path: root/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tree.rb
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authornaruse <naruse@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2016-08-09 06:44:45 +0000
committernaruse <naruse@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2016-08-09 06:44:45 +0000
commita8a06ed07b6e69bd1e88ef59f997229e25a0d78c (patch)
tree51d384de3922135bc42514af63da8aa4587a44cb /ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tree.rb
parent67500ff75b76a07e90b9a6e72025083cd72105f5 (diff)
* ext/tk: Tk is removed from stdlib. [Feature #8539]
https://github.com/ruby/tk is the new upstream. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@55844 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tree.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tree.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tree.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e3e5527f79..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tree.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tree.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing a Ttk
-# tree widget.
-# based on "Id: tree.tcl,v 1.4 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp"
-if defined?($tree_demo) && $tree_demo
- $tree_demo.destroy
- $tree_demo = nil
-$tree_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Directory Browser")
- iconname("tree")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($tree_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-## Explanatory text
-Ttk::Label.new(base_frame, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i',
- :justify=>:left, :anchor=>'n', :padding=>[10, 2, 10, 6],
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:fill=>:x)
-Ttk is the new Tk themed widget set. \
-One of the widgets it includes is a tree widget, \
-which allows the user to browse a hierarchical data-set such as a filesystem. \
-The tree widget not only allows for the tree part itself, \
-but it also supports an arbitrary number of additional columns \
-which can show additional data (in this case, the size of the files \
-found in your filesystem). \
-You can also change the width of the columns \
-by dragging the boundary between them.
-## See Code / Dismiss
-Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'tree'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- $tree_demo.destroy
- $tree_demo = nil
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x)
-## Code to populate the roots of the tree (can be more than one on Windows)
-def populate_roots(tree)
- TkComm.simplelist(Tk.tk_call('file', 'volumes')).sort.each{|dir|
- populate_tree(tree, tree.insert(nil, :end, :text=>dir,
- :values=>[dir, 'directory']))
- }
-## Code to populate a node of the tree
-def populate_tree(tree, node)
- return if tree.get(node, :type) != 'directory'
- path = tree.get(node, :fullpath)
- tree.delete(tree.children(node))
- Dir.glob("#{path}/*").sort.each{|f|
- type = File.ftype(f) rescue nil
- id = tree.insert(node, :end,
- :text=>File.basename(f), :values=>[f, type]).id
- if type == 'directory'
- ## Make it so that this node is openable
- tree.insert(id, 0, :text=>'dummy')
- tree.itemconfigure(id, :text=>File.basename(f))
- elsif type == 'file'
- size = File.size(f)
- if size >= 1024*1024*1024
- size = '%.1f GB' % (size.to_f/1024/1024/1024)
- elsif size >= 1024*1024
- size = '%.1f MB' % (size.to_f/1024/1024)
- elsif size >= 1024
- size = '%.1f KB' % (size.to_f/1024)
- else
- size = '%.1f bytes' % (size.to_f/1024)
- end
- tree.set(id, :size, size)
- end
- }
- # Stop this code from rerunning on the current node
- tree.set(node, :type, 'processed_directory')
-## Create the tree and set it up
-tree = Ttk::Treeview.new(base_frame, :columns=>%w(fullpath type size),
- :displaycolumns=>['size'])
-if Tk.windowingsystem != 'aqua'
- vsb = tree.yscrollbar(Ttk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
- hsb = tree.xscrollbar(Ttk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
- vsb = tree.yscrollbar(Tk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
- hsb = tree.xscrollbar(Tk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
-tree.heading_configure('#0', :text=>'Directory Structure')
-tree.heading_configure('size', :text=>'File Size')
-tree.column_configure('size', :stretch=>0, :width=>70)
-tree.bind('<TreeviewOpen>', '%W'){|w| populate_tree(w, w.focus_item)}
-## Arrange the tree and its scrollbars in the toplevel
-container = Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-Tk.grid(tree, vsb, :in=>container, :sticky=>'nsew')
-Tk.grid(hsb, :in=>container, :sticky=>'nsew')
-container.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
-container.grid_rowconfigure(0, :weight=>1)