diff options
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/test/ripper/test_files.rb b/test/ripper/test_files.rb
index 5bc09c3cb6..a00359360e 100644
--- a/test/ripper/test_files.rb
+++ b/test/ripper/test_files.rb
@@ -1,46 +1,24 @@
- require 'ripper'
- require 'find'
- require 'stringio'
- require 'test/unit'
- ripper_test = true
- module TestRipper; end
-rescue LoadError
+require 'test/unit'
+require_relative '../ruby/envutil'
+module TestRipper; end
class TestRipper::Generic < Test::Unit::TestCase
- SRCDIR = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))))
- class Parser < Ripper
- PARSER_EVENTS.each {|n| eval "def on_#{n}(*args) r = [:#{n}, *args]; r.inspect; Object.new end" }
- SCANNER_EVENTS.each {|n| eval "def on_#{n}(*args) r = [:#{n}, *args]; r.inspect; Object.new end" }
- end
- TEST_RATIO = 0.05 # testing all files needs too long time...
- def capture_stderr
- err = StringIO.new
- begin
- old = $stderr
- $stderr = err
- yield
- ensure
- $stderr = old
- end
- if TEST_RATIO == 1.0
- puts err.string
- end
- end
def test_parse_files
- Find.find("#{SRCDIR}/lib", "#{SRCDIR}/ext", "#{SRCDIR}/sample", "#{SRCDIR}/test") {|n|
- next if /\.rb\z/ !~ n || !File.file?(n)
- next if TEST_RATIO < rand
- assert_nothing_raised("ripper failed to parse: #{n.inspect}") {
- capture_stderr {
- Parser.new(File.read(n)).parse
- }
- }
- }
+ srcdir = File.expand_path("../../..", __FILE__)
+ assert_separately(%W[--disable-gem -rripper -r#{__dir__}/../ruby/envutil - #{srcdir}],
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, <<-'eom', timeout: Float::INFINITY)
+ TEST_RATIO = 0.05 # testing all files needs too long time...
+ class Parser < Ripper
+ PARSER_EVENTS.each {|n| eval "def on_#{n}(*args) r = [:#{n}, *args]; r.inspect; Object.new end" }
+ SCANNER_EVENTS.each {|n| eval "def on_#{n}(*args) r = [:#{n}, *args]; r.inspect; Object.new end" }
+ end
+ dir = ARGV.shift
+ for script in Dir["#{dir}/{lib,sample,ext,test}/**/*.rb"].sort
+ next if TEST_RATIO < rand
+ assert_nothing_raised("ripper failed to parse: #{script.inspect}") {
+ Parser.new(File.read(script)).parse
+ }
+ end
+ eom
-end if ripper_test