path: root/lib/bundler/definition.rb
diff options
authorhsbt <hsbt@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2018-11-02 23:07:56 +0000
committerhsbt <hsbt@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2018-11-02 23:07:56 +0000
commit59c8d50653480bef3f24517296e6ddf937fdf6bc (patch)
treedf10aaf4f3307837fe3d1d129d66f6c0c7586bc5 /lib/bundler/definition.rb
parent7deb37777a230837e865e0a11fb8d7c1dc6d03ce (diff)
Added bundler as default gems. Revisit [Feature #12733]
* bin/*, lib/bundler/*, lib/bundler.rb, spec/bundler, man/*: Merge from latest stable branch of bundler/bundler repository and added workaround patches. I will backport them into upstream. * common.mk, defs/gmake.mk: Added `test-bundler` task for test suite of bundler. * tool/sync_default_gems.rb: Added sync task for bundler. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@65509 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/definition.rb')
1 files changed, 993 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/definition.rb b/lib/bundler/definition.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e56d4a9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/definition.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "bundler/lockfile_parser"
+require "set"
+module Bundler
+ class Definition
+ include GemHelpers
+ attr_reader(
+ :dependencies,
+ :locked_deps,
+ :locked_gems,
+ :platforms,
+ :requires,
+ :ruby_version,
+ :lockfile,
+ :gemfiles
+ )
+ # Given a gemfile and lockfile creates a Bundler definition
+ #
+ # @param gemfile [Pathname] Path to Gemfile
+ # @param lockfile [Pathname,nil] Path to Gemfile.lock
+ # @param unlock [Hash, Boolean, nil] Gems that have been requested
+ # to be updated or true if all gems should be updated
+ # @return [Bundler::Definition]
+ def self.build(gemfile, lockfile, unlock)
+ unlock ||= {}
+ gemfile = Pathname.new(gemfile).expand_path
+ raise GemfileNotFound, "#{gemfile} not found" unless gemfile.file?
+ Dsl.evaluate(gemfile, lockfile, unlock)
+ end
+ #
+ # How does the new system work?
+ #
+ # * Load information from Gemfile and Lockfile
+ # * Invalidate stale locked specs
+ # * All specs from stale source are stale
+ # * All specs that are reachable only through a stale
+ # dependency are stale.
+ # * If all fresh dependencies are satisfied by the locked
+ # specs, then we can try to resolve locally.
+ #
+ # @param lockfile [Pathname] Path to Gemfile.lock
+ # @param dependencies [Array(Bundler::Dependency)] array of dependencies from Gemfile
+ # @param sources [Bundler::SourceList]
+ # @param unlock [Hash, Boolean, nil] Gems that have been requested
+ # to be updated or true if all gems should be updated
+ # @param ruby_version [Bundler::RubyVersion, nil] Requested Ruby Version
+ # @param optional_groups [Array(String)] A list of optional groups
+ def initialize(lockfile, dependencies, sources, unlock, ruby_version = nil, optional_groups = [], gemfiles = [])
+ if [true, false].include?(unlock)
+ @unlocking_bundler = false
+ @unlocking = unlock
+ else
+ unlock = unlock.dup
+ @unlocking_bundler = unlock.delete(:bundler)
+ unlock.delete_if {|_k, v| Array(v).empty? }
+ @unlocking = !unlock.empty?
+ end
+ @dependencies = dependencies
+ @sources = sources
+ @unlock = unlock
+ @optional_groups = optional_groups
+ @remote = false
+ @specs = nil
+ @ruby_version = ruby_version
+ @gemfiles = gemfiles
+ @lockfile = lockfile
+ @lockfile_contents = String.new
+ @locked_bundler_version = nil
+ @locked_ruby_version = nil
+ @locked_specs_incomplete_for_platform = false
+ if lockfile && File.exist?(lockfile)
+ @lockfile_contents = Bundler.read_file(lockfile)
+ @locked_gems = LockfileParser.new(@lockfile_contents)
+ @locked_platforms = @locked_gems.platforms
+ @platforms = @locked_platforms.dup
+ @locked_bundler_version = @locked_gems.bundler_version
+ @locked_ruby_version = @locked_gems.ruby_version
+ if unlock != true
+ @locked_deps = @locked_gems.dependencies
+ @locked_specs = SpecSet.new(@locked_gems.specs)
+ @locked_sources = @locked_gems.sources
+ else
+ @unlock = {}
+ @locked_deps = {}
+ @locked_specs = SpecSet.new([])
+ @locked_sources = []
+ end
+ else
+ @unlock = {}
+ @platforms = []
+ @locked_gems = nil
+ @locked_deps = {}
+ @locked_specs = SpecSet.new([])
+ @locked_sources = []
+ @locked_platforms = []
+ end
+ @unlock[:gems] ||= []
+ @unlock[:sources] ||= []
+ @unlock[:ruby] ||= if @ruby_version && locked_ruby_version_object
+ @ruby_version.diff(locked_ruby_version_object)
+ end
+ @unlocking ||= @unlock[:ruby] ||= (!@locked_ruby_version ^ !@ruby_version)
+ add_current_platform unless Bundler.frozen_bundle?
+ converge_path_sources_to_gemspec_sources
+ @path_changes = converge_paths
+ @source_changes = converge_sources
+ unless @unlock[:lock_shared_dependencies]
+ eager_unlock = expand_dependencies(@unlock[:gems], true)
+ @unlock[:gems] = @locked_specs.for(eager_unlock, [], false, false, false).map(&:name)
+ end
+ @dependency_changes = converge_dependencies
+ @local_changes = converge_locals
+ @requires = compute_requires
+ end
+ def gem_version_promoter
+ @gem_version_promoter ||= begin
+ locked_specs =
+ if unlocking? && @locked_specs.empty? && !@lockfile_contents.empty?
+ # Definition uses an empty set of locked_specs to indicate all gems
+ # are unlocked, but GemVersionPromoter needs the locked_specs
+ # for conservative comparison.
+ Bundler::SpecSet.new(@locked_gems.specs)
+ else
+ @locked_specs
+ end
+ GemVersionPromoter.new(locked_specs, @unlock[:gems])
+ end
+ end
+ def resolve_with_cache!
+ raise "Specs already loaded" if @specs
+ sources.cached!
+ specs
+ end
+ def resolve_remotely!
+ raise "Specs already loaded" if @specs
+ @remote = true
+ sources.remote!
+ specs
+ end
+ # For given dependency list returns a SpecSet with Gemspec of all the required
+ # dependencies.
+ # 1. The method first resolves the dependencies specified in Gemfile
+ # 2. After that it tries and fetches gemspec of resolved dependencies
+ #
+ # @return [Bundler::SpecSet]
+ def specs
+ @specs ||= begin
+ begin
+ specs = resolve.materialize(Bundler.settings[:cache_all_platforms] ? dependencies : requested_dependencies)
+ rescue GemNotFound => e # Handle yanked gem
+ gem_name, gem_version = extract_gem_info(e)
+ locked_gem = @locked_specs[gem_name].last
+ raise if locked_gem.nil? || locked_gem.version.to_s != gem_version || !@remote
+ raise GemNotFound, "Your bundle is locked to #{locked_gem}, but that version could not " \
+ "be found in any of the sources listed in your Gemfile. If you haven't changed sources, " \
+ "that means the author of #{locked_gem} has removed it. You'll need to update your bundle " \
+ "to a version other than #{locked_gem} that hasn't been removed in order to install."
+ end
+ unless specs["bundler"].any?
+ bundler = sources.metadata_source.specs.search(Gem::Dependency.new("bundler", VERSION)).last
+ specs["bundler"] = bundler
+ end
+ specs
+ end
+ end
+ def new_specs
+ specs - @locked_specs
+ end
+ def removed_specs
+ @locked_specs - specs
+ end
+ def new_platform?
+ @new_platform
+ end
+ def missing_specs
+ missing = []
+ resolve.materialize(requested_dependencies, missing)
+ missing
+ end
+ def missing_specs?
+ missing = missing_specs
+ return false if missing.empty?
+ Bundler.ui.debug "The definition is missing #{missing.map(&:full_name)}"
+ true
+ rescue BundlerError => e
+ @index = nil
+ @resolve = nil
+ @specs = nil
+ @gem_version_promoter = nil
+ Bundler.ui.debug "The definition is missing dependencies, failed to resolve & materialize locally (#{e})"
+ true
+ end
+ def requested_specs
+ @requested_specs ||= begin
+ groups = requested_groups
+ groups.map!(&:to_sym)
+ specs_for(groups)
+ end
+ end
+ def current_dependencies
+ dependencies.select(&:should_include?)
+ end
+ def specs_for(groups)
+ deps = dependencies.select {|d| (d.groups & groups).any? }
+ deps.delete_if {|d| !d.should_include? }
+ specs.for(expand_dependencies(deps))
+ end
+ # Resolve all the dependencies specified in Gemfile. It ensures that
+ # dependencies that have been already resolved via locked file and are fresh
+ # are reused when resolving dependencies
+ #
+ # @return [SpecSet] resolved dependencies
+ def resolve
+ @resolve ||= begin
+ last_resolve = converge_locked_specs
+ resolve =
+ if Bundler.frozen_bundle?
+ Bundler.ui.debug "Frozen, using resolution from the lockfile"
+ last_resolve
+ elsif !unlocking? && nothing_changed?
+ Bundler.ui.debug("Found no changes, using resolution from the lockfile")
+ last_resolve
+ else
+ # Run a resolve against the locally available gems
+ Bundler.ui.debug("Found changes from the lockfile, re-resolving dependencies because #{change_reason}")
+ last_resolve.merge Resolver.resolve(expanded_dependencies, index, source_requirements, last_resolve, gem_version_promoter, additional_base_requirements_for_resolve, platforms)
+ end
+ # filter out gems that _can_ be installed on multiple platforms, but don't need
+ # to be
+ resolve.for(expand_dependencies(dependencies, true), [], false, false, false)
+ end
+ end
+ def index
+ @index ||= Index.build do |idx|
+ dependency_names = @dependencies.map(&:name)
+ sources.all_sources.each do |source|
+ source.dependency_names = dependency_names - pinned_spec_names(source)
+ idx.add_source source.specs
+ dependency_names.concat(source.unmet_deps).uniq!
+ end
+ double_check_for_index(idx, dependency_names)
+ end
+ end
+ # Suppose the gem Foo depends on the gem Bar. Foo exists in Source A. Bar has some versions that exist in both
+ # sources A and B. At this point, the API request will have found all the versions of Bar in source A,
+ # but will not have found any versions of Bar from source B, which is a problem if the requested version
+ # of Foo specifically depends on a version of Bar that is only found in source B. This ensures that for
+ # each spec we found, we add all possible versions from all sources to the index.
+ def double_check_for_index(idx, dependency_names)
+ pinned_names = pinned_spec_names
+ loop do
+ idxcount = idx.size
+ names = :names # do this so we only have to traverse to get dependency_names from the index once
+ unmet_dependency_names = lambda do
+ return names unless names == :names
+ new_names = sources.all_sources.map(&:dependency_names_to_double_check)
+ return names = nil if new_names.compact!
+ names = new_names.flatten(1).concat(dependency_names)
+ names.uniq!
+ names -= pinned_names
+ names
+ end
+ sources.all_sources.each do |source|
+ source.double_check_for(unmet_dependency_names)
+ end
+ break if idxcount == idx.size
+ end
+ end
+ private :double_check_for_index
+ def has_rubygems_remotes?
+ sources.rubygems_sources.any? {|s| s.remotes.any? }
+ end
+ def has_local_dependencies?
+ !sources.path_sources.empty? || !sources.git_sources.empty?
+ end
+ def spec_git_paths
+ sources.git_sources.map {|s| s.path.to_s }
+ end
+ def groups
+ dependencies.map(&:groups).flatten.uniq
+ end
+ def lock(file, preserve_unknown_sections = false)
+ contents = to_lock
+ # Convert to \r\n if the existing lock has them
+ # i.e., Windows with `git config core.autocrlf=true`
+ contents.gsub!(/\n/, "\r\n") if @lockfile_contents.match("\r\n")
+ if @locked_bundler_version
+ locked_major = @locked_bundler_version.segments.first
+ current_major = Gem::Version.create(Bundler::VERSION).segments.first
+ if updating_major = locked_major < current_major
+ Bundler.ui.warn "Warning: the lockfile is being updated to Bundler #{current_major}, " \
+ "after which you will be unable to return to Bundler #{@locked_bundler_version.segments.first}."
+ end
+ end
+ preserve_unknown_sections ||= !updating_major && (Bundler.frozen_bundle? || !(unlocking? || @unlocking_bundler))
+ return if file && File.exist?(file) && lockfiles_equal?(@lockfile_contents, contents, preserve_unknown_sections)
+ if Bundler.frozen_bundle?
+ Bundler.ui.error "Cannot write a changed lockfile while frozen."
+ return
+ end
+ SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(file) do |p|
+ File.open(p, "wb") {|f| f.puts(contents) }
+ end
+ end
+ def locked_bundler_version
+ if @locked_bundler_version && @locked_bundler_version < Gem::Version.new(Bundler::VERSION)
+ new_version = Bundler::VERSION
+ end
+ new_version || @locked_bundler_version || Bundler::VERSION
+ end
+ def locked_ruby_version
+ return unless ruby_version
+ if @unlock[:ruby] || !@locked_ruby_version
+ Bundler::RubyVersion.system
+ else
+ @locked_ruby_version
+ end
+ end
+ def locked_ruby_version_object
+ return unless @locked_ruby_version
+ @locked_ruby_version_object ||= begin
+ unless version = RubyVersion.from_string(@locked_ruby_version)
+ raise LockfileError, "The Ruby version #{@locked_ruby_version} from " \
+ "#{@lockfile} could not be parsed. " \
+ "Try running bundle update --ruby to resolve this."
+ end
+ version
+ end
+ end
+ def to_lock
+ require "bundler/lockfile_generator"
+ LockfileGenerator.generate(self)
+ end
+ def ensure_equivalent_gemfile_and_lockfile(explicit_flag = false)
+ msg = String.new
+ msg << "You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing\n" \
+ "your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the\n" \
+ "updated #{Bundler.default_lockfile.relative_path_from(SharedHelpers.pwd)} to version control."
+ unless explicit_flag
+ suggested_command = if Bundler.settings.locations("frozen")[:global]
+ "bundle config --delete frozen"
+ elsif Bundler.settings.locations("deployment").keys.&([:global, :local]).any?
+ "bundle config --delete deployment"
+ else
+ "bundle install --no-deployment"
+ end
+ msg << "\n\nIf this is a development machine, remove the #{Bundler.default_gemfile} " \
+ "freeze \nby running `#{suggested_command}`."
+ end
+ added = []
+ deleted = []
+ changed = []
+ new_platforms = @platforms - @locked_platforms
+ deleted_platforms = @locked_platforms - @platforms
+ added.concat new_platforms.map {|p| "* platform: #{p}" }
+ deleted.concat deleted_platforms.map {|p| "* platform: #{p}" }
+ gemfile_sources = sources.lock_sources
+ new_sources = gemfile_sources - @locked_sources
+ deleted_sources = @locked_sources - gemfile_sources
+ new_deps = @dependencies - @locked_deps.values
+ deleted_deps = @locked_deps.values - @dependencies
+ # Check if it is possible that the source is only changed thing
+ if (new_deps.empty? && deleted_deps.empty?) && (!new_sources.empty? && !deleted_sources.empty?)
+ new_sources.reject! {|source| (source.path? && source.path.exist?) || equivalent_rubygems_remotes?(source) }
+ deleted_sources.reject! {|source| (source.path? && source.path.exist?) || equivalent_rubygems_remotes?(source) }
+ end
+ if @locked_sources != gemfile_sources
+ if new_sources.any?
+ added.concat new_sources.map {|source| "* source: #{source}" }
+ end
+ if deleted_sources.any?
+ deleted.concat deleted_sources.map {|source| "* source: #{source}" }
+ end
+ end
+ added.concat new_deps.map {|d| "* #{pretty_dep(d)}" } if new_deps.any?
+ if deleted_deps.any?
+ deleted.concat deleted_deps.map {|d| "* #{pretty_dep(d)}" }
+ end
+ both_sources = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
+ @dependencies.each {|d| both_sources[d.name][0] = d }
+ @locked_deps.each {|name, d| both_sources[name][1] = d.source }
+ both_sources.each do |name, (dep, lock_source)|
+ next unless (dep.nil? && !lock_source.nil?) || (!dep.nil? && !lock_source.nil? && !lock_source.can_lock?(dep))
+ gemfile_source_name = (dep && dep.source) || "no specified source"
+ lockfile_source_name = lock_source || "no specified source"
+ changed << "* #{name} from `#{gemfile_source_name}` to `#{lockfile_source_name}`"
+ end
+ reason = change_reason
+ msg << "\n\n#{reason.split(", ").map(&:capitalize).join("\n")}" unless reason.strip.empty?
+ msg << "\n\nYou have added to the Gemfile:\n" << added.join("\n") if added.any?
+ msg << "\n\nYou have deleted from the Gemfile:\n" << deleted.join("\n") if deleted.any?
+ msg << "\n\nYou have changed in the Gemfile:\n" << changed.join("\n") if changed.any?
+ msg << "\n"
+ raise ProductionError, msg if added.any? || deleted.any? || changed.any? || !nothing_changed?
+ end
+ def validate_runtime!
+ validate_ruby!
+ validate_platforms!
+ end
+ def validate_ruby!
+ return unless ruby_version
+ if diff = ruby_version.diff(Bundler::RubyVersion.system)
+ problem, expected, actual = diff
+ msg = case problem
+ when :engine
+ "Your Ruby engine is #{actual}, but your Gemfile specified #{expected}"
+ when :version
+ "Your Ruby version is #{actual}, but your Gemfile specified #{expected}"
+ when :engine_version
+ "Your #{Bundler::RubyVersion.system.engine} version is #{actual}, but your Gemfile specified #{ruby_version.engine} #{expected}"
+ when :patchlevel
+ if !expected.is_a?(String)
+ "The Ruby patchlevel in your Gemfile must be a string"
+ else
+ "Your Ruby patchlevel is #{actual}, but your Gemfile specified #{expected}"
+ end
+ end
+ raise RubyVersionMismatch, msg
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_platforms!
+ return if @platforms.any? do |bundle_platform|
+ Bundler.rubygems.platforms.any? do |local_platform|
+ MatchPlatform.platforms_match?(bundle_platform, local_platform)
+ end
+ end
+ raise ProductionError, "Your bundle only supports platforms #{@platforms.map(&:to_s)} " \
+ "but your local platforms are #{Bundler.rubygems.platforms.map(&:to_s)}, and " \
+ "there's no compatible match between those two lists."
+ end
+ def add_platform(platform)
+ @new_platform ||= !@platforms.include?(platform)
+ @platforms |= [platform]
+ end
+ def remove_platform(platform)
+ return if @platforms.delete(Gem::Platform.new(platform))
+ raise InvalidOption, "Unable to remove the platform `#{platform}` since the only platforms are #{@platforms.join ", "}"
+ end
+ def add_current_platform
+ current_platform = Bundler.local_platform
+ add_platform(current_platform) if Bundler.feature_flag.specific_platform?
+ add_platform(generic(current_platform))
+ end
+ def find_resolved_spec(current_spec)
+ specs.find_by_name_and_platform(current_spec.name, current_spec.platform)
+ end
+ def find_indexed_specs(current_spec)
+ index[current_spec.name].select {|spec| spec.match_platform(current_spec.platform) }.sort_by(&:version)
+ end
+ attr_reader :sources
+ private :sources
+ def nothing_changed?
+ !@source_changes && !@dependency_changes && !@new_platform && !@path_changes && !@local_changes && !@locked_specs_incomplete_for_platform
+ end
+ def unlocking?
+ @unlocking
+ end
+ private
+ def change_reason
+ if unlocking?
+ unlock_reason = @unlock.reject {|_k, v| Array(v).empty? }.map do |k, v|
+ if v == true
+ k.to_s
+ else
+ v = Array(v)
+ "#{k}: (#{v.join(", ")})"
+ end
+ end.join(", ")
+ return "bundler is unlocking #{unlock_reason}"
+ end
+ [
+ [@source_changes, "the list of sources changed"],
+ [@dependency_changes, "the dependencies in your gemfile changed"],
+ [@new_platform, "you added a new platform to your gemfile"],
+ [@path_changes, "the gemspecs for path gems changed"],
+ [@local_changes, "the gemspecs for git local gems changed"],
+ [@locked_specs_incomplete_for_platform, "the lockfile does not have all gems needed for the current platform"],
+ ].select(&:first).map(&:last).join(", ")
+ end
+ def pretty_dep(dep, source = false)
+ SharedHelpers.pretty_dependency(dep, source)
+ end
+ # Check if the specs of the given source changed
+ # according to the locked source.
+ def specs_changed?(source)
+ locked = @locked_sources.find {|s| s == source }
+ !locked || dependencies_for_source_changed?(source, locked) || specs_for_source_changed?(source)
+ end
+ def dependencies_for_source_changed?(source, locked_source = source)
+ deps_for_source = @dependencies.select {|s| s.source == source }
+ locked_deps_for_source = @locked_deps.values.select {|dep| dep.source == locked_source }
+ Set.new(deps_for_source) != Set.new(locked_deps_for_source)
+ end
+ def specs_for_source_changed?(source)
+ locked_index = Index.new
+ locked_index.use(@locked_specs.select {|s| source.can_lock?(s) })
+ # order here matters, since Index#== is checking source.specs.include?(locked_index)
+ locked_index != source.specs
+ rescue PathError, GitError => e
+ Bundler.ui.debug "Assuming that #{source} has not changed since fetching its specs errored (#{e})"
+ false
+ end
+ # Get all locals and override their matching sources.
+ # Return true if any of the locals changed (for example,
+ # they point to a new revision) or depend on new specs.
+ def converge_locals
+ locals = []
+ Bundler.settings.local_overrides.map do |k, v|
+ spec = @dependencies.find {|s| s.name == k }
+ source = spec && spec.source
+ if source && source.respond_to?(:local_override!)
+ source.unlock! if @unlock[:gems].include?(spec.name)
+ locals << [source, source.local_override!(v)]
+ end
+ end
+ sources_with_changes = locals.select do |source, changed|
+ changed || specs_changed?(source)
+ end.map(&:first)
+ !sources_with_changes.each {|source| @unlock[:sources] << source.name }.empty?
+ end
+ def converge_paths
+ sources.path_sources.any? do |source|
+ specs_changed?(source)
+ end
+ end
+ def converge_path_source_to_gemspec_source(source)
+ return source unless source.instance_of?(Source::Path)
+ gemspec_source = sources.path_sources.find {|s| s.is_a?(Source::Gemspec) && s.as_path_source == source }
+ gemspec_source || source
+ end
+ def converge_path_sources_to_gemspec_sources
+ @locked_sources.map! do |source|
+ converge_path_source_to_gemspec_source(source)
+ end
+ @locked_specs.each do |spec|
+ spec.source &&= converge_path_source_to_gemspec_source(spec.source)
+ end
+ @locked_deps.each do |_, dep|
+ dep.source &&= converge_path_source_to_gemspec_source(dep.source)
+ end
+ end
+ def converge_rubygems_sources
+ return false if Bundler.feature_flag.lockfile_uses_separate_rubygems_sources?
+ changes = false
+ # Get the RubyGems sources from the Gemfile.lock
+ locked_gem_sources = @locked_sources.select {|s| s.is_a?(Source::Rubygems) }
+ # Get the RubyGems remotes from the Gemfile
+ actual_remotes = sources.rubygems_remotes
+ # If there is a RubyGems source in both
+ if !locked_gem_sources.empty? && !actual_remotes.empty?
+ locked_gem_sources.each do |locked_gem|
+ # Merge the remotes from the Gemfile into the Gemfile.lock
+ changes |= locked_gem.replace_remotes(actual_remotes, Bundler.settings[:allow_deployment_source_credential_changes])
+ end
+ end
+ changes
+ end
+ def converge_sources
+ changes = false
+ changes |= converge_rubygems_sources
+ # Replace the sources from the Gemfile with the sources from the Gemfile.lock,
+ # if they exist in the Gemfile.lock and are `==`. If you can't find an equivalent
+ # source in the Gemfile.lock, use the one from the Gemfile.
+ changes |= sources.replace_sources!(@locked_sources)
+ sources.all_sources.each do |source|
+ # If the source is unlockable and the current command allows an unlock of
+ # the source (for example, you are doing a `bundle update <foo>` of a git-pinned
+ # gem), unlock it. For git sources, this means to unlock the revision, which
+ # will cause the `ref` used to be the most recent for the branch (or master) if
+ # an explicit `ref` is not used.
+ if source.respond_to?(:unlock!) && @unlock[:sources].include?(source.name)
+ source.unlock!
+ changes = true
+ end
+ end
+ changes
+ end
+ def converge_dependencies
+ frozen = Bundler.frozen_bundle?
+ (@dependencies + @locked_deps.values).each do |dep|
+ locked_source = @locked_deps[dep.name]
+ # This is to make sure that if bundler is installing in deployment mode and
+ # after locked_source and sources don't match, we still use locked_source.
+ if frozen && !locked_source.nil? &&
+ locked_source.respond_to?(:source) && locked_source.source.instance_of?(Source::Path) && locked_source.source.path.exist?
+ dep.source = locked_source.source
+ elsif dep.source
+ dep.source = sources.get(dep.source)
+ end
+ if dep.source.is_a?(Source::Gemspec)
+ dep.platforms.concat(@platforms.map {|p| Dependency::REVERSE_PLATFORM_MAP[p] }.flatten(1)).uniq!
+ end
+ end
+ changes = false
+ # We want to know if all match, but don't want to check all entries
+ # This means we need to return false if any dependency doesn't match
+ # the lock or doesn't exist in the lock.
+ @dependencies.each do |dependency|
+ unless locked_dep = @locked_deps[dependency.name]
+ changes = true
+ next
+ end
+ # Gem::Dependency#== matches Gem::Dependency#type. As the lockfile
+ # doesn't carry a notion of the dependency type, if you use
+ # add_development_dependency in a gemspec that's loaded with the gemspec
+ # directive, the lockfile dependencies and resolved dependencies end up
+ # with a mismatch on #type. Work around that by setting the type on the
+ # dep from the lockfile.
+ locked_dep.instance_variable_set(:@type, dependency.type)
+ # We already know the name matches from the hash lookup
+ # so we only need to check the requirement now
+ changes ||= dependency.requirement != locked_dep.requirement
+ end
+ changes
+ end
+ # Remove elements from the locked specs that are expired. This will most
+ # commonly happen if the Gemfile has changed since the lockfile was last
+ # generated
+ def converge_locked_specs
+ deps = []
+ # Build a list of dependencies that are the same in the Gemfile
+ # and Gemfile.lock. If the Gemfile modified a dependency, but
+ # the gem in the Gemfile.lock still satisfies it, this is fine
+ # too.
+ @dependencies.each do |dep|
+ locked_dep = @locked_deps[dep.name]
+ # If the locked_dep doesn't match the dependency we're looking for then we ignore the locked_dep
+ locked_dep = nil unless locked_dep == dep
+ if in_locked_deps?(dep, locked_dep) || satisfies_locked_spec?(dep)
+ deps << dep
+ elsif dep.source.is_a?(Source::Path) && dep.current_platform? && (!locked_dep || dep.source != locked_dep.source)
+ @locked_specs.each do |s|
+ @unlock[:gems] << s.name if s.source == dep.source
+ end
+ dep.source.unlock! if dep.source.respond_to?(:unlock!)
+ dep.source.specs.each {|s| @unlock[:gems] << s.name }
+ end
+ end
+ unlock_source_unlocks_spec = Bundler.feature_flag.unlock_source_unlocks_spec?
+ converged = []
+ @locked_specs.each do |s|
+ # Replace the locked dependency's source with the equivalent source from the Gemfile
+ dep = @dependencies.find {|d| s.satisfies?(d) }
+ s.source = (dep && dep.source) || sources.get(s.source)
+ # Don't add a spec to the list if its source is expired. For example,
+ # if you change a Git gem to RubyGems.
+ next if s.source.nil?
+ next if @unlock[:sources].include?(s.source.name)
+ # XXX This is a backwards-compatibility fix to preserve the ability to
+ # unlock a single gem by passing its name via `--source`. See issue #3759
+ # TODO: delete in Bundler 2
+ next if unlock_source_unlocks_spec && @unlock[:sources].include?(s.name)
+ # If the spec is from a path source and it doesn't exist anymore
+ # then we unlock it.
+ # Path sources have special logic
+ if s.source.instance_of?(Source::Path) || s.source.instance_of?(Source::Gemspec)
+ other_sources_specs = begin
+ s.source.specs
+ rescue PathError, GitError
+ # if we won't need the source (according to the lockfile),
+ # don't error if the path/git source isn't available
+ next if @locked_specs.
+ for(requested_dependencies, [], false, true, false).
+ none? {|locked_spec| locked_spec.source == s.source }
+ raise
+ end
+ other = other_sources_specs[s].first
+ # If the spec is no longer in the path source, unlock it. This
+ # commonly happens if the version changed in the gemspec
+ next unless other
+ deps2 = other.dependencies.select {|d| d.type != :development }
+ runtime_dependencies = s.dependencies.select {|d| d.type != :development }
+ # If the dependencies of the path source have changed, unlock it
+ next unless runtime_dependencies.sort == deps2.sort
+ end
+ converged << s
+ end
+ resolve = SpecSet.new(converged)
+ expanded_deps = expand_dependencies(deps, true)
+ @locked_specs_incomplete_for_platform = !resolve.for(expanded_deps, @unlock[:gems], true, true)
+ resolve = resolve.for(expanded_deps, @unlock[:gems], false, false, false)
+ diff = nil
+ # Now, we unlock any sources that do not have anymore gems pinned to it
+ sources.all_sources.each do |source|
+ next unless source.respond_to?(:unlock!)
+ unless resolve.any? {|s| s.source == source }
+ diff ||= @locked_specs.to_a - resolve.to_a
+ source.unlock! if diff.any? {|s| s.source == source }
+ end
+ end
+ resolve
+ end
+ def in_locked_deps?(dep, locked_dep)
+ # Because the lockfile can't link a dep to a specific remote, we need to
+ # treat sources as equivalent anytime the locked dep has all the remotes
+ # that the Gemfile dep does.
+ locked_dep && locked_dep.source && dep.source && locked_dep.source.include?(dep.source)
+ end
+ def satisfies_locked_spec?(dep)
+ @locked_specs[dep].any? {|s| s.satisfies?(dep) && (!dep.source || s.source.include?(dep.source)) }
+ end
+ # This list of dependencies is only used in #resolve, so it's OK to add
+ # the metadata dependencies here
+ def expanded_dependencies
+ @expanded_dependencies ||= begin
+ expand_dependencies(dependencies + metadata_dependencies, @remote)
+ end
+ end
+ def metadata_dependencies
+ @metadata_dependencies ||= begin
+ ruby_versions = concat_ruby_version_requirements(@ruby_version)
+ if ruby_versions.empty? || !@ruby_version.exact?
+ concat_ruby_version_requirements(RubyVersion.system)
+ concat_ruby_version_requirements(locked_ruby_version_object) unless @unlock[:ruby]
+ end
+ [
+ Dependency.new("ruby\0", ruby_versions),
+ Dependency.new("rubygems\0", Gem::VERSION),
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ def concat_ruby_version_requirements(ruby_version, ruby_versions = [])
+ return ruby_versions unless ruby_version
+ if ruby_version.patchlevel
+ ruby_versions << ruby_version.to_gem_version_with_patchlevel
+ else
+ ruby_versions.concat(ruby_version.versions.map do |version|
+ requirement = Gem::Requirement.new(version)
+ if requirement.exact?
+ "~> #{version}.0"
+ else
+ requirement
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ def expand_dependencies(dependencies, remote = false)
+ sorted_platforms = Resolver.sort_platforms(@platforms)
+ deps = []
+ dependencies.each do |dep|
+ dep = Dependency.new(dep, ">= 0") unless dep.respond_to?(:name)
+ next if !remote && !dep.current_platform?
+ platforms = dep.gem_platforms(sorted_platforms)
+ if platforms.empty? && !Bundler.settings[:disable_platform_warnings]
+ mapped_platforms = dep.platforms.map {|p| Dependency::PLATFORM_MAP[p] }
+ Bundler.ui.warn \
+ "The dependency #{dep} will be unused by any of the platforms Bundler is installing for. " \
+ "Bundler is installing for #{@platforms.join ", "} but the dependency " \
+ "is only for #{mapped_platforms.join ", "}. " \
+ "To add those platforms to the bundle, " \
+ "run `bundle lock --add-platform #{mapped_platforms.join " "}`."
+ end
+ platforms.each do |p|
+ deps << DepProxy.new(dep, p) if remote || p == generic_local_platform
+ end
+ end
+ deps
+ end
+ def requested_dependencies
+ groups = requested_groups
+ groups.map!(&:to_sym)
+ dependencies.reject {|d| !d.should_include? || (d.groups & groups).empty? }
+ end
+ def source_requirements
+ # Load all specs from remote sources
+ index
+ # Record the specs available in each gem's source, so that those
+ # specs will be available later when the resolver knows where to
+ # look for that gemspec (or its dependencies)
+ default = sources.default_source
+ source_requirements = { :default => default }
+ default = nil unless Bundler.feature_flag.lockfile_uses_separate_rubygems_sources?
+ dependencies.each do |dep|
+ next unless source = dep.source || default
+ source_requirements[dep.name] = source
+ end
+ metadata_dependencies.each do |dep|
+ source_requirements[dep.name] = sources.metadata_source
+ end
+ source_requirements["bundler"] = sources.metadata_source # needs to come last to override
+ source_requirements
+ end
+ def pinned_spec_names(skip = nil)
+ pinned_names = []
+ default = Bundler.feature_flag.lockfile_uses_separate_rubygems_sources? && sources.default_source
+ @dependencies.each do |dep|
+ next unless dep_source = dep.source || default
+ next if dep_source == skip
+ pinned_names << dep.name
+ end
+ pinned_names
+ end
+ def requested_groups
+ groups - Bundler.settings[:without] - @optional_groups + Bundler.settings[:with]
+ end
+ def lockfiles_equal?(current, proposed, preserve_unknown_sections)
+ if preserve_unknown_sections
+ sections_to_ignore = LockfileParser.sections_to_ignore(@locked_bundler_version)
+ sections_to_ignore += LockfileParser.unknown_sections_in_lockfile(current)
+ sections_to_ignore += LockfileParser::ENVIRONMENT_VERSION_SECTIONS
+ pattern = /#{Regexp.union(sections_to_ignore)}\n(\s{2,}.*\n)+/
+ whitespace_cleanup = /\n{2,}/
+ current = current.gsub(pattern, "\n").gsub(whitespace_cleanup, "\n\n").strip
+ proposed = proposed.gsub(pattern, "\n").gsub(whitespace_cleanup, "\n\n").strip
+ end
+ current == proposed
+ end
+ def extract_gem_info(error)
+ # This method will extract the error message like "Could not find foo-1.2.3 in any of the sources"
+ # to an array. The first element will be the gem name (e.g. foo), the second will be the version number.
+ error.message.scan(/Could not find (\w+)-(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/).flatten
+ end
+ def compute_requires
+ dependencies.reduce({}) do |requires, dep|
+ next requires unless dep.should_include?
+ requires[dep.name] = Array(dep.autorequire || dep.name).map do |file|
+ # Allow `require: true` as an alias for `require: <name>`
+ file == true ? dep.name : file
+ end
+ requires
+ end
+ end
+ def additional_base_requirements_for_resolve
+ return [] unless @locked_gems && Bundler.feature_flag.only_update_to_newer_versions?
+ dependencies_by_name = dependencies.inject({}) {|memo, dep| memo.update(dep.name => dep) }
+ @locked_gems.specs.reduce({}) do |requirements, locked_spec|
+ name = locked_spec.name
+ next requirements if @locked_gems.dependencies[name] != dependencies_by_name[name]
+ dep = Gem::Dependency.new(name, ">= #{locked_spec.version}")
+ requirements[name] = DepProxy.new(dep, locked_spec.platform)
+ requirements
+ end.values
+ end
+ def equivalent_rubygems_remotes?(source)
+ return false unless source.is_a?(Source::Rubygems)
+ Bundler.settings[:allow_deployment_source_credential_changes] && source.equivalent_remotes?(sources.rubygems_remotes)
+ end
+ end