path: root/lib/bundler/plugin.rb
diff options
authorhsbt <hsbt@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2017-09-08 08:45:41 +0000
committerhsbt <hsbt@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2017-09-08 08:45:41 +0000
commit8598f8c2dc78c6d1ae87cb6ae19c34ba2cb29241 (patch)
tree0bbd28f684e745cb212761b7c74fe08668f85cc8 /lib/bundler/plugin.rb
parentf2e04b77aa8a363d7e36ce5a9cdb60714a537a3c (diff)
Merge bundler to standard libraries.
rubygems 2.7.x depends bundler-1.15.x. This is preparation for rubygems and bundler migration. * lib/bundler.rb, lib/bundler/*: files of bundler-1.15.4 * spec/bundler/*: rspec examples of bundler-1.15.4. I applied patches. * https://github.com/bundler/bundler/pull/6007 * Exclude not working examples on ruby repository. * Fake ruby interpriter instead of installed ruby. * Makefile.in: Added test task named `test-bundler`. This task is only working macOS/linux yet. I'm going to support Windows environment later. * tool/sync_default_gems.rb: Added sync task for bundler. [Feature #12733][ruby-core:77172] git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@59779 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/plugin.rb')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/plugin.rb b/lib/bundler/plugin.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66f485ef8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/plugin.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "bundler/plugin/api"
+module Bundler
+ module Plugin
+ autoload :DSL, "bundler/plugin/dsl"
+ autoload :Index, "bundler/plugin/index"
+ autoload :Installer, "bundler/plugin/installer"
+ autoload :SourceList, "bundler/plugin/source_list"
+ class MalformattedPlugin < PluginError; end
+ class UndefinedCommandError < PluginError; end
+ class UnknownSourceError < PluginError; end
+ PLUGIN_FILE_NAME = "plugins.rb".freeze
+ module_function
+ def reset!
+ instance_variables.each {|i| remove_instance_variable(i) }
+ @sources = {}
+ @commands = {}
+ @hooks_by_event = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
+ @loaded_plugin_names = []
+ end
+ reset!
+ # Installs a new plugin by the given name
+ #
+ # @param [Array<String>] names the name of plugin to be installed
+ # @param [Hash] options various parameters as described in description.
+ # Refer to cli/plugin for available options
+ def install(names, options)
+ specs = Installer.new.install(names, options)
+ save_plugins names, specs
+ rescue PluginError => e
+ if specs
+ specs_to_delete = Hash[specs.select {|k, _v| names.include?(k) && !index.commands.values.include?(k) }]
+ specs_to_delete.values.each {|spec| Bundler.rm_rf(spec.full_gem_path) }
+ end
+ Bundler.ui.error "Failed to install plugin #{name}: #{e.message}\n #{e.backtrace.join("\n ")}"
+ end
+ # Evaluates the Gemfile with a limited DSL and installs the plugins
+ # specified by plugin method
+ #
+ # @param [Pathname] gemfile path
+ # @param [Proc] block that can be evaluated for (inline) Gemfile
+ def gemfile_install(gemfile = nil, &inline)
+ builder = DSL.new
+ if block_given?
+ builder.instance_eval(&inline)
+ else
+ builder.eval_gemfile(gemfile)
+ end
+ definition = builder.to_definition(nil, true)
+ return if definition.dependencies.empty?
+ plugins = definition.dependencies.map(&:name).reject {|p| index.installed? p }
+ installed_specs = Installer.new.install_definition(definition)
+ save_plugins plugins, installed_specs, builder.inferred_plugins
+ rescue => e
+ unless e.is_a?(GemfileError)
+ Bundler.ui.error "Failed to install plugin: #{e.message}\n #{e.backtrace[0]}"
+ end
+ raise
+ end
+ # The index object used to store the details about the plugin
+ def index
+ @index ||= Index.new
+ end
+ # The directory root for all plugin related data
+ #
+ # Points to root in app_config_path if ran in an app else points to the one
+ # in user_bundle_path
+ def root
+ @root ||= if SharedHelpers.in_bundle?
+ local_root
+ else
+ global_root
+ end
+ end
+ def local_root
+ Bundler.app_config_path.join("plugin")
+ end
+ # The global directory root for all plugin related data
+ def global_root
+ Bundler.user_bundle_path.join("plugin")
+ end
+ # The cache directory for plugin stuffs
+ def cache
+ @cache ||= root.join("cache")
+ end
+ # To be called via the API to register to handle a command
+ def add_command(command, cls)
+ @commands[command] = cls
+ end
+ # Checks if any plugin handles the command
+ def command?(command)
+ !index.command_plugin(command).nil?
+ end
+ # To be called from Cli class to pass the command and argument to
+ # approriate plugin class
+ def exec_command(command, args)
+ raise UndefinedCommandError, "Command `#{command}` not found" unless command? command
+ load_plugin index.command_plugin(command) unless @commands.key? command
+ @commands[command].new.exec(command, args)
+ end
+ # To be called via the API to register to handle a source plugin
+ def add_source(source, cls)
+ @sources[source] = cls
+ end
+ # Checks if any plugin declares the source
+ def source?(name)
+ !index.source_plugin(name.to_s).nil?
+ end
+ # @return [Class] that handles the source. The calss includes API::Source
+ def source(name)
+ raise UnknownSourceError, "Source #{name} not found" unless source? name
+ load_plugin(index.source_plugin(name)) unless @sources.key? name
+ @sources[name]
+ end
+ # @param [Hash] The options that are present in the lock file
+ # @return [API::Source] the instance of the class that handles the source
+ # type passed in locked_opts
+ def source_from_lock(locked_opts)
+ src = source(locked_opts["type"])
+ src.new(locked_opts.merge("uri" => locked_opts["remote"]))
+ end
+ # To be called via the API to register a hooks and corresponding block that
+ # will be called to handle the hook
+ def add_hook(event, &block)
+ @hooks_by_event[event.to_s] << block
+ end
+ # Runs all the hooks that are registered for the passed event
+ #
+ # It passes the passed arguments and block to the block registered with
+ # the api.
+ #
+ # @param [String] event
+ def hook(event, *args, &arg_blk)
+ return unless Bundler.feature_flag.plugins?
+ plugins = index.hook_plugins(event)
+ return unless plugins.any?
+ (plugins - @loaded_plugin_names).each {|name| load_plugin(name) }
+ @hooks_by_event[event].each {|blk| blk.call(*args, &arg_blk) }
+ end
+ # currently only intended for specs
+ #
+ # @return [String, nil] installed path
+ def installed?(plugin)
+ Index.new.installed?(plugin)
+ end
+ # Post installation processing and registering with index
+ #
+ # @param [Array<String>] plugins list to be installed
+ # @param [Hash] specs of plugins mapped to installation path (currently they
+ # contain all the installed specs, including plugins)
+ # @param [Array<String>] names of inferred source plugins that can be ignored
+ def save_plugins(plugins, specs, optional_plugins = [])
+ plugins.each do |name|
+ spec = specs[name]
+ validate_plugin! Pathname.new(spec.full_gem_path)
+ installed = register_plugin(name, spec, optional_plugins.include?(name))
+ Bundler.ui.info "Installed plugin #{name}" if installed
+ end
+ end
+ # Checks if the gem is good to be a plugin
+ #
+ # At present it only checks whether it contains plugins.rb file
+ #
+ # @param [Pathname] plugin_path the path plugin is installed at
+ # @raise [MalformattedPlugin] if plugins.rb file is not found
+ def validate_plugin!(plugin_path)
+ plugin_file = plugin_path.join(PLUGIN_FILE_NAME)
+ raise MalformattedPlugin, "#{PLUGIN_FILE_NAME} was not found in the plugin." unless plugin_file.file?
+ end
+ # Runs the plugins.rb file in an isolated namespace, records the plugin
+ # actions it registers for and then passes the data to index to be stored.
+ #
+ # @param [String] name the name of the plugin
+ # @param [Specification] spec of installed plugin
+ # @param [Boolean] optional_plugin, removed if there is conflict with any
+ # other plugin (used for default source plugins)
+ #
+ # @raise [MalformattedPlugin] if plugins.rb raises any error
+ def register_plugin(name, spec, optional_plugin = false)
+ commands = @commands
+ sources = @sources
+ hooks = @hooks_by_event
+ @commands = {}
+ @sources = {}
+ @hooks_by_event = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
+ load_paths = spec.load_paths
+ add_to_load_path(load_paths)
+ path = Pathname.new spec.full_gem_path
+ begin
+ load path.join(PLUGIN_FILE_NAME), true
+ rescue StandardError => e
+ raise MalformattedPlugin, "#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ if optional_plugin && @sources.keys.any? {|s| source? s }
+ Bundler.rm_rf(path)
+ false
+ else
+ index.register_plugin(name, path.to_s, load_paths, @commands.keys,
+ @sources.keys, @hooks_by_event.keys)
+ true
+ end
+ ensure
+ @commands = commands
+ @sources = sources
+ @hooks_by_event = hooks
+ end
+ # Executes the plugins.rb file
+ #
+ # @param [String] name of the plugin
+ def load_plugin(name)
+ # Need to ensure before this that plugin root where the rest of gems
+ # are installed to be on load path to support plugin deps. Currently not
+ # done to avoid conflicts
+ path = index.plugin_path(name)
+ add_to_load_path(index.load_paths(name))
+ load path.join(PLUGIN_FILE_NAME)
+ @loaded_plugin_names << name
+ rescue => e
+ Bundler.ui.error "Failed loading plugin #{name}: #{e.message}"
+ raise
+ end
+ def add_to_load_path(load_paths)
+ if insert_index = Bundler.rubygems.load_path_insert_index
+ $LOAD_PATH.insert(insert_index, *load_paths)
+ else
+ $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*load_paths)
+ end
+ end
+ class << self
+ private :load_plugin, :register_plugin, :save_plugins, :validate_plugin!,
+ :add_to_load_path
+ end
+ end