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1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmark/bm_io_copy_stream_write_socket.rb b/benchmark/bm_io_copy_stream_write_socket.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11f369bd0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/bm_io_copy_stream_write_socket.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# The goal of this is to use a synthetic (non-IO) reader
+# to trigger the read/write loop of IO.copy_stream,
+# bypassing in-kernel mechanisms like sendfile for zero copy,
+# so we wrap the /dev/zero IO object:
+class Zero
+ def initialize
+ @n = 100000
+ @in = File.open('/dev/zero', 'rb')
+ end
+ def read(len, buf)
+ return if (@n -= 1) == 0
+ @in.read(len, buf)
+ end
+ require 'socket'
+ src = Zero.new
+ rd, wr = UNIXSocket.pair
+ pid = fork do
+ wr.close
+ buf = String.new
+ while rd.read(16384, buf)
+ end
+ end
+ rd.close
+ IO.copy_stream(src, wr)
+rescue Errno::ENOENT, NotImplementedError, NameError
+ # not *nix: missing /dev/zero, fork, or UNIXSocket
+rescue LoadError # no socket?
+ wr.close if wr
+ Process.waitpid(pid) if pid
+end if IO.respond_to?(:copy_stream)