path: root/tool
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authorKoichi Sasada <ko1@atdot.net>2019-11-07 16:58:00 +0900
committerKoichi Sasada <ko1@atdot.net>2019-11-08 09:09:29 +0900
commit46acd0075d80c2f886498f089fde1e9d795d50c4 (patch)
treea00dfbf124cd7e158e125549efa65cbfba394416 /tool
parentdddf5afb7947f5aba1ff875e9f5eb163f8c3d6c7 (diff)
support builtin features with Ruby and C.
Support loading builtin features written in Ruby, which implement with C builtin functions. [Feature #16254] Several features: (1) Load .rb file at boottime with native binary. Now, prelude.rb is loaded at boottime. However, this file is contained into the interpreter as a text format and we need to compile it. This patch contains a feature to load from binary format. (2) __builtin_func() in Ruby call func() written in C. In Ruby file, we can write `__builtin_func()` like method call. However this is not a method call, but special syntax to call a function `func()` written in C. C functions should be defined in a file (same compile unit) which load this .rb file. Functions (`func` in above example) should be defined with (a) 1st parameter: rb_execution_context_t *ec (b) rest parameters (0 to 15). (c) VALUE return type. This is very similar requirements for functions used by rb_define_method(), however `rb_execution_context_t *ec` is new requirement. (3) automatic C code generation from .rb files. tool/mk_builtin_loader.rb creates a C code to load .rb files needed by miniruby and ruby command. This script is run by BASERUBY, so *.rb should be written in BASERUBY compatbile syntax. This script load a .rb file and find all of __builtin_ prefix method calls, and generate a part of C code to export functions. tool/mk_builtin_binary.rb creates a C code which contains binary compiled Ruby files needed by ruby command.
Diffstat (limited to 'tool')
3 files changed, 110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tool/mk_builtin_binary.rb b/tool/mk_builtin_binary.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5c962d5c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/mk_builtin_binary.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# make builtin_binary.inc file.
+def dump_bin iseq
+ bin = iseq.to_binary
+ bin.each_byte.with_index{|b, index|
+ print "\n " if (index%20) == 0
+ print "0x#{'%02x' % b.ord}, "
+ }
+ary = []
+RubyVM::each_builtin{|feature, iseq|
+ ary << [feature, iseq]
+$stdout = open('builtin_binary.inc', 'wb')
+ary.each{|feature, iseq|
+ puts "static const unsigned char #{feature}_bin[] = {"
+ dump_bin(iseq)
+ puts "};"
+puts "static const struct builtin_binary builtin_binary[] = {"
+ary.each{|feature, iseq|
+ puts " {#{feature.dump}, #{feature}_bin, sizeof(#{feature}_bin)},"
+puts " {NULL}," # dummy sentry
+puts "};"
+puts "#define BUILTIN_BINARY_SIZE #{ary.size}"
diff --git a/tool/mk_builtin_loader.rb b/tool/mk_builtin_loader.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91a66b16b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/mk_builtin_loader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+def collect_builtin iseq_ary, bs
+ code = iseq_ary[13]
+ code.each{|insn|
+ next unless Array === insn
+ case insn[0]
+ when :send
+ ci = insn[1]
+ if /\A__builtin_(.+)/ =~ ci[:mid]
+ func_name = $1
+ argc = ci[:orig_argc]
+ if bs[func_name] && bs[func_name] != argc
+ raise
+ end
+ bs[func_name] = argc
+ end
+ else
+ insn[1..-1].each{|op|
+ if op[0] == "YARVInstructionSequence/SimpleDataFormat"
+ collect_builtin op, bs
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ }
+# ruby mk_builtin_loader.rb TARGET_FILE.rb
+# #=> generate load_TARGET_FILE.inc
+def mk_builtin_header file
+ base = File.basename(file, '.rb')
+ ofile = File.join("load_#{base}.inc")
+ collect_builtin(RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file(file, false).to_a, bs = {})
+ open(ofile, 'w'){|f|
+ f.puts "// auto-generated file"
+ f.puts "// by #{__FILE__}"
+ f.puts "// with #{file}"
+ f.puts
+ f.puts "static void load_#{base}(void)"
+ f.puts "{"
+ table = "#{base}_table"
+ f.puts " // table definition"
+ f.puts " static const struct rb_builtin_function #{table}[] = {"
+ bs.each.with_index{|(func, argc), i|
+ f.puts " RB_BUILTIN_FUNCTION(#{i}, #{func}, #{argc}),"
+ }
+ f.puts " RB_BUILTIN_FUNCTION(-1, NULL, 0),"
+ f.puts " };"
+ f.puts
+ f.puts " // arity_check"
+ bs.each{|func, argc|
+ f.puts " if (0) rb_builtin_function_check_arity#{argc}(#{func});"
+ }
+ path = File.expand_path(file)
+ f.puts
+ f.puts " // load"
+ f.puts " rb_load_with_builtin_functions(\"#{base}\", \"#{file}\", #{table});"
+ f.puts "}"
+ }
+ # feature.rb => load_feature.inc
+ path = File.expand_path(file)
+ mk_builtin_header path
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/models/typemap.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/models/typemap.rb
index 1125c4bbf6..015aa05632 100644
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/models/typemap.rb
+++ b/tool/ruby_vm/models/typemap.rb
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ RubyVM::Typemap = {
"lindex_t" => %w[L TS_LINDEX],
"rb_insn_func_t" => %w[F TS_FUNCPTR],
"rb_num_t" => %w[N TS_NUM],
# :FIXME: should this method be here?