BASE_DIR}/(tk|tkextlib)/[^:]+\.rb:}
- # Probably, caller is a Ruby/Tk library --> allow creating
- else
- raise e
- end
- end
- end
- # @@IP_TABLE.each{|tg, ip|
- # ip._init_ip_env(script)
- # }
- @@DEFAULT_MASTER.__init_ip_env__(@@IP_TABLE, script)
- end
- def self.add_tk_procs(name, args=nil, body=nil)
- if name.kind_of?(Array) # => an array of [name, args, body]
- name.each{|param| self.add_tk_procs(*param)}
- else
- name = name.to_s
- @@ADD_TK_PROCS << [name, args, body]
- @@IP_TABLE.each{|tg, ip|
- ip._add_tk_procs(name, args, body)
- }
- end
- end
- def self.remove_tk_procs(*names)
- names.each{|name|
- name = name.to_s
- @@ADD_TK_PROCS.delete_if{|elem|
- elem.kind_of?(Array) && elem[0].to_s == name
- }
- }
- @@IP_TABLE.each{|tg, ip|
- ip._remove_tk_procs(*names)
- }
- end
- def self.init_ip_internal
- __getip._init_ip_internal(@@INIT_IP_ENV, @@ADD_TK_PROCS)
- end
-# for callback operation
-class MultiTkIp
- def self.cb_entry_class
- end
- def self.get_cb_entry(cmd)
- @@CB_ENTRY_CLASS.new(__getip, cmd).freeze
- end
- def cb_eval(cmd, *args)
- #self.eval_callback{ TkComm._get_eval_string(TkUtil.eval_cmd(cmd, *args)) }
- #ret = self.eval_callback{ TkComm._get_eval_string(TkUtil.eval_cmd(cmd, *args)) }
- ret = self.eval_callback(*args){|safe, *params|
- $SAFE=safe if $SAFE < safe
- TkComm._get_eval_string(TkUtil.eval_cmd(cmd, *params))
- }
- if ret.kind_of?(Exception)
- raise ret
- end
- ret
- end
- def cb_eval(cmd, *args)
- self.eval_callback(*args,
- &_proc_on_safelevel{|*params|
- TkComm._get_eval_string(TkUtil.eval_cmd(cmd, *params))
- })
- end
- def cb_eval(cmd, *args)
- self.eval_callback(*args){|safe, *params|
- $SAFE=safe if $SAFE < safe
- # TkUtil.eval_cmd(cmd, *params)
- TkComm._get_eval_string(TkUtil.eval_cmd(cmd, *params))
- }
- end
- def cb_eval(cmd, *args)
- @callback_status[0] ||= TkVariable.new
- @callback_status[1] ||= TkVariable.new
- st, val = @callback_status
- th = Thread.new{
- self.eval_callback(*args){|safe, *params|
- #p [status, val, safe, *params]
- $SAFE=safe if $SAFE < safe
- begin
- TkComm._get_eval_string(TkUtil.eval_cmd(cmd, *params))
- rescue TkCallbackContinue
- st.value = 4
- rescue TkCallbackBreak
- st.value = 3
- rescue TkCallbackReturn
- st.value = 2
- rescue Exception => e
- val.value = e.message
- st.value = 1
- else
- st.value = 0
- end
- }
- }
- begin
- st.wait
- status = st.numeric
- retval = val.value
- rescue => e
- fail e
- end
- if status == 1
- fail RuntimeError, retval
- elsif status == 2
- fail TkCallbackReturn, "Tk callback returns 'return' status"
- elsif status == 3
- fail TkCallbackBreak, "Tk callback returns 'break' status"
- elsif status == 4
- fail TkCallbackContinue, "Tk callback returns 'continue' status"
- else
- ''
- end
- end
-# pseudo-toplevel operation support
-class MultiTkIp
- # instance method
- def __pseudo_toplevel
- ip = MultiTkIp.__getip
- (ip == @@DEFAULT_MASTER || ip == self) &&
- self.__pseudo_toplevel_evaluable? && @pseudo_toplevel[1]
- end
- def __pseudo_toplevel=(m)
- unless (Thread.current.group == ThreadGroup::Default &&
- MultiTkIp.__getip == @@DEFAULT_MASTER)
- fail SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate"
- end
- # if m.kind_of?(Module) && m.respond_to?(:pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?)
- if m.respond_to?(:pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?)
- @pseudo_toplevel[0] = true
- @pseudo_toplevel[1] = m
- else
- fail ArgumentError, 'fail to set pseudo-toplevel'
- end
- self
- end
- def __pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?
- begin
- @pseudo_toplevel[0] && @pseudo_toplevel[1].pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?
- rescue Exception
- false
- end
- end
- def __pseudo_toplevel_evaluable=(mode)
- unless (Thread.current.group == ThreadGroup::Default &&
- MultiTkIp.__getip == @@DEFAULT_MASTER)
- fail SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate"
- end
- @pseudo_toplevel[0] = (mode)? true: false
- end
-# use pseudo-toplevel feature of MultiTkIp ?
-if (!defined?(Use_PseudoToplevel_Feature_of_MultiTkIp) ||
- Use_PseudoToplevel_Feature_of_MultiTkIp)
- module MultiTkIp_PseudoToplevel_Evaluable
- #def pseudo_toplevel_eval(body = Proc.new)
- # Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL] = self
- # begin
- # body.call
- # ensure
- # Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL] = nil
- # end
- #end
- def pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?
- @pseudo_toplevel_evaluable
- end
- def pseudo_toplevel_evaluable=(mode)
- @pseudo_toplevel_evaluable = (mode)? true: false
- end
- def self.extended(mod)
- mod.__send__(:extend_object, mod)
- mod.instance_variable_set('@pseudo_toplevel_evaluable', true)
- end
- end
- class Object
- alias __method_missing_alias_for_MultiTkIp__ method_missing
- private :__method_missing_alias_for_MultiTkIp__
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- begin
- has_top = (top = MultiTkIp.__getip.__pseudo_toplevel) &&
- top.respond_to?(:pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?) &&
- top.pseudo_toplevel_evaluable? &&
- top.respond_to?(id)
- rescue Exception => e
- has_top = false
- end
- if has_top
- top.__send__(id, *args)
- else
- __method_missing_alias_for_MultiTkIp__(id, *args)
- end
- end
- end
- # dummy
- module MultiTkIp_PseudoToplevel_Evaluable
- def pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?
- false
- end
- end
-# evaluate a procedure on the proper interpreter
-class MultiTkIp
- # instance & class method
- def _proc_on_safelevel(cmd=nil) # require a block for eval
- if cmd
- if cmd.kind_of?(Method)
- _proc_on_safelevel{|*args| cmd.call(*args)}
- else
- _proc_on_safelevel(&cmd)
- end
- else
- #Proc.new{|safe, *args| $SAFE=safe if $SAFE < safe; yield(*args)}
- Proc.new{|safe, *args|
- # avoid security error on Exception objects
- untrust_proc = proc{|err|
- begin
- err.untrust if err.respond_to?(:untrust)
- rescue SecurityError
- end
- err
- }
- $SAFE=safe if $SAFE < safe;
- begin
- yield(*args)
- rescue Exception => e
- fail untrust_proc.call(e)
- end
- }
- end
- end
- def MultiTkIp._proc_on_safelevel(cmd=nil, &blk)
- MultiTkIp.__getip._proc_on_safelevel(cmd, &blk)
- end
- def _proc_on_current_safelevel(cmd=nil, &blk) # require a block for eval
- safe = $SAFE
- cmd = _proc_on_safelevel(cmd, &blk)
- Proc.new{|*args| cmd.call(safe, *args)}
- end
- def MultiTkIp._proc_on_current_safelevel(cmd=nil, &blk)
- MultiTkIp.__getip._proc_on_current_safelevel(cmd, &blk)
- end
- ######################################
- # instance method
- def eval_proc_core(req_val, cmd, *args)
- # check
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- unless cmd.kind_of?(Proc) || cmd.kind_of?(Method)
- raise RuntimeError, "A Proc/Method object is expected for the 'cmd' argument"
- end
- # on IP thread
- if @cmd_receiver == Thread.current ||
- (!req_val && TclTkLib.mainloop_thread? != false) # callback
- begin
- ret = cmd.call(safe_level, *args)
- rescue SystemExit => e
- # exit IP
- warn("Warning: "+ e.inspect + " on " + self.inspect) if $DEBUG
- begin
- self._eval_without_enc('exit')
- rescue Exception => e
- end
- self.delete
- ret = nil
- rescue Exception => e
- if $DEBUG
- warn("Warning: " + e.class.inspect +
- ((e.message.length > 0)? ' "' + e.message + '"': '') +
- " on " + self.inspect)
- end
- begin
- bt = _toUTF8(e.backtrace.join("\n"))
- bt.instance_variable_set(:@encoding, 'utf-8')
- rescue Exception
- bt = e.backtrace.join("\n")
- end
- begin
- @interp._set_global_var('errorInfo', bt)
- rescue Exception
- end
- ret = e
- end
- return ret
- end
- # send cmd to the proc-queue
- unless req_val
- begin
- @cmd_queue.enq([nil, cmd, *args])
- rescue Exception => e
- # ignore
- if $DEBUG
- warn("Warning: " + e.class.inspect +
- ((e.message.length > 0)? ' "' + e.message + '"': '') +
- " on " + self.inspect)
- end
- return e
- end
- return nil
- end
- # send and get return value by exception
- begin
- @cmd_queue.enq([Thread.current, cmd, *args])
- Thread.stop
- rescue MultiTkIp_OK => ret
- # return value
- return ret.value
- rescue SystemExit => e
- # exit IP
- warn("Warning: " + e.inspect + " on " + self.inspect) if $DEBUG
- begin
- self._eval_without_enc('exit')
- rescue Exception
- end
- if !self.deleted? && !safe? && allow_ruby_exit?
- self.delete
- fail e
- else
- self.delete
- end
- rescue Exception => e
- if $DEBUG
- warn("Warning: " + e.class.inspect +
- ((e.message.length > 0)? ' "' + e.message + '"': '') +
- " on " + self.inspect)
- end
- return e
- end
- return nil
- end
- private :eval_proc_core
-if false && WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9
- # Not stable, so disable this feature
- def eval_callback(*args)
- if block_given?
- cmd = Proc.new
- else
- cmd = args.shift
- end
- begin
- if @@CALLBACK_SUBTHREAD.table[self].index(Thread.current)
- last_th = nil
- else
- last_th = @@CALLBACK_SUBTHREAD.table[self][-1]
- end
- @@CALLBACK_SUBTHREAD.table[self] << Thread.current
- begin
- last_th.join if last_th
- eval_proc_core(false, cmd, *args)
- rescue Exception=>e
- e
- ensure
- @@CALLBACK_SUBTHREAD.table[self].delete(Thread.current)
- end
- }
- end
- end
-else ### Ruby 1.8
- def eval_callback(*args)
- if block_given?
- cmd = Proc.new
- else
- cmd = args.shift
- end
- begin
- eval_proc_core(false, cmd, *args)
- rescue Exception=>e
- e
- ensure
- end
- end
- def eval_proc(*args, &blk)
- if block_given?
- cmd = _proc_on_safelevel(&blk)
- else
- unless (cmd = args.shift)
- fail ArgumentError, "A Proc or Method object is expected for 1st argument"
- end
- cmd = _proc_on_safelevel(&cmd)
- end
- if TclTkLib.mainloop_thread? == true
- # call from eventloop
- current = Thread.current
- backup_ip = current[:callback_ip]
- current[:callback_ip] = self
- begin
- eval_proc_core(false, cmd, *args)
- ensure
- current[:callback_ip] = backup_ip
- end
- else
- eval_proc_core(true,
- proc{|safe, *params|
- Thread.new{cmd.call(safe, *params)}.value
- },
- *args)
- end
- end
- def eval_proc(*args)
- # The scope of the eval-block of 'eval_proc' method is different from
- # the external. If you want to pass local values to the eval-block,
- # use arguments of eval_proc method. They are passed to block-arguments.
- if block_given?
- cmd = Proc.new
- else
- unless (cmd = args.shift)
- fail ArgumentError, "A Proc or Method object is expected for 1st argument"
- end
- end
- if TclTkLib.mainloop_thread? == true
- # call from eventloop
- current = Thread.current
- backup_ip = current[:callback_ip]
- current[:callback_ip] = self
- begin
- eval_proc_core(false,
- proc{|safe, *params|
- $SAFE=safe if $SAFE < safe
- cmd.call(*params)
- }, *args)
- ensure
- current[:callback_ip] = backup_ip
- end
- else
- eval_proc_core(true,
- proc{|safe, *params|
- $SAFE=safe if $SAFE < safe
- Thread.new(*params, &cmd).value
- },
- *args)
- end
- end
- alias call eval_proc
- def bg_eval_proc(*args)
- if block_given?
- cmd = Proc.new
- else
- unless (cmd = args.shift)
- fail ArgumentError, "A Proc or Method object is expected for 1st argument"
- end
- end
- Thread.new{
- eval_proc(cmd, *args)
- eval_proc_core(false,
- proc{|safe, *params|
- $SAFE=safe if $SAFE < safe
- Thread.new(*params, &cmd).value
- },
- safe_level, *args)
- }
- end
- alias background_eval_proc bg_eval_proc
- alias thread_eval_proc bg_eval_proc
- alias bg_call bg_eval_proc
- alias background_call bg_eval_proc
- def eval_string(cmd, *eval_args)
- # cmd string ==> proc
- unless cmd.kind_of?(String)
- raise RuntimeError, "A String object is expected for the 'cmd' argument"
- end
- eval_proc_core(true,
- proc{|safe|
- Kernel.eval("$SAFE=#{safe} if $SAFE < #{safe};" << cmd,
- *eval_args)
- })
- end
- alias eval_str eval_string
- def bg_eval_string(cmd, *eval_args)
- # cmd string ==> proc
- unless cmd.kind_of?(String)
- raise RuntimeError, "A String object is expected for the 'cmd' argument"
- end
- Thread.new{
- eval_proc_core(true,
- proc{|safe|
- Kernel.eval("$SAFE=#{safe} if $SAFE < #{safe};" << cmd,
- *eval_args)
- })
- }
- end
- alias background_eval_string bg_eval_string
- alias bg_eval_str bg_eval_string
- alias background_eval_str bg_eval_string
- def eval(*args, &blk)
- if block_given?
- eval_proc(*args, &blk)
- elsif args[0]
- if args[0].respond_to?(:call)
- eval_proc(*args)
- else
- eval_string(*args)
- end
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "no argument to eval"
- end
- end
- def bg_eval(*args, &blk)
- if block_given?
- bg_eval_proc(*args, &blk)
- elsif args[0]
- if args[0].respond_to?(:call)
- bg_eval_proc(*args)
- else
- bg_eval_string(*args)
- end
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "no argument to eval"
- end
- end
- alias background_eval bg_eval
-class << MultiTkIp
- # class method
- def eval_proc(*args, &blk)
- # class ==> interp object
- __getip.eval_proc(*args, &blk)
- end
- alias call eval_proc
- def bg_eval_proc(*args, &blk)
- # class ==> interp object
- __getip.bg_eval_proc(*args, &blk)
- end
- alias background_eval_proc bg_eval_proc
- alias thread_eval_proc bg_eval_proc
- alias bg_call bg_eval_proc
- alias background_call bg_eval_proc
- def eval_string(cmd, *eval_args)
- # class ==> interp object
- __getip.eval_string(cmd, *eval_args)
- end
- alias eval_str eval_string
- def bg_eval_string(cmd, *eval_args)
- # class ==> interp object
- __getip.bg_eval_string(cmd, *eval_args)
- end
- alias background_eval_string bg_eval_string
- alias bg_eval_str bg_eval_string
- alias background_eval_str bg_eval_string
- def eval(*args, &blk)
- # class ==> interp object
- __getip.eval(*args, &blk)
- end
- def bg_eval(*args, &blk)
- # class ==> interp object
- __getip.bg_eval(*args, &blk)
- end
- alias background_eval bg_eval
-# event loop
-# all master/slave IPs are controlled by only one event-loop
-class MultiTkIp
- def self.default_master?
- __getip == @@DEFAULT_MASTER
- end
-class << MultiTkIp
- def mainloop(check_root = true)
- __getip.mainloop(check_root)
- end
- def mainloop_watchdog(check_root = true)
- __getip.mainloop_watchdog(check_root)
- end
- def do_one_event(flag = TclTkLib::EventFlag::ALL)
- __getip.do_one_event(flag)
- end
- def mainloop_abort_on_exception
- # __getip.mainloop_abort_on_exception
- TclTkLib.mainloop_abort_on_exception
- end
- def mainloop_abort_on_exception=(mode)
- # __getip.mainloop_abort_on_exception=(mode)
- TclTkLib.mainloop_abort_on_exception=(mode)
- end
- def set_eventloop_tick(tick)
- __getip.set_eventloop_tick(tick)
- end
- def get_eventloop_tick
- __getip.get_eventloop_tick
- end
- def set_no_event_wait(tick)
- __getip.set_no_event_wait(tick)
- end
- def get_no_event_wait
- __getip.get_no_event_wait
- end
- def set_eventloop_weight(loop_max, no_event_tick)
- __getip.set_eventloop_weight(loop_max, no_event_tick)
- end
- def get_eventloop_weight
- __getip.get_eventloop_weight
- end
-# class methods to delegate to TclTkIp
-class << MultiTkIp
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- __getip.__send__(id, *args)
- end
- def make_safe
- __getip.make_safe
- end
- def safe?
- __getip.safe?
- end
- def safe_base?
- begin
- __getip.safe_base?
- rescue
- false
- end
- end
- def allow_ruby_exit?
- __getip.allow_ruby_exit?
- end
- def allow_ruby_exit= (mode)
- __getip.allow_ruby_exit = mode
- end
- def delete
- __getip.delete
- end
- def deleted?
- __getip.deleted?
- end
- def has_mainwindow?
- __getip.has_mainwindow?
- end
- def invalid_namespace?
- __getip.invalid_namespace?
- end
- def abort(msg = nil)
- __getip.abort(msg)
- end
- def exit(st = true)
- __getip.exit(st)
- end
- def exit!(st = false)
- __getip.exit!(st)
- end
- def restart(app_name = nil, keys = {})
- init_ip_internal
- __getip._invoke('set', 'argv0', app_name) if app_name
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- __getip._invoke('set', 'argv', _keys2opts(keys))
- end
- __getip.restart
- end
- def _eval(str)
- __getip._eval(str)
- end
- def _invoke(*args)
- __getip._invoke(*args)
- end
- def _eval_without_enc(str)
- __getip._eval_without_enc(str)
- end
- def _invoke_without_enc(*args)
- __getip._invoke_without_enc(*args)
- end
- def _eval_with_enc(str)
- __getip._eval_with_enc(str)
- end
- def _invoke_with_enc(*args)
- __getip._invoke_with_enc(*args)
- end
- def _toUTF8(str, encoding=nil)
- __getip._toUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- def _fromUTF8(str, encoding=nil)
- __getip._fromUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- def _thread_vwait(var)
- __getip._thread_vwait(var)
- end
- def _thread_tkwait(mode, target)
- __getip._thread_tkwait(mode, target)
- end
- def _return_value
- __getip._return_value
- end
- def _get_variable(var, flag)
- __getip._get_variable(var, flag)
- end
- def _get_variable2(var, idx, flag)
- __getip._get_variable2(var, idx, flag)
- end
- def _set_variable(var, value, flag)
- __getip._set_variable(var, value, flag)
- end
- def _set_variable2(var, idx, value, flag)
- __getip._set_variable2(var, idx, value, flag)
- end
- def _unset_variable(var, flag)
- __getip._unset_variable(var, flag)
- end
- def _unset_variable2(var, idx, flag)
- __getip._unset_variable2(var, idx, flag)
- end
- def _get_global_var(var)
- __getip._get_global_var(var)
- end
- def _get_global_var2(var, idx)
- __getip._get_global_var2(var, idx)
- end
- def _set_global_var(var, value)
- __getip._set_global_var(var, value)
- end
- def _set_global_var2(var, idx, value)
- __getip._set_global_var2(var, idx, value)
- end
- def _unset_global_var(var)
- __getip._unset_global_var(var)
- end
- def _unset_global_var2(var, idx)
- __getip._unset_global_var2(var, idx)
- end
- def _make_menu_embeddable(menu_path)
- __getip._make_menu_embeddable(menu_path)
- end
- def _split_tklist(str)
- __getip._split_tklist(str)
- end
- def _merge_tklist(*args)
- __getip._merge_tklist(*args)
- end
- def _conv_listelement(arg)
- __getip._conv_listelement(arg)
- end
- def _create_console
- __getip._create_console
- end
-# wrap methods on TclTkLib : not permit calling TclTkLib module methods
-class << TclTkLib
- def mainloop(check_root = true)
- MultiTkIp.mainloop(check_root)
- end
- def mainloop_watchdog(check_root = true)
- MultiTkIp.mainloop_watchdog(check_root)
- end
- def do_one_event(flag = TclTkLib::EventFlag::ALL)
- MultiTkIp.do_one_event(flag)
- end
- #def mainloop_abort_on_exception
- # MultiTkIp.mainloop_abort_on_exception
- #end
- #def mainloop_abort_on_exception=(mode)
- # MultiTkIp.mainloop_abort_on_exception=(mode)
- #end
- def set_eventloop_tick(tick)
- MultiTkIp.set_eventloop_tick(tick)
- end
- def get_eventloop_tick
- MultiTkIp.get_eventloop_tick
- end
- def set_no_event_wait(tick)
- MultiTkIp.set_no_event_wait(tick)
- end
- def get_no_event_wait
- MultiTkIp.get_no_event_wait
- end
- def set_eventloop_weight(loop_max, no_event_tick)
- MultiTkIp.set_eventloop_weight(loop_max, no_event_tick)
- end
- def get_eventloop_weight
- MultiTkIp.get_eventloop_weight
- end
- def restart(*args)
- MultiTkIp.restart(*args)
- end
- def _merge_tklist(*args)
- MultiTkIp._merge_tklist(*args)
- end
- def _conv_listelement(arg)
- MultiTkIp._conv_listelement(arg)
- end
-# depend on TclTkIp
-class MultiTkIp
-# def mainloop(check_root = true, restart_on_dead = true)
- def mainloop(check_root = true, restart_on_dead = false)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!!!!!
- return @interp_thread.value if @interp_thread
- end
- #return self if self.slave?
- #return self if self != @@DEFAULT_MASTER
- if self != @@DEFAULT_MASTER
- if @wait_on_mainloop[0]
- begin
- @wait_on_mainloop[1] += 1
- @cmd_queue.enq([@system, 'call_mainloop',
- Thread.current, check_root])
- Thread.stop
- rescue MultiTkIp_OK => ret
- # return value
- if ret.value.kind_of?(Thread)
- return ret.value.value
- else
- return ret.value
- end
- rescue SystemExit => e
- # exit IP
- warn("Warning: " + e.inspect + " on " + self.inspect) if $DEBUG
- begin
- self._eval_without_enc('exit')
- rescue Exception
- end
- self.delete
- rescue StandardError => e
- if $DEBUG
- warn("Warning: " + e.class.inspect +
- ((e.message.length > 0)? ' "' + e.message + '"': '') +
- " on " + self.inspect)
- end
- return e
- rescue Exception => e
- return e
- ensure
- @wait_on_mainloop[1] -= 1
- end
- end
- return
- end
- unless restart_on_dead
- @wait_on_mainloop[1] += 1
- begin
- @interp.mainloop(check_root)
- rescue StandardError => e
- if $DEBUG
- warn("Warning: " + e.class.inspect +
- ((e.message.length > 0)? ' "' + e.message + '"': '') +
- " on " + self.inspect)
- end
- end
- begin
- @interp.mainloop(check_root)
- ensure
- @wait_on_mainloop[1] -= 1
- end
- else
- loop do
- break unless self.alive?
- if check_root
- begin
- break if TclTkLib.num_of_mainwindows == 0
- rescue StandardError
- break
- end
- end
- break if @interp.deleted?
- begin
- @wait_on_mainloop[1] += 1
- @interp.mainloop(check_root)
- rescue StandardError => e
- if TclTkLib.mainloop_abort_on_exception != nil
- #STDERR.print("Warning: Tk mainloop receives ", $!.class.inspect,
- # " exception (ignore) : ", $!.message, "\n");
- if $DEBUG
- warn("Warning: Tk mainloop receives " << e.class.inspect <<
- " exception (ignore) : " << e.message);
- end
- end
- #raise e
- rescue Exception => e
- if TclTkLib.mainloop_abort_on_exception != nil
- #STDERR.print("Warning: Tk mainloop receives ", $!.class.inspect,
- # " exception (ignore) : ", $!.message, "\n");
- if $DEBUG
- warn("Warning: Tk mainloop receives " << e.class.inspect <<
- " exception (ignore) : " << e.message);
- end
- end
- raise e
- ensure
- @wait_on_mainloop[1] -= 1
- Thread.pass # avoid eventloop conflict
- end
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def make_safe
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.make_safe
- end
- def safe?
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.safe?
- end
- def safe_base?
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @safe_base
- end
- def allow_ruby_exit?
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.allow_ruby_exit?
- end
- def allow_ruby_exit= (mode)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.allow_ruby_exit = mode
- end
- def delete
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @slave_ip_tbl.each{|name, subip|
- _destroy_slaves_of_slaveIP(subip)
- begin
- subip._invoke('destroy', '.') unless subip.deleted?
- rescue Exception
- end
- begin
- # subip._eval_without_enc("foreach i [after info] {after cancel $i}")
- unless subip.deleted?
- after_ids = subip._eval_without_enc("after info")
- subip._eval_without_enc("foreach i {#{after_ids}} {after cancel $i}")
- end
- rescue Exception
- end
- # safe_base?
- if @interp._eval_without_enc("catch {::safe::interpConfigure #{name}}") == '0'
- begin
- @interp._eval_without_enc("::safe::interpDelete #{name}")
- rescue Exception
- else
- next if subip.deleted?
- end
- end
- if subip.respond_to?(:safe_base?) && subip.safe_base? &&
- !subip.deleted?
- # do 'exit' to call the delete_hook procedure
- begin
- subip._eval_without_enc('exit')
- rescue Exception
- end
- else
- begin
- subip.delete unless subip.deleted?
- rescue Exception
- end
- end
- }
- begin
- # @interp._eval_without_enc("foreach i [after info] {after cancel $i}")
- after_ids = @interp._eval_without_enc("after info")
- @interp._eval_without_enc("foreach i {#{after_ids}} {after cancel $i}")
- rescue Exception
- end
- begin
- @interp._invoke('destroy', '.') unless @interp.deleted?
- rescue Exception
- end
- if @safe_base && !@interp.deleted?
- # do 'exit' to call the delete_hook procedure
- @interp._eval_without_enc('exit')
- end
- @interp.delete
- self
- end
- def deleted?
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.deleted?
- end
- def has_mainwindow?
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.has_mainwindow?
- end
- def invalid_namespace?
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.invalid_namespace?
- end
- def abort(msg = nil)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if master? && !safe? && allow_ruby_exit?
- if msg
- Kernel.abort(msg)
- else
- Kernel.abort
- end
- else
- # ignore msg
- delete
- 1
- end
- end
- def exit(st = true)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if master? && !safe? && allow_ruby_exit?
- Kernel.exit(st)
- else
- delete
- st
- end
- end
- def exit!(st = false)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if master? && !safe? && allow_ruby_exit?
- Kernel.exit!(st)
- else
- delete
- st
- end
- end
- def restart(app_name = nil, keys = {})
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- _init_ip_internal(@@INIT_IP_ENV, @@ADD_TK_PROCS)
- @interp._invoke('set', 'argv0', app_name) if app_name
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- @interp._invoke('set', 'argv', _keys2opts(keys))
- end
- @interp.restart
- end
- def __eval(str)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.__eval(str)
- end
- def __invoke(*args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.__invoke(*args)
- end
- def _eval(str)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._eval(str)
- end
- def _invoke(*args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke(*args)
- end
- def _eval_without_enc(str)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._eval_without_enc(str)
- end
- def _invoke_without_enc(*args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke_without_enc(*args)
- end
- def _eval_with_enc(str)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._eval_with_enc(str)
- end
- def _invoke_with_enc(*args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke_with_enc(*args)
- end
- def _toUTF8(str, encoding=nil)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._toUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- def _fromUTF8(str, encoding=nil)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._fromUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- def _thread_vwait(var)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._thread_vwait(var)
- end
- def _thread_tkwait(mode, target)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._thread_tkwait(mode, target)
- end
- def _return_value
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._return_value
- end
- def _get_variable(var, flag)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._get_variable(var, flag)
- end
- def _get_variable2(var, idx, flag)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._get_variable2(var, idx, flag)
- end
- def _set_variable(var, value, flag)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._set_variable(var, value, flag)
- end
- def _set_variable2(var, idx, value, flag)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._set_variable2(var, idx, value, flag)
- end
- def _unset_variable(var, flag)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._unset_variable(var, flag)
- end
- def _unset_variable2(var, idx, flag)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._unset_variable2(var, idx, flag)
- end
- def _get_global_var(var)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._get_global_var(var)
- end
- def _get_global_var2(var, idx)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._get_global_var2(var, idx)
- end
- def _set_global_var(var, value)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._set_global_var(var, value)
- end
- def _set_global_var2(var, idx, value)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._set_global_var2(var, idx, value)
- end
- def _unset_global_var(var)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._unset_global_var(var)
- end
- def _unset_global_var2(var, idx)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._unset_global_var2(var, idx)
- end
- def _make_menu_embeddable(menu_path)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._make_menu_embeddable(menu_path)
- end
- def _split_tklist(str)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._split_tklist(str)
- end
- def _merge_tklist(*args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._merge_tklist(*args)
- end
- def _conv_listelement(arg)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._conv_listelement(arg)
- end
-# interp command support
-class MultiTkIp
- def _lst2ary(str)
- return [] if str == ""
- idx = str.index('{')
- while idx and idx > 0 and str[idx-1] == ?\\
- idx = str.index('{', idx+1)
- end
- return str.split unless idx
- list = str[0,idx].split
- str = str[idx+1..-1]
- i = -1
- brace = 1
- str.each_byte {|c|
- c = c.chr
- i += 1
- brace += 1 if c == '{'
- brace -= 1 if c == '}'
- break if brace == 0
- }
- if i == 0
- list.push ''
- elsif str[0, i] == ' '
- list.push ' '
- else
- list.push str[0..i-1]
- end
- #list += _lst2ary(str[i+1..-1])
- list.concat(_lst2ary(str[i+1..-1]))
- list
- end
- private :_lst2ary
- def _slavearg(slave)
- if slave.kind_of?(MultiTkIp)
- slave.path
- elsif slave.kind_of?(String)
- slave
- else
- slave.to_s
- end
- end
- private :_slavearg
- def alias_info(slave, cmd_name)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- _lst2ary(@interp._invoke('interp', 'alias', _slavearg(slave), cmd_name))
- end
- def self.alias_info(slave, cmd_name)
- __getip.alias_info(slave, cmd_name)
- end
- def alias_delete(slave, cmd_name)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'alias', _slavearg(slave), cmd_name, '')
- self
- end
- def self.alias_delete(slave, cmd_name)
- __getip.alias_delete(slave, cmd_name)
- self
- end
- def def_alias(slave, new_cmd, org_cmd, *args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- ret = @interp._invoke('interp', 'alias', _slavearg(slave), new_cmd,
- '', org_cmd, *args)
- (ret == new_cmd)? self: nil
- end
- def self.def_alias(slave, new_cmd, org_cmd, *args)
- ret = __getip.def_alias(slave, new_cmd, org_cmd, *args)
- (ret == new_cmd)? self: nil
- end
- def aliases(slave = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- _lst2ary(@interp._invoke('interp', 'aliases', _slavearg(slave)))
- end
- def self.aliases(slave = '')
- __getip.aliases(slave)
- end
- def delete_slaves(*args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- slaves = args.collect{|s| _slavearg(s)}
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'delete', *slaves) if slaves.size > 0
- self
- end
- def self.delete_slaves(*args)
- __getip.delete_slaves(*args)
- self
- end
- def exist?(slave = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- ret = @interp._invoke('interp', 'exists', _slavearg(slave))
- (ret == '1')? true: false
- end
- def self.exist?(slave = '')
- __getip.exist?(slave)
- end
- def delete_cmd(slave, cmd)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- slave_invoke = @interp._invoke('list', 'rename', cmd, '')
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'eval', _slavearg(slave), slave_invoke)
- self
- end
- def self.delete_cmd(slave, cmd)
- __getip.delete_cmd(slave, cmd)
- self
- end
- def expose_cmd(slave, cmd, aliasname = nil)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if aliasname
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'expose', _slavearg(slave), cmd, aliasname)
- else
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'expose', _slavearg(slave), cmd)
- end
- self
- end
- def self.expose_cmd(slave, cmd, aliasname = nil)
- __getip.expose_cmd(slave, cmd, aliasname)
- self
- end
- def hide_cmd(slave, cmd, aliasname = nil)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if aliasname
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'hide', _slavearg(slave), cmd, aliasname)
- else
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'hide', _slavearg(slave), cmd)
- end
- self
- end
- def self.hide_cmd(slave, cmd, aliasname = nil)
- __getip.hide_cmd(slave, cmd, aliasname)
- self
- end
- def hidden_cmds(slave = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- _lst2ary(@interp._invoke('interp', 'hidden', _slavearg(slave)))
- end
- def self.hidden_cmds(slave = '')
- __getip.hidden_cmds(slave)
- end
- def invoke_hidden(slave, cmd, *args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
- else
- keys = []
- end
- keys << _slavearg(slave)
- if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 ||
- keys << '--'
- end
- keys << cmd
- keys.concat(args)
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'invokehidden', *keys)
- end
- def self.invoke_hidden(slave, cmd, *args)
- __getip.invoke_hidden(slave, cmd, *args)
- end
- def invoke_hidden_on_global(slave, cmd, *args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
- else
- keys = []
- end
- keys << _slavearg(slave)
- keys << '-global'
- if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 ||
- keys << '--'
- end
- keys << cmd
- keys.concat(args)
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'invokehidden', *keys)
- end
- def self.invoke_hidden_on_global(slave, cmd, *args)
- __getip.invoke_hidden_on_global(slave, cmd, *args)
- end
- def invoke_hidden_on_namespace(slave, ns, cmd, *args)
- # for Tcl8.5 or later
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
- else
- keys = []
- end
- keys << _slavearg(slave)
- keys << '-namespace' << TkComm._get_eval_string(ns)
- keys << '--' << cmd
- keys.concat(args)
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'invokehidden', *keys)
- end
- def self.invoke_hidden_on_namespace(slave, ns, cmd, *args)
- __getip.invoke_hidden_on_namespace(slave, ns, cmd, *args)
- end
- def mark_trusted(slave = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'marktrusted', _slavearg(slave))
- self
- end
- def self.mark_trusted(slave = '')
- __getip.mark_trusted(slave)
- self
- end
- def set_bgerror_handler(cmd = Proc.new, slave = nil, &b)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- unless TkComm._callback_entry?(cmd)
- if !slave && b
- slave = cmd
- cmd = Proc.new(&b)
- end
- end
- slave = '' unless slave
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'bgerror', _slavearg(slave), cmd)
- end
- def self.bgerror(cmd = Proc.new, slave = nil, &b)
- __getip.bgerror(cmd, slave, &b)
- end
- def get_bgerror_handler(slave = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- procedure(@interp._invoke('interp', 'bgerror', _slavearg(slave)))
- end
- def self.bgerror(slave = '')
- __getip.bgerror(slave)
- end
- def set_limit(limit_type, slave = '', opts = {})
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'limit', _slavearg(slave), limit_type, opts)
- end
- def self.set_limit(limit_type, slave = '', opts = {})
- __getip.set_limit(limit_type, slave, opts)
- end
- def get_limit(limit_type, slave = '', slot = nil)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if slot
- num_or_str(@interp._invoke('interp', 'limit', _slavearg(slave),
- limit_type, slot))
- else
- l = @interp._split_tklist(@interp._invoke_without_enc('interp', 'limit',
- _slavearg(slave),
- limit_type))
- l.map!{|s| _fromUTF8(s)}
- r = {}
- until l.empty?
- key = l.shift[1..-1]
- val = l.shift
- val = num_or_str(val) if val
- r[key] = val
- end
- r
- end
- end
- def self.get_limit(limit_type, slave = '', slot = nil)
- __getip.get_limit(limit_type, slave, slot)
- end
- def recursion_limit(slave = '', limit = None)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- number(@interp._invoke('interp', 'recursionlimit',
- _slavearg(slave), limit))
- end
- def self.recursion_limit(slave = '', limit = None)
- __getip.recursion_limit(slave)
- end
- def alias_target(aliascmd, slave = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'target', _slavearg(slave), aliascmd)
- end
- def self.alias_target(aliascmd, slave = '')
- __getip.alias_target(aliascmd, slave)
- end
- def share_stdin(dist, src = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'share', src, 'stdin', dist)
- self
- end
- def self.share_stdin(dist, src = '')
- __getip.share_stdin(dist, src)
- self
- end
- def share_stdout(dist, src = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'share', src, 'stdout', dist)
- self
- end
- def self.share_stdout(dist, src = '')
- __getip.share_stdout(dist, src)
- self
- end
- def share_stderr(dist, src = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'share', src, 'stderr', dist)
- self
- end
- def self.share_stderr(dist, src = '')
- __getip.share_stderr(dist, src)
- self
- end
- def transfer_stdin(dist, src = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'transfer', src, 'stdin', dist)
- self
- end
- def self.transfer_stdin(dist, src = '')
- __getip.transfer_stdin(dist, src)
- self
- end
- def transfer_stdout(dist, src = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'transfer', src, 'stdout', dist)
- self
- end
- def self.transfer_stdout(dist, src = '')
- __getip.transfer_stdout(dist, src)
- self
- end
- def transfer_stderr(dist, src = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'transfer', src, 'stderr', dist)
- self
- end
- def self.transfer_stderr(dist, src = '')
- __getip.transfer_stderr(dist, src)
- self
- end
- def share_stdio(dist, src = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'share', src, 'stdin', dist)
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'share', src, 'stdout', dist)
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'share', src, 'stderr', dist)
- self
- end
- def self.share_stdio(dist, src = '')
- __getip.share_stdio(dist, src)
- self
- end
- def transfer_stdio(dist, src = '')
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'transfer', src, 'stdin', dist)
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'transfer', src, 'stdout', dist)
- @interp._invoke('interp', 'transfer', src, 'stderr', dist)
- self
- end
- def self.transfer_stdio(dist, src = '')
- __getip.transfer_stdio(dist, src)
- self
- end
-# Safe Base :: manipulating safe interpreter
-class MultiTkIp
- def safeip_configure(slot, value=None)
- # use for '-noStatics' option ==> {statics=>false}
- # for '-nestedLoadOk' option ==> {nested=>true}
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- ip = MultiTkIp.__getip
- ip._eval('::safe::interpConfigure ' + @ip_name + ' ' + _keys2opts(slot))
- else
- ip._eval('::safe::interpConfigure ' + @ip_name + ' ' +
- "-#{slot} #{_get_eval_string(value)}")
- end
- self
- end
- def safeip_configinfo(slot = nil)
- ip = MultiTkIp.__getip
- ret = {}
- if slot
- conf = _lst2ary(ip._eval("::safe::interpConfigure " +
- @ip_name + " -#{slot}"))
- if conf[0] == '-deleteHook'
- if conf[1] =~ /^rb_out\S* (c(_\d+_)?\d+)/
- ret[conf[0][1..-1]] = MultiTkIp._tk_cmd_tbl[$1]
- if conf[1] =~ /rb_out\S*(?:\s+(::\S*|[{](::.*)[}]|["](::.*)["]))? (c(_\d+_)?(\d+))/
- ret[conf[0][1..-1]] = MultiTkIp._tk_cmd_tbl[$4]
- else
- ret[conf[0][1..-1]] = conf[1]
- end
- else
- ret[conf[0][1..-1]] = conf[1]
- end
- else
- Hash[*_lst2ary(ip._eval("::safe::interpConfigure " +
- @ip_name))].each{|k, v|
- if k == '-deleteHook'
- if v =~ /^rb_out\S* (c(_\d+_)?\d+)/
- ret[k[1..-1]] = MultiTkIp._tk_cmd_tbl[$1]
- if v =~ /rb_out\S*(?:\s+(::\S*|[{](::.*)[}]|["](::.*)["]))? (c(_\d+_)?(\d+))/
- ret[k[1..-1]] = MultiTkIp._tk_cmd_tbl[$4]
- else
- ret[k[1..-1]] = v
- end
- else
- ret[k[1..-1]] = v
- end
- }
- end
- ret
- end
- def safeip_delete
- ip = MultiTkIp.__getip
- ip._eval("::safe::interpDelete " + @ip_name)
- end
- def safeip_add_to_access_path(dir)
- ip = MultiTkIp.__getip
- ip._eval("::safe::interpAddToAccessPath #{@ip_name} #{dir}")
- end
- def safeip_find_in_access_path(dir)
- ip = MultiTkIp.__getip
- ip._eval("::safe::interpFindInAccessPath #{@ip_name} #{dir}")
- end
- def safeip_set_log_cmd(cmd = Proc.new)
- ip = MultiTkIp.__getip
- ip._eval("::safe::setLogCmd #{@ip_name} #{_get_eval_string(cmd)}")
- end
-# encoding convert
-class << MultiTkIp
- def encoding_table
- __getip.encoding_table
- end
- def force_default_encoding=(mode)
- __getip.force_default_encoding=(mode)
- end
- def force_default_encoding?
- __getip.force_default_encoding?
- end
- def default_encoding=(enc)
- __getip.default_encoding=(enc)
- end
- def encoding=(enc)
- __getip.encoding=(enc)
- end
- def encoding_name
- __getip.encoding_name
- end
- def encoding_obj
- __getip.encoding_obj
- end
- alias encoding encoding_name
- alias default_encoding encoding_name
- def encoding_convertfrom(str, enc=None)
- __getip.encoding_convertfrom(str, enc)
- end
- alias encoding_convert_from encoding_convertfrom
- def encoding_convertto(str, enc=None)
- __getip.encoding_convertto(str, enc)
- end
- alias encoding_convert_to encoding_convertto
-class MultiTkIp
- def encoding_table
- @interp.encoding_table
- end
- def force_default_encoding=(mode)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.force_default_encoding = mode
- end
- def force_default_encoding?
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.force_default_encoding?
- end
- def default_encoding=(enc)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.default_encoding = enc
- end
- def encoding=(enc)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.encoding = enc
- end
- def encoding_name
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.encoding_name
- end
- def encoding_obj
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.encoding_obj
- end
- alias encoding encoding_name
- alias default_encoding encoding_name
- def encoding_convertfrom(str, enc=None)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.encoding_convertfrom(str, enc)
- end
- alias encoding_convert_from encoding_convertfrom
- def encoding_convertto(str, enc=None)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp.encoding_convertto(str, enc)
- end
- alias encoding_convert_to encoding_convertto
-# remove methods for security
-class MultiTkIp
- INTERP_THREAD = @@DEFAULT_MASTER.instance_variable_get('@interp_thread')
- # undef_method :instance_eval
- undef_method :instance_variable_get
- undef_method :instance_variable_set
-module TkCore
- if MultiTkIp::WITH_RUBY_VM &&
- ! MultiTkIp::RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD ### check Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!
- end
-class MultiTkIp
- remove_const(:INTERP_THREAD)
- remove_const(:INTERP_MUTEX)
- remove_const(:INTERP_ROOT_CHECK)
-if MultiTkIp::WITH_RUBY_VM &&
- ! MultiTkIp::RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD ### check Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!
- class MultiTkIp
- INTERP_THREAD = @@DEFAULT_MASTER.instance_variable_get('@interp_thread')
- end
- module TkCore
- end
- class MultiTkIp
- remove_const(:INTERP_THREAD)
- remove_const(:INTERP_THREAD_STATUS)
- remove_const(:INTERP_MUTEX)
- remove_const(:INTERP_ROOT_CHECK)
- end
-class MultiTkIp
- # undef_method :instance_eval
- undef_method :instance_variable_get
- undef_method :instance_variable_set
-# end of MultiTkIp definition
-# defend against modification
-# start Tk which depends on MultiTkIp
-module TkCore
- INTERP = MultiTkIp
-require 'tk'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb b/ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d33637c30..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# remote-tk.rb - supports to control remote Tk interpreters
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp>
-if defined? MultiTkIp
- fail RuntimeError, "'remote-tk' library must be required before requiring 'multi-tk'"
-require 'tkutil'
-class MultiTkIp; end
-class RemoteTkIp < MultiTkIp; end
-class MultiTkIp
- @@IP_TABLE = TkUtil.untrust({}) unless defined?(@@IP_TABLE)
- @@TK_TABLE_LIST = TkUtil.untrust([]) unless defined?(@@TK_TABLE_LIST)
- def self._IP_TABLE; @@IP_TABLE; end
- def self._TK_TABLE_LIST; @@TK_TABLE_LIST; end
- @flag = true
- def self._DEFAULT_MASTER
- # work only once
- if @flag
- @flag = nil
- else
- nil
- end
- end
-class RemoteTkIp
- @@IP_TABLE = MultiTkIp._IP_TABLE unless defined?(@@IP_TABLE)
- @@TK_TABLE_LIST = MultiTkIp._TK_TABLE_LIST unless defined?(@@TK_TABLE_LIST)
-class << MultiTkIp
- undef _IP_TABLE
- undef _TK_TABLE_LIST
-require 'multi-tk'
-class RemoteTkIp
- if defined?(@@DEFAULT_MASTER)
- else
- end
-class << RemoteTkIp
- undef new_master, new_slave, new_safe_slave
- undef new_trusted_slave, new_safeTk
- def new(*args, &b)
- ip = __new(*args)
- ip.eval_proc(&b) if b
- ip
- end
-class RemoteTkIp
- def initialize(remote_ip, displayof=nil, timeout=5)
- @interp = MultiTkIp.__getip
- if @interp.safe?
- fail SecurityError, "safe-IP cannot create RemoteTkIp"
- end
- @interp.allow_ruby_exit = false
- @appname = @interp._invoke('tk', 'appname')
- @remote = remote_ip.to_s.dup.freeze
- if displayof.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- @displayof = displayof.path.dup.freeze
- else
- @displayof = nil
- end
- if self.deleted?
- fail RuntimeError, "no Tk application named \"#{@remote}\""
- end
- @tk_windows = {}
- @tk_table_list = []
- @slave_ip_tbl = {}
- @slave_ip_top = {}
- @force_default_encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([false])
- @encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([nil])
- def @encoding.to_s; self.join(nil); end
- TkUtil.untrust(@tk_windows) unless @tk_windows.tainted?
- TkUtil.untrust(@tk_table_list) unless @tk_table_list.tainted?
- TkUtil.untrust(@slave_ip_tbl) unless @slave_ip_tbl.tainted?
- TkUtil.untrust(@slave_ip_top) unless @slave_ip_top.tainted?
- @system = Object.new
- @threadgroup = ThreadGroup.new
- @safe_level = [$SAFE]
- @wait_on_mainloop = [true, 0]
- @cmd_queue = Queue.new
- @cmd_receiver, @receiver_watchdog = _create_receiver_and_watchdog()
- @threadgroup.add @cmd_receiver
- @threadgroup.add @receiver_watchdog
- @threadgroup.enclose
- @@DEFAULT_MASTER.assign_receiver_and_watchdog(self)
- @@IP_TABLE[@threadgroup] = self
- @@TK_TABLE_LIST.size.times{
- (tbl = {}).tainted? || TkUtil.untrust(tbl)
- @tk_table_list << tbl
- }
- @ret_val = TkVariable.new
- if timeout > 0 && ! _available_check(timeout)
- fail RuntimeError, "cannot create connection"
- end
- @ip_id = _create_connection
- class << self
- undef :instance_eval
- end
- self.freeze # defend against modification
- end
- def manipulable?
- return true if (Thread.current.group == ThreadGroup::Default)
- MultiTkIp.__getip == @interp && ! @interp.safe?
- end
- def self.manipulable?
- true
- end
- def _is_master_of?(tcltkip_obj)
- tcltkip_obj == @interp
- end
- protected :_is_master_of?
- def _ip_id_
- @ip_id
- end
- def _available_check(timeout = 5)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- return nil if timeout < 1
- @ret_val.value = ''
- @interp._invoke('send', '-async', @remote,
- 'send', '-async', Tk.appname,
- "set #{@ret_val.id} ready")
- Tk.update
- if @ret_val != 'ready'
- (1..(timeout*5)).each{
- sleep 0.2
- Tk.update
- break if @ret_val == 'ready'
- }
- end
- @ret_val.value == 'ready'
- end
- private :_available_check
- def _create_connection
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- ip_id = '_' + @interp._invoke('send', @remote, <<-'EOS') + '_'
- if {[catch {set _rubytk_control_ip_id_} ret] != 0} {
- set _rubytk_control_ip_id_ 0
- } else {
- set _rubytk_control_ip_id_ [expr $ret + 1]
- }
- return $_rubytk_control_ip_id_
- @interp._invoke('send', @remote, <<-EOS)
- proc rb_out#{ip_id} args {
- send #{@appname} rb_out \$args
- }
- ip_id
- end
- private :_create_connection
- def _appsend(enc_mode, async, *cmds)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- p ['_appsend', [@remote, @displayof], enc_mode, async, cmds] if $DEBUG
- if $SAFE >= 1 && cmds.find{|obj| obj.tainted?}
- fail SecurityError, "cannot send tainted commands at level #{$SAFE}"
- end
- cmds = @interp._merge_tklist(*TkUtil::_conv_args([], enc_mode, *cmds))
- if @displayof
- if async
- @interp.__invoke('send', '-async', '-displayof', @displayof,
- '--', @remote, *cmds)
- else
- @interp.__invoke('send', '-displayof', @displayof,
- '--', @remote, *cmds)
- end
- else
- if async
- @interp.__invoke('send', '-async', '--', @remote, *cmds)
- else
- @interp.__invoke('send', '--', @remote, *cmds)
- end
- end
- end
- private :_appsend
- def ready?(timeout=5)
- if timeout < 0
- fail ArgumentError, "timeout must be positive number"
- end
- _available_check(timeout)
- end
- def is_rubytk?
- return false if _appsend(false, false, 'info', 'command', 'ruby') == ""
- [ _appsend(false, false, 'ruby', 'RUBY_VERSION'),
- _appsend(false, false, 'set', 'tk_patchLevel') ]
- end
- def appsend(async, *args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if async != true && async != false && async != nil
- args.unshift(async)
- async = false
- end
- if @displayof
- Tk.appsend_displayof(@remote, @displayof, async, *args)
- else
- Tk.appsend(@remote, async, *args)
- end
- end
- def rb_appsend(async, *args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if async != true && async != false && async != nil
- args.unshift(async)
- async = false
- end
- if @displayof
- Tk.rb_appsend_displayof(@remote, @displayof, async, *args)
- else
- Tk.rb_appsend(@remote, async, *args)
- end
- end
- def create_slave(name, safe=false)
- if safe
- safe_opt = ''
- else
- safe_opt = '-safe'
- end
- _appsend(false, false, "interp create #{safe_opt} -- #{name}")
- end
- def make_safe
- fail RuntimeError, 'cannot change safe mode of the remote interpreter'
- end
- def safe?
- _appsend(false, false, 'interp issafe')
- end
- def safe_base?
- false
- end
- def allow_ruby_exit?
- false
- end
- def allow_ruby_exit= (mode)
- fail RuntimeError, 'cannot change mode of the remote interpreter'
- end
- def delete
- _appsend(false, true, 'exit')
- end
- def deleted?
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- if @displayof
- lst = @interp._invoke_without_enc('winfo', 'interps',
- '-displayof', @displayof)
- else
- lst = @interp._invoke_without_enc('winfo', 'interps')
- end
- # unless @interp._split_tklist(lst).index(@remote)
- unless @interp._split_tklist(lst).index(_toUTF8(@remote))
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def has_mainwindow?
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- begin
- inf = @interp._invoke_without_enc('info', 'command', '.')
- rescue Exception
- return nil
- end
- if !inf.kind_of?(String) || inf != '.'
- false
- else
- true
- end
- end
- def invalid_namespace?
- false
- end
- def restart
- fail RuntimeError, 'cannot restart the remote interpreter'
- end
- def __eval(str)
- _appsend(false, false, str)
- end
- def _eval(str)
- _appsend(nil, false, str)
- end
- def _eval_without_enc(str)
- _appsend(false, false, str)
- end
- def _eval_with_enc(str)
- _appsend(true, false, str)
- end
- def _invoke(*args)
- _appsend(nil, false, *args)
- end
- def __invoke(*args)
- _appsend(false, false, *args)
- end
- def _invoke(*args)
- _appsend(nil, false, *args)
- end
- def _invoke_without_enc(*args)
- _appsend(false, false, *args)
- end
- def _invoke_with_enc(*args)
- _appsend(true, false, *args)
- end
- def _toUTF8(str, encoding=nil)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._toUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- def _fromUTF8(str, encoding=nil)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._fromUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- def _thread_vwait(var_name)
- _appsend(false, 'thread_vwait', varname)
- end
- def _thread_tkwait(mode, target)
- _appsend(false, 'thread_tkwait', mode, target)
- end
- def _return_value
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._return_value
- end
- def _get_variable(var_name, flag)
- # ignore flag
- _appsend(false, 'set', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name))
- end
- def _get_variable2(var_name, index_name, flag)
- # ignore flag
- _appsend(false, 'set', "#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)}(#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(index_name)})")
- end
- def _set_variable(var_name, value, flag)
- # ignore flag
- _appsend(false, 'set', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name), TkComm::_get_eval_string(value))
- end
- def _set_variable2(var_name, index_name, value, flag)
- # ignore flag
- _appsend(false, 'set', "#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)}(#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(index_name)})", TkComm::_get_eval_string(value))
- end
- def _unset_variable(var_name, flag)
- # ignore flag
- _appsend(false, 'unset', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name))
- end
- def _unset_variable2(var_name, index_name, flag)
- # ignore flag
- _appsend(false, 'unset', "#{var_name}(#{index_name})")
- end
- def _get_global_var(var_name)
- _appsend(false, 'set', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name))
- end
- def _get_global_var2(var_name, index_name)
- _appsend(false, 'set', "#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)}(#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(index_name)})")
- end
- def _set_global_var(var_name, value)
- _appsend(false, 'set', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name), TkComm::_get_eval_string(value))
- end
- def _set_global_var2(var_name, index_name, value)
- _appsend(false, 'set', "#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)}(#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(index_name)})", TkComm::_get_eval_string(value))
- end
- def _unset_global_var(var_name)
- _appsend(false, 'unset', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name))
- end
- def _unset_global_var2(var_name, index_name)
- _appsend(false, 'unset', "#{var_name}(#{index_name})")
- end
- def _split_tklist(str)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._split_tklist(str)
- end
- def _merge_tklist(*args)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._merge_tklist(*args)
- end
- def _conv_listelement(str)
- raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable?
- @interp._conv_listelement(str)
- end
- def _create_console
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "_create_console" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def mainloop
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def mainloop_watchdog
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_watchdog" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def do_one_event(flag = nil)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "do_one_event" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def mainloop_abort_on_exception
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_abort_on_exception" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def mainloop_abort_on_exception=(mode)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_abort_on_exception=" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def set_eventloop_tick(*args)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "set_eventloop_tick" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def get_eventloop_tick
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_eventloop_tick" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def set_no_event_wait(*args)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "set_no_event_wait" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def get_no_event_wait
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_no_event_wait" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def set_eventloop_weight(*args)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "set_eventloop_weight" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def get_eventloop_weight
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_eventloop_weight" on the remote interpreter'
- end
-class << RemoteTkIp
- def mainloop(*args)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def mainloop_watchdog(*args)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_watchdog" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def do_one_event(flag = nil)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "do_one_event" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def mainloop_abort_on_exception
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_abort_on_exception" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def mainloop_abort_on_exception=(mode)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_abort_on_exception=" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def set_eventloop_tick(*args)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "set_eventloop_tick" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def get_eventloop_tick
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_eventloop_tick" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def set_no_event_wait(*args)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "set_no_event_wait" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def get_no_event_wait
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_no_event_wait" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def set_eventloop_weight(*args)
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "set_eventloop_weight" on the remote interpreter'
- end
- def get_eventloop_weight
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_eventloop_weight" on the remote interpreter'
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tcltk.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tcltk.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 121f42c26e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tcltk.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tof
-#### tcltk library, more direct manipulation of tcl/tk
-#### Sep. 5, 1997 Y. Shigehiro
-require "tcltklib"
-# module TclTk: collection of tcl/tk utilities (supplies namespace.)
-module TclTk
- # initialize Hash to hold unique symbols and such
- @namecnt = {}
- # initialize Hash to hold callbacks
- @callback = {}
-# TclTk.mainloop(): call TclTkLib.mainloop()
-def TclTk.mainloop()
- print("mainloop: start\n") if $DEBUG
- TclTkLib.mainloop()
- print("mainloop: end\n") if $DEBUG
-# TclTk.deletecallbackkey(ca): remove callback from TclTk module
-# this does not remove callbacks from tcl/tk interpreter
-# without calling this method, TclTkInterpreter will not be GCed
-# ca: callback(TclTkCallback)
-def TclTk.deletecallbackkey(ca)
- print("deletecallbackkey: ", ca.to_s(), "\n") if $DEBUG
- @callback.delete(ca.to_s)
-# TclTk.dcb(ca, wid, W): call TclTk.deletecallbackkey() for each callbacks
-# in an array.
-# this is for callback for top-level <Destroy>
-# ca: array of callbacks(TclTkCallback)
-# wid: top-level widget(TclTkWidget)
-# w: information about window given by %W(String)
-def TclTk.dcb(ca, wid, w)
- if wid.to_s() == w
- ca.each{|i|
- TclTk.deletecallbackkey(i)
- }
- end
-# TclTk._addcallback(ca): register callback
-# ca: callback(TclTkCallback)
-def TclTk._addcallback(ca)
- print("_addcallback: ", ca.to_s(), "\n") if $DEBUG
- @callback[ca.to_s()] = ca
-# TclTk._callcallback(key, arg): invoke registered callback
-# key: key to select callback (to_s value of the TclTkCallback)
-# arg: parameter from tcl/tk interpreter
-def TclTk._callcallback(key, arg)
- print("_callcallback: ", @callback[key].inspect, "\n") if $DEBUG
- @callback[key]._call(arg)
- # throw out callback value
- # should return String to satisfy rb_eval_string()
- return ""
-# TclTk._newname(prefix): generate unique name(String)
-# prefix: prefix of the unique name
-def TclTk._newname(prefix)
- # generated name counter is stored in @namecnt
- if !@namecnt.key?(prefix)
- # first appearing prefix, initialize
- @namecnt[prefix] = 1
- else
- # already appeared prefix, generate next name
- @namecnt[prefix] += 1
- end
- return "#{prefix}#{@namecnt[prefix]}"
-# class TclTkInterpreter: tcl/tk interpreter
-class TclTkInterpreter
- # initialize():
- def initialize()
- # generate interpreter object
- @ip = TclTkIp.new()
- # add ruby_fmt command to tcl interpreter
- # ruby_fmt command format arguments by `format' and call `ruby' command
- # (notice ruby command receives only one argument)
- if $DEBUG
- @ip._eval("proc ruby_fmt {fmt args} { puts \"ruby_fmt: $fmt $args\" ; set cmd [list ruby [format $fmt $args]] ; uplevel $cmd }")
- else
- @ip._eval("proc ruby_fmt {fmt args} { set cmd [list ruby [format $fmt $args]] ; uplevel $cmd }")
- end
- # @ip._get_eval_string(*args): generate string to evaluate in tcl interpreter
- # *args: script which is going to be evaluated under tcl/tk
- def @ip._get_eval_string(*args)
- argstr = ""
- args.each{|arg|
- argstr += " " if argstr != ""
- # call to_eval if it is defined
- if (arg.respond_to?(:to_eval))
- argstr += arg.to_eval()
- else
- # call to_s unless defined
- argstr += arg.to_s()
- end
- }
- return argstr
- end
- # @ip._eval_args(*args): evaluate string under tcl/tk interpreter
- # returns result string.
- # *args: script which is going to be evaluated under tcl/tk
- def @ip._eval_args(*args)
- # calculate the string to eval in the interpreter
- argstr = _get_eval_string(*args)
- # evaluate under the interpreter
- print("_eval: \"", argstr, "\"") if $DEBUG
- res = _eval(argstr)
- if $DEBUG
- print(" -> \"", res, "\"\n")
- elsif _return_value() != 0
- print(res, "\n")
- end
- fail(%Q/can't eval "#{argstr}"/) if _return_value() != 0 #'
- return res
- end
- # generate tcl/tk command object and register in the hash
- @commands = {}
- # for all commands registered in tcl/tk interpreter:
- @ip._eval("info command").split(/ /).each{|comname|
- if comname =~ /^[.]/
- # if command is a widget (path), generate TclTkWidget,
- # and register it in the hash
- @commands[comname] = TclTkWidget.new(@ip, comname)
- else
- # otherwise, generate TclTkCommand
- @commands[comname] = TclTkCommand.new(@ip, comname)
- end
- }
- end
- # commands(): returns hash of the tcl/tk commands
- def commands()
- return @commands
- end
- # rootwidget(): returns root widget(TclTkWidget)
- def rootwidget()
- return @commands["."]
- end
- # _tcltkip(): returns @ip(TclTkIp)
- def _tcltkip()
- return @ip
- end
- # method_missing(id, *args): execute undefined method as tcl/tk command
- # id: method symbol
- # *args: method arguments
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- # if command named by id registered, then execute it
- if @commands.key?(id.id2name)
- return @commands[id.id2name].e(*args)
- else
- # otherwise, exception
- super
- end
- end
-# class TclTkObject: base class of the tcl/tk objects
-class TclTkObject
- # initialize(ip, exp):
- # ip: interpreter(TclTkIp)
- # exp: tcl/tk representation
- def initialize(ip, exp)
- fail("type is not TclTkIp") if !ip.kind_of?(TclTkIp)
- @ip = ip
- @exp = exp
- end
- # to_s(): returns tcl/tk representation
- def to_s()
- return @exp
- end
-# class TclTkCommand: tcl/tk commands
-# you should not call TclTkCommand.new()
-# commands are created by TclTkInterpreter:initialize()
-class TclTkCommand < TclTkObject
- # e(*args): execute command. returns String (e is for exec or eval)
- # *args: command arguments
- def e(*args)
- return @ip._eval_args(to_s(), *args)
- end
-# class TclTkLibCommand: tcl/tk commands in the library
-class TclTkLibCommand < TclTkCommand
- # initialize(ip, name):
- # ip: interpreter(TclTkInterpreter)
- # name: command name (String)
- def initialize(ip, name)
- super(ip._tcltkip, name)
- end
-# class TclTkVariable: tcl/tk variable
-class TclTkVariable < TclTkObject
- # initialize(interp, dat):
- # interp: interpreter(TclTkInterpreter)
- # dat: the value to set(String)
- # if nil, not initialize variable
- def initialize(interp, dat)
- # auto-generate tcl/tk representation (variable name)
- exp = TclTk._newname("v_")
- # initialize TclTkObject
- super(interp._tcltkip(), exp)
- # safe this for `set' command
- @set = interp.commands()["set"]
- # set value
- set(dat) if dat
- end
- # although you can set/read variables by using set in tcl/tk,
- # we provide the method for accessing variables
- # set(data): set tcl/tk variable using `set'
- # data: new value
- def set(data)
- @set.e(to_s(), data.to_s())
- end
- # get(): read tcl/tk variable(String) using `set'
- def get()
- return @set.e(to_s())
- end
-# class TclTkWidget: tcl/tk widget
-class TclTkWidget < TclTkCommand
- # initialize(*args):
- # *args: parameters
- def initialize(*args)
- if args[0].kind_of?(TclTkIp)
- # in case the 1st argument is TclTkIp:
- # Wrap tcl/tk widget by TclTkWidget
- # (used in TclTkInterpreter#initialize())
- # need two arguments
- fail("invalid # of parameter") if args.size != 2
- # ip: interpreter(TclTkIp)
- # exp: tcl/tk representation
- ip, exp = args
- # initialize TclTkObject
- super(ip, exp)
- elsif args[0].kind_of?(TclTkInterpreter)
- # in case 1st parameter is TclTkInterpreter:
- # generate new widget from parent widget
- # interp: interpreter(TclTkInterpreter)
- # parent: parent widget
- # command: widget generating tk command(label ç­‰)
- # *args: argument to the command
- interp, parent, command, *args = args
- # generate widget name
- exp = parent.to_s()
- exp += "." if exp !~ /[.]$/
- exp += TclTk._newname("w_")
- # initialize TclTkObject
- super(interp._tcltkip(), exp)
- # generate widget
- res = @ip._eval_args(command, exp, *args)
-# fail("can't create Widget") if res != exp
- # for tk_optionMenu, it is legal res != exp
- return res
- else
- fail("first parameter is not TclTkInterpreter")
- end
- end
-# class TclTkCallback: tcl/tk callbacks
-class TclTkCallback < TclTkObject
- # initialize(interp, pr, arg):
- # interp: interpreter(TclTkInterpreter)
- # pr: callback procedure(Proc)
- # arg: string to pass as block parameters of pr
- # bind command of tcl/tk uses % replacement for parameters
- # pr can receive replaced data using block parameter
- # its format is specified by arg string
- # You should not specify arg for the command like
- # scrollbar with -command option, which receives parameters
- # without specifying any replacement
- def initialize(interp, pr, arg = nil)
- # auto-generate tcl/tk representation (variable name)
- exp = TclTk._newname("c_")
- # initialize TclTkObject
- super(interp._tcltkip(), exp)
- # save parameters
- @pr = pr
- @arg = arg
- # register in the module
- TclTk._addcallback(self)
- end
- # to_eval(): returns string representation for @ip._eval_args
- def to_eval()
- if @arg
- # bind replaces %s before calling ruby_fmt, so %%s is used
- s = %Q/{ruby_fmt {TclTk._callcallback("#{to_s()}", "%%s")} #{@arg}}/
- else
- s = %Q/{ruby_fmt {TclTk._callcallback("#{to_s()}", "%s")}}/
- end
- return s
- end
- # _call(arg): invoke callback
- # arg: callback parameter
- def _call(arg)
- @pr.call(arg)
- end
-# class TclTkImage: tcl/tk images
-class TclTkImage < TclTkCommand
- # initialize(interp, t, *args):
- # generating image is done by TclTkImage.new()
- # destroying is done by image delete (inconsistent, sigh)
- # interp: interpreter(TclTkInterpreter)
- # t: image type (photo, bitmap, etc.)
- # *args: command argument
- def initialize(interp, t, *args)
- # auto-generate tcl/tk representation
- exp = TclTk._newname("i_")
- # initialize TclTkObject
- super(interp._tcltkip(), exp)
- # generate image
- res = @ip._eval_args("image create", t, exp, *args)
- fail("can't create Image") if res != exp
- end
-# eof
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 956313b54e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5758 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk.rb - Tk interface module using tcltklib
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@netlab.jp>
-# use Shigehiro's tcltklib
-require 'tcltklib'
-require 'tkutil'
-# autoload
-require 'tk/autoload'
-# for Mutex
-require 'thread'
-class TclTkIp
- # backup original (without encoding) _eval and _invoke
- alias _eval_without_enc _eval
- alias __eval__ _eval
- alias _invoke_without_enc _invoke
- alias __invoke__ _invoke
- def _ip_id_
- # for RemoteTkIp
- ''
- end
- alias __initialize__ initialize
- private :__initialize__
- def initialize(*args)
- __initialize__(*args)
- @force_default_encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([false])
- @encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([nil])
- def @encoding.to_s; self.join(nil); end
- end
-# define TkComm module (step 1: basic functions)
-module TkComm
- include TkUtil
- extend TkUtil
- WidgetClassNames = TkUtil.untrust({})
- TkExtlibAutoloadModule = TkUtil.untrust([])
- # None = Object.new ### --> definition is moved to TkUtil module
- # def None.to_s
- # 'None'
- # end
- # None.freeze
- #Tk_CMDTBL = {}
- #Tk_WINDOWS = {}
- Tk_IDs = [
- TkUtil.untrust("00000"), # [0]-cmdid
- TkUtil.untrust("00000") # [1]-winid
- ]
- Tk_IDs.instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- # for backward compatibility
- Tk_CMDTBL = Object.new
- def Tk_CMDTBL.method_missing(id, *args)
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl.__send__(id, *args)
- end
- Tk_CMDTBL.freeze
- Tk_WINDOWS = Object.new
- def Tk_WINDOWS.method_missing(id, *args)
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows.__send__(id, *args)
- end
- Tk_WINDOWS.freeze
- self.instance_eval{
- @cmdtbl = TkUtil.untrust([])
- }
- unless const_defined?(:GET_CONFIGINFO_AS_ARRAY)
- # GET_CONFIGINFO_AS_ARRAY = false => returns a Hash { opt =>val, ... }
- # true => returns an Array [[opt,val], ... ]
- # val is a list which includes resource info.
- end
- unless const_defined?(:GET_CONFIGINFOwoRES_AS_ARRAY)
- # for configinfo without resource info; list of [opt, value] pair
- # false => returns a Hash { opt=>val, ... }
- # true => returns an Array [[opt,val], ... ]
- end
- # *** ATTENTION ***
- # 'current_configinfo' method always returns a Hash under all cases of above.
- def error_at
- frames = caller()
- frames.delete_if do |c|
- c =~ %r!/tk(|core|thcore|canvas|text|entry|scrollbox)\.rb:\d+!
- end
- frames
- end
- private :error_at
- def _genobj_for_tkwidget(path)
- return TkRoot.new if path == '.'
- begin
- #tk_class = TkCore::INTERP._invoke('winfo', 'class', path)
- tk_class = Tk.ip_invoke_without_enc('winfo', 'class', path)
- rescue
- return path
- end
- if ruby_class = WidgetClassNames[tk_class]
- ruby_class_name = ruby_class.name
- # gen_class_name = ruby_class_name + 'GeneratedOnTk'
- gen_class_name = ruby_class_name
- classname_def = ''
- else # ruby_class == nil
- if Tk.const_defined?(tk_class)
- Tk.const_get(tk_class) # auto_load
- ruby_class = WidgetClassNames[tk_class]
- end
- unless ruby_class
- mods = TkExtlibAutoloadModule.find_all{|m| m.const_defined?(tk_class)}
- mods.each{|mod|
- begin
- mod.const_get(tk_class) # auto_load
- break if (ruby_class = WidgetClassNames[tk_class])
- rescue LoadError
- # ignore load error
- end
- }
- end
- unless ruby_class
- std_class = 'Tk' << tk_class
- if Object.const_defined?(std_class)
- Object.const_get(std_class) # auto_load
- ruby_class = WidgetClassNames[tk_class]
- end
- end
- unless ruby_class
- if Tk.const_defined?('TOPLEVEL_ALIASES') &&
- Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.const_defined?(std_class)
- Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.const_get(std_class) # auto_load
- ruby_class = WidgetClassNames[tk_class]
- end
- end
- if ruby_class
- # found
- ruby_class_name = ruby_class.name
- gen_class_name = ruby_class_name
- classname_def = ''
- else
- # unknown
- ruby_class_name = 'TkWindow'
- gen_class_name = 'TkWidget_' + tk_class
- classname_def = "WidgetClassName = '#{tk_class}'.freeze"
- end
- end
- if ruby_class = WidgetClassNames[tk_class]
- ruby_class_name = ruby_class.name
- # gen_class_name = ruby_class_name + 'GeneratedOnTk'
- gen_class_name = ruby_class_name
- classname_def = ''
- else
- mod = TkExtlibAutoloadModule.find{|m| m.const_defined?(tk_class)}
- if mod
- ruby_class_name = mod.name + '::' + tk_class
- gen_class_name = ruby_class_name
- classname_def = ''
- elsif Object.const_defined?('Tk' + tk_class)
- ruby_class_name = 'Tk' + tk_class
- # gen_class_name = ruby_class_name + 'GeneratedOnTk'
- gen_class_name = ruby_class_name
- classname_def = ''
- else
- ruby_class_name = 'TkWindow'
- # gen_class_name = ruby_class_name + tk_class + 'GeneratedOnTk'
- gen_class_name = 'TkWidget_' + tk_class
- classname_def = "WidgetClassName = '#{tk_class}'.freeze"
- end
- end
- unless Object.const_defined? gen_class_name
- Object.class_eval "class #{gen_class_name}<#{ruby_class_name}
- #{classname_def}
- end"
- end
- Object.class_eval "#{gen_class_name}.new('widgetname'=>'#{path}',
- 'without_creating'=>true)"
- base = Object
- gen_class_name.split('::').each{|klass|
- next if klass == ''
- if base.const_defined?(klass)
- base = base.class_eval klass
- else
- base = base.class_eval "class #{klass}<#{ruby_class_name}
- #{classname_def}
- end
- #{klass}"
- end
- }
- base.class_eval "#{gen_class_name}.new('widgetname'=>'#{path}',
- 'without_creating'=>true)"
- end
- private :_genobj_for_tkwidget
- module_function :_genobj_for_tkwidget
- def _at(x,y=nil)
- if y
- "@#{Integer(x)},#{Integer(y)}"
- else
- "@#{Integer(x)}"
- end
- end
- module_function :_at
- def tk_tcl2ruby(val, enc_mode = false, listobj = true)
- if val =~ /^rb_out\S* (c(_\d+_)?\d+)/
- #return Tk_CMDTBL[$1]
- return TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[$1]
- #cmd_obj = TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[$1]
- #if cmd_obj.kind_of?(Proc) || cmd_obj.kind_of?(Method)
- # cmd_obj
- #else
- # cmd_obj.cmd
- #end
- end
- if val =~ /rb_out\S*(?:\s+(::\S*|[{](::.*)[}]|["](::.*)["]))? (c(_\d+_)?(\d+))/
- return TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[$4]
- end
- #if val.include? ?\s
- # return val.split.collect{|v| tk_tcl2ruby(v)}
- #end
- case val
- when /\A@font\S+\z/
- TkFont.get_obj(val)
- when /\A-?\d+\z/
- val.to_i
- when /\A\.\S*\z/
- #Tk_WINDOWS[val] ? Tk_WINDOWS[val] : _genobj_for_tkwidget(val)
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[val]?
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[val] : _genobj_for_tkwidget(val)
- when /\Ai(_\d+_)?\d+\z/
- TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL[val]? TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL[val] : val
- }
- when /\A-?\d+\.?\d*(e[-+]?\d+)?\z/
- val.to_f
- when /\\ /
- val.gsub(/\\ /, ' ')
- when /[^\\] /
- if listobj
- #tk_split_escstr(val).collect{|elt|
- # tk_tcl2ruby(elt, enc_mode, listobj)
- #}
- val = _toUTF8(val) unless enc_mode
- tk_split_escstr(val, false, false).collect{|elt|
- tk_tcl2ruby(elt, true, listobj)
- }
- elsif enc_mode
- _fromUTF8(val)
- else
- val
- end
- else
- if enc_mode
- _fromUTF8(val)
- else
- val
- end
- end
- end
- private :tk_tcl2ruby
- module_function :tk_tcl2ruby
- #private_class_method :tk_tcl2ruby
-unless const_defined?(:USE_TCLs_LIST_FUNCTIONS)
- ###########################################################################
- # use Tcl function version of split_list
- ###########################################################################
- def tk_split_escstr(str, src_enc=true, dst_enc=true)
- str = _toUTF8(str) if src_enc
- if dst_enc
- TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(str).map!{|s| _fromUTF8(s)}
- else
- TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(str)
- end
- end
- def tk_split_sublist(str, depth=-1, src_enc=true, dst_enc=true)
- # return [] if str == ""
- # list = TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(str)
- str = _toUTF8(str) if src_enc
- if depth == 0
- return "" if str == ""
- list = [str]
- else
- return [] if str == ""
- list = TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(str)
- end
- if list.size == 1
- # tk_tcl2ruby(list[0], nil, false)
- tk_tcl2ruby(list[0], dst_enc, false)
- else
- list.collect{|token| tk_split_sublist(token, depth - 1, false, dst_enc)}
- end
- end
- def tk_split_list(str, depth=0, src_enc=true, dst_enc=true)
- return [] if str == ""
- str = _toUTF8(str) if src_enc
- TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(str).map!{|token|
- tk_split_sublist(token, depth - 1, false, dst_enc)
- }
- end
- def tk_split_simplelist(str, src_enc=true, dst_enc=true)
- #lst = TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(str)
- #if (lst.size == 1 && lst =~ /^\{.*\}$/)
- # TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(str[1..-2])
- #else
- # lst
- #end
- str = _toUTF8(str) if src_enc
- if dst_enc
- TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(str).map!{|s| _fromUTF8(s)}
- else
- TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(str)
- end
- end
- def array2tk_list(ary, enc=nil)
- return "" if ary.size == 0
- sys_enc = TkCore::INTERP.encoding
- sys_enc = TclTkLib.encoding_system unless sys_enc
- dst_enc = (enc == nil)? sys_enc: enc
- dst = ary.collect{|e|
- if e.kind_of? Array
- s = array2tk_list(e, enc)
- elsif e.kind_of? Hash
- tmp_ary = []
- #e.each{|k,v| tmp_ary << k << v }
- e.each{|k,v| tmp_ary << "-#{_get_eval_string(k)}" << v }
- s = array2tk_list(tmp_ary, enc)
- else
- s = _get_eval_string(e, enc)
- end
- if dst_enc != true && dst_enc != false
- if (s_enc = s.instance_variable_get(:@encoding))
- s_enc = s_enc.to_s
- elsif TkCore::WITH_ENCODING
- s_enc = s.encoding.name
- else
- s_enc = sys_enc
- end
- dst_enc = true if s_enc != dst_enc
- end
- s
- }
- if sys_enc && dst_enc
- dst.map!{|s| _toUTF8(s)}
- ret = TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*dst)
- if dst_enc.kind_of?(String)
- ret = _fromUTF8(ret, dst_enc)
- ret.force_encoding(dst_enc)
- else
- ret.force_encoding('utf-8')
- end
- else # without encoding
- if dst_enc.kind_of?(String)
- ret = _fromUTF8(ret, dst_enc)
- ret.instance_variable_set(:@encoding, dst_enc)
- else
- ret.instance_variable_set(:@encoding, 'utf-8')
- end
- end
- ret
- else
- TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*dst)
- end
- end
- ###########################################################################
- # use Ruby script version of split_list (traditional methods)
- ###########################################################################
- def tk_split_escstr(str, src_enc=true, dst_enc=true)
- return [] if str == ""
- list = []
- token = nil
- escape = false
- brace = 0
- str.split('').each {|c|
- brace += 1 if c == '{' && !escape
- brace -= 1 if c == '}' && !escape
- if brace == 0 && c == ' ' && !escape
- list << token.gsub(/^\{(.*)\}$/, '\1') if token
- token = nil
- else
- token = (token || "") << c
- end
- escape = (c == '\\' && !escape)
- }
- list << token.gsub(/^\{(.*)\}$/, '\1') if token
- list
- end
- def tk_split_sublist(str, depth=-1, src_enc=true, dst_enc=true)
- #return [] if str == ""
- #return [tk_split_sublist(str[1..-2])] if str =~ /^\{.*\}$/
- #list = tk_split_escstr(str)
- if depth == 0
- return "" if str == ""
- str = str[1..-2] if str =~ /^\{.*\}$/
- list = [str]
- else
- return [] if str == []
- return [tk_split_sublist(str[1..-2], depth - 1)] if str =~ /^\{.*\}$/
- list = tk_split_escstr(str)
- end
- if list.size == 1
- tk_tcl2ruby(list[0], nil, false)
- else
- list.collect{|token| tk_split_sublist(token, depth - 1)}
- end
- end
- def tk_split_list(str, depth=0, src_enc=true, dst_enc=true)
- return [] if str == ""
- tk_split_escstr(str).collect{|token|
- tk_split_sublist(token, depth - 1)
- }
- end
- def tk_split_simplelist(str, src_enc=true, dst_enc=true)
- return [] if str == ""
- list = []
- token = nil
- escape = false
- brace = 0
- str.split('').each {|c|
- if c == '\\' && !escape
- escape = true
- token = (token || "") << c if brace > 0
- next
- end
- brace += 1 if c == '{' && !escape
- brace -= 1 if c == '}' && !escape
- if brace == 0 && c == ' ' && !escape
- list << token.gsub(/^\{(.*)\}$/, '\1') if token
- token = nil
- else
- token = (token || "") << c
- end
- escape = false
- }
- list << token.gsub(/^\{(.*)\}$/, '\1') if token
- list
- end
- def array2tk_list(ary, enc=nil)
- ary.collect{|e|
- if e.kind_of? Array
- "{#{array2tk_list(e, enc)}}"
- elsif e.kind_of? Hash
- # "{#{e.to_a.collect{|ee| array2tk_list(ee)}.join(' ')}}"
- e.each{|k,v| tmp_ary << "-#{_get_eval_string(k)}" << v }
- array2tk_list(tmp_ary, enc)
- else
- s = _get_eval_string(e, enc)
- (s.index(/\s/) || s.size == 0)? "{#{s}}": s
- end
- }.join(" ")
- end
- private :tk_split_escstr, :tk_split_sublist
- private :tk_split_list, :tk_split_simplelist
- private :array2tk_list
- module_function :tk_split_escstr, :tk_split_sublist
- module_function :tk_split_list, :tk_split_simplelist
- module_function :array2tk_list
- private_class_method :tk_split_escstr, :tk_split_sublist
- private_class_method :tk_split_list, :tk_split_simplelist
-# private_class_method :array2tk_list
- ### --> definition is moved to TkUtil module
- def _symbolkey2str(keys)
- h = {}
- keys.each{|key,value| h[key.to_s] = value}
- h
- end
- private :_symbolkey2str
- module_function :_symbolkey2str
- ### --> definition is moved to TkUtil module
- # def hash_kv(keys, enc_mode = nil, conf = [], flat = false)
- def hash_kv(keys, enc_mode = nil, conf = nil)
- # Hash {key=>val, key=>val, ... } or Array [ [key, val], [key, val], ... ]
- # ==> Array ['-key', val, '-key', val, ... ]
- dst = []
- if keys and keys != None
- keys.each{|k, v|
- #dst.push("-#{k}")
- dst.push('-' + k.to_s)
- if v != None
- # v = _get_eval_string(v, enc_mode) if (enc_mode || flat)
- v = _get_eval_string(v, enc_mode) if enc_mode
- dst.push(v)
- end
- }
- end
- if conf
- conf + dst
- else
- dst
- end
- end
- private :hash_kv
- module_function :hash_kv
- ### --> definition is moved to TkUtil module
- def bool(val)
- case val
- when "1", 1, 'yes', 'true'
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def number(val)
- case val
- when /^-?\d+$/
- val.to_i
- when /^-?\d+\.?\d*(e[-+]?\d+)?$/
- val.to_f
- else
- fail(ArgumentError, "invalid value for Number:'#{val}'")
- end
- end
- def string(val)
- if val == "{}"
- ''
- elsif val[0] == ?{ && val[-1] == ?}
- val[1..-2]
- else
- val
- end
- end
- def num_or_str(val)
- begin
- number(val)
- rescue ArgumentError
- string(val)
- end
- end
- def list(val, depth=0, enc=true)
- tk_split_list(val, depth, enc, enc)
- end
- def simplelist(val, src_enc=true, dst_enc=true)
- tk_split_simplelist(val, src_enc, dst_enc)
- end
- def window(val)
- if val =~ /^\./
- #Tk_WINDOWS[val]? Tk_WINDOWS[val] : _genobj_for_tkwidget(val)
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[val]?
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[val] : _genobj_for_tkwidget(val)
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def image_obj(val)
- if val =~ /^i(_\d+_)?\d+$/
- TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL[val]? TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL[val] : val
- }
- else
- val
- end
- end
- def procedure(val)
- if val =~ /^rb_out\S* (c(_\d+_)?\d+)/
- #Tk_CMDTBL[$1]
- #TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[$1]
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[$1].cmd
- if val =~ /rb_out\S*(?:\s+(::\S*|[{](::.*)[}]|["](::.*)["]))? (c(_\d+_)?(\d+))/
- return TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[$4].cmd
- else
- #nil
- val
- end
- end
- private :bool, :number, :num_or_str, :num_or_nil, :string
- private :list, :simplelist, :window, :image_obj, :procedure
- module_function :bool, :number, :num_or_str, :num_or_nil, :string
- module_function :list, :simplelist, :window, :image_obj, :procedure
- if (RUBY_VERSION.split('.').map{|n| n.to_i} <=> [1,8,7]) < 0
- def slice_ary(ary, size)
- sliced = []
- wk_ary = ary.dup
- until wk_ary.size.zero?
- sub_ary = []
- size.times{ sub_ary << wk_ary.shift }
- yield(sub_ary) if block_given?
- sliced << sub_ary
- end
- (block_given?)? ary: sliced
- end
- else
- def slice_ary(ary, size, &b)
- if b
- ary.each_slice(size, &b)
- else
- ary.each_slice(size).to_a
- end
- end
- end
- private :slice_ary
- module_function :slice_ary
- def subst(str, *opts)
- # opts := :nobackslashes | :nocommands | novariables
- tk_call('subst',
- *(opts.collect{|opt|
- opt = opt.to_s
- (opt[0] == ?-)? opt: '-' << opt
- } << str))
- end
- def _toUTF8(str, encoding = nil)
- TkCore::INTERP._toUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- def _fromUTF8(str, encoding = nil)
- TkCore::INTERP._fromUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- private :_toUTF8, :_fromUTF8
- module_function :_toUTF8, :_fromUTF8
- def _callback_entry_class?(cls)
- cls <= Proc || cls <= Method || cls <= TkCallbackEntry
- end
- private :_callback_entry_class?
- module_function :_callback_entry_class?
- def _callback_entry?(obj)
- obj.kind_of?(Proc) || obj.kind_of?(Method) || obj.kind_of?(TkCallbackEntry)
- end
- private :_callback_entry?
- module_function :_callback_entry?
- ### --> definition is moved to TkUtil module
- def _get_eval_string(str, enc_mode = nil)
- return nil if str == None
- if str.kind_of?(TkObject)
- str = str.path
- elsif str.kind_of?(String)
- str = _toUTF8(str) if enc_mode
- elsif str.kind_of?(Symbol)
- str = str.id2name
- str = _toUTF8(str) if enc_mode
- elsif str.kind_of?(Hash)
- str = hash_kv(str, enc_mode).join(" ")
- elsif str.kind_of?(Array)
- str = array2tk_list(str)
- str = _toUTF8(str) if enc_mode
- elsif str.kind_of?(Proc)
- str = install_cmd(str)
- elsif str == nil
- str = ""
- elsif str == false
- str = "0"
- elsif str == true
- str = "1"
- elsif (str.respond_to?(:to_eval))
- str = str.to_eval()
- str = _toUTF8(str) if enc_mode
- else
- str = str.to_s() || ''
- unless str.kind_of? String
- fail RuntimeError, "fail to convert the object to a string"
- end
- str = _toUTF8(str) if enc_mode
- end
- return str
- end
- def _get_eval_string(obj, enc_mode = nil)
- case obj
- when Numeric
- obj.to_s
- when String
- (enc_mode)? _toUTF8(obj): obj
- when Symbol
- (enc_mode)? _toUTF8(obj.id2name): obj.id2name
- when TkObject
- obj.path
- when Hash
- hash_kv(obj, enc_mode).join(' ')
- when Array
- (enc_mode)? _toUTF8(array2tk_list(obj)): array2tk_list(obj)
- when Proc, Method, TkCallbackEntry
- install_cmd(obj)
- when false
- '0'
- when true
- '1'
- when nil
- ''
- when None
- nil
- else
- if (obj.respond_to?(:to_eval))
- (enc_mode)? _toUTF8(obj.to_eval): obj.to_eval
- else
- begin
- obj = obj.to_s || ''
- rescue
- fail RuntimeError, "fail to convert object '#{obj}' to string"
- end
- (enc_mode)? _toUTF8(obj): obj
- end
- end
- end
- private :_get_eval_string
- module_function :_get_eval_string
- ### --> definition is moved to TkUtil module
- def _get_eval_enc_str(obj)
- return obj if obj == None
- _get_eval_string(obj, true)
- end
- private :_get_eval_enc_str
- module_function :_get_eval_enc_str
- ### --> obsolete
- def ruby2tcl(v, enc_mode = nil)
- if v.kind_of?(Hash)
- v = hash_kv(v)
- v.flatten!
- v.collect{|e|ruby2tcl(e, enc_mode)}
- else
- _get_eval_string(v, enc_mode)
- end
- end
- private :ruby2tcl
- ### --> definition is moved to TkUtil module
- def _conv_args(args, enc_mode, *src_args)
- conv_args = []
- src_args.each{|arg|
- conv_args << _get_eval_string(arg, enc_mode) unless arg == None
- # if arg.kind_of?(Hash)
- # arg.each{|k, v|
- # args << '-' + k.to_s
- # args << _get_eval_string(v, enc_mode)
- # }
- # elsif arg != None
- # args << _get_eval_string(arg, enc_mode)
- # end
- }
- args + conv_args
- end
- private :_conv_args
- def _curr_cmd_id
- #id = format("c%.4d", Tk_IDs[0])
- id = "c" + TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_ + TkComm::Tk_IDs[0]
- end
- def _next_cmd_id
- TkComm::Tk_IDs.mutex.synchronize{
- id = _curr_cmd_id
- #Tk_IDs[0] += 1
- TkComm::Tk_IDs[0].succ!
- id
- }
- end
- private :_curr_cmd_id, :_next_cmd_id
- module_function :_curr_cmd_id, :_next_cmd_id
- def TkComm.install_cmd(cmd, local_cmdtbl=nil)
- return '' if cmd == ''
- begin
- ns = TkCore::INTERP._invoke_without_enc('namespace', 'current')
- ns = nil if ns == '::' # for backward compatibility
- rescue
- # probably, Tcl7.6
- ns = nil
- end
- id = _next_cmd_id
- #Tk_CMDTBL[id] = cmd
- if cmd.kind_of?(TkCallbackEntry)
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[id] = cmd
- else
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[id] = TkCore::INTERP.get_cb_entry(cmd)
- end
- @cmdtbl = [] unless defined? @cmdtbl
- TkUtil.untrust(@cmdtbl) unless @cmdtbl.tainted?
- @cmdtbl.push id
- if local_cmdtbl && local_cmdtbl.kind_of?(Array)
- begin
- local_cmdtbl << id
- rescue Exception
- # ignore
- end
- end
- #return Kernel.format("rb_out %s", id);
- if ns
- 'rb_out' << TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_ << ' ' << ns << ' ' << id
- else
- 'rb_out' << TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_ << ' ' << id
- end
- end
- def TkComm.uninstall_cmd(id, local_cmdtbl=nil)
- #id = $1 if /rb_out\S* (c(_\d+_)?\d+)/ =~ id
- id = $4 if id =~ /rb_out\S*(?:\s+(::\S*|[{](::.*)[}]|["](::.*)["]))? (c(_\d+_)?(\d+))/
- if local_cmdtbl && local_cmdtbl.kind_of?(Array)
- begin
- local_cmdtbl.delete(id)
- rescue Exception
- # ignore
- end
- end
- @cmdtbl.delete(id)
- #Tk_CMDTBL.delete(id)
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl.delete(id)
- end
- # private :install_cmd, :uninstall_cmd
- # module_function :install_cmd, :uninstall_cmd
- def install_cmd(cmd)
- TkComm.install_cmd(cmd, @cmdtbl)
- end
- def uninstall_cmd(id)
- TkComm.uninstall_cmd(id, @cmdtbl)
- end
- def install_win(ppath,name=nil)
- if !name or name == ''
- #name = format("w%.4d", Tk_IDs[1])
- #Tk_IDs[1] += 1
- name = "w" + Tk_IDs[1]
- Tk_IDs[1].succ!
- end
- if name[0] == ?.
- @path = name.dup
- elsif !ppath or ppath == "."
- @path = Kernel.format(".%s", name);
- else
- @path = Kernel.format("%s.%s", ppath, name)
- end
- #Tk_WINDOWS[@path] = self
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[@path] = self
- end
- def install_win(ppath,name=nil)
- if name
- if name == ''
- raise ArgumentError, "invalid widget-name '#{name}'"
- end
- if name[0] == ?.
- @path = '' + name
- @path.freeze
- return TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[@path] = self
- end
- else
- Tk_IDs.mutex.synchronize{
- name = "w" + TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_ + Tk_IDs[1]
- Tk_IDs[1].succ!
- }
- end
- if !ppath or ppath == '.'
- @path = '.' + name
- else
- @path = ppath + '.' + name
- end
- @path.freeze
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[@path] = self
- end
- def uninstall_win()
- #Tk_WINDOWS.delete(@path)
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows.delete(@path)
- end
- private :install_win, :uninstall_win
- def _epath(win)
- if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- win.epath
- elsif win.respond_to?(:epath)
- win.epath
- else
- win
- end
- end
- private :_epath
-# define TkComm module (step 2: event binding)
-module TkComm
- include TkEvent
- extend TkEvent
- def tk_event_sequence(context)
- if context.kind_of? TkVirtualEvent
- context = context.path
- end
- if context.kind_of? Array
- context = context.collect{|ev|
- if ev.kind_of? TkVirtualEvent
- ev.path
- else
- ev
- end
- }.join("><")
- end
- if /,/ =~ context
- context = context.split(/\s*,\s*/).join("><")
- else
- context
- end
- end
- def _bind_core(mode, what, context, cmd, *args)
- id = install_bind(cmd, *args) if cmd
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc(*(what + ["<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>",
- mode + id]))
- rescue
- uninstall_cmd(id) if cmd
- fail
- end
- end
- def _bind(what, context, cmd, *args)
- _bind_core('', what, context, cmd, *args)
- end
- def _bind_append(what, context, cmd, *args)
- _bind_core('+', what, context, cmd, *args)
- end
- def _bind_remove(what, context)
- tk_call_without_enc(*(what + ["<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>", '']))
- end
- def _bindinfo(what, context=nil)
- if context
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- enum_obj = tk_call_without_enc(*what+["<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>"]).each_line
- else
- enum_obj = tk_call_without_enc(*what+["<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>"])
- end
- enum_obj.collect {|cmdline|
- if cmdline =~ /^rb_out\S* (c(?:_\d+_)?\d+)\s+(.*)$/
- #[Tk_CMDTBL[$1], $2]
- [TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[$1], $2]
- if cmdline =~ /rb_out\S*(?:\s+(::\S*|[{](::.*)[}]|["](::.*)["]))? (c(_\d+_)?(\d+))/
- [TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[$4], $5]
- else
- cmdline
- end
- }
- else
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*what)).collect!{|seq|
- l = seq.scan(/<*[^<>]+>*/).collect!{|subseq|
- case (subseq)
- when /^<<[^<>]+>>$/
- TkVirtualEvent.getobj(subseq[1..-2])
- when /^<[^<>]+>$/
- subseq[1..-2]
- else
- subseq.split('')
- end
- }.flatten
- (l.size == 1) ? l[0] : l
- }
- end
- end
- def _bind_core_for_event_class(klass, mode, what, context, cmd, *args)
- id = install_bind_for_event_class(klass, cmd, *args) if cmd
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc(*(what + ["<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>",
- mode + id]))
- rescue
- uninstall_cmd(id) if cmd
- fail
- end
- end
- def _bind_for_event_class(klass, what, context, cmd, *args)
- _bind_core_for_event_class(klass, '', what, context, cmd, *args)
- end
- def _bind_append_for_event_class(klass, what, context, cmd, *args)
- _bind_core_for_event_class(klass, '+', what, context, cmd, *args)
- end
- def _bind_remove_for_event_class(klass, what, context)
- _bind_remove(what, context)
- end
- def _bindinfo_for_event_class(klass, what, context=nil)
- _bindinfo(what, context)
- end
- private :tk_event_sequence
- private :_bind_core, :_bind, :_bind_append, :_bind_remove, :_bindinfo
- private :_bind_core_for_event_class, :_bind_for_event_class,
- :_bind_append_for_event_class, :_bind_remove_for_event_class,
- :_bindinfo_for_event_class
- #def bind(tagOrClass, context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind(["bind", tagOrClass], context, cmd, *args)
- # tagOrClass
- #end
- def bind(tagOrClass, context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind(["bind", tagOrClass], context, cmd, *args)
- tagOrClass
- end
- #def bind_append(tagOrClass, context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind_append(["bind", tagOrClass], context, cmd, *args)
- # tagOrClass
- #end
- def bind_append(tagOrClass, context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append(["bind", tagOrClass], context, cmd, *args)
- tagOrClass
- end
- def bind_remove(tagOrClass, context)
- _bind_remove(['bind', tagOrClass], context)
- tagOrClass
- end
- def bindinfo(tagOrClass, context=nil)
- _bindinfo(['bind', tagOrClass], context)
- end
- #def bind_all(context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind(['bind', 'all'], context, cmd, *args)
- # TkBindTag::ALL
- #end
- def bind_all(context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind(['bind', 'all'], context, cmd, *args)
- TkBindTag::ALL
- end
- #def bind_append_all(context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind_append(['bind', 'all'], context, cmd, *args)
- # TkBindTag::ALL
- #end
- def bind_append_all(context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append(['bind', 'all'], context, cmd, *args)
- TkBindTag::ALL
- end
- def bind_remove_all(context)
- _bind_remove(['bind', 'all'], context)
- TkBindTag::ALL
- end
- def bindinfo_all(context=nil)
- _bindinfo(['bind', 'all'], context)
- end
-module TkCore
- include TkComm
- extend TkComm
- WITH_RUBY_VM = Object.const_defined?(:RubyVM) && ::RubyVM.class == Class
- WITH_ENCODING = defined?(::Encoding.default_external) && true
- #WITH_ENCODING = Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) && ::Encoding.class == Class
- unless self.const_defined? :INTERP
- if self.const_defined? :IP_NAME
- name = IP_NAME.to_s
- else
- #name = nil
- name = $0
- end
- if self.const_defined? :IP_OPTS
- if IP_OPTS.kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = hash_kv(IP_OPTS).join(' ')
- else
- opts = IP_OPTS.to_s
- end
- else
- opts = ''
- end
- unless self.const_defined? :RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD
- if WITH_RUBY_VM ### check Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!
- # *** NEED TO FIX ***
- when /cygwin/
- when /darwin/ # MacOS X
- ip = TclTkIp.new(name, opts)
- if ip._invoke_without_enc('tk', 'windowingsystem') == 'aqua' &&
- (TclTkLib.get_version<=>[8,4,TclTkLib::RELEASE_TYPE::FINAL,6]) > 0
- if TclTkLib::WINDOWING_SYSTEM == 'aqua' &&
- (TclTkLib.get_version<=>[8,4,TclTkLib::RELEASE_TYPE::FINAL,6]) > 0
- # *** KNOWN BUG ***
- # Main event loop thread of TkAqua (> Tk8.4.9) must be the main
- # application thread. So, ruby1.9 users must call Tk.mainloop on
- # the main application thread.
- #
- # *** ADD (2009/05/10) ***
- # In some cases (I don't know the description of conditions),
- # TkAqua 8.4.7 has a same kind of hang-up trouble.
- # So, if 8.4.7 or later, set RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD to true.
- # When you want to control this mode, please call the following
- # (set true/false as you want) before "require 'tk'".
- # ----------------------------------------------------------
- # module TkCore; RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD = true; end
- # ----------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # *** ADD (2010/07/05) ***
- # The value of TclTkLib::WINDOWING_SYSTEM is defined at compiling.
- # If it is inconsistent with linked DLL, please call the following
- # before "require 'tk'".
- # ----------------------------------------------------------
- # require 'tcltklib'
- # module TclTkLib
- # remove_const :WINDOWING_SYSTEM
- # WINDOWING_SYSTEM = 'x11' # or 'aqua'
- # end
- # ----------------------------------------------------------
- #
- else
- ip.delete
- ip = nil
- end
- else
- end
- else # Ruby 1.8.x
- end
- end
- if !WITH_RUBY_VM || RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD ### check Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!
- INTERP = TclTkIp.new(name, opts) unless self.const_defined? :INTERP
- else
- INTERP_MUTEX = Mutex.new
- INTERP_ROOT_CHECK = ConditionVariable.new
- INTERP_THREAD = Thread.new{
- begin
- #Thread.current[:interp] = interp = TclTkIp.new(name, opts)
- interp = TclTkIp.new(name, opts)
- rescue => e
- Thread.current[:interp] = e
- raise e
- end
- interp.mainloop_abort_on_exception = true
- Thread.current.instance_variable_set("@interp", interp)
- status = [nil]
- def status.value
- self[0]
- end
- def status.value=(val)
- self[0] = val
- end
- Thread.current[:status] = status
- #sleep
- # like as 1.8, withdraw a root widget before calling Tk.mainloop
- interp._eval <<EOS
-wm withdraw .
-rename wm __wm_orig__
-proc wm {subcmd win args} {
- set val [eval [list __wm_orig__ $subcmd $win] $args]
- if {[string equal $subcmd withdraw] && [string equal $win .]} {
- rename wm {}
- rename __wm_orig__ wm
- }
- return $val
-proc __startup_rbtk_mainloop__ {args} {
- rename __startup_rbtk_mainloop__ {}
- if {[info command __wm_orig__] == "__wm_orig__"} {
- rename wm {}
- rename __wm_orig__ wm
- if [string equal [wm state .] withdrawn] {
- wm deiconify .
- }
- }
-set __initial_state_of_rubytk__ 1
-trace add variable __initial_state_of_rubytk__ unset __startup_rbtk_mainloop__
-# complete initializing
-ruby {TkCore::INTERP_THREAD[:interp] = TkCore::INTERP_THREAD.instance_variable_get('@interp')}
- begin
- begin
- #TclTkLib.mainloop_abort_on_exception = false
- #interp.mainloop_abort_on_exception = true
- #Thread.current[:interp] = interp
- #Thread.current[:status].value = TclTkLib.mainloop(true)
- Thread.current[:status].value = interp.mainloop(true)
- rescue SystemExit=>e
- Thread.current[:status].value = e
- rescue Exception=>e
- Thread.current[:status].value = e
- p e if $DEBUG
- retry if interp.has_mainwindow?
- ensure
- INTERP_MUTEX.synchronize{ INTERP_ROOT_CHECK.broadcast }
- end
- unless interp.deleted?
- begin
- #Thread.current[:status].value = TclTkLib.mainloop(false)
- Thread.current[:status].value = interp.mainloop(false)
- rescue Exception=>e
- puts "ignore exception on interp: #{e.inspect}\n" if $DEBUG
- end
- end
- ensure
- # interp must be deleted before the thread for interp is dead.
- # If not, raise Tcl_Panic on Tcl_AsyncDelete because async handler
- # deleted by the wrong thread.
- interp.delete
- end
- }
- # check a Tcl/Tk interpreter is initialized
- until INTERP_THREAD[:interp]
- # Thread.pass
- end
- raise INTERP_THREAD[:interp] if INTERP_THREAD[:interp].kind_of? Exception
- # check an eventloop is running
- while INTERP_THREAD.alive? && TclTkLib.mainloop_thread?.nil?
- end
- # delete the interpreter and kill the eventloop thread at exit
- END{
- if INTERP_THREAD.alive?
- INTERP.delete
- end
- }
- # (for safety's sake) force the eventloop to run
- end
- def INTERP.__getip
- self
- end
- def INTERP.default_master?
- true
- end
- INTERP.instance_eval{
- # @tk_cmd_tbl = TkUtil.untrust({})
- @tk_cmd_tbl =
- TkUtil.untrust(Hash.new{|hash, key|
- fail IndexError, "unknown command ID '#{key}'"
- })
- def @tk_cmd_tbl.[]=(idx,val)
- if self.has_key?(idx) && Thread.current.group != ThreadGroup::Default
- fail SecurityError,"cannot change the entried command"
- end
- super(idx,val)
- end
- @tk_windows = TkUtil.untrust({})
- @tk_table_list = TkUtil.untrust([])
- @init_ip_env = TkUtil.untrust([]) # table of Procs
- @add_tk_procs = TkUtil.untrust([]) # table of [name, args, body]
- @force_default_encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([false])
- @encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([nil])
- def @encoding.to_s; self.join(nil); end
- @cb_entry_class = Class.new(TkCallbackEntry){
- class << self
- def inspect
- sprintf("#<Class(TkCallbackEntry):%0x>", self.__id__)
- end
- alias to_s inspect
- end
- def initialize(ip, cmd)
- @ip = ip
- @cmd = cmd
- end
- attr_reader :ip, :cmd
- def call(*args)
- @ip.cb_eval(@cmd, *args)
- end
- def inspect
- sprintf("#<cb_entry:%0x>", self.__id__)
- end
- alias to_s inspect
- }.freeze
- }
- def INTERP.cb_entry_class
- @cb_entry_class
- end
- def INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl
- @tk_cmd_tbl
- end
- def INTERP.tk_windows
- @tk_windows
- end
- def initialize(id)
- @id = id
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- end
- def mutex
- @mutex
- end
- def method_missing(m, *args, &b)
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_object_table(@id).__send__(m, *args, &b)
- end
- end
- def INTERP.tk_object_table(id)
- @tk_table_list[id]
- end
- def INTERP.create_table
- id = @tk_table_list.size
- (tbl = {}).tainted? || TkUtil.untrust(tbl)
- @tk_table_list << tbl
-# obj = Object.new
-# obj.instance_eval <<-EOD
-# def self.method_missing(m, *args)
-# TkCore::INTERP.tk_object_table(#{id}).send(m, *args)
-# end
-# EOD
-# return obj
- Tk_OBJECT_TABLE.new(id)
- end
- def INTERP.get_cb_entry(cmd)
- @cb_entry_class.new(__getip, cmd).freeze
- end
- def INTERP.cb_eval(cmd, *args)
- TkUtil._get_eval_string(TkUtil.eval_cmd(cmd, *args))
- end
- def INTERP.init_ip_env(script = Proc.new)
- @init_ip_env << script
- script.call(self)
- end
- def INTERP.add_tk_procs(name, args = nil, body = nil)
- if name.kind_of?(Array)
- name.each{|param| self.add_tk_procs(*param)}
- else
- name = name.to_s
- @add_tk_procs << [name, args, body]
- self._invoke('proc', name, args, body) if args && body
- end
- end
- def INTERP.remove_tk_procs(*names)
- names.each{|name|
- name = name.to_s
- @add_tk_procs.delete_if{|elem|
- elem.kind_of?(Array) && elem[0].to_s == name
- }
- #self._invoke('rename', name, '')
- self.__invoke__('rename', name, '')
- }
- end
- def INTERP.init_ip_internal
- ip = self
- @init_ip_env.each{|script| script.call(ip)}
- @add_tk_procs.each{|name,args,body| ip._invoke('proc',name,args,body)}
- end
- end
- unless self.const_defined? :RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD
- ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- end
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('event', 'add',
- "<#{WIDGET_DESTROY_HOOK}>", '<Destroy>')
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('bind', 'all', "<#{WIDGET_DESTROY_HOOK}>",
- install_cmd(proc{|path|
- unless TkCore::INTERP.deleted?
- begin
- if (widget=TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[path])
- if widget.respond_to?(:__destroy_hook__)
- widget.__destroy_hook__
- end
- end
- rescue Exception=>e
- p e if $DEBUG
- end
- end
- }) << ' %W')
- INTERP.add_tk_procs(TclTkLib::FINALIZE_PROC_NAME, '',
- "catch { bind all <#{WIDGET_DESTROY_HOOK}> {} }")
- INTERP.add_tk_procs('rb_out', 'ns args', <<-'EOL')
- if [regexp {^::} $ns] {
- set cmd {namespace eval $ns {ruby_cmd TkCore callback} $args}
- } else {
- set cmd {eval {ruby_cmd TkCore callback} $ns $args}
- }
- if {[set st [catch $cmd ret]] != 0} {
- #return -code $st $ret
- set idx [string first "\n\n" $ret]
- if {$idx > 0} {
- return -code $st \
- -errorinfo [string range $ret [expr $idx + 2] \
- [string length $ret]] \
- [string range $ret 0 [expr $idx - 1]]
- } else {
- return -code $st $ret
- }
- } else {
- return $ret
- }
- INTERP.add_tk_procs('rb_out', 'args', <<-'EOL')
- if {[set st [catch {eval {ruby_cmd TkCore callback} $args} ret]] != 0} {
- #return -code $st $ret
- set idx [string first "\n\n" $ret]
- if {$idx > 0} {
- return -code $st \
- -errorinfo [string range $ret [expr $idx + 2] \
- [string length $ret]] \
- [string range $ret 0 [expr $idx - 1]]
- } else {
- return -code $st $ret
- }
- } else {
- return $ret
- }
- INTERP.add_tk_procs('rb_out', 'args', <<-'EOL')
- #regsub -all {\\} $args {\\\\} args
- #regsub -all {!} $args {\\!} args
- #regsub -all "{" $args "\\{" args
- regsub -all {(\\|!|\{|\})} $args {\\\1} args
- if {[set st [catch {ruby [format "TkCore.callback %%Q!%s!" $args]} ret]] != 0} {
- #return -code $st $ret
- set idx [string first "\n\n" $ret]
- if {$idx > 0} {
- return -code $st \
- -errorinfo [string range $ret [expr $idx + 2] \
- [string length $ret]] \
- [string range $ret 0 [expr $idx - 1]]
- } else {
- return -code $st $ret
- }
- } else {
- return $ret
- }
- if !WITH_RUBY_VM || RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD ### check Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!
- at_exit{ INTERP.remove_tk_procs(TclTkLib::FINALIZE_PROC_NAME) }
- else
- at_exit{
- Tk.root.destroy
- INTERP.remove_tk_procs(TclTkLib::FINALIZE_PROC_NAME)
- INTERP_THREAD.kill.join
- }
- end
- EventFlag = TclTkLib::EventFlag
- def callback_break
- fail TkCallbackBreak, "Tk callback returns 'break' status"
- end
- def callback_continue
- fail TkCallbackContinue, "Tk callback returns 'continue' status"
- end
- def callback_return
- fail TkCallbackReturn, "Tk callback returns 'return' status"
- end
- def TkCore.callback(*arg)
- begin
- if TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl.kind_of?(Hash)
- #TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[arg.shift].call(*arg)
- normal_ret = false
- ret = catch(:IRB_EXIT) do # IRB hack
- retval = TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[arg.shift].call(*arg)
- normal_ret = true
- retval
- end
- unless normal_ret
- # catch IRB_EXIT
- exit(ret)
- end
- ret
- end
- rescue SystemExit=>e
- exit(e.status)
- rescue Interrupt=>e
- fail(e)
- rescue Exception => e
- begin
- msg = _toUTF8(e.class.inspect) + ': ' +
- _toUTF8(e.message) + "\n" +
- "\n---< backtrace of Ruby side >-----\n" +
- _toUTF8(e.backtrace.join("\n")) +
- "\n---< backtrace of Tk side >-------"
- msg.force_encoding('utf-8')
- else
- msg.instance_variable_set(:@encoding, 'utf-8')
- end
- rescue Exception
- msg = e.class.inspect + ': ' + e.message + "\n" +
- "\n---< backtrace of Ruby side >-----\n" +
- e.backtrace.join("\n") +
- "\n---< backtrace of Tk side >-------"
- end
- # TkCore::INTERP._set_global_var('errorInfo', msg)
- # fail(e)
- fail(e, msg)
- end
- end
- def TkCore.callback(arg_str)
- # arg = tk_split_list(arg_str)
- arg = tk_split_simplelist(arg_str)
- #_get_eval_string(TkUtil.eval_cmd(Tk_CMDTBL[arg.shift], *arg))
- #_get_eval_string(TkUtil.eval_cmd(TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[arg.shift],
- # *arg))
- # TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[arg.shift].call(*arg)
- begin
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[arg.shift].call(*arg)
- rescue Exception => e
- raise(e, e.class.inspect + ': ' + e.message + "\n" +
- "\n---< backtrace of Ruby side >-----\n" +
- e.backtrace.join("\n") +
- "\n---< backtrace of Tk side >-------")
- end
-# cb_obj = TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl[arg.shift]
-# unless $DEBUG
-# cb_obj.call(*arg)
-# else
-# begin
-# raise 'check backtrace'
-# rescue
-# # ignore backtrace before 'callback'
-# pos = -($!.backtrace.size)
-# end
-# begin
-# cb_obj.call(*arg)
-# rescue
-# trace = $!.backtrace
-# raise $!, "\n#{trace[0]}: #{$!.message} (#{$!.class})\n" +
-# "\tfrom #{trace[1..pos].join("\n\tfrom ")}"
-# end
-# end
- end
- def load_cmd_on_ip(tk_cmd)
- bool(tk_call('auto_load', tk_cmd))
- end
- def after(ms, cmd=Proc.new)
- cmdid = install_cmd(proc{ret = cmd.call;uninstall_cmd(cmdid); ret})
- after_id = tk_call_without_enc("after",ms,cmdid)
- after_id.instance_variable_set('@cmdid', cmdid)
- after_id
- end
- def after(ms, cmd=Proc.new)
- crit_bup = Thread.critical
- Thread.critical = true
- myid = _curr_cmd_id
- cmdid = install_cmd(proc{ret = cmd.call;uninstall_cmd(myid); ret})
- Thread.critical = crit_bup
- tk_call_without_enc("after",ms,cmdid) # return id
-# return
-# if false #defined? Thread
-# Thread.start do
-# ms = Float(ms)/1000
-# ms = 10 if ms == 0
-# sleep ms/1000
-# cmd.call
-# end
-# else
-# cmdid = install_cmd(cmd)
-# tk_call("after",ms,cmdid)
-# end
- end
- def after_idle(cmd=Proc.new)
- cmdid = install_cmd(proc{ret = cmd.call;uninstall_cmd(cmdid); ret})
- after_id = tk_call_without_enc('after','idle',cmdid)
- after_id.instance_variable_set('@cmdid', cmdid)
- after_id
- end
- def after_idle(cmd=Proc.new)
- crit_bup = Thread.critical
- Thread.critical = true
- myid = _curr_cmd_id
- cmdid = install_cmd(proc{ret = cmd.call;uninstall_cmd(myid); ret})
- Thread.critical = crit_bup
- tk_call_without_enc('after','idle',cmdid)
- end
- def after_cancel(afterId)
- tk_call_without_enc('after','cancel',afterId)
- if (cmdid = afterId.instance_variable_get('@cmdid'))
- afterId.instance_variable_set('@cmdid', nil)
- uninstall_cmd(cmdid)
- end
- afterId
- end
- def windowingsystem
- tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'windowingsystem')
- end
- def scaling(scale=nil)
- if scale
- tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'scaling', scale)
- else
- Float(number(tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'scaling')))
- end
- end
- def scaling_displayof(win, scale=nil)
- if scale
- tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'scaling', '-displayof', win, scale)
- else
- Float(number(tk_call_without_enc('tk', '-displayof', win, 'scaling')))
- end
- end
- def inactive
- Integer(tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'inactive'))
- end
- def inactive_displayof(win)
- Integer(tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'inactive', '-displayof', win))
- end
- def reset_inactive
- tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'inactive', 'reset')
- end
- def reset_inactive_displayof(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'inactive', '-displayof', win, 'reset')
- end
- def appname(name=None)
- tk_call('tk', 'appname', name)
- end
- def appsend_deny
- tk_call('rename', 'send', '')
- end
- def appsend(interp, async, *args)
- if $SAFE >= 1 && args.find{|obj| obj.tainted?}
- fail SecurityError, "cannot send tainted Tk commands at level #{$SAFE}"
- end
- if async != true && async != false && async != nil
- args.unshift(async)
- async = false
- end
- if async
- tk_call('send', '-async', '--', interp, *args)
- else
- tk_call('send', '--', interp, *args)
- end
- end
- def rb_appsend(interp, async, *args)
- if $SAFE >= 1 && args.find{|obj| obj.tainted?}
- fail SecurityError, "cannot send tainted Ruby commands at level #{$SAFE}"
- end
- if async != true && async != false && async != nil
- args.unshift(async)
- async = false
- end
- #args = args.collect!{|c| _get_eval_string(c).gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&')}
- args = args.collect!{|c| _get_eval_string(c).gsub(/[\[\]$"\\]/, '\\\\\&')}
- # args.push(').to_s"')
- # appsend(interp, async, 'ruby "(', *args)
- args.push('}.call)"')
- appsend(interp, async, 'ruby "TkComm._get_eval_string(proc{', *args)
- end
- def appsend_displayof(interp, win, async, *args)
- if $SAFE >= 1 && args.find{|obj| obj.tainted?}
- fail SecurityError, "cannot send tainted Tk commands at level #{$SAFE}"
- end
- win = '.' if win == nil
- if async != true && async != false && async != nil
- args.unshift(async)
- async = false
- end
- if async
- tk_call('send', '-async', '-displayof', win, '--', interp, *args)
- else
- tk_call('send', '-displayor', win, '--', interp, *args)
- end
- end
- def rb_appsend_displayof(interp, win, async, *args)
- if $SAFE >= 1 && args.find{|obj| obj.tainted?}
- fail SecurityError, "cannot send tainted Ruby commands at level #{$SAFE}"
- end
- win = '.' if win == nil
- if async != true && async != false && async != nil
- args.unshift(async)
- async = false
- end
- #args = args.collect!{|c| _get_eval_string(c).gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&')}
- args = args.collect!{|c| _get_eval_string(c).gsub(/[\[\]$"\\]/, '\\\\\&')}
- # args.push(').to_s"')
- # appsend_displayof(interp, win, async, 'ruby "(', *args)
- args.push('}.call)"')
- appsend(interp, win, async, 'ruby "TkComm._get_eval_string(proc{', *args)
- end
- def info(*args)
- tk_call('info', *args)
- end
- def mainloop(check_root = true)
- if !TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM
- TclTkLib.mainloop(check_root)
- # if TclTkLib::WINDOWING_SYSTEM == 'aqua' &&
- #if TkCore::INTERP._invoke_without_enc('tk','windowingsystem')=='aqua' &&
- # Thread.current != Thread.main &&
- # (TclTkLib.get_version <=> [8,4,TclTkLib::RELEASE_TYPE::FINAL,9]) > 0
- # raise RuntimeError,
- # "eventloop on TkAqua ( > Tk8.4.9 ) works on the main thread only"
- #end
- if Thread.current != Thread.main
- raise RuntimeError, "Tk.mainloop is allowed on the main thread only"
- end
- TclTkLib.mainloop(check_root)
- else ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!
- unless TkCore::INTERP.default_master?
- # [MultiTkIp] slave interp ?
- return TkCore::INTERP._thread_tkwait('window', '.') if check_root
- end
- # like as 1.8, withdraw a root widget before calling Tk.mainloop
- TkCore::INTERP._eval_without_enc('catch {unset __initial_state_of_rubytk__}')
- begin
- TclTkLib.set_eventloop_window_mode(true)
- # force run the eventloop
- TkCore::INTERP._eval_without_enc('update')
- TkCore::INTERP._eval_without_enc('catch {set __initial_state_of_rubytk__}')
- if check_root
- INTERP_MUTEX.synchronize{
- status = INTERP_THREAD_STATUS.value
- if status && TkCore::INTERP.default_master?
- raise status if status.kind_of?(Exception)
- end
- }
- else
- begin
- rescue Exception => e
- raise e
- end
- end
- rescue Exception => e
- raise e
- ensure
- TclTkLib.set_eventloop_window_mode(false)
- end
- end
- end
- def mainloop_thread?
- # true : current thread is mainloop
- # nil : there is no mainloop
- # false : mainloop is running on the other thread
- # ( At then, it is dangerous to call Tk interpreter directly. )
- ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!!!!!
- TclTkLib.mainloop_thread?
- else
- Thread.current == INTERP_THREAD
- end
- end
- def mainloop_exist?
- TclTkLib.mainloop_thread? != nil
- end
- def is_mainloop?
- TclTkLib.mainloop_thread? == true
- end
- def mainloop_watchdog(check_root = true)
- # watchdog restarts mainloop when mainloop is dead
- TclTkLib.mainloop_watchdog(check_root)
- end
- def do_one_event(flag = TclTkLib::EventFlag::ALL)
- TclTkLib.do_one_event(flag)
- end
- def set_eventloop_tick(timer_tick)
- TclTkLib.set_eventloop_tick(timer_tick)
- end
- def get_eventloop_tick()
- TclTkLib.get_eventloop_tick
- end
- def set_no_event_wait(wait)
- TclTkLib.set_no_even_wait(wait)
- end
- def get_no_event_wait()
- TclTkLib.get_no_eventloop_wait
- end
- def set_eventloop_weight(loop_max, no_event_tick)
- TclTkLib.set_eventloop_weight(loop_max, no_event_tick)
- end
- def get_eventloop_weight()
- TclTkLib.get_eventloop_weight
- end
- def restart(app_name = nil, keys = {})
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_internal
- tk_call('set', 'argv0', app_name) if app_name
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- # tk_call('set', 'argc', keys.size * 2)
- tk_call('set', 'argv', hash_kv(keys).join(' '))
- end
- INTERP.restart
- nil
- end
- def event_generate(win, context, keys=nil)
- #win = win.path if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- if context.kind_of?(TkEvent::Event)
- context.generate(win, ((keys)? keys: {}))
- elsif keys
- tk_call_without_enc('event', 'generate', win,
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>",
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('event', 'generate', win,
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>")
- end
- nil
- end
- def messageBox(keys)
- tk_call('tk_messageBox', *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def getOpenFile(keys = nil)
- tk_call('tk_getOpenFile', *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def getMultipleOpenFile(keys = nil)
- simplelist(tk_call('tk_getOpenFile', '-multiple', '1', *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def getSaveFile(keys = nil)
- tk_call('tk_getSaveFile', *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def getMultipleSaveFile(keys = nil)
- simplelist(tk_call('tk_getSaveFile', '-multiple', '1', *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def chooseColor(keys = nil)
- tk_call('tk_chooseColor', *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def chooseDirectory(keys = nil)
- tk_call('tk_chooseDirectory', *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def _ip_eval_core(enc_mode, cmd_string)
- case enc_mode
- when nil
- res = INTERP._eval(cmd_string)
- when false
- res = INTERP._eval_without_enc(cmd_string)
- when true
- res = INTERP._eval_with_enc(cmd_string)
- end
- if INTERP._return_value() != 0
- fail RuntimeError, res, error_at
- end
- return res
- end
- private :_ip_eval_core
- def ip_eval(cmd_string)
- _ip_eval_core(nil, cmd_string)
- end
- def ip_eval_without_enc(cmd_string)
- _ip_eval_core(false, cmd_string)
- end
- def ip_eval_with_enc(cmd_string)
- _ip_eval_core(true, cmd_string)
- end
- def _ip_invoke_core(enc_mode, *args)
- case enc_mode
- when false
- res = INTERP._invoke_without_enc(*args)
- when nil
- res = INTERP._invoke(*args)
- when true
- res = INTERP._invoke_with_enc(*args)
- end
- if INTERP._return_value() != 0
- fail RuntimeError, res, error_at
- end
- return res
- end
- private :_ip_invoke_core
- def ip_invoke(*args)
- _ip_invoke_core(nil, *args)
- end
- def ip_invoke_without_enc(*args)
- _ip_invoke_core(false, *args)
- end
- def ip_invoke_with_enc(*args)
- _ip_invoke_core(true, *args)
- end
- def _tk_call_core(enc_mode, *args)
- ### puts args.inspect if $DEBUG
- #args.collect! {|x|ruby2tcl(x, enc_mode)}
- #args.compact!
- #args.flatten!
- args = _conv_args([], enc_mode, *args)
- puts 'invoke args => ' + args.inspect if $DEBUG
- ### print "=> ", args.join(" ").inspect, "\n" if $DEBUG
- begin
- # res = TkUtil.untrust(INTERP._invoke(*args))
- # res = INTERP._invoke(enc_mode, *args)
- res = _ip_invoke_core(enc_mode, *args)
- # >>>>> _invoke returns a TAINTED string <<<<<
- rescue NameError => err
- # err = $!
- begin
- args.unshift "unknown"
- #res = TkUtil.untrust(INTERP._invoke(*args))
- #res = INTERP._invoke(enc_mode, *args)
- res = _ip_invoke_core(enc_mode, *args)
- # >>>>> _invoke returns a TAINTED string <<<<<
- rescue StandardError => err2
- fail err2 unless /^invalid command/ =~ err2.message
- fail err
- end
- end
- if INTERP._return_value() != 0
- fail RuntimeError, res, error_at
- end
- ### print "==> ", res.inspect, "\n" if $DEBUG
- return res
- end
- private :_tk_call_core
- def tk_call(*args)
- _tk_call_core(nil, *args)
- end
- def tk_call_without_enc(*args)
- _tk_call_core(false, *args)
- end
- def tk_call_with_enc(*args)
- _tk_call_core(true, *args)
- end
- def _tk_call_to_list_core(depth, arg_enc, val_enc, *args)
- args = _conv_args([], arg_enc, *args)
- val = _tk_call_core(false, *args)
- if !depth.kind_of?(Integer) || depth == 0
- tk_split_simplelist(val, false, val_enc)
- else
- tk_split_list(val, depth, false, val_enc)
- end
- end
- #private :_tk_call_to_list_core
- def tk_call_to_list(*args)
- _tk_call_to_list_core(-1, nil, true, *args)
- end
- def tk_call_to_list_without_enc(*args)
- _tk_call_to_list_core(-1, false, false, *args)
- end
- def tk_call_to_list_with_enc(*args)
- _tk_call_to_list_core(-1, true, true, *args)
- end
- def tk_call_to_simplelist(*args)
- _tk_call_to_list_core(0, nil, true, *args)
- end
- def tk_call_to_simplelist_without_enc(*args)
- _tk_call_to_list_core(0, false, false, *args)
- end
- def tk_call_to_simplelist_with_enc(*args)
- _tk_call_to_list_core(0, true, true, *args)
- end
-module Tk
- include TkCore
- extend Tk
- TCL_VERSION = INTERP._invoke_without_enc("info", "tclversion").freeze
- TCL_PATCHLEVEL = INTERP._invoke_without_enc("info", "patchlevel").freeze
- major, minor = TCL_VERSION.split('.')
- TCL_MAJOR_VERSION = major.to_i
- TCL_MINOR_VERSION = minor.to_i
- TK_VERSION = INTERP._invoke_without_enc("set", "tk_version").freeze
- TK_PATCHLEVEL = INTERP._invoke_without_enc("set", "tk_patchLevel").freeze
- major, minor = TK_VERSION.split('.')
- TK_MAJOR_VERSION = major.to_i
- TK_MINOR_VERSION = minor.to_i
- JAPANIZED_TK = (INTERP._invoke_without_enc("info", "commands",
- "kanji") != "").freeze
- def Tk.const_missing(sym)
- case(sym)
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', 'tcl_library')
- INTERP._invoke("set", "tcl_library").freeze
- when :TK_LIBRARY
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', 'tk_library')
- INTERP._invoke("set", "tk_library").freeze
- when :LIBRARY
- INTERP._invoke("info", "library").freeze
- # INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', 'tcl_pkgPath')
- # tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke('set', 'tcl_pkgPath'))
- # INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', 'tcl_libPath')
- # tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke('set', 'tcl_libPath'))
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', 'tcl_platform')
- Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array', 'get',
- 'tcl_platform'))]
- when :ENV
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', 'env')
- Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke('array', 'get', 'env'))]
- #when :AUTO_PATH #<===
- # tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke('set', 'auto_path'))
- # tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke('set', 'auto_oldpath'))
- when :AUTO_INDEX
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', 'auto_index')
- Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke('array', 'get', 'auto_index'))]
- priv = {}
- if INTERP._invoke_without_enc('info', 'vars', 'tk::Priv') != ""
- var_nam = 'tk::Priv'
- else
- var_nam = 'tkPriv'
- end
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', var_nam)
- Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke('array', 'get',
- var_nam))].each{|k,v|
- k.freeze
- case v
- when /^-?\d+$/
- priv[k] = v.to_i
- when /^-?\d+\.?\d*(e[-+]?\d+)?$/
- priv[k] = v.to_f
- else
- priv[k] = v.freeze
- end
- }
- priv
- else
- raise NameError, 'uninitialized constant Tk::' + sym.id2name
- end
- end
- def Tk.errorInfo
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', 'errorInfo')
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('set', 'errorInfo')
- end
- def Tk.errorCode
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', 'errorCode')
- code = tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke_without_enc('set', 'errorCode'))
- case code[0]
- begin
- pid = Integer(code[1])
- code[1] = pid
- rescue
- end
- end
- code
- end
- def Tk.has_mainwindow?
- INTERP.has_mainwindow?
- end
- def root
- Tk::Root.new
- end
- def Tk.load_tclscript(file, enc=nil)
- if enc
- # TCL_VERSION >= 8.5
- tk_call('source', '-encoding', enc, file)
- else
- tk_call('source', file)
- end
- end
- def Tk.load_tcllibrary(file, pkg_name=None, interp=None)
- tk_call('load', file, pkg_name, interp)
- end
- def Tk.unload_tcllibrary(*args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
- nocomp = (keys['nocomplain'])? '-nocomplain': None
- keeplib = (keys['keeplibrary'])? '-keeplibrary': None
- tk_call('unload', nocomp, keeplib, '--', *args)
- else
- tk_call('unload', *args)
- end
- end
- def Tk.pkgconfig_list(mod)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- if mod.kind_of?(Module)
- if mod.respond_to?(:package_name)
- pkgname = mod.package_name
- elsif mod.const_defined?(:PACKAGE_NAME)
- pkgname = mod::PACKAGE_NAME
- else
- fail NotImplementedError, 'may not be a module for a Tcl extension'
- end
- else
- pkgname = mod.to_s
- end
- pkgname = '::' << pkgname unless pkgname =~ /^::/
- tk_split_list(tk_call(pkgname + '::pkgconfig', 'list'))
- end
- def Tk.pkgconfig_get(mod, key)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- if mod.kind_of?(Module)
- if mod.respond_to?(:package_name)
- pkgname = mod.package_name
- else
- fail NotImplementedError, 'may not be a module for a Tcl extension'
- end
- else
- pkgname = mod.to_s
- end
- pkgname = '::' << pkgname unless pkgname =~ /^::/
- tk_call(pkgname + '::pkgconfig', 'get', key)
- end
- def Tk.tcl_pkgconfig_list
- # Tk8.5 feature
- Tk.pkgconfig_list('::tcl')
- end
- def Tk.tcl_pkgconfig_get(key)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- Tk.pkgconfig_get('::tcl', key)
- end
- def Tk.tk_pkgconfig_list
- # Tk8.5 feature
- Tk.pkgconfig_list('::tk')
- end
- def Tk.tk_pkgconfig_get(key)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- Tk.pkgconfig_get('::tk', key)
- end
- def Tk.bell(nice = false)
- if nice
- tk_call_without_enc('bell', '-nice')
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('bell')
- end
- nil
- end
- def Tk.bell_on_display(win, nice = false)
- if nice
- tk_call_without_enc('bell', '-displayof', win, '-nice')
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('bell', '-displayof', win)
- end
- nil
- end
- def Tk.destroy(*wins)
- #tk_call_without_enc('destroy', *wins)
- tk_call_without_enc('destroy', *(wins.collect{|win|
- if win.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- win.epath
- else
- win
- end
- }))
- end
- def Tk.exit
- TkCore::INTERP.has_mainwindow? && tk_call_without_enc('destroy', '.')
- end
- ################################################
- def Tk.sleep(ms = nil, id = nil)
- if id
- var = (id.kind_of?(TkVariable))? id: TkVarAccess.new(id.to_s)
- else
- var = TkVariable.new
- end
- var.value = tk_call_without_enc('after', ms, proc{ var.value = 0 }) if ms
- var.thread_wait
- ms
- end
- def Tk.wakeup(id)
- ((id.kind_of?(TkVariable))? id: TkVarAccess.new(id.to_s)).value = 0
- nil
- end
- ################################################
- def Tk.pack(*args)
- TkPack.configure(*args)
- end
- def Tk.pack_forget(*args)
- TkPack.forget(*args)
- end
- def Tk.unpack(*args)
- TkPack.forget(*args)
- end
- def Tk.grid(*args)
- TkGrid.configure(*args)
- end
- def Tk.grid_forget(*args)
- TkGrid.forget(*args)
- end
- def Tk.ungrid(*args)
- TkGrid.forget(*args)
- end
- def Tk.place(*args)
- TkPlace.configure(*args)
- end
- def Tk.place_forget(*args)
- TkPlace.forget(*args)
- end
- def Tk.unplace(*args)
- TkPlace.forget(*args)
- end
- def Tk.update(idle=nil)
- if idle
- tk_call_without_enc('update', 'idletasks')
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('update')
- end
- end
- def Tk.update_idletasks
- update(true)
- end
- def update(idle=nil)
- # only for backward compatibility (This never be recommended to use)
- Tk.update(idle)
- self
- end
- # NOTE::
- # If no eventloop-thread is running, "thread_update" method is same
- # to "update" method. Else, "thread_update" method waits to complete
- # idletask operation on the eventloop-thread.
- def Tk.thread_update(idle=nil)
- if idle
- tk_call_without_enc('thread_update', 'idletasks')
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('thread_update')
- end
- end
- def Tk.thread_update_idletasks
- thread_update(true)
- end
- def Tk.lower_window(win, below=None)
- tk_call('lower', _epath(win), _epath(below))
- nil
- end
- def Tk.raise_window(win, above=None)
- tk_call('raise', _epath(win), _epath(above))
- nil
- end
- def Tk.current_grabs(win = nil)
- if win
- window(tk_call_without_enc('grab', 'current', win))
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('grab', 'current'))
- end
- end
- def Tk.focus(display=nil)
- if display == nil
- window(tk_call_without_enc('focus'))
- else
- window(tk_call_without_enc('focus', '-displayof', display))
- end
- end
- def Tk.focus_to(win, force=false)
- if force
- tk_call_without_enc('focus', '-force', win)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('focus', win)
- end
- end
- def Tk.focus_lastfor(win)
- window(tk_call_without_enc('focus', '-lastfor', win))
- end
- def Tk.focus_next(win)
- TkManageFocus.next(win)
- end
- def Tk.focus_prev(win)
- TkManageFocus.prev(win)
- end
- def Tk.strictMotif(mode=None)
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('set', 'tk_strictMotif', mode))
- end
- def Tk.show_kinsoku(mode='both')
- begin
- if /^8\.*/ === TK_VERSION && JAPANIZED_TK
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('kinsoku', 'show', mode))
- end
- rescue
- end
- end
- def Tk.add_kinsoku(chars, mode='both')
- begin
- if /^8\.*/ === TK_VERSION && JAPANIZED_TK
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('kinsoku', 'add', mode,
- *(chars.split(''))))
- else
- []
- end
- rescue
- []
- end
- end
- def Tk.delete_kinsoku(chars, mode='both')
- begin
- if /^8\.*/ === TK_VERSION && JAPANIZED_TK
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('kinsoku', 'delete', mode,
- *(chars.split(''))))
- end
- rescue
- end
- end
- def Tk.toUTF8(str, encoding = nil)
- _toUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- def Tk.fromUTF8(str, encoding = nil)
- _fromUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
-# string with Tcl's encoding
-module Tk
- def Tk.subst_utf_backslash(str)
- Tk::EncodedString.subst_utf_backslash(str)
- end
- def Tk.subst_tk_backslash(str)
- Tk::EncodedString.subst_tk_backslash(str)
- end
- def Tk.utf_to_backslash_sequence(str)
- Tk::EncodedString.utf_to_backslash_sequence(str)
- end
- def Tk.utf_to_backslash(str)
- Tk::EncodedString.utf_to_backslash_sequence(str)
- end
- def Tk.to_backslash_sequence(str)
- Tk::EncodedString.to_backslash_sequence(str)
- end
-# convert kanji string to/from utf-8
-if (/^(8\.[1-9]|9\.|[1-9][0-9])/ =~ Tk::TCL_VERSION && !Tk::JAPANIZED_TK)
- module Tk
- module Encoding
- extend Encoding
- TkCommandNames = ['encoding'.freeze].freeze
- #############################################
- if TkCore::WITH_ENCODING ### Ruby 1.9
- RubyEncoding = ::Encoding
- # for saving GC cost
- #ENCNAMES_CMD = ['encoding'.freeze, 'names'.freeze]
- BINARY_NAME = 'binary'.freeze
- UTF8_NAME = 'utf-8'.freeze
- DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_NAME = RubyEncoding.default_external.name.freeze
- DEFAULT_INTERNAL_NAME = RubyEncoding.default_internal.name.freeze rescue nil
- BINARY = RubyEncoding.find(BINARY_NAME)
- UNKNOWN = RubyEncoding.find('ASCII-8BIT')
- ### start of creating ENCODING_TABLE
- ENCODING_TABLE = TkCore::INTERP.encoding_table
- 'binary' => BINARY,
- }
- list = TkCore::INTERP._invoke_without_enc(ENCNAMES_CMD[0],
- TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(list).each{|name|
- begin
- enc = RubyEncoding.find(name)
- rescue ArgumentError
- case name
- when 'identity'
- enc = BINARY
- when 'shiftjis'
- enc = RubyEncoding.find('Shift_JIS')
- when 'unicode'
- enc = RubyEncoding.find('UTF-8')
- #if Tk.tk_call('set', 'tcl_platform(byteOrder)') =='littleEndian'
- # enc = RubyEncoding.find('UTF-16LE')
- #else
- # enc = RubyEncoding.find('UTF-16BE')
- #end
- when 'symbol'
- # single byte data
- enc = RubyEncoding.find('ASCII-8BIT') ### ???
- else
- # unsupported on Ruby, but supported on Tk
- enc = TkCore::INTERP.create_dummy_encoding_for_tk(name)
- end
- end
- ENCODING_TABLE[name.freeze] = enc
- }
- def ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(enc)
- orig_enc = enc
- # unless enc, use system default
- # 1st: Ruby/Tk default encoding
- # 2nd: Tcl/Tk default encoding
- # 3rd: Ruby's default_external
- enc ||= TkCore::INTERP.encoding
- enc ||= TclTkLib.encoding_system
- if enc.kind_of?(RubyEncoding)
- # Ruby's Encoding object
- if (name = self.key(enc))
- return name
- end
- # Is it new ?
- list = TkCore::INTERP._invoke_without_enc(ENCNAMES_CMD[0],
- TkComm.simplelist(list).each{|name|
- if ((enc == RubyEncoding.find(name)) rescue false)
- # new relation!! update table
- self[name.freeze] = enc
- return name
- end
- }
- else
- # String or Symbol ?
- if self[name = enc.to_s]
- return name
- end
- # Is it new ?
- if (enc_obj = (RubyEncoding.find(name) rescue false))
- list = TkCore::INTERP._invoke_without_enc(ENCNAMES_CMD[0],
- if TkComm.simplelist(list).index(name)
- # Tk's encoding name ?
- self[name.freeze] = enc_obj # new relation!! update table
- return name
- else
- # Ruby's encoding name ?
- if (name = self.key(enc_obj))
- return name
- end
- end
- end
- end
- fail ArgumentError, "unsupported Tk encoding '#{orig_enc}'"
- end
- def ENCODING_TABLE.get_obj(enc)
- # returns the encoding object.
- # If 'enc' is the encoding name on Tk only, it returns nil.
- ((obj = self[self.get_name(enc)]).kind_of?(RubyEncoding))? obj: nil
- end
- ### end of creating ENCODING_TABLE
- end
- #############################################
- ################################
- ### Ruby 1.9
- ################################
- def force_default_encoding(mode)
- TkCore::INTERP.force_default_encoding = mode
- end
- def force_default_encoding?
- TkCore::INTERP.force_default_encoding?
- end
- def default_encoding=(enc)
- TkCore::INTERP.default_encoding = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(enc)
- end
- def encoding=(enc)
- TkCore::INTERP.encoding = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(enc)
- end
- def encoding_name
- Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(TkCore::INTERP.encoding)
- end
- def encoding_obj
- Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_obj(TkCore::INTERP.encoding)
- end
- alias encoding encoding_name
- alias default_encoding encoding_name
- def tk_encoding_names
- #TkComm.simplelist(TkCore::INTERP._invoke_without_enc(Tk::Encoding::ENCNAMES_CMD[0], Tk::Encoding::ENCNAMES_CMD[1]))
- TkComm.simplelist(TkCore::INTERP._invoke_without_enc('encoding', 'names'))
- end
- def encoding_names
- self.tk_encoding_names.find_all{|name|
- Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(name) rescue false
- }
- end
- def encoding_objs
- self.tk_encoding_names.map!{|name|
- Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_obj(name) rescue nil
- }.compact
- end
- def encoding_system=(enc)
- TclTkLib.encoding_system = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(enc)
- end
- def encoding_system_name
- Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(TclTkLib.encoding_system)
- end
- def encoding_system_obj
- Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_obj(TclTkLib.encoding_system)
- end
- alias encoding_system encoding_system_name
- ################################
- else
- ################################
- ### Ruby 1.8-
- ################################
- def force_default_encoding=(mode)
- true
- end
- def force_default_encoding?
- true
- end
- def default_encoding=(enc)
- TkCore::INTERP.default_encoding = enc
- end
- def encoding=(enc)
- TkCore::INTERP.encoding = enc
- end
- def encoding_obj
- TkCore::INTERP.encoding
- end
- def encoding_name
- TkCore::INTERP.encoding
- end
- alias encoding encoding_name
- alias default_encoding encoding_name
- def tk_encoding_names
- TkComm.simplelist(Tk.tk_call('encoding', 'names'))
- end
- def encoding_objs
- self.tk_encoding_names
- end
- def encoding_names
- self.tk_encoding_names
- end
- def encoding_system=(enc)
- TclTkLib.encoding_system = enc
- end
- def encoding_system_name
- TclTkLib.encoding_system
- end
- def encoding_system_obj
- TclTkLib.encoding_system
- end
- alias encoding_system encoding_system_name
- ################################
- end
- def encoding_convertfrom(str, enc=nil)
- enc = encoding_system_name unless enc
- str = str.dup
- if str.kind_of?(Tk::EncodedString)
- str.__instance_variable_set('@encoding', nil)
- else
- str.instance_variable_set('@encoding', nil)
- end
- str.force_encoding('binary')
- else
- str.instance_variable_set('@encoding', 'binary')
- end
- ret = TkCore::INTERP._invoke_without_enc('encoding', 'convertfrom',
- enc, str)
- ret.force_encoding('utf-8')
- else
- Tk::UTF8_String.new(ret)
- end
- ret
- end
- alias encoding_convert_from encoding_convertfrom
- def encoding_convertto(str, enc=nil)
- # str must be a UTF-8 string
- enc = encoding_system_name unless enc
- ret = TkCore::INTERP._invoke_without_enc('encoding', 'convertto',
- enc, str)
- #ret.instance_variable_set('@encoding', 'binary')
- #ret.force_encoding(Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_obj('binary'))
- ret.force_encoding(Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_obj(enc))
- end
- ret
- end
- alias encoding_convert_to encoding_convertto
- def encoding_dirs
- # Tcl8.5 feature
- TkComm.simplelist(Tk.tk_call_without_enc('encoding', 'dirs'))
- end
- def encoding_dirs=(dir_list) # an array or a Tcl's list string
- # Tcl8.5 feature
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('encoding', 'dirs', dir_list)
- end
- end
- extend Encoding
- end
- class TclTkIp
- def force_default_encoding=(mode)
- @force_default_encoding[0] = (mode)? true: false
- end
- def force_default_encoding?
- @force_default_encoding[0] ||= false
- end
- def default_encoding=(name)
- name = name.name if Tk::WITH_ENCODING && name.kind_of?(::Encoding)
- @encoding[0] = name.to_s.dup
- end
- # from tkencoding.rb by ttate@jaist.ac.jp
- #attr_accessor :encoding
- def encoding=(name)
- self.force_default_encoding = true # for compatibility
- self.default_encoding = name
- end
- def encoding_name
- (@encoding[0])? @encoding[0].dup: nil
- end
- alias encoding encoding_name
- alias default_encoding encoding_name
- def encoding_obj
- Tk::Encoding.tcl2rb_encoding(@encoding[0])
- else
- (@encoding[0])? @encoding[0].dup: nil
- end
- end
- alias __toUTF8 _toUTF8
- alias __fromUTF8 _fromUTF8
- if Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) && ::Encoding.class == Class
- # with Encoding (Ruby 1.9+)
- #
- # use functions on Tcl as default.
- # but when unsupported encoding on Tcl, use methods on Ruby.
- #
- def _toUTF8(str, enc = nil)
- if enc
- # use given encoding
- begin
- enc_name = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(enc)
- rescue
- # unknown encoding for Tk -> try to convert encoding on Ruby
- str = str.dup.force_encoding(enc)
- str.encode!(Tk::Encoding::UTF8_NAME) # modify self !!
- return str # if no error, probably succeed converting
- end
- end
- enc_name ||= str.instance_variable_get(:@encoding)
- enc_name ||=
- Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(str.encoding) rescue nil
- if enc_name
- # str has its encoding information
- encstr = __toUTF8(str, enc_name)
- encstr.force_encoding(Tk::Encoding::UTF8_NAME)
- return encstr
- else
- # str.encoding isn't supported by Tk -> try to convert on Ruby
- begin
- return str.encode(Tk::Encoding::UTF8_NAME) # new string
- rescue
- # error -> ignore, try to use default encoding of Ruby/Tk
- end
- end
- #enc_name ||=
- # Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(Tk.encoding) rescue nil
- enc_name ||= Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(nil)
- # is 'binary' encoding?
- if enc_name == Tk::Encoding::BINARY_NAME
- return str.dup.force_encoding(Tk::Encoding::BINARY_NAME)
- end
- # force default encoding?
- if ! str.kind_of?(Tk::EncodedString) && self.force_default_encoding?
- enc_name = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(Tk.default_encoding)
- end
- encstr = __toUTF8(str, enc_name)
- encstr.force_encoding(Tk::Encoding::UTF8_NAME)
- encstr
- end
- def _fromUTF8(str, enc = nil)
- # str must be UTF-8 or binary.
- enc_name = str.instance_variable_get(:@encoding)
- enc_name ||=
- Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(str.encoding) rescue nil
- # is 'binary' encoding?
- if enc_name == Tk::Encoding::BINARY_NAME
- return str.dup.force_encoding(Tk::Encoding::BINARY_NAME)
- end
- # get target encoding name (if enc == nil, use default encoding)
- begin
- enc_name = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(enc)
- rescue
- # then, enc != nil
- # unknown encoding for Tk -> try to convert encoding on Ruby
- str = str.dup.force_encoding(Tk::Encoding::UTF8_NAME)
- str.encode!(enc) # modify self !!
- return str # if no error, probably succeed converting
- end
- encstr = __fromUTF8(str, enc_name)
- encstr.force_encoding(Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_obj(enc_name))
- encstr
- end
- ###
- else
- # without Encoding (Ruby 1.8)
- def _toUTF8(str, encoding = nil)
- __toUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- def _fromUTF8(str, encoding = nil)
- __fromUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- ###
- end
- alias __eval _eval
- alias __invoke _invoke
- def _eval(cmd)
- _fromUTF8(__eval(_toUTF8(cmd)))
- end
- def _invoke(*cmds)
- _fromUTF8(__invoke(*(cmds.collect{|cmd| _toUTF8(cmd)})))
- end
- alias _eval_with_enc _eval
- alias _invoke_with_enc _invoke
- #### --> definition is moved to TclTkIp module
- def _toUTF8(str, encoding = nil)
- # decide encoding
- if encoding
- encoding = encoding.to_s
- elsif str.kind_of?(Tk::EncodedString) && str.encoding != nil
- encoding = str.encoding.to_s
- elsif str.instance_variable_get(:@encoding)
- encoding = str.instance_variable_get(:@encoding).to_s
- elsif defined?(@encoding) && @encoding != nil
- encoding = @encoding.to_s
- else
- encoding = __invoke('encoding', 'system')
- end
- # convert
- case encoding
- when 'utf-8', 'binary'
- str
- else
- __toUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- end
- def _fromUTF8(str, encoding = nil)
- unless encoding
- if defined?(@encoding) && @encoding != nil
- encoding = @encoding.to_s
- else
- encoding = __invoke('encoding', 'system')
- end
- end
- if str.kind_of?(Tk::EncodedString)
- if str.encoding == 'binary'
- str
- else
- __fromUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- elsif str.instance_variable_get(:@encoding).to_s == 'binary'
- str
- else
- __fromUTF8(str, encoding)
- end
- end
- def _eval(cmd)
- if defined?(@encoding) && @encoding != 'utf-8'
- ret = if cmd.kind_of?(Tk::EncodedString)
- case cmd.encoding
- when 'utf-8', 'binary'
- __eval(cmd)
- else
- __eval(_toUTF8(cmd, cmd.encoding))
- end
- elsif cmd.instance_variable_get(:@encoding) == 'binary'
- __eval(cmd)
- else
- __eval(_toUTF8(cmd, @encoding))
- end
- if ret.kind_of?(String) && ret.instance_variable_get(:@encoding) == 'binary'
- ret
- else
- _fromUTF8(ret, @encoding)
- end
- else
- __eval(cmd)
- end
- end
- def _invoke(*cmds)
- if defined?(@encoding) && @encoding != 'utf-8'
- cmds = cmds.collect{|cmd|
- if cmd.kind_of?(Tk::EncodedString)
- case cmd.encoding
- when 'utf-8', 'binary'
- cmd
- else
- _toUTF8(cmd, cmd.encoding)
- end
- elsif cmd.instance_variable_get(:@encoding) == 'binary'
- cmd
- else
- _toUTF8(cmd, @encoding)
- end
- }
- ret = __invoke(*cmds)
- if ret.kind_of?(String) && ret.instance_variable_get(:@encoding) == 'binary'
- ret
- else
- _fromUTF8(ret, @encoding)
- end
- else
- __invoke(*cmds)
- end
- end
- end
- module TclTkLib
- class << self
- def force_default_encoding=(mode)
- TkCore::INTERP.force_default_encoding = mode
- end
- def force_default_encoding?
- TkCore::INTERP.force_default_encoding?
- end
- def default_encoding=(name)
- TkCore::INTERP.default_encoding = name
- end
- alias _encoding encoding
- alias _encoding= encoding=
- def encoding=(name)
- name = name.name if name.kind_of?(::Encoding) if Tk::WITH_ENCODING
- TkCore::INTERP.encoding = name
- end
- def encoding_name
- TkCore::INTERP.encoding
- end
- alias encoding encoding_name
- alias default_encoding encoding_name
- def encoding_obj
- Tk::Encoding.tcl2rb_encoding(TkCore::INTERP.encoding)
- else
- TkCore::INTERP.encoding
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # estimate encoding
- unless TkCore::WITH_ENCODING
- case $KCODE
- when /^e/i # EUC
- Tk.encoding = 'euc-jp'
- Tk.encoding_system = 'euc-jp'
- when /^s/i # SJIS
- begin
- if Tk.encoding_system == 'cp932'
- Tk.encoding = 'cp932'
- else
- Tk.encoding = 'shiftjis'
- Tk.encoding_system = 'shiftjis'
- end
- rescue StandardError, NameError
- Tk.encoding = 'shiftjis'
- Tk.encoding_system = 'shiftjis'
- end
- when /^u/i # UTF8
- Tk.encoding = 'utf-8'
- Tk.encoding_system = 'utf-8'
- else # NONE
- Tk.encoding_system = DEFAULT_TK_ENCODING
- end
- begin
- Tk.encoding = Tk.encoding_system
- rescue StandardError, NameError
- Tk.encoding = 'utf-8'
- Tk.encoding_system = 'utf-8'
- end
- end
- else ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!!!!!!
- # loc_enc_obj = (::Encoding.find(::Encoding.locale_charmap) rescue Tk::Encoding::UNKNOWN)
- loc_enc_obj = ::Encoding.find("locale")
- ext_enc_obj = ::Encoding.default_external
- int_enc_obj = ::Encoding.default_internal || ext_enc_obj
- tksys_enc_name = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(Tk.encoding_system)
- # p [Tk.encoding, Tk.encoding_system, loc_enc_obj, ext_enc_obj]
- if ext_enc_obj == Tk::Encoding::UNKNOWN
- if DEFAULT_TK_ENCODING.kind_of?(::Encoding)
- tk_enc_name = DEFAULT_TK_ENCODING.name
- tksys_enc_name = DEFAULT_TK_ENCODING.name
- else
- tk_enc_name = DEFAULT_TK_ENCODING
- tksys_enc_name = DEFAULT_TK_ENCODING
- end
- else
- tk_enc_name = loc_enc_obj.name
- tksys_enc_name = loc_enc_obj.name
- end
- else
- tk_enc_name = ext_enc_obj.name
- tksys_enc_name = ext_enc_obj.name
- end
- # Tk.encoding = tk_enc_name
- Tk.default_encoding = tk_enc_name
- Tk.encoding_system = tksys_enc_name
- if ext_enc_obj == Tk::Encoding::UNKNOWN
- if loc_enc_obj == Tk::Encoding::UNKNOWN
- # use Tk.encoding_system
- else
- # use locale_charmap
- begin
- loc_enc_name = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(loc_enc_obj)
- if loc_enc_name && loc_enc_name != tksys_enc_name
- # use locale_charmap
- Tk.encoding_system = loc_enc_name
- else
- # use Tk.encoding_system
- end
- rescue ArgumentError
- # unsupported encoding on Tk -> use Tk.encoding_system
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- ext_enc_name = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(ext_enc_obj)
- if ext_enc_name && ext_enc_name != tksys_enc_name
- # use default_external
- Tk.encoding_system = ext_enc_name
- else
- # use Tk.encoding_system
- end
- rescue ArgumentError
- # unsupported encoding on Tk -> use Tk.encoding_system
- end
- end
- # setup Tk.encoding
- enc_name = nil
- begin
- default_def = DEFAULT_TK_ENCODING
- if ::Encoding.find(default_def.to_s) != Tk::Encoding::UNKNOWN
- enc_name = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(default_def)
- end
- rescue NameError
- # ignore
- enc_name = nil
- rescue ArgumentError
- enc_name = nil
- fail ArgumentError,
- "DEFAULT_TK_ENCODING has an unknown encoding #{default_def}"
- end
- unless enc_name
- #if ext_enc_obj == Tk::Encoding::UNKNOWN
- if int_enc_obj == Tk::Encoding::UNKNOWN
- if loc_enc_obj == Tk::Encoding::UNKNOWN
- # use Tk.encoding_system
- enc_name = tksys_enc_name
- else
- # use locale_charmap
- begin
- loc_enc_name = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(loc_enc_obj)
- if loc_enc_name
- # use locale_charmap
- enc_name = loc_enc_name
- else
- # use Tk.encoding_system
- enc_name = tksys_enc_name
- end
- rescue ArgumentError
- # unsupported encoding on Tk -> use Tk.encoding_system
- enc_name = tksys_enc_name
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- #ext_enc_name = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(ext_enc_obj)
- #if ext_enc_name && ext_enc_name != tksys_enc_name
- int_enc_name = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(int_enc_obj)
- if int_enc_name
- # use default_internal
- enc_name = int_enc_name
- else
- # use Tk.encoding_system
- enc_name = tksys_enc_name
- end
- rescue ArgumentError
- # unsupported encoding on Tk -> use Tk.encoding_system
- enc_name = tksys_enc_name
- end
- end
- end
- Tk.default_encoding = (enc_name)? enc_name: tksys_enc_name
- end
- # dummy methods
- module Tk
- module Encoding
- extend Encoding
- def force_default_encoding=(mode)
- nil
- end
- def force_default_encoding?
- nil
- end
- def default_encoding=(enc)
- nil
- end
- def default_encoding
- nil
- end
- def encoding=(name)
- nil
- end
- def encoding
- nil
- end
- def encoding_names
- nil
- end
- def encoding_system
- nil
- end
- def encoding_system=(enc)
- nil
- end
- def encoding_convertfrom(str, enc=None)
- str
- end
- alias encoding_convert_from encoding_convertfrom
- def encoding_convertto(str, enc=None)
- str
- end
- alias encoding_convert_to encoding_convertto
- def encoding_dirs
- nil
- end
- def encoding_dirs=(dir_array)
- nil
- end
- end
- extend Encoding
- end
- class TclTkIp
- attr_accessor :encoding
- alias __eval _eval
- alias __invoke _invoke
- alias _eval_with_enc _eval
- alias _invoke_with_enc _invoke
- end
-module TkBindCore
- #def bind(context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # Tk.bind(self, context, cmd, *args)
- #end
- def bind(context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- Tk.bind(self, context, cmd, *args)
- end
- #def bind_append(context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # Tk.bind_append(self, context, cmd, *args)
- #end
- def bind_append(context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- Tk.bind_append(self, context, cmd, *args)
- end
- def bind_remove(context)
- Tk.bind_remove(self, context)
- end
- def bindinfo(context=nil)
- Tk.bindinfo(self, context)
- end
-module TkTreatFont
- def __font_optkeys
- ['font']
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- def __pathname
- self.path
- end
- private :__pathname
- ################################
- def font_configinfo(key = nil)
- optkeys = __font_optkeys
- if key && !optkeys.find{|opt| opt.to_s == key.to_s}
- fail ArgumentError, "unknown font option name `#{key}'"
- end
- win, tag = __pathname.split(':')
- if key
- pathname = [win, tag, key].join(';')
- TkFont.used_on(pathname) ||
- TkFont.init_widget_font(pathname, *__confinfo_cmd)
- elsif optkeys.size == 1
- pathname = [win, tag, optkeys[0]].join(';')
- TkFont.used_on(pathname) ||
- TkFont.init_widget_font(pathname, *__confinfo_cmd)
- else
- fonts = {}
- optkeys.each{|k|
- k = k.to_s
- pathname = [win, tag, k].join(';')
- fonts[k] =
- TkFont.used_on(pathname) ||
- TkFont.init_widget_font(pathname, *__confinfo_cmd)
- }
- fonts
- end
- end
- alias fontobj font_configinfo
- def font_configure(slot)
- pathname = __pathname
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- __font_optkeys.each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- l_optkey = 'latin' << optkey
- a_optkey = 'ascii' << optkey
- k_optkey = 'kanji' << optkey
- if slot.key?(optkey)
- fnt = slot.delete(optkey)
- if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- slot.delete(l_optkey)
- slot.delete(a_optkey)
- slot.delete(k_optkey)
- fnt.call_font_configure([pathname, optkey], *(__config_cmd << {}))
- next
- else
- if fnt
- if (slot.key?(l_optkey) ||
- slot.key?(a_optkey) ||
- slot.key?(k_optkey))
- fnt = TkFont.new(fnt)
- lfnt = slot.delete(l_optkey)
- lfnt = slot.delete(a_optkey) if slot.key?(a_optkey)
- kfnt = slot.delete(k_optkey)
- fnt.latin_replace(lfnt) if lfnt
- fnt.kanji_replace(kfnt) if kfnt
- fnt.call_font_configure([pathname, optkey],
- *(__config_cmd << {}))
- next
- else
- fnt = hash_kv(fnt) if fnt.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd << "-#{optkey}" << fnt))
- else
- begin
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd << "-#{optkey}" << fnt))
- rescue
- # ignore
- end
- end
- end
- end
- next
- end
- end
- lfnt = slot.delete(l_optkey)
- lfnt = slot.delete(a_optkey) if slot.key?(a_optkey)
- kfnt = slot.delete(k_optkey)
- if lfnt && kfnt
- TkFont.new(lfnt, kfnt).call_font_configure([pathname, optkey],
- *(__config_cmd << {}))
- elsif lfnt
- latinfont_configure([lfnt, optkey])
- elsif kfnt
- kanjifont_configure([kfnt, optkey])
- end
- }
- # configure other (without font) options
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd.concat(hash_kv(slot)))) if slot != {}
- self
- end
- def latinfont_configure(ltn, keys=nil)
- if ltn.kind_of?(Array)
- key = ltn[1]
- ltn = ltn[0]
- else
- key = nil
- end
- optkeys = __font_optkeys
- if key && !optkeys.find{|opt| opt.to_s == key.to_s}
- fail ArgumentError, "unknown font option name `#{key}'"
- end
- win, tag = __pathname.split(':')
- optkeys = [key] if key
- optkeys.each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- pathname = [win, tag, optkey].join(';')
- if (fobj = TkFont.used_on(pathname))
- fobj = TkFont.new(fobj) # create a new TkFont object
- elsif Tk::JAPANIZED_TK
- fobj = fontobj # create a new TkFont object
- else
- ltn = hash_kv(ltn) if ltn.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd << "-#{optkey}" << ltn))
- else
- begin
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd << "-#{optkey}" << ltn))
- rescue => e
- # ignore
- end
- end
- next
- end
- if fobj.kind_of?(TkFont)
- if ltn.kind_of?(TkFont)
- conf = {}
- ltn.latin_configinfo.each{|k,val| conf[k] = val}
- if keys
- fobj.latin_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.latin_configure(conf)
- end
- else
- fobj.latin_replace(ltn)
- end
- end
- fobj.call_font_configure([pathname, optkey], *(__config_cmd << {}))
- }
- self
- end
- alias asciifont_configure latinfont_configure
- def kanjifont_configure(knj, keys=nil)
- if knj.kind_of?(Array)
- key = knj[1]
- knj = knj[0]
- else
- key = nil
- end
- optkeys = __font_optkeys
- if key && !optkeys.find{|opt| opt.to_s == key.to_s}
- fail ArgumentError, "unknown font option name `#{key}'"
- end
- win, tag = __pathname.split(':')
- optkeys = [key] if key
- optkeys.each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- pathname = [win, tag, optkey].join(';')
- if (fobj = TkFont.used_on(pathname))
- fobj = TkFont.new(fobj) # create a new TkFont object
- elsif Tk::JAPANIZED_TK
- fobj = fontobj # create a new TkFont object
- else
- knj = hash_kv(knj) if knj.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd << "-#{optkey}" << knj))
- else
- begin
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd << "-#{optkey}" << knj))
- rescue => e
- # ignore
- end
- end
- next
- end
- if fobj.kind_of?(TkFont)
- if knj.kind_of?(TkFont)
- conf = {}
- knj.kanji_configinfo.each{|k,val| conf[k] = val}
- if keys
- fobj.kanji_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.kanji_configure(conf)
- end
- else
- fobj.kanji_replace(knj)
- end
- end
- fobj.call_font_configure([pathname, optkey], *(__config_cmd << {}))
- }
- self
- end
- def font_copy(win, wintag=nil, winkey=nil, targetkey=nil)
- if wintag
- if winkey
- fnt = win.tagfontobj(wintag, winkey).dup
- else
- fnt = win.tagfontobj(wintag).dup
- end
- else
- if winkey
- fnt = win.fontobj(winkey).dup
- else
- fnt = win.fontobj.dup
- end
- end
- if targetkey
- fnt.call_font_configure([__pathname, targetkey], *(__config_cmd << {}))
- else
- fnt.call_font_configure(__pathname, *(__config_cmd << {}))
- end
- self
- end
- def latinfont_copy(win, wintag=nil, winkey=nil, targetkey=nil)
- if targetkey
- fontobj(targetkey).dup.call_font_configure([__pathname, targetkey],
- *(__config_cmd << {}))
- else
- fontobj.dup.call_font_configure(__pathname, *(__config_cmd << {}))
- end
- if wintag
- if winkey
- fontobj.latin_replace(win.tagfontobj(wintag, winkey).latin_font_id)
- else
- fontobj.latin_replace(win.tagfontobj(wintag).latin_font_id)
- end
- else
- if winkey
- fontobj.latin_replace(win.fontobj(winkey).latin_font_id)
- else
- fontobj.latin_replace(win.fontobj.latin_font_id)
- end
- end
- self
- end
- alias asciifont_copy latinfont_copy
- def kanjifont_copy(win, wintag=nil, winkey=nil, targetkey=nil)
- if targetkey
- fontobj(targetkey).dup.call_font_configure([__pathname, targetkey],
- *(__config_cmd << {}))
- else
- fontobj.dup.call_font_configure(__pathname, *(__config_cmd << {}))
- end
- if wintag
- if winkey
- fontobj.kanji_replace(win.tagfontobj(wintag, winkey).kanji_font_id)
- else
- fontobj.kanji_replace(win.tagfontobj(wintag).kanji_font_id)
- end
- else
- if winkey
- fontobj.kanji_replace(win.fontobj(winkey).kanji_font_id)
- else
- fontobj.kanji_replace(win.fontobj.kanji_font_id)
- end
- end
- self
- end
-module TkConfigMethod
- include TkUtil
- include TkTreatFont
- @mode || false
- end
- def TkConfigMethod.__set_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__!(mode)
- @mode = (mode)? true: false
- end
- def __cget_cmd
- [self.path, 'cget']
- end
- private :__cget_cmd
- def __config_cmd
- [self.path, 'configure']
- end
- private :__config_cmd
- def __confinfo_cmd
- __config_cmd
- end
- private :__confinfo_cmd
- def __configinfo_struct
- {:key=>0, :alias=>1, :db_name=>1, :db_class=>2,
- :default_value=>3, :current_value=>4}
- end
- private :__configinfo_struct
- def __optkey_aliases
- {}
- end
- private :__optkey_aliases
- def __numval_optkeys
- []
- end
- private :__numval_optkeys
- def __numstrval_optkeys
- []
- end
- private :__numstrval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- ['exportselection', 'jump', 'setgrid', 'takefocus']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- [
- 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file',
- 'activebackground', 'activeforeground', 'background',
- 'disabledforeground', 'disabledbackground', 'foreground',
- 'highlightbackground', 'highlightcolor', 'insertbackground',
- 'selectbackground', 'selectforeground', 'troughcolor'
- ]
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- []
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- def __numlistval_optkeys
- []
- end
- private :__numlistval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- ['variable', 'textvariable']
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def __val2ruby_optkeys # { key=>proc, ... }
- # The method is used to convert a opt-value to a ruby's object.
- # When get the value of the option "key", "proc.call(value)" is called.
- {}
- end
- private :__val2ruby_optkeys
- def __ruby2val_optkeys # { key=>proc, ... }
- # The method is used to convert a ruby's object to a opt-value.
- # When set the value of the option "key", "proc.call(value)" is called.
- # That is, "-#{key} #{proc.call(value)}".
- {}
- end
- private :__ruby2val_optkeys
- def __methodcall_optkeys # { key=>method, ... }
- # The method is used to both of get and set.
- # Usually, the 'key' will not be a widget option.
- {}
- end
- private :__methodcall_optkeys
- def __keyonly_optkeys # { def_key=>undef_key or nil, ... }
- {}
- end
- private :__keyonly_optkeys
- def __conv_keyonly_opts(keys)
- return keys unless keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- keyonly = __keyonly_optkeys
- keys2 = {}
- keys.each{|k, v|
- optkey = keyonly.find{|kk,vv| kk.to_s == k.to_s}
- if optkey
- defkey, undefkey = optkey
- if v
- keys2[defkey.to_s] = None
- elsif undefkey
- keys2[undefkey.to_s] = None
- else
- # remove key
- end
- else
- keys2[k.to_s] = v
- end
- }
- keys2
- end
- private :__conv_keyonly_opts
- def config_hash_kv(keys, enc_mode = nil, conf = nil)
- hash_kv(__conv_keyonly_opts(keys), enc_mode, conf)
- end
- ################################
- def [](id)
- cget(id)
- end
- def []=(id, val)
- configure(id, val)
- val
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- opt = option.to_s
- fail ArgumentError, "Invalid option `#{option.inspect}'" if opt.length == 0
- tk_call_without_enc(*(__cget_cmd << "-#{opt}"))
- end
- def __cget_core(slot)
- orig_slot = slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- if slot.length == 0
- fail ArgumentError, "Invalid option `#{orig_slot.inspect}'"
- end
- alias_name, real_name = __optkey_aliases.find{|k, v| k.to_s == slot}
- if real_name
- slot = real_name.to_s
- end
- if ( method = _symbolkey2str(__val2ruby_optkeys())[slot] )
- optval = tk_call_without_enc(*(__cget_cmd << "-#{slot}"))
- begin
- return method.call(optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- return optval
- end
- end
- if ( method = _symbolkey2str(__methodcall_optkeys)[slot] )
- return self.__send__(method)
- end
- case slot
- when /^(#{__numval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- begin
- number(tk_call_without_enc(*(__cget_cmd << "-#{slot}")))
- rescue
- nil
- end
- when /^(#{__numstrval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- num_or_str(tk_call_without_enc(*(__cget_cmd << "-#{slot}")))
- when /^(#{__boolval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- begin
- bool(tk_call_without_enc(*(__cget_cmd << "-#{slot}")))
- rescue
- nil
- end
- when /^(#{__listval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__cget_cmd << "-#{slot}")))
- when /^(#{__numlistval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- conf = tk_call_without_enc(*(__cget_cmd << "-#{slot}"))
- if conf =~ /^[0-9+-]/
- list(conf)
- else
- conf
- end
- when /^(#{__strval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- _fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__cget_cmd << "-#{slot}")))
- when /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__font_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- fontcode = $1
- fontkey = $2
- fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call_without_enc(*(__cget_cmd << "-#{fontkey}")), true)
- unless fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt = fontobj(fontkey)
- end
- if fontcode == 'kanji' && JAPANIZED_TK && TK_VERSION =~ /^4\.*/
- # obsolete; just for compatibility
- fnt.kanji_font
- else
- fnt
- end
- when /^(#{__tkvariable_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- v = tk_call_without_enc(*(__cget_cmd << "-#{slot}"))
- (v.empty?)? nil: TkVarAccess.new(v)
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call_without_enc(*(__cget_cmd << "-#{slot}")), true)
- end
- end
- private :__cget_core
- def cget(slot)
- __cget_core(slot)
- else
- begin
- __cget_core(slot)
- rescue => e
- if current_configinfo.has_key?(slot.to_s)
- # error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # unknown option
- nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def cget_strict(slot)
- # never use TkConfigMethod.__IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__
- __cget_core(slot)
- end
- def __configure_core(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- __optkey_aliases.each{|alias_name, real_name|
- alias_name = alias_name.to_s
- if slot.has_key?(alias_name)
- slot[real_name.to_s] = slot.delete(alias_name)
- end
- }
- __methodcall_optkeys.each{|key, method|
- value = slot.delete(key.to_s)
- self.__send__(method, value) if value
- }
- __ruby2val_optkeys.each{|key, method|
- key = key.to_s
- slot[key] = method.call(slot[key]) if slot.has_key?(key)
- }
- __keyonly_optkeys.each{|defkey, undefkey|
- conf = slot.find{|kk, vv| kk == defkey.to_s}
- if conf
- k, v = conf
- if v
- slot[k] = None
- else
- slot[undefkey.to_s] = None if undefkey
- slot.delete(k)
- end
- end
- }
- if (slot.find{|k, v| k =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__font_optkeys.join('|')})$/})
- font_configure(slot)
- elsif slot.size > 0
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd.concat(hash_kv(slot))))
- end
- else
- orig_slot = slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- if slot.length == 0
- fail ArgumentError, "Invalid option `#{orig_slot.inspect}'"
- end
- alias_name, real_name = __optkey_aliases.find{|k, v| k.to_s == slot}
- if real_name
- slot = real_name.to_s
- end
- if ( conf = __keyonly_optkeys.find{|k, v| k.to_s == slot} )
- defkey, undefkey = conf
- if value
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd << "-#{defkey}"))
- elsif undefkey
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd << "-#{undefkey}"))
- end
- elsif ( method = _symbolkey2str(__ruby2val_optkeys)[slot] )
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd << "-#{slot}" << method.call(value)))
- elsif ( method = _symbolkey2str(__methodcall_optkeys)[slot] )
- self.__send__(method, value)
- elsif (slot =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__font_optkeys.join('|')})$/)
- if value == None
- fontobj($2)
- else
- font_configure({slot=>value})
- end
- else
- tk_call(*(__config_cmd << "-#{slot}" << value))
- end
- end
- self
- end
- private :__configure_core
- def __check_available_configure_options(keys)
- availables = self.current_configinfo.keys
- # add non-standard keys
- availables |= __font_optkeys.map{|k|
- [k.to_s, "latin#{k}", "ascii#{k}", "kanji#{k}"]
- }.flatten
- availables |= __methodcall_optkeys.keys.map{|k| k.to_s}
- availables |= __keyonly_optkeys.keys.map{|k| k.to_s}
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys.delete_if{|k, v| !(availables.include?(k))}
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- __configure_core(slot, value)
- else
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- begin
- __configure_core(slot)
- rescue
- slot = __check_available_configure_options(slot)
- __configure_core(slot) unless slot.empty?
- end
- else
- begin
- __configure_core(slot, value)
- rescue => e
- if current_configinfo.has_key?(slot.to_s)
- # error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # unknown option
- nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def configure_cmd(slot, value)
- configure(slot, install_cmd(value))
- end
- def __configinfo_core(slot = nil)
- if (slot &&
- slot.to_s =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__font_optkeys.join('|')})$/)
- fontkey = $2
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{fontkey}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{fontkey}")), false, true)
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]][1..-1]
- if ( ! __configinfo_struct[:alias] \
- || conf.size > __configinfo_struct[:alias] + 1 )
- fnt = conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = TkNamedFont.new(fnt)
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = fontobj(fontkey)
- elsif ( __configinfo_struct[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __configinfo_struct[:alias] + 1 \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][0] == ?- )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- conf
- else
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- alias_name, real_name = __optkey_aliases.find{|k, v| k.to_s == slot}
- if real_name
- slot = real_name.to_s
- end
- case slot
- when /^(#{__val2ruby_optkeys().keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__val2ruby_optkeys())[slot]
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd() << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- optval = conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = val
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- optval = conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = val
- end
- when /^(#{__methodcall_optkeys.keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__methodcall_optkeys)[slot]
- return [slot, '', '', '', self.__send__(method)]
- when /^(#{__numval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- number(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- number(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__numstrval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__boolval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- bool(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- bool(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__listval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__numlistval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__strval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- when /^(#{__tkvariable_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- v = conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- v = conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- else
- # conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- # conf = tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), 0, false, true)
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), 1, false, true)
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]][1..-1]
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __configinfo_struct[:alias] + 1 \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][0] == ?- )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- conf
- else
- # ret = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*__confinfo_cmd))).collect{|conflist|
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- ret = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*__confinfo_cmd), false, false).collect{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true)
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]][1..-1]
- optkey = conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]]
- case optkey
- when /^(#{__val2ruby_optkeys().keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__val2ruby_optkeys())[optkey]
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- optval = conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = val
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- optval = conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = val
- end
- when /^(#{__strval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # do nothing
- when /^(#{__numval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- number(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- number(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__numstrval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__boolval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- bool(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- bool(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__listval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__numlistval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__tkvariable_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- v = conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- v = conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- else
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- if conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]].index('{')
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- tk_split_list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- tk_tcl2ruby(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- end
- if conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]]
- if conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]].index('{')
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- tk_split_list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- tk_tcl2ruby(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- end
- end
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __configinfo_struct[:alias] + 1 \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][0] == ?- )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- conf
- }
- __font_optkeys.each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- fontconf = ret.assoc(optkey)
- if fontconf && fontconf.size > 2
- ret.delete_if{|inf| inf[0] =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)#{optkey}$/}
- fnt = fontconf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
- fontconf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] \
- = TkNamedFont.new(fnt)
- end
- fontconf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = fontobj(optkey)
- ret.push(fontconf)
- end
- }
- __methodcall_optkeys.each{|optkey, m|
- ret << [optkey.to_s, '', '', '', self.__send__(m)]
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- if (slot &&
- slot.to_s =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__font_optkeys.join('|')})$/)
- fontkey = $2
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{fontkey}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{fontkey}")), false, true)
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]][1..-1]
- if ( ! __configinfo_struct[:alias] \
- || conf.size > __configinfo_struct[:alias] + 1 )
- fnt = conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = TkNamedFont.new(fnt)
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = fontobj(fontkey)
- { conf.shift => conf }
- elsif ( __configinfo_struct[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __configinfo_struct[:alias] + 1 )
- if conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][0] == ?-
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- { conf[0] => conf[1] }
- else
- { conf.shift => conf }
- end
- else
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- alias_name, real_name = __optkey_aliases.find{|k,var| k.to_s == slot}
- if real_name
- slot = real_name.to_s
- end
- case slot
- when /^(#{__val2ruby_optkeys().keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__val2ruby_optkeys())[slot]
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- optval = conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = val
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- optval = conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = val
- end
- when /^(#{__methodcall_optkeys.keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__methodcall_optkeys)[slot]
- return {slot => ['', '', '', self.__send__(method)]}
- when /^(#{__numval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- number(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- number(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__numstrval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__boolval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- bool(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- bool(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__listval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__numlistval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__tkvariable_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- v = conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- v = conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__strval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- else
- # conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc(*(__confinfo_cmd << "-#{slot}")), 0, false, true)
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]][1..-1]
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __configinfo_struct[:alias] + 1 )
- if conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][0] == ?-
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- { conf[0] => conf[1] }
- else
- { conf.shift => conf }
- end
- else
- ret = {}
- # tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*__confinfo_cmd))).each{|conflist|
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*__confinfo_cmd), false, false).each{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true)
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]][1..-1]
- optkey = conf[__configinfo_struct[:key]]
- case optkey
- when /^(#{__val2ruby_optkeys().keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__val2ruby_optkeys())[optkey]
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- optval = conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = val
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- optval = conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = val
- end
- when /^(#{__strval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # do nothing
- when /^(#{__numval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- number(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- number(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__numstrval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__boolval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- bool(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- bool(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__listval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__numlistval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__tkvariable_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- v = conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] = TkVarAccess.new
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] )
- v = conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = TkVarAccess.new
- end
- end
- else
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:default_value] \
- && conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] )
- if conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]].index('{')
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- tk_split_list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] =
- tk_tcl2ruby(conf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]])
- end
- end
- if conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]]
- if conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]].index('{')
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- tk_split_list(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- else
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] =
- tk_tcl2ruby(conf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]])
- end
- end
- end
- if ( __configinfo_struct[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __configinfo_struct[:alias] + 1 )
- if conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][0] == ?-
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]] =
- conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[1]
- else
- ret[conf.shift] = conf
- end
- }
- __font_optkeys.each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- fontconf = ret[optkey]
- if fontconf.kind_of?(Array)
- ret.delete(optkey)
- ret.delete('latin' << optkey)
- ret.delete('ascii' << optkey)
- ret.delete('kanji' << optkey)
- fnt = fontconf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]]
- if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
- fontconf[__configinfo_struct[:default_value]] \
- = TkNamedFont.new(fnt)
- end
- fontconf[__configinfo_struct[:current_value]] = fontobj(optkey)
- ret[optkey] = fontconf
- end
- }
- __methodcall_optkeys.each{|optkey, m|
- ret[optkey.to_s] = ['', '', '', self.__send__(m)]
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- end
- private :__configinfo_core
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- if slot && TkConfigMethod.__IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__
- begin
- __configinfo_core(slot)
- rescue
- Array.new(__configinfo_struct.values.max).unshift(slot.to_s)
- end
- else
- __configinfo_core(slot)
- end
- end
- def current_configinfo(slot = nil)
- if slot
- org_slot = slot
- begin
- conf = configinfo(slot)
- if ( ! __configinfo_struct[:alias] \
- || conf.size > __configinfo_struct[:alias] + 1 )
- return {conf[0] => conf[-1]}
- end
- slot = conf[__configinfo_struct[:alias]]
- end while(org_slot != slot)
- fail RuntimeError,
- "there is a configure alias loop about '#{org_slot}'"
- else
- ret = {}
- configinfo().each{|cnf|
- if ( ! __configinfo_struct[:alias] \
- || cnf.size > __configinfo_struct[:alias] + 1 )
- ret[cnf[0]] = cnf[-1]
- end
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- configinfo(slot).each{|key, cnf|
- ret[key] = cnf[-1] if cnf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
-class TkObject<TkKernel
- extend TkCore
- include Tk
- include TkConfigMethod
- include TkBindCore
-### --> definition is moved to TkUtil module
-# def path
-# @path
-# end
- def epath
- @path
- end
- def to_eval
- @path
- end
- def tk_send(cmd, *rest)
- tk_call(path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- def tk_send_without_enc(cmd, *rest)
- tk_call_without_enc(path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- def tk_send_with_enc(cmd, *rest)
- tk_call_with_enc(path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- # private :tk_send, :tk_send_without_enc, :tk_send_with_enc
- def tk_send_to_list(cmd, *rest)
- tk_call_to_list(path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- def tk_send_to_list_without_enc(cmd, *rest)
- tk_call_to_list_without_enc(path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- def tk_send_to_list_with_enc(cmd, *rest)
- tk_call_to_list_with_enc(path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- def tk_send_to_simplelist(cmd, *rest)
- tk_call_to_simplelist(path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- def tk_send_to_simplelist_without_enc(cmd, *rest)
- tk_call_to_simplelist_without_enc(path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- def tk_send_to_simplelist_with_enc(cmd, *rest)
- tk_call_to_simplelist_with_enc(path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- name = id.id2name
- case args.length
- when 1
- if name[-1] == ?=
- configure name[0..-2], args[0]
- args[0]
- else
- configure name, args[0]
- self
- end
- when 0
- begin
- cget(name)
- rescue
- if self.kind_of?(TkWindow) && name != "to_ary" && name != "to_str"
- fail NameError,
- "unknown option '#{id}' for #{self.inspect} (deleted widget?)"
- else
- super(id, *args)
- end
-# fail NameError,
-# "undefined local variable or method `#{name}' for #{self.to_s}",
-# error_at
- end
- else
- super(id, *args)
-# fail NameError, "undefined method `#{name}' for #{self.to_s}", error_at
- end
- end
- def [](id)
- cget(id)
- end
- def []=(id, val)
- configure(id, val)
- val
- end
- def event_generate(context, keys=nil)
- if context.kind_of?(TkEvent::Event)
- context.generate(self, ((keys)? keys: {}))
- elsif keys
- #tk_call('event', 'generate', path,
- # "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>", *hash_kv(keys))
- tk_call_without_enc('event', 'generate', path,
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>",
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- #tk_call('event', 'generate', path, "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>")
- tk_call_without_enc('event', 'generate', path,
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>")
- end
- end
- def tk_trace_variable(v)
- #unless v.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- # fail(ArgumentError, "type error (#{v.class}); must be TkVariable object")
- #end
- v
- end
- private :tk_trace_variable
- def destroy
- #tk_call 'trace', 'vdelete', @tk_vn, 'w', @var_id if @var_id
- end
-class TkWindow<TkObject
- include TkWinfo
- extend TkBindCore
- include Tk::Wm_for_General
- include Tk::Busy
- def TkWindow._widget_inspect_full_?
- end
- def TkWindow._widget_inspect_full_=(mode)
- @@WIDGET_INSPECT_FULL = (mode && true) || false
- end
- TkCommandNames = [].freeze
- ## ==> If TkCommandNames[0] is a string (not a null string),
- ## assume the string is a Tcl/Tk's create command of the widget class.
- WidgetClassName = ''.freeze
- # WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] = self
- ## ==> If self is a widget class, entry to the WidgetClassNames table.
- def self.to_eval
- self::WidgetClassName
- end
- def initialize(parent=nil, keys=nil)
- if parent.kind_of? Hash
- keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
- parent = keys.delete('parent')
- widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname')
- install_win(if parent then parent.path end, widgetname)
- without_creating = keys.delete('without_creating')
- # if without_creating && !widgetname
- # fail ArgumentError,
- # "if set 'without_creating' to true, need to define 'widgetname'"
- # end
- elsif keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname')
- install_win(if parent then parent.path end, widgetname)
- without_creating = keys.delete('without_creating')
- # if without_creating && !widgetname
- # fail ArgumentError,
- # "if set 'without_creating' to true, need to define 'widgetname'"
- # end
- else
- install_win(if parent then parent.path end)
- end
- if self.method(:create_self).arity == 0
- p 'create_self has no arg' if $DEBUG
- create_self unless without_creating
- if keys
- # tk_call @path, 'configure', *hash_kv(keys)
- configure(keys)
- end
- else
- p 'create_self has args' if $DEBUG
- fontkeys = {}
- methodkeys = {}
- if keys
- #['font', 'kanjifont', 'latinfont', 'asciifont'].each{|key|
- # fontkeys[key] = keys.delete(key) if keys.key?(key)
- #}
- __font_optkeys.each{|key|
- fkey = key.to_s
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- fkey = "kanji#{key}"
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- fkey = "latin#{key}"
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- fkey = "ascii#{key}"
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- }
- __optkey_aliases.each{|alias_name, real_name|
- alias_name = alias_name.to_s
- if keys.has_key?(alias_name)
- keys[real_name.to_s] = keys.delete(alias_name)
- end
- }
- __methodcall_optkeys.each{|key|
- key = key.to_s
- methodkeys[key] = keys.delete(key) if keys.key?(key)
- }
- __ruby2val_optkeys.each{|key, method|
- key = key.to_s
- keys[key] = method.call(keys[key]) if keys.has_key?(key)
- }
- end
- if without_creating && keys
- #configure(keys)
- configure(__conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- else
- #create_self(keys)
- create_self(__conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- end
- font_configure(fontkeys) unless fontkeys.empty?
- configure(methodkeys) unless methodkeys.empty?
- end
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- # may need to override
- begin
- cmd = self.class::TkCommandNames[0]
- fail unless (cmd.kind_of?(String) && cmd.length > 0)
- rescue
- fail RuntimeError, "class #{self.class} may be an abstract class"
- end
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(cmd, @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc(cmd, @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- rescue => e
- tk_call_without_enc(cmd, @path)
- keys = __check_available_configure_options(keys)
- unless keys.empty?
- begin
- # try to configure
- configure(keys)
- rescue
- # fail => includes options adaptable when creation only?
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc('destroy', @path)
- rescue
- # cannot rescue options error
- fail e
- else
- # re-create widget
- tk_call_without_enc(cmd, @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(cmd, @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def inspect
- super
- else
- str = super
- str[0..(str.index(' '))] << '@path=' << @path.inspect << '>'
- end
- end
- def exist?
- TkWinfo.exist?(self)
- end
- alias subcommand tk_send
- def bind_class
- @db_class || self.class()
- end
- def database_classname
- TkWinfo.classname(self)
- end
- def database_class
- name = database_classname()
- if WidgetClassNames[name]
- WidgetClassNames[name]
- else
- TkDatabaseClass.new(name)
- end
- end
- def self.database_classname
- self::WidgetClassName
- end
- def self.database_class
- WidgetClassNames[self::WidgetClassName]
- end
- def pack(keys = nil)
- #tk_call_without_enc('pack', epath, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- if keys
- TkPack.configure(self, keys)
- else
- TkPack.configure(self)
- end
- self
- end
- def pack_in(target, keys = nil)
- if keys
- keys = keys.dup
- keys['in'] = target
- else
- keys = {'in'=>target}
- end
- #tk_call 'pack', epath, *hash_kv(keys)
- TkPack.configure(self, keys)
- self
- end
- def pack_forget
- #tk_call_without_enc('pack', 'forget', epath)
- TkPack.forget(self)
- self
- end
- alias unpack pack_forget
- def pack_config(slot, value=None)
- #if slot.kind_of? Hash
- # tk_call 'pack', 'configure', epath, *hash_kv(slot)
- #else
- # tk_call 'pack', 'configure', epath, "-#{slot}", value
- #end
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- TkPack.configure(self, slot)
- else
- TkPack.configure(self, slot=>value)
- end
- end
- alias pack_configure pack_config
- def pack_info()
- #ilist = list(tk_call('pack', 'info', epath))
- #info = {}
- #while key = ilist.shift
- # info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift
- #end
- #return info
- TkPack.info(self)
- end
- def pack_propagate(mode=None)
- #if mode == None
- # bool(tk_call('pack', 'propagate', epath))
- #else
- # tk_call('pack', 'propagate', epath, mode)
- # self
- #end
- if mode == None
- TkPack.propagate(self)
- else
- TkPack.propagate(self, mode)
- self
- end
- end
- def pack_slaves()
- #list(tk_call('pack', 'slaves', epath))
- TkPack.slaves(self)
- end
- def grid(keys = nil)
- #tk_call 'grid', epath, *hash_kv(keys)
- if keys
- TkGrid.configure(self, keys)
- else
- TkGrid.configure(self)
- end
- self
- end
- def grid_in(target, keys = nil)
- if keys
- keys = keys.dup
- keys['in'] = target
- else
- keys = {'in'=>target}
- end
- #tk_call 'grid', epath, *hash_kv(keys)
- TkGrid.configure(self, keys)
- self
- end
- def grid_anchor(anchor=None)
- if anchor == None
- TkGrid.anchor(self)
- else
- TkGrid.anchor(self, anchor)
- self
- end
- end
- def grid_forget
- #tk_call('grid', 'forget', epath)
- TkGrid.forget(self)
- self
- end
- alias ungrid grid_forget
- def grid_bbox(*args)
- #list(tk_call('grid', 'bbox', epath, *args))
- TkGrid.bbox(self, *args)
- end
- def grid_config(slot, value=None)
- #if slot.kind_of? Hash
- # tk_call 'grid', 'configure', epath, *hash_kv(slot)
- #else
- # tk_call 'grid', 'configure', epath, "-#{slot}", value
- #end
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- TkGrid.configure(self, slot)
- else
- TkGrid.configure(self, slot=>value)
- end
- end
- alias grid_configure grid_config
- def grid_columnconfig(index, keys)
- #tk_call('grid', 'columnconfigure', epath, index, *hash_kv(keys))
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(self, index, keys)
- end
- alias grid_columnconfigure grid_columnconfig
- def grid_rowconfig(index, keys)
- #tk_call('grid', 'rowconfigure', epath, index, *hash_kv(keys))
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(self, index, keys)
- end
- alias grid_rowconfigure grid_rowconfig
- def grid_columnconfiginfo(index, slot=nil)
- #if slot
- # tk_call('grid', 'columnconfigure', epath, index, "-#{slot}").to_i
- #else
- # ilist = list(tk_call('grid', 'columnconfigure', epath, index))
- # info = {}
- # while key = ilist.shift
- # info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift
- # end
- # info
- #end
- TkGrid.columnconfiginfo(self, index, slot)
- end
- def grid_rowconfiginfo(index, slot=nil)
- #if slot
- # tk_call('grid', 'rowconfigure', epath, index, "-#{slot}").to_i
- #else
- # ilist = list(tk_call('grid', 'rowconfigure', epath, index))
- # info = {}
- # while key = ilist.shift
- # info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift
- # end
- # info
- #end
- TkGrid.rowconfiginfo(self, index, slot)
- end
- def grid_column(index, keys=nil)
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- grid_columnconfigure(index, keys)
- else
- grid_columnconfiginfo(index, keys)
- end
- end
- def grid_row(index, keys=nil)
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- grid_rowconfigure(index, keys)
- else
- grid_rowconfiginfo(index, keys)
- end
- end
- def grid_info()
- #list(tk_call('grid', 'info', epath))
- TkGrid.info(self)
- end
- def grid_location(x, y)
- #list(tk_call('grid', 'location', epath, x, y))
- TkGrid.location(self, x, y)
- end
- def grid_propagate(mode=None)
- #if mode == None
- # bool(tk_call('grid', 'propagate', epath))
- #else
- # tk_call('grid', 'propagate', epath, mode)
- # self
- #end
- if mode == None
- TkGrid.propagate(self)
- else
- TkGrid.propagate(self, mode)
- self
- end
- end
- def grid_remove()
- #tk_call 'grid', 'remove', epath
- TkGrid.remove(self)
- self
- end
- def grid_size()
- #list(tk_call('grid', 'size', epath))
- TkGrid.size(self)
- end
- def grid_slaves(keys = nil)
- #list(tk_call('grid', 'slaves', epath, *hash_kv(args)))
- TkGrid.slaves(self, keys)
- end
- def place(keys)
- #tk_call 'place', epath, *hash_kv(keys)
- TkPlace.configure(self, keys)
- self
- end
- def place_in(target, keys = nil)
- if keys
- keys = keys.dup
- keys['in'] = target
- else
- keys = {'in'=>target}
- end
- #tk_call 'place', epath, *hash_kv(keys)
- TkPlace.configure(self, keys)
- self
- end
- def place_forget
- #tk_call 'place', 'forget', epath
- TkPlace.forget(self)
- self
- end
- alias unplace place_forget
- def place_config(slot, value=None)
- #if slot.kind_of? Hash
- # tk_call 'place', 'configure', epath, *hash_kv(slot)
- #else
- # tk_call 'place', 'configure', epath, "-#{slot}", value
- #end
- TkPlace.configure(self, slot, value)
- end
- alias place_configure place_config
- def place_configinfo(slot = nil)
- # for >= Tk8.4a2 ?
- #if slot
- # conf = tk_split_list(tk_call('place', 'configure', epath, "-#{slot}") )
- # conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- # conf
- #else
- # tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('place',
- # 'configure', epath)).collect{|conflist|
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- # conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- # conf
- # }
- #end
- TkPlace.configinfo(self, slot)
- end
- def place_info()
- #ilist = list(tk_call('place', 'info', epath))
- #info = {}
- #while key = ilist.shift
- # info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift
- #end
- #return info
- TkPlace.info(self)
- end
- def place_slaves()
- #list(tk_call('place', 'slaves', epath))
- TkPlace.slaves(self)
- end
- def set_focus(force=false)
- if force
- tk_call_without_enc('focus', '-force', path)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('focus', path)
- end
- self
- end
- alias focus set_focus
- def grab(opt = nil)
- unless opt
- tk_call_without_enc('grab', 'set', path)
- return self
- end
- case opt
- when 'set', :set
- tk_call_without_enc('grab', 'set', path)
- return self
- when 'global', :global
- #return(tk_call('grab', 'set', '-global', path))
- tk_call_without_enc('grab', 'set', '-global', path)
- return self
- when 'release', :release
- #return tk_call('grab', 'release', path)
- tk_call_without_enc('grab', 'release', path)
- return self
- when 'current', :current
- return window(tk_call_without_enc('grab', 'current', path))
- when 'status', :status
- return tk_call_without_enc('grab', 'status', path)
- else
- return tk_call_without_enc('grab', opt, path)
- end
- end
- def grab_current
- grab('current')
- end
- alias current_grab grab_current
- def grab_release
- grab('release')
- end
- alias release_grab grab_release
- def grab_set
- grab('set')
- end
- alias set_grab grab_set
- def grab_set_global
- grab('global')
- end
- alias set_global_grab grab_set_global
- def grab_status
- grab('status')
- end
- def lower(below=None)
- # below = below.epath if below.kind_of?(TkObject)
- below = _epath(below)
- tk_call 'lower', epath, below
- self
- end
- alias lower_window lower
- def raise(above=None)
- #above = above.epath if above.kind_of?(TkObject)
- above = _epath(above)
- tk_call 'raise', epath, above
- self
- end
- alias raise_window raise
- def command(cmd=nil, &b)
- if cmd
- configure_cmd('command', cmd)
- elsif b
- configure_cmd('command', Proc.new(&b))
- else
- cget('command')
- end
- end
- def colormodel(model=None)
- tk_call('tk', 'colormodel', path, model)
- self
- end
- def caret(keys=nil)
- TkXIM.caret(path, keys)
- end
- def destroy
- super
- children = []
- rexp = /^#{self.path}\.[^.]+$/
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows.each{|path, obj|
- children << [path, obj] if path =~ rexp
- }
- if defined?(@cmdtbl)
- for id in @cmdtbl
- uninstall_cmd id
- end
- end
- children.each{|path, obj|
- obj.instance_eval{
- if defined?(@cmdtbl)
- for id in @cmdtbl
- uninstall_cmd id
- end
- end
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows.delete(path)
- }
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc('destroy', epath)
- rescue
- end
- uninstall_win
- end
- def wait_visibility(on_thread = true)
- on_thread &= (Thread.list.size != 1)
- if on_thread
- INTERP._thread_tkwait('visibility', path)
- else
- INTERP._invoke('tkwait', 'visibility', path)
- end
- end
- def eventloop_wait_visibility
- wait_visibility(false)
- end
- def thread_wait_visibility
- wait_visibility(true)
- end
- alias wait wait_visibility
- alias tkwait wait_visibility
- alias eventloop_wait eventloop_wait_visibility
- alias eventloop_tkwait eventloop_wait_visibility
- alias eventloop_tkwait_visibility eventloop_wait_visibility
- alias thread_wait thread_wait_visibility
- alias thread_tkwait thread_wait_visibility
- alias thread_tkwait_visibility thread_wait_visibility
- def wait_destroy(on_thread = true)
- on_thread &= (Thread.list.size != 1)
- if on_thread
- INTERP._thread_tkwait('window', epath)
- else
- INTERP._invoke('tkwait', 'window', epath)
- end
- end
- alias wait_window wait_destroy
- def eventloop_wait_destroy
- wait_destroy(false)
- end
- alias eventloop_wait_window eventloop_wait_destroy
- def thread_wait_destroy
- wait_destroy(true)
- end
- alias thread_wait_window thread_wait_destroy
- alias tkwait_destroy wait_destroy
- alias tkwait_window wait_destroy
- alias eventloop_tkwait_destroy eventloop_wait_destroy
- alias eventloop_tkwait_window eventloop_wait_destroy
- alias thread_tkwait_destroy thread_wait_destroy
- alias thread_tkwait_window thread_wait_destroy
- def bindtags(taglist=nil)
- if taglist
- fail ArgumentError, "taglist must be Array" unless taglist.kind_of? Array
- tk_call('bindtags', path, taglist)
- taglist
- else
- list(tk_call('bindtags', path)).collect{|tag|
- if tag.kind_of?(String)
- if cls = WidgetClassNames[tag]
- cls
- elsif btag = TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)
- btag
- else
- tag
- end
- else
- tag
- end
- }
- end
- end
- def bindtags=(taglist)
- bindtags(taglist)
- taglist
- end
- def bindtags_shift
- taglist = bindtags
- tag = taglist.shift
- bindtags(taglist)
- tag
- end
- def bindtags_unshift(tag)
- bindtags(bindtags().unshift(tag))
- end
-TkWidget = TkWindow
-# freeze core modules
-module Tk
- RELEASE_DATE = '2014-10-19'.freeze
- autoload :AUTO_PATH, 'tk/variable'
- autoload :TCL_PACKAGE_PATH, 'tk/variable'
- autoload :PACKAGE_PATH, 'tk/variable'
- autoload :TCL_LIBRARY_PATH, 'tk/variable'
- autoload :LIBRARY_PATH, 'tk/variable'
- autoload :TCL_PRECISION, 'tk/variable'
-# call setup script for Tk extension libraries (base configuration)
- require 'tkextlib/version.rb'
- require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-rescue LoadError
- # ignore
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/after.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/after.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3213a6b818..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/after.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/after.rb : methods for Tcl/Tk after command
-# $Id$
-require 'tk/timer'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/autoload.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/autoload.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ef82c8944c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/autoload.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,763 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# autoload
-# geometry manager
-module Tk
- autoload :Grid, 'tk/grid'
- def Grid(*args); TkGrid.configure(*args); end
- autoload :Pack, 'tk/pack'
- def Pack(*args); TkPack.configure(*args); end
- autoload :Place, 'tk/place'
- def Place(*args); TkPlace.configure(*args); end
-autoload :TkGrid, 'tk/grid'
-def TkGrid(*args); TkGrid.configure(*args); end
-autoload :TkPack, 'tk/pack'
-def TkPack(*args); TkPack.configure(*args); end
-autoload :TkPlace, 'tk/place'
-def TkPlace(*args); TkPlace.configure(*args); end
-# classes on Tk module
-module Tk
- autoload :Busy, 'tk/busy'
- autoload :Button, 'tk/button'
- autoload :Canvas, 'tk/canvas'
- autoload :CheckButton, 'tk/checkbutton'
- autoload :Checkbutton, 'tk/checkbutton'
- autoload :Entry, 'tk/entry'
- autoload :Frame, 'tk/frame'
- autoload :Label, 'tk/label'
- autoload :LabelFrame, 'tk/labelframe'
- autoload :Labelframe, 'tk/labelframe'
- autoload :Listbox, 'tk/listbox'
- autoload :Menu, 'tk/menu'
- autoload :MenuClone, 'tk/menu'
- autoload :CloneMenu, 'tk/menu'
- autoload :SystemMenu, 'tk/menu'
- autoload :SysMenu_Help, 'tk/menu'
- autoload :SysMenu_System, 'tk/menu'
- autoload :SysMenu_Apple, 'tk/menu'
- autoload :Menubutton, 'tk/menu'
- autoload :MenuButton, 'tk/menu'
- autoload :OptionMenubutton, 'tk/menu'
- autoload :OptionMenBbutton, 'tk/menu'
- autoload :Message, 'tk/message'
- autoload :PanedWindow, 'tk/panedwindow'
- autoload :Panedwindow, 'tk/panedwindow'
- autoload :RadioButton, 'tk/radiobutton'
- autoload :Radiobutton, 'tk/radiobutton'
- autoload :Root, 'tk/root'
- autoload :Scale, 'tk/scale'
- autoload :Scrollbar, 'tk/scrollbar'
- autoload :XScrollbar, 'tk/scrollbar'
- autoload :YScrollbar, 'tk/scrollbar'
- autoload :Spinbox, 'tk/spinbox'
- autoload :Text, 'tk/text'
- autoload :Toplevel, 'tk/toplevel'
-# sub-module of Tk
-module Tk
- autoload :Clock, 'tk/clock'
- autoload :OptionObj, 'tk/optionobj'
- autoload :X_Scrollable, 'tk/scrollable'
- autoload :Y_Scrollable, 'tk/scrollable'
- autoload :Scrollable, 'tk/scrollable'
- autoload :Fontchooser, 'tk/fontchooser'
- autoload :Wm, 'tk/wm'
- autoload :Wm_for_General, 'tk/wm'
- autoload :MacResource, 'tk/macpkg'
- autoload :WinDDE, 'tk/winpkg'
- autoload :WinRegistry, 'tk/winpkg'
- autoload :ValidateConfigure, 'tk/validation'
- autoload :ItemValidateConfigure, 'tk/validation'
- autoload :EncodedString, 'tk/encodedstr'
- def Tk.EncodedString(str, enc = nil); Tk::EncodedString.new(str, enc); end
- autoload :BinaryString, 'tk/encodedstr'
- def Tk.BinaryString(str); Tk::BinaryString.new(str); end
- autoload :UTF8_String, 'tk/encodedstr'
- def Tk.UTF8_String(str); Tk::UTF8_String.new(str); end
-# toplevel classes/modules (fixed)
-autoload :TkBgError, 'tk/bgerror'
-autoload :TkBindTag, 'tk/bindtag'
-autoload :TkBindTagAll, 'tk/bindtag'
-autoload :TkDatabaseClass, 'tk/bindtag'
-autoload :TkConsole, 'tk/console'
-autoload :TkcItem, 'tk/canvas'
-autoload :TkcArc, 'tk/canvas'
-autoload :TkcBitmap, 'tk/canvas'
-autoload :TkcImage, 'tk/canvas'
-autoload :TkcLine, 'tk/canvas'
-autoload :TkcOval, 'tk/canvas'
-autoload :TkcPolygon, 'tk/canvas'
-autoload :TkcRectangle, 'tk/canvas'
-autoload :TkcText, 'tk/canvas'
-autoload :TkcWindow, 'tk/canvas'
-autoload :TkcTagAccess, 'tk/canvastag'
-autoload :TkcTag, 'tk/canvastag'
-autoload :TkcTagString, 'tk/canvastag'
-autoload :TkcNamedTag, 'tk/canvastag'
-autoload :TkcTagAll, 'tk/canvastag'
-autoload :TkcTagCurrent, 'tk/canvastag'
-autoload :TkcTagGroup, 'tk/canvastag'
-autoload :TkClipboard, 'tk/clipboard'
-autoload :TkComposite, 'tk/composite'
-autoload :TkConsole, 'tk/console'
-autoload :TkDialog, 'tk/dialog'
-autoload :TkDialog2, 'tk/dialog'
-autoload :TkDialogObj, 'tk/dialog'
-autoload :TkWarning, 'tk/dialog'
-autoload :TkWarning2, 'tk/dialog'
-autoload :TkWarningObj, 'tk/dialog'
-autoload :TkEvent, 'tk/event'
-autoload :TkFont, 'tk/font'
-autoload :TkNamedFont, 'tk/font'
-autoload :TkImage, 'tk/image'
-autoload :TkBitmapImage, 'tk/image'
-autoload :TkPhotoImage, 'tk/image'
-autoload :TkItemConfigMethod, 'tk/itemconfig'
-autoload :TkTreatItemFont, 'tk/itemfont'
-autoload :TkKinput, 'tk/kinput'
-autoload :TkSystemMenu, 'tk/menu'
-autoload :TkMenubar, 'tk/menubar'
-autoload :TkMenuSpec, 'tk/menuspec'
-autoload :TkManageFocus, 'tk/mngfocus'
-autoload :TkMsgCatalog, 'tk/msgcat'
-autoload :TkMsgCat, 'tk/msgcat'
-autoload :TkNamespace, 'tk/namespace'
-autoload :TkOptionDB, 'tk/optiondb'
-autoload :TkOption, 'tk/optiondb'
-autoload :TkResourceDB, 'tk/optiondb'
-autoload :TkPackage, 'tk/package'
-autoload :TkPalette, 'tk/palette'
-autoload :TkRoot, 'tk/root'
-autoload :TkScrollbox, 'tk/scrollbox'
-autoload :TkSelection, 'tk/selection'
-autoload :TkTreatTagFont, 'tk/tagfont'
-autoload :TkTextImage, 'tk/textimage'
-autoload :TktImage, 'tk/textimage'
-autoload :TkTextMark, 'tk/textmark'
-autoload :TkTextNamedMark, 'tk/textmark'
-autoload :TkTextMarkInsert, 'tk/textmark'
-autoload :TkTextMarkCurrent, 'tk/textmark'
-autoload :TkTextMarkAnchor, 'tk/textmark'
-autoload :TktMark, 'tk/textmark'
-autoload :TktNamedMark, 'tk/textmark'
-autoload :TktMarkInsert, 'tk/textmark'
-autoload :TktMarkCurrent, 'tk/textmark'
-autoload :TktMarkAnchor, 'tk/textmark'
-autoload :TkTextTag, 'tk/texttag'
-autoload :TkTextNamedTag, 'tk/texttag'
-autoload :TkTextTagSel, 'tk/texttag'
-autoload :TktTag, 'tk/texttag'
-autoload :TktNamedTag, 'tk/texttag'
-autoload :TktTagSel, 'tk/texttag'
-autoload :TkTextWindow, 'tk/textwindow'
-autoload :TktWindow, 'tk/textwindow'
-autoload :TkAfter, 'tk/timer'
-autoload :TkTimer, 'tk/timer'
-autoload :TkRTTimer, 'tk/timer'
-autoload :TkTextWin, 'tk/txtwin_abst'
-autoload :TkValidation, 'tk/validation'
-autoload :TkValidateCommand, 'tk/validation'
-autoload :TkVariable, 'tk/variable'
-autoload :TkVarAccess, 'tk/variable'
-autoload :TkVirtualEvent, 'tk/virtevent'
-autoload :TkNamedVirtualEvent,'tk/virtevent'
-autoload :TkWinfo, 'tk/winfo'
-autoload :TkXIM, 'tk/xim'
-# toplevel classes/modules (switchable)
-module Tk
- :TkButton => 'tk/button',
- :TkCanvas => 'tk/canvas',
- :TkCheckButton => 'tk/checkbutton',
- :TkCheckbutton => 'tk/checkbutton',
- # :TkDialog => 'tk/dialog',
- # :TkDialog2 => 'tk/dialog',
- # :TkDialogObj => 'tk/dialog',
- # :TkWarning => 'tk/dialog',
- # :TkWarning2 => 'tk/dialog',
- # :TkWarningObj => 'tk/dialog',
- :TkEntry => 'tk/entry',
- :TkFrame => 'tk/frame',
- :TkLabel => 'tk/label',
- :TkLabelFrame => 'tk/labelframe',
- :TkLabelframe => 'tk/labelframe',
- :TkListbox => 'tk/listbox',
- :TkMacResource => 'tk/macpkg',
- :TkMenu => 'tk/menu',
- :TkMenuClone => 'tk/menu',
- :TkCloneMenu => 'tk/menu',
- # :TkSystemMenu => 'tk/menu',
- :TkSysMenu_Help => 'tk/menu',
- :TkSysMenu_System => 'tk/menu',
- :TkSysMenu_Apple => 'tk/menu',
- :TkMenubutton => 'tk/menu',
- :TkMenuButton => 'tk/menu',
- :TkOptionMenubutton => 'tk/menu',
- :TkOptionMenuButton => 'tk/menu',
- :TkMessage => 'tk/message',
- :TkPanedWindow => 'tk/panedwindow',
- :TkPanedwindow => 'tk/panedwindow',
- :TkRadioButton => 'tk/radiobutton',
- :TkRadiobutton => 'tk/radiobutton',
- # :TkRoot => 'tk/root',
- :TkScale => 'tk/scale',
- :TkScrollbar => 'tk/scrollbar',
- :TkXScrollbar => 'tk/scrollbar',
- :TkYScrollbar => 'tk/scrollbar',
- :TkSpinbox => 'tk/spinbox',
- :TkText => 'tk/text',
- :TkToplevel => 'tk/toplevel',
- :TkWinDDE => 'tk/winpkg',
- :TkWinRegistry => 'tk/winpkg',
- }
- @AUTOLOAD_FILE_SYM_TABLE = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k]={}} # TABLE[file][sym] -> obj
- @current_default_widget_set = nil
- module TOPLEVEL_ALIASES; end
-class Object
-# methods to control default widget set
-class << Tk
- def default_widget_set
- @current_default_widget_set
- end
- def default_widget_set=(target)
- target = target.to_sym
- return target if target == @current_default_widget_set
- if (cmd = @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_SETUP_PROC[target])
- cmd.call(target)
- end
- _replace_toplevel_aliases(target)
- end
- def widget_set_symbols
- end
- def toplevel_aliases_on_widget_set(widget_set)
- if (tbl = @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[widget_set.to_sym])
- tbl.collect{|k, v| (v.nil?)? nil: k}.compact
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "unknown widget_set #{widget_set.to_sym.inspect}"
- end
- end
- def __toplevel_alias_setup_proc__(*target_list, &cmd)
- target_list.each{|target| @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_SETUP_PROC[target.to_sym] = cmd}
- end
- def topobj_defined?(sym) #=> alias_filename or object or false
- Object.autoload?(sym) ||
- (Object.const_defined?(sym) && Object.const_get(sym))
- end
- def topalias_defined?(sym) #=> alias_filename or object or false
- Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.autoload?(sym) ||
- (Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.const_defined?(sym) &&
- Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.const_get(sym))
- end
- def define_topobj(sym, obj)
- if obj.kind_of? String
- # obj is an autoload path
- Object.autoload(sym, obj)
- unless Object.autoload?(sym)
- # file is autoloaded?
- if @AUTOLOAD_FILE_SYM_TABLE.has_key?(obj) &&
- (loaded_obj = @AUTOLOAD_FILE_SYM_TABLE[obj][sym])
- Object.const_set(sym, loaded_obj)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "cannot define autoload file (already loaded?)"
- end
- end
- else
- # object
- Object.const_set(sym, obj)
- end
- end
- def define_topalias(sym, obj)
- if obj.kind_of? String
- # obj is an autoload path
- Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.autoload(sym, obj)
- unless Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.autoload?(sym)
- # file is autoloaded?
- if @AUTOLOAD_FILE_SYM_TABLE.has_key?(obj) &&
- (loaded_obj = @AUTOLOAD_FILE_SYM_TABLE[obj][sym])
- Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.const_set(sym, loaded_obj)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "cannot define autoload file (already loaded?)"
- end
- end
- else
- # object
- Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.const_set(sym, obj)
- end
- end
- def replace_topobj(sym, obj) #=> old_obj (alias_filename or object) or nil
- if old_obj = topobj_defined?(sym)
- Object.class_eval{remove_const sym} rescue nil # ignore err
- end
- define_topobj(sym, obj)
- old_obj
- end
- def replace_topalias(sym, obj) #=> old_obj (alias_filename or object) or nil
- if old_obj = topalias_defined?(sym)
- Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.module_eval{remove_const sym} rescue nil #ignore err
- end
- define_topalias(sym, obj)
- old_obj
- end
- private :topobj_defined?, :topalias_defined?
- private :define_topobj, :define_topalias
- private :replace_topobj, :replace_topalias
- def __regist_toplevel_aliases__(target, obj, *symbols)
- # initial regist
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target = target.to_sym] ||= {}
- symbols.each{|sym|
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym = sym.to_sym] = obj
- if !topalias_defined?(sym) || target == @current_default_widget_set
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] = target
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- replace_topobj(sym, obj) unless obj.kind_of?(String) # NOT autoload
- end
- }
- end
- def regist_sym_for_loaded_file(auto, obj, sym)
- @AUTOLOAD_FILE_SYM_TABLE[auto][sym] = obj
- reg = /^#{Regexp.quote(auto)}(\.rb|\.so|)$/
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE.each_key{|set|
- if @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[set][sym] =~ reg
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[set][sym] = obj
- if @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym].nil? || @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] == set
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- replace_topobj(sym, obj) if set == @current_default_widget_set
- end
- end
- }
- if (f = Object.autoload?(sym)) && f =~ reg
- replace_topobj(sym, obj)
- end
- if (f = Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.autoload?(sym)) && f =~ reg
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- end
- end
- private :regist_sym_for_loaded_file
- def set_topalias(target, obj, sym)
- # obj is a kind of String : define autoload path
- # Class : use the class object
- if target == @current_default_widget_set
- when false
- # Object::sym is out of control. --> not change
- # Make ALIAS::sym under control, because target widget set is current.
- # Keep OWNER[sym]
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- when target
- if current_obj = topobj_defined?(sym)
- if current_obj == obj
- # Make current_obj under control.
- # Keep Object::sym.
- # Keep OWNER[sym].
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- else # current_obj != obj
- if current_obj == topalias_defined?(sym)
- # Change controlled object
- # Keep OWNER[sym].
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- replace_topobj(sym, obj)
- else # current_obj != topalias_defined?(sym)
- # Maybe current_obj is defined by user. --> OWNER[sym] = false
- # Keep Object::sym.
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] = false
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- end
- end
- else # NOT topobj_defined?(sym)
- # New definition for sym at target.
- # Keep OWNER[sym].
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- define_topobj(sym, obj)
- end
- when nil
- # New definition for sym at target.
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] = target
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- else # others
- # Maybe planning to make sym under control.
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] = target
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- replace_topobj(sym, obj)
- end
- else # target != @current_default_widget_set
- when false
- # Object::sym is out of control. --> not change
- if topalias_defined?(sym)
- # ALIAS[sym] may be defined by other widget set.
- # Keep Object::sym (even if it is not defined)
- # Keep ALIAS[sym].
- # Keep OWNER[sym].
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- else # NOT topalias_defined?(sym)
- # Nobody controls ALIAS[sym].
- # At least, current widget set doesn't control ALIAS[sym].
- # Keep Object::sym (even if it is not defined)
- # Keep OWNER[sym].
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- define_topalias(sym, obj)
- end
- when target
- # Maybe change controlled object, because Object::sym is under control.
- # Keep OWNER[sym].
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- replace_topobj(sym, obj)
- when nil
- # New definition for sym
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] = target
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- replace_topobj(sym, obj)
- else # others
- # An other widget set controls sym.
- # Keep Object::sym (even if it is not defined)
- # Keep ALIAS[sym].
- # Keep OWNER[sym].
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym] = obj
- end
- end
- sym
- end
- private :set_topalias
- def __set_toplevel_aliases__(target, obj, *symbols)
- # obj is a kind of String : define autoload path
- # Class : use the class object
- target = target.to_sym
- symbols.each{|sym| set_topalias(target, obj, sym.to_sym)}
- end
- def __set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__(autopath, target, obj, *symbols)
- # autopath is an autoload file
- # Currently, this method doesn't support that autoload loads
- # different toplevels between <basename>.rb and <basename>.so extension.
- shortpath = (autopath =~ /^(.*)(.rb|.so)$/)? $1: autopath
- target = target.to_sym
- symbols.map!{|sym| sym.to_sym}
- symbols.each{|sym| regist_sym_for_loaded_file(shortpath, obj, sym) }
- symbols.each{|sym| set_topalias(target, obj, sym)}
- end
- def backup_current_topdef(sym)
- return if (current = @current_default_widget_set).nil?
- when false
- # Object::sym is out of control.
- if (cur_alias = topalias_defined?(sym)) && ! cur_alias.kind_of?(String)
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[current][sym] = cur_alias
- end
- when current
- if cur_obj = topobj_defined?(sym)
- if ! cur_obj.kind_of?(String) && (cur_alias = topalias_defined?(sym))
- if cur_alias.kind_of?(String)
- # Maybe, user replaced Object::sym.
- # Make Object::sym out of control.
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] = false
- elsif cur_obj == cur_alias
- # Possibly, defined normally. Backup it
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[current][sym] = cur_alias
- else
- # Maybe, user replaced Object::sym.
- # Make Object::sym out of control.
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] = false
- end
- end
- else
- # Maybe, user replaced Object::sym.
- # Make Object::sym out of control.
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] = false
- end
- when nil
- # Object::sym is out of control.
- if (cur_alias = topalias_defined?(sym)) && ! cur_alias.kind_of?(String)
- # Possibly, defined normally. Backup it.
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[current][sym] = cur_alias
- end
- else
- # No authority to control Object::sym and ALIASES::sym.
- # Do nothing.
- end
- end
- private :backup_current_topdef
- def _replace_toplevel_aliases(target)
- # backup
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target].each_key{|sym|
- backup_current_topdef(sym)
- }
- # replace
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target].each_key{|sym|
- next if (obj = @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym]).nil?
- if @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] == false
- # Object::sym is out of control. --> not change
- # Keep OWNER[sym].
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- else
- # New definition
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] = target
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- replace_topobj(sym, obj)
- end
- }
- # change default_widget_set
- @current_default_widget_set = target
- end
- private :_replace_toplevel_aliases
- def __import_toplevel_aliases__(target, *symbols)
- current = @current_default_widget_set
- symbols.each{|sym|
- sym = sym.to_sym
- if (obj = @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[target][sym]).nil?
- # remove
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[current].delete(sym)
- Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.module_eval{remove_const sym} if topalias_defined?(sym)
- Object.class_eval{remove_const sym} if topobj_defined?(sym)
- elsif obj == false
- # remove, but OWNER[sym] <- false and not treat Object::sym
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[current].delete(sym)
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] = false
- Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.module_eval{remove_const sym} if topalias_defined?(sym)
- elsif @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] == false
- # Object::sym is out of control. --> not change
- # Keep OWNER[sym].
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[current][sym] = obj
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- else
- # new definition under control
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym] = current
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[current][sym] = obj
- replace_topalias(sym, obj)
- replace_topobj(sym, obj)
- end
- }
- end
- def __remove_toplevel_aliases__(*symbols)
- # remove toplevel aliases of current widget set
- current = @current_default_widget_set
- symbols.each{|sym|
- sym = sym.to_sym
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[current].delete(sym)
- Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.module_eval{remove_const sym} if topalias_defined?(sym)
- Object.class_eval{remove_const sym} if topobj_defined?(sym)
- }
- end
- def __reset_toplevel_owner__(*symbols)
- symbols.each{|sym| @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER.delete(sym.to_sym)}
- end
- def __disable_toplevel_control__(*symbols)
- symbols.each{|sym| @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_OWNER[sym.to_sym] = false}
- end
- def __create_widget_set__(new_set, src_set={})
- new_set = new_set.to_sym
- fail RuntimeError, "A widget-set #{new_set.inspect} is already exist."
- end
- if src_set.kind_of?(Symbol)
- # new_set is an alias name of existed widget set.
- else
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[new_set] = {}
- src_set.each{|sym, obj| set_topalias(new_set, obj, sym.to_sym) }
- end
- end
-# setup default widget set => :Tk
-Tk.default_widget_set = :Tk
-# depend on the version of Tcl/Tk
-# major, minor, type, patchlevel = TclTkLib.get_version
-# Ttk (Tile) support
-if major > 8 ||
- (major == 8 && minor > 5) ||
- (major == 8 && minor == 5 && type >= TclTkLib::RELEASE_TYPE::BETA)
- # Tcl/Tk 8.5 beta or later
- Object.autoload :Ttk, 'tkextlib/tile'
- Tk.autoload :Tile, 'tkextlib/tile'
- require 'tk/ttk_selector'
-Object.autoload :Ttk, 'tkextlib/tile'
-Tk.autoload :Tile, 'tkextlib/tile'
-require 'tk/ttk_selector'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/bgerror.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/bgerror.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d2f59357e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/bgerror.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkbgerror -- bgerror ( tkerror ) module
-# 1998/07/16 by Hidetoshi Nagai <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp>
-require 'tk'
-module TkBgError
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['bgerror'.freeze].freeze
- def bgerror(message)
- tk_call('bgerror', message)
- end
- alias tkerror bgerror
- alias show bgerror
- module_function :bgerror, :tkerror, :show
- def set_handler(hdlr = Proc.new) #==> handler :: proc{|msg| ...body... }
- tk_call('proc', 'bgerror', 'msg', install_cmd(hdlr) + ' $msg')
- end
- def set_default
- begin
- tk_call('rename', 'bgerror', '')
- rescue RuntimeError
- end
- end
- module_function :set_handler, :set_default
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/bindtag.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/bindtag.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ad3c90b505..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/bindtag.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/bind.rb : control event binding
-require 'tk'
-class TkBindTag
- include TkBindCore
- #BTagID_TBL = {}
- BTagID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Tk_BINDTAG_ID = ["btag".freeze, TkUtil.untrust("00000")]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- BTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ BTagID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def TkBindTag.id2obj(id)
- BTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- (BTagID_TBL[id])? BTagID_TBL[id]: id
- }
- end
- def TkBindTag.new_by_name(name, *args, &b)
- BTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- return BTagID_TBL[name] if BTagID_TBL[name]
- }
- self.new.instance_eval{
- BTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- BTagID_TBL.delete @id
- @id = name
- BTagID_TBL[@id] = self
- }
- bind(*args, &b) if args != []
- self
- }
- end
- def TkBindTag.new_by_name(name, *args, &b)
- obj = nil
- BTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if BTagID_TBL[name]
- obj = BTagID_TBL[name]
- else
- (obj = BTagID_TBL[name] = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @id = name
- }
- end
- }
- bind(*args, &b) if obj && args != []
- obj
- end
- def initialize(*args, &b)
- Tk_BINDTAG_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- # @id = Tk_BINDTAG_ID.join('')
- @id = Tk_BINDTAG_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk_BINDTAG_ID[1].succ!
- }
- BTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- BTagID_TBL[@id] = self
- }
- bind(*args, &b) if args != []
- end
- ALL = self.new_by_name('all')
- def name
- @id
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
- def inspect
- #Kernel.format "#<TkBindTag: %s>", @id
- '#<TkBindTag: ' + @id + '>'
- end
-class TkBindTagAll<TkBindTag
- def TkBindTagAll.new(*args, &b)
- $stderr.puts "Warning: TkBindTagALL is obsolete. Use TkBindTag::ALL\n"
- TkBindTag::ALL.bind(*args, &b) if args != []
- TkBindTag::ALL
- end
-class TkDatabaseClass<TkBindTag
- def self.new(name, *args, &b)
- BTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- return BTagID_TBL[name] if BTagID_TBL[name]
- }
- super(name, *args, &b)
- end
- def initialize(name, *args, &b)
- @id = name
- BTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- BTagID_TBL[@id] = self
- }
- bind(*args, &b) if args != []
- end
- def self.new(name, *args, &b)
- BTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if BTagID_TBL[name]
- BTagID_TBL[name]
- else
- BTagID_TBL[name] = self.allocate.instance_eval{
- initialize(name, *args, &b)
- self
- }
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(name, *args, &b)
- @id = name
- bind(*args, &b) if args != []
- end
- def inspect
- #Kernel.format "#<TkDatabaseClass: %s>", @id
- '#<TkDatabaseClass: ' + @id + '>'
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/busy.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/busy.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 18ebede9dd..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/busy.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/busy.rb: support 'tk busy' command (Tcl/Tk8.6 or later)
-require 'tk'
-module Tk::Busy
- include TkCore
- extend TkCore
- extend TkItemConfigMethod
-class << Tk::Busy
- def __item_cget_cmd(win)
- # maybe need to override
- ['tk', 'busy', 'cget', win.path]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(win)
- # maybe need to override
- ['tk', 'busy', 'configure', win.path]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_confinfo_cmd(win)
- # maybe need to override
- __item_config_cmd(win)
- end
- private :__item_confinfo_cmd
- alias cget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias cget itemcget
- alias cget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias configure itemconfigure
- alias configinfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_configinfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- name = id.id2name
- case args.length
- when 1
- if name[-1] == ?=
- configure name[0..-2], args[0]
- args[0]
- else
- configure name, args[0]
- self
- end
- when 0
- begin
- cget(name)
- rescue
- super(id, *args)
- end
- else
- super(id, *args)
- end
- end
- def hold(win, keys={})
- tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'busy', 'hold', win, *hash_kv(keys))
- win
- end
- def forget(*wins)
- tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'busy', 'forget', *wins)
- self
- end
- def current(pat=None)
- list(tk_call('tk', 'busy', 'current', pat))
- end
- def status(win)
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'busy', 'status', win))
- end
-module Tk::Busy
- def busy_configinfo(option=nil)
- Tk::Busy.configinfo(self, option)
- end
- def busy_current_configinfo(option=nil)
- Tk::Busy.current_configinfo(self, option)
- end
- def busy_configure(option, value=None)
- Tk::Busy.configure(self, option, value)
- self
- end
- def busy_cget(option)
- Tk::Busy.configure(self, option)
- end
- def busy(keys={})
- Tk::Busy.hold(self, keys)
- self
- end
- alias busy_hold busy
- def busy_forget
- Tk::Busy.forget(self)
- self
- end
- def busy_current?
- ! Tk::Busy.current(self.path).empty?
- end
- def busy_status
- Tk::Busy.status(self)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/button.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/button.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dc252d8e82..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/button.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/button.rb : treat button widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/label'
-class Tk::Button<Tk::Label
- TkCommandNames = ['button'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Button'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('button', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc('button', @path)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def invoke
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('invoke'))
- end
- def flash
- tk_send_without_enc('flash')
- self
- end
-#TkButton = Tk::Button unless Object.const_defined? :TkButton
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Button, :TkButton)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/button.rb', :Tk, Tk::Button, :TkButton)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d707733d8c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,847 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/canvas.rb - Tk canvas classes
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@caelum.co.jp>
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/canvastag'
-require 'tk/itemconfig'
-require 'tk/scrollable'
-module TkCanvasItemConfig
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- # maybe need to override
- super(id) + [
- 'fill', 'activefill', 'disabledfill',
- 'outline', 'activeoutline', 'disabledoutline'
- ]
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_methodcall_optkeys(id)
- {'coords'=>'coords'}
- end
- private :__item_methodcall_optkeys
- def __item_val2ruby_optkeys(id) # { key=>proc, ... }
- super(id).update('window'=>proc{|i, v| window(v)},
- 'tags'=>proc{|i, v|
- simplelist(v).collect{|tag| TkcTag.id2obj(self, tag)}
- })
- end
- private :__item_val2ruby_optkeys
- def __item_pathname(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(TkcItem) || tagOrId.kind_of?(TkcTag)
- self.path + ';' + tagOrId.id.to_s
- else
- self.path + ';' + tagOrId.to_s
- end
- end
- private :__item_pathname
-class Tk::Canvas<TkWindow
- include TkCanvasItemConfig
- include Tk::Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['canvas'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Canvas'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __destroy_hook__
- TkcItem::CItemID_TBL.delete(@path)
- end
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('canvas', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc('canvas', @path)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def __numval_optkeys
- super() + ['closeenough']
- end
- private :__numval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() + ['confine']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(TkcItem) || tag.kind_of?(TkcTag)
- tag.id
- else
- tag # maybe an Array of configure parameters
- end
- end
- private :tagid
- # create a canvas item without creating a TkcItem object
- def create(type, *args)
- if type.kind_of?(Class) && type < TkcItem
- # do nothing
- elsif TkcItem.type2class(type.to_s)
- type = TkcItem.type2class(type.to_s)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "type must a subclass of TkcItem class, or a string in CItemTypeToClass"
- end
- type.create(self, *args)
- end
- def addtag(tag, mode, *args)
- mode = mode.to_s
- if args[0] && mode =~ /^(above|below|with(tag)?)$/
- args[0] = tagid(args[0])
- end
- tk_send_without_enc('addtag', tagid(tag), mode, *args)
- self
- end
- def addtag_above(tagOrId, target)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'above', tagid(target))
- end
- def addtag_all(tagOrId)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'all')
- end
- def addtag_below(tagOrId, target)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'below', tagid(target))
- end
- def addtag_closest(tagOrId, x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'closest', x, y, halo, start)
- end
- def addtag_enclosed(tagOrId, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'enclosed', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def addtag_overlapping(tagOrId, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'overlapping', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def addtag_withtag(tagOrId, tag)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'withtag', tagid(tag))
- end
- def bbox(tagOrId, *tags)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('bbox', tagid(tagOrId),
- *tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)}))
- end
- #def itembind(tag, context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def itembind(tag, context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def itembind_append(tag, context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind_append([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def itembind_append(tag, context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def itembind_remove(tag, context)
- _bind_remove([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context)
- self
- end
- def itembindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _bindinfo([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context)
- end
- def canvasx(screen_x, *args)
- #tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send_without_enc('canvasx', screen_x, *args))
- number(tk_send_without_enc('canvasx', screen_x, *args))
- end
- def canvasy(screen_y, *args)
- #tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send_without_enc('canvasy', screen_y, *args))
- number(tk_send_without_enc('canvasy', screen_y, *args))
- end
- alias canvas_x canvasx
- alias canvas_y canvasy
- def coords(tag, *args)
- if args.empty?
- tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('coords', tagid(tag)))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('coords', tagid(tag), *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- end
- def dchars(tag, first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('dchars', tagid(tag),
- _get_eval_enc_str(first), _get_eval_enc_str(last))
- self
- end
- def delete(*args)
- tbl = nil
- TkcItem::CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- tbl = TkcItem::CItemID_TBL[self.path]
- }
- if tbl
- args.each{|tag|
- find('withtag', tag).each{|item|
- if item.kind_of?(TkcItem)
- TkcItem::CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- tbl.delete(item.id)
- }
- end
- }
- }
- end
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', *args.collect{|t| tagid(t)})
- self
- end
- alias remove delete
- def dtag(tag, tag_to_del=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('dtag', tagid(tag), tagid(tag_to_del))
- self
- end
- alias deltag dtag
- def find(mode, *args)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('find', mode, *args)).collect!{|id|
- TkcItem.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def find_above(target)
- find('above', tagid(target))
- end
- def find_all
- find('all')
- end
- def find_below(target)
- find('below', tagid(target))
- end
- def find_closest(x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- find('closest', x, y, halo, start)
- end
- def find_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- find('enclosed', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def find_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- find('overlapping', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def find_withtag(tag)
- find('withtag', tag)
- end
- def itemfocus(tagOrId=nil)
- if tagOrId
- tk_send_without_enc('focus', tagid(tagOrId))
- self
- else
- ret = tk_send_without_enc('focus')
- if ret == ""
- nil
- else
- TkcItem.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- end
- end
- def gettags(tagOrId)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('gettags', tagid(tagOrId))).collect{|tag|
- TkcTag.id2obj(self, tag)
- }
- end
- def icursor(tagOrId, index)
- tk_send_without_enc('icursor', tagid(tagOrId), index)
- self
- end
- def imove(tagOrId, idx, x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('imove', tagid(tagOrId), idx, x, y)
- self
- end
- alias i_move imove
- def index(tagOrId, idx)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('index', tagid(tagOrId), idx))
- end
- def insert(tagOrId, index, string)
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', tagid(tagOrId), index,
- _get_eval_enc_str(string))
- self
- end
- def itemcget(tagOrId, option)
- case option.to_s
- when 'dash', 'activedash', 'disableddash'
- conf = tk_send_without_enc('itemcget', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{option}")
- if conf =~ /^[0-9]/
- list(conf)
- else
- conf
- end
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file', 'maskdata', 'maskfile'
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemcget', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{option}"))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- #fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send('itemcget', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{option}"))
- fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_with_enc('itemcget', tagid(tagOrId), '-font')))
- unless fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt = tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId), fnt)
- end
- if option.to_s == 'kanjifont' && JAPANIZED_TK && TK_VERSION =~ /^4\.*/
- # obsolete; just for compatibility
- fnt.kanji_font
- else
- fnt
- end
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemcget', tagid(tagOrId),
- "-#{option}")))
- end
- end
- def itemconfigure(tagOrId, key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of? Hash
- key = _symbolkey2str(key)
- coords = key.delete('coords')
- self.coords(tagOrId, coords) if coords
- if ( key['font'] || key['kanjifont'] \
- || key['latinfont'] || key['asciifont'] )
- tagfont_configure(tagid(tagOrId), key.dup)
- else
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId),
- *hash_kv(key, true)))
- end
- else
- if ( key == 'coords' || key == :coords )
- self.coords(tagOrId, value)
- elsif ( key == 'font' || key == :font ||
- key == 'kanjifont' || key == :kanjifont ||
- key == 'latinfont' || key == :latinfont ||
- key == 'asciifont' || key == :asciifont )
- if value == None
- tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId))
- else
- tagfont_configure(tagid(tagOrId), {key=>value})
- end
- else
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId),
- "-#{key}", _get_eval_enc_str(value)))
- end
- end
- self
- end
-# def itemconfigure(tagOrId, key, value=None)
-# if key.kind_of? Hash
-# tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), *hash_kv(key)
-# else
-# tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}", value
-# end
-# end
-# def itemconfigure(tagOrId, keys)
-# tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), *hash_kv(keys)
-# end
- def itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, key=nil)
- if key
- case key.to_s
- when 'coords'
- return ['coords', '', '', '', self.coords(tagOrId)]
- when 'dash', 'activedash', 'disableddash'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}"))
- if conf[3] && conf[3] =~ /^[0-9]/
- conf[3] = list(conf[3])
- end
- if conf[4] && conf[4] =~ /^[0-9]/
- conf[4] = list(conf[4])
- end
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file', 'maskdata', 'maskfile'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}")))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId),"-#{key}")))
- conf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(tagid(tagOrId), conf[4])
- else
- conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}")))
- end
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- ret = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId)))).collect{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- case conf[0]
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file', 'maskdata', 'maskfile'
- when 'dash', 'activedash', 'disableddash'
- if conf[3] && conf[3] =~ /^[0-9]/
- conf[3] = list(conf[3])
- end
- if conf[4] && conf[4] =~ /^[0-9]/
- conf[4] = list(conf[4])
- end
- else
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- if conf[4]
- if conf[4].index('{')
- conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4])
- else
- conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
- end
- end
- end
- conf[1] = conf[1][1..-1] if conf.size == 2 # alias info
- conf
- }
- fontconf = ret.assoc('font')
- if fontconf
- ret.delete_if{|item| item[0] == 'font' || item[0] == 'kanjifont'}
- fontconf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(tagid(tagOrId), fontconf[4])
- ret.push(fontconf)
- end
- ret << ['coords', '', '', '', self.coords(tagOrId)]
- end
- if key
- case key.to_s
- when 'coords'
- {'coords' => ['', '', '', self.coords(tagOrId)]}
- when 'dash', 'activedash', 'disableddash'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure',
- tagid(tagOrId),
- "-#{key}"))
- if conf[3] && conf[3] =~ /^[0-9]/
- conf[3] = list(conf[3])
- end
- if conf[4] && conf[4] =~ /^[0-9]/
- conf[4] = list(conf[4])
- end
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file', 'maskdata', 'maskfile'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}")))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId),"-#{key}")))
- conf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(tagid(tagOrId), conf[4])
- else
- conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}")))
- end
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- { key => conf }
- else
- ret = {}
- tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId)))).each{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- case key
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file', 'maskdata', 'maskfile'
- when 'dash', 'activedash', 'disableddash'
- if conf[2] && conf[2] =~ /^[0-9]/
- conf[2] = list(conf[2])
- end
- if conf[3] && conf[3] =~ /^[0-9]/
- conf[3] = list(conf[3])
- end
- else
- if conf[2]
- if conf[2].index('{')
- conf[2] = tk_split_list(conf[2])
- else
- conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[2])
- end
- end
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- end
- if conf.size == 1
- ret[key] = conf[0][1..-1] # alias info
- else
- ret[key] = conf
- end
- }
- fontconf = ret['font']
- if fontconf
- ret.delete('font')
- ret.delete('kanjifont')
- fontconf[3] = tagfont_configinfo(tagid(tagOrId), fontconf[3])
- ret['font'] = fontconf
- end
- ret['coords'] = ['', '', '', self.coords(tagOrId)]
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- def current_itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, key=nil)
- if key
- conf = itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, key)
- {conf[0] => conf[4]}
- else
- ret = {}
- itemconfiginfo(tagOrId).each{|conf|
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[4] if conf.size > 2
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, key).each{|k, conf|
- ret[k] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- def lower(tag, below=nil)
- if below
- tk_send_without_enc('lower', tagid(tag), tagid(below))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('lower', tagid(tag))
- end
- self
- end
- def move(tag, dx, dy)
- tk_send_without_enc('move', tagid(tag), dx, dy)
- self
- end
- def moveto(tag, x, y)
- # Tcl/Tk 8.6 or later
- tk_send_without_enc('moveto', tagid(tag), x, y)
- self
- end
- alias move_to moveto
- def postscript(keys)
- tk_send("postscript", *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def raise(tag, above=nil)
- if above
- tk_send_without_enc('raise', tagid(tag), tagid(above))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('raise', tagid(tag))
- end
- self
- end
- def rchars(tag, first, last, str_or_coords)
- # Tcl/Tk 8.6 or later
- str_or_coords = str_or_coords.flatten if str_or_coords.kinad_of? Array
- tk_send_without_enc('rchars', tagid(tag), first, last, str_or_coords)
- self
- end
- alias replace_chars rchars
- alias replace_coords rchars
- def scale(tag, x, y, xs, ys)
- tk_send_without_enc('scale', tagid(tag), x, y, xs, ys)
- self
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y, gain=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y, gain)
- self
- end
- def select(mode, *args)
- r = tk_send_without_enc('select', mode, *args)
- (mode == 'item')? TkcItem.id2obj(self, r): self
- end
- def select_adjust(tagOrId, index)
- select('adjust', tagid(tagOrId), index)
- end
- def select_clear
- select('clear')
- end
- def select_from(tagOrId, index)
- select('from', tagid(tagOrId), index)
- end
- def select_item
- select('item')
- end
- def select_to(tagOrId, index)
- select('to', tagid(tagOrId), index)
- end
- def itemtype(tag)
- TkcItem.type2class(tk_send('type', tagid(tag)))
- end
- def create_itemobj_from_id(idnum)
- id = TkcItem.id2obj(self, idnum.to_i)
- return id if id.kind_of?(TkcItem)
- typename = tk_send('type', id)
- unless type = TkcItem.type2class(typename)
- (itemclass = typename.dup)[0,1] = typename[0,1].upcase
- type = TkcItem.const_set(itemclass, Class.new(TkcItem))
- type.const_set("CItemTypeName", typename.freeze)
- TkcItem::CItemTypeToClass[typename] = type
- end
- canvas = self
- (obj = type.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @c = canvas
- @path = canvas.path
- @id = id
- TkcItem::CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkcItem::CItemID_TBL[@path] = {} unless TkcItem::CItemID_TBL[@path]
- TkcItem::CItemID_TBL[@path][@id] = self
- }
- }
- end
-#TkCanvas = Tk::Canvas unless Object.const_defined? :TkCanvas
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Canvas, :TkCanvas)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/canvas.rb', :Tk, Tk::Canvas, :TkCanvas)
-class TkcItem<TkObject
- extend Tk
- include TkcTagAccess
- extend TkItemFontOptkeys
- extend TkItemConfigOptkeys
- CItemTypeName = nil
- CItemTypeToClass = {}
- CItemID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ CItemID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def TkcItem.type2class(type)
- CItemTypeToClass[type]
- end
- def TkcItem.id2obj(canvas, id)
- cpath = canvas.path
- CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if CItemID_TBL[cpath]
- CItemID_TBL[cpath][id]? CItemID_TBL[cpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- ########################################
- def self._parse_create_args(args)
- fontkeys = {}
- methodkeys = {}
- if args[-1].kind_of? Hash
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
- if args.size == 0
- args = keys.delete('coords')
- unless args.kind_of?(Array)
- fail "coords parameter must be given by an Array"
- end
- end
- #['font', 'kanjifont', 'latinfont', 'asciifont'].each{|key|
- # fontkeys[key] = keys.delete(key) if keys.key?(key)
- #}
- __item_font_optkeys(nil).each{|key|
- fkey = key.to_s
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- fkey = "kanji#{key}"
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- fkey = "latin#{key}"
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- fkey = "ascii#{key}"
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- }
- __item_optkey_aliases(nil).each{|alias_name, real_name|
- alias_name = alias_name.to_s
- if keys.has_key?(alias_name)
- keys[real_name.to_s] = keys.delete(alias_name)
- end
- }
- __item_methodcall_optkeys(nil).each{|key|
- key = key.to_s
- methodkeys[key] = keys.delete(key) if keys.key?(key)
- }
- __item_ruby2val_optkeys(nil).each{|key, method|
- key = key.to_s
- keys[key] = method.call(keys[key]) if keys.has_key?(key)
- }
- #args = args.flatten.concat(hash_kv(keys))
- args = args.flatten.concat(itemconfig_hash_kv(nil, keys))
- else
- args = args.flatten
- end
- [args, fontkeys, methodkeys]
- end
- private_class_method :_parse_create_args
- def self.create(canvas, *args)
- unless self::CItemTypeName
- fail RuntimeError, "#{self} is an abstract class"
- end
- args, fontkeys, methodkeys = _parse_create_args(args)
- idnum = tk_call_without_enc(canvas.path, 'create',
- self::CItemTypeName, *args)
- canvas.itemconfigure(idnum, fontkeys) unless fontkeys.empty?
- canvas.itemconfigure(idnum, methodkeys) unless methodkeys.empty?
- idnum.to_i # 'canvas item id' is an integer number
- end
- ########################################
- def initialize(parent, *args)
- #unless parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect Tk::Canvas for 1st argument"
- #end
- @parent = @c = parent
- @path = parent.path
- @id = create_self(*args) # an integer number as 'canvas item id'
- CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CItemID_TBL[@path] = {} unless CItemID_TBL[@path]
- CItemID_TBL[@path][@id] = self
- }
- end
- def create_self(*args)
- self.class.create(@c, *args) # return an integer number as 'canvas item id'
- end
- private :create_self
- def id
- @id
- end
- def exist?
- if @c.find_withtag(@id)
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def delete
- @c.delete @id
- CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CItemID_TBL[@path].delete(@id) if CItemID_TBL[@path]
- }
- self
- end
- alias remove delete
- alias destroy delete
-class TkcArc<TkcItem
- CItemTypeName = 'arc'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
-class TkcBitmap<TkcItem
- CItemTypeName = 'bitmap'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
-class TkcImage<TkcItem
- CItemTypeName = 'image'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
-class TkcLine<TkcItem
- CItemTypeName = 'line'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
-class TkcOval<TkcItem
- CItemTypeName = 'oval'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
-class TkcPolygon<TkcItem
- CItemTypeName = 'polygon'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
-class TkcRectangle<TkcItem
- CItemTypeName = 'rectangle'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
-class TkcText<TkcItem
- CItemTypeName = 'text'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
- def self.create(canvas, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
- txt = keys['text']
- keys['text'] = _get_eval_enc_str(txt) if txt
- args.push(keys)
- end
- super(canvas, *args)
- end
-class TkcWindow<TkcItem
- CItemTypeName = 'window'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
- def self.create(canvas, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
- win = keys['window']
- # keys['window'] = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- keys['window'] = _epath(win) if win
- args.push(keys)
- end
- super(canvas, *args)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a14cd78a9..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/canvastag.rb - methods for treating canvas tags
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/tagfont'
-module TkcTagAccess
- include TkComm
- include TkTreatTagFont
-require 'tk/canvas'
-module TkcTagAccess
- def addtag(tag)
- @c.addtag(tag, 'withtag', @id)
- self
- end
- def bbox
- @c.bbox(@id)
- end
- #def bind(seq, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # @c.itembind(@id, seq, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def bind(seq, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- @c.itembind(@id, seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def bind_append(seq, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # @c.itembind_append(@id, seq, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def bind_append(seq, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- @c.itembind_append(@id, seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def bind_remove(seq)
- @c.itembind_remove(@id, seq)
- self
- end
- def bindinfo(seq=nil)
- @c.itembindinfo(@id, seq)
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- @c.itemcget_tkstring(@id, option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- @c.itemcget(@id, option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @c.itemcget_strict(@id, option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @c.itemconfigure(@id, key, value)
- self
- end
-# def configure(keys)
-# @c.itemconfigure @id, keys
-# end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @c.itemconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @c.current_itemconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
- def coords(*args)
- @c.coords(@id, *args)
- end
- def dchars(first, last=None)
- @c.dchars(@id, first, last)
- self
- end
- def dtag(tag_to_del=None)
- @c.dtag(@id, tag_to_del)
- self
- end
- alias deltag dtag
- def find
- @c.find('withtag', @id)
- end
- alias list find
- def focus
- @c.itemfocus(@id)
- end
- def gettags
- @c.gettags(@id)
- end
- def icursor(index)
- @c.icursor(@id, index)
- self
- end
- def imove(idx, x, y)
- # Tcl/Tk 8.6 or later
- @c.imove(@id, idx, x, y)
- self
- end
- alias i_move imove
- def index(idx)
- @c.index(@id, idx)
- end
- def insert(beforethis, string)
- @c.insert(@id, beforethis, string)
- self
- end
- def lower(belowthis=None)
- @c.lower(@id, belowthis)
- self
- end
- def move(xamount, yamount)
- @c.move(@id, xamount, yamount)
- self
- end
- def moveto(x, y)
- # Tcl/Tk 8.6 or later
- @c.moveto(@id, x, y)
- self
- end
- alias move_to moveto
- def raise(abovethis=None)
- @c.raise(@id, abovethis)
- self
- end
- def scale(xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale)
- @c.scale(@id, xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale)
- self
- end
- def rchars(first, last, str_or_coords)
- # Tcl/Tk 8.6 or later
- @c.rchars(@id, first, last, str_or_coords)
- self
- end
- alias replace_chars rchars
- alias replace_coords rchars
- def select_adjust(index)
- @c.select('adjust', @id, index)
- self
- end
- def select_from(index)
- @c.select('from', @id, index)
- self
- end
- def select_to(index)
- @c.select('to', @id, index)
- self
- end
- def itemtype
- @c.itemtype(@id)
- end
- # Following operators support logical expressions of canvas tags
- # (for Tk8.3+).
- # If tag1.path is 't1' and tag2.path is 't2', then
- # ltag = tag1 & tag2; ltag.path => "(t1)&&(t2)"
- # ltag = tag1 | tag2; ltag.path => "(t1)||(t2)"
- # ltag = tag1 ^ tag2; ltag.path => "(t1)^(t2)"
- # ltag = - tag1; ltag.path => "!(t1)"
- def & (tag)
- if tag.kind_of? TkObject
- TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')&&(' + tag.path + ')')
- else
- TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')&&(' + tag.to_s + ')')
- end
- end
- def | (tag)
- if tag.kind_of? TkObject
- TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')||(' + tag.path + ')')
- else
- TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')||(' + tag.to_s + ')')
- end
- end
- def ^ (tag)
- if tag.kind_of? TkObject
- TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')^(' + tag.path + ')')
- else
- TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')^(' + tag.to_s + ')')
- end
- end
- def -@
- TkcTagString.new(@c, '!(' + @id + ')')
- end
-class TkcTag<TkObject
- include TkcTagAccess
- CTagID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Tk_CanvasTag_ID = ['ctag'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- CTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ CTagID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def TkcTag.id2obj(canvas, id)
- cpath = canvas.path
- CTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if CTagID_TBL[cpath]
- CTagID_TBL[cpath][id]? CTagID_TBL[cpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(parent, mode=nil, *args)
- #unless parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect TkCanvas for 1st argument"
- #end
- @c = parent
- @cpath = parent.path
- Tk_CanvasTag_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- # @path = @id = Tk_CanvasTag_ID.join('')
- @path = @id = Tk_CanvasTag_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk_CanvasTag_ID[1].succ!
- }
- CTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
- CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
- }
- if mode
- tk_call_without_enc(@c.path, "addtag", @id, mode, *args)
- end
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def exist?
- if @c.find_withtag(@id)
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def delete
- @c.delete @id
- CTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CTagID_TBL[@cpath].delete(@id) if CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
- }
- self
- end
- alias remove delete
- alias destroy delete
- def set_to_above(target)
- @c.addtag_above(@id, target)
- self
- end
- alias above set_to_above
- def set_to_all
- @c.addtag_all(@id)
- self
- end
- alias all set_to_all
- def set_to_below(target)
- @c.addtag_below(@id, target)
- self
- end
- alias below set_to_below
- def set_to_closest(x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- @c.addtag_closest(@id, x, y, halo, start)
- self
- end
- alias closest set_to_closest
- def set_to_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- @c.addtag_enclosed(@id, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- self
- end
- alias enclosed set_to_enclosed
- def set_to_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- @c.addtag_overlapping(@id, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- self
- end
- alias overlapping set_to_overlapping
- def set_to_withtag(target)
- @c.addtag_withtag(@id, target)
- self
- end
- alias withtag set_to_withtag
-class TkcTagString<TkcTag
- def self.new(parent, name, mode=nil, *args)
- obj = nil
- CTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if CTagID_TBL[parent.path] && CTagID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- obj = CTagID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- else
- # super(parent, name, *args)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @c = parent
- @cpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = name
- CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
- CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- }
- if obj && mode
- tk_call_without_enc(@c.path, "addtag", @id, mode, *args)
- end
- obj
- end
- def initialize(parent, name, mode=nil, *args)
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- #unless parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect TkCanvas for 1st argument"
- #end
- @c = parent
- @cpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = name
- if mode
- tk_call_without_enc(@c.path, "addtag", @id, mode, *args)
- end
- end
-TkcNamedTag = TkcTagString
-class TkcTagAll<TkcTagString
- def self.new(parent)
- super(parent, 'all')
- end
- def initialize(parent)
- #unless parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect TkCanvas for 1st argument"
- #end
- @c = parent
- @cpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = 'all'
- CTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
- CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
-class TkcTagCurrent<TkcTagString
- def self.new(parent)
- super(parent, 'current')
- end
- def initialize(parent)
- #unless parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect TkCanvas for 1st argument"
- #end
- @c = parent
- @cpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = 'current'
- CTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
- CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
-class TkcGroup<TkcTag
- (Tk_cGroup_ID = ['tkcg'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- #def create_self(parent, *args)
- def initialize(parent, *args)
- #unless parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect TkCanvas for 1st argument"
- #end
- @c = parent
- @cpath = parent.path
- Tk_cGroup_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- # @path = @id = Tk_cGroup_ID.join('')
- @path = @id = Tk_cGroup_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk_cGroup_ID[1].succ!
- }
- CTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
- CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
- }
- include(*args) if args != []
- end
- #private :create_self
- def include(*tags)
- for i in tags
- #i.addtag(@id)
- @c.addtag_withtag(@id, i)
- end
- self
- end
- alias add include
- def exclude(*tags)
- for i in tags
- #i.dtag(@id)
- @c.dtag(i, @id)
- end
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/checkbutton.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/checkbutton.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 521b015b3e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/checkbutton.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/checkbutton.rb : treat checkbutton widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/radiobutton'
-class Tk::CheckButton<Tk::RadioButton
- TkCommandNames = ['checkbutton'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Checkbutton'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('checkbutton', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc('checkbutton', @path)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def toggle
- tk_send_without_enc('toggle')
- self
- end
-Tk::Checkbutton = Tk::CheckButton
-#TkCheckButton = Tk::CheckButton unless Object.const_defined? :TkCheckButton
-#TkCheckbutton = Tk::Checkbutton unless Object.const_defined? :TkCheckbutton
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::CheckButton,
-# :TkCheckButton, :TkCheckbutton)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/checkbutton.rb', :Tk, Tk::CheckButton,
- :TkCheckButton, :TkCheckbutton)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/clipboard.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/clipboard.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c5f481f979..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/clipboard.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/clipboard.rb : methods to treat clipboard
-require 'tk'
-module TkClipboard
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['clipboard'.freeze].freeze
- def self.clear(win=nil)
- if win
- tk_call_without_enc('clipboard', 'clear', '-displayof', win)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('clipboard', 'clear')
- end
- end
- def self.clear_on_display(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('clipboard', 'clear', '-displayof', win)
- end
- def self.get(type=nil)
- if type
- tk_call_without_enc('clipboard', 'get', '-type', type)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('clipboard', 'get')
- end
- end
- def self.get_on_display(win, type=nil)
- if type
- tk_call_without_enc('clipboard', 'get', '-displayof', win, '-type', type)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('clipboard', 'get', '-displayof', win)
- end
- end
- def self.set(data, keys=nil)
- clear
- append(data, keys)
- end
- def self.set_on_display(win, data, keys=nil)
- clear(win)
- append_on_display(win, data, keys)
- end
- def self.append(data, keys=nil)
- args = ['clipboard', 'append']
- args.concat(hash_kv(keys))
- args.concat(['--', data])
- tk_call(*args)
- end
- def self.append_on_display(win, data, keys=nil)
- args = ['clipboard', 'append', '-displayof', win]
- args.concat(hash_kv(keys))
- args.concat(['--', data])
- tk_call(*args)
- end
- def clear
- TkClipboard.clear_on_display(self)
- self
- end
- def get(type=nil)
- TkClipboard.get_on_display(self, type)
- end
- def set(data, keys=nil)
- TkClipboard.set_on_display(self, data, keys)
- self
- end
- def append(data, keys=nil)
- TkClipboard.append_on_display(self, data, keys)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/clock.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/clock.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index df900d7364..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/clock.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/clock.rb : methods for clock command
-require 'tk'
-module Tk
- module Clock
- include Tk
- extend TkCore
- def self.add(clk, *args)
- tk_call_without_enc('clock','add', clk, *args).to_i
- end
- def self.clicks(ms=nil)
- ms = ms.to_s if ms.kind_of?(Symbol)
- case ms
- when nil, ''
- tk_call_without_enc('clock','clicks').to_i
- when /^mic/
- tk_call_without_enc('clock','clicks','-microseconds').to_i
- when /^mil/
- tk_call_without_enc('clock','clicks','-milliseconds').to_i
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('clock','clicks','-milliseconds').to_i
- end
- end
- def self.format(clk, form=nil)
- if form
- tk_call('clock','format',clk,'-format',form)
- else
- tk_call('clock','format',clk)
- end
- end
- def self.formatGMT(clk, form=nil)
- if form
- tk_call('clock','format',clk,'-format',form,'-gmt','1')
- else
- tk_call('clock','format',clk,'-gmt','1')
- end
- end
- def self.scan(str, base=nil)
- if base
- tk_call('clock','scan',str,'-base',base).to_i
- else
- tk_call('clock','scan',str).to_i
- end
- end
- def self.scanGMT(str, base=nil)
- if base
- tk_call('clock','scan',str,'-base',base,'-gmt','1').to_i
- else
- tk_call('clock','scan',str,'-gmt','1').to_i
- end
- end
- def self.seconds
- tk_call_without_enc('clock','seconds').to_i
- end
- def self.milliseconds
- tk_call_without_enc('clock','milliseconds').to_i
- end
- def self.microseconds
- tk_call_without_enc('clock','microseconds').to_i
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 830d383d69..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/composite.rb :
-require 'tk'
-module TkComposite
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def initialize(parent=nil, *args)
- @delegates = {}
- @option_methods = {}
- @option_setting = {}
- if parent.kind_of? Hash
- keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
- parent = keys.delete('parent')
- @frame = TkFrame.new(parent)
- @path = @epath = @frame.path
- initialize_composite(keys)
- else
- @frame = TkFrame.new(parent)
- @path = @epath = @frame.path
- initialize_composite(*args)
- end
- end
- def _choice_classname_of_baseframe
- base_class_name = nil
- klass = WidgetClassNames[self.class::WidgetClassName]
- if klass
- # WidgetClassName is a known class
- #if klass <= TkFrame || klass < TkComposite
- if klass <= TkFrame || klass < Tk::Frame || klass < TkComposite
- # klass is valid for the base frame
- if self.class <= klass
- # use my classname
- base_class_name = self.class.name
- if base_class_name == ''
- # anonymous class -> use ancestor's name
- base_class_name = klass.name
- end
- else
- # not subclass -> use WidgetClassName
- base_class_name = klass.name
- end
- else
- # klass is invalid for the base frame
- #if self.class < TkFrame || self.class.superclass < TkComposite
- if self.class < TkFrame || self.class.superclass < Tk::Frame || self.class.superclass < TkComposite
- # my class name is valid for the base frame -> use my classname
- base_class_name = self.class.name
- if base_class_name == ''
- # anonymous class -> use TkFrame
- base_class_name = nil
- end
- else
- # no idea for the base frame -> use TkFrame
- base_class_name = nil
- end
- end
- elsif self.class::WidgetClassName && ! self.class::WidgetClassName.empty?
- # unknown WidgetClassName is defined -> use it for the base frame
- base_class_name = self.class::WidgetClassName
- else
- # no valid WidgetClassName
- #if self.class < TkFrame || self.class.superclass < TkComposite
- if self.class < TkFrame || self.class.superclass < Tk::Frame || self.class.superclass < TkComposite
- # my class name is valid for the base frame -> use my classname
- base_class_name = self.class.name
- if base_class_name == ''
- # anonymous class -> use TkFrame
- base_class_name = nil
- end
- else
- # no idea for the base frame -> use TkFrame
- base_class_name = nil
- end
- end
- base_class_name
- end
- private :_choice_classname_of_baseframe
- # def initialize(parent=nil, *args)
- def initialize(*args)
- @delegates = {}
- @option_methods = {}
- @option_setting = {}
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- parent = args.shift
- parent = keys.delete('parent') if keys.has_key?('parent')
- if keys.key?('classname')
- keys['class'] = keys.delete('classname')
- end
- if (base_class_name = (keys.delete('class')).to_s).empty?
- base_class_name = _choice_classname_of_baseframe
- end
- if base_class_name
- # @frame = Tk::Frame.new(parent, :class=>base_class_name)
- # --> use current TkFrame class
- @frame = TkFrame.new(parent, :class=>base_class_name)
- else
- # @frame = Tk::Frame.new(parent)
- # --> use current TkFrame class
- @frame = TkFrame.new(parent)
- end
- @path = @epath = @frame.path
- args.push(keys) unless keys.empty?
- initialize_composite(*args)
- end
- def database_classname
- @frame.database_classname
- end
- def database_class
- @frame.database_class
- end
- def epath
- @epath
- end
- def initialize_composite(*args) end
- private :initialize_composite
- def inspect
- str = super
- str.chop << ' @epath=' << @epath.inspect << '>'
- end
- def _get_opt_method_list(arg)
- m_set, m_cget, m_info = arg
- m_set = m_set.to_s
- m_cget = m_set if !m_cget && self.method(m_set).arity == -1
- m_cget = m_cget.to_s if m_cget
- m_info = m_info.to_s if m_info
- [m_set, m_cget, m_info]
- end
- private :_get_opt_method_list
- def option_methods(*opts)
- if opts.size == 1 && opts[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- # {name => [m_set, m_cget, m_info], name => method} style
- opts[0].each{|name, arg|
- m_set, m_cget, m_info = _get_opt_method_list(arg)
- @option_methods[name.to_s] = {
- :set => m_set, :cget => m_cget, :info => m_info
- }
- }
- else
- # [m_set, m_cget, m_info] or method style
- opts.each{|arg|
- m_set, m_cget, m_info = _get_opt_method_list(arg)
- @option_methods[m_set] = {
- :set => m_set, :cget => m_cget, :info => m_info
- }
- }
- end
- end
- def delegate_alias(alias_opt, option, *wins)
- if wins.length == 0
- fail ArgumentError, "target widgets are not given"
- end
- if alias_opt != option && (alias_opt == 'DEFAULT' || option == 'DEFAULT')
- fail ArgumentError, "cannot alias 'DEFAULT' option"
- end
- alias_opt = alias_opt.to_s
- option = option.to_s
- if @delegates[alias_opt].kind_of?(Array)
- if (elem = @delegates[alias_opt].assoc(option))
- wins.each{|w| elem[1].push(w)}
- else
- @delegates[alias_opt] << [option, wins]
- end
- else
- @delegates[alias_opt] = [ [option, wins] ]
- end
- end
- def delegate(option, *wins)
- delegate_alias(option, option, *wins)
- end
- def __cget_delegates(slot)
- slot = slot.to_s
- if @option_methods.include?(slot)
- if @option_methods[slot][:cget]
- return self.__send__(@option_methods[slot][:cget])
- else
- if @option_setting[slot]
- return @option_setting[slot]
- else
- return ''
- end
- end
- end
- tbl = @delegates[slot]
- tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT'] unless tbl
- begin
- if tbl
- opt, wins = tbl[-1]
- opt = slot if opt == 'DEFAULT'
- if wins && wins[-1]
- # return wins[-1].cget(opt)
- return wins[-1].cget_strict(opt)
- end
- end
- rescue
- end
- return None
- end
- private :__cget_delegates
- def cget_tkstring(slot)
- if (ret = __cget_delegates(slot)) == None
- super(slot)
- else
- _get_eval_string(ret)
- end
- end
- def cget(slot)
- if (ret = __cget_delegates(slot)) == None
- super(slot)
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- def cget_strict(slot)
- if (ret = __cget_delegates(slot)) == None
- super(slot)
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- def cget(slot)
- slot = slot.to_s
- if @option_methods.include?(slot)
- if @option_methods[slot][:cget]
- return self.__send__(@option_methods[slot][:cget])
- else
- if @option_setting[slot]
- return @option_setting[slot]
- else
- return ''
- end
- end
- end
- tbl = @delegates[slot]
- tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT'] unless tbl
- begin
- if tbl
- opt, wins = tbl[-1]
- opt = slot if opt == 'DEFAULT'
- if wins && wins[-1]
- return wins[-1].cget(opt)
- end
- end
- rescue
- end
- super(slot)
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- slot.each{|slot,value| configure slot, value}
- return self
- end
- slot = slot.to_s
- if @option_methods.include?(slot)
- unless @option_methods[slot][:cget]
- if value.kind_of?(Symbol)
- @option_setting[slot] = value.to_s
- else
- @option_setting[slot] = value
- end
- end
- return self.__send__(@option_methods[slot][:set], value)
- end
- tbl = @delegates[slot]
- tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT'] unless tbl
- begin
- if tbl
- last = nil
- tbl.each{|opt, wins|
- opt = slot if opt == 'DEFAULT'
- wins.each{|w| last = w.configure(opt, value)}
- }
- return last
- end
- rescue
- end
- super(slot, value)
- end
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- if @option_methods.include?(slot)
- if @option_methods[slot][:info]
- return self.__send__(@option_methods[slot][:info])
- else
- return [slot, '', '', '', self.cget(slot)]
- end
- end
- tbl = @delegates[slot]
- tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT'] unless tbl
- begin
- if tbl
- if tbl.length == 1
- opt, wins = tbl[0]
- if slot == opt || opt == 'DEFAULT'
- return wins[-1].configinfo(slot)
- else
- info = wins[-1].configinfo(opt)
- info[0] = slot
- return info
- end
- else
- opt, wins = tbl[-1]
- return [slot, '', '', '', wins[-1].cget(opt)]
- end
- end
- rescue
- end
- super(slot)
- else # slot == nil
- info_list = super(slot)
- tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT']
- if tbl
- wins = tbl[0][1]
- if wins && wins[-1]
- wins[-1].configinfo.each{|info|
- slot = info[0]
- info_list.delete_if{|i| i[0] == slot} << info
- }
- end
- end
- @delegates.each{|slot, tbl|
- next if slot == 'DEFAULT'
- if tbl.length == 1
- opt, wins = tbl[0]
- next unless wins && wins[-1]
- if slot == opt
- info_list.delete_if{|i| i[0] == slot} <<
- wins[-1].configinfo(slot)
- else
- info = wins[-1].configinfo(opt)
- info[0] = slot
- info_list.delete_if{|i| i[0] == slot} << info
- end
- else
- opt, wins = tbl[-1]
- info_list.delete_if{|i| i[0] == slot} <<
- [slot, '', '', '', wins[-1].cget(opt)]
- end
- }
- @option_methods.each{|slot, m|
- if m[:info]
- info = self.__send__(m[:info])
- else
- info = [slot, '', '', '', self.cget(slot)]
- end
- info_list.delete_if{|i| i[0] == slot} << info
- }
- info_list
- end
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- if @option_methods.include?(slot)
- if @option_methods[slot][:info]
- return self.__send__(@option_methods[slot][:info])
- else
- return {slot => ['', '', '', self.cget(slot)]}
- end
- end
- tbl = @delegates[slot]
- tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT'] unless tbl
- begin
- if tbl
- if tbl.length == 1
- opt, wins = tbl[0]
- if slot == opt || opt == 'DEFAULT'
- return wins[-1].configinfo(slot)
- else
- return {slot => wins[-1].configinfo(opt)[opt]}
- end
- else
- opt, wins = tbl[-1]
- return {slot => ['', '', '', wins[-1].cget(opt)]}
- end
- end
- rescue
- end
- super(slot)
- else # slot == nil
- info_list = super(slot)
- tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT']
- if tbl
- wins = tbl[0][1]
- info_list.update(wins[-1].configinfo) if wins && wins[-1]
- end
- @delegates.each{|slot, tbl|
- next if slot == 'DEFAULT'
- if tbl.length == 1
- opt, wins = tbl[0]
- next unless wins && wins[-1]
- if slot == opt
- info_list.update(wins[-1].configinfo(slot))
- else
- info_list.update({slot => wins[-1].configinfo(opt)[opt]})
- end
- else
- opt, wins = tbl[-1]
- info_list.update({slot => ['', '', '', wins[-1].cget(opt)]})
- end
- }
- @option_methods.each{|slot, m|
- if m[:info]
- info = self.__send__(m[:info])
- else
- info = {slot => ['', '', '', self.cget(slot)]}
- end
- info_list.update(info)
- }
- info_list
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/console.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/console.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c560912da8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/console.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/console.rb : control the console on system without a real console
-require 'tk'
-module TkConsole
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['console'.freeze, 'consoleinterp'.freeze].freeze
- def self.create
- TkCore::INTERP._create_console
- end
- self.create # initialize console
- def self.title(str=None)
- tk_call 'console', str
- end
- def self.hide
- tk_call_without_enc('console', 'hide')
- end
- def self.show
- tk_call_without_enc('console', 'show')
- end
- def self.eval(tcl_script)
- #
- # supports a Tcl script only
- # I have no idea to support a Ruby script seamlessly.
- #
- _fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc('console', 'eval',
- _get_eval_enc_str(tcl_script)))
- end
- def self.maininterp_eval(tcl_script)
- #
- # supports a Tcl script only
- # I have no idea to support a Ruby script seamlessly.
- #
- _fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc('consoleinterp', 'eval',
- _get_eval_enc_str(tcl_script)))
- end
- def self.maininterp_record(tcl_script)
- #
- # supports a Tcl script only
- # I have no idea to support a Ruby script seamlessly.
- #
- _fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc('consoleinterp', 'record',
- _get_eval_enc_str(tcl_script)))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b19be7cfa..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/dialog.rb : create dialog boxes
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/variable.rb'
-class TkDialogObj < TkWindow
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['tk_dialog'.freeze].freeze
- def self.show(*args)
- dlog = self.new(*args)
- dlog.show
- dlog
- end
- def _set_button_config(configs)
- set_config = proc{|c,i|
- if $VERBOSE && (c.has_key?('command') || c.has_key?(:command))
- STDERR.print("Warning: cannot give a command option " +
- "to the dialog button#{i}. It was removed.\n")
- end
- c.delete('command'); c.delete(:command)
- # @config << Kernel.format("%s.button%s configure %s; ",
- # @path, i, hash_kv(c).join(' '))
- # @config << @path+'.button'+i.to_s+' configure '+hash_kv(c).join(' ')+'; '
- @config << @path+'.button'+i.to_s+' configure '+
- array2tk_list(hash_kv(c))+'; '
- }
- case configs
- when Proc
- @buttons.each_index{|i|
- if (c = configs.call(i)).kind_of?(Hash)
- set_config.call(c,i)
- end
- }
- when Array
- @buttons.each_index{|i|
- if (c = configs[i]).kind_of?(Hash)
- set_config.call(c,i)
- end
- }
- when Hash
- @buttons.each_with_index{|s,i|
- if (c = configs[s]).kind_of?(Hash)
- set_config.call(c,i)
- end
- }
- end
- # @config = 'after idle {' + @config + '};' if @config != ""
- @config = array2tk_list(['after', 'idle', @config]) << ';' if @config != ""
- end
- private :_set_button_config
- # initialize tk_dialog
- def create_self(keys)
- # @var = TkVariable.new
- @val = nil
- @title = title
- @message = message
- @message_config = message_config
- @msgframe_config = msgframe_config
- @bitmap = bitmap
- @bitmap_config = message_config
- @default_button = default_button
- @buttons = buttons
- @button_configs = proc{|num| button_configs(num)}
- @btnframe_config = btnframe_config
- #@config = "puts [winfo children .w0000];"
- @config = ""
- @command = prev_command
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- @title = keys['title'] if keys.key? 'title'
- @message = keys['message'] if keys.key? 'message'
- @bitmap = keys['bitmap'] if keys.key? 'bitmap'
- # @bitmap = '{}' if @bitmap == nil || @bitmap == ""
- @bitmap = '' unless @bitmap
- @default_button = keys['default'] if keys.key? 'default'
- @buttons = keys['buttons'] if keys.key? 'buttons'
- @command = keys['prev_command'] if keys.key? 'prev_command'
- @message_config = keys['message_config'] if keys.key? 'message_config'
- @msgframe_config = keys['msgframe_config'] if keys.key? 'msgframe_config'
- @bitmap_config = keys['bitmap_config'] if keys.key? 'bitmap_config'
- @button_configs = keys['button_configs'] if keys.key? 'button_configs'
- @btnframe_config = keys['btnframe_config'] if keys.key? 'btnframe_config'
- end
- #if @title.include? ?\s
- # @title = '{' + @title + '}'
- #end
- if @buttons.kind_of?(Array)
- _set_button_config(@buttons.collect{|cfg|
- (cfg.kind_of? Array)? cfg[1]: nil})
- @buttons = @buttons.collect{|cfg| (cfg.kind_of? Array)? cfg[0]: cfg}
- end
- if @buttons.kind_of?(Hash)
- _set_button_config(@buttons)
- @buttons = @buttons.keys
- end
- @buttons = tk_split_simplelist(@buttons) if @buttons.kind_of?(String)
- @buttons = [] unless @buttons
- @buttons = @buttons.collect{|s|
- if s.kind_of?(Array)
- s = s.join(' ')
- end
- if s.include? ?\s
- '{' + s + '}'
- else
- s
- end
- }
- if @message_config.kind_of?(Hash)
- # @config << Kernel.format("%s.msg configure %s;",
- # @path, hash_kv(@message_config).join(' '))
- # @config << @path+'.msg configure '+hash_kv(@message_config).join(' ')+';'
- @config << @path+'.msg configure '+
- array2tk_list(hash_kv(@message_config))+';'
- end
- if @msgframe_config.kind_of?(Hash)
- # @config << Kernel.format("%s.top configure %s;",
- # @path, hash_kv(@msgframe_config).join(' '))
- # @config << @path+'.top configure '+hash_kv(@msgframe_config).join(' ')+';'
- @config << @path+'.top configure '+
- array2tk_list(hash_kv(@msgframe_config))+';'
- end
- if @btnframe_config.kind_of?(Hash)
- # @config << Kernel.format("%s.bot configure %s;",
- # @path, hash_kv(@btnframe_config).join(' '))
- # @config << @path+'.bot configure '+hash_kv(@btnframe_config).join(' ')+';'
- @config << @path+'.bot configure '+
- array2tk_list(hash_kv(@btnframe_config))+';'
- end
- if @bitmap_config.kind_of?(Hash)
- # @config << Kernel.format("%s.bitmap configure %s;",
- # @path, hash_kv(@bitmap_config).join(' '))
- # @config << @path+'.bitmap configure '+hash_kv(@bitmap_config).join(' ')+';'
- @config << @path+'.bitmap configure '+
- array2tk_list(hash_kv(@bitmap_config))+';'
- end
- _set_button_config(@button_configs) if @button_configs
- end
- private :create_self
- def show
- # if @command.kind_of?(Proc)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(@command)
- @command.call(self)
- end
- if @default_button.kind_of?(String)
- default_button = @buttons.index(@default_button)
- else
- default_button = @default_button
- end
- # default_button = '{}' if default_button == nil
- default_button = '' if default_button == nil
- #Tk.ip_eval('eval {global '+@var.id+';'+@config+
- # 'set '+@var.id+' [tk_dialog '+
- # @path+" "+@title+" {#{@message}} "+@bitmap+" "+
- # String(default_button)+" "+@buttons.join(' ')+']}')
- Tk.ip_eval(@config)
- # @val = Tk.ip_eval('tk_dialog ' + @path + ' ' + @title +
- # ' {' + @message + '} ' + @bitmap + ' ' +
- # String(default_button) + ' ' + @buttons.join(' ')).to_i
- # @val = Tk.ip_eval(self.class::TkCommandNames[0] + ' ' + @path + ' ' +
- # @title + ' {' + @message + '} ' + @bitmap + ' ' +
- # String(default_button) + ' ' + @buttons.join(' ')).to_i
- @val = Tk.ip_eval(array2tk_list([
- self.class::TkCommandNames[0],
- @path, @title, @message, @bitmap,
- String(default_button)
- ].concat(@buttons))).to_i
- end
- def value
- # @var.value.to_i
- @val
- end
- def name
- (@val)? @buttons[@val]: nil
- end
- ############################################################
- # #
- # following methods should be overridden for each dialog #
- # #
- ############################################################
- private
- def title
- # returns a title string of the dialog window
- return "DIALOG"
- end
- def message
- # returns a message text to display on the dialog
- return "MESSAGE"
- end
- def message_config
- # returns a Hash {option=>value, ...} for the message text
- return nil
- end
- def msgframe_config
- # returns a Hash {option=>value, ...} for the message text frame
- return nil
- end
- def bitmap
- # returns a bitmap name or a bitmap file path
- # (@ + path ; e.g. '@/usr/share/bitmap/sample.xbm')
- return "info"
- end
- def bitmap_config
- # returns nil or a Hash {option=>value, ...} for the bitmap
- return nil
- end
- def default_button
- # returns a default button's number or name
- # if nil or null string, set no-default
- return 0
- end
- def buttons
- #return "BUTTON1 BUTTON2"
- return ["BUTTON1", "BUTTON2"]
- end
- def button_configs(num)
- # returns nil / Proc / Array or Hash (see _set_button_config)
- return nil
- end
- def btnframe_config
- # returns nil or a Hash {option=>value, ...} for the button frame
- return nil
- end
- def prev_command
- # returns nil or a Proc
- return nil
- end
-TkDialog2 = TkDialogObj
-# TkDialog : with showing at initialize
-class TkDialog < TkDialogObj
- def self.show(*args)
- self.new(*args)
- end
- def initialize(*args)
- super(*args)
- show
- end
-# dialog for warning
-class TkWarningObj < TkDialogObj
- def initialize(parent = nil, mes = nil)
- if !mes
- if parent.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- mes = ""
- else
- mes = parent.to_s
- parent = nil
- end
- end
- super(parent, :message=>mes)
- end
- def show(mes = nil)
- mes_bup = @message
- @message = mes if mes
- ret = super()
- @message = mes_bup
- ret
- end
- #######
- private
- def title
- return "WARNING";
- end
- def bitmap
- return "warning";
- end
- def default_button
- return 0;
- end
- def buttons
- return "OK";
- end
-TkWarning2 = TkWarningObj
-class TkWarning < TkWarningObj
- def self.show(*args)
- self.new(*args)
- end
- def initialize(*args)
- super(*args)
- show
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/encodedstr.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/encodedstr.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ca13b3d1a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/encodedstr.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/encodedstr.rb : Tk::EncodedString class
-require 'tk'
-# string with Tcl's encoding
-module Tk
- class EncodedString < String
- Encoding = nil
- def self.subst_utf_backslash(str)
- # str.gsub(/\\u([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})/){[$1.hex].pack('U')}
- TclTkLib._subst_UTF_backslash(str)
- end
- def self.utf_backslash(str)
- self.subst_utf_backslash(str)
- end
- def self.subst_tk_backslash(str)
- TclTkLib._subst_Tcl_backslash(str)
- end
- def self.utf_to_backslash_sequence(str)
- str.unpack('U*').collect{|c|
- if c <= 0xFF # ascii character
- c.chr
- else
- format('\u%X', c)
- end
- }.join('')
- end
- def self.utf_to_backslash(str)
- self.utf_to_backslash_sequence(str)
- end
- def self.to_backslash_sequence(str)
- str.unpack('U*').collect{|c|
- if c <= 0x1F # control character
- case c
- when 0x07; '\a'
- when 0x08; '\b'
- when 0x09; '\t'
- when 0x0a; '\n'
- when 0x0b; '\v'
- when 0x0c; '\f'
- when 0x0d; '\r'
- else
- format('\x%02X', c)
- end
- elsif c <= 0xFF # ascii character
- c.chr
- else
- format('\u%X', c)
- end
- }.join('')
- end
- def self.new_with_utf_backslash(str, enc = nil)
- self.new('', enc).replace(self.subst_utf_backslash(str))
- end
- def self.new_without_utf_backslash(str, enc = nil)
- self.new('', enc).replace(str)
- end
- def initialize(str, enc = nil)
- super(str)
- # @encoding = ( enc ||
- # ((self.class::Encoding)?
- # self.class::Encoding : Tk.encoding_system) )
- enc ||= (self.class::Encoding)?
- self.class::Encoding :
- ((Tk.encoding)? Tk.encoding : Tk.encoding_system)
- unless encobj = Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_obj(enc)
- fail ArgumentError, "unsupported Tk encoding '#{enc}'"
- end
- self.force_encoding(encobj)
- else
- @encoding = enc
- end
- end
- alias encoding_obj encoding
- alias __encoding encoding
- def encoding
- Tk::Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE.get_name(super())
- end
- else
- def encoding
- @encoding
- end
- alias encoding_obj encoding
- end
- # wrapper methods for compatibility
- alias __instance_variable_get instance_variable_get
- alias __instance_variable_set instance_variable_set
- alias __instance_eval instance_eval
- alias __instance_variables instance_variables
- def instance_variable_get(key)
- if (key.to_s == '@encoding')
- self.encoding
- else
- super(key)
- end
- end
- def instance_variable_set(key, value)
- if (key.to_s == '@encoding')
- if value
- self.force_encoding(value)
- else
- self.force_encoding(Tk::Encoding::UNKNOWN)
- end
- value
- else
- super(key, value)
- end
- end
- def instance_eval(*args, &b)
- old_enc = @encoding = self.encoding
- ret = super(*args, &b)
- if @encoding
- if @encoding != old_enc
- # modified by user
- self.force_encoding(@encoding)
- end
- remove_instance_variable(:@encoding)
- else
- begin
- remove_instance_variable(:@encoding)
- # user sets to nil -> use current default
- self.force_encoding(Tk.encoding)
- rescue NameError
- # removed by user -> ignore, because user don't use @encoding
- end
- end
- ret
- end
- end
- def instance_variables
- ret = super()
- ret << :@encoding # fake !!
- ret
- end
- end
- # def Tk.EncodedString(str, enc = nil)
- # Tk::EncodedString.new(str, enc)
- # end
- ##################################
- class BinaryString < EncodedString
- Encoding = 'binary'.freeze
- end
- # def Tk.BinaryString(str)
- # Tk::BinaryString.new(str)
- # end
- ##################################
- class UTF8_String < EncodedString
- Encoding = 'utf-8'.freeze
- def self.new(str)
- super(self.subst_utf_backslash(str))
- end
- def to_backslash_sequence
- Tk::EncodedString.utf_to_backslash_sequence(self)
- end
- alias to_backslash to_backslash_sequence
- end
- # def Tk.UTF8_String(str)
- # Tk::UTF8_String.new(str)
- # end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/entry.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/entry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index aa40e4755c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/entry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/entry.rb - Tk entry classes
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@caelum.co.jp>
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/label'
-require 'tk/scrollable'
-require 'tk/validation'
-class Tk::Entry<Tk::Label
- include X_Scrollable
- include TkValidation
- TkCommandNames = ['entry'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Entry'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- #def create_self(keys)
- # super(__conv_vcmd_on_hash_kv(keys))
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() + ['show', 'disabledbackground', 'readonlybackground']
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def bbox(index)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('bbox', index))
- end
- def cursor
- number(tk_send_without_enc('index', 'insert'))
- end
- alias icursor cursor
- def cursor=(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('icursor', index)
- #self
- index
- end
- alias icursor= cursor=
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('index', idx))
- end
- def insert(pos,text)
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', pos, _get_eval_enc_str(text))
- self
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def mark(pos)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', pos)
- self
- end
- def dragto(pos)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', pos)
- self
- end
- def selection_adjust(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'adjust', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def selection_from(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'from', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_present()
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'present'))
- end
- def selection_range(s, e)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'range', s, e)
- self
- end
- def selection_to(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'to', index)
- self
- end
- def invoke_validate
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('validate'))
- end
- def validate(mode = nil)
- if mode
- configure 'validate', mode
- else
- invoke_validate
- end
- end
- def value
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get'))
- end
- def value= (val)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', 0, 'end')
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', 0, _get_eval_enc_str(val))
- val
- end
- alias get value
- alias set value=
- def [](*args)
- self.value[*args]
- end
- def []=(*args)
- val = args.pop
- str = self.value
- str[*args] = val
- self.value = str
- val
- end
-#TkEntry = Tk::Entry unless Object.const_defined? :TkEntry
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Entry, :TkEntry)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/entry.rb', :Tk, Tk::Entry, :TkEntry)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5658e92874..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/event.rb - module for event
-module TkEvent
-require 'tkutil'
-require 'tk' unless Object.const_defined? :TkComm
-module TkEvent
- class Event < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- module Grp
- KEY = 0x1
- BUTTON = 0x2
- MOTION = 0x4
- CROSSING = 0x8
- FOCUS = 0x10
- EXPOSE = 0x20
- CREATE = 0x80
- DESTROY = 0x100
- UNMAP = 0x200
- MAP = 0x400
- REPARENT = 0x800
- CONFIG = 0x1000
- GRAVITY = 0x2000
- CIRC = 0x4000
- PROP = 0x8000
- COLORMAP = 0x10000
- VIRTUAL = 0x20000
- ACTIVATE = 0x40000
- MAPREQ = 0x80000
- CONFIGREQ = 0x100000
- RESIZEREQ = 0x200000
- CIRCREQ = 0x400000
- STRING_DATA = 0x80000000 # special flag for 'data' field
- end
- type_data = [
- #-----+-------------------+------------------+-----------------------#
- # ID | const | group_flag | context_name #
- #-----+-------------------+------------------+-----------------------#
- [ 2, :KeyPress, Grp::KEY, 'KeyPress', 'Key' ],
- [ 3, :KeyRelease, Grp::KEY, 'KeyRelease' ],
- [ 4, :ButtonPress, Grp::BUTTON, 'ButtonPress', 'Button' ],
- [ 5, :ButtonRelease, Grp::BUTTON, 'ButtonRelease' ],
- [ 6, :MotionNotify, Grp::MOTION, 'Motion' ],
- [ 7, :EnterNotify, Grp::CROSSING, 'Enter' ],
- [ 8, :LeaveNotify, Grp::CROSSING, 'Leave' ],
- [ 9, :FocusIn, Grp::FOCUS, 'FocusIn' ],
- [ 10, :FocusOut, Grp::FOCUS, 'FocusOut' ],
- [ 11, :KeymapNotify, 0, ],
- [ 12, :Expose, Grp::EXPOSE, 'Expose' ],
- [ 13, :GraphicsExpose, Grp::EXPOSE, ],
- [ 14, :NoExpose, 0, ],
- [ 15, :VisibilityNotify, Grp::VISIBILITY, 'Visibility' ],
- [ 16, :CreateNotify, Grp::CREATE, 'Create' ],
- [ 17, :DestroyNotify, Grp::DESTROY, 'Destroy' ],
- [ 18, :UnmapNotify, Grp::UNMAP, 'Unmap' ],
- [ 19, :MapNotify, Grp::MAP, 'Map' ],
- [ 20, :MapRequest, Grp::MAPREQ, 'MapRequest' ],
- [ 21, :ReparentNotify, Grp::REPARENT, 'Reparent' ],
- [ 22, :ConfigureNotify, Grp::CONFIG, 'Configure' ],
- [ 23, :ConfigureRequest, Grp::CONFIGREQ, 'ConfigureRequest' ],
- [ 24, :GravityNotify, Grp::GRAVITY, 'Gravity' ],
- [ 25, :ResizeRequest, Grp::RESIZEREQ, 'ResizeRequest' ],
- [ 26, :CirculateNotify, Grp::CIRC, 'Circulate' ],
- [ 27, :CirculateRequest, 0, 'CirculateRequest' ],
- [ 28, :PropertyNotify, Grp::PROP, 'Property' ],
- [ 29, :SelectionClear, 0, ],
- [ 30, :SelectionRequest, 0, ],
- [ 31, :SelectionNotify, 0, ],
- [ 32, :ColormapNotify, Grp::COLORMAP, 'Colormap' ],
- [ 33, :ClientMessage, 0, ],
- [ 34, :MappingNotify, 0, ],
- [ 35, :VirtualEvent, Grp::VIRTUAL, ],
- [ 36, :ActivateNotify, Grp::ACTIVATE, 'Activate' ],
- [ 37, :DeactivateNotify, Grp::ACTIVATE, 'Deactivate' ],
- [ 38, :MouseWheelEvent, Grp::MWHEEL, 'MouseWheel' ],
- [ 39, :TK_LASTEVENT, 0, ]
- ]
- module TypeNum
- end
- TYPE_NAME_TBL = Hash.new
- TYPE_ID_TBL = Hash.new
- TYPE_GROUP_TBL = Hash.new
- type_data.each{|id, c_name, g_flag, *t_names|
- TypeNum.const_set(c_name, id)
- t_names.each{|t_name| t_name.freeze; TYPE_NAME_TBL[t_name] = id }
- TYPE_ID_TBL[id] = t_names
- TYPE_GROUP_TBL[id] = g_flag
- }
- TYPE_NAME_TBL.freeze
- TYPE_ID_TBL.freeze
- def self.type_id(name)
- TYPE_NAME_TBL[name.to_s]
- end
- def self.type_name(id)
- TYPE_ID_TBL[id] && TYPE_ID_TBL[id][0]
- end
- def self.group_flag(id)
- TYPE_GROUP_TBL[id] || 0
- end
- #############################################
- module StateMask
- ShiftMask = (1<<0)
- LockMask = (1<<1)
- ControlMask = (1<<2)
- Mod1Mask = (1<<3)
- Mod2Mask = (1<<4)
- Mod3Mask = (1<<5)
- Mod4Mask = (1<<6)
- Mod5Mask = (1<<7)
- Button1Mask = (1<<8)
- Button2Mask = (1<<9)
- Button3Mask = (1<<10)
- Button4Mask = (1<<11)
- Button5Mask = (1<<12)
- AnyModifier = (1<<15)
- META_MASK = (AnyModifier<<1)
- ALT_MASK = (AnyModifier<<2)
- EXTENDED_MASK = (AnyModifier<<3)
- CommandMask = Mod1Mask
- OptionMask = Mod2Mask
- end
- #############################################
- # key => flag
- 'above' => Grp::CONFIG,
- 'borderwidth' => (Grp::CREATE|Grp::CONFIG),
- 'button' => Grp::BUTTON,
- 'count' => Grp::EXPOSE,
- 'data' => (Grp::VIRTUAL|Grp::STRING_DATA),
- 'delta' => Grp::MWHEEL,
- 'detail' => (Grp::FOCUS|Grp::CROSSING),
- 'focus' => Grp::CROSSING,
- 'height' => (Grp::EXPOSE|Grp::CONFIG),
- 'keycode' => Grp::KEY,
- 'keysym' => Grp::KEY,
- 'mode' => (Grp::CROSSING|Grp::FOCUS),
- 'override' => (Grp::CREATE|Grp::MAP|Grp::REPARENT|Grp::CONFIG),
- 'place' => Grp::CIRC,
- 'sendevent' => Grp::ALL,
- 'serial' => Grp::ALL,
- 'subwindow' => (Grp::KEY_BUTTON_MOTION_VIRTUAL|Grp::CROSSING),
- Grp::PROP),
- 'width' => (Grp::EXPOSE|Grp::CREATE|Grp::CONFIG),
- 'window' => (Grp::CREATE|Grp::UNMAP|Grp::MAP|Grp::REPARENT|
- 'when' => Grp::ALL,
- }
- 'root' => proc{|val|
- begin
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'pathname', val)
- val
- rescue
- nil
- end
- },
- 'subwindow' => proc{|val|
- begin
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'pathname', val)
- val
- rescue
- nil
- end
- },
- 'window' => proc{|val| nil}
- }
- #-------------------------------------------
- def valid_fields(group_flag=nil)
- group_flag = self.class.group_flag(self.type) unless group_flag
- fields = {}
- FIELD_FLAG.each{|key, flag|
- next if (flag & group_flag) == 0
- begin
- val = self.__send__(key)
- rescue
- next
- end
- # next if !val || val == '??'
- next if !val || (val == '??' && (flag & Grp::STRING_DATA))
- fields[key] = val
- }
- fields
- end
- def valid_for_generate(group_flag=nil)
- fields = valid_fields(group_flag)
- FIELD_OPERATION.each{|key, cmd|
- next unless fields.has_key?(key)
- val = FIELD_OPERATION[key].call(fields[key])
- if val
- fields[key] = val
- else
- fields.delete(key)
- end
- }
- fields
- end
- def generate(win, modkeys={})
- klass = self.class
- if modkeys.has_key?(:type) || modkeys.has_key?('type')
- modkeys = TkComm._symbolkey2str(modkeys)
- type_id = modkeys.delete('type')
- else
- type_id = self.type
- end
- type_name = klass.type_name(type_id)
- unless type_name
- fail RuntimeError, "type_id #{type_id} is invalid"
- end
- group_flag = klass.group_flag(type_id)
- opts = valid_for_generate(group_flag)
- modkeys.each{|key, val|
- if val
- opts[key.to_s] = val
- else
- opts.delete(key.to_s)
- end
- }
- if group_flag != Grp::KEY
- Tk.event_generate(win, type_name, opts)
- else
- # If type is KEY event, focus should be set to target widget.
- # If not set, original widget will get the same event.
- # That will make infinite loop.
- w = Tk.tk_call_without_enc('focus')
- begin
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('focus', win)
- Tk.event_generate(win, type_name, opts)
- ensure
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('focus', w)
- end
- end
- end
- #############################################
- # [ <'%' subst-key char>, <proc type char>, <instance var (accessor) name>]
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?#, ?n, :serial ],
- [ ?a, ?s, :above ],
- [ ?b, ?n, :num ],
- [ ?c, ?n, :count ],
- [ ?d, ?s, :detail ],
- # ?e
- [ ?f, ?b, :focus ],
- # ?g
- [ ?h, ?n, :height ],
- [ ?i, ?s, :win_hex ],
- # ?j
- [ ?k, ?n, :keycode ],
- # ?l
- [ ?m, ?s, :mode ],
- # ?n
- [ ?o, ?b, :override ],
- [ ?p, ?s, :place ],
- # ?q
- # ?r
- [ ?s, ?x, :state ],
- [ ?t, ?n, :time ],
- # ?u
- [ ?v, ?n, :value_mask ],
- [ ?w, ?n, :width ],
- [ ?x, ?n, :x ],
- [ ?y, ?n, :y ],
- # ?z
- [ ?A, ?s, :char ],
- [ ?B, ?n, :borderwidth ],
- # ?C
- [ ?D, ?n, :wheel_delta ],
- [ ?E, ?b, :send_event ],
- # ?F
- # ?G
- # ?H
- # ?I
- # ?J
- [ ?K, ?s, :keysym ],
- # ?L
- # ?M
- [ ?N, ?n, :keysym_num ],
- # ?O
- [ ?P, ?s, :property ],
- # ?Q
- [ ?R, ?s, :rootwin_id ],
- [ ?S, ?s, :subwindow ],
- [ ?T, ?n, :type ],
- # ?U
- # ?V
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- [ ?X, ?n, :x_root ],
- [ ?Y, ?n, :y_root ],
- # ?Z
- nil
- ]
- # [ <'%' subst-key str>, <proc type char>, <instance var (accessor) name>]
- # the subst-key string will be converted to a bytecode (128+idx).
- # for example, for %CTT and %CST subst-key on tkdnd-2.0
- # ['CTT', ?l, :drop_target_type],
- # ['CST', ?l, :drop_source_type],
- ]
- # [ <proc type char>, <proc/method to convert tcl-str to ruby-obj>]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?n, TkComm.method(:num_or_str) ],
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?b, TkComm.method(:bool) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- [ ?x, proc{|val|
- begin
- TkComm::number(val)
- rescue ArgumentError
- val
- end
- }
- ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- # setup tables to be used by scan_args, _get_subst_key, _get_all_subst_keys
- #
- # _get_subst_key() and _get_all_subst_keys() generates key-string
- # which describe how to convert callback arguments to ruby objects.
- # When binding parameters are given, use _get_subst_key().
- # But when no parameters are given, use _get_all_subst_keys() to
- # create a Event class object as a callback parameter.
- #
- # scan_args() is used when doing callback. It convert arguments
- # ( which are Tcl strings ) to ruby objects based on the key string
- # that is generated by _get_subst_key() or _get_all_subst_keys().
- #
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL)
- # _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, LONGKEY_TBL, PROC_TBL) # if use longname-keys
- #
- # NOTE: The order of parameters which passed to callback procedure is
- # <extra_arg>, <extra_arg>, ... , <subst_arg>, <subst_arg>, ...
- #
- # If you need support extra arguments given by Tcl/Tk,
- # please override _get_extra_args_tbl
- #
- #def self._get_extra_args_tbl
- # # return an array of convert procs
- # []
- #end
- alias button num
- alias delta wheel_delta
- alias root rootwin_id
- alias rootx x_root
- alias root_x x_root
- alias rooty y_root
- alias root_y y_root
- alias sendevent send_event
- :button => :num,
- :data => :detail,
- :delta => :wheel_delta,
- :root => :rootwin_id,
- :rootx => :x_root,
- :root_x => :x_root,
- :rooty => :y_root,
- :root_y => :y_root,
- :sendevent => :send_event,
- :window => :widget
- }
- _define_attribute_aliases(ALIAS_TBL)
- end
- ###############################################
- def install_bind_for_event_class(klass, cmd, *args)
- extra_args_tbl = klass._get_extra_args_tbl
- if args.compact.size > 0
- args.map!{|arg| klass._sym2subst(arg)}
- args = args.join(' ')
- keys = klass._get_subst_key(args)
- if cmd.kind_of?(String)
- id = cmd
- elsif cmd.kind_of?(TkCallbackEntry)
- id = install_cmd(cmd)
- else
- id = install_cmd(proc{|*arg|
- ex_args = []
- extra_args_tbl.reverse_each{|conv| ex_args << conv.call(arg.pop)}
- begin
- TkUtil.eval_cmd(cmd, *(ex_args.concat(klass.scan_args(keys, arg))))
- rescue Exception=>e
- if TkCore::INTERP.kind_of?(TclTkIp)
- fail e
- else
- # MultiTkIp
- fail Exception, "#{e.class}: #{e.message.dup}"
- end
- end
- })
- end
- elsif cmd.respond_to?(:arity) && cmd.arity == 0 # args.size == 0
- args = ''
- if cmd.kind_of?(String)
- id = cmd
- elsif cmd.kind_of?(TkCallbackEntry)
- id = install_cmd(cmd)
- else
- id = install_cmd(proc{
- begin
- TkUtil.eval_cmd(cmd)
- rescue Exception=>e
- if TkCore::INTERP.kind_of?(TclTkIp)
- fail e
- else
- # MultiTkIp
- fail Exception, "#{e.class}: #{e.message.dup}"
- end
- end
- })
- end
- else
- keys, args = klass._get_all_subst_keys
- if cmd.kind_of?(String)
- id = cmd
- elsif cmd.kind_of?(TkCallbackEntry)
- id = install_cmd(cmd)
- else
- id = install_cmd(proc{|*arg|
- ex_args = []
- extra_args_tbl.reverse_each{|conv| ex_args << conv.call(arg.pop)}
- begin
- TkUtil.eval_cmd(cmd, *(ex_args << klass.new(*klass.scan_args(keys, arg))))
- rescue Exception=>e
- if TkCore::INTERP.kind_of?(TclTkIp)
- fail e
- else
- # MultiTkIp
- fail Exception, "#{e.class}: #{e.message.dup}"
- end
- end
- })
- end
- end
- if TkCore::INTERP.kind_of?(TclTkIp)
- id + ' ' + args
- else
- # MultiTkIp
- "if {[set st [catch {#{id} #{args}} ret]] != 0} {
- if {$st == 4} {
- return -code continue $ret
- } elseif {$st == 3} {
- return -code break $ret
- } elseif {$st == 2} {
- return -code return $ret
- } elseif {[regexp {^Exception: (TkCallbackContinue: .*)$} \
- $ret m msg]} {
- return -code continue $msg
- } elseif {[regexp {^Exception: (TkCallbackBreak: .*)$} $ret m msg]} {
- return -code break $msg
- } elseif {[regexp {^Exception: (TkCallbackReturn: .*)$} $ret m msg]} {
- return -code return $msg
- } elseif {[regexp {^Exception: (\\S+: .*)$} $ret m msg]} {
- return -code return $msg
- } else {
- return -code error $ret
- }
- } else {
- set ret
- }"
- end
- end
- def install_bind(cmd, *args)
- install_bind_for_event_class(TkEvent::Event, cmd, *args)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ae46ebb8e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2352 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/font.rb - the class to treat fonts on Ruby/Tk
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-class TkFont
- include Tk
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['font'.freeze].freeze
- (Tk_FontID = ["@font".freeze, TkUtil.untrust("00000")]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- Tk_FontNameTBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- Tk_FontUseTBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{ Tk_FontNameTBL.clear }
- Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{ Tk_FontUseTBL.clear }
- }
- # option_type : default => string
- OptionType = Hash.new(?s)
- OptionType['size'] = ?n
- OptionType['pointadjust'] = ?n
- OptionType['underline'] = ?b
- OptionType['overstrike'] = ?b
- # metric_type : default => num_or_str
- MetricType = Hash.new(?n)
- MetricType['fixed'] = ?b
- # system font names
- def SYSTEM_FONT_NAMES.add(font_names)
- (@mutex ||= Mutex.new).synchronize{
- self.replace(self | font_names.map{|name| name.to_s})
- }
- end
- def SYSTEM_FONT_NAMES.include?(name)
- (@mutex ||= Mutex.new).synchronize{
- super(name.to_s)
- }
- end
- # set default font
- case Tk::TK_VERSION
- when /^4\..*/
- DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME = 'a14'.freeze
- DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME = 'k14'.freeze
- when /^8\.[0-4]/
- begin
- fontnames = tk_call('font', 'names')
- case fontnames
- when /defaultgui/
- # Tcl/Tk-JP for Windows
- ltn = 'defaultgui'
- knj = 'defaultgui'
- when /Mincho:Helvetica-Bold-12/
- # Tcl/Tk-JP for UNIX/X
- ltn, knj = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
- 'Mincho:Helvetica-Bold-12',
- '-compound'))
- else
- # unknown Tcl/Tk-JP
- #platform = tk_call('set', 'tcl_platform(platform)')
- platform = Tk::PLATFORM['platform']
- case platform
- when 'unix'
- ltn = {'family'=>'Helvetica'.freeze,
- 'size'=>-12, 'weight'=>'bold'.freeze}
- #knj = 'k14'
- #knj = '-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0'
- knj = '-*-fixed-bold-r-normal--12-*-*-*-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0'
- when 'windows'
- ltn = {'family'=>'MS Sans Serif'.freeze, 'size'=>8}
- knj = 'mincho'
- when 'macintosh'
- ltn = 'system'
- knj = 'mincho'
- else # unknown
- ltn = 'Helvetica'
- knj = 'mincho'
- end
- end
- rescue
- ltn = 'Helvetica'
- knj = 'mincho'
- end
- else # not JAPANIZED_TK
- begin
- #platform = tk_call('set', 'tcl_platform(platform)')
- platform = Tk::PLATFORM['platform']
- case platform
- when 'unix'
- ltn = {'family'=>'Helvetica'.freeze,
- 'size'=>-12, 'weight'=>'bold'.freeze}
- when 'windows'
- ltn = {'family'=>'MS Sans Serif'.freeze, 'size'=>8}
- when 'macintosh'
- ltn = 'system'
- else # unknown
- ltn = 'Helvetica'
- end
- rescue
- ltn = 'Helvetica'
- end
- knj = ltn.dup
- end
- when /^8\.[5-9]/, /^9\..*/
- if tk_call('font', 'names') =~ /\bTkDefaultFont\b/
- DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME = 'TkDefaultFont'.freeze
- DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME = 'TkDefaultFont'.freeze
- else
- DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME = 'Helvetica'.freeze
- DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME = 'mincho'.freeze
- end
- else # unknown version
- DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME = 'Helvetica'.freeze
- DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME = 'mincho'.freeze
- end
- if $DEBUG
- print "default latin font = "; p DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME
- print "default kanji font = "; p DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME
- end
- ###################################
- class DescendantFont
- def initialize(compound, type)
- unless compound.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fail ArgumentError, "a TkFont object is expected for the 1st argument"
- end
- @compound = compound
- case type
- when 'kanji', 'latin', 'ascii'
- @type = type
- when :kanji, :latin, :ascii
- @type = type.to_s
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "unknown type '#{type}'"
- end
- end
- def dup
- fail RuntimeError, "cannot duplicate a descendant font"
- end
- def clone
- fail RuntimeError, "cannot clone a descendant font"
- end
- def to_eval
- @compound.__send__(@type + '_font_id')
- end
- def font
- @compound.__send__(@type + '_font_id')
- end
- alias font_id font
- alias name font
- alias to_s font
- def [](slot)
- @compound.__send__(@type + '_configinfo', slot)
- end
- def []=(slot, value)
- @compound.__send__(@type + '_configure', slot, value)
- value
- end
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- @compound.__send__(@type + '_' + id.id2name, *args)
- end
- end
- ###################################
- # class methods
- ###################################
- def TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
- # true --> system font which is available on the current system
- # false --> not system font (or unknown system font)
- # nil --> system font name, but not available on the current system
- fnt = fnt.to_s
- SYSTEM_FONT_NAMES.include?(fnt) && self.names.index(fnt) && true
- end
- def TkFont.actual(fnt, option=nil)
- fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
- if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt.actual(option)
- else
- actual_core(fnt, nil, option)
- end
- end
- def TkFont.actual_hash(fnt, option=nil)
- Hash[TkFont.actual(fnt, option)]
- end
- def TkFont.actual_displayof(fnt, win, option=nil)
- fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
- if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt.actual_displayof(win, option)
- else
- win = '.' unless win
- actual_core(fnt, win, option)
- end
- end
- def TkFont.actual_hash_displayof(fnt, option=nil)
- Hash[TkFont.actual_displayof(fnt, option)]
- end
- def TkFont.configure(fnt, slot, value=None)
- if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt.configure(fnt, slot, value)
- else
- configure_core(fnt, slot, value)
- end
- fnt
- end
- def TkFont.configinfo(fnt, slot=nil)
- if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt.configinfo(fnt, slot)
- else
- configinfo_core(fnt, slot)
- end
- end
- def TkFont.current_configinfo(fnt, slot=nil)
- if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt.current_configinfo(fnt, slot)
- else
- current_configinfo_core(fnt, slot)
- end
- end
- def TkFont.measure(fnt, text)
- fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
- if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt.measure(text)
- else
- measure_core(fnt, nil, text)
- end
- end
- def TkFont.measure_displayof(fnt, win, text)
- fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
- if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt.measure_displayof(win, text)
- else
- win = '.' unless win
- measure_core(fnt, win, text)
- end
- end
- def TkFont.metrics(fnt, option=nil)
- fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
- if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt.metrics(option)
- else
- metrics_core(fnt, nil, option)
- end
- end
- def TkFont.metrics_hash(fnt, option=nil)
- if option
- val = TkFont.metrics(fnt, option)
- case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- val = TkComm::bool(val)
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- return val
- end
- h = Hash[TkFont.metrics(fnt)]
- h.keys.each{|k|
- case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
- when ?n
- h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
- when ?b
- h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- }
- h
- end
- def TkFont.metrics_displayof(fnt, win, option=nil)
- fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
- if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- font.metrics_displayof(win, option=nil)
- else
- win = '.' unless win
- metrics_core(fnt, win, option)
- end
- end
- def TkFont.metrics_hash_displayof(fnt, win, option=nil)
- if option
- val = TkFont.metrics_displayof(fnt, win, option)
- case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- val = TkComm::bool(val)
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- return val
- end
- h = Hash[TkFont.metrics_displayof(fnt, win, option)]
- h.keys.each{|k|
- case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
- when ?n
- h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
- when ?b
- h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- }
- h
- end
- def TkFont.families(win=nil)
- case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
- when /^4\..*/
- ['fixed']
- when /^8\..*/
- if win
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'families', '-displayof', win))
- else
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'families'))
- end
- end
- end
- def TkFont.names
- case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
- when /^4\..*/
- r = ['fixed']
- r += ['a14', 'k14'] if JAPANIZED_TK
- Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk_FontNameTBL.each_value{|obj| r.push(obj)}
- }
- #r | []
- r.uniq
- when /^8\..*/
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'names'))
- end
- end
- def TkFont.create_copy(font)
- fail 'source-font must be a TkFont object' unless font.kind_of? TkFont
- keys = {}
- font.configinfo.each{|key,value| keys[key] = value }
- TkFont.new(font.latin_font_id, font.kanji_font_id, keys)
- TkFont.new(font.latin_font_id, font.kanji_font_id, font.configinfo)
- end
- end
- def TkFont.get_obj(name)
- name = name.to_s
- if name =~ /^(@font[0-9]+)(|c|l|k)$/
- Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk_FontNameTBL[$1]
- }
- else
- Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk_FontNameTBL[name]
- }
- end
- end
- def TkFont.init_widget_font(pathname, *args)
- win, tag, key = pathname.split(';')
- key = 'font' if key == nil || key == ''
- path = [win, tag, key].join(';')
- case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
- when /^4\..*/
- regexp = /^-(|kanji)#{key} /
- conf_list = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call(*args)).
- find_all{|prop| prop =~ regexp}.
- collect{|prop| tk_split_simplelist(prop)}
- if conf_list.size == 0
- raise RuntimeError, "the widget may not support 'font' option"
- end
- args << {}
- ltn_key = "-#{key}"
- knj_key = "-kanji#{key}"
- ltn_info = conf_list.find{|conf| conf[0] == ltn_key}
- ltn = ltn_info[-1]
- ltn = nil if ltn == [] || ltn == ""
- knj_info = conf_list.find{|conf| conf[0] == knj_key}
- knj = knj_info[-1]
- knj = nil if knj == [] || knj == ""
- TkFont.new(ltn, knj).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
- when /^8\.[0-4]/
- regexp = /^-#{key} /
- conf_list = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call(*args)).
- find_all{|prop| prop =~ regexp}.
- collect{|prop| tk_split_simplelist(prop)}
- if conf_list.size == 0
- raise RuntimeError, "the widget may not support 'font' option"
- end
- args << {}
- optkey = "-#{key}"
- info = conf_list.find{|conf| conf[0] == optkey}
- fnt = info[-1]
- fnt = nil if fnt == [] || fnt == ""
- unless fnt
- # create dummy
- # TkFont.new(nil, nil).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
- dummy_fnt = TkFont.allocate
- dummy_fnt.instance_eval{ init_dummy_fontobj() }
- dummy_fnt
- else
- begin
- compound = tk_split_simplelist(
- Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
- fnt))].collect{|k,v|
- [k[1..-1], v]
- }.assoc('compound')[1])
- rescue
- compound = []
- end
- if compound == []
- if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
- TkNamedFont.new(fnt).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
- else
- TkFont.new(fnt).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
- end
- else
- TkFont.new(compound[0],
- compound[1]).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
- end
- end
- when /^8\.[5-9]/, /^9\..*/
- regexp = /^-#{key} /
- conf_list = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call(*args)).
- find_all{|prop| prop =~ regexp}.
- collect{|prop| tk_split_simplelist(prop)}
- if conf_list.size == 0
- raise RuntimeError, "the widget may not support 'font' option"
- end
- args << {}
- optkey = "-#{key}"
- info = conf_list.find{|conf| conf[0] == optkey}
- fnt = info[-1]
- fnt = nil if fnt == [] || fnt == ""
- unless fnt
- # create dummy
- # TkFont.new(nil, nil).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
- dummy_fnt = TkFont.allocate
- dummy_fnt.instance_eval{ init_dummy_fontobj() }
- dummy_fnt
- else
- if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
- TkNamedFont.new(fnt).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
- else
- TkFont.new(fnt).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def TkFont.used_on(path=nil)
- Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if path
- Tk_FontUseTBL[path]
- else
- # Tk_FontUseTBL.values | []
- Tk_FontUseTBL.values.uniq
- end
- }
- end
- def TkFont.failsafe(font)
- begin
- if /^8\..*/ === Tk::TK_VERSION && JAPANIZED_TK
- tk_call('font', 'failsafe', font)
- end
- rescue
- end
- end
- ###################################
- # instance methods
- ###################################
- private
- ###################################
- def init_dummy_fontobj
- Tk_FontID.mutex.synchronize{
- @id = Tk_FontID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk_FontID[1].succ!
- }
- Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = self
- }
- # @latin_desscendant = nil
- # @kanji_desscendant = nil
- @descendant = [nil, nil] # [latin, kanji]
- case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
- when /^4\..*/
- @latinfont = ""
- @kanjifont = ""
- @compoundfont = [[@latinfont], [@kanjifont]]
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont, 'kanjifont'=>@kanjifont}
- else
- @compoundfont = @latinfont
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont}
- end
- else
- @latinfont = @id + 'l'
- @kanjifont = @id + 'k'
- @compoundfont = @id + 'c'
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-charset', 'iso8859')
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983')
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
- '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont])
- else
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont)
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont)
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont)
- end
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont}
- end
- self
- end
- def initialize(ltn=nil, knj=nil, keys=nil)
- ltn = '{}' if ltn == ''
- knj = '{}' if knj == ''
- Tk_FontID.mutex.synchronize{
- # @id = Tk_FontID.join('')
- @id = Tk_FontID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk_FontID[1].succ!
- }
- Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = self
- }
- # @latin_desscendant = nil
- # @kanji_desscendant = nil
- @descendant = [nil, nil] # [latin, kanji]
- # @latinfont = @id + 'l'
- # @kanjifont = @id + 'k'
- # @compoundfont = @id + 'c'
- # @fontslot = {}
- if knj.kind_of?(Hash) && !keys
- keys = knj
- knj = nil
- end
- # compound font check
- if Tk::TK_VERSION == '8.0' && JAPANIZED_TK
- begin
- compound = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
- ltn, '-compound'))
- if knj == nil
- if compound != []
- ltn, knj = compound
- end
- else
- if compound != []
- ltn = compound[0]
- end
- compound = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
- knj, '-compound'))
- if compound != []
- knj = compound[1]
- end
- end
- rescue
- end
- end
- if ltn
- if JAPANIZED_TK && !knj
- if Tk::TK_VERSION =~ /^4..*/
- else
- knj = ltn
- end
- end
- else
- end
- create_compoundfont(ltn, knj, keys)
- end
- def initialize_copy(font)
- unless font.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fail TypeError, '"initialize_copy should take same class object'
- end
- keys = {}
- font.configinfo.each{|key,value| keys[key] = value }
- initialize(font.latin_font_id, font.kanji_font_id, keys)
- initialize(font.latin_font_id, font.kanji_font_id, font.configinfo)
- end
- end
- def _get_font_info_from_hash(font)
- font = _symbolkey2str(font)
- foundry = (info = font['foundry'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- family = (info = font['family'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- weight = (info = font['weight'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- slant = (info = font['slant'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- swidth = (info = font['swidth'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- adstyle = (info = font['adstyle'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- pixels = (info = font['pixels'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- points = (info = font['points'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- resx = (info = font['resx'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- resy = (info = font['resy'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- space = (info = font['space'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- avgWidth = (info = font['avgWidth'].to_s)? info: '*'
- charset = (info = font['charset'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- encoding = (info = font['encoding'].to_s)? info: '*'
- [foundry, family, weight, slant, swidth, adstyle,
- pixels, points, resx, resy, space, avgWidth, charset, encoding]
- end
- def create_latinfont_tk4x(font)
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- @latinfont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(font).join('-') + '-'
- elsif font.kind_of? Array
- finfo = {}
- finfo['family'] = font[0].to_s
- if font[1]
- fsize = font[1].to_s
- if fsize != '0' && fsize =~ /^(|\+|-)([0-9]+)$/
- if $1 == '-'
- finfo['pixels'] = $2
- else
- finfo['points'] = $2
- end
- else
- finfo['points'] = '13'
- end
- end
- font[2..-1].each{|style|
- case (style)
- when 'normal'
- finfo['weight'] = style
- when 'bold'
- finfo['weight'] = style
- when 'roman'
- finfo['slant'] = 'r'
- when 'italic'
- finfo['slant'] = 'i'
- end
- }
- @latinfont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(finfo).join('-') + '-'
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- @latinfont = font.latin_font
- else
- if font
- @latinfont = font
- else
- end
- end
- end
- def create_kanjifont_tk4x(font)
- @kanjifont = ""
- return
- end
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- @kanjifont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(font).join('-') + '-'
- elsif font.kind_of? Array
- finfo = {}
- finfo['family'] = font[0].to_s
- if font[1]
- fsize = font[1].to_s
- if fsize != '0' && fsize =~ /^(|\+|-)([0-9]+)$/
- if $1 == '-'
- finfo['pixels'] = $2
- else
- finfo['points'] = $2
- end
- else
- finfo['points'] = '13'
- end
- end
- font[2..-1].each{|style|
- case (style)
- when 'normal'
- finfo['weight'] = style
- when 'bold'
- finfo['weight'] = style
- when 'roman'
- finfo['slant'] = 'r'
- when 'italic'
- finfo['slant'] = 'i'
- end
- }
- @kanjifont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(finfo).join('-') + '-'
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- @kanjifont = font.kanji_font_id
- else
- if font
- @kanjifont = font
- else
- end
- end
- end
- def create_compoundfont_tk4x(ltn, knj, keys)
- create_latinfont(ltn)
- create_kanjifont(knj)
- @compoundfont = [[@latinfont], [@kanjifont]]
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont, 'kanjifont'=>@kanjifont}
- # @fontslot.clear
- # @fontslot['font'] = @latinfont
- # @fontslot['kanjifont'] = @kanjifont
- else
- @compoundfont = @latinfont
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont}
- # @fontslot.clear
- # @fontslot['font'] = @latinfont
- end
- end
- def create_latinfont_tk8x(font)
- @latinfont = @id + 'l'
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- if font[:charset] || font['charset']
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(font))
- else
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont,
- '-charset', 'iso8859', *hash_kv(font))
- end
- elsif font.kind_of? Array
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', array2tk_list(font))
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @latinfont, '-charset', 'iso8859')
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', font.latin_font)
- elsif font
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', font,
- '-charset', 'iso8859')
- else
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-charset', 'iso8859')
- end
- else
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(font))
- else
- keys = {}
- if font.kind_of? Array
- actual_core(array2tk_list(font)).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- actual_core(font.latin_font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- elsif font
- actual_core(font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- end
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- if font && @compoundfont
- keys = {}
- actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- end
- end
- def create_kanjifont_tk8x(font)
- @kanjifont = @id + 'k'
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- if font[:charset] || font['charset']
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(font))
- else
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont,
- '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983', *hash_kv(font))
- end
- elsif font.kind_of? Array
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', array2tk_list(font))
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @kanjifont, '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983')
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', font.kanji_font_id)
- elsif font
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', font,
- '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983')
- else
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983')
- end
- # end of JAPANIZED_TK
- else
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(font))
- else
- keys = {}
- if font.kind_of? Array
- actual_core(array2tk_list(font)).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- actual_core(font.kanji_font_id).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- elsif font
- actual_core(font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- end
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- if font && @compoundfont
- keys = {}
- actual_core(@kanjifont).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- end
- end
- def create_compoundfont_tk8x(ltn, knj, keys)
- if knj
- create_latinfont(ltn)
- create_kanjifont(knj)
- else
- cfnt = ltn
- create_kanjifont(cfnt)
- create_latinfont(cfnt)
- end
- @compoundfont = @id + 'c'
- unless keys
- keys = {}
- else
- keys = keys.dup
- end
- if (tk_call('font', 'configure', @latinfont, '-underline') == '1' &&
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @kanjifont, '-underline') == '1' &&
- !keys.key?('underline'))
- keys['underline'] = true
- end
- if (tk_call('font', 'configure', @latinfont, '-overstrike') == '1' &&
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @kanjifont, '-overstrike') == '1' &&
- !keys.key?('overstrike'))
- keys['overstrike'] = true
- end
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont}
- # @fontslot['font'] = @compoundfont
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
- '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
- rescue RuntimeError => e
- if ltn == knj
- if e.message =~ /kanji font .* specified/
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont)
- create_latinfont(DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME)
- opts = []
- Hash[*(tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
- @kanjifont)))].each{|k,v|
- case k
- when '-size', '-weight', '-slant', '-underline', '-overstrike'
- opts << k << v
- end
- }
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @latinfont, *opts)
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
- '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
- elsif e.message =~ /ascii font .* specified/
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont)
- create_kanjifont(DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME)
- opts = []
- Hash[*(tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
- @latinfont)))].each{|k,v|
- case k
- when '-size', '-weight', '-slant', '-underline', '-overstrike'
- opts << k << v
- end
- }
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @kanjifont, *opts)
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
- '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- raise e
- end
- else
- raise e
- end
- end
- else
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont)
- latinkeys = {}
- begin
- actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val}
- rescue
- latinkeys = {}
- end
- if latinkeys != {}
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
- end
- if knj
- compoundkeys = nil
- kanjikeys = {}
- begin
- actual_core(@kanjifont).each{|key,val| kanjikeys[key] = val}
- rescue
- kanjikeys = {}
- end
- if kanjikeys != {}
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(kanjikeys))
- end
- end
- if cfnt
- if cfnt.kind_of?(Hash)
- compoundkeys = cfnt.dup
- else
- compoundkeys = {}
- actual_core(cfnt).each{|key,val| compoundkeys[key] = val}
- end
- compoundkeys.update(_symbolkey2str(keys))
- keys = compoundkeys
- end
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont}
- # @fontslot['font'] = @compoundfont
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- end
- ###################################
- public
- ###################################
- def inspect
- sprintf("#<%s:%0x:%s>", self.class.inspect, self.__id__, @compoundfont)
- end
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- name = id.id2name
- case args.length
- when 1
- if name[-1] == ?=
- configure name[0..-2], args[0]
- args[0]
- else
- configure name, args[0]
- self
- end
- when 0
- begin
- configinfo name
- rescue
- super(id, *args)
-# fail NameError, "undefined local variable or method `#{name}' for #{self.to_s}", error_at
- end
- else
- super(id, *args)
-# fail NameError, "undefined method `#{name}' for #{self.to_s}", error_at
- end
- end
- def call_font_configure(path, *args)
- if path.kind_of?(Array)
- # [path, optkey]
- win, tag = path[0].split(';')
- optkey = path[1].to_s
- else
- win, tag, optkey = path.split(';')
- end
- fontslot = _symbolkey2str(@fontslot)
- if optkey && optkey != ""
- ltn = fontslot.delete('font')
- knj = fontslot.delete('kanjifont')
- fontslot[optkey] = ltn if ltn
- fontslot["kanji#{optkey}"] = knj if knj
- end
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop).update(fontslot)
- args.concat(hash_kv(keys))
- begin
- tk_call(*args)
- rescue => e
- fail e
- end
- end
- Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk_FontUseTBL[[win, tag, optkey].join(';')] = self
- }
- self
- end
- def used
- ret = []
- table = nil
- Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- table = Tk_FontUseTBL.clone # to avoid deadlock
- }
- table.each{|key,value|
- next unless self == value
- if key.include?(';')
- win, tag, optkey = key.split(';')
- winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win)
- #if winobj.kind_of? TkText
- if winobj.kind_of?(TkText) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
- if optkey
- ret.push([winobj, winobj.tagid2obj(tag), optkey])
- else
- ret.push([winobj, winobj.tagid2obj(tag)])
- end
- #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas
- elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkCanvas) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- if (tagobj = TkcTag.id2obj(winobj, tag)).kind_of? TkcTag
- if optkey
- ret.push([winobj, tagobj, optkey])
- else
- ret.push([winobj, tagobj])
- end
- elsif (tagobj = TkcItem.id2obj(winobj, tag)).kind_of? TkcItem
- if optkey
- ret.push([winobj, tagobj, optkey])
- else
- ret.push([winobj, tagobj])
- end
- else
- if optkey
- ret.push([winobj, tag, optkey])
- else
- ret.push([winobj, tag])
- end
- end
- #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkMenu
- elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkMenu) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Menu)
- if optkey
- ret.push([winobj, tag, optkey])
- else
- ret.push([winobj, tag])
- end
- else
- if optkey
- ret.push([win, tag, optkey])
- else
- ret.push([win, tag])
- end
- end
- else
- ret.push(tk_tcl2ruby(key))
- end
- }
- ret
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_eval
- font
- end
- def font
- @compoundfont
- end
- alias font_id font
- alias name font
- alias to_s font
- def latin_font_id
- @latinfont
- end
- def latin_font
- # @latinfont
- if @descendant[0] # [0] -> latin
- @descendant[0]
- else
- @descendant[0] = DescendantFont.new(self, 'latin')
- end
- if @latin_descendant
- @latin_descendant
- else
- @latin_descendant = DescendantFont.new(self, 'latin')
- end
- end
- alias latinfont latin_font
- def kanji_font_id
- @kanjifont
- end
- def kanji_font
- # @kanjifont
- if @descendant[1] # [1] -> kanji
- @descendant[1]
- else
- @descendant[1] = DescendantFont.new(self, 'kanji')
- end
- if @kanji_descendant
- @kanji_descendant
- else
- @kanji_descendant = DescendantFont.new(self, 'kanji')
- end
- end
- alias kanjifont kanji_font
- def actual(option=nil)
- actual_core(@compoundfont, nil, option)
- end
- def actual_hash(option=nil)
- Hash[actual(option)]
- end
- def actual_displayof(win, option=nil)
- win = '.' unless win
- actual_core(@compoundfont, win, option)
- end
- def actual_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
- Hash[actual_displayof(win, option)]
- end
- def latin_actual(option=nil)
- if @latinfont == nil
- actual_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) # use @compoundfont
- else
- actual_core(@latinfont, nil, option)
- end
- end
- def latin_actual_hash(option=nil)
- Hash[latin_actual(option)]
- end
- def latin_actual_displayof(win, option=nil)
- win = '.' unless win
- if @latinfont == nil
- actual_core(@compoundfont, win, option) # use @compoundfont
- else
- actual_core(@latinfont, win, option)
- end
- end
- def latin_actual_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
- Hash[latin_actual_displayof(win, option)]
- end
- def kanji_actual(option=nil)
- if @kanjifont == nil
- actual_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) # use @compoundfont
- elsif @kanjifont != ""
- actual_core(@kanjifont, nil, option)
- else
- actual_core_tk4x(nil, nil, option)
- end
- end
- def kanji_actual_hash(option=nil)
- Hash[kanji_actual(option)]
- end
- def kanji_actual_displayof(win, option=nil)
- if @kanjifont == nil
- actual_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) # use @compoundfont
- elsif @kanjifont != ""
- win = '.' unless win
- actual_core(@kanjifont, win, option)
- else
- actual_core_tk4x(nil, win, option)
- end
- end
- def kanji_actual_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
- Hash[kanji_actual_displayof(win, option)]
- end
- def [](slot)
- configinfo slot
- end
- def []=(slot, val)
- configure slot, val
- val
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- configure_core(@compoundfont, slot, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(slot=nil)
- configinfo_core(@compoundfont, slot)
- end
- def current_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_configinfo_core(@compoundfont, slot)
- end
- def delete
- delete_core
- end
- def latin_configure(slot, value=None)
- configure_core(@latinfont, slot, value)
- else
- configure(slot, value)
- end
- self
- end
- def latin_configinfo(slot=nil)
- configinfo_core(@latinfont, slot)
- else
- configinfo(slot)
- end
- end
- def latin_current_configinfo(slot=nil)
- Hash[latin_configinfo(slot)]
- end
- def kanji_configure(slot, value=None)
- if @kanjifont == nil
- configure_core(@compoundfont, slot, value) # use @compoundfont
- elsif @kanjifont != ""
- configure_core(@kanjifont, slot, value)
- configure('size'=>configinfo('size')) # to reflect new configuration
- else
- #""
- configure(slot, value)
- end
- self
- end
- def kanji_configinfo(slot=nil)
- if @kanjifont == nil
- configure_core(@compoundfont, slot) # use @compoundfont
- elsif @kanjifont != ""
- configinfo_core(@kanjifont, slot)
- else
- #[]
- configinfo(slot)
- end
- end
- def kanji_current_configinfo(slot=nil)
- Hash[kanji_configinfo(slot)]
- end
- def replace(ltn, knj=None)
- knj = ltn if knj == None
- latin_replace(ltn)
- kanji_replace(knj)
- self
- end
- def latin_replace(ltn)
- if @latinfont
- latin_replace_core(ltn)
- reset_pointadjust
- else
- # not compound font -> copy properties of ltn
- latinkeys = {}
- begin
- actual_core(ltn).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val}
- rescue
- latinkeys = {}
- end
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
- rescue
- # not exist? (deleted?) -> create font
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def kanji_replace(knj)
- return self unless @kanjifont # ignore
- kanji_replace_core(knj)
- reset_pointadjust
- self
- end
- def measure(text)
- measure_core(@compoundfont, nil, text)
- end
- def measure_displayof(win, text)
- win = '.' unless win
- measure_core(@compoundfont, win, text)
- end
- def metrics(option=nil)
- metrics_core(@compoundfont, nil, option)
- end
- def metrics_hash(option=nil)
- if option
- val = metrics(option)
- case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- val = TkComm::bool(val)
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- return val
- end
- h = Hash[metrics(option)]
- h.keys.each{|k|
- case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
- when ?n
- h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
- when ?b
- h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- }
- h
- end
- def metrics_displayof(win, option=nil)
- win = '.' unless win
- metrics_core(@compoundfont, win, option)
- end
- def metrics_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
- if option
- val = metrics_displayof(win, option)
- case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- val = TkComm::bool(val)
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- return val
- end
- h = Hash[metrics_displayof(win, option)]
- h.keys.each{|k|
- case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
- when ?n
- h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
- when ?b
- h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- }
- h
- end
- def latin_metrics(option=nil)
- if @latinfont == nil
- metrics_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) # use @compoundfont
- else
- metrics_core(@latinfont, nil, option)
- end
- end
- def latin_metrics_hash(option=nil)
- if option
- val = latin_metrics(option)
- case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- val = TkComm::bool(val)
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- return val
- end
- h = Hash[latin_metrics(option)]
- h.keys.each{|k|
- case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
- when ?n
- h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
- when ?b
- h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- }
- h
- end
- def latin_metrics_displayof(win, option=nil)
- win = '.' unless win
- if @latinfont == nil
- metrics_core(@compoundfont, win, option) # use @compoundfont
- else
- metrics_core(@latinfont, win, option)
- end
- end
- def latin_metrics_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
- if option
- val = latin_metrics_displayof(win, option)
- case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- val = TkComm::bool(val)
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- return val
- end
- h = Hash[latin_metrics_displayof(win, option)]
- h.keys.each{|k|
- case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
- when ?n
- h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
- when ?b
- h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- }
- h
- end
- def kanji_metrics(option=nil)
- if @latinfont == nil
- metrics_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) # use @compoundfont
- metrics_core(@kanjifont, nil, option)
- else
- metrics_core_tk4x(nil, nil, option)
- end
- end
- def kanji_metrics_hash(option=nil)
- if option
- val = kanji_metrics(option)
- case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- val = TkComm::bool(val)
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- return val
- end
- h = Hash[kanji_metrics(option)]
- h.keys.each{|k|
- case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
- when ?n
- h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
- when ?b
- h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- }
- h
- end
- def kanji_metrics_displayof(win, option=nil)
- win = '.' unless win
- if @latinfont == nil
- metrics_core(@compoundfont, win, option) # use @compoundfont
- metrics_core(@kanjifont, win, option)
- else
- metrics_core_tk4x(nil, win, option)
- end
- end
- def kanji_metrics_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
- if option
- val = kanji_metrics_displayof(win, option)
- case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- val = TkComm::bool(val)
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- return val
- end
- h = Hash[kanji_metrics_displayof(win, option)]
- h.keys.each{|k|
- case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
- when ?n
- h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
- when ?b
- h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- }
- h
- end
- def reset_pointadjust
- begin
- if /^8\..*/ === Tk::TK_VERSION && JAPANIZED_TK
- configure('pointadjust' => latin_actual.assoc('size')[1].to_f /
- kanji_actual.assoc('size')[1].to_f )
- end
- rescue
- end
- self
- end
- ###################################
- # private alias
- ###################################
- case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
- when /^4\..*/
- alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk4x
- alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk4x
- alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk4x
- when /^8\.[0-5]/
- alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk8x
- alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk8x
- alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk8x
- else
- alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk8x
- alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk8x
- alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk8x
- end
- ###################################
- # public alias
- ###################################
- alias ascii_font latin_font
- alias asciifont latinfont
- alias create_asciifont create_latinfont
- alias ascii_actual latin_actual
- alias ascii_actual_displayof latin_actual_displayof
- alias ascii_configure latin_configure
- alias ascii_configinfo latin_configinfo
- alias ascii_replace latin_replace
- alias ascii_metrics latin_metrics
- ###################################
- def dup
- TkFont.new(self)
- end
- def clone
- TkFont.new(self)
- end
-module TkFont::CoreMethods
- include Tk
- extend TkCore
- private
- def actual_core_tk4x(font, win=nil, option=nil)
- # dummy
- if option == 'pointadjust' || option == :pointadjust
- 1.0
- elsif option
- case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- 0
- when ?b
- false
- else
- ''
- end
- else
- [['family',''], ['size',0], ['weight',''], ['slant',''],
- ['underline',false], ['overstrike',false], ['charset',''],
- ['pointadjust',0]]
- end
- end
- def actual_core_tk8x(font, win=nil, option=nil)
- font = '{}' if font == ''
- if option == 'compound' || option == :compound
- ""
- elsif option
- if win
- val = tk_call('font', 'actual', font,
- "-displayof", win, "-#{option}")
- else
- val = tk_call('font', 'actual', font, "-#{option}")
- end
- case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- bool(val)
- else
- val
- end
- else
- l = tk_split_simplelist(if win
- tk_call('font', 'actual', font,
- "-displayof", win)
- else
- tk_call('font', 'actual', font)
- end)
- r = []
- while key=l.shift
- if key == '-compound'
- l.shift
- else
- key = key[1..-1]
- val = l.shift
- case TkFont::OptionType[key]
- when ?n
- r.push [key, num_or_str(val)]
- when ?b
- r.push [key, bool(val)]
- else
- r.push [key, val]
- end
- end
- end
- r
- end
- end
- def configure_core_tk4x(font, slot, value=None)
- #""
- self
- end
- def configinfo_core_tk4x(font, option=nil)
- # dummy
- if option == 'pointadjust' || option == :pointadjust
- 1.0
- elsif option
- case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- 0
- when ?b
- false
- else
- ''
- end
- else
- [['family',''], ['size',0], ['weight',''], ['slant',''],
- ['underline',false], ['overstrike',false], ['charset',''],
- ['pointadjust',1.0]]
- end
- current_configinfo_core_tk4x(font, option)
- end
- end
- def current_configinfo_core_tk4x(font, option=nil)
- if option
- case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- 0
- when ?b
- false
- else
- ''
- end
- else
- {'family'=>'', 'size'=>0, 'weight'=>'', 'slant'=>'',
- 'underline'=>false, 'overstrike'=>false,
- 'charset'=>false, 'pointadjust'=>1.0}
- end
- end
- def configure_core_tk8x(font, slot, value=None)
- begin
- padjust = tk_call('font', 'configure', font, '-pointadjust')
- rescue
- padjust = nil
- end
- else
- padjust = nil
- end
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- if JAPANIZED_TK && (slot.key?('family') || slot.key?(:family))
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- configure_core_tk8x(font, 'family', slot.delete('family'))
- end
- if ((slot.key?('size') || slot.key?(:size)) &&
- padjust && !slot.key?('pointadjust') && !slot.key?(:pointadjust))
- tk_call('font', 'configure', font,
- '-pointadjust', padjust, *hash_kv(slot))
- else
- tk_call('font', 'configure', font, *hash_kv(slot))
- end
- elsif (slot == 'size' || slot == :size) && padjust != nil
- tk_call('font', 'configure', font,
- "-#{slot}", value, '-pointadjust', padjust)
- elsif JAPANIZED_TK && (slot == 'family' || slot == :family)
- # compound font?
- begin
- compound = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
- font, '-compound'))
- rescue
- tk_call('font', 'configure', font, '-family', value)
- return self
- end
- if compound == []
- tk_call('font', 'configure', font, '-family', value)
- return self
- end
- ltn, knj = compound
- lfnt = tk_call('font', 'create', '-copy', ltn)
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'configure', lfnt, '-family', value)
- latin_replace_core_tk8x(lfnt)
- rescue RuntimeError => e
- fail e if $DEBUG
- ensure
- tk_call('font', 'delete', lfnt) if lfnt != ''
- end
- kfnt = tk_call('font', 'create', '-copy', knj)
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'configure', kfnt, '-family', value)
- kanji_replace_core_tk8x(lfnt)
- rescue RuntimeError => e
- fail e if $DEBUG
- ensure
- tk_call('font', 'delete', kfnt) if kfnt != ''
- end
- else
- tk_call('font', 'configure', font, "-#{slot}", value)
- end
- self
- end
- def configinfo_core_tk8x(font, option=nil)
- if option == 'compound' || option == :compound
- ""
- elsif option
- val = tk_call('font', 'configure', font, "-#{option}")
- case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- bool(val)
- else
- val
- end
- else
- l = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure', font))
- r = []
- while key=l.shift
- if key == '-compound'
- l.shift
- else
- key = key[1..-1]
- val = l.shift
- case TkFont::OptionType[key]
- when ?n
- r.push [key, num_or_str(val)]
- when ?b
- r.push [key, bool(val)]
- else
- r.push [key, val]
- end
- end
- end
- r
- end
- current_configinfo_core_tk8x(font, option)
- end
- end
- def current_configinfo_core_tk8x(font, option=nil)
- if option == 'compound'
- ""
- elsif option
- val = tk_call('font', 'configure', font, "-#{option}")
- case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
- when ?n
- num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- bool(val)
- else
- val
- end
- else
- l = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure', font))
- h = {}
- while key=l.shift
- if key == '-compound'
- l.shift
- else
- key = key[1..-1]
- val = l.shift
- case TkFont::OptionType[key]
- when ?n
- h[key] = num_or_str(val)
- when ?b
- h[key] = bool(val)
- else
- h[key] = val
- end
- end
- end
- h
- end
- end
- def delete_core_tk4x
- TkFont::Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkFont::Tk_FontNameTBL.delete(@id)
- }
- TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.delete_if{|key,value| value == self}
- }
- end
- def delete_core_tk8x
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont) if @latinfont
- rescue
- end
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont) if @kanjifont
- rescue
- end
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @compoundfont) if @compoundfont
- rescue
- end
- TkFont::Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkFont::Tk_FontNameTBL.delete(@id)
- }
- TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.delete_if{|key,value| value == self}
- }
- end
- def latin_replace_core_tk4x(ltn)
- create_latinfont_tk4x(ltn)
- @compoundfont[0] = [@latinfont] if JAPANIZED_TK
- @fontslot['font'] = @latinfont
- table = nil
- TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- table = TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.clone
- }
- table.each{|w, fobj|
- if self == fobj
- begin
- if w.include?(';')
- win, tag, optkey = w.split(';')
- optkey = 'font' if optkey == nil || optkey == ''
- winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win)
-# winobj.tagfont_configure(tag, {'font'=>@latinfont})
- #if winobj.kind_of? TkText
- if winobj.kind_of?(TkText) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
- tk_call(win, 'tag', 'configure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @latinfont)
- #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas
- elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkCanvas) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- tk_call(win, 'itemconfigure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @latinfont)
- #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkMenu
- elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkMenu) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Menu)
- tk_call(win, 'entryconfigure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @latinfont)
- else
- raise RuntimeError, "unknown widget type"
- end
- else
-# tk_tcl2ruby(w).font_configure('font'=>@latinfont)
- tk_call(w, 'configure', '-font', @latinfont)
- end
- rescue
- TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.delete(w)
- }
- end
- end
- }
- self
- end
- def kanji_replace_core_tk4x(knj)
- return self unless JAPANIZED_TK
- create_kanjifont_tk4x(knj)
- @compoundfont[1] = [@kanjifont]
- @fontslot['kanjifont'] = @kanjifont
- table = nil
- TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- table = TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.clone
- }
- table.dup.each{|w, fobj|
- if self == fobj
- begin
- if w.include?(';')
- win, tag, optkey = w.split(';')
- optkey = 'kanjifont' unless optkey
- winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win)
-# winobj.tagfont_configure(tag, {'kanjifont'=>@kanjifont})
- #if winobj.kind_of? TkText
- if winobj.kind_of?(TkText) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
- tk_call(win, 'tag', 'configure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @kanjifont)
- #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas
- elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkCanvas) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- tk_call(win, 'itemconfigure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @kanjifont)
- #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkMenu
- elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkMenu) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Menu)
- tk_call(win, 'entryconfigure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @latinfont)
- else
- raise RuntimeError, "unknown widget type"
- end
- else
-# tk_tcl2ruby(w).font_configure('kanjifont'=>@kanjifont)
- tk_call(w, 'configure', '-kanjifont', @kanjifont)
- end
- rescue
- Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.delete(w)
- }
- end
- end
- }
- self
- end
- def latin_replace_core_tk8x(ltn)
- ltn = '{}' if ltn == ''
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', '@font_tmp')
- rescue
- end
- begin
- fnt_bup = tk_call('font', 'create', '@font_tmp', '-copy', @latinfont)
- rescue
- #fnt_bup = ''
- end
- end
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont)
- rescue
- end
- create_latinfont(ltn)
- keys = self.configinfo
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @compoundfont)
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
- '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
- latinkeys = {}
- begin
- actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val}
- rescue
- latinkeys = {}
- end
- if latinkeys != {}
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
- end
- rescue RuntimeError => e
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont)
- if fnt_bup && fnt_bup != ''
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', fnt_bup)
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
- '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
- tk_call('font', 'delete', fnt_bup)
- else
- fail e
- end
- end
- else
- latinkeys = {}
- begin
- actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val}
- rescue
- latinkeys = {}
- end
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
- rescue
- # not exist? (deleted?) -> create font
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def kanji_replace_core_tk8x(knj)
- knj = '{}' if knj == ''
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', '@font_tmp')
- rescue
- end
- begin
- fnt_bup = tk_call('font', 'create', '@font_tmp', '-copy', @kanjifont)
- rescue
- #fnt_bup = ''
- end
- end
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont)
- rescue
- end
- create_kanjifont(knj)
- keys = self.configinfo
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @compoundfont)
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
- '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
- rescue RuntimeError => e
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont)
- if fnt_bup && fnt_bup != ''
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', fnt_bup)
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
- '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
- tk_call('font', 'delete', fnt_bup)
- else
- fail e
- end
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def measure_core_tk4x(font, win, text)
- 0
- end
- def measure_core_tk8x(font, win, text)
- font = '{}' if font == ''
- if win
- number(tk_call('font', 'measure', font,
- '-displayof', win, text))
- else
- number(tk_call('font', 'measure', font, text))
- end
- end
- def metrics_core_tk4x(font, win, option=nil)
- # dummy
- if option
- ""
- else
- [['ascent',[]], ['descent',[]], ['linespace',[]], ['fixed',[]]]
- end
- end
- def metrics_core_tk8x(font, win, option=nil)
- font = '{}' if font == ''
- if option
- if win
- number(tk_call('font', 'metrics', font,
- "-displayof", win, "-#{option}"))
- else
- number(tk_call('font', 'metrics', font, "-#{option}"))
- end
- else
- l = tk_split_list(if win
- tk_call('font','metrics',font,"-displayof",win)
- else
- tk_call('font','metrics',font)
- end)
- r = []
- while key=l.shift
- r.push [key[1..-1], l.shift.to_i]
- if key == '-fixed' # boolean value
- r.push [key[1..-1], bool(l.shift)]
- else
- r.push [key[1..-1], l.shift.to_i]
- end
- end
- r
- end
- end
- ###################################
- # private alias
- ###################################
- case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
- when /^4\..*/
- alias actual_core actual_core_tk4x
- alias configure_core configure_core_tk4x
- alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk4x
- alias current_configinfo_core current_configinfo_core_tk4x
- alias delete_core delete_core_tk4x
- alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk4x
- alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk4x
- alias measure_core measure_core_tk4x
- alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk4x
- when /^8\.[0-9]/
- alias actual_core actual_core_tk8x
- alias configure_core configure_core_tk8x
- alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk8x
- alias current_configinfo_core current_configinfo_core_tk8x
- alias delete_core delete_core_tk8x
- alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk8x
- alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk8x
- alias measure_core measure_core_tk8x
- alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk8x
- else
- alias actual_core actual_core_tk8x
- alias configure_core configure_core_tk8x
- alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk8x
- alias current_configinfo_core current_configinfo_core_tk8x
- alias delete_core delete_core_tk8x
- alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk8x
- alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk8x
- alias measure_core measure_core_tk8x
- alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk8x
- end
-class TkFont
- include TkFont::CoreMethods
- extend TkFont::CoreMethods
-class TkNamedFont < TkFont
- # for built-in named fonts
- def TkNamedFont.find(name)
- name = name.to_s
- unless (obj = Tk_FontNameTBL[name])
- obj = self.new(name) if TkFont.is_system_font?(name)
- end
- obj
- end
- def TkNamedFont.new(name, keys=nil)
- name = name.to_s
- obj = nil
- Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- unless (obj = Tk_FontNameTBL[name])
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @id = @compoundfont = name.to_s
- @latinfont = nil
- @kanjifont = nil
- @descendant = [self, self] # [latin, kanji] : dummy
- Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = self
- }
- end
- }
- obj.instance_eval{ initialize(name, keys) }
- obj
- end
- ###########################
- private
- ###########################
- def initialize(name, keys=nil)
- @id = @compoundfont = name.to_s
- # if not exist named font, create it.
- begin
- if keys
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, keys)
- else
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont)
- end
- rescue
- # the named font doesn't exist -> create
- if keys
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont, keys)
- else
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont)
- end
- end
- end
- def create_latinfont(fnt)
- # ignore
- end
- def create_kanjifont(fnt)
- # ignore
- end
- def create_compoundfont(ltn, knj, keys)
- # ignore
- end
- ###########################
- public
- ###########################
- def latin_font_id
- @compoundfont
- end
- def kanji_font_id
- @compoundfont
- end
-# define system font names
-if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 ||
- # add standard fonts of Tcl/Tk 8.5+
- 'TkDefaultFont', 'TkTextFont', 'TkFixedFont', 'TkMenuFont',
- 'TkHeadingFont', 'TkCaptionFont', 'TkSmallCaptionFont',
- 'TkIconFont', 'TkTooltipFont'
- ]
-# platform-specific fonts
-# -- windows
- 'ansifixed', 'ansi', 'device', 'oemfixed', 'systemfixed', 'system'
-# -- macintosh, macosx
-TkFont::SYSTEM_FONT_NAMES.add ['system', 'application']
-if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 ||
- TkFont::SYSTEM_FONT_NAMES.add ['menu']
-# -- macosx (Aqua theme)
-if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 ||
- 'systemSystemFont', 'systemEmphasizedSystemFont',
- 'systemSmallSystemFont', 'systemSmallEmphasizedSystemFont',
- 'systemApplicationFont', 'systemLabelFont', 'systemViewsFont',
- 'systemMenuTitleFont', 'systemMenuItemFont', 'systemMenuItemMarkFont',
- 'systemMenuItemCmdKeyFont', 'systemWindowTitleFont',
- 'systemPushButtonFont', 'systemUtilityWindowTitleFont',
- 'systemAlertHeaderFont', 'systemToolbarFont', 'systemMiniSystemFont',
- 'systemDetailSystemFont', 'systemDetailEmphasizedSystemFont'
- ]
-# autoload
-class TkFont
- autoload :Chooser, 'tk/fontchooser'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/fontchooser.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/fontchooser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 325ca4dbd2..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/fontchooser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/fontchooser.rb -- "tk fontchooser" support (Tcl/Tk8.6 or later)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/font'
-module TkFont::Chooser
- extend TkCore
-module Tk
- Fontchooser = TkFont::Chooser
-class << TkFont::Chooser
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- name = id.id2name
- case args.length
- when 1
- if name[-1] == ?=
- configure name[0..-2], args[0]
- args[0]
- else
- configure name, args[0]
- self
- end
- when 0
- begin
- cget(name)
- rescue
- super(id, *args)
- end
- else
- super(id, *args)
- end
- end
- def __configinfo_value(key, val)
- case key
- when 'parent'
- window(val)
- when 'title'
- val
- when 'font'
- if (lst = tk_split_simplelist(val)).size == 1
- lst[0]
- else
- lst.map{|elem| num_or_str(elem)}
- end
- when 'command'
- tk_tcl2ruby(val)
- when 'visible'
- bool(val)
- else # unknown
- val
- end
- end
- private :__configinfo_value
- def configinfo(option=nil)
- if !option && TkComm::GET_CONFIGINFOwoRES_AS_ARRAY
- lst = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('tk', 'fontchooser', 'configure'))
- ret = []
- TkComm.slice_ary(lst, 2){|k, v|
- k = k[1..-1]
- ret << [k, __configinfo_value(k, v)]
- }
- ret
- else
- current_configinfo(option)
- end
- end
- def current_configinfo(option=nil)
- if option
- opt = option.to_s
- fail ArgumentError, "Invalid option `#{option.inspect}'" if opt.empty?
- __configinfo_value(option.to_s, tk_call('tk','fontchooser',
- 'configure',"-#{opt}"))
- else
- lst = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('tk', 'fontchooser', 'configure'))
- ret = {}
- TkComm.slice_ary(lst, 2){|k, v|
- k = k[1..-1]
- ret[k] = __configinfo_value(k, v)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- def configure(option, value=None)
- if option.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call('tk', 'fontchooser', 'configure',
- *hash_kv(_symbolkey2str(option)))
- else
- opt = option.to_s
- fail ArgumentError, "Invalid option `#{option.inspect}'" if opt.empty?
- tk_call('tk', 'fontchooser', 'configure', "-#{opt}", value)
- end
- self
- end
- def configure_cmd(slot, value)
- configure(slot, install_cmd(value))
- end
- def command(cmd=nil, &b)
- if cmd
- configure_cmd('command', cmd)
- elsif b
- configure_cmd('command', Proc.new(&b))
- else
- cget('command')
- end
- end
- def cget(slot)
- configinfo slot
- end
- def [](slot)
- cget slot
- end
- def []=(slot, val)
- configure slot, val
- val
- end
- def show
- tk_call('tk', 'fontchooser', 'show')
- self
- end
- def hide
- tk_call('tk', 'fontchooser', 'hide')
- self
- end
- def toggle
- cget(:visible) ? hide: show
- self
- end
- def set_for(target, title="Font")
- if target.kind_of? TkFont
- configs = {
- :font=>target.actual_hash,
- :command=>proc{|fnt, *args|
- target.configure(TkFont.actual_hash(fnt))
- }
- }
- elsif target.kind_of? Hash
- # key=>value list or OptionObj
- fnt = target[:font] rescue ''
- fnt = fnt.actual_hash if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- configs = {
- :font => fnt,
- :command=>proc{|fnt, *args|
- target[:font] = TkFont.actual_hash(fnt)
- }
- }
- else
- configs = {
- :font=>target.cget_tkstring(:font),
- :command=>proc{|fnt, *args|
- target.font = TkFont.actual_hash_displayof(fnt, target)
- }
- }
- end
- configs[:title] = title if title
- configure(configs)
- target
- end
- def unset
- configure(:command, nil)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/frame.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/frame.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0682faf3fe..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/frame.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/frame.rb : treat frame widget
-require 'tk'
-class Tk::Frame<TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['frame'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Frame'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
-################# old version
-# def initialize(parent=nil, keys=nil)
-# if keys.kind_of? Hash
-# keys = keys.dup
-# @classname = keys.delete('classname') if keys.key?('classname')
-# @colormap = keys.delete('colormap') if keys.key?('colormap')
-# @container = keys.delete('container') if keys.key?('container')
-# @visual = keys.delete('visual') if keys.key?('visual')
-# end
-# super(parent, keys)
-# end
-# def create_self
-# s = []
-# s << "-class" << @classname if @classname
-# s << "-colormap" << @colormap if @colormap
-# s << "-container" << @container if @container
-# s << "-visual" << @visual if @visual
-# tk_call 'frame', @path, *s
-# end
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'container'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def initialize(parent=nil, keys=nil)
- my_class_name = nil
- if self.class < WidgetClassNames[self.class::WidgetClassName]
- my_class_name = self.class.name
- my_class_name = nil if my_class_name == ''
- end
- if parent.kind_of? Hash
- keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
- else
- if keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys['parent'] = parent
- else
- keys = {'parent'=>parent}
- end
- end
- if keys.key?('classname')
- keys['class'] = keys.delete('classname')
- end
- @classname = keys['class']
- @colormap = keys['colormap']
- @container = keys['container']
- @visual = keys['visual']
- if !@classname && my_class_name
- keys['class'] = @classname = my_class_name
- end
- if @classname.kind_of? TkBindTag
- @db_class = @classname
- @classname = @classname.id
- elsif @classname
- @db_class = TkDatabaseClass.new(@classname)
- else
- @db_class = self.class
- @classname = @db_class::WidgetClassName
- end
- super(keys)
- end
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('frame', @path, *hash_kv(keys))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc( 'frame', @path)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def database_classname
- @classname
- end
- def self.database_class
- if self == WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] || self.name == ''
- self
- else
- TkDatabaseClass.new(self.name)
- end
- end
- def self.database_classname
- self.database_class.name
- end
- def self.bind(*args, &b)
- if self == WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] || self.name == ''
- super(*args, &b)
- else
- TkDatabaseClass.new(self.name).bind(*args, &b)
- end
- end
- def self.bind_append(*args, &b)
- if self == WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] || self.name == ''
- super(*args, &b)
- else
- TkDatabaseClass.new(self.name).bind_append(*args, &b)
- end
- end
- def self.bind_remove(*args)
- if self == WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] || self.name == ''
- super(*args)
- else
- TkDatabaseClass.new(self.name).bind_remove(*args)
- end
- end
- def self.bindinfo(*args)
- if self == WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] || self.name == ''
- super(*args)
- else
- TkDatabaseClass.new(self.name).bindinfo(*args)
- end
- end
-#TkFrame = Tk::Frame unless Object.const_defined? :TkFrame
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Frame, :TkFrame)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/frame.rb', :Tk, Tk::Frame, :TkFrame)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a4a26403a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/grid.rb : control grid geometry manager
-require 'tk'
-module TkGrid
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['grid'.freeze].freeze
- def anchor(master, anchor=None)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'anchor', master, anchor)
- end
- def bbox(master, *args)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- args.unshift(master)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'bbox', *args))
- end
- def configure(win, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = args.pop
- else
- opts = {}
- end
- params = []
- params.push(_epath(win))
- args.each{|win|
- case win
- when '-', 'x', '^' # RELATIVE PLACEMENT
- params.push(win)
- else
- params.push(_epath(win))
- end
- }
- opts.each{|k, v|
- params.push("-#{k}")
- params.push((v.kind_of?(TkObject))? v.epath: v)
- }
- if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION < 8 ||
- if params[0] == '-' || params[0] == 'x' || params[0] == '^'
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', *params)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'configure', *params)
- end
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'configure', *params)
- end
- end
- def configure(*args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = args.pop
- else
- opts = {}
- end
- fail ArgumentError, 'no widget is given' if args.empty?
- params = []
- args.flatten(1).each{|win|
- case win
- when '-', ?- # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (increase columnspan)
- params.push('-')
- when /^-+$/ # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (increase columnspan)
- params.concat(win.to_s.split(//))
- when '^', ?^ # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (increase rowspan)
- params.push('^')
- when /^\^+$/ # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (increase rowspan)
- params.concat(win.to_s.split(//))
- when 'x', :x, ?x, nil, '' # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (empty column)
- params.push('x')
- when /^x+$/ # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (empty column)
- params.concat(win.to_s.split(//))
- else
- params.push(_epath(win))
- end
- }
- opts.each{|k, v|
- params.push("-#{k}")
- params.push(_epath(v)) # have to use 'epath' (hash_kv() is unavailable)
- }
- if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION < 8 ||
- if params[0] == '-' || params[0] == 'x' || params[0] == '^'
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', *params)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'configure', *params)
- end
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'configure', *params)
- end
- end
- alias grid configure
- def columnconfigure(master, index, args)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- tk_call_without_enc("grid", 'columnconfigure',
- master, index, *hash_kv(args))
- end
- def rowconfigure(master, index, args)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- tk_call_without_enc("grid", 'rowconfigure', master, index, *hash_kv(args))
- end
- def columnconfiginfo(master, index, slot=nil)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- if slot
- case slot
- when 'uniform', :uniform
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'columnconfigure',
- master, index, "-#{slot}")
- else
- num_or_str(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'columnconfigure',
- master, index, "-#{slot}"))
- end
- else
- #ilist = list(tk_call_without_enc('grid','columnconfigure',master,index))
- ilist = simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'columnconfigure',
- master, index))
- info = {}
- while key = ilist.shift
- case key
- when 'uniform'
- info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift
- else
- info[key[1..-1]] = tk_tcl2ruby(ilist.shift)
- end
- end
- info
- end
- end
- def rowconfiginfo(master, index, slot=nil)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- if slot
- case slot
- when 'uniform', :uniform
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'rowconfigure',
- master, index, "-#{slot}")
- else
- num_or_str(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'rowconfigure',
- master, index, "-#{slot}"))
- end
- else
- #ilist = list(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'rowconfigure', master, index))
- ilist = simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'rowconfigure',
- master, index))
- info = {}
- while key = ilist.shift
- case key
- when 'uniform'
- info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift
- else
- info[key[1..-1]] = tk_tcl2ruby(ilist.shift)
- end
- end
- info
- end
- end
- def column(master, index, keys=nil)
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- columnconfigure(master, index, keys)
- else
- columnconfiginfo(master, index, keys)
- end
- end
- def row(master, index, keys=nil)
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- rowconfigure(master, index, keys)
- else
- rowconfiginfo(master, index, keys)
- end
- end
- def add(widget, *args)
- configure(widget, *args)
- end
- def forget(*args)
- return '' if args.size == 0
- wins = args.collect{|win|
- # (win.kind_of?(TkObject))? win.epath: win
- _epath(win)
- }
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'forget', *wins)
- end
- def info(slave)
- # slave = slave.epath if slave.kind_of?(TkObject)
- slave = _epath(slave)
- #ilist = list(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'info', slave))
- ilist = simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'info', slave))
- info = {}
- while key = ilist.shift
- #info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift
- info[key[1..-1]] = tk_tcl2ruby(ilist.shift)
- end
- return info
- end
- def location(master, x, y)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'location', master, x, y))
- end
- def propagate(master, mode=None)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- if mode == None
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'propagate', master))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'propagate', master, mode)
- end
- end
- def remove(*args)
- return '' if args.size == 0
- wins = args.collect{|win|
- # (win.kind_of?(TkObject))? win.epath: win
- _epath(win)
- }
- tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'remove', *wins)
- end
- def size(master)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'size', master))
- end
- def slaves(master, keys=nil)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'slaves', master, *hash_kv(args)))
- end
- module_function :anchor, :bbox, :add, :forget, :propagate, :info
- module_function :remove, :size, :slaves, :location
- module_function :grid, :configure, :columnconfigure, :rowconfigure
- module_function :column, :row, :columnconfiginfo, :rowconfiginfo
-def TkGrid(win, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = args.pop
- else
- opts = {}
- end
- params = []
- params.push((win.kind_of?(TkObject))? win.epath: win)
- args.each{|win|
- case win
- when '-', 'x', '^' # RELATIVE PLACEMENT
- params.push(win)
- else
- params.push((win.kind_of?(TkObject))? win.epath: win)
- end
- }
- opts.each{|k, v|
- params.push("-#{k}")
- params.push((v.kind_of?(TkObject))? v.epath: v)
- }
- tk_call_without_enc("grid", *params)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/image.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/image.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ec23e495d0..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/image.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/image.rb : treat Tk image objects
-require 'tk'
-class TkImage<TkObject
- include Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['image'.freeze].freeze
- Tk_IMGTBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Tk_Image_ID = ['i'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- Tk_IMGTBL.mutex.synchronize{ Tk_IMGTBL.clear }
- }
- def self.new(keys=nil)
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- name = nil
- if keys.key?(:imagename)
- name = keys[:imagename]
- elsif keys.key?('imagename')
- name = keys['imagename']
- end
- if name
- if name.kind_of?(TkImage)
- obj = name
- else
- name = _get_eval_string(name)
- obj = nil
- Tk_IMGTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- obj = Tk_IMGTBL[name]
- }
- end
- if obj
- if !(keys[:without_creating] || keys['without_creating'])
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys.delete('imagename')
- keys.delete('without_creating')
- obj.instance_eval{
- tk_call_without_enc('image', 'create',
- @type, @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- }
- end
- return obj
- end
- end
- end
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- Tk_IMGTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- initialize(keys)
- Tk_IMGTBL[@path] = self
- }
- }
- obj
- end
- def initialize(keys=nil)
- @path = nil
- without_creating = false
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- @path = keys.delete('imagename')
- without_creating = keys.delete('without_creating')
- end
- unless @path
- Tk_Image_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = Tk_Image_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk_Image_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- unless without_creating
- tk_call_without_enc('image', 'create',
- @type, @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- end
- def delete
- Tk_IMGTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk_IMGTBL.delete(@id) if @id
- }
- tk_call_without_enc('image', 'delete', @path)
- self
- end
- def height
- number(tk_call_without_enc('image', 'height', @path))
- end
- def inuse
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('image', 'inuse', @path))
- end
- def itemtype
- tk_call_without_enc('image', 'type', @path)
- end
- def width
- number(tk_call_without_enc('image', 'width', @path))
- end
- def TkImage.names
- Tk_IMGTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('image', 'names').split.collect!{|id|
- (Tk_IMGTBL[id])? Tk_IMGTBL[id] : id
- }
- }
- end
- def TkImage.types
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('image', 'types').split
- end
-class TkBitmapImage<TkImage
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() + ['maskdata', 'maskfile']
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def initialize(*args)
- @type = 'bitmap'
- super(*args)
- end
-# A photo is an image whose pixels can display any color or be transparent.
-# At present, only GIF and PPM/PGM formats are supported, but an interface
-# exists to allow additional image file formats to be added easily.
-# This class documentation is a copy from the original Tcl/Tk at
-# http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/photo.htm with some rewritten parts.
-class TkPhotoImage<TkImage
- NullArgOptionKeys = [ "shrink", "grayscale" ]
- def _photo_hash_kv(keys)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- NullArgOptionKeys.collect{|opt|
- if keys[opt]
- keys[opt] = None
- else
- keys.delete(opt)
- end
- }
- keys.collect{|k,v|
- ['-' << k, v]
- }.flatten
- end
- private :_photo_hash_kv
- # Create a new image with the given options.
- # == Examples of use :
- # === Create an empty image of 300x200 pixels
- #
- # image = TkPhotoImage.new(:height => 200, :width => 300)
- #
- # === Create an image from a file
- #
- # image = TkPhotoImage.new(:file: => 'my_image.gif')
- #
- # == Options
- # Photos support the following options:
- # * :data
- # Specifies the contents of the image as a string.
- # * :format
- # Specifies the name of the file format for the data.
- # * :file
- # Gives the name of a file that is to be read to supply data for the image.
- # * :gamma
- # Specifies that the colors allocated for displaying this image in a window
- # should be corrected for a non-linear display with the specified gamma
- # exponent value.
- # * height
- # Specifies the height of the image, in pixels. This option is useful
- # primarily in situations where the user wishes to build up the contents of
- # the image piece by piece. A value of zero (the default) allows the image
- # to expand or shrink vertically to fit the data stored in it.
- # * palette
- # Specifies the resolution of the color cube to be allocated for displaying
- # this image.
- # * width
- # Specifies the width of the image, in pixels. This option is useful
- # primarily in situations where the user wishes to build up the contents of
- # the image piece by piece. A value of zero (the default) allows the image
- # to expand or shrink horizontally to fit the data stored in it.
- def initialize(*args)
- @type = 'photo'
- super(*args)
- end
- # Blank the image; that is, set the entire image to have no data, so it will
- # be displayed as transparent, and the background of whatever window it is
- # displayed in will show through.
- def blank
- tk_send_without_enc('blank')
- self
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- case option.to_s
- when 'data', 'file'
- tk_send 'cget', '-' << option.to_s
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send('cget', '-' << option.to_s))
- end
- end
- # Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option.
- # Example, display name of the file from which <tt>image</tt> was created:
- # puts image.cget :file
- def cget(option)
- cget_strict(option)
- else
- begin
- cget_strict(option)
- rescue => e
- if current_configinfo.has_key?(option.to_s)
- # error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # unknown option
- nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # Copies a region from the image called source to the image called
- # destination, possibly with pixel zooming and/or subsampling. If no options
- # are specified, this method copies the whole of source into destination,
- # starting at coordinates (0,0) in destination. The following options may be
- # specified:
- #
- # * :from [x1, y1, x2, y2]
- # Specifies a rectangular sub-region of the source image to be copied.
- # (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) specify diagonally opposite corners of the rectangle.
- # If x2 and y2 are not specified, the default value is the bottom-right
- # corner of the source image. The pixels copied will include the left and
- # top edges of the specified rectangle but not the bottom or right edges.
- # If the :from option is not given, the default is the whole source image.
- # * :to [x1, y1, x2, y2]
- # Specifies a rectangular sub-region of the destination image to be
- # affected. (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) specify diagonally opposite corners of the
- # rectangle. If x2 and y2 are not specified, the default value is (x1,y1)
- # plus the size of the source region (after subsampling and zooming, if
- # specified). If x2 and y2 are specified, the source region will be
- # replicated if necessary to fill the destination region in a tiled fashion.
- # * :shrink
- # Specifies that the size of the destination image should be reduced, if
- # necessary, so that the region being copied into is at the bottom-right
- # corner of the image. This option will not affect the width or height of
- # the image if the user has specified a non-zero value for the :width or
- # :height configuration option, respectively.
- # * :zoom [x, y]
- # Specifies that the source region should be magnified by a factor of x
- # in the X direction and y in the Y direction. If y is not given, the
- # default value is the same as x. With this option, each pixel in the
- # source image will be expanded into a block of x x y pixels in the
- # destination image, all the same color. x and y must be greater than 0.
- # * :subsample [x, y]
- # Specifies that the source image should be reduced in size by using only
- # every xth pixel in the X direction and yth pixel in the Y direction.
- # Negative values will cause the image to be flipped about the Y or X axes,
- # respectively. If y is not given, the default value is the same as x.
- # * :compositingrule rule
- # Specifies how transparent pixels in the source image are combined with
- # the destination image. When a compositing rule of <tt>overlay</tt> is set,
- # the old contents of the destination image are visible, as if the source
- # image were printed on a piece of transparent film and placed over the
- # top of the destination. When a compositing rule of <tt>set</tt> is set,
- # the old contents of the destination image are discarded and the source
- # image is used as-is. The default compositing rule is <tt>overlay</tt>.
- def copy(src, *opts)
- if opts.size == 0
- tk_send('copy', src)
- elsif opts.size == 1 && opts[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_send('copy', src, *_photo_hash_kv(opts[0]))
- else
- # for backward compatibility
- args = opts.collect{|term|
- if term.kind_of?(String) && term.include?(?\s)
- term.split
- else
- term
- end
- }.flatten
- tk_send('copy', src, *args)
- end
- self
- end
- # Returns image data in the form of a string. The following options may be
- # specified:
- # * :background color
- # If the color is specified, the data will not contain any transparency
- # information. In all transparent pixels the color will be replaced by the
- # specified color.
- # * :format format-name
- # Specifies the name of the image file format handler to be used.
- # Specifically, this subcommand searches for the first handler whose name
- # matches an initial substring of format-name and which has the capability
- # to read this image data. If this option is not given, this subcommand
- # uses the first handler that has the capability to read the image data.
- # * :from [x1, y1, x2, y2]
- # Specifies a rectangular region of imageName to be returned. If only x1
- # and y1 are specified, the region extends from (x1,y1) to the bottom-right
- # corner of imageName. If all four coordinates are given, they specify
- # diagonally opposite corners of the rectangular region, including x1,y1
- # and excluding x2,y2. The default, if this option is not given, is the
- # whole image.
- # * :grayscale
- # If this options is specified, the data will not contain color information.
- # All pixel data will be transformed into grayscale.
- def data(keys={})
- tk_split_list(tk_send('data', *_photo_hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- # Returns the color of the pixel at coordinates (x,y) in the image as a list
- # of three integers between 0 and 255, representing the red, green and blue
- # components respectively.
- def get(x, y)
- tk_send('get', x, y).split.collect{|n| n.to_i}
- end
- def put(data, *opts)
- if opts.empty?
- tk_send('put', data)
- elsif opts.size == 1 && opts[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_send('put', data, *_photo_hash_kv(opts[0]))
- else
- # for backward compatibility
- tk_send('put', data, '-to', *opts)
- end
- self
- end
- def read(file, *opts)
- if opts.size == 0
- tk_send('read', file)
- elsif opts.size == 1 && opts[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_send('read', file, *_photo_hash_kv(opts[0]))
- else
- # for backward compatibility
- args = opts.collect{|term|
- if term.kind_of?(String) && term.include?(?\s)
- term.split
- else
- term
- end
- }.flatten
- tk_send('read', file, *args)
- end
- self
- end
- def redither
- tk_send 'redither'
- self
- end
- # Returns a boolean indicating if the pixel at (x,y) is transparent.
- def get_transparency(x, y)
- bool(tk_send('transparency', 'get', x, y))
- end
- # Makes the pixel at (x,y) transparent if <tt>state</tt> is true, and makes
- # that pixel opaque otherwise.
- def set_transparency(x, y, state)
- tk_send('transparency', 'set', x, y, state)
- self
- end
- def write(file, *opts)
- if opts.size == 0
- tk_send('write', file)
- elsif opts.size == 1 && opts[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_send('write', file, *_photo_hash_kv(opts[0]))
- else
- # for backward compatibility
- args = opts.collect{|term|
- if term.kind_of?(String) && term.include?(?\s)
- term.split
- else
- term
- end
- }.flatten
- tk_send('write', file, *args)
- end
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e615fa0950..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1222 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/itemconfig.rb : control item/tag configuration of widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkutil'
-require 'tk/itemfont.rb'
-module TkItemConfigOptkeys
- include TkUtil
- def __item_optkey_aliases(id)
- {}
- end
- private :__item_optkey_aliases
- def __item_numval_optkeys(id)
- []
- end
- private :__item_numval_optkeys
- def __item_numstrval_optkeys(id)
- []
- end
- private :__item_numstrval_optkeys
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- ['exportselection', 'jump', 'setgrid', 'takefocus']
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- # maybe need to override
- [
- 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file', 'maskdata', 'maskfile',
- 'activebackground', 'activeforeground', 'background',
- 'disabledforeground', 'disabledbackground', 'foreground',
- 'highlightbackground', 'highlightcolor', 'insertbackground',
- 'selectbackground', 'selectforeground', 'troughcolor'
- ]
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
- []
- end
- private :__item_listval_optkeys
- def __item_numlistval_optkeys(id)
- # maybe need to override
- ['dash', 'activedash', 'disableddash']
- end
- private :__item_numlistval_optkeys
- def __item_tkvariable_optkeys(id)
- ['variable', 'textvariable']
- end
- private :__item_tkvariable_optkeys
- def __item_val2ruby_optkeys(id) # { key=>method, ... }
- # The method is used to convert a opt-value to a ruby's object.
- # When get the value of the option "key", "method.call(id, val)" is called.
- {}
- end
- private :__item_val2ruby_optkeys
- def __item_ruby2val_optkeys(id) # { key=>method, ... }
- # The method is used to convert a ruby's object to a opt-value.
- # When set the value of the option "key", "method.call(id, val)" is called.
- # That is, "-#{key} #{method.call(id, value)}".
- {}
- end
- private :__item_ruby2val_optkeys
- def __item_methodcall_optkeys(id) # { key=>method, ... }
- # Use the method for both of get and set.
- # Usually, the 'key' will not be a widget option.
- #
- # maybe need to override
- # {'coords'=>'coords'}
- {}
- end
- private :__item_methodcall_optkeys
- ################################################
- def __item_keyonly_optkeys(id) # { def_key=>(undef_key|nil), ... }
- # maybe need to override
- {}
- end
- private :__item_keyonly_optkeys
- def __conv_item_keyonly_opts(id, keys)
- return keys unless keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- keyonly = __item_keyonly_optkeys(id)
- keys2 = {}
- keys.each{|k, v|
- optkey = keyonly.find{|kk,vv| kk.to_s == k.to_s}
- if optkey
- defkey, undefkey = optkey
- if v
- keys2[defkey.to_s] = None
- else
- keys2[undefkey.to_s] = None
- end
- else
- keys2[k.to_s] = v
- end
- }
- keys2
- end
- def itemconfig_hash_kv(id, keys, enc_mode = nil, conf = nil)
- hash_kv(__conv_item_keyonly_opts(id, keys), enc_mode, conf)
- end
-module TkItemConfigMethod
- include TkUtil
- include TkTreatItemFont
- include TkItemConfigOptkeys
- @mode || false
- end
- def TkItemConfigMethod.__set_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__!(mode)
- @mode = (mode)? true: false
- end
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- # maybe need to override
- [self.path, 'itemcget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- # maybe need to override
- [self.path, 'itemconfigure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_confinfo_cmd(id)
- # maybe need to override
- __item_config_cmd(id)
- end
- private :__item_confinfo_cmd
- def __item_configinfo_struct(id)
- # maybe need to override
- {:key=>0, :alias=>1, :db_name=>1, :db_class=>2,
- :default_value=>3, :current_value=>4}
- end
- private :__item_configinfo_struct
- ################################################
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- # maybe need to override
- tagOrId
- end
- ################################################
- def itemcget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- opt = option.to_s
- fail ArgumentError, "Invalid option `#{option.inspect}'" if opt.length == 0
- tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_cget_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{opt}"))
- end
- def __itemcget_core(tagOrId, option)
- orig_opt = option
- option = option.to_s
- if option.length == 0
- fail ArgumentError, "Invalid option `#{orig_opt.inspect}'"
- end
- alias_name, real_name = __item_optkey_aliases(tagid(tagOrId)).find{|k, v| k.to_s == option}
- if real_name
- option = real_name.to_s
- end
- if ( method = _symbolkey2str(__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[option] )
- optval = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_cget_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{option}"))
- begin
- return method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- return optval
- end
- end
- if ( method = _symbolkey2str(__item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[option] )
- return self.__send__(method, tagOrId)
- end
- case option
- when /^(#{__item_numval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- number(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_cget_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{option}")))
- rescue
- nil
- end
- when /^(#{__item_numstrval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- num_or_str(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_cget_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{option}")))
- when /^(#{__item_boolval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- bool(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_cget_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{option}")))
- rescue
- nil
- end
- when /^(#{__item_listval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_cget_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{option}")))
- when /^(#{__item_numlistval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- conf = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_cget_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{option}"))
- if conf =~ /^[0-9]/
- list(conf)
- else
- conf
- end
- when /^(#{__item_tkvariable_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- v = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_cget_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{option}"))
- (v.empty?)? nil: TkVarAccess.new(v)
- when /^(#{__item_strval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- _fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_cget_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{option}")))
- when /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- fontcode = $1
- fontkey = $2
- fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_cget_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{fontkey}")), true)
- unless fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt = tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId), fontkey)
- end
- if fontcode == 'kanji' && JAPANIZED_TK && TK_VERSION =~ /^4\.*/
- # obsolete; just for compatibility
- fnt.kanji_font
- else
- fnt
- end
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_cget_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{option}")), true)
- end
- end
- private :__itemcget_core
- def itemcget(tagOrId, option)
- __itemcget_core(tagOrId, option)
- else
- begin
- __itemcget_core(tagOrId, option)
- rescue => e
- begin
- if __current_itemconfiginfo(tagOrId).has_key?(option.to_s)
- # not tag error & option is known -> error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # not tag error & option is unknown
- nil
- end
- rescue
- fail e # tag error
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def itemcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- # never use TkItemConfigMethod.__IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__
- __itemcget_core(tagOrId, option)
- end
- def __itemconfigure_core(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- __item_optkey_aliases(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|alias_name, real_name|
- alias_name = alias_name.to_s
- if slot.has_key?(alias_name)
- slot[real_name.to_s] = slot.delete(alias_name)
- end
- }
- __item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|key, method|
- value = slot.delete(key.to_s)
- self.__send__(method, tagOrId, value) if value
- }
- __item_ruby2val_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|key, method|
- key = key.to_s
- slot[key] = method.call(tagOrId, slot[key]) if slot.has_key?(key)
- }
- __item_keyonly_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|defkey, undefkey|
- conf = slot.find{|kk, vv| kk == defkey.to_s}
- if conf
- k, v = conf
- if v
- slot[k] = None
- else
- slot[undefkey.to_s] = None if undefkey
- slot.delete(k)
- end
- end
- }
- if (slot.find{|k, v| k =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/})
- tagfont_configure(tagid(tagOrId), slot)
- elsif slot.size > 0
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)).concat(hash_kv(slot))))
- end
- else
- orig_slot = slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- if slot.length == 0
- fail ArgumentError, "Invalid option `#{orig_slot.inspect}'"
- end
- alias_name, real_name = __item_optkey_aliases(tagid(tagOrId)).find{|k, v| k.to_s == slot}
- if real_name
- slot = real_name.to_s
- end
- if ( conf = __item_keyonly_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).find{|k, v| k.to_s == slot } )
- defkey, undefkey = conf
- if value
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{defkey}"))
- elsif undefkey
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{undefkey}"))
- end
- elsif ( method = _symbolkey2str(__item_ruby2val_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[slot] )
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}" << method.call(tagOrId, value)))
- elsif ( method = _symbolkey2str(__item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[slot] )
- self.__send__(method, tagOrId, value)
- elsif (slot =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/)
- if value == None
- tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId), $2)
- else
- tagfont_configure(tagid(tagOrId), {slot=>value})
- end
- else
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}" << value))
- end
- end
- self
- end
- private :__itemconfigure_core
- def __check_available_itemconfigure_options(tagOrId, keys)
- id = tagid(tagOrId)
- availables = self.__current_itemconfiginfo(id).keys
- # add non-standard keys
- availables |= __font_optkeys.map{|k|
- [k.to_s, "latin#{k}", "ascii#{k}", "kanji#{k}"]
- }.flatten
- availables |= __item_methodcall_optkeys(id).keys.map{|k| k.to_s}
- availables |= __item_keyonly_optkeys(id).keys.map{|k| k.to_s}
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys.delete_if{|k, v| !(availables.include?(k))}
- end
- def itemconfigure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- __itemconfigure_core(tagOrId, slot, value)
- else
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- begin
- __itemconfigure_core(tagOrId, slot)
- rescue
- slot = __check_available_itemconfigure_options(tagOrId, slot)
- __itemconfigure_core(tagOrId, slot) unless slot.empty?
- end
- else
- begin
- __itemconfigure_core(tagOrId, slot, value)
- rescue => e
- begin
- if __current_itemconfiginfo(tagOrId).has_key?(slot.to_s)
- # not tag error & option is known -> error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # not tag error & option is unknown
- nil
- end
- rescue
- fail e # tag error
- end
- end
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId, slot = nil)
- if (slot && slot.to_s =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/)
- fontkey = $2
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{fontkey}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{fontkey}")), false, true)
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]][1..-1]
- if ( ! __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- || conf.size > __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 )
- fnt = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = TkNamedFont.new(fnt)
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId), fontkey)
- elsif ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][0] == ?- )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- conf
- else
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- alias_name, real_name = __item_optkey_aliases(tagid(tagOrId)).find{|k, v| k.to_s == slot}
- if real_name
- slot = real_name.to_s
- end
- case slot
- when /^(#{__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[slot]
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- optval = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = val
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- optval = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}lcall(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = val
- end
- when /^(#{__item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[slot]
- return [slot, '', '', '', self.__send__(method, tagOrId)]
- when /^(#{__item_numval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- number(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- number(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__item_numstrval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_boolval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- bool(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- bool(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__item_listval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_numlistval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_strval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- when /^(#{__item_tkvariable_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- v = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- v = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- else
- # conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), 0, false, true)
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]][1..-1]
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][0] == ?- )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- conf
- else
- # ret = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)))))).collect{|conflist|
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- ret = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)))), false, false).collect{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true)
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]][1..-1]
- optkey = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]]
- case optkey
- when /^(#{__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[optkey]
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- optval = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- begin
- val = method(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = val
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- optval = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = val
- end
- when /^(#{__item_strval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # do nothing
- when /^(#{__item_numval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- number(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- number(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__item_numstrval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_boolval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- bool(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- bool(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__item_listval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_numlistval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_tkvariable_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- v = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- v = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- else
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- if conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]].index('{')
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- tk_split_list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- tk_tcl2ruby(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- end
- if conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]]
- if conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]].index('{')
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- tk_split_list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- tk_tcl2ruby(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- end
- end
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][0] == ?- )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- conf
- }
- __item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- fontconf = ret.assoc(optkey)
- if fontconf && fontconf.size > 2
- ret.delete_if{|inf| inf[0] =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)#{optkey}$/}
- fnt = fontconf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
- fontconf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = TkNamedFont.new(fnt)
- end
- fontconf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId), optkey)
- ret.push(fontconf)
- end
- }
- __item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|optkey, method|
- ret << [optkey.to_s, '', '', '', self.__send__(method, tagOrId)]
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- if (slot && slot.to_s =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/)
- fontkey = $2
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{fontkey}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{fontkey}")), false, true)
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]][1..-1]
- if ( ! __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- || conf.size > __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 )
- fnt = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = TkNamedFont.new(fnt)
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId), fontkey)
- { conf.shift => conf }
- elsif ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 )
- if conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][0] == ?-
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- { conf[0] => conf[1] }
- else
- { conf.shift => conf }
- end
- else
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- alias_name, real_name = __item_optkey_aliases(tagid(tagOrId)).find{|k, v| k.to_s == slot}
- if real_name
- slot = real_name.to_s
- end
- case slot
- when /^(#{__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[slot]
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- optval = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = val
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- optval = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = val
- end
- when /^(#{__item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[slot]
- return {slot => ['', '', '', self.__send__(method, tagOrId)]}
- when /^(#{__item_numval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- number(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- number(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__item_numstrval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- num_or_stre(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_boolval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- bool(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- bool(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__item_listval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_numlistval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_strval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- when /^(#{__item_tkvariable_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), false, true)
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- v = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- v = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- else
- # conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))))
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")), 0, false, true)
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]][1..-1]
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 )
- if conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][0] == ?-
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- { conf[0] => conf[1] }
- else
- { conf.shift => conf }
- end
- else
- ret = {}
- # tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)))))).each{|conflist|
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)))), false, false).each{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true)
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]][1..-1]
- optkey = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:key]]
- case optkey
- when /^(#{__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[optkey]
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- optval = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = val
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- optval = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]]
- begin
- val = method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = val
- end
- when /^(#{__item_strval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # do nothing
- when /^(#{__item_numval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- number(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- number(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__item_numstrval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- num_or_str(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_boolval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- bool(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- begin
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- bool(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- rescue
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- end
- end
- when /^(#{__item_listval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- simplelist(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_numlistval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =~ /^[0-9]/ )
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_tkvariable_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- v = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- if ( conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] )
- v = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]]
- if v.empty?
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = nil
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = TkVarAccess.new(v)
- end
- end
- else
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value] \
- && conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] )
- if conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]].index('{')
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- tk_split_list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] =
- tk_tcl2ruby(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]])
- end
- end
- if conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]]
- if conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]].index('{')
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- tk_split_list(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- else
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] =
- tk_tcl2ruby(conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]])
- end
- end
- end
- if ( __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- && conf.size == __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 )
- if conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][0] == ?-
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]] =
- conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]][1..-1]
- end
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[1]
- else
- ret[conf.shift] = conf
- end
- }
- __item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- fontconf = ret[optkey]
- if fontconf.kind_of?(Array)
- ret.delete(optkey)
- ret.delete('latin' << optkey)
- ret.delete('ascii' << optkey)
- ret.delete('kanji' << optkey)
- fnt = fontconf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]]
- if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
- fontconf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:default_value]] = TkNamedFont.new(fnt)
- end
- fontconf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:current_value]] = tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId), optkey)
- ret[optkey] = fontconf
- end
- }
- __item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|optkey, method|
- ret[optkey.to_s] = ['', '', '', self.__send__(method, tagOrId)]
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- end
- private :__itemconfiginfo_core
- def itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot = nil)
- if slot && TkItemConfigMethod.__IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__
- begin
- __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId, slot)
- rescue => e
- begin
- __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId)
- # not tag error -> option is unknown
- Array.new(__item_configinfo_struct.values.max).unshift(slot.to_s)
- rescue
- fail e # tag error
- end
- end
- else
- __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId, slot)
- end
- end
- def __current_itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot = nil)
- if slot
- org_slot = slot
- begin
- conf = __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId, slot)
- if ( ! __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- || conf.size > __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 )
- return {conf[0] => conf[-1]}
- end
- slot = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]]
- end while(org_slot != slot)
- fail RuntimeError,
- "there is a configure alias loop about '#{org_slot}'"
- else
- ret = {}
- __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId).each{|conf|
- if ( ! __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- || conf.size > __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 )
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[-1]
- end
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId, slot).each{|key, conf|
- ret[key] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- def current_itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot = nil)
- __current_itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 92f75ac388..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/itemfont.rb : control font of widget items
-require 'tk'
-module TkItemFontOptkeys
- def __item_font_optkeys(id)
- # maybe need to override
- ['font']
- end
- private :__item_font_optkeys
-module TkTreatItemFont
- include TkItemFontOptkeys
- def __item_pathname(id)
- # maybe need to override
- [self.path, id].join(';')
- end
- private :__item_pathname
- ################################################
- def tagfont_configinfo(tagOrId, key = nil)
- optkeys = __item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId))
- if key && !optkeys.find{|opt| opt.to_s == key.to_s}
- fail ArgumentError, "unknown font option name `#{key}'"
- end
- win, tag = __item_pathname(tagid(tagOrId)).split(';')
- if key
- pathname = [win, tag, key].join(';')
- TkFont.used_on(pathname) ||
- TkFont.init_widget_font(pathname,
- *(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId))))
- elsif optkeys.size == 1
- pathname = [win, tag, optkeys[0]].join(';')
- TkFont.used_on(pathname) ||
- TkFont.init_widget_font(pathname,
- *(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId))))
- else
- fonts = {}
- optkeys.each{|key|
- key = key.to_s
- pathname = [win, tag, key].join(';')
- fonts[key] =
- TkFont.used_on(pathname) ||
- TkFont.init_widget_font(pathname,
- *(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId))))
- }
- fonts
- end
- end
- alias tagfontobj tagfont_configinfo
- def tagfont_configure(tagOrId, slot)
- pathname = __item_pathname(tagid(tagOrId))
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- __item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- l_optkey = 'latin' << optkey
- a_optkey = 'ascii' << optkey
- k_optkey = 'kanji' << optkey
- if slot.key?(optkey)
- fnt = slot.delete(optkey)
- if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- slot.delete(l_optkey)
- slot.delete(a_optkey)
- slot.delete(k_optkey)
- fnt.call_font_configure([pathname, optkey],
- *(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << {}))
- next
- else
- if fnt
- if (slot.key?(l_optkey) ||
- slot.key?(a_optkey) ||
- slot.key?(k_optkey))
- fnt = TkFont.new(fnt)
- lfnt = slot.delete(l_optkey)
- lfnt = slot.delete(a_optkey) if slot.key?(a_optkey)
- kfnt = slot.delete(k_optkey)
- fnt.latin_replace(lfnt) if lfnt
- fnt.kanji_replace(kfnt) if kfnt
- fnt.call_font_configure([pathname, optkey],
- *(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << {}))
- next
- else
- fnt = hash_kv(fnt) if fnt.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{optkey}" << fnt))
- else
- begin
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{optkey}" << fnt))
- rescue => e
- # ignore
- end
- end
- end
- end
- next
- end
- end
- lfnt = slot.delete(l_optkey)
- lfnt = slot.delete(a_optkey) if slot.key?(a_optkey)
- kfnt = slot.delete(k_optkey)
- if lfnt && kfnt
- TkFont.new(lfnt, kfnt).call_font_configure([pathname, optkey],
- *(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << {}))
- elsif lfnt
- latintagfont_configure([lfnt, optkey])
- elsif kfnt
- kanjitagfont_configure([kfnt, optkey])
- end
- }
- # configure other (without font) options
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)).concat(hash_kv(slot)))) if slot != {}
- self
- end
- def latintagfont_configure(tagOrId, ltn, keys=nil)
- if ltn.kind_of?(Array)
- key = ltn[1]
- ltn = ltn[0]
- else
- key = nil
- end
- optkeys = __item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId))
- if key && !optkeys.find{|opt| opt.to_s == key.to_s}
- fail ArgumentError, "unknown font option name `#{key}'"
- end
- win, tag = __item_pathname(tagid(tagOrId)).split(';')
- optkeys = [key] if key
- optkeys.each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- pathname = [win, tag, optkey].join(';')
- if (fobj = TkFont.used_on(pathname))
- fobj = TkFont.new(fobj) # create a new TkFont object
- elsif Tk::JAPANIZED_TK
- fobj = fontobj # create a new TkFont object
- else
- ltn = hash_kv(ltn) if ltn.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{optkey}" << ltn))
- else
- begin
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{optkey}" << ltn))
- rescue => e
- # ignore
- end
- end
- next
- end
- if fobj.kind_of?(TkFont)
- if ltn.kind_of?(TkFont)
- conf = {}
- ltn.latin_configinfo.each{|key,val| conf[key] = val}
- if keys
- fobj.latin_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.latin_configure(conf)
- end
- else
- fobj.latin_replace(ltn)
- end
- end
- fobj.call_font_configure([pathname, optkey], *(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << {}))
- }
- self
- end
- alias asciitagfont_configure latintagfont_configure
- def kanjitagfont_configure(tagOrId, knj, keys=nil)
- if knj.kind_of?(Array)
- key = knj[1]
- knj = knj[0]
- else
- key = nil
- end
- optkeys = __item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId))
- if key && !optkeys.find{|opt| opt.to_s == key.to_s}
- fail ArgumentError, "unknown font option name `#{key}'"
- end
- win, tag = __item_pathname(tagid(tagOrId)).split(';')
- optkeys = [key] if key
- optkeys.each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- pathname = [win, tag, optkey].join(';')
- if (fobj = TkFont.used_on(pathname))
- fobj = TkFont.new(fobj) # create a new TkFont object
- elsif Tk::JAPANIZED_TK
- fobj = fontobj # create a new TkFont object
- else
- knj = hash_kv(knj) if knj.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{optkey}" << knj))
- else
- begin
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{optkey}" << knj))
- rescue => e
- # ignore
- end
- end
- next
- end
- if fobj.kind_of?(TkFont)
- if knj.kind_of?(TkFont)
- conf = {}
- knj.kanji_configinfo.each{|key,val| conf[key] = val}
- if keys
- fobj.kanji_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.kanji_configure(conf)
- end
- else
- fobj.kanji_replace(knj)
- end
- end
- fobj.call_font_configure([pathname, optkey], *(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << {}))
- }
- self
- end
- def tagfont_copy(tagOrId, win, wintag=nil, winkey=nil, targetkey=nil)
- if wintag
- if winkey
- fnt = win.tagfontobj(wintag, winkey).dup
- else
- fnt = win.tagfontobj(wintag).dup
- end
- else
- if winkey
- fnt = win.fontobj(winkey).dup
- else
- fnt = win.fontobj.dup
- end
- end
- if targetkey
- fnt.call_font_configure([__item_pathname(tagid(tagOrId)), targetkey],
- *(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << {}))
- else
- fnt.call_font_configure(__item_pathname(tagid(tagOrId)),
- *(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << {}))
- end
- self
- end
- def latintagfont_copy(tagOrId, win, wintag=nil, winkey=nil, targetkey=nil)
- if targetkey
- fontobj(targetkey).dup.call_font_configure([__item_pathname(tagid(tagOrId)), targetkey],
- *(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << {}))
- else
- fontobj.dup.call_font_configure(__item_pathname(tagid(tagOrId)),
- *(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << {}))
- end
- if wintag
- if winkey
- fontobj.latin_replace(win.tagfontobj(wintag, winkey).latin_font_id)
- else
- fontobj.latin_replace(win.tagfontobj(wintag).latin_font_id)
- end
- else
- if winkey
- fontobj.latin_replace(win.fontobj(winkey).latin_font_id)
- else
- fontobj.latin_replace(win.fontobj.latin_font_id)
- end
- end
- self
- end
- alias asciitagfont_copy latintagfont_copy
- def kanjifont_copy(tagOrId, win, wintag=nil, winkey=nil, targetkey=nil)
- if targetkey
- fontobj(targetkey).dup.call_font_configure([__item_pathname(tagid(tagOrId)), targetkey],
- *(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << {}))
- else
- fontobj.dup.call_font_configure(__item_pathname(tagid(tagOrId)),
- *(__item_config_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << {}))
- end
- if wintag
- if winkey
- fontobj.kanji_replace(win.tagfontobj(wintag, winkey).kanji_font_id)
- else
- fontobj.kanji_replace(win.tagfontobj(wintag).kanji_font_id)
- end
- else
- if winkey
- fontobj.kanji_replace(win.fontobj(winkey).kanji_font_id)
- else
- fontobj.kanji_replace(win.fontobj.kanji_font_id)
- end
- end
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/kinput.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/kinput.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d2b3d7a7a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/kinput.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/kinput.rb : control kinput
-require 'tk'
-module TkKinput
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'kinput_start'.freeze,
- 'kinput_send_spot'.freeze,
- 'kanjiInput'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def TkKinput.start(win, style=None)
- tk_call('kinput_start', win, style)
- end
- def kinput_start(style=None)
- TkKinput.start(self, style)
- end
- def TkKinput.send_spot(win)
- tk_call('kinput_send_spot', win)
- end
- def kinput_send_spot
- TkKinput.send_spot(self)
- end
- def TkKinput.input_start(win, keys=nil)
- tk_call('kanjiInput', 'start', win, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def kanji_input_start(keys=nil)
- TkKinput.input_start(self, keys)
- end
- def TkKinput.attribute_config(win, slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call('kanjiInput', 'attribute', win, *hash_kv(slot))
- else
- tk_call('kanjiInput', 'attribute', win, "-#{slot}", value)
- end
- end
- def kinput_attribute_config(slot, value=None)
- TkKinput.attribute_config(self, slot, value)
- end
- def TkKinput.attribute_info(win, slot=nil)
- if slot
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call('kanjiInput', 'attribute',
- win, "-#{slot}"))
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_call('kanjiInput', 'attribute', win)).collect{|conf|
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- }
- end
- end
- def kinput_attribute_info(slot=nil)
- TkKinput.attribute_info(self, slot)
- end
- def TkKinput.input_end(win)
- tk_call('kanjiInput', 'end', win)
- end
- def kanji_input_end
- TkKinput.input_end(self)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/label.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/label.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 48f67deb31..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/label.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/label.rb : treat label widget
-require 'tk'
-class Tk::Label<TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['label'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Label'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('label', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc('label', @path)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
-#TkLabel = Tk::Label unless Object.const_defined? :TkLabel
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Label, :TkLabel)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/label.rb', :Tk, Tk::Label, :TkLabel)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/labelframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/labelframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f9497dc2f0..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/labelframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/labelframe.rb : treat labelframe widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-class Tk::LabelFrame<Tk::Frame
- TkCommandNames = ['labelframe'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Labelframe'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('labelframe', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc('labelframe', @path)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def __val2ruby_optkeys # { key=>proc, ... }
- super().update('labelwidget'=>proc{|v| window(v)})
- end
- private :__val2ruby_optkeys
-Tk::Labelframe = Tk::LabelFrame
-#TkLabelFrame = Tk::LabelFrame unless Object.const_defined? :TkLabelFrame
-#TkLabelframe = Tk::Labelframe unless Object.const_defined? :TkLabelframe
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::LabelFrame, :TkLabelFrame, :TkLabelframe)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/labelframe.rb', :Tk, Tk::LabelFrame,
- :TkLabelFrame, :TkLabelframe)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/listbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/listbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index df4d422007..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/listbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/listbox.rb : treat listbox widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/itemconfig'
-require 'tk/scrollable'
-require 'tk/txtwin_abst'
-module TkListItemConfig
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
- []
- end
- private :__item_listval_optkeys
-class Tk::Listbox<TkTextWin
- include TkListItemConfig
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['listbox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Listbox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('listbox', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc('listbox', @path)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'listvariable'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def tagid(id)
- #id.to_s
- _get_eval_string(id)
- end
- def activate(y)
- tk_send_without_enc('activate', y)
- self
- end
- def curselection
- list(tk_send_without_enc('curselection'))
- end
- def get(first, last=nil)
- if last
- # tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get', first, last)))
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('get', first, last), false, true)
- else
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get', first))
- end
- end
- def nearest(y)
- tk_send_without_enc('nearest', y).to_i
- end
- def size
- tk_send_without_enc('size').to_i
- end
- def selection_anchor(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'anchor', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear', first, last)
- self
- end
- def selection_includes(index)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'includes', index))
- end
- def selection_set(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'set', first, last)
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- tk_send_without_enc('index', idx).to_i
- end
- def value
- get('0', 'end')
- end
- def value= (vals)
- unless vals.kind_of?(Array)
- fail ArgumentError, 'an Array is expected'
- end
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', '0', 'end')
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', '0',
- *(vals.collect{|v| _get_eval_enc_str(v)}))
- vals
- end
- def clear
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', '0', 'end')
- self
- end
- alias erase clear
- def itemcget(index, key)
- case key.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show'
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemcget', index, "-#{key}"))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- #fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send('itemcget', index, "-#{key}"))
- fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemcget', index,
- '-font')))
- unless fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt = tagfontobj(index, fnt)
- end
- if key.to_s == 'kanjifont' && JAPANIZED_TK && TK_VERSION =~ /^4\.*/
- # obsolete; just for compatibility
- fnt.kanji_font
- else
- fnt
- end
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemcget', index, "-#{key}")))
- end
- end
- def itemconfigure(index, key, val=None)
- if key.kind_of? Hash
- if (key['font'] || key[:font] ||
- key['kanjifont'] || key[:kanjifont] ||
- key['latinfont'] || key[:latinfont] ||
- key['asciifont'] || key[:asciifont] )
- tagfont_configure(index, _symbolkey2str(key))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', index, *hash_kv(key, true))
- end
- else
- if (key == 'font' || key == :font ||
- key == 'kanjifont' || key == :kanjifont ||
- key == 'latinfont' || key == :latinfont ||
- key == 'asciifont' || key == :asciifont )
- if val == None
- tagfontobj(index)
- else
- tagfont_configure(index, {key=>val})
- end
- else
- tk_call('itemconfigure', index, "-#{key}", val)
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def itemconfiginfo(index, key=nil)
- if key
- case key.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure',index,"-#{key}")))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure',index,"-#{key}")))
- conf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(index, conf[4])
- else
- conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure',index,"-#{key}")))
- end
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- ret = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', index))).collect{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- case conf[0]
- when 'text', 'label', 'show'
- else
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- if conf[4]
- if conf[4].index('{')
- conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4])
- else
- conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
- end
- end
- end
- conf[1] = conf[1][1..-1] if conf.size == 2 # alias info
- conf
- }
- fontconf = ret.assoc('font')
- if fontconf
- ret.delete_if{|item| item[0] == 'font' || item[0] == 'kanjifont'}
- fontconf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(index, fontconf[4])
- ret.push(fontconf)
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- if key
- case key.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure',index,"-#{key}")))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure',index,"-#{key}")))
- conf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(index, conf[4])
- else
- conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure',index,"-#{key}")))
- end
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- { key => conf }
- else
- ret = {}
- tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('itemconfigure', index))).each{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- case key
- when 'text', 'label', 'show'
- else
- if conf[2]
- if conf[2].index('{')
- conf[2] = tk_split_list(conf[2])
- else
- conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[2])
- end
- end
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- end
- if conf.size == 1
- ret[key] = conf[0][1..-1] # alias info
- else
- ret[key] = conf
- end
- }
- fontconf = ret['font']
- if fontconf
- ret.delete('font')
- ret.delete('kanjifont')
- fontconf[3] = tagfont_configinfo(index, fontconf[3])
- ret['font'] = fontconf
- end
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- def current_itemconfiginfo(index, key=nil)
- if key
- conf = itemconfiginfo(index, key)
- {conf[0] => conf[4]}
- else
- ret = {}
- itemconfiginfo(index).each{|conf|
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[4] if conf.size > 2
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- itemconfiginfo(index, key).each{|k, conf|
- ret[k] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
-#TkListbox = Tk::Listbox unless Object.const_defined? :TkListbox
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Listbox, :TkListbox)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/listbox.rb', :Tk, Tk::Listbox,
- :TkListbox)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/macpkg.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/macpkg.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index abf9b176fb..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/macpkg.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/macpkg.rb : methods for Tcl/Tk packages for Macintosh
-# 2000/11/22 by Hidetoshi Nagai <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp>
-# This is NOT TESTED. Because I have no test-environment.
-require 'tk'
-module Tk
- def Tk.load_tclscript_rsrc(resource_name, file=None)
- # Mac only
- tk_call('source', '-rsrc', resource_name, file)
- end
- def Tk.load_tclscript_rsrcid(resource_id, file=None)
- # Mac only
- tk_call('source', '-rsrcid', resource_id, file)
- end
-module Tk::MacResource
-#TkMacResource = Tk::MacResource
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::MacResource, :TkMacResource)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/macpkg.rb', :Tk, Tk::MacResource,
- :TkMacResource)
-module Tk::MacResource
- extend Tk
- extend Tk::MacResource
- TkCommandNames = ['resource'.freeze].freeze
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'resource'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- tk_call_without_enc('package', 'require', 'resource')
- def close(rsrcRef)
- tk_call('resource', 'close', rsrcRef)
- end
- def delete(rsrcType, opts=nil)
- tk_call('resource', 'delete', *(hash_kv(opts) << rsrcType))
- end
- def files(rsrcRef=nil)
- if rsrcRef
- tk_call('resource', 'files', rsrcRef)
- else
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('resource', 'files'))
- end
- end
- def list(rsrcType, rsrcRef=nil)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('resource', 'list', rsrcType, rsrcRef))
- end
- def open(fname, access=nil)
- tk_call('resource', 'open', fname, access)
- end
- def read(rsrcType, rsrcID, rsrcRef=nil)
- tk_call('resource', 'read', rsrcType, rsrcID, rsrcRef)
- end
- def types(rsrcRef=nil)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('resource', 'types', rsrcRef))
- end
- def write(rsrcType, data, opts=nil)
- tk_call('resource', 'write', *(hash_kv(opts) << rsrcType << data))
- end
- module_function :close, :delete, :files, :list, :open, :read, :types, :write
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a466a11012..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/menu.rb : treat menu and menubutton
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/itemconfig'
-require 'tk/menuspec'
-module TkMenuEntryConfig
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'entrycget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'entryconfigure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'selectcolor'
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
- []
- end
- private :__item_listval_optkeys
- def __item_val2ruby_optkeys(id) # { key=>proc, ... }
- super(id).update('menu'=>proc{|i, v| window(v)})
- end
- private :__item_val2ruby_optkeys
- alias entrycget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias entrycget itemcget
- alias entrycget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias entryconfigure itemconfigure
- alias entryconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_entryconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
-class Tk::Menu<TkWindow
- include Wm
- include TkMenuEntryConfig
- extend TkMenuSpec
- TkCommandNames = ['menu'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Menu'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('menu', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc('menu', @path)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'selectcolor' << 'title'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'tearoff'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def self.new_menuspec(menu_spec, parent = nil, tearoff = false, keys = nil)
- if parent.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
- parent = keys.delete('parent')
- tearoff = keys.delete('tearoff')
- elsif tearoff.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(tearoff)
- tearoff = keys.delete('tearoff')
- elsif keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname')
- _create_menu(parent, menu_spec, widgetname, tearoff, keys)
- end
- def tagid(id)
- #id.to_s
- _get_eval_string(id)
- end
- def activate(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('activate', _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- self
- end
- def add(type, keys=nil)
- tk_send_without_enc('add', type, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- self
- end
- def add_cascade(keys=nil)
- add('cascade', keys)
- end
- def add_checkbutton(keys=nil)
- add('checkbutton', keys)
- end
- def add_command(keys=nil)
- add('command', keys)
- end
- def add_radiobutton(keys=nil)
- add('radiobutton', keys)
- end
- def add_separator(keys=nil)
- add('separator', keys)
- end
- def clone_menu(*args)
- if args[0].kind_of?(TkWindow)
- parent = args.shift
- else
- parent = self
- end
- if args[0].kind_of?(String) || args[0].kind_of?(Symbol) # menu type
- type = args.shift
- else
- type = None # 'normal'
- end
- if args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.shift)
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- parent = keys.delete('parent') if keys.has_key?('parent')
- type = keys.delete('type') if keys.has_key?('type')
- if keys.empty?
- Tk::MenuClone.new(self, parent, type)
- else
- Tk::MenuClone.new(self, parent, type, keys)
- end
- end
- def index(idx)
- ret = tk_send_without_enc('index', _get_eval_enc_str(idx))
- (ret == 'none')? nil: number(ret)
- end
- def invoke(index)
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('invoke', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
- end
- def insert(index, type, keys=nil)
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', _get_eval_enc_str(index),
- type, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- self
- end
- def delete(first, last=nil)
- if last
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', _get_eval_enc_str(first),
- _get_eval_enc_str(last))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', _get_eval_enc_str(first))
- end
- self
- end
- def popup(x, y, index=nil)
- if index
- tk_call_without_enc('tk_popup', path, x, y,
- _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('tk_popup', path, x, y)
- end
- self
- end
- def post(x, y)
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('post', x, y))
- end
- def postcascade(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('postcascade', _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- self
- end
- def postcommand(cmd=Proc.new)
- configure_cmd 'postcommand', cmd
- self
- end
- def set_focus
- tk_call_without_enc('tk_menuSetFocus', path)
- self
- end
- def tearoffcommand(cmd=Proc.new)
- configure_cmd 'tearoffcommand', cmd
- self
- end
- def menutype(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('type', _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- end
- def unpost
- tk_send_without_enc('unpost')
- self
- end
- def xposition(index)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('xposition', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
- end
- def yposition(index)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('yposition', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
- end
- def entrycget(index, key)
- case key.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show'
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entrycget',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{key}"))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- #fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send('entrycget', index, "-#{key}"))
- fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entrycget', _get_eval_enc_str(index), '-font')))
- unless fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt = tagfontobj(index, fnt)
- end
- if key.to_s == 'kanjifont' && JAPANIZED_TK && TK_VERSION =~ /^4\.*/
- # obsolete; just for compatibility
- fnt.kanji_font
- else
- fnt
- end
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entrycget', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{key}")))
- end
- end
- def entryconfigure(index, key, val=None)
- if key.kind_of? Hash
- if (key['font'] || key[:font] ||
- key['kanjifont'] || key[:kanjifont] ||
- key['latinfont'] || key[:latinfont] ||
- key['asciifont'] || key[:asciifont])
- tagfont_configure(index, _symbolkey2str(key))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure', _get_eval_enc_str(index),
- *hash_kv(key, true))
- end
- else
- if (key == 'font' || key == :font ||
- key == 'kanjifont' || key == :kanjifont ||
- key == 'latinfont' || key == :latinfont ||
- key == 'asciifont' || key == :asciifont )
- if val == None
- tagfontobj(index)
- else
- tagfont_configure(index, {key=>val})
- end
- else
- tk_call('entryconfigure', index, "-#{key}", val)
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def entryconfiginfo(index, key=nil)
- if key
- case key.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
- conf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(index, conf[4])
- else
- conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
- end
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- ret = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))).collect{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- case conf[0]
- when 'text', 'label', 'show'
- else
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- if conf[4]
- if conf[4].index('{')
- conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4])
- else
- conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
- end
- end
- end
- conf[1] = conf[1][1..-1] if conf.size == 2 # alias info
- conf
- }
- if fontconf
- ret.delete_if{|item| item[0] == 'font' || item[0] == 'kanjifont'}
- fontconf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(index, fontconf[4])
- ret.push(fontconf)
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- if key
- case key.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
- conf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(index, conf[4])
- else
- conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
- end
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- { key => conf }
- else
- ret = {}
- tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))).each{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- case key
- when 'text', 'label', 'show'
- else
- if conf[2]
- if conf[2].index('{')
- conf[2] = tk_split_list(conf[2])
- else
- conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[2])
- end
- end
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- end
- if conf.size == 1
- ret[key] = conf[0][1..-1] # alias info
- else
- ret[key] = conf
- end
- }
- fontconf = ret['font']
- if fontconf
- ret.delete('font')
- ret.delete('kanjifont')
- fontconf[3] = tagfont_configinfo(index, fontconf[3])
- ret['font'] = fontconf
- end
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- def current_entryconfiginfo(index, key=nil)
- if key
- conf = entryconfiginfo(index, key)
- {conf[0] => conf[4]}
- else
- ret = {}
- entryconfiginfo(index).each{|conf|
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[4] if conf.size > 2
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- entryconfiginfo(index, key).each{|k, conf|
- ret[k] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
-#TkMenu = Tk::Menu unless Object.const_defined? :TkMenu
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Menu, :TkMenu)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::Menu, :TkMenu)
-module Tk::Menu::TkInternalFunction; end
-class << Tk::Menu::TkInternalFunction
- # These methods calls internal functions of Tcl/Tk.
- # So, They may not work on your Tcl/Tk.
- def next_menu(menu, dir='next')
- dir = dir.to_s
- case dir
- when 'next', 'forward', 'down'
- dir = 'right'
- when 'previous', 'backward', 'up'
- dir = 'left'
- end
- Tk.tk_call('::tk::MenuNextMenu', menu, dir)
- end
- def next_entry(menu, delta)
- # delta is increment value of entry index.
- # For example, +1 denotes 'next entry' and -1 denotes 'previous entry'.
- Tk.tk_call('::tk::MenuNextEntry', menu, delta)
- end
-class Tk::MenuClone<Tk::Menu
- def initialize(parent, type=None)
- widgetname = nil
- if parent.kind_of? Hash
- keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
- parent = keys.delete('parent')
- widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname')
- type = keys.delete('type'); type = None unless type
- end
- #unless parent.kind_of?(TkMenu)
- # fail ArgumentError, "parent must be TkMenu"
- #end
- @parent = parent
- install_win(@parent.path, widgetname)
- tk_call_without_enc(@parent.path, 'clone', @path, type)
- end
- def initialize(src_menu, *args)
- widgetname = nil
- if args[0].kind_of?(TkWindow) # parent window
- parent = args.shift
- else
- parent = src_menu
- end
- if args[0].kind_of?(String) || args[0].kind_of?(Symbol) # menu type
- type = args.shift
- else
- type = None # 'normal'
- end
- if args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.shift)
- parent = keys.delete('parent') if keys.has_key?('parent')
- widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname')
- type = keys.delete('type') if keys.has_key?('type')
- else
- keys = nil
- end
- @src_menu = src_menu
- @parent = parent
- @type = type
- install_win(@parent.path, widgetname)
- tk_call_without_enc(@src_menu.path, 'clone', @path, @type)
- configure(keys) if keys && !keys.empty?
- end
- def source_menu
- @src_menu
- end
-Tk::CloneMenu = Tk::MenuClone
-#TkMenuClone = Tk::MenuClone unless Object.const_defined? :TkMenuClone
-#TkCloneMenu = Tk::CloneMenu unless Object.const_defined? :TkCloneMenu
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::MenuClone, :TkMenuClone, :TkCloneMenu)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::MenuClone,
- :TkMenuClone, :TkCloneMenu)
-module Tk::SystemMenu
- def initialize(parent, keys=nil)
- if parent.kind_of? Hash
- keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
- parent = keys.delete('parent')
- end
- #unless parent.kind_of? TkMenu
- # fail ArgumentError, "parent must be a TkMenu object"
- #end
- # @path = Kernel.format("%s.%s", parent.path, self.class::SYSMENU_NAME)
- @path = parent.path + '.' + self.class::SYSMENU_NAME
- #TkComm::Tk_WINDOWS[@path] = self
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[@path] = self
- if self.method(:create_self).arity == 0
- p 'create_self has no arg' if $DEBUG
- create_self
- configure(keys) if keys
- else
- p 'create_self has an arg' if $DEBUG
- create_self(keys)
- end
- end
-TkSystemMenu = Tk::SystemMenu
-class Tk::SysMenu_Help<Tk::Menu
- # for all platform
- include Tk::SystemMenu
- SYSMENU_NAME = 'help'
-#TkSysMenu_Help = Tk::SysMenu_Help unless Object.const_defined? :TkSysMenu_Help
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::SysMenu_Help, :TkSysMenu_Help)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::SysMenu_Help,
- :TkSysMenu_Help)
-class Tk::SysMenu_System<Tk::Menu
- # for Windows
- include Tk::SystemMenu
- SYSMENU_NAME = 'system'
-#TkSysMenu_System = Tk::SysMenu_System unless Object.const_defined? :TkSysMenu_System
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::SysMenu_System, :TkSysMenu_System)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::SysMenu_System,
- :TkSysMenu_System)
-class Tk::SysMenu_Apple<Tk::Menu
- # for Macintosh
- include Tk::SystemMenu
- SYSMENU_NAME = 'apple'
-#TkSysMenu_Apple = Tk::SysMenu_Apple unless Object.const_defined? :TkSysMenu_Apple
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::SysMenu_Apple, :TkSysMenu_Apple)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::SysMenu_Apple,
- :TkSysMenu_Apple)
-class Tk::Menubutton<Tk::Label
- TkCommandNames = ['menubutton'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Menubutton'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('menubutton', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- rescue
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- keys = __check_available_configure_options(keys)
- unless keys.empty?
- tk_call_without_enc('destroy', @path) rescue nil
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- end
- end
- else
- # tk_call_without_enc('menubutton', @path)
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'indicatoron'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
-Tk::MenuButton = Tk::Menubutton
-#TkMenubutton = Tk::Menubutton unless Object.const_defined? :TkMenubutton
-#TkMenuButton = Tk::MenuButton unless Object.const_defined? :TkMenuButton
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Menubutton, :TkMenubutton, :TkMenuButton)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::Menubutton,
- :TkMenubutton, :TkMenuButton)
-class Tk::OptionMenubutton<Tk::Menubutton
- TkCommandNames = ['tk_optionMenu'.freeze].freeze
- class OptionMenu<TkMenu
- def initialize(path) #==> return value of tk_optionMenu
- @path = path
- #TkComm::Tk_WINDOWS[@path] = self
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[@path] = self
- end
- end
- def initialize(*args)
- # args :: [parent,] [var,] [value[, ...],] [keys]
- # parent --> TkWindow or nil
- # var --> TkVariable or nil
- # keys --> Hash
- # keys[:parent] or keys['parent'] --> parent
- # keys[:variable] or keys['variable'] --> var
- # keys[:values] or keys['values'] --> value, ...
- # other Hash keys are menubutton options
- keys = {}
- keys = args.pop if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- parent = nil
- if !args.empty? && (args[0].kind_of?(TkWindow) || args[0] == nil)
- keys.delete('parent') # ignore
- parent = args.shift
- else
- parent = keys.delete('parent')
- end
- @variable = nil
- if !args.empty? && (args[0].kind_of?(TkVariable) || args[0] == nil)
- keys.delete('variable') # ignore
- @variable = args.shift
- else
- @variable = keys.delete('variable')
- end
- @variable = TkVariable.new unless @variable
- (args = keys.delete('values') || []) if args.empty?
- if args.empty?
- args << @variable.value
- else
- @variable.value = args[0]
- end
- install_win(if parent then parent.path end)
- @menu = OptionMenu.new(tk_call('tk_optionMenu',
- @path, @variable.id, *args))
- configure(keys) if keys
- end
- def value
- @variable.value
- end
- def value=(val)
- @variable.value = val
- end
- def activate(index)
- @menu.activate(index)
- self
- end
- def add(value)
- @menu.add('radiobutton', 'variable'=>@variable,
- 'label'=>value, 'value'=>value)
- self
- end
- def index(index)
- @menu.index(index)
- end
- def invoke(index)
- @menu.invoke(index)
- end
- def insert(index, value)
- @menu.insert(index, 'radiobutton', 'variable'=>@variable,
- 'label'=>value, 'value'=>value)
- self
- end
- def delete(index, last=None)
- @menu.delete(index, last)
- self
- end
- def xposition(index)
- @menu.xposition(index)
- end
- def yposition(index)
- @menu.yposition(index)
- end
- def menu
- @menu
- end
- def menucget(key)
- @menu.cget(key)
- end
- def menucget_strict(key)
- @menu.cget_strict(key)
- end
- def menuconfigure(key, val=None)
- @menu.configure(key, val)
- self
- end
- def menuconfiginfo(key=nil)
- @menu.configinfo(key)
- end
- def current_menuconfiginfo(key=nil)
- @menu.current_configinfo(key)
- end
- def entrycget(index, key)
- @menu.entrycget(index, key)
- end
- def entrycget_strict(index, key)
- @menu.entrycget_strict(index, key)
- end
- def entryconfigure(index, key, val=None)
- @menu.entryconfigure(index, key, val)
- self
- end
- def entryconfiginfo(index, key=nil)
- @menu.entryconfiginfo(index, key)
- end
- def current_entryconfiginfo(index, key=nil)
- @menu.current_entryconfiginfo(index, key)
- end
-Tk::OptionMenuButton = Tk::OptionMenubutton
-#TkOptionMenubutton = Tk::OptionMenubutton unless Object.const_defined? :TkOptionMenubutton
-#TkOptionMenuButton = Tk::OptionMenuButton unless Object.const_defined? :TkOptionMenuButton
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::OptionMenubutton,
-# :TkOptionMenubutton, :TkOptionMenuButton)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::OptionMenubutton,
- :TkOptionMenubutton, :TkOptionMenuButton)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/menubar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/menubar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 73f8801d98..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/menubar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/menubar.rb
-# Original version:
-# Copyright (C) 1998 maeda shugo. All rights reserved.
-# This file can be distributed under the terms of the Ruby.
-# Usage:
-# menu_spec = [
-# [['File', 0],
-# ['Open', proc{puts('Open clicked')}, 0],
-# '---',
-# ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0]],
-# [['Edit', 0],
-# ['Cut', proc{puts('Cut clicked')}, 2],
-# ['Copy', proc{puts('Copy clicked')}, 0],
-# ['Paste', proc{puts('Paste clicked')}, 0]]
-# ]
-# menubar = TkMenubar.new(nil, menu_spec,
-# 'tearoff'=>false,
-# 'foreground'=>'grey40',
-# 'activeforeground'=>'red',
-# 'font'=>'-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*--12-*-iso8859-1')
-# menubar.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-# OR
-# menubar = TkMenubar.new
-# menubar.add_menu([['File', 0],
-# ['Open', proc{puts('Open clicked')}, 0],
-# '---',
-# ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0]])
-# menubar.add_menu([['Edit', 0],
-# ['Cut', proc{puts('Cut clicked')}, 2],
-# ['Copy', proc{puts('Copy clicked')}, 0],
-# ['Paste', proc{puts('Paste clicked')}, 0]])
-# menubar.configure('tearoff', false)
-# menubar.configure('foreground', 'grey40')
-# menubar.configure('activeforeground', 'red')
-# menubar.configure('font', '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*--12-*-iso8859-1')
-# menubar.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-# OR
-# radio_var = TkVariable.new('y')
-# menu_spec = [
-# [['File', 0],
-# {:label=>'Open', :command=>proc{puts('Open clicked')}, :underline=>0},
-# '---',
-# ['Check_A', TkVariable.new(true), 6],
-# {:type=>'checkbutton', :label=>'Check_B',
-# :variable=>TkVariable.new, :underline=>6},
-# '---',
-# ['Radio_X', [radio_var, 'x'], 6],
-# ['Radio_Y', [radio_var, 'y'], 6],
-# ['Radio_Z', [radio_var, 'z'], 6],
-# '---',
-# ['cascade', [
-# ['sss', proc{p 'sss'}, 0],
-# ['ttt', proc{p 'ttt'}, 0],
-# ['uuu', proc{p 'uuu'}, 0],
-# ['vvv', proc{p 'vvv'}, 0],
-# ], 0],
-# '---',
-# ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0]],
-# [['Edit', 0],
-# ['Cut', proc{puts('Cut clicked')}, 2],
-# ['Copy', proc{puts('Copy clicked')}, 0],
-# ['Paste', proc{puts('Paste clicked')}, 0]]
-# ]
-# menubar = TkMenubar.new(nil, menu_spec,
-# 'tearoff'=>false,
-# 'foreground'=>'grey40',
-# 'activeforeground'=>'red',
-# 'font'=>'Helvetica 12 bold')
-# menubar.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-# See tk/menuspec.rb about the format of the menu_spec
-# To use add_menu, configuration must be done by calling configure after
-# adding all menus by add_menu, not by the constructor arguments.
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tk/composite'
-require 'tk/menuspec'
-class TkMenubar<Tk::Frame
- include TkComposite
- include TkMenuSpec
- def initialize(parent = nil, spec = nil, options = {})
- if parent.kind_of? Hash
- options = parent
- parent = nil
- spec = (options.has_key?('spec'))? options.delete('spec'): nil
- end
- _symbolkey2str(options)
- menuspec_opt = {}
- TkMenuSpec::MENUSPEC_OPTKEYS.each{|key|
- menuspec_opt[key] = options.delete(key) if options.has_key?(key)
- }
- super(parent, options)
- @menus = []
- spec.each{|info| add_menu(info, menuspec_opt)} if spec
- options.each{|key, value| configure(key, value)} if options
- end
- def add_menu(menu_info, menuspec_opt={})
- mbtn, menu = _create_menubutton(@frame, menu_info, menuspec_opt)
- submenus = _get_cascade_menus(menu).flatten
- @menus.push([mbtn, menu])
- delegate('tearoff', menu, *submenus)
- delegate('foreground', mbtn, menu, *submenus)
- delegate('background', mbtn, menu, *submenus)
- delegate('disabledforeground', mbtn, menu, *submenus)
- delegate('activeforeground', mbtn, menu, *submenus)
- delegate('activebackground', mbtn, menu, *submenus)
- delegate('font', mbtn, menu, *submenus)
- delegate('kanjifont', mbtn, menu, *submenus)
- end
- def [](index)
- return @menus[index]
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/menuspec.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/menuspec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8039676e69..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/menuspec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/menuspec.rb
-# Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# based on tkmenubar.rb :
-# Copyright (C) 1998 maeda shugo. All rights reserved.
-# This file can be distributed under the terms of the Ruby.
-# The format of the menu_spec is:
-# [ menubutton_info, menubutton_info, ... ]
-# The format of the menubutton_info is:
-# [ menubutton_info, entry_info, entry_info, ... ]
-# And each format of *_info is:
-# [
-# [text, underline, configs], # menu button/entry (*1)
-# [label, command, underline, accelerator, configs], # command entry
-# [label, TkVar_obj, underline, accelerator, configs], # checkbutton entry
-# [label, [TkVar_obj, value],
-# underline, accelerator, configs], # radiobutton entry
-# [label, [[...menu_info...], [...menu_info...], ...],
-# underline, accelerator, configs], # cascade entry (*2)
-# '---', # separator
-# ...
-# ]
-# A menu_info is an array of menu entries:
-# [ entry_info, entry_info, ... ]
-# underline, accelerator, and configs are optional parameters.
-# Hashes are OK instead of Arrays. Then the entry type ('command',
-# 'checkbutton', 'radiobutton' or 'cascade') is given by 'type' key
-# (e.g. :type=>'cascade'). When type is 'cascade', an array of menu_info
-# is acceptable for 'menu' key (then, create sub-menu).
-# If the value of underline is true instead of an integer,
-# check whether the text/label string contains a '&' character.
-# When includes, the first '&' is removed and its following character is
-# converted the corresponding 'underline' option (first '&' is removed).
-# Else if the value of underline is a String or a Regexp,
-# use the result of label.index(underline) as the index of underline
-# (don't remove matched substring).
-# NOTE: (*1)
-# If you want to make special menus (*.help for UNIX, *.system for Win,
-# and *.apple for Mac), append 'menu_name'=>name (name is 'help' for UNIX,
-# 'system' for Win, and 'apple' for Mac) option to the configs hash of
-# menu button/entry information.
-# NOTE: (*2)
-# If you want to configure a cascade menu, add :menu_config=>{...configs..}
-# to the configs of the cascade entry.
-module TkMenuSpec
- extend TkMenuSpec
- MENUSPEC_OPTKEYS = [ 'layout_proc' ]
- def _create_menu(parent, menu_info, menu_name = nil,
- tearoff = false, default_opts = nil)
- if tearoff.kind_of?(Hash)
- default_opts = tearoff
- tearoff = false
- end
- if menu_name.kind_of?(Hash)
- default_opts = menu_name
- menu_name = nil
- tearoff = false
- end
- if default_opts.kind_of?(Hash)
- orig_opts = _symbolkey2str(default_opts)
- else
- orig_opts = {}
- end
- tearoff = orig_opts.delete('tearoff') if orig_opts.key?('tearoff')
- tearoff = false unless tearoff # nil --> false
- if menu_name
- #menu = Tk::Menu.new(parent, :widgetname=>menu_name, :tearoff=>tearoff)
- # --> use current TkMenu class
- menu = TkMenu.new(parent, :widgetname=>menu_name, :tearoff=>tearoff)
- else
- #menu = Tk::Menu.new(parent, :tearoff=>tearoff)
- # --> use current TkMenu class
- menu = TkMenu.new(parent, :tearoff=>tearoff)
- end
- for item_info in menu_info
- if item_info.kind_of?(Hash)
- options = orig_opts.dup
- options.update(_symbolkey2str(item_info))
- item_type = (options.delete('type') || 'command').to_s
- menu_name = options.delete('menu_name')
- menu_opts = orig_opts.dup
- menu_opts.update(_symbolkey2str(options.delete('menu_config') || {}))
- if item_type == 'cascade' && options['menu'].kind_of?(Array)
- # create cascade menu
- submenu = _create_menu(menu, options['menu'], menu_name,
- tearoff, menu_opts)
- options['menu'] = submenu
- end
- case options['underline']
- when String, Regexp
- if options['label'] &&
- (idx = options['label'].index(options['underline']))
- options['underline'] = idx
- else
- options['underline'] = -1
- end
- when true
- if options['label'] && (idx = options['label'].index('&'))
- options['label'] = options['label'].dup
- options['label'][idx] = ''
- options['underline'] = idx
- else
- options['underline'] = -1
- end
- end
- menu.add(item_type, options)
- elsif item_info.kind_of?(Array)
- options = orig_opts.dup
- options['label'] = item_info[0] if item_info[0]
- case item_info[1]
- when TkVariable
- # checkbutton
- item_type = 'checkbutton'
- options['variable'] = item_info[1]
- options['onvalue'] = true
- options['offvalue'] = false
- when Array
- # radiobutton or cascade
- if item_info[1][0].kind_of?(TkVariable)
- # radiobutton
- item_type = 'radiobutton'
- options['variable'] = item_info[1][0]
- options['value'] = item_info[1][1] if item_info[1][1]
- else
- # cascade
- item_type = 'cascade'
- menu_opts = orig_opts.dup
- if item_info[4] && item_info[4].kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = _symbolkey2str(item_info[4])
- menu_name = opts.delete('menu_name')
- menu_config = opts.delete('menu_config') || {}
- menu_opts.update(_symbolkey2str(menu_config))
- end
- submenu = _create_menu(menu, item_info[1], menu_name,
- tearoff, menu_opts)
- options['menu'] = submenu
- end
- else
- # command
- item_type = 'command'
- options['command'] = item_info[1] if item_info[1]
- end
- options['underline'] = item_info[2] if item_info[2]
- options['accelerator'] = item_info[3] if item_info[3]
- if item_info[4] && item_info[4].kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = _symbolkey2str(item_info[4])
- if item_type == 'cascade'
- opts.delete('menu_name')
- opts.delete('menu_config')
- end
- options.update(opts)
- end
- case options['underline']
- when String, Regexp
- if options['label'] &&
- (idx = options['label'].index(options['underline']))
- options['underline'] = idx
- else
- options['underline'] = -1
- end
- when true
- if options['label'] && (idx = options['label'].index('&'))
- options['label'] = options['label'].dup
- options['label'][idx] = ''
- options['underline'] = idx
- else
- options['underline'] = -1
- end
- end
- menu.add(item_type, options)
- elsif /^-+$/ =~ item_info
- menu.add('separator')
- else
- menu.add('command', 'label' => item_info)
- end
- end
- menu
- end
- private :_create_menu
- def _use_menubar?(parent)
- use_menubar = false
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Root) || parent.kind_of?(Tk::Toplevel)
- true
- elsif parent.current_configinfo.has_key?('menu')
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- private :_use_menubar?
- def _create_menu_for_menubar(parent)
- #unless (mbar = parent.menu).kind_of?(TkMenu)
- # --> use current TkMenu class
- mbar = parent.menu
- unless mbar.kind_of?(Tk::Menu) || mbar.kind_of?(TkMenu)
- #mbar = Tk::Menu.new(parent, :tearoff=>false)
- mbar = TkMenu.new(parent, :tearoff=>false)
- parent.menu(mbar)
- end
- mbar
- end
- private :_create_menu_for_menubar
- def _create_menubutton(parent, menu_info, tearoff=false, default_opts = {})
- btn_info = menu_info[0]
- if tearoff.kind_of?(Hash)
- default_opts = tearoff
- tearoff = false
- end
- if default_opts.kind_of?(Hash)
- default_opts = _symbolkey2str(default_opts)
- if default_opts.has_key?('layout_proc')
- layout_proc = default_opts.delete('layout_proc')
- end
- _vertical_mbar_bind_proc = proc{|m, dir|
- Tk::Menu::TkInternalFunction.next_menu(m, dir) rescue nil
- # ignore error when the internal function doesn't exist
- }
- case layout_proc
- when :vertical, 'vertical', :vertical_left, 'vertical_left'
- layout_proc = proc{|_parent, _mbtn|
- _mbtn.direction :right
- _mbtn.pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)
- menu = _mbtn.menu
- menu.bind('Tab', _vertical_mbar_bind_proc, :widget, 'forward')
- menu.bind('Alt-Tab', _vertical_mbar_bind_proc, :widget, 'backward')
- }
- when :vertical_right, 'vertical_right'
- layout_proc = proc{|_parent, _mbtn|
- _mbtn.direction :left
- _mbtn.pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)
- menu = _mbtn.menu
- menu.bind('Tab', _vertical_mbar_bind_proc, :widget, 'forward')
- menu.bind('Alt-Tab', _vertical_mbar_bind_proc, :widget, 'backward')
- }
- when :horizontal, 'horizontal'
- layout_proc = proc{|_parent, _mbtn| _mbtn.pack(:side=>:left)}
- else
- # do nothing
- end
- end
- keys = (default_opts)? default_opts.dup: {}
- tearoff = keys.delete('tearoff') if keys.key?('tearoff')
- tearoff = false unless tearoff # nil --> false
- if _use_menubar?(parent) && ! layout_proc
- # menubar by menu entries
- mbar = _create_menu_for_menubar(parent)
- menu_name = nil
- if btn_info.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys.update(_symbolkey2str(btn_info))
- menu_name = keys.delete('menu_name')
- keys['label'] = keys.delete('text') || ''
- case keys['underline']
- when String, Regexp
- if idx = keys['label'].index(keys['underline'])
- keys['underline'] = idx
- else
- keys['underline'] = -1
- end
- when true
- if idx = keys['label'].index('&')
- keys['label'] = keys['label'].dup
- keys['label'][idx] = ''
- keys['underline'] = idx
- else
- keys['underline'] = -1
- end
- end
- elsif btn_info.kind_of?(Array)
- keys['label'] = btn_info[0] if btn_info[0]
- case btn_info[1]
- when Integer
- keys['underline'] = btn_info[1]
- when String, Regexp
- if idx = keys['label'].index(btn_info[1])
- keys['underline'] = idx
- else
- keys['underline'] = -1
- end
- when true
- if idx = keys['label'].index('&')
- keys['label'] = keys['label'].dup
- keys['label'][idx] = ''
- keys['underline'] = idx
- else
- keys['underline'] = -1
- end
- end
- if btn_info[2]&&btn_info[2].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys.update(_symbolkey2str(btn_info[2]))
- menu_name = keys.delete('menu_name')
- end
- else
- keys = {:label=>btn_info}
- end
- menu = _create_menu(mbar, menu_info[1..-1], menu_name,
- tearoff, default_opts)
- menu.tearoff(tearoff)
- keys['menu'] = menu
- mbar.add('cascade', keys)
- [mbar, menu]
- else
- # menubar by menubuttons
- #mbtn = Tk::Menubutton.new(parent)
- # --> use current TkMenubutton class
- mbtn = TkMenubutton.new(parent)
- menu_name = nil
- if btn_info.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys.update(_symbolkey2str(btn_info))
- menu_name = keys.delete('menu_name')
- keys['text'] = keys.delete('label') || ''
- case keys['underline']
- when String, Regexp
- if idx = keys['text'].index(keys['underline'])
- keys['underline'] = idx
- else
- keys['underline'] = -1
- end
- when true
- if idx = keys['text'].index('&')
- keys['text'] = keys['text'].dup
- keys['text'][idx] = ''
- keys['underline'] = idx
- else
- keys['underline'] = -1
- end
- end
- mbtn.configure(keys)
- elsif btn_info.kind_of?(Array)
- case btn_info[1]
- when String, Regexp
- if btn_info[0] && (idx = btn_info[0].index(btn_info[1]))
- btn_info[1] = idx
- else
- btn_info[1] = -1
- end
- when true
- if btn_info[0] && (idx = btn_info[0].index('&'))
- btn_info[0] = btn_info[0].dup
- btn_info[0][idx] = ''
- btn_info[1] = idx
- else
- btn_info[1] = -1
- end
- end
- mbtn.configure('text', btn_info[0]) if btn_info[0]
- mbtn.configure('underline', btn_info[1]) if btn_info[1]
- # mbtn.configure('accelerator', btn_info[2]) if btn_info[2]
- if btn_info[2]&&btn_info[2].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys.update(_symbolkey2str(btn_info[2]))
- menu_name = keys.delete('menu_name')
- mbtn.configure(keys)
- end
- else
- mbtn.configure('text', btn_info)
- end
- menu = _create_menu(mbtn, menu_info[1..-1], menu_name,
- tearoff, default_opts)
- mbtn.menu(menu)
- if layout_proc.kind_of?(Proc) || layout_proc.kind_of?(Method)
- # e.g. make a vertical menubar
- # :layout_proc => proc{|parent, btn| btn.pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)}
- layout_proc.call(parent, mbtn)
- else
- mbtn.pack('side' => 'left')
- end
- [mbtn, menu]
- end
- end
- private :_create_menubutton
- def _create_menubar(parent, menu_spec, tearoff = false, opts = nil)
- if tearoff.kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = tearoff
- tearoff = false
- end
- tearoff = false unless tearoff # nil --> false
- menu_spec.each{|menu_info|
- _create_menubutton(parent, menu_info, tearoff, opts)
- }
- parent
- end
- private :_create_menubar
- def _get_cascade_menus(menu)
- menus = []
- (0..(menu.index('last'))).each{|idx|
- if menu.menutype(idx) == 'cascade'
- submenu = menu.entrycget(idx, 'menu')
- menus << [submenu, _get_cascade_menus(submenu)]
- end
- }
- menus
- end
- private :_get_cascade_menus
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/message.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/message.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 432e9667bd..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/message.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/message.rb : treat message widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/label'
-class Tk::Message<Tk::Label
- TkCommandNames = ['message'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Message'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('message', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc('message', @path)
- # end
- #end
- private :create_self
-#TkMessage = Tk::Message unless Object.const_defined? :TkMessage
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Message, :TkMessage)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/message.rb', :Tk, Tk::Message,
- :TkMessage)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/mngfocus.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/mngfocus.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 06b20eb6ab..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/mngfocus.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/mngfocus.rb : methods for Tcl/Tk standard library 'focus.tcl'
-# by Hidetoshi Nagai <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp>
-require 'tk'
-module TkManageFocus
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'tk_focusFollowMouse'.freeze,
- 'tk_focusNext'.freeze,
- 'tk_focusPrev'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def TkManageFocus.followsMouse
- tk_call_without_enc('tk_focusFollowsMouse')
- end
- def TkManageFocus.next(win)
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call('tk_focusNext', win))
- end
- def focusNext
- TkManageFocus.next(self)
- end
- def TkManageFocus.prev(win)
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call('tk_focusPrev', win))
- end
- def focusPrev
- TkManageFocus.prev(self)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e98889faf..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/msgcat.rb : methods for Tcl message catalog
-# by Hidetoshi Nagai <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp>
-require 'tk'
-#class TkMsgCatalog
-class TkMsgCatalog < TkObject
- include TkCore
- extend Tk
- #extend TkMsgCatalog
- TkCommandNames = [
- '::msgcat::mc'.freeze,
- '::msgcat::mcmax'.freeze,
- '::msgcat::mclocale'.freeze,
- '::msgcat::mcpreferences'.freeze,
- '::msgcat::mcload'.freeze,
- '::msgcat::mcset'.freeze,
- '::msgcat::mcmset'.freeze,
- '::msgcat::mcunknown'.freeze
- ].freeze
- tk_call_without_enc('package', 'require', 'Tcl', '8.2')
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'msgcat'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- if self.const_defined? :FORCE_VERSION
- tk_call_without_enc('package', 'require', 'msgcat', FORCE_VERSION)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('package', 'require', 'msgcat')
- end
- MSGCAT_EXT = '.msg'
- UNKNOWN_CBTBL = TkUtil.untrust(Hash.new{|hash,key| hash[key] = {}})
- TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs('::msgcat::mcunknown', 'args', <<-'EOL')
- if {[set st [catch {eval {ruby_cmd TkMsgCatalog callback} [namespace current] $args} ret]] != 0} {
- #return -code $st $ret
- set idx [string first "\n\n" $ret]
- if {$idx > 0} {
- return -code $st \
- -errorinfo [string range $ret [expr $idx + 2] \
- [string length $ret]] \
- [string range $ret 0 [expr $idx - 1]]
- } else {
- return -code $st $ret
- }
- } else {
- return $ret
- }
- def self.callback(namespace, locale, src_str, *args)
- src_str = sprintf(src_str, *args) unless args.empty?
- cmd_tbl = TkMsgCatalog::UNKNOWN_CBTBL[TkCore::INTERP.__getip]
- cmd = cmd_tbl[namespace]
- cmd = cmd_tbl['::'] unless cmd # use global scope as interp default
- return src_str unless cmd # no cmd -> return src-str (default action)
- begin
- cmd.call(locale, src_str)
- rescue SystemExit
- exit(0)
- rescue Interrupt
- exit!(1)
- rescue Exception => e
- begin
- msg = _toUTF8(e.class.inspect) + ': ' +
- _toUTF8(e.message) + "\n" +
- "\n---< backtrace of Ruby side >-----\n" +
- _toUTF8(e.backtrace.join("\n")) +
- "\n---< backtrace of Tk side >-------"
- msg.force_encoding('utf-8')
- else
- msg.instance_variable_set(:@encoding, 'utf-8')
- end
- rescue Exception
- msg = e.class.inspect + ': ' + e.message + "\n" +
- "\n---< backtrace of Ruby side >-----\n" +
- e.backtrace.join("\n") +
- "\n---< backtrace of Tk side >-------"
- end
- fail(e, msg)
- end
- end
- def initialize(namespace = nil)
- if namespace.kind_of?(TkNamespace)
- @namespace = namespace
- elsif namespace == nil
- @namespace = TkNamespace.new('::') # global namespace
- else
- @namespace = TkNamespace.new(namespace)
- end
- @path = @namespace.path
- @msgcat_ext = '.msg'
- end
- attr_accessor :msgcat_ext
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- # locale(src, trans) ==> set_translation(locale, src, trans)
- loc = id.id2name
- case args.length
- when 0 # set locale
- self.locale=(loc)
- when 1 # src only, or trans_list
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- # trans_list
- #list = args[0].collect{|src, trans|
- # [ Tk::UTF8_String.new(src), Tk::UTF8_String.new(trans) ]
- #}
- self.set_translation_list(loc, args[0])
- else
- # src
- #self.set_translation(loc, Tk::UTF8_String.new(args[0]))
- self.set_translation(loc, args[0])
- end
- when 2 # src and trans, or, trans_list and enc
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- # trans_list
- self.set_translation_list(loc, *args)
- else
- #self.set_translation(loc, args[0], Tk::UTF8_String.new(args[1]))
- self.set_translation(loc, *args)
- end
- when 3 # src and trans and enc
- self.set_translation(loc, *args)
- else
- super(id, *args)
-# fail NameError, "undefined method `#{name}' for #{self.to_s}", error_at
- end
- end
- # *args ::= form, arg, arg, ...
- def self.translate(*args)
- dst = args.collect{|src|
- tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mc', _get_eval_string(src, true))
- }
- Tk.UTF8_String(sprintf(*dst))
- end
- class << self
- alias mc translate
- alias [] translate
- end
- def translate(*args)
- dst = args.collect{|src|
- @namespace.eval{tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mc',
- _get_eval_string(src, true))}
- }
- Tk.UTF8_String(sprintf(*dst))
- end
- alias mc translate
- alias [] translate
- def self.maxlen(*src_strings)
- tk_call('::msgcat::mcmax', *src_strings).to_i
- end
- def maxlen(*src_strings)
- @namespace.eval{tk_call('::msgcat::mcmax', *src_strings).to_i}
- end
- def self.locale
- tk_call('::msgcat::mclocale')
- end
- def locale
- @namespace.eval{tk_call('::msgcat::mclocale')}
- end
- def self.locale=(locale)
- tk_call('::msgcat::mclocale', locale)
- end
- def locale=(locale)
- @namespace.eval{tk_call('::msgcat::mclocale', locale)}
- end
- def self.preferences
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('::msgcat::mcpreferences'))
- end
- def preferences
- tk_split_simplelist(@namespace.eval{tk_call('::msgcat::mcpreferences')})
- end
- def self.load_tk(dir)
- number(tk_call('::msgcat::mcload', dir))
- end
- def self.load_rb(dir)
- count = 0
- preferences().each{|loc|
- file = File.join(dir, loc + self::MSGCAT_EXT)
- if File.readable?(file)
- count += 1
- eval(IO.read(file, :encoding=>"ASCII-8BIT"))
- else
- eval(IO.read(file))
- end
- end
- }
- count
- end
- def load_tk(dir)
- number(@namespace.eval{tk_call('::msgcat::mcload', dir)})
- end
- def load_rb(dir)
- count = 0
- preferences().each{|loc|
- file = File.join(dir, loc + @msgcat_ext)
- if File.readable?(file)
- count += 1
- @namespace.eval(IO.read(file, :encoding=>"ASCII-8BIT"))
- else
- @namespace.eval(IO.read(file))
- end
- end
- }
- count
- end
- def self.load(dir)
- self.load_rb(dir)
- end
- alias load load_rb
- def self.set_translation(locale, src_str, trans_str=None, enc='utf-8')
- if trans_str && trans_str != None
- trans_str = Tk.UTF8_String(_toUTF8(trans_str, enc))
- Tk.UTF8_String(ip_eval_without_enc("::msgcat::mcset {#{locale}} {#{_get_eval_string(src_str, true)}} {#{trans_str}}"))
- else
- Tk.UTF8_String(ip_eval_without_enc("::msgcat::mcset {#{locale}} {#{_get_eval_string(src_str, true)}}"))
- end
- end
- def set_translation(locale, src_str, trans_str=None, enc='utf-8')
- if trans_str && trans_str != None
- trans_str = Tk.UTF8_String(_toUTF8(trans_str, enc))
- Tk.UTF8_String(@namespace.eval{
- ip_eval_without_enc("::msgcat::mcset {#{locale}} {#{_get_eval_string(src_str, true)}} {#{trans_str}}")
- })
- else
- Tk.UTF8_String(@namespace.eval{
- ip_eval_without_enc("::msgcat::mcset {#{locale}} {#{_get_eval_string(src_str, true)}}")
- })
- end
- end
- def self.set_translation_list(locale, trans_list, enc='utf-8')
- # trans_list ::= [ [src, trans], [src, trans], ... ]
- list = []
- trans_list.each{|src, trans|
- if trans && trans != None
- list << _get_eval_string(src, true)
- list << Tk.UTF8_String(_toUTF8(trans, enc))
- else
- list << _get_eval_string(src, true) << ''
- end
- }
- #number(tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mcmset', locale, list))
- number(ip_eval_without_enc("::msgcat::mcmset {#{locale}} {#{_get_eval_string(list)}}"))
- end
- def set_translation_list(locale, trans_list, enc='utf-8')
- # trans_list ::= [ [src, trans], [src, trans], ... ]
- list = []
- trans_list.each{|src, trans|
- if trans && trans != None
- list << _get_eval_string(src, true)
- list << Tk.UTF8_String(_toUTF8(trans, enc))
- else
- list << _get_eval_string(src, true) << ''
- end
- }
- number(@namespace.eval{
- #tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mcmset', locale, list)
- ip_eval_without_enc("::msgcat::mcmset {#{locale}} {#{_get_eval_string(list)}}")
- })
- end
- def self.def_unknown_proc(cmd=Proc.new)
- TkMsgCatalog::UNKNOWN_CBTBL[TkCore::INTERP.__getip]['::'] = cmd
- end
- def def_unknown_proc(cmd=Proc.new)
- TkMsgCatalog::UNKNOWN_CBTBL[TkCore::INTERP.__getip][@namespace.path] = cmd
- end
-TkMsgCat = TkMsgCatalog
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cab6fa060..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/namespace.rb : methods to manipulate Tcl/Tk namespace
-# by Hidetoshi Nagai <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp>
-require 'tk'
-class TkNamespace < TkObject
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'namespace'.freeze,
- ].freeze
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Tk_Namespace_ID = ["ns".freeze, TkUtil.untrust("00000")]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- Tk_NsCode_RetObjID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.clear }
- Tk_NsCode_RetObjID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ Tk_NsCode_RetObjID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def TkNamespace.id2obj(id)
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[id]? Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[id]: id
- }
- end
- #####################################
- class Ensemble < TkObject
- def __cget_cmd
- ['namespace', 'ensemble', 'configure', self.path]
- end
- private :__cget_cmd
- def __config_cmd
- ['namespace', 'ensemble', 'configure', self.path]
- end
- private :__config_cmd
- def __configinfo_struct
- {:key=>0, :alias=>nil, :db_name=>nil, :db_class=>nil,
- :default_value=>nil, :current_value=>2}
- end
- private :__configinfo_struct
- def __boolval_optkeys
- ['prefixes']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- ['map', 'subcommands', 'unknown']
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- def self.exist?(ensemble)
- bool(tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'exists', ensemble))
- end
- def initialize(keys = {})
- @ensemble = @path = tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'create', keys)
- end
- def cget(slot)
- if slot == :namespace || slot == 'namespace'
- ns = super(slot)
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TkNamespace::Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.key?(ns)
- TkNamespace::Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[ns]
- else
- ns
- end
- }
- else
- super(slot)
- end
- end
- def cget_strict(slot)
- if slot == :namespace || slot == 'namespace'
- ns = super(slot)
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TkNamespace::Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.key?(ns)
- TkNamespace::Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[ns]
- else
- ns
- end
- }
- else
- super(slot)
- end
- end
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- if slot
- if slot == :namespace || slot == 'namespace'
- val = super(slot)
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TkNamespace::Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.key?(val)
- val = TkNamespace::Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[val]
- end
- }
- else
- val = super(slot)
- end
- [slot.to_s, val]
- {slot.to_s => val}
- end
- else
- info = super()
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- info.map!{|inf|
- if inf[0] == 'namespace' &&
- TkNamespace::Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.key?(inf[-1])
- [inf[0], TkNamespace::Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[inf[-1]]]
- else
- inf
- end
- }
- }
- val = info['namespace']
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TkNamespace::Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.key?(val)
- info['namespace'] = TkNamespace::Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[val]
- end
- }
- end
- info
- end
- end
- def exists?
- bool(tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'exists', @path))
- end
- end
- #####################################
- class ScopeArgs < Array
- include Tk
- # alias __tk_call tk_call
- # alias __tk_call_without_enc tk_call_without_enc
- # alias __tk_call_with_enc tk_call_with_enc
- def tk_call(*args)
- #super('namespace', 'eval', @namespace, *args)
- args = args.collect{|arg| (s = _get_eval_string(arg, true))? s: ''}
- super('namespace', 'eval', @namespace,
- TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*args))
- end
- def tk_call_without_enc(*args)
- #super('namespace', 'eval', @namespace, *args)
- args = args.collect{|arg| (s = _get_eval_string(arg, true))? s: ''}
- super('namespace', 'eval', @namespace,
- TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*args))
- end
- def tk_call_with_enc(*args)
- #super('namespace', 'eval', @namespace, *args)
- args = args.collect{|arg| (s = _get_eval_string(arg, true))? s: ''}
- super('namespace', 'eval', @namespace,
- TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*args))
- end
- def initialize(namespace, *args)
- @namespace = namespace
- super(args.size)
- self.replace(args)
- end
- end
- #####################################
- class NsCode < TkObject
- def initialize(scope, use_obj_id = false)
- @scope = scope + ' '
- @use_obj_id = use_obj_id
- end
- def path
- @scope
- end
- def to_eval
- @scope
- end
- def call(*args)
- ret = TkCore::INTERP._eval_without_enc(@scope + array2tk_list(args))
- if @use_obj_id
- ret = TkNamespace::Tk_NsCode_RetObjID_TBL.delete(ret.to_i)
- end
- ret
- end
- end
- #####################################
- def install_cmd(cmd)
- lst = tk_split_simplelist(super(cmd), false, false)
- if lst[1] =~ /^::/
- lst[1] = @fullname
- else
- lst.insert(1, @fullname)
- end
- TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*lst)
- end
- alias __tk_call tk_call
- alias __tk_call_without_enc tk_call_without_enc
- alias __tk_call_with_enc tk_call_with_enc
- def tk_call(*args)
- #super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname, *args)
- args = args.collect{|arg| (s = _get_eval_string(arg, true))? s: ''}
- super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname,
- TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*args))
- end
- def tk_call_without_enc(*args)
- #super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname, *args)
- args = args.collect{|arg| (s = _get_eval_string(arg, true))? s: ''}
- super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname,
- TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*args))
- end
- def tk_call_with_enc(*args)
- #super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname, *args)
- args = args.collect{|arg| (s = _get_eval_string(arg, true))? s: ''}
- super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname,
- TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*args))
- end
- alias ns_tk_call tk_call
- alias ns_tk_call_without_enc tk_call_without_enc
- alias ns_tk_call_with_enc tk_call_with_enc
- def initialize(name = nil, parent = nil)
- unless name
- Tk_Namespace_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- # name = Tk_Namespace_ID.join('')
- name = Tk_Namespace_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk_Namespace_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- name = __tk_call('namespace', 'current') if name == ''
- if parent
- if parent =~ /^::/
- if name =~ /^::/
- @fullname = parent + name
- else
- @fullname = parent +'::'+ name
- end
- else
- ancestor = __tk_call('namespace', 'current')
- ancestor = '' if ancestor == '::'
- if name =~ /^::/
- @fullname = ancestor + '::' + parent + name
- else
- @fullname = ancestor + '::'+ parent +'::'+ name
- end
- end
- else # parent == nil
- ancestor = __tk_call('namespace', 'current')
- ancestor = '' if ancestor == '::'
- if name =~ /^::/
- @fullname = name
- else
- @fullname = ancestor + '::' + name
- end
- end
- @path = @fullname
- @parent = __tk_call('namespace', 'qualifiers', @fullname)
- @name = __tk_call('namespace', 'tail', @fullname)
- # create namespace
- __tk_call('namespace', 'eval', @fullname, '')
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[@fullname] = self
- }
- end
- def self.children(*args)
- # args ::= [<namespace>] [<pattern>]
- # <pattern> must be glob-style pattern
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('namespace', 'children', *args)).collect{|ns|
- # ns is fullname
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.key?(ns)
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[ns]
- else
- ns
- end
- }
- }
- end
- def children(pattern=None)
- TkNamespace.children(@fullname, pattern)
- end
- def self.code(script = Proc.new)
- TkNamespace.new('').code(script)
- end
- def code(script = Proc.new)
- if script.kind_of?(String)
- cmd = proc{|*args| ScopeArgs.new(@fullname,*args).instance_eval(script)}
- elsif script.kind_of?(Proc)
- cmd = proc{|*args| ScopeArgs.new(@fullname,*args).instance_eval(&script)}
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "String or Proc is expected"
- end
- TkNamespace::NsCode.new(tk_call_without_enc('namespace', 'code',
- _get_eval_string(cmd, false)))
- end
- def code(script = Proc.new)
- if script.kind_of?(String)
- cmd = proc{|*args|
- ret = ScopeArgs.new(@fullname,*args).instance_eval(script)
- id = ret.object_id
- TkNamespace::Tk_NsCode_RetObjID_TBL[id] = ret
- id
- }
- elsif script.kind_of?(Proc)
- cmd = proc{|*args|
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- obj = ScopeArgs.new(@fullname,*args)
- ret = obj.instance_exec(obj, &script)
- else
- ret = ScopeArgs.new(@fullname,*args).instance_eval(&script)
- end
- id = ret.object_id
- TkNamespace::Tk_NsCode_RetObjID_TBL[id] = ret
- id
- }
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "String or Proc is expected"
- end
- TkNamespace::NsCode.new(tk_call_without_enc('namespace', 'code',
- _get_eval_string(cmd, false)),
- true)
- end
- def self.current_path
- tk_call('namespace', 'current')
- end
- def current_path
- @fullname
- end
- def self.current
- ns = self.current_path
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.key?(ns)
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[ns]
- else
- ns
- end
- }
- end
- def current_namespace
- # ns_tk_call('namespace', 'current')
- # @fullname
- self
- end
- alias current current_namespace
- def self.delete(*ns_list)
- tk_call('namespace', 'delete', *ns_list)
- ns_list.each{|ns|
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if ns.kind_of?(TkNamespace)
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.delete(ns.path)
- else
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.delete(ns.to_s)
- end
- }
- }
- end
- def delete
- TkNamespece.delete(@fullname)
- end
- def self.ensemble_create(*keys)
- tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'create', *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def self.ensemble_configure(cmd, slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'configure', cmd, *hash_kv(slot))
- else
- tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'configure', cmd, '-'+slot.to_s, value)
- end
- end
- def self.ensemble_configinfo(cmd, slot = nil)
- if slot
- tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'configure', cmd, '-' + slot.to_s)
- else
- inf = {}
- Hash(*tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'configure', cmd))).each{|k, v| inf[k[1..-1]] = v}
- inf
- end
- end
- def self.ensemble_exist?(cmd)
- bool(tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'exists', cmd))
- end
- def self.eval(namespace, cmd = Proc.new, *args)
- #tk_call('namespace', 'eval', namespace, cmd, *args)
- TkNamespace.new(namespace).eval(cmd, *args)
- end
- def eval(cmd = Proc.new, *args)
- #TkNamespace.eval(@fullname, cmd, *args)
- #ns_tk_call(cmd, *args)
- code_obj = code(cmd)
- ret = code_obj.call(*args)
- # uninstall_cmd(TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(code_obj.path)[-1])
- uninstall_cmd(_fromUTF8(TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(_toUTF8(code_obj.path))[-1]))
- tk_tcl2ruby(ret)
- end
- def eval(cmd = Proc.new, *args)
- code_obj = code(cmd)
- ret = code_obj.call(*args)
- uninstall_cmd(_fromUTF8(TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(_toUTF8(code_obj.path))[-1]))
- ret
- end
- def self.exist?(ns)
- bool(tk_call('namespace', 'exists', ns))
- end
- def exist?
- TkNamespece.exist?(@fullname)
- end
- def self.export(*patterns)
- tk_call('namespace', 'export', *patterns)
- end
- def self.export_with_clear(*patterns)
- tk_call('namespace', 'export', '-clear', *patterns)
- end
- def export
- TkNamespace.export(@fullname)
- end
- def export_with_clear
- TkNamespace.export_with_clear(@fullname)
- end
- def self.forget(*patterns)
- tk_call('namespace', 'forget', *patterns)
- end
- def forget
- TkNamespace.forget(@fullname)
- end
- def self.import(*patterns)
- tk_call('namespace', 'import', *patterns)
- end
- def self.force_import(*patterns)
- tk_call('namespace', 'import', '-force', *patterns)
- end
- def import
- TkNamespace.import(@fullname)
- end
- def force_import
- TkNamespace.force_import(@fullname)
- end
- def self.inscope(namespace, script, *args)
- tk_call('namespace', 'inscope', namespace, script, *args)
- end
- def inscope(script, *args)
- TkNamespace.inscope(@fullname, script, *args)
- end
- def self.origin(cmd)
- tk_call('namespace', 'origin', cmd)
- end
- def self.parent(namespace=None)
- ns = tk_call('namespace', 'parent', namespace)
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.key?(ns)
- Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[ns]
- else
- ns
- end
- }
- end
- def parent
- tk_call('namespace', 'parent', @fullname)
- end
- def self.get_path
- tk_call('namespace', 'path')
- end
- def self.set_path(*namespace_list)
- tk_call('namespace', 'path', array2tk_list(namespace_list))
- end
- def set_path
- tk_call('namespace', 'path', @fullname)
- end
- def self.qualifiers(str)
- tk_call('namespace', 'qualifiers', str)
- end
- def self.tail(str)
- tk_call('namespace', 'tail', str)
- end
- def self.upvar(namespace, *var_pairs)
- tk_call('namespace', 'upvar', namespace, *(var_pairs.flatten))
- end
- def upvar(*var_pairs)
- TkNamespace.inscope(@fullname, *(var_pairs.flatten))
- end
- def self.get_unknown_handler
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call('namespace', 'unknown'))
- end
- def self.set_unknown_handler(cmd = Proc.new)
- tk_call('namespace', 'unknown', cmd)
- end
- def self.which(name)
- tk_call('namespace', 'which', name)
- end
- def self.which_command(name)
- tk_call('namespace', 'which', '-command', name)
- end
- def self.which_variable(name)
- tk_call('namespace', 'which', '-variable', name)
- end
-TkNamespace::Global = TkNamespace.new('::')
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ced8a111e4..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/optiondb.rb : treat option database
-require 'tk'
-module TkOptionDB
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['option'.freeze].freeze
- (CmdClassID = ['CMD_CLASS'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- module Priority
- WidgetDefault = 20
- StartupFile = 40
- UserDefault = 60
- Interactive = 80
- end
- def add(pat, value, pri=None)
- tk_call('option', 'add', pat, value, pri)
- end
- def clear
- tk_call_without_enc('option', 'clear')
- end
- def get(win, name, klass)
- tk_call('option', 'get', win ,name, klass)
- end
- def readfile(file, pri=None)
- tk_call('option', 'readfile', file, pri)
- end
- alias read_file readfile
- module_function :add, :clear, :get, :readfile, :read_file
- def read_entries(file, f_enc=nil)
- if TkCore::INTERP.safe?
- fail SecurityError,
- "can't call 'TkOptionDB.read_entries' on a safe interpreter"
- end
- i_enc = ((Tk.encoding)? Tk.encoding : Tk.encoding_system)
- unless f_enc
- f_enc = i_enc
- end
- ent = []
- cline = ''
- open(file, 'r') {|f|
- while line = f.gets
- #cline += line.chomp!
- cline.concat(line.chomp!)
- case cline
- when /\\$/ # continue
- cline.chop!
- next
- when /^\s*(!|#)/ # comment
- cline = ''
- next
- when /^([^:]+):(.*)$/
- pat = $1.strip
- val = $2.lstrip
- p "ResourceDB: #{[pat, val].inspect}" if $DEBUG
- pat = TkCore::INTERP._toUTF8(pat, f_enc)
- pat = TkCore::INTERP._fromUTF8(pat, i_enc)
- val = TkCore::INTERP._toUTF8(val, f_enc)
- val = TkCore::INTERP._fromUTF8(val, i_enc)
- ent << [pat, val]
- cline = ''
- else # unknown --> ignore
- cline = ''
- next
- end
- end
- }
- ent
- end
- module_function :read_entries
- def read_with_encoding(file, f_enc=nil, pri=None)
- # try to read the file as an OptionDB file
- read_entries(file, f_enc).each{|pat, val|
- add(pat, val, pri)
- }
- i_enc = Tk.encoding()
- unless f_enc
- f_enc = i_enc
- end
- cline = ''
- open(file, 'r') {|f|
- while line = f.gets
- cline += line.chomp!
- case cline
- when /\\$/ # continue
- cline.chop!
- next
- when /^\s*!/ # comment
- cline = ''
- next
- when /^([^:]+):\s(.*)$/
- pat = $1
- val = $2
- p "ResourceDB: #{[pat, val].inspect}" if $DEBUG
- pat = TkCore::INTERP._toUTF8(pat, f_enc)
- pat = TkCore::INTERP._fromUTF8(pat, i_enc)
- val = TkCore::INTERP._toUTF8(val, f_enc)
- val = TkCore::INTERP._fromUTF8(val, i_enc)
- add(pat, val, pri)
- cline = ''
- else # unknown --> ignore
- cline = ''
- next
- end
- end
- }
- end
- module_function :read_with_encoding
- # support procs on the resource database
- @@resource_proc_class = Class.new
- @@resource_proc_class.const_set(:CARRIER, '.'.freeze)
- @@resource_proc_class.instance_variable_set('@method_tbl',
- TkCore::INTERP.create_table)
- @@resource_proc_class.instance_variable_set('@add_method', false)
- @@resource_proc_class.instance_variable_set('@safe_mode', 4)
- class << @@resource_proc_class
- private :new
- CARRIER = '.'.freeze
- METHOD_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- ADD_METHOD = false
- def __closed_block_check__(str)
- depth = 0
- str.scan(/[{}]/){|x|
- if x == "{"
- depth += 1
- elsif x == "}"
- depth -= 1
- end
- if depth <= 0 && !($' =~ /\A\s*\Z/)
- fail RuntimeError, "bad string for procedure : #{str.inspect}"
- end
- }
- str
- end
- private :__closed_block_check__
- def __check_proc_string__(str)
- # If you want to check the proc_string, do it in this method.
- # Please define this in the block given to 'new_proc_class' method.
- str
- end
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- #res_proc, proc_str = self::METHOD_TBL[id]
- res_proc, proc_str = @method_tbl[id]
- proc_source = TkOptionDB.get(self::CARRIER, id.id2name, '').strip
- res_proc = nil if proc_str != proc_source # resource is changed
- # unless res_proc.kind_of?(Proc)
- unless TkComm._callback_entry?(res_proc)
- #if id == :new || !(self::METHOD_TBL.has_key?(id) || self::ADD_METHOD)
- if id == :new || !(@method_tbl.has_key?(id) || @add_method)
- raise NoMethodError,
- "not support resource-proc '#{id.id2name}' for #{self.name}"
- end
- proc_str = proc_source
- proc_str = '{' + proc_str + '}' unless /\A\{.*\}\Z/ =~ proc_str
- #proc_str = __closed_block_check__(proc_str)
- proc_str = __check_proc_string__(proc_str)
- res_proc = proc{
- begin
- #eval("$SAFE = #{self::SAFE_MODE};\nProc.new" + proc_str)
- eval("$SAFE = #{@safe_mode};\nProc.new" + proc_str)
- rescue SyntaxError=>err
- raise SyntaxError,
- TkCore::INTERP._toUTF8(err.message.gsub(/\(eval\):\d:/,
- "(#{id.id2name}):"))
- end
- }.call
- #self::METHOD_TBL[id] = [res_proc, proc_source]
- @method_tbl[id] = [res_proc, proc_source]
- end
- res_proc.call(*args)
- end
- private :__check_proc_string__, :method_missing
- end
- @@resource_proc_class.freeze
- def __create_new_class(klass, func, safe = 4, add = false, parent = nil)
- klass = klass.to_s if klass.kind_of? Symbol
- unless (?A..?Z) === klass[0]
- fail ArgumentError, "bad string '#{klass}' for class name"
- end
- unless func.kind_of? Array
- fail ArgumentError, "method-list must be Array"
- end
- func_str = func.join(' ')
- if parent == nil
- install_win(parent)
- elsif parent <= @@resource_proc_class
- install_win(parent::CARRIER)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "parent must be Resource-Proc class"
- end
- carrier = Tk.tk_call_without_enc('frame', @path, '-class', klass)
- body = <<-"EOD"
- class #{klass} < TkOptionDB.module_eval('@@resource_proc_class')
- CARRIER = '#{carrier}'.freeze
- METHOD_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- ADD_METHOD = #{add}
- SAFE_MODE = #{safe}
- %w(#{func_str}).each{|f| METHOD_TBL[f.intern] = nil }
- end
- if parent.kind_of?(Class) && parent <= @@resource_proc_class
- parent.class_eval(body)
- eval(parent.name + '::' + klass)
- else
- eval(body)
- eval('TkOptionDB::' + klass)
- end
- end
- def __create_new_class(klass, func, safe = 4, add = false, parent = nil)
- if klass.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- carrier = klass.path
- CmdClassID.mutex.synchronize{
- klass = CmdClassID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- CmdClassID[1].succ!
- }
- parent = nil # ignore parent
- else
- klass = klass.to_s if klass.kind_of?(Symbol)
- unless (?A..?Z) === klass[0]
- fail ArgumentError, "bad string '#{klass}' for class name"
- end
- if parent == nil
- install_win(nil)
- elsif parent.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- install_win(parent.path)
- elsif parent <= @@resource_proc_class
- install_win(parent::CARRIER)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "parent must be Resource-Proc class"
- end
- carrier = Tk.tk_call_without_enc('frame', @path, '-class', klass)
- end
- unless func.kind_of?(Array)
- fail ArgumentError, "method-list must be Array"
- end
- func_str = func.join(' ')
- if parent.kind_of?(Class) && parent <= @@resource_proc_class
- cmd_klass = Class.new(parent)
- else
- cmd_klass = Class.new(TkOptionDB.module_eval('@@resource_proc_class'))
- end
- cmd_klass.const_set(:CARRIER, carrier.dup.freeze)
- cmd_klass.instance_variable_set('@method_tbl', TkCore::INTERP.create_table)
- cmd_klass.instance_variable_set('@add_method', add)
- cmd_klass.instance_variable_set('@safe_mode', safe)
- func.each{|f|
- cmd_klass.instance_variable_get('@method_tbl')[f.to_s.intern] = nil
- }
- cmd_klass.const_set(:METHOD_TBL, TkCore::INTERP.create_table)
- cmd_klass.const_set(:ADD_METHOD, add)
- cmd_klass.const_set(:SAFE_MODE, safe)
- func.each{|f| cmd_klass::METHOD_TBL[f.to_s.intern] = nil }
- cmd_klass
- end
- module_function :__create_new_class
- private_class_method :__create_new_class
- def __remove_methods_of_proc_class(klass)
- # for security, make these methods invalid
- class << klass
- def __null_method(*args); nil; end
- [ :class_eval, :name, :superclass, :clone, :dup, :autoload, :autoload?,
- :ancestors, :const_defined?, :const_get, :const_set, :const_missing,
- :class_variables, :constants, :included_modules, :instance_methods,
- :method_defined?, :module_eval, :private_instance_methods,
- :protected_instance_methods, :public_instance_methods,
- :singleton_methods, :remove_const, :remove_method, :undef_method,
- :to_s, :inspect, :display, :method, :methods, :respond_to?,
- :instance_variable_get, :instance_variable_set, :instance_method,
- :instance_eval, :instance_exec, :instance_variables, :kind_of?, :is_a?,
- :private_methods, :protected_methods, :public_methods ].each{|m|
- alias_method(m, :__null_method)
- }
- end
- end
- module_function :__remove_methods_of_proc_class
- private_class_method :__remove_methods_of_proc_class
- RAND_BASE_CHAR = RAND_BASE_HEAD + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_'
- def __get_random_basename
- name = '%s%03d' % [RAND_BASE_HEAD[rand(RAND_BASE_HEAD.size),1],
- len = RAND_BASE_CHAR.size
- (6+rand(10)).times{
- name << RAND_BASE_CHAR[rand(len),1]
- }
- name
- end
- module_function :__get_random_basename
- private_class_method :__get_random_basename
- # define new proc class :
- # If you want to modify the new class or create a new subclass,
- # you must do such operation in the block parameter.
- # Because the created class is frozen after evaluating the block.
- def new_proc_class(klass, func, safe = 4, add = false, parent = nil, &b)
- new_klass = __create_new_class(klass, func, safe, add, parent)
- new_klass.class_eval(&b) if block_given?
- __remove_methods_of_proc_class(new_klass)
- new_klass.freeze
- new_klass
- end
- module_function :new_proc_class
- def eval_under_random_base(parent = nil, &b)
- new_klass = __create_new_class(__get_random_basename(),
- [], 4, false, parent)
- ret = new_klass.class_eval(&b) if block_given?
- __remove_methods_of_proc_class(new_klass)
- new_klass.freeze
- ret
- end
- module_function :eval_under_random_base
- def new_proc_class_random(klass, func, safe = 4, add = false, &b)
- eval_under_random_base(){
- TkOptionDB.new_proc_class(klass, func, safe, add, self, &b)
- }
- end
- module_function :new_proc_class_random
-TkOption = TkOptionDB
-TkResourceDB = TkOptionDB
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/optionobj.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/optionobj.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4219e4be71..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/optionobj.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/optionobj.rb : control options for a group of widgets
-# NOTE: If you want to use key-only option (no value),
-# use Tk::None for the value of the key-only option.
-# e.g. hash_kv({'aaa'=>1, 'bbb'=>Tk::None, 'ccc'=>3})
-# => ["-aaa", 1, "-bbb", "-ccc", 3]
-require 'tk'
-module Tk
- class OptionObj < Hash
- include TkUtil
- def initialize(hash = nil)
- super()
- @observ = []
- update_without_notify(_symbolkey2str(hash)) if hash
- end
- def observ_info
- @observ.dup
- end
- def observs
- @observ.collect{|win|
- if win.kind_of?(Array)
- win[0]
- else
- win
- end
- }
- end
- def _remove_win(win)
- if win.kind_of?(Array)
- widget, method = win
- @observ.delete_if{|x|
- if x.kind_of?(Array)
- x[0] == widget
- else
- x == widget
- end
- }
- else
- @observ.delete_if{|x|
- if x.kind_of?(Array)
- x[0] == win
- else
- x == win
- end
- }
- end
- end
- private :_remove_win
- def assign(*wins)
- # win :=
- # widget #==> call widget.configure(hash)
- # [widget] #==> call widget.configure(hash)
- # [widget, nil, {src=>target, ... }]
- # #==> call widget.configure(hash)
- # with converting hash-key
- # [widget, method] #==> call widget.method(hash)
- # [widget, method, {src=>target, ... }]
- # #==> call widget.method(hash)
- # with converting hash-key
- # [widget [receiver, method, arg, ... ]]
- # #==> call receiver.method(arg, ... , hash)
- # [widget [receiver, method, arg, ... ], {src=>target, ... }]
- # #==> call receiver.method(arg, ... , hash)
- # with onverting hash-key
- #
- # src := option_name_on_optobj
- #
- # target :=
- # nil #==> not use the src
- # option_name_on_target_widget
- # [ option_name_on_target_widget, ... ]
- # #==> set all of them
- #
- wins.each{|win|
- _remove_win(win)
- @observ << win
- notify(win)
- }
- self
- end
- def unassign(*wins)
- wins.each{|win|
- _remove_win(win)
- }
- self
- end
- def notify(target = nil)
- if target
- targets = [target]
- elsif @observ.empty?
- return self
- else
- targets = @observ.dup
- end
- return self if empty?
- org_hash = _symbolkey2str(self)
- targets.each{|win|
- widget = receiver = win
- hash = org_hash
- begin
- if win.kind_of?(Array)
- widget, method, conv_tbl = win
- receiver = widget
- if conv_tbl
- hash = {}
- org_hash.each{|key, val|
- key = conv_tbl[key] if conv_tbl.key?(key)
- next unless key
- if key.kind_of?(Array)
- key.each{|k| hash[k] = val}
- else
- hash[key] = val
- end
- }
- end
- if method.kind_of?(Array)
- receiver, method, *args = method
- receiver.__send__(method, *(args << hash))
- elsif method
- widget.__send__(method, hash)
- else
- widget.configure(hash)
- end
- else
- widget.configure(self)
- end
- rescue => e
- if ( ( widget.kind_of?(TkObject) \
- && widget.respond_to?('exist?') \
- && ! receiver.exist? ) \
- || ( receiver.kind_of?(TkObject) \
- && receiver.respond_to?('exist?') \
- && ! receiver.exist? ) )
- @observ.delete(win)
- else
- fail e
- end
- end
- }
- self
- end
- alias apply notify
- def +(hash)
- unless hash.kind_of?(Hash)
- fail ArgumentError, "expect a Hash"
- end
- new_obj = self.dup
- new_obj.update_without_notify(_symbolkey2str(hash))
- new_obj
- end
- alias update_without_notify update
- def update(hash)
- update_without_notify(_symbolkey2str(hash))
- notify
- end
- def configure(key, value=nil)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- update(key)
- else
- store(key,value)
- end
- end
- def [](key)
- super(key.to_s)
- end
- alias cget []
- def store(key, val)
- key = key.to_s
- super(key, val)
- notify
- end
- def []=(key, val)
- store(key,val)
- end
- def replace(hash)
- super(_symbolkey2str(hash))
- notify
- end
- def default(opt)
- fail RuntimeError, "unknown option `#{opt}'"
- end
- private :default
- undef :default=
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 45926d4043..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/pack.rb : control pack geometry manager
-require 'tk'
-module TkPack
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['pack'.freeze].freeze
- def configure(win, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = args.pop
- else
- opts = {}
- end
- params = []
- # params.push((win.kind_of?(TkObject))? win.epath: win)
- params.push(_epath(win))
- args.each{|win|
- # params.push((win.kind_of?(TkObject))? win.epath: win)
- params.push(_epath(win))
- }
- opts.each{|k, v|
- params.push("-#{k}")
- # params.push((v.kind_of?(TkObject))? v.epath: v)
- params.push(_epath(v))
- }
- tk_call_without_enc("pack", 'configure', *params)
- end
- def configure(*args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = args.pop
- else
- opts = {}
- end
- fail ArgumentError, 'no widget is given' if args.empty?
- params = []
- args.flatten(1).each{|win| params.push(_epath(win))}
- opts.each{|k, v|
- params.push("-#{k}")
- params.push(_epath(v)) # have to use 'epath' (hash_kv() is unavailable)
- }
- tk_call_without_enc("pack", 'configure', *params)
- end
- alias pack configure
- def forget(*args)
- return '' if args.size == 0
- wins = args.collect{|win|
- # (win.kind_of?(TkObject))? win.epath: win
- _epath(win)
- }
- tk_call_without_enc('pack', 'forget', *wins)
- end
- def info(slave)
- # slave = slave.epath if slave.kind_of?(TkObject)
- slave = _epath(slave)
- ilist = list(tk_call_without_enc('pack', 'info', slave))
- info = {}
- while key = ilist.shift
- info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift
- end
- return info
- end
- def propagate(master, mode=None)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- if mode == None
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('pack', 'propagate', master))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('pack', 'propagate', master, mode)
- end
- end
- def slaves(master)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('pack', 'slaves', master))
- end
- module_function :pack, :configure, :forget, :info, :propagate, :slaves
-def TkPack(win, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = args.pop
- else
- opts = {}
- end
- params = []
- params.push((win.kind_of?(TkObject))? win.epath: win)
- args.each{|win|
- params.push((win.kind_of?(TkObject))? win.epath: win)
- }
- opts.each{|k, v|
- params.push("-#{k}")
- params.push((v.kind_of?(TkObject))? v.epath: v)
- }
- tk_call_without_enc("pack", *params)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/package.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/package.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fe6939c2d4..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/package.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/package.rb : package command
-require 'tk'
-module TkPackage
- include TkCore
- extend TkPackage
- TkCommandNames = ['package'.freeze].freeze
- def add_path(path)
- Tk::AUTO_PATH.value = Tk::AUTO_PATH.to_a << path
- end
- def forget(package)
- tk_call('package', 'forget', package)
- nil
- end
- def if_needed(pkg, ver, *arg, &b)
- size = arg.size
- if size==0 && !b
- # proc info
- procedure(tk_call('package', 'ifneeded', pkg, ver))
- elsif size==0 && b
- # set proc
- cmd = proc(&b)
- tk_call('package', 'ifneeded', pkg, ver, cmd)
- cmd
- elsif size==1 && !b
- # set proc
- cmd = arg[0]
- if cmd
- tk_call('package', 'ifneeded', pkg, ver, cmd)
- cmd
- else
- # remove proc
- tk_call('package', 'ifneeded', pkg, ver, '')
- nil
- end
- else
- fail ArgumentError, 'too many arguments'
- end
- end
- def names
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('package', 'names'))
- end
- def provide(package, version=nil)
- if version
- tk_call('package', 'provide', package, version)
- end
- if (ret = tk_call('package', 'provide', package)) == ''
- nil
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- def present(package, version=None)
- begin
- tk_call('package', 'present', package, version)
- rescue => e
- fail e.class, 'TkPackage ' << e.message
- end
- end
- def present_exact(package, version)
- begin
- tk_call('package', 'present', '-exact', package, version)
- rescue => e
- fail e.class, 'TkPackage ' << e.message
- end
- end
- def require(package, version=None)
- begin
- tk_call('package', 'require', package, version)
- rescue => e
- fail e.class, 'TkPackage ' << e.message
- end
- end
- def require_exact(package, version)
- begin
- tk_call('package', 'require', '-exact', package, version)
- rescue => e
- fail e.class, 'TkPackage ' << e.message
- end
- end
- def unknown_proc(*arg, &b)
- size = arg.size
- if size==0 && !b
- # proc info
- procedure(tk_call('package', 'unknown'))
- elsif size==0 && b
- # set proc
- cmd = proc(&b)
- tk_call('package', 'unknown', cmd)
- cmd
- elsif size==1 && !b
- # set proc
- cmd = arg[0]
- if cmd
- tk_call('package', 'unknown', cmd)
- cmd
- else
- # remove proc
- tk_call('package', 'unknown', '')
- nil
- end
- else
- fail ArgumentError, 'too many arguments'
- end
- end
- def versions(package)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('package', 'versions', package))
- end
- def vcompare(version1, version2)
- number(tk_call('package', 'vcompare', version1, version2))
- end
- def vsatisfies(version1, version2)
- bool(tk_call('package', 'vsatisfies', version1, version2))
- end
- def prefer(setting = None)
- tk_call('package', 'prefer', setting)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/palette.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/palette.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e118e8dbe5..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/palette.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/palette.rb : methods for Tcl/Tk standard library 'palette.tcl'
-# 1998/06/21 by Hidetoshi Nagai <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp>
-require 'tk'
-module TkPalette
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'tk_setPalette'.freeze,
- 'tk_bisque'.freeze,
- 'tkDarken'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def TkPalette.set(*args)
- args = args[0].to_a.flatten if args[0].kind_of? Hash
- tk_call('tk_setPalette', *args)
- end
- def TkPalette.setPalette(*args)
- TkPalette.set(*args)
- end
- def TkPalette.bisque
- tk_call('tk_bisque')
- end
- def TkPalette.darken(color, percent)
- tk_call('tkDarken', color, percent)
- end
- def TkPalette.recolorTree(win, colors)
- if not colors.kind_of?(Hash)
- fail "2nd arg need to be Hash"
- end
- tk_call('global', "tkPalette")
- colors.each{|key, value|
- begin
- if win.cget(key) == tk_call('set', "tkPalette(#{key})")
- win[key] = colors[key]
- end
- rescue
- # ignore
- end
- }
- TkWinfo.children(win).each{|w| TkPalette.recolorTree(w, colors)}
- end
- def recolorTree(colors)
- TkPalette.recolorTree(self, colors)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 285292f018..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/panedwindow.rb : treat panedwindow
-require 'tk'
-class Tk::PanedWindow<TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['panedwindow'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Panedwindow'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('panedwindow', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc('panedwindow', @path)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def add(*args)
- keys = args.pop
- fail ArgumentError, "no window in arguments" unless keys
- if keys && keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- fail ArgumentError, "no window in arguments" if args == []
- # args = args.collect{|w| (w.kind_of?(TkObject))? w.epath: w }
- args = args.collect{|w| _epath(w) }
- #args.push(hash_kv(keys))
- args.concat(hash_kv(keys))
- else
- args.push(keys) if keys
- # args = args.collect{|w| (w.kind_of?(TkObject))? w.epath: w }
- args = args.collect{|w| _epath(w) }
- end
- tk_send_without_enc('add', *args)
- self
- end
- def forget(win, *wins)
- wins.unshift(win)
- # tk_send_without_enc('forget', *((w.kind_of?(TkObject))? w.epath: w))
- tk_send_without_enc('forget', *(wins.collect{|w| _epath(w)}))
- self
- end
- alias del forget
- alias delete forget
- alias remove forget
- def identify(x, y)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('identify', x, y))
- end
- def proxy_coord
- list(tk_send_without_enc('proxy', 'coord'))
- end
- def proxy_forget
- tk_send_without_enc('proxy', 'forget')
- self
- end
- def proxy_place(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('proxy', 'place', x, y)
- self
- end
- def sash_coord(index)
- list(tk_send('sash', 'coord', index))
- end
- def sash_dragto(index, x, y)
- tk_send('sash', 'dragto', index, x, y)
- self
- end
- def sash_mark(index, x, y)
- tk_send('sash', 'mark', index, x, y)
- self
- end
- def sash_place(index, x, y)
- tk_send('sash', 'place', index, x, y)
- self
- end
- def panecget_strict(win, key)
- # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- win = _epath(win)
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send_without_enc('panecget', win, "-#{key}"))
- end
- def panecget(win, key)
- panecget_strict(win, key)
- else
- begin
- panecget_strict(win, key)
- rescue => e
- begin
- if current_paneconfiginfo(win).has_key?(option.to_s)
- # not tag error & option is known -> error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # not tag error & option is unknown
- nil
- end
- rescue
- fail e # tag error
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def paneconfigure(win, key, value=nil)
- # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- win = _epath(win)
- if key.kind_of? Hash
- params = []
- key.each{|k, v|
- params.push("-#{k}")
- # params.push((v.kind_of?(TkObject))? v.epath: v)
- params.push(_epath(v))
- }
- tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', win, *params)
- else
- # value = value.epath if value.kind_of?(TkObject)
- value = _epath(value)
- tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', win, "-#{key}", value)
- end
- self
- end
- alias pane_config paneconfigure
- def paneconfiginfo(win, key=nil)
- # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- win = _epath(win)
- if key
- #conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure',
- # win, "-#{key}"))
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure',
- win, "-#{key}"),
- false, true)
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- if conf[0] == 'hide'
- conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty?
- conf[4] = bool(conf[4]) unless conf[4].empty?
- end
- conf
- else
- #tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure',
- # win)).collect{|conflist|
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', win),
- false, false).collect{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true)
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- if conf[3]
- if conf[0] == 'hide'
- conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty?
- elsif conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- if conf[4]
- if conf[0] == 'hide'
- conf[4] = bool(conf[4]) unless conf[4].empty?
- elsif conf[4].index('{')
- conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4])
- else
- conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
- end
- end
- conf[1] = conf[1][1..-1] if conf.size == 2 # alias info
- conf
- }
- end
- # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- win = _epath(win)
- if key
- #conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure',
- # win, "-#{key}"))
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure',
- win, "-#{key}"),
- false, true)
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- if key == 'hide'
- conf[2] = bool(conf[2]) unless conf[2].empty?
- conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty?
- end
- { key => conf }
- else
- ret = {}
- #tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure',
- # win)).each{|conflist|
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', win),
- false, false).each{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true)
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- if key
- if key == 'hide'
- conf[2] = bool(conf[2]) unless conf[2].empty?
- elsif conf[2].index('{')
- conf[2] = tk_split_list(conf[2])
- else
- conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[2])
- end
- end
- if conf[3]
- if key == 'hide'
- conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty?
- elsif conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- if conf.size == 1
- ret[key] = conf[0][1..-1] # alias info
- else
- ret[key] = conf
- end
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- alias pane_configinfo paneconfiginfo
- def current_paneconfiginfo(win, key=nil)
- if key
- conf = paneconfiginfo(win, key)
- {conf[0] => conf[4]}
- else
- ret = {}
- paneconfiginfo(win).each{|conf|
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[4] if conf.size > 2
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- paneconfiginfo(win, key).each{|k, conf|
- ret[k] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- alias current_pane_configinfo current_paneconfiginfo
- def panes
- list(tk_send_without_enc('panes'))
- end
-Tk::Panedwindow = Tk::PanedWindow
-#TkPanedWindow = Tk::PanedWindow unless Object.const_defined? :TkPanedWindow
-#TkPanedwindow = Tk::Panedwindow unless Object.const_defined? :TkPanedwindow
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::PanedWindow,
-# :TkPanedWindow, :TkPanedwindow)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/panedwindow.rb', :Tk, Tk::PanedWindow,
- :TkPanedWindow, :TkPanedwindow)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/place.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/place.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index efda36df5e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/place.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/place.rb : control place geometry manager
-require 'tk'
-module TkPlace
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['place'.freeze].freeze
- def configure(win, slot, value=None)
- # for >= Tk8.4a2 ?
- # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- win = _epath(win)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- params = []
- slot.each{|k, v|
- params.push("-#{k}")
- # params.push((v.kind_of?(TkObject))? v.epath: v)
- params.push(_epath(v))
- }
- tk_call_without_enc('place', 'configure', win, *params)
- else
- # value = value.epath if value.kind_of?(TkObject)
- value = _epath(value)
- tk_call_without_enc('place', 'configure', win, "-#{slot}", value)
- end
- end
- alias place configure
- def configinfo(win, slot = nil)
- # for >= Tk8.4a2 ?
- # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- win = _epath(win)
- if slot
- #conf = tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('place', 'configure',
- # win, "-#{slot}") )
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('place', 'configure',
- win, "-#{slot}") )
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf[1] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[1])
- conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[1])
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[1])
- conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[1])
- conf
- else
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('place', 'configure',
- win)).collect{|conflist|
- #conf = list(conflist)
- conf = simplelist(conflist).collect!{|inf| tk_tcl2ruby(inf)}
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- }
- end
- current_configinfo(win, slot)
- end
- end
- def current_configinfo(win, slot = nil)
- # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- win = _epath(win)
- if slot
- #conf = tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('place', 'configure',
- # win, "-#{slot}") )
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('place', 'configure',
- win, "-#{slot}") )
- # { conf[0][1..-1] => conf[1] }
- { conf[0][1..-1] => tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4]) }
- else
- ret = {}
- #tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('place','configure',win)).each{|conf|
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('place', 'configure',
- win)).each{|conf_list|
- #ret[conf[0][1..-1]] = conf[1]
- conf = simplelist(conf_list)
- ret[conf[0][1..-1]] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- def forget(win)
- # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- win = _epath(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('place', 'forget', win)
- end
- def info(win)
- # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- win = _epath(win)
- #ilist = list(tk_call_without_enc('place', 'info', win))
- ilist = simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('place', 'info', win))
- info = {}
- while key = ilist.shift
- #info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift
- info[key[1..-1]] = tk_tcl2ruby(ilist.shift)
- end
- return info
- end
- def slaves(master)
- # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = _epath(master)
- list(tk_call('place', 'slaves', master))
- end
- module_function :place, :configure, :configinfo, :current_configinfo
- module_function :forget, :info, :slaves
-def TkPlace(win, slot, value=None)
- win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- params = []
- slot.each{|k, v|
- params.push("-#{k}")
- params.push((v.kind_of?(TkObject))? v.epath: v)
- }
- tk_call_without_enc('place', win, *params)
- else
- value = value.epath if value.kind_of?(TkObject)
- tk_call_without_enc('place', win, "-#{slot}", value)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/radiobutton.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/radiobutton.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b0858df2b4..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/radiobutton.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/radiobutton.rb : treat radiobutton widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/button'
-class Tk::RadioButton<Tk::Button
- TkCommandNames = ['radiobutton'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Radiobutton'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('radiobutton', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc('radiobutton', @path)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'indicatoron'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'selectcolor'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __ruby2val_optkeys # { key=>proc, ... }
- {
- 'variable'=>proc{|v| tk_trace_variable(v)} # for backward compatibility
- }
- end
- private :__ruby2val_optkeys
- def deselect
- tk_send_without_enc('deselect')
- self
- end
- def select
- tk_send_without_enc('select')
- self
- end
- def get_value
- var = tk_send_without_enc('cget', '-variable')
- _fromUTF8(INTERP._get_global_var(var))
- else
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; set %s', var, var))
- end
- end
- def set_value(val)
- var = tk_send_without_enc('cget', '-variable')
- _fromUTF8(INTERP._set_global_var(var, _get_eval_string(val, true)))
- else
- s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[\[\]$"\\]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; set %s %s', var, var, s))
- end
- end
-Tk::Radiobutton = Tk::RadioButton
-#TkRadioButton = Tk::RadioButton unless Object.const_defined? :TkRadioButton
-#TkRadiobutton = Tk::Radiobutton unless Object.const_defined? :TkRadiobutton
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::RadioButton,
-# :TkRadioButton, :TkRadiobutton)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/radiobutton.rb', :Tk, Tk::RadioButton,
- :TkRadioButton, :TkRadiobutton)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/root.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/root.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b92732fd7d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/root.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/root.rb : treat root widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/wm'
-require 'tk/menuspec'
-class Tk::Root<TkWindow
- include Wm
- include TkMenuSpec
- def __methodcall_optkeys # { key=>method, ... }
- end
- private :__methodcall_optkeys
- def Root.new(keys=nil, &b)
- unless TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows['.']
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows['.'] =
- super(:without_creating=>true, :widgetname=>'.'){}
- end
- root = TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows['.']
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- # wm commands
- root.instance_eval{
- __methodcall_optkeys.each{|key, method|
- value = keys.delete(key.to_s)
- self.__send__(method, value) if value
- }
- }
- if keys # wm commands ( for backward compatibility )
- keys.each{|k,v|
- if v.kind_of? Array
- root.__send__(k,*v)
- else
- root.__send__(k,v)
- end
- }
- end
- if block_given?
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- root.instance_exec(root, &b)
- else
- root.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- root
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'Tk'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.to_eval
- # self::WidgetClassName
- '.'
- end
- def create_self
- @path = '.'
- end
- private :create_self
- def path
- "."
- end
- def add_menu(menu_info, tearoff=false, opts=nil)
- # See tk/menuspec.rb for menu_info.
- # opts is a hash of default configs for all of cascade menus.
- # Configs of menu_info can override it.
- if tearoff.kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = tearoff
- tearoff = false
- end
- _create_menubutton(self, menu_info, tearoff, opts)
- end
- def add_menubar(menu_spec, tearoff=false, opts=nil)
- # See tk/menuspec.rb for menu_spec.
- # opts is a hash of default configs for all of cascade menus.
- # Configs of menu_spec can override it.
- menu_spec.each{|info| add_menu(info, tearoff, opts)}
- self.menu
- end
- def Root.destroy
- TkCore::INTERP._invoke('destroy', '.')
- end
-TkRoot = Tk::Root unless Object.const_defined? :TkRoot
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/scale.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/scale.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f6f60e3c25..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/scale.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/scale.rb : treat scale widget
-require 'tk'
-class Tk::Scale<TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['scale'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Scale'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- if keys.key?('command') && ! keys['command'].kind_of?(String)
- cmd = keys.delete('command')
- keys['command'] = proc{|val| cmd.call(val.to_f)}
- end
- #tk_call_without_enc('scale', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- rescue
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- keys = __check_available_configure_options(keys)
- unless keys.empty?
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc('destroy', @path)
- rescue
- # cannot destroy
- configure(keys)
- else
- # re-create widget
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- #tk_call_without_enc('scale', @path)
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'label'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def _wrap_command_arg(cmd)
- proc{|val|
- if val.kind_of?(String)
- cmd.call(number(val))
- else
- cmd.call(val)
- end
- }
- end
- private :_wrap_command_arg
- def configure_cmd(slot, value)
- configure(slot=>value)
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if (slot == 'command' || slot == :command)
- configure('command'=>value)
- elsif slot.kind_of?(Hash) &&
- (slot.key?('command') || slot.key?(:command))
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- slot['command'] = _wrap_command_arg(slot.delete('command'))
- end
- super(slot, value)
- end
- def command(cmd=Proc.new)
- configure('command'=>cmd)
- end
- def get(x=None, y=None)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('get', x, y))
- end
- def coords(val=None)
- tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('coords', val))
- end
- def identify(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('identify', x, y)
- end
- def set(val)
- tk_send_without_enc('set', val)
- end
- def value
- get
- end
- def value= (val)
- set(val)
- val
- end
-#TkScale = Tk::Scale unless Object.const_defined? :TkScale
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Scale, :TkScale)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/scale.rb', :Tk, Tk::Scale, :TkScale)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollable.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollable.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e9b4a93d6d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollable.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/scrollable.rb : module for scrollable widget
-require 'tk'
-module Tk
- module XScrollable
- def xscrollcommand(cmd=Proc.new)
- configure_cmd 'xscrollcommand', cmd
- # Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble
- self
- end
- def xview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('xview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('xview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def xview_moveto(*index)
- xview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def xview_scroll(*index)
- xview('scroll', *index)
- end
- def xscrollbar(bar=nil)
- if bar
- @xscrollbar = bar
- @xscrollbar.orient 'horizontal'
- self.xscrollcommand {|*arg| @xscrollbar.set(*arg)}
- @xscrollbar.command {|*arg| self.xview(*arg)}
- Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble
- end
- @xscrollbar
- end
- end
- module YScrollable
- def yscrollcommand(cmd=Proc.new)
- configure_cmd 'yscrollcommand', cmd
- # Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble
- self
- end
- def yview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('yview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('yview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def yview_moveto(*index)
- yview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def yview_scroll(*index)
- yview('scroll', *index)
- end
- def yscrollbar(bar=nil)
- if bar
- @yscrollbar = bar
- @yscrollbar.orient 'vertical'
- self.yscrollcommand {|*arg| @yscrollbar.set(*arg)}
- @yscrollbar.command {|*arg| self.yview(*arg)}
- Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble
- end
- @yscrollbar
- end
- end
- X_Scrollable = XScrollable
- Y_Scrollable = YScrollable
- module Scrollable
- include XScrollable
- include YScrollable
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollbar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollbar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c16ed38756..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollbar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/scrollbar.rb : treat scrollbar widget
-require 'tk'
-class Tk::Scrollbar<TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['scrollbar'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Scrollbar'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def create_self(keys)
- @assigned = []
- @scroll_proc = proc{|*args|
- if self.orient == 'horizontal'
- @assigned.each{|w| w.xview(*args)}
- else # 'vertical'
- @assigned.each{|w| w.yview(*args)}
- end
- }
- if keys and keys != None
- #tk_call_without_enc('scrollbar', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- rescue
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- keys = __check_available_configure_options(keys)
- unless keys.empty?
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc('destroy', @path)
- rescue
- # cannot destroy
- configure(keys)
- else
- # re-create widget
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- #tk_call_without_enc('scrollbar', @path)
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def propagate_set(src_win, first, last)
- self.set(first, last)
- if self.orient == 'horizontal'
- @assigned.each{|w| w.xview('moveto', first) if w != src_win}
- else # 'vertical'
- @assigned.each{|w| w.yview('moveto', first) if w != src_win}
- end
- end
- def assign(*wins)
- begin
- self.command(@scroll_proc) if self.cget('command').cmd != @scroll_proc
- rescue Exception
- self.command(@scroll_proc)
- end
- orient = self.orient
- wins.each{|w|
- @assigned << w unless @assigned.index(w)
- if orient == 'horizontal'
- w.xscrollcommand proc{|first, last| self.propagate_set(w, first, last)}
- else # 'vertical'
- w.yscrollcommand proc{|first, last| self.propagate_set(w, first, last)}
- end
- }
- Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble
- self
- end
- def assigned_list
- begin
- return @assigned.dup if self.cget('command').cmd == @scroll_proc
- rescue Exception
- end
- fail RuntimeError, "not depend on the assigned_list"
- end
- def configure(*args)
- ret = super(*args)
- # Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble
- ret
- end
- #def delta(deltax=None, deltay=None)
- def delta(deltax, deltay)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('delta', deltax, deltay))
- end
- #def fraction(x=None, y=None)
- def fraction(x, y)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('fraction', x, y))
- end
- def identify(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('identify', x, y)
- end
- def get
- #ary1 = tk_send('get').split
- #ary2 = []
- #for i in ary1
- # ary2.push number(i)
- #end
- #ary2
- list(tk_send_without_enc('get'))
- end
- def set(first, last)
- tk_send_without_enc('set', first, last)
- self
- end
- def activate(element=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('activate', element)
- end
- def moveto(fraction)
- tk_send_without_enc('moveto', fraction)
- self
- end
- def scroll(*args)
- tk_send_without_enc('scroll', *args)
- self
- end
- def scroll_units(num)
- scroll(num, 'units')
- self
- end
- def scroll_pages(num)
- scroll(num, 'pages')
- self
- end
-#TkScrollbar = Tk::Scrollbar unless Object.const_defined? :TkScrollbar
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Scrollbar, :TkScrollbar)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/scrollbar.rb', :Tk, Tk::Scrollbar,
- :TkScrollbar)
-class Tk::XScrollbar<Tk::Scrollbar
- def create_self(keys)
- keys = {} unless keys
- keys['orient'] = 'horizontal'
- super(keys)
- end
- private :create_self
-#TkXScrollbar = Tk::XScrollbar unless Object.const_defined? :TkXScrollbar
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::XScrollbar, :TkXScrollbar)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/scrollbar.rb', :Tk, Tk::XScrollbar,
- :TkXScrollbar)
-class Tk::YScrollbar<Tk::Scrollbar
- def create_self(keys)
- keys = {} unless keys
- keys['orient'] = 'vertical'
- super(keys)
- end
- private :create_self
-#TkYScrollbar = Tk::YScrollbar unless Object.const_defined? :TkYScrollbar
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::YScrollbar, :TkYScrollbar)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/scrollbar.rb', :Tk, Tk::YScrollbar,
- :TkYScrollbar)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a470765d7c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/scrollbox.rb - Tk Listbox with Scrollbar
-# as an example of Composite Widget
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@netlab.co.jp>
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/listbox'
-class TkScrollbox<Tk::Listbox
- include TkComposite
- def initialize_composite(keys=nil)
- #list = Tk::Listbox.new(@frame)
- # -> use current TkListbox class
- list = TkListbox.new(@frame)
- #scroll = Tk::Scrollbar.new(@frame)
- # -> use current TkScrollbar class
- scroll = TkScrollbar.new(@frame)
- @path = list.path
- list.configure 'yscroll', scroll.path+" set"
- list.pack 'side'=>'left','fill'=>'both','expand'=>'yes'
- scroll.configure 'command', list.path+" yview"
- scroll.pack 'side'=>'right','fill'=>'y'
- list.yscrollbar(scroll)
- list.pack('side'=>'left','fill'=>'both','expand'=>'yes')
- scroll.pack('side'=>'right','fill'=>'y')
- delegate('DEFAULT', list)
- delegate('foreground', list)
- delegate('background', list, scroll)
- delegate('borderwidth', @frame)
- delegate('relief', @frame)
- configure keys if keys
- end
- private :initialize_composite
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/selection.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/selection.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 085d8b2d2d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/selection.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/selection.rb : control selection
-require 'tk'
-module TkSelection
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['selection'.freeze].freeze
- def self.clear(sel=nil)
- if sel
- tk_call_without_enc('selection', 'clear', '-selection', sel)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('selection', 'clear')
- end
- end
- def self.clear_on_display(win, sel=nil)
- if sel
- tk_call_without_enc('selection', 'clear',
- '-displayof', win, '-selection', sel)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('selection', 'clear', '-displayof', win)
- end
- end
- def clear(sel=nil)
- TkSelection.clear_on_display(self, sel)
- self
- end
- def self.get(keys=nil)
- #tk_call('selection', 'get', *hash_kv(keys))
- _fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc('selection', 'get', *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def self.get_on_display(win, keys=nil)
- #tk_call('selection', 'get', '-displayof', win, *hash_kv(keys))
- _fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc('selection', 'get', '-displayof',
- win, *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def get(keys=nil)
- TkSelection.get_on_display(self, sel)
- end
- def self.handle(win, func=Proc.new, keys=nil, &b)
- if func.kind_of?(Hash) && keys == nil
- keys = func
- func = Proc.new(&b)
- end
- args = ['selection', 'handle']
- args.concat(hash_kv(keys))
- args.concat([win, func])
- tk_call_without_enc(*args)
- end
- def handle(func=Proc.new, keys=nil, &b)
- TkSelection.handle(self, func, keys, &b)
- end
- def self.get_owner(sel=nil)
- if sel
- window(tk_call_without_enc('selection', 'own', '-selection', sel))
- else
- window(tk_call_without_enc('selection', 'own'))
- end
- end
- def self.get_owner_on_display(win, sel=nil)
- if sel
- window(tk_call_without_enc('selection', 'own',
- '-displayof', win, '-selection', sel))
- else
- window(tk_call_without_enc('selection', 'own', '-displayof', win))
- end
- end
- def get_owner(sel=nil)
- TkSelection.get_owner_on_display(self, sel)
- self
- end
- def self.set_owner(win, keys=nil)
- tk_call_without_enc('selection', 'own', *(hash_kv(keys) << win))
- end
- def set_owner(keys=nil)
- TkSelection.set_owner(self, keys)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4be41c4266..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/spinbox.rb - Tk spinbox classes
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@caelum.co.jp>
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/entry'
-class Tk::Spinbox<Tk::Entry
- TkCommandNames = ['spinbox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Spinbox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- class SpinCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?d, ?s, :direction ],
- [ ?s, ?e, :current ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- [ ?e, proc{|val|
- #enc = Tk.encoding
- enc = ((Tk.encoding)? Tk.encoding : Tk.encoding_system)
- if enc
- Tk.fromUTF8(TkComm::string(val), enc)
- else
- TkComm::string(val)
- end
- }
- ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- (val)? '1': '0'
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['command']
- end
- end
- def __validation_class_list
- super() << SpinCommand
- end
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, SpinCommand)
- #def create_self(keys)
- # tk_call_without_enc('spinbox', @path)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # configure(keys)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'wrap'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'buttonbackground' << 'format'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- super() << 'values'
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- def identify(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('identify', x, y)
- end
- def invoke(elem)
- tk_send_without_enc('invoke', elem)
- self
- end
- def spinup
- begin
- tk_send_without_enc('invoke', 'buttonup')
- rescue RuntimeError => e
- # old version of element?
- begin
- tk_send_without_enc('invoke', 'spinup')
- rescue
- fail e
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def spindown
- begin
- tk_send_without_enc('invoke', 'buttondown')
- rescue RuntimeError => e
- # old version of element?
- begin
- tk_send_without_enc('invoke', 'spinup')
- rescue
- fail e
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def set(str)
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('set', _get_eval_enc_str(str)))
- end
-#TkSpinbox = Tk::Spinbox unless Object.const_defined? :TkSpinbox
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Spinbox, :TkSpinbox)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/spinbox.rb', :Tk, Tk::Spinbox,
- :TkSpinbox)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/tagfont.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/tagfont.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e3fd60465c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/tagfont.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/tagfont.rb : control font of tags
-require 'tk'
-module TkTreatTagFont
- def font_configinfo
- @parent.tagfont_configinfo(@id)
- end
-# alias font font_configinfo
- def font_configure(slot)
- @parent.tagfont_configure(@id, slot)
- self
- end
- def latinfont_configure(ltn, keys=nil)
- @parent.latintagfont_configure(@id, ltn, keys)
- self
- end
- alias asciifont_configure latinfont_configure
- def kanjifont_configure(knj, keys=nil)
- @parent.kanjitagfont_configure(@id, ltn, keys)
- self
- end
- def font_copy(win, wintag=nil)
- @parent.tagfont_copy(@id, win, wintag)
- self
- end
- def latinfont_copy(win, wintag=nil)
- @parent.latintagfont_copy(@id, win, wintag)
- self
- end
- alias asciifont_copy latinfont_copy
- def kanjifont_copy(win, wintag=nil)
- @parent.kanjitagfont_copy(@id, win, wintag)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 616c3ae89c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1605 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/text.rb - Tk text classes
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@caelum.co.jp>
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/itemfont'
-require 'tk/itemconfig'
-require 'tk/scrollable'
-require 'tk/txtwin_abst'
-module TkTextTagConfig
- include TkTreatItemFont
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id) # id := [ type, tagOrId ]
- [self.path, id[0], 'cget', id[1]]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id) # id := [ type, tagOrId ]
- [self.path, id[0], 'configure', id[1]]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_pathname(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array)
- id = tagid(id[1])
- end
- [self.path, id].join(';')
- end
- private :__item_pathname
- def tag_cget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['tag', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def tag_cget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget(['tag', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def tag_cget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(['tag', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def tag_configure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['tag', tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def tag_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['tag', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_tag_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['tag', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def window_cget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['window', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def window_cget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget(['window', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def window_cget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(['window', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def window_configure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['window', tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def window_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['window', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_window_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['window', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
-class Tk::Text<TkTextWin
- ItemConfCMD = ['tag'.freeze, 'configure'.freeze].freeze
- #include TkTreatTextTagFont
- include TkTextTagConfig
- include Scrollable
- #######################################
- module IndexModMethods
- def +(mod)
- return chars(mod) if mod.kind_of?(Numeric)
- mod = mod.to_s
- if mod =~ /^\s*[+-]?\d/
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' + ' << mod)
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' ' << mod)
- end
- end
- def -(mod)
- return chars(-mod) if mod.kind_of?(Numeric)
- mod = mod.to_s
- if mod =~ /^\s*[+-]?\d/
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' - ' << mod)
- elsif mod =~ /^\s*[-]\s+(\d.*)$/
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' - -' << $1)
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' ' << mod)
- end
- end
- def chars(mod)
- fail ArgumentError, 'expect Integer' unless mod.kind_of?(Integer)
- if mod < 0
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' ' << mod.to_s << ' chars')
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' + ' << mod.to_s << ' chars')
- end
- end
- alias char chars
- def display_chars(mod)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- fail ArgumentError, 'expect Integer' unless mod.kind_of?(Integer)
- if mod < 0
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' ' << mod.to_s << ' display chars')
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' + ' << mod.to_s << ' display chars')
- end
- end
- alias display_char display_chars
- def any_chars(mod)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- fail ArgumentError, 'expect Integer' unless mod.kind_of?(Integer)
- if mod < 0
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' ' << mod.to_s << ' any chars')
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' + ' << mod.to_s << ' any chars')
- end
- end
- alias any_char any_chars
- def indices(mod)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- fail ArgumentError, 'expect Integer' unless mod.kind_of?(Integer)
- if mod < 0
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' ' << mod.to_s << ' indices')
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' + ' << mod.to_s << ' indices')
- end
- end
- def display_indices(mod)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- fail ArgumentError, 'expect Integer' unless mod.kind_of?(Integer)
- if mod < 0
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' ' << mod.to_s << ' display indices')
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' + ' << mod.to_s << ' display indices')
- end
- end
- def any_indices(mod)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- fail ArgumentError, 'expect Integer' unless mod.kind_of?(Integer)
- if mod < 0
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' ' << mod.to_s << ' any indices')
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' + ' << mod.to_s << ' any indices')
- end
- end
- def lines(mod)
- fail ArgumentError, 'expect Integer' unless mod.kind_of?(Integer)
- if mod < 0
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' ' << mod.to_s << ' lines')
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' + ' << mod.to_s << ' lines')
- end
- end
- alias line lines
- def display_lines(mod)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- fail ArgumentError, 'expect Integer' unless mod.kind_of?(Integer)
- if mod < 0
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' ' << mod.to_s << ' display_lines')
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' + ' << mod.to_s << ' display lines')
- end
- end
- alias display_line display_lines
- def any_lines(mod)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- fail ArgumentError, 'expect Integer' unless mod.kind_of?(Integer)
- if mod < 0
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' ' << mod.to_s << ' any_lines')
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' + ' << mod.to_s << ' any lines')
- end
- end
- alias any_line any_lines
- def linestart
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' linestart')
- end
- def lineend
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' lineend')
- end
- def display_linestart
- # Tk8.5 feature
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' display linestart')
- end
- def display_lineend
- # Tk8.5 feature
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' display lineend')
- end
- def wordstart
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' wordstart')
- end
- def wordend
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' wordend')
- end
- def display_wordstart
- # Tk8.5 feature
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' display wordstart')
- end
- def display_wordend
- # Tk8.5 feature
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(String.new(id) << ' display wordend')
- end
- end
- class IndexString < String
- include IndexModMethods
- def self.at(x,y)
- self.new("@#{x},#{y}")
- end
- def self.new(str)
- if str.kind_of?(String)
- super(str)
- elsif str.kind_of?(Symbol)
- super(str.to_s)
- else
- str
- end
- end
- def id
- self
- end
- end
- #######################################
- TkCommandNames = ['text'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Text'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.new(*args, &block)
- obj = super(*args){}
- obj.init_instance_variable
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- obj.instance_exec(obj, &block) if defined? yield
- else
- obj.instance_eval(&block) if defined? yield
- end
- obj
- end
- def init_instance_variable
- @cmdtbl = []
- @tags = {}
- end
- def __destroy_hook__
- TkTextTag::TTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkTextTag::TTagID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- TkTextTag::TMarkID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkTextMark::TMarkID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- #if keys and keys != None
- # #tk_call_without_enc('text', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- # *hash_kv(keys, true))
- #else
- # #tk_call_without_enc('text', @path)
- # tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- #end
- super(keys)
- init_instance_variable
- end
- private :create_self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'inactiveseletcionbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def self.at(x, y)
- Tk::Text::IndexString.at(x, y)
- end
- def at(x, y)
- Tk::Text::IndexString.at(x, y)
- end
- def index(idx)
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(tk_send_without_enc('index',
- _get_eval_enc_str(idx)))
- end
- def get_displaychars(*index)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- get('-displaychars', *index)
- end
- def value
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get', "1.0", "end - 1 char"))
- end
- def value= (val)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', "1.0", 'end')
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', "1.0", _get_eval_enc_str(val))
- val
- end
- def clear
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', "1.0", 'end')
- self
- end
- alias erase clear
- def _addcmd(cmd)
- @cmdtbl.push cmd
- end
- def _addtag(name, obj)
- @tags[name] = obj
- end
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(TkTextTag) \
- || tag.kind_of?(TkTextMark) \
- || tag.kind_of?(TkTextImage) \
- || tag.kind_of?(TkTextWindow)
- tag.id
- else
- tag # maybe an Array of configure parameters
- end
- end
- private :tagid
- def tagid2obj(tagid)
- if @tags[tagid]
- @tags[tagid]
- else
- tagid
- end
- end
- def tag_names(index=None)
- #tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'names', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))).collect{|elt|
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'names', _get_eval_enc_str(index)), false, true).collect{|elt|
- tagid2obj(elt)
- }
- end
- def mark_names
- #tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'names'))).collect{|elt|
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'names'), false, true).collect{|elt|
- tagid2obj(elt)
- }
- end
- def mark_gravity(mark, direction=nil)
- if direction
- tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'gravity',
- _get_eval_enc_str(mark), direction)
- self
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'gravity', _get_eval_enc_str(mark))
- end
- end
- def mark_set(mark, index)
- tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'set', _get_eval_enc_str(mark),
- _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- self
- end
- alias set_mark mark_set
- def mark_unset(*marks)
- tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'unset',
- *(marks.collect{|mark| _get_eval_enc_str(mark)}))
- self
- end
- alias unset_mark mark_unset
- def mark_next(index)
- tagid2obj(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'next',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index))))
- end
- alias next_mark mark_next
- def mark_previous(index)
- tagid2obj(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'previous',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index))))
- end
- alias previous_mark mark_previous
- def image_cget_strict(index, slot)
- case slot.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'cget',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}"))
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'cget',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index),
- "-#{slot}")))
- end
- end
- def image_cget(index, slot)
- image_cget_strict(index, slot)
- else
- begin
- image_cget_strict(index, slot)
- rescue => e
- begin
- if current_image_configinfo(index).has_key?(slot.to_s)
- # not tag error & option is known -> error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # not tag error & option is unknown
- nil
- end
- rescue
- fail e # tag error
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def image_configure(index, slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index),
- *hash_kv(slot, true)))
- else
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index),
- "-#{slot}",
- _get_eval_enc_str(value)))
- end
- self
- end
- def image_configinfo(index, slot = nil)
- if slot
- case slot.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- #conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}")))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}"), false, true)
- else
- #conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}")))
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}"), 0, false, true)
- end
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- # tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))).collect{|conflist|
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)), false, false).collect{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true)
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- case conf[0]
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- else
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- if conf[4]
- if conf[4].index('{')
- conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4])
- else
- conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
- end
- end
- end
- conf[1] = conf[1][1..-1] if conf.size == 2 # alias info
- conf
- }
- end
- if slot
- case slot.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- #conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}")))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}"), false, true)
- else
- #conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}")))
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}"), 0, false, true)
- end
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- { key => conf }
- else
- ret = {}
- #tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))).each{|conflist|
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)), false, false).each{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true)
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- case key
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- else
- if conf[2]
- if conf[2].index('{')
- conf[2] = tk_split_list(conf[2])
- else
- conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[2])
- end
- end
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- end
- if conf.size == 1
- ret[key] = conf[0][1..-1] # alias info
- else
- ret[key] = conf
- end
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- def current_image_configinfo(index, slot = nil)
- if slot
- conf = image_configinfo(index, slot)
- {conf[0] => conf[4]}
- else
- ret = {}
- image_configinfo(index).each{|conf|
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[4] if conf.size > 2
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- image_configinfo(index, slot).each{|k, conf|
- ret[k] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- def image_names
- #tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'names'))).collect{|elt|
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'names'), false, true).collect{|elt|
- tagid2obj(elt)
- }
- end
- def set_insert(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('mark','set','insert', _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- self
- end
- def set_current(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('mark','set','current', _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- self
- end
- def insert(index, chars, *tags)
- if tags[0].kind_of?(Array)
- # multiple chars-taglist argument :: str, [tag,...], str, [tag,...], ...
- args = [chars]
- while tags.size > 0
- args << tags.shift.collect{|x|_get_eval_string(x)}.join(' ') # taglist
- args << tags.shift if tags.size > 0 # chars
- end
- super(index, *args)
- else
- # single chars-taglist argument :: str, tag, tag, ...
- if tags.size == 0
- super(index, chars)
- else
- super(index, chars, tags.collect{|x|_get_eval_string(x)}.join(' '))
- end
- end
- end
- def destroy
- @tags = {} unless @tags
- @tags.each_value do |t|
- t.destroy
- end
- super()
- end
- def backspace
- self.delete 'insert'
- end
- def bbox(index)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('bbox', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
- end
- def compare(idx1, op, idx2)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('compare', _get_eval_enc_str(idx1),
- op, _get_eval_enc_str(idx2)))
- end
- def count(idx1, idx2, *opts)
- # opts are Tk8.5 feature
- cnt = 0
- args = opts.collect{|opt|
- str = opt.to_s
- cnt += 1 if str != 'update'
- '-' + str
- }
- args << _get_eval_enc_str(idx1) << _get_eval_enc_str(idx2)
- if cnt <= 1
- number(tk_send_without_enc('count', *opts))
- else
- list(tk_send_without_enc('count', *opts))
- end
- end
- def count_info(idx1, idx2, update=true)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- opts = [
- :chars, :displaychars, :displayindices, :displaylines,
- :indices, :lines, :xpixels, :ypixels
- ]
- if update
- lst = count(idx1, idx2, :update, *opts)
- else
- lst = count(idx1, idx2, *opts)
- end
- info = {}
- opts.each_with_index{|key, idx| info[key] = lst[idx]}
- info
- end
- def peer_names()
- # Tk8.5 feature
- list(tk_send_without_enc('peer', 'names'))
- end
- def replace(idx1, idx2, *opts)
- tk_send('replace', idx1, idx2, *opts)
- self
- end
- def debug
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('debug'))
- end
- def debug=(boolean)
- tk_send_without_enc('debug', boolean)
- #self
- boolean
- end
- def dlineinfo(index)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('dlineinfo', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
- end
- def modified?
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('edit', 'modified'))
- end
- def modified(mode)
- tk_send_without_enc('edit', 'modified', mode)
- self
- end
- def modified=(mode)
- modified(mode)
- mode
- end
- def edit_redo
- tk_send_without_enc('edit', 'redo')
- self
- end
- def edit_reset
- tk_send_without_enc('edit', 'reset')
- self
- end
- def edit_separator
- tk_send_without_enc('edit', 'separator')
- self
- end
- def edit_undo
- tk_send_without_enc('edit', 'undo')
- self
- end
- def xview_pickplace(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('xview', '-pickplace', _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- self
- end
- def yview_pickplace(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('yview', '-pickplace', _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- self
- end
- def text_copy
- # Tk8.4 feature
- tk_call_without_enc('tk_textCopy', @path)
- self
- end
- def text_cut
- # Tk8.4 feature
- tk_call_without_enc('tk_textCut', @path)
- self
- end
- def text_paste
- # Tk8.4 feature
- tk_call_without_enc('tk_textPaste', @path)
- self
- end
- def tag_add(tag, index1, index2=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'add', _get_eval_enc_str(tag),
- _get_eval_enc_str(index1),
- _get_eval_enc_str(index2))
- self
- end
- alias addtag tag_add
- alias add_tag tag_add
- def tag_delete(*tags)
- tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'delete',
- *(tags.collect{|tag| _get_eval_enc_str(tag)}))
- TkTextTag::TTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TkTextTag::TTagID_TBL[@path]
- tags.each{|tag|
- if tag.kind_of?(TkTextTag)
- TkTextTag::TTagID_TBL[@path].delete(tag.id)
- else
- TkTextTag::TTagID_TBL[@path].delete(tag)
- end
- }
- end
- }
- self
- end
- alias deltag tag_delete
- alias delete_tag tag_delete
- #def tag_bind(tag, seq, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind([@path, 'tag', 'bind', tag], seq, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def tag_bind(tag, seq, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([@path, 'tag', 'bind', tag], seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def tag_bind_append(tag, seq, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind_append([@path, 'tag', 'bind', tag], seq, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def tag_bind_append(tag, seq, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([@path, 'tag', 'bind', tag], seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def tag_bind_remove(tag, seq)
- _bind_remove([@path, 'tag', 'bind', tag], seq)
- self
- end
- def tag_bindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _bindinfo([@path, 'tag', 'bind', tag], context)
- end
- def tag_cget(tag, key)
- case key.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'tag', 'cget',
- _get_eval_enc_str(tag), "-#{key}")
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- #fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send('tag', 'cget', tag, "-#{key}"))
- fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('tag','cget',_get_eval_enc_str(tag),'-font')))
- unless fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt = tagfontobj(tag, fnt)
- end
- if key.to_s == 'kanjifont' && JAPANIZED_TK && TK_VERSION =~ /^4\.*/
- # obsolete; just for compatibility
- fnt.kanji_font
- else
- fnt
- end
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(@path,'tag','cget',_get_eval_enc_str(tag),"-#{key}")))
- end
- end
- def tag_configure(tag, key, val=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- key = _symbolkey2str(key)
- if ( key['font'] || key['kanjifont'] \
- || key['latinfont'] || key['asciifont'] )
- tagfont_configure(tag, key)
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(tag),
- *hash_kv(key, true))
- end
- else
- if key == 'font' || key == :font ||
- key == 'kanjifont' || key == :kanjifont ||
- key == 'latinfont' || key == :latinfont ||
- key == 'asciifont' || key == :asciifont
- if val == None
- tagfontobj(tag)
- else
- tagfont_configure(tag, {key=>val})
- end
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(tag),
- "-#{key}", _get_eval_enc_str(val))
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def tag_configinfo(tag, key=nil)
- if key
- case key.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('tag','configure',_get_eval_enc_str(tag),"-#{key}")))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('tag','configure',_get_eval_enc_str(tag),"-#{key}")))
- conf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(tag, conf[4])
- else
- conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('tag','configure',_get_eval_enc_str(tag),"-#{key}")))
- end
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- ret = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send('tag','configure',_get_eval_enc_str(tag)))).collect{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- case conf[0]
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- else
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- if conf[4]
- if conf[4].index('{')
- conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4])
- else
- conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
- end
- end
- end
- conf[1] = conf[1][1..-1] if conf.size == 2 # alias info
- conf
- }
- fontconf = ret.assoc('font')
- if fontconf
- ret.delete_if{|item| item[0] == 'font' || item[0] == 'kanjifont'}
- fontconf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(tag, fontconf[4])
- ret.push(fontconf)
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- if key
- case key.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('tag','configure',_get_eval_enc_str(tag),"-#{key}")))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('tag','configure',_get_eval_enc_str(tag),"-#{key}")))
- conf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(tag, conf[4])
- else
- conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('tag','configure',_get_eval_enc_str(tag),"-#{key}")))
- end
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- { key => conf }
- else
- ret = {}
- tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send('tag','configure',_get_eval_enc_str(tag)))).each{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- case key
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- else
- if conf[2]
- if conf[2].index('{')
- conf[2] = tk_split_list(conf[2])
- else
- conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[2])
- end
- end
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- end
- if conf.size == 1
- ret[key] = conf[0][1..-1] # alias info
- else
- ret[key] = conf
- end
- }
- fontconf = ret['font']
- if fontconf
- ret.delete('font')
- ret.delete('kanjifont')
- fontconf[3] = tagfont_configinfo(tag, fontconf[3])
- ret['font'] = fontconf
- end
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- def current_tag_configinfo(tag, key=nil)
- if key
- conf = tag_configinfo(tag, key)
- {conf[0] => conf[4]}
- else
- ret = {}
- tag_configinfo(tag).each{|conf|
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[4] if conf.size > 2
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- tag_configinfo(tag, key).each{|k, conf|
- ret[k] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- def tag_raise(tag, above=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'raise', _get_eval_enc_str(tag),
- _get_eval_enc_str(above))
- self
- end
- def tag_lower(tag, below=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'lower', _get_eval_enc_str(tag),
- _get_eval_enc_str(below))
- self
- end
- def tag_remove(tag, *indices)
- tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'remove', _get_eval_enc_str(tag),
- *(indices.collect{|idx| _get_eval_enc_str(idx)}))
- self
- end
- def tag_ranges(tag)
- #l = tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'ranges',
- # _get_eval_enc_str(tag)))
- l = tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'ranges',
- _get_eval_enc_str(tag)),
- false, true)
- r = []
- while key=l.shift
- r.push [Tk::Text::IndexString.new(key), Tk::Text::IndexString.new(l.shift)]
- end
- r
- end
- def tag_nextrange(tag, first, last=None)
- simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'nextrange',
- _get_eval_enc_str(tag),
- _get_eval_enc_str(first),
- _get_eval_enc_str(last))).collect{|idx|
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(idx)
- }
- end
- def tag_prevrange(tag, first, last=None)
- simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('tag', 'prevrange',
- _get_eval_enc_str(tag),
- _get_eval_enc_str(first),
- _get_eval_enc_str(last))).collect{|idx|
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(idx)
- }
- end
- def window_cget(index, slot)
- case slot.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('window', 'cget',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}"))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- #fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send('window', 'cget', index, "-#{slot}"))
- fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('window', 'cget', _get_eval_enc_str(index), '-font')))
- unless fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt = tagfontobj(index, fnt)
- end
- if slot.to_s == 'kanjifont' && JAPANIZED_TK && TK_VERSION =~ /^4\.*/
- # obsolete; just for compatibility
- fnt.kanji_font
- else
- fnt
- end
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('window', 'cget', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}")))
- end
- end
- def window_configure(index, slot, value=None)
- if index.kind_of?(TkTextWindow)
- index.configure(slot, value)
- else
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- win = slot['window']
- # slot['window'] = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- slot['window'] = _epath(win) if win
- if slot['create']
- p_create = slot['create']
- if p_create.kind_of?(Proc)
- slot['create'] = install_cmd(proc{
- id = p_create.call
- if id.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- id.epath
- else
- id
- end
- })
- slot['create'] = install_cmd(proc{_epath(p_create.call)})
- end
- end
- tk_send_without_enc('window', 'configure',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index),
- *hash_kv(slot, true))
- else
- if slot == 'window' || slot == :window
- # id = value
- # value = id.epath if id.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- value = _epath(value)
- end
- if slot == 'create' || slot == :create
- p_create = value
- if p_create.kind_of?(Proc)
- value = install_cmd(proc{
- id = p_create.call
- if id.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- id.epath
- else
- id
- end
- })
- value = install_cmd(proc{_epath(p_create.call)})
- end
- end
- tk_send_without_enc('window', 'configure',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index),
- "-#{slot}", _get_eval_enc_str(value))
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def window_configinfo(win, slot = nil)
- if slot
- case slot.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send('window', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(win), "-#{slot}")))
- else
- conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send('window', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(win), "-#{slot}")))
- end
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send('window', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(win)))).collect{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- case conf[0]
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- else
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- if conf[4]
- if conf[4].index('{')
- conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4])
- else
- conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
- end
- end
- end
- conf[1] = conf[1][1..-1] if conf.size == 2 # alias info
- conf
- }
- end
- if slot
- case slot.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send('window', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(win), "-#{slot}")))
- else
- conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send('window', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(win), "-#{slot}")))
- end
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- { key => conf }
- else
- ret = {}
- tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send('window', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(win)))).each{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- case key
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- else
- if conf[2]
- if conf[2].index('{')
- conf[2] = tk_split_list(conf[2])
- else
- conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[2])
- end
- end
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- end
- if conf.size == 1
- ret[key] = conf[0][1..-1] # alias info
- else
- ret[key] = conf
- end
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- def current_window_configinfo(win, slot = nil)
- if slot
- conf = window_configinfo(win, slot)
- {conf[0] => conf[4]}
- else
- ret = {}
- window_configinfo(win).each{|conf|
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[4] if conf.size > 2
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- window_configinfo(win, slot).each{|k, conf|
- ret[k] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- def window_names
- # tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('window', 'names'))).collect{|elt|
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('window', 'names'), false, true).collect{|elt|
- tagid2obj(elt)
- }
- end
- def _ktext_length(txt)
- if TkCore::WITH_ENCODING ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
- return txt.length
- end
- ###########################
- if $KCODE !~ /n/i
- return txt.gsub(/[^\Wa-zA-Z_\d]/, ' ').length
- end
- # $KCODE == 'NONE'
- tk_call_without_enc('kstring', 'length',
- _get_eval_enc_str(txt)).to_i
- else
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc('encoding', 'convertto', 'ascii',
- _get_eval_enc_str(txt)).length
- rescue StandardError, NameError
- # sorry, I have no plan
- txt.length
- end
- end
- end
- private :_ktext_length
- def tksearch(*args)
- # call 'search' subcommand of text widget
- # args ::= [<array_of_opts>] <pattern> <start_index> [<stop_index>]
- # If <pattern> is regexp, then it must be a regular expression of Tcl
- nocase = false
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- opts = args.shift.collect{|opt|
- s_opt = opt.to_s
- nocase = true if s_opt == 'nocase'
- '-' + s_opt
- }
- else
- opts = []
- end
- if args[0].kind_of?(Regexp)
- regexp = args.shift
- if !nocase && (regexp.options & Regexp::IGNORECASE) != 0
- opts << '-nocase'
- end
- args.unshift(regexp.source)
- end
- opts << '--'
- ret = tk_send('search', *(opts + args))
- if ret == ""
- nil
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(ret)
- end
- end
- def tksearch_with_count(*args)
- # call 'search' subcommand of text widget
- # args ::= [<array_of_opts>] <var> <pattern> <start_index> [<stop_index>]
- # If <pattern> is regexp, then it must be a regular expression of Tcl
- nocase = false
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- opts = args.shift.collect{|opt|
- s_opt = opt.to_s
- nocase = true if s_opt == 'nocase'
- '-' + s_opt
- }
- else
- opts = []
- end
- opts << '-count' << args.shift
- if args[0].kind_of?(Regexp)
- regexp = args.shift
- if !nocase && (regexp.options & Regexp::IGNORECASE) != 0
- opts << '-nocase'
- end
- args.unshift(regexp.source)
- end
- opts << '--'
- ret = tk_send('search', *(opts + args))
- if ret == ""
- nil
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(ret)
- end
- end
- def search_with_length(pat,start,stop=None)
- pat = pat.chr if pat.kind_of?(Integer)
- if stop != None
- return ["", 0] if compare(start,'>=',stop)
- txt = get(start,stop)
- if (pos = txt.index(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of?(String)
- #return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"),
- _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"),
- _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- else
- txt = get(start,'end - 1 char')
- if (pos = txt.index(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of?(String)
- #return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"),
- _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"),
- _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- txt = get('1.0','end - 1 char')
- if (pos = txt.index(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of?(String)
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"),
- _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def search(pat,start,stop=None)
- search_with_length(pat,start,stop)[0]
- end
- def rsearch_with_length(pat,start,stop=None)
- pat = pat.chr if pat.kind_of?(Integer)
- if stop != None
- return ["", 0] if compare(start,'<=',stop)
- txt = get(stop,start)
- if (pos = txt.rindex(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of?(String)
- #return [index(stop + " + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index(stop + " + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index(stop + " + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index(stop + " + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- else
- txt = get('1.0',start)
- if (pos = txt.rindex(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of?(String)
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- txt = get('1.0','end - 1 char')
- if (pos = txt.rindex(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of?(String)
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def rsearch(pat,start,stop=None)
- rsearch_with_length(pat,start,stop)[0]
- end
- def dump(type_info, *index, &block)
- if type_info.kind_of?(Symbol)
- type_info = [ type_info.to_s ]
- elsif type_info.kind_of?(String)
- type_info = [ type_info ]
- end
- args = type_info.collect{|inf| '-' + inf}
- args << '-command' << block if block
- str = tk_send('dump', *(args + index))
- result = []
- sel = nil
- i = 0
- while i < str.size
- # retrieve key
- idx = str.index(/ /, i)
- result.push str[i..(idx-1)]
- i = idx + 1
- # retrieve value
- case result[-1]
- when 'text'
- if str[i] == ?{
- # text formed as {...}
- val, i = _retrieve_braced_text(str, i)
- result.push val
- else
- # text which may contain backslashes
- val, i = _retrieve_backslashed_text(str, i)
- result.push val
- end
- else
- idx = str.index(/ /, i)
- val = str[i..(idx-1)]
- case result[-1]
- when 'mark'
- case val
- when 'insert'
- result.push TkTextMarkInsert.new(self)
- when 'current'
- result.push TkTextMarkCurrent.new(self)
- when 'anchor'
- result.push TkTextMarkAnchor.new(self)
- else
- result.push tk_tcl2ruby(val)
- end
- when 'tagon'
- if val == 'sel'
- if sel
- result.push sel
- else
- result.push TkTextTagSel.new(self)
- end
- else
- result.push tk_tcl2ruby(val)
- end
- when 'tagoff'
- result.push tk_tcl2ruby(val)
- when 'window'
- result.push tk_tcl2ruby(val)
- when 'image'
- result.push tk_tcl2ruby(val)
- end
- i = idx + 1
- end
- # retrieve index
- idx = str.index(/ /, i)
- if idx
- result.push(Tk::Text::IndexString.new(str[i..(idx-1)]))
- i = idx + 1
- else
- result.push(Tk::Text::IndexString.new(str[i..-1]))
- break
- end
- end
- kvis = []
- until result.empty?
- kvis.push [result.shift, result.shift, result.shift]
- end
- kvis # result is [[key1, value1, index1], [key2, value2, index2], ...]
- end
- def _retrieve_braced_text(str, i)
- cnt = 0
- idx = i
- while idx < str.size
- case str[idx]
- when ?{
- cnt += 1
- when ?}
- cnt -= 1
- if cnt == 0
- break
- end
- end
- idx += 1
- end
- return str[i+1..idx-1], idx + 2
- end
- private :_retrieve_braced_text
- def _retrieve_backslashed_text(str, i)
- j = i
- idx = nil
- loop {
- idx = str.index(/ /, j)
- if str[idx-1] == ?\\
- j += 1
- else
- break
- end
- }
- val = str[i..(idx-1)]
- val.gsub!(/\\( |\{|\})/, '\1')
- return val, idx + 1
- end
- private :_retrieve_backslashed_text
- def dump_all(*index, &block)
- dump(['all'], *index, &block)
- end
- def dump_mark(*index, &block)
- dump(['mark'], *index, &block)
- end
- def dump_tag(*index, &block)
- dump(['tag'], *index, &block)
- end
- def dump_text(*index, &block)
- dump(['text'], *index, &block)
- end
- def dump_window(*index, &block)
- dump(['window'], *index, &block)
- end
- def dump_image(*index, &block)
- dump(['image'], *index, &block)
- end
-#TkText = Tk::Text unless Object.const_defined? :TkText
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Text, :TkText)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/text.rb', :Tk, Tk::Text, :TkText)
-class Tk::Text::Peer < Tk::Text
- # Tk8.5 feature
- def initialize(text, parent=nil, keys={})
- unless text.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
- fail ArgumentError, "Tk::Text is expected for 1st argument"
- end
- @src_text = text
- super(parent, keys)
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(@src_text.path, 'peer', 'create',
- @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(@src_text.path, 'peer', 'create', @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/textimage.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/textimage.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f7329c5dcc..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/textimage.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/textimage.rb - treat Tk text image object
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/text'
-class TkTextImage<TkObject
- include Tk::Text::IndexModMethods
- def initialize(parent, index, keys)
- #unless parent.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect Tk::Text for 1st argument"
- #end
- @t = parent
- if index == 'end' || index == :end
- @path = TkTextMark.new(@t, tk_call(@t.path, 'index', 'end - 1 chars'))
- elsif index.kind_of? TkTextMark
- if tk_call_without_enc(@t.path,'index',index.path) == tk_call_without_enc(@t.path,'index','end')
- @path = TkTextMark.new(@t, tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'index',
- 'end - 1 chars'))
- else
- @path = TkTextMark.new(@t, tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'index',
- index.path))
- end
- else
- @path = TkTextMark.new(@t, tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'index',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
- end
- @path.gravity = 'left'
- @index = @path.path
- @id = tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'image', 'create', @index,
- *hash_kv(keys, true)).freeze
- @path.gravity = 'right'
- end
- def id
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(@id)
- end
- def mark
- @path
- end
- def [](slot)
- cget(slot)
- end
- def []=(slot, value)
- configure(slot, value)
- value
- end
- def cget(slot)
- @t.image_cget(@index, slot)
- end
- def cget_strict(slot)
- @t.image_cget_strict(@index, slot)
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- @t.image_configure(@index, slot, value)
- self
- end
-# def configure(slot, value)
-# tk_call @t.path, 'image', 'configure', @index, "-#{slot}", value
-# end
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- @t.image_configinfo(@index, slot)
- end
- def current_configinfo(slot = nil)
- @t.current_image_configinfo(@index, slot)
- end
- def image
- img = tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'image', 'cget', @index, '-image')
- TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL[img]? TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL[img] : img
- end
- def image=(value)
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'image', 'configure', @index, '-image',
- _get_eval_enc_str(value))
- #self
- value
- end
-TktImage = TkTextImage
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/textmark.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/textmark.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 80945cc70c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/textmark.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/textmark.rb - methods for treating text marks
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/text'
-class TkTextMark<TkObject
- include Tk::Text::IndexModMethods
- TMarkID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Tk_TextMark_ID = ['mark'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TMarkID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TMarkID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def TkTextMark.id2obj(text, id)
- tpath = text.path
- TMarkID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TMarkID_TBL[tpath]
- TMarkID_TBL[tpath][id]? TMarkID_TBL[tpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(parent, index)
- #unless parent.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect Tk::Text for 1st argument"
- #end
- @parent = @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- Tk_TextMark_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- # @path = @id = Tk_TextMark_ID.join('')
- @path = @id = Tk_TextMark_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- Tk_TextMark_ID[1].succ!
- }
- TMarkID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TMarkID_TBL[@id] = self
- TMarkID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TMarkID_TBL[@tpath]
- TMarkID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'set', @id,
- _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- @t._addtag id, self
- end
- def id
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(@id)
- end
- def exist?
- #if ( tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'names'))).find{|id| id == @id } )
- if ( tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'names'), false, true).find{|id| id == @id } )
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- # move to Tk::Text::IndexModMethods module
- def +(mod)
- return chars(mod) if mod.kind_of?(Numeric)
- mod = mod.to_s
- if mod =~ /^\s*[+-]?\d/
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(@id + ' + ' + mod)
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(@id + ' ' + mod)
- end
- end
- def -(mod)
- return chars(-mod) if mod.kind_of?(Numeric)
- mod = mod.to_s
- if mod =~ /^\s*[+-]?\d/
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(@id + ' - ' + mod)
- elsif mod =~ /^\s*[-]\s+(\d.*)$/
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(@id + ' - -' + $1)
- else
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(@id + ' ' + mod)
- end
- end
- def pos
- @t.index(@id)
- end
- def pos=(where)
- set(where)
- end
- def set(where)
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'set', @id,
- _get_eval_enc_str(where))
- self
- end
- def unset
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'unset', @id)
- self
- end
- alias destroy unset
- def gravity
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'gravity', @id)
- end
- def gravity=(direction)
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'gravity', @id, direction)
- #self
- direction
- end
- def next(index = nil)
- if index
- @t.tagid2obj(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'next', _get_eval_enc_str(index))))
- else
- @t.tagid2obj(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'next', @id)))
- end
- end
- def previous(index = nil)
- if index
- @t.tagid2obj(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'previous', _get_eval_enc_str(index))))
- else
- @t.tagid2obj(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'previous', @id)))
- end
- end
-TktMark = TkTextMark
-class TkTextNamedMark<TkTextMark
- def self.new(parent, name, index=nil)
- TMarkID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TMarkID_TBL[parent.path] && TMarkID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- obj = TMarkID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- else
- # super(parent, name, *args)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = name
- TMarkID_TBL[@id] = self
- TMarkID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TMarkID_TBL[@tpath]
- TMarkID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self unless TMarkID_TBL[@tpath][@id]
- @t._addtag @id, self
- }
- obj
- end
- if obj && index
- tk_call_without_enc(parent.path, 'mark', 'set', name,
- _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- end
- obj
- }
- end
- def initialize(parent, name, index=nil)
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- #unless parent.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect Tk::Text for 1st argument"
- #end
- @parent = @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = name
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'mark', 'set', @id,
- _get_eval_enc_str(index)) if index
- @t._addtag @id, self
- end
-TktNamedMark = TkTextNamedMark
-class TkTextMarkInsert<TkTextNamedMark
- def self.new(parent,*args)
- super(parent, 'insert', *args)
- end
-TktMarkInsert = TkTextMarkInsert
-class TkTextMarkCurrent<TkTextNamedMark
- def self.new(parent,*args)
- super(parent, 'current', *args)
- end
-TktMarkCurrent = TkTextMarkCurrent
-class TkTextMarkAnchor<TkTextNamedMark
- def self.new(parent,*args)
- super(parent, 'anchor', *args)
- end
-TktMarkAnchor = TkTextMarkAnchor
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/texttag.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/texttag.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a909596b35..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/texttag.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/texttag.rb - methods for treating text tags
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/text'
-require 'tk/tagfont'
-class TkTextTag<TkObject
- include TkTreatTagFont
- include Tk::Text::IndexModMethods
- TTagID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Tk_TextTag_ID = ['tag'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TTagID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def TkTextTag.id2obj(text, id)
- tpath = text.path
- TTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TTagID_TBL[tpath]
- TTagID_TBL[tpath][id]? TTagID_TBL[tpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(parent, *args)
- #unless parent.kind_of?(TkText)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect TkText for 1st argument"
- #end
- @parent = @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- Tk_TextTag_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- # @path = @id = Tk_TextTag_ID.join('')
- @path = @id = Tk_TextTag_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- Tk_TextTag_ID[1].succ!
- }
- TTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TTagID_TBL[@id] = self
- TTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- TTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- #tk_call @t.path, "tag", "configure", @id, *hash_kv(keys)
- if args != []
- keys = args.pop
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- add(*args) if args != []
- configure(keys)
- else
- args.push keys
- add(*args)
- end
- end
- @t._addtag id, self
- end
- def id
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(@id)
- end
- def exist?
- #if ( tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'names'))).find{|id| id == @id } )
- if ( tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'names'), false, true).find{|id| id == @id } )
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def first
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(@id + '.first')
- end
- def last
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(@id + '.last')
- end
- def add(*indices)
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'add', @id,
- *(indices.collect{|idx| _get_eval_enc_str(idx)}))
- self
- end
- def remove(*indices)
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'remove', @id,
- *(indices.collect{|idx| _get_eval_enc_str(idx)}))
- self
- end
- def ranges
- l = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'ranges', @id))
- r = []
- while key=l.shift
- r.push [Tk::Text::IndexString.new(key), Tk::Text::IndexString.new(l.shift)]
- end
- r
- end
- def nextrange(first, last=None)
- simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'nextrange', @id,
- _get_eval_enc_str(first),
- _get_eval_enc_str(last))).collect{|idx|
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(idx)
- }
- end
- def prevrange(first, last=None)
- simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'prevrange', @id,
- _get_eval_enc_str(first),
- _get_eval_enc_str(last))).collect{|idx|
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(idx)
- }
- end
- def [](key)
- cget key
- end
- def []=(key,val)
- configure key, val
- val
- end
- def cget_tkstring(key)
- @t.tag_cget_tkstring @id, key
- end
- def cget(key)
- @t.tag_cget @id, key
- end
- def cget_strict(key)
- @t.tag_cget_strict @id, key
- end
- def cget(key)
- case key.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- _fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'cget', @id, "-#{key}"))
- when 'font', 'kanjifont'
- #fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call(@t.path, 'tag', 'cget', @id, "-#{key}"))
- fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'cget',
- @id, '-font')))
- unless fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
- fnt = tagfontobj(@id, fnt)
- end
- if key.to_s == 'kanjifont' && JAPANIZED_TK && TK_VERSION =~ /^4\.*/
- # obsolete; just for compatibility
- fnt.kanji_font
- else
- fnt
- end
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'cget',
- @id, "-#{key}")))
- end
- end
- def configure(key, val=None)
- @t.tag_configure @id, key, val
- end
-# def configure(key, val=None)
-# if key.kind_of?(Hash)
-# tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'configure', @id, *hash_kv(key)
-# else
-# tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'configure', @id, "-#{key}", val
-# end
-# end
-# def configure(key, value)
-# if value == false
-# value = "0"
-# elsif value.kind_of?(Proc)
-# value = install_cmd(value)
-# end
-# tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'configure', @id, "-#{key}", value
-# end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @t.tag_configinfo @id, key
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @t.current_tag_configinfo @id, key
- end
- #def bind(seq, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind([@t.path, 'tag', 'bind', @id], seq, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def bind(seq, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([@t.path, 'tag', 'bind', @id], seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def bind_append(seq, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind_append([@t.path, 'tag', 'bind', @id], seq, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def bind_append(seq, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([@t.path, 'tag', 'bind', @id], seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def bind_remove(seq)
- _bind_remove([@t.path, 'tag', 'bind', @id], seq)
- self
- end
- def bindinfo(context=nil)
- _bindinfo([@t.path, 'tag', 'bind', @id], context)
- end
- def raise(above=None)
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'raise', @id,
- _get_eval_enc_str(above))
- self
- end
- def lower(below=None)
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'lower', @id,
- _get_eval_enc_str(below))
- self
- end
- def destroy
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'tag', 'delete', @id)
- TTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TTagID_TBL[@tpath].delete(@id) if TTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- }
- self
- end
-TktTag = TkTextTag
-class TkTextNamedTag<TkTextTag
- def self.new(parent, name, *args)
- tagobj = nil
- TTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TTagID_TBL[parent.path] && TTagID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- tagobj = TTagID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- else
- # super(parent, name, *args)
- (tagobj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = name
- TTagID_TBL[@id] = self
- TTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- TTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self unless TTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id]
- @t._addtag @id, self
- }
- end
- }
- if args != []
- keys = args.pop
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- tagobj.add(*args) if args != []
- tagobj.configure(keys)
- else
- args.push keys
- tagobj.add(*args)
- end
- end
- tagobj
- end
- def initialize(parent, name, *args)
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- #unless parent.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect Tk::Text for 1st argument"
- #end
- @parent = @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = name
- #if mode
- # tk_call @t.path, "addtag", @id, *args
- #end
- if args != []
- keys = args.pop
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- add(*args) if args != []
- configure(keys)
- else
- args.push keys
- add(*args)
- end
- end
- @t._addtag @id, self
- end
-TktNamedTag = TkTextNamedTag
-class TkTextTagSel<TkTextNamedTag
- def self.new(parent, *args)
- super(parent, 'sel', *args)
- end
-TktTagSel = TkTextTagSel
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/textwindow.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/textwindow.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e0be5bac7a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/textwindow.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/textwindow.rb - treat Tk text window object
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/text'
-class TkTextWindow<TkObject
- include Tk::Text::IndexModMethods
- def initialize(parent, index, keys = {})
- #unless parent.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
- # fail ArgumentError, "expect Tk::Text for 1st argument"
- #end
- @t = parent
- if index == 'end' || index == :end
- @path = TkTextMark.new(@t, tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'index',
- 'end - 1 chars'))
- elsif index.kind_of?(TkTextMark)
- if tk_call_without_enc(@t.path,'index',index.path) == tk_call_without_enc(@t.path,'index','end')
- @path = TkTextMark.new(@t, tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'index',
- 'end - 1 chars'))
- else
- @path = TkTextMark.new(@t, tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'index',
- index.path))
- end
- else
- @path = TkTextMark.new(@t, tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'index', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
- end
- @path.gravity = 'left'
- @index = @path.path
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- @id = keys['window']
- # keys['window'] = @id.epath if @id.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- keys['window'] = _epath(@id) if @id
- if keys['create']
- @p_create = keys['create']
- # if @p_create.kind_of?(Proc)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(@p_create)
- keys['create'] = install_cmd(proc{
- @id = @p_create.call
- if @id.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- @id.epath
- else
- @id
- end
- })
- keys['create'] = install_cmd(proc{@id = @p_create.call; _epath(@id)})
- end
- end
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'window', 'create', @index,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- @path.gravity = 'right'
- end
- def id
- Tk::Text::IndexString.new(_epath(@id))
- end
- def mark
- @path
- end
- def [](slot)
- cget(slot)
- end
- def []=(slot, value)
- configure(slot, value)
- value
- end
- def cget(slot)
- @t.window_cget(@index, slot)
- end
- def cget_strict(slot)
- @t.window_cget_strict(@index, slot)
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- if slot['window']
- @id = slot['window']
- # slot['window'] = @id.epath if @id.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- slot['window'] = _epath(@id) if @id
- end
- if slot['create']
- self.create=slot.delete('create')
- end
- if slot.size > 0
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'window', 'configure', @index,
- *hash_kv(slot, true))
- end
- else
- if slot == 'window' || slot == :window
- @id = value
- # value = @id.epath if @id.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- value = _epath(@id) if @id
- end
- if slot == 'create' || slot == :create
- self.create=value
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'window', 'configure', @index,
- "-#{slot}", _get_eval_enc_str(value))
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- @t.window_configinfo(@index, slot)
- end
- def current_configinfo(slot = nil)
- @t.current_window_configinfo(@index, slot)
- end
- def window
- @id
- end
- def window=(value)
- @id = value
- # value = @id.epath if @id.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- value = _epath(@id) if @id
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'window', 'configure', @index,
- '-window', _get_eval_enc_str(value))
- value
- end
- def create
- @p_create
- end
- def create=(value)
- @p_create = value
- # if @p_create.kind_of?(Proc)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(@p_create)
- value = install_cmd(proc{
- @id = @p_create.call
- if @id.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- @id.epath
- else
- @id
- end
- })
- end
- tk_call_without_enc(@t.path, 'window', 'configure', @index,
- '-create', _get_eval_enc_str(value))
- value
- end
-TktWindow = TkTextWindow
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c1457e274e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,666 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/timer.rb : methods for Tcl/Tk after command
-# $Id$
-require 'tk'
-class TkTimer
- include TkCore
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['after'.freeze].freeze
- (Tk_CBID = ['a'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- Tk_CBTBL = TkUtil.untrust({})
- TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs('rb_after', 'id', <<-'EOL')
- if {[set st [catch {eval {ruby_cmd TkTimer callback} $id} ret]] != 0} {
- return -code $st $ret
- } {
- return $ret
- }
- DEFAULT_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS = [ NameError, RuntimeError ].freeze
- ###############################
- # class methods
- ###############################
- def self.start(*args, &b)
- self.new(*args, &b).start
- end
- def self.callback(obj_id)
- ex_obj = Tk_CBTBL[obj_id]
- return "" if ex_obj == nil; # canceled
- ex_obj.cb_call
- end
- def self.info(obj = nil)
- if obj
- if obj.kind_of?(TkTimer)
- if obj.after_id
- inf = tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('after','info',obj.after_id))
- [Tk_CBTBL[inf[0][1]], inf[1]]
- else
- nil
- end
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "TkTimer object is expected"
- end
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('after', 'info').split(' ').collect!{|id|
- ret = Tk_CBTBL.find{|key,val| val.after_id == id}
- (ret == nil)? id: ret[1]
- }
- end
- end
- ###############################
- # instance methods
- ###############################
- def do_callback
- @in_callback = true
- @after_id = nil
- begin
- @return_value = @current_proc.call(self)
- rescue SystemExit
- exit(0)
- rescue Interrupt
- exit!(1)
- rescue Exception => e
- if @cancel_on_exception &&
- @cancel_on_exception.find{|exc| e.kind_of?(exc)}
- cancel
- @return_value = e
- @in_callback = false
- return e
- else
- fail e
- end
- end
- if @set_next
- set_next_callback(@current_args)
- else
- @set_next = true
- end
- @in_callback = false
- @return_value
- end
- def set_callback(sleep, args=nil)
- if TkCore::INTERP.deleted?
- self.cancel
- return self
- end
- @after_script = "rb_after #{@id}"
- @current_args = args
- @current_script = [sleep, @after_script]
- @after_id = tk_call_without_enc('after', sleep, @after_script)
- self
- end
- def set_next_callback(args)
- if @running == false || @proc_max == 0 || @do_loop == 0
- Tk_CBTBL.delete(@id) ;# for GC
- @running = false
- # @wait_var.value = 0
- __at_end__
- return
- end
- if @current_pos >= @proc_max
- if @do_loop < 0 || (@do_loop -= 1) > 0
- @current_pos = 0
- else
- Tk_CBTBL.delete(@id) ;# for GC
- @running = false
- # @wait_var.value = 0
- __at_end__
- return
- end
- end
- @current_args = args
- # if @sleep_time.kind_of?(Proc)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(@sleep_time)
- sleep = @sleep_time.call(self)
- else
- sleep = @sleep_time
- end
- @current_sleep = sleep
- cmd, *cmd_args = @loop_proc[@current_pos]
- @current_pos += 1
- @current_proc = cmd
- set_callback(sleep, cmd_args)
- end
- def initialize(*args, &b)
- Tk_CBID.mutex.synchronize{
- # @id = Tk_CBID.join('')
- @id = Tk_CBID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk_CBID[1].succ!
- }
- @wait_var = TkVariable.new(0)
- @at_end_proc = nil
- @cb_cmd = TkCore::INTERP.get_cb_entry(self.method(:do_callback))
- @set_next = true
- @init_sleep = 0
- @init_proc = nil
- @init_args = []
- @current_script = []
- @current_proc = nil
- @current_args = nil
- @return_value = nil
- @sleep_time = 0
- @current_sleep = 0
- @loop_exec = 0
- @do_loop = 0
- @loop_proc = []
- @proc_max = 0
- @current_pos = 0
- @after_id = nil
- @after_script = nil
- @cancel_on_exception = DEFAULT_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS
- # Unless @cancel_on_exception, Ruby/Tk shows an error dialog box when
- # an exception is raised on TkTimer callback procedure.
- # If @cancel_on_exception is an array of exception classes and the raised
- # exception is included in the array, Ruby/Tk cancels executing TkTimer
- # callback procedures silently (TkTimer#cancel is called and no dialog is
- # shown).
- if b
- case args.size
- when 0
- add_procs(b)
- when 1
- args << -1 << b
- else
- args << b
- end
- end
- set_procs(*args) if args != []
- @running = false
- @in_callback = false
- end
- attr :after_id
- attr :after_script
- attr :current_proc
- attr :current_args
- attr :current_sleep
- alias :current_interval :current_sleep
- attr :return_value
- attr_accessor :loop_exec
- def __at_end__
- @at_end_proc.call(self) if @at_end_proc
- @wait_var.value = 0 # for wait
- end
- private :__at_end__
- def cb_call
- @cb_cmd.call
- end
- def get_procs
- [@init_sleep, @init_proc, @init_args, @sleep_time, @loop_exec, @loop_proc]
- end
- def current_status
- [@running, @current_sleep, @current_proc, @current_args,
- @do_loop, @cancel_on_exception]
- end
- def cancel_on_exception?
- @cancel_on_exception
- end
- def cancel_on_exception=(mode)
- if mode.kind_of?(Array)
- @cancel_on_exception = mode
- elsif mode
- @cancel_on_exception = DEFAULT_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS
- else
- @cancel_on_exception = false
- end
- #self
- end
- def running?
- @running
- end
- def loop_rest
- @do_loop
- end
- def loop_rest=(rest)
- @do_loop = rest
- #self
- end
- def set_interval(interval)
- #if interval != 'idle' && interval != :idle \
- # && !interval.kind_of?(Integer) && !interval.kind_of?(Proc)
- if interval != 'idle' && interval != :idle \
- && !interval.kind_of?(Integer) && !TkComm._callback_entry?(interval)
- fail ArgumentError, "expect Integer or Proc"
- end
- @sleep_time = interval
- end
- def set_procs(interval, loop_exec, *procs)
- #if interval != 'idle' && interval != :idle \
- # && !interval.kind_of?(Integer) && !interval.kind_of?(Proc)
- if interval != 'idle' && interval != :idle \
- && !interval.kind_of?(Integer) && !TkComm._callback_entry?(interval)
- fail ArgumentError, "expect Integer or Proc for 1st argument"
- end
- @sleep_time = interval
- @loop_proc = []
- procs.each{|e|
- # if e.kind_of?(Proc)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(e)
- @loop_proc.push([e])
- else
- @loop_proc.push(e)
- end
- }
- @proc_max = @loop_proc.size
- @current_pos = 0
- if loop_exec.kind_of?(Integer) && loop_exec < 0
- @loop_exec = -1
- elsif loop_exec == true
- @loop_exec = -1
- elsif loop_exec == nil || loop_exec == false || loop_exec == 0
- @loop_exec = 0
- else
- if not loop_exec.kind_of?(Integer)
- fail ArgumentError, "expect Integer for 2nd argument"
- end
- @loop_exec = loop_exec
- end
- @do_loop = @loop_exec
- self
- end
- def add_procs(*procs)
- procs.each{|e|
- # if e.kind_of?(Proc)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(e)
- @loop_proc.push([e])
- else
- @loop_proc.push(e)
- end
- }
- @proc_max = @loop_proc.size
- self
- end
- def delete_procs(*procs)
- procs.each{|e|
- # if e.kind_of?(Proc)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(e)
- @loop_proc.delete([e])
- else
- @loop_proc.delete(e)
- end
- }
- @proc_max = @loop_proc.size
- cancel if @proc_max == 0
- self
- end
- def delete_at(n)
- @loop_proc.delete_at(n)
- @proc_max = @loop_proc.size
- cancel if @proc_max == 0
- self
- end
- def set_start_proc(sleep=nil, init_proc=nil, *init_args, &b)
- # set parameters for 'restart'
- sleep = @init_sleep unless sleep
- if sleep != 'idle' && sleep != :idle && !sleep.kind_of?(Integer)
- fail ArgumentError, "expect Integer or 'idle' for 1st argument"
- end
- @init_sleep = sleep
- @init_proc = init_proc
- @init_args = init_args
- @init_proc = b if !@init_proc && b
- @init_proc = proc{|*args| } if @init_sleep > 0 && !@init_proc
- self
- end
- def start(*init_args, &b)
- return nil if @running
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = self
- @do_loop = @loop_exec
- @current_pos = 0
- @return_value = nil
- @after_id = nil
- @init_sleep = 0
- @init_proc = nil
- @init_args = nil
- argc = init_args.size
- if argc > 0
- sleep = init_args.shift
- if sleep != 'idle' && sleep != :idle && !sleep.kind_of?(Integer)
- fail ArgumentError, "expect Integer or 'idle' for 1st argument"
- end
- @init_sleep = sleep
- end
- @init_proc = init_args.shift if argc > 1
- @init_args = init_args if argc > 2
- @init_proc = b if !@init_proc && b
- @init_proc = proc{|*args| } if @init_sleep > 0 && !@init_proc
- @current_sleep = @init_sleep
- @running = true
- if @init_proc
- # if not @init_proc.kind_of?(Proc)
- if !TkComm._callback_entry?(@init_proc)
- fail ArgumentError, "Argument '#{@init_proc}' need to be Proc"
- end
- @current_proc = @init_proc
- set_callback(@init_sleep, @init_args)
- @set_next = false if @in_callback
- else
- set_next_callback(@init_args)
- end
- self
- end
- def reset(*reset_args)
- restart() if @running
- if @init_proc
- @return_value = @init_proc.call(self)
- else
- @return_value = nil
- end
- @current_pos = 0
- @current_args = @init_args
- @current_script = []
- @set_next = false if @in_callback
- self
- end
- def restart(*restart_args, &b)
- cancel if @running
- if restart_args.empty? && !b
- start(@init_sleep, @init_proc, *@init_args)
- else
- start(*restart_args, &b)
- end
- end
- def cancel
- @running = false
- # @wait_var.value = 0
- __at_end__
- tk_call 'after', 'cancel', @after_id if @after_id
- @after_id = nil
- Tk_CBTBL.delete(@id) ;# for GC
- self
- end
- alias stop cancel
- def continue(wait=nil)
- fail RuntimeError, "is already running" if @running
- return restart() if @current_script.empty?
- sleep, cmd = @current_script
- fail RuntimeError, "no procedure to continue" unless cmd
- if wait
- unless wait.kind_of?(Integer)
- fail ArgumentError, "expect Integer for 1st argument"
- end
- sleep = wait
- end
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = self
- @running = true
- @after_id = tk_call_without_enc('after', sleep, cmd)
- self
- end
- def skip
- fail RuntimeError, "is not running now" unless @running
- cancel
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = self
- @running = true
- set_next_callback(@current_args)
- self
- end
- def info
- if @after_id
- inf = tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('after', 'info', @after_id))
- [Tk_CBTBL[inf[0][1]], inf[1]]
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def at_end(*arg, &b)
- if arg.empty?
- if b
- @at_end_proc = b
- else
- # no proc
- return @at_end_proc
- end
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments" if arg.length != 1 || b
- @at_end_proc = arg[0]
- end
- self
- end
- def wait(on_thread = true, check_root = false)
- unless @running
- if @return_value.kind_of?(Exception)
- fail @return_value
- else
- return @return_value
- end
- end
- @wait_var.wait(on_thread, check_root)
- if @return_value.kind_of?(Exception)
- fail @return_value
- else
- @return_value
- end
- end
- def eventloop_wait(check_root = false)
- wait(false, check_root)
- end
- def thread_wait(check_root = false)
- wait(true, check_root)
- end
- def tkwait(on_thread = true)
- wait(on_thread, true)
- end
- def eventloop_tkwait
- wait(false, true)
- end
- def thread_tkwait
- wait(true, true)
- end
-TkAfter = TkTimer
-class TkRTTimer < TkTimer
- def initialize(*args, &b)
- super(*args, &b)
- @offset_list = Array.new(DEFAULT_OFFSET_LIST_SIZE){ [0, 0] }
- @offset_s = 0
- @offset_u = 0
- @est_time = nil
- end
- def start(*args, &b)
- return nil if @running
- @est_time = nil
- @cb_start_time = Time.now
- super(*args, &b)
- end
- def cancel
- super()
- @est_time = nil
- @cb_start_time = Time.now
- self
- end
- alias stop cancel
- def continue(wait=nil)
- fail RuntimeError, "is already running" if @running
- @cb_start_time = Time.now
- super(wait)
- end
- def set_interval(interval)
- super(interval)
- @est_time = nil
- end
- def _offset_ave
- size = 0
- d_sec = 0; d_usec = 0
- @offset_list.each_with_index{|offset, idx|
- # weight = 1
- weight = idx + 1
- size += weight
- d_sec += offset[0] * weight
- d_usec += offset[1] * weight
- }
- offset_s, mod = d_sec.divmod(size)
- offset_u = ((mod * 1000000 + d_usec) / size.to_f).round
- [offset_s, offset_u]
- end
- private :_offset_ave
- def set_next_callback(args)
- if @running == false || @proc_max == 0 || @do_loop == 0
- Tk_CBTBL.delete(@id) ;# for GC
- @running = false
- # @wait_var.value = 0
- __at_end__
- return
- end
- if @current_pos >= @proc_max
- if @do_loop < 0 || (@do_loop -= 1) > 0
- @current_pos = 0
- else
- Tk_CBTBL.delete(@id) ;# for GC
- @running = false
- # @wait_var.value = 0
- __at_end__
- return
- end
- end
- @current_args = args
- cmd, *cmd_args = @loop_proc[@current_pos]
- @current_pos += 1
- @current_proc = cmd
- @offset_s, @offset_u = _offset_ave
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(@sleep_time)
- sleep = @sleep_time.call(self)
- else
- sleep = @sleep_time
- end
- if @est_time
- @est_time = Time.at(@est_time.to_i, @est_time.usec + sleep*1000)
- else
- @est_time = Time.at(@cb_start_time.to_i,
- @cb_start_time.usec + sleep*1000)
- end
- now = Time.now
- real_sleep = ((@est_time.to_i - now.to_i + @offset_s)*1000.0 +
- (@est_time.usec - now.usec + @offset_u)/1000.0).round
- if real_sleep <= 0
- real_sleep = 0
- @offset_s = now.to_i
- @offset_u = now.usec
- end
- @current_sleep = real_sleep
- set_callback(real_sleep, cmd_args)
- end
- def cb_call
- if @est_time
- @offset_list.shift
- @cb_start_time = Time.now
- if @current_sleep == 0
- @offset_list.push([
- @offset_s - @cb_start_time.to_i,
- @offset_u - @cb_start_time.usec
- ])
- else
- @offset_list.push([
- @offset_s + (@est_time.to_i - @cb_start_time.to_i),
- @offset_u + (@est_time.usec - @cb_start_time.usec)
- ])
- end
- end
- @cb_cmd.call
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/tk_mac.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/tk_mac.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ed90fd1c67..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/tk_mac.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/tk_mac.rb : Access Mac-Specific functionality on OS X from Tk
-# (supported by Tk8.6 or later)
-# This is NOT TESTED. Because I have no test-environment.
-require 'tk'
-module Tk
- module Mac
- end
-module Tk::Mac
- extend TkCore
- # event handler callbacks
- def self.def_ShowPreferences(cmd=Proc.new)
- ip_eval("proc ::tk::mac::ShowPreferences {} { #{install_cmd(cmd)} }")
- nil
- end
- def self.def_OpenApplication(cmd=Proc.new)
- ip_eval("proc ::tk::mac::OpenApplication {} { #{install_cmd(cmd)} }")
- nil
- end
- def self.def_ReopenApplication(cmd=Proc.new)
- ip_eval("proc ::tk::mac::ReopenApplication {} { #{install_cmd(cmd)} }")
- nil
- end
- def self.def_OpenDocument(cmd=Proc.new)
- ip_eval("proc ::tk::mac::OpenDocument {args} { eval #{install_cmd(cmd)} $args }")
- nil
- end
- def self.def_PrintDocument(cmd=Proc.new)
- ip_eval("proc ::tk::mac::PrintDocument {args} { eval #{install_cmd(cmd)} $args }")
- nil
- end
- def self.def_Quit(cmd=Proc.new)
- ip_eval("proc ::tk::mac::Quit {} { #{install_cmd(cmd)} }")
- nil
- end
- def self.def_OnHide(cmd=Proc.new)
- ip_eval("proc ::tk::mac::OnHide {} { #{install_cmd(cmd)} }")
- nil
- end
- def self.def_OnShow(cmd=Proc.new)
- ip_eval("proc ::tk::mac::OnShow {} { #{install_cmd(cmd)} }")
- nil
- end
- def self.def_ShowHelp(cmd=Proc.new)
- ip_eval("proc ::tk::mac::ShowHelp {} { #{install_cmd(cmd)} }")
- nil
- end
- # additional dialogs
- def self.standardAboutPanel
- tk_call('::tk::mac::standardAboutPanel')
- nil
- end
- # system configuration
- def self.useCompatibilityMetrics(mode)
- tk_call('::tk::mac::useCompatibilityMetrics', mode)
- nil
- end
- def self.CGAntialiasLimit(limit)
- tk_call('::tk::mac::CGAntialiasLimit', limit)
- nil
- end
- def self.antialiasedtext(num)
- tk_call('::tk::mac::antialiasedtext', num)
- nil
- end
- def self.useThemedToplevel(mode)
- tk_call('::tk::mac::useThemedToplevel', mode)
- nil
- end
-class Tk::Mac::IconBitmap < TkImage
- TkCommandNames = ['::tk::mac::iconBitmap'].freeze
- def self.new(width, height, keys)
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- name = nil
- if keys.key?(:imagename)
- name = keys[:imagename]
- elsif keys.key?('imagename')
- name = keys['imagename']
- end
- if name
- if name.kind_of?(TkImage)
- obj = name
- else
- name = _get_eval_string(name)
- obj = nil
- Tk_IMGTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- obj = Tk_IMGTBL[name]
- }
- end
- if obj
- if !(keys[:without_creating] || keys['without_creating'])
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys.delete('imagename')
- keys.delete('without_creating')
- obj.instance_eval{
- tk_call_without_enc('::tk::mac::iconBitmap',
- @path, width, height, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- }
- end
- return obj
- end
- end
- end
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- Tk_IMGTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- initialize(width, height, keys)
- Tk_IMGTBL[@path] = self
- }
- }
- obj
- end
- def initialize(width, height, keys)
- @path = nil
- without_creating = false
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- @path = keys.delete('imagename')
- without_creating = keys.delete('without_creating')
- end
- unless @path
- Tk_Image_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = Tk_Image_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk_Image_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- unless without_creating
- tk_call_without_enc('::tk::mac::iconBitmap',
- @path, width, height, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/toplevel.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/toplevel.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e66b0fc1be..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/toplevel.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/toplevel.rb : treat toplevel widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/wm'
-require 'tk/menuspec'
-class Tk::Toplevel<TkWindow
- include Wm
- include TkMenuSpec
- TkCommandNames = ['toplevel'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Toplevel'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
-################# old version
-# def initialize(parent=nil, screen=nil, classname=nil, keys=nil)
-# if screen.kind_of? Hash
-# keys = screen.dup
-# else
-# @screen = screen
-# end
-# @classname = classname
-# if keys.kind_of? Hash
-# keys = keys.dup
-# @classname = keys.delete('classname') if keys.key?('classname')
-# @colormap = keys.delete('colormap') if keys.key?('colormap')
-# @container = keys.delete('container') if keys.key?('container')
-# @screen = keys.delete('screen') if keys.key?('screen')
-# @use = keys.delete('use') if keys.key?('use')
-# @visual = keys.delete('visual') if keys.key?('visual')
-# end
-# super(parent, keys)
-# end
-# def create_self
-# s = []
-# s << "-class" << @classname if @classname
-# s << "-colormap" << @colormap if @colormap
-# s << "-container" << @container if @container
-# s << "-screen" << @screen if @screen
-# s << "-use" << @use if @use
-# s << "-visual" << @visual if @visual
-# tk_call 'toplevel', @path, *s
-# end
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'container'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'screen'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __val2ruby_optkeys # { key=>proc, ... }
- super().update('menu'=>proc{|v| window(v)})
- end
- private :__val2ruby_optkeys
- def __methodcall_optkeys # { key=>method, ... }
- end
- private :__methodcall_optkeys
- def _wm_command_option_chk(keys)
- keys = {} unless keys
- new_keys = {}
- wm_cmds = {}
- conf_methods = _symbolkey2str(__methodcall_optkeys())
- keys.each{|k,v| # k is a String
- if conf_methods.key?(k)
- wm_cmds[conf_methods[k]] = v
- elsif Wm.method_defined?(k)
- case k
- when 'screen','class','colormap','container','use','visual'
- new_keys[k] = v
- else
- case self.method(k).arity
- when -1,1
- wm_cmds[k] = v
- else
- new_keys[k] = v
- end
- end
- else
- new_keys[k] = v
- end
- }
- [new_keys, wm_cmds]
- end
- private :_wm_command_option_chk
- def initialize(parent=nil, screen=nil, classname=nil, keys=nil)
- my_class_name = nil
- if self.class < WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName]
- my_class_name = self.class.name
- my_class_name = nil if my_class_name == ''
- end
- if parent.kind_of? Hash
- keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
- if keys.key?('classname')
- keys['class'] = keys.delete('classname')
- end
- @classname = keys['class']
- @colormap = keys['colormap']
- @container = keys['container']
- @screen = keys['screen']
- @use = keys['use']
- @visual = keys['visual']
- if !@classname && my_class_name
- keys['class'] = @classname = my_class_name
- end
- if @classname.kind_of? TkBindTag
- @db_class = @classname
- keys['class'] = @classname = @classname.id
- elsif @classname
- @db_class = TkDatabaseClass.new(@classname)
- keys['class'] = @classname
- else
- @db_class = self.class
- @classname = @db_class::WidgetClassName
- end
- keys, cmds = _wm_command_option_chk(keys)
- super(keys)
- cmds.each{|k,v|
- if v.kind_of? Array
- self.__send__(k,*v)
- else
- self.__send__(k,v)
- end
- }
- return
- end
- if screen.kind_of? Hash
- keys = screen
- else
- @screen = screen
- if classname.kind_of? Hash
- keys = classname
- else
- @classname = classname
- end
- end
- if keys.kind_of? Hash
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- if keys.key?('classname')
- keys['class'] = keys.delete('classname')
- end
- @classname = keys['class'] unless @classname
- @colormap = keys['colormap']
- @container = keys['container']
- @screen = keys['screen'] unless @screen
- @use = keys['use']
- @visual = keys['visual']
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- if !@classname && my_class_name
- keys['class'] = @classname = my_class_name
- end
- if @classname.kind_of? TkBindTag
- @db_class = @classname
- keys['class'] = @classname = @classname.id
- elsif @classname
- @db_class = TkDatabaseClass.new(@classname)
- keys['class'] = @classname
- else
- @db_class = self.class
- @classname = @db_class::WidgetClassName
- end
- keys, cmds = _wm_command_option_chk(keys)
- super(parent, keys)
- cmds.each{|k,v|
- if v.kind_of? Array
- self.send(k,*v)
- else
- self.send(k,v)
- end
- }
- end
- #def create_self(keys)
- # if keys and keys != None
- # tk_call_without_enc('toplevel', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- # else
- # tk_call_without_enc('toplevel', @path)
- # end
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def specific_class
- @classname
- end
- def add_menu(menu_info, tearoff=false, opts=nil)
- # See tk/menuspec.rb for menu_info.
- # opts is a hash of default configs for all of cascade menus.
- # Configs of menu_info can override it.
- if tearoff.kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = tearoff
- tearoff = false
- end
- _create_menubutton(self, menu_info, tearoff, opts)
- end
- def add_menubar(menu_spec, tearoff=false, opts=nil)
- # See tk/menuspec.rb for menu_spec.
- # opts is a hash of default configs for all of cascade menus.
- # Configs of menu_spec can override it.
- menu_spec.each{|info| add_menu(info, tearoff, opts)}
- self.menu
- end
- def self.database_class
- if self == WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] || self.name == ''
- self
- else
- TkDatabaseClass.new(self.name)
- end
- end
- def self.database_classname
- self.database_class.name
- end
- def self.bind(*args, &b)
- if self == WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] || self.name == ''
- super(*args, &b)
- else
- TkDatabaseClass.new(self.name).bind(*args, &b)
- end
- end
- def self.bind_append(*args, &b)
- if self == WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] || self.name == ''
- super(*args, &b)
- else
- TkDatabaseClass.new(self.name).bind_append(*args, &b)
- end
- end
- def self.bind_remove(*args)
- if self == WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] || self.name == ''
- super(*args)
- else
- TkDatabaseClass.new(self.name).bind_remove(*args)
- end
- end
- def self.bindinfo(*args)
- if self == WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] || self.name == ''
- super(*args)
- else
- TkDatabaseClass.new(self.name).bindinfo(*args)
- end
- end
-#TkToplevel = Tk::Toplevel unless Object.const_defined? :TkToplevel
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Toplevel, :TkToplevel)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/toplevel.rb', :Tk, Tk::Toplevel,
- :TkToplevel)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/ttk_selector.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/ttk_selector.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4589e7fc29..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/ttk_selector.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ttk_selector
-# toplevel classes/modules
-module Tk
- :TkButton => 'tkextlib/tile/tbutton',
- :TkCheckbutton => 'tkextlib/tile/tcheckbutton',
- :TkCheckButton => 'tkextlib/tile/tcheckbutton',
- # :TkDialog => 'tkextlib/tile/dialog',
- :TkEntry => 'tkextlib/tile/tentry',
- :TkCombobox => 'tkextlib/tile/tcombobox',
- :TkFrame => 'tkextlib/tile/tframe',
- :TkLabel => 'tkextlib/tile/tlabel',
- :TkLabelframe => 'tkextlib/tile/tlabelframe',
- :TkLabelFrame => 'tkextlib/tile/tlabelframe',
- :TkMenubutton => 'tkextlib/tile/tmenubutton',
- :TkMenuButton => 'tkextlib/tile/tmenubutton',
- :TkNotebook => 'tkextlib/tile/tnotebook',
- # :TkPaned => 'tkextlib/tile/tpaned',
- :TkPanedwindow => 'tkextlib/tile/tpaned',
- :TkPanedWindow => 'tkextlib/tile/tpaned',
- :TkProgressbar => 'tkextlib/tile/tprogressbar',
- :TkRadiobutton => 'tkextlib/tile/tradiobutton',
- :TkRadioButton => 'tkextlib/tile/tradiobutton',
- :TkScale => 'tkextlib/tile/tscale',
- # :TkProgress => 'tkextlib/tile/tscale',
- :TkScrollbar => 'tkextlib/tile/tscrollbar',
- :TkXScrollbar => 'tkextlib/tile/tscrollbar',
- :TkYScrollbar => 'tkextlib/tile/tscrollbar',
- :TkSeparator => 'tkextlib/tile/tseparator',
- :TkSizeGrip => 'tkextlib/tile/sizegrip',
- :TkSizegrip => 'tkextlib/tile/sizegrip',
- # :TkSquare => 'tkextlib/tile/tsquare',
- :TkTreeview => 'tkextlib/tile/treeview',
- }
- Tk.__create_widget_set__(:Tile, :Ttk)
- ############################################
- # depend on the version of Tcl/Tk
- major, minor, type, patchlevel = TclTkLib.get_version
- # ttk::spinbox is supported on Tcl/Tk8.6b1 or later
- if ([major,minor,type,patchlevel] <=>
- [8,6,TclTkLib::RELEASE_TYPE::BETA,1]) >= 0
- :TkSpinbox => 'tkextlib/tile/tspinbox'
- )
- end
- ################################################
- # register some Ttk widgets as default
- # (Ttk is a standard library on Tcl/Tk8.5+)
- @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_TABLE[:Ttk].each{|sym, file|
- #unless Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.autoload?(sym) || Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.const_defined?(sym)
- # Tk::TOPLEVEL_ALIASES.autoload(sym, file)
- #end
- Tk.__regist_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, file, sym)
- }
- ################################################
- # @TOPLEVEL_ALIAS_SETUP_PROC[:Ttk] = proc{|mod|
- # unless Tk.autoload?(:Tile) || Tk.const_defined?(:Tile)
- # Object.autoload :Ttk, 'tkextlib/tile'
- # Tk.autoload :Tile, 'tkextlib/tile'
- # end
- # }
- Tk.__toplevel_alias_setup_proc__(:Ttk, :Tile){|mod|
- unless Tk.autoload?(:Tile) || Tk.const_defined?(:Tile)
- Object.autoload :Ttk, 'tkextlib/tile'
- Tk.autoload :Tile, 'tkextlib/tile'
- end
- }
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/txtwin_abst.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/txtwin_abst.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 32986d4788..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/txtwin_abst.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/txtwin_abst.rb : TkTextWin abstract class
-require 'tk'
-class TkTextWin<TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = [].freeze
- #def create_self
- # fail RuntimeError, "TkTextWin is an abstract class"
- #end
- #private :create_self
- def bbox(index)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('bbox', index))
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def get(*index)
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get', *index))
- end
- def insert(index, *args)
- tk_send('insert', index, *args)
- self
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def see(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('see', index)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c6cbfb280e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/validation.rb - validation support module for entry, spinbox, and so on
-require 'tk'
-module Tk
- module ValidateConfigure
- def self.__def_validcmd(scope, klass, keys=nil)
- keys = klass._config_keys unless keys
- keys.each{|key|
- eval("def #{key}(*args, &b)
- __validcmd_call(#{klass.name}, '#{key}', *args, &b)
- end", scope)
- }
- end
- def __validcmd_call(klass, key, *args, &b)
- return cget(key) if args.empty? && !b
- cmd = (b)? proc(&b) : args.shift
- if cmd.kind_of?(klass)
- configure(key, cmd)
- elsif !args.empty?
- configure(key, [cmd, args])
- else
- configure(key, cmd)
- end
- end
- def __validation_class_list
- # maybe need to override
- []
- end
- def __get_validate_key2class
- k2c = {}
- __validation_class_list.each{|klass|
- klass._config_keys.each{|key|
- k2c[key.to_s] = klass
- }
- }
- k2c
- end
- def __conv_vcmd_on_hash_kv(keys)
- key2class = __get_validate_key2class
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- key2class.each{|key, klass|
- if keys[key].kind_of?(Array)
- cmd, *args = keys[key]
- #keys[key] = klass.new(cmd, args.join(' '))
- keys[key] = klass.new(cmd, *args)
- # elsif keys[key].kind_of?(Proc) || keys[key].kind_of?(Method)
- elsif TkComm._callback_entry?(keys[key])
- keys[key] = klass.new(keys[key])
- end
- }
- keys
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- super(__conv_vcmd_on_hash_kv(keys))
- end
- private :create_self
- def configure(slot, value=TkComm::None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- super(__conv_vcmd_on_hash_kv(slot))
- else
- super(__conv_vcmd_on_hash_kv(slot=>value))
- end
- self
- end
- def configure(slot, value=TkComm::None)
- key2class = __get_validate_key2class
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- key2class.each{|key, klass|
- if slot[key].kind_of?(Array)
- cmd, *args = slot[key]
- slot[key] = klass.new(cmd, args.join(' '))
- elsif slot[key].kind_of?(Proc) || slot[key].kind_of?(Method)
- slot[key] = klass.new(slot[key])
- end
- }
- super(slot)
- else
- slot = slot.to_s
- if (klass = key2class[slot])
- if value.kind_of?(Array)
- cmd, *args = value
- value = klass.new(cmd, args.join(' '))
- elsif value.kind_of?(Proc) || value.kind_of?(Method)
- value = klass.new(value)
- end
- end
- super(slot, value)
- end
- self
- end
- end
- module ItemValidateConfigure
- def self.__def_validcmd(scope, klass, keys=nil)
- keys = klass._config_keys unless keys
- keys.each{|key|
- eval("def item_#{key}(id, *args, &b)
- __item_validcmd_call(#{klass.name}, '#{key}', id, *args, &b)
- end", scope)
- }
- end
- def __item_validcmd_call(tagOrId, klass, key, *args, &b)
- return itemcget(tagid(tagOrId), key) if args.empty? && !b
- cmd = (b)? proc(&b) : args.shift
- if cmd.kind_of?(klass)
- itemconfigure(tagid(tagOrId), key, cmd)
- elsif !args.empty?
- itemconfigure(tagid(tagOrId), key, [cmd, args])
- else
- itemconfigure(tagid(tagOrId), key, cmd)
- end
- end
- def __item_validation_class_list(id)
- # maybe need to override
- []
- end
- def __get_item_validate_key2class(id)
- k2c = {}
- __item_validation_class_list(id).each{|klass|
- klass._config_keys.each{|key|
- k2c[key.to_s] = klass
- }
- }
- end
- def __conv_item_vcmd_on_hash_kv(keys)
- key2class = __get_item_validate_key2class(tagid(tagOrId))
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- key2class.each{|key, klass|
- if keys[key].kind_of?(Array)
- cmd, *args = keys[key]
- #keys[key] = klass.new(cmd, args.join(' '))
- keys[key] = klass.new(cmd, *args)
- # elsif keys[key].kind_of?(Proc) || keys[key].kind_of?(Method)
- elsif TkComm._callback_entry?(keys[key])
- keys[key] = klass.new(keys[key])
- end
- }
- keys
- end
- def itemconfigure(tagOrId, slot, value=TkComm::None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- super(__conv_item_vcmd_on_hash_kv(slot))
- else
- super(__conv_item_vcmd_on_hash_kv(slot=>value))
- end
- self
- end
- def itemconfigure(tagOrId, slot, value=TkComm::None)
- key2class = __get_item_validate_key2class(tagid(tagOrId))
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- key2class.each{|key, klass|
- if slot[key].kind_of?(Array)
- cmd, *args = slot[key]
- slot[key] = klass.new(cmd, args.join(' '))
- elsif slot[key].kind_of?(Proc) || slot[key].kind_of?(Method)
- slot[key] = klass.new(slot[key])
- end
- }
- super(slot)
- else
- slot = slot.to_s
- if (klass = key2class[slot])
- if value.kind_of?(Array)
- cmd, *args = value
- value = klass.new(cmd, args.join(' '))
- elsif value.kind_of?(Proc) || value.kind_of?(Method)
- value = klass.new(value)
- end
- end
- super(slot, value)
- end
- self
- end
- end
-class TkValidateCommand
- include TkComm
- extend TkComm
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?d, ?n, :action ],
- [ ?i, ?x, :index ],
- [ ?s, ?e, :current ],
- [ ?v, ?s, :type ],
- [ ?P, ?e, :value ],
- [ ?S, ?e, :string ],
- [ ?V, ?s, :triggered ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?n, TkComm.method(:number) ],
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- [ ?e, proc{|val|
- #enc = Tk.encoding
- enc = ((Tk.encoding)? Tk.encoding : Tk.encoding_system)
- if enc
- Tk.fromUTF8(TkComm::string(val), enc)
- else
- TkComm::string(val)
- end
- }
- ],
- [ ?x, proc{|val|
- idx = TkComm::number(val)
- if idx < 0
- nil
- else
- idx
- end
- }
- ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- #
- # NOTE: The order of parameters which passed to callback procedure is
- # <extra_arg>, <extra_arg>, ... , <subst_arg>, <subst_arg>, ...
- #
- #def self._get_extra_args_tbl
- # # return an array of convert procs
- # []
- #end
- def self.ret_val(val)
- (val)? '1': '0'
- end
- end
- ###############################################
- def self._config_keys
- # array of config-option key (string or symbol)
- ['vcmd', 'validatecommand', 'invcmd', 'invalidcommand']
- end
- def _initialize_for_cb_class(klass, cmd = Proc.new, *args)
- extra_args_tbl = klass._get_extra_args_tbl
- if args.compact.size > 0
- args.map!{|arg| klass._sym2subst(arg)}
- args = args.join(' ')
- keys = klass._get_subst_key(args)
- if cmd.kind_of?(String)
- id = cmd
- elsif cmd.kind_of?(TkCallbackEntry)
- @id = install_cmd(cmd)
- else
- @id = install_cmd(proc{|*arg|
- ex_args = []
- extra_args_tbl.reverse_each{|conv| ex_args << conv.call(arg.pop)}
- klass.ret_val(cmd.call(
- *(ex_args.concat(klass.scan_args(keys, arg)))
- ))
- }) + ' ' + args
- end
- else
- keys, args = klass._get_all_subst_keys
- if cmd.kind_of?(String)
- id = cmd
- elsif cmd.kind_of?(TkCallbackEntry)
- @id = install_cmd(cmd)
- else
- @id = install_cmd(proc{|*arg|
- ex_args = []
- extra_args_tbl.reverse_each{|conv| ex_args << conv.call(arg.pop)}
- klass.ret_val(cmd.call(
- *(ex_args << klass.new(*klass.scan_args(keys, arg)))
- ))
- }) + ' ' + args
- end
- end
- end
- def initialize(cmd = Proc.new, *args)
- _initialize_for_cb_class(self.class::ValidateArgs, cmd, *args)
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
-module TkValidation
- include Tk::ValidateConfigure
- class ValidateCmd < TkValidateCommand
- module Action
- Insert = 1
- Delete = 0
- Others = -1
- Focus = -1
- Forced = -1
- Textvariable = -1
- TextVariable = -1
- end
- end
- #####################################
- def __validation_class_list
- super() << ValidateCmd
- end
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, ValidateCmd)
- def validatecommand(cmd = Proc.new, args = nil)
- if cmd.kind_of?(ValidateCmd)
- configure('validatecommand', cmd)
- elsif args
- configure('validatecommand', [cmd, args])
- else
- configure('validatecommand', cmd)
- end
- end
-# def validatecommand(*args, &b)
-# __validcmd_call(ValidateCmd, 'validatecommand', *args, &b)
-# end
-# alias vcmd validatecommand
- def invalidcommand(cmd = Proc.new, args = nil)
- if cmd.kind_of?(ValidateCmd)
- configure('invalidcommand', cmd)
- elsif args
- configure('invalidcommand', [cmd, args])
- else
- configure('invalidcommand', cmd)
- end
- end
-# def invalidcommand(*args, &b)
-# __validcmd_call(ValidateCmd, 'invalidcommand', *args, &b)
-# end
-# alias invcmd invalidcommand
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ac0fc6ace..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1797 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/variable.rb : treat Tk variable object
-require 'tk'
-class TkVariable
- include Tk
- extend TkCore
- include Comparable
- #TkCommandNames = ['tkwait'.freeze].freeze
- TkCommandNames = ['vwait'.freeze].freeze
- #TkVar_CB_TBL = {}
- #TkVar_ID_TBL = {}
- TkVar_CB_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkVar_ID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Tk_VARIABLE_ID = ["v".freeze, TkUtil.untrust("00000")]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TkVar_CB_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TkVar_CB_TBL.clear }
- TkVar_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TkVar_ID_TBL.clear }
- }
- major, minor, type, patchlevel = TclTkLib.get_version
- USE_OLD_TRACE_OPTION_STYLE = (major < 8) || (major == 8 && minor < 4)
- #TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs('rb_var', 'args',
- # "ruby [format \"TkVariable.callback %%Q!%s!\" $args]")
- TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs('rb_var', 'args', <<-'EOL')
- if {[set st [catch {eval {ruby_cmd TkVariable callback} $args} ret]] != 0} {
- set idx [string first "\n\n" $ret]
- if {$idx > 0} {
- global errorInfo
- set tcl_backtrace $errorInfo
- set errorInfo [string range $ret [expr $idx + 2] \
- [string length $ret]]
- append errorInfo "\n" $tcl_backtrace
- bgerror [string range $ret 0 [expr $idx - 1]]
- } else {
- bgerror $ret
- }
- return ""
- #return -code $st $ret
- } else {
- return $ret
- }
- #def TkVariable.callback(args)
- def TkVariable.callback(id, name1, name2, op)
- #name1,name2,op = tk_split_list(args)
- #name1,name2,op = tk_split_simplelist(args)
- if cb_obj = TkVar_CB_TBL[id]
- #_get_eval_string(TkVar_CB_TBL[name1].trace_callback(name2,op))
- begin
- _get_eval_string(cb_obj.trace_callback(name2, op))
- rescue SystemExit
- exit(0)
- rescue Interrupt
- exit!(1)
- rescue Exception => e
- begin
- msg = _toUTF8(e.class.inspect) + ': ' +
- _toUTF8(e.message) + "\n" +
- "\n---< backtrace of Ruby side >-----\n" +
- _toUTF8(e.backtrace.join("\n")) +
- "\n---< backtrace of Tk side >-------"
- msg.force_encoding('utf-8')
- else
- msg.instance_variable_set(:@encoding, 'utf-8')
- end
- rescue Exception
- msg = e.class.inspect + ': ' + e.message + "\n" +
- "\n---< backtrace of Ruby side >-----\n" +
- e.backtrace.join("\n") +
- "\n---< backtrace of Tk side >-------"
- end
- fail(e, msg)
- end
- begin
- raise 'check backtrace'
- rescue
- # ignore backtrace before 'callback'
- pos = -($!.backtrace.size)
- end
- begin
- _get_eval_string(TkVar_CB_TBL[name1].trace_callback(name2,op))
- rescue
- trace = $!.backtrace
- raise $!, "\n#{trace[0]}: #{$!.message} (#{$!.class})\n" +
- "\tfrom #{trace[1..pos].join("\n\tfrom ")}"
- end
- else
- ''
- end
- end
- def self.new_hash(val = {})
- if val.kind_of?(Hash)
- self.new(val)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, 'Hash is expected'
- end
- end
- #
- # default_value is available only when the variable is an assoc array.
- #
- def default_value(val=nil, &b)
- if b
- @def_default = :proc
- @default_val = proc(&b)
- else
- @def_default = :val
- @default_val = val
- end
- self
- end
- def set_default_value(val)
- @def_default = :val
- @default_val = val
- self
- end
- alias default_value= set_default_value
- def default_proc(cmd = Proc.new)
- @def_default = :proc
- @default_val = cmd
- self
- end
- def undef_default
- @default_val = nil
- @def_default = false
- self
- end
- def default_value_type
- @type
- end
- def default_element_value_type(idxs)
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- index = idxs.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx, true)}.join(',')
- else
- index = _get_eval_string(idxs, true)
- end
- @element_type[index]
- end
- def _set_default_value_type_core(type, idxs)
- if type.kind_of?(Class)
- if type == NilClass
- type = nil
- elsif type == Numeric
- type = :numeric
- elsif type == TrueClass || type == FalseClass
- type = :bool
- elsif type == String
- type = :string
- elsif type == Symbol
- type = :symbol
- elsif type == Array
- type = :list
- elsif type <= TkVariable
- type = :variable
- elsif type <= TkWindow
- type = :window
- elsif TkComm._callback_entry_class?(type)
- type = :procedure
- else
- type = nil
- end
- else
- case(type)
- when nil
- type = nil
- when :numeric, 'numeric'
- type = :numeric
- when true, false, :bool, 'bool'
- type = :bool
- when :string, 'string'
- type = :string
- when :symbol, 'symbol'
- type = :symbol
- when :list, 'list'
- type = :list
- when :numlist, 'numlist'
- type = :numlist
- when :variable, 'variable'
- type = :variable
- when :window, 'window'
- type = :window
- when :procedure, 'procedure'
- type = :procedure
- else
- return _set_default_value_type_core(type.class, idxs)
- end
- end
- if idxs
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- index = idxs.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx, true)}.join(',')
- else
- index = _get_eval_string(idxs, true)
- end
- @element_type[index] = type
- else
- @type = type
- end
- type
- end
- private :_set_default_value_type_core
- def set_default_value_type(type)
- _set_default_value_type_core(type, nil)
- self
- end
- alias default_value_type= set_default_value_type
- def set_default_element_value_type(idxs, type)
- _set_default_value_type_core(type, idxs)
- self
- end
- def _to_default_type(val, idxs = nil)
- if idxs
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- index = idxs.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx, true)}.join(',')
- else
- index = _get_eval_string(idxs, true)
- end
- type = @element_type[index]
- else
- type = @type
- end
- return val unless type
- if val.kind_of?(Hash)
- val.keys.each{|k| val[k] = _to_default_type(val[k], idxs) }
- val
- else
- begin
- case(type)
- when :numeric
- number(val)
- when :bool
- TkComm.bool(val)
- when :string
- val
- when :symbol
- val.intern
- when :list
- tk_split_simplelist(val)
- when :numlist
- tk_split_simplelist(val).collect!{|v| number(v)}
- when :variable
- TkVarAccess.new(val)
- when :window
- TkComm.window(val)
- when :procedure
- TkComm.procedure(val)
- else
- val
- end
- rescue
- val
- end
- end
- end
- private :_to_default_type
- def _to_default_element_type(idxs, val)
- _to_default_type(val, idxs)
- end
- private :_to_default_element_type
- def initialize(val="", type=nil)
- # @id = Tk_VARIABLE_ID.join('')
- begin
- Tk_VARIABLE_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @id = Tk_VARIABLE_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk_VARIABLE_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end until INTERP._invoke_without_enc('info', 'globals', @id).empty?
- TkVar_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkVar_ID_TBL[@id] = self
- }
- @var = @id
- @elem = nil
- @def_default = false
- @default_val = nil
- @trace_var = nil
- @trace_elem = nil
- @trace_opts = nil
- @type = nil
- var = self
- @element_type = Hash.new{|k,v| var.default_value_type }
- self.default_value_type = type
- # teach Tk-ip that @id is global var
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', @id)
- #INTERP._invoke('global', @id)
- # create and init
- if val.kind_of?(Hash)
- # assoc-array variable
- self[''] = 0
- self.clear
- end
- self.value = val
- if val == []
- # INTERP._eval(format('global %s; set %s(0) 0; unset %s(0)',
- # @id, @id, @id))
- elsif val.kind_of?(Array)
- a = []
- # val.each_with_index{|e,i| a.push(i); a.push(array2tk_list(e))}
- # s = '"' + a.join(" ").gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- val.each_with_index{|e,i| a.push(i); a.push(e)}
- #s = '"' + array2tk_list(a).gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- s = '"' + array2tk_list(a).gsub(/[\[\]$"\\]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; array set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- elsif val.kind_of?(Hash)
- #s = '"' + val.to_a.collect{|e| array2tk_list(e)}.join(" ")\
- # .gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- s = '"' + val.to_a.collect{|e| array2tk_list(e)}.join(" ")\
- .gsub(/[\[\]$"\\]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; array set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- else
- #s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[\[\]$"\\]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- end
- if val.kind_of?(Hash)
- #s = '"' + val.to_a.collect{|e| array2tk_list(e)}.join(" ")\
- # .gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- s = '"' + val.to_a.collect{|e| array2tk_list(e)}.join(" ")\
- .gsub(/[\[\]$"\\]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; array set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- else
- #s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[\[\]$"\\]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- end
- end
- def wait(on_thread = false, check_root = false)
- on_thread &= (Thread.list.size != 1)
- if on_thread
- if check_root
- INTERP._thread_tkwait('variable', @id)
- else
- INTERP._thread_vwait(@id)
- end
- else
- if check_root
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('tkwait', 'variable', @id)
- else
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('vwait', @id)
- end
- end
- end
- def eventloop_wait(check_root = false)
- wait(false, check_root)
- end
- def thread_wait(check_root = false)
- wait(true, check_root)
- end
- def tkwait(on_thread = true)
- wait(on_thread, true)
- end
- def eventloop_tkwait
- wait(false, true)
- end
- def thread_tkwait
- wait(true, true)
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def ref(*idxs)
- # "#{@id}(#{idxs.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx)}.join(',')})"
- TkVarAccess.new("#{@id}(#{idxs.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx)}.join(',')})")
- end
- def is_hash?
- #ITNERP._eval("global #{@id}; array exist #{@id}") == '1'
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', @id)
- # INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array', 'exist', @id) == '1'
- TkComm.bool(INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array', 'exist', @id))
- end
- def is_scalar?
- ! is_hash?
- end
- def exist?(*elems)
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', @id)
- if elems.empty?
- TkComm.bool(tk_call('info', 'exist', @id))
- else
- # array
- index = elems.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx, true)}.join(',')
- TkComm.bool(tk_call('info', 'exist', "#{@id}")) &&
- TkComm.bool(tk_call('info', 'exist', "#{@id}(#{index})"))
- end
- end
- def keys
- if (is_scalar?)
- fail RuntimeError, 'cannot get keys from a scalar variable'
- end
- #tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._eval("global #{@id}; array get #{@id}"))
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', @id)
- #tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._fromUTF8(INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array', 'names', @id)))
- tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array', 'names', @id),
- false, true)
- end
- def size
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', @id)
- TkComm.number(INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array', 'size', @id))
- end
- def clear
- if (is_scalar?)
- fail RuntimeError, 'cannot clear a scalar variable'
- end
- keys.each{|k| unset(k)}
- self
- end
- def update(hash)
- if (is_scalar?)
- fail RuntimeError, 'cannot update a scalar variable'
- end
- hash.each{|k,v| self[k] = v}
- self
- end
-unless const_defined?(:USE_TCLs_SET_VARIABLE_FUNCTIONS)
- ###########################################################################
- # use Tcl function version of set tkvariable
- ###########################################################################
- def _value
- #if INTERP._eval("global #{@id}; array exist #{@id}") == '1'
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', @id)
- # if INTERP._invoke('array', 'exist', @id) == '1'
- if TkComm.bool(INTERP._invoke('array', 'exist', @id))
- #Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._eval("global #{@id}; array get #{@id}"))]
- Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke('array', 'get', @id))]
- else
- _fromUTF8(INTERP._get_global_var(@id))
- end
- end
- def value=(val)
- val = val._value if !@type && @type != :variable && val.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- if val.kind_of?(Hash)
- self.clear
- val.each{|k, v|
- #INTERP._set_global_var2(@id, _toUTF8(_get_eval_string(k)),
- # _toUTF8(_get_eval_string(v)))
- INTERP._set_global_var2(@id, _get_eval_string(k, true),
- _get_eval_string(v, true))
- }
- self.value
-# elsif val.kind_of?(Array)
- INTERP._set_global_var(@id, '')
- val.each{|v|
- #INTERP._set_variable(@id, _toUTF8(_get_eval_string(v)),
- INTERP._set_variable(@id, _get_eval_string(v, true),
- TclTkLib::VarAccessFlag::GLOBAL_ONLY |
- TclTkLib::VarAccessFlag::LEAVE_ERR_MSG |
- TclTkLib::VarAccessFlag::APPEND_VALUE |
- TclTkLib::VarAccessFlag::LIST_ELEMENT)
- }
- self.value
-# _fromUTF8(INTERP._set_global_var(@id, array2tk_list(val, true)))
- else
- #_fromUTF8(INTERP._set_global_var(@id, _toUTF8(_get_eval_string(val))))
- _fromUTF8(INTERP._set_global_var(@id, _get_eval_string(val, true)))
- end
- end
- def _element_value(*idxs)
- index = idxs.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx, true)}.join(',')
- begin
- _fromUTF8(INTERP._get_global_var2(@id, index))
- rescue => e
- case @def_default
- when :proc
- @default_val.call(self, *idxs)
- when :val
- @default_val
- else
- fail e
- end
- end
- #_fromUTF8(INTERP._get_global_var2(@id, index))
- #_fromUTF8(INTERP._get_global_var2(@id, _toUTF8(_get_eval_string(index))))
- #_fromUTF8(INTERP._get_global_var2(@id, _get_eval_string(index, true)))
- end
- def []=(*args)
- val = args.pop
- type = default_element_value_type(args)
- val = val._value if !type && type != :variable && val.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- index = args.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx, true)}.join(',')
- _fromUTF8(INTERP._set_global_var2(@id, index, _get_eval_string(val, true)))
- #_fromUTF8(INTERP._set_global_var2(@id, _toUTF8(_get_eval_string(index)),
- # _toUTF8(_get_eval_string(val))))
- #_fromUTF8(INTERP._set_global_var2(@id, _get_eval_string(index, true),
- # _get_eval_string(val, true)))
- end
- def unset(*elems)
- if elems.empty?
- INTERP._unset_global_var(@id)
- else
- index = elems.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx, true)}.join(',')
- INTERP._unset_global_var2(@id, index)
- end
- end
- alias remove unset
- ###########################################################################
- # use Ruby script version of set tkvariable (traditional methods)
- ###########################################################################
- def _value
- begin
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; set %s', @id, @id))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('set %s', @id))
- #INTERP._invoke_without_enc('set', @id)
- rescue
- if INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; array exists %s',
- @id, @id)) != "1"
- #if INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('array exists %s', @id)) != "1"
- #if INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array', 'exists', @id) != "1"
- fail
- else
- Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; array get %s', @id, @id)))]
- #Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array', 'get', @id)))]
- end
- end
- end
- def value=(val)
- val = val._value if !@type && @type != :variable && val.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- begin
- #s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[\[\]$"\\]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('set %s %s', @id, s))
- #_fromUTF8(INTERP._invoke_without_enc('set', @id, _toUTF8(s)))
- rescue
- if INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; array exists %s',
- @id, @id)) != "1"
- #if INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('array exists %s', @id)) != "1"
- #if INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array', 'exists', @id) != "1"
- fail
- else
- if val == []
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; unset %s; set %s(0) 0; unset %s(0)', @id, @id, @id, @id))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('unset %s; set %s(0) 0; unset %s(0)',
- # @id, @id, @id))
- #INTERP._invoke_without_enc('unset', @id)
- #INTERP._invoke_without_enc('set', @id+'(0)', 0)
- #INTERP._invoke_without_enc('unset', @id+'(0)')
- elsif val.kind_of?(Array)
- a = []
- val.each_with_index{|e,i| a.push(i); a.push(array2tk_list(e, true))}
- #s = '"' + a.join(" ").gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- s = '"' + a.join(" ").gsub(/[\[\]$"\\]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; unset %s; array set %s %s',
- @id, @id, @id, s))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('unset %s; array set %s %s',
- # @id, @id, s))
- #INTERP._invoke_without_enc('unset', @id)
- #_fromUTF8(INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array','set', @id, _toUTF8(s)))
- elsif val.kind_of?(Hash)
- #s = '"' + val.to_a.collect{|e| array2tk_list(e)}.join(" ")\
- # .gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- s = '"' + val.to_a.collect{|e| array2tk_list(e, true)}.join(" ")\
- .gsub(/[\[\]$\\"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"'
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; unset %s; array set %s %s',
- @id, @id, @id, s))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('unset %s; array set %s %s',
- # @id, @id, s))
- #INTERP._invoke_without_enc('unset', @id)
- #_fromUTF8(INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array','set', @id, _toUTF8(s)))
- else
- fail
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def _element_value(*idxs)
- index = idxs.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx)}.join(',')
- begin
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; set %s(%s)', @id, @id, index))
- rescue => e
- case @def_default
- when :proc
- @default_val.call(self, *idxs)
- when :val
- @default_val
- else
- fail e
- end
- end
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; set %s(%s)', @id, @id, index))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; set %s(%s)',
- # @id, @id, _get_eval_string(index)))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('set %s(%s)', @id, _get_eval_string(index)))
- #INTERP._eval('set ' + @id + '(' + _get_eval_string(index) + ')')
- end
- def []=(*args)
- val = args.pop
- type = default_element_value_type(args)
- val = val._value if !type && type != :variable && val.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- index = args.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx)}.join(',')
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; set %s(%s) %s', @id, @id,
- index, _get_eval_string(val)))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; set %s(%s) %s', @id, @id,
- # _get_eval_string(index), _get_eval_string(val)))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('set %s(%s) %s', @id,
- # _get_eval_string(index), _get_eval_string(val)))
- #INTERP._eval('set ' + @id + '(' + _get_eval_string(index) + ') ' +
- # _get_eval_string(val))
- end
- def unset(*elems)
- if elems.empty?
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; unset %s', @id, @id))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('unset %s', @id))
- #INTERP._eval('unset ' + @id)
- else
- index = elems.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx, true)}.join(',')
- INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; unset %s(%s)', @id, @id, index))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; unset %s(%s)',
- # @id, @id, _get_eval_string(elem)))
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('unset %s(%s)', @id, tk_tcl2ruby(elem)))
- #INTERP._eval('unset ' + @id + '(' + _get_eval_string(elem) + ')')
- end
- end
- alias remove unset
- protected :_value, :_element_value
- def value
- _to_default_type(_value)
- end
- def [](*idxs)
- _to_default_element_type(idxs, _element_value(*idxs))
- end
- def set_value(val)
- self.value = val
- self
- end
- def to_hash
- hash = {}
- self.keys.each{|k|
- hash[k] = self[k]
- }
- hash
- end
- def set_element_value(idxs, val)
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- self[*idxs]=val
- else
- self[idxs]=val
- end
- self
- end
- def set_value_type(val)
- self.default_value_type = val.class
- self.value = val
- self
- end
- alias value_type= set_value_type
- def set_element_value_type(idxs, val)
- self.set_default_element_value_type(idxs, val.class)
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- self[*idxs]=val
- else
- self[idxs]=val
- end
- self
- end
- def numeric
- number(_value)
- end
- def numeric_element(*idxs)
- number(_element_value(*idxs))
- end
- def set_numeric(val)
- case val
- when Numeric
- self.value=(val)
- when TkVariable
- self.value=(val.numeric)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Numeric is expected"
- end
- self
- end
- alias numeric= set_numeric
- def set_numeric_element(idxs, val)
- case val
- when Numeric
- val
- when TkVariable
- val = val.numeric
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Numeric is expected"
- end
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- self[*idxs]=val
- else
- self[idxs]=val
- end
- self
- end
- def set_numeric_type(val)
- @type = :numeric
- self.numeric=(val)
- self
- end
- alias numeric_type= set_numeric_type
- def set_numeric_element_type(idxs, val)
- self.set_default_element_value_type(idxs, :numeric)
- self.set_numeric_element(idxs, val)
- end
- def bool
- TkComm.bool(_value)
- # see Tcl_GetBoolean man-page
- case _value.downcase
- when '0', 'false', 'no', 'off'
- false
- else
- true
- end
- end
- def bool_element(*idxs)
- TkComm.bool(_element_value(*idxs))
- end
- def set_bool(val)
- if ! val
- self.value = '0'
- else
- case val.to_s.downcase
- when 'false', '0', 'no', 'off'
- self.value = '0'
- else
- self.value = '1'
- end
- end
- self
- end
- alias bool= set_bool
- def set_bool_element(idxs, val)
- if ! val
- val = '0'
- else
- case val.to_s.downcase
- when 'false', '0', 'no', 'off'
- val = '0'
- else
- val = '1'
- end
- end
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- self[*idxs]=val
- else
- self[idxs]=val
- end
- self
- end
- def set_bool_type(val)
- @type = :bool
- self.bool=(val)
- self
- end
- alias bool_type= set_bool_type
- def set_bool_element_type(idxs, val)
- self.set_default_element_value_type(idxs, :bool)
- self.set_bool_element(idxs, val)
- end
- def variable
- # keeps a Tcl's variable name
- TkVarAccess.new(self._value)
- end
- def variable_element(*idxs)
- TkVarAccess.new(_element_value(*idxs))
- end
- def set_variable(var)
- var = var.id if var.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- self.value = var
- self
- end
- alias variable= set_variable
- def set_variable_element(idxs, var)
- var = var.id if var.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- self[*idxs]=var
- else
- self[idxs]=var
- end
- self
- end
- def set_variable_type(var)
- @type = :variable
- var = var.id if var.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- self.value = var
- self
- end
- alias variable_type= set_variable_type
- def set_variable_element_type(idxs, var)
- self.set_default_element_value_type(idxs, :variable)
- self.set_variable_element(idxs, var)
- end
- def window
- TkComm.window(self._value)
- end
- def window_element(*idxs)
- TkComm.window(_element_value(*idxs))
- end
- def set_window(win)
- win = win._value if win.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- self.value = win
- self
- end
- alias window= set_window
- def set_window_element(idxs, win)
- win = win._value if win.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- self[*idxs]=win
- else
- self[idxs]=win
- end
- self
- end
- def set_window_type(win)
- @type = :window
- self.window=(win)
- self
- end
- alias window_type= set_window_type
- def set_window_element_type(idxs, win)
- self.set_default_element_value_type(idxs, :window)
- self.set_window_element(idxs, win)
- end
- def procedure
- TkComm.procedure(self._value)
- end
- def procedure_element(*idxs)
- TkComm.procedure(_element_value(*idxs))
- end
- def set_procedure(cmd)
- self.value = cmd
- self
- end
- alias procedure= set_procedure
- def set_procedure_element(idxs, cmd)
- cmd = cmd._value if cmd.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- self[*idxs]=cmd
- else
- self[idxs]=cmd
- end
- self
- end
- def set_procedure_type(cmd)
- @type = :procedure
- self.procedure=(cmd)
- self
- end
- alias procedure_type= set_procedure_type
- def set_procedure_element_type(idxs, cmd)
- self.set_default_element_value_type(idxs, :procedure)
- self.set_proceure_element(idxs, cmd)
- end
- def to_proc
- cmd = self.procedure
- if cmd.respond_to?(:call)
- cmd
- else
- # cmd is a String
- cmd.to_sym.to_proc
- end
- end
- def to_i
- number(_value).to_i
- end
- alias to_int to_i
- def element_to_i(*idxs)
- number(_element_value(*idxs)).to_i
- end
- def to_f
- number(_value).to_f
- end
- def element_to_f(*idxs)
- number(_element_value(*idxs)).to_f
- end
- def to_s
- #string(value).to_s
- _value
- end
- alias string to_s
- alias to_str to_s
- def element_to_s(*idxs)
- _element_value(*idxs)
- end
- def string_element(*idxs)
- _element_value(*idxs)
- end
- def set_string(val)
- val = val._value if val.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- self.value=val
- self
- end
- alias string= set_string
- def set_string_element(idxs, val)
- val = val._value if val.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- self[*idxs]=val
- else
- self[idxs]=val
- end
- self
- end
- def set_string_type(val)
- @type = :string
- self.string=(val)
- self
- end
- alias string_type= set_string_type
- def set_string_element_type(idxs, val)
- self.set_default_element_value_type(idxs, :string)
- self.set_string_element(idxs, val)
- end
- def to_sym
- _value.intern
- end
- alias symbol to_sym
- def element_to_sym(*idxs)
- _element_value(*idxs).intern
- end
- alias symbol_element element_to_sym
- def set_symbol(val)
- val = val._value if val.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- self.value=val
- self
- end
- alias symbol= set_symbol
- def set_symbol_element(idxs, val)
- val = val._value if val.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- self[*idxs]=val
- else
- self[idxs]=val
- end
- self
- end
- def set_symbol_type(val)
- @type = :symbol
- self.value=(val)
- self
- end
- alias symbol_type= set_symbol_type
- def set_symbol_element_type(idxs, val)
- self.set_default_element_value_type(idxs, :symbol)
- self.set_symbol_element(idxs, val)
- end
- def list
- #tk_split_list(value)
- tk_split_simplelist(_value)
- end
- alias to_a list
- alias to_ary list
- def list_element(*idxs)
- tk_split_simplelist(_element_value(*idxs))
- end
- alias element_to_a list_element
- def numlist
- list.collect!{|val| number(val)}
- end
- def numlist_element(*idxs)
- list_element(*idxs).collect!{|val| number(val)}
- end
- def set_list(val)
- case val
- when Array
- self.value=(val)
- when TkVariable
- self.value=(val.list)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Array is expected"
- end
- self
- end
- alias list= set_list
- alias set_numlist set_list
- alias numlist= set_numlist
- def set_list_element(idxs, val)
- case val
- when Array
- val
- when TkVariable
- val = val.list
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Array is expected"
- end
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- self[*idxs]=val
- else
- self[idxs]=val
- end
- self
- end
- alias set_numlist_element set_list_element
- def set_list_type(val)
- @type = :list
- self.list=(val)
- self
- end
- alias list_type= set_list_type
- def set_list_element_type(idxs, val)
- self.set_default_element_value_type(idxs, :list)
- self.set_list_element(idxs, val)
- end
- def set_numlist_type(val)
- @type = :numlist
- self.numlist=(val)
- self
- end
- alias numlist_type= set_numlist_type
- def set_numlist_element_type(idxs, val)
- self.set_default_element_value_type(idxs, :numlist)
- self.set_numlist_element(idxs, val)
- end
- def lappend(*elems)
- tk_call('lappend', @id, *elems)
- self
- end
- def element_lappend(idxs, *elems)
- if idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- idxs = idxs.collect{|idx| _get_eval_string(idx, true)}.join(',')
- end
- tk_call('lappend', "#{@id}(#{idxs})", *elems)
- self
- end
- def lindex(idx)
- tk_call('lindex', self._value, idx)
- end
- alias lget lindex
- def element_lindex(elem_idxs, idx)
- if elem_idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- val = _element_value(*elem_idxs)
- else
- val = _element_value(elem_idxs)
- end
- tk_call('lindex', val, idx)
- end
- alias element_lget element_lindex
- def lget_i(idx)
- number(lget(idx)).to_i
- end
- def element_lget_i(elem_idxs, idx)
- number(element_lget(elem_idxs, idx)).to_i
- end
- def lget_f(idx)
- number(lget(idx)).to_f
- end
- def element_lget_f(elem_idxs, idx)
- number(element_lget(elem_idxs, idx)).to_f
- end
- def lset(idx, val)
- tk_call('lset', @id, idx, val)
- self
- end
- def element_lset(elem_idxs, idx, val)
- if elem_idxs.kind_of?(Array)
- idxs = elem_idxs.collect{|i| _get_eval_string(i, true)}.join(',')
- end
- tk_call('lset', "#{@id}(#{idxs})", idx, val)
- self
- end
- def inspect
- #Kernel.format "#<TkVariable: %s>", @id
- '#<TkVariable: ' + @id + '>'
- end
- def coerce(other)
- case other
- when TkVariable
- [other._value, self._value]
- when String
- [other, self.to_s]
- when Symbol
- [other, self.to_sym]
- when Numeric
- [other, self.numeric]
- when Array
- [other, self.to_a]
- else
- [other, self._value]
- end
- end
- def +@
- self.numeric
- end
- def -@
- -(self.numeric)
- end
- def &(other)
- if other.kind_of?(Array)
- self.to_a & other.to_a
- else
- self.to_i & other.to_i
- end
- end
- def |(other)
- if other.kind_of?(Array)
- self.to_a | other.to_a
- else
- self.to_i | other.to_i
- end
- end
- def +(other)
- case other
- when Array
- self.to_a + other
- when String
- self._value + other
- else
- begin
- number(self._value) + other
- rescue
- self._value + other.to_s
- end
- end
- end
- def -(other)
- if other.kind_of?(Array)
- self.to_a - other
- else
- number(self._value) - other
- end
- end
- def *(other)
- num_or_str(self._value) * other
- #begin
- # number(self._value) * other
- #rescue
- # self._value * other
- #end
- end
- def /(other)
- number(self._value) / other
- end
- def %(other)
- num_or_str(self._value) % other
- #begin
- # number(self._value) % other
- #rescue
- # self._value % other
- #end
- end
- def **(other)
- number(self._value) ** other
- end
- def =~(other)
- self._value =~ other
- end
- def ==(other)
- case other
- when TkVariable
- #self.equal?(other)
- self._value == other._value
- when String
- self.to_s == other
- when Symbol
- self.to_sym == other
- when Integer
- self.to_i == other
- when Float
- self.to_f == other
- when Array
- self.to_a == other
- when Hash
- # false if self is not an assoc array
- self._value == other
- else
- # false
- self._value == _get_eval_string(other)
- end
- end
- def ===(other)
- if other.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- self.id == other.id
- else
- super
- end
- end
- def zero?
- numeric.zero?
- end
- def nonzero?
- !(numeric.zero?)
- end
- def <=>(other)
- if other.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- begin
- val = other.numeric
- other = val
- rescue
- other = other._value
- end
- elsif other.kind_of?(Numeric)
- begin
- return self.numeric <=> other
- rescue
- return self._value <=> other.to_s
- end
- elsif other.kind_of?(Array)
- return self.list <=> other
- else
- return self._value <=> other
- end
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
- def trace_callback(elem, op)
- if @trace_var.kind_of? Array
- @trace_var.each{|m,e| e.call(self,elem,op) if m.index(op)}
- end
- if elem.kind_of?(String) && elem != ''
- if @trace_elem.kind_of?(Hash) && @trace_elem[elem].kind_of?(Array)
- @trace_elem[elem].each{|m,e| e.call(self,elem,op) if m.index(op)}
- end
- end
- end
- def _check_trace_opt(opts)
- if opts.kind_of?(Array)
- opt_str = opts.map{|s| s.to_s}.join(' ')
- else
- opt_str = opts.to_s
- end
- fail ArgumentError, 'null trace option' if opt_str.empty?
- if opt_str =~ /[^arwu\s]/
- # new format (Tcl/Tk8.4+?)
- if opts.kind_of?(Array)
- opt_ary = opts.map{|opt| opt.to_s.strip}
- else
- opt_ary = opt_str.split(/\s+|\|/)
- opt_ary.delete('')
- end
- opt_ary.uniq.map{|opt|
- case opt
- when 'array'
- 'a'
- when 'read'
- 'r'
- when 'write'
- 'w'
- when 'unset'
- 'u'
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "unsupported trace option '#{opt}' on Tcl/Tk#{Tk::TCL_PATCHLEVEL}"
- end
- }.join
- else
- opt_ary
- end
- else
- # old format
- opt_ary = opt_str.delete('^arwu').split(//).uniq
- opt_ary.join
- else
- opt_ary.map{|c|
- case c
- when 'a'
- 'array'
- when 'r'
- 'read'
- when 'w'
- 'write'
- when 'u'
- 'unset'
- end
- }
- end
- end
- end
- private :_check_trace_opt
- def trace(opts, cmd = Proc.new)
- opts = _check_trace_opt(opts)
- (@trace_var ||= []).unshift([opts,cmd])
- if @trace_opts == nil
- TkVar_CB_TBL[@id] = self
- @trace_opts = opts.dup
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- else
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'add', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- end
- else
- newopts = @trace_opts.dup
- opts.each_byte{|c| newopts.concat(c.chr) unless newopts.index(c.chr)}
- if newopts != @trace_opts
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'vdelete',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- end
- else
- newopts |= opts
- unless (newopts - @trace_opts).empty?
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'remove', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'add', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- end
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def trace_element(elem, opts, cmd = Proc.new)
- if @elem
- fail(RuntimeError,
- "invalid for a TkVariable which denotes an element of Tcl's array")
- end
- opts = _check_trace_opt(opts)
- ((@trace_elem ||= {})[elem] ||= []).unshift([opts,cmd])
- if @trace_opts == nil
- TkVar_CB_TBL[@id] = self
- @trace_opts = opts.dup
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'add', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- else
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- end
- else
- newopts = @trace_opts.dup
- opts.each_byte{|c| newopts.concat(c.chr) unless newopts.index(c.chr)}
- if newopts != @trace_opts
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'vdelete',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- end
- else
- newopts |= opts
- unless (newopts - @trace_opts).empty?
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'remove', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'add', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- end
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def trace_info
- return [] unless @trace_var
- @trace_var.dup
- end
- alias trace_vinfo trace_info
- def trace_info_for_element(elem)
- if @elem
- fail(RuntimeError,
- "invalid for a TkVariable which denotes an element of Tcl's array")
- end
- return [] unless @trace_elem
- return [] unless @trace_elem[elem]
- @trace_elem[elem].dup
- end
- alias trace_vinfo_for_element trace_info_for_element
- def trace_remove(opts,cmd)
- return self unless @trace_var.kind_of? Array
- opts = _check_trace_opt(opts)
- idx = -1
- newopts = ''
- @trace_var.each_with_index{|e, i|
- if idx < 0 && e[1] == cmd
- diff = false
- ['a', 'r', 'w', 'u'].each{|c|
- break if (diff = e[0].index(c) ^ opts.index(c))
- }
- unless diff
- #find
- idx = i
- next
- end
- end
- e[0].each_byte{|c| newopts.concat(c.chr) unless newopts.index(c.chr)}
- }
- else
- newopts = []
- @trace_var.each_with_index{|e, i|
- if idx < 0 && e[1] == cmd &&
- e[0].size == opts.size && (e[0] - opts).empty?
- # find
- idx = i
- next
- end
- newopts |= e[0]
- }
- end
- if idx >= 0
- @trace_var.delete_at(idx)
- else
- return self
- end
- (@trace_elem ||= {}).each{|elem|
- @trace_elem[elem].each{|e|
- e[0].each_byte{|c| newopts.concat(c.chr) unless newopts.index(c.chr)}
- else
- newopts |= e[0]
- end
- }
- }
- diff = false
- @trace_opts.each_byte{|c| break if (diff = ! newopts.index(c))}
- if diff
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'vdelete',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- unless @trace_opts.empty?
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- end
- end
- else
- unless (@trace_opts - newopts).empty?
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'remove', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- unless @trace_opts.empty?
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'add', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- end
- end
- end
- self
- end
- alias trace_delete trace_remove
- alias trace_vdelete trace_remove
- def trace_remove_for_element(elem,opts,cmd)
- if @elem
- fail(RuntimeError,
- "invalid for a TkVariable which denotes an element of Tcl's array")
- end
- return self unless @trace_elem.kind_of? Hash
- return self unless @trace_elem[elem].kind_of? Array
- opts = _check_trace_opt(opts)
- idx = -1
- @trace_elem[elem].each_with_index{|e, i|
- if idx < 0 && e[1] == cmd
- diff = false
- ['a', 'r', 'w', 'u'].each{|c|
- break if (diff = e[0].index(c) ^ opts.index(c))
- }
- unless diff
- #find
- idx = i
- next
- end
- end
- }
- else
- @trace_elem[elem].each_with_index{|e, i|
- if idx < 0 && e[1] == cmd &&
- e[0].size == opts.size && (e[0] - opts).empty?
- # find
- idx = i
- next
- end
- }
- end
- if idx >= 0
- @trace_elem[elem].delete_at(idx)
- else
- return self
- end
- newopts = ''
- @trace_var.each{|e|
- e[0].each_byte{|c| newopts.concat(c.chr) unless newopts.index(c.chr)}
- }
- @trace_elem.each{|elem|
- @trace_elem[elem].each{|e|
- e[0].each_byte{|c| newopts.concat(c.chr) unless newopts.index(c.chr)}
- }
- }
- else
- newopts = []
- @trace_var.each{|e|
- newopts |= e[0]
- }
- @trace_elem.each{|elem|
- @trace_elem[elem].each{|e|
- e[0].each_byte{|c| newopts.concat(c.chr) unless newopts.index(c.chr)}
- }
- }
- end
- diff = false
- @trace_opts.each_byte{|c| break if (diff = ! newopts.index(c))}
- if diff
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'vdelete',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- unless @trace_opts.empty?
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- end
- end
- else
- unless (@trace_opts - newopts).empty?
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'remove', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- unless @trace_opts.empty?
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('trace', 'add', 'variable',
- @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var ' << @id)
- end
- end
- end
- self
- end
- alias trace_delete_for_element trace_remove_for_element
- alias trace_vdelete_for_element trace_remove_for_element
-class TkVarAccess<TkVariable
- def self.new(name, *args)
- if name.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- name.value = args[0] unless args.empty?
- return name
- end
- name = name.to_s
- v = nil
- TkVar_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if v = TkVar_ID_TBL[name]
- v.value = args[0] unless args.empty?
- return v
- else
- (v = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @id = name
- TkVar_ID_TBL[@id] = self
- @var = @id
- }
- end
- }
- v.instance_eval{ initialize(name, *args) }
- v
- end
- def self.new_hash(name, *args)
- if name.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- unless name.is_hash?
- fail ArgumentError, "already exist as a scalar variable"
- end
- name.value = args[0] unless args.empty?
- return name
- end
- name = name.to_s
- v = nil
- TkVar_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if v = TkVar_ID_TBL[name]
- unless v.is_hash?
- fail ArgumentError, "already exist as a scalar variable"
- end
- v.value = args[0] unless args.empty?
- return v
- else
- (v = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @id = name
- TkVar_ID_TBL[@id] = self
- @var = @id
- }
- end
- }
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', name)
- if args.empty? && INTERP._invoke_without_enc('array', 'exist', name) == '0'
- v.instance_eval{ initialize(name, {}) } # force creating
- else
- v.instance_eval{ initialize(name, *args) }
- end
- v
- end
- def initialize(varname, val=nil)
- # @id = varname
- # TkVar_ID_TBL[@id] = self
- # @var = @id
- @elem = nil
- @def_default = false
- @default_val = nil
- @trace_var = nil
- @trace_elem = nil
- @trace_opts = nil
- @type = nil
- var = self
- @element_type = Hash.new{|k,v| var.default_value_type }
- # is an element?
- if @id =~ /^([^(]+)\((.+)\)$/
- # is an element --> var == $1, elem == $2
- @var = $1
- @elem = $2
- end
- # teach Tk-ip that @id is global var
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', @var)
- begin
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', @id)
- rescue => e
- if @id =~ /^(.+)\([^()]+\)$/
- # is an element --> varname == $1
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', $1)
- else
- fail e
- end
- end
- if val
- if val.kind_of?(Hash)
- # assoc-array variable
- self[''] = 0
- self.clear
- end
- #s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[\[\]$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"' #"
- #s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[\[\]$"\\]/, '\\\\\&') + '"' #"
- #INTERP._eval(Kernel.format('global %s; set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- #INTERP._set_global_var(@id, _toUTF8(_get_eval_string(val)))
- self.value = val
- end
- end
-module Tk
- begin
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', 'auto_path')
- auto_path = INTERP._invoke('set', 'auto_path')
- rescue => e
- begin
- INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', 'env')
- auto_path = INTERP._invoke('set', 'env(TCLLIBPATH)')
- rescue => e
- auto_path = Tk::LIBRARY
- end
- end
- AUTO_PATH = TkVarAccess.new('auto_path', auto_path)
- AUTO_OLDPATH = tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._invoke('set', 'auto_oldpath'))
- AUTO_OLDPATH.each{|s| s.freeze}
- TCL_PACKAGE_PATH = TkVarAccess.new('tcl_pkgPath')
- TCL_LIBRARY_PATH = TkVarAccess.new('tcl_libPath')
- TCL_PRECISION = TkVarAccess.new('tcl_precision')
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/virtevent.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/virtevent.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index de3c33da36..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/virtevent.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/virtevent.rb : treats virtual events
-# 1998/07/16 by Hidetoshi Nagai <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp>
-require 'tk'
-class TkVirtualEvent<TkObject
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['event'.freeze].freeze
- (TkVirtualEventID = ["VirtEvent".freeze, TkUtil.untrust("00000")]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkVirtualEventTBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TkVirtualEventTBL.mutex.synchronize{ TkVirtualEventTBL.clear }
- }
- class PreDefVirtEvent<self
- def self.new(event, *sequences)
- if event =~ /^<(<.*>)>$/
- event = $1
- elsif event !~ /^<.*>$/
- event = '<' + event + '>'
- end
- TkVirtualEvent::TkVirtualEventTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TkVirtualEvent::TkVirtualEventTBL.has_key?(event)
- TkVirtualEvent::TkVirtualEventTBL[event]
- else
- # super(event, *sequences)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(event, *sequences)
- TkVirtualEvent::TkVirtualEventTBL[@id] = self
- }
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(event, *sequences)
- @path = @id = event
- _add_sequences(sequences)
- end
- end
- def TkVirtualEvent.getobj(event)
- obj = nil
- TkVirtualEventTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- obj = TkVirtualEventTBL[event]
- }
- if obj
- obj
- else
- if tk_call_without_enc('event', 'info').index("<#{event}>")
- PreDefVirtEvent.new(event)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "undefined virtual event '<#{event}>'"
- end
- end
- end
- def TkVirtualEvent.info
- tk_call_without_enc('event', 'info').split(/\s+/).collect!{|seq|
- TkVirtualEvent.getobj(seq[1..-2])
- }
- end
- def initialize(*sequences)
- TkVirtualEventID.mutex.synchronize{
- # @path = @id = '<' + TkVirtualEventID.join('') + '>'
- @path = @id = '<' + TkVirtualEventID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_) + '>'
- TkVirtualEventID[1].succ!
- }
- _add_sequences(sequences)
- end
- def _add_sequences(seq_ary)
- unless seq_ary.empty?
- tk_call_without_enc('event', 'add', "<#{@id}>",
- *(seq_ary.collect{|seq|
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(seq)}>"
- }) )
- end
- self
- end
- private :_add_sequences
- def add(*sequences)
- if sequences != []
- _add_sequences(sequences)
- TkVirtualEventTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkVirtualEventTBL[@id] = self
- }
- end
- self
- end
- def delete(*sequences)
- if sequences.empty?
- tk_call_without_enc('event', 'delete', "<#{@id}>")
- TkVirtualEventTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkVirtualEventTBL.delete(@id)
- }
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('event', 'delete', "<#{@id}>",
- *(sequences.collect{|seq|
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(seq)}>"
- }) )
- if tk_call_without_enc('event','info',"<#{@id}>").empty?
- TkVirtualEventTBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkVirtualEventTBL.delete(@id)
- }
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def info
- tk_call_without_enc('event','info',"<#{@id}>").split(/\s+/).collect!{|seq|
- lst = seq.scan(/<*[^<>]+>*/).collect!{|subseq|
- case (subseq)
- when /^<<[^<>]+>>$/
- TkVirtualEvent.getobj(subseq[1..-2])
- when /^<[^<>]+>$/
- subseq[1..-2]
- else
- subseq.split('')
- end
- }.flatten
- (lst.size == 1) ? lst[0] : lst
- }
- end
-TkNamedVirtualEvent = TkVirtualEvent::PreDefVirtEvent
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/winfo.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/winfo.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 36f32e5952..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/winfo.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/winfo.rb : methods for winfo command
-module TkWinfo
-require 'tk'
-module TkWinfo
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['winfo'.freeze].freeze
- def TkWinfo.atom(name, win=nil)
- if win
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'atom', '-displayof', win,
- _get_eval_enc_str(name)))
- else
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'atom', _get_eval_enc_str(name)))
- end
- end
- def winfo_atom(name)
- TkWinfo.atom(name, self)
- end
- def TkWinfo.atomname(id, win=nil)
- if win
- _fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'atomname',
- '-displayof', win, id))
- else
- _fromUTF8(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'atomname', id))
- end
- end
- def winfo_atomname(id)
- TkWinfo.atomname(id, self)
- end
- def TkWinfo.cells(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'cells', win))
- end
- def winfo_cells
- TkWinfo.cells self
- end
- def TkWinfo.children(win)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'children', win))
- end
- def winfo_children
- TkWinfo.children self
- end
- def TkWinfo.classname(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'class', win)
- end
- def winfo_classname
- TkWinfo.classname self
- end
- alias winfo_class winfo_classname
- def TkWinfo.colormapfull(win)
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'colormapfull', win))
- end
- def winfo_colormapfull
- TkWinfo.colormapfull self
- end
- def TkWinfo.containing(rootX, rootY, win=nil)
- if win
- window(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'containing',
- '-displayof', win, rootX, rootY))
- else
- window(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'containing', rootX, rootY))
- end
- end
- def winfo_containing(x, y)
- TkWinfo.containing(x, y, self)
- end
- def TkWinfo.depth(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'depth', win))
- end
- def winfo_depth
- TkWinfo.depth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.exist?(win)
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'exists', win))
- end
- def winfo_exist?
- TkWinfo.exist? self
- end
- def TkWinfo.fpixels(win, dist)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'fpixels', win, dist))
- end
- def winfo_fpixels(dist)
- TkWinfo.fpixels self, dist
- end
- def TkWinfo.geometry(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'geometry', win)
- end
- def winfo_geometry
- TkWinfo.geometry self
- end
- def TkWinfo.height(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'height', win))
- end
- def winfo_height
- TkWinfo.height self
- end
- def TkWinfo.id(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'id', win)
- end
- def winfo_id
- TkWinfo.id self
- end
- def TkWinfo.interps(win=nil)
- if win
- #tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'interps',
- # '-displayof', win))
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'interps',
- '-displayof', win),
- false, true)
- else
- #tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'interps'))
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'interps'),
- false, true)
- end
- end
- def winfo_interps
- TkWinfo.interps self
- end
- def TkWinfo.mapped?(win)
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'ismapped', win))
- end
- def winfo_mapped?
- TkWinfo.mapped? self
- end
- def TkWinfo.manager(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'manager', win)
- end
- def winfo_manager
- TkWinfo.manager self
- end
- def TkWinfo.appname(win)
- tk_call('winfo', 'name', win)
- end
- def winfo_appname
- TkWinfo.appname self
- end
- def TkWinfo.parent(win)
- window(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'parent', win))
- end
- def winfo_parent
- TkWinfo.parent self
- end
- def TkWinfo.widget(id, win=nil)
- if win
- window(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'pathname', '-displayof', win, id))
- else
- window(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'pathname', id))
- end
- end
- def winfo_widget(id)
- TkWinfo.widget id, self
- end
- def TkWinfo.pixels(win, dist)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'pixels', win, dist))
- end
- def winfo_pixels(dist)
- TkWinfo.pixels self, dist
- end
- def TkWinfo.reqheight(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'reqheight', win))
- end
- def winfo_reqheight
- TkWinfo.reqheight self
- end
- def TkWinfo.reqwidth(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'reqwidth', win))
- end
- def winfo_reqwidth
- TkWinfo.reqwidth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.rgb(win, color)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'rgb', win, color))
- end
- def winfo_rgb(color)
- TkWinfo.rgb self, color
- end
- def TkWinfo.rootx(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'rootx', win))
- end
- def winfo_rootx
- TkWinfo.rootx self
- end
- def TkWinfo.rooty(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'rooty', win))
- end
- def winfo_rooty
- TkWinfo.rooty self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screen(win)
- tk_call('winfo', 'screen', win)
- end
- def winfo_screen
- TkWinfo.screen self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screencells(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'screencells', win))
- end
- def winfo_screencells
- TkWinfo.screencells self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screendepth(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'screendepth', win))
- end
- def winfo_screendepth
- TkWinfo.screendepth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screenheight (win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'screenheight', win))
- end
- def winfo_screenheight
- TkWinfo.screenheight self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screenmmheight(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'screenmmheight', win))
- end
- def winfo_screenmmheight
- TkWinfo.screenmmheight self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screenmmwidth(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'screenmmwidth', win))
- end
- def winfo_screenmmwidth
- TkWinfo.screenmmwidth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screenvisual(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'screenvisual', win)
- end
- def winfo_screenvisual
- TkWinfo.screenvisual self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screenwidth(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'screenwidth', win))
- end
- def winfo_screenwidth
- TkWinfo.screenwidth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.server(win)
- tk_call('winfo', 'server', win)
- end
- def winfo_server
- TkWinfo.server self
- end
- def TkWinfo.toplevel(win)
- window(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'toplevel', win))
- end
- def winfo_toplevel
- TkWinfo.toplevel self
- end
- def TkWinfo.visual(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'visual', win)
- end
- def winfo_visual
- TkWinfo.visual self
- end
- def TkWinfo.visualid(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'visualid', win)
- end
- def winfo_visualid
- TkWinfo.visualid self
- end
- def TkWinfo.visualsavailable(win, includeids=false)
- if includeids
- list(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'visualsavailable',
- win, "includeids"))
- else
- list(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'visualsavailable', win))
- end
- end
- def winfo_visualsavailable(includeids=false)
- TkWinfo.visualsavailable self, includeids
- end
- def TkWinfo.vrootheight(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'vrootheight', win))
- end
- def winfo_vrootheight
- TkWinfo.vrootheight self
- end
- def TkWinfo.vrootwidth(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'vrootwidth', win))
- end
- def winfo_vrootwidth
- TkWinfo.vrootwidth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.vrootx(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'vrootx', win))
- end
- def winfo_vrootx
- TkWinfo.vrootx self
- end
- def TkWinfo.vrooty(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'vrooty', win))
- end
- def winfo_vrooty
- TkWinfo.vrooty self
- end
- def TkWinfo.width(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'width', win))
- end
- def winfo_width
- TkWinfo.width self
- end
- def TkWinfo.x(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'x', win))
- end
- def winfo_x
- TkWinfo.x self
- end
- def TkWinfo.y(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'y', win))
- end
- def winfo_y
- TkWinfo.y self
- end
- def TkWinfo.viewable(win)
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'viewable', win))
- end
- def winfo_viewable
- TkWinfo.viewable self
- end
- def TkWinfo.pointerx(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'pointerx', win))
- end
- def winfo_pointerx
- TkWinfo.pointerx self
- end
- def TkWinfo.pointery(win)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'pointery', win))
- end
- def winfo_pointery
- TkWinfo.pointery self
- end
- def TkWinfo.pointerxy(win)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('winfo', 'pointerxy', win))
- end
- def winfo_pointerxy
- TkWinfo.pointerxy self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/winpkg.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/winpkg.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a8f724bef..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/winpkg.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/winpkg.rb : methods for Tcl/Tk packages for Microsoft Windows
-# 2000/11/22 by Hidetoshi Nagai <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp>
-# This is NOT TESTED. Because I have no test-environment.
-require 'tk'
-module Tk::WinDDE
-#TkWinDDE = Tk::WinDDE
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::WinDDE, :TkWinDDE)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/winpkg.rb', :Tk, Tk::WinDDE, :TkWinDDE)
-module Tk::WinDDE
- extend Tk
- extend Tk::WinDDE
- TkCommandNames = ['dde'.freeze].freeze
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'dde'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- if self.const_defined? :FORCE_VERSION
- tk_call_without_enc('package', 'require', 'dde', FORCE_VERSION)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('package', 'require', 'dde')
- end
- #def servername(topic=None)
- # tk_call('dde', 'servername', topic)
- #end
- def servername(*args)
- if args.size == 0
- tk_call('dde', 'servername')
- else
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash) # dde 1.2 +
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
- force = (keys.delete('force'))? '-force': None
- exact = (keys.delete('exact'))? '-exact': None
- if keys.size == 0
- tk_call('dde', 'servername', force, exact)
- elsif args.size == 0
- tk_call('dde', 'servername', force, exact, *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- tk_call('dde', 'servername', force, exact,
- *((hash_kv(keys) << '--') + args))
- end
- else
- tk_call('dde', 'servername', *args)
- end
- end
- end
- def execute(service, topic, data)
- tk_call('dde', 'execute', service, topic, data)
- end
- def async_execute(service, topic, data)
- tk_call('dde', '-async', 'execute', service, topic, data)
- end
- def poke(service, topic, item, data)
- tk_call('dde', 'poke', service, topic, item, data)
- end
- def request(service, topic, item)
- tk_call('dde', 'request', service, topic, item)
- end
- def binary_request(service, topic, item)
- tk_call('dde', 'request', '-binary', service, topic, item)
- end
- def services(service, topic)
- tk_call('dde', 'services', service, topic)
- end
- def eval(topic, cmd, *args)
- tk_call('dde', 'eval', topic, cmd, *args)
- end
- def async_eval(topic, cmd, *args)
- tk_call('dde', 'eval', -async, topic, cmd, *args)
- end
- module_function :servername, :execute, :async_execute,
- :poke, :request, :services, :eval
-module Tk::WinRegistry
-#TkWinRegistry = Tk::WinRegistry
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::WinRegistry, :TkWinRegistry)
-Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/winpkg.rb', :Tk, Tk::WinRegistry,
- :TkWinRegistry)
-module Tk::WinRegistry
- extend Tk
- extend Tk::WinRegistry
- TkCommandNames = ['registry'.freeze].freeze
- if self.const_defined? :FORCE_VERSION
- tk_call('package', 'require', 'registry', FORCE_VERSION)
- else
- tk_call('package', 'require', 'registry')
- end
- def broadcast(keynam, timeout=nil)
- if timeout
- tk_call('registry', 'broadcast', keynam, '-timeout', timeout)
- else
- tk_call('registry', 'broadcast', keynam)
- end
- end
- def delete(keynam, valnam=None)
- tk_call('registry', 'delete', keynam, valnam)
- end
- def get(keynam, valnam)
- tk_call('registry', 'get', keynam, valnam)
- end
- def keys(keynam, pattern=nil)
- lst = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('registry', 'keys', keynam))
- if pattern
- lst.find_all{|key| key =~ pattern}
- else
- lst
- end
- end
- def set(keynam, valnam=None, data=None, dattype=None)
- tk_call('registry', 'set', keynam, valnam, data, dattype)
- end
- def type(keynam, valnam)
- tk_call('registry', 'type', keynam, valnam)
- end
- def values(keynam, pattern=nil)
- lst = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('registry', 'values', keynam))
- if pattern
- lst.find_all{|val| val =~ pattern}
- else
- lst
- end
- end
- module_function :delete, :get, :keys, :set, :type, :values
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aa67e37b6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/wm.rb : methods for wm command
-require 'tk'
-module Tk
- module Wm
- #include TkComm
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['wm'.freeze].freeze
- def Wm.aspect(win, *args)
- if args.length == 0
- list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'aspect', win.epath))
- else
- args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call('wm', 'aspect', win.epath, *args)
- win
- end
- end
- def aspect(*args)
- Wm.aspect(self, *args)
- end
- alias wm_aspect aspect
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['aspect'] = 'aspect'
- def Wm.attributes(win, slot=nil,value=TkComm::None)
- if slot == nil
- lst = tk_split_list(tk_call('wm', 'attributes', win.epath))
- info = {}
- while key = lst.shift
- info[key[1..-1]] = lst.shift
- end
- info
- elsif slot.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call('wm', 'attributes', win.epath, *hash_kv(slot))
- win
- elsif value == TkComm::None
- tk_call('wm', 'attributes', win.epath, "-#{slot}")
- else
- tk_call('wm', 'attributes', win.epath, "-#{slot}", value)
- win
- end
- end
- def attributes(slot=nil,value=TkComm::None)
- Wm.attributes(self, slot, value)
- end
- alias wm_attributes attributes
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['attributes'] = 'attributes'
- def Wm.client(win, name=TkComm::None)
- if name == TkComm::None
- tk_call('wm', 'client', win.epath)
- else
- name = '' if name == nil
- tk_call('wm', 'client', win.epath, name)
- win
- end
- end
- def client(name=TkComm::None)
- Wm.client(self, name)
- end
- alias wm_client client
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['client'] = 'client'
- def Wm.colormapwindows(win, *args)
- if args.size == 0
- list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'colormapwindows', win.epath))
- else
- args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'colormapwindows', win.epath, *args)
- win
- end
- end
- def colormapwindows(*args)
- Wm.colormapwindows(self, *args)
- end
- alias wm_colormapwindows colormapwindows
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['colormapwindows'] = 'colormapwindows'
- def Wm.command(win, value=nil)
- if value
- tk_call('wm', 'command', win.epath, value)
- win
- else
- #procedure(tk_call('wm', 'command', win.epath))
- tk_call('wm', 'command', win.epath)
- end
- end
- def wm_command(value=nil)
- Wm.command(self, value)
- end
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['wm_command'] = 'wm_command'
- def Wm.deiconify(win, ex = true)
- if ex
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'deiconify', win.epath)
- else
- Wm.iconify(win)
- end
- win
- end
- def deiconify(ex = true)
- Wm.deiconify(self, ex)
- end
- alias wm_deiconify deiconify
- def Wm.focusmodel(win, mode = nil)
- if mode
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'focusmodel', win.epath, mode)
- win
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'focusmodel', win.epath)
- end
- end
- def focusmodel(mode = nil)
- Wm.focusmodel(self, mode)
- end
- alias wm_focusmodel focusmodel
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['focusmodel'] = 'focusmodel'
- def Wm.forget(win)
- # Tcl/Tk 8.5+
- # work with dockable frames
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'forget', win.epath)
- win
- end
- def wm_forget
- Wm.forget(self)
- end
- def Wm.frame(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'frame', win.epath)
- end
- def frame
- Wm.frame(self)
- end
- alias wm_frame frame
- def Wm.geometry(win, geom=nil)
- if geom
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'geometry', win.epath, geom)
- win
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'geometry', win.epath)
- end
- end
- def geometry(geom=nil)
- Wm.geometry(self, geom)
- end
- alias wm_geometry geometry
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['geometry'] = 'geometry'
- def Wm.grid(win, *args)
- if args.size == 0
- list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'grid', win.epath))
- else
- args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'grid', win.epath, *args)
- win
- end
- end
- def wm_grid(*args)
- Wm.grid(self, *args)
- end
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['wm_grid'] = 'wm_grid'
- def Wm.group(win, leader = nil)
- if leader
- tk_call('wm', 'group', win.epath, leader)
- win
- else
- window(tk_call('wm', 'group', win.epath))
- end
- end
- def group(leader = nil)
- Wm.group(self, leader)
- end
- alias wm_group group
- def Wm.iconbitmap(win, bmp=nil)
- if bmp
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconbitmap', win.epath, bmp)
- win
- else
- image_obj(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconbitmap', win.epath))
- end
- end
- def iconbitmap(bmp=nil)
- Wm.iconbitmap(self, bmp)
- end
- alias wm_iconbitmap iconbitmap
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['iconbitmap'] = 'iconbitmap'
- def Wm.iconphoto(win, *imgs)
- if imgs.empty?
- win.instance_eval{
- @wm_iconphoto = nil unless defined? @wm_iconphoto
- return @wm_iconphoto
- }
- end
- imgs = imgs[0] if imgs.length == 1 && imgs[0].kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconphoto', win.epath, *imgs)
- win.instance_eval{ @wm_iconphoto = imgs }
- win
- end
- def iconphoto(*imgs)
- Wm.iconphoto(self, *imgs)
- end
- alias wm_iconphoto iconphoto
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['iconphoto'] = 'iconphoto'
- def Wm.iconphoto_default(win, *imgs)
- imgs = imgs[0] if imgs.length == 1 && imgs[0].kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconphoto', win.epath, '-default', *imgs)
- win
- end
- def iconphoto_default(*imgs)
- Wm.iconphoto_default(self, *imgs)
- end
- alias wm_iconphoto_default iconphoto_default
- def Wm.iconify(win, ex = true)
- if ex
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconify', win.epath)
- else
- Wm.deiconify(win)
- end
- win
- end
- def iconify(ex = true)
- Wm.iconify(self, ex)
- end
- alias wm_iconify iconify
- def Wm.iconmask(win, bmp=nil)
- if bmp
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconmask', win.epath, bmp)
- win
- else
- image_obj(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconmask', win.epath))
- end
- end
- def iconmask(bmp=nil)
- Wm.iconmask(self, bmp)
- end
- alias wm_iconmask iconmask
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['iconmask'] = 'iconmask'
- def Wm.iconname(win, name=nil)
- if name
- tk_call('wm', 'iconname', win.epath, name)
- win
- else
- tk_call('wm', 'iconname', win.epath)
- end
- end
- def iconname(name=nil)
- Wm.iconname(self, name)
- end
- alias wm_iconname iconname
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['iconname'] = 'iconname'
- def Wm.iconposition(win, *args)
- if args.size == 0
- list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconposition', win.epath))
- else
- args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconposition', win.epath, *args)
- win
- end
- end
- def iconposition(*args)
- Wm.iconposition(self, *args)
- end
- alias wm_iconposition iconposition
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['iconposition'] = 'iconposition'
- def Wm.iconwindow(win, iconwin = nil)
- if iconwin
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconwindow', win.epath, iconwin)
- win
- else
- w = tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconwindow', win.epath)
- (w == '')? nil: window(w)
- end
- end
- def iconwindow(iconwin = nil)
- Wm.iconwindow(self, iconwin)
- end
- alias wm_iconwindow iconwindow
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['iconwindow'] = 'iconwindow'
- def Wm.manage(win)
- # Tcl/Tk 8.5+ feature
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'manage', win.epath)
- win
- end
- def wm_manage
- Wm.manage(self)
- end
- def Wm.manage(win, use_id = nil)
- # Tcl/Tk 8.5+ feature
- # --------------------------------------------------------------
- # In the future release, I want to support to embed the 'win'
- # into the container which has window-id 'use-id'.
- # It may give users flexibility on controlling their GUI.
- # However, it may be difficult for current Tcl/Tk (Tcl/Tk8.5.1),
- # because it seems to require to modify Tcl/Tk's source code.
- # --------------------------------------------------------------
- if use_id
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'manage', win.epath, '-use', use_id)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'manage', win.epath)
- end
- win
- end
- def Wm.maxsize(win, *args)
- if args.size == 0
- list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'maxsize', win.epath))
- else
- args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'maxsize', win.epath, *args)
- win
- end
- end
- def maxsize(*args)
- Wm.maxsize(self, *args)
- end
- alias wm_maxsize maxsize
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['maxsize'] = 'maxsize'
- def Wm.minsize(win, *args)
- if args.size == 0
- list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'minsize', win.epath))
- else
- args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'minsize', win.path, *args)
- win
- end
- end
- def minsize(*args)
- Wm.minsize(self, *args)
- end
- alias wm_minsize minsize
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['minsize'] = 'minsize'
- def Wm.overrideredirect(win, mode=TkComm::None)
- if mode == TkComm::None
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'overrideredirect', win.epath))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'overrideredirect', win.epath, mode)
- win
- end
- end
- def overrideredirect(mode=TkComm::None)
- Wm.overrideredirect(self, mode)
- end
- alias wm_overrideredirect overrideredirect
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['overrideredirect'] = 'overrideredirect'
- def Wm.positionfrom(win, who=TkComm::None)
- if who == TkComm::None
- r = tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'positionfrom', win.epath)
- (r == "")? nil: r
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'positionfrom', win.epath, who)
- win
- end
- end
- def positionfrom(who=TkComm::None)
- Wm.positionfrom(self, who)
- end
- alias wm_positionfrom positionfrom
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['positionfrom'] = 'positionfrom'
- def Wm.protocol(win, name=nil, cmd=nil, &b)
- if cmd
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'protocol', win.epath, name, cmd)
- win
- elsif b
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'protocol', win.epath, name, proc(&b))
- win
- elsif name
- result = tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'protocol', win.epath, name)
- (result == "")? nil : tk_tcl2ruby(result)
- else
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'protocol', win.epath))
- end
- end
- def protocol(name=nil, cmd=nil, &b)
- Wm.protocol(self, name, cmd, &b)
- end
- alias wm_protocol protocol
- def Wm.protocols(win, kv=nil)
- unless kv
- ret = {}
- Wm.protocol(win).each{|name|
- ret[name] = Wm.protocol(win, name)
- }
- return ret
- end
- unless kv.kind_of?(Hash)
- fail ArgumentError, 'expect a hash of protocol=>command'
- end
- kv.each{|k, v| Wm.protocol(win, k, v)}
- win
- end
- def protocols(kv=nil)
- Wm.protocols(self, kv)
- end
- alias wm_protocols protocols
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['protocols'] = 'protocols'
- def Wm.resizable(win, *args)
- if args.length == 0
- list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'resizable', win.epath)).map!{|e| bool(e)}
- else
- args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'resizable', win.epath, *args)
- win
- end
- end
- def resizable(*args)
- Wm.resizable(self, *args)
- end
- alias wm_resizable resizable
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['resizable'] = 'resizable'
- def Wm.sizefrom(win, who=TkComm::None)
- if who == TkComm::None
- r = tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'sizefrom', win.epath)
- (r == "")? nil: r
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'sizefrom', win.epath, who)
- win
- end
- end
- def sizefrom(who=TkComm::None)
- Wm.sizefrom(self, who)
- end
- alias wm_sizefrom sizefrom
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['sizefrom'] = 'sizefrom'
- def Wm.stackorder(win)
- list(tk_call('wm', 'stackorder', win.epath))
- end
- def stackorder
- Wm.stackorder(self)
- end
- alias wm_stackorder stackorder
- def Wm.stackorder_isabove(win, target)
- bool(tk_call('wm', 'stackorder', win.epath, 'isabove', target))
- end
- def Wm.stackorder_is_above(win, target)
- Wm.stackorder_isabove(win, target)
- end
- def stackorder_isabove(target)
- Wm.stackorder_isabove(self, target)
- end
- alias stackorder_is_above stackorder_isabove
- alias wm_stackorder_isabove stackorder_isabove
- alias wm_stackorder_is_above stackorder_isabove
- def Wm.stackorder_isbelow(win, target)
- bool(tk_call('wm', 'stackorder', win.epath, 'isbelow', target))
- end
- def Wm.stackorder_is_below(win, target)
- Wm.stackorder_isbelow(win, target)
- end
- def stackorder_isbelow(target)
- Wm.stackorder_isbelow(self, target)
- end
- alias stackorder_is_below stackorder_isbelow
- alias wm_stackorder_isbelow stackorder_isbelow
- alias wm_stackorder_is_below stackorder_isbelow
- def Wm.state(win, st=nil)
- if st
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'state', win.epath, st)
- win
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'state', win.epath)
- end
- end
- def state(st=nil)
- Wm.state(self, st)
- end
- alias wm_state state
- def Wm.title(win, str=nil)
- if str
- tk_call('wm', 'title', win.epath, str)
- win
- else
- tk_call('wm', 'title', win.epath)
- end
- end
- def title(str=nil)
- Wm.title(self, str)
- end
- alias wm_title title
- def Wm.transient(win, master=nil)
- if master
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'transient', win.epath, master)
- win
- else
- window(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'transient', win.epath))
- end
- end
- def transient(master=nil)
- Wm.transient(self, master)
- end
- alias wm_transient transient
- TOPLEVEL_METHODCALL_OPTKEYS['transient'] = 'transient'
- def Wm.withdraw(win, ex = true)
- if ex
- tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'withdraw', win.epath)
- else
- Wm.deiconify(win)
- end
- win
- end
- def withdraw(ex = true)
- Wm.withdraw(self, ex)
- end
- alias wm_withdraw withdraw
- end
- module Wm_for_General
- Wm.instance_methods.each{|m|
- if (m = m.to_s) =~ /^wm_(.*)$/
- eval "def #{m}(*args, &b); Tk::Wm.#{$1}(self, *args, &b); end"
- end
- }
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/xim.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/xim.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 08c7d0c0b7..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk/xim.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tk/xim.rb : control input_method
-require 'tk'
-module TkXIM
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['imconfigure'.freeze].freeze
- def TkXIM.useinputmethods(value = None, win = nil)
- if value == None
- if win
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'useinputmethods',
- '-displayof', win))
- else
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'useinputmethods'))
- end
- else
- if win
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'useinputmethods',
- '-displayof', win, value))
- else
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'useinputmethods', value))
- end
- end
- end
- def TkXIM.useinputmethods_displayof(win, value = None)
- TkXIM.useinputmethods(value, win)
- end
- def TkXIM.caret(win, keys=nil)
- if keys
- tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'caret', win, *hash_kv(keys))
- self
- else
- lst = tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('tk', 'caret', win))
- info = {}
- while key = lst.shift
- info[key[1..-1]] = lst.shift
- end
- info
- end
- end
- def TkXIM.configure(win, slot, value=None)
- begin
- if /^8\.*/ === Tk::TK_VERSION && JAPANIZED_TK
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call('imconfigure', win, *hash_kv(slot))
- else
- tk_call('imconfigure', win, "-#{slot}", value)
- end
- end
- rescue
- end
- end
- def TkXIM.configinfo(win, slot=nil)
- begin
- if /^8\.*/ === Tk::TK_VERSION && JAPANIZED_TK
- if slot
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call('imconfigure', win, "-#{slot}"))
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_call('imconfigure', win)).collect{|conf|
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- }
- end
- else
- []
- end
- rescue
- []
- end
- TkXIM.current_configinfo(win, slot)
- end
- end
- def TkXIM.current_configinfo(win, slot=nil)
- begin
- if /^8\.*/ === Tk::TK_VERSION && JAPANIZED_TK
- if slot
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call('imconfigure', win, "-#{slot}"))
- { conf[0][1..-1] => conf[1] }
- else
- ret = {}
- tk_split_list(tk_call('imconfigure', win)).each{|conf|
- ret[conf[0][1..-1]] = conf[1]
- }
- ret
- end
- else
- {}
- end
- rescue
- {}
- end
- end
- def useinputmethods(value=None)
- TkXIM.useinputmethods(value, self)
- end
- def caret(keys=nil)
- TkXIM.caret(self, keys=nil)
- end
- def imconfigure(slot, value=None)
- TkXIM.configure(self, slot, value)
- end
- def imconfiginfo(slot=nil)
- TkXIM.configinfo(self, slot)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ce5049d4a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkafter.rb - load tk/after.rb
-require 'tk/timer'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkbgerror.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkbgerror.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 875f3fef2f..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkbgerror.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkbgerror.rb - load tk/bgerror.rb
-require 'tk/bgerror'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d4d0afac9e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkcanvas.rb - load tk/canvas.rb
-require 'tk/canvas'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkclass.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkclass.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 947cbf3a4a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkclass.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkclass.rb - Tk classes
-# Date: 2000/11/27 09:23:36
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@caelum.co.jp>
-# $Id$
-require "tk"
-TopLevel = TkToplevel
-Frame = TkFrame
-Label = TkLabel
-Button = TkButton
-Radiobutton = TkRadioButton
-Checkbutton = TkCheckButton
-Message = TkMessage
-Entry = TkEntry
-Spinbox = TkSpinbox
-Text = TkText
-Scale = TkScale
-Scrollbar = TkScrollbar
-Listbox = TkListbox
-Menu = TkMenu
-Menubutton = TkMenubutton
-Canvas = TkCanvas
-Arc = TkcArc
-Bitmap = TkcBitmap
-Line = TkcLine
-Oval = TkcOval
-Polygon = TkcPolygon
-Rectangle = TkcRectangle
-TextItem = TkcText
-WindowItem = TkcWindow
-BitmapImage = TkBitmapImage
-PhotoImage = TkPhotoImage
-Selection = TkSelection
-Winfo = TkWinfo
-Pack = TkPack
-Grid = TkGrid
-Place = TkPlace
-Variable = TkVariable
-Font = TkFont
-VirtualEvent = TkVirtualEvent
-def Mainloop
- Tk.mainloop
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkconsole.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkconsole.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f4e8669c11..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkconsole.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkconsole.rb - load tk/console.rb
-require 'tk/console'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a24e2a37a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkdialog.rb - load tk/dialog.rb
-require 'tk/dialog'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ae2f7c8fe..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkentry.rb - load tk/entry.rb
-require 'tk/entry'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/ICONS.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/ICONS.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 10402c1292..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/ICONS.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ICONS support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/ICONS/setup.rb'
-# load library
-require 'tkextlib/ICONS/icons'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/ICONS/icons.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/ICONS/icons.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2934757b6d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/ICONS/icons.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/ICONS/icons.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/ICONS/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('icons', '1.0')
-module Tk
- class ICONS < TkImage
- extend Tk
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'icons'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('icons')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- def self.create(*args) # icon, icon, ..., ?option=>value, ...?
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.pop
- icons = simplelist(tk_call('::icons::icons', 'create',
- *(hash_kv(keys) << (args.flatten))))
- else
- icons = simplelist(tk_call('::icons::icons', 'create',
- args.flatten))
- end
- icons.collect{|icon| self.new(icon, :without_creating=>true)}
- end
- def self.delete(*icons) # icon, icon, ...
- icons = icons.flatten
- return if icons.empty?
- icons.map!{|icon|
- if icon.kind_of?(Tk::ICONS)
- Tk_IMGTBL.delete(icon.path)
- icon.name
- elsif icon.to_s =~ /^::icon::(.*)/
- name = $1
- Tk_IMGTBL.delete(icon)
- name
- else
- Tk_IMGTBL.delete("::icon::#{icon}")
- icon
- end
- }
- tk_call('::icons::icons', 'delete', icons)
- end
- def self.query(*args) # icon, icon, ..., ?option=>value, ...?
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.pop
- simplelist(tk_call('::icons::icons', 'query',
- *(hash_kv(keys) << (args.flatten))))
- else
- simplelist(tk_call('::icons::icons', 'query', args.flatten))
- end . map{|inf| list(inf) }
- end
- ##########################################
- class << self
- alias _new new
- def new(name, keys=nil)
- if obj = Tk_IMGTBL["::icon::#{name}"]
- if keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- unless keys.delete('without_creating')
- tk_call('::icons::icons', 'create', *(hash_kv(keys) << obj.name))
- end
- end
- else
- obj = _new(name, keys)
- end
- obj
- end
- end
- ##########################################
- def initialize(name, keys=nil)
- if name.kind_of?(String) && name =~ /^::icon::(.+)$/
- @name = $1
- @path = name
- else
- @name = name.to_s
- @path = "::icon::#{@name}"
- end
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- unless keys.delete('without_creating')
- tk_call('::icons::icons', 'create', *(hash_kv(keys) << @name))
- end
- Tk_IMGTBL[@path] = self
- end
- def name
- @name
- end
- def delete
- Tk_IMGTBL.delete(@path)
- tk_call('::icons::icons', 'delete', @name)
- self
- end
- def query(keys={})
- list(simplelist(tk_call('::icons::icons', 'query',
- *(hash_kv(keys) << @name))
- )[0])
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/ICONS/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/ICONS/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/ICONS/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/SUPPORT_STATUS b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/SUPPORT_STATUS
deleted file mode 100644
index 6af915360d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/SUPPORT_STATUS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
- [ current support status of Tcl/Tk extensions ]
- *** RELEASE_DATE of the libraries => see 'tkextlib/version.rb' ***
-The following list shows *CURRENT* status when this file was last modified.
-If you want to add other Tcl/Tk extensions to the planned list (or change
-their status position), please send a request to the ruby-talk,
-ruby-list, or ruby-dev ML. Although we cannot promise to support your
-requests, we'll try to do it.
-If you want to check that wrapper libraries are ready to use on your
-environment, please execute 'pkg_checker.rb' with no arguments. The
-script may give you some hints about that.
- ***** IMPORTANT NOTE **********************************************
- 'support' means that Ruby/Tk's wrapper libraries are released.
- 'not support' does *NOT* mean that the extension doesn't work
- on Ruby/Tk.
- The version number of each extension means the latest version
- which is checked its feature. That is, it does NOT means only
- version of working. Library files maybe include some features
- which is included in the former version but removed from the
- latest, and maybe able to support the later version then the
- shown version.
- Even if the status of the extension is 'not support', you can
- control the functions/widgets of the extension without wrapper
- libraries by Tk.tk_call(), Tk.ip_eval(), and so on.
- If you cannot use installed Tcl/Tk extension, please check the
- followings.
- (1) On your Tcl/Tk, does the extension work?
- (2) Do DLL libraries of the extension exist on DLL load-path?
- (See also "<ruby archive>/ext/tcltklib/README.ActiveTcl")
- (3) Is the Tcl library directory of the extension included in
- library search-path of the Tcl interpreter linked Ruby/Tk?
- The check results may request you to do some setup operations
- before using the extension. If so, then please write the step
- of setup operations into the "setup.rb" file in the directory
- of the wrapper libraries for the extension (It is the wrapper
- libraries have the standard structure of the libraries in this
- directory). The "setup" file is required before requiring the
- Tcl library package (TkPackage.require(<libname>)).
- *******************************************************************
-===< support with some examples (may be beta quality) >=======================
-Tcllib 1.11.1
-Tklib 0.5 http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib ==> tcllib
- ( partial support; primary support target is Tklib)
-IWidgets 4.0.2 http://sourceforge.net/projects/incrtcl ==> iwidgets
-BWidget 1.8 [ CVS/Hd(2009-07-02) ]
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib ==> bwidget
-TkTable 2.10 http://sourceforge.net/projects/tktable ==> tktable
- * see also <http://www.korus.hu/~fery/ruby/tktable.rb>
- written by Ferenc Engard (ferenc@engard.hu)
-Vu widgets 2.3.0 http://sourceforge.net/projects/tktable ==> vu
-TkHTML 2.0 http://www.hwaci.com/sw/tkhtml/ ==> tkHTML
-ICONS 1.0 http://www.satisoft.com/tcltk/icons/ ==> ICONS
-TkImg 1.3 http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkimg ==> tkimg
-BLT 2.4z http://sourceforge.net/projects/blt ==> blt
-TkTreeCtrl 2.2.9
- http://tktreectrl.sourceforge.net/ ==> treectrl
-Tile 0.8.3/8.6b1
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/tktable ==> tile
-===< support (may be alpha or beta quality) >=================================
-IncrTcl CVS/Hd(2008-12-15)
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/incrtcl ==> itcl, itk
-TclX CVS/Hd(2008-12-15)
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclx
- ==> tclx (partial support; infox command and
- XPG/3 message catalogs only)
-Trofs 0.4.4 http://math.nist.gov/~DPorter/tcltk/trofs/
-===< possibly available (not tested; alpha quality) >=========================
-winico 0.6
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/tktable
- ==> winico (win32 only)
-TkTrans latest(2004-10-11)
- http://www2.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~fuzz/tktrans/default.html
- ==> tktrans (win32 only)
-TkDND 1.0a2 http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkdnd ==> tkDND
-===< plan to support (alpha quality libraries may be included) >==============
-GraphViz *** http://www.graphviz.org/
-Tkgeomap *** http://tkgeomap.sourceforge.net/index.html
-===< not determined to supprt or not >========================================
-Tix *** http://tixlibrary.sourceforge.net/
-TkZinc *** http://www.tkzinc.org/
-Wbc *** http://home.t-online.de/home/csaba.nemethi/
-Mentry *** http://home.t-online.de/home/csaba.nemethi/
-Tablelist *** http://home.t-online.de/home/csaba.nemethi/
-ANIGIF *** http://cardtable.sourceforge.net/tcltk/
-IMG_ROTATE *** http://cardtable.sourceforge.net/tcltk/
-TclVfs *** http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclvfs/
-vfwtcl *** http://sourceforge.net/projects/avicaptcl
- * Win32 only
-multicast *** http://sourceforge.net/projects/avicaptcl
- * Win32 only
-XBit *** http://www.geocities.com/~chengye/
- * current implementation is for Windows only
-QuickTimeTcl *** http://hem.fyristorg.com/matben/qt/
- * works under Mac OS (8,9,X) or Windows
-===< may not support (already exist, out of Ruby/Tk scope, and so on) >=======
-TkCon *** http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkcon
-Expect *** http://sourceforge.net/projects/expect
-TclXML *** http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclxml
-TclXSLT *** http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclxml
-TclDOM *** http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclxml
-TclSOAP *** http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclsoap
-Snack *** http://www.speech.kth.se/~kare/snack2.2.tar.gz
- * use Snack for Ruby
- (see http://rbsnack.sourceforge.net/)
-Tcom *** http://www.vex.net/~cthuang/tcom/
-tDOM *** http://www.tdom.org
-Mk4tcl *** http://www.equi4.com/metakit/tcl.html
-Memchan *** http://sourceforge.net/projects/memchan
-XOTcl *** http://www.xotcl.org/
-===< tool (may not supprt) >==================================================
- *** http://www.tcl.tk/software/tclpro/
-(End of List)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 665e41226f..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# BLT support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/variable'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/blt/setup.rb'
-# load all image format handlers
-#TkPackage.require('BLT', '2.4')
-module Tk
- module BLT
- TkComm::TkExtlibAutoloadModule.unshift(self)
- # Require autoload-symbols which is a same name as widget classname.
- # Those are used at TkComm._genobj_for_tkwidget method.
- extend TkCore
- VERSION = tk_call('set', 'blt_version')
- PATCH_LEVEL = tk_call('set', 'blt_patchLevel')
- begin
- lib = TkCore::INTERP._invoke('set', 'blt_library')
- rescue
- lib = ''
- end
- LIBRARY = TkVarAccess.new('blt_library', lib)
- begin
- lib = TkCore::INTERP._invoke('set', 'blt_libPath')
- rescue
- lib = ''
- end
- LIB_PATH = TkVarAccess.new('blt_libPath', lib)
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'BLT'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('BLT')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- ####################################################
- def self.beep(percent = 50)
- tk_call('::blt::beep', percent)
- end
- def self.bgexec(*args)
- if args[0].kind_of?(TkVariable)
- var = args.shift
- else
- var = TkVariable.new
- end
- params = [var]
- params.concat(hash_kv(args.shift, true)) if args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- params << '--' if args[0] =~ /^\s*-[^-]/
- params.concat(args)
- tk_call('::blt::bgexec', *params)
- var
- end
- def self.detach_bgexec(*args)
- if args[0].kind_of?(TkVariable)
- var = args.shift
- else
- var = TkVariable.new
- end
- params = [var]
- params.concat(hash_kv(args.shift, true)) if args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- params << '--' if args[0] =~ /^\s*-[^-]/
- params.concat(args)
- params << '&'
- [var, tk_split_list(tk_call('::blt::bgexec', *params))]
- end
- def self.bltdebug(lvl = nil)
- if lvl
- tk_call('::blt::bltdebug', lvl)
- else
- number(tk_call('::blt::bltdebug'))
- end
- end
- def self.crc32_file(name)
- tk_call_without_enc('::blt::crc32', name)
- end
- def self.crc32_data(dat)
- tk_call_without_enc('::blt::crc32', '-data', dat)
- end
- ####################################################
- def self.active_legend(graph)
- tk_call_without_enc('Blt_ActiveLegend', graph)
- end
- def self.crosshairs(graph)
- tk_call_without_enc('Blt_Crosshairs', graph)
- end
- def self.zoom_stack(graph)
- tk_call_without_enc('Blt_ZoomStack', graph)
- end
- def self.print_key(graph)
- tk_call_without_enc('Blt_PrintKey', graph)
- end
- def self.closest_point(graph)
- tk_call_without_enc('Blt_ClosestPoint', graph)
- end
- module GraphCommand
- def active_legend
- tk_call_without_enc('Blt_ActiveLegend', @path)
- self
- end
- def crosshairs
- tk_call_without_enc('Blt_Crosshairs', @path)
- self
- end
- def zoom_stack
- tk_call_without_enc('Blt_ZoomStack', @path)
- self
- end
- def print_key
- tk_call_without_enc('Blt_PrintKey', @path)
- self
- end
- def closest_point
- tk_call_without_enc('Blt_ClosestPoint', @path)
- self
- end
- end
- ####################################################
- autoload :PlotComponent,'tkextlib/blt/component.rb'
- autoload :Barchart, 'tkextlib/blt/barchart.rb'
- autoload :Bitmap, 'tkextlib/blt/bitmap.rb'
- autoload :Busy, 'tkextlib/blt/busy.rb'
- autoload :Container, 'tkextlib/blt/container.rb'
- autoload :CutBuffer, 'tkextlib/blt/cutbuffer.rb'
- autoload :DragDrop, 'tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb'
- autoload :EPS, 'tkextlib/blt/eps.rb'
- autoload :Htext, 'tkextlib/blt/htext.rb'
- autoload :Graph, 'tkextlib/blt/graph.rb'
- autoload :Spline, 'tkextlib/blt/spline.rb'
- autoload :Stripchart, 'tkextlib/blt/stripchart.rb'
- autoload :Table, 'tkextlib/blt/table.rb'
- autoload :Tabnotebook, 'tkextlib/blt/tabnotebook.rb'
- autoload :Tabset, 'tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb'
- autoload :Ted, 'tkextlib/blt/ted.rb'
- autoload :Tile, 'tkextlib/blt/tile.rb'
- autoload :Tree, 'tkextlib/blt/tree.rb'
- autoload :TreeView, 'tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb'
- autoload :Hiertable, 'tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb'
- # Hierbox is obsolete
- autoload :Vector, 'tkextlib/blt/vector.rb'
- autoload :VectorAccess, 'tkextlib/blt/vector.rb'
- autoload :Watch, 'tkextlib/blt/watch.rb'
- autoload :Winop, 'tkextlib/blt/winop.rb'
- autoload :WinOp, 'tkextlib/blt/winop.rb'
- # Unix only
- autoload :DnD, 'tkextlib/blt/unix_dnd.rb'
- # Windows only
- autoload :Printer, 'tkextlib/blt/win_printer.rb'
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/barchart.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/barchart.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b6f09ead3..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/barchart.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/barchart.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/blt/component.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Barchart < TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::barchart'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Barchart'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- include PlotComponent
- include GraphCommand
- def __boolval_optkeys
- ['bufferelements', 'buffergraph', 'invertxy']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- ['text', 'label', 'title', 'file',
- 'background', 'plotbackground']
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'colormap' << 'fontmap'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- BarElement_ID = ['blt_barchart_bar'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')].freeze
- def bar(elem=nil, keys={})
- if elem.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = elem
- elem = nil
- end
- unless elem
- elem = BarElement_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- BarElement_ID[1].succ!
- end
- tk_send('bar', elem, keys)
- Element.new(self, elem, :without_creating=>true)
- end
- def extents(item)
- num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('extents', item))
- end
- def invtransform(x, y)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('invtransform', x, y))
- end
- def inside(x, y)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('inside', x, y))
- end
- def metafile(file=None)
- # Windows only
- tk_send('metafile', file)
- self
- end
- def snap(output, keys={})
- tk_send_without_enc('snap', *(hash_kv(keys, false) + output))
- self
- end
- def transform(x, y)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('transform', x, y))
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/bitmap.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/bitmap.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b9f411044e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/bitmap.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/bitmap.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Bitmap < TkObject
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::bitmap'.freeze].freeze
- BITMAP_ID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (BITMAP_ID = ['blt_bitmap_id'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- BITMAP_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ BITMAP_ID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.data(name)
- dat = tk_simple_list(tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'data', name))
- [ tk_split_list(dat[0]), tk_simple_list(dat[1]) ]
- end
- def self.exist?(name)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'exists', name))
- end
- def self.height(name)
- number(tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'height', name))
- end
- def self.width(name)
- number(tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'width', name))
- end
- def self.source(name)
- tk_simple_list(tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'source', name))
- end
- #################################
- class << self
- alias _new new
- def new(data, keys={})
- _new(:data, nil, data, keys)
- end
- alias define new
- def new_with_name(name, data, keys={})
- _new(:data, name, data, keys)
- end
- alias define_with_name new_with_name
- def compose(text, keys={})
- _new(:text, nil, text, keys)
- end
- def compose_with_name(name, text, keys={})
- _new(:text, name, text, keys)
- end
- end
- def initialize(type, name, data, keys = {})
- if name
- @id = name
- else
- BITMAP_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @id = BITMAP_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- BITMAP_ID[1].succ!
- }
- BITMAP_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- BITMAP_ID_TBL[@id] = self
- }
- end
- @path = @id
- unless bool(tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'exists', @id))
- if type == :text
- tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'compose', @id, data, *hash_kv(keys))
- else # :data
- tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'define', @id, data, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- end
- end
- def exist?
- bool(tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'exists', @id))
- end
- def height
- number(tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'height', @id))
- end
- def width
- number(tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'width', @id))
- end
- def source
- tk_simple_list(tk_call('::blt::bitmap', 'source', @id))
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/busy.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/busy.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ab24420750..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/busy.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/busy.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/itemconfig.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Busy
- extend TkCore
- extend TkItemConfigMethod
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::busy'.freeze].freeze
- ###########################
- class Shield < TkWindow
- def self.shield_path(win)
- win = window(win) unless win.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- if win.kind_of?(Tk::Toplevel)
- win.path + '._Busy'
- else
- win.path + '_Busy'
- end
- end
- def initialize(win)
- @path = self.class.shield_path(win)
- end
- end
- def self.shield_path(win)
- Tk::BLT::Busy::Shield.shield_path(win)
- end
- end
-class << Tk::BLT::Busy
- def __item_config_cmd(win)
- ['::blt::busy', 'configure', win]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- undef itemcget
- undef itemcget_tkstring
- alias configure itemconfigure
- alias configinfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_configinfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- ##################################
- def hold(win, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::busy', 'hold', win, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def release(*wins)
- tk_call('::blt::busy', 'release', *wins)
- end
- def forget(*wins)
- tk_call('::blt::busy', 'forget', *wins)
- end
- def is_busy(pat=None)
- tk_split_list(tk_call('::blt::busy', 'isbusy', pat))
- end
- def names(pat=None)
- tk_split_list(tk_call('::blt::busy', 'names', pat))
- end
- alias windows names
- def check(win)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::busy', 'check', win))
- end
- def status(win)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::busy', 'status', win))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a6b6f13905..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2219 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/component.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module PlotComponent
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- module OptKeys
- def __item_font_optkeys(id)
- ['font', 'tickfont', 'titlefont']
- end
- private :__item_font_optkeys
- def __item_numstrval_optkeys(id)
- ['xoffset', 'yoffset']
- end
- private :__item_numstrval_optkeys
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- ['hide', 'under', 'descending', 'logscale', 'loose', 'showticks',
- 'titlealternate', 'scalesymbols', 'minor', 'raised',
- 'center', 'decoration', 'landscape', 'maxpect']
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- ['text', 'label', 'limits', 'title',
- 'show', 'file', 'maskdata', 'maskfile',
- 'color', 'titlecolor', 'fill', 'outline', 'offdash']
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
- ['bindtags']
- end
- private :__item_listval_optkeys
- def __item_numlistval_optkeys(id)
- ['dashes', 'majorticks', 'minorticks']
- end
- private :__item_numlistval_optkeys
- def __item_tkvariable_optkeys(id)
- ['variable', 'textvariable', 'colormap', 'fontmap']
- end
- private :__item_tkvariable_optkeys
- end
- include OptKeys
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array)
- # id := [ type, name ]
- [self.path, id[0], 'cget', id[1]]
- else
- [self.path, id, 'cget']
- end
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array)
- # id := [ type, name, ... ]
- type, *names = id
- [self.path, type, 'configure'].concat(names)
- else
- [self.path, id, 'configure']
- end
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_pathname(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array)
- id = tagid(id[1])
- end
- [self.path, id].join(';')
- end
- private :__item_pathname
- def axis_cget_tkstring(id, option)
- ret = itemcget_tkstring(['axis', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def axis_cget(id, option)
- ret = itemcget(['axis', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def axis_cget_strict(id, option)
- ret = itemcget_strict(['axis', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def axis_configure(*args)
- slot = args.pop
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- value = None
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- if cmd = slot.delete('command')
- slot['command'] = proc{|w, tick|
- cmd.call(TkComm.window(w), TkComm.num_or_str(tick))
- }
- end
- else
- value = slot
- slot = args.pop
- if slot == :command || slot == 'command'
- cmd = value
- value = proc{|w, tick|
- cmd.call(TkComm.window(w), TkComm.num_or_str(tick))
- }
- end
- end
- id_list = args.flatten.collect!{|id| tagid(id)}.unshift('axis')
- itemconfigure(id_list, slot, value)
- end
- def axis_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['axis', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- def current_axis_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['axis', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- def crosshairs_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('crosshairs', option)
- end
- def crosshairs_cget(option)
- itemcget('crosshairs', option)
- end
- def crosshairs_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('crosshairs', option)
- end
- def crosshairs_configure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure('crosshairs', slot, value)
- end
- def crosshairs_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('crosshairs', slot)
- end
- def current_crosshairs_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('crosshairs', slot)
- end
- def element_cget_tkstring(id, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['element', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def element_cget(id, option)
- itemcget(['element', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def element_cget_strict(id, option)
- itemcget_strict(['element', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def element_configure(*args)
- slot = args.pop
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- value = None
- else
- value = slot
- slot = args.pop
- end
- id_list = args.flatten.collect!{|id| tagid(id)}.unshift('element')
- itemconfigure(id_list, slot, value)
- end
- def element_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['element', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- def current_element_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['element', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- def bar_cget_tkstring(id, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['bar', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def bar_cget(id, option)
- itemcget(['bar', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def bar_cget_strict(id, option)
- itemcget_strict(['bar', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def bar_configure(*args)
- slot = args.pop
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- value = None
- else
- value = slot
- slot = args.pop
- end
- id_list = args.flatten.collect!{|id| tagid(id)}.unshift('bar')
- itemconfigure(id_list, slot, value)
- end
- def bar_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['bar', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- def current_bar_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['bar', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- def line_cget_tkstring(id, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['line', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def line_cget(id, option)
- itemcget(['line', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def line_cget_strict(id, option)
- itemcget_strict(['line', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def line_configure(*args)
- slot = args.pop
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- value = None
- else
- value = slot
- slot = args.pop
- end
- id_list = args.flatten.collect!{|id| tagid(id)}.unshift('line')
- itemconfigure(id_list, slot, value)
- end
- def line_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['line', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- def current_line_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['line', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- def gridline_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('grid', option)
- end
- def gridline_cget(option)
- itemcget('grid', option)
- end
- def gridline_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('grid', option)
- end
- def gridline_configure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure('grid', slot, value)
- end
- def gridline_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('grid', slot)
- end
- def current_gridline_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('grid', slot)
- end
- def legend_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('legend', option)
- end
- def legend_cget(option)
- itemcget('legend', option)
- end
- def legend_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('legend', option)
- end
- def legend_configure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure('legend', slot, value)
- end
- def legend_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('legend', slot)
- end
- def current_legend_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('legend', slot)
- end
- def pen_cget_tkstring(id, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['pen', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def pen_cget(id, option)
- itemcget(['pen', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def pen_cget_strict(id, option)
- itemcget_strict(['pen', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def pen_configure(*args)
- slot = args.pop
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- value = None
- else
- value = slot
- slot = args.pop
- end
- id_list = args.flatten.collect!{|id| tagid(id)}.unshift('pen')
- itemconfigure(id_list, slot, value)
- end
- def pen_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['pen', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- def current_pen_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['pen', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- def postscript_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('postscript', option)
- end
- def postscript_cget(option)
- itemcget('postscript', option)
- end
- def postscript_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('postscript', option)
- end
- def postscript_configure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure('postscript', slot, value)
- end
- def postscript_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('postscript', slot)
- end
- def current_postscript_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('postscript', slot)
- end
- def marker_cget_tkstring(id, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['marker', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def marker_cget(id, option)
- itemcget(['marker', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def marker_cget_strict(id, option)
- itemcget_strict(['marker', tagid(id)], option)
- end
- def marker_configure(*args)
- slot = args.pop
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- value = None
- else
- value = slot
- slot = args.pop
- end
- id_list = args.flatten.collect!{|id| tagid(id)}.unshift('marker')
- itemconfigure(id_list, slot, value)
- end
- def marker_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['marker', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- def current_marker_configinfo(id, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['marker', tagid(id)], slot)
- end
- alias __itemcget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias __itemcget itemcget
- alias __itemcget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias __itemconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias __current_itemconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :__itemcget_tkstring, :__itemcget, :__itemconfiginfo, :__current_itemconfiginfo
- def itemcget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- __itemcget_tkstring(tagid(tagOrId), option)
- end
- def itemcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- ret = __itemcget(tagid(tagOrId), option)
- if option == 'bindtags' || option == :bindtags
- ret.collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- def itemcget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- else
- begin
- itemcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- rescue => e
- begin
- if current_itemconfiginfo(tagOrId).has_key?(option.to_s)
- # error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # unknown option
- nil
- end
- rescue
- fail e # tag error
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot = nil)
- ret = __itemconfiginfo(tagid(tagOrId), slot)
- if slot
- if slot == 'bindtags' || slot == :bindtags
- ret[-2] = ret[-2].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- ret[-1] = ret[-1].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- end
- else
- if (inf = ret.assoc('bindtags'))
- inf[-2] = inf[-2].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- inf[-1] = inf[-1].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- end
- end
- if (inf = ret['bindtags'])
- inf[-2] = inf[-2].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- inf[-1] = inf[-1].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- ret['bindtags'] = inf
- end
- end
- ret
- end
- def current_itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot = nil)
- ret = __current_itemconfiginfo(tagid(tagOrId), slot)
- if (val = ret['bindtags'])
- ret['bindtags'] = val.collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- end
- ret
- end
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- #################
- class Axis < TkObject
- (OBJ_ID = ['blt_chart_axis'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- AxisID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- AxisID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ AxisID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(chart, id)
- cpath = chart.path
- AxisID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- return id unless AxisID_TBL[cpath]
- AxisID_TBL[cpath][id]? AxisID_TBL[cpath][id]: id
- }
- end
- def self.new(chart, axis=nil, keys={})
- if axis.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = axis
- axis = nil
- end
- if keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- not_create = keys.delete('without_creating')
- else
- not_create = false
- end
- obj = nil
- AxisID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- chart_path = chart.path
- AxisID_TBL[chart_path] ||= {}
- if axis && AxisID_TBL[chart_path][axis]
- obj = AxisID_TBL[chart_path][axis]
- else
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- if axis
- @axis = @id = axis.to_s
- else
- OBJ_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @axis = @id = OBJ_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- OBJ_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- @path = @id
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- Axis::AxisID_TBL[@cpath][@axis] = self
- unless not_create
- tk_call(@chart, 'axis', 'create', @axis, keys)
- return obj
- end
- }
- end
- }
- obj.configure(keys) if obj && ! keys.empty?
- obj
- end
- def initialize(chart, axis=nil, keys={})
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- if axis.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = axis
- axis = nil
- end
- if axis
- @axis = @id = axis.to_s
- else
- OBJ_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @axis = @id = OBJ_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- OBJ_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- @path = @id
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- # Axis::AxisID_TBL[@cpath][@axis] = self
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- unless keys.delete('without_creating')
- # @chart.axis_create(@axis, keys)
- tk_call(@chart, 'axis', 'create', @axis, keys)
- end
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- @chart.axis_cget_tkstring(@id, option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- @chart.axis_cget(@id, option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @chart.axis_cget_strict(@id, option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @chart.axis_configure(@id, key, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.axis_configinfo(@id, key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.current_axis_configinfo(@id, key)
- end
- def command(cmd=nil, &b)
- if cmd
- configure('command', cmd)
- elsif b
- configure('command', Proc.new(&b))
- else
- cget('command')
- end
- end
- def delete
- @chart.axis_delete(@id)
- self
- end
- def invtransform(val)
- @chart.axis_invtransform(@id, val)
- end
- def limits
- @chart.axis_limits(@id)
- end
- def name
- @axis
- end
- def transform(val)
- @chart.axis_transform(@id, val)
- end
- def view
- @chart.axis_view(@id)
- self
- end
- def use(name=None) # if @id == xaxis | x2axis | yaxis | y2axis
- @chart.axis_use(@id, name)
- end
- def use_as(axis) # axis := xaxis | x2axis | yaxis | y2axis
- @chart.axis_use(axis, @id)
- end
- end
- #################
- class Crosshairs < TkObject
- CrosshairsID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- CrosshairsID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ CrosshairsID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.new(chart, keys={})
- obj = nil
- CrosshairsID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- unless (obj = CrosshairsID_TBL[chart.path])
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- @path = @id = 'crosshairs'
- Crosshairs::CrosshairsID_TBL[@cpath] = self
- }
- end
- }
- chart.crosshair_configure(keys) if obj && ! keys.empty?
- obj
- end
- def initialize(chart, keys={})
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- # Crosshairs::CrosshairsID_TBL[@cpath] = self
- @chart.crosshair_configure(keys) unless keys.empty?
- @path = @id = 'crosshairs'
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- @chart.crosshair_cget_tkstring(option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- @chart.crosshair_cget(option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @chart.crosshair_cget_strict(option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @chart.crosshair_configure(key, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.crosshair_configinfo(key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.current_crosshair_configinfo(key)
- end
- def off
- @chart.crosshair_off
- self
- end
- def on
- @chart.crosshair_on
- self
- end
- def toggle
- @chart.crosshair_toggle
- self
- end
- end
- #################
- class Element < TkObject
- extend Tk
- extend TkItemFontOptkeys
- extend TkItemConfigOptkeys
- extend Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::OptKeys
- ElementTypeName = 'element'
- ElementTypeToClass = { ElementTypeName=>self }
- ElementID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- ElementID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ ElementID_TBL.clear }
- }
- (OBJ_ID = ['blt_chart_element'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- def Element.type2class(type)
- ElementTypeToClass[type]
- end
- def Element.id2obj(chart, id)
- cpath = chart.path
- ElementID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- return id unless ElementID_TBL[cpath]
- ElementID_TBL[cpath][id]? ElementID_TBL[cpath][id]: id
- }
- end
- def self.new(chart, element=nil, keys={})
- if element.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = element
- element = nil
- end
- if keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- not_create = keys.delete('without_creating')
- else
- not_create = false
- end
- obj = nil
- ElementID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- chart_path = chart.path
- ElementID_TBL[chart_path] ||= {}
- if element && ElementID_TBL[chart_path][element]
- obj = ElementID_TBL[chart_path][element]
- else
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- if element
- @element = @id = element.to_s
- else
- OBJ_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @element = @id = OBJ_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- OBJ_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- @path = @id
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- @typename = self.class::ElementTypeName
- Element::ElementID_TBL[@cpath][@element] = self
- unless not_create
- tk_call(@chart, @typename, 'create', @element, keys)
- return obj
- end
- }
- end
- }
- obj.configure(keys) if obj && ! keys.empty?
- obj
- end
- def initialize(chart, element=nil, keys={})
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- if element.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = element
- element = nil
- end
- if element
- @element = @id = element.to_s
- else
- OBJ_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @element = @id = OBJ_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- OBJ_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- @path = @id
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- @typename = self.class::ElementTypeName
- # Element::ElementID_TBL[@cpath][@element] = self
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- unless keys.delete('without_creating')
- # @chart.element_create(@element, keys)
- tk_call(@chart, @typename, 'create', @element, keys)
- end
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- # @chart.element_cget(@id, option)
- @chart.__send__(@typename + '_cget_tkstring', @id, option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- # @chart.element_cget(@id, option)
- @chart.__send__(@typename + '_cget', @id, option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @chart.__send__(@typename + '_cget_strict', @id, option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- # @chart.element_configure(@id, key, value)
- @chart.__send__(@typename + '_configure', @id, key, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- # @chart.element_configinfo(@id, key)
- @chart.__send__(@typename + '_configinfo', @id, key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- # @chart.current_element_configinfo(@id, key)
- @chart.__send__('current_' << @typename << '_configinfo', @id, key)
- end
- def activate(*args)
- @chart.element_activate(@id, *args)
- end
- def closest(x, y, var, keys={})
- # @chart.element_closest(x, y, var, @id, keys)
- @chart.__send__(@typename + '_closest', x, y, var, @id, keys)
- end
- def deactivate
- @chart.element_deactivate(@id)
- self
- end
- def delete
- @chart.element_delete(@id)
- self
- end
- def exist?
- @chart.element_exist?(@id)
- end
- def name
- @element
- end
- def type
- @chart.element_type(@id)
- end
- end
- class Bar < Element
- ElementTypeName = 'bar'.freeze
- ElementTypeToClass[ElementTypeName] = self
- end
- class Line < Element
- ElementTypeName = 'line'.freeze
- ElementTypeToClass[ElementTypeName] = self
- end
- #################
- class GridLine < TkObject
- GridLineID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- GridLineID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ GridLineID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.new(chart, keys={})
- obj = nil
- GridLineID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- unless (obj = GridLineID_TBL[chart.path])
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- @path = @id = 'grid'
- GridLine::GridLineID_TBL[@cpath] = self
- }
- end
- }
- chart.gridline_configure(keys) if obj && ! keys.empty?
- obj
- end
- def initialize(chart, keys={})
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- # GridLine::GridLineID_TBL[@cpath] = self
- @chart.gridline_configure(keys) unless keys.empty?
- @path = @id = 'grid'
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- @chart.gridline_cget_tkstring(option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- @chart.gridline_cget(option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @chart.gridline_cget_strict(option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @chart.gridline_configure(key, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.gridline_configinfo(key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.current_gridline_configinfo(key)
- end
- def off
- @chart.gridline_off
- self
- end
- def on
- @chart.gridline_on
- self
- end
- def toggle
- @chart.gridline_toggle
- self
- end
- end
- #################
- class Legend < TkObject
- LegendID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- LegendID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ LegendID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.new(chart, keys={})
- obj = nil
- LegenedID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- unless (obj = LegenedID_TBL[chart.path])
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- @path = @id = 'crosshairs'
- Legend::LegenedID_TBL[@cpath] = self
- }
- end
- }
- chart.legend_configure(keys) if obj && ! keys.empty?
- obj
- end
- def initialize(chart, keys={})
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- # Legend::LegendID_TBL[@cpath] = self
- @chart.legend_configure(keys) unless keys.empty?
- @path = @id = 'legend'
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- @chart.legend_cget_tkstring(option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- @chart.legend_cget(option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @chart.legend_cget_strict(option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @chart.legend_configure(key, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.legend_configinfo(key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.current_legend_configinfo(key)
- end
- def activate(*args)
- @chart.legend_activate(*args)
- end
- def deactivate(*args)
- @chart.legend_deactivate(*args)
- end
- def get(pos, y=nil)
- @chart.legend_get(pos, y)
- end
- end
- #################
- class Pen < TkObject
- (OBJ_ID = ['blt_chart_pen'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- PenID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- PenID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ PenID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(chart, id)
- cpath = chart.path
- PenID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- return id unless PenID_TBL[cpath]
- PenID_TBL[cpath][id]? PenID_TBL[cpath][id]: id
- }
- end
- def self.new(chart, pen=nil, keys={})
- if pen.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = pen
- pen = nil
- end
- if keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- not_create = keys.delete('without_creating')
- else
- not_create = false
- end
- obj = nil
- PenID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- chart_path = chart.path
- PenID_TBL[chart_path] ||= {}
- if pen && PenID_TBL[chart_path][pen]
- obj = PenID_TBL[chart_path][pen]
- else
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- if pen
- @pen = @id = pen.to_s
- else
- OBJ_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @pen = @id = OBJ_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- OBJ_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- @path = @id
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- Pen::PenID_TBL[@cpath][@pen] = self
- unless not_create
- tk_call(@chart, 'pen', 'create', @pen, keys)
- return obj
- end
- }
- end
- }
- obj.configure(keys) if obj && ! keys.empty?
- obj
- end
- def initialize(chart, pen=nil, keys={})
- if pen.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = pen
- pen = nil
- end
- if pen
- @pen = @id = pen.to_s
- else
- OBJ_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @pen = @id = OBJ_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- OBJ_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- @path = @id
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- Pen::PenID_TBL[@cpath][@pen] = self
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- unless keys.delete('without_creating')
- # @chart.pen_create(@pen, keys)
- tk_call(@chart, 'pen', 'create', @pen, keys)
- end
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- @chart.pen_cget_tkstring(@id, option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- @chart.pen_cget(@id, option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @chart.pen_cget_strict(@id, option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @chart.pen_configure(@id, key, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.pen_configinfo(@id, key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.current_pen_configinfo(@id, key)
- end
- def delete
- @chart.pen_delete(@id)
- self
- end
- def name
- @pen
- end
- end
- #################
- class Postscript < TkObject
- PostscriptID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- PostscriptID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ PostscriptID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.new(chart, keys={})
- obj = nil
- PostscriptID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- unless (obj = PostscriptID_TBL[chart.path])
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- @path = @id = 'postscript'
- Postscript::PostscriptID_TBL[@cpath] = self
- }
- end
- }
- chart.postscript_configure(keys) if obj && ! keys.empty?
- obj
- end
- def initialize(chart, keys={})
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = @chart.path
- # Postscript::PostscriptID_TBL[@cpath] = self
- @chart.postscript_configure(keys) unless keys.empty?
- @path = @id = 'postscript'
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- @chart.postscript_cget_tkstring(option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- @chart.postscript_cget(option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @chart.postscript_cget_strict(option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @chart.postscript_configure(key, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.postscript_configinfo(key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.current_postscript_configinfo(key)
- end
- def output(file=nil, keys={})
- if file.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = file
- file = nil
- end
- ret = @chart.postscript_output(file, keys)
- if file
- self
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- #################
- class Marker < TkObject
- extend Tk
- extend TkItemFontOptkeys
- extend TkItemConfigOptkeys
- extend Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::OptKeys
- MarkerTypeName = nil
- MarkerTypeToClass = {}
- MarkerID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- MarkerID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ MarkerID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def Marker.type2class(type)
- MarkerTypeToClass[type]
- end
- def Marker.id2obj(chart, id)
- cpath = chart.path
- MarkerID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if MarkerID_TBL[cpath]
- MarkerID_TBL[cpath][id]? MarkerID_TBL[cpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def self._parse_create_args(keys)
- fontkeys = {}
- methodkeys = {}
- if keys.kind_of? Hash
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- __item_font_optkeys(nil).each{|key|
- fkey = key.to_s
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- fkey = "kanji#{key}"
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- fkey = "latin#{key}"
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- fkey = "ascii#{key}"
- fontkeys[fkey] = keys.delete(fkey) if keys.key?(fkey)
- }
- __item_optkey_aliases(nil).each{|alias_name, real_name|
- alias_name = alias_name.to_s
- if keys.has_key?(alias_name)
- keys[real_name.to_s] = keys.delete(alias_name)
- end
- }
- __item_methodcall_optkeys(nil).each{|key|
- key = key.to_s
- methodkeys[key] = keys.delete(key) if keys.key?(key)
- }
- __item_ruby2val_optkeys(nil).each{|key, method|
- key = key.to_s
- keys[key] = method.call(keys[key]) if keys.has_key?(key)
- }
- args = itemconfig_hash_kv(nil, keys)
- else
- args = []
- end
- [args, fontkeys, methodkeys]
- end
- private_class_method :_parse_create_args
- def self.create(chart, keys={})
- unless self::MarkerTypeName
- fail RuntimeError, "#{self} is an abstract class"
- end
- args, fontkeys, methodkeys = _parse_create_args(keys)
- idnum = tk_call_without_enc(chart.path, 'marker', 'create',
- self::MarkerTypeName, *args)
- chart.marker_configure(idnum, fontkeys) unless fontkeys.empty?
- chart.marker_configure(idnum, methodkeys) unless methodkeys.empty?
- idnum.to_i # 'item id' is an integer number
- end
- def self.create_type(chart, type, keys={})
- args, fontkeys, methodkeys = _parse_create_args(keys)
- idnum = tk_call_without_enc(chart.path, 'marker', 'create',
- type, *args)
- chart.marker_configure(idnum, fontkeys) unless fontkeys.empty?
- chart.marker_configure(idnum, methodkeys) unless methodkeys.empty?
- id = idnum.to_i # 'item id' is an integer number
- obj = self.allocate
- obj.instance_eval{
- @parent = @chart = chart
- @cpath = chart.path
- @id = id
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Marker::MarkerID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Marker::MarkerID_TBL[@cpath] ||= {}
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Marker::MarkerID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
- }
- }
- obj
- end
- def initialize(parent, *args)
- @parent = @chart = parent
- @cpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = create_self(*args) # an integer number as 'item id'
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Marker::MarkerID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Marker::MarkerID_TBL[@cpath] ||= {}
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Marker::MarkerID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- def create_self(*args)
- self.class.create(@chart, *args) # return an integer as 'item id'
- end
- private :create_self
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- @chart.marker_cget_tkstring(@id, option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- @chart.marker_cget(@id, option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @chart.marker_cget_strict(@id, option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @chart.marker_configure(@id, key, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.marker_configinfo(@id, key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @chart.current_marker_configinfo(@id, key)
- end
- def after(target=None)
- @chart.marker_after(@id, target)
- end
- def before(target=None)
- @chart.marker_before(@id, target)
- end
- def delete
- @chart.marker_delete(@id)
- end
- def exist?
- @chart.marker_exist(@id)
- end
- def type
- @chart.marker_type(@id)
- end
- end
- class TextMarker < Marker
- MarkerTypeName = 'text'.freeze
- MarkerTypeToClass[MarkerTypeName] = self
- end
- class LineMarker < Marker
- MarkerTypeName = 'line'.freeze
- MarkerTypeToClass[MarkerTypeName] = self
- end
- class BitmapMarker < Marker
- MarkerTypeName = 'bitmap'.freeze
- MarkerTypeToClass[MarkerTypeName] = self
- end
- class ImageMarker < Marker
- MarkerTypeName = 'image'.freeze
- MarkerTypeToClass[MarkerTypeName] = self
- end
- class PolygonMarker < Marker
- MarkerTypeName = 'polygon'.freeze
- MarkerTypeToClass[MarkerTypeName] = self
- end
- class WindowMarker < Marker
- MarkerTypeName = 'window'.freeze
- MarkerTypeToClass[MarkerTypeName] = self
- end
- #################
- def __destroy_hook__
- Axis::AxisID_TBL.delete(@path)
- Crosshairs::CrosshairsID_TBL.delete(@path)
- Element::ElementID_TBL.delete(@path)
- GridLine::GridLineID_TBL.delete(@path)
- Legend::LegendID_TBL.delete(@path)
- Pen::PenID_TBL.delete(@path)
- Postscript::PostscriptID_TBL.delete(@path)
- Marker::MarkerID_TBL.delete(@path)
- super()
- end
- #################
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Axis) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Crosshairs) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Element) ||
- tag.kind_of?(GridLine) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Legend) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Pen) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Postscript) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Marker)
- tag.id
- else
- tag # maybe an Array of configure parameters
- end
- end
- def _component_bind(target, tag, context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([path, target, 'bind', tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def _component_bind_append(target, tag, context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([path, target, 'bind', tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def _component_bind_remove(target, tag, context)
- _bind_remove([path, target, 'bind', tagid(tag)], context)
- self
- end
- def _component_bindinfo(target, tag, context=nil)
- _bindinfo([path, target, 'bind', tagid(tag)], context)
- end
- private :_component_bind, :_component_bind_append
- private :_component_bind_remove, :_component_bindinfo
- def axis_bind(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind('axis', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def axis_bind_append(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind_append('axis', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def axis_bind_remove(tag, context)
- _component_bind_remove('axis', tag, context)
- end
- def axis_bindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _component_bindinfo('axis', tag, context)
- end
- def element_bind(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind('element', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def element_bind_append(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind_append('element', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def element_bind_remove(tag, context)
- _component_bind_remove('element', tag, context)
- end
- def element_bindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _component_bindinfo('element', tag, context)
- end
- def bar_bind(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind('bar', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def bar_bind_append(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind_append('bar', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def bar_bind_remove(tag, context)
- _component_bind_remove('bar', tag, context)
- end
- def bar_bindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _component_bindinfo('bar', tag, context)
- end
- def line_bind(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind('line', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def line_bind_append(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind_append('line', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def line_bind_remove(tag, context)
- _component_bind_remove('line', tag, context)
- end
- def line_bindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _component_bindinfo('line', tag, context)
- end
- def legend_bind(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind('legend', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def legend_bind_append(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind_append('legend', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def legend_bind_remove(tag, context)
- _component_bind_remove('legend', tag, context)
- end
- def legend_bindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _component_bindinfo('legend', tag, context)
- end
- def marker_bind(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind('marker', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def marker_bind_append(tag, context, *args)
- _component_bind_append('marker', tag, context, *args)
- end
- def marker_bind_remove(tag, context)
- _component_bind_remove('marker', tag, context)
- end
- def marker_bindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _component_bindinfo('marker', tag, context)
- end
- ###################
- def axis_create(id=nil, keys={})
- # tk_send('axis', 'create', tagid(id), keys)
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.new(self, tagid(id), keys)
- end
- def axis_delete(*ids)
- tk_send('axis', 'delete', *(ids.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))
- self
- end
- def axis_invtransform(id, val)
- list(tk_send('axis', 'invtransform', tagid(id), val))
- end
- def axis_limits(id)
- list(tk_send('axis', 'limits', tagid(id)))
- end
- def axis_names(*pats)
- simplelist(tk_send('axis', 'names',
- *(pats.collect{|pat| tagid(pat)}))).collect{|axis|
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.id2obj(self, axis)
- }
- end
- def axis_transform(id, val)
- list(tk_send('axis', 'transform', tagid(id), val))
- end
- def axis_view(id)
- tk_send('axis', 'view', tagid(id))
- self
- end
- def axis_use(id, target=nil)
- if target
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.id2obj(self,
- tk_send('axis', 'use',
- tagid(id), tagid(target)))
- else
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.id2obj(self,
- tk_send('axis', 'use', tagid(id)))
- end
- end
- ###################
- def crosshairs_off
- tk_send_without_enc('crosshairs', 'off')
- self
- end
- def crosshairs_on
- tk_send_without_enc('crosshairs', 'on')
- self
- end
- def crosshairs_toggle
- tk_send_without_enc('crosshairs', 'toggle')
- self
- end
- ###################
- def element_create(id=nil, keys={})
- # tk_send('element', 'create', tagid(id), keys)
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Element.new(self, tagid(id), keys)
- end
- def element_activate(*args)
- if args.empty?
- list(tk_send('element', 'activate')).collect{|elem|
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Element.id2obj(self, elem)
- }
- else
- # id, *indices
- id = args.shift
- tk_send('element', 'activate', tagid(id), *args)
- end
- end
- def element_closest(x, y, var, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.pop
- bool(tk_send('element', 'closest', x, y, var,
- *(hash_kv(keys).concat(args.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))))
- else
- bool(tk_send('element', 'closest', x, y, var,
- *(args.collect{|id| tagid(id)})))
- end
- end
- def element_deactivate(*ids)
- tk_send('element', 'deactivate', *(ids.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))
- self
- end
- def element_delete(*ids)
- tk_send('element', 'delete', *(ids.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))
- self
- end
- def element_exist?(id)
- bool(tk_send('element', 'exists', tagid(id)))
- end
- def element_names(*pats)
- simplelist(tk_send('element', 'names',
- *(pats.collect{|pat| tagid(pat)}))).collect{|elem|
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Element.id2obj(self, elem)
- }
- end
- def element_show(*names)
- if names.empty?
- simplelist(tk_send('element', 'show'))
- else
- tk_send('element', 'show', *(names.collect{|n| tagid(n)}))
- self
- end
- end
- def element_type(id)
- tk_send('element', 'type', tagid(id))
- end
- ###################
- def bar_create(id=nil, keys={})
- # tk_send('bar', 'create', tagid(id), keys)
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Bar.new(self, tagid(id), keys)
- end
- alias bar bar_create
- def bar_activate(*args)
- if args.empty?
- list(tk_send('bar', 'activate')).collect{|elem|
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Element.id2obj(self, elem)
- }
- else
- # id, *indices
- id = args.shift
- tk_send('bar', 'activate', tagid(id), *args)
- end
- end
- def bar_closest(x, y, var, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.pop
- bool(tk_send('bar', 'closest', x, y, var,
- *(hash_kv(keys).concat(args.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))))
- else
- bool(tk_send('bar', 'closest', x, y, var,
- *(args.collect{|id| tagid(id)})))
- end
- end
- def bar_deactivate(*ids)
- tk_send('bar', 'deactivate', *(ids.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))
- self
- end
- def bar_delete(*ids)
- tk_send('bar', 'delete', *(ids.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))
- self
- end
- def bar_exist?(id)
- bool(tk_send('bar', 'exists', tagid(id)))
- end
- def bar_names(*pats)
- simplelist(tk_send('bar', 'names',
- *(pats.collect{|pat| tagid(pat)}))).collect{|elem|
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Element.id2obj(self, elem)
- }
- end
- def bar_show(*names)
- if names.empty?
- simplelist(tk_send('bar', 'show'))
- else
- tk_send('bar', 'show', *(names.collect{|n| tagid(n)}))
- self
- end
- end
- def bar_type(id)
- tk_send('bar', 'type', tagid(id))
- end
- ###################
- def line_create(id=nil, keys={})
- # tk_send('line', 'create', tagid(id), keys)
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Line.new(self, tagid(id), keys)
- end
- alias bar line_create
- def line_activate(*args)
- if args.empty?
- list(tk_send('line', 'activate')).collect{|elem|
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Element.id2obj(self, elem)
- }
- else
- # id, *indices
- id = args.shift
- tk_send('line', 'activate', tagid(id), *args)
- end
- end
- def line_closest(x, y, var, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.pop
- bool(tk_send('line', 'closest', x, y, var,
- *(hash_kv(keys).concat(args.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))))
- else
- bool(tk_send('line', 'closest', x, y, var,
- *(args.collect{|id| tagid(id)})))
- end
- end
- def line_deactivate(*ids)
- tk_send('line', 'deactivate', *(ids.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))
- self
- end
- def line_delete(*ids)
- tk_send('line', 'delete', *(ids.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))
- self
- end
- def line_exist?(id)
- bool(tk_send('line', 'exists', tagid(id)))
- end
- def line_names(*pats)
- simplelist(tk_send('line', 'names',
- *(pats.collect{|pat| tagid(pat)}))).collect{|elem|
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Element.id2obj(self, elem)
- }
- end
- def line_show(*names)
- if names.empty?
- simplelist(tk_send('line', 'show'))
- else
- tk_send('line', 'show', *(names.collect{|n| tagid(n)}))
- self
- end
- end
- def line_type(id)
- tk_send('line', 'type', tagid(id))
- end
- ###################
- def gridline_off
- tk_send_without_enc('grid', 'off')
- self
- end
- def gridline_on
- tk_send_without_enc('grid', 'on')
- self
- end
- def gridline_toggle
- tk_send_without_enc('grid', 'toggle')
- self
- end
- ###################
- def legend_window_create(parent=nil, keys=nil)
- if parent.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
- parent = keys.delete('parent')
- widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname')
- keys.delete('without_creating')
- elsif keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname')
- keys.delete('without_creating')
- end
- legend = self.class.new(parent, :without_creating=>true,
- :widgetname=>widgetname)
- class << legend
- def __destroy_hook__
- TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows.delete(@path)
- end
- end
- if keys
- self.legend_configure(keys.update('position'=>legend))
- else
- self.legend_configure('position'=>legend)
- end
- legend
- end
- def legend_activate(*pats)
- list(tk_send('legend', 'activate',
- *(pats.collect{|pat| tagid(pat)}))).collect{|elem|
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Element.id2obj(self, elem)
- }
- end
- def legend_deactivate(*pats)
- list(tk_send('legend', 'deactivate',
- *(pats.collect{|pat| tagid(pat)}))).collect{|elem|
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Element.id2obj(self, elem)
- }
- end
- def legend_get(pos, y=nil)
- if y
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Element.id2obj(self,
- tk_send('legend', 'get',
- _at(pos, y)))
- else
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Element.id2obj(self,
- tk_send('legend', 'get', pos))
- end
- end
- ###################
- def pen_create(id=nil, keys={})
- # tk_send('pen', 'create', tagid(id), keys)
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Pen.new(self, tagid(id), keys)
- end
- def pen_delete(*ids)
- tk_send('pen', 'delete', *(ids.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))
- self
- end
- def pen_names(*pats)
- simplelist(tk_send('pen', 'names',
- *(pats.collect{|pat| tagid(pat)}))).collect{|pen|
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Pen.id2obj(self, pen)
- }
- end
- ###################
- def postscript_output(file=nil, keys={})
- if file.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = file
- file = nil
- end
- if file
- tk_send('postscript', 'output', file, keys)
- self
- else
- tk_send('postscript', 'output', keys)
- end
- end
- ###################
- def marker_create(type, keys={})
- case type
- when :text, 'text'
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::TextMarker.new(self, keys)
- when :line, 'line'
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::LineMarker.new(self, keys)
- when :bitmap, 'bitmap'
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::BitmapMarker.new(self, keys)
- when :image, 'image'
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::ImageMarker.new(self, keys)
- when :polygon, 'polygon'
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::PolygonMarker.new(self, keys)
- when :window, 'window'
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::WindowMarker.new(self, keys)
- else
- if type.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Marker)
- type.new(self, keys)
- else
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Marker.create_type(self, type, keys)
- end
- end
- end
- def marker_after(id, target=nil)
- if target
- tk_send_without_enc('marker', 'after', tagid(id), tagid(target))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('marker', 'after', tagid(id))
- end
- self
- end
- def marker_before(id, target=None)
- if target
- tk_send_without_enc('marker', 'before', tagid(id), tagid(target))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('marker', 'before', tagid(id))
- end
- self
- end
- def marker_delete(*ids)
- tk_send('marker', 'delete', *(ids.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))
- self
- end
- def marker_exist?(id)
- bool(tk_send('marker', 'exists', tagid(id)))
- end
- def marker_names(*pats)
- simplelist(tk_send('marker', 'names',
- *(pats.collect{|pat| tagid(pat)}))).collect{|id|
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Marker.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def marker_type(id)
- tk_send('marker', 'type', tagid(id))
- end
- ###################
- def xaxis_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('xaxis', option)
- end
- def xaxis_cget(option)
- itemcget('xaxis', option)
- end
- def xaxis_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('xaxis', option)
- end
- def xaxis_configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- if cmd = slot.delete('command')
- slot['command'] = proc{|w, tick|
- cmd.call(TkComm.window(w), TkComm.num_or_str(tick))
- }
- end
- elsif slot == :command || slot == 'command'
- cmd = value
- value = proc{|w, tick|
- cmd.call(TkComm.window(w), TkComm.num_or_str(tick))
- }
- end
- itemconfigure('xaxis', slot, value)
- end
- def xaxis_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('xaxis', slot)
- end
- def current_xaxis_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('xaxis', slot)
- end
- def xaxis_bind(context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([path, 'xaxis', 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def xaxis_bind_append(context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([path, 'xaxis', 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def xaxis_bind_remove(context)
- _bind_remove([path, 'xaxis', 'bind'], context)
- self
- end
- def xaxis_bindinfo(context=nil)
- _bindinfo([path, 'xaxis', 'bind'], context)
- end
- def xaxis_invtransform(val)
- list(tk_send('xaxis', 'invtransform', val))
- end
- def xaxis_limits
- list(tk_send('xaxis', 'limits'))
- end
- def xaxis_transform(val)
- list(tk_send('xaxis', 'transform', val))
- end
- def xaxis_use(target=nil)
- if target
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.id2obj(self,
- tk_send('xaxis', 'use',
- tagid(target)))
- else
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.id2obj(self, tk_send('xaxis', 'use'))
- end
- end
- def x2axis_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('x2axis', option)
- end
- def x2axis_cget(option)
- itemcget('x2axis', option)
- end
- def x2axis_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('x2axis', option)
- end
- def x2axis_configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- if cmd = slot.delete('command')
- slot['command'] = proc{|w, tick|
- cmd.call(TkComm.window(w), TkComm.num_or_str(tick))
- }
- end
- elsif slot == :command || slot == 'command'
- cmd = value
- value = proc{|w, tick|
- cmd.call(TkComm.window(w), TkComm.num_or_str(tick))
- }
- end
- itemconfigure('x2axis', slot, value)
- end
- def x2axis_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('x2axis', slot)
- end
- def current_x2axis_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('x2axis', slot)
- end
- def x2axis_bind(context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([path, 'x2axis', 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def x2axis_bind_append(context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([path, 'x2axis', 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def x2axis_bind_remove(context)
- _bind_remove([path, 'x2axis', 'bind'], context)
- self
- end
- def x2axis_bindinfo(context=nil)
- _bindinfo([path, 'x2axis', 'bind'], context)
- end
- def x2axis_invtransform(val)
- list(tk_send('x2axis', 'invtransform', val))
- end
- def x2axis_limits
- list(tk_send('x2axis', 'limits'))
- end
- def x2axis_transform(val)
- list(tk_send('x2axis', 'transform', val))
- end
- def x2axis_use(target=nil)
- if target
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.id2obj(self,
- tk_send('x2axis', 'use',
- tagid(target)))
- else
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.id2obj(self, tk_send('x2axis', 'use'))
- end
- end
- def yaxis_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('yaxis', option)
- end
- def yaxis_cget(option)
- itemcget('yaxis', option)
- end
- def yaxis_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('yaxis', option)
- end
- def yaxis_configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- if cmd = slot.delete('command')
- slot['command'] = proc{|w, tick|
- cmd.call(TkComm.window(w), TkComm.num_or_str(tick))
- }
- end
- elsif slot == :command || slot == 'command'
- cmd = value
- value = proc{|w, tick|
- cmd.call(TkComm.window(w), TkComm.num_or_str(tick))
- }
- end
- itemconfigure('yaxis', slot, value)
- end
- def yaxis_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('yaxis', slot)
- end
- def current_yaxis_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('yaxis', slot)
- end
- def yaxis_bind(context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([path, 'yaxis', 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def yaxis_bind_append(context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([path, 'yaxis', 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def yaxis_bind_remove(context)
- _bind_remove([path, 'yaxis', 'bind'], context)
- self
- end
- def yaxis_bindinfo(context=nil)
- _bindinfo([path, 'yaxis', 'bind'], context)
- end
- def yaxis_invtransform(val)
- list(tk_send('yaxis', 'invtransform', val))
- end
- def yaxis_limits
- list(tk_send('yaxis', 'limits'))
- end
- def yaxis_transform(val)
- list(tk_send('yaxis', 'transform', val))
- end
- def yaxis_use(target=nil)
- if target
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.id2obj(self,
- tk_send('yaxis', 'use',
- tagid(target)))
- else
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.id2obj(self, tk_send('yaxis', 'use'))
- end
- end
- def y2axis_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('y2axis', option)
- end
- def y2axis_cget(option)
- itemcget('y2axis', option)
- end
- def y2axis_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('y2axis', option)
- end
- def y2axis_configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- if cmd = slot.delete('command')
- slot['command'] = proc{|w, tick|
- cmd.call(TkComm.window(w), TkComm.num_or_str(tick))
- }
- end
- elsif slot == :command || slot == 'command'
- cmd = value
- value = proc{|w, tick|
- cmd.call(TkComm.window(w), TkComm.num_or_str(tick))
- }
- end
- itemconfigure('y2axis', slot, value)
- end
- def y2axis_configinfo(slot=nil)
- axis_configinfo('y2axis', slot)
- end
- def current_y2axis_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('y2axis', slot)
- end
- def y2axis_bind(context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([path, 'y2axis', 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def y2axis_bind_append(context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([path, 'y2axis', 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def y2axis_bind_remove(context)
- _bind_remove([path, 'y2axis', 'bind'], context)
- self
- end
- def y2axis_bindinfo(context=nil)
- _bindinfo([path, 'y2axis', 'bind'], context)
- end
- def y2axis_invtransform(val)
- list(tk_send('y2axis', 'invtransform', val))
- end
- def y2axis_limits
- list(tk_send('y2axis', 'limits'))
- end
- def y2axis_transform(val)
- list(tk_send('y2axis', 'transform', val))
- end
- def y2axis_use(target=nil)
- if target
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.id2obj(self,
- tk_send('y2axis', 'use',
- tagid(target)))
- else
- Tk::BLT::PlotComponent::Axis.id2obj(self, tk_send('y2axis', 'use'))
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/container.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/container.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ee11138d7..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/container.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/container.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Container < TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::container'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Container'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'name'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def find_command(pat)
- Hash[*simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('find', '-command', pat))]
- end
- def find_name(pat)
- Hash[*simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('find', '-name', pat))]
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/cutbuffer.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/cutbuffer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b36aece6e7..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/cutbuffer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/cutbuffer.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module CutBuffer
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::cutbuffer'.freeze].freeze
- def self.get(num = 0)
- Tk.tk_call('::blt::cutbuffer', 'get', num)
- end
- def self.rotate(count = 1)
- Tk.tk_call('::blt::cutbuffer', 'rotate', count)
- end
- def self.set(val, num = 0)
- Tk.tk_call('::blt::cutbuffer', 'set', val, num)
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dc2531b12e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/itemconfig'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module DragDrop
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::drag&drop'.freeze].freeze
- class Token < TkWindow
- WidgetClassName = 'DragDropToken'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def initialize(arg)
- if arg.kind_of?(Hash) # arg is a hash includes the widgetpath of token
- arg = _symbolkey2str(arg)
- install_win(nil, arg['widgetname'])
- else # arg is a drag&drop source
- tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'source', arg)
- install_win(nil, tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'token', arg))
- end
- end
- end
- ###################################
- extend TkItemConfigMethod
- extend Tk::ValidateConfigure
- class << self
- def __item_config_cmd(id) # id := ['source'|'target', win]
- ['::blt::drag&drop', id[0], id[1]]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'selftarget'
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'send'
- end
- private :__item_listval_optkeys
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'rejectbg' << 'rejectfg' << 'tokenbg'
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- undef itemcget
- undef itemcget_tkstring
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- def source_configure(win, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['source', win], slot, value)
- end
- def source_configinfo(win, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['source', win], slot)
- end
- def current_source_configinfo(win, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['source', win], slot)
- end
- end
- class PackageCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?t, ?w, :token ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL)
- def self.ret_val(val)
- val
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['packagecmd']
- end
- end
- class SiteCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?s, ?b, :compatible ],
- [ ?t, ?w, :token ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?b, TkComm.method(:bool) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL)
- def self.ret_val(val)
- val
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['sitecmd']
- end
- end
- def self.__validation_class_list
- super() << PackageCommand << SiteCommand
- end
- class << self
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, PackageCommand)
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, SiteCommand)
- end
- ###################################
- class DnD_Handle < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?i, ?s, :ip_name ],
- [ ?v, ?v, :value ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?i, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?v, TkComm.method(:tk_tcl2ruby) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL)
- end
- def self.source_handler(win, datatype, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- _bind_for_event_class(DnD_Handle,
- ['::blt::drag&drop', 'source', win, 'handler'],
- cmd, *args)
- end
- def self.target_handler(win, datatype, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- _bind_for_event_class(DnD_Handle,
- ['::blt::drag&drop', 'target', win, 'handler'],
- cmd, *args)
- end
- ###################################
- def self.init_source(win)
- tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'source', win)
- end
- def self.source()
- list(tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'source'))
- end
- def self.source_handler_list(win)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'source', win, 'handler'))
- end
- def self.source_handler_info(win, type)
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'source', win, 'handler', type))
- end
- def self.target
- list(tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'target'))
- end
- def self.target_handler_list(win)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'target', win, 'handler'))
- end
- def self.handle_target(win, type, val=None)
- tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'target', win, 'handle', type, val)
- end
- def self.token(win)
- window(tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'token', win))
- end
- def self.drag(win, x, y)
- tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'drag', win, x, y)
- end
- def self.drop(win, x, y)
- tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'drop', win, x, y)
- end
- def self.errors(cmd=Proc.new)
- tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'errors', cmd)
- end
- def self.active
- bool(tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'active'))
- end
- def self.location(x=None, y=None)
- list(tk_call('::blt::drag&drop', 'location', x, y))
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/eps.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/eps.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bd2d3cc47e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/eps.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/eps.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/canvas'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class EPS < TkcItem
- CItemTypeName = 'eps'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
- end
-class Tk::Canvas
- alias __BLT_EPS_item_strval_optkeys __item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- __BLT_EPS_item_strval_optkeys(id) + [
- 'shadowcolor', 'title', 'titlecolor'
- ]
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- alias __BLT_EPS_item_boolval_optkeys __item_boolval_optkeys
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- __BLT_EPS_item_boolval_optkeys(id) + ['showimage']
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/graph.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/graph.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 02de006f33..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/graph.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/graph.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/blt/component.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Graph < TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::graph'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Graph'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- include PlotComponent
- include GraphCommand
- def __boolval_optkeys
- ['bufferelements', 'invertxy']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- ['text', 'label', 'title', 'file', 'plotbackground']
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- BarElement_ID = ['blt_graph_bar'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')].freeze
- def bar(elem=nil, keys={})
- if elem.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = elem
- elem = nil
- end
- unless elem
- elem = BarElement_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- BarElement_ID[1].succ!
- end
- tk_send('bar', elem, keys)
- Element.new(self, elem, :without_creating=>true)
- end
- def extents(item)
- num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('extents', item))
- end
- def invtransform(x, y)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('invtransform', x, y))
- end
- def inside(x, y)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('inside', x, y))
- end
- def snap(output, keys={})
- tk_send_without_enc('snap', *(hash_kv(keys, false) + output))
- self
- end
- def transform(x, y)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('transform', x, y))
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/htext.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/htext.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d0f5e8b5e6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/htext.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/htext.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/itemconfig.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Htext<TkWindow
- Htext_Var = TkVarAccess.new_hash('htext')
- Htext_Widget = TkVarAccess.new('htext(widget)', :window)
- Htext_File = TkVarAccess.new('htext(file)')
- Htext_Line = TkVarAccess.new('htext(line)')
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::htext'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Htext'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- alias window_cget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias window_cget itemcget
- alias window_cget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias window_configure itemconfigure
- alias window_configuinfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_window_configuinfo current_itemconfiginfo
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'filename'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def append(win, keys={})
- tk_send('append', _epath(win), keys)
- self
- end
- def goto_line(idx)
- tk_send_without_enc('gotoline', idx)
- self
- end
- def current_line
- number(tk_send_without_enc('gotoline'))
- end
- def index(str)
- number(tk_send('index', str))
- end
- def line_pos(str)
- tk_send('linepos', str)
- end
- def range(from=None, to=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('range', from, to)
- end
- def scan_mark(pos)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', pos)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(pos)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', pos)
- self
- end
- def search(pat, from=None, to=None)
- num = number(tk_send('search', pat, from, to))
- (num < 0)? nil: num
- end
- def selection_adjust(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'adjust', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear()
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def selection_from(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'from', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_line(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'line', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_present()
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'present'))
- end
- def selection_range(first, last)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'range', first, last)
- self
- end
- def selection_to(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'to', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_word(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'word', index)
- self
- end
- def windows(pat=None)
- list(tk_send('windows', pat))
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/spline.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/spline.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 84d96a08f0..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/spline.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/spline.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Spline
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::spline'.freeze].freeze
- def self.natural(x, y, sx, sy)
- tk_call('::blt::spline', 'natural', x, y, sx, sy)
- end
- def self.quadratic(x, y, sx, sy)
- tk_call('::blt::spline', 'quadratic', x, y, sx, sy)
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/stripchart.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/stripchart.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 332521ab0b..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/stripchart.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/stripchart.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/blt/component.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Stripchart < TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::stripchart'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Stripchart'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- include PlotComponent
- include GraphCommand
- def __boolval_optkeys
- ['bufferelements', 'buffergraph', 'invertxy']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- ['text', 'label', 'title', 'file',
- 'background', 'plotbackground']
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- BarElement_ID = ['blt_stripchart_bar'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')].freeze
- def bar(elem=nil, keys={})
- if elem.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = elem
- elem = nil
- end
- unless elem
- elem = BarElement_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- BarElement_ID[1].succ!
- end
- tk_send('bar', elem, keys)
- Element.new(self, elem, :without_creating=>true)
- end
- def extents(item)
- num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('extents', item))
- end
- def invtransform(x, y)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('invtransform', x, y))
- end
- def inside(x, y)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('inside', x, y))
- end
- def metafile(file=None)
- # Windows only
- tk_send('metafile', file)
- self
- end
- def snap(output, keys={})
- tk_send_without_enc('snap', *(hash_kv(keys, false) + output))
- self
- end
- def transform(x, y)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('transform', x, y))
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/table.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/table.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 39e345408d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/table.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/table.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/itemconfig.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Table
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- extend TkItemConfigMethod
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::table'.freeze].freeze
- module TableContainer
- def blt_table_add(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.add(self, *args)
- self
- end
- def blt_table_arrange()
- Tk::BLT::Table.arrange(self)
- self
- end
- def blt_table_cget_tkstring(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.cget_tkstring(self, *args)
- end
- def blt_table_cget(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.cget(self, *args)
- end
- def blt_table_cget_strict(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.cget_strict(self, *args)
- end
- def blt_table_configure(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.configure(self, *args)
- self
- end
- def blt_table_configinfo(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.configinfo(self, *args)
- end
- def blt_table_current_configinfo(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.current_configinfo(self, *args)
- end
- def blt_table_locate(x, y)
- Tk::BLT::Table.locate(self, x, y)
- end
- def blt_table_delete(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.delete(self, *args)
- self
- end
- def blt_table_extents(item)
- Tk::BLT::Table.extents(self, item)
- end
- def blt_table_insert(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.insert(self, *args)
- self
- end
- def blt_table_insert_before(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.insert_before(self, *args)
- self
- end
- def blt_table_insert_after(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.insert_after(self, *args)
- self
- end
- def blt_table_join(first, last)
- Tk::BLT::Table.join(self, first, last)
- self
- end
- def blt_table_save()
- Tk::BLT::Table.save(self)
- end
- def blt_table_search(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.search(self, *args)
- end
- def blt_table_split(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.split(self, *args)
- self
- end
- def blt_table_itemcget_tkstring(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.itemcget_tkstring(self, *args)
- end
- def blt_table_itemcget(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.itemcget(self, *args)
- end
- def blt_table_itemcget_strict(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.itemcget_strict(self, *args)
- end
- def blt_table_itemconfigure(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.itemconfigure(self, *args)
- self
- end
- def blt_table_itemconfiginfo(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.itemconfiginfo(self, *args)
- end
- def blt_table_current_itemconfiginfo(*args)
- Tk::BLT::Table.current_itemconfiginfo(self, *args)
- end
- def blt_table_iteminfo(item)
- Tk::BLT::Table.iteminfo(self, item)
- end
- end
- end
-class << Tk::BLT::Table
- def __item_cget_cmd(id) # id := [ container, item ]
- win = (id[0].kind_of?(TkWindow))? id[0].path: id[0].to_s
- ['::blt::table', 'cget', win, id[1]]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id) # id := [ container, item, ... ]
- container, *items = id
- win = (container.kind_of?(TkWindow))? container.path: container.to_s
- ['::blt::table', 'configure', win, *items]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_pathname(id)
- win = (id[0].kind_of?(TkWindow))? id[0].path: id[0].to_s
- win + ';'
- end
- private :__item_pathname
- alias __itemcget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias __itemcget itemcget
- alias __itemcget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias __itemconfigure itemconfigure
- alias __itemconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias __current_itemconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :__itemcget_tkstring, :__itemcget, :__itemcget_strict
- private :__itemconfigure, :__itemconfiginfo, :__current_itemconfiginfo
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'propagate'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Array)
- case tag[0]
- when Integer
- # [row, col]
- tag.join(',')
- when :c, :C, 'c', 'C', :r, :R, 'r', 'R'
- # c0 or r1 or C*, and so on
- tag.collect{|elem| elem.to_s}.join('')
- else
- tag
- end
- elsif tag.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- _epath(tag)
- else
- tag
- end
- end
- def tagid2obj(tagid)
- tagid
- end
- ############################################
- def cget_tkstring(container, option)
- __itemcget_tkstring([container], option)
- end
- def cget(container, option)
- __itemcget([container], option)
- end
- def cget_strict(container, option)
- __itemcget_strict([container], option)
- end
- def configure(container, *args)
- __itemconfigure([container], *args)
- end
- def configinfo(container, *args)
- __itemconfiginfo([container], *args)
- end
- def current_configinfo(container, *args)
- __current_itemconfiginfo([container], *args)
- end
- def itemcget_tkstring(container, item, option)
- __itemcget_tkstring([container, tagid(item)], option)
- end
- def itemcget(container, item, option)
- __itemcget([container, tagid(item)], option)
- end
- def itemcget_strict(container, item, option)
- __itemcget_strict([container, tagid(item)], option)
- end
- def itemconfigure(container, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- # container, item, item, ... , hash_optkeys
- keys = args.pop
- fail ArgumentError, 'no item is given' if args.empty?
- id = [container]
- args.each{|item| id << tagid(item)}
- __itemconfigure(id, keys)
- else
- # container, item, item, ... , option, value
- val = args.pop
- opt = args.pop
- fail ArgumentError, 'no item is given' if args.empty?
- id = [container]
- args.each{|item| id << tagid(item)}
- __itemconfigure(id, opt, val)
- end
- container
- end
- def itemconfiginfo(container, *args)
- slot = args[-1]
- if slot.kind_of?(String) || slot.kind_of?(Symbol)
- slot = slot.to_s
- if slot[0] == ?. || slot =~ /^\d+,\d+$/ || slot =~ /^(c|C|r|R)(\*|\d+)/
- # widget || row,col || Ci or Ri
- slot = nil
- else
- # option
- slot = args.pop
- end
- else
- slot = nil
- end
- fail ArgumentError, 'no item is given' if args.empty?
- id = [container]
- args.each{|item| id << tagid(item)}
- __itemconfiginfo(id, slot)
- end
- def current_itemconfiginfo(container, *args)
- slot = args[-1]
- if slot.kind_of?(String) || slot.kind_of?(Symbol)
- slot = slot.to_s
- if slot[0] == ?. || slot =~ /^\d+,\d+$/ || slot =~ /^(c|C|r|R)(\*|\d+)/
- # widget || row,col || Ci or Ri
- slot = nil
- else
- # option
- slot = args.pop
- end
- else
- slot = nil
- end
- fail ArgumentError, 'no item is given' if args.empty?
- id = [container]
- args.each{|item| id << tagid(item)}
- __current_itemconfiginfo(id, slot)
- end
- def info(container)
- ret = {}
- inf = list(tk_call('::blt::table', 'info', container))
- until inf.empty?
- opt = inf.slice!(0..1)
- ret[opt[1..-1]] = opt[1]
- end
- ret
- end
- def iteminfo(container, item)
- inf = list(tk_call('::blt::table', 'info', container, tagid(item)).chomp)
- ret = []
- until inf.empty? || (inf[0].kind_of?(String) && inf[0] =~ /^-/)
- ret << inf.shift
- end
- if inf.length > 1
- keys = {}
- while inf.length > 1
- opt = inf.slice!(0..1)
- keys[opt[0][1..-1]] = opt[1]
- end
- ret << keys
- end
- ret
- end
- ############################################
- def create_container(container)
- tk_call('::blt::table', container)
- begin
- class << container
- include Tk::BLT::Table::TableContainer
- end
- rescue
- warn('fail to include TableContainer methods (frozen object?)')
- end
- container
- end
- def add(container, *args)
- if args.empty?
- tk_call('::blt::table', container)
- else
- args = args.collect{|arg|
- if arg.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- _epath(arg)
- elsif arg.kind_of?(Array) # index
- arg.join(',')
- else
- arg
- end
- }
- tk_call('::blt::table', container, *args)
- end
- container
- end
- def arrange(container)
- tk_call('::blt::table', 'arrange', container)
- container
- end
- def delete(container, *args)
- tk_call('::blt::table', 'delete', container, *args)
- end
- def extents(container, item)
- ret = []
- inf = list(tk_call('::blt::table', 'extents', container, item))
- ret << inf.slice!(0..4) until inf.empty?
- ret
- end
- def forget(*wins)
- wins = wins.collect{|win| _epath(win)}
- tk_call('::blt::table', 'forget', *wins)
- end
- def insert(container, *args)
- tk_call('::blt::table', 'insert', container, *args)
- end
- def insert_before(container, *args)
- tk_call('::blt::table', 'insert', container, '-before', *args)
- end
- def insert_after(container, *args)
- tk_call('::blt::table', 'insert', container, '-after', *args)
- end
- def join(container, first, last)
- tk_call('::blt::table', 'join', container, first, last)
- end
- def locate(container, x, y)
- tk_call('::blt::table', 'locate', container, x, y)
- end
- def containers(arg={})
- list(tk_call('::blt::table', 'containers', *hash_kv(arg)))
- end
- def containers_pattern(pat)
- list(tk_call('::blt::table', 'containers', '-pattern', pat))
- end
- def containers_slave(win)
- list(tk_call('::blt::table', 'containers', '-slave', win))
- end
- def save(container)
- tk_call('::blt::table', 'save', container)
- end
- def search(container, keys={})
- list(tk_call('::blt::table', 'containers', *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def split(container, *args)
- tk_call('::blt::table', 'split', container, *args)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabnotebook.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabnotebook.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f08f198163..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabnotebook.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tabnotebook.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Tabnotebook < Tabset
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tabnotebook'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Tabnotebook'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- class Tab < Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab
- def self.new(parent, pos=nil, name=nil, keys={})
- if pos.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = pos
- name = nil
- pos = nil
- end
- if name.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = name
- name = nil
- end
- obj = nil
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if name && TabID_TBL[parent.path] && TabID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- obj = TabID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- if pos
- if pos.to_s == 'end'
- obj.move_after('end')
- else
- obj.move_before(pos)
- end
- end
- obj.configure if keys && ! keys.empty?
- else
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(parent, pos, name, keys)
- TabID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TabID_TBL[@tpath]
- TabID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- }
- obj
- end
- def initialize(parent, pos, name, keys)
- @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- if name
- @path = @id = name
- unless (list(tk_call(@tpath, 'tab', 'names', @id)).empty?)
- if pos
- idx = tk_call(@tpath, 'index', @id)
- if pos.to_s == 'end'
- tk_call(@tpath, 'move', idx, 'after', 'end')
- else
- tk_call(@tpath, 'move', idx, 'before', pos)
- end
- end
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tab', 'configure', @id, keys)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "can't find tab \"#{@id}\" in #{@t}"
- end
- else
- pos = 'end' unless pos
- @path = @id = tk_call(@tpath, 'insert', pos, keys)
- end
- end
- end
- #######################################
- def get_tab(index)
- if (idx = tk_send_without_enc('id', tagindex(index))).empty?
- nil
- else
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.id2obj(self, idx)
- end
- end
- alias get_id get_tab
- def get_tabobj(index)
- if (idx = tk_send_without_enc('id', tagindex(index))).empty?
- nil
- else
- Tk::BLT::Tabnotebook::Tab.new(self, nil, idx)
- end
- end
- alias index_name index
- def insert(pos=nil, keys={})
- if pos.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = pos
- pos = nil
- end
- pos = 'end' if pos.nil?
- Tk::BLT::Tabnotebook::Tab.new(self, nil,
- tk_send('insert', tagindex(pos), keys))
- end
- undef :insert_tabs
- undef :tab_pageheight, :tab_pagewidth
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 022d9784e9..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Tabset < TkWindow
- class Tab < TkObject
- include TkTreatItemFont
- TabID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (TabsetTab_ID = ['blt_tabset_tab'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TabID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tabset, id)
- tpath = tabset.path
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TabID_TBL[tpath]
- TabID_TBL[tpath][id]? TabID_TBL[tpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.new(parent, pos=nil, name=nil, keys={})
- if pos.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = pos
- name = nil
- pos = nil
- end
- if name.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = name
- name = nil
- end
- obj = nil
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if name && TabID_TBL[parent.path] && TabID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- obj = TabID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- if pos
- if pos.to_s == 'end'
- obj.move_after('end')
- else
- obj.move_before(pos)
- end
- end
- obj.configure if keys && ! keys.empty?
- else
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(parent, pos, name, keys)
- TabID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TabID_TBL[@tpath]
- TabID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- }
- obj
- end
- def initialize(parent, pos, name, keys)
- @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- if name
- @path = @id = name
- unless (list(tk_call(@tpath, 'tab', 'names', @id)).empty?)
- if pos
- idx = tk_call(@tpath, 'index', '-name', @id)
- if pos.to_s == 'end'
- tk_call(@tpath, 'move', idx, 'after', 'end')
- else
- tk_call(@tpath, 'move', idx, 'before', pos)
- end
- end
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tab', 'configure', @id, keys)
- else
- pos = 'end' unless pos
- tk_call(@tpath, 'insert', pos, @id, keys)
- end
- else
- pos = 'end' unless pos
- TabsetTab_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = TabsetTab_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- TabsetTab_ID[1].succ!
- }
- tk_call(@tpath, 'insert', pos, @id, keys)
- end
- end
- #def bind(context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # @t.tab_bind(@id, context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def bind(context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- @t.tab_bind(@id, context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def bind_append(context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # @t.tab_bind_append(@id, context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def bind_append(context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- @t.tab_bind_append(@id, context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def bind_remove(context)
- @t.tab_bind_remove(@id, context)
- self
- end
- def bindinfo(context=nil)
- @t.tab_bindinfo(@id, context)
- end
- def cget_tkstring(*args)
- @t.tab_cget_tkstring(@id, *args)
- end
- def cget(*args)
- @t.tab_cget(@id, *args)
- end
- def cget_strict(*args)
- @t.tab_cget_strict(@id, *args)
- end
- def configure(*args)
- @t.tab_configure(@id, *args)
- end
- def configinfo(*args)
- @t.tab_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def current_configinfo(*args)
- @t.current_tab_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def delete()
- @t.delete(@id)
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TabID_TBL[@tpath].delete(@id)
- }
- self
- end
- def get_name()
- @id.dup
- end
- def focus()
- @t.focus(self.index)
- end
- def index()
- @t.index_name(@id)
- end
- def invoke()
- @t.invoke(self.index)
- end
- def move_before(idx)
- @t.move_before(self.index, idx)
- end
- def move_after(idx)
- @t.move_after(self.index, idx)
- end
- def perforation_highlight(mode)
- @t.perforation_highlight(self.index, mode)
- end
- def perforation_invoke()
- @t.perforation_invoke(self.index)
- end
- def see()
- @t.see(self.index)
- end
- def tearoff(name=None)
- @t.tab_tearoff(self.index, *args)
- end
- end
- ########################################
- class NamedTab < Tab
- def self.new(parent, name)
- super(parent, nil, name, {})
- end
- end
- ########################################
- include X_Scrollable
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tabset'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Tabset'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab::TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab::TabID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- ########################################
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'samewidth' << 'tearoff'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'tabbackground' << 'tabforeground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'tab', 'cget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'tab', 'configure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_pathname(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab)
- self.path + ';' + tagOrId.id.to_s
- else
- self.path + ';' + tagOrId.to_s
- end
- end
- private :__item_pathname
- alias tab_cget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias tab_cget itemcget
- alias tab_cget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias tab_configure itemconfigure
- alias tab_configinfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_tab_configinfo current_itemconfiginfo
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'shadow'
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def tagid(tab)
- if tab.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab)
- tab.id
- else
- tab
- end
- end
- def tagindex(tab)
- if tab.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab)
- tab.index
- else
- tab
- end
- end
- ########################################
- def activate(index)
- tk_send('activate', tagindex(index))
- self
- end
- alias highlight activate
- #def tabbind(tag, context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def tabbind(tag, context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def tabbind_append(tag, context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind_append([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def tabbind_append(tag, context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def tabbind_remove(tag, context)
- _bind_remove([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context)
- self
- end
- def tabbindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _bindinfo([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context)
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send('delete', tagindex(first), tagindex(last))
- if first.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab)
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TabID_TBL[@path].delete(first.id)
- }
- end
- # middle tabs of the range are unknown
- if last.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab)
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TabID_TBL[@path].delete(last.id)
- }
- end
- self
- end
- def focus(index)
- tk_send('focus', tagindex(index))
- self
- end
- def get_tab(index)
- if (idx = tk_send_without_enc('get', tagindex(index))).empty?
- nil
- else
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.id2obj(self, idx)
- end
- end
- def get_tabobj(index)
- if (idx = tk_send_without_enc('get', tagindex(index))).empty?
- nil
- else
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.new(self, nil, name, {})
- end
- end
- def index(str)
- num_or_str(tk_send('index', str))
- end
- def index_name(tab)
- num_or_str(tk_send('index', '-name', tagid(tab)))
- end
- def insert(pos, tab, keys={})
- pos = 'end' if pos.nil?
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.new(self, tagindex(pos), tagid(tab), keys)
- end
- def insert_tabs(pos, *tabs)
- pos = 'end' if pos.nil?
- if tabs[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tabs.pop
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- fail ArgumentError, 'no tabs is given' if tabs.empty?
- tabs.map!{|tab| tagid(tab)}
- tk_send('insert', tagindex(pos), *(tabs + [keys]))
- tabs.collect{|tab| Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.new(self, nil, tagid(tab))}
- end
- def invoke(index)
- tk_send('invoke', tagindex(index))
- end
- def move_before(index, base_idx)
- tk_send('move', tagindex(index), 'before', tagindex(base_idx))
- self
- end
- def move_after(index, base_idx)
- tk_send('move', tagindex(index), 'after', tagindex(base_idx))
- self
- end
- def nearest(x, y)
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.id2obj(self, num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('nearest', x, y)))
- end
- def perforation_activate(mode)
- tk_send('perforation', 'activate', mode)
- self
- end
- def perforation_highlight(index, *args)
- if args.empty?
- # index --> mode
- tk_send('perforation', 'highlight', index)
- elsif args.size == 1
- # args[0] --> mode
- tk_send('perforation', 'highlight', tagindex(index), args[0])
- else # Error: call to get Tcl's error message
- tk_send('perforation', 'highlight', tagindex(index), *args)
- end
- self
- end
- def perforation_invoke(index=nil)
- if index
- tk_send('perforation', 'invoke', tagindex(index))
- else
- tk_send('perforation', 'invoke')
- end
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def see(index)
- tk_send('see', tagindex(index))
- self
- end
- def size()
- number(tk_send_without_enc('size'))
- end
- def select(index)
- tk_send('select', tagindex(index))
- self
- end
- def tab_dockall
- tk_send('tab', 'dockall')
- self
- end
- def tab_names(pat=None)
- simplelist(tk_send('tab', 'names', pat)).collect{|name|
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.id2obj(self, name)
- }
- end
- def tab_objs(pat=None)
- simplelist(tk_send('tab', 'names', pat)).collect{|name|
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.new(self, nil, name, {})
- }
- end
- def tab_ids(pat=None)
- simplelist(tk_send('tab', 'names', pat))
- end
- def tab_pageheight
- number(tk_send('tab', 'pageheight'))
- end
- def tab_pagewidth
- number(tk_send('tab', 'pagewidth'))
- end
- def tab_tearoff(index, parent=None)
- window(tk_send('tab', 'tearoff', tagindex(index), parent))
- end
- def xscrollcommand(cmd=Proc.new)
- configure_cmd 'scrollcommand', cmd
- self
- end
- alias scrollcommand xscrollcommand
- def xview(*index)
- if index.empty?
- list(tk_send_without_enc('view'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('view', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- alias view xview
- alias view_moveto xview_moveto
- alias view_scroll xview_scroll
- alias scrollbar xscrollbar
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/ted.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/ted.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e81eab27d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/ted.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/ted.rb
-# *** This is alpha version, because there is no document on BLT. ***
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Ted
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::ted'.freeze].freeze
- ##############################
- extend TkItemConfigMethod
- class << self
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- ['::blt::ted', 'cget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- ['::blt::ted', 'configure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- def cget_tkstring(master, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(master, option)
- end
- def cget(master, option)
- itemcget(master, option)
- end
- def cget_strict(master, option)
- itemcget_strict(master, option)
- end
- def configure(master, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(master, slot, value)
- end
- def configinfo(master, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(master, slot)
- end
- def current_configinfo(master, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(master, slot)
- end
- end
- ##############################
- def self.edit(master, *args)
- tk_call('::blt::ted', 'edit', master, *args)
- end
- def self.rep(master, *args)
- tk_call('::blt::ted', 'rep', master, *args)
- end
- def self.select(master, *args)
- tk_call('::blt::ted', 'select', master, *args)
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f52a5d3944..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tile.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Tile
- TkComm::TkExtlibAutoloadModule.unshift(self)
- # Require autoload-symbols which is a same name as widget classname.
- # Those are used at TkComm._genobj_for_tkwidget method.
- autoload :Button, 'tkextlib/blt/tile/button.rb'
- autoload :CheckButton, 'tkextlib/blt/tile/checkbutton.rb'
- autoload :Checkbutton, 'tkextlib/blt/tile/checkbutton.rb'
- autoload :Radiobutton, 'tkextlib/blt/tile/radiobutton.rb'
- autoload :RadioButton, 'tkextlib/blt/tile/radiobutton.rb'
- autoload :Frame, 'tkextlib/blt/tile/frame.rb'
- autoload :Label, 'tkextlib/blt/tile/label.rb'
- autoload :Scrollbar, 'tkextlib/blt/tile/scrollbar.rb'
- autoload :Toplevel, 'tkextlib/blt/tile/toplevel.rb'
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/button.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/button.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e3d819edb7..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/button.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tile/button.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/button'
-require 'tkextlib/blt/tile.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Tile
- class Button < Tk::Button
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tile::button'.freeze].freeze
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/checkbutton.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/checkbutton.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c8c7f9774..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/checkbutton.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tile/checkbutton.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/checkbutton'
-require 'tkextlib/blt/tile.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Tile
- class CheckButton < Tk::CheckButton
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tile::checkbutton'.freeze].freeze
- end
- Checkbutton = CheckButton
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/frame.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/frame.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d979fe485..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/frame.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tile/frame.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/blt/tile.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Tile
- class Frame < Tk::Frame
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tile::frame'.freeze].freeze
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/label.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/label.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f58450d902..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/label.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tile/label.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/label'
-require 'tkextlib/blt/tile.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Tile
- class Label < Tk::Label
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tile::label'.freeze].freeze
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/radiobutton.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/radiobutton.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ee449c75b0..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/radiobutton.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tile/radiobutton.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/radiobutton'
-require 'tkextlib/blt/tile.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Tile
- class RadioButton < Tk::RadioButton
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tile::radiobutton'.freeze].freeze
- end
- Radiobutton = RadioButton
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/scrollbar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/scrollbar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 35d878d5aa..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/scrollbar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tile/scrollbar.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/scrollbar'
-require 'tkextlib/blt/tile.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Tile
- class Scrollbar < Tk::Scrollbar
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tile::scrollbar'.freeze].freeze
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/toplevel.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/toplevel.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e30b8b37b5..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/toplevel.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tile/toplevel.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/toplevel'
-require 'tkextlib/blt/tile.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Tile
- class Toplevel < Tk::Toplevel
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tile::toplevel'.freeze].freeze
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tree.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tree.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ae235f68e8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tree.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1059 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tree.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Tree < TkObject
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tree'.freeze].freeze
- ###################################
- class Node < TkObject
- TreeNodeID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TreeNodeID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath]
- if TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][id]
- TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][id]
- else
- begin
- # self.new(tree, nil, 'node'=>Integer(id))
- id = Integer(id)
- if bool(tk_call(@tpath, 'exists', id))
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = tpath
- @path = @id = id
- TreeNodeID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TreeNodeID_TBL[@tpath]
- TreeNodeID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- else
- id
- end
- rescue
- id
- end
- end
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.new(tree, parent, keys={})
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- tpath = tree.path
- TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath] ||= {}
- if (id = keys['node']) && (obj = TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][id])
- keys.delete('node')
- tk_call(tree.path, 'move', id, parent, keys) if parent
- return obj
- end
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(tree, parent, keys)
- TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, parent, keys={})
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- if (id = keys['node']) && bool(tk_call(@tpath, 'exists', id))
- @path = @id = id
- keys.delete('node')
- tk_call(@tpath, 'move', @id, parent, keys) if parent
- else
- parent = tk_call(@tpath, 'root') unless parent
- @path = @id = tk_call(@tpath, 'insert', parent, keys)
- end
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def apply(keys={})
- @tree.apply(@id, keys)
- self
- end
- def children()
- @tree.children(@id)
- end
- def copy(parent, keys={})
- @tree.copy(@id, parent, keys)
- end
- def copy_to(dest_tree, parent, keys={})
- @tree.copy_to(@id, dest_tree, parent, keys)
- end
- def degree()
- @tree.degree(@id)
- end
- def delete()
- @tree.delete(@id)
- self
- end
- def depth()
- @tree.depth(@id)
- end
- def dump()
- @tree.dump(@id)
- end
- def dump_to_file(file)
- @tree.dump_to_file(@id, file)
- self
- end
- def exist?(keys={})
- @tree.exist?(@id, keys)
- end
- def find(keys={})
- @tree.find(@id, keys)
- end
- def find_child(label)
- @tree.find_child(@id, label)
- end
- def first_child()
- @tree.first_child(@id)
- end
- def get()
- @tree.get(@id)
- end
- def get_value(key, default_val=None)
- @tree.get_value(@id, key, default_val)
- end
- def index()
- @tree.index(@id)
- end
- def leaf?()
- @tree.leaf?(@id)
- end
- def link?()
- @tree.link?(@id)
- end
- def root?()
- @tree.root?(@id)
- end
- def keys()
- @tree.keys(@id)
- end
- def label(text = nil)
- @tree.label(@id, nil)
- end
- def label=(text)
- @tree.label(@id, text)
- end
- def last_child()
- @tree.last_child(@id)
- end
- def move(dest, keys={})
- @tree.keys(@id, dest, keys)
- self
- end
- def next()
- @tree.next(@id)
- end
- def next_sibling()
- @tree.next_sibling(@id)
- end
- def parent()
- @tree.parent(@id)
- end
- def fullpath()
- @tree.fullpath(@id)
- end
- def position()
- @tree.position(@id)
- end
- def previous()
- @tree.previous(@id)
- end
- def prev_sibling()
- @tree.prev_sibling(@id)
- end
- def restore(str, keys={})
- @tree.restore(@id, str, keys)
- self
- end
- def restore_overwrite(str, keys={})
- @tree.restore_overwrite(@id, str, keys)
- self
- end
- def restore_from_file(file, keys={})
- @tree.restore_from_file(@id, file, keys)
- self
- end
- def restore_overwrite_from_file(file, keys={})
- @tree.restore_overwrite_from_file(@id, file, keys)
- self
- end
- def root()
- @tree.root(@id)
- self
- end
- def set(data)
- @tree.set(@id, data)
- self
- end
- def size()
- @tree.size(@id)
- end
- def sort(keys={})
- @tree.sort(@id, keys)
- self
- end
- def type(key)
- @tree.type(@id, key)
- end
- def unset(*keys)
- @tree.unset(@id, *keys)
- self
- end
- def values(key=None)
- @tree.values(@id, key)
- end
- end
- ###################################
- class Tag < TkObject
- TreeTagID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TreeTagID_TBL.clear }
- }
- (TreeTag_ID = ['blt_tree_tag'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TreeTagID_TBL[tpath]
- if TreeTagID_TBL[tpath][id]
- TreeTagID_TBL[tpath][id]
- else
- begin
- # self.new(tree, id)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = id.dup.freeze if id
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- rescue
- id
- end
- end
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, tag_str = nil)
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- if tag_str
- @path = @id = tag_str.dup.freeze
- else
- TreeTag_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = TreeTag_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- TreeTag_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def add(*nodes)
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'add', @id, *nodes)
- self
- end
- def delete(*nodes)
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'delete', @id, *nodes)
- self
- end
- def forget()
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'forget', @id)
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath].delete(@id)
- }
- self
- end
- def nodes()
- simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'nodes', @id)).collect{|node|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(@path, node)
- }
- end
- def set(node)
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'set', node, @id)
- self
- end
- def unset(node)
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'unset', node, @id)
- self
- end
- end
- ###################################
- class Notify < TkObject
- NotifyID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ NotifyID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if NotifyID_TBL[tpath]
- if NotifyID_TBL[tpath][id]
- NotifyID_TBL[tpath][id]
- else
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = id
- NotifyID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- NotifyID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- end
- else
- return id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.new(tree, *args, &b)
- NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if tree.kind_of?(Array)
- # not create
- tpath = tree[0].path
- NotifyID_TBL[tpath] ||= {}
- unless (obj = NotifyID_TBL[tpath][tree[1]])
- (NotifyID_TBL[tpath][tree[1]] =
- obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree[0]
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = tree[1]
- }
- end
- return obj
- end
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(tree, *args, &b)
- NotifyID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- NotifyID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- return obj
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, *args, &b)
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0])
- cmd = args.shift
- # elsif args[-1].kind_of?(Proc) || args[-1].kind_of?(Method)
- elsif TkComm._callback_entry?(args[-1])
- cmd = args.pop
- elsif b
- cmd = Proc.new(&b)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "lack of 'command' argument"
- end
- args = args.collect{|arg| '-' << arg.to_s}
- args << proc{|id, type|
- cmd.call(Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(@tree, id),
- ((type[0] == ?-)? type[1..-1]: type))
- }
- @path = @id = tk_call(@tpath, 'notify', 'create', *args)
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def delete()
- tk_call(@tpath, 'notify', 'delete', @id)
- NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- NotifyID_TBL[@tpath].delete(@id)
- }
- self
- end
- def info()
- lst = simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'notify', 'info', id))
- lst[0] = Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify.id2obj(@tree, lst[0])
- lst[1] = simplelist(lst[1]).collect{|flag| flag[1..-1]}
- lst[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(lst[2])
- lst
- end
- end
- ###################################
- class Trace < TkObject
- TraceID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TraceID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TraceID_TBL[tpath]
- if TraceID_TBL[tpath][id]
- TraceID_TBL[tpath][id]
- else
- begin
- # self.new([tree, id])
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = node # == traceID
- TraceID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- TraceID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- rescue
- id
- end
- end
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.new(tree, *args, &b)
- TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if tree.kind_of?(Array)
- # not create
- tpath = tree[0].path
- TraceID_TBL[tpath] ||= {}
- unless (obj = TraceID_TBL[tpath][tree[1]])
- (TraceID_TBL[tpath][tree[1]] =
- obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = tree[1] # == traceID
- }
- end
- return obj
- end
- # super(true, tree, *args, &b)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(tree, *args, &b)
- TraceID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- TraceID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- return obj
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, node, key, opts, cmd=nil, &b)
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- if !cmd
- if b
- cmd = Proc.new(&b)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "lack of 'command' argument"
- end
- end
- @path = @id = tk_call(@tpath, 'trace', 'create', node, key, opts,
- proc{|t, id, k, ops|
- tobj = Tk::BLT::Tree.id2obj(t)
- if tobj.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree)
- nobj = Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(tobj, id)
- else
- nobj = id
- end
- cmd.call(tobj, nobj, k, ops)
- })
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def delete()
- tk_call(@tpath, 'trace', 'delete', @id)
- TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TraceID_TBL[tpath].delete(@id)
- }
- self
- end
- def info()
- lst = simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'trace', 'info', id))
- lst[0] = Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace.id2obj(@tree, lst[0])
- lst[2] = simplelist(lst[2])
- lst[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(lst[3])
- lst
- end
- end
- ###################################
- TreeID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Tree_ID = ['blt_tree'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- def __keyonly_optkeys
- {
- # apply / find command
- 'invert'=>nil, 'leafonly'=>nil, 'nocase'=>nil,
- # apply / find / sort command
- 'path'=>nil,
- # copy / restore / restorefile command
- 'overwrite'=>nil,
- # copy command
- 'recurse'=>nil, 'tags'=>nil,
- # sort command
- 'ascii'=>nil, 'decreasing'=>nil, 'disctionary'=>nil,
- 'integer'=>nil, 'real'=>nil, 'recurse'=>nil, 'reorder'=>nil,
- }
- end
- def self.id2obj(id)
- TreeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeID_TBL[id]? TreeID_TBL[id]: id
- }
- end
- def self.names(pat = None)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'names', pat)).collect{|name|
- id2obj(name)
- }
- end
- def self.destroy(*names)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'destroy',
- *(names.collect{|n| (n.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree))? n.id: n }) )
- end
- def self.new(name = nil)
- TreeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if name && TreeID_TBL[name]
- TreeID_TBL[name]
- else
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(name)
- TreeID_TBL[@id] = self
- }
- obj
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(name = nil)
- if name
- @path = @id = name
- else
- Tree_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = Tree_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tree_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'create', @id)
- end
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag::TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag::TreeTagID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify::NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify::NotifyID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace::TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace::TraceID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Node) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace)
- tag.id
- else
- tag # maybe an Array of configure parameters
- end
- end
- def destroy()
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'destroy', @id)
- self
- end
- def ancestor(node1, node2)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, tk_call('::blt::tree', 'ancestor',
- tagid(node1), tagid(node2)))
- end
- def apply(node, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'apply', tagid(node), __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- self
- end
- def attach(tree_obj)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'attach', tree_obj)
- self
- end
- def children(node)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'children', tagid(node))).collect{|n|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, n)
- }
- end
- def copy(src, parent, keys={})
- id = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'copy', tagid(src), tagid(parent),
- __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.new(self, nil, 'node'=>id)
- end
- def copy_to(src, dest_tree, parent, keys={})
- return copy(src, parent, keys={}) unless dest_tree
- id = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'copy', tagid(src), dest_tree,
- tagid(parent), __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.new(dest_tree, nil, 'node'=>id)
- end
- def degree(node)
- number(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'degree', tagid(node)))
- end
- def delete(*nodes)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'delete', *(nodes.collect{|node| tagid(node)}))
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- nodes.each{|node|
- if node.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Node)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL[@path].delete(node.id)
- else
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL[@path].delete(node.to_s)
- end
- }
- }
- self
- end
- def depth(node)
- number(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'depth', tagid(node)))
- end
- def dump(node)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'dump', tagid(node))).collect{|n|
- simplelist(n)
- }
- end
- def dump_to_file(node, file)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'dumpfile', tagid(node), file)
- self
- end
- def exist?(node, key=None)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'exists', tagid(node), key))
- end
- def find(node, keys={})
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'find', tagid(node),
- __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))).collect{|n|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, n)
- }
- end
- def find_child(node, label)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'findchild', tagid(node), label)
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def first_child(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'firstchild', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def get(node)
- Hash[*simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'get', tagid(node)))]
- end
- def get_value(node, key, default_val=None)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'get', tagid(node), key, default_val)
- end
- def index(node)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self,
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'index', tagid(node)))
- end
- def insert(parent, keys={})
- id = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'insert', tagid(parent), keys)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.new(self, nil, 'node'=>id)
- end
- def ancestor?(node1, node2)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'is', 'ancestor',
- tagid(node1), tagid(node2)))
- end
- def before?(node1, node2)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'is', 'before',
- tagid(node1), tagid(node2)))
- end
- def leaf?(node)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'is', 'leaf', tagid(node)))
- end
- def link?(node)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'is', 'link', tagid(node)))
- end
- def root?(node)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'is', 'root', tagid(node)))
- end
- def keys(node, *nodes)
- if nodes.empty?
- simplelist(tk_call('blt::tree', 'keys', tagid(node)))
- else
- simplelist(tk_call('blt::tree', 'keys', tagid(node),
- *(nodes.collect{|n| tagid(n)}))).collect{|lst|
- simplelist(lst)
- }
- end
- end
- def label(node, text=nil)
- if text
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'label', tagid(node), text)
- text
- else
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'label', tagid(node))
- end
- end
- def last_child(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'lastchild', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def link(parent, node, keys={})
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'link', tagid(parent), tagid(node),
- __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def move(node, dest, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'move', tagid(node), tagid(dest), keys)
- self
- end
- def next(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'next', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def next_sibling(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'nextsibling', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def notify_create(*args, &b)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify.new(self, *args, &b)
- end
- def notify_delete(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify)
- id.delete
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'notify', 'delete', id)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify::NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify::NotifyID_TBL[@path].delete(id.to_s)
- }
- end
- self
- end
- def notify_info(id)
- lst = simplelist(tk_call(@path, 'notify', 'info', tagid(id)))
- lst[0] = Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify.id2obj(self, lst[0])
- lst[1] = simplelist(lst[1]).collect{|flag| flag[1..-1]}
- lst[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(lst[2])
- lst
- end
- def notify_names()
- tk_call(@path, 'notify', 'names').collect{|id|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def parent(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'parent', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def fullpath(node)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'path', tagid(node))
- end
- def position(node)
- number(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'position', tagid(node)))
- end
- def previous(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'previous', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def prev_sibling(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'prevsibling', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def restore(node, str, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'restore', tagid(node), str,
- __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- self
- end
- def restore_overwrite(node, str, keys={})
- keys = __conv_keyonly_opts(keys)
- keys.delete('overwrite')
- keys.delete(:overwrite)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'restore', tagid(node), str, '-overwrite', keys)
- self
- end
- def restore_from_file(node, file, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'restorefile', tagid(node), file,
- __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- self
- end
- def restore_overwrite_from_file(node, file, keys={})
- keys = __conv_keyonly_opts(keys)
- keys.delete('overwrite')
- keys.delete(:overwrite)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'restorefile', tagid(node), file,
- '-overwrite', keys)
- self
- end
- def root(node=None)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, tk_call('::blt::tree', 'root',
- tagid(node)))
- end
- def set(node, data)
- unless data.kind_of?(Hash)
- fail ArgumentError, 'Hash is expected for data'
- end
- args = []
- data.each{|k, v| args << k << v}
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'set', tagid(node), *args)
- self
- end
- def size(node)
- number(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'size', tagid(node)))
- end
- def sort(node, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'sort', tagid(node), __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- self
- end
- def tag_add(tag, *nodes)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', 'add', tagid(tag), *(nodes.collect{|n| tagid(n)}))
- self
- end
- def tag_delete(tag, *nodes)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', 'delete', tagid(tag),
- *(nodes.collect{|n| tagid(n)}))
- self
- end
- def tag_forget(tag)
- tag = tag.id if tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', 'forget', tag)
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeTagID_TBL[@path].delete(tag)
- }
- self
- end
- def tag_get(node, *patterns)
- simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'get', tagid(node),
- *(patterns.collect{|pat| tagid(pat)}))).collect{|str|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag.id2obj(self, str)
- }
- end
- def tag_names(node = None)
- simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'names', tagid(node))).collect{|str|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag.id2obj(self, str)
- }
- end
- def tag_nodes(tag)
- simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'nodes', tagid(tag))).collect{|node|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, node)
- }
- end
- def tag_set(node, *tags)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', 'set', tagid(node), *(tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)}))
- self
- end
- def tag_unset(node, *tags)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', 'unset', tagid(node),
- *(tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)}))
- self
- end
- def trace_create(*args, &b)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace.new(self, *args, &b)
- end
- def trace_delete(*args)
- args.each{|id|
- if id.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace)
- id.delete
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'trace', 'delete', id)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace::TraceID_TBL[@path].delete(id.to_s)
- end
- self
- }
- end
- def trace_delete(*args)
- args = args.collect{|id| tagid(id)}
- tk_call(@path, 'trace', 'delete', *args)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace::TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- args.each{|id| Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace::TraceID_TBL[@path].delete(id.to_s)}
- }
- self
- end
- def trace_info(id)
- lst = simplelist(tk_call(@path, 'trace', 'info', tagid(id)))
- lst[0] = Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace.id2obj(self, lst[0])
- lst[2] = simplelist(lst[2])
- lst[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(lst[3])
- lst
- end
- def trace_names()
- tk_call(@path, 'trace', 'names').collect{|id|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def type(node, key)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'type', tagid(node), key)
- end
- def unset(node, *keys)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'unset', tagid(node), *keys)
- self
- end
- def values(node, key=None)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'values', tagid(node), key))
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2866ba3027..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1288 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-require 'tk/validation.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Treeview < TkWindow
- module ConfigMethod
- end
- module TagOrID_Methods
- end
- class Node < TkObject
- end
- class Tag < TkObject
- end
- end
- class Hiertable < Treeview
- end
-module Tk::BLT::Treeview::ConfigMethod
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- case id
- when Array
- # id := [ 'column', name ]
- ['edit', 'hide']
- when 'sort'
- ['decreasing']
- else
- []
- end
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- case id
- when Array
- # id := [ 'column', name ]
- super() << 'titleforeground' << 'titleshadow'
- when 'sort'
- ['decreasing']
- else
- []
- end
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
- case id
- when 'entry'
- ['bindtags']
- else
- []
- end
- end
- private :__item_listval_optkeys
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array)
- # id := [ type, name ]
- [self.path, id[0], 'cget', id[1]]
- else
- [self.path, id, 'cget']
- end
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array)
- # id := [ type, name ]
- [self.path, id[0], 'configure', id[1]]
- else
- [self.path, id, 'configure']
- end
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_pathname(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array)
- id = tagid(id[1])
- end
- [self.path, id].join(';')
- end
- private :__item_pathname
- def column_cget_tkstring(name, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['column', name], option)
- end
- def column_cget(name, option)
- itemcget(['column', name], option)
- end
- def column_cget_strict(name, option)
- itemcget_strict(['column', name], option)
- end
- def column_configure(name, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['column', name], slot, value)
- end
- def column_configinfo(name, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['column', name], slot)
- end
- def current_column_configinfo(name, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['column', name], slot)
- end
- def button_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('button', option)
- end
- def button_cget(option)
- itemcget('button', option)
- end
- def button_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('button', option)
- end
- def button_configure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure('button', slot, value)
- end
- def button_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('button', slot)
- end
- def current_button_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('button', slot)
- end
- def entry_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('entry', option)
- end
- def entry_cget(option)
- ret = itemcget('entry', option)
- if option == 'bindtags' || option == :bindtags
- ret.collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- def entry_cget_strict(option)
- ret = itemcget_strict('entry', option)
- if option == 'bindtags' || option == :bindtags
- ret.collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- def entry_configure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure('entry', slot, value)
- end
- def entry_configinfo(slot=nil)
- ret = itemconfiginfo('entry', slot)
- if slot
- if slot == 'bindtags' || slot == :bindtags
- ret[-2] = ret[-2].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- ret[-1] = ret[-1].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- end
- else
- inf = ret.assoc('bindtags')
- inf[-2] = inf[-2].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- inf[-1] = inf[-1].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- end
- if (inf = ret['bindtags'])
- inf[-2] = inf[-2].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- inf[-1] = inf[-1].collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- ret['bindtags'] = inf
- end
- end
- ret
- end
- def current_entry_configinfo(slot=nil)
- ret = current_itemconfiginfo('entry', slot)
- if (val = ret['bindtags'])
- ret['bindtags'] = val.collect{|tag| TkBindTag.id2obj(tag)}
- end
- ret
- end
- def sort_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('sort', option)
- end
- def sort_cget(option)
- itemcget('sort', option)
- end
- def sort_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('sort', option)
- end
- def sort_configure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure('sort', slot, value)
- end
- def sort_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('sort', slot)
- end
- def current_sort_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('sort', slot)
- end
- def text_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('text', option)
- end
- def text_cget(option)
- itemcget('text', option)
- end
- def text_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('text', option)
- end
- def text_configure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure('text', slot, value)
- end
- def text_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('text', slot)
- end
- def current_text_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('text', slot)
- end
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
-class Tk::BLT::Treeview
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::treeview'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'TreeView'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- include Scrollable
- include ValidateConfigure
- include ItemValidateConfigure
- include Tk::BLT::Treeview::ConfigMethod
- ########################
- def __boolval_optkeys
- ['autocreate', 'allowduplicates', 'exportselection', 'flat', 'hideroot',
- 'newtags', 'showtitles', 'sortselection']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() + ['focusforeground', 'linecolor', 'separator', 'trim']
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- ########################
- class OpenCloseCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- [ ?p, ?s, :name ],
- [ ?P, ?s, :fullpath ],
- [ ?#, ?x, :node_id ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?x, TkComm.method(:num_or_str) ],
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- val
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['opencommand', 'closecomand']
- end
- end
- def __validation_class_list
- super() << OpenCloseCommand
- end
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, OpenCloseCommand)
- ########################
- def __item_validation_class_list(id)
- case id
- when 'entry'
- super(id) << OpenCloseCommand
- else
- super(id)
- end
- end
- Tk::ItemValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, OpenCloseCommand)
- ########################
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag::TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag::TreeTagID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node) \
- || tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag)
- tag.id
- else
- tag # maybe an Array of configure parameters
- end
- end
- private :tagid
- def tagid2obj(tagid)
- if tagid.kind_of?(Integer)
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node.id2obj(self, tagid.to_s)
- elsif tagid.kind_of?(String)
- if tagid =~ /^\d+$/
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node.id2obj(self, tagid)
- else
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag.id2obj(self, tagid)
- end
- else
- tagid
- end
- end
- def bbox(*tags)
- list(tk_send('bbox', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)})))
- end
- def screen_bbox(*tags)
- list(tk_send('bbox', '-screen', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)})))
- end
- def tag_bind(tag, seq, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([@path, 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def tag_bind_append(tag, seq, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([@path, 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def tag_bind_remove(tag, seq)
- _bind_remove([@path, 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq)
- self
- end
- def tag_bindinfo(tag, seq=nil)
- _bindinfo([@path, 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq)
- end
- def button_activate(tag)
- tk_send('button', 'activate', tagid(tag))
- self
- end
- def button_bind(tag, seq, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([@path, 'button', 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def button_bind_append(tag, seq, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([@path, 'button', 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def button_bind_remove(tag, seq)
- _bind_remove([@path, 'button', 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq)
- self
- end
- def button_bindinfo(tag, seq=nil)
- _bindinfo([@path, 'button', 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq)
- end
- def close(*tags)
- tk_send('close', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)}))
- self
- end
- def close_recurse(*tags)
- tk_send('close', '-recurse', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)}))
- self
- end
- def column_activate(column=None)
- if column == None
- tk_send('column', 'activate')
- else
- tk_send('column', 'activate', column)
- self
- end
- end
- def column_delete(*fields)
- tk_send('column', 'delete', *fields)
- self
- end
- def column_insert(pos, field, *opts)
- tk_send('column', 'insert', pos, field, *opts)
- self
- end
- def column_invoke(field)
- tk_send('column', 'invoke', field)
- self
- end
- def column_move(name, dest)
- tk_send('column', 'move', name, dest)
- self
- end
- def column_names()
- simplelist(tk_send('column', 'names'))
- end
- def column_nearest(x, y=None)
- tk_send('column', 'nearest', x, y)
- end
- def curselection
- simplelist(tk_send('curselection')).collect{|id| tagid2obj(id)}
- end
- def delete(*tags)
- tk_send('delete', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)}))
- self
- end
- def entry_activate(tag)
- tk_send('entry', 'activate', tagid(tag))
- self
- end
- def entry_children(tag, first=None, last=None)
- simplelist(tk_send('entry', 'children', tagid(tag),
- first, last)).collect{|id| tagid2obj(id)}
- end
- def entry_delete(tag, first=None, last=None)
- tk_send('entry', 'delete', tagid(tag), first, last)
- end
- def entry_before?(tag1, tag2)
- bool(tk_send('entry', 'isbefore', tagid(tag1), tagid(tag2)))
- end
- def entry_hidden?(tag)
- bool(tk_send('entry', 'ishidden', tagid(tag)))
- end
- def entry_open?(tag)
- bool(tk_send('entry', 'isopen', tagid(tag)))
- end
- def entry_size(tag)
- number(tk_send('entry', 'size', tagid(tag)))
- end
- def entry_size_recurse(tag)
- number(tk_send('entry', 'size', '-recurse', tagid(tag)))
- end
- def _search_flags(keys)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys['exact'] = None if keys.delete('exact')
- keys['glob'] = None if keys.delete('glob')
- keys['regexp'] = None if keys.delete('regexp')
- keys['nonmatching'] = None if keys.delete('nonmatching')
- end
- private :_search_flags
- ################################
- class FindExecFlagValue < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- [ ?p, ?s, :name ],
- [ ?P, ?s, :fullpath ],
- [ ?#, ?x, :node_id ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?x, TkComm.method(:num_or_str) ],
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- val
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- []
- end
- end
- def _find_exec_flag_value(val)
- if val.kind_of?(Array)
- cmd, *args = val
- #FindExecFlagValue.new(cmd, args.join(' '))
- FindExecFlagValue.new(cmd, *args)
- elsif TkComm._callback_entry?(val)
- FindExecFlagValue.new(val)
- else
- val
- end
- end
- ################################
- def find(first, last, keys={})
- keys = _search_flags(keys)
- keys['exec'] = _find_exec_flag_value(keys['exec']) if keys.key?('exec')
- args = hash_kv(keys) << '--' << tagid(first) << tagid(last)
- simplelist(tk_send('find', *args)).collect{|id| tagid2obj(id)}
- end
- def tag_focus(tag)
- tk_send('focus', tagid(tag))
- self
- end
- def get(*tags)
- simplelist(tk_send('get', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)})))
- end
- def get_full(*tags)
- simplelist(tk_send('get', '-full', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)})))
- end
- def hide(*tags)
- if tags[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tags.pop
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- keys = _search_flags(keys)
- args = hash_kv(keys) << '--'
- args.concat(tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)})
- tk_send('hide', *args)
- self
- end
- def index(str)
- tagid2obj(tk_send('index', str))
- end
- def index_at(tag, str)
- tagid2obj(tk_send('index', '-at', tagid(tag), str))
- end
- def index_at_path(tag, str)
- tagid2obj(tk_send('index', '-at', tagid(tag), '-path', str))
- end
- def insert(pos, parent=nil, keys={})
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node.new(pos, parent, keys)
- end
- def insert_at(tag, pos, parent=nil, keys={})
- if parent.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = parent
- parent = nil
- end
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys['at'] = tagid(tag)
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node.new(pos, parent, keys)
- end
- def move_before(tag, dest)
- tk_send('move', tagid(tag), 'before', tagid(dest))
- self
- end
- def move_after(tag, dest)
- tk_send('move', tagid(tag), 'after', tagid(dest))
- self
- end
- def move_into(tag, dest)
- tk_send('move', tagid(tag), 'into', tagid(dest))
- self
- end
- def nearest(x, y, var=None)
- tagid2obj(tk_send('nearest', x, y, var))
- end
- def open(*tags)
- tk_send('open', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)}))
- self
- end
- def open_recurse(*tags)
- tk_send('open', '-recurse', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)}))
- self
- end
- def range(first, last)
- simplelist(tk_send('range', tagid(first), tagid(last))).collect{|id|
- tagid2obj(id)
- }
- end
- def range_open(first, last)
- simplelist(tk_send('range', '-open',
- tagid(first), tagid(last))).collect{|id|
- tagid2obj(id)
- }
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def see(tag)
- tk_send_without_enc('see', tagid(tag))
- self
- end
- def see_anchor(anchor, tag)
- tk_send_without_enc('see', '-anchor', anchor, tagid(tag))
- self
- end
- def selection_anchor(tag)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'anchor', tagid(tag))
- self
- end
- def selection_cancel()
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'cancel')
- self
- end
- def selection_clear(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear', tagid(first), tagid(last))
- self
- end
- def selection_clear_all()
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clearall')
- self
- end
- def selection_mark(tag)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'mark', tagid(tag))
- self
- end
- def selection_include?(tag)
- bool(tk_send('selection', 'include', tagid(tag)))
- end
- def selection_present?()
- bool(tk_send('selection', 'present'))
- end
- def selection_set(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'set', tagid(first), tagid(last))
- self
- end
- def selection_toggle(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'toggle', tagid(first), tagid(last))
- self
- end
- def show(*tags)
- if tags[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tags.pop
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- keys = _search_flags(keys)
- args = hash_kv(keys) << '--'
- args.concat(tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)})
- tk_send('show', *args)
- self
- end
- def sort_auto(mode)
- tk_send('sort', 'auto', mode)
- self
- end
- def sort_auto=(mode)
- tk_send('sort', 'auto', mode)
- mode
- end
- def sort_auto?
- bool(tk_send('sort', 'auto'))
- end
- def sort_once(*tags)
- tk_send('sort', 'once', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)}))
- self
- end
- def sort_once_recurse(*tags)
- tk_send('sort', 'once', '-recurse', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)}))
- self
- end
- def tag_add(tag, *ids)
- tk_send('tag', 'add', tagid(tag), *ids)
- self
- end
- def tag_delete(tag, *ids)
- tk_send('tag', 'delete', tagid(tag), *ids)
- self
- end
- def tag_forget(tag)
- tk_send('tag', 'forget', tagid(tag))
- self
- end
- def tag_names(id=nil)
- id = (id)? tagid(id): None
- simplelist(tk_send('tag', 'nodes', id)).collect{|tag|
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag.id2obj(self, tag)
- }
- end
- def tag_nodes(tag)
- simplelist(tk_send('tag', 'nodes', tagid(tag))).collect{|id|
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def text_apply
- tk_send('text', 'apply')
- self
- end
- def text_cancel
- tk_send('text', 'cancel')
- self
- end
- def text_delete(first, last)
- tk_send('text', 'delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def text_get(x, y)
- tk_send('text', 'get', x, y)
- end
- def text_get_root(x, y)
- tk_send('text', 'get', '-root', x, y)
- end
- def text_icursor(idx)
- tk_send('text', 'icursor', idx)
- self
- end
- def text_index(idx)
- num_or_str(tk_send('text', 'index', idx))
- end
- def text_insert(idx, str)
- tk_send('text', 'insert', idx, str)
- self
- end
- def text_selection_adjust(idx)
- tk_send('text', 'selection', 'adjust', idx)
- self
- end
- def text_selection_clear
- tk_send('text', 'selection', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def text_selection_from(idx)
- tk_send('text', 'selection', 'from', idx)
- self
- end
- def text_selection_present
- num_or_str(tk_send('text', 'selection', 'present'))
- end
- def text_selection_range(start, last)
- tk_send('text', 'selection', 'range', start, last)
- self
- end
- def text_selection_to(idx)
- tk_send('text', 'selection', 'to', idx)
- self
- end
- def toggle(tag)
- tk_send('toggle', tagid(tag))
- self
- end
-module Tk::BLT::Treeview::TagOrID_Methods
- def bbox
- @tree.bbox(self)
- end
- def screen_bbox
- @tree.screen_bbox(self)
- end
- def bind(seq, *args)
- @tree.tag_bind(self, seq, *args)
- self
- end
- def bind_append(seq, *args)
- @tree.tag_bind_append(self, seq, *args)
- self
- end
- def bind_remove(seq)
- @tree.tag_bind_remove(self, seq)
- self
- end
- def bindinfo(seq=nil)
- @tree.tag_bindinfo(self, seq)
- end
- def button_activate
- @tree.button_activate(self)
- self
- end
- def button_bind(seq, *args)
- @tree.button_bind(self, seq, *args)
- self
- end
- def button_bind_append(seq, *args)
- @tree.button_bind_append(self, seq, *args)
- self
- end
- def button_bind_remove(seq)
- @tree.button_bind_remove(self, seq)
- self
- end
- def button_bindinfo(seq=nil)
- @tree.button_bindinfo(self, seq)
- end
- def close
- @tree.close(self)
- self
- end
- def close_recurse
- @tree.close_recurse(self)
- self
- end
- def delete
- @tree.delete(self)
- self
- end
- def entry_activate
- @tree.entry_activate(self)
- self
- end
- def entry_children(first=None, last=None)
- @tree.entry_children(self, first, last)
- end
- def entry_delete(first=None, last=None)
- @tree.entry_delete(self, first, last)
- end
- def entry_before?(tag)
- @tree.entry_before?(self, tag)
- end
- def entry_hidden?
- @tree.entry_before?(self)
- end
- def entry_open?
- @tree.entry_open?(self)
- end
- def entry_size
- @tree.entry_size(self)
- end
- def entry_size_recurse
- @tree.entry_size_recurse(self)
- end
- def focus
- @tree.tag_focus(self)
- self
- end
- def get
- @tree.get(self)
- end
- def get_full
- @tree.get_full(self)
- end
- def hide
- @tree.hide(self)
- self
- end
- def index(str)
- @tree.index_at(self, str)
- end
- def index_path(str)
- @tree.index_at_path(self, str)
- end
- def insert(pos, parent=nil, keys={})
- @tree.insert_at(self, pos, parent, keys)
- end
- def move_before(dest)
- @tree.move_before(self, dest)
- self
- end
- def move_after(dest)
- @tree.move_after(self, dest)
- self
- end
- def move_into(dest)
- @tree.move_into(self, dest)
- self
- end
- def open
- @tree.open(self)
- self
- end
- def open_recurse
- @tree.open_recurse(self)
- self
- end
- def range_to(tag)
- @tree.range(self, tag)
- end
- def range_open_to(tag)
- @tree.range(self, tag)
- end
- def see
- @tree.see(self)
- self
- end
- def see_anchor(anchor)
- @tree.see_anchor(anchor, self)
- self
- end
- def selection_anchor
- @tree.selection_anchor(self)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear
- @tree.selection_clear(self)
- self
- end
- def selection_mark
- @tree.selection_mark(self)
- self
- end
- def selection_include?
- @tree.selection_include?(self)
- end
- def selection_set
- @tree.selection_set(self)
- self
- end
- def selection_toggle
- @tree.selection_toggle(self)
- self
- end
- def show
- @tree.show(self)
- self
- end
- def sort_once
- @tree.sort_once(self)
- self
- end
- def sort_once_recurse
- @tree.sort_once_recurse(self)
- self
- end
- def toggle
- @tree.toggle(self)
- self
- end
-class Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node < TkObject
- include Tk::BLT::Treeview::TagOrID_Methods
- TreeNodeID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (TreeNode_ID = ['blt_treeview_node'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TreeNodeID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath]
- if TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][id]
- TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][id]
- else
- begin
- # self.new(tree, nil, nil, 'node'=>Integer(id))
- unless (tk_call(@tpath, 'get', id)).empty?
- id = Integer(id)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = id
- TreeNodeID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- TreeNodeID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- else
- id
- end
- rescue
- id
- end
- end
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.new(tree, pos, parent=nil, keys={})
- if parent.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = parent
- parent = nil
- end
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- tpath = tree.path
- TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath] ||= {}
- if (id = keys['node']) && (obj = TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][id])
- keys.delete('node')
- tk_call(tree.path, 'move', id, pos, parent) if parent
- return obj
- end
- #super(tree, pos, parent, keys)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(tree, pos, parent, keys)
- TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, pos, parent, keys)
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- if (id = keys['node'])
- # if tk_call(@tpath, 'get', id).empty?
- # fail RuntimeError, "not exist the node '#{id}'"
- # end
- @path = @id = id
- tk_call(@tpath, 'move', @id, pos, tagid(parent)) if parent
- configure(keys) if keys && ! keys.empty?
- else
- name = nil
- TreeNode_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- name = TreeNode_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- TreeNode_ID[1].succ!
- }
- at = keys.delete['at']
- if parent
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node) ||
- parent.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag)
- path = [get_full(parent.id)[0], name]
- at = nil # ignore 'at' option
- else
- path = [parent.to_s, name]
- end
- else
- path = name
- end
- if at
- @id = tk_call(@tpath, 'insert', '-at', tagid(at), pos, path, keys)
- else
- @id = tk_call(@tpath, 'insert', pos, path, keys)
- end
- @path = @id
- end
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
-class Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag < TkObject
- include Tk::BLT::Treeview::TagOrID_Methods
- TreeTagID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (TreeTag_ID = ['blt_treeview_tag'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TreeTagID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, name)
- tpath = tree.path
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TreeTagID_TBL[tpath]
- if TreeTagID_TBL[tpath][name]
- TreeTagID_TBL[tpath][name]
- else
- #self.new(tree, name)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = name
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- end
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.new_by_name(tree, name, *ids)
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- unless (obj = TreeTagID_TBL[tree.path][name])
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(tree, name, ids)
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- obj
- }
- end
- def self.new(tree, *ids)
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- if tree.kind_of?(Array)
- initialize(tree[0], tree[1], ids)
- else
- initialize(tree, nil, ids)
- end
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, name, ids)
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- if name
- @path = @id = name
- else
- TreeTag_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = TreeTag_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_).freeze
- TreeTag_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- unless ids.empty?
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'add', @id, *(ids.collect{|id| tagid(id)}))
- end
- end
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node) \
- || tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag)
- tag.id
- else
- tag
- end
- end
- private :tagid
- def id
- @id
- end
- def add(*ids)
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'add', @id, *(ids{|id| tagid(id)}))
- self
- end
- def remove(*ids)
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'delete', @id, *(ids{|id| tagid(id)}))
- self
- end
- def forget
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'forget', @id)
- self
- end
- def nodes
- simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'nodes', @id)).collect{|id|
- Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node.id2obj(@tree, id)
- }
- end
-class Tk::BLT::Hiertable
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::hiertable'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Hiertable'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/unix_dnd.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/unix_dnd.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c0cd33b79..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/unix_dnd.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/unix_dnd.rb
-# *** This is alpha version, because there is no document on BLT. ***
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module DnD
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::dnd'.freeze].freeze
- ##############################
- extend TkItemConfigMethod
- class << self
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- ['::blt::dnd', *id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- ['::blt::dnd', *id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- def cget_tkstring(win, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['cget', win], option)
- end
- def cget(win, option)
- itemcget(['cget', win], option)
- end
- def cget_strict(win, option)
- itemcget_strict(['cget', win], option)
- end
- def configure(win, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['configure', win], slot, value)
- end
- def configinfo(win, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['configure', win], slot)
- end
- def current_configinfo(win, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['configure', win], slot)
- end
- def token_cget_tkstring(win, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['token', 'cget', win], option)
- end
- def token_cget(win, option)
- itemcget(['token', 'cget', win], option)
- end
- def token_cget_strict(win, option)
- itemcget_strict(['token', 'cget', win], option)
- end
- def token_configure(win, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['token', 'configure', win], slot, value)
- end
- def token_configinfo(win, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['token', 'configure', win], slot)
- end
- def current_token_configinfo(win, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['token', 'configure', win], slot)
- end
- def token_windowconfigure(win, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['token', 'window', win], slot, value)
- end
- def token_windowconfiginfo(win, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['token', 'window', win], slot)
- end
- def current_token_windowconfiginfo(win, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['token', 'window', win], slot)
- end
- end
- ##############################
- def self.cancel(win)
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'cancel', *wins)
- end
- def self.delete(*wins)
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'delete', *wins)
- end
- def self.delete_source(*wins)
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'delete', '-source', *wins)
- end
- def self.delete_target(*wins)
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'delete', '-target', *wins)
- end
- def self.drag(win, x, y, token=None)
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'drag', win, x, y, token)
- end
- def self.drop(win, x, y, token=None)
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'drop', win, x, y, token)
- end
- def self.get_data(win, fmt=nil, cmd=nil)
- if fmt
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'getdata', win, fmt, cmd)
- else
- list(tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'getdata', win))
- end
- end
- def self.names(pat=None)
- list(tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'names', pat))
- end
- def self.source_names(pat=None)
- list(tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'names', '-source', pat))
- end
- def self.target_names(pat=None)
- list(tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'names', '-target', pat))
- end
- def self.pull(win, fmt)
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'pull', win, fmt)
- end
- def self.register(win, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'register', win, keys)
- end
- def self.select(win, x, y, timestamp)
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'select', win, x, y, timestamp)
- end
- def self.set_data(win, fmt=nil, cmd=nil)
- if fmt
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'setdata', win, fmt, cmd)
- else
- list(tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'setdata', win))
- end
- end
- def self.token(*args)
- tk_call('::blt::dnd', 'token', *args)
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/vector.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/vector.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a3ab7e64b2..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/vector.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/vector.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Vector < TkVariable
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::vector'.freeze].freeze
- def self.create(*args)
- tk_call('::blt::vector', 'create', *args)
- end
- def self.destroy(*args)
- tk_call('::blt::vector', 'destroy', *args)
- end
- def self.expr(expression)
- tk_call('::blt::vector', 'expr', expression)
- end
- def self.names(pat=None)
- list = simplelist(tk_call('::blt::vector', 'names', pat))
- TkVar_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- list.collect{|name|
- if TkVar_ID_TBL[name]
- TkVar_ID_TBL[name]
- elsif name[0..1] == '::' && TkVar_ID_TBL[name[2..-1]]
- TkVar_ID_TBL[name[2..-1]]
- else
- name
- end
- }
- }
- end
- ####################################
- def initialize(size=nil, keys={})
- if size.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = size
- size = nil
- end
- if size.kind_of?(Array)
- # [first, last]
- size = size.join(':')
- end
- if size
- @id = TkCore::INTERP._invoke('::blt::vector', 'create',
- "#auto(#{size})", *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- @id = TkCore::INTERP._invoke('::blt::vector', 'create',
- "#auto", *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- TkVar_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TkVar_ID_TBL[@id] = self
- }
- @def_default = false
- @default_val = nil
- @trace_var = nil
- @trace_elem = nil
- @trace_opts = nil
- # teach Tk-ip that @id is global var
- TkCore::INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', @id)
- end
- def destroy
- tk_call('::blt::vector', 'destroy', @id)
- end
- def inspect
- '#<Tk::BLT::Vector: ' + @id + '>'
- end
- def to_s
- @id
- end
- def *(item)
- list(tk_call(@id, '*', item))
- end
- def +(item)
- list(tk_call(@id, '+', item))
- end
- def -(item)
- list(tk_call(@id, '-', item))
- end
- def /(item)
- list(tk_call(@id, '/', item))
- end
- def append(*vectors)
- tk_call(@id, 'append', *vectors)
- end
- def binread(channel, len=None, keys={})
- if len.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = len
- len = None
- end
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys['swap'] = None if keys.delete('swap')
- tk_call(@id, 'binread', channel, len, keys)
- end
- def clear()
- tk_call(@id, 'clear')
- self
- end
- def delete(*indices)
- tk_call(@id, 'delete', *indices)
- self
- end
- def dup_vector(vec)
- tk_call(@id, 'dup', vec)
- self
- end
- def expr(expression)
- tk_call(@id, 'expr', expression)
- self
- end
- def index(idx, val=None)
- number(tk_call(@id, 'index', idx, val))
- end
- def [](idx)
- index(idx)
- end
- def []=(idx, val)
- index(idx, val)
- end
- def length()
- number(tk_call(@id, 'length'))
- end
- def length=(size)
- number(tk_call(@id, 'length', size))
- end
- def merge(*vectors)
- tk_call(@id, 'merge', *vectors)
- self
- end
- def normalize(vec=None)
- tk_call(@id, 'normalize', vec)
- self
- end
- def notify(keyword)
- tk_call(@id, 'notify', keyword)
- self
- end
- def offset()
- number(tk_call(@id, 'offset'))
- end
- def offset=(val)
- number(tk_call(@id, 'offset', val))
- end
- def random()
- tk_call(@id, 'random')
- end
- def populate(vector, density=None)
- tk_call(@id, 'populate', vector, density)
- self
- end
- def range(first, last=None)
- list(tk_call(@id, 'range', first, last))
- end
- def search(val1, val2=None)
- list(tk_call(@id, 'search', val1, val2))
- end
- def set(item)
- tk_call(@id, 'set', item)
- self
- end
- def seq(start, finish=None, step=None)
- tk_call(@id, 'seq', start, finish, step)
- self
- end
- def sort(*vectors)
- tk_call(@id, 'sort', *vectors)
- self
- end
- def sort_reverse(*vectors)
- tk_call(@id, 'sort', '-reverse', *vectors)
- self
- end
- def split(*vectors)
- tk_call(@id, 'split', *vectors)
- self
- end
- def variable(var)
- tk_call(@id, 'variable', var)
- self
- end
- end
- class VectorAccess < Vector
- def self.new(name)
- TkVar_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TkVar_ID_TBL[name]
- TkVar_ID_TBL[name]
- else
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(name)
- TkVar_ID_TBL[@id] = self
- }
- obj
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(vec_name)
- @id = vec_name
- @def_default = false
- @default_val = nil
- @trace_var = nil
- @trace_elem = nil
- @trace_opts = nil
- # teach Tk-ip that @id is global var
- TkCore::INTERP._invoke_without_enc('global', @id)
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/watch.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/watch.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b88c81c745..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/watch.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/watch.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Watch < TkObject
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::watch'.freeze].freeze
- WATCH_ID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (BLT_WATCH_ID = ['blt_watch_id'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- WATCH_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ WATCH_ID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.names(state = None)
- lst = tk_split_list(tk_call('::blt::watch', 'names', state))
- WATCH_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- lst.collect{|name|
- WATCH_ID_TBL[name] || name
- }
- }
- end
- def __numval_optkeys
- ['maxlevel']
- end
- private :__numval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- ['active']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __config_cmd
- ['::blt::watch', 'configure', self.path]
- end
- private :__config_cmd
- def initialize(name = nil, keys = {})
- if name.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = name
- name = nil
- end
- if name
- @id = name.to_s
- else
- BLT_WATCH_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @id = BLT_WATCH_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- BLT_WATCH_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- @path = @id
- WATCH_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- WATCH_ID_TBL[@id] = self
- }
- tk_call('::blt::watch', 'create', @id, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def activate
- tk_call('::blt::watch', 'activate', @id)
- self
- end
- def deactivate
- tk_call('::blt::watch', 'deactivate', @id)
- self
- end
- def delete
- tk_call('::blt::watch', 'delete', @id)
- self
- end
- def info
- ret = []
- lst = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('::blt::watch', 'info', @id))
- until lst.empty?
- k, v, *lst = lst
- k = k[1..-1]
- case k
- when /^(#{__strval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- # do nothing
- when /^(#{__numval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- begin
- v = number(v)
- rescue
- v = nil
- end
- when /^(#{__numstrval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- v = num_or_str(v)
- when /^(#{__boolval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- begin
- v = bool(v)
- rescue
- v = nil
- end
- when /^(#{__listval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- v = simplelist(v)
- when /^(#{__numlistval_optkeys.join('|')})$/
- v = list(v)
- else
- if v.index('{')
- v = tk_split_list(v)
- else
- v = tk_tcl2ruby(v)
- end
- end
- ret << [k, v]
- end
- ret
- end
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- v = cget(slot)
- [slot, v]
- else
- {slot=>v}
- end
- else
- info
- else
- Hash[*(info.flatten)]
- end
- end
- end
- def cget_strict(key)
- key = key.to_s
- begin
- info.assoc(key)[1]
- rescue
- fail ArgumentError, "unknown option '#{key}'"
- end
- end
- def cget(key)
- cget_strict(key)
- else
- begin
- cget_strict(key)
- rescue => e
- if current_configinfo.has_key?(key.to_s)
- # error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # unknown option
- nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/win_printer.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/win_printer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d609acc19..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/win_printer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/win_printer.rb
-# *** Windows only ***
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Printer < TkObject
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::printer'.freeze].freeze
- def self.enum(attribute)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::printer', 'enum', attribute))
- end
- def self.names(pat=None)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::printer', 'names', pat))
- end
- def self.open(printer)
- self.new(printer)
- end
- #################################
- def initialize(printer)
- @printer_id = tk_call('::blt::printer', 'open', printer)
- end
- def close
- tk_call('::blt::print', 'close', @printer_id)
- self
- end
- def get_attrs(var)
- tk_call('::blt::print', 'getattrs', @printer_id, var)
- var
- end
- def set_attrs(var)
- tk_call('::blt::print', 'setattrs', @printer_id, var)
- self
- end
- def snap(win)
- tk_call('::blt::print', 'snap', @printer_id, win)
- self
- end
- def write(str)
- tk_call('::blt::print', 'write', @printer_id, str)
- self
- end
- def write_with_title(title, str)
- tk_call('::blt::print', 'write', @printer_id, title, str)
- self
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/winop.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/winop.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 38033e1113..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/winop.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/winop.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- module Winop
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::winop'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WinOp = Winop
-class << Tk::BLT::Winop
- def changes(win)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'changes', win)
- end
- def colormap(win)
- Hash[*list(tk_call('::blt::winop', 'colormap', win))]
- end
- def convolve(src, dest, filter)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'convolve', src, dest, filter)
- end
- def image_convolve(src, dest, filter)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'image', 'convolve', src, dest, filter)
- end
- def image_gradient(photo, left, right, type)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'image', 'gradient', photo, left, right, type)
- end
- def image_read_jpeg(file, photo)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'image', 'readjpeg', file, photo)
- end
- def image_resample(src, dest, horiz_filter=None, vert_filter=None)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'image', 'resample',
- src, dest, horiz_filter, vert_filter)
- end
- def image_rotate(src, dest, angle)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'image', 'rotate', src, dest, angle)
- end
- def image_snap(win, photo, width=None, height=None)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'image', 'snap', win, photo, width, height)
- end
- def image_subsample(src, dest, x, y, width, height,
- horiz_filter=None, vert_filter=None)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'image', 'subsample',
- src, dest, x, y, width, height, horiz_filter, vert_filter)
- end
- def quantize(src, dest, colors)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'quantize', src, dest, colors)
- end
- def query()
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'query')
- end
- def read_jpeg(file, photo)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'readjpeg', file, photo)
- end
- def resample(src, dest, horiz_filter=None, vert_filter=None)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'resample',
- src, dest, horiz_filter, vert_filter)
- end
- def subsample(src, dest, x, y, width, height,
- horiz_filter=None, vert_filter=None)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'subsample',
- src, dest, x, y, width, height, horiz_filter, vert_filter)
- end
- def raise(*wins)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'raise', *wins)
- end
- def lower(*wins)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'lower', *wins)
- end
- def map(*wins)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'map', *wins)
- end
- def unmap(*wins)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'unmap', *wins)
- end
- def move(win, x, y)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'move', win, x, y)
- end
- def snap(win, photo)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'snap', win, photo)
- end
- def warpto(win = None)
- tk_call('::blt::winop', 'warpto', win)
- end
- alias warp_to warpto
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa9c77ecf..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# BWidget extension support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/setup.rb'
-# load all image format handlers
-#TkPackage.require('BWidget', '1.7')
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- TkComm::TkExtlibAutoloadModule.unshift(self)
- # Require autoload-symbols which is a same name as widget classname.
- # Those are used at TkComm._genobj_for_tkwidget method.
- extend TkCore
- LIBRARY = tk_call('set', '::BWIDGET::LIBRARY')
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'BWidget'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('BWidget')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- def self.XLFDfont(cmd, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.pop
- args.concat(hash_kv(keys))
- end
- tk_call('BWidget::XLFDfont', cmd, *args)
- end
- def self.assert(exp, msg=None)
- tk_call('BWidget::assert', exp, msg)
- end
- def self.badOptionString(type, value, list)
- tk_call('BWidget::badOptionString', type, value, list)
- end
- def self.bindMouseWheel(widget)
- tk_call('BWidget::bindMouseWheel', widget)
- end
- def self.classes(klass)
- list(tk_call('BWidget::classes', klass))
- end
- def self.clonename(menu)
- tk_call('BWidget::clonename', menu)
- end
- def self.focus(opt, path)
- tk_call('BWidget::focus', opt, path)
- end
- def self.get3dcolor(path, bgcolor)
- tk_call('BWidget::get3dcolor', path, bgcolor)
- end
- def self.getname(name)
- tk_call('BWidget::getname', name)
- end
- def self.grab(opt, path)
- tk_call('BWidget::grab', opt, path)
- end
- def self.inuse(klass)
- bool(tk_call('BWidget::inuse', klass))
- end
- def self.library(klass, *klasses)
- tk_call('BWidget::library', klass, *klasses)
- end
- def self.lreorder(list, neworder)
- tk_call('BWidget::lreorder', list, neworder)
- end
- def self.parsetext(text)
- tk_call('BWidget::parsetext', text)
- end
- def self.place(path, w, h, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.pop
- args.concat(hash_kv(keys))
- end
- tk_call('BWidget::place', path, w, h, *(args.flatten))
- end
- def self.write(file, mode=None)
- tk_call('BWidget::write', file, mode)
- end
- def self.wrongNumArgsString(str)
- tk_call('BWidget::wrongNumArgsString', str)
- end
- ####################################################
- autoload :ArrowButton, 'tkextlib/bwidget/arrowbutton'
- autoload :Bitmap, 'tkextlib/bwidget/bitmap'
- autoload :Button, 'tkextlib/bwidget/button'
- autoload :ButtonBox, 'tkextlib/bwidget/buttonbox'
- autoload :ComboBox, 'tkextlib/bwidget/combobox'
- autoload :Dialog, 'tkextlib/bwidget/dialog'
- autoload :DragSite, 'tkextlib/bwidget/dragsite'
- autoload :DropSite, 'tkextlib/bwidget/dropsite'
- autoload :DynamicHelp, 'tkextlib/bwidget/dynamichelp'
- autoload :Entry, 'tkextlib/bwidget/entry'
- autoload :Label, 'tkextlib/bwidget/label'
- autoload :LabelEntry, 'tkextlib/bwidget/labelentry'
- autoload :LabelFrame, 'tkextlib/bwidget/labelframe'
- autoload :ListBox, 'tkextlib/bwidget/listbox'
- autoload :MainFrame, 'tkextlib/bwidget/mainframe'
- autoload :MessageDlg, 'tkextlib/bwidget/messagedlg'
- autoload :NoteBook, 'tkextlib/bwidget/notebook'
- autoload :PagesManager, 'tkextlib/bwidget/pagesmanager'
- autoload :PanedWindow, 'tkextlib/bwidget/panedwindow'
- autoload :PasswdDlg, 'tkextlib/bwidget/passwddlg'
- autoload :ProgressBar, 'tkextlib/bwidget/progressbar'
- autoload :ProgressDlg, 'tkextlib/bwidget/progressdlg'
- autoload :ScrollableFrame, 'tkextlib/bwidget/scrollableframe'
- autoload :ScrolledWindow, 'tkextlib/bwidget/scrolledwindow'
- autoload :ScrollView, 'tkextlib/bwidget/scrollview'
- autoload :SelectColor, 'tkextlib/bwidget/selectcolor'
- autoload :SelectFont, 'tkextlib/bwidget/selectfont'
- autoload :Separator, 'tkextlib/bwidget/separator'
- autoload :SpinBox, 'tkextlib/bwidget/spinbox'
- autoload :TitleFrame, 'tkextlib/bwidget/titleframe'
- autoload :Tree, 'tkextlib/bwidget/tree'
- autoload :Widget, 'tkextlib/bwidget/widget'
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/arrowbutton.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/arrowbutton.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a991245065..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/arrowbutton.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/arrowbutton.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/button'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class ArrowButton < Tk::BWidget::Button
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::ArrowButton
- TkCommandNames = ['ArrowButton'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'ArrowButton'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/bitmap.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/bitmap.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3acdfdf5ec..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/bitmap.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/bitmap.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/image'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class Bitmap < TkPhotoImage
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::Bitmap
- def initialize(name)
- @path = tk_call_without_enc('Bitmap::get', name)
- Tk_IMGTBL[@path] = self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/button.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/button.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ad880ebfdd..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/button.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/button.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/button'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class Button < Tk::Button
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::Button
- TkCommandNames = ['Button'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Button'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'helptext'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'helpvar'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/buttonbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/buttonbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 780a6a649e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/buttonbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/buttonbox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/button'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class ButtonBox < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::ButtonBox
- TkCommandNames = ['ButtonBox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'ButtonBox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'homogeneous'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::BWidget::Button)
- name = tagOrId[:name]
- return index(name) unless name.empty?
- end
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Button)
- return index(tagOrId[:text])
- end
- # index(tagOrId.to_s)
- index(_get_eval_string(tagOrId))
- end
- def add(keys={}, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('add', *hash_kv(keys)))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def delete(idx)
- tk_send('delete', tagid(idx))
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- if idx.kind_of?(Tk::BWidget::Button)
- name = idx[:name]
- idx = name unless name.empty?
- end
- if idx.kind_of?(Tk::Button)
- idx = idx[:text]
- end
- number(tk_send('index', idx.to_s))
- end
- def insert(idx, keys={}, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('insert', tagid(idx), *hash_kv(keys)))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def invoke(idx)
- tk_send('invoke', tagid(idx))
- self
- end
- def set_focus(idx)
- tk_send('setfocus', tagid(idx))
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/combobox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/combobox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b3de3186d6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/combobox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/combobox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/entry'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/listbox'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/spinbox'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class ComboBox < Tk::BWidget::SpinBox
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::ComboBox
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['ComboBox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'ComboBox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'autocomplete' << 'autopost'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def get_listbox(&b)
- win = window(tk_send_without_enc('getlistbox'))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def clear_value
- tk_send_without_enc('clearvalue')
- self
- end
- alias clearvalue clear_value
- def icursor(idx)
- tk_send_without_enc('icursor', idx)
- end
- def post
- tk_send_without_enc('post')
- self
- end
- def unpost
- tk_send_without_enc('unpost')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ed929cb830..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/dialog.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/buttonbox'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class Dialog < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::Dialog
- TkCommandNames = ['Dialog'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Dialog'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __numstrval_optkeys
- super() << 'buttonwidth'
- end
- private :__numstrval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'title' << 'geometry'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'transient' << 'homogeneous'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def initialize(parent=nil, keys=nil)
- @relative = ''
- if parent.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
- @relative = keys['parent'] if keys.key?('parent')
- @relative = keys.delete('relative') if keys.key?('relative')
- super(keys)
- elsif keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- @relative = keys.delete('parent') if keys.key?('parent')
- @relative = keys.delete('relative') if keys.key?('relative')
- super(parent, keys)
- else
- super(parent)
- end
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- cmd = self.class::TkCommandNames[0]
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(cmd, @path, '-parent', @relative,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(cmd, @path, '-parent', @relative)
- end
- end
- def cget_tkstring(slot)
- if slot.to_s == 'relative'
- super('parent')
- else
- super(slot)
- end
- end
- def cget_strict(slot)
- if slot.to_s == 'relative'
- super('parent')
- else
- super(slot)
- end
- end
- def cget(slot)
- if slot.to_s == 'relative'
- super('parent')
- else
- super(slot)
- end
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- slot['parent'] = slot.delete('relative') if slot.key?('relative')
- super(slot)
- else
- if slot.to_s == 'relative'
- super('parent', value)
- else
- super(slot, value)
- end
- end
- end
- def configinfo(slot=nil)
- if slot
- if slot.to_s == 'relative'
- super('parent')
- else
- super(slot)
- end
- else
- ret = super()
- ret << ['relative', 'parent']
- else
- ret['relative'] = 'parent'
- end
- end
- end
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::BWidget::Button)
- name = tagOrId[:name]
- return index(name) unless name.empty?
- end
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Button)
- return index(tagOrId[:text])
- end
- # index(tagOrId.to_s)
- index(_get_eval_string(tagOrId))
- end
- def add(keys={}, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('add', *hash_kv(keys)))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def get_frame(&b)
- win = window(tk_send('getframe'))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def get_buttonbox(&b)
- win = window(@path + '.bbox')
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def draw(focus_win=None)
- tk_send('draw', focus_win)
- end
- def enddialog(ret)
- tk_send('enddialog', ret)
- end
- def index(idx)
- get_buttonbox.index(idx)
- end
- def invoke(idx)
- tk_send('invoke', tagid(idx))
- self
- end
- def set_focus(idx)
- tk_send('setfocus', tagid(idx))
- self
- end
- def withdraw
- tk_send('withdraw')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dragsite.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dragsite.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c7ea4491a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dragsite.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/dragsite.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- module DragSite
- end
- end
-module Tk::BWidget::DragSite
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def self.include(klass, type, event)
- tk_call('DragSite::include', klass, type, event)
- end
- def self.register(path, keys={})
- tk_call('DragSite::register', path, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def self.set_drag(path, subpath, initcmd, endcmd, force=None)
- tk_call('DragSite::setdrag', path, subpath, initcmd, endcmd, force)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dropsite.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dropsite.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e5eb7f4a88..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dropsite.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/dropsite.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- module DropSite
- end
- end
-module Tk::BWidget::DropSite
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def self.include(klass, type)
- tk_call('DropSite::include', klass, type)
- end
- def self.register(path, keys={})
- tk_call('DropSite::register', path, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def self.set_cursor(cursor)
- tk_call('DropSite::setcursor', cursor)
- end
- def self.set_drop(path, subpath, dropover, drop, force=None)
- tk_call('DropSite::setdrop', path, subpath, dropover, drop, force)
- end
- def self.set_operation(op)
- tk_call('DropSite::setoperation', op)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dynamichelp.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dynamichelp.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e7538fc00..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/dynamichelp.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/dynamichelp.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- module DynamicHelp
- end
- end
-module Tk::BWidget::DynamicHelp
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def self.__pathname
- 'DynamicHelp::configure'
- end
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'topbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def self.__cget_cmd
- ['DynamicHelp::configure']
- end
- def self.__config_cmd
- ['DynamicHelp::configure']
- end
- def self.cget_strict(slot)
- slot = slot.to_s
- info = {}
- self.current_configinfo.each{|k,v| info[k.to_s] = v if k.to_s == slot}
- fail RuntimeError, "unknown option \"-#{slot}\"" if info.empty?
- info.values[0]
- end
- def self.cget(slot)
- self.current_configinfo(slot).values[0]
- end
- def self.add(widget, keys={})
- tk_call('DynamicHelp::add', widget, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def self.delete(widget)
- tk_call('DynamicHelp::delete', widget)
- end
- def self.include(klass, type)
- tk_call('DynamicHelp::include', klass, type)
- end
- def self.sethelp(path, subpath, force=None)
- tk_call('DynamicHelp::sethelp', path, subpath, force)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/entry.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/entry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bfbe2f1967..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/entry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/entry.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/entry'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class Entry < Tk::Entry
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::Entry
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['Entry'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Entry'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'helptext' << 'insertbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'dragenabled' << 'dropenabled' << 'editable'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'helpvar'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def invoke
- tk_send_without_enc('invoke')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/label.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/label.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a0b73d95c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/label.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/label.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/label'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class Label < Tk::Label
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::Label
- TkCommandNames = ['Label'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Label'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'helptext'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'dragenabled' << 'dropenabled'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'helpvar'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def set_focus
- tk_send_without_enc('setfocus')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/labelentry.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/labelentry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 501f9515fa..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/labelentry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/labelentry.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/entry'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/labelframe'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/entry'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class LabelEntry < Tk::Entry
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::LabelEntry
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['LabelEntry'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'LabelEntry'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'helptext' << 'insertbackground' << 'entryfg' << 'entrybg'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'helpvar'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'labelfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- #def entrybind(*args)
- # _bind([path, 'bind'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def entrybind(context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([path, 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def entrybind_append(*args)
- # _bind_append([path, 'bind'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def entrybind_append(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([path, 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def entrybind_remove(*args)
- _bind_remove([path, 'bind'], *args)
- self
- end
- def entrybindinfo(*args)
- _bindinfo([path, 'bind'], *args)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/labelframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/labelframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 21c529c6c9..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/labelframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/labelframe.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/label'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class LabelFrame < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::LabelFrame
- TkCommandNames = ['LabelFrame'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'LabelFrame'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'helptext'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'dragenabled' << 'dropenabled'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'helpvar'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def self.align(*args)
- tk_call('LabelFrame::align', *args)
- end
- def get_frame(&b)
- win = window(tk_send_without_enc('getframe'))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/listbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/listbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 301eb4bb54..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/listbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/listbox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/canvas'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class ListBox < TkWindow
- # is NOT a subclass of a listbox widget class.
- # because it constructed on a canvas widget.
- class Item < TkObject
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::ListBox
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['ListBox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'ListBox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- class Event_for_Items < TkEvent::Event
- def self._get_extra_args_tbl
- [
- TkComm.method(:string) # item identifier
- ]
- end
- end
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'autofocus' << 'dragenabled' << 'dropenabled' << 'selectfill'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Tk::BWidget::ListBox::Item)
- tag.id
- else
- # tag
- _get_eval_string(tag)
- end
- end
- #def imagebind(*args)
- # _bind_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def imagebind(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def imagebind_append(*args)
- # _bind_append_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def imagebind_append(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def imagebind_remove(*args)
- _bind_remove_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'], *args)
- self
- end
- def imagebindinfo(*args)
- _bindinfo_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'], *args)
- end
- #def textbind(*args)
- # _bind_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def textbind(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def textbind_append(*args)
- # _bind_append_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def textbind_append(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def textbind_remove(*args)
- _bind_remove_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'], *args)
- self
- end
- def textbindinfo(*args)
- _bindinfo_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'], *args)
- end
- def delete(*args)
- tk_send('delete', *args)
- self
- end
- def edit(item, text, *args)
- tk_send('edit', tagid(item), text, *args)
- self
- end
- def exist?(item)
- bool(tk_send('exists', tagid(item)))
- end
- def index(item)
- num_or_str(tk_send('index', tagid(item)))
- end
- def insert(idx, item, keys={})
- tk_send('insert', idx, tagid(item), *hash_kv(keys))
- self
- end
- def get_item(idx)
- tk_send('items', idx)
- end
- def items(first=None, last=None)
- list(tk_send('items', first, last))
- end
- def move(item, idx)
- tk_send('move', tagid(item), idx)
- self
- end
- def reorder(neworder)
- tk_send('reorder', neworder)
- self
- end
- def see(item)
- tk_send('see', tagid(item))
- self
- end
- def selection_clear
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def selection_set(*args)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'set',
- *(args.collect{|item| tagid(item)}))
- self
- end
- def selection_add(*args)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'add',
- *(args.collect{|item| tagid(item)}))
- self
- end
- def selection_remove(*args)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'remove',
- *(args.collect{|item| tagid(item)}))
- self
- end
- def selection_get(*args)
- simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'get')).collect{|item|
- Tk::BWidget::ListBox::Item.id2obj(self, item)
- }
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::ListBox::Item
- include TkTreatTagFont
- ListItem_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (ListItem_ID = ['bw:item'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- ListItem_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ ListItem_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(lbox, id)
- lpath = lbox.path
- ListItem_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if ListItem_TBL[lpath]
- ListItem_TBL[lpath][id]? ListItem_TBL[lpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(lbox, *args)
- if lbox.kind_of?(Tk::BWidget::ListBox)
- @listbox = lbox
- else
- fail RuntimeError,
- "expect Tk::BWidget::ListBox or Tk::BWidget::ListBox::Item for 1st argument"
- end
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- index = keys.delete('index')
- unless args.empty?
- index = args.shift
- end
- index = 'end' unless index
- unless args.empty?
- fail RuntimeError, 'too much arguments'
- end
- @lpath = @listbox.path
- if keys.key?('itemname')
- @path = @id = keys.delete('itemname')
- else
- ListItem_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = ListItem_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- ListItem_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- ListItem_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- ListItem_TBL[@id] = self
- ListItem_TBL[@lpath] = {} unless ListItem_TBL[@lpath]
- ListItem_TBL[@lpath][@id] = self
- }
- @listbox.insert(index, @id, keys)
- end
- def listbox
- @listbox
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def [](key)
- cget(key)
- end
- def []=(key, val)
- configure(key, val)
- val
- end
- def cget_tkstring(key)
- @listbox.itemcget_tkstring(@id, key)
- end
- def cget(key)
- @listbox.itemcget(@id, key)
- end
- def cget_strict(key)
- @listbox.itemcget_strict(@id, key)
- end
- def configure(key, val=None)
- @listbox.itemconfigure(@id, key, val)
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @listbox.itemconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @listbox.current_itemconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
- def delete
- @listbox.delete(@id)
- self
- end
- def edit(*args)
- @listbox.edit(@id, *args)
- self
- end
- def exist?
- @listbox.exist?(@id)
- end
- def index
- @listbox.index(@id)
- end
- def move(index)
- @listbox.move(@id, index)
- end
- def see
- @listbox.see(@id)
- end
- def selection_add
- @listbox.selection_add(@id)
- end
- def selection_remove
- @listbox.selection_remove(@id)
- end
- def selection_set
- @listbox.selection_set(@id)
- end
- def selection_toggle
- @listbox.selection_toggle(@id)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/mainframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/mainframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ad097439c3..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/mainframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/mainframe.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/progressbar'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class MainFrame < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::MainFrame
- TkCommandNames = ['MainFrame'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'MainFrame'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'progressfg'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'progressvar'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def __val2ruby_optkeys # { key=>proc, ... }
- # The method is used to convert a opt-value to a ruby's object.
- # When get the value of the option "key", "proc.call(value)" is called.
- {
- 'menu'=>proc{|v| simplelist(v).collect!{|elem| simplelist(v)}}
- }
- end
- private :__val2ruby_optkeys
- def add_indicator(keys={}, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('addindicator', *hash_kv(keys)))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def add_toolbar(&b)
- win = window(tk_send('addtoolbar'))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def get_frame(&b)
- win = window(tk_send('getframe'))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def get_indicator(idx, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('getindicator', idx))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def get_menu(menu_id, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('getmenu', menu_id))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def get_toolbar(idx, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('gettoolbar', idx))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def get_menustate(tag)
- tk_send('getmenustate', tag) # return state name string
- end
- def set_menustate(tag, state)
- tk_send('setmenustate', tag, state)
- self
- end
- def show_statusbar(name)
- tk_send('showstatusbar', name)
- self
- end
- def show_toolbar(idx, mode)
- tk_send('showtoolbar', idx, mode)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/messagedlg.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/messagedlg.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 69819360a8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/messagedlg.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/messagedlg.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/dialog.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class MessageDlg < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::MessageDlg
- TkCommandNames = ['MessageDlg'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'MessageDlg'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def initialize(parent=nil, keys=nil)
- @relative = ''
- if parent.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
- @relative = keys['parent'] if keys.key?('parent')
- @relative = keys.delete('relative') if keys.key?('relative')
- super(keys)
- elsif keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- @relative = keys.delete('parent') if keys.key?('parent')
- @relative = keys.delete('relative') if keys.key?('relative')
- super(parent, keys)
- else
- super(parent)
- end
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- # NOT create widget.
- # Because the widget no longer exist when returning from creation.
- @keys = _symbolkey2str(keys).update('parent'=>@relative)
- @info = nil
- end
- private :create_self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'message' << 'title'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- super() << 'buttons'
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- def cget(slot)
- slot = slot.to_s
- if slot == 'relative'
- slot = 'parent'
- end
- if winfo_exist?
- val = super(slot)
- @keys[slot] = val
- end
- @keys[slot]
- end
- def cget_strict(slot)
- slot = slot.to_s
- if slot == 'relative'
- slot = 'parent'
- end
- if winfo_exist?
- val = super(slot)
- @keys[slot] = val
- end
- @keys[slot]
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if winfo_exist?
- super(slot, value)
- end
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- slot['parent'] = slot.delete('relative') if slot.key?('relative')
- @keys.update(slot)
- if @info
- # update @info
- slot.each{|k, v|
- if (inf = @info.assoc(k))
- inf[-1] = v
- else
- @info << [k, '', '', '', v]
- end
- else
- if (inf = @info[k])
- inf[-1] = v
- else
- @info[k] = ['', '', '', v]
- end
- end
- }
- end
- else # ! Hash
- slot = slot.to_s
- slot = 'parent' if slot == 'relative'
- @keys[slot] = value
- if @info
- # update @info
- if (inf = @info.assoc(slot))
- inf[-1] = value
- else
- @info << [slot, '', '', '', value]
- end
- else
- if (inf = @info[slot])
- inf[-1] = value
- else
- @info[slot] = ['', '', '', value]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def configinfo(slot=nil)
- if winfo_exist?
- @info = super()
- @info << ['relative', 'parent']
- else
- @info['relative'] = 'parent'
- end
- end
- if @info
- if winfo_exist?
- # update @keys
- @info.each{|inf| @keys[inf[0]] = inf[-1] if inf.size > 2 }
- end
- else
- @info = []
- @keys.each{|k, v|
- @info << [k, '', '', '', v]
- }
- @info << ['relative', 'parent']
- end
- if slot
- @info.asoc(slot.to_s).dup
- else
- @info.dup
- end
- if @info
- if winfo_exist?
- # update @keys
- @info.each{|k, inf| @keys[k] = inf[-1] if inf.size > 2 }
- end
- else
- @info = {}
- @keys.each{|k, v|
- @info[k] = ['', '', '', v]
- }
- @info['relative'] = 'parent'
- end
- if slot
- @info[slot.to_s].dup
- else
- @info.dup
- end
- end
- end
- def create
- # return the index of the pressed button, or nil if it is destroyed
- ret = num_or_str(tk_call(self.class::TkCommandNames[0],
- @path, *hash_kv(@keys)))
- (ret < 0)? nil: ret
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/notebook.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/notebook.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e9670d01..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/notebook.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/notebook.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class NoteBook < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::NoteBook
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- TkCommandNames = ['NoteBook'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'NoteBook'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- class Event_for_Tabs < TkEvent::Event
- def self._get_extra_args_tbl
- [
- TkComm.method(:string) # page identifier
- ]
- end
- end
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'homogeneous'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def tagid(id)
- if id.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- #id.path
- id.epath
- elsif id.kind_of?(TkObject)
- id.to_eval
- else
- # id.to_s
- _get_eval_string(id)
- end
- end
- #def tabbind(*args)
- # _bind_for_event_class(Event_for_Tabs, [path, 'bindtabs'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def tabbind(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_for_event_class(Event_for_Tabs, [path, 'bindtabs'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def tabbind_append(*args)
- # _bind_append_for_event_class(Event_for_Tabs, [path, 'bindtabs'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def tabbind_append(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append_for_event_class(Event_for_Tabs, [path, 'bindtabs'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def tabbind_remove(*args)
- _bind_remove_for_event_class(Event_for_Tabs, [path, 'bindtabs'], *args)
- self
- end
- def tabbindinfo(*args)
- _bindinfo_for_event_class(Event_for_Tabs, [path, 'bindtabs'], *args)
- end
- def add(page, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('add', tagid(page)))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def compute_size
- tk_send('compute_size')
- self
- end
- def delete(page, destroyframe=None)
- tk_send('delete', tagid(page), destroyframe)
- self
- end
- def get_frame(page, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('getframe', tagid(page)))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def index(page)
- num_or_str(tk_send('index', tagid(page)))
- end
- def insert(index, page, keys={}, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('insert', index, tagid(page), *hash_kv(keys)))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def move(page, index)
- tk_send('move', tagid(page), index)
- self
- end
- def get_page(page)
- tk_send('pages', page)
- end
- def pages(first=None, last=None)
- list(tk_send('pages', first, last))
- end
- def raise(page=nil)
- if page
- tk_send('raise', page)
- self
- else
- tk_send('raise')
- end
- end
- def see(page)
- tk_send('see', page)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/pagesmanager.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/pagesmanager.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ce18ee0edb..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/pagesmanager.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/pagesmanager.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class PagesManager < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::PagesManager
- TkCommandNames = ['PagesManager'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'PagesManager'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def tagid(id)
- # id.to_s
- _get_eval_string(id)
- end
- def add(page, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('add', tagid(page)))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def compute_size
- tk_send('compute_size')
- self
- end
- def delete(page)
- tk_send('delete', tagid(page))
- self
- end
- def get_frame(page, &b)
- win = window(tk_send('getframe', tagid(page)))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def get_page(page)
- tk_send('pages', page)
- end
- def pages(first=None, last=None)
- list(tk_send('pages', first, last))
- end
- def raise(page=None)
- tk_send('raise', page)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/panedwindow.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/panedwindow.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 560c563479..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/panedwindow.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/panedwindow.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class PanedWindow < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::PanedWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['PanedWindow'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'PanedWindow'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'activator'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def add(keys={})
- window(tk_send('add', *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def get_frame(idx, &b)
- win = window(tk_send_without_enc('getframe', idx))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/panelframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/panelframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e32f4e261..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/panelframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/panelframe.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class PanelFrame < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::PanelFrame
- TkCommandNames = ['PanelFrame'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'PanelFrame'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() + ['panelforeground', 'panelbackground']
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def add(win, keys={})
- tk_send('add', win, keys)
- self
- end
- def delete(*wins)
- tk_send('delete', *wins)
- self
- end
- def get_frame(&b)
- win = window(tk_send_without_enc('getframe'))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def items
- simplelist(tk_send('items')).map{|w| window(w)}
- end
- def remove(*wins)
- tk_send('remove', *wins)
- self
- end
- def remove_with_destroy(*wins)
- tk_send('remove', '-destroy', *wins)
- self
- end
- def delete(*wins) # same to 'remove_with_destroy'
- tk_send('delete', *wins)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/passwddlg.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/passwddlg.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe6fc6a02..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/passwddlg.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/passwddlg.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/messagedlg'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class PasswdDlg < Tk::BWidget::MessageDlg
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::PasswdDlg
- TkCommandNames = ['PasswdDlg'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'PasswdDlg'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'loginhelptext' << 'loginlabel' << 'logintext' <<
- 'passwdlabel' << 'passwdtext'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'passwdeditable' << 'homogeneous'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'loginhelpvar' << 'logintextvariable' <<
- 'passwdhelpvar' << 'passwdtextvariable'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def create
- login, passwd = simplelist(tk_call(self.class::TkCommandNames[0],
- @path, *hash_kv(@keys)))
- [login, passwd]
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/progressbar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/progressbar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f06ddc164e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/progressbar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/progressbar.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class ProgressBar < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::ProgressBar
- TkCommandNames = ['ProgressBar'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'ProgressBar'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/progressdlg.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/progressdlg.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e11a73e88d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/progressdlg.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/progressdlg.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/variable'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/progressbar'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/messagedlg'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class ProgressDlg < Tk::BWidget::MessageDlg
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::ProgressDlg
- TkCommandNames = ['ProgressDlg'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'ProgressDlg'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def create_self(keys)
- # NOT create widget for reusing the object
- super(keys)
- @keys['textvariable'] = TkVariable.new unless @keys.key?('textvariable')
- @keys['variable'] = TkVariable.new unless @keys.key?('variable')
- end
- def textvariable
- @keys['textvariable']
- end
- def text
- @keys['textvariable'].value
- end
- def text= (txt)
- @keys['textvariable'].value = txt
- end
- def variable
- @keys['variable']
- end
- def value
- @keys['variable'].value
- end
- def value= (val)
- @keys['variable'].value = val
- end
- def create
- window(tk_call(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path, *hash_kv(@keys)))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/scrollableframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/scrollableframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b184746a4..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/scrollableframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/scrollableframe.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class ScrollableFrame < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::ScrollableFrame
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['ScrollableFrame'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'ScrollableFrame'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def get_frame(&b)
- win = window(tk_send_without_enc('getframe'))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def see(win, vert=None, horiz=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('see', win, vert, horiz)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/scrolledwindow.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/scrolledwindow.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bd5e87554..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/scrolledwindow.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/scrolledwindow.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class ScrolledWindow < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::ScrolledWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['ScrolledWindow'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'ScrolledWindow'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'sides'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'managed'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def get_frame(&b)
- win = window(tk_send_without_enc('getframe'))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def set_widget(win)
- tk_send_without_enc('setwidget', win)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/scrollview.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/scrollview.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d60fdca89e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/scrollview.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/scrollview.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class ScrollView < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::ScrollView
- TkCommandNames = ['ScrollView'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'ScrollView'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'fill'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/selectcolor.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/selectcolor.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 85809b69bd..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/selectcolor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/selectcolor.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/messagedlg'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class SelectColor < Tk::BWidget::MessageDlg
- class Dialog < Tk::BWidget::SelectColor
- end
- class Menubutton < Tk::Menubutton
- end
- MenuButton = Menubutton
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::SelectColor
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['SelectColor'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'SelectColor'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def dialog(keys={})
- newkeys = @keys.dup
- newkeys.update(_symbolkey2str(keys))
- tk_call('SelectColor::dialog', @path, *hash_kv(newkeys))
- end
- def menu(*args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.pop
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- place = args.flatten
- newkeys = @keys.dup
- newkeys.update(_symbolkey2str(keys))
- tk_call('SelectColor::menu', @path, place, *hash_kv(newkeys))
- end
- def self.set_color(idx, color)
- tk_call('SelectColor::setcolor', idx, color)
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::SelectColor::Dialog
- def create_self(keys)
- super(keys)
- @keys['type'] = 'dialog'
- end
- def create
- @keys['type'] = 'dialog' # 'dialog' type returns color
- tk_call(Tk::BWidget::SelectColor::TkCommandNames[0],
- @path, *hash_kv(@keys))
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::SelectColor::Menubutton
- def create_self(keys)
- keys = {} unless keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys['type'] = 'menubutton' # 'toolbar' type returns widget path
- window(tk_call(Tk::BWidget::SelectColor::TkCommandNames[0],
- @path, *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/selectfont.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/selectfont.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f67a2e239..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/selectfont.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/selectfont.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/messagedlg'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class SelectFont < Tk::BWidget::MessageDlg
- class Dialog < Tk::BWidget::SelectFont
- end
- class Toolbar < TkWindow
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::SelectFont
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['SelectFont'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'SelectFont'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'sampletext' << 'title'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'nosizes'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- [] # without fontobj operation
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- def create
- tk_call(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path, *hash_kv(@keys))
- end
- def self.load_font
- tk_call('SelectFont::loadfont')
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::SelectFont::Dialog
- def __font_optkeys
- [] # without fontobj operation
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- super(keys)
- @keys['type'] = 'dialog'
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot.delete['type']
- slot.delete[:type]
- return self if slot.empty?
- else
- return self if slot == 'type' || slot == :type
- end
- super(slot, value)
- end
- def create
- @keys['type'] = 'dialog' # 'dialog' type returns font name
- tk_call(Tk::BWidget::SelectFont::TkCommandNames[0], @path, *hash_kv(@keys))
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::SelectFont::Toolbar
- def __font_optkeys
- [] # without fontobj operation
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- keys = {} unless keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys['type'] = 'toolbar' # 'toolbar' type returns widget path
- window(tk_call(Tk::BWidget::SelectFont::TkCommandNames[0],
- @path, *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/separator.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/separator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 786c41c763..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/separator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/separator.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class Separator < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::Separator
- TkCommandNames = ['Separator'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Separator'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/spinbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/spinbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 00fe33da39..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/spinbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/entry.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/arrowbutton'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget/entry'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class SpinBox < Tk::Entry
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::SpinBox
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['SpinBox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'SpinBox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'helptext' << 'insertbackground' << 'entryfg' << 'entrybg'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'dragenabled' << 'dropenabled' << 'editable'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- super() << 'values'
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'helpvar'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- #def entrybind(*args)
- # _bind([path, 'bind'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def entrybind(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([path, 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def entrybind_append(*args)
- # _bind_append([path, 'bind'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def entrybind_append(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([path, 'bind'], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def entrybind_remove(*args)
- _bind_remove([path, 'bind'], *args)
- self
- end
- def entrybindinfo(*args)
- _bindinfo([path, 'bind'], *args)
- self
- end
- def get_index_of_value
- number(tk_send_without_enc('getvalue'))
- end
- alias get_value get_index_of_value
- alias get_value_index get_index_of_value
- def set_value_by_index(idx)
- idx = "@#{idx}" if idx.kind_of?(Integer)
- tk_send_without_enc('setvalue', idx)
- self
- end
- alias set_value set_value_by_index
- alias set_index_value set_value_by_index
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/statusbar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/statusbar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 28fd6fab21..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/statusbar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/statusbar.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class StatusBar < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::StatusBar
- TkCommandNames = ['StatusBar'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'StatusBar'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'showresize' << 'showseparator' << 'showresizesep'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def add(win, keys={})
- tk_send('add', win, keys)
- self
- end
- def remove(*wins)
- tk_send('remove', *wins)
- self
- end
- def remove_with_destroy(*wins)
- tk_send('remove', '-destroy', *wins)
- self
- end
- def delete(*wins) # same to 'remove_with_destroy'
- tk_send('delete', *wins)
- self
- end
- def get_frame(&b)
- win = window(tk_send_without_enc('getframe'))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def items
- simplelist(tk_send('items')).map{|w| window(w)}
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/titleframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/titleframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index eca622399e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/titleframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/titleframe.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/frame'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class TitleFrame < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::TitleFrame
- TkCommandNames = ['TitleFrame'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'TitleFrame'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def get_frame(&b)
- win = window(tk_send_without_enc('getframe'))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/tree.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/tree.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 468b5e31c4..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/tree.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/tree.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/canvas'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- class Tree < TkWindow
- class Node < TkObject
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::Tree
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['Tree'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Tree'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- class Event_for_Items < TkEvent::Event
- def self._get_extra_args_tbl
- [
- TkComm.method(:string) # item identifier
- ]
- end
- end
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'crossfill' << 'linesfill'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'dragenabled' << 'dropenabled' <<
- 'redraw' << 'selectfill' << 'showlines'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'helpvar'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Tk::BWidget::Tree::Node)
- tag.id
- else
- # tag
- _get_eval_string(tag)
- end
- end
- def areabind(context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindArea'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def areabind_append(context, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindArea'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def areabind_remove(*args)
- _bind_remove_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindArea'], *args)
- self
- end
- def areabindinfo(*args)
- _bindinfo_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindArea'], *args)
- end
- #def imagebind(*args)
- # _bind_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def imagebind(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def imagebind_append(*args)
- # _bind_append_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def imagebind_append(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def imagebind_remove(*args)
- _bind_remove_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'], *args)
- self
- end
- def imagebindinfo(*args)
- _bindinfo_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindImage'], *args)
- end
- #def textbind(*args)
- # _bind_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def textbind(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def textbind_append(*args)
- # _bind_append_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'], *args)
- # self
- #end
- def textbind_append(context, *args)
- #if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'],
- context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def textbind_remove(*args)
- _bind_remove_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'], *args)
- self
- end
- def textbindinfo(*args)
- _bindinfo_for_event_class(Event_for_Items, [path, 'bindText'], *args)
- end
- def close_tree(node, recurse=None)
- tk_send('closetree', tagid(node), recurse)
- self
- end
- def delete(*args)
- tk_send('delete', *(args.collect{|node| tagid(node)}))
- self
- end
- def edit(node, text, *args)
- tk_send('edit', tagid(node), text, *args)
- self
- end
- def exist?(node)
- bool(tk_send('exists', tagid(node)))
- end
- def find(findinfo, confine=None)
- Tk::BWidget::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, tk_send(findinfo, confine))
- end
- def find_position(x, y, confine=None)
- self.find(_at(x,y), confine)
- end
- def find_line(linenum)
- self.find(linenum)
- end
- def index(node)
- num_or_str(tk_send('index', tagid(node)))
- end
- def insert(idx, parent, node, keys={})
- tk_send('insert', idx, tagid(parent), tagid(node), *hash_kv(keys))
- self
- end
- def line(node)
- number(tk_send('line', tagid(node)))
- end
- def move(parent, node, idx)
- tk_send('move', tagid(parent), tagid(node), idx)
- self
- end
- def get_node(node, idx)
- Tk::BWidget::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, tk_send('nodes', tagid(node), idx))
- end
- def nodes(node, first=None, last=None)
- simplelist(tk_send('nodes', tagid(node), first, last)).collect{|node|
- Tk::BWidget::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, node)
- }
- end
- def open?(node)
- bool(self.itemcget(tagid(node), 'open'))
- end
- def open_tree(node, recurse=None)
- tk_send('opentree', tagid(node), recurse)
- self
- end
- def parent(node)
- Tk::BWidget::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, tk_send('parent', tagid(node)))
- end
- def reorder(node, neworder)
- tk_send('reorder', tagid(node), neworder)
- self
- end
- def see(node)
- tk_send('see', tagid(node))
- self
- end
- def selection_add(*args)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'add',
- *(args.collect{|node| tagid(node)}))
- self
- end
- def selection_clear
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def selection_get
- list(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'get'))
- end
- def selection_include?(*args)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'get',
- *(args.collect{|node| tagid(node)})))
- end
- def selection_range(*args)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'range',
- *(args.collect{|node| tagid(node)}))
- self
- end
- def selection_remove(*args)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'remove',
- *(args.collect{|node| tagid(node)}))
- self
- end
- def selection_set(*args)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'set',
- *(args.collect{|node| tagid(node)}))
- self
- end
- def selection_toggle(*args)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'toggle',
- *(args.collect{|node| tagid(node)}))
- self
- end
- def toggle(node)
- tk_send_without_enc('toggle', tagid(node))
- self
- end
- def visible(node)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('visible', tagid(node)))
- end
-class Tk::BWidget::Tree::Node
- include TkTreatTagFont
- TreeNode_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (TreeNode_ID = ['bw:node'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TreeNode_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TreeNode_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- TreeNode_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TreeNode_TBL[tpath]
- TreeNode_TBL[tpath][id]? TreeNode_TBL[tpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, *args)
- if tree.kind_of?(Tk::BWidget::Tree)
- @tree = tree
- parent = args.shift
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::BWidget::Tree::Node)
- if parent.tree.path != @tree.path
- fail RuntimeError, 'tree of parent node is not match'
- end
- end
- elsif tree.kind_of?(Tk::BWidget::Tree::Node)
- @tree = tree.tree
- parent = tree.parent
- else
- fail RuntimeError,
- "expect Tk::BWidget::Tree or Tk::BWidget::Tree::Node for 1st argument"
- end
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- index = keys.delete('index')
- unless args.empty?
- index = args.shift
- end
- index = 'end' unless index
- unless args.empty?
- fail RuntimeError, 'too much arguments'
- end
- @tpath = @tree.path
- if keys.key?('nodename')
- @path = @id = keys.delete('nodename')
- else
- TreeNode_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = TreeNode_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- TreeNode_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- TreeNode_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeNode_TBL[@id] = self
- TreeNode_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TreeNode_TBL[@tpath]
- TreeNode_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- @tree.insert(index, parent, @id, keys)
- end
- def tree
- @tree
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def [](key)
- cget(key)
- end
- def []=(key, val)
- configure(key, val)
- val
- end
- def cget_tkstring(key)
- @tree.itemcget_tkstring(@id, key)
- end
- def cget(key)
- @tree.itemcget(@id, key)
- end
- def cget_strict(key)
- @tree.itemcget_strict(@id, key)
- end
- def configure(key, val=None)
- @tree.itemconfigure(@id, key, val)
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @tree.itemconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @tree.current_itemconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
- def close_tree(recurse=None)
- @tree.close_tree(@id, recurse)
- self
- end
- def delete
- @tree.delete(@id)
- self
- end
- def edit(*args)
- @tree.edit(@id, *args)
- self
- end
- def exist?
- @tree.exist?(@id)
- end
- def index
- @tree.index(@id)
- end
- def move(index, parent=nil)
- if parent
- @tree.move(parent, @id, index)
- else
- @tree.move(self.parent, @id, index)
- end
- end
- def open_tree(recurse=None)
- @tree.open_tree(@id, recurse)
- self
- end
- def open?
- bool(@tree.itemcget(@id, 'open'))
- end
- def parent
- @tree.parent(@id)
- end
- def reorder(neworder)
- @tree.reorder(@id, neworder)
- end
- def see
- @tree.see(@id)
- end
- def selection_add
- @tree.selection_add(@id)
- end
- def selection_remove
- @tree.selection_remove(@id)
- end
- def selection_set
- @tree.selection_set(@id)
- end
- def selection_toggle
- @tree.selection_toggle(@id)
- end
- def toggle
- @tree.toggle(@id)
- end
- def visible
- @tree.visible(@id)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/widget.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/widget.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ab08826b19..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/bwidget/widget.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/bwidget/widget.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget.rb'
-module Tk
- module BWidget
- module Widget
- end
- end
-module Tk::BWidget::Widget
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def self.__pathname
- 'Widget::configure'
- end
- def self.__cget_cmd
- ['Widget::cget']
- end
- def self.__config_cmd
- ['Widget::configure']
- end
- def self.cget_strict(slot)
- slot = slot.to_s
- info = {}
- self.current_configinfo.each{|k,v| info[k.to_s] = v if k.to_s == slot}
- fail RuntimeError, "unknown option \"-#{slot}\"" if info.empty?
- info.values[0]
- end
- def self.cget(slot)
- self.current_configinfo(slot).values[0]
- end
- def self.add_map(klass, subclass, subpath, opts)
- tk_call('Widget::addmap', klass, subclass, subpath, opts)
- end
- def self.bwinclude(klass, subclass, subpath, *args)
- tk_call('Widget::bwinclude', klass, subclass, subpath, *args)
- end
- def self.create(klass, path, rename=None, &b)
- win = window(tk_call('Widget::create', klass, path, rename))
- if b
- if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!
- win.instance_exec(self, &b)
- else
- win.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- win
- end
- def self.declare(klass, optlist)
- tk_call('Widget::declare', klass, optlist)
- end
- def self.define(klass, filename, *args)
- tk_call('Widget::define', klass, filename, *args)
- end
- def self.destroy(win)
- tk_call('Widget::destroy', _epath(win))
- end
- def self.focus_next(win)
- tk_call('Widget::focusNext', win)
- end
- def self.focus_ok(win)
- tk_call('Widget::focusOk', win)
- end
- def self.focus_prev(win)
- tk_call('Widget::focusPrev', win)
- end
- def self.generate_doc(dir, widgetlist)
- tk_call('Widget::generate-doc', dir, widgetlist)
- end
- def self.generate_widget_doc(klass, iscmd, file)
- tk_call('Widget::generate-widget-doc', klass, iscmd, file)
- end
- def self.get_option(win, option)
- tk_call('Widget::getoption', win, option)
- end
- def self.get_variable(win, varname, my_varname=None)
- tk_call('Widget::getVariable', win, varname, my_varname)
- end
- def self.has_changed(win, option, pvalue)
- tk_call('Widget::hasChanged', win, option, pvalue)
- end
- def self.init(klass, win, options)
- tk_call('Widget::init', klass, win, options)
- end
- def self.set_option(win, option, value)
- tk_call('Widget::setoption', win, option, value)
- end
- def self.sub_cget_strict(win, subwidget)
- tk_call('Widget::subcget', win, subwidget)
- end
- def self.sub_cget(win, subwidget)
- self.sub_cget_strict(win, subwidget)
- end
- def self.sync_options(klass, subclass, subpath, options)
- tk_call('Widget::syncoptions', klass, subclass, subpath, options)
- end
- def self.tkinclude(klass, tkwidget, subpath, *args)
- tk_call('Widget::tkinclude', klass, tkwidget, subpath, *args)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itcl.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itcl.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a67b3f651..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itcl.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# [incr Tcl] support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/itcl/setup.rb'
-# load library
-require 'tkextlib/itcl/incr_tcl.rb'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itcl/incr_tcl.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itcl/incr_tcl.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index de1be12392..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itcl/incr_tcl.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/itk/incr_tcl.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/itcl.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('Itcl', '3.2')
-module Tk
- module Itcl
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- LIBRARY = TkVarAccess.new('::itcl::library')
- PURIST = TkVarAccess.new('::itcl::purist')
- VERSION = TkCore::INTERP._invoke("set", "::itcl::version").freeze
- PATCHLEVEL = TkCore::INTERP._invoke("set", "::itcl::patchLevel").freeze
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Itcl'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('Itcl')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- ##############################################
- class ItclObject < TkObject
- ITCL_CLASSNAME = ''.freeze
- (ITCL_OBJ_ID = ['itclobj'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- ITCL_OBJ_TBL = TkUtil.untrust({})
- def initialize(*args)
- if (@klass = self.class::ITCL_CLASSNAME).empty?
- fail RuntimeError, 'unknown itcl class (abstract class?)'
- end
- Tk::Itcl::ItclObject::ITCL_OBJ_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @id = Tk::Itcl::ItclObject::TCL_OBJ_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk::Itcl::ItclObject::ITCL_OBJ_ID[1].succ!
- }
- @path = @id
- end
- def self.call_proc(name, *args)
- tk_call("#{ITCL_CLASSNAME}::#{cmd}", *args)
- end
- def call_method(name, *args)
- tk_call(@path, name, *args)
- end
- def isa(klass)
- bool(tk_call(@path, 'isa', klass))
- end
- alias itcl_kind_of? isa
- def info_class
- tk_call(@path, 'info', 'class')
- end
- def info_inherit
- simplelist(tk_call(@path, 'info', 'inherit'))
- end
- def info_heritage
- list(tk_call(@path, 'info', 'heritage'))
- end
- def info_function(*args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Array)
- params = args.pop
- params.each{|param|
- param = param.to_s
- args << ( (param[0] == ?-)? param: "-#{param}" )
- }
- end
- list(tk_call(@path, 'info', 'function', *args))
- end
- def info_variable(*args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Array)
- params = args.pop
- params.each{|param|
- param = param.to_s
- args << ( (param[0] == ?-)? param: "-#{param}" )
- }
- end
- list(tk_call(@path, 'info', 'variable', *args))
- end
- end
- ##############################################
- def self.body(klass, func, args, body)
- tk_call('::itcl::body', "#{klass}::#{func}", args, body)
- end
- def self.code(cmd, *args)
- tk_call('::itcl::code', cmd, *args)
- end
- def self.code_in_namespace(namespace, cmd, *args)
- tk_call('::itcl::code', '-namespace', namespace, cmd, *args)
- end
- def self.configbody(klass, var, body)
- tk_call('::itcl::configbody', "#{klass}::#{var}", body)
- end
- def self.create_itcl_class(name, body)
- TkCore::INTERP._invoke('::itcl::class', name, body)
- klass = Class.new(Tk::Itcl::ItclObject)
- klass.const_set('ITCL_CLASSNAME', name.dup.freeze)
- klass
- end
- def self.delete_itcl_class(*names)
- tk_call('::itcl::delete', 'class', *names)
- end
- def self.delete_itcl_object(*names)
- tk_call('::itcl::delete', 'object', *names)
- end
- def self.delete_namespace(*names)
- tk_call('::itcl::delete', 'namespace', *names)
- end
- def self.ensemble(name, *args)
- tk_call('::itcl::ensemble', name, *args)
- end
- def self.find_classes(pat=None)
- simplelist(tk_call('::itcl::find', 'classes', pat))
- end
- def self.find_objects(*args)
- simplelist(tk_call('::itcl::find', 'objects', *args))
- end
- def self.is_itcl_class(target)
- bool(tk_call('::itcl::is', 'class', target))
- end
- def self.is_itcl_object(target)
- bool(tk_call('::itcl::is', 'object', target))
- end
- def self.create_local_obj(klass, name, *args)
- tk_call('::itcl::local', klass, name, *args)
- end
- def self.is_itcl_instance(klass, target)
- bool(tk_call('::itcl::is', 'object', '-class', klass, target))
- end
- def self.scope(var)
- tk_call('::itcl::scope', var)
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itcl/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itcl/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 917b877947..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itcl/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
-# set [incr Tcl] library directory
-# ENV['ITCL_LIBRARY'] = '/usr/local/ActiveTcl/lib/itcl3.2/'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itk.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itk.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 112cb789f2..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itk.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# [incr Tk] support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/itk/setup.rb'
-# load library
-require 'tkextlib/itk/incr_tk.rb'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itk/incr_tk.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itk/incr_tk.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c6fe1374f..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itk/incr_tk.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/itk/incr_tk.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/menuspec'
-require 'tkextlib/itcl.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/itk.rb'
-#TkPackage.require('Itk', '3.2')
-module Tk
- module Itk
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- LIBRARY = TkVarAccess.new('::itk::library')
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Itk'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('Itk')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- def self.usual(arg, *args)
- tk_call('::itk::usual', arg, *args)
- end
- def self.usual_names
- list(tk_call('::itk::usual'))
- end
- ############################
- class Archetype < TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = [].freeze
- # WidgetClassName = 'Archetype'.freeze
- # WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] = self
- def self.to_eval
- '::itk::' << self::WidgetClassName
- end
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::Itk::Component::ComponentID_TBL.delete(self.path)
- end
- #### [incr Tk] public methods
- def component
- simplelist(tk_send('component'))
- end
- def component_path(name)
- window(tk_send('component', name))
- end
- alias component_widget component_path
- def component_invoke(name, cmd, *args)
- window(tk_send('component', name, cmd, *args))
- end
- def component_obj(*names)
- names = component if names.empty?
- names.collect{|name| Tk::Itk::Component.new(self.path, name) }
- end
- #### [incr Tk] protected methods
- def itk_component_add(visibility, name, create_cmds, option_cmds=None)
- args = []
- visibility.each{|v| v = v.to_s; args << ( (v[0] == ?-)? v: "-#{v}" )}
- args << '--' << name << create_cmd << option_cmds
- tk_call('itk_component', 'add', *args)
- end
- def itk_component_delete(*names)
- tk_call('itk_component', 'delete', *names)
- end
- def itk_initialize(keys={})
- tk_call('itk_initialize', keys)
- end
- def itk_option_add(*args)
- tk_call('itk_option', 'add', *args)
- end
- def itk_option_define(name, resource, klass, init, config=None)
- tk_call('itk_option', 'define', name, resource, klass, init, config)
- end
- def itk_option_remove(*args)
- tk_call('itk_option', 'remove', *args)
- end
- end
- ############################
- class Toplevel < Archetype
- TkCommandNames = ['::itk::Toplevel'].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Toplevel'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- include Wm
- include TkMenuSpec
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'title'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- end
- ############################
- class Widget < Archetype
- TkCommandNames = ['::itk::Widget'].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Widget'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- end
- ############################
- class Component < TkObject
- def __cget_cmd
- [self.master, 'component', self.name, 'cget']
- end
- private :__cget_cmd
- def __config_cmd
- [self.master, 'component', self.name, 'configure']
- end
- private :__config_cmd
- ComponentID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Itk_Component_ID = ['itk:component'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- ComponentID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ ComponentID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(master, id)
- if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = master.path
- else
- master = master.to_s
- end
- ComponentID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if ComponentID_TBL.key?(master)
- (ComponentID_TBL[master].key?(id))? ComponentID_TBL[master][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.new(master, component=nil)
- if master.kind_of?(TkObject)
- master = master.path
- else
- master = master.to_s
- end
- if component.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- component = component.name
- elsif component
- component = component.to_s
- else
- Itk_Component_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- component = Itk_Component_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Itk_Component_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- ComponentID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if ComponentID_TBL.key?(master)
- if ComponentID_TBL[master].key?(component)
- return ComponentID_TBL[master][component]
- end
- else
- ComponentID_TBL[master] = {}
- end
- }
- super(master, component)
- end
- def initialize(master, component)
- @master = master
- @component = component
- ComponentID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- ComponentID_TBL[@master][@component] = self
- }
- begin
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- rescue
- @widget = nil
- @path = nil
- end
- end
- def path
- unless @path
- begin
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- rescue
- fail RuntimeError, 'component is not assigned to a widget'
- end
- end
- @path
- end
- def epath
- path()
- end
- def to_eval
- path()
- end
- def master
- @master
- end
- def name
- @component
- end
- def widget
- unless @widget
- begin
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- rescue
- fail RuntimeError, 'component is not assigned to a widget'
- end
- end
- @widget
- end
- def widget_class
- unless @widget
- begin
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- @widget.classname
- rescue
- nil
- end
- end
- end
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- name = id.id2name
- # try 1 : component command
- begin
- return tk_call(@master, 'component', @component, name, *args)
- rescue
- end
- # try 2 : component configure
- len = args.length
- begin
- case len
- when 1
- if name[-1] == ?=
- return configure(name[0..-2], args[0])
- else
- return configure(name, args[0])
- end
- when 0
- return cget(name)
- end
- rescue
- end
- # try 3 : widget method or widget configure
- begin
- unless @widget
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- end
- @widget.__send__(id, *args)
- rescue
- end
- # unknown method
- super(id, *args)
- # fail RuntimeError, "unknown method '#{name}' for #{self.inspect}"
- end
- def tk_send(cmd, *rest)
- begin
- tk_call(@master, 'component', @component, cmd, *rest)
- rescue
- unless @path
- begin
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- rescue
- fail RuntimeError, 'component is not assigned to a widget'
- end
- end
- tk_call(@path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- end
- def tk_send_without_enc(cmd, *rest)
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc(@master, 'component', @component, cmd, *rest)
- rescue
- unless @path
- begin
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- rescue
- fail RuntimeError, 'component is not assigned to a widget'
- end
- end
- tk_call_without_enc(@path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- end
- def tk_send_with_enc(cmd, *rest)
- begin
- tk_call_with_enc(@master, 'component', @component, cmd, *rest)
- rescue
- unless @path
- begin
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- rescue
- fail RuntimeError, 'component is not assigned to a widget'
- end
- end
- tk_call_with_enc(@path, cmd, *rest)
- end
- end
- #def bind(*args)
- # unless @widget
- # begin
- # @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- # @path = @widget.path
- # rescue
- # fail RuntimeError, 'component is not assigned to a widget'
- # end
- # end
- # @widget.bind(*args)
- #end
- def bind(context, *args)
- unless @widget
- begin
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- rescue
- fail RuntimeError, 'component is not assigned to a widget'
- end
- end
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- @widget.bind(context, cmd, *args)
- end
- #def bind_append(*args)
- # unless @widget
- # begin
- # @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- # @path = @widget.path
- # rescue
- # fail RuntimeError, 'component is not assigned to a widget'
- # end
- # end
- # @widget.bind_append(*args)
- #end
- def bind_append(context, *args)
- unless @widget
- begin
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- rescue
- fail RuntimeError, 'component is not assigned to a widget'
- end
- end
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- @widget.bind_append(context, cmd, *args)
- end
- def bind_remove(*args)
- unless @widget
- begin
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- rescue
- fail RuntimeError, 'component is not assigned to a widget'
- end
- end
- @widget.bind_remove(*args)
- end
- def bindinfo(*args)
- unless @widget
- begin
- @widget = window(tk_call(@master, 'component', @component))
- @path = @widget.path
- rescue
- fail RuntimeError, 'component is not assigned to a widget'
- end
- end
- @widget.bindinfo(*args)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itk/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itk/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f32d5d6a75..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itk/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
-# set [incr Tk] library directory
-# ENV['ITK_LIBRARY'] = '/usr/local/ActiveTcl/lib/itk3.2/'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ebd9d993e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# [incr Widgets] support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/itcl'
-require 'tkextlib/itk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-#require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-#require 'tkextlib/iwidgets/setup.rb'
-# load all image format handlers
-#TkPackage.require('Iwidgets', '4.0')
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- TkComm::TkExtlibAutoloadModule.unshift(self)
- extend TkCore
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Iwidgets'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('Iwidgets')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- ####################################################
- autoload :Buttonbox, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/buttonbox'
- autoload :Calendar, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar'
- autoload :Canvasprintbox, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/canvasprintbox'
- autoload :Canvasprintdialog, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/canvasprintdialog'
- autoload :Checkbox, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/checkbox'
- autoload :Combobox, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/combobox'
- autoload :Dateentry, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/dateentry'
- autoload :Datefield, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/datefield'
- autoload :Dialog, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/dialog'
- autoload :Dialogshell, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/dialogshell'
- autoload :Disjointlistbox, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/disjointlistbox'
- autoload :Entryfield, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield'
- autoload :Extbutton, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/extbutton'
- autoload :Extfileselectionbox, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/extfileselectionbox'
- autoload :Extfileselectiondialog,'tkextlib/iwidgets/extfileselectiondialog'
- autoload :Feedback, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/feedback'
- autoload :Fileselectionbox, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/fileselectionbox'
- autoload :Fileselectiondialog, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/fileselectiondialog'
- autoload :Finddialog, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/finddialog'
- autoload :Hierarchy, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy'
- autoload :Hyperhelp, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/hyperhelp'
- autoload :Labeledframe, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/labeledframe'
- autoload :Labeledwidget, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/labeledwidget'
- autoload :Mainwindow, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/mainwindow'
- autoload :Menubar, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/menubar'
- autoload :Messagebox, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/messagebox'
- autoload :Messagedialog, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/messagedialog'
- autoload :Notebook, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/notebook'
- autoload :Optionmenu, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/optionmenu'
- autoload :Panedwindow, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/panedwindow'
- autoload :Pushbutton, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/pushbutton'
- autoload :Promptdialog, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/promptdialog'
- autoload :Radiobox, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/radiobox'
- autoload :Scrolledcanvas, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas'
- autoload :Scrolledframe, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledframe'
- autoload :Scrolledhtml, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledhtml'
- autoload :Scrolledlistbox, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox'
- autoload :Scrolledtext, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext'
- autoload :Scrolledwidget, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledwidget'
- autoload :Selectionbox, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/selectionbox'
- autoload :Selectiondialog, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/selectiondialog'
- autoload :Shell, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/shell'
- autoload :Spindate, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/spindate'
- autoload :Spinint, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/spinint'
- autoload :Spinner, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner'
- autoload :Spintime, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/spintime'
- autoload :Tabnotebook, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/tabnotebook'
- autoload :Tabset, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/tabset'
- autoload :Timeentry, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/timeentry'
- autoload :Timefield, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/timefield'
- autoload :Toolbar, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/toolbar'
- autoload :Watch, 'tkextlib/iwidgets/watch'
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/buttonbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/buttonbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0357114c83..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/buttonbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/buttonbox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Buttonbox < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Buttonbox
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::buttonbox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Buttonbox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ####################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'buttoncget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'buttonconfigure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'defaultring'
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tagOrId.name
- else
- #_get_eval_string(tagOrId)
- tagOrId
- end
- end
- alias buttoncget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias buttoncget itemcget
- alias buttoncget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias buttonconfigure itemconfigure
- alias buttonconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_buttonconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- ####################################
- def add(tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'add', tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys))
- tag
- end
- def default(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'default', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def delete(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def hide(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'hide', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_call(@path, 'index', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def insert(idx, tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', index(idx), tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys))
- tag
- end
- def invoke(idx=nil)
- if idx
- tk_call(@path, 'invoke', index(idx))
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'invoke')
- end
- self
- end
- def show(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'show', index(idx))
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cfb9203c8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Calendar < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Calendar
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::calendar'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Calendar'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() + [
- 'buttonforeground', 'outline', 'selectcolor',
- 'weekdaybackground', 'weekendbackground'
- ]
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- super() << 'days'
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() + ['currentdatefont', 'datefont', 'dayfont', 'titlefont']
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- ####################################
- include Tk::ValidateConfigure
- class CalendarCommand < TkValidateCommand
- #class CalCmdArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [ [?d, ?s, :date], nil ]
- PROC_TBL = [ [?s, TkComm.method(:string) ], nil ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- val
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- # array of config-option key (string or symbol)
- ['command']
- end
- #def initialize(cmd = Proc.new, *args)
- # _initialize_for_cb_class(CalCmdArgs, cmd, *args)
- #end
- end
- def __validation_class_list
- super() << CalendarCommand
- end
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, CalendarCommand)
- def command(cmd = Proc.new, args = nil)
- if cmd.kind_of?(CalendarCommand)
- configure('command', cmd)
- elsif args
- configure('command', [cmd, args])
- else
- configure('command', cmd)
- end
- end
- ####################################
- def get_string
- tk_call(@path, 'get', '-string')
- end
- alias get get_string
- def get_clicks
- number(tk_call(@path, 'get', '-clicks'))
- end
- def select(date)
- tk_call(@path, 'select', date)
- self
- end
- def show(date)
- tk_call(@path, 'show', date)
- self
- end
- def show_now
- tk_call(@path, 'show', 'now')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/canvasprintbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/canvasprintbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe489dc95..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/canvasprintbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/canvasprintbox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Canvasprintbox < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Canvasprintbox
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::canvasprintbox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Canvasprintbox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'filename'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'stretch'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def get_output
- tk_call(@path, 'getoutput')
- end
- def print
- bool(tk_call(@path, 'print'))
- end
- def refresh
- tk_call(@path, 'refresh')
- self
- end
- def set_canvas(win)
- tk_call(@path, 'setcanvas', win)
- self
- end
- def stop
- tk_call(@path, 'stop')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/canvasprintdialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/canvasprintdialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b5fdf5d7c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/canvasprintdialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/canvasprintdialog.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Canvasprintdialog < Tk::Iwidgets::Dialog
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Canvasprintdialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::canvasprintdialog'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Canvasprintdialog'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def get_output
- tk_call(@path, 'getoutput')
- end
- def print
- bool(tk_call(@path, 'print'))
- end
- def refresh
- tk_call(@path, 'refresh')
- self
- end
- def set_canvas(win)
- tk_call(@path, 'setcanvas', win)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/checkbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/checkbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4589fe7ffa..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/checkbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/checkbox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Checkbox < Tk::Iwidgets::Labeledframe
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Checkbox
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::checkbox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Checkbox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ####################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'buttoncget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'buttonconfigure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'defaultring'
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tagOrId.name
- else
- #_get_eval_string(tagOrId)
- tagOrId
- end
- end
- alias buttoncget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias buttoncget itemcget
- alias buttoncget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias buttonconfigure itemconfigure
- alias buttonconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_buttonconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- ####################################
- def add(tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'add', tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys))
- tag
- end
- def delete(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def deselect(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'deselect', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def flash(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'flash', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def get_tags
- simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'get'))
- end
- def get_objs
- simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'get')).collect{|id|
- Tk::Itk::Component.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def get(idx=nil)
- if idx
- bool(tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'get', index(idx)))
- else
- get_tags
- end
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_call(@path, 'index', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def insert(idx, tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', index(idx), tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys))
- tag
- end
- def select(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'select', index(idx))
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/combobox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/combobox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d4c05b5be5..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/combobox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/combobox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Combobox < Tk::Iwidgets::Entryfield
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Combobox
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::combobox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Combobox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'completion' << 'dropdown' << 'editable' << 'unique'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def clear(component=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'clear', component)
- self
- end
- def delete_list(first, last=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', 'list', first, last)
- self
- end
- def delete_entry(first, last=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', 'entry', first, last)
- self
- end
- def get_list_contents(index)
- tk_call(@path, 'get', index)
- end
- def insert_list(idx, *elems)
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', 'list', idx, *elems)
- self
- end
- def insert_entry(idx, *elems)
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', 'entry', idx, *elems)
- self
- end
- # listbox methods
- def size
- tk_send_without_enc('size').to_i
- end
- def see(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('see', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_anchor(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'anchor', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear', first, last)
- self
- end
- def selection_includes(index)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'includes', index))
- end
- def selection_set(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'set', first, last)
- self
- end
- # scrolledlistbox methods
- def get_curselection
- tk_call(@path, 'getcurselection')
- end
- def justify(dir)
- tk_call(@path, 'justify', dir)
- self
- end
- def sort(*params, &b)
- # see 'lsort' man page about params
- if b
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', '-command', proc(&b), *params)
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', *params)
- end
- self
- end
- def sort_ascending
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', 'ascending')
- self
- end
- def sort_descending
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', 'descending')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/dateentry.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/dateentry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e135b89ed7..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/dateentry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/dateentry.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Dateentry < Tk::Iwidgets::Datefield
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Dateentry
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::dateentry'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Dateentry'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/datefield.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/datefield.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 35977e1f6d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/datefield.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/datefield.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Datefield < Tk::Iwidgets::Labeledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Datefield
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::datefield'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Datefield'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'gmt'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'textbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'textfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- def get_string
- tk_call(@path, 'get', '-string')
- end
- alias get get_string
- def get_clicks
- number(tk_call(@path, 'get', '-clicks'))
- end
- def valid?
- bool(tk_call(@path, 'isvalid'))
- end
- alias isvalid? valid?
- def show(date=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'show', date)
- self
- end
- def show_now
- tk_call(@path, 'show', 'now')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/dialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/dialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index edefba1844..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/dialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/dialog.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Dialog < Tk::Iwidgets::Dialogshell
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Dialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::dialog'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Dialog'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/dialogshell.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/dialogshell.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 009fc61c56..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/dialogshell.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/dialogshell.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Dialogshell < Tk::Iwidgets::Shell
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Dialogshell
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::dialogshell'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Dialogshell'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ####################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'buttoncget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'buttonconfigure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'defaultring'
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tagOrId.name
- else
- #_get_eval_string(tagOrId)
- tagOrId
- end
- end
- alias buttoncget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias buttoncget itemcget
- alias buttoncget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias buttonconfigure itemconfigure
- alias buttonconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_buttonconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- ####################################
- def add(tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'add', tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys))
- tag
- end
- def default(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'default', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def delete(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def hide(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'hide', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_call(@path, 'index', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def insert(idx, tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', index(idx), tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys))
- tag
- end
- def invoke(idx=nil)
- if idx
- tk_call(@path, 'invoke', index(idx))
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'invoke')
- end
- self
- end
- def show(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'show', index(idx))
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/disjointlistbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/disjointlistbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ae3f319b6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/disjointlistbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/disjointlistbox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Disjointlistbox < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Disjointlistbox
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::disjointlistbox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Disjointlistbox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'lhslabeltext' << 'rhslabeltext' << 'lhsbuttonlabel' << 'rhsbuttonlabel'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def set_lhs(*items)
- tk_call(@path, 'setlhs', items)
- self
- end
- def set_rhs(*items)
- tk_call(@path, 'setrhs', items)
- self
- end
- def get_lhs
- simplelist(tk_call(@path, 'getlhs'))
- end
- def get_rhs
- simplelist(tk_call(@path, 'getrhs'))
- end
- def insert_lhs(*items)
- tk_call(@path, 'insertlhs', items)
- self
- end
- def insert_rhs(*items)
- tk_call(@path, 'insertrhs', items)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 75baca05d4..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Entryfield < Tk::Iwidgets::Labeledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Entryfield
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::entryfield'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Entryfield'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'textfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- ####################################
- include Tk::ValidateConfigure
- class EntryfieldValidate < TkValidateCommand
- #class CalCmdArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?c, ?s, :char ],
- [ ?P, ?s, :post ],
- [ ?S, ?s, :current ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['validate', 'invalid']
- end
- end
- def __validation_class_list
- super() << EntryfieldValidate
- end
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, EntryfieldValidate)
- def validate(cmd = Proc.new, args = nil)
- if cmd.kind_of?(ValidateCmd)
- configure('validate', cmd)
- elsif args
- configure('validate', [cmd, args])
- else
- configure('validate', cmd)
- end
- end
- def invalid(cmd = Proc.new, args = nil)
- if cmd.kind_of?(ValidateCmd)
- configure('invalid', cmd)
- elsif args
- configure('invalid', [cmd, args])
- else
- configure('invalid', cmd)
- end
- end
- ####################################
- def clear
- tk_call(@path, 'clear')
- self
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def value
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get'))
- end
- def value= (val)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', 0, 'end')
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', 0, _get_eval_enc_str(val))
- val
- end
- alias get value
- alias set value=
- def cursor=(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('icursor', index)
- #self
- index
- end
- alias icursor cursor=
- def index(index)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('index', index))
- end
- def insert(pos,text)
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', pos, _get_eval_enc_str(text))
- self
- end
- def mark(pos)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', pos)
- self
- end
- def dragto(pos)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', pos)
- self
- end
- def selection_adjust(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'adjust', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def selection_from(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'from', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_present()
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'present'))
- end
- def selection_range(s, e)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'range', s, e)
- self
- end
- def selection_to(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'to', index)
- self
- end
- # based on tk/scrollable.rb
- def xview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('xview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('xview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def xview_moveto(*index)
- xview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def xview_scroll(*index)
- xview('scroll', *index)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/extbutton.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/extbutton.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c77c2ec21..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/extbutton.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/extbutton.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Extbutton < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Extbutton
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::extbutton'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Extbutton'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'bitmapforeground' << 'ringbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'defaultring'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def invoke
- tk_call(@path, 'invoke')
- self
- end
- def flash
- tk_call(@path, 'flash')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/extfileselectionbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/extfileselectionbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4581771309..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/extfileselectionbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/extfileselectionbox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Extfileselectionbox < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Extfileselectionbox
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::extfileselectionbox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Extfileselectionbox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() + [
- 'dirslabel', 'fileslabel', 'filterlabel', 'mask', 'nomatchstring',
- 'selectionlabel'
- ]
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() + ['dirson', 'fileson', 'filteron', 'selectionon']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def filter
- tk_call(@path, 'filter')
- self
- end
- def get
- tk_call(@path, 'get')
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/extfileselectiondialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/extfileselectiondialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 32a06cc46f..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/extfileselectiondialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/extfileselectiondialog.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Extfileselectiondialog < Tk::Iwidgets::Dialog
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Extfileselectiondialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::extfileselectiondialog'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Extfileselectiondialog'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def filter
- tk_call(@path, 'filter')
- self
- end
- def get
- tk_call(@path, 'get')
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/feedback.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/feedback.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e52d60edac..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/feedback.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/feedback.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Feedback < Tk::Iwidgets::Labeledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Feedback
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::feedback'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Feedback'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'barcolor'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def reset
- tk_call(@path, 'reset')
- self
- end
- def step(inc=1)
- tk_call(@path, 'step', inc)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/fileselectionbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/fileselectionbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3811f2b57e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/fileselectionbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/fileselectionbox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Fileselectionbox < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Fileselectionbox
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::fileselectionbox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Fileselectionbox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() + [
- 'directory', 'dirslabel', 'fileslabel', 'filterlabel', 'mask',
- 'nomatchstring', 'selectionlabel'
- ]
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() + ['dirson', 'fileson', 'filteron', 'selectionon']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def filter
- tk_call(@path, 'filter')
- self
- end
- def get
- tk_call(@path, 'get')
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/fileselectiondialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/fileselectiondialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d368486ea..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/fileselectiondialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/fileselectiondialog.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Fileselectiondialog < Tk::Iwidgets::Dialog
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Fileselectiondialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::fileselectiondialog'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Fileselectiondialog'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def filter
- tk_call(@path, 'filter')
- self
- end
- def get
- tk_call(@path, 'get')
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/finddialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/finddialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ff0b587390..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/finddialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/finddialog.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Finddialog < Tk::Iwidgets::Dialogshell
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Finddialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::finddialog'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Finddialog'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() + [
- 'patternbackground', 'patternforeground',
- 'searchbackground', 'searchforeground'
- ]
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __val2ruby_optkeys # { key=>proc, ... }
- super().update('textwidget'=>proc{|v| window(v)})
- end
- private :__val2ruby_optkeys
- def clear
- tk_call(@path, 'clear')
- self
- end
- def find
- tk_call(@path, 'find')
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index af99973240..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/text'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Hierarchy < Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Hierarchy
- ItemConfCMD = ['tag'.freeze, 'configure'.freeze].freeze
- include TkTextTagConfig
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::hierarchy'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Hierarchy'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ####################################
- include Tk::ValidateConfigure
- class QueryCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [ [?n, ?s, :node], nil ]
- PROC_TBL = [ [?s, TkComm.method(:string) ], nil ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- val
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- # array of config-option key (string or symbol)
- ['querycommand']
- end
- end
- class IndicatorCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?n, ?s, :node ],
- [ ?s, ?b, :status ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?b, TkComm.method(:bool) ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- val
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- # array of config-option key (string or symbol)
- ['iconcommand', 'icondblcommand', 'imagedblcommand']
- end
- end
- class IconCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?n, ?s, :node ],
- [ ?i, ?s, :icon ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [ [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ], nil ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- val
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- # array of config-option key (string or symbol)
- ['dblclickcommand', 'imagecommand', 'selectcommand']
- end
- end
- def __validation_class_list
- super() << QueryCommand << IndicatorCommand << IconCommand
- end
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, QueryCommand)
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, IndicatorCommand)
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, IconCommand)
- ####################################
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'alwaysquery' << 'expanded' << 'filter'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'markbackground' << 'markforeground' << 'textbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'textfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- def clear
- tk_call(@path, 'clear')
- self
- end
- def collapse(node)
- tk_call(@path, 'collapse')
- self
- end
- def current
- tk_call(@path, 'current')
- end
- def draw(mode=None)
- case mode
- when None
- # do nothing
- when 'now', :now
- mode = '-now'
- when 'eventually', :eventually
- mode = '-eventually'
- when String, Symbol
- mode = mode.to_s
- mode = '-' << mode if mode[0] != ?-
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'draw', mode)
- end
- def expand(node)
- tk_call(@path, 'expand', node)
- self
- end
- def expanded?(node)
- bool(tk_call(@path, 'expanded', node))
- end
- def exp_state
- list(tk_call(@path, 'expState'))
- end
- alias expand_state exp_state
- alias expanded_list exp_state
- def mark_clear
- tk_call(@path, 'mark', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def mark_add(*nodes)
- tk_call(@path, 'mark', 'add', *nodes)
- self
- end
- def mark_remove(*nodes)
- tk_call(@path, 'mark', 'remove', *nodes)
- self
- end
- def mark_get
- list(tk_call(@path, 'mark', 'get'))
- end
- def refresh(node)
- tk_call(@path, 'refresh', node)
- self
- end
- def prune(node)
- tk_call(@path, 'prune', node)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear
- tk_call(@path, 'selection', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def selection_add(*nodes)
- tk_call(@path, 'selection', 'add', *nodes)
- self
- end
- def selection_remove(*nodes)
- tk_call(@path, 'selection', 'remove', *nodes)
- self
- end
- def selection_get
- list(tk_call(@path, 'selection', 'get'))
- end
- def toggle(node)
- tk_call(@path, 'toggle', node)
- self
- end
- # based on Tk::Text widget
- def bbox(index)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('bbox', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
- end
- def compare(idx1, op, idx2)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('compare', _get_eval_enc_str(idx1),
- op, _get_eval_enc_str(idx2)))
- end
- def debug
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('debug'))
- end
- def debug=(boolean)
- tk_send_without_enc('debug', boolean)
- #self
- boolean
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def dlineinfo(index)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('dlineinfo', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
- end
- def get(*index)
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get', *index))
- end
- def index(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('index', _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- end
- def insert(index, chars, *tags)
- if tags[0].kind_of? Array
- # multiple chars-taglist argument :: str, [tag,...], str, [tag,...], ...
- args = [chars]
- while tags.size > 0
- args << tags.shift.collect{|x|_get_eval_string(x)}.join(' ') # taglist
- args << tags.shift if tags.size > 0 # chars
- end
- super(index, *args)
- else
- # single chars-taglist argument :: str, tag, tag, ...
- if tags.size == 0
- super(index, chars)
- else
- super(index, chars, tags.collect{|x|_get_eval_string(x)}.join(' '))
- end
- end
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def see(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('see', index)
- self
- end
- # based on tk/scrollable.rb
- def xview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('xview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('xview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def xview_moveto(*index)
- xview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def xview_scroll(*index)
- xview('scroll', *index)
- end
- def yview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('yview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('yview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def yview_moveto(*index)
- yview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def yview_scroll(*index)
- yview('scroll', *index)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hyperhelp.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hyperhelp.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1650c7af37..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hyperhelp.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/hyperhelp.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Hyperhelp < Tk::Iwidgets::Shell
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Hyperhelp
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::hyperhelp'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Hyperhelp'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'helpdir'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- super() << 'topics'
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- def show_topic(topic)
- tk_call(@path, 'showtopic', topic)
- self
- end
- def follow_link(href)
- tk_call(@path, 'followlink', href)
- self
- end
- def forward
- tk_call(@path, 'forward')
- self
- end
- def back
- tk_call(@path, 'back')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/labeledframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/labeledframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f4f3786528..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/labeledframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/labeledframe.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Labeledframe < Tk::Itk::Archetype
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Labeledframe
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::labeledframe'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Labeledframe'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'labeltext'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'labelvariable'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'labelfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/labeledwidget.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/labeledwidget.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fe3c03135c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/labeledwidget.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/labeledwidget.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Labeledwidget < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Labeledwidget
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::labeledwidget'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Labeledwidget'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'labeltext'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'labelvariable'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'labelfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- def self.alignlabels(*wins)
- tk_call('::iwidgets::Labeledwidget::alignlabels', *wins)
- end
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/mainwindow.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/mainwindow.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 34c9eb52e3..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/mainwindow.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/mainwindow.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Mainwindow < Tk::Iwidgets::Shell
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Mainwindow
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::mainwindow'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Mainwindow'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'helpline' << 'statusline'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'menubarbackground' << 'menubarforeground' << 'toolbarforeground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'menubarfont' << 'toolbarfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def menubar(*args)
- unless args.empty?
- tk_call(@path, 'menubar', *args)
- end
- window(tk_call(@path, 'menubar'))
- end
- def mousebar(*args)
- unless args.empty?
- tk_call(@path, 'mousebar', *args)
- end
- window(tk_call(@path, 'mousebar'))
- end
- def msgd(*args)
- unless args.empty?
- tk_call(@path, 'msgd', *args)
- end
- window(tk_call(@path, 'msgd'))
- end
- def toolbar(*args)
- unless args.empty?
- tk_call(@path, 'toolbar', *args)
- end
- window(tk_call(@path, 'toolbar'))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/menubar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/menubar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f729511230..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/menubar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/menubar.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Menubar < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Menubar
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::menubar'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Menubar'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'menubuttons'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'helpvariable'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- ####################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'menucget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'menuconfigure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'selectcolor'
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_tkvariable_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'helpstr'
- end
- private :__item_tkvariable_optkeys
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tagOrId.name
- else
- #_get_eval_string(tagOrId)
- tagOrId
- end
- end
- alias menucget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias menucget itemcget
- alias menucget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias menuconfigure itemconfigure
- alias menuconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_menuconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- ####################################
- def __methodcall_optkeys
- {'menubuttons'=>'menubuttons'}
- end
- def menubuttons(val = nil)
- unless val
- return tk_call(@path, 'cget', '-menubuttons')
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'configure', '-menubuttons', _parse_menu_spec(val))
- self
- end
- def _parse_menu_spec(menu_spec)
- ret = ''
- menu_spec.each{|spec|
- next unless spec
- if spec.kind_of?(Hash)
- args = [spec]
- type = 'options'
- else
- type, *args = spec
- end
- type = type.to_s
- case type
- when 'options'
- keys = args[0]
- ary = [type]
- ary.concat(hash_kv(keys))
- ret << array2tk_list(ary) << "\n"
- when 'menubutton', 'cascade'
- name, keys = args
- if keys
- ary = [type, name]
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys['menu'] = _parse_menu_spec(keys['menu']) if keys.key?('menu')
- ary.concat(hash_kv(keys))
- ret << array2tk_list(ary) << "\n"
- else
- ret << array2tk_list([type, name]) << "\n"
- end
- else
- name, keys = args
- if keys
- ary = [type, name]
- ary.concat(hash_kv(keys))
- ret << array2tk_list(ary) << "\n"
- else
- ret << array2tk_list([type, name]) << "\n"
- end
- end
- }
- ret
- end
- ####################################
- def add(type, tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys['menu'] = _parse_menu_spec(keys['menu']) if keys.key?('menu')
- tk_call(@path, 'add', type, tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys))
- tag
- end
- def delete(path1, path2=nil)
- if path2
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx))
- end
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_call(@path, 'index', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def insert(idx, type, tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys['menu'] = _parse_menu_spec(keys['menu']) if keys.key?('menu')
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', index(idx), type, tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys))
- tag
- end
- def invoke(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'invoke', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def menupath(pat)
- if (win = tk_call(@path, 'path', pat)) == '-1'
- return nil
- end
- window(win)
- end
- def menupath_glob(pat)
- if (win = tk_call(@path, 'path', '-glob', pat)) == '-1'
- return nil
- end
- window(win)
- end
- def menupath_tclregexp(pat)
- if (win = tk_call(@path, 'path', '-regexp', pat)) == '-1'
- return nil
- end
- window(win)
- end
- def type(path)
- tk_call(@path, 'type', path)
- end
- def yposition(path)
- number(tk_call(@path, 'yposition', path))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/messagebox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/messagebox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c28228ee..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/messagebox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/messagebox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Messagebox < Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Messagebox
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::messagebox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Messagebox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ####################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'type', 'cget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'type', 'configure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tagOrId.name
- else
- #_get_eval_string(tagOrId)
- tagOrId
- end
- end
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'bell' << 'show'
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- alias typecget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias typecget itemcget
- alias typecget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias typeconfigure itemconfigure
- alias typeconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_typeconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- ####################################
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'filename' << 'savedir'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def type_add(tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- unless tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'type', 'add', tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys))
- tag
- end
- def clear
- tk_call(@path, 'clear')
- self
- end
- def export(file)
- tk_call(@path, 'export', file)
- self
- end
- def issue(string, type=None, *args)
- tk_call(@path, 'issue', string, tagid(type), *args)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/messagedialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/messagedialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fb4533b67..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/messagedialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/messagedialog.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Messagedialog < Tk::Iwidgets::Dialog
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Messagedialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::messagedialog'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Messagedialog'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/notebook.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/notebook.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ad2a372512..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/notebook.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/notebook.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Notebook < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Notebook
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::notebook'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Notebook'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ####################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'pagecget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'pageconfigure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tagOrId.name
- else
- #_get_eval_string(tagOrId)
- tagOrId
- end
- end
- alias pagecget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias pagecget itemcget
- alias pagecget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias pageconfigure itemconfigure
- alias pageconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_pageconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- ####################################
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'auto'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def add(keys={})
- window(tk_call(@path, 'add', *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def child_site_list
- list(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def child_site(idx)
- if (new_idx = self.index(idx)) < 0
- new_idx = tagid(idx)
- end
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite', new_idx))
- end
- def delete(idx1, idx2=nil)
- if (new_idx1 = self.index(idx1)) < 0
- new_idx1 = tagid(idx1)
- end
- if idx2
- if (new_idx2 = self.index(idx2)) < 0
- new_idx2 = tagid(idx2)
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', new_idx1, new_idx2)
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', new_idx1)
- end
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_call(@path, 'index', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def insert(idx, keys={})
- if (new_idx = self.index(idx)) < 0
- new_idx = tagid(idx)
- end
- window(tk_call(@path, 'insert', new_idx, *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def next
- tk_call(@path, 'next')
- self
- end
- def prev
- tk_call(@path, 'prev')
- self
- end
- def select(idx)
- if (new_idx = self.index(idx)) < 0
- new_idx = tagid(idx)
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'select', new_idx)
- self
- end
- def scrollcommand(cmd=Proc.new)
- configure_cmd 'scrollcommand', cmd
- self
- end
- alias xscrollcommand scrollcommand
- alias yscrollcommand scrollcommand
- def xscrollbar(bar=nil)
- if bar
- @scrollbar = bar
- @scrollbar.orient 'horizontal'
- self.scrollcommand {|*arg| @scrollbar.set(*arg)}
- @scrollbar.command {|*arg| self.xview(*arg)}
- Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble
- end
- @scrollbar
- end
- def yscrollbar(bar=nil)
- if bar
- @scrollbar = bar
- @scrollbar.orient 'vertical'
- self.scrollcommand {|*arg| @scrollbar.set(*arg)}
- @scrollbar.command {|*arg| self.yview(*arg)}
- Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble
- end
- @scrollbar
- end
- alias scrollbar yscrollbar
- def view(*idxs)
- if idxs.size == 0
- idx = num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('view'))
- if idx.kind_of?(Fixnum) && idx < 0
- nil
- else
- idx
- end
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('view', *idxs)
- self
- end
- end
- alias xview view
- alias yview view
- def view_moveto(*idxs)
- view('moveto', *idxs)
- end
- alias xview_moveto view_moveto
- alias yview_moveto view_moveto
- def view_scroll(index, what='pages')
- view('scroll', index, what)
- end
- alias xview_scroll view_scroll
- alias yview_scroll view_scroll
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/optionmenu.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/optionmenu.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 642db11ff1..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/optionmenu.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/optionmenu.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Optionmenu < Tk::Iwidgets::Labeledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Optionmenu
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::optionmenu'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Optionmenu'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'cyclicon'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def delete(first, last=nil)
- if last
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', first, last)
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', first)
- end
- self
- end
- def disable(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'disable', idx)
- self
- end
- def enable(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'enable', idx)
- self
- end
- def get(first=nil, last=nil)
- if last
- simplelist(tk_call(@path, 'get', first, last))
- elsif first
- tk_call(@path, 'get', first)
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'get')
- end
- end
- def get_range(first, last)
- get(first, last)
- end
- def get_selected
- get()
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_call(@path, 'index', idx))
- end
- def insert(idx, *args)
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', idx, *args)
- self
- end
- def select(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'select', idx)
- self
- end
- def sort(*params, &b)
- # see 'lsort' man page about params
- if b
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', '-command', proc(&b), *params)
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', *params)
- end
- self
- end
- def sort_ascending
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', 'ascending')
- self
- end
- def sort_descending
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', 'descending')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/panedwindow.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/panedwindow.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f17bdd862..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/panedwindow.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/panedwindow.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Panedwindow < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Panedwindow
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::panedwindow'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Panedwindow'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ####################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'panecget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'paneconfigure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tagOrId.name
- else
- #_get_eval_string(tagOrId)
- tagOrId
- end
- end
- alias panecget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias panecget itemcget
- alias panecget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias paneconfigure itemconfigure
- alias paneconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_paneconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- ####################################
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'showhandle'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def add(tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- window(tk_call(@path, 'add', tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys)))
- tag
- end
- def child_site_list
- list(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def child_site(idx)
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite', index(idx)))
- end
- def delete(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def fraction(*percentages)
- tk_call(@path, 'fraction', *percentages)
- self
- end
- def hide(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'hide', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_call(@path, 'index', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def insert(idx, tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- window(tk_call(@path, 'insert', index(idx), tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys)))
- tag
- end
- def invoke(idx=nil)
- if idx
- tk_call(@path, 'invoke', index(idx))
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'invoke')
- end
- self
- end
- def reset
- tk_call(@path, 'reset')
- self
- end
- def show(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'show', index(idx))
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/promptdialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/promptdialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fc73a51742..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/promptdialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/promptdialog.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Promptdialog < Tk::Iwidgets::Dialog
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Promptdialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::promptdialog'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Promptdialog'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- # index method is not available, because it shows index of the entry field
- def default(name)
- tk_call(@path, 'default', tagid(name))
- self
- end
- def hide(name)
- tk_call(@path, 'hide', tagid(name))
- self
- end
- def invoke(name=nil)
- if name
- tk_call(@path, 'invoke', tagid(name))
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'invoke')
- end
- self
- end
- def show(name)
- tk_call(@path, 'show', tagid(name))
- self
- end
- # based on Tk::Iwidgets::Entryfield
- def clear
- tk_call(@path, 'clear')
- self
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def value
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get'))
- end
- def value= (val)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', 0, 'end')
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', 0, _get_eval_enc_str(val))
- val
- end
- alias get value
- alias set value=
- def cursor=(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('icursor', index)
- #self
- index
- end
- alias icursor cursor=
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('index', idx))
- end
- def insert(pos,text)
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', pos, _get_eval_enc_str(text))
- self
- end
- def mark(pos)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', pos)
- self
- end
- def dragto(pos)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', pos)
- self
- end
- def selection_adjust(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'adjust', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def selection_from(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'from', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_present()
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'present'))
- end
- def selection_range(s, e)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'range', s, e)
- self
- end
- def selection_to(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'to', index)
- self
- end
- def xview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('xview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('xview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def xview_moveto(*index)
- xview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def xview_scroll(*index)
- xview('scroll', *index)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/pushbutton.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/pushbutton.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cec3563ddc..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/pushbutton.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/pushbutton.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Pushbutton < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Pushbutton
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::pushbutton'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Pushbutton'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'defaultring'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def invoke
- tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'invoke')
- self
- end
- def flash
- tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'flash')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/radiobox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/radiobox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c9e9f8d34..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/radiobox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/radiobox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Radiobox < Tk::Iwidgets::Labeledframe
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Radiobox
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::radiobox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Radiobox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ####################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'buttoncget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'buttonconfigure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'defaultring'
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tagOrId.name
- else
- #_get_eval_string(tagOrId)
- tagOrId
- end
- end
- alias buttoncget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias buttoncget itemcget
- alias buttoncget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias buttonconfigure itemconfigure
- alias buttonconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_buttonconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- ####################################
- def add(tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'add', tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys))
- tag
- end
- def delete(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def deselect(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'deselect', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def flash(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'flash', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def get_tag
- ((tag = tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'get')).empty?)? nil: tag
- end
- alias get get_tag
- def get_obj
- (tag = get_tag)? Tk::Itk::Component.id2obj(self, tag): nil
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_call(@path, 'index', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def insert(idx, tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', index(idx), tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys))
- tag
- end
- def select(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'select', index(idx))
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scopedobject.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scopedobject.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e17fee98dc..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scopedobject.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/buttonbox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Scopedobject < TkObject
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Scopedobject
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::scopedobject'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Scopedobject'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def initialize(obj_name, keys={})
- @path = tk_call(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], obj_name, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 463689f513..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/canvas'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Scrolledcanvas < Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledcanvas
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::scrolledcanvas'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Scrolledcanvas'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ################################
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'autoresize'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'textbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def initialize(*args)
- super(*args)
- @canvas = component_widget('canvas')
- end
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- if @canvas.respond_to?(id)
- @canvas.__send__(id, *args)
- else
- super(id, *args)
- end
- end
- ################################
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def justify(dir)
- tk_call(@path, 'justify', dir)
- self
- end
- ##########################
- include TkCanvasItemConfig
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(TkcItem) || tag.kind_of?(TkcTag)
- tag.id
- elsif tag.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tag.name
- else
- tag # maybe an Array of configure parameters
- end
- end
- private :tagid
- # create a canvas item without creating a TkcItem object
- def create(type, *args)
- type.create(self, *args)
- end
- #######################
- def addtag(tag, mode, *args)
- tk_send_without_enc('addtag', tagid(tag), mode, *args)
- self
- end
- def addtag_above(tagOrId, target)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'above', tagid(target))
- end
- def addtag_all(tagOrId)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'all')
- end
- def addtag_below(tagOrId, target)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'below', tagid(target))
- end
- def addtag_closest(tagOrId, x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'closest', x, y, halo, start)
- end
- def addtag_enclosed(tagOrId, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'enclosed', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def addtag_overlapping(tagOrId, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'overlapping', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def addtag_withtag(tagOrId, tag)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'withtag', tagid(tag))
- end
- def bbox(tagOrId, *tags)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('bbox', tagid(tagOrId),
- *tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)}))
- end
- #def itembind(tag, context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def itembind(tag, context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def itembind_append(tag, context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind_append([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def itembind_append(tag, context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def itembind_remove(tag, context)
- _bind_remove([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context)
- self
- end
- def itembindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _bindinfo([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context)
- end
- def canvasx(screen_x, *args)
- #tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send_without_enc('canvasx', screen_x, *args))
- number(tk_send_without_enc('canvasx', screen_x, *args))
- end
- def canvasy(screen_y, *args)
- #tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send_without_enc('canvasy', screen_y, *args))
- number(tk_send_without_enc('canvasy', screen_y, *args))
- end
- def coords(tag, *args)
- if args == []
- tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('coords', tagid(tag)))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('coords', tagid(tag), *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- end
- def dchars(tag, first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('dchars', tagid(tag),
- _get_eval_enc_str(first), _get_eval_enc_str(last))
- self
- end
- def delete(*args)
- tbl = nil
- TkcItem::CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- tbl = TkcItem::CItemID_TBL[self.path]
- }
- if tbl
- find('withtag', *args).each{|item|
- if item.kind_of?(TkcItem)
- TkcItem::CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- tbl.delete(item.id)
- }
- end
- }
- end
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', *args.collect{|t| tagid(t)})
- self
- end
- alias remove delete
- def dtag(tag, tag_to_del=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('dtag', tagid(tag), tag_to_del)
- self
- end
- def find(mode, *args)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('find', mode, *args)).collect!{|id|
- TkcItem.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def find_above(target)
- find('above', tagid(target))
- end
- def find_all
- find('all')
- end
- def find_below(target)
- find('below', tagid(target))
- end
- def find_closest(x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- find('closest', x, y, halo, start)
- end
- def find_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- find('enclosed', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def find_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- find('overlapping', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def find_withtag(tag)
- find('withtag', tag)
- end
- def itemfocus(tagOrId=nil)
- if tagOrId
- tk_send_without_enc('focus', tagid(tagOrId))
- self
- else
- ret = tk_send_without_enc('focus')
- if ret == ""
- nil
- else
- TkcItem.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- end
- end
- def gettags(tagOrId)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('gettags', tagid(tagOrId))).collect{|tag|
- TkcTag.id2obj(self, tag)
- }
- end
- def icursor(tagOrId, index)
- tk_send_without_enc('icursor', tagid(tagOrId), index)
- self
- end
- def index(tagOrId, idx)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('index', tagid(tagOrId), idx))
- end
- def insert(tagOrId, index, string)
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', tagid(tagOrId), index,
- _get_eval_enc_str(string))
- self
- end
- def lower(tag, below=nil)
- if below
- tk_send_without_enc('lower', tagid(tag), tagid(below))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('lower', tagid(tag))
- end
- self
- end
- def move(tag, x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('move', tagid(tag), x, y)
- self
- end
- def postscript(keys)
- tk_send("postscript", *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def raise(tag, above=nil)
- if above
- tk_send_without_enc('raise', tagid(tag), tagid(above))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('raise', tagid(tag))
- end
- self
- end
- def scale(tag, x, y, xs, ys)
- tk_send_without_enc('scale', tagid(tag), x, y, xs, ys)
- self
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def select(mode, *args)
- r = tk_send_without_enc('select', mode, *args)
- (mode == 'item')? TkcItem.id2obj(self, r): self
- end
- def select_adjust(tagOrId, index)
- select('adjust', tagid(tagOrId), index)
- end
- def select_clear
- select('clear')
- end
- def select_from(tagOrId, index)
- select('from', tagid(tagOrId), index)
- end
- def select_item
- select('item')
- end
- def select_to(tagOrId, index)
- select('to', tagid(tagOrId), index)
- end
- def itemtype(tag)
- TkcItem.type2class(tk_send('type', tagid(tag)))
- end
- def xview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('xview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('xview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def xview_moveto(*index)
- xview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def xview_scroll(*index)
- xview('scroll', *index)
- end
- def yview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('yview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('yview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def yview_moveto(*index)
- yview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def yview_scroll(*index)
- yview('scroll', *index)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f105576fd6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledframe.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Scrolledframe < Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledframe
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::scrolledframe'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Scrolledframe'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def justify(dir)
- tk_call(@path, 'justify', dir)
- self
- end
- def xview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('xview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('xview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def xview_moveto(*index)
- xview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def xview_scroll(*index)
- xview('scroll', *index)
- end
- def yview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('yview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('yview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def yview_moveto(*index)
- yview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def yview_scroll(*index)
- yview('scroll', *index)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledhtml.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledhtml.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ee5abe9fc..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledhtml.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledhtml.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Scrolledhtml < Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledtext
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledhtml
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::scrolledhtml'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Scrolledhtml'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'update'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'fontname' << 'link' << 'alink' << 'textbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'fixedfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- def import(href)
- tk_call(@path, 'import', href)
- self
- end
- def import_link(href)
- tk_call(@path, 'import', '-link', href)
- self
- end
- def pwd
- tk_call(@path, 'pwd')
- end
- def render(htmltext, workdir=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'render', htmltext, workdir)
- self
- end
- def title
- tk_call(@path, 'title')
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 94949c5524..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/listbox'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Scrolledlistbox < Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledlistbox
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::scrolledlistbox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Scrolledlistbox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'textbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'listvariable'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'textfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- ################################
- def initialize(*args)
- super(*args)
- @listbox = component_widget('listbox')
- end
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- if @listbox.respond_to?(id)
- @listbox.__send__(id, *args)
- else
- super(id, *args)
- end
- end
- ################################
- def clear
- tk_call(@path, 'clear')
- self
- end
- def get_curselection
- tk_call(@path, 'getcurselection')
- end
- def justify(dir)
- tk_call(@path, 'justify', dir)
- self
- end
- def selected_item_count
- number(tk_call(@path, 'selecteditemcount'))
- end
- def sort(*params, &b)
- # see 'lsort' man page about params
- if b
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', '-command', proc(&b), *params)
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', *params)
- end
- self
- end
- def sort_ascending
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', 'ascending')
- self
- end
- def sort_descending
- tk_call(@path, 'sort', 'descending')
- self
- end
- #####################################
- def bbox(index)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('bbox', index))
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def get(*index)
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get', *index))
- end
- def insert(index, *args)
- tk_send('insert', index, *args)
- self
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def see(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('see', index)
- self
- end
- #####################################
- include TkListItemConfig
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tag.name
- else
- super(tag)
- end
- end
- private :tagid
- #####################################
- def activate(y)
- tk_send_without_enc('activate', y)
- self
- end
- def curselection
- list(tk_send_without_enc('curselection'))
- end
- def get(first, last=nil)
- if last
- # tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get', first, last)))
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('get', first, last),
- false, true)
- else
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get', first))
- end
- end
- def nearest(y)
- tk_send_without_enc('nearest', y).to_i
- end
- def size
- tk_send_without_enc('size').to_i
- end
- def selection_anchor(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'anchor', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear', first, last)
- self
- end
- def selection_includes(index)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'includes', index))
- end
- def selection_set(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'set', first, last)
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- tk_send_without_enc('index', idx).to_i
- end
- #####################################
- def xview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('xview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('xview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def xview_moveto(*index)
- xview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def xview_scroll(*index)
- xview('scroll', *index)
- end
- def yview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('yview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('yview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def yview_moveto(*index)
- yview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def yview_scroll(*index)
- yview('scroll', *index)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e2898988c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/text'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Scrolledtext < Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledtext
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::scrolledtext'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Scrolledtext'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'textbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'textfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- ################################
- def initialize(*args)
- super(*args)
- @text = component_widget('text')
- end
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- if @text.respond_to?(id)
- @text.__send__(id, *args)
- else
- super(id, *args)
- end
- end
- ################################
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def clear
- tk_call(@path, 'clear')
- self
- end
- def import(file, idx=nil)
- if idx
- tk_call(@path, 'import', file, index(idx))
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'import', file)
- end
- self
- end
- def export(file)
- tk_call(@path, 'export', file)
- self
- end
- #####################################
- include TkTextTagConfig
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tag.name
- else
- super(tag)
- end
- end
- private :tagid
- def bbox(index)
- list(tk_send('bbox', index))
- end
- def compare(idx1, op, idx2)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('compare', _get_eval_enc_str(idx1),
- op, _get_eval_enc_str(idx2)))
- end
- def debug
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('debug'))
- end
- def debug=(boolean)
- tk_send_without_enc('debug', boolean)
- #self
- boolean
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def dlineinfo(index)
- list(tk_send_without_enc('dlineinfo', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
- end
- def get(*index)
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get', *index))
- end
- def get_displaychars(*index)
- # Tk8.5 feature
- get('-displaychars', *index)
- end
- def image_cget_tkstring(index, slot)
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'cget',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot.to_s}"))
- end
- def image_cget_strict(index, slot)
- case slot.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'cget',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}"))
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'cget',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index),
- "-#{slot}")))
- end
- end
- def image_cget(index, slot)
- image_cget_strict(index, slot)
- else
- begin
- image_cget_strict(index, slot)
- rescue => e
- begin
- if current_image_configinfo.has_key?(slot.to_s)
- # error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # unknown option
- nil
- end
- rescue
- fail e # tag error
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def image_configure(index, slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index),
- *hash_kv(slot, true)))
- else
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index),
- "-#{slot}",
- _get_eval_enc_str(value)))
- end
- self
- end
- def image_configinfo(index, slot = nil)
- if slot
- case slot.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- #conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}")))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}"), false, true)
- else
- #conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}")))
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}"), 0, false, true)
- end
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- #tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))).collect{|conflist|
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)), false, false).collect{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true)
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- case conf[0]
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- else
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- if conf[4]
- if conf[4].index('{')
- conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4])
- else
- conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
- end
- end
- end
- conf[1] = conf[1][1..-1] if conf.size == 2 # alias info
- conf
- }
- end
- if slot
- case slot.to_s
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- #conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}")))
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}"), false, true)
- else
- #conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}")))
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{slot}"), 0, false, true)
- end
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- { key => conf }
- else
- ret = {}
- #tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))).each{|conflist|
- # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'configure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)), false, false).each{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true)
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- case key
- when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file'
- else
- if conf[2]
- if conf[2].index('{')
- conf[2] = tk_split_list(conf[2])
- else
- conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[2])
- end
- end
- if conf[3]
- if conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- end
- if conf.size == 1
- ret[key] = conf[0][1..-1] # alias info
- else
- ret[key] = conf
- end
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- def current_image_configinfo(index, slot = nil)
- if slot
- conf = image_configinfo(index, slot)
- {conf[0] => conf[4]}
- else
- ret = {}
- image_configinfo(index).each{|conf|
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[4] if conf.size > 2
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- image_configinfo(index, slot).each{|k, conf|
- ret[k] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- def image_names
- #tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'names'))).collect{|elt|
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('image', 'names'), false, true).collect{|elt|
- tagid2obj(elt)
- }
- end
- def index(idx)
- tk_send_without_enc('index', _get_eval_enc_str(idx))
- end
- def insert(index, *args)
- tk_send('insert', index, *args)
- self
- end
- def mark_names
- #tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'names'))).collect{|elt|
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'names'), false, true).collect{|elt|
- tagid2obj(elt)
- }
- end
- def mark_gravity(mark, direction=nil)
- if direction
- tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'gravity',
- _get_eval_enc_str(mark), direction)
- self
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'gravity', _get_eval_enc_str(mark))
- end
- end
- def mark_set(mark, index)
- tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'set', _get_eval_enc_str(mark),
- _get_eval_enc_str(index))
- self
- end
- alias set_mark mark_set
- def mark_unset(*marks)
- tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'unset',
- *(marks.collect{|mark| _get_eval_enc_str(mark)}))
- self
- end
- alias unset_mark mark_unset
- def mark_next(index)
- tagid2obj(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'next',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index))))
- end
- alias next_mark mark_next
- def mark_previous(index)
- tagid2obj(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('mark', 'previous',
- _get_eval_enc_str(index))))
- end
- alias previous_mark mark_previous
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def _ktext_length(txt)
- if TkCore::WITH_ENCODING ### Ruby 1.9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
- return txt.length
- end
- ###########################
- if $KCODE !~ /n/i
- return txt.gsub(/[^\Wa-zA-Z_\d]/, ' ').length
- end
- # $KCODE == 'NONE'
- tk_call_without_enc('kstring', 'length',
- _get_eval_enc_str(txt)).to_i
- else
- begin
- tk_call_without_enc('encoding', 'convertto', 'ascii',
- _get_eval_enc_str(txt)).length
- rescue StandardError, NameError
- # sorry, I have no plan
- txt.length
- end
- end
- end
- private :_ktext_length
- def tksearch(*args)
- # call 'search' subcommand of text widget
- # args ::= [<array_of_opts>] <pattern> <start_index> [<stop_index>]
- # If <pattern> is regexp, then it must be a regular expression of Tcl
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- opts = args.shift.collect{|opt| '-' + opt.to_s }
- else
- opts = []
- end
- opts << '--'
- ret = tk_send('search', *(opts + args))
- if ret == ""
- nil
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- def tksearch_with_count(*args)
- # call 'search' subcommand of text widget
- # args ::= [<array_of_opts>] <var> <pattern> <start_index> [<stop_index>]
- # If <pattern> is regexp, then it must be a regular expression of Tcl
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- opts = args.shift.collect{|opt| '-' + opt.to_s }
- else
- opts = []
- end
- opts << '-count' << args.shift << '--'
- ret = tk_send('search', *(opts + args))
- if ret == ""
- nil
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- def search_with_length(pat,start,stop=None)
- pat = pat.chr if pat.kind_of? Integer
- if stop != None
- return ["", 0] if compare(start,'>=',stop)
- txt = get(start,stop)
- if (pos = txt.index(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- #return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"),
- _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"),
- _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- else
- txt = get(start,'end - 1 char')
- if (pos = txt.index(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- #return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"),
- _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"),
- _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- txt = get('1.0','end - 1 char')
- if (pos = txt.index(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"),
- _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def search(pat,start,stop=None)
- search_with_length(pat,start,stop)[0]
- end
- def rsearch_with_length(pat,start,stop=None)
- pat = pat.chr if pat.kind_of? Integer
- if stop != None
- return ["", 0] if compare(start,'<=',stop)
- txt = get(stop,start)
- if (pos = txt.rindex(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- #return [index(stop + " + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index(stop + " + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index(stop + " + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index(stop + " + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- else
- txt = get('1.0',start)
- if (pos = txt.rindex(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- txt = get('1.0','end - 1 char')
- if (pos = txt.rindex(pat))
- match = $&
- #pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- pos = _ktext_length(txt[0..(pos-1)]) if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(pat), pat.dup]
- else
- #return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), _ktext_length(match), match]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def rsearch(pat,start,stop=None)
- rsearch_with_length(pat,start,stop)[0]
- end
- def see(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('see', index)
- self
- end
- ###############################
- def xview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('xview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('xview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def xview_moveto(*index)
- xview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def xview_scroll(*index)
- xview('scroll', *index)
- end
- def yview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('yview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('yview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def yview_moveto(*index)
- yview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def yview_scroll(*index)
- yview('scroll', *index)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledwidget.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledwidget.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a8b4e5a27b..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledwidget.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledwidget.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Scrolledwidget < Tk::Iwidgets::Labeledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Scrolledwidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::scrolledwidget'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Scrolledwidget'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/selectionbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/selectionbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 333f68e306..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/selectionbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/selectionbox.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Selectionbox < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Selectionbox
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::selectionbox'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Selectionbox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'itemson' << 'selectionon'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'itemslabel' << 'selectionlabel'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def clear_items
- tk_call(@path, 'clear', 'items')
- self
- end
- def clear_selection
- tk_call(@path, 'clear', 'selection')
- self
- end
- def get
- tk_call(@path, 'get')
- end
- def insert_items(idx, *args)
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', 'items', idx, *args)
- end
- def insert_selection(pos, text)
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', 'selection', pos, text)
- end
- def select_item
- tk_call(@path, 'selectitem')
- self
- end
- # based on Tk::Listbox ( and TkTextWin )
- def curselection
- list(tk_send_without_enc('curselection'))
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- tk_send_without_enc('index', idx).to_i
- end
- def nearest(y)
- tk_send_without_enc('nearest', y).to_i
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def selection_anchor(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'anchor', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear', first, last)
- self
- end
- def selection_includes(index)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'includes', index))
- end
- def selection_set(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'set', first, last)
- self
- end
- def size
- tk_send_without_enc('size').to_i
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/selectiondialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/selectiondialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d0b94e8d2..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/selectiondialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/selectiondialog.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Selectiondialog < Tk::Iwidgets::Dialog
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Selectiondialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::selectiondialog'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Selectiondialog'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def clear_items
- tk_call(@path, 'clear', 'items')
- self
- end
- def clear_selection
- tk_call(@path, 'clear', 'selection')
- self
- end
- def get
- tk_call(@path, 'get')
- end
- def insert_items(idx, *args)
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', 'items', idx, *args)
- end
- def insert_selection(pos, text)
- tk_call(@path, 'insert', 'selection', pos, text)
- end
- def select_item
- tk_call(@path, 'selectitem')
- self
- end
- # based on Tk::Listbox ( and TkTextWin )
- def curselection
- list(tk_send_without_enc('curselection'))
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- tk_send_without_enc('index', idx).to_i
- end
- def nearest(y)
- tk_send_without_enc('nearest', y).to_i
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def selection_anchor(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'anchor', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear', first, last)
- self
- end
- def selection_includes(index)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'includes', index))
- end
- def selection_set(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'set', first, last)
- self
- end
- def size
- tk_send_without_enc('size').to_i
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/shell.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/shell.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b3f8dc7fbe..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/shell.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/shell.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Shell < Tk::Itk::Toplevel
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Shell
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::shell'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Shell'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def activate
- tk_call(@path, 'activate') # may return val of deactivate method
- end
- def center(win=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'center', win)
- self
- end
- def child_site
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def deactivate(val=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'deactivate', val)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spindate.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spindate.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8860348cc0..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spindate.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/spindate.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Spindate < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Spindate
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::spindate'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Spindate'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'dayon' << 'monthon' << 'yearon'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'daylabel' << 'monthformat' << 'monthlabel' << 'yearlabel'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def get_string
- tk_call(@path, 'get', '-string')
- end
- alias get get_string
- def get_clicks
- number(tk_call(@path, 'get', '-clicks'))
- end
- def show(date=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'show', date)
- self
- end
- def show_now
- tk_call(@path, 'show', 'now')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinint.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinint.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 85736d095c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinint.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/spinint.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Spinint < Tk::Iwidgets::Spinner
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Spinint
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::spinint'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Spinint'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'wrap'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __numlistval_optkeys
- super() << 'range'
- end
- private :__numlistval_optkeys
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 49968e86d8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Spinner < Tk::Iwidgets::Labeledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Spinner
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::spinner'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Spinner'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ####################################
- include Tk::ValidateConfigure
- class EntryfieldValidate < TkValidateCommand
- #class CalCmdArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?c, ?s, :char ],
- [ ?P, ?s, :post ],
- [ ?S, ?s, :current ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['validate', 'invalid']
- end
- end
- def __validation_class_list
- super() << EntryfieldValidate
- end
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, EntryfieldValidate)
- ####################################
- def up
- tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'up')
- self
- end
- def down
- tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'down')
- self
- end
- def clear
- tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'clear')
- self
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def value
- _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get'))
- end
- def value= (val)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', 0, 'end')
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', 0, _get_eval_enc_str(val))
- val
- end
- alias get value
- alias set value=
- def cursor=(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('icursor', index)
- #self
- index
- end
- alias icursor cursor=
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('index', idx))
- end
- def insert(pos,text)
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', pos, _get_eval_enc_str(text))
- self
- end
- def mark(pos)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', pos)
- self
- end
- def dragto(pos)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', pos)
- self
- end
- def selection_adjust(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'adjust', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_clear
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def selection_from(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'from', index)
- self
- end
- def selection_present()
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'present'))
- end
- def selection_range(s, e)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'range', s, e)
- self
- end
- def selection_to(index)
- tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'to', index)
- self
- end
- # based on tk/scrollable.rb
- def xview(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- list(tk_send_without_enc('xview'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('xview', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- def xview_moveto(*index)
- xview('moveto', *index)
- end
- def xview_scroll(*index)
- xview('scroll', *index)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spintime.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spintime.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b280ec0e4..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spintime.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/spintime.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Spintime < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Spintime
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::spintime'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Spintime'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'houron' << 'militaryon' << 'minutelabel' << 'secondlabel'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'hourlabel' << 'minuteon' << 'secondon'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def get_string
- tk_call(@path, 'get', '-string')
- end
- alias get get_string
- def get_clicks
- number(tk_call(@path, 'get', '-clicks'))
- end
- def show(date=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'show', date)
- self
- end
- def show_now
- tk_call(@path, 'show', 'now')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/tabnotebook.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/tabnotebook.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 89e3362185..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/tabnotebook.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/tabnotebook.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Tabnotebook < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Tabnotebook
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::tabnotebook'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Tabnotebook'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ####################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'pagecget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'pageconfigure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'tabbackground' << 'tabforeground'
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tagOrId.name
- else
- #_get_eval_string(tagOrId)
- tagOrId
- end
- end
- alias pagecget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias pagecget itemcget
- alias pagecget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias pageconfigure itemconfigure
- alias pageconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_pageconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- ####################################
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'auto' << 'equaltabs' << 'raiseselect' << 'tabborders'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'backdrop' << 'tabbackground' << 'tabforeground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def initialize(*args)
- super(*args)
- @tabset = self.component_widget('tabset')
- end
- def add(keys={})
- window(tk_call(@path, 'add', *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def child_site_list
- list(tk_call(@path, 'childsite'))
- end
- def child_site(idx)
- window(tk_call(@path, 'childsite', index(idx)))
- end
- def delete(idx1, idx2=nil)
- if idx2
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx1), index(idx2))
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx1))
- end
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- #number(tk_call(@path, 'index', tagid(idx)))
- @tabset.index(tagid(idx))
- end
- def insert(idx, keys={})
- window(tk_call(@path, 'insert', index(idx), *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def next
- tk_call(@path, 'next')
- self
- end
- def prev
- tk_call(@path, 'prev')
- self
- end
- def select(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'select', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def show_tab(idx)
- @tabset.show_tab(idx)
- self
- end
- def scrollcommand(cmd=Proc.new)
- configure_cmd 'scrollcommand', cmd
- self
- end
- alias xscrollcommand scrollcommand
- alias yscrollcommand scrollcommand
- def xscrollbar(bar=nil)
- if bar
- @scrollbar = bar
- @scrollbar.orient 'horizontal'
- self.scrollcommand {|*arg| @scrollbar.set(*arg)}
- @scrollbar.command {|*arg| self.xview(*arg)}
- Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble
- end
- @scrollbar
- end
- def yscrollbar(bar=nil)
- if bar
- @scrollbar = bar
- @scrollbar.orient 'vertical'
- self.scrollcommand {|*arg| @scrollbar.set(*arg)}
- @scrollbar.command {|*arg| self.yview(*arg)}
- Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble
- end
- @scrollbar
- end
- alias scrollbar yscrollbar
- def view(*index)
- if index.size == 0
- idx = num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('view'))
- if idx.kind_of?(Fixnum) && idx < 0
- nil
- else
- idx
- end
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('view', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- alias xview view
- alias yview view
- def view_moveto(*index)
- view('moveto', *index)
- end
- alias xview_moveto view_moveto
- alias yview_moveto view_moveto
- def view_scroll(index, what='pages')
- view('scroll', index, what)
- end
- alias xview_scroll view_scroll
- alias yview_scroll view_scroll
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/tabset.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/tabset.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 816ea087ef..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/tabset.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/tabset.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Tabset < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Tabset
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::tabset'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Tabset'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ####################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'tabcget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'tabconfigure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tagOrId.name
- else
- #_get_eval_string(tagOrId)
- tagOrId
- end
- end
- alias tabcget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias tabcget itemcget
- alias tabcget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias tabconfigure itemconfigure
- alias tabconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_tabconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- ####################################
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'equaltabs' << 'raiseselect' << 'tabborders'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'backdrop'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def add(keys={})
- window(tk_call(@path, 'add', *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def delete(idx1, idx2=nil)
- if idx2
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx1), index(idx2))
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx1))
- end
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_call(@path, 'index', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def insert(idx, keys={})
- window(tk_call(@path, 'insert', index(idx), *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- def next
- tk_call(@path, 'next')
- self
- end
- def prev
- tk_call(@path, 'prev')
- self
- end
- def select(idx)
- tk_call(@path, 'select', index(idx))
- self
- end
- def show_tab(idx)
- if index(idx) == 0
- self.start = 0
- return
- end
- reutrn unless @canvas ||= self.winfo_children[0]
- delta = 1 if (delta = cget(:gap)) == 'overlap' ||
- (delta = self.winfo_pixels(delta) + 1) <= 0
- case cget(:tabpos)
- when 's', 'n'
- if (head = tabcget(idx, :left)) < 0
- self.start -= head
- return
- end
- tabs_size = @canvas.winfo_width
- tab_start, tab_end = @canvas .
- find_overlapping(head, 0, head + delta, @canvas.winfo_height) .
- find_all{|id| @canvas.itemtype(id) == TkcPolygon} .
- map!{|id| bbox = @canvas.bbox(id); [bbox[0], bbox[2]]} . max
- when 'e', 'w'
- if (head = tabcget(idx, :top)) < 0
- self.start -= head
- return
- end
- tabs_size = @canvas.winfo_height
- tab_start, tab_end = @canvas .
- find_overlapping(0, head, @canvas.winfo_width, head + delta) .
- find_all{|id| @canvas.itemtype(id) == TkcPolygon} .
- map!{|id| bbox = @canvas.bbox(id); [bbox[1], bbox[3]]} . max
- end
- if (size = tab_end - tab_start + 1) > tabs_size
- self.start -= tab_start
- elsif head + size > tabs_size
- self.start -= head + size - tabs_size
- end
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/timeentry.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/timeentry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d4078e6e4f..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/timeentry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/timeentry.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Timeentry < Tk::Iwidgets::Timefield
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Timeentry
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::timeentry'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Timeentry'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'closetext'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/timefield.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/timefield.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d759a0762f..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/timefield.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/timefield.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Timefield < Tk::Iwidgets::Labeledwidget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Timefield
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::timefield'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Timefield'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'gmt'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'textbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'textfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- def get_string
- tk_call(@path, 'get', '-string')
- end
- alias get get_string
- def get_clicks
- number(tk_call(@path, 'get', '-clicks'))
- end
- def valid?
- bool(tk_call(@path, 'isvalid'))
- end
- alias isvalid? valid?
- def show(time=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'show', time)
- self
- end
- def show_now
- tk_call(@path, 'show', 'now')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/toolbar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/toolbar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f2a54b88b..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/toolbar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/toolbar.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Toolbar < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Toolbar
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::toolbar'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Toolbar'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'helpvariable'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- ####################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'itemcget', self.index(id)]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'itemconfigure', self.index(id)]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'helpstr' << 'balloonstr'
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def tagid(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Itk::Component)
- tagOrId.name
- else
- #_get_eval_string(tagOrId)
- tagOrId
- end
- end
- ####################################
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'balloonbackground' << 'balloonforeground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() << 'helpvariable'
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() << 'balloonfont'
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- def add(type, tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- window(tk_call(@path, 'add', type, tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys)))
- tag
- end
- def delete(idx1, idx2=nil)
- if idx2
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx1), index(idx2))
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', index(idx1))
- end
- self
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_call(@path, 'index', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def insert(idx, type, tag=nil, keys={})
- if tag.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tag
- tag = nil
- end
- if tag
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self, tagid(tag))
- else
- tag = Tk::Itk::Component.new(self)
- end
- window(tk_call(@path, 'insert', index(idx), type,
- tagid(tag), *hash_kv(keys)))
- tag
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/watch.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/watch.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c6e862b36a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/watch.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/iwidgets/watch.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/iwidgets.rb'
-module Tk
- module Iwidgets
- class Watch < Tk::Itk::Widget
- end
- end
-class Tk::Iwidgets::Watch
- TkCommandNames = ['::iwidgets::watch'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Watch'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'showampm'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'clockcolor' << 'hourcolor' << 'minutecolor' <<
- 'pivotcolor' << 'secondcolor' << 'tickcolor'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def get_string
- tk_call(@path, 'get', '-string')
- end
- alias get get_string
- def get_clicks
- number(tk_call(@path, 'get', '-clicks'))
- end
- def show(time=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'show', time)
- self
- end
- def show_now
- tk_call(@path, 'show', 'now')
- self
- end
- def watch(*args)
- unless args.empty?
- tk_call(@path, 'watch', *args)
- end
- component_path('canvas')
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/pkg_checker.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/pkg_checker.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 76a25ca629..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/pkg_checker.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# Ruby/Tk extension library checker
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-TkRoot.new.withdraw # hide root window
-name = File.basename(__FILE__)
-add_path = false
-verbose = false
-def help_msg
- print "Usage: #{$0} [-l] [-v] [-h] [--] [dir]\n"
- print "\tIf dir is omitted, check the directory that this command exists.\n"
- print "\tAvailable options are \n"
- print "\t -l : Add dir to $LOAD_PATH\n"
- print "\t (If dir == '<parent>/tkextlib', add <parent> also.)\n"
- print "\t -v : Verbose mode (show reason of fail)\n"
- print "\t -h : Show this message\n"
- print "\t -- : End of options\n"
-while(ARGV[0] && ARGV[0][0] == ?-)
- case ARGV[0]
- when '--'
- ARGV.shift
- break;
- when '-l'
- ARGV.shift
- add_path = true
- when '-v'
- ARGV.shift
- verbose = true
- when '-h'
- help_msg
- exit(0)
- else
- print "Argument Error!! : unknown option '#{ARGV[0]}'\n"
- help_msg
- exit(1)
- end
-if ARGV[0]
- dir = File.expand_path(ARGV[0])
- dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
-if add_path
- $LOAD_PATH.unshift(dir)
- if File.basename(dir) == 'tkextlib'
- $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(dir))
- end
-print "\nRuby/Tk extension library checker\n"
-print "( Note:: This check is very simple one. Shown status may be wrong. )\n"
-print "\n check directory :: #{dir}"
-print "\n $LOAD_PATH :: #{$LOAD_PATH.inspect}\n"
-def get_pkg_list(file)
- pkg_list = []
- File.foreach(file){|l|
- if l =~ /^(?:[^#]+\s|\s*)(?:|;\s*)TkPackage\s*\.\s*require\s*\(?\s*(["'])((\w|:)+)\1/
- pkg = [$2, :package]
- pkg_list << pkg unless pkg_list.member?(pkg)
- end
- if l =~ /^(?:[^#]+\s|\s*)(?:|;\s*)Tk\s*\.\s*load_tcllibrary\s*\(?\s*(["'])((\w|:)+)\1/
- pkg = [$2, :library]
- pkg_list << pkg unless pkg_list.member?(pkg)
- end
- if l =~ /^(?:[^#]+\s|\s*)(?:|;\s*)Tk\s*\.\s*load_tclscript\s*\(?\s*(["'])((\w|:)+)\1/
- pkg = [$2, :script]
- pkg_list << pkg unless pkg_list.member?(pkg)
- end
- if l =~ /^(?:[^#]+\s|\s*)(?:|;\s*)require\s*\(?\s*(["'])((\w|\/|:)+)\1/
- pkg = [$2, :require_ruby_lib]
- pkg_list << pkg unless pkg_list.member?(pkg)
- end
- }
- pkg_list
-def check_pkg(file, verbose=false)
- pkg_list = get_pkg_list(file)
- error_list = []
- success_list = {}
- pkg_list.each{|name, type|
- next if success_list[name]
- begin
- case type
- when :package
- ver = TkPackage.require(name)
- success_list[name] = ver
- error_list.delete_if{|n, t| n == name}
- when :library
- Tk.load_tcllibrary(name)
- success_list[name] = :library
- error_list.delete_if{|n, t| n == name}
- when :script
- Tk.load_tclscript(name)
- success_list[name] = :script
- error_list.delete_if{|n, t| n == name}
- when :require_ruby_lib
- require name
- end
- rescue => e
- if verbose
- error_list << [name, type, e.message]
- else
- error_list << [name, type]
- end
- end
- }
- success_list.dup.each{|name, ver|
- unless ver.kind_of?(String)
- begin
- ver = TkPackage.require(name)
- sccess_list[name] = ver
- rescue
- end
- end
- }
- [success_list, error_list]
-def subdir_check(dir, verbose=false)
- Dir.foreach(dir){|f|
- next if f == '.' || f == '..'
- if File.directory?(f)
- subdir_check(File.join(dir, f))
- elsif File.extname(f) == '.rb'
- path = File.join(dir, f)
- suc, err = check_pkg(path, verbose)
- if err.empty?
- print 'Ready : ', path, ' : require->', suc.inspect, "\n"
- else
- print '*LACK : ', path, ' : require->', suc.inspect,
- ' FAIL->', err.inspect, "\n"
- end
- end
- }
-(Dir['*.rb'] - ['setup.rb', name]).each{|f|
- subdir = File.basename(f, '.*')
- begin
- # read 'setup.rb' as if the library has standard structure
- require File.join(subdir, 'setup.rb')
- rescue LoadError
- # ignore error
- end
- print "\n"
- suc, err = check_pkg(f, verbose)
- if err.empty?
- print 'Ready : ', f, ' : require->', suc.inspect, "\n"
- else
- print '*LACK : ', f, ' : require->', suc.inspect,
- ' FAIL->', err.inspect, "\n"
- end
- subdir_check(subdir, verbose) if File.directory?(subdir)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 08ad32e99b..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before using Tk extension libraries
-# If you need some setup operations for Tk extensions (for example,
-# modify the dynamic library path) required, please write the setup
-# operations in this file. This file is required at the last of
-# "require 'tk'".
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 75d250cba4..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tcllib extension support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib/setup.rb'
-err = ''
-# package:: autoscroll
-target = 'tkextlib/tcllib/autoscroll'
- require target
-rescue => e
- err << "\n ['" << target << "'] " << e.class.name << ' : ' << e.message
-# package:: cursor
-target = 'tkextlib/tcllib/cursor'
- require target
-rescue => e
- err << "\n ['" << target << "'] " << e.class.name << ' : ' << e.message
-# package:: style
-target = 'tkextlib/tcllib/style'
- require target
-rescue => e
- err << "\n ['" << target << "'] " << e.class.name << ' : ' << e.message
-# autoload
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- TkComm::TkExtlibAutoloadModule.unshift(self)
- # package:: autoscroll
- autoload :Autoscroll, 'tkextlib/tcllib/autoscroll'
- # package:: ctext
- autoload :CText, 'tkextlib/tcllib/ctext'
- # package:: cursor
- autoload :Cursor, 'tkextlib/tcllib/cursor'
- # package:: datefield
- autoload :Datefield, 'tkextlib/tcllib/datefield'
- autoload :DateField, 'tkextlib/tcllib/datefield'
- # package:: getstring
- autoload :GetString_Dialog, 'tkextlib/tcllib/getstring'
- # package:: history
- autoload :History, 'tkextlib/tcllib/history'
- # package:: ico
- autoload :ICO, 'tkextlib/tcllib/ico'
- # package:: ipentry
- autoload :IP_Entry, 'tkextlib/tcllib/ip_entry'
- autoload :IPEntry, 'tkextlib/tcllib/ip_entry'
- # package:: khim
- autoload :KHIM, 'tkextlib/tcllib/khim'
- # package:: ntext
- autoload :Ntext, 'tkextlib/tcllib/ntext'
- # package:: Plotchart
- autoload :Plotchart, 'tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart'
- # package:: style
- autoload :Style, 'tkextlib/tcllib/style'
- # package:: swaplist
- autoload :Swaplist_Dialog, 'tkextlib/tcllib/swaplist'
- # package:: tablelist
- autoload :Tablelist, 'tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist'
- autoload :TableList, 'tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist'
- autoload :Tablelist_Tile, 'tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_tile'
- autoload :TableList_Tile, 'tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_tile'
- # package:: tkpiechart
- autoload :Tkpiechart, 'tkextlib/tcllib/tkpiechart'
- # package:: tooltip
- autoload :Tooltip, 'tkextlib/tcllib/tooltip'
- # package:: widget
- autoload :Widget, 'tkextlib/tcllib/widget'
- end
-if $VERBOSE && !err.empty?
- warn("Warning: some sub-packages are failed to require : " + err)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/README b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 441918adce..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- [ tcllib extension support files ]
-Tcllib includes many utilities. But currently, supports TKLib part
-only (see the following 'tcllib contents').
-If you request to support others, please send your message to one of
-ruby-talk/ruby-list/ruby-dev/ruby-ext mailing lists.
------<from "What is tcllib?">----------------------------
-Tcllib is a collection of utility modules for Tcl. These modules provide
-a wide variety of functionality, from implementations of standard data
-structures to implementations of common networking protocols. The intent
-is to collect commonly used function into a single library, which users
-can rely on to be available and stable.
------< tcllib contents (based on tcllib-1.6.1) >---------
-Programming tools
- * cmdline - Procedures to process command lines and options.
- * comm - A remote communications facility for Tcl (7.6, 8.0, and later)
- * control - Procedures for control flow structures.
- * fileutil - Procedures implementing some file utilities
- * log - Procedures to log messages of libraries and applications.
- * logger - System to control logging of events.
- * multiplexer - One-to-many communication with sockets.
- * snit - Snit's Not Incr Tcl
- * snitfaq - Snit Frequently Asked Questions
- * stooop - Object oriented extension.
- * stoop - Simple Tcl Only Object Oriented Programming
- * switched - stooop switched class
- * profiler - Tcl source code profiler
- * math::statistics - Basic statistical functions and procedures
- * math::calculus - Integration and ordinary differential equations
- * math::optimize - Optimisation routines
- * math::fuzzy - Fuzzy comparison of floating-point numbers
- * counter - Procedures for counters and histograms
- * combinatorics - Combinatorial functions in the Tcl Math Library
-Data structures
- * struct::list - Procedures for manipulating lists
- * struct::set - Procedures for manipulating sets
- * struct::stack - Create and manipulate stack objects
- * struct::queue - Create and manipulate queue objects
- * struct::prioqueue - Create and manipulate prioqueue objects
- * struct::skiplist - Create and manipulate skiplists
- * struct::tree - Create and manipulate tree objects
- * struct::graph - Create and manipulate directed graph objects
- * struct::record - Define and create records (similar to 'C' structures)
- * struct::matrix - Create and manipulate matrix objects
- * struct::pool - Create and manipulate pool objects (of discrete items)
- * report - Create and manipulate report objects
-Text processing
- * expander - Procedures to process templates and expand text.
- * base64 - Procedures to encode and decode base64
- * yencode - encode/decoding a binary file
- * uuencode - encode/decoding a binary file
- * csv - Procedures to handle CSV data.
- * inifile - Parsing of Windows INI files
- * htmlparse - Procedures to parse HTML strings
- * mime - Manipulation of MIME body parts
- * Tcl MIME - generates and parses MIME body parts
- * textutil - Procedures to manipulate texts and strings.
- * exif - Tcl EXIF extracts and parses EXIF fields from digital images
- * EXIF - extract and parse EXIF fields from digital images
-Hashes, checksums, and encryption
- * cksum - calculate a cksum(1) compatible checksum
- * crc16 - Perform a 16bit Cyclic Redundancy Check
- * crc32 - Perform a 32bit Cyclic Redundancy Check
- * des - Perform DES encryption of Tcl data
- * md4 - MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm
- * md5 - MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
- * ripemd160 - RIPEMD-160 Message-Digest Algorithm
- * ripemd128 - RIPEMD-128 Message-Digest Algorithm
- * md5crypt - MD5-based password encryption
- * sha1 - Perform sha1 hashing
- * sum - calculate a sum(1) compatible checksum
- * soundex - Soundex
-Documentation tools
- * mpexpand - Markup processor
- * doctools - Create and manipulate doctools converter object
- * doctoc_fmt - Specification of simple tcl markup for table of contents
- * doctools_api - Interface specification for formatter code
- * doctools_fmt - Specification of simple tcl markup for manpages
- * docidx - Create and manipulate docidx converter objects
- * docidx_api - Interface specification for index formatting code
- * docidx_fmt - Specification of simple tcl markup for an index
- * doctoc - Create and manipulate doctoc converter objects
- * doctoc_api - Interface specification for toc formatting code
- * doctools::changelog - Handle text in Emacs ChangeLog format
- * doctools::cvs - Handle text in 'cvs log' format
- * uri - URI utilities
- * dns - Tcl Domain Name Service Client
- * ntp_time - Tcl Time Service Client
- * nntp - Tcl client for the NNTP protocol
- * pop3 - Tcl client for POP3 email protocol
- * pop3d - Tcl POP3 server implementation
- * pop3d::udb - Simple user database for pop3d
- * pop3d::dbox - Simple mailbox database for pop3d
- * ftp - Client-side tcl implementation of the ftp protocol
- * ftp - Client-side tcl implementation of the ftp protocol
- * ftpd - Tcl FTP server implementation
- * smtp - Client-side tcl implementation of the smtp protocol
- * smtpd - Tcl SMTP server implementation
- * irc - Create IRC connection and interface.
-CGI programming
- * ncgi - Procedures to manipulate CGI values.
- * html - Procedures to generate HTML structures
- * javascript - Procedures to generate HTML and Java Script structures.
-Grammars and finite automata
- * grammar::fa - Create and manipulate finite automatons
- * grammar::fa::op - Operations on finite automatons
- * grammar::dacceptor - Create and use deterministic acceptors
- * grammar::dexec - Execute deterministic finite automatons
- * Plotchart - Simple plotting and charting package
- * autoscroll - Provides for a scrollbar to automatically mapped and
- unmapped as needed
- * ctext - An extended text widget with customizable Syntax highlighting
- * cursor - Procedures to handle CURSOR data
- * datefield - Tk datefield widget
- * style - Changes default Tk look&feel
- * ipentry - An IP address entry widget
- * tkpiechart - Creates and dynamically updates 2D or 3D pie charts
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/autoscroll.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/autoscroll.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ae45b84787..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/autoscroll.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/autoscroll.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Provides for a scrollbar to automatically mapped and unmapped as needed
-# (The following is the original description of the library.)
-# This package allows scrollbars to be mapped and unmapped as needed
-# depending on the size and content of the scrollbars scrolled widget.
-# The scrollbar must be managed by either pack or grid, other geometry
-# managers are not supported.
-# When managed by pack, any geometry changes made in the scrollbars parent
-# between the time a scrollbar is unmapped, and when it is mapped will be
-# lost. It is an error to destroy any of the scrollbars siblings while the
-# scrollbar is unmapped. When managed by grid, if anything becomes gridded
-# in the same row and column the scrollbar occupied it will be replaced by
-# the scrollbar when remapped.
-# This package may be used on any scrollbar-like widget as long as it
-# supports the set subcommand in the same style as scrollbar. If the set
-# subcommand is not used then this package will have no effect.
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/scrollbar'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- module Autoscroll
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'autoscroll'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('autoscroll')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- def self.not_available
- fail RuntimeError, "'tkextlib/tcllib/autoscroll' extension is not available on your current environment."
- end
- def self.autoscroll(win)
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.not_available
- end
- def self.unautoscroll(win)
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.not_available
- end
- end
- end
-module Tk
- module Scrollable
- def autoscroll(mode = nil)
- case mode
- when :x, 'x'
- if @xscrollbar
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.autoscroll(@xscrollbar)
- end
- when :y, 'y'
- if @yscrollbar
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.autoscroll(@yscrollbar)
- end
- when nil, :both, 'both'
- if @xscrollbar
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.autoscroll(@xscrollbar)
- end
- if @yscrollbar
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.autoscroll(@yscrollbar)
- end
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "'x', 'y' or 'both' (String or Symbol) is expected"
- end
- self
- end
- def unautoscroll(mode = nil)
- case mode
- when :x, 'x'
- if @xscrollbar
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.unautoscroll(@xscrollbar)
- end
- when :y, 'y'
- if @yscrollbar
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.unautoscroll(@yscrollbar)
- end
- when nil, :both, 'both'
- if @xscrollbar
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.unautoscroll(@xscrollbar)
- end
- if @yscrollbar
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.unautoscroll(@yscrollbar)
- end
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "'x', 'y' or 'both' (String or Symbol) is expected"
- end
- self
- end
- end
-class Tk::Scrollbar
- def autoscroll
- # Arranges for the already existing scrollbar to be mapped
- # and unmapped as needed.
- #tk_call_without_enc('::autoscroll::autoscroll', @path)
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.autoscroll(self)
- self
- end
- def unautoscroll
- # Returns the scrollbar to its original static state.
- #tk_call_without_enc('::autoscroll::unautoscroll', @path)
- Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.unautoscroll(self)
- self
- end
-# TkPackage.require('autoscroll', '1.0')
-# TkPackage.require('autoscroll', '1.1')
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- class << Autoscroll
- undef not_available
- end
- module Autoscroll
- extend TkCore
- def self.autoscroll(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('::autoscroll::autoscroll', win.path)
- end
- def self.unautoscroll(win)
- tk_call_without_enc('::autoscroll::unautoscroll', win.path)
- end
- def self.wrap
- # v1.1
- tk_call_without_enc('::autoscroll::wrap')
- end
- def self.unwrap
- # v1.1
- tk_call_without_enc('::autoscroll::unwrap')
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/calendar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/calendar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fa53603d91..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/calendar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/calendar.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * calendar widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::calendar', '0.9')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class Calendar < TkCanvas
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::calendar'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::calendar')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::Calendar
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::calendar'.freeze].freeze
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'showpast'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def get(what = 'all')
- tk_send('get', what)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/canvas_sqmap.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/canvas_sqmap.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f3d1847d73..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/canvas_sqmap.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/canvas.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# *
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::canvas_sqmap', '0.2')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class Canvas_Sqmap < Canvas
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::canvas_sqmap'.freeze].freeze
- def image_set(cell, img)
- tk_send('image', 'set', cell, img)
- self
- end
- def image_unset(cell)
- tk_send('image', 'unset', cell)
- self
- end
- def flush
- tk_send('flush')
- self
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/canvas_zoom.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/canvas_zoom.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bb8b04a18b..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/canvas_zoom.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/canvas.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# *
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::canvas_zoom', '0.1')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class Canvas_Zoom < Canvas
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::canvas_zoom'.freeze].freeze
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/chatwidget.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/chatwidget.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 34a8ca5094..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/chatwidget.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/chatwidget.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * chatwidget - Provides a multi-paned view suitable for display of
-# chat room or irc channel information
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('chatwidget', '1.1.0')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- class ChatWidget < TkText
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'chatwidget'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('chatwidget')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::ChatWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::chatwidget::chatwidget'.freeze].freeze
- def show_topic
- tk_send_without_enc('topic', 'show')
- self
- end
- def hide_topic
- tk_send_without_enc('topic', 'hide')
- self
- end
- def set_topic(topic)
- tk_send('topic', 'set', topic)
- end
- def list_name
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send('name', 'list'))
- end
- def list_name_full
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send('name', 'list')).map{|lst|
- nick, *opts = tk_split_simplelist(lst)
- h_opt = {}
- opts.slice(2){|k, v| h_opt[k[1..-1]] = tk_tcl2ruby(v)}
- [nick, h_opt]
- }
- end
- def add_name(nick, opts={})
- tk_send('name', 'add', nick, *(hash_kv(opts)))
- end
- def delete_name(nick)
- tk_send('name', 'delete', nick)
- end
- def get_name(nick)
- lst = tk_send('name', 'get', nick)
- return nil if lst.empty?
- nick, *opts = tk_split_simplelist(lst)
- h_opt = {}
- opts.slice(2){|k, v| h_opt[k[1..-1]] = tk_tcl2ruby(v)}
- [nick, h_opt]
- end
- def message(msg, opts={})
- tk_send('message', msg, *(hash_kv(opts)))
- self
- end
- def _parse_hook_list(lst)
- tk_split_simplelist(lst).map{|hook|
- cmd, prior = tk_split_simplelist(hook)
- [procedure(cmd), number(prior)]
- }
- end
- private :_parse_hook_list
- def hook_add(type, *args, &blk) # args -> [prior, cmd], [prior], [cmd]
- #type -> 'message', 'post', 'names_group', 'names_nick', 'chatstate', 'url'
- if prior = args.shift
- if !prior.kind_of?(Numeric)
- cmd = prior
- if (prior = args.shift) && !prior.kind_of?(Numeric) # error
- args.unshift(prior)
- end
- args.unshift(cmd)
- end
- prior ||= 50 # default priority
- end
- cmd = args.shift || blk
- fail ArgumentError, "invalid arguments" unless args.empty?
- fail ArgumentError, "no callback is given" unless cmd
- _parse_hook_list(tk_send('hook', 'add', type, cmd, prior))
- end
- def hook_remove(type, cmd)
- #type -> 'message', 'post', 'names_group', 'names_nick', 'chatstate', 'url'
- _parse_hook_list(tk_send('hook', 'remove', type, cmd))
- end
- def hook_run(type, *cmd_args)
- #type -> 'message', 'post', 'names_group', 'names_nick', 'chatstate', 'url'
- tk_send('hook', 'run', type, *cmd_args)
- end
- def hook_list(type)
- #type -> 'message', 'post', 'names_group', 'names_nick', 'chatstate', 'url'
- _parse_hook_list(tk_send('hook', 'list', type))
- end
- def show_names
- tk_send('names', 'show')
- self
- end
- def hide_names
- tk_send('names', 'hide')
- self
- end
- def names_widget
- window(tk_send('names'))
- end
- def entry_widget
- window(tk_send('entry'))
- end
- def chat_widget
- window(tk_send('chat'))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/crosshair.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/crosshair.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 74cc0a881c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/crosshair.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/crosshair.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Crosshairs for Tk canvas
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('crosshair', '1.0.2')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Crosshair
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'crosshair'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('crosshair')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-module Tk::Tcllib::Crosshair
- include TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['::crosshair::crosshair'.freeze].freeze
- def self.crosshair(w, keys={})
- Tk.tk_call('::crosshair::crosshair', w, *hash_kv(keys))
- w
- end
- def self.on(w, keys={})
- self.crosshair(w, keys)
- end
- def self.off(w)
- Tk.tk_call('::crosshair::off', w)
- w
- end
- def self.track_on(w, &b)
- Tk.tk_call('::crosshair::track_on', w, b)
- w
- end
- def self.track_off(w)
- Tk.tk_call('::crosshair::track_off', w)
- w
- end
-class << Tk::Tcllib::Crosshair
- include TkComm
- include TkCanvasItemConfig
- def __item_methodcall_optkeys(id)
- {}
- end
- private :__item_methodcall_optkeys
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- # maybe need to override
- ['::crosshair::configure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
- def confugure(w, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(w, slot, value)
- end
- def confuginfo(w, slot = nil)
- itemconfiginfo(w, slot)
- end
- def current_configinfo(w, slot = nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(w, slot)
- end
- def cget(w, slot)
- current_itemconfiginfo(w, slot).values[0]
- end
-module Tk::Tcllib::Crosshair
- def crosshair_on(keys={})
- Tk::Tcllib::Crosshair.on(self, keys)
- end
- def crosshair_off
- Tk::Tcllib::Crosshair.off(self)
- end
- def crosshair_track_on(&b)
- Tk::Tcllib::Crosshair.track_on(self, &b)
- end
- def crosshair_track_off
- Tk::Tcllib::Crosshair.track_off(self)
- end
- def crosshair_configure(*args)
- Tk::Tcllib::Crosshair.configure(self, *args)
- end
- def crosshair_configinfo(slot = nil)
- Tk::Tcllib::Crosshair.configinfo(self, slot)
- end
- def crosshair_current_configinfo(slot = nil)
- Tk::Tcllib::Crosshair.current_configinfo(self, slot)
- end
- def crosshair_cget(slot)
- Tk::Tcllib::Crosshair.cget(self, slot)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ctext.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ctext.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c61ec81a6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ctext.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/ctext.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Overloads the text widget and provides new commands
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/text'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('ctext', '3.1')
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- class CText < Tk::Text
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'ctext'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('ctext')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::CText
- TkCommandNames = ['ctext'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Ctext'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'linemapfg' << 'linemapbg' <<
- 'linemap_select_fg' << 'linemap_select_bg'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'highlight' << 'linemap_markable'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def append(*args)
- tk_send('append', *args)
- end
- def copy
- tk_send('copy')
- end
- def cut
- tk_send('cut')
- end
- def fast_delete(*args)
- tk_send('fastdelete', *args)
- end
- def fast_insert(*args)
- tk_send('fastinsert', *args)
- end
- def highlight(*args)
- tk_send('highlight', *args)
- end
- def paste
- tk_send('paste')
- end
- def edit(*args)
- tk_send('edit', *args)
- end
- def add_highlight_class(klass, col, *keywords)
- tk_call('ctext::addHighlightClass', @path, klass, col, keywords.flatten)
- self
- end
- def add_highlight_class_for_special_chars(klass, col, *chrs)
- tk_call('ctext::addHighlightClassForSpecialChars',
- @path, klass, col, chrs.join(''))
- self
- end
- def add_highlight_class_for_regexp(klass, col, tcl_regexp)
- tk_call('ctext::addHighlightClassForRegexp',
- @path, klass, col, tcl_regexp)
- self
- end
- def add_highlight_class_with_only_char_start(klass, col, chr)
- tk_call('ctext::addHighlightClassWithOnlyCharStart',
- @path, klass, col, chr)
- self
- end
- def clear_highlight_classes
- tk_call('ctext::clearHighlightClasses', @path)
- self
- end
- def get_highlight_classes
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('ctext::getHighlightClasses', @path))
- end
- def delete_highlight_class(klass)
- tk_call('ctext::deleteHighlightClass', @path, klass)
- self
- end
- def enable_C_comments
- tk_call('ctext::enableComments', @path)
- self
- end
- def disable_C_comments
- tk_call('ctext::disableComments', @path)
- self
- end
- def find_next_char(idx, chr)
- tk_call('ctext::findNextChar', @path, idx, chr)
- end
- def find_next_space(idx)
- tk_call('ctext::findNextSpace', @path, idx)
- end
- def find_previous_space(idx)
- tk_call('ctext::findPreviousSpace', @path, idx)
- end
- def set_update_proc(cmd=Proc.new)
- tk_call('proc', 'ctext::update', '', cmd)
- self
- end
- def modified?(mode)
- bool(tk_call('ctext::modified', @path, mode))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/cursor.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/cursor.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c93cfc063..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/cursor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/cursor.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Procedures to handle CURSOR data
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- module Cursor
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'cursor'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('cursor')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- def self.not_available
- fail RuntimeError, "'tkextlib/tcllib/cursor' extension is not available on your current environment."
- end
- def self.cursor_display(win=None)
- Tk::Tcllib::Cursor.not_available
- end
- def self.cursor_propagate(win, cursor)
- Tk::Tcllib::Cursor.not_available
- end
- def self.cursor_restore(win, cursor = None)
- Tk::Tcllib::Cursor.not_available
- end
- end
- end
- def self.cursor_display(parent=None)
- # Pops up a dialog with a listbox containing all the cursor names.
- # Selecting a cursor name will display it in that dialog.
- # This is simply for viewing any available cursors on the platform .
- #tk_call_without_enc('::cursor::display', parent)
- Tk::Tcllib::Cursor.cursor_display(parent)
- end
-class TkWindow
- def cursor_propagate(cursor)
- # Sets the cursor for self and all its descendants to cursor.
- #tk_call_without_enc('::cursor::propagate', @path, cursor)
- Tk::Tcllib::Cursor.cursor_propagate(self, cursor)
- end
- def cursor_restore(cursor = None)
- # Restore the original or previously set cursor for self and all its
- # descendants. If cursor is specified, that will be used if on any
- # widget that did not have a preset cursor (set by a previous call
- # to TkWindow#cursor_propagate).
- #tk_call_without_enc('::cursor::restore', @path, cursor)
- Tk::Tcllib::Cursor.cursor_restore(self, cursor)
- end
-# TkPackage.require('cursor', '0.1')
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- class << Cursor
- undef not_available
- end
- module Cursor
- extend TkCore
- def self.cursor_display(win=None)
- tk_call_without_enc('::cursor::display', _epath(win))
- end
- def self.cursor_propagate(win, cursor)
- #tk_call_without_enc('::cursor::propagate', win.path, cursor)
- tk_call_without_enc('::cursor::propagate', _epath(win), cursor)
- end
- def self.cursor_restore(win, cursor = None)
- #tk_call_without_enc('::cursor::restore', win.path, cursor)
- tk_call_without_enc('::cursor::restore', _epath(win), cursor)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/dateentry.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/dateentry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 81b38515fc..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/dateentry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/dateentry.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * dateentry widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::dateentry', '0.91')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class Dateentry < Tk::Tile::TEntry
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::dateentry'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::dateentry')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- DateEntry = Dateentry
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::Dateentry
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::dateentry'.freeze].freeze
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << ['dateformat']
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def post
- tk_send('post')
- self
- end
- def unpost
- tk_send('unpost')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/datefield.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/datefield.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ceed1260df..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/datefield.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/datefield.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Tk datefield widget
-# (The following is the original description of the library.)
-# The datefield package provides the datefield widget which is an enhanced
-# text entry widget for the purpose of date entry. Only valid dates of the
-# form MM/DD/YYYY can be entered.
-# The datefield widget is, in fact, just an entry widget with specialized
-# bindings. This means all the command and options for an entry widget apply
-# equally here.
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/entry'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('datefield', '0.1')
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- class Datefield < Tk::Entry
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'datefield'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('datefield')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- DateField = Datefield
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Datefield
- TkCommandNames = ['::datefield::datefield'.freeze].freeze
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/diagrams.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/diagrams.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fb7b3c7ee..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/diagrams.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/diagrams.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Draw diagrams
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('Diagrams', '0.3')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Diagrams
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Diagrams'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('Diagrams')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-class << Tk::Tcllib::Diagrams
- include TkCore
- def drawin(canvas)
- tk_call('::Diagrams::drawin', canvas)
- canvas
- end
- alias draw_in drawin
- def saveps(filename)
- tk_call('::Diagrams::saveps', filename)
- filename
- end
- alias save_ps saveps
- def direction(dir)
- tk_call('::Diagrams::direction', dir)
- dir
- end
- def currentpos(pos)
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::currentpos', pos))
- end
- alias current_pos currentpos
- alias currentpos= currentpos
- alias current_pos= currentpos
- def getpos(anchor, obj)
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::getpos', anchor, obj))
- end
- alias get_pos getpos
- def position(x, y)
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::position', x, y))
- end
- def box(text, width=nil, height=nil)
- if width || height
- width = '' unless width
- height = '' unless height
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::box', text, width, height))
- else
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::box', text))
- end
- end
- def plaintext(text, width=nil, height=nil)
- if width || height
- width = '' unless width
- height = '' unless height
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::plaintext', text, width, height))
- else
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::plaintext', text))
- end
- end
- def circle(text, radius=nil)
- if radius
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::circle', text, radius))
- else
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::circle', text))
- end
- end
- def slanted(text, width=nil, height=nil, angle=nil)
- if width || height || angle
- width = '' unless width
- height = '' unless height
- if angle
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::slanted', text, width, height, angle))
- else
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::slanted', text, width, height))
- end
- else
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::slanted', text))
- end
- end
- def diamond(text, width=nil, height=nil)
- if width || height
- width = '' unless width
- height = '' unless height
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::diamond', text, width, height))
- else
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::diamond', text))
- end
- end
- def drum(text, width=nil, height=nil)
- if width || height
- width = '' unless width
- height = '' unless height
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::drum', text, width, height))
- else
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::drum', text))
- end
- end
- def arrow(text=nil, length=nil, head=nil)
- if length || head
- text = '' unless text
- length = '' unless length
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::arrow', text, length, head))
- else
- if text
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::arrow', text))
- else
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::arrow'))
- end
- end
- end
- def line(*args)
- ary = []
- args.each{|arg|
- if arg.kind_of?(Array) && arg.length == 2 # [length, angle]
- ary.concat arg
- else # ["POSITION", x, y] or length or angle
- ary << arg
- end
- }
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::line', *ary))
- end
- def bracket(dir, dist, from_pos, to_pos)
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::bracket', dir, dist, from_pos, to_pos))
- end
- def attach(anchor=None)
- tk_call('::Diagrams::attach', anchor)
- end
- def color(name=None)
- tk_call('::Diagrams::color', name)
- end
- def fillcolor(name=None)
- tk_call('::Diagrams::fillcolor', name)
- end
- def textcolor(name=None)
- tk_call('::Diagrams::textcolor', name)
- end
- def usegap(mode=None)
- bool(tk_call('::Diagrams::usegap', mode))
- end
- alias use_gap usegap
- def xgap(val=None)
- number(tk_call('::Diagrams::xgap', val))
- end
- def ygap(val=None)
- number(tk_call('::Diagrams::ygap', val))
- end
- def textfont(fnt=None)
- tk_call('::Diagrams::textfont', fnt)
- end
- def linewidth(pixels=None)
- number(tk_call('::Diagrams::linewidth', pixels))
- end
- def linestyle(style=None)
- tk_call('::Diagrams::linestyle', style)
- end
- def pushstate
- tk_call('::Diagrams::pushstate')
- end
- alias push_state pushstate
- def popstate
- tk_call('::Diagrams::popstate')
- end
- alias pop_state popstate
- def computepos
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::computepos'))
- end
- alias compute_pos computepos
- def boxcoords(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::boxcoords', x1, y1, x2, y2))
- end
- def moveobject(obj)
- list(tk_call('::Diagrams::moveobject', obj))
- end
- alias move_object moveobject
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/dialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/dialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 46fd06f177..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/dialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/dialog.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Generic dialog widget (themed)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::dialog', '1.2')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class Dialog < TkWindow
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::dialog'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::dialog')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::Dialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::dialog'.freeze].freeze
- def __boolval_optkeys
- ['separator', 'synchronous', 'transient']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def add(what, *args)
- window(tk_send('add', *args))
- end
- def get_frame
- window(tk_send('getframe'))
- end
- def set_widget(widget)
- tk_send('setwidget', widget)
- self
- end
- def display
- tk_send('display')
- self
- end
- alias show display
- def cancel
- tk_send('cancel')
- self
- end
- def close(reason = None)
- tk_send('close', reason)
- end
- def withdraw
- tk_send('withdraw')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/getstring.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/getstring.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d9c5f517..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/getstring.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/getstring.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * A dialog which consists of an Entry, OK, and Cancel buttons.
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/entry'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('getstring', '0.1')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- class GetString_Dialog < TkWindow
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'getstring'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('getstring')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::GetString_Dialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::getstring::tk_getString'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'TkSDialog'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.show(*args)
- dialog = self.new(*args)
- dialog.show
- [dialog.status, dialog.value]
- end
- def self.display(*args)
- self.show(*args)
- end
- def initialize(*args) # args = (parent=nil, text='', keys=nil)
- keys = args.pop
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- text = args.pop
- @keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- args.push(keys)
- else
- text = keys
- @keys = {}
- end
- if text
- @text = text.dup
- else
- @text = ''
- end
- @variable = TkVariable.new
- @status = nil
- super(*args)
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- # dummy
- end
- private :create_self
- def show
- @variable.value = ''
- @status = bool(tk_call(self.class::TkCommandNames[0],
- @path, @variable, @text, *hash_kv(@keys)))
- end
- alias display show
- def status
- @status
- end
- def value
- @variable.value
- end
- def cget_strict(slot)
- slot = slot.to_s
- if slot == 'text'
- @text
- else
- @keys[slot]
- end
- end
- def cget(slot)
- cget_strict(slot)
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot.each{|k, v| configure(k, v)}
- else
- slot = slot.to_s
- value = _symbolkey2str(value) if value.kind_of?(Hash)
- if value && value != None
- if slot == 'text'
- @text = value.to_s
- else
- @keys[slot] = value
- end
- else
- if slot == 'text'
- @text = ''
- else
- @keys.delete(slot)
- end
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- [ slot, nil, nil, nil, ( (slot == 'text')? @text: @keys[slot] ) ]
- else
- @keys.collect{|k, v| [ k, nil, nil, nil, v ] } \
- << [ 'text', nil, nil, nil, @text ]
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/history.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/history.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a1b92726ee..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/history.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/history.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Provides a history for Entry widgets
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/entry'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('history', '0.1')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module History
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'history'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('history')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-module Tk::Tcllib::History
- extend TkCore
- def self.init(entry, length=None)
- tk_call_without_enc('::history::init', entry.path, length)
- entry.extend(self) # add methods to treat history to the entry widget
- end
- def self.remove(entry)
- tk_call_without_enc('::history::remove', entry.path)
- entry
- end
- def history_remove
- tk_call_without_enc('::history::remove', @path)
- self
- end
- def history_add(text)
- tk_call('::history::add', @path, text)
- self
- end
- def history_get
- simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('::history::get', @path))
- end
- def history_clear
- tk_call_without_enc('::history::clear', @path)
- self
- end
- def history_configure(opt, value)
- tk_call('::history::configure', @path, opt, value)
- self
- end
- def history_configinfo(opt)
- tk_call('::history::configure', @path, opt)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ico.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ico.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8814205f94..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ico.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/ico.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Reading and writing windows icons
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/image'
-#require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('ico', '0.3')
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- class ICO < TkImage
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'ico'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('ico')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::ICO
- def self.list(file, keys=nil)
- tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('::ico::getIconList', file,
- *hash_kv(keys, true)))
- end
- def self.icons(file, keys=nil)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('::ico::icons', file,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))).map{|elem|
- num_or_str(elem)
- }
- end
- def self.get_members(file, name, keys=nil)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('::ico::getMembers', file, name,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))).map{|elem|
- name, width, height, bpp = tk_split_simplelist(elem)
- [name, number(width), number(height), number(bpp)]
- }
- end
- def self.get(file, index, keys=nil)
- tk_call_without_enc('::ico::getIcon', file, index, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- def self.get_icon(*args)
- get(*args)
- end
- def self.get_by_name(file, name, keys=nil)
- tk_call_without_enc('::ico::getIconByName', file, name,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- def self.get_icon_by_name(*args)
- get_by_name(*args)
- end
- def self.get_fileicon(file, keys=nil)
- tk_call_without_enc('::ico::getFileIcon', file, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- def self.get_image(file, index, keys={})
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- keys.delete('format')
- self.new(file, index, keys)
- end
- def self.get_data(file, index, keys={})
- keys['format'] = 'data'
- tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('::ico::getIcon', file, index,
- *hash_kv(keys, true)))
- end
- def self.write(file, index, depth, data, keys=nil)
- tk_call_without_enc('::ico::writeIcon', file, index, depth, data,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- def self.copy(from_file, from_index, to_file, to_index, keys=nil)
- tk_call_without_enc('::ico::copyIcon',
- from_file, from_index, to_file, to_index,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- def self.exe_to_ico(exe_file, ico_file, keys=nil)
- tk_call_without_enc('::ico::copyIcon', exe_file, ico_file,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- def self.clear_cache(file=None)
- tk_call_without_enc('::ico::clearCache', file)
- end
- def self.transparent_color(image, color)
- if image.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('::ico::transparentColor',
- image, color))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('::ico::transparentColor', image, color)
- end
- end
- def self.show(file, keys=nil)
- tk_call_without_enc('::ico::Show', file, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- end
- ###########################
- def initialize(file, index, keys=nil)
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- if keys.key?('name')
- @path = keys['name'].to_s
- else
- Tk_Image_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = Tk_Image_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk_Image_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- tk_call_without_enc('::ico::getIcon', file, index, '-name', @path,
- '-format', 'image', *hash_kv(keys, true))
- Tk_IMGTBL[@path] = self
- end
- def write(file, index, depth, keys=nil)
- Tk::Tcllib::ICO.write(file, index, depth, @path, keys=nil)
- self
- end
- def transparent_color(color)
- tk_call_without_enc('::ico::transparentColor', @path, color)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ip_entry.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ip_entry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bbd8442a6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ip_entry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/ip_entry.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * An IP address entry widget
-# (The following is the original description of the library.)
-# This package provides a widget for the entering of a IP address.
-# It guarantees a valid address at all times.
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('ipentry', '0.1')
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- class IP_Entry < Tk::Entry
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'ipentry'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('ipentry')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- IPEntry = IP_Entry
- class IP_Entry6 < IP_Entry
- end
- IPEntry6 = IP_Entry6
- IP6_Entry = IP_Entry6
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::IP_Entry
- TkCommandNames = ['::ipentry::ipentry'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'IPEntry'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'fg' << 'bg' << 'insertbackground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def complete?
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('complete'))
- end
- def insert(*ip)
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', array2tk_list(ip.flatten))
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::IP_Entry6 < Tk::Tcllib::IP_Entry
- TkCommandNames = ['::ipentry::ipentry6'.freeze].freeze
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/khim.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/khim.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e79f26b381..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/khim.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/khim.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Kevin's Hacky Input Method
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('khim', '1.0')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- class KHIM < TkToplevel
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'khim'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('khim')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::KHIM
- TkCommandNames = ['::khim::getOptions'.freeze].freeze
- def self.get_options(parent='')
- path = parent + '.tcllib_widget_khim_dialog'
- self.new(:widgetname => path)
- end
- def self.get_config #=> cmd_string
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('::khim::getConfig')
- end
- def self.set_config(*args)
- if args.length == 1
- # cmd_string generated by
- #Tk.ip_eval_without_enc(cmd_string)
- Tk.ip_eval(cmd_string)
- else
- # args for setConfig command
- #Tk.tk_call_without_enc('::khim::setConfig', *args)
- Tk.tk_call('::khim::setConfig', *args)
- end
- end
- def self.showHelp
- Tk::Tcllib::KHIM::Help.new
- end
- def create_self(keys=None)
- @db_class = @classname = nil
- super(None) # ignore keys
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::KHIM::Help < TkToplevel
- TkCommandNames = ['::khim::showHelp'.freeze].freeze
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/menuentry.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/menuentry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 51521499da..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/menuentry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/menuentry.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * menuentry widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::menuentry', '1.0')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class Menuentry < Tk::Tile::TEntry
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::menuentry'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::menuentry')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- MenuEntry = Menuentry
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::Menuentry
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::menuentry'.freeze].freeze
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ntext.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ntext.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d0c208236..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ntext.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/ntext.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Ntext bindtag
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('ntext', '0.81')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- Ntext = TkBindTag.new_by_name('Ntext')
-# variables
- # boolean
- @classicAnchor = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::classicAnchor')
- @classicExtras = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::classicExtras')
- @classicMouseSelect = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::classicMouseSelect')
- @classicWordBreak = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::classicWordBreak')
- @classicWrap = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::classicWrap')
- @overwrite = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::overwrite')
- # regexp
- @newWrapRegexp = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::newWrapRegexp')
- # variables (advanced use)
- @tcl_match_wordBreakAfter = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::tcl_match_wordBreakAfter')
- @tcl_match_wordBreakBefore = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::tcl_match_wordBreakBefore')
- @tcl_match_endOfWord = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::tcl_match_endOfWord')
- @tcl_match_startOfNextWord = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::tcl_match_startOfNextWord')
- @tcl_match_startOfPreviousWord = TkVarAccess.new('::ntext::tcl_match_startOfPreviousWord')
-class << Tk::Tcllib::Ntext
- def wrapIndent(txt, *args)
- TK.tk_call('::next::wrapIndent', txt, *args)
- end
- def initializeMatchPatterns
- TK.tk_call('::next::initializeMatchPatterns')
- self
- end
- def createMatchPatterns(*args)
- TK.tk_call('::next::createMatchPatterns', *args)
- self
- end
- # functions (advanced use)
- #ntext::new_wordBreakAfter
- #ntext::new_wordBreakBefore
- #ntext::new_endOfWord
- #ntext::new_startOfNextWord
- #ntext::new_startOfPreviousWord
- # accessor
- def classicAnchor
- @classicAnchor.bool
- end
- def classicAnchor=(mode)
- @classicAnchor.bool = mode
- end
- def classicExtras
- @classicExtras.bool
- end
- def classicExtras=(mode)
- @classicExtras.bool = mode
- end
- def classicMouseSelect
- @classicMouseSelect.bool
- end
- def classicMouseSelect=(mode)
- @classicMouseSelect.bool = mode
- end
- def classicWordBreak
- @classicWordBreak.bool
- end
- def classicWordBreak=(mode)
- @classicWordBreak.bool = mode
- end
- def classicWrap
- @classicWrap.bool
- end
- def classicWrap=(mode)
- @classicWrap.bool = mode
- end
- def overwrite
- @overwrite.bool
- end
- def overwrite=(mode)
- @classic.bool = mode
- end
- def newWrapRegexp
- @newWrapRegexp.value
- end
- def newWrapRegexp=(val)
- @newWrapRegexp.value = val
- end
- def tcl_match_wordBreakAfter
- @tcl_match_wordBreakAfter.value
- end
- def tcl_match_wordBreakAfter=(val)
- @tcl_match_wordBreakAfter.value = val
- end
- def tcl_match_wordBreakBefore
- @tcl_match_wordBreakBefore.value
- end
- def tcl_match_wordBreakBefore=(val)
- @tcl_match_wordBreakBefore.value = val
- end
- def tcl_match_endOfWord
- @tcl_match_endOfWord.value
- end
- def tcl_match_endOfWord=(val)
- @tcl_match_endOfWord.value = val
- end
- def tcl_match_startOfNextWord
- @tcl_match_startOfNextWord.value
- end
- def tcl_match_startOfNextWord=(val)
- @tcl_match_startOfNextWord.value = val
- end
- def tcl_match_startOfPreviousWord
- @tcl_match_startOfPreviousWord.value
- end
- def tcl_match_startOfPreviousWord=(val)
- @tcl_match_startOfPreviousWord.value = val
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/panelframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/panelframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 678d5d0a9a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/panelframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/panelframe.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Create PanelFrame widgets.
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::panelframe', '1.0')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class PanelFrame < TkWindow
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::panelframe'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::panelframe')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- Panelframe = PanelFrame
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::PanelFrame
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::panelframe'.freeze].freeze
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def add(what, *args)
- window(tk_send('add', *args))
- end
- #def get_frame
- # window(tk_send('getframe'))
- #end
- def set_widget(widget)
- tk_send('setwidget', widget)
- self
- end
- def remove(*wins)
- tk_send('remove', *wins)
- self
- end
- def remove_destroy(*wins)
- tk_send('remove', '-destroy', *wins)
- self
- end
- def delete(*wins)
- tk_send('delete', *wins)
- self
- end
- def items
- simplelist(tk_send('items')).collect!{|w| window(w)}
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1817f9a791..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1405 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Simple plotting and charting package
-# (The following is the original description of the library.)
-# Plotchart is a Tcl-only package that focuses on the easy creation of
-# xy-plots, barcharts and other common types of graphical presentations.
-# The emphasis is on ease of use, rather than flexibility. The procedures
-# that create a plot use the entire canvas window, making the layout of the
-# plot completely automatic.
-# This results in the creation of an xy-plot in, say, ten lines of code:
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# package require Plotchart
-# canvas .c -background white -width 400 -height 200
-# pack .c -fill both
-# #
-# # Create the plot with its x- and y-axes
-# #
-# set s [::Plotchart::createXYPlot .c {0.0 100.0 10.0} {0.0 100.0 20.0}]
-# foreach {x y} {0.0 32.0 10.0 50.0 25.0 60.0 78.0 11.0 } {
-# $s plot series1 $x $y
-# }
-# $s title "Data series"
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# A drawback of the package might be that it does not do any data management.
-# So if the canvas that holds the plot is to be resized, the whole plot must
-# be redrawn. The advantage, though, is that it offers a number of plot and
-# chart types:
-# * XY-plots like the one shown above with any number of data series.
-# * Stripcharts, a kind of XY-plots where the horizontal axis is adjusted
-# automatically. The result is a kind of sliding window on the data
-# series.
-# * Polar plots, where the coordinates are polar instead of cartesian.
-# * Isometric plots, where the scale of the coordinates in the two
-# directions is always the same, i.e. a circle in world coordinates
-# appears as a circle on the screen.
-# You can zoom in and out, as well as pan with these plots (Note: this
-# works best if no axes are drawn, the zooming and panning routines do
-# not distinguish the axes), using the mouse buttons with the control
-# key and the arrow keys with the control key.
-# * Piecharts, with automatic scaling to indicate the proportions.
-# * Barcharts, with either vertical or horizontal bars, stacked bars or
-# bars side by side.
-# * Timecharts, where bars indicate a time period and milestones or other
-# important moments in time are represented by triangles.
-# * 3D plots (both for displaying surfaces and 3D bars)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('Plotchart', '0.9')
-# TkPackage.require('Plotchart', '1.1')
-# TkPackage.require('Plotchart', '1.6.3')
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- module Plotchart
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Plotchart'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('Plotchart')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
-module Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart
- extend TkCore
- ############################
- def self.view_port(w, *args) # args := pxmin, pymin, pxmax, pymax
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::viewPort', w.path, *(args.flatten))
- end
- def self.world_coordinates(w, *args) # args := xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::worldCoordinates',
- w.path, *(args.flatten))
- end
- def self.world_3D_coordinates(w, *args)
- # args := xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::world3DCoordinates',
- w.path, *(args.flatten))
- end
- def self.coords_to_pixel(w, x, y)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::coordsToPixel', w.path, x, y))
- end
- def self.coords_3D_to_pixel(w, x, y, z)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::coords3DToPixel', w.path, x, y, z))
- end
- def self.plotconfig(*args)
- case args.length
- when 0, 1, 2
- # 0: (no args) --> list of chat types
- # 1: charttype --> list of components
- # 2: charttype, component --> list of properties
- simplelist(tk_call('::Plotchart::plotconfig', *args))
- when 3
- # 3: charttype, component, property --> current value
- tk_call('::Plotchart::plotconfig', *args)
- else
- # 4: charttype, component, property, value : set new value
- # 5+: Error on Tcl/Tk
- tk_call('::Plotchart::plotconfig', *args)
- nil
- end
- end
- def self.plotpack(w, dir, *plots)
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::plotpack', w.path, dir, *plots)
- w
- end
- def self.polar_coordinates(w, radmax)
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::polarCoordinates', w.path, radmax)
- end
- def self.polar_to_pixel(w, rad, phi)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::polarToPixel', w.path, rad, phi))
- end
- def self.pixel_to_coords(w, x, y)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::pixelToCoords', w.path, x, y))
- end
- def self.determine_scale(*args) # (xmin, xmax, inverted=false)
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::determineScale', *args)
- end
- def self.set_zoom_pan(w)
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::setZoomPan', w.path)
- end
- ############################
- module ChartMethod
- include TkCore
- def title(str)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'title', _get_eval_enc_str(str))
- self
- end
- def save_plot(filename)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'saveplot', filename)
- self
- end
- def xtext(str)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'xtext', _get_eval_enc_str(str))
- self
- end
- def ytext(str)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'ytext', _get_eval_enc_str(str))
- self
- end
- def xconfig(key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'xconfig', *hash_kv(key, true))
- else
- tk_call(@chart, 'xconfig', "-#{key}",value)
- end
- self
- end
- def yconfig(key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'yconfig', *hash_kv(key, true))
- else
- tk_call(@chart, 'yconfig', "-#{key}", value)
- end
- self
- end
- def background(part, color_or_image, dir)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'background',
- part, color_or_image, dir)
- self
- end
- def xticklines(color=None)
- tk_call(@chart, 'xticklines', color)
- self
- end
- def yticklines(color=None)
- tk_call(@chart, 'yticklines', color)
- self
- end
- def legendconfig(key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'legendconfig', *hash_kv(key, true))
- else
- tk_call(@chart, 'legendconfig', "-#{key}", value)
- end
- self
- end
- def legend(series, text)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'legend',
- _get_eval_enc_str(series), _get_eval_enc_str(text))
- self
- end
- def balloon(*args) # args => (x, y, text, dir) or ([x, y], text, dir)
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- # args => ([x, y], text, dir)
- x, y = args.shift
- else
- # args => (x, y, text, dir)
- x = args.shift
- y = args.shift
- end
- text, dir = args
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'balloon', x, y,
- _get_eval_enc_str(text), dir)
- self
- end
- def balloonconfig(key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'balloonconfig', *hash_kv(key, true))
- else
- tk_call(@chart, 'balloonconfig', "-#{key}", value)
- end
- end
- def plaintext(*args) # args => (x, y, text, dir) or ([x, y], text, dir)
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- # args => ([x, y], text, dir)
- x, y = args.shift
- else
- # args => (x, y, text, dir)
- x = args.shift
- y = args.shift
- end
- text, dir = args
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plaintext', x, y,
- _get_eval_enc_str(text), dir)
- self
- end
- ############################
- def view_port(*args) # args := pxmin, pymin, pxmax, pymax
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::viewPort', @path, *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- def world_coordinates(*args) # args := xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::worldCoordinates',
- @path, *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- def world_3D_coordinates(*args)
- # args := xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::world3DCoordinates',
- @path, *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- def coords_to_pixel(x, y)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::coordsToPixel', @path, x, y))
- end
- def coords_3D_to_pixel(x, y, z)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::coords3DToPixel', @path, x, y, z))
- end
- def plotpack(dir, *plots)
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::plotpack', @path, dir, *plots)
- self
- end
- def polar_coordinates(radmax)
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::polarCoordinates', @path, radmax)
- self
- end
- def polar_to_pixel(rad, phi)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::polarToPixel', @path, rad, phi))
- end
- def pixel_to_coords(x, y)
- list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::pixelToCoords', @path, x, y))
- end
- def determine_scale(xmax, ymax)
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::determineScale', @path, xmax, ymax)
- self
- end
- def set_zoom_pan()
- tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::setZoomPan', @path)
- self
- end
- end
- ############################
- class XYPlot < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createXYPlot'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args) # args := ([parent,] xaxis, yaxis [, keys])
- # xaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum, stepsize]
- # yaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum, stepsize]
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- @xaxis = args.shift
- @yaxis = args.shift
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @xaxis = args.shift
- @yaxis = args.shift
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- array2tk_list(@xaxis), array2tk_list(@yaxis))
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def plot(series, x, y)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plot', _get_eval_enc_str(series), x, y)
- self
- end
- def contourlines(xcrd, ycrd, vals, clss=None)
- xcrd = array2tk_list(xcrd) if xcrd.kind_of?(Array)
- ycrd = array2tk_list(ycrd) if ycrd.kind_of?(Array)
- vals = array2tk_list(vals) if vals.kind_of?(Array)
- clss = array2tk_list(clss) if clss.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call(@chart, 'contourlines', xcrd, ycrd, vals, clss)
- self
- end
- def contourfill(xcrd, ycrd, vals, clss=None)
- xcrd = array2tk_list(xcrd) if xcrd.kind_of?(Array)
- ycrd = array2tk_list(ycrd) if ycrd.kind_of?(Array)
- vals = array2tk_list(vals) if vals.kind_of?(Array)
- clss = array2tk_list(clss) if clss.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call(@chart, 'contourfill', xcrd, ycrd, vals, clss)
- self
- end
- def contourbox(xcrd, ycrd, vals, clss=None)
- xcrd = array2tk_list(xcrd) if xcrd.kind_of?(Array)
- ycrd = array2tk_list(ycrd) if ycrd.kind_of?(Array)
- vals = array2tk_list(vals) if vals.kind_of?(Array)
- clss = array2tk_list(clss) if clss.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call(@chart, 'contourbox', xcrd, ycrd, vals, clss)
- self
- end
- def color_map(colors)
- colors = array2tk_list(colors) if colors.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'colorMap', colors)
- self
- end
- def grid_cells(xcrd, ycrd)
- xcrd = array2tk_list(xcrd) if xcrd.kind_of?(Array)
- ycrd = array2tk_list(ycrd) if ycrd.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'grid', xcrd, ycrd)
- self
- end
- def dataconfig(series, key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'dataconfig', series, *hash_kv(key, true))
- else
- tk_call(@chart, 'dataconfig', series, "-#{key}", value)
- end
- end
- def rescale(xscale, yscale) # xscale|yscale => [newmin, newmax, newstep]
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'rescale', xscale, yscale)
- self
- end
- def trend(series, xcrd, ycrd)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'trend',
- _get_eval_enc_str(series), xcrd, ycrd)
- self
- end
- def rchart(series, xcrd, ycrd)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'rchart',
- _get_eval_enc_str(series), xcrd, ycrd)
- self
- end
- def interval(series, xcrd, ymin, ymax, ycenter=None)
- tk_call(@chart, 'interval', series, xcrd, ymin, ymax, ycenter)
- self
- end
- def box_and_whiskers(series, xcrd, ycrd)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'box-and-whiskers',
- _get_eval_enc_str(series), xcrd, ycrd)
- self
- end
- alias box_whiskers box_and_whiskers
- def vectorconfig(series, key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'vectorconfig',
- _get_eval_enc_str(series), *hash_kv(key, true))
- else
- tk_call(@chart, 'vectorconfig', series, "-#{key}", value)
- end
- self
- end
- def vector(series, xcrd, ycrd, ucmp, vcmp)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'vector', _get_eval_enc_str(series),
- xcrd, ycrd, ucmp, vcmp)
- self
- end
- def dotconfig(series, key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'dotconfig',
- _get_eval_enc_str(series), *hash_kv(key, true))
- else
- tk_call(@chart, 'dotconfig', series, "-#{key}", value)
- end
- self
- end
- def dot(series, xcrd, ycrd, value)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'dot', _get_eval_enc_str(series),
- xcrd, ycrd, value)
- self
- end
- end
- ############################
- class Stripchart < XYPlot
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createStripchart'.freeze
- ].freeze
- end
- ############################
- class TXPlot < XYPlot
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createTXPlot'.freeze
- ].freeze
- end
- ############################
- class XLogYPlot < XYPlot
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createXLogYPlot'.freeze
- ].freeze
- end
- ############################
- class Histogram < XYPlot
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createHistogram'.freeze
- ].freeze
- end
- ############################
- class PolarPlot < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createPolarplot'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args) # args := ([parent,] radius_data [, keys])
- # radius_data := Array of [maximum_radius, stepsize]
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- @radius_data = args.shift
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @radius_data = args.shift
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- array2tk_list(@radius_data))
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def plot(series, radius, angle)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plot', _get_eval_enc_str(series),
- radius, angle)
- self
- end
- def dataconfig(series, key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'dataconfig', _get_eval_enc_str(series),
- *hash_kv(key, true))
- else
- tk_call(@chart, 'dataconfig', series, "-#{key}", value)
- end
- end
- end
- Polarplot = PolarPlot
- ############################
- class IsometricPlot < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createIsometricPlot'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args) # args := ([parent,] xaxis, yaxis, [, step] [, keys])
- # xaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum]
- # yaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum]
- # step := Float of stepsize | "noaxes" | :noaxes
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- @xaxis = args.shift
- @yaxis = args.shift
- if args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- @stepsize = :noaxes
- else
- @stepsize = args.shift
- end
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @xaxis = args.shift
- @yaxis = args.shift
- if args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- @stepsize = :noaxes
- else
- @stepsize = args.shift
- end
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- array2tk_list(@xaxis), array2tk_list(@yaxis),
- @stepsize)
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def plot(type, *args)
- self.__send__("plot_#{type.to_s.tr('-', '_')}", *args)
- end
- def plot_rectangle(*args) # args := x1, y1, x2, y2, color
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plot', 'rectangle', *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- def plot_filled_rectangle(*args) # args := x1, y1, x2, y2, color
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plot', 'filled-rectangle', *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- def plot_circle(*args) # args := xc, yc, radius, color
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plot', 'circle', *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- def plot_filled_circle(*args) # args := xc, yc, radius, color
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plot', 'filled-circle', *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- end
- Isometricplot = IsometricPlot
- ############################
- class Plot3D < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::create3DPlot'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args) # args := ([parent,] xaxis, yaxis, zaxis [, keys])
- # xaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum, stepsize]
- # yaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum, stepsize]
- # zaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum, stepsize]
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- @xaxis = args.shift
- @yaxis = args.shift
- @zaxis = args.shift
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @xaxis = args.shift
- @yaxis = args.shift
- @zaxis = args.shift
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- array2tk_list(@xaxis),
- array2tk_list(@yaxis),
- array2tk_list(@zaxis))
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def plot_function(cmd=Proc.new)
- Tk.ip_eval("proc #{@path}_#{@chart} {x y} {#{install_cmd(cmd)} $x $y}")
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plotfunc', "#{@path}_#{@chart}")
- self
- end
- def plot_funcont(conts, cmd=Proc.new)
- conts = array2tk_list(conts) if conts.kind_of?(Array)
- Tk.ip_eval("proc #{@path}_#{@chart} {x y} {#{install_cmd(cmd)} $x $y}")
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plotfuncont', "#{@path}_#{@chart}", conts)
- self
- end
- def grid_size(nxcells, nycells)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'gridsize', nxcells, nycells)
- self
- end
- def plot_line(dat, color)
- # dat has to be provided as a 2 level array.
- # 1st level contains rows, drawn in y-direction,
- # and each row is an array whose elements are drawn in x-direction,
- # for the columns.
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plotline', dat, color)
- self
- end
- def plot_data(dat)
- # dat has to be provided as a 2 level array.
- # 1st level contains rows, drawn in y-direction,
- # and each row is an array whose elements are drawn in x-direction,
- # for the columns.
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plotdata', dat)
- self
- end
- def zconfig(key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'zconfig', *hash_kv(key, true))
- else
- tk_call(@chart, 'zconfig', "-#{key}", value)
- end
- self
- end
- def colour(fill, border)
- # configure the colours to use for polygon borders and inner area
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'colour', fill, border)
- self
- end
- alias colours colour
- alias colors colour
- alias color colour
- end
- ############################
- class Barchart3D < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::create3DBarchart'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args) # args := ([parent,] yaxis, nobars [, keys])
- # yaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum, stepsize]
- # nobars := number of bars
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- @yaxis = args.shift
- @nobars = args.shift
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @yaxis = args.shift
- @nobars = args.shift
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- array2tk_list(@yaxis), @nobars)
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def plot(label, yvalue, color)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plot', _get_eval_enc_str(label),
- _get_eval_enc_str(yvalue), color)
- self
- end
- def config(key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'config', *hash_kv(key, true))
- else
- tk_call(@chart, 'config', "-#{key}", value)
- end
- self
- end
- end
- ############################
- class RibbonChart3D < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::create3DRibbonChart'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args) # args := ([parent,] names, yaxis, zaxis [, keys])
- # names := Array of the series
- # yaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum, stepsize]
- # zaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum, stepsize]
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- @names = args.shift
- @yaxis = args.shift
- @zaxis = args.shift
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @names = args.shift
- @yaxis = args.shift
- @zaxis = args.shift
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- array2tk_list(@names),
- array2tk_list(@yaxis),
- array2tk_list(@zaxis))
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def line(*args) # xypairs, color
- color = args.pop # last argument is a color
- xypairs = TkComm.slice_ary(args.flatten, 2) # regenerate xypairs
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'line', xypairs, color)
- self
- end
- def area(*args) # xypairs, color
- color = args.pop # last argument is a color
- xypairs = TkComm.slice_ary(args.flatten, 2) # regenerate xypairs
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'area', xypairs, color)
- self
- end
- def zconfig(key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'zconfig', *hash_kv(key, true))
- else
- tk_call(@chart, 'zconfig',"-#{key}", value)
- end
- self
- end
- end
- ############################
- class Piechart < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createPiechart'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args) # args := ([parent] [, keys])
- if args[0].kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- parent = args.shift
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path)
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def plot(*dat) # argument is a list of [label, value]
- tk_call(@chart, 'plot', dat.flatten)
- self
- end
- def colours(*list)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'colours', *list)
- self
- end
- alias colors colours
- end
- ############################
- class Radialchart < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createRadialchart'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args) # args := ([parent,] names, scale, style [, keys])
- # radius_data := Array of [maximum_radius, stepsize]
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- @names = args.shift
- @scale = args.shift
- @style = args.shift
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @names = args.shift
- @scale = args.shift
- @style = args.shift
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- array2tk_list(@names), @scale, @style)
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def plot(data, color, thickness)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plot', _get_eval_enc_str(data),
- color, thickness)
- self
- end
- def colours(*list)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'colours', *list)
- self
- end
- alias colors colours
- end
- ############################
- class Barchart < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createBarchart'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args)
- # args := ([parent,] xlabels, ylabels [, series] [, keys])
- # xlabels, ylabels := labels | axis ( depend on normal or horizontal )
- # labels := Array of [label, label, ...]
- # (It determines the number of bars that will be plotted per series.)
- # axis := Array of [minimum, maximum, stepsize]
- # series := Integer number of data series | 'stacked' | :stacked
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- @xlabels = args.shift
- @ylabels = args.shift
- if args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- @series_size = :stacked
- else
- @series_size = args.shift
- end
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @xlabels = args.shift
- @ylabels = args.shift
- if args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- @series_size = :stacked
- else
- @series_size = args.shift
- end
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- array2tk_list(@xlabels), array2tk_list(@ylabels),
- @series_size)
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def plot(series, dat, col=None)
- tk_call(@chart, 'plot', series, dat, col)
- self
- end
- def colours(*cols)
- # set the colours to be used
- tk_call(@chart, 'colours', *cols)
- self
- end
- alias colour colours
- alias colors colours
- alias color colours
- end
- ############################
- class HorizontalBarchart < Barchart
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createHorizontalBarchart'.freeze
- ].freeze
- end
- ############################
- class Boxplot < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createBoxplot'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args) # args := ([parent,] xaxis, ylabels [, keys])
- # xaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum, stepsize]
- # yaxis := List of labels for the y-axis
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- @xaxis = args.shift
- @ylabels = args.shift
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @xaxis = args.shift
- @ylabels = args.shift
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- array2tk_list(@xaxis), array2tk_list(@ylabels))
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def plot(label, *values)
- tk_call(@chart, 'plot', label, values.flatten)
- self
- end
- end
- ############################
- class RightAxis < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createRightAxis'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args) # args := ([parent,] yaxis [, keys])
- # yaxis := Array of [minimum, maximum, stepsize]
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- @yaxis = args.shift
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @yaxis = args.shift
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- array2tk_list(@yaxis))
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tcllib::Plotchart::PlotSeries::SeriesID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- end
- ############################
- class Timechart < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createTimechart'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args)
- # args := ([parent,] time_begin, time_end, items [, keys])
- # time_begin := String of time format (e.g. "1 january 2004")
- # time_end := String of time format (e.g. "1 january 2004")
- # items := Expected/maximum number of items
- # ( This determines the vertical spacing. )
- if args[0].kind_of?(String)
- @time_begin = args.shift
- @time_end = args.shift
- @items = args.shift
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @time_begin = args.shift
- @time_end = args.shift
- @items = args.shift
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- @time_begin, @time_end, @items)
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def period(txt, time_begin, time_end, col=None)
- tk_call(@chart, 'period', txt, time_begin, time_end, col)
- self
- end
- def milestone(txt, time, col=None)
- tk_call(@chart, 'milestone', txt, time, col)
- self
- end
- def vertline(txt, time)
- tk_call(@chart, 'vertline', txt, time)
- self
- end
- def hscroll=(scr)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'hscroll', scr)
- scr
- end
- def hscroll(scr)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'hscroll', scr)
- self
- end
- def vscroll=(scr)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'vscroll', scr)
- scr
- end
- def vscroll(scr)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'vscroll', scr)
- self
- end
- end
- ############################
- class Ganttchart < Tk::Canvas
- include ChartMethod
- TkCommandNames = [
- 'canvas'.freeze,
- '::Plotchart::createGanttchart'.freeze
- ].freeze
- def initialize(*args)
- # args := ([parent,] time_begin, time_end, items [, text_width] [, keys])
- # time_begin := String of time format (e.g. "1 january 2004")
- # time_end := String of time format (e.g. "1 january 2004")
- # args := Expected/maximum number of items
- # ( This determines the vertical spacing. ),
- # Expected/maximum width of items,
- # Option Hash ( { key=>value, ... } )
- if args[0].kind_of?(String)
- @time_begin = args.shift
- @time_end = args.shift
- @args = args
- super(*args) # create canvas widget
- else
- parent = args.shift
- @time_begin = args.shift
- @time_end = args.shift
- @args = args
- if parent.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
- @path = parent.path
- else
- super(parent, *args) # create canvas widget
- end
- end
- @chart = _create_chart
- end
- def _create_chart
- p self.class::TkCommandNames[1] if $DEBUG
- tk_call(self.class::TkCommandNames[1], @path,
- @time_begin, @time_end, *args)
- end
- private :_create_chart
- def task(txt, time_begin, time_end, completed=0.0)
- list(tk_call(@chart, 'task', txt, time_begin, time_end,
- completed)).collect!{|id|
- TkcItem.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def milestone(txt, time, col=None)
- tk_call(@chart, 'milestone', txt, time, col)
- self
- end
- def vertline(txt, time)
- tk_call(@chart, 'vertline', txt, time)
- self
- end
- def connect(from_task, to_task)
- from_task = array2tk_list(from_task) if from_task.kind_of?(Array)
- to_task = array2tk_list(to_task) if to_task.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call(@chart, 'connect', from_task, to_task)
- self
- end
- def summary(txt, tasks)
- tasks = array2tk_list(tasks) if tasks.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_call(@chart, 'summary', tasks)
- self
- end
- def color_of_part(keyword, newcolor)
- tk_call(@chart, 'color', keyword, newcolor)
- self
- end
- def font_of_part(keyword, newfont)
- tk_call(@chart, 'font', keyword, newfont)
- self
- end
- def hscroll=(scr)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'hscroll', scr)
- scr
- end
- def hscroll(scr)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'hscroll', scr)
- self
- end
- def vscroll=(scr)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'vscroll', scr)
- scr
- end
- def vscroll(scr)
- tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'vscroll', scr)
- self
- end
- end
- ############################
- class PlotSeries < TkObject
- SeriesID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Series_ID = ['series'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- SeriesID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ SeriesID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(chart, id)
- path = chart.path
- SeriesID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if SeriesID_TBL[path]
- SeriesID_TBL[path][id]? SeriesID_TBL[path][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(chart, keys=nil)
- @parent = @chart_obj = chart
- @ppath = @chart_obj.path
- Series_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @series = @id = Series_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Series_ID[1].succ!
- }
- SeriesID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- SeriesID_TBL[@ppath] ||= {}
- SeriesID_TBL[@ppath][@id] = self
- }
- dataconfig(keys) if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- end
- def plot(*args)
- @chart_obj.plot(@series, *args)
- end
- def dataconfig(key, value=None)
- @chart_obj.dataconfig(@series, key, value)
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ruler.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ruler.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f57b0b0e1a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/ruler.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/ruler.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * ruler widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::ruler', '1.0')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class Ruler < TkWindow
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::ruler'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::ruler')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::Ruler
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::ruler'.freeze].freeze
- def __boolval_optkeys
- ['showvalues', 'outline', 'grid']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __numlistval_optkeys
- ['interval', 'sizes']
- end
- private :__numlistval_optkeys
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def redraw
- tk_send('redraw')
- self
- end
- def shade(org, dest, frac)
- tk_send('shade', org, dest, frac)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/screenruler.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/screenruler.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 64dd4f4ccc..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/screenruler.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/screenruler.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * screenruler dialog
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::screenruler', '1.1')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class ScreenRuler < TkWindow
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::ruler'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::screenruler')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- Screenruler = ScreenRuler
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::ScreenRuler
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::screenruler'.freeze].freeze
- def __boolval_optkeys
- ['topmost', 'reflect']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __numlistval_optkeys
- ['alpha']
- end
- private :__numlistval_optkeys
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def display
- tk_send('display')
- self
- end
- alias show display
- def hide
- tk_send('hide')
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/scrolledwindow.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/scrolledwindow.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 380d301a1a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/scrolledwindow.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/scrolledwindow.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * scrolledwindow widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::scrolledwindow', '1.2')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class Scrolledwindow < Tk::Tile::TFrame
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::scrolledwindow'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::scrolledwindow')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- ScrolledWindow = Scrolledwindow
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::ScrolledWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::scrolledwindow'.freeze].freeze
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def getframe
- window(tk_send_without_enc('getframe'))
- end
- alias get_frame getframe
- def setwidget(w)
- window(tk_send_without_enc('setwidget', w))
- end
- alias set_widget setwidget
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/scrollwin.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/scrollwin.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f9bf127799..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/scrollwin.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/scrollwin.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Scrolled widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::scrolledwindow', '1.0')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class ScrolledWindow < TkWindow
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::scrolledwindow'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::scrolledwindow')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- Scrolledwindow = ScrolledWindow
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::ScrolledWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::scrolledwindow'.freeze].freeze
- def __numlistval_optkeys
- ['ipad']
- end
- private :__numlistval_optkeys
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def get_frame
- window(tk_send('getframe'))
- end
- def set_widget(widget)
- tk_send('setwidget', widget)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/statusbar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/statusbar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b2c8f54b94..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/statusbar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/statusbar.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * statusbar widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::statusbar', '1.2')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class Statusbar < Tk::Tile::TFrame
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::statusbar'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::statusbar')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::Statusbar
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::statusbar'.freeze].freeze
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'separator' << 'resize' << 'resizeseparator'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def getframe
- window(tk_send_without_enc('getframe'))
- end
- alias get_frame getframe
- def add(w, keys={})
- window(tk_send_without_enc('setwidget', *(hash_kv(keys))))
- end
- def remove(*wins)
- tk_send_without_enc('remove', *wins)
- self
- end
- def remove_with_destroy(*wins)
- tk_send_without_enc('remove', '-destroy', *wins)
- self
- end
- def delete(*wins)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', *wins)
- self
- end
- def items(pat=None)
- tk_split_list(tk_send('items', pat))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/style.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/style.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f3b66b7861..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/style.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/style.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * select and use some 'style' of option (resource) DB
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Style
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'style'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('style')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- def self.not_available
- fail RuntimeError, "'tkextlib/tcllib/style' extension is not available on your current environment."
- end
- def self.names
- Tk::Tcllib::Style.not_available
- end
- def self.use(style)
- Tk::Tcllib::Style.not_available
- end
- end
-# TkPackage.require('style', '0.1')
-# TkPackage.require('style', '0.3')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- class << Style
- undef not_available
- end
- module Style
- extend TkCore
- def self.names
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('style::names'))
- end
- def self.use(style)
- tk_call('style::use', style)
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/superframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/superframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 776ad7c166..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/superframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/superframe.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Superframe widget - enhanced labelframe widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::superframe', '1.0')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class SuperFrame < TkWindow
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::superframe'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::superframe')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- Superframe = SuperlFrame
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::SuperFrame
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::superframe'.freeze].freeze
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def labelwidget
- window(tk_send('labelwidget'))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/swaplist.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/swaplist.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eaed8dbaa..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/swaplist.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/swaplist.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * A dialog which allows a user to move options between two lists
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('swaplist', '0.1')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- class Swaplist_Dialog < TkWindow
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'swaplist'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('swaplist')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Swaplist_Dialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::swaplist::swaplist'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Swaplist'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.show(*args)
- dialog = self.new(*args)
- dialog.show
- [dialog.status, dialog.value]
- end
- def self.display(*args)
- self.show(*args)
- end
- def initialize(*args)
- # args = (parent=nil, complete_list=[], selected_list=[], keys=nil)
- keys = args.pop
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- @selected_list = args.pop
- @complete_list = args.pop
- @keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- args.push(keys)
- else
- @selected_list = keys
- @complete_list = args.pop
- @keys = {}
- end
- @selected_list = [] unless @selected_list
- @complete_list = [] unless @complete_list
- @variable = TkVariable.new
- @status = nil
- super(*args)
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- # dummy
- end
- private :create_self
- def show
- @variable.value = ''
- @status = bool(tk_call(self.class::TkCommandNames[0],
- @path, @variable,
- @complete_list, @selected_list,
- *hash_kv(@keys)))
- end
- alias display show
- def status
- @status
- end
- def value
- @variable.list
- end
- alias selected value
- def cget_strict(slot)
- slot = slot.to_s
- if slot == 'complete_list'
- @complete_list
- elsif slot == 'selected_list'
- @selected_list
- else
- @keys[slot]
- end
- end
- def cget(slot)
- cget_strict(slot)
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot.each{|k, v| configure(k, v)}
- else
- slot = slot.to_s
- value = _symbolkey2str(value) if value.kind_of?(Hash)
- if value && value != None
- if slot == 'complete_list'
- @complete_list = value
- elsif slot == 'selected_list'
- @selected_list = value
- else
- @keys[slot] = value
- end
- else
- if slot == 'complete_list'
- @complete_list = []
- elsif slot == 'selected_list'
- @selected_list = []
- else
- @keys.delete(slot)
- end
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- if slot == 'complete_list'
- [ slot, nil, nil, nil, @complete_list ]
- elsif slot == 'selected_list'
- [ slot, nil, nil, nil, @selected_list ]
- else
- [ slot, nil, nil, nil, @keys[slot] ]
- end
- else
- @keys.collect{|k, v| [ k, nil, nil, nil, v ] } \
- << [ 'complete_list', nil, nil, nil, @complete_list ] \
- << [ 'selected_list', nil, nil, nil, @selected_list ]
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cfe2faf1e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * A multi-column listbox
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# check Tile extension :: If already loaded, use tablelist_tile.
-unless defined? Tk::Tcllib::Tablelist_usingTile
- Tk::Tcllib::Tablelist_usingTile =
- TkPackage.provide('tile') || TkPackage.provide('Ttk')
-if Tk::Tcllib::Tablelist_usingTile
- # with Tile
- require 'tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_tile'
- # without Tile
- # TkPackage.require('tablelist', '4.2')
- TkPackage.require('tablelist')
- require 'tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_core'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_core.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_core.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b45f18796a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_core.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1073 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_core.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * This file is required by 'tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist.rb' or
-# 'tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_tile.rb'.
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- class Tablelist < TkWindow
- if Tk::Tcllib::Tablelist_usingTile
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Tablelist_tile'.freeze
- else
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Tablelist'.freeze
- end
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require(self.package_name)
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- def self.use_Tile?
- (Tk::Tcllib::Tablelist_usingTile)? true: false
- end
- end
- TableList = Tablelist
- end
-module Tk::Tcllib::TablelistItemConfig
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def _to_idx(idx)
- if idx.kind_of?(Array)
- idx.collect{|elem| _get_eval_string(elem)}.join(',')
- else
- idx
- end
- end
- def _from_idx(idx)
- return idx unless idx.kind_of?(String)
- if idx[0] == ?@ # '@x,y'
- idx
- elsif idx =~ /([^,]+),([^,]+)/
- row = $1, column = $2
- [num_or_str(row), num_or_str(column)]
- else
- num_or_str(idx)
- end
- end
- private :_to_idx, :_from_idx
- def __item_cget_cmd(mixed_id)
- [self.path, mixed_id[0] + 'cget', _to_idx(mixed_id[1])]
- end
- def __item_config_cmd(mixed_id)
- [self.path, mixed_id[0] + 'configure', _to_idx(mixed_id[1])]
- end
- def cell_cget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['cell', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def cell_cget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget(['cell', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def cell_cget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(['cell', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def cell_configure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['cell', tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def cell_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['cell', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_cell_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['cell', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- alias cellcget_tkstring cell_cget_tkstring
- alias cellcget cell_cget
- alias cellcget_strict cell_cget_strict
- alias cellconfigure cell_configure
- alias cellconfiginfo cell_configinfo
- alias current_cellconfiginfo current_cell_configinfo
- def column_cget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['column', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def column_cget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget(['column', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def column_cget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(['column', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def column_configure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['column', tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def column_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['column', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_column_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['column', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- alias columncget_tkstring column_cget_tkstring
- alias columncget column_cget
- alias columncget_strict column_cget_strict
- alias columnconfigure column_configure
- alias columnconfiginfo column_configinfo
- alias current_columnconfiginfo current_column_configinfo
- def row_cget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['row', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def row_cget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget(['row', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def row_cget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(['row', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def row_configure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['row', tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def row_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['row', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_row_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['row', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- alias rowcget_tkstring row_cget_tkstring
- alias rowcget row_cget
- alias rowcget_strict row_cget_strict
- alias rowconfigure row_configure
- alias rowconfiginfo row_configinfo
- alias current_rowconfiginfo current_row_configinfo
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
-class Tk::Tcllib::Tablelist
- include Tk::Tcllib::TablelistItemConfig
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['::tablelist::tablelist'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Tablelist'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- ##########################
- def __numval_optkeys
- super() + ['titlecolumns']
- end
- private :__numval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() + ['snipstring']
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() - ['takefocus'] + [
- 'forceeditendcommand', 'movablecolumns', 'movablerows',
- 'protecttitlecolumns', 'resizablecolumns', 'setfocus',
- 'showarrow', 'showlabels', 'showseparators'
- ]
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- super() + ['columns', 'columntitles']
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- def __tkvariable_optkeys
- super() + ['listvariable']
- end
- private :__tkvariable_optkeys
- def __val2ruby_optkeys # { key=>proc, ... }
- # The method is used to convert a opt-value to a ruby's object.
- # When get the value of the option "key", "proc.call(value)" is called.
- super().update('stretch'=>proc{|v|
- (v == 'all')? v: simplelist(v)
- },
- 'takefocus'=>proc{|v|
- case v
- when '1'
- true
- when '0'
- false
- when ''
- nil
- else # cmd
- tk_tcl2ruby(cmd)
- end
- })
- end
- private :__val2ruby_optkeys
- def __ruby2val_optkeys # { key=>proc, ... }
- # The method is used to convert a ruby's object to a opt-value.
- # When set the value of the option "key", "proc.call(value)" is called.
- # That is, "-#{key} #{proc.call(value)}".
- super().update('stretch'=>proc{|v|
- (v.kind_of?(Array))? v.collect{|e| _to_idx(e)}: v
- },
- 'takefocus'=>proc{|v|
- case v
- when true
- '1'
- when false
- '0'
- when nil
- ''
- else
- _get_eval_string(v)
- end
- })
- end
- private :__ruby2val_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- super() + ['labelfont']
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- ##########################
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- if id[0] == 'cell'
- super(id) + ['title']
- else
- super(id) - ['text'] + ['title', 'name']
- end
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) + [
- 'changesnipside', 'editable', 'hide', 'resizable', 'selectable',
- 'showarrow', 'showlinenumbers', 'stretchable', 'stretchwindow', 'wrap'
- ]
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
- if id[0] == 'cell'
- super(id)
- else
- super(id) + ['text']
- end
- end
- private :__item_listval_optkeys
- def __item_font_optkeys(id)
- # maybe need to override
- super(id) + ['labelfont']
- end
- private :__item_font_optkeys
- ##########################
- def activate(index)
- tk_send('activate', _to_idx(index))
- self
- end
- def activate_cell(index)
- tk_send('activatecell', _to_idx(index))
- self
- end
- alias activatecell activate_cell
- def get_attrib(name=nil)
- if name && name != None
- tk_send('attrib', name)
- else
- ret = []
- lst = simplelist(tk_send('attrib'))
- until lst.empty?
- ret << ( [lst.shift] << lst.shift )
- end
- ret
- end
- end
- def set_attrib(*args)
- tk_send('attrib', *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- def bbox(index)
- list(tk_send('bbox', _to_idx(index)))
- end
- def bodypath
- window(tk_send('bodypath'))
- end
- def bodytag
- TkBindTag.new_by_name(tk_send('bodytag'))
- end
- def cancel_editing
- tk_send('cancelediting')
- self
- end
- alias cancelediting cancel_editing
- def get_cellattrib(name=nil)
- if name && name != None
- tk_send('cellattrib', name)
- else
- ret = []
- lst = simplelist(tk_send('cellattrib'))
- until lst.empty?
- ret << ( [lst.shift] << lst.shift )
- end
- ret
- end
- end
- def set_cellattrib(*args)
- tk_send('cellattrib', *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- def cellindex(idx)
- _from_idx(tk_send('cellindex', _to_idx(idx)))
- end
- def cellselection_anchor(idx)
- tk_send('cellselection', 'anchor', _to_idx(idx))
- self
- end
- def cellselection_clear(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_send('cellselection', 'clear', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- tk_send('cellselection', 'clear', first, last)
- end
- self
- end
- def cellselection_includes(idx)
- bool(tk_send('cellselection', 'includes', _to_idx(idx)))
- end
- def cellselection_set(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_send('cellselection', 'set', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- tk_send('cellselection', 'set', first, last)
- end
- self
- end
- def get_columnattrib(name=nil)
- if name && name != None
- tk_send('columnattrib', name)
- else
- ret = []
- lst = simplelist(tk_send('columnattrib'))
- until lst.empty?
- ret << ( [lst.shift] << lst.shift )
- end
- ret
- end
- end
- def set_columnattrib(*args)
- tk_send('columnattrib', *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- def columncount
- number(tk_send('columncount'))
- end
- def columnindex(idx)
- number(tk_send('columnindex', _to_idx(idx)))
- end
- def columnwidth(idx, opt=nil)
- if opt
- number(tk_send('columnwidth', _to_idx(idx), "-#{opt}"))
- else
- number(tk_send('columnwidth', _to_idx(idx)))
- end
- end
- def requested_columnwidth(idx)
- columnwidth(idx, 'requested')
- end
- def stretched_columnwidth(idx)
- columnwidth(idx, 'stretched')
- end
- def total_columnwidth(idx)
- columnwidth(idx, 'total')
- end
- def configcelllist(lst) # lst ==> [idx, opt, val, idx, opt, val, ...]
- ary = []
- lst.slice(3){|idx, opt, val|
- ary << _to_idx(idx) << "-#{opt}" << val
- }
- tk_send('configcelllist', ary)
- self
- end
- alias config_celllist configcelllist
- def configcells(*args) # args ==> idx, opt, val, idx, opt, val, ...
- ary = []
- args.slice(3){|idx, opt, val|
- ary << _to_idx(idx) << "-#{opt}" << val
- }
- tk_send('configcells', *ary)
- self
- end
- alias config_cells configcells
- def configcolumnlist(lst) # lst ==> [idx, opt, val, idx, opt, val, ...]
- ary = []
- lst.slice(3){|idx, opt, val|
- ary << _to_idx(idx) << "-#{opt}" << val
- }
- tk_send('configcolumnlist', ary)
- self
- end
- alias config_columnlist configcolumnlist
- def configcolumns(*args) # args ==> idx, opt, val, idx, opt, val, ...
- ary = []
- args.slice(3){|idx, opt, val|
- ary << _to_idx(idx) << "-#{opt}" << val
- }
- tk_send('configcolumns', *ary)
- self
- end
- alias config_columns configcolumns
- def configrowlist(lst) # lst ==> [idx, opt, val, idx, opt, val, ...]
- ary = []
- lst.slice(3){|idx, opt, val|
- ary << _to_idx(idx) << "-#{opt}" << val
- }
- tk_send('configrowlist', ary)
- self
- end
- alias config_rowlist configrowlist
- def configrows(*args) # args ==> idx, opt, val, idx, opt, val, ...
- ary = []
- args.slice(3){|idx, opt, val|
- ary << _to_idx(idx) << "-#{opt}" << val
- }
- tk_send('configrows', *ary)
- self
- end
- alias config_rows configrows
- def containing(y)
- idx = num_or_str(tk_send('containing', y))
- (idx.kind_of?(Fixnum) && idx < 0)? nil: idx
- end
- def containing_cell(x, y)
- idx = _from_idx(tk_send('containingcell', x, y))
- if idx.kind_of?(Array)
- [
- ((idx[0].kind_of?(Fixnum) && idx[0] < 0)? nil: idx[0]),
- ((idx[1].kind_of?(Fixnum) && idx[1] < 0)? nil: idx[1])
- ]
- else
- idx
- end
- end
- alias containingcell containing_cell
- def containing_column(x)
- idx = num_or_str(tk_send('containingcolumn', x))
- (idx.kind_of?(Fixnum) && idx < 0)? nil: idx
- end
- alias containingcolumn containing_column
- def curcellselection
- simplelist(tk_send('curcellselection')).collect!{|idx| _from_idx(idx)}
- end
- def curselection
- list(tk_send('curselection'))
- end
- def delete_items(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_send('delete', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- tk_send('delete', first, last)
- end
- self
- end
- alias delete delete_items
- alias deleteitems delete_items
- def delete_columns(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_send('deletecolumns', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- tk_send('deletecolumns', first, last)
- end
- self
- end
- alias deletecolumns delete_columns
- def edit_cell(idx)
- tk_send('editcell', _to_idx(idx))
- self
- end
- alias editcell edit_cell
- def editwintag
- TkBindTag.new_by_name(tk_send('editwintag'))
- end
- def editwinpath
- window(tk_send('editwinpath'))
- end
- def entrypath
- window(tk_send('entrypath'))
- end
- def fill_column(idx, txt)
- tk_send('fillcolumn', _to_idx(idx), txt)
- self
- end
- alias fillcolumn fill_column
- def finish_editing
- tk_send('finishediting')
- self
- end
- alias finishediting finish_editing
- def formatinfo
- key, row, col = simplelist(tk_send('formatinfo'))
- [key, number(row), number(col)]
- end
- def get(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- simplelist(tk_send('get', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})).collect!{|elem| simplelist(elem) }
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- simplelist(tk_send('get', first, last))
- end
- end
- def get_cells(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- simplelist(tk_send('getcells', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})).collect!{|elem| simplelist(elem) }
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- simplelist(tk_send('getcells', first, last))
- end
- end
- alias getcells get_cells
- def get_columns(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- simplelist(tk_send('getcolumns', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})).collect!{|elem| simplelist(elem) }
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- simplelist(tk_send('getcolumns', first, last))
- end
- end
- alias getcolumns get_columns
- def get_keys(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- simplelist(tk_send('getkeys', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})).collect!{|elem| simplelist(elem) }
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- simplelist(tk_send('getkeys', first, last))
- end
- end
- alias getkeys get_keys
- def has_attrib?(name)
- bool(tk_send('hasattrib', name))
- end
- def has_cellattrib?(idx, name)
- bool(tk_send('hascellattrib', _to_idx(idx), name))
- end
- def has_columnattrib?(idx, name)
- bool(tk_send('hascolumnattrib', _to_idx(idx), name))
- end
- def has_rowattrib?(idx, name)
- bool(tk_send('hasrowattrib', _to_idx(idx), name))
- end
- def imagelabelpath(idx)
- window(tk_send('imagelabelpath', _to_idx(idx)))
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_send('index', _to_idx(idx)))
- end
- def insert(idx, *items)
- tk_send('insert', _to_idx(idx), *items)
- self
- end
- def insert_columnlist(idx, columnlist)
- tk_send('insertcolumnlist', _to_idx(idx), columnlist)
- self
- end
- alias insertcolumnlist insert_columnlist
- def insert_columns(idx, *args)
- tk_send('insertcolums', _to_idx(idx), *args)
- self
- end
- alias insertcolumns insert_columns
- def insert_list(idx, list)
- tk_send('insertlist', _to_idx(idx), list)
- self
- end
- alias insertlist insert_list
- def is_elem_snipped?(cellidx, tkvar)
- bool(tk_send('iselemsnipped', _to_idx(cellidx), tkvar))
- end
- alias elem_snipped? is_elem_snipped?
- def is_title_snipped?(colidx, tkvar)
- bool(tk_send('istitlesnipped', _to_idx(colidx), tkvar))
- end
- alias title_snipped? is_title_snipped?
- def itemlistvar
- TkVarAccess.new(tk_send('itemlistvar'))
- end
- def labelpath(idx)
- window(tk_send('labelpath', _to_idx(idx)))
- end
- def labels
- simplelist(tk_send('labels'))
- end
- def labeltag
- TkBindTag.new_by_name(tk_send('labeltag'))
- end
- def move(src, target)
- tk_send('move', _to_idx(src), _to_idx(target))
- self
- end
- def move_column(src, target)
- tk_send('movecolumn', _to_idx(src), _to_idx(target))
- self
- end
- alias movecolumn move_column
- def nearest(y)
- _from_idx(tk_send('nearest', y))
- end
- def nearest_cell(x, y)
- _from_idx(tk_send('nearestcell', x, y))
- end
- alias nearestcell nearest_cell
- def nearest_column(x)
- _from_idx(tk_send('nearestcolumn', x))
- end
- alias nearestcolumn nearest_column
- def reject_input
- tk_send('rejectinput')
- self
- end
- alias rejectinput reject_input
- def reset_sortinfo
- tk_send('resetsortinfo')
- self
- end
- alias resetsortinfo reset_sortinfo
- def get_rowattrib(name=nil)
- if name && name != None
- tk_send('rowattrib', name)
- else
- ret = []
- lst = simplelist(tk_send('rowattrib'))
- until lst.empty?
- ret << ( [lst.shift] << lst.shift )
- end
- ret
- end
- end
- def set_rowattrib(*args)
- tk_send('rowattrib', *(args.flatten))
- self
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def see(idx)
- tk_send('see', _to_idx(idx))
- self
- end
- def see_cell(idx)
- tk_send('seecell', _to_idx(idx))
- self
- end
- alias seecell see_cell
- def see_column(idx)
- tk_send('seecolumn', _to_idx(idx))
- self
- end
- alias seecolumn see_column
- def selection_anchor(idx)
- tk_send('selection', 'anchor', _to_idx(idx))
- self
- end
- def selection_clear(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_send('selection', 'clear', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- tk_send('selection', 'clear', first, last)
- end
- self
- end
- def selection_includes(idx)
- bool(tk_send('selection', 'includes', _to_idx(idx)))
- end
- def selection_set(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_send('selection', 'set', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- tk_send('selection', 'set', first, last)
- end
- self
- end
- def separatorpath(idx=nil)
- if idx
- window(tk_send('separatorpath', _to_idx(idx)))
- else
- window(tk_send('separatorpath'))
- end
- end
- def separators
- simplelist(tk_send('separators')).collect!{|w| window(w)}
- end
- def size
- number(tk_send('size'))
- end
- def sort(order=nil)
- if order
- order = order.to_s
- order = '-' << order if order[0] != ?-
- if order.length < 2
- order = nil
- end
- end
- if order
- tk_send('sort', order)
- else
- tk_send('sort')
- end
- self
- end
- def sort_increasing
- tk_send('sort', '-increasing')
- self
- end
- def sort_decreasing
- tk_send('sort', '-decreasing')
- self
- end
- # default of 'labelcommand' option
- DEFAULT_labelcommand_value =
- DEFAULT_sortByColumn_cmd = '::tablelist::sortByColumn'
- # default of 'labelcommand2' option
- DEFAULT_labelcommand2_value =
- DEFAULT_addToSortColumns_cmd = '::tablelist::addToSortColumns'
- def sortByColumn_with_event_generate(idx)
- tk_call('::tablelist::sortByColumn', @path, _to_idx(idx))
- end
- def addToSortColumns_with_event_generate(idx)
- tk_call('::tablelist::addToSortColumns', @path, _to_idx(idx))
- end
- def sort_by_column(idx, order=nil)
- if order
- order = order.to_s
- order = '-' << order if order[0] != ?-
- if order.length < 2
- order = nil
- end
- end
- if order
- tk_send('sortbycolumn', _to_idx(idx), order)
- else
- tk_send('sortbycolumn', _to_idx(idx))
- end
- self
- end
- def sort_by_column_increasing(idx)
- tk_send('sortbycolumn', _to_idx(idx), '-increasing')
- self
- end
- def sort_by_column_decreasing(idx)
- tk_send('sortbycolumn', _to_idx(idx), '-decreasing')
- self
- end
- def sort_by_columnlist(idxlist, orderlist=None)
- # orderlist :: list of 'increasing' or 'decreasing'
- tk_send('sortbycolumnlist', idxlist.map{|idx| _to_idx(idx)}, orderlist)
- self
- end
- def sortcolumn
- idx = num_or_str(tk_send('sortcolum'))
- (idx.kind_of?(Fixnum) && idx < 0)? nil: idx
- end
- def sortcolumnlist
- simplelist(tk_send('sortcolumlist')).map{|col| num_or_str(col)}
- end
- def sortorder
- tk_send('sortorder')
- end
- def sortorderlist
- simplelist(tk_send('sortorderlist'))
- end
- def toggle_columnhide(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_send('togglecolumnhide', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- tk_send('togglecolumnhide', first, last)
- end
- end
- def toggle_rowhide(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_send('togglerowhide', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- tk_send('togglerowhide', first, last)
- end
- end
- def toggle_visibility(first, last=nil)
- if first.kind_of?(Array)
- tk_send('togglevisibility', first.collect{|idx| _to_idx(idx)})
- else
- first = _to_idx(first)
- last = (last)? _to_idx(last): first
- tk_send('togglevisibility', first, last)
- end
- self
- end
- alias togglevisibility toggle_visibility
- def unset_attrib(name)
- tk_send('unsetattrib', name)
- self
- end
- def unset_cellattrib(idx, name)
- tk_send('unsetcellattrib', _to_idx(idx), name)
- self
- end
- def unset_columnattrib(idx, name)
- tk_send('unsetcolumnattrib', _to_idx(idx), name)
- self
- end
- def unset_rowattrib(idx, name)
- tk_send('unsetrowattrib', _to_idx(idx), name)
- self
- end
- def windowpath(idx)
- window(tk_send('windowpath', _to_idx(idx)))
- end
-class << Tk::Tcllib::Tablelist
- ############################################################
- # helper commands
- def getTablelistPath(descendant)
- window(Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::getTablelistPath', descendant))
- end
- def getTablelistColumn(descendant)
- num_or_str(Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::getTablelistColumn', headerlabel))
- end
- def convEventFields(descendant, x, y)
- window(Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::convEventFields', descendant, x, y))
- end
- ############################################################
- # with the BWidget package
- def addBWidgetEntry(name=None)
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addBWidgetEntry', name)
- end
- def addBWidgetSpinBox(name=None)
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addBWidgetSpinBox', name)
- end
- def addBWidgetComboBox(name=None)
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addBWidgetComboBox', name)
- end
- ############################################################
- # with the Iwidgets ([incr Widgets]) package
- def addIncrEntryfield(name=None)
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addIncrEntry', name)
- end
- def addIncrDateTimeWidget(type, seconds=false, name=None)
- # type := 'datefield'|'dateentry'|timefield'|'timeentry'
- if seconds && seconds != None
- seconds = '-seconds'
- else
- seconds = None
- end
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addDateTimeWidget', type, seconds, name)
- end
- def addIncrSpinner(name=None)
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addIncrSpinner', name)
- end
- def addIncrSpinint(name=None)
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addIncrSpinint', name)
- end
- def addIncrCombobox(name=None)
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addIncrCombobox', name)
- end
- ############################################################
- # with Bryan Oakley's combobox package
- def addOakleyCombobox(name=None)
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addOakleyCombobox', name)
- end
- ############################################################
- # with the multi-entry package Mentry is a library extension
- def addDateMentry(format, separator, gmt=false, name=None)
- if gmt && gmt != None
- gmt = '-gmt'
- else
- gmt = None
- end
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addDateMentry', format, separator, gmt, name)
- end
- def addTimeMentry(format, separator, gmt=false, name=None)
- if gmt && gmt != None
- gmt = '-gmt'
- else
- gmt = None
- end
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addTimeMentry', format, separator, gmt, name)
- end
- def addDateTimeMentry(format, date_sep, time_sep, gmt=false, name=None)
- if gmt && gmt != None
- gmt = '-gmt'
- else
- gmt = None
- end
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addDateTimeMentry',
- format, date_sep, time_sep, gmt, name)
- end
- def addFixedPointMentry(count1, count2, comma=false, name=None)
- if comma && comma != None
- comma = '-comma'
- else
- comma = None
- end
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addFixedPoingMentry', count1, count2, comma, name)
- end
- def addIPAddrMentry(name=None)
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::addIPAddrMentry', name)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_tile.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_tile.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d467e54970..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_tile.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_tile.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * A multi-column listbox
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('tablelist_tile', '4.2')
-unless defined? Tk::Tcllib::Tablelist_usingTile
- Tk::Tcllib::Tablelist_usingTile = true
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_core'
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- class Tablelist
- # commands related to tile Themems
- def self.set_theme(theme)
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::setTheme', theme)
- end
- def self.get_current_theme
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::getCurrentTheme')
- end
- def self.get_theme_list
- TkComm.simplelist(Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::getThemes'))
- end
- def self.set_theme_defaults
- Tk.tk_call('::tablelist::setThemeDefaults')
- end
- end
- Tablelist_Tile = Tablelist
- TableList_Tile = Tablelist
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tkpiechart.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tkpiechart.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fc75a68ec..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tkpiechart.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/tkpiechart.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Create 2D or 3D pies with labels in Tcl canvases
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/canvas'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('tkpiechart', '6.6')
-module Tk
- module Tcllib
- module Tkpiechart
- end
- end
-module Tk::Tcllib::Tkpiechart
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'tkpiechart'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('tkpiechart')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- module ConfigMethod
- include TkConfigMethod
- def __pathname
- self.path + ';' + self.tag
- end
- private :__pathname
- def __cget_cmd
- ['::switched::cget', self.tag]
- end
- def __config_cmd
- ['::switched::configure', self.tag]
- end
- private :__config_cmd
- def __configinfo_struct
- {:key=>0, :alias=>nil, :db_name=>nil, :db_class=>nil,
- :default_value=>1, :current_value=>2}
- end
- private :__configinfo_struct
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'select' << 'autoupdate' << 'selectable'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'bordercolor' << 'textbackground' <<
- 'widestvaluetext' << 'title'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- super() << 'colors'
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- end
- ####################################
- class PieChartObj < TkcItem
- include ConfigMethod
- def __font_optkeys
- ['titlefont']
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- end
- ####################################
- class Pie < TkcItem
- include ConfigMethod
- def create_self(x, y, width, height, keys=None)
- if keys and keys != None
- @tag_key = tk_call_without_enc('::stooop::new', 'pie',
- @c, x, y, *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- @tag_key = tk_call_without_enc('::stooop::new', 'pie', @c, x, y)
- end
- @slice_tbl = {}
- id = "pie(#{@tag_key})"
- @tag = @tag_pie = TkcNamedTag(@c, id)
- @tag_slices = TkcNamedTag(@c, "pieSlices(#{@tag_key})")
- id
- end
- private :create_self
- def tag_key
- @tag_key
- end
- def tag
- @tag
- end
- def canvas
- @c
- end
- def _entry_slice(slice)
- @slice_tbl[slice.to_eval] = slice
- end
- def _delete_slice(slice)
- @slice_tbl.delete(slice.to_eval)
- end
- def delete
- tk_call_without_enc('::stooop::delete', @tag_key)
- CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CItemID_TBL[@path].delete(@id) if CItemID_TBL[@path]
- }
- self
- end
- def new_slice(text=None)
- Slice.new(self, text)
- end
- def delete_slice(slice)
- unless slice.kind_of?(Slice)
- unless (slice = @slice_tbl[slice])
- return tk_call_without_enc('pie::deleteSlice', @tag_key, slice)
- end
- end
- unless slice.kind_of?(Slice) && slice.pie == self
- fail ArgumentError, "argument is not a slice of self"
- end
- slice.delete
- end
- def selected_slices
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('pie::selectedSlices',
- @tag_key)).collect{|slice|
- @slice_tbl[slice] || Slice.new(:no_create, self, slice)
- }
- end
- end
- ####################################
- class Slice < TkcItem
- include ConfigMethod
- def __config_cmd
- ['::switched::configure', self.tag]
- end
- private :__config_cmd
- #------------------------
- def initialize(pie, *args)
- unless pie.kind_of?(Pie) && pie != :no_create
- fail ArgumentError, "expects TkPiechart::Pie for 1st argument"
- end
- if pie == :no_create
- @pie, @tag_key = args
- else
- text = args[0] || None
- @pie = pie
- @tag_key = tk_call_without_enc('pie::newSlice', @pie.tag_key, text)
- end
- @parent = @c = @pie.canvas
- @path = @parent.path
- @pie._entry_slice(self)
- @id = "slices(#{@tag_key})"
- @tag = TkcNamedTag.new(@pie.canvas, @id)
- CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CItemID_TBL[@path] = {} unless CItemID_TBL[@path]
- CItemID_TBL[@path][@id] = self
- }
- end
- def tag_key
- @tag_key
- end
- def tag
- @tag
- end
- def pie
- @pie
- end
- def delete
- tk_call_without_enc('pie::deleteSlice', @pie.tag_key, @tag_key)
- CItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CItemID_TBL[@path].delete(@id) if CItemID_TBL[@path]
- }
- @pie._delete_slice(self)
- self
- end
- def size(share, disp=None)
- tk_call_without_enc('pie::sizeSlice',
- @pie.tag_key, @tag_key, share, disp)
- self
- end
- def label(text)
- tk_call_without_enc('pie::labelSlice', @pie.tag_key, @tag_key, text)
- self
- end
- end
- ####################################
- class BoxLabeler < TkcItem
- include ConfigMethod
- def __config_cmd
- ['::switched::configure', self.tag]
- end
- private :__config_cmd
- #------------------------
- def create_self(keys=None)
- if keys and keys != None
- @tag_key = tk_call_without_enc('::stooop::new', 'pieBoxLabeler',
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- @tag_key = tk_call_without_enc('::stooop::new', 'pieBoxLabeler')
- end
- id = "pieBoxLabeler(#{@tag_key})"
- @tag = TkcNamedTag(@c, id)
- id
- end
- private :create_self
- end
- ####################################
- class PeripheralLabeler < TkcItem
- include ConfigMethod
- def __font_optkeys
- ['font', 'smallfont']
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- def __config_cmd
- ['::switched::configure', self.tag]
- end
- private :__config_cmd
- #------------------------
- def create_self(keys=None)
- if keys and keys != None
- @tag_key = tk_call_without_enc('::stooop::new',
- 'piePeripheralLabeler',
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- @tag_key = tk_call_without_enc('::stooop::new', 'piePeripheralLabeler')
- end
- id = "piePeripheralLabeler(#{@tag_key})"
- @tag = TkcNamedTag(@c, id)
- id
- end
- private :create_self
- end
- ####################################
- class Label < TkcItem
- include ConfigMethod
- def __config_cmd
- ['::switched::configure', self.tag]
- end
- private :__config_cmd
- #------------------------
- def create_self(x, y, keys=None)
- if keys and keys != None
- @tag_key = tk_call_without_enc('::stooop::new', 'canvasLabel',
- @c, x, y, width, height,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- @tag_key = tk_call_without_enc('::stooop::new', 'canvasLabel',
- @c, x, y, width, height)
- end
- id = "canvasLabel(#{@tag_key})"
- @tag = TkcNamedTag(@c, id)
- id
- end
- private :create_self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/toolbar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/toolbar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a771548db4..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/toolbar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/toolbar.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * toolbar widget
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::toolbar', '1.2')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- class Toolbar < TkWindow
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::toolbar'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::toolbar')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- module ToolbarItemConfig
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- end
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::ToolbarItem < TkObject
- include TkTreatTagFont
- ToolbarItemID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TTagID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def ToolbarItem.id2obj(tbar, id)
- tpath = tbar.path
- ToolbarItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if ToolbarItemID_TBL[tpath]
- ToolbarItemID_TBL[tpath][id]? ToolbarItemID_TBL[tpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(parent, *args)
- @parent = @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = @t.tk_send('add', *args)
- # A same id is rejected by the Tcl function.
- ToolbarItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- ToolbarItemID_TBL[@id] = self
- ToolbarItemID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless ToolbarItemID_TBL[@tpath]
- ToolbarItemID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- def [](key)
- cget key
- end
- def []=(key,val)
- configure key, val
- val
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- @t.itemcget_tkstring(@id, option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- @t.itemcget(@id, option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @t.itemcget_strict(@id, option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @t.itemconfigure(@id, key, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @t.itemconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @t.current_itemconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
- def delete
- @t.delete(@id)
- end
- def itemid
- @t.itemid(@id)
- end
- def remove
- @t.remove(@id)
- end
- def remove_with_destroy
- @t.remove_with_destroy(@id)
- end
-class Tk::Tcllib::Widget::Toolbar
- include Tk::Tcllib::Widget::ToolbarItemConfig
- TkCommandNames = ['::widget::toolbar'.freeze].freeze
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::Tcllib::Widget::ToolbarItem::ToolbarItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tcllib::Widget::ToolbarItem::ToolbarItemID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def getframe
- window(tk_send('getframe'))
- end
- alias get_frame getframe
- def add(*args)
- Tk::Tcllib::Widget::Toolbar.new(self, *args)
- end
- def itemid(item)
- window(tk_send('itemid'))
- end
- def items(pattern)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send('items', pattern)).map{|id|
- Tk::Tcllib::Widget::ToolbarItem.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def remove(*items)
- tk_send('remove', *items)
- self
- end
- def remove_with_destroy(*items)
- tk_send('remove', '-destroy', *items)
- self
- end
- def delete(*items)
- tk_send('delete', *items)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tooltip.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tooltip.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a70ec5732..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tooltip.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/tooltip.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Provides tooltips, a small text message that is displayed when the
-# mouse hovers over a widget.
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('tooltip', '1.1')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Tooltip
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'tooltip'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('tooltip')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-module Tk::Tcllib::Tooltip
- extend TkCore
- WidgetClassName = 'Tooltip'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.database_classname
- self::WidgetClassName
- end
- def self.database_class
- WidgetClassNames[self::WidgetClassName]
- end
- def self.clear(glob_path_pat = None)
- self.clear_glob(glob_path_pat)
- end
- def self.clear_glob(glob_path_pat)
- tk_call_without_enc('::tooltip::tooltip', 'clear', glob_path_pat)
- end
- def self.clear_widgets(*args)
- self.clear_glob("{#{args.collect{|w| _get_eval_string(w)}.join(',')}}")
- end
- def self.clear_children(*args)
- self.clear_glob("{#{args.collect{|w| s = _get_eval_string(w); "#{s},#{s}.*"}.join(',')}}")
- end
- def self.delay(millisecs=None)
- number(tk_call_without_enc('::tooltip::tooltip', 'delay', millisecs))
- end
- def self.delay=(millisecs)
- self.delay(millisecs)
- end
- def self.fade?
- bool(tk_call_without_enc('::tooltip::tooltip', 'fade'))
- end
- def self.fade(mode)
- tk_call_without_enc('::tooltip::tooltip', 'fade', mode)
- end
- def self.disable
- tk_call_without_enc('::tooltip::tooltip', 'disable')
- false
- end
- def self.off
- self.disable
- end
- def self.enable
- tk_call_without_enc('::tooltip::tooltip', 'enable')
- true
- end
- def self.on
- self.enable
- end
- def self.register(widget, msg, keys=nil)
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- args = hash_kv(keys) << msg
- else
- args = msg
- end
- tk_call('::tooltip::tooltip', widget.path, *args)
- end
- def self.erase(widget)
- tk_call_without_enc('::tooltip::tooltip', widget.path, '')
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/validator.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/validator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c2c9dda376..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/validator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/validator.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * Provides a unified validation API
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget::validator', '0.1')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Validator
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget::validator'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget::validator')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-module Tk::Tcllib::Validator
- extend TkCore
- def self.attach(widget, color, cmd=Proc.new)
- tk_call_without_enc('::widget::validator', 'attach', widget, color, cmd)
- nil
- end
- def self.detach(widget)
- tk_call_without_enc('::widget::validator', 'detach', widget)
- nil
- end
- def self.validate(widget)
- tk_call_without_enc('::widget::validator', 'validate', widget)
- nil
- end
- def attach_validator(color, cmd=Proc.new)
- tk_call_without_enc('::widget::validator', 'attach', @path, color, cmd)
- self
- end
- def detach_validator(color, cmd=Proc.new)
- tk_call_without_enc('::widget::validator', 'detach', @path)
- self
- end
- def invoke_validator(color, cmd=Proc.new)
- tk_call_without_enc('::widget::validator', 'validate', @path)
- self
- end
- alias validate_validator invoke_validator
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/widget.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/widget.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b8d5070b0b..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/widget.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tcllib/widget.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# * Part of tcllib extension
-# * megawidget package that uses snit as the object system (snidgets)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('widget', '3.0')
-module Tk::Tcllib
- module Widget
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'widget'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('widget')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- #--- followings may be private functions of tklib
- def self.isa(compare_as, *args)
- begin
- return Tk.tk_call('::widget::isa', compare_as, *args)
- rescue => e
- if TkComm.bool(Tk.tk_call('info','command','::widget::isa')) ||
- ! TkComm.bool(Tk.tk_call('info','command','::widget::validate'))
- fail e
- end
- end
- Tk.tk_call('::widget::validate', compare_as, *args)
- end
- def self.validate(compare_as, *args)
- begin
- return Tk.tk_call('::widget::validate', compare_as, *args)
- rescue => e
- if TkComm.bool(Tk.tk_call('info','command','::widget::validate')) ||
- ! TkComm.bool(Tk.tk_call('info','command','::widget::isa'))
- fail e
- end
- end
- Tk.tk_call('::widget::isa', compare_as, *args)
- end
- end
-module Tk::Tcllib::Widget
- TkComm::TkExtlibAutoloadModule.unshift(self)
- autoload :Calendar, 'tkextlib/tcllib/calendar'
- autoload :Canvas_Sqmap, 'tkextlib/tcllib/canvas_sqmap'
- autoload :Canvas_Zoom, 'tkextlib/tcllib/canvas_zoom'
- autoload :Dialog, 'tkextlib/tcllib/dialog'
- autoload :Panelframe, 'tkextlib/tcllib/panelframe'
- autoload :PanelFrame, 'tkextlib/tcllib/panelframe'
- autoload :Ruler, 'tkextlib/tcllib/ruler'
- autoload :Screenruler, 'tkextlib/tcllib/screenruler'
- autoload :ScreenRuler, 'tkextlib/tcllib/screenruler'
- autoload :Scrolledwindow, 'tkextlib/tcllib/scrollwin'
- autoload :ScrolledWindow, 'tkextlib/tcllib/scrollwin'
- autoload :Superframe, 'tkextlib/tcllib/superframe'
- autoload :SuperFrame, 'tkextlib/tcllib/superframe'
- autoload :Toolbar, 'tkextlib/tcllib/toolbar'
- autoload :ToolbarItem, 'tkextlib/tcllib/toolbar'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tclx.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tclx.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1189d855cb..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tclx.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TclX support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tclx/setup.rb'
-# load library
-require 'tkextlib/tclx/tclx'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tclx/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tclx/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tclx/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tclx/tclx.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tclx/tclx.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7360a85403..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tclx/tclx.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tclx/tclx.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tclx/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('Tclx', '8.0')
-module Tk
- module TclX
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Tclx'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('Tclx')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- def self.infox(*args)
- Tk.tk_call('infox', *args)
- end
- def self.signal(*args)
- warn("Warning: Don't recommend to use TclX's 'signal' command. Please use Ruby's 'Signal.trap' method")
- Tk.tk_call('signal', *args)
- end
- def self.signal_restart(*args)
- warn("Warning: Don't recommend to use TclX's 'signal' command. Please use Ruby's 'Signal.trap' method")
- Tk.tk_call('signal', '-restart', *args)
- end
- ##############################
- class XPG3_MsgCat
- class << self
- alias open new
- end
- def initialize(catname, fail_mode=false)
- if fail_mode
- @msgcat_id = Tk.tk_call('catopen', '-fail', catname)
- else
- @msgcat_id = Tk.tk_call('catopen', '-nofail', catname)
- end
- end
- def close(fail_mode=false)
- if fail_mode
- Tk.tk_call('catclose', '-fail', @msgcat_id)
- else
- Tk.tk_call('catclose', '-nofail', @msgcat_id)
- end
- self
- end
- def get(setnum, msgnum, defaultstr)
- Tk.tk_call('catgets', @msgcat_id, setnum, msgnum, defaultstr)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 003a978e72..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# Tile theme engine (tile widget set) support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/ttk_selector'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# library directory
-require 'tkextlib/tile/setup.rb'
-# load package
-# TkPackage.require('tile', '0.4')
-# TkPackage.require('tile', '0.6')
-# TkPackage.require('tile', '0.7')
-if Tk::TK_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 ||
- begin
- TkPackage.require('tile') # for compatibility (version check of 'tile')
- rescue RuntimeError
- # ignore, even if cannot find package 'tile'
- end
- pkgname = 'Ttk'
- pkgname = 'tile'
- verstr = TkPackage.require(pkgname)
-rescue RuntimeError
- # define dummy methods
- module Tk
- module Tile
- def self.const_missing(sym)
- TkPackage.require(PACKAGE_NAME)
- end
- def self.method_missing(*args)
- TkPackage.require(PACKAGE_NAME)
- end
- end
- end
- Tk.__cannot_find_tk_package_for_widget_set__(:Ttk, pkgname)
- if pkgname == 'Ttk'
- verstr = Tk::TK_PATCHLEVEL # dummy
- else
- verstr = '0.7' # dummy
- end
-ver = verstr.split('.')
-if ver[0].to_i == 0
- # Tile extension package
- if ver[1].to_i <= 4
- # version 0.4 or former
- module Tk
- module Tile
- end
- end
- elsif ver[1].to_i <= 6
- # version 0.5 -- version 0.6
- module Tk
- module Tile
- end
- end
- elsif ver[1].to_i <= 7
- module Tk
- module Tile
- end
- end
- else
- # version 0.8 or later
- module Tk
- module Tile
- end
- end
- end
- module Tk::Tile
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'tile'.freeze
- end
- # Ttk package merged Tcl/Tk core (Tcl/Tk 8.5+)
- module Tk
- module Tile
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Ttk'.freeze
- end
- end
-# autoload
-module Tk
- module Tile
- TkComm::TkExtlibAutoloadModule.unshift(self)
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require(PACKAGE_NAME)
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- def self.__Import_Tile_Widgets__!
- warn 'Warning: "Tk::Tile::__Import_Tile_Widgets__!" is obsolete.' <<
- ' To control default widget set, use "Tk.default_widget_set = :Ttk"'
- Tk.tk_call('namespace', 'import', '-force', 'ttk::*')
- end
- def self.__define_LoadImages_proc_for_compatibility__!
- # Ttk 8.5 (Tile 0.8) lost 'LoadImages' utility procedure.
- # So, some old scripts don't work, because those scripts use the
- # procedure to define local styles.
- # Of course, rewriting such Tcl/Tk scripts isn't difficult for
- # Tcl/Tk users. However, it may be troublesome for Ruby/Tk users
- # who use such Tcl/Tk scripts as it is.
- # This method may help Ruby/Tk users who don't want to modify old
- # Tcl/Tk scripts for the latest version of Ttk (Tile) extension.
- # This method defines a compatible 'LoadImages' procedure on the
- # Tcl/Tk interpreter working under Ruby/Tk.
- # Please give attention to use this method. It may conflict with
- # some definitions on Tcl/Tk scripts.
- klass_name = self.name
- proc_name = 'LoadImages'
- ns_list = ['::tile']
- if Tk.info(:commands, "::ttk::#{proc_name}").empty?
- ns_list << '::ttk'
- end
- else # Tk::Tile::USE_TILE_NAMESPACE
- ns_list = ['::ttk']
- if Tk.info(:commands, "::tile::#{proc_name}").empty?
- ns_list << '::tile'
- end
- end
- ns_list.each{|ns|
- cmd = "#{ns}::#{proc_name}"
- unless Tk.info(:commands, cmd).empty?
- #fail RuntimeError, "can't define '#{cmd}' command (already exist)"
- # do nothing !!!
- warn "Warning: can't define '#{cmd}' command (already exist)" if $DEBUG
- next
- end
- TkNamespace.eval(ns){
- TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs(proc_name, 'imgdir {patterns {*.gif}}',
- <<-'EOS')
- foreach pattern $patterns {
- foreach file [glob -directory $imgdir $pattern] {
- set img [file tail [file rootname $file]]
- if {![info exists images($img)]} {
- set images($img) [image create photo -file $file]
- }
- }
- }
- return [array get images]
- }
- }
- end
- def self.load_images(imgdir, pat=nil)
- if Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 8
- cmd = '::ttk::LoadImages'
- else # Tk::Tile::USE_TILE_NAMESPACE
- cmd = '::tile::LoadImages'
- end
- pat ||= TkComm::None
- images = Hash[*TkComm.simplelist(Tk.tk_call(cmd, imgdir, pat))]
- images.keys.each{|k|
- images[k] = TkPhotoImage.new(:imagename=>images[k],
- :without_creating=>true)
- }
- else ## TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID >= 8
- pat ||= '*.gif'
- if pat.kind_of?(Array)
- pat_list = pat
- else
- pat_list = [ pat ]
- end
- Dir.chdir(imgdir){
- pat_list.each{|pat|
- Dir.glob(pat).each{|f|
- img = File.basename(f, '.*')
- unless TkComm.bool(Tk.info('exists', "images(#{img})"))
- Tk.tk_call('set', "images(#{img})",
- Tk.tk_call('image', 'create', 'photo', '-file', f))
- end
- }
- }
- }
- images = Hash[*TkComm.simplelist(Tk.tk_call('array', 'get', 'images'))]
- images.keys.each{|k|
- images[k] = TkPhotoImage.new(:imagename=>images[k],
- :without_creating=>true)
- }
- end
- images
- end
- def self.style(*args)
- args.map!{|arg| TkComm._get_eval_string(arg)}.join('.')
- end
- def self.themes(glob_ptn = nil)
- if TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 8 && Tk.info(:commands, '::ttk::themes').empty?
- fail RuntimeError, 'not support glob option' if glob_ptn
- cmd = ['::tile::availableThemes']
- else
- glob_ptn = '*' unless glob_ptn
- cmd = ['::ttk::themes', glob_ptn]
- end
- begin
- TkComm.simplelist(Tk.tk_call_without_enc(*cmd))
- rescue
- TkComm.simplelist(Tk.tk_call('lsearch', '-all', '-inline',
- Tk::Tile::Style.theme_names,
- glob_ptn))
- end
- end
- def self.set_theme(theme)
- if TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 8 && Tk.info(:commands, '::ttk::setTheme').empty?
- cmd = '::tile::setTheme'
- else
- cmd = '::ttk::setTheme'
- end
- begin
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc(cmd, theme)
- rescue
- Tk::Tile::Style.theme_use(theme)
- end
- end
- module KeyNav
- if Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 8
- def self.enableMnemonics(w)
- Tk.tk_call('::keynav::enableMnemonics', w)
- end
- def self.defaultButton(w)
- Tk.tk_call('::keynav::defaultButton', w)
- end
- else # dummy
- def self.enableMnemonics(w)
- ""
- end
- def self.defaultButton(w)
- ""
- end
- end
- end
- module Font
- Default = 'TkDefaultFont'
- Text = 'TkTextFont'
- Heading = 'TkHeadingFont'
- Caption = 'TkCaptionFont'
- Tooltip = 'TkTooltipFont'
- Fixed = 'TkFixedFont'
- Menu = 'TkMenuFont'
- SmallCaption = 'TkSmallCaptionFont'
- Icon = 'TkIconFont'
- 'TkDefaultFont', 'TkTextFont', 'TkHeadingFont',
- 'TkCaptionFont', 'TkTooltipFont', 'TkFixedFont',
- 'TkMenuFont', 'TkSmallCaptionFont', 'TkIconFont'
- ]
- end
- module ParseStyleLayout
- def _style_layout(lst)
- ret = []
- until lst.empty?
- sub = [lst.shift]
- keys = {}
- until lst.empty?
- if lst[0][0] == ?-
- k = lst.shift[1..-1]
- children = lst.shift
- children = _style_layout(children) if children.kind_of?(Array)
- keys[k] = children
- else
- break
- end
- end
- sub << keys unless keys.empty?
- ret << sub
- end
- ret
- end
- private :_style_layout
- end
- module TileWidget
- include Tk::Tile::ParseStyleLayout
- def __val2ruby_optkeys # { key=>proc, ... }
- # The method is used to convert a opt-value to a ruby's object.
- # When get the value of the option "key", "proc.call(value)" is called.
- super().update('style'=>proc{|v| _style_layout(list(v))})
- end
- private :__val2ruby_optkeys
- def ttk_instate(state, script=nil, &b)
- if script
- tk_send('instate', state, script)
- elsif b
- tk_send('instate', state, Proc.new(&b))
- else
- bool(tk_send('instate', state))
- end
- end
- alias tile_instate ttk_instate
- def ttk_state(state=nil)
- if state
- tk_send('state', state)
- else
- list(tk_send('state'))
- end
- end
- alias tile_state ttk_state
- def ttk_identify(x, y)
- ret = tk_send_without_enc('identify', x, y)
- (ret.empty?)? nil: ret
- end
- alias tile_identify ttk_identify
- # remove instate/state/identify method
- # to avoid the conflict with widget options
- alias instate ttk_instate
- alias state ttk_state
- alias identify ttk_identify
- end
- end
- ######################################
- autoload :TButton, 'tkextlib/tile/tbutton'
- autoload :Button, 'tkextlib/tile/tbutton'
- autoload :TCheckButton, 'tkextlib/tile/tcheckbutton'
- autoload :CheckButton, 'tkextlib/tile/tcheckbutton'
- autoload :TCheckbutton, 'tkextlib/tile/tcheckbutton'
- autoload :Checkbutton, 'tkextlib/tile/tcheckbutton'
- autoload :Dialog, 'tkextlib/tile/dialog'
- autoload :TEntry, 'tkextlib/tile/tentry'
- autoload :Entry, 'tkextlib/tile/tentry'
- autoload :TCombobox, 'tkextlib/tile/tcombobox'
- autoload :Combobox, 'tkextlib/tile/tcombobox'
- autoload :TFrame, 'tkextlib/tile/tframe'
- autoload :Frame, 'tkextlib/tile/tframe'
- autoload :TLabelframe, 'tkextlib/tile/tlabelframe'
- autoload :Labelframe, 'tkextlib/tile/tlabelframe'
- autoload :TLabelFrame, 'tkextlib/tile/tlabelframe'
- autoload :LabelFrame, 'tkextlib/tile/tlabelframe'
- autoload :TLabel, 'tkextlib/tile/tlabel'
- autoload :Label, 'tkextlib/tile/tlabel'
- autoload :TMenubutton, 'tkextlib/tile/tmenubutton'
- autoload :Menubutton, 'tkextlib/tile/tmenubutton'
- autoload :TMenuButton, 'tkextlib/tile/tmenubutton'
- autoload :MenuButton, 'tkextlib/tile/tmenubutton'
- autoload :TNotebook, 'tkextlib/tile/tnotebook'
- autoload :Notebook, 'tkextlib/tile/tnotebook'
- autoload :TPaned, 'tkextlib/tile/tpaned'
- autoload :Paned, 'tkextlib/tile/tpaned'
- autoload :PanedWindow, 'tkextlib/tile/tpaned'
- autoload :Panedwindow, 'tkextlib/tile/tpaned'
- autoload :TProgressbar, 'tkextlib/tile/tprogressbar'
- autoload :Progressbar, 'tkextlib/tile/tprogressbar'
- autoload :TRadioButton, 'tkextlib/tile/tradiobutton'
- autoload :RadioButton, 'tkextlib/tile/tradiobutton'
- autoload :TRadiobutton, 'tkextlib/tile/tradiobutton'
- autoload :Radiobutton, 'tkextlib/tile/tradiobutton'
- autoload :TScale, 'tkextlib/tile/tscale'
- autoload :Scale, 'tkextlib/tile/tscale'
- autoload :TProgress, 'tkextlib/tile/tscale'
- autoload :Progress, 'tkextlib/tile/tscale'
- autoload :TScrollbar, 'tkextlib/tile/tscrollbar'
- autoload :Scrollbar, 'tkextlib/tile/tscrollbar'
- autoload :XScrollbar, 'tkextlib/tile/tscrollbar'
- autoload :YScrollbar, 'tkextlib/tile/tscrollbar'
- autoload :TSeparator, 'tkextlib/tile/tseparator'
- autoload :Separator, 'tkextlib/tile/tseparator'
- autoload :TSpinbox, 'tkextlib/tile/tspinbox'
- autoload :Spinbox, 'tkextlib/tile/tspinbox'
- autoload :TSquare, 'tkextlib/tile/tsquare'
- autoload :Square, 'tkextlib/tile/tsquare'
- autoload :SizeGrip, 'tkextlib/tile/sizegrip'
- autoload :Sizegrip, 'tkextlib/tile/sizegrip'
- autoload :Treeview, 'tkextlib/tile/treeview'
- autoload :Style, 'tkextlib/tile/style'
- end
-Ttk = Tk::Tile
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/dialog.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/dialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d81851bb68..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/dialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ttk::dialog (tile-0.7+)
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class Dialog < TkWindow
- end
- end
- TkPackage.require('ttk::dialog') # this may be required.
-rescue RuntimeError
- # ignore
-class Tk::Tile::Dialog
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::dialog'.freeze].freeze
- def self.show(*args)
- dialog = self.new(*args)
- dialog.show
- [dialog.status, dialog.value]
- end
- def self.display(*args)
- self.show(*args)
- end
- def self.define_dialog_type(name, keys)
- Tk.tk_call('::ttk::dialog::define', name, keys)
- name
- end
- def self.style(*args)
- ['Dialog', *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
- #########################
- def initialize(keys={})
- @keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- super(*args)
- end
- def create_self(keys)
- # dummy
- end
- private :create_self
- def show
- tk_call(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path, *hash_kv(@keys))
- end
- alias display show
- def client_frame
- window(tk_call_without_enc('::ttk::dialog::clientframe', @path))
- end
- def cget_strict(slot)
- @keys[slot.to_s]
- end
- def cget(slot)
- @keys[slot.to_s]
- end
- def cget(slot)
- cget_strict(slot)
- else
- cget_strict(slot) rescue nil
- end
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot.each{|k, v| configure(k, v)}
- else
- slot = slot.to_s
- value = _symbolkey2str(value) if value.kind_of?(Hash)
- if value && value != None
- @keys[slot] = value
- else
- @keys.delete(slot)
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- [ slot, nil, nil, nil, @keys[slot] ]
- else
- @keys.collect{|k, v| [ k, nil, nil, nil, v ] }
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/sizegrip.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/sizegrip.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b9510aefa..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/sizegrip.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ttk::sizegrip widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class SizeGrip < TkWindow
- end
- Sizegrip = SizeGrip
- end
-class Tk::Tile::SizeGrip < TkWindow
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::sizegrip'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'TSizegrip'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Sizegrip,
-# :TkSizegrip, :TkSizeGrip)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Sizegrip,
- :TkSizegrip, :TkSizeGrip)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a96cba795f..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# style commands
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- module Style
- end
- end
-module Tk::Tile::Style
- extend TkCore
-class << Tk::Tile::Style
- if Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 8
- TkCommandNames = ['style'.freeze].freeze
- # --- Tk::Tile::Style.__define_wrapper_proc_for_compatibility__! ---
- # On Ttk (Tile) extension, 'style' command has incompatible changes
- # depend on the version of the extension. It requires modifying the
- # Tcl/Tk scripts to define local styles. The rule for modification
- # is a simple one. But, if users want to keep compatibility between
- # versions of the extension, they will have to contrive to do that.
- # It may be troublesome, especially for Ruby/Tk users.
- # This method may help such work. This method make some definitions
- # on the Tcl/Tk interpreter to work with different version of style
- # command format. Please give attention to use this method. It may
- # conflict with some definitions on Tcl/Tk scripts.
- if Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 7
- def __define_wrapper_proc_for_compatibility__!
- __define_themes_and_setTheme_proc__!
- unless Tk.info(:commands, '::ttk::style').empty?
- # fail RuntimeError,
- # "can't define '::ttk::style' command (already exist)"
- # do nothing !!!
- warn "Warning: can't define '::ttk::style' command (already exist)" if $DEBUG
- return
- end
- TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs('::ttk::style', 'args', <<-'EOS')
- if [string equal [lrange $args 0 1] {element create}] {
- if [string equal [lindex $args 3] image] {
- set spec [lindex $args 4]
- set map [lrange $spec 1 end]
- if [llength $map] {
- # return [eval [concat [list ::style element create [lindex $args 2] image [lindex $spec 0] -map $map] [lrange $args 5 end]]]
- return [uplevel 1 [list ::style element create [lindex $args 2] image [lindex $spec 0] -map $map] [lrange $args 5 end]]
- }
- }
- }
- # return [eval "::style $args"]
- return [uplevel 1 ::style $args]
- #########################
- end
- else ### TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID == 7
- def __define_wrapper_proc_for_compatibility__!
- __define_themes_and_setTheme_proc__!
- unless Tk.info(:commands, '::ttk::style').empty?
- # fail RuntimeError,
- # "can't define '::ttk::style' command (already exist)"
- # do nothing !!!
- warn "Warning: can't define '::ttk::style' command (already exist)" if $DEBUG
- return
- end
- TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs('::ttk::style', 'args', <<-'EOS')
- if [string equal [lrange $args 0 1] {element create}] {
- if [string equal [lindex $args 3] image] {
- set spec [lindex $args 4]
- set map [lrange $spec 1 end]
- if [llength $map] {
- # return [eval [concat [list ::style element create [lindex $args 2] image [lindex $spec 0] -map $map] [lrange $args 5 end]]]
- return [uplevel 1 [list ::style element create [lindex $args 2] image [lindex $spec 0] -map $map] [lrange $args 5 end]]]
- }
- }
- } elseif [string equal [lindex $args 0] default] {
- # return [eval "::style [lreplace $args 0 0 configure]"]
- return [uplevel 1 ::style [lreplace $args 0 0 configure]]
- }
- # return [eval "::style $args"]
- return [uplevel 1 ::style $args]
- #########################
- end
- end
- else ### TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID >= 8
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::style'.freeze].freeze
- def __define_wrapper_proc_for_compatibility__!
- __define_themes_and_setTheme_proc__!
- unless Tk.info(:commands, '::style').empty?
- # fail RuntimeError, "can't define '::style' command (already exist)"
- # do nothing !!!
- warn "Warning: can't define '::style' command (already exist)" if $DEBUG
- return
- end
- TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs('::style', 'args', <<-'EOS')
- if [string equal [lrange $args 0 1] {element create}] {
- if [string equal [lindex $args 3] image] {
- set name [lindex $args 4]
- set opts [lrange $args 5 end]
- set idx [lsearch $opts -map]
- if {$idx >= 0 && [expr $idx % 2 == 0]} {
- # return [eval [concat [list ::ttk::style element create [lindex $args 2] image [concat $name [lindex $opts [expr $idx + 1]]]] [lreplace $opts $idx [expr $idx + 1]]]]
- return [uplevel 1 [list ::ttk::style element create [lindex $args 2] image [concat $name [lindex $opts [expr $idx + 1]]]] [lreplace $opts $idx [expr $idx + 1]]]
- }
- }
- } elseif [string equal [lindex $args 0] default] {
- # return [eval "::ttk::style [lreplace $args 0 0 configure]"]
- return [uplevel 1 ::ttk::style [lreplace $args 0 0 configure]]
- }
- # return [eval "::ttk::style $args"]
- return [uplevel 1 ::ttk::style $args]
- #########################
- end
- end
- def __define_themes_and_setTheme_proc__!
- TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs('::ttk::themes', '{ptn *}', <<-'EOS')
- #set themes [list]
- set themes [::ttk::style theme names]
- foreach pkg [lsearch -inline -all -glob [package names] ttk::theme::$ptn] {
- set theme [namespace tail $pkg]
- if {[lsearch -exact $themes $theme] < 0} {
- lappend themes $theme
- }
- }
- foreach pkg [lsearch -inline -all -glob [package names] tile::theme::$ptn] {
- set theme [namespace tail $pkg]
- if {[lsearch -exact $themes $theme] < 0} {
- lappend themes $theme
- }
- }
- return $themes
- #########################
- TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs('::ttk::setTheme', 'theme', <<-'EOS')
- variable currentTheme
- if {[lsearch -exact [::ttk::style theme names] $theme] < 0} {
- package require [lsearch -inline -regexp [package names] (ttk|tile)::theme::$theme]
- }
- ::ttk::style theme use $theme
- set currentTheme $theme
- end
- private :__define_themes_and_setTheme_proc__!
- def configure(style=nil, keys=nil)
- if style.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = style
- style = nil
- end
- style = '.' unless style
- if Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 7
- sub_cmd = 'default'
- else
- sub_cmd = 'configure'
- end
- if keys && keys != None
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], sub_cmd, style, *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], sub_cmd, style)
- end
- end
- alias default configure
- def map(style=nil, keys=nil)
- if style.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = style
- style = nil
- end
- style = '.' unless style
- if keys && keys != None
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'map', style, *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- simplelist(tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'map', style, '-' << keys.to_s))
- end
- else
- ret = {}
- Hash[*(simplelist(tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'map', style)))].each{|k, v|
- ret[k[1..-1]] = list(v)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- alias map_configure map
- def map_configinfo(style=nil, key=None)
- style = '.' unless style
- map(style, key)
- end
- def map_default_configinfo(key=None)
- map('.', key)
- end
- def lookup(style, opt, state=None, fallback_value=None)
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'lookup', style,
- '-' << opt.to_s, state, fallback_value)
- end
- include Tk::Tile::ParseStyleLayout
- def layout(style=nil, spec=nil)
- if style.kind_of?(Hash)
- spec = style
- style = nil
- end
- style = '.' unless style
- if spec
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'layout', style, spec)
- else
- _style_layout(list(tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'layout', style)))
- end
- end
- def element_create(name, type, *args)
- if type == 'image' || type == :image
- element_create_image(name, *args)
- elsif type == 'vsapi' || type == :vsapi
- element_create_vsapi(name, *args)
- else
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'element', 'create', name, type, *args)
- end
- end
- def element_create_image(name, *args)
- fail ArgumentError, 'Must supply a base image' unless (spec = args.shift)
- if (opts = args.shift)
- if opts.kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = _symbolkey2str(opts)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, 'bad option'
- end
- end
- fail ArgumentError, 'too many arguments' unless args.empty?
- if spec.kind_of?(Array)
- # probably, command format is tile 0.8+ (Tcl/Tk8.5+) style
- if Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID >= 8
- if opts
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0],
- 'element', 'create', name, 'image', spec, opts)
- else
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'element', 'create', name, 'image', spec)
- end
- else
- fail ArgumentError, 'illegal arguments' if opts.key?('map')
- base = spec.shift
- opts['map'] = spec
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0],
- 'element', 'create', name, 'image', base, opts)
- end
- else
- # probably, command format is tile 0.7.8 or older style
- if Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID >= 8
- spec = [spec, *(opts.delete('map'))] if opts.key?('map')
- end
- if opts
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0],
- 'element', 'create', name, 'image', spec, opts)
- else
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'element', 'create', name, 'image', spec)
- end
- end
- end
- def element_create_vsapi(name, class_name, part_id, *args)
- # supported on Tcl/Tk 8.6 or later
- # argument check
- if (state_map = args.shift || None)
- if state_map.kind_of?(Hash)
- opts = _symbolkey2str(state_map)
- state_map = None
- end
- end
- opts = args.shift || None
- fail ArgumentError, "too many arguments" unless args.empty?
- # define a Microsoft Visual Styles element
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'element', 'create', name, 'vsapi',
- class_name, part_id, state_map, opts)
- end
- def element_names()
- list(tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'element', 'names'))
- end
- def element_options(elem)
- simplelist(tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'element', 'options', elem))
- end
- def theme_create(name, keys=nil)
- name = name.to_s
- if keys && keys != None
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'theme', 'create', name, *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'theme', 'create', name)
- end
- name
- end
- def theme_settings(name, cmd=nil, &b)
- name = name.to_s
- cmd = Proc.new(&b) if !cmd && b
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'theme', 'settings', name, cmd)
- name
- end
- def theme_names()
- list(tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'theme', 'names'))
- end
- def theme_use(name)
- name = name.to_s
- tk_call(TkCommandNames[0], 'theme', 'use', name)
- name
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tbutton.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tbutton.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 217da62eca..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tbutton.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tbutton widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TButton < Tk::Button
- end
- Button = TButton
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TButton < Tk::Button
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::button'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tbutton'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TButton'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Button, :TkButton)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Button, :TkButton)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tcheckbutton.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tcheckbutton.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c0e4d4b505..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tcheckbutton.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tcheckbutton widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TCheckButton < Tk::CheckButton
- end
- TCheckbutton = TCheckButton
- CheckButton = TCheckButton
- Checkbutton = TCheckButton
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TCheckButton < Tk::CheckButton
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::checkbutton'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tcheckbutton'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TCheckbutton'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Checkbutton,
-# :TkCheckbutton, :TkCheckButton)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Checkbutton,
- :TkCheckbutton, :TkCheckButton)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tcombobox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tcombobox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f2dec21fbf..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tcombobox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tcombobox widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TCombobox < Tk::Tile::TEntry
- end
- Combobox = TCombobox
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TCombobox < Tk::Tile::TEntry
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::combobox'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tcombobox'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TCombobox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'exportselection'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- super() << 'values'
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
- def current
- number(tk_send_without_enc('current'))
- end
- def current=(idx)
- tk_send_without_enc('current', idx)
- end
- def set(val)
- tk_send('set', val)
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Combobox, :TkCombobox)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Combobox, :TkCombobox)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d577a65a6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tentry widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TEntry < Tk::Entry
- end
- Entry = TEntry
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TEntry < Tk::Entry
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::entry'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tentry'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TEntry'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __optkey_aliases
- {:vcmd=>:validatecommand, :invcmd=>:invalidcommand}
- end
- private :__optkey_aliases
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'exportselection'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'show'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Entry, :TkEntry)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Entry, :TkEntry)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ebf19d1e8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tframe widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TFrame < Tk::Frame
- end
- Frame = TFrame
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TFrame < Tk::Frame
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::frame'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tframe'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TFrame'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Frame, :TkFrame)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Frame, :TkFrame)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tlabel.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tlabel.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dddeafc21..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tlabel.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tlabel widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TLabel < Tk::Label
- end
- Label = TLabel
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TLabel < Tk::Label
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::label'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tlabel'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TLabel'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Label, :TkLabel)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Label, :TkLabel)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tlabelframe.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tlabelframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d512f31ffe..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tlabelframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tlabelframe widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TLabelframe < Tk::Tile::TFrame
- end
- TLabelFrame = TLabelframe
- Labelframe = TLabelframe
- LabelFrame = TLabelframe
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TLabelframe < Tk::Tile::TFrame
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::labelframe'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tlabelframe'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TLabelframe'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Labelframe,
-# :TkLabelframe, :TkLabelFrame)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Labelframe,
- :TkLabelframe, :TkLabelFrame)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tmenubutton.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tmenubutton.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a22ebaeca7..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tmenubutton.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tmenubutton widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TMenubutton < Tk::Menubutton
- end
- TMenuButton = TMenubutton
- Menubutton = TMenubutton
- MenuButton = TMenubutton
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TMenubutton < Tk::Menubutton
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::menubutton'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tmenubutton'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TMenubutton'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Menubutton,
-# :TkMenubutton, :TkMenuButton)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Menubutton,
- :TkMenubutton, :TkMenuButton)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4089dcfd4b..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tnotebook widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TNotebook < TkWindow
- end
- Notebook = TNotebook
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TNotebook < TkWindow
- ################################
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'tab', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'tab', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
- []
- end
- private :__item_listval_optkeys
- def __item_methodcall_optkeys(id) # { key=>method, ... }
- {}
- end
- private :__item_methodcall_optkeys
- #alias tabcget itemcget
- #alias tabcget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias tabconfigure itemconfigure
- alias tabconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_tabconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- def tabcget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{option}")), false, true)[-1]
- end
- def tabcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- tabconfiginfo(tagOrId, option)[-1]
- end
- def tabcget(tagOrId, option)
- tabcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- else
- begin
- tabcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- rescue => e
- begin
- if current_tabconfiginfo(tagOrId).has_key?(option.to_s)
- # not tag error & option is known -> error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # not tag error & option is unknown
- nil
- end
- rescue
- fail e # tag error
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ################################
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::notebook'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tnotebook'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TNotebook'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
- def enable_traversal()
- if Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 5
- tk_call_without_enc('::tile::enableNotebookTraversal', @path)
- elsif Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 7
- tk_call_without_enc('::tile::notebook::enableTraversal', @path)
- else
- tk_call_without_enc('::ttk::notebook::enableTraversal', @path)
- end
- self
- end
- def add(child, keys=nil)
- if keys && keys != None
- tk_send('add', _epath(child), *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- tk_send('add', _epath(child))
- end
- self
- end
- def forget(idx)
- tk_send('forget', idx)
- self
- end
- def hide(idx)
- tk_send('hide', idx)
- end
- def index(idx)
- number(tk_send('index', idx))
- end
- def insert(idx, subwin, keys=nil)
- if keys && keys != None
- tk_send('insert', idx, subwin, *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- tk_send('insert', idx, subwin)
- end
- self
- end
- def select(idx)
- tk_send('select', idx)
- self
- end
- def selected
- window(tk_send_without_enc('select'))
- end
- def tabs
- list(tk_send('tabs'))
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Notebook, :TkNotebook)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Notebook, :TkNotebook)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f51a1f3b41..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tpaned widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TPaned < TkWindow
- end
- PanedWindow = Panedwindow = Paned = TPaned
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TPaned < TkWindow
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- if Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 8
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::paned'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::panedwindow'.freeze].freeze
- end
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tpaned'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TPaned'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
- def add(*args)
- keys = args.pop
- fail ArgumentError, "no window in arguments" unless keys
- if keys && keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- fail ArgumentError, "no window in arguments" if args == []
- opts = hash_kv(keys)
- else
- args.push(keys) if keys
- opts = []
- end
- args.each{|win|
- tk_send_without_enc('add', _epath(win), *opts)
- }
- self
- end
- def forget(pane)
- pane = _epath(pane)
- tk_send_without_enc('forget', pane)
- self
- end
- def insert(pos, win, keys)
- win = _epath(win)
- tk_send_without_enc('insert', pos, win, *hash_kv(keys))
- self
- end
- def panecget_tkstring(pane, slot)
- pane = _epath(pane)
- tk_send_without_enc('pane', pane, "-#{slot}")
- end
- alias pane_cget_tkstring panecget_tkstring
- def panecget_strict(pane, slot)
- pane = _epath(pane)
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send_without_enc('pane', pane, "-#{slot}"))
- end
- alias pane_cget_strict panecget_strict
- def panecget(pane, slot)
- panecget_strict(pane, slot)
- else
- begin
- panecget_strict(pane, slot)
- rescue => e
- begin
- if current_paneconfiginfo(pane).has_key?(slot.to_s)
- # not tag error & option is known -> error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # not tag error & option is unknown
- nil
- end
- rescue
- fail e # tag error
- end
- end
- end
- end
- alias pane_cget panecget
- def paneconfigure(pane, key, value=nil)
- pane = _epath(pane)
- if key.kind_of? Hash
- params = []
- key.each{|k, v|
- params.push("-#{k}")
- # params.push((v.kind_of?(TkObject))? v.epath: v)
- params.push(_epath(v))
- }
- tk_send_without_enc('pane', pane, *params)
- else
- # value = value.epath if value.kind_of?(TkObject)
- value = _epath(value)
- tk_send_without_enc('pane', pane, "-#{key}", value)
- end
- self
- end
- alias pane_config paneconfigure
- alias pane_configure paneconfigure
- def paneconfiginfo(win)
- win = _epath(win)
- if key
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('pane', win, "-#{key}"))
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- if conf[0] == 'hide'
- conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty?
- conf[4] = bool(conf[4]) unless conf[4].empty?
- end
- conf
- else
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('pane',
- win)).collect{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- if conf[3]
- if conf[0] == 'hide'
- conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty?
- elsif conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- if conf[4]
- if conf[0] == 'hide'
- conf[4] = bool(conf[4]) unless conf[4].empty?
- elsif conf[4].index('{')
- conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4])
- else
- conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
- end
- end
- conf[1] = conf[1][1..-1] if conf.size == 2 # alias info
- conf
- }
- end
- win = _epath(win)
- if key
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('pane', win, "-#{key}"))
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- if key == 'hide'
- conf[2] = bool(conf[2]) unless conf[2].empty?
- conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty?
- end
- { key => conf }
- else
- ret = {}
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('pane',
- win)).each{|conflist|
- conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
- key = conf.shift[1..-1]
- if key
- if key == 'hide'
- conf[2] = bool(conf[2]) unless conf[2].empty?
- elsif conf[2].index('{')
- conf[2] = tk_split_list(conf[2])
- else
- conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[2])
- end
- end
- if conf[3]
- if key == 'hide'
- conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty?
- elsif conf[3].index('{')
- conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
- else
- conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
- end
- end
- if conf.size == 1
- ret[key] = conf[0][1..-1] # alias info
- else
- ret[key] = conf
- end
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- alias pane_configinfo paneconfiginfo
- def current_paneconfiginfo(win, key=nil)
- if key
- conf = paneconfiginfo(win, key)
- {conf[0] => conf[4]}
- else
- ret = {}
- paneconfiginfo(win).each{|conf|
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[4] if conf.size > 2
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- paneconfiginfo(win, key).each{|k, conf|
- ret[k] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- alias current_pane_configinfo current_paneconfiginfo
- def panes
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('panes')).map{|w|
- (obj = window(w))? obj: w
- }
- end
- def identify(x, y)
- num_or_nil(tk_send_without_enc('identify', x, y))
- end
- def sashpos(idx, newpos=None)
- num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('sashpos', idx, newpos))
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Panedwindow,
-# :TkPanedwindow, :TkPanedWindow)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Panedwindow,
- :TkPanedwindow, :TkPanedWindow)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tprogressbar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tprogressbar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 446e053e3b..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tprogressbar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tprogressbar widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TProgressbar < TkWindow
- end
- Progressbar = TProgressbar
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TProgressbar
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::progressbar'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tprogressbar'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TProgressbar'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
- def step(amount=None)
- tk_send_without_enc('step', amount).to_f
- end
- #def step=(amount)
- # tk_send_without_enc('step', amount)
- #end
- def start(interval=None)
- if Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 5
- tk_call_without_enc('::tile::progressbar::start', @path, interval)
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('start', interval)
- end
- end
- def stop(amount=None)
- if Tk::Tile::TILE_SPEC_VERSION_ID < 5
- tk_call_without_enc('::tile::progressbar::stop', @path)
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('stop', amount)
- end
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Progressbar, :TkProgressbar)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Progressbar, :TkProgressbar)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tradiobutton.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tradiobutton.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 202de1eb25..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tradiobutton.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tradiobutton widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TRadioButton < Tk::RadioButton
- end
- TRadiobutton = TRadioButton
- RadioButton = TRadioButton
- Radiobutton = TRadioButton
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TRadioButton < Tk::RadioButton
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::radiobutton'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tradiobutton'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TRadiobutton'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Radiobutton,
-# :TkRadiobutton, :TkRadioButton)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Radiobutton,
- :TkRadiobutton, :TkRadioButton)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1be8f54348..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1337 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# treeview widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class Treeview < TkWindow
- end
- end
-module Tk::Tile::TreeviewConfig
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_configinfo_struct(id)
- # maybe need to override
- {:key=>0, :alias=>nil, :db_name=>nil, :db_class=>nil,
- :default_value=>nil, :current_value=>1}
- end
- private :__item_configinfo_struct
- def __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId, slot = nil)
- if (slot && slot.to_s =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/)
- fontkey = $2
- return [slot.to_s, tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId), fontkey)]
- else
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- alias_name, real_name = __item_optkey_aliases(tagid(tagOrId)).find{|k, v| k.to_s == slot}
- if real_name
- slot = real_name.to_s
- end
- case slot
- when /^(#{__tile_specific_item_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- # On tile-0.7.{2-8}, 'state' options has no '-' at its head.
- val = tk_call(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << slot))
- rescue
- # Maybe, 'state' option has '-' in future.
- val = tk_call(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- end
- return [slot, val]
- when /^(#{__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[slot]
- optval = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- begin
- val = method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}lcall(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- return [slot, val]
- when /^(#{__item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[slot]
- return [slot, self.__send__(method, tagOrId)]
- when /^(#{__item_numval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- val = number(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")))
- rescue
- val = nil
- end
- return [slot, val]
- when /^(#{__item_numstrval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- val = num_or_str(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")))
- return [slot, val]
- when /^(#{__item_boolval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- val = bool(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")))
- rescue
- val = nil
- end
- return [slot, val]
- when /^(#{__item_listval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- val = simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")))
- return [slot, val]
- when /^(#{__item_numlistval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- val = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- if val =~ /^[0-9]/
- return [slot, list(val)]
- else
- return [slot, val]
- end
- when /^(#{__item_strval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- val = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- return [slot, val]
- when /^(#{__item_tkvariable_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- val = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- if val.empty?
- return [slot, nil]
- else
- return [slot, TkVarAccess.new(val)]
- end
- else
- val = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- if val.index('{')
- return [slot, tk_split_list(val)]
- else
- return [slot, tk_tcl2ruby(val)]
- end
- end
- else # ! slot
- ret = Hash[*(tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)))), false, false))].to_a.collect{|conf|
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1] if conf[0][0] == ?-
- case conf[0]
- when /^(#{__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[conf[0]]
- optval = conf[1]
- begin
- val = method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[1] = val
- when /^(#{__item_strval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # do nothing
- when /^(#{__item_numval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- conf[1] = number(conf[1])
- rescue
- conf[1] = nil
- end
- when /^(#{__item_numstrval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- conf[1] = num_or_str(conf[1])
- when /^(#{__item_boolval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- conf[1] = bool(conf[1])
- rescue
- conf[1] = nil
- end
- when /^(#{__item_listval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- conf[1] = simplelist(conf[1])
- when /^(#{__item_numlistval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if conf[1] =~ /^[0-9]/
- conf[1] = list(conf[1])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_tkvariable_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if conf[1].empty?
- conf[1] = nil
- else
- conf[1] = TkVarAccess.new(conf[1])
- end
- else
- if conf[1].index('{')
- conf[1] = tk_split_list(conf[1])
- else
- conf[1] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[1])
- end
- end
- conf
- }
- __item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- fontconf = ret.assoc(optkey)
- if fontconf
- ret.delete_if{|inf| inf[0] =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)#{optkey}$/}
- fontconf[1] = tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId), optkey)
- ret.push(fontconf)
- end
- }
- __item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|optkey, method|
- ret << [optkey.to_s, self.__send__(method, tagOrId)]
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- if (slot && slot.to_s =~ /^(|latin|ascii|kanji)(#{__item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/)
- fontkey = $2
- return {slot.to_s => tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId), fontkey)}
- else
- if slot
- slot = slot.to_s
- alias_name, real_name = __item_optkey_aliases(tagid(tagOrId)).find{|k, v| k.to_s == slot}
- if real_name
- slot = real_name.to_s
- end
- case slot
- when /^(#{__tile_specific_item_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- # On tile-0.7.{2-8}, 'state' option has no '-' at its head.
- val = tk_call(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << slot))
- rescue
- # Maybe, 'state' option has '-' in future.
- val = tk_call(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- end
- return {slot => val}
- when /^(#{__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[slot]
- optval = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- begin
- val = method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}lcall(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- return {slot => val}
- when /^(#{__item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[slot]
- return {slot => self.__send__(method, tagOrId)}
- when /^(#{__item_numval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- val = number(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")))
- rescue
- val = nil
- end
- return {slot => val}
- when /^(#{__item_numstrval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- val = num_or_str(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")))
- return {slot => val}
- when /^(#{__item_boolval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- val = bool(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")))
- rescue
- val = nil
- end
- return {slot => val}
- when /^(#{__item_listval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- val = simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}")))
- return {slot => val}
- when /^(#{__item_numlistval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- val = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- if val =~ /^[0-9]/
- return {slot => list(val)}
- else
- return {slot => val}
- end
- when /^(#{__item_strval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- val = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- return {slot => val}
- when /^(#{__item_tkvariable_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- val = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- if val.empty?
- return {slot => nil}
- else
- return {slot => TkVarAccess.new(val)}
- end
- else
- val = tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)) << "-#{slot}"))
- if val.index('{')
- return {slot => tk_split_list(val)}
- else
- return {slot => tk_tcl2ruby(val)}
- end
- end
- else # ! slot
- ret = {}
- ret = Hash[*(tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(tagOrId)))), false, false))].to_a.collect{|conf|
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1] if conf[0][0] == ?-
- optkey = conf[0]
- case optkey
- when /^(#{__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).keys.join('|')})$/
- method = _symbolkey2str(__item_val2ruby_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)))[optkey]
- optval = conf[1]
- begin
- val = method.call(tagOrId, optval)
- rescue => e
- warn("Warning:: #{e.message} (when #{method}.call(#{tagOrId.inspect}, #{optval.inspect})") if $DEBUG
- val = optval
- end
- conf[1] = val
- when /^(#{__item_strval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- # do nothing
- when /^(#{__item_numval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- conf[1] = number(conf[1])
- rescue
- conf[1] = nil
- end
- when /^(#{__item_numstrval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- conf[1] = num_or_str(conf[1])
- when /^(#{__item_boolval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- begin
- conf[1] = bool(conf[1])
- rescue
- conf[1] = nil
- end
- when /^(#{__item_listval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- conf[1] = simplelist(conf[1])
- when /^(#{__item_numlistval_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if conf[1] =~ /^[0-9]/
- conf[1] = list(conf[1])
- end
- when /^(#{__item_tkvariable_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).join('|')})$/
- if conf[1].empty?
- conf[1] = nil
- else
- conf[1] = TkVarAccess.new(conf[1])
- end
- else
- if conf[1].index('{')
- return [slot, tk_split_list(conf[1])]
- else
- return [slot, tk_tcl2ruby(conf[1])]
- end
- end
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[1]
- }
- __item_font_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|optkey|
- optkey = optkey.to_s
- fontconf = ret[optkey]
- if fontconf.kind_of?(Array)
- ret.delete(optkey)
- ret.delete('latin' << optkey)
- ret.delete('ascii' << optkey)
- ret.delete('kanji' << optkey)
- fontconf[1] = tagfontobj(tagid(tagOrId), optkey)
- ret[optkey] = fontconf
- end
- }
- __item_methodcall_optkeys(tagid(tagOrId)).each{|optkey, method|
- ret[optkey.to_s] = self.__send__(method, tagOrId)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ###################
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, *id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, *id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_numstrval_optkeys(id)
- case id[0]
- when :item, 'item'
- ['width']
- when :column, 'column'
- super(id[1]) + ['minwidth']
- when :tag, 'tag'
- super(id[1])
- when :heading, 'heading'
- super(id[1])
- else
- super(id[1])
- end
- end
- private :__item_numstrval_optkeys
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- case id[0]
- when :item, 'item'
- super(id) + ['id']
- when :column, 'column'
- super(id[1])
- when :tag, 'tag'
- super(id[1])
- when :heading, 'heading'
- super(id[1])
- else
- super(id[1])
- end
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- case id[0]
- when :item, 'item'
- ['open']
- when :column, 'column'
- super(id[1]) + ['stretch']
- when :tag, 'tag'
- super(id[1])
- when :heading, 'heading'
- super(id[1])
- end
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
- case id[0]
- when :item, 'item'
- ['values']
- when :column, 'column'
- []
- when :heading, 'heading'
- []
- else
- []
- end
- end
- private :__item_listval_optkeys
- def __item_val2ruby_optkeys(id)
- case id[0]
- when :item, 'item'
- {
- 'tags'=>proc{|arg_id, val|
- simplelist(val).collect{|tag|
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag.id2obj(self, tag)
- }
- }
- }
- when :column, 'column'
- {}
- when :heading, 'heading'
- {}
- else
- {}
- end
- end
- private :__item_val2ruby_optkeys
- def __tile_specific_item_optkeys(id)
- case id[0]
- when :item, 'item'
- []
- when :column, 'column'
- []
- when :heading, 'heading'
- ['state'] # On tile-0.7.{2-8}, 'state' options has no '-' at its head.
- else
- []
- end
- end
- private :__item_val2ruby_optkeys
- def itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot = nil)
- __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId, slot)
- end
- def current_itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot = nil)
- if slot
- org_slot = slot
- begin
- conf = __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId, slot)
- if ( ! __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- || conf.size > __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 )
- return {conf[0] => conf[-1]}
- end
- slot = conf[__item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias]]
- end while(org_slot != slot)
- fail RuntimeError,
- "there is a configure alias loop about '#{org_slot}'"
- else
- ret = {}
- __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId).each{|conf|
- if ( ! __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] \
- || conf.size > __item_configinfo_struct(tagid(tagOrId))[:alias] + 1 )
- ret[conf[0]] = conf[-1]
- end
- }
- ret
- end
- ret = {}
- __itemconfiginfo_core(tagOrId, slot).each{|key, conf|
- ret[key] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- alias __itemcget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias __itemcget itemcget
- alias __itemcget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias __itemconfigure itemconfigure
- alias __itemconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
- alias __current_itemconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
- private :__itemcget_tkstring, :__itemcget, :__itemcget_strict
- private :__itemconfigure, :__itemconfiginfo, :__current_itemconfiginfo
- # Treeview Item
- def itemcget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- __itemcget_tkstring([:item, tagOrId], option)
- end
- def itemcget(tagOrId, option)
- __itemcget([:item, tagOrId], option)
- end
- def itemcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- __itemcget_strict([:item, tagOrId], option)
- end
- def itemconfigure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- __itemconfigure([:item, tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- __itemconfiginfo([:item, tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- __current_itemconfiginfo([:item, tagOrId], slot)
- end
- # Treeview Column
- def columncget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- __itemcget_tkstring([:column, tagOrId], option)
- end
- def columncget(tagOrId, option)
- __itemcget([:column, tagOrId], option)
- end
- def columncget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- __itemcget_strict([:column, tagOrId], option)
- end
- def columnconfigure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- __itemconfigure([:column, tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def columnconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- __itemconfiginfo([:column, tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_columnconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- __current_itemconfiginfo([:column, tagOrId], slot)
- end
- alias column_cget_tkstring columncget_tkstring
- alias column_cget columncget
- alias column_cget_strict columncget_strict
- alias column_configure columnconfigure
- alias column_configinfo columnconfiginfo
- alias current_column_configinfo current_columnconfiginfo
- # Treeview Heading
- def headingcget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- if __tile_specific_item_optkeys([:heading, tagOrId]).index(option.to_s)
- begin
- # On tile-0.7.{2-8}, 'state' options has no '-' at its head.
- tk_call(*(__item_cget_cmd([:heading, tagOrId]) << option.to_s))
- rescue
- # Maybe, 'state' option has '-' in future.
- tk_call(*(__item_cget_cmd([:heading, tagOrId]) << "-#{option}"))
- end
- else
- __itemcget_tkstring([:heading, tagOrId], option)
- end
- end
- def headingcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- if __tile_specific_item_optkeys([:heading, tagOrId]).index(option.to_s)
- begin
- # On tile-0.7.{2-8}, 'state' options has no '-' at its head.
- tk_call(*(__item_cget_cmd([:heading, tagOrId]) << option.to_s))
- rescue
- # Maybe, 'state' option has '-' in future.
- tk_call(*(__item_cget_cmd([:heading, tagOrId]) << "-#{option}"))
- end
- else
- __itemcget_strict([:heading, tagOrId], option)
- end
- end
- def headingcget(tagOrId, option)
- headingcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- else
- begin
- headingcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- rescue => e
- begin
- if current_headingconfiginfo(tagOrId).has_key?(option.to_s)
- # not tag error & option is known -> error on known option
- fail e
- else
- # not tag error & option is unknown
- nil
- end
- rescue
- fail e # tag error
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def headingconfigure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- sp_kv = []
- __tile_specific_item_optkeys([:heading, tagOrId]).each{|k|
- sp_kv << k << _get_eval_string(slot.delete(k)) if slot.has_key?(k)
- }
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd([:heading, tagOrId]).concat(sp_kv)))
- tk_call(*(__item_config_cmd([:heading, tagOrId]).concat(hash_kv(slot))))
- elsif __tile_specific_item_optkeys([:heading, tagOrId]).index(slot.to_s)
- begin
- # On tile-0.7.{2-8}, 'state' options has no '-' at its head.
- tk_call(*(__item_cget_cmd([:heading, tagOrId]) << slot.to_s << value))
- rescue
- # Maybe, 'state' option has '-' in future.
- tk_call(*(__item_cget_cmd([:heading, tagOrId]) << "-#{slot}" << value))
- end
- else
- __itemconfigure([:heading, tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- self
- end
- def headingconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- __itemconfiginfo([:heading, tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_headingconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- __current_itemconfiginfo([:heading, tagOrId], slot)
- end
- alias heading_cget_tkstring headingcget_tkstring
- alias heading_cget headingcget
- alias heading_cget_strict headingcget_strict
- alias heading_configure headingconfigure
- alias heading_configinfo headingconfiginfo
- alias current_heading_configinfo current_headingconfiginfo
- # Treeview Tag
- def tagcget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- __itemcget_tkstring([:tag, :configure, tagOrId], option)
- end
- def tagcget(tagOrId, option)
- __itemcget([:tag, :configure, tagOrId], option)
- end
- def tagcget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- __itemcget_strict([:tag, :configure, tagOrId], option)
- end
- def tagconfigure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- __itemconfigure([:tag, :configure, tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def tagconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- __itemconfiginfo([:tag, :configure, tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_tagconfiginfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- __current_itemconfiginfo([:tag, :configure, tagOrId], slot)
- end
- alias tag_cget_tkstring tagcget_tkstring
- alias tag_cget tagcget
- alias tag_cget_strict tagcget_strict
- alias tag_configure tagconfigure
- alias tag_configinfo tagconfiginfo
- alias current_tag_configinfo current_tagconfiginfo
-class Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item < TkObject
- ItemID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL.clear
- }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[tpath]
- (Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[tpath][id])? \
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[tpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.assign(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- obj = nil
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[tpath] &&
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[tpath][id]
- return Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[tpath][id]
- end
- obj = self.allocate
- obj.instance_eval{
- @parent = @t = tree
- @tpath = tpath
- @path = @id = id
- }
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[tpath] ||= {}
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[tpath][id] = obj
- }
- obj
- end
- def _insert_item(tree, parent_item, idx, keys={})
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- id = keys.delete('id')
- if id
- num_or_str(tk_call(tree, 'insert',
- parent_item, idx, '-id', id, *hash_kv(keys)))
- else
- num_or_str(tk_call(tree, 'insert', parent_item, idx, *hash_kv(keys)))
- end
- end
- private :_insert_item
- def initialize(tree, parent_item = '', idx = 'end', keys = {})
- if parent_item.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = parent_item
- idx = 'end'
- parent_item = ''
- elsif idx.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = idx
- idx = 'end'
- end
- @parent = @t = tree
- @tpath = tree.path
- @path = @id = _insert_item(@t, parent_item, idx, keys)
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- ItemID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless ItemID_TBL[@tpath]
- ItemID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- @t.itemcget_tkstring(@id, option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- @t.itemcget(@id, option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @t.itemcget_strict(@id, option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @t.itemconfigure(@id, key, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @t.itemconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @t.current_itemconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
- def open?
- cget('open')
- end
- def open
- configure('open', true)
- self
- end
- def close
- configure('open', false)
- self
- end
- def tag_has?(tag)
- @t.tag_has?(tag, @id)
- end
- alias has_tag? tag_has?
- def bbox(column=None)
- @t.bbox(@id, column)
- end
- def children
- @t.children(@id)
- end
- def set_children(*items)
- @t.set_children(@id, *items)
- self
- end
- def delete
- @t.delete(@id)
- self
- end
- def detach
- @t.detach(@id)
- self
- end
- def exist?
- @t.exist?(@id)
- end
- def focus
- @t.focus_item(@id)
- end
- def index
- @t.index(@id)
- end
- def insert(idx='end', keys={})
- @t.insert(@id, idx, keys)
- end
- def move(parent, idx)
- @t.move(@id, parent, idx)
- self
- end
- def next_item
- @t.next_item(@id)
- end
- def parent_item
- @t.parent_item(@id)
- end
- def prev_item
- @t.prev_item(@id)
- end
- def see
- @t.see(@id)
- self
- end
- def selection_add
- @t.selection_add(@id)
- self
- end
- def selection_remove
- @t.selection_remove(@id)
- self
- end
- def selection_set
- @t.selection_set(@id)
- self
- end
- def selection_toggle
- @t.selection_toggle(@id)
- self
- end
- def get_directory
- @t.get_directory(@id)
- end
- alias get_dictionary get_directory
- def get(col)
- @t.get(@id, col)
- end
- def set(col, value)
- @t.set(@id, col, value)
- end
-class Tk::Tile::Treeview::Root < Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item
- def self.new(tree, keys = {})
- tpath = tree.path
- obj = nil
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[tpath] &&
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[tpath]['']
- obj = Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[tpath]['']
- else
- #super(tree, keys)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @t = tree
- @tpath = tree.path
- @path = @id = ''
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- }
- obj.configure(keys) if keys && ! keys.empty?
- obj
- end
- def initialize(tree, keys = {})
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- @parent = @t = tree
- @tpath = tree.path
- @path = @id = ''
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
-class Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag < TkObject
- include TkTreatTagFont
- TagID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Tag_ID = ['tile_treeview_tag'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag::TagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag::TagID_TBL.clear
- }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag::TagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag::TagID_TBL[tpath]
- (Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag::TagID_TBL[tpath][id])? \
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag::TagID_TBL[tpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, keys=nil)
- @parent = @t = tree
- @tpath = tree.path
- Tag_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = Tag_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tag_ID[1].succ!
- }
- TagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TagID_TBL[@tpath]
- TagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- if keys && keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(@tpath, 'tag', 'configure', @id, *hash_kv(keys,true))
- end
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def tag_has?(item)
- @t.tag_has?(@id, item)
- end
- alias added? tag_has?
- def tag_has
- @t.tag_has(@id)
- end
- def add(*items)
- @t.tag_add(@id, *items)
- end
- def remove(*items)
- @t.tag_remove(@id, *items)
- end
- def bind(seq, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- @t.tag_bind(@id, seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def bind_append(seq, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- @t.tag_bind_append(@id, seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def bind_remove(seq)
- @t.tag_bind_remove(@id, seq)
- self
- end
- def bindinfo(seq=nil)
- @t.tag_bindinfo(@id, seq)
- end
- def cget_tkstring(option)
- @t.tagcget_tkstring(@id, option)
- end
- def cget(option)
- @t.tagcget(@id, option)
- end
- def cget_strict(option)
- @t.tagcget_strict(@id, option)
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @t.tagconfigure(@id, key, value)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @t.tagconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @t.current_tagconfiginfo(@id, key)
- end
-class Tk::Tile::Treeview < TkWindow
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- include Scrollable
- include Tk::Tile::TreeviewConfig
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::treeview'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::treeview'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'Treeview'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item::ItemID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag::ItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag::ItemID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
- def tagid(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item) ||
- id.kind_of?(Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag)
- id.id
- elsif id.kind_of?(Array)
- # size is 2 or 3
- id[0..-2] << _get_eval_string(id[-1])
- else
- _get_eval_string(id)
- end
- end
- def root
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Root.new(self)
- end
- def bbox(item, column=None)
- list(tk_send('item', 'bbox', item, column))
- end
- def children(item)
- simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('children', item)).collect{|id|
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def set_children(item, *items)
- tk_send_without_enc('children', item,
- array2tk_list(items.flatten, true))
- self
- end
- def delete(*items)
- tk_send_without_enc('delete', array2tk_list(items.flatten, true))
- self
- end
- def detach(*items)
- tk_send_without_enc('detach', array2tk_list(items.flatten, true))
- self
- end
- def exist?(item)
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('exists', _get_eval_enc_str(item)))
- end
- def focus_item(item = nil)
- if item
- tk_send('focus', item)
- item
- else
- id = tk_send('focus')
- (id.empty?)? nil: Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- end
- def identify(x, y)
- # tile-0.7.2 or previous
- ret = simplelist(tk_send('identify', x, y))
- case ret[0]
- when 'heading', 'separator'
- ret[-1] = num_or_str(ret[-1])
- when 'cell'
- ret[1] = Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.id2obj(self, ret[1])
- ret[-1] = num_or_str(ret[-1])
- when 'item', 'row'
- ret[1] = Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.id2obj(self, ret[1])
- end
- end
- def identify_region(x, y)
- tk_send('identify', 'region', x, y)
- end
- def identify_item(x, y)
- id = tk_send('identify', 'item', x, y)
- (id.empty?)? nil: Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- def identify_element(x, y)
- tk_send('identify', 'element', x, y)
- end
- def row_identify(x, y)
- id = tk_send('identify', 'row', x, y)
- (id.empty?)? nil: Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- alias identify_row row_identify
- def column_identify(x, y)
- tk_send('identify', 'column', x, y)
- end
- alias identify_column column_identify
- def index(item)
- number(tk_send('index', item))
- end
- # def insert(parent, idx='end', keys={})
- # keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- # id = keys.delete('id')
- # if id
- # num_or_str(tk_send('insert', parent, idx, '-id', id, *hash_kv(keys)))
- # else
- # num_or_str(tk_send('insert', parent, idx, *hash_kv(keys)))
- # end
- # end
- def insert(parent, idx='end', keys={})
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.new(self, parent, idx, keys)
- end
- # def instate(spec, cmd=Proc.new)
- # tk_send('instate', spec, cmd)
- # end
- # def state(spec=None)
- # tk_send('state', spec)
- # end
- def move(item, parent, idx)
- tk_send('move', item, parent, idx)
- self
- end
- def next_item(item)
- id = tk_send('next', item)
- (id.empty?)? nil: Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- def parent_item(item)
- if (id = tk_send('parent', item)).empty?
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Root.new(self)
- else
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- end
- def prev_item(item)
- id = tk_send('prev', item)
- (id.empty?)? nil: Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- def see(item)
- tk_send('see', item)
- self
- end
- def selection
- simplelist(tk_send('selection')).collect{|id|
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- alias selection_get selection
- def selection_add(*items)
- tk_send('selection', 'add', array2tk_list(items.flatten, true))
- self
- end
- def selection_remove(*items)
- tk_send('selection', 'remove', array2tk_list(items.flatten, true))
- self
- end
- def selection_set(*items)
- tk_send('selection', 'set', array2tk_list(items.flatten, true))
- self
- end
- def selection_toggle(*items)
- tk_send('selection', 'toggle', array2tk_list(items.flatten, true))
- self
- end
- def get_directory(item)
- # tile-0.7+
- ret = []
- lst = simplelist(tk_send('set', item))
- until lst.empty?
- col = lst.shift
- val = lst.shift
- ret << [col, val]
- end
- ret
- end
- alias get_dictionary get_directory
- def get(item, col)
- tk_send('set', item, col)
- end
- def set(item, col, value)
- tk_send('set', item, col, value)
- self
- end
- def tag_has?(tag, item)
- bool(tk_send('tag', 'has', tagid(tag), tagid(item)))
- end
- def tag_has(tag)
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send('tag', 'has', tagid(tag))).collect{|id|
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def tag_bind(tag, seq, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([@path, 'tag', 'bind', tag], seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- alias tagbind tag_bind
- def tag_bind_append(tag, seq, *args)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([@path, 'tag', 'bind', tag], seq, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- alias tagbind_append tag_bind_append
- def tag_bind_remove(tag, seq)
- _bind_remove([@path, 'tag', 'bind', tag], seq)
- self
- end
- alias tagbind_remove tag_bind_remove
- def tag_bindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _bindinfo([@path, 'tag', 'bind', tag], context)
- end
- alias tagbindinfo tag_bindinfo
- def tag_names
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_send('tag', 'names')).collect{|id|
- Tk::Tile::Treeview::Tag.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def tag_add(tag, *items)
- fail ArgumentError, "no target items" if items.empty?
- tk_send('tag', 'add', tagid(tag), *(items.collect{|item| tagid(item)}))
- self
- end
- def tag_remove(tag, *items)
- tk_send('tag', 'remove', tagid(tag), *(items.collect{|item| tagid(item)}))
- self
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Treeview, :TkTreeview)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Treeview, :TkTreeview)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tscale.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tscale.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 446344ecea..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tscale.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tscale & tprogress widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TScale < Tk::Scale
- end
- Scale = TScale
- class TProgress < TScale
- end
- Progress = TProgress
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TScale < Tk::Scale
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::scale'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tscale'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TScale'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
- alias identify ttk_identify
-class Tk::Tile::TProgress < Tk::Tile::TScale
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::progress'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tprogress'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TProgress'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Scale, :TkScale)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Scale, :TkScale)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tscrollbar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tscrollbar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 621ca48efb..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tscrollbar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tscrollbar widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TScrollbar < Tk::Scrollbar
- end
- Scrollbar = TScrollbar
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TScrollbar < Tk::Scrollbar
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::scrollbar'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tscrollbar'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TScrollbar'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
- alias identify ttk_identify
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Scrollbar, :TkScrollbar)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Scrollbar, :TkScrollbar)
-class Tk::Tile::XScrollbar < Tk::Tile::TScrollbar
- def create_self(keys)
- keys = {} unless keys
- keys['orient'] = 'horizontal'
- super(keys)
- end
- private :create_self
-class Tk::Tile::YScrollbar < Tk::Tile::TScrollbar
- def create_self(keys)
- keys = {} unless keys
- keys['orient'] = 'vertical'
- super(keys)
- end
- private :create_self
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::XScrollbar, :TkXScrollbar)
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::YScrollbar, :TkYScrollbar)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::XScrollbar, :TkXScrollbar)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::YScrollbar, :TkYScrollbar)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tseparator.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tseparator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d4a90e56db..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tseparator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tseparator widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TSeparator < TkWindow
- end
- Separator = TSeparator
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TSeparator < TkWindow
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::separator'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tseparator'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TSeparator'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Separator, :TkSeparator)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Separator, :TkSeparator)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tspinbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tspinbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 47d822e68c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tspinbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ttk::spinbox widget (Tcl/Tk 8.6b1 or later)
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TSpinbox < Tk::Tile::TEntry
- end
- Spinbox = TSpinbox
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TSpinbox < Tk::Tile::TEntry
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::spinbox'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tspinbox'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TSpinbox'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- class SpinCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?d, ?s, :direction ],
- [ ?s, ?e, :current ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- [ ?e, proc{|val|
- #enc = Tk.encoding
- enc = ((Tk.encoding)? Tk.encoding : Tk.encoding_system)
- if enc
- Tk.fromUTF8(TkComm::string(val), enc)
- else
- TkComm::string(val)
- end
- }
- ],
- nil
- ]
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- (val)? '1': '0'
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['command']
- end
- end
- def __validation_class_list
- super() << SpinCommand
- end
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, SpinCommand)
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'wrap'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'buttonbackground' << 'format'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- super() << 'values'
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
- def current
- number(tk_send_without_enc('current'))
- end
- def current=(idx)
- tk_send('current', idx)
- end
- def set(val)
- tk_send('set', val)
- end
- alias identify ttk_identify
-#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Ttk, Tk::Tile::Spinbox, :TkSpinbox)
- :Ttk, Tk::Tile::Spinbox, :TkSpinbox)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tsquare.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tsquare.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7412966708..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tsquare.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tsquare widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tile.rb'
-module Tk
- module Tile
- class TSquare < TkWindow
- end
- Square = TSquare
- end
-class Tk::Tile::TSquare < TkWindow
- include Tk::Tile::TileWidget
- TkCommandNames = ['::ttk::square'.freeze].freeze
- else
- TkCommandNames = ['::tsquare'.freeze].freeze
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'TSquare'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def self.style(*args)
- [self::WidgetClassName, *(args.map!{|a| _get_eval_string(a)})].join('.')
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c76c48d169..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkDND (Tk Drag & Drop Extension) support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkDND/setup.rb'
-module Tk
- module TkDND
- autoload :DND, 'tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd'
- autoload :Shape, 'tkextlib/tkDND/shape'
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 06d8d64ac7..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkDND/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('Shape', '0.3')
-module Tk
- module TkDND
- module Shape
- extend TkCore
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Shape'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('Shape')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- class << self
- def package_version
- Tk.tk_call('set', 'shape_version')
- end
- alias shape_version package_version
- def package_patchlevel
- Tk.tk_call('set', 'shape_patchLevel')
- end
- alias shape_patchlevel package_patchlevel
- def version
- tk_call('shape', 'version')
- end
- alias xshape_version version
- end
- ############################
- def shape_bounds(kind=nil)
- if kind
- ret = tk_call('shape', 'bounds', @path, "-#{kind}")
- else
- ret = tk_call('shape', 'bounds', @path)
- end
- if ret == ""
- nil
- else
- list(ret)
- end
- end
- def shape_get(kind=nil)
- if kind
- list(tk_call('shape', 'get', @path, "-#{kind}"))
- else
- list(tk_call('shape', 'get', @path))
- end
- end
- def shape_offset(x, y, kind=nil)
- if kind
- tk_call('shape', 'get', @path, "-#{kind}", x, y)
- else
- tk_call('shape', 'get', @path, x, y)
- end
- self
- end
- def _parse_shapespec_param(args)
- cmd = []
- kind_keys = ['bounding', 'clip', 'both']
- offset_keys = ['offset']
- srckind_keys = ['bitmap', 'rectangles', 'reset', 'test', 'window']
- cmd << "-#{args.shift}" if kind_keys.member?(args[0].to_s)
- if offset_keys.member?(args[0].to_s)
- cmd << "-#{args.shift}"
- cmd << args.shift # xOffset
- cmd << args.shift # yOffset
- end
- if srckind_keys.member?(args[0].to_s)
- cmd << "-#{args.shift}"
- end
- cmd.concat(args)
- cmd
- end
- private :_parse_shapespec_param
- def shape_set(*args) # ?kind? ?offset <x> <y>? srckind ?arg ...?
- tk_call('shape', 'set', @path, *(_parse_shapespec_param(args)))
- self
- end
- def shape_update(op, *args) # ?kind? ?offset <x> <y>? srckind ?arg ...?
- tk_call('shape', 'update', @path, op, *(_parse_shapespec_param(args)))
- self
- end
- end
- end
-class TkWindow
- include Tk::TkDND::Shape
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c2059b7c23..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkDND/setup.rb'
-module Tk
- module TkDND
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'tkdnd'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('tkdnd')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- class DND_Subst < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?a, ?l, :actions ],
- [ ?A, ?s, :action ],
- [ ?b, ?L, :codes ],
- [ ?c, ?s, :code ],
- [ ?d, ?l, :descriptions ],
- [ ?D, ?l, :data ],
- [ ?L, ?l, :source_types ],
- [ ?m, ?l, :modifiers ],
- [ ?t, ?l, :types ],
- [ ?T, ?s, :type ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- [ ?x, ?n, :x ],
- [ ?X, ?n, :x_root ],
- [ ?y, ?n, :y ],
- [ ?Y, ?n, :y_root ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?n, TkComm.method(:num_or_str) ],
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?l, TkComm.method(:list) ],
- [ ?L, TkComm.method(:simplelist) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- # setup tables
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- end
- module DND
- def self.version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('tkdnd')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- def dnd_bindtarget_info(type=nil, event=nil)
- if event
- procedure(tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type, event))
- elsif type
- procedure(tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type))
- else
- simplelist(tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path))
- end
- end
- #def dnd_bindtarget(type, event, cmd=Proc.new, prior=50, *args)
- # event = tk_event_sequence(event)
- # if prior.kind_of?(Numeric)
- # tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type, event,
- # install_bind_for_event_class(DND_Subst, cmd, *args),
- # prior)
- # else
- # tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type, event,
- # install_bind_for_event_class(DND_Subst, cmd, prior, *args))
- # end
- # self
- #end
- def dnd_bindtarget(type, event, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- prior = 50
- prior = args.shift unless args.empty?
- event = tk_event_sequence(event)
- if prior.kind_of?(Numeric)
- tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type, event,
- install_bind_for_event_class(DND_Subst, cmd, *args),
- prior)
- else
- tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type, event,
- install_bind_for_event_class(DND_Subst, cmd, prior, *args))
- end
- self
- end
- def dnd_cleartarget
- tk_call('dnd', 'cleartarget', @path)
- self
- end
- def dnd_bindsource_info(type=nil)
- if type
- procedure(tk_call('dnd', 'bindsource', @path, type))
- else
- simplelist(tk_call('dnd', 'bindsource', @path))
- end
- end
- #def dnd_bindsource(type, cmd=Proc.new, prior=None)
- # tk_call('dnd', 'bindsource', @path, type, cmd, prior)
- # self
- #end
- def dnd_bindsource(type, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- args = [TkComm::None] if args.empty?
- tk_call('dnd', 'bindsource', @path, type, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def dnd_clearsource()
- tk_call('dnd', 'clearsource', @path)
- self
- end
- def dnd_drag(keys=nil)
- tk_call('dnd', 'drag', @path, *hash_kv(keys))
- self
- end
- end
- end
-class TkWindow
- include Tk::TkDND::DND
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkHTML.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkHTML.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d64e676024..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkHTML.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkHtml support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkHTML/setup.rb'
-# load library
-require 'tkextlib/tkHTML/htmlwidget'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkHTML/htmlwidget.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkHTML/htmlwidget.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 362c381830..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkHTML/htmlwidget.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tkHTML/htmlwidget.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkHTML/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('Tkhtml', '2.0')
-module Tk
- class HTML_Widget < TkWindow
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Tkhtml'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('Tkhtml')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- class ClippingWindow < TkWindow
- end
- end
-class Tk::HTML_Widget::ClippingWindow
- WidgetClassName = 'HtmlClip'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- HtmlClip_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- HtmlClip_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ HtmlClip_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.new(parent, keys={})
- if parent.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = TkComm._symbolkey2str(parent)
- parent = keys.delete('parent')
- end
- if parent.kind_of?(String)
- ppath = parent.path
- elsif parent
- ppath = parent
- else
- ppath = ''
- end
- HtmlClip_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- return HtmlClip_TBL[ppath] if HtmlClip_TBL[ppath]
- }
- widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname')
- if widgetname =~ /^(.*)\.[^.]+$/
- ppath2 = $1
- if ppath2[0] != ?.
- ppath2 = ppath + '.' + ppath2
- end
- HtmlClip_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- return HtmlClip_TBL[ppath2] if HtmlClip_TBL[ppath2]
- }
- ppath = ppath2
- end
- parent = TkComm._genobj_for_tkwidget(ppath)
- unless parent.kind_of?(Tk::HTML_Widget)
- fail ArgumentError, "parent must be a Tk::HTML_Widget instance"
- end
- super(parent)
- end
- def initialize(parent)
- @parent = parent
- @ppath = parent.path
- @path = @id = @ppath + '.x'
- HtmlClip_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- HtmlClip_TBL[@ppath] = self
- }
- end
- def method_missing(m, *args, &b)
- @parent.__send__(m, *args, &b)
- end
-class Tk::HTML_Widget
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['html'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Html'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'base' << 'selectioncolor' << 'unvisitedcolor' << 'visitedcolor'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- ###################################
- # class methods
- ###################################
- def self.reformat(src, dst, txt)
- tk_call('html', 'reformat', src, dst, txt)
- end
- def self.url_join(*args) # args := sheme authority path query fragment
- tk_call('html', 'urljoin', *args)
- end
- def self.url_split(uri)
- tk_call('html', 'urlsplit', uri)
- end
- def self.lockcopy(src, dst)
- tk_call('html', 'lockcopy', src, dst)
- end
- def self.gzip_file(file, dat)
- tk_call('html', 'gzip', 'file', file, dat)
- end
- def self.gunzip_file(file, dat)
- tk_call('html', 'gunzip', 'file', filet)
- end
- def self.gzip_data(dat)
- tk_call('html', 'gzip', 'data', file, dat)
- end
- def self.gunzip_data(dat)
- tk_call('html', 'gunzip', 'data', filet)
- end
- def self.base64_encode(dat)
- tk_call('html', 'base64', 'encode', dat)
- end
- def self.base64_decode(dat)
- tk_call('html', 'base64', 'encode', dat)
- end
- def self.text_format(dat, len)
- tk_call('html', 'text', 'format', dat, len)
- end
- def self.xor(cmd, *args)
- tk_call('html', 'xor', cmd, *args)
- end
- def self.stdchan(cmd, channel)
- tk_call('html', 'stdchan', cmd, channel)
- end
- def self.crc32(data)
- tk_call('html', 'crc32', data)
- end
- ###################################
- # instance methods
- ###################################
- def clipping_window
- ClippingWindow.new(self)
- end
- alias clipwin clipping_window
- alias htmlclip clipping_window
- def bgimage(image, tid=None)
- tk_send('bgimage', image, tid)
- self
- end
- def clear()
- tk_send('clear')
- self
- end
- def coords(index=None, percent=None)
- tk_send('coords', index, percent)
- end
- def forminfo(*args)
- tk_send('forminfo', *args)
- end
- alias form_info forminfo
- def href(x, y)
- simplelist(tk_send('href', x, y))
- end
- def image_add(id, img)
- tk_send('imageadd', id, img)
- self
- end
- def image_at(x, y)
- tk_send('imageat', x, y)
- end
- def images()
- list(tk_send('images'))
- end
- def image_set(id, num)
- tk_send('imageset', id, num)
- self
- end
- def image_update(id, imgs)
- tk_send('imageupdate', id, imgs)
- self
- end
- def index(idx, count=None, unit=None)
- tk_send('index', idx, count, unit)
- end
- def insert_cursor(idx)
- tk_send('insert', idx)
- end
- def names()
- simple_list(tk_send('names'))
- end
- def on_screen(id, x, y)
- bool(tk_send('onscreen', id, x, y))
- end
- def over(x, y)
- list(tk_send('over', x, y))
- end
- def over_markup(x, y)
- list(tk_send('over', x, y, '-muponly'))
- end
- def over_attr(x, y, attrs)
- list(tk_send('overattr', x, y, attrs))
- end
- def parse(txt)
- tk_send('parse', txt)
- self
- end
- def resolver(*uri_args)
- tk_send('resolver', *uri_args)
- end
- def selection_clear()
- tk_send('selection', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def selection_set(first, last)
- tk_send('selection', 'set', first, last)
- self
- end
- def refresh(*opts)
- tk_send('refresh', *opts)
- end
- def layout()
- tk_send('layout')
- end
- def sizewindow(*args)
- tk_send('sizewindow', *args)
- end
- def postscript(*args)
- tk_send('postscript', *args)
- end
- def source()
- tk_send('source')
- end
- def plain_text(first, last)
- tk_send('text', 'ascii', first, last)
- end
- alias ascii_text plain_text
- alias text_ascii plain_text
- def text_delete(first, last)
- tk_send('text', 'delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def html_text(first, last)
- tk_send('text', 'html', first, last)
- end
- alias text_html html_text
- def text_insert(idx, txt)
- tk_send('text', 'insert', idx, txt)
- self
- end
- def break_text(idx)
- tk_send('text', 'break', idx)
- end
- alias text_break break_text
- def text_find(txt, *args)
- tk_send('text', 'find', txt, *args)
- end
- def text_table(idx, imgs=None, attrs=None)
- tk_send('text', 'table', idx, imgs, attrs)
- end
- def token_append(tag, *args)
- tk_send('token', 'append', tag, *args)
- self
- end
- def token_delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send('token', 'delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def token_define(*args)
- tk_send('token', 'defile', *args)
- self
- end
- def token_find(tag, *args)
- list(tk_send('token', 'find', tag, *args))
- end
- def token_get(first, last=None)
- list(tk_send('token', 'get', first, last))
- end
- def token_list(first, last=None)
- list(tk_send('token', 'list', first, last))
- end
- def token_markup(first, last=None)
- list(tk_send('token', 'markup', first, last))
- end
- def token_DOM(first, last=None)
- list(tk_send('token', 'domtokens', first, last))
- end
- alias token_dom token_DOM
- alias token_domtokens token_DOM
- alias token_dom_tokens token_DOM
- def token_get_end(idx)
- tk_send('token', 'getend', idx)
- end
- alias token_getend token_get_end
- def token_offset(start, num1, num2)
- list(tk_send('token', 'offset', start, num1, num2))
- end
- def token_get_attr(idx, name=None)
- list(tk_send('token', 'attr', idx, name))
- end
- def token_set_attr(idx, name=None, val=None)
- tk_send('token', 'attr', idx, name, val)
- self
- end
- def token_handler(tag, cmd=nil, &b)
- cmd = Proc.new(&b) if !cmd && b
- if cmd
- tk_send('token', 'handler', tag, cmd)
- return self
- else
- return tk_send('token', 'handler', tag)
- end
- end
- def token_insert(idx, tag, *args)
- tk_send('token', 'insert', idx, tag, *args)
- self
- end
- def token_attrs(*args)
- list(tk_send('token', 'attrs', *args))
- end
- def token_unique(*args)
- list(tk_send('token', 'unique', *args))
- end
- def token_on_events(*args)
- list(tk_send('token', 'onEvents', *args))
- end
- def dom_nameidx(tag, name)
- number(tk_send('dom', 'nameidx', tag, name))
- end
- alias dom_name_index dom_nameidx
- def dom_radioidx(tag, name)
- number(tk_send('dom', 'radioidx', tag, name))
- end
- alias dom_radio_index dom_radioidx
- def dom_id(*spec)
- tk_send('dom', 'id', *spec)
- end
- def dom_ids(*spec)
- list(tk_send('dom', 'ids', *spec))
- end
- def dom_value(*spec)
- list(tk_send('dom', 'value', *spec))
- end
- def dom_attr(idx)
- tk_send('dom', 'attr', idx)
- end
- def dom_formel(name)
- tk_send('dom', 'formel', name)
- end
- alias dom_form_element dom_formel
- def dom_tree(idx, val)
- list(tk_send('dom', 'tree', idx, val))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkHTML/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkHTML/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkHTML/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index de4b7212c3..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg extension support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# load all image format handlers
-#TkPackage.require('Img', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Img'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('Img')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-# autoload
-autoload :TkPixmapImage, 'tkextlib/tkimg/pixmap'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/README b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/README
deleted file mode 100644
index f5981cb98c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- [ Tcl/Tk Image formats (TkImg) support ]
-TkImg contains a collection of format handlers for the Tk photo
-image type, and a new image type, pixmaps.
-Supported formats of TkImg version 1.3 are
- bmp : Windows Bitmap Format
- gif : Graphics Interchange Format
- ico : Windows Icon Format
- jpeg : Joint Picture Expert Group format
- pcx : Paintbrush Format
- pixmap : Pixmap Image type
- png : Portable Network Graphics format
- ppm : Portable Pixmap format
- ps : Adobe PostScript Format
- sgi : SGI Native Format
- sun : Sun Raster Format
- tga : Truevision Targa Format
- tiff : Tagged Image File Format
- window : Tk Windows
- xbm : X Window Bitmap Format
- xpm : X Window Pixmap Format
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/bmp.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/bmp.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 48a3b7ef5f..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/bmp.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'bmp'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-#TkPackage.require('img::bmp', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module BMP
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::bmp'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::bmp')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/dted.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/dted.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 30c595c1b6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/dted.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'DTED'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::dted', '1.4')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module DTED
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::dted'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::dted')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/gif.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/gif.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ce5f3e94ec..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/gif.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'gif'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::gif', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module GIF
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::gif'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::gif')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/ico.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/ico.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 80656005f0..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/ico.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'ico'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::ico', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module ICO
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::ico'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::ico')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/jpeg.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/jpeg.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 24e11a84de..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/jpeg.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'jpeg'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::jpeg', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module JPEG
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::jpeg'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::jpeg')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/pcx.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/pcx.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 942d585120..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/pcx.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'pcx'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)#
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::pcx', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module PCX
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::pcx'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::pcx')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/pixmap.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/pixmap.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b90468a108..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/pixmap.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'pixmap'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::pixmap', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module PIXMAP
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::pixmap'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::pixmap')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class TkPixmapImage<TkImage
- def self.version
- Tk::Img::PIXMAP.version
- end
- def initialize(*args)
- @type = 'pixmap'
- super(*args)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/png.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/png.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f7329772..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/png.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'png'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::png', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module PNG
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::png'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::png')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/ppm.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/ppm.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a6b705e6ad..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/ppm.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'ppm'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::ppm', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module PPM
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::ppm'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::ppm')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/ps.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/ps.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a450ed157..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/ps.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'ps'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::ps', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module PS
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::ps'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::ps')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/raw.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/raw.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eddbbc43a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/raw.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'Raw Data'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::raw', '1.4')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module Raw
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::raw'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::raw')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/sgi.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/sgi.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 73a5bce0ac..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/sgi.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'sgi'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::sgi', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module SGI
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::sgi'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::sgi')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/sun.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/sun.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bd1ac0e577..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/sun.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'sun'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::sun', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module SUN
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::sun'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::sun')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/tga.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/tga.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dd499b953..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/tga.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'tga'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::tga', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module TGA
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::tga'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::tga')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/tiff.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/tiff.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a2d1d8fcc5..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/tiff.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'tiff'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::tiff', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module TIFF
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::tiff'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::tiff')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/window.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/window.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 346f246aa4..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/window.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'window'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::window', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module WINDOW
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::window'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::window')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/xbm.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/xbm.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a4deffdd7..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/xbm.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'xbm'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::xbm', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module XBM
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::xbm'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::xbm')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/xpm.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/xpm.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7708b9d427..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkimg/xpm.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkImg - format 'xpm'
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tkimg/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('img::xpm', '1.3')
-module Tk
- module Img
- module XPM
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'img::xpm'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('img::xpm')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a957294db0..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkTable support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tktable/setup.rb'
-# load library
-require 'tkextlib/tktable/tktable'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d8811a9676..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,967 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/validation'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tktable/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('Tktable', '2.8')
-module Tk
- class TkTable < TkWindow
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'Tktable'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('Tktable')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- class CellTag < TkObject
- end
- module ConfigMethod
- end
- end
-module Tk::TkTable::ConfigMethod
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_cget_cmd(id) # id := [ type, tagOrId ]
- [self.path, id[0], 'cget', id[1]]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id) # id := [ type, tagOrId ]
- [self.path, id[0], 'configure', id[1]]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_pathname(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array)
- id = tagid(id[1])
- end
- [self.path, id].join(';')
- end
- private :__item_pathname
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'multiline' << 'showtext' << 'wrap'
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'ellipsis'
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_val2ruby_optkeys(id) # { key=>method, ... }
- super(id).update('window'=>proc{|k,v| window(v)})
- end
- private :__item_val2ruby_optkeys
- def tag_cget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['tag', tagid(tagOrId)], option)
- end
- def tag_cget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget(['tag', tagid(tagOrId)], option)
- end
- def tag_cget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(['tag', tagid(tagOrId)], option)
- end
- def tag_configure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['tag', tagid(tagOrId)], slot, value)
- end
- def tag_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['tag', tagid(tagOrId)], slot)
- end
- def current_tag_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['tag', tagid(tagOrId)], slot)
- end
- def window_cget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['window', tagid(tagOrId)], option)
- end
- def window_cget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget(['window', tagid(tagOrId)], option)
- end
- def window_cget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(['window', tagid(tagOrId)], option)
- end
- def window_configure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- if slot == :window || slot == 'window'
- value = _epath(value)
- elsif slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- if slot.key?(:window) || slot.key?('window')
- slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
- slot['window'] = _epath(slot['window'])
- end
- end
- itemconfigure(['window', tagid(tagOrId)], slot, value)
- end
- def window_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['window', tagid(tagOrId)], slot)
- end
- def current_window_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['window', tagid(tagOrId)], slot)
- end
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
-class Tk::TkTable::CellTag
- include TkTreatTagFont
- CellTagID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (CellTag_ID = ['tktbl:celltag'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- CellTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ CellTagID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(table, id)
- tpath = table.path
- CellTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if CellTagID_TBL[tpath]
- CellTagID_TBL[tpath][id]? CellTagID_TBL[tpath][id] : id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(parent, keys=nil)
- @parent = @t = parent
- @tpath - parent.path
- CellTag_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = CellTag_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- CellTag_ID[1].succ!
- }
- CellTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CellTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless CellTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- CellTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- configure(keys) if keys
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def destroy
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'delete', @id)
- CellTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CellTagID_TBL[@tpath].delete(@id) if CellTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- }
- self
- end
- alias delete destroy
- def exist?
- @t.tag_exist?(@id)
- end
- def include?(idx)
- @t.tag_include?(@id, idx)
- end
- def add_cell(*args)
- @t.tag_cell(@id, *args)
- end
- def add_col(*args)
- @t.tag_col(@id, *args)
- end
- def add_row(*args)
- @t.tag_row(@id, *args)
- end
- def raise(target=None)
- @t.tag_raise(@id, target)
- end
- def lower(target=None)
- @t.tag_lower(@id, target)
- end
- def cget_tkstring(key)
- @t.tag_cget_tkstring(@id, key)
- end
- def cget(key)
- @t.tag_cget(@id, key)
- end
- def cget_strict(key)
- @t.tag_cget_strict(@id, key)
- end
- def configure(key, val=None)
- @t.tag_configure(@id, key, val)
- end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @t.tag_configinfo(@id, key)
- end
- def current_configinfo(key=nil)
- @t.current_tag_configinfo(@id, key)
- end
-class Tk::TkTable::NamedCellTag < Tk::TkTable::CellTag
- def self.new(parent, name, keys=nil)
- obj = nil
- CellTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if CellTagID_TBL[parent.path] && CellTagID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- obj = CellTagID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- else
- #super(parent, name, keys)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = name
- CellTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless CellTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- CellTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- }
- obj.configure(keys) if keys && ! keys.empty?
- obj
- end
- def initialize(parent, name, keys=nil)
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- @parent = @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = name
- CellTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- CellTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless CellTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- CellTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- configure(keys) if keys && ! keys.empty?
- end
-class Tk::TkTable
- TkCommandNames = ['table'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Table'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- include Scrollable
- include Tk::TkTable::ConfigMethod
- include Tk::ValidateConfigure
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::TkTable::CelTag::CellTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TkTable::CelTag::CellTagID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'autoclear' << 'flashmode' << 'invertselected' <<
- 'multiline' << 'selecttitle' << 'wrap'
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'colseparator' << 'ellipsis' << 'rowseparator' << 'sparsearray'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- #################################
- class BrowseCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?c, ?n, :column ],
- [ ?C, ?s, :index ],
- [ ?i, ?x, :cursor ],
- [ ?r, ?n, :row ],
- [ ?s, ?s, :last_index ],
- [ ?S, ?s, :new_index ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?n, TkComm.method(:number) ],
- [ ?x, TkComm.method(:num_or_str) ],
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- val
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['browsecommand', 'browsecmd']
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------
- class CellCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?c, ?n, :column ],
- [ ?C, ?s, :index ],
- [ ?i, ?m, :rw_mode ],
- [ ?r, ?n, :row ],
- [ ?s, ?v, :value ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?n, TkComm.method(:number) ],
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- [ ?m, proc{|val| (val == '0')? (:r) : (:w)} ],
- [ ?v, proc{|val| TkComm.tk_tcl2ruby(val, true, false)} ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- TkComm._get_eval_string(val)
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['command']
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------
- class SelectionCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?c, ?n, :sel_columns ],
- [ ?C, ?s, :sel_area ],
- [ ?i, ?n, :total ],
- [ ?r, ?n, :sel_rows ],
- [ ?s, ?s, :value ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?n, TkComm.method(:number) ],
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- val.to_s
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['selectioncommand', 'selcmd']
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------
- class ValidateCommand < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?c, ?n, :column ],
- [ ?C, ?s, :index ],
- [ ?i, ?x, :cursor ],
- [ ?r, ?n, :row ],
- [ ?s, ?v, :current_value ],
- [ ?S, ?v, :new_value ],
- [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?n, TkComm.method(:number) ],
- [ ?x, TkComm.method(:num_or_str) ],
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- [ ?v, proc{|val| TkComm.tk_tcl2ruby(val, true, false)} ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['vcmd', 'validatecommand']
- end
- end
- #################################
- def __validation_class_list
- super() <<
- BrowseCommand << CellCommand << SelectionCommand << ValidateCommand
- end
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, BrowseCommand)
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, CellCommand)
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, SelectionCommand)
- Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd(binding, ValidateCommand)
- #################################
- def activate(idx)
- tk_send('activate', tagid(idx))
- end
- def bbox(idx)
- list(tk_send('bbox', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def border_mark(x, y)
- simplelist(tk_send('border', 'mark', x, y))
- end
- def border_mark_row(x, y)
- tk_send('border', 'mark', x, y, 'row')
- end
- def border_mark_col(x, y)
- tk_send('border', 'mark', x, y, 'col')
- end
- def border_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send('border', 'dragto', x, y)
- end
- def clear_cache(first=None, last=None)
- tk_send('clear', 'cache', tagid(first), tagid(last))
- self
- end
- def clear_sizes(first=None, last=None)
- tk_send('clear', 'sizes', tagid(first), tagid(last))
- self
- end
- def clear_tags(first=None, last=None)
- tk_send('clear', 'tags', tagid(first), tagid(last))
- self
- end
- def clear_all(first=None, last=None)
- tk_send('clear', 'all', tagid(first), tagid(last))
- self
- end
- def curselection
- simplelist(tk_send('curselection'))
- end
- def curselection=(val)
- tk_send('curselection', val)
- val
- end
- def curvalue
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send('curvalue'), true, false)
- end
- def curvalue=(val)
- tk_send('curvalue', val)
- val
- end
- def delete_active(idx1, idx2=None)
- tk_send('delete', 'active', tagid(idx1), tagid(idx2))
- self
- end
- def delete_cols(*args) # ?switches_array?, index, ?count?
- params = []
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- switches = args.shift
- switches.each{|k| params << "-#{k}"}
- end
- params << '--'
- params << tagid(args.shift)
- params.concat(args)
- tk_send('delete', 'cols', *params)
- self
- end
- def delete_rows(*args) # ?switches_array?, index, ?count?
- params = []
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- switches = args.shift
- switches.each{|k| params << "-#{k}"}
- end
- params << '--'
- params << tagid(args.shift)
- params.concat(args)
- tk_send('delete', 'rows', *params)
- self
- end
- def get(idx)
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send('get', tagid(idx)), true, false)
- end
- def get_area(idx1, idx2)
- simplelist(tk_send('get', tagid(idx1), tagid(idx2))).collect{|v|
- tk_tcl2ruby(v, true, false)
- }
- end
- def height_list
- list(tk_send('height'))
- end
- def height(row)
- number(tk_send('height', row))
- end
- def set_height(*pairs)
- tk_send('height', *(pairs.flatten))
- self
- end
- def hidden_list
- simplelist(tk_send('hidden'))
- end
- def hidden?(idx, *args)
- if args.empty?
- if (ret = tk_send('hidden', tagid(idx))) == ''
- false
- else
- ret
- end
- else
- bool(tk_send('hidden', tagid(idx), *(args.collect{|i| tagid(i)})))
- end
- end
- def icursor
- number(tk_send('icursor'))
- end
- def icursor_set(idx)
- number(tk_send('icursor', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def index(idx)
- tk_send('index', tagid(idx))
- end
- def row_index(idx)
- number(tk_send('index', tagid(idx), 'row'))
- end
- def col_index(idx)
- number(tk_send('index', tagid(idx), 'col'))
- end
- def insert_active(idx, val)
- tk_send('insert', 'active', tagid(idx), val)
- self
- end
- def insert_cols(*args) # ?switches_array?, index, ?count?
- params = []
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- switches = args.shift
- switches.each{|k| params << "-#{k}"}
- end
- params << '--'
- params.concat(args)
- params << tagid(args.shift)
- tk_send('insert', 'cols', *params)
- self
- end
- def insert_rows(*args) # ?switches_array?, index, ?count?
- params = []
- if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
- switches = args.shift
- switches.each{|k| params << "-#{k}"}
- end
- params << '--'
- params << tagid(args.shift)
- params.concat(args)
- tk_send('insert', 'rows', *params)
- self
- end
- # def postscript(*args)
- # tk_send('postscript', *args)
- # end
- def reread
- tk_send('reread')
- self
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def see(idx)
- tk_send('see', tagid(idx))
- self
- end
- def selection_anchor(idx)
- tk_send('selection', 'anchor', tagid(idx))
- self
- end
- def selection_clear(first, last=None)
- tk_send('selection', 'clear', tagid(first), tagid(last))
- self
- end
- def selection_clear_all
- selection_clear('all')
- end
- def selection_include?(idx)
- bool(tk_send('selection', 'includes', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def selection_present
- bool(tk_send('selection', 'present'))
- end
- def selection_set(first, last=None)
- tk_send('selection', 'set', tagid(first), tagid(last))
- self
- end
- def set(*pairs) # idx, val, idx, val, ...
- args = []
- 0.step(pairs.size-1, 2){|i|
- args << tagid(pairs[i])
- args << pairs[i+1]
- }
- tk_send('set', *args)
- self
- end
- def set_row(*pairs) # idx, val, idx, val, ...
- args = []
- 0.step(pairs.size-1, 2){|i|
- args << tagid(pairs[i])
- args << pairs[i+1]
- }
- tk_send('set', 'row', *args)
- self
- end
- def set_col(*pairs) # idx, val, idx, val, ...
- args = []
- 0.step(pairs.size-1, 2){|i|
- args << tagid(pairs[i])
- args << pairs[i+1]
- }
- tk_send('set', 'col', *args)
- self
- end
- def set(*pairs) # idx, val, idx, val, ... OR [idx, val], [idx, val], ...
- if pairs[0].kind_of?(Array)
- # [idx, val], [idx, val], ...
- args = []
- pairs.each{|idx, val| args << tagid(idx) << val }
- tk_send('set', *args)
- else
- # idx, val, idx, val, ...
- args = []
- 0.step(pairs.size-1, 2){|i|
- args << tagid(pairs[i])
- args << pairs[i+1]
- }
- tk_send('set', *args)
- end
- self
- end
- def set_row(*pairs)
- if pairs[0].kind_of?(Array)
- # [idx, val], [idx, val], ...
- args = []
- pairs.each{|idx, val| args << tagid(idx) << val }
- tk_send('set', 'row', *args)
- else
- # idx, val, idx, val, ...
- args = []
- 0.step(pairs.size-1, 2){|i|
- args << tagid(pairs[i])
- args << pairs[i+1]
- }
- tk_send('set', 'row', *args)
- end
- self
- end
- def set_col(*pairs)
- if pairs[0].kind_of?(Array)
- # [idx, val], [idx, val], ...
- args = []
- pairs.each{|idx, val| args << idx << val }
- tk_send('set', 'col', *args)
- else
- # idx, val, idx, val, ...
- args = []
- 0.step(pairs.size-1, 2){|i|
- args << tagid(pairs[i])
- args << pairs[i+1]
- }
- tk_send('set', 'col', *args)
- end
- self
- end
- def spans
- simplelist(tk_send('spans')).collect{|inf|
- lst = simplelist(inf)
- idx = lst[0]
- rows, cols = lst[1].split(',').map!{|n| Integer(n)}
- [idx [rows, cols]]
- }
- end
- alias span_list spans
- def span(idx)
- lst = simplelist(tk_send('spans', tagid(idx)))
- idx = lst[0]
- rows, cols = lst[1].split(',').map!{|n| Integer(n)}
- [idx [rows, cols]]
- end
- def set_spans(*pairs)
- # idx, val, idx, val, ...
- args = []
- 0.step(pairs.size-1, 2){|i|
- args << tagid(pairs[i])
- val = pairs[i+1]
- if val.kind_of?(Array)
- args << val.join(',')
- else
- args << val
- end
- }
- tk_send('spans', *args)
- self
- end
- def set_spans(*pairs)
- if pairs[0].kind_of?(Array)
- # [idx, val], [idx, val], ...
- args = []
- pairs.each{|idx, val|
- args << tagid(idx)
- if val.kind_of?(Array)
- args << val.join(',')
- else
- args << val
- end
- }
- tk_send('spans', *args)
- else
- # idx, val, idx, val, ...
- args = []
- 0.step(pairs.size-1, 2){|i|
- args << tagid(pairs[i])
- val = pairs[i+1]
- if val.kind_of?(Array)
- args << val.join(',')
- else
- args << val
- end
- }
- tk_send('spans', *args)
- end
- self
- end
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Tk::TkTable::CellTag)
- tag.id
- elsif tag.kind_of?(Array)
- if tag[0].kind_of?(Integer) && tag[1].kind_of?(Integer)
- # [row, col]
- tag.join(',')
- else
- tag
- end
- else
- tag
- end
- end
- def tagid2obj(tagid)
- Tk::TkTable::CellTag::CellTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::TkTable::CellTag::CellTagID_TBL.key?(@path)
- if Tk::TkTable::CellTag::CellTagID_TBL[@path].key?(tagid)
- Tk::TkTable::CellTag::CellTagID_TBL[@path][tagid]
- else
- tagid
- end
- else
- tagid
- end
- }
- end
- def tag_cell(tag, *cells)
- tk_send('tag', 'cell', tagid(tag), *(cells.collect{|idx| tagid(idx)}))
- self
- end
- def tag_reset(*cells)
- tk_send('tag', 'cell', '', *(cells.collect{|idx| tagid(idx)}))
- self
- end
- def tag_col(tag, *cols)
- tk_send('tag', 'col', tagid(tag), *cols)
- self
- end
- def tag_col_reset(*cols)
- tk_send('tag', 'col', '', *cols)
- self
- end
- def tag_delete(tag)
- tk_send('tag', 'delete', tagid(tag))
- Tk::TkTable::CellTag::CellTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::TkTable::CellTag::CellTagID_TBL[@path]
- if tag.kind_of? Tk::TkTable::CellTag
- Tk::TkTable::CellTag::CellTagID_TBL[@path].delete(tag.id)
- else
- Tk::TkTable::CellTag::CellTagID_TBL[@path].delete(tag)
- end
- end
- }
- self
- end
- def tag_exist?(tag)
- bool(tk_send('tag', 'exists', tagid(tag)))
- end
- def tag_include?(tag, idx)
- bool(tk_send('tag', 'includes', tagid(tag), tagid(idx)))
- end
- def tag_lower(tag, target=None)
- tk_send('tag', 'lower', tagid(tag), tagid(target))
- self
- end
- def tag_names(pat=None)
- simplelist(tk_send('tag', 'names', pat)).collect{|tag| tagid2obj(tag)}
- end
- def tag_raise(tag, target=None)
- tk_send('tag', 'raise', tagid(tag), tagid(target))
- self
- end
- def tag_row(tag, *rows)
- tk_send('tag', 'row', tagid(tag), *rows)
- self
- end
- def tag_row_reset(*rows)
- tk_send('tag', 'row', '', *rows)
- self
- end
- def validate(idx)
- bool(tk_send('validate', tagid(idx)))
- end
- def width_list
- list(tk_send('width'))
- end
- def width(row)
- number(tk_send('width', row))
- end
- def set_width(*pairs)
- tk_send('width', *(pairs.flatten))
- self
- end
- def window_delete(*args)
- tk_send('window', 'delete', *(args.collect{|idx| tagid(idx)}))
- self
- end
- def window_move(from_idx, to_idx)
- tk_send('window', 'move', tagid(from_idx), tagid(to_idx))
- self
- end
- def window_names(pat=None)
- simplelist(tk_send('window', 'names', pat))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktrans.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktrans.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 031eeb9fd7..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktrans.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkTrans support (win32 only)
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tktrans/setup.rb'
-# load library
-require 'tkextlib/tktrans/tktrans'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktrans/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktrans/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktrans/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktrans/tktrans.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktrans/tktrans.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e6e0e3a78d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktrans/tktrans.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkTrans support (win32 only)
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tktrans/setup.rb'
-TkPackage.require('tktrans') rescue Tk.load_tcllibrary('tktrans')
-module Tk
- module TkTrans
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'tktrans'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('tktrans')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-class TkWindow
- def tktrans_set_image(img)
- tk_send('tktrans::setwidget', @path, img)
- self
- end
- def tktrans_get_image()
- tk_send('tktrans::setwidget', @path)
- end
-class Tk::Root
- undef tktrans_set_image, tktrans_get_image
- def tktrans_set_image(img)
- tk_send('tktrans::settoplevel', @path, img)
- self
- end
- def tktrans_get_image()
- tk_send('tktrans::settoplevel', @path)
- end
-class Tk::Toplevel
- undef tktrans_set_image, tktrans_get_image
- def tktrans_set_image(img)
- tk_send('tktrans::settoplevel', @path, img)
- self
- end
- def tktrans_get_image()
- tk_send('tktrans::settoplevel', @path)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 227d55ff1e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# TkTreeCtrl support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/treectrl/setup.rb'
-# load library
-require 'tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dbd59f8c05..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2523 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/treectrl/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('treectrl', '1.0')
-# TkPackage.require('treectrl', '1.1')
-module Tk
- class TreeCtrl < TkWindow
- BindTag_FileList = TkBindTag.new_by_name('TreeCtrlFileList')
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'treectrl'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('treectrl')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- HasColumnCreateCommand =
- (TkPackage.vcompare(self.package_version, '1.1') >= 0)
- # dummy ::
- # pkgIndex.tcl of TreeCtrl-1.0 doesn't support auto_load for
- # 'loupe' command (probably it is bug, I think).
- # So, calling a 'treectrl' command for loading the dll with
- # the auto_load facility.
- begin
- tk_call('treectrl')
- rescue
- end
- def self.loupe(img, x, y, w, h, zoom)
- # NOTE: platform == 'unix' only
- # img => TkPhotoImage
- # x, y => screen coords
- # w, h => magnifier width and height
- # zoom => zooming rate
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('loupe', img, x, y, w, h, zoom)
- end
- def self.text_layout(font, text, keys={})
- TkComm.list(Tk.tk_call_without_enc('textlayout', font, text, keys))
- end
- def self.image_tint(img, color, alpha)
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('imagetint', img, color, alpha)
- end
- class NotifyEvent < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- end
- module ConfigMethod
- end
- end
- TreeCtrl_Widget = TreeCtrl
-class Tk::TreeCtrl::NotifyEvent
- # [ <'%' subst-key char>, <proc type char>, <instance var (accessor) name>]
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?c, ?n, :item_num ],
- [ ?d, ?s, :detail ],
- [ ?D, ?l, :items ],
- [ ?e, ?e, :event ],
- [ ?I, ?n, :id ],
- [ ?l, ?n, :lower_bound ],
- [ ?p, ?n, :active_id ],
- [ ?P, ?e, :pattern ],
- [ ?S, ?l, :sel_items ],
- [ ?T, ?w, :widget ],
- [ ?u, ?n, :upper_bound ],
- [ ?W, ?o, :object ],
- [ ??, ?x, :parm_info ],
- nil
- ]
- # [ <proc type char>, <proc/method to convert tcl-str to ruby-obj>]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?n, TkComm.method(:num_or_str) ],
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?l, TkComm.method(:list) ],
- [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
- [ ?e, proc{|val|
- case val
- when /^<<[^<>]+>>$/
- TkVirtualEvent.getobj(val[1..-2])
- when /^<[^<>]+>$/
- val[1..-2]
- else
- val
- end
- }
- ],
- [ ?o, proc{|val| TkComm.tk_tcl2ruby(val)} ],
- [ ?x, proc{|val|
- begin
- inf = {}
- Hash[*(TkComm.list(val))].each{|k, v|
- if keyinfo = KEY_TBL.assoc(k[0])
- if cmd = PROC_TBL.assoc(keyinfo[1])
- begin
- new_v = cmd.call(v)
- v = new_v
- rescue
- end
- end
- end
- inf[k] = v
- }
- inf
- rescue
- val
- end
- } ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- # setup tables to be used by scan_args, _get_subst_key, _get_all_subst_keys
- #
- # _get_subst_key() and _get_all_subst_keys() generates key-string
- # which describe how to convert callback arguments to ruby objects.
- # When binding parameters are given, use _get_subst_key().
- # But when no parameters are given, use _get_all_subst_keys() to
- # create a Event class object as a callback parameter.
- #
- # scan_args() is used when doing callback. It convert arguments
- # ( which are Tcl strings ) to ruby objects based on the key string
- # that is generated by _get_subst_key() or _get_all_subst_keys().
- #
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
-module Tk::TreeCtrl::ConfigMethod
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def treectrl_tagid(key, obj)
- if key.kind_of?(Array)
- key = key.join(' ')
- else
- key = key.to_s
- end
- if (obj.kind_of?(Tk::TreeCtrl::Column) ||
- obj.kind_of?(Tk::TreeCtrl::Element) ||
- obj.kind_of?(Tk::TreeCtrl::Item) ||
- obj.kind_of?(Tk::TreeCtrl::Style))
- obj = obj.id
- end
- case key
- when 'column'
- obj
- when 'debug'
- None
- when 'dragimage'
- None
- when 'element'
- obj
- when 'item element'
- obj
- when 'marquee'
- None
- when 'notify'
- obj
- when 'style'
- obj
- else
- obj
- end
- end
- def tagid(mixed_id)
- if mixed_id == 'debug'
- ['debug', None]
- elsif mixed_id == 'dragimage'
- ['dragimage', None]
- elsif mixed_id == 'marquee'
- ['marquee', None]
- elsif mixed_id.kind_of?(Array)
- [mixed_id[0], treectrl_tagid(*mixed_id)]
- else
- tagid(mixed_id.split(':'))
- end
- end
- def __item_cget_cmd(mixed_id)
- if mixed_id[0] == 'column' && mixed_id[1] == 'drag'
- return [self.path, 'column', 'dragcget']
- end
- if mixed_id[1].kind_of?(Array)
- id = mixed_id[1]
- else
- id = [mixed_id[1]]
- end
- if mixed_id[0].kind_of?(Array)
- ([self.path].concat(mixed_id[0]) << 'cget').concat(id)
- else
- [self.path, mixed_id[0], 'cget'].concat(id)
- end
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(mixed_id)
- if mixed_id[0] == 'column' && mixed_id[1] == 'drag'
- return [self.path, 'column', 'dragconfigure']
- end
- if mixed_id[1].kind_of?(Array)
- id = mixed_id[1]
- else
- id = [mixed_id[1]]
- end
- if mixed_id[0].kind_of?(Array)
- ([self.path].concat(mixed_id[0]) << 'configure').concat(id)
- else
- [self.path, mixed_id[0], 'configure'].concat(id)
- end
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_pathname(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array)
- key = id[0]
- if key.kind_of?(Array)
- key = key.join(' ')
- end
- tag = id[1]
- if tag.kind_of?(Array)
- tag = tag.join(' ')
- end
- id = [key, tag].join(':')
- end
- [self.path, id].join(';')
- end
- private :__item_pathname
- def __item_configinfo_struct(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array) && id[0].to_s == 'notify'
- {:key=>0, :alias=>nil, :db_name=>nil, :db_class=>nil,
- :default_value=>nil, :current_value=>1}
- else
- {:key=>0, :alias=>1, :db_name=>1, :db_class=>2,
- :default_value=>3, :current_value=>4}
- end
- end
- private :__item_configinfo_struct
- def __item_font_optkeys(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array) && (id[0] == 'element' ||
- (id[0].kind_of?(Array) && id[0][1] == 'element'))
- []
- else
- ['font']
- end
- end
- private :__item_font_optkeys
- def __item_numstrval_optkeys(id)
- if id == 'debug'
- ['displaydelay']
- else
- super(id)
- end
- end
- private :__item_numstrval_optkeys
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- if id == 'debug'
- ['data', 'display', 'enable', 'span', 'textlayout']
- elsif id == 'dragimage'
- ['visible']
- elsif id == 'marquee'
- ['visible']
- elsif id.kind_of?(Array)
- case id[0]
- when 'item'
- ['visible', 'wrap', 'open', 'returnid', 'visible']
- when 'column'
- if id[1] == 'drag'
- ['enable']
- else
- ['button', 'expand', 'resize', 'squeeze', 'sunken',
- 'visible', 'widthhack']
- end
- when 'element'
- ['draw', 'filled', 'showfocus', 'clip', 'destroy']
- when 'notify'
- ['active']
- when 'style'
- ['detach', 'indent', 'visible']
- else
- if id[0].kind_of?(Array) && id[0][1] == 'element'
- ['filled', 'showfocus']
- else
- super(id)
- end
- end
- else
- super(id)
- end
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- if id == 'debug'
- ['erasecolor']
- elsif id.kind_of?(Array)
- case id[0]
- when 'column'
- if id[1] == 'drag'
- ['indicatorcolor']
- else
- super(id) << 'textcolor'
- end
- when 'element'
- super(id) << 'fill' << 'outline' << 'format'
- else
- super(id)
- end
- else
- super(id)
- end
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array)
- case id[0]
- when 'column'
- ['itembackground']
- when 'element'
- ['relief']
- when 'style'
- ['union']
- else
- if id[0].kind_of?(Array) && id[0][1] == 'element'
- ['relief']
- else
- []
- end
- end
- else
- []
- end
- end
- private :__item_listval_optkeys
- def __item_val2ruby_optkeys(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Array)
- case id[0]
- when 'item'
- { 'button' => proc{|id,val| (val == 'auto')? val: TkComm.bool(val)} }
- else
- []
- end
- else
- []
- end
- end
- private :__item_val2ruby_optkeys
- def __item_keyonly_optkeys(id) # { def_key=>(undef_key|nil), ... }
- {
- 'notreally'=>nil,
- 'increasing'=>'decreasing',
- 'decreasing'=>'increasing',
- 'ascii'=>nil,
- 'dictionary'=>nil,
- 'integer'=>nil,
- 'real'=>nil
- }
- end
- private :__item_keyonly_optkeys
- def column_cget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['column', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def column_cget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget(['column', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def column_cget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(['column', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def column_configure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['column', tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def column_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['column', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_column_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['column', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def column_dragcget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['column', 'drag'], option)
- end
- def column_dragcget(option)
- itemcget(['column', 'drag'], option)
- end
- def column_dragcget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict(['column', 'drag'], option)
- end
- def column_dragconfigure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['column', 'drag'], slot, value)
- end
- def column_dragconfiginfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['column', 'drag'], slot)
- end
- def current_column_dragconfiginfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['column', 'drag'], slot)
- end
- def debug_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('debug', option)
- end
- def debug_cget(option)
- itemcget('debug', option)
- end
- def debug_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('debug', option)
- end
- def debug_configure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure('debug', slot, value)
- end
- def debug_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('debug', slot)
- end
- def current_debug_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('debug', slot)
- end
- def dragimage_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('dragimage', option)
- end
- def dragimage_cget(option)
- itemcget('dragimage', option)
- end
- def dragimage_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('dragimage', option)
- end
- def dragimage_configure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure('dragimage', slot, value)
- end
- def dragimage_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('dragimage', slot)
- end
- def current_dragimage_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('dragimage', slot)
- end
- def element_cget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['element', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def element_cget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget(['element', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def element_cget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(['element', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def element_configure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['element', tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def element_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['element', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_element_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['element', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def item_cget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['item', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def item_cget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget(['item', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def item_cget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(['item', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def item_configure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['item', tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def item_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['item', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_item_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['item', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def item_element_cget_tkstring(item, column, elem, option)
- itemcget_tkstring([['item', 'element'], [item, column, elem]], option)
- end
- def item_element_cget(item, column, elem, option)
- itemcget([['item', 'element'], [item, column, elem]], option)
- end
- def item_element_cget_strict(item, column, elem, option)
- itemcget_strict([['item', 'element'], [item, column, elem]], option)
- end
- def item_element_configure(item, column, elem, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure([['item', 'element'], [item, column, elem]], slot, value)
- end
- def item_element_configinfo(item, column, elem, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo([['item', 'element'], [item, column, elem]], slot)
- end
- def current_item_element_configinfo(item, column, elem, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo([['item', 'element'], [item, column, elem]], slot)
- end
- def marquee_cget_tkstring(option)
- itemcget_tkstring('marquee', option)
- end
- def marquee_cget(option)
- itemcget('marquee', option)
- end
- def marquee_cget_strict(option)
- itemcget_strict('marquee', option)
- end
- def marquee_configure(slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure('marquee', slot, value)
- end
- def marquee_configinfo(slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo('marquee', slot)
- end
- def current_marquee_configinfo(slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo('marquee', slot)
- end
- def notify_cget_tkstring(win, pattern, option)
- pattern = "<#{pattern}>"
- # "notify" doesn't have cget subcommand.
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc(*(__item_confinfo_cmd(tagid(['notify', [win, pattern]])) << "-#{option}")), false, true)[-1]
- end
- def notify_cget(win, pattern, option)
- pattern = "<#{pattern}>"
- # "notify" doesn't have cget subcommand.
- current_itemconfiginfo(['notify', [win, pattern]])[option.to_s]
- end
- def notify_cget_strict(win, pattern, option)
- pattern = "<#{pattern}>"
- # "notify" doesn't have cget subcommand.
- info = current_itemconfiginfo(['notify', [win, pattern]])
- option = option.to_s
- unless info.has_key?(option)
- fail RuntimeError, "unknown option \"#{option}\""
- else
- info[option]
- end
- end
- def notify_configure(win, pattern, slot, value=None)
- pattern = "<#{pattern}>"
- itemconfigure(['notify', [win, pattern]], slot, value)
- end
- def notify_configinfo(win, pattern, slot=nil)
- pattern = "<#{pattern}>"
- itemconfiginfo(['notify', [win, pattern]], slot)
- end
- def current_notify_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- pattern = "<#{pattern}>"
- current_itemconfiginfo(['notify', [win, pattern]], slot)
- end
- def style_cget_tkstring(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_tkstring(['style', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def style_cget(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget(['style', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def style_cget_strict(tagOrId, option)
- itemcget_strict(['style', tagOrId], option)
- end
- def style_configure(tagOrId, slot, value=None)
- itemconfigure(['style', tagOrId], slot, value)
- end
- def style_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- itemconfiginfo(['style', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- def current_style_configinfo(tagOrId, slot=nil)
- current_itemconfiginfo(['style', tagOrId], slot)
- end
- private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
- private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
-class Tk::TreeCtrl
- include Tk::TreeCtrl::ConfigMethod
- include Scrollable
- TkCommandNames = ['treectrl'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'TreeCtrl'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- #########################
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- #########################
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() + [
- 'buttoncolor', 'columnprefix', 'itemprefix', 'linecolor'
- ]
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __boolval_optkeys
- [
- 'itemwidthequal', 'usetheme',
- 'showbuttons', 'showheader', 'showlines', 'showroot',
- 'showrootbutton', 'showrootlines', 'showrootchildbuttons'
- ]
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- [ 'defaultstyle' ]
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- #########################
- def install_bind(cmd, *args)
- install_bind_for_event_class(Tk::TreeCtrl::NotifyEvent, cmd, *args)
- end
- #########################
- def create_self(keys)
- if keys and keys != None
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
- *hash_kv(keys, true))
- else
- tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
- end
- end
- private :create_self
- #########################
- def activate(desc)
- tk_send('activate', desc)
- self
- end
- def canvasx(x)
- number(tk_send('canvasx', x))
- end
- def canvasy(y)
- number(tk_send('canvasy', y))
- end
- def collapse(*dsc)
- tk_send_without_enc('collapse', *(dsc.map!{|d| _get_eval_string(d, true)}))
- self
- end
- def collapse_recurse(*dsc)
- tk_send_without_enc('collapse', '-recurse',
- *(dsc.map!{|d| _get_eval_string(d, true)}))
- self
- end
- def column_bbox(idx)
- list(tk_send('column', 'bbox', idx))
- end
- def column_compare(column1, op, column2)
- bool(tk_send('column', 'compare', column1, op, column2))
- end
- def column_count
- num_or_str(tk_send('column', 'count'))
- end
- def column_create(keys=nil)
- if keys && keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- num_or_str(tk_send('column', 'create', *hash_kv(keys)))
- else
- num_or_str(tk_send('column', 'create'))
- end
- end
- def column_delete(idx)
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL[self.path]
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL[self.path].delete(idx)
- end
- }
- tk_send('column', 'delete', idx)
- self
- end
- def column_index(idx)
- num_or_str(tk_send('column', 'index', idx))
- end
- def column_id(idx)
- tk_send('column', 'id', idx)
- end
- def column_list(visible=false)
- if visible
- simplelist(tk_send('column', 'list', '-visible'))
- else
- simplelist(tk_send('column', 'list'))
- end
- end
- def column_visible_list
- column_list(true)
- end
- def column_move(idx, before)
- tk_send('column', 'move', idx, before)
- self
- end
- def column_needed_width(idx)
- num_or_str(tk_send('column', 'neededwidth', idx))
- end
- alias column_neededwidth column_needed_width
- def column_order(column, visible=false)
- if visible
- num_or_str(tk_send('column', 'order', column, '-visible'))
- else
- num_or_str(tk_send('column', 'order', column))
- end
- end
- def column_visible_order(column)
- column_order(column, true)
- end
- def column_width(idx)
- num_or_str(tk_send('column', 'width', idx))
- end
- def compare(item1, op, item2)
- bool(tk_send('compare', item1, op, item2))
- end
- def contentbox()
- list(tk_send('contentbox'))
- end
- def depth(item=None)
- num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('depth', _get_eval_string(item, true)))
- end
- def dragimage_add(item, *args)
- tk_send('dragimage', 'add', item, *args)
- self
- end
- def dragimage_clear()
- tk_send('dragimage', 'clear')
- self
- end
- def dragimage_offset(*args) # x, y
- if args.empty?
- list(tk_send('dragimage', 'offset'))
- else
- tk_send('dragimage', 'offset', *args)
- self
- end
- end
- def dragimage_visible(*args) # mode
- if args..empty?
- bool(tk_send('dragimage', 'visible'))
- else
- tk_send('dragimage', 'visible', *args)
- self
- end
- end
- def dragimage_visible?
- dragimage_visible()
- end
- def debug_dinfo
- tk_send('debug', 'dinfo')
- self
- end
- def debug_scroll
- tk_send('debug', 'scroll')
- end
- def element_create(elem, type, keys=nil)
- if keys && keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_send('element', 'create', elem, type, *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- tk_send('element', 'create', elem, type)
- end
- end
- def element_delete(*elems)
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL[self.path]
- elems.each{|elem|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL[self.path].delete(elem)
- }
- end
- }
- tk_send('element', 'delete', *elems)
- self
- end
- def element_names()
- list(tk_send('element', 'names')).collect!{|elem|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element.id2obj(self, elem)
- }
- end
- def _conv_element_perstate_val(opt, val)
- case opt
- when 'background', 'foreground', 'fill', 'outline', 'format'
- val
- when 'draw', 'filled', 'showfocus', 'destroy'
- bool(val)
- else
- tk_tcl2ruby(val)
- end
- end
- private :_conv_element_perstate_val
- def element_perstate(elem, opt, st_list)
- tk_send('element', 'perstate', elem, "-{opt}", st_list)
- end
- def element_type(elem)
- tk_send('element', 'type', elem)
- end
- def element_class(elem)
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element.type2class(element_type(elem))
- end
- def expand(*dsc)
- tk_send('expand', *dsc)
- self
- end
- def expand_recurse(*dsc)
- tk_send('expand', '-recurse', *dsc)
- self
- end
- def identify(x, y)
- lst = list(tk_send('identify', x, y))
- if lst[0] == 'item'
- lst[1] = Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, lst[1])
- size = lst.size
- i = 2
- while i < size
- case lst[i]
- when 'line'
- i += 1
- lst[i] = Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, lst[i])
- i += 1
- when 'button'
- i += 1
- when 'column'
- i += 2
- when 'elem'
- i += 1
- lst[i] = Tk::TreeCtrl::Element.id2obj(self, lst[i])
- i += 1
- else
- i += 1
- end
- end
- end
- lst
- end
- def index(idx)
- num_or_str(tk_send('index', idx))
- end
- def item_ancestors(item)
- list(tk_send('item', 'ancestors', item)).collect!{|id|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def item_bbox(item, *args)
- list(tk_send('item', 'bbox', item, *args))
- end
- def item_children(item)
- list(tk_send('item', 'children', item)).collect!{|id|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def item_collapse(item)
- tk_send_without_enc('item', 'collapse', _get_eval_string(item, true))
- self
- end
- def item_collapse_recurse(item)
- tk_send_without_enc('item', 'collapse',
- _get_eval_string(item, true), '-recurse')
- self
- end
- def item_compare(item1, op, item2)
- bool(tk_send('item', 'compare', item1, op, item2))
- end
- def item_complex(item, *args)
- tk_send_without_enc('item', 'complex',
- _get_eval_string(item, true),
- *(args.map!{|arg| _get_eval_string(arg, true)}))
- self
- end
- def item_count
- num_or_str(tk_send('item', 'count'))
- end
- def item_create(keys={})
- num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('item', 'create', *hash_kv(keys, true)))
- end
- def _erase_children(item)
- item_children(item).each{|i| _erase_children(i)}
- # table is already locked
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL[self.path].delete(item)
- end
- private :_erase_children
- def item_delete(first, last=None)
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL[self.path]
- if first == 'all' || first == :all || last == 'all' || last == :all
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL[self.path].clear
- elsif last == None
- _erase_children(first)
- else
- self.range(first, last).each{|id|
- _erase_children(id)
- }
- end
- end
- }
- tk_send('item', 'delete', first, last)
- self
- end
- def item_dump(item)
- list(tk_send('item', 'dump', item))
- end
- def item_dump_hash(item)
- Hash[*list(tk_send('item', 'dump', item))]
- end
- def item_element_actual(item, column, elem, key)
- tk_send('item', 'element', 'actual', item, column, elem, "-#{key}")
- end
- def item_element_perstate(elem, opt, st_list)
- tk_send('item', 'element', 'perstate', elem, "-{opt}", st_list)
- end
- def item_expand(item)
- tk_send('item', 'expand', item)
- self
- end
- def item_expand_recurse(item)
- tk_send('item', 'expand', item, '-recurse')
- self
- end
- def item_firstchild(parent, child=nil)
- if child
- tk_send_without_enc('item', 'firstchild',
- _get_eval_string(parent, true),
- _get_eval_string(child, true))
- self
- else
- id = num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('item', 'firstchild',
- _get_eval_string(parent, true)))
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- end
- alias item_first_child item_firstchild
- def item_hasbutton(item, st=None)
- if st == None
- bool(tk_send_without_enc('item', 'hasbutton',
- _get_eval_string(item, true)))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('item', 'hasbutton',
- _get_eval_string(item, true),
- _get_eval_string(st))
- self
- end
- end
- alias item_has_button item_hasbutton
- def item_hasbutton?(item)
- item_hasbutton(item)
- end
- alias item_has_button? item_hasbutton?
- def item_id(item)
- tk_send('item', 'id', item)
- end
- def item_image(item, column=nil, *args)
- if args.empty?
- if column
- img = tk_send('item', 'image', item, column)
- TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL[img]? TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL[img] : img
- else
- simplelist(tk_send('item', 'image', item)).collect!{|img|
- TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL[img]? TkImage::Tk_IMGTBL[img] : img
- }
- end
- else
- tk_send('item', 'image', item, column, *args)
- self
- end
- end
- def get_item_image(item, column=nil)
- item_image(item, column)
- end
- def set_item_image(item, col, img, *args)
- item_image(item, col, img, *args)
- end
- def item_index(item)
- list(tk_send('item', 'index', item))
- end
- def item_isancestor(item, des)
- bool(tk_send('item', 'isancestor', item, des))
- end
- alias item_is_ancestor item_isancestor
- alias item_isancestor? item_isancestor
- alias item_is_ancestor? item_isancestor
- def item_isopen(item)
- bool(tk_send('item', 'isopen', item))
- end
- alias item_is_open item_isopen
- alias item_isopen? item_isopen
- alias item_is_open? item_isopen
- alias item_isopened? item_isopen
- alias item_is_opened? item_isopen
- def item_lastchild(parent, child=nil)
- if child
- tk_send_without_enc('item', 'lastchild',
- _get_eval_string(parent, true),
- _get_eval_string(child, true))
- self
- else
- id = num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('item', 'lastchild',
- _get_eval_string(parent, true)))
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- end
- alias item_last_child item_lastchild
- def item_nextsibling(sibling, nxt=nil)
- if nxt
- tk_send('item', 'nextsibling', sibling, nxt)
- self
- else
- id = num_or_str(tk_send('item', 'nextsibling', sibling))
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- end
- alias item_next_sibling item_nextsibling
- def item_numchildren(item)
- number(tk_send_without_enc('item', 'numchildren',
- _get_eval_string(item, true)))
- end
- alias item_num_children item_numchildren
- alias item_children_size item_numchildren
- def item_order(item, visible=false)
- if visible
- ret = num_or_str(tk_send('item', 'order', item, '-visible'))
- else
- ret = num_or_str(tk_send('item', 'order', item))
- end
- (ret.kind_of?(Fixnum) && ret < 0)? nil: ret
- end
- def item_visible_order(item)
- item_order(item, true)
- end
- def item_parent(item)
- id = num_or_str(tk_send('item', 'parent', item))
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- def item_prevsibling(sibling, prev=nil)
- if prev
- tk_send('item', 'prevsibling', sibling, prev)
- self
- else
- id = num_or_str(tk_send('item', 'prevsibling', sibling))
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- end
- alias item_prev_sibling item_prevsibling
- def item_range(first, last)
- simplelist(tk_send('item', 'range', first, last))
- end
- def item_remove(item)
- tk_send('item', 'remove', item)
- self
- end
- def item_rnc(item)
- list(tk_send('item', 'rnc', item))
- end
- def _item_sort_core(real_sort, item, *opts)
- # opts ::= sort_param [, sort_param, ... ]
- # sort_param ::= {key=>val, ...}
- # [type, desc, {key=>val, ...}]
- # param
- opts = opts.collect{|param|
- if param.kind_of?(Hash)
- param = _symbolkey2str(param)
- if param.key?('column')
- key = '-column'
- desc = param.delete('column')
- elsif param.key?('element')
- key = '-element'
- desc = param.delete('element')
- else
- key = nil
- end
- if param.empty?
- param = None
- else
- param = hash_kv(__conv_item_keyonly_opts(item, param))
- end
- if key
- [key, desc].concat(param)
- else
- param
- end
- elsif param.kind_of?(Array)
- if param[2].kind_of?(Hash)
- param[2] = hash_kv(__conv_item_keyonly_opts(item, param[2]))
- end
- param
- elsif param.kind_of?(String) && param =~ /\A[a-z]+\Z/
- '-' << param
- elsif param.kind_of?(Symbol)
- '-' << param.to_s
- else
- param
- end
- }.flatten
- if real_sort
- tk_send('item', 'sort', item, *opts)
- self
- else
- list(tk_send('item', 'sort', item, '-notreally', *opts))
- end
- end
- private :_item_sort_core
- def item_sort(item, *opts)
- _item_sort_core(true, item, *opts)
- end
- def item_sort_not_really(item, *opts)
- _item_sort_core(false, item, *opts)
- end
- def item_span(item, column=nil, *args)
- if args.empty?
- if column
- list(tk_send('item', 'span', item, column))
- else
- simplelist(tk_send('item', 'span', item)).collect!{|elem| list(elem)}
- end
- else
- tk_send('item', 'span', item, column, *args)
- self
- end
- end
- def get_item_span(item, column=nil)
- item_span(item, column)
- end
- def set_item_span(item, col, num, *args)
- item_span(item, col, num, *args)
- end
- def item_state_forcolumn(item, column, *args)
- tk_send('item', 'state', 'forcolumn', item, column, *args)
- end
- alias item_state_for_column item_state_forcolumn
- def item_state_get(item, *args)
- if args.empty?
- list(tk_send('item', 'state', 'get', item *args))
- else
- bool(tk_send('item', 'state', 'get', item))
- end
- end
- def item_state_set(item, *args)
- tk_send('item', 'state', 'set', item, *args)
- end
- def item_style_elements(item, column)
- list(tk_send('item', 'style', 'elements', item, column)).collect!{|id|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def item_style_map(item, column, style, map)
- tk_send('item', 'style', 'map', item, column, style, map)
- self
- end
- def item_style_set(item, column=nil, *args)
- if args.empty?
- if column
- id = tk_send_without_enc('item', 'style', 'set',
- _get_eval_string(item, true),
- _get_eval_string(column, true))
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style.id2obj(self, id)
- else
- list(tk_send_without_enc('item', 'style', 'set',
- _get_eval_string(item, true))).collect!{|id|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('item', 'style', 'set',
- _get_eval_string(item, true),
- _get_eval_string(column, true),
- *(args.flatten.map!{|arg|
- _get_eval_string(arg, true)
- }))
- self
- end
- end
- def item_text(item, column, txt=nil, *args)
- if args.empty?
- if txt
- tk_send('item', 'text', item, column, txt)
- self
- else
- tk_send('item', 'text', item, column)
- end
- else
- tk_send('item', 'text', item, column, txt, *args)
- self
- end
- end
- def item_toggle(item)
- tk_send('item', 'toggle', item)
- self
- end
- def item_toggle_recurse(item)
- tk_send('item', 'toggle', item, '-recurse')
- self
- end
- def item_visible(item, st=None)
- if st == None
- bool(tk_send('item', 'visible', item))
- else
- tk_send('item', 'visible', item, st)
- self
- end
- end
- def item_visible?(item)
- item_visible(item)
- end
- def marquee_anchor(*args)
- if args.empty?
- list(tk_send('marquee', 'anchor'))
- else
- tk_send('marquee', 'anchor', *args)
- self
- end
- end
- def marquee_coords(*args)
- if args.empty?
- list(tk_send('marquee', 'coords'))
- else
- tk_send('marquee', 'coords', *args)
- self
- end
- end
- def marquee_corner(*args)
- if args.empty?
- tk_send('marquee', 'corner')
- else
- tk_send('marquee', 'corner', *args)
- self
- end
- end
- def marquee_identify()
- list(tk_send('marquee', 'identify')).collect!{|id|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def marquee_visible(st=None)
- if st == None
- bool(tk_send('marquee', 'visible'))
- else
- tk_send('marquee', 'visible', st)
- self
- end
- end
- def marquee_visible?()
- marquee_visible()
- end
- #def notify_bind(obj, event, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind([@path, 'notify', 'bind', obj], event, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def notify_bind(obj, event, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([@path, 'notify', 'bind', obj], event, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def notify_bind_append(obj, event, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind_append([@path, 'notify', 'bind', obj], event, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def notify_bind_append(obj, event, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([@path, 'notify', 'bind', obj], event, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def notify_bind_remove(obj, event)
- _bind_remove([@path, 'notify', 'bind', obj], event)
- self
- end
- def notify_bindinfo(obj, event=nil)
- _bindinfo([@path, 'notify', 'bind', obj], event)
- end
- def notify_detailnames(event)
- list(tk_send('notify', 'detailnames', event))
- end
- def notify_eventnames()
- list(tk_send('notify', 'eventnames'))
- end
- def notify_generate(pattern, char_map=None, percents_cmd=None)
- pattern = "<#{pattern}>"
- tk_send('notify', 'generate', pattern, char_map, percents_cmd)
- self
- end
- def notify_install(pattern, percents_cmd=nil, &b)
- pattern = "<#{pattern}>"
- percents_cmd = Proc.new(&b) if !percents_cmd && b
- if percents_cmd
- procedure(tk_send('notify', 'install', pattern, percents_cmd))
- else
- procedure(tk_send('notify', 'install', pattern))
- end
- end
- def notify_install_detail(event, detail, percents_cmd=nil, &b)
- percents_cmd = Proc.new(&b) if !percents_cmd && b
- if percents_cmd
- tk_send('notify', 'install', 'detail', event, detail, percents_cmd)
- else
- tk_send('notify', 'install', 'detail', event, detail)
- end
- end
- def notify_install_event(event, percents_cmd=nil, &b)
- percents_cmd = Proc.new(&b) if !percents_cmd && b
- if percents_cmd
- tk_send('notify', 'install', 'event', event, percents_cmd)
- else
- tk_send('notify', 'install', 'event', event)
- end
- end
- def notify_linkage(pattern, detail=None)
- if detail != None
- tk_send('notify', 'linkage', pattern, detail)
- else
- begin
- if pattern.to_s.index(?-)
- # TreeCtrl 1.1 format?
- begin
- tk_send('notify', 'linkage', "<#{pattern}>")
- rescue
- # TreeCtrl 1.0?
- tk_send('notify', 'linkage', pattern)
- end
- else
- # TreeCtrl 1.0 format?
- begin
- tk_send('notify', 'linkage', pattern)
- rescue
- # TreeCtrl 1.1?
- tk_send('notify', 'linkage', "<#{pattern}>")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def notify_unbind(pattern=nil)
- if pattern
- tk_send('notify', 'unbind', "<#{pattern}>")
- else
- tk_send('notify', 'unbind')
- end
- self
- end
- def notify_uninstall(pattern)
- pattern = "<#{pattern}>"
- tk_send('notify', 'uninstall', pattern)
- self
- end
- def notify_uninstall_detail(event, detail)
- tk_send('notify', 'uninstall', 'detail', event, detail)
- self
- end
- def notify_uninstall_event(event)
- tk_send('notify', 'uninstall', 'event', event)
- self
- end
- def numcolumns()
- num_or_str(tk_send('numcolumns'))
- end
- alias num_columns numcolumns
- alias columns_size numcolumns
- def numitems()
- num_or_str(tk_send('numitems'))
- end
- alias num_items numitems
- alias items_size numitems
- def orphans()
- list(tk_send('orphans')).collect!{|id|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def range(first, last)
- list(tk_send('range', first, last)).collect!{|id|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def state_define(name)
- tk_send('state', 'define', name)
- self
- end
- def state_linkage(name)
- tk_send('state', 'linkage', name)
- end
- def state_names()
- list(tk_send('state', 'names'))
- end
- def state_undefine(*names)
- tk_send('state', 'undefine', *names)
- self
- end
- def see(item, column=None, keys={})
- tk_send('see', item, column, *hash_kv(keys))
- self
- end
- def selection_add(first, last=None)
- tk_send('selection', 'add', first, last)
- self
- end
- def selection_anchor(item=None)
- id = num_or_str(tk_send('selection', 'anchor', item))
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- end
- def selection_clear(*args) # first, last
- tk_send('selection', 'clear', *args)
- self
- end
- def selection_count()
- number(tk_send('selection', 'count'))
- end
- def selection_get()
- list(tk_send('selection', 'get')).collect!{|id|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def selection_includes(item)
- bool(tk_send('selection', 'includes', item))
- end
- def selection_modify(sel, desel)
- tk_send('selection', 'modify', sel, desel)
- self
- end
- def style_create(style, keys=None)
- if keys && keys != None
- tk_send('style', 'create', style, *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- tk_send('style', 'create', style)
- end
- end
- def style_delete(*args)
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL[self.path]
- args.each{|sty|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL[self.path].delete(sty)
- }
- end
- }
- tk_send('style', 'delete', *args)
- self
- end
- def style_elements(style, *elems)
- if elems.empty?
- list(tk_send('style', 'elements', style)).collect!{|id|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- else
- tk_send('style', 'elements', style, elems.flatten)
- self
- end
- end
- def _conv_style_layout_val(sty, val)
- case sty.to_s
- when 'padx', 'pady', 'ipadx', 'ipady'
- lst = list(val)
- (lst.size == 1)? lst[0]: lst
- when 'detach', 'indent'
- bool(val)
- when 'union'
- simplelist(val).collect!{|elem|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element.id2obj(self, elem)
- }
- else
- val
- end
- end
- private :_conv_style_layout_val
- def style_layout(style, elem, keys=None)
- if keys && keys != None
- if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- tk_send('style', 'layout', style, elem, *hash_kv(keys))
- self
- else
- _conv_style_layout_val(keys,
- tk_send('style', 'layout',
- style, elem, "-#{keys}"))
- end
- else
- ret = Hash.new
- Hash[*simplelist(tk_send('style', 'layout', style, elem))].each{|k, v|
- k = k[1..-1]
- ret[k] = _conv_style_layout_val(k, v)
- }
- ret
- end
- end
- def get_style_layout(style, elem, opt=None)
- style_layout(style, elem, opt)
- end
- def set_style_layout(style, elem, slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of?(Hash)
- style_layout(style, elem, slot)
- else
- style_layout(style, elem, {slot=>value})
- end
- end
- def style_names()
- list(tk_send('style', 'names')).collect!{|id|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def toggle(*items)
- tk_send('toggle', *items)
- self
- end
- def toggle_recurse()
- tk_send('toggle', '-recurse', *items)
- self
- end
-class Tk::TreeCtrl::Column < TkObject
- TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (TreeCtrlColumnID = ['treectrl_column'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL.clear
- }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL[tpath]
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL[tpath][id]? \
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL[tpath][id] : id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(parent, keys={})
- @tree = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id =
- keys.delete('tag') ||
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID[1].succ!
- }
- keys['tag'] = @id
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Column::TreeCtrlColumnID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- @tree.column_create(keys)
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_s
- @id.to_s.dup
- end
- def cget_tkstring(opt)
- @tree.column_cget_tkstring(@tree.column_index(@id), opt)
- end
- def cget(opt)
- @tree.column_cget(@tree.column_index(@id), opt)
- end
- def cget_strict(opt)
- @tree.column_cget_strict(@tree.column_index(@id), opt)
- end
- def configure(*args)
- @tree.column_configure(@tree.column_index(@id), *args)
- end
- def configinfo(*args)
- @tree.column_configinfo(@tree.column_index(@id), *args)
- end
- def current_configinfo(*args)
- @tree.current_column_configinfo(@tree.column_index(@id), *args)
- end
- def delete
- @tree.column_delete(@tree.column_index(@id))
- self
- end
- def index
- @tree.column_index(@id)
- end
- def move(before)
- @tree.column_move(@tree.column_index(@id), before)
- self
- end
- def needed_width
- @tree.column_needed_width(@tree.column_index(@id))
- end
- alias neededwidth needed_width
- def current_width
- @tree.column_width(@tree.column_index(@id))
- end
-class Tk::TreeCtrl::Element < TkObject
- TreeCtrlElementID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (TreeCtrlElementID = ['treectrl_element'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TreeCtrlElemTypeToClass = {}
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL.clear
- }
- }
- def self.type2class(type)
- TreeCtrlElemTypeToClass[type] || type
- end
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL[tpath]
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL[tpath][id]? \
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL[tpath][id] : id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(parent, type, keys=nil)
- @tree = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- @type = type.to_s
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id =
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID[1].succ!
- }
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Element::TreeCtrlElementID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- @tree.element_create(@id, @type, keys)
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_s
- @id.dup
- end
- def cget_tkstring(opt)
- @tree.element_cget_tkstring(@id, opt)
- end
- def cget(opt)
- @tree.element_cget(@id, opt)
- end
- def cget_strict(opt)
- @tree.element_cget_strict(@id, opt)
- end
- def configure(*args)
- @tree.element_configure(@id, *args)
- end
- def configinfo(*args)
- @tree.element_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def current_configinfo(*args)
- @tree.current_element_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def delete
- @tree.element_delete(@id)
- self
- end
- def element_type
- @tree.element_type(@id)
- end
- def element_class
- @tree.element_class(@id)
- end
-class Tk::TreeCtrl::BitmapElement < Tk::TreeCtrl::Element
- TreeCtrlElemTypeToClass['bitmap'] = self
- def initialize(parent, keys=nil)
- super(parent, 'bitmap', keys)
- end
-class Tk::TreeCtrl::BorderElement < Tk::TreeCtrl::Element
- TreeCtrlElemTypeToClass['border'] = self
- def initialize(parent, keys=nil)
- super(parent, 'border', keys)
- end
-class Tk::TreeCtrl::ImageElement < Tk::TreeCtrl::Element
- TreeCtrlElemTypeToClass['image'] = self
- def initialize(parent, keys=nil)
- super(parent, 'image', keys)
- end
-class Tk::TreeCtrl::RectangleElement < Tk::TreeCtrl::Element
- TreeCtrlElemTypeToClass['rect'] = self
- def initialize(parent, keys=nil)
- super(parent, 'rect', keys)
- end
-class Tk::TreeCtrl::Item < TkObject
- TreeCtrlItemID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL.clear
- }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL[tpath]
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL[tpath][id]? \
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL[tpath][id] : id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(parent, keys={})
- @tree = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- @path = @id = @tree.item_create(keys)
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Item::TreeCtrlItemID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_s
- @id.to_s.dup
- end
- def ancestors
- @tree.item_ancestors(@id)
- end
- def bbox(*args)
- @tree.item_bbox(@id, *args)
- end
- def children
- @tree.item_children(@id)
- end
- def collapse
- @tree.item_collapse(@id)
- self
- end
- def collapse_recurse
- @tree.item_collapse_recurse(@id)
- self
- end
- def complex(*args)
- @tree.item_complex(@id, *args)
- self
- end
- def cget_tkstring(opt)
- @tree.item_cget_tkstring(@id, opt)
- end
- def cget(opt)
- @tree.item_cget(@id, opt)
- end
- def cget_strict(opt)
- @tree.item_cget_strict(@id, opt)
- end
- def configure(*args)
- @tree.item_configure(@id, *args)
- end
- def configinfo(*args)
- @tree.item_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def current_configinfo(*args)
- @tree.current_item_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def delete
- @tree.item_delete(@id)
- self
- end
- def element_dump
- @tree.item_dump(@id)
- end
- def element_dump_hash
- @tree.item_dump_hash(@id)
- end
- def element_actual(column, elem, key)
- @tree.item_element_actual(@id, column, elem, key)
- end
- def element_cget_tkstring(opt)
- @tree.item_element_cget(@id, opt)
- end
- def element_cget_tkstring(opt)
- @tree.item_element_cget(@id, opt)
- end
- def element_cget_strict(opt)
- @tree.item_element_cget_strict(@id, opt)
- end
- def element_configure(*args)
- @tree.item_element_configure(@id, *args)
- end
- def element_configinfo(*args)
- @tree.item_element_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def current_element_configinfo(*args)
- @tree.current_item_element_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def expand
- @tree.item_expand(@id)
- self
- end
- def expand_recurse
- @tree.item_expand_recurse(@id)
- self
- end
- def firstchild(child=nil)
- if child
- @tree.item_firstchild(@id, child)
- self
- else
- @tree.item_firstchild(@id)
- end
- end
- alias first_child firstchild
- def hasbutton(st=None)
- if st == None
- @tree.item_hasbutton(@id)
- else
- @tree.item_hasbutton(@id, st)
- self
- end
- end
- alias has_button hasbutton
- def hasbutton?
- @tree.item_hasbutton(@id)
- end
- alias has_button? hasbutton?
- def index
- @tree.item_index(@id)
- end
- def isancestor(des)
- @tree.item_isancestor(@id, des)
- end
- alias is_ancestor isancestor
- alias isancestor? isancestor
- alias is_ancestor? isancestor
- alias ancestor? isancestor
- def isopen
- @tree.item_isopen(@id)
- end
- alias is_open isopen
- alias isopen? isopen
- alias is_open? isopen
- alias isopened? isopen
- alias is_opened? isopen
- alias open? isopen
- def lastchild(child=nil)
- if child
- @tree.item_lastchild(@id, child)
- self
- else
- @tree.item_lastchild(@id)
- end
- end
- alias last_child lastchild
- def nextsibling(nxt=nil)
- if nxt
- @tree.item_nextsibling(@id, nxt)
- self
- else
- @tree.item_nextsibling(@id)
- end
- end
- alias next_sibling nextsibling
- def numchildren
- @tree.item_numchildren(@id)
- end
- alias num_children numchildren
- alias children_size numchildren
- def parent_index
- @tree.item_parent(@id)
- end
- def prevsibling(nxt=nil)
- if nxt
- @tree.item_prevsibling(@id, nxt)
- self
- else
- @tree.item_prevsibling(@id)
- end
- end
- alias prev_sibling prevsibling
- def remove
- @tree.item_remove(@id)
- end
- def rnc
- @tree.item_rnc(@id)
- end
- def sort(*opts)
- @tree.item_sort(@id, *opts)
- end
- def sort_not_really(*opts)
- @tree.item_sort_not_really(@id, *opts)
- self
- end
- def state_forcolumn(column, *args)
- @tree.item_state_forcolumn(@id, column, *args)
- self
- end
- alias state_for_column state_forcolumn
- def state_get(*args)
- @tree.item_state_get(@id, *args)
- end
- def state_set(*args)
- @tree.item_state_set(@id, *args)
- self
- end
- def style_elements(column)
- @tree.item_style_elements(@id, column)
- end
- def style_map(column, style, map)
- @tree.item_style_map(@id, column, style, map)
- self
- end
- def style_set(column=nil, *args)
- if args.empty?
- @tree.item_style_set(@id, column)
- else
- @tree.item_style_set(@id, column, *args)
- self
- end
- end
- def item_text(column, txt=nil, *args)
- if args.empty?
- if txt
- @tree.item_text(@id, column, txt)
- self
- else
- @tree.item_text(@id, column)
- end
- else
- @tree.item_text(@id, column, txt, *args)
- self
- end
- end
- def toggle
- @tree.item_toggle(@id)
- self
- end
- def toggle_recurse
- @tree.item_toggle_recurse(@id)
- self
- end
- def visible(st=None)
- if st == None
- @tree.item_visible(@id)
- else
- @tree.item_visible(@id, st)
- self
- end
- end
-class Tk::TreeCtrl::Style < TkObject
- TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (TreeCtrlStyleID = ['treectrl_style'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL.clear
- }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL[tpath]
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL[tpath][id]? \
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL[tpath][id] : id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(parent, keys=nil)
- @tree = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id =
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID[1].succ!
- }
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- Tk::TreeCtrl::Style::TreeCtrlStyleID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- @tree.style_create(@id, keys)
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_s
- @id.dup
- end
- def cget_tkstring(opt)
- @tree.style_cget_tkstring(@id, opt)
- end
- def cget(opt)
- @tree.style_cget(@id, opt)
- end
- def cget_strict(opt)
- @tree.style_cget_strict(@id, opt)
- end
- def configure(*args)
- @tree.style_configure(@id, *args)
- end
- def configinfo(*args)
- @tree.style_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def current_configinfo(*args)
- @tree.current_style_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def delete
- @tree.style_delete(@id)
- self
- end
- def elements(*elems)
- if elems.empty?
- @tree.style_elements(@id)
- else
- @tree.style_elements(@id, *elems)
- self
- end
- end
- def layout(elem, keys=None)
- if keys && keys != None && keys.kind_of?(Hash)
- @tree.style_layout(@id, elem, keys)
- self
- else
- @tree.style_layout(@id, elem, keys)
- end
- end
-module Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback
- include Tk
- extend Tk
-class << Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback
- def percentsCmd(*args)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::PercentsCmd', *args)
- end
- def cursorCheck(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::CursorCheck', w, x, y)
- end
- def cursorCheckAux(w)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::CursorCheckAux', w)
- end
- def cursorCancel(w)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::CursorCancel', w)
- end
- def buttonPress1(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::ButtonPress1', w, x, y)
- end
- def doubleButton1(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::DoubleButton1', w, x, y)
- end
- def motion1(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::Motion1', w, x, y)
- end
- def leave1(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::Leave1', w, x, y)
- end
- def release1(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::Release1', w, x, y)
- end
- def beginSelect(w, el)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::BeginSelect', w, el)
- end
- def motion(w, le)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::Motion', w, el)
- end
- def beginExtend(w, el)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::BeginExtend', w, el)
- end
- def beginToggle(w, el)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::BeginToggle', w, el)
- end
- def cancelRepeat
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::CancelRepeat')
- end
- def autoScanCheck(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::AutoScanCheck', w, x, y)
- end
- def autoScanCheckAux(w)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::AutoScanCheckAux', w)
- end
- def autoScanCancel(w)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::AutoScanCancel', w)
- end
- def up_down(w, n)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::UpDown', w, n)
- end
- def left_right(w, n)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::LeftRight', w, n)
- end
- def setActiveItem(w, idx)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::SetActiveItem', w, idx)
- end
- def extendUpDown(w, amount)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::ExtendUpDown', w, amount)
- end
- def dataExtend(w, el)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::DataExtend', w, el)
- end
- def cancel(w)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::Cancel', w)
- end
- def selectAll(w)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::selectAll', w)
- end
- def marqueeBegin(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::MarqueeBegin', w, x, y)
- end
- def marqueeUpdate(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::MarqueeUpdate', w, x, y)
- end
- def marqueeEnd(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::MarqueeEnd', w, x, y)
- end
- def scanMark(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::ScanMark', w, x, y)
- end
- def scanDrag(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::ScanDrag', w, x, y)
- end
- # filelist-bindings
- def fileList_button1(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::FileListButton1', w, x, y)
- end
- def fileList_motion1(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::FileListMotion1', w, x, y)
- end
- def fileList_motion(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::FileListMotion', w, x, y)
- end
- def fileList_leave1(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::FileListLeave1', w, x, y)
- end
- def fileList_release1(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::FileListRelease1', w, x, y)
- end
- def fileList_edit(w, i, s, e)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::FileListEdit', w, i, s, e)
- end
- def fileList_editCancel(w)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::FileListEditCancel', w)
- end
- def fileList_autoScanCheck(w, x, y)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::FileListAutoScanCheck', w, x, y)
- end
- def fileList_autoScanCheckAux(w)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::FileListAutoScanCheckAux', w)
- end
- def entryOpen(w, item, col, elem)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::EntryOpen', w, item, col, elem)
- end
- def entryExpanderOpen(w, item, col, elem)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::EntryExpanderOpen', w, item, col, elem)
- end
- def entryClose(w, accept)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::EntryClose', w, accept)
- end
- def entryExpanderKeypress(w)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::EntryExpanderKeypress', w)
- end
- def textOpen(w, item, col, elem, width=0, height=0)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::TextOpen', w, item, col, elem, width, height)
- end
- def textExpanderOpen(w, item, col, elem, width)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::TextOpen', w, item, col, elem, width)
- end
- def textClose(w, accept)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::TextClose', w, accept)
- end
- def textExpanderKeypress(w)
- tk_call('::TreeCtrl::TextExpanderKeypress', w)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/trofs.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/trofs.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 46581a3dad..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/trofs.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# trofs support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/trofs/setup.rb'
-# load library
-require 'tkextlib/trofs/trofs.rb'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/trofs/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/trofs/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/trofs/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/trofs/trofs.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/trofs/trofs.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dc55ec269a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/trofs/trofs.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/trofs/trofs.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/trofs/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('trofs', '0.4')
-module Tk
- module Trofs
- extend TkCore
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'trofs'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('trofs')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- ##############################################
- def self.create_archive(dir, archive)
- tk_call('::trofs::archive', dir, archive)
- archive
- end
- def self.mount(archive, mountpoint=None)
- # returns the normalized path to mountpoint
- tk_call('::trofs::mount', archive, mountpoint)
- end
- def self.umount(mountpoint)
- tk_call('::trofs::umount', mountpoint)
- mountpoint
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/version.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/version.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 68c8ae31a2..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/version.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# release date of tkextlib
-module Tk
- Tkextlib_RELEASE_DATE = '2010-02-01'.freeze
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 145a0b5647..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# The vu widget set support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/vu/setup.rb'
-# load package
-# TkPackage.require('vu', '2.1')
-# autoload
-module Tk
- module Vu
- TkComm::TkExtlibAutoloadModule.unshift(self)
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'vu'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('vu')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- ##########################################
- autoload :Dial, 'tkextlib/vu/dial'
- autoload :Pie, 'tkextlib/vu/pie'
- autoload :PieSlice, 'tkextlib/vu/pie'
- autoload :NamedPieSlice, 'tkextlib/vu/pie'
- autoload :Spinbox, 'tkextlib/vu/spinbox'
- autoload :Bargraph, 'tkextlib/vu/bargraph'
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/bargraph.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/bargraph.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e1d58e9555..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/bargraph.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ::vu::bargraph widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# create module/class
-module Tk
- module Vu
- class Bargraph < TkWindow
- end
- end
-# call setup script -- <libdir>/tkextlib/vu.rb
-require 'tkextlib/vu.rb'
-class Tk::Vu::Bargraph < TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['::vu::bargraph'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Bargraph'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ###############################
- def __boolval_optkeys
- ['showminmax', 'showvalue']
- end
- private :__boolval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() + [
- 'title',
- 'barbackground', 'barcolor', 'barcolour',
- 'tickcolor', 'tickcolour',
- 'textcolor', 'textcolour',
- ]
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __listval_optkeys
- ['alabels', 'blabels']
- end
- private :__listval_optkeys
- def __font_optkeys
- ['alabfont', 'blabfont']
- end
- private :__font_optkeys
- ###############################
- def set(val = None)
- tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'set', val)
- self
- end
- def get()
- num_or_str(tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'get'))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/charts.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/charts.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 66d5cfd394..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/charts.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# charts -- Create and manipulate canvas Add-On Items
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tk/canvas'
-# call setup script -- <libdir>/tkextlib/vu.rb
-require 'tkextlib/vu.rb'
-module Tk
- module Vu
- module ChartsConfig
- include TkItemConfigOptkeys
- def __item_boolval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'lefttrunc' << 'autocolor'
- end
- private :__item_boolval_optkeys
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'bar' << 'color' << 'outline' <<
- 'fill' << 'scaleline' << 'stripline'
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'values' << 'tags'
- end
- private :__item_listval_optkeys
- end
- class TkcSticker < TkcItem
- include ChartsConfig
- CItemTypeName = 'sticker'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
- end
- class TkcStripchart < TkcItem
- include ChartsConfig
- CItemTypeName = 'stripchart'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
- end
- class TkcBarchart < TkcItem
- include ChartsConfig
- CItemTypeName = 'barchart'.freeze
- CItemTypeToClass[CItemTypeName] = self
- end
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/dial.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/dial.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eb5650df0..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/dial.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ::vu::dial widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# create module/class
-module Tk
- module Vu
- class Dial < TkWindow
- end
- end
-# call setup script -- <libdir>/tkextlib/vu.rb
-require 'tkextlib/vu.rb'
-# define module/class
-class Tk::Vu::Dial < TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['::vu::dial'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Dial'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- ###############################
- def __methodcall_optkeys # { key=>method, ... }
- {'coords'=>'coords'}
- end
- private :__methodcall_optkeys
- ###############################
- def coords(val = nil)
- if val
- tk_send_without_enc('coords', val)
- self
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('coords'))
- end
- end
- def constrain(val = None)
- num_or_str(tk_call(@path, 'constrain', val))
- end
- def get(*args)
- num_or_str(tk_call(@path, 'get', *args))
- end
- def identify(x, y)
- tk_call(@path, 'identify', x, y)
- end
- def get_label(val=nil)
- if val
- tk_call(@path, 'label', val)
- else
- ret = []
- lst = simplelist(tk_call(@path, 'label'))
- while lst.size > 0
- ret << ([num_or_str(lst.shift)] << lst.shift)
- end
- end
- end
- def set_label(val, str, *args)
- tk_call(@path, 'label', val, str, *args)
- self
- end
- def set_label_constrain(val, str, *args)
- tk_call(@path, 'label', '-constrain', val, str, *args)
- self
- end
- def get_tag(val=nil)
- if val
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', val)
- else
- ret = []
- lst = simplelist(tk_call(@path, 'tag'))
- while lst.size > 0
- ret << ([num_or_str(lst.shift)] << lst.shift)
- end
- end
- end
- def set_tag(val, str, *args)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', val, str, *args)
- self
- end
- def set_tag_constrain(val, str, *args)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', '-constrain', val, str, *args)
- self
- end
- def set(val = None)
- tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'set', val)
- self
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/pie.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/pie.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fb9920cc68..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/pie.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ::vu::pie widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# create module/class
-module Tk
- module Vu
- module PieSliceConfigMethod
- end
- class Pie < TkWindow
- end
- class PieSlice < TkObject
- end
- class NamedPieSlice < PieSlice
- end
- end
-# call setup script -- <libdir>/tkextlib/vu.rb
-require 'tkextlib/vu.rb'
-module Tk::Vu::PieSliceConfigMethod
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- def __item_pathname(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::Vu::PieSlice)
- self.path + ';' + tagOrId.id.to_s
- else
- self.path + ';' + tagOrId.to_s
- end
- end
- private :__item_pathname
-class Tk::Vu::Pie < TkWindow
- TkCommandNames = ['::vu::pie'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Pie'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::Vu::PieSlice::SliceID_TBL.delete(@path)
- end
- ###############################
- include Tk::Vu::PieSliceConfigMethod
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Tk::Vu::PieSlice)
- tag.id
- else
- # tag
- _get_eval_string(tag)
- end
- end
- ###############################
- def delete(*glob_pats)
- tk_call(@path, 'delete', *glob_pats)
- self
- end
- def explode(slice, *args)
- tk_call(@path, 'explode', slice, *args)
- self
- end
- def explode_value(slice)
- num_or_str(tk_call(@path, 'explode', slice))
- end
- def lower(slice, below=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'lower', slice, below)
- self
- end
- def names(*glob_pats)
- simplelist(tk_call(@path, 'names', *glob_pats))
- end
- alias slices names
- def order(*args)
- tk_call(@path, 'order', *args)
- self
- end
- def raise(slice, above=None)
- tk_call(@path, 'raise', slice, above)
- self
- end
- def swap(slice1, slice2)
- tk_call(@path, 'swap', slice1, slice2)
- self
- end
- def set(slice, *args)
- num_or_str(tk_call(@path, 'set', slice, *args))
- end
- alias set_value set
- alias set_values set
- alias create set
- def slice_value(slice)
- num_or_str(tk_call(@path, 'set', slice))
- end
- def value(val = None)
- num_or_str(tk_call_without_enc(@path, 'value'))
- end
- alias sum_value value
-class Tk::Vu::PieSlice
- SliceID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Pie_Slice_ID = ['vu:pie'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- SliceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ SliceID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(pie, id)
- pie_path = pie.path
- SliceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if SliceID_TBL[pie_path]
- SliceID_TBL[pie_path][id]? SliceID_TBL[pie_path][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(parent, *args)
- unless parent.kind_of?(Tk::Vu::Pie)
- fail ArgumentError, "expect a Tk::Vu::Pie instance for 1st argument"
- end
- @parent = @pie = parent
- @ppath = parent.path
- Pie_Slice_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = Pie_Slice_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Pie_Slice_ID[1].succ!
- }
- SliceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- SliceID_TBL[@ppath] = {} unless SliceID_TBL[@ppath]
- SliceID_TBL[@ppath][@id] = self
- }
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.unshift
- end
- @pie.set(@id, *args)
- configure(keys)
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def [](key)
- cget key
- end
- def []=(key,val)
- configure key, val
- val
- end
- def cget_tkstring(slot)
- @pie.itemcget_tkstring(@id, slot)
- end
- def cget(slot)
- @pie.itemcget(@id, slot)
- end
- def cget_strict(slot)
- @pie.itemcget_strict(@id, slot)
- end
- def configure(*args)
- @pie.itemconfigure(@id, *args)
- self
- end
- def configinfo(*args)
- @pie.itemconfiginfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def current_configinfo(*args)
- @pie.current_itemconfiginfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def delete
- @pie.delete(@id)
- end
- def explode(value)
- @pie.explode(@id, value)
- self
- end
- def explode_value
- @pie.explode_value(@id)
- end
- def lower(other=None)
- @pie.lower(@id, other)
- self
- end
- def raise(other=None)
- @pie.raise(@id, other)
- self
- end
- def set(value)
- @pie.set(@id, value)
- self
- end
- alias set_value set
- def value
- @pie.set(@id)
- end
-class Tk::Vu::NamedPieSlice
- def self.new(parent, name, *args)
- obj = nil
- SliceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if SliceID_TBL[parent.path] && SliceID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- obj = SliceID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- else
- #super(parent, name, *args)
- unless parent.kind_of?(Tk::Vu::Pie)
- fail ArgumentError, "expect a Tk::Vu::Pie instance for 1st argument"
- end
- obj = self.allocate
- obj.instance_eval{
- @parent = @pie = parent
- @ppath = parent.path
- @path = @id = name.to_s
- SliceID_TBL[@ppath] = {} unless SliceID_TBL[@ppath]
- SliceID_TBL[@ppath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- }
- obj.instance_eval{
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.unshift
- end
- @pie.set(@id, *args)
- configure(keys)
- }
- obj
- end
- def initialize(parent, name, *args)
- # dummy:: not called by 'new' method
- unless parent.kind_of?(Tk::Vu::Pie)
- fail ArgumentError, "expect a Tk::Vu::Pie instance for 1st argument"
- end
- @parent = @pie = parent
- @ppath = parent.path
- @path = @id = name.to_s
- SliceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- SliceID_TBL[@ppath] = {} unless SliceID_TBL[@ppath]
- SliceID_TBL[@ppath][@id] = self
- }
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.unshift
- end
- @pie.set(@id, *args)
- configure(keys)
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/spinbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/spinbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 082ebd1f62..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/spinbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ::vu::spinbox widget
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-# a standard spinbox (<= 8.3)
-# This is the same as the 8.4 core spinbox widget.
-require 'tk'
-if (Tk::TK_MAJOR_VERSION < 8 ||
- # call setup script -- <libdir>/tkextlib/vu.rb
- require 'tkextlib/vu.rb'
- Tk.tk_call('namespace', 'import', '::vu::spinbox')
-module Tk
- module Vu
- Spinbox = Tk::Spinbox
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 996fc409b8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# winico -- Windows Icon extension support
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/tktable/setup.rb'
-# load library
-require 'tkextlib/winico/winico'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/setup.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc967dced6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
-# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
-# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
-# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
-# operations in this file.
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dda0357a16..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/winico/winico.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
-require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
-# call setup script
-require 'tkextlib/winico/setup.rb'
-# TkPackage.require('winico', '0.5')
-# TkPackage.require('winico', '0.6')
-module Tk
- class Winico < TkObject
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'winico'.freeze
- def self.package_name
- end
- def self.package_version
- begin
- TkPackage.require('winico')
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- end
-class Tk::Winico
- WinicoID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- WinicoID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ WinicoID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(id)
- WinicoID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- (WinicoID_TBL.key?(id))? WinicoID_TBL[id] : id
- }
- end
- def self.info
- simplelist(Tk.tk_call('winico', 'info')).collect{|id|
- Tk::Winico.id2obj(id)
- }
- end
- def self.icon_info(id)
- simplelist(Tk.tk_call('winico', 'info', id)).collect{|inf|
- h = Hash[*list(inf)]
- h.keys.each{|k| h[k[1..-1]] = h.delete(k)}
- }
- end
- #################################
- def self.new_from_file(file_name)
- self.new(file_name)
- end
- def self.new_from_resource(resource_name, file_name = nil)
- self.new(file_name, resource_name)
- end
- def initialize(file_name, resource_name=nil, winico_id=nil)
- if resource_name
- # from resource
- if file_name
- @id = Tk.tk_call('winico', 'load', resource_name, file_name)
- else
- @id = Tk.tk_call('winico', 'load', resource_name)
- end
- elsif file_name
- # from .ico file
- @id = Tk.tk_call('winico', 'createfrom', file_name)
- elsif winico_id
- @id = winico_id
- else
- fail ArgumentError,
- "must be given proper information from where loading icons"
- end
- @path = @id
- WinicoID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- WinicoID_TBL[@id] = self
- }
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def set_window(win_id, *opts) # opts := ?'big'|'small'?, ?pos?
- # NOTE:: the window, which is denoted by win_id, MUST BE MAPPED.
- # If not, then this may fail or crash.
- tk_call('winico', 'setwindow', win_id, @id, *opts)
- end
- def delete
- tk_call('winico', 'delete', @id)
- WinicoID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- WinicoID_TBL.delete(@id)
- }
- self
- end
- alias destroy delete
- def info
- Tk::Winico.icon_info(@id)
- end
- #################################
- class Winico_callback < TkValidateCommand
- class ValidateArgs < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
- KEY_TBL = [
- [ ?m, ?s, :message ],
- [ ?i, ?x, :icon ],
- [ ?x, ?n, :x ],
- [ ?y, ?n, :y ],
- [ ?X, ?n, :last_x ],
- [ ?Y, ?n, :last_y ],
- [ ?t, ?n, :tickcount ],
- [ ?w, ?n, :icon_idnum ],
- [ ?l, ?n, :msg_idnum ],
- nil
- ]
- PROC_TBL = [
- [ ?n, TkComm.method(:number) ],
- [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
- [ ?x, proc{|id|
- Tk::Winico::WinicoID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if Tk::Winico::WinicoID_TBL.key?(id)
- obj = Tk::Winico::WinicoID_TBL[id]
- else
- # Tk::Winico.new(nil, nil, id)
- obj = Tk::Winico.allocate
- obj.instance_eval{ @path = @id = id }
- Tk::Winico::WinicoID_TBL[id] = obj
- end
- obj
- }
- } ],
- nil
- ]
- # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
- KEY_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- PROC_TBL.map!{|inf|
- if inf.kind_of?(Array)
- inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
- end
- inf
- }
- _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
- def self.ret_val(val)
- val
- end
- end
- def self._config_keys
- ['callback']
- end
- end
- #################################
- def add_to_taskbar(keys = {})
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- Winico_callback._config_keys.each{|k|
- if keys[k].kind_of?(Array)
- cmd, *args = keys[k]
- #keys[k] = Winico_callback.new(cmd, args.join(' '))
- keys[k] = Winico_callback.new(cmd, *args)
- # elsif keys[k].kind_of?(Proc)
- elsif TkComm._callback_entry?(keys[k])
- keys[k] = Winico_callback.new(keys[k])
- end
- }
- tk_call('winico', 'taskbar', 'add', @id, *(hash_kv(keys)))
- self
- end
- alias taskbar_add add_to_taskbar
- def modify_taskbar(keys = {})
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- Winico_callback._config_keys.each{|k|
- if keys[k].kind_of?(Array)
- cmd, *args = keys[k]
- #keys[k] = Winico_callback.new(cmd, args.join(' '))
- keys[k] = Winico_callback.new(cmd, *args)
- # elsif keys[k].kind_of?(Proc)
- elsif TkComm._callback_entry?(keys[k])
- keys[k] = Winico_callback.new(keys[k])
- end
- }
- tk_call('winico', 'taskbar', 'modify', @id, *(hash_kv(keys)))
- self
- end
- alias taskbar_modify modify_taskbar
- def delete_from_taskbar
- tk_call('winico', 'taskbar', 'delete', @id)
- self
- end
- alias taskbar_delete delete_from_taskbar
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkfont.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkfont.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6036006aac..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkfont.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkfont.rb - load tk/font.rb
-require 'tk/font'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkmacpkg.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkmacpkg.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f76c2feb8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkmacpkg.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkmacpkg.rb - load tk/macpkg.rb
-require 'tk/macpkg'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkmenubar.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkmenubar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 43109e2b67..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkmenubar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkmenubar.rb - load tk/menubar.rb
-require 'tk/menubar'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkmngfocus.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkmngfocus.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 43abd210c9..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkmngfocus.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkmngfocus.rb - load tk/mngfocus.rb
-require 'tk/mngfocus'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkpalette.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkpalette.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f4e7321c47..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkpalette.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkpalette.rb - load tk/palette.rb
-require 'tk/palette'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkscrollbox.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkscrollbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c316ce2ea6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkscrollbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkscrollbox.rb - load tk/scrollbox.rb
-require 'tk/scrollbox'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ed41ac15a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tktext.rb - load tk/text.rb
-require 'tk/text'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkvirtevent.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkvirtevent.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4efa790505..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkvirtevent.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkvirtevent.rb - load tk/virtevent.rb
-require 'tk/virtevent'
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkwinpkg.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkwinpkg.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 97c84f8ab1..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkwinpkg.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkwinpkg.rb - load tk/winpkg.rb
-require 'tk/winpkg'