path: root/NEWS
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-# -*- rdoc -*-
-= NEWS for Ruby 2.3.0
-This document is a list of user visible feature changes made between
-releases except for bug fixes.
-Note that each entry is kept so brief that no reason behind or
-reference information is supplied with. For a full list of changes
-with all sufficient information, see the ChangeLog file or Redmine
-(e.g. <tt>https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/$FEATURE_OR_BUG_NUMBER</tt>)
-== Changes since the 2.2.0 release
-=== Language changes
-* frozen-string-literal pragma:
- * new pragma, frozen-string-literal has been experimentally introduced.
- [Feature #8976]
- * besides, --enable/--disable=frozen-string-literal options also have
- been introduced. [Feature #8976]
- * command line options --debug or --debug=frozen-string-literal enable
- additional debugging mode which shows created location with at frozen
- object error (RuntimeError).
- [Feature #11725]
-* safe navigation operator:
- * new method call syntax, `object&.foo', method #foo is called on
- `object' if it is not nil.
- this is similar to `try!' in Active Support, except:
- * method name is syntactically required
- obj.try! {} # valid
- obj&. {} # syntax error
- * arguments are evaluated only if a call is made:
- obj.try!(:foo, bar()) # bar() is always evaluated
- obj&.foo(bar()) # bar() is conditionally evaluated
- * attribute assignment is valid
- obj&.attr += 1
- [Feature #11537]
-* the did_you_mean gem:
- * When a NameError or NoMethodError occurs because of a typo in the name,
- the did_you_mean gem automatically suggests other names similar to the
- method name.
- "Yuki".starts_with?("Y")
- # => NoMethodError: undefined method `starts_with?' for "Yuki":String
- # Did you mean? start_with?
-* indented here document:
- * new string literal, here document starts with `<<~`.
- refer doc/syntax/literals.rdoc for more details.
- [Feature #9098]
-=== Core classes updates (outstanding ones only)
- * ARGF.read_nonblock supports `exception: false' like IO#read_nonblock.
- [Feature #11358]
-* Array
- * Array#bsearch_index [Feature #10730]
- * Array#dig [Feature #11643]
-* Comparable
- * Comparable#== no longer rescues exceptions [Feature #7688]
-* Encoding
- * new Encoding::IBM037 (alias ebcdic-cp-us; dummy)
-* Enumerable
- * Enumerable#grep_v is added as inverse version of Enumerable#grep.
- [Feature #11049]
- * Enumerable#chunk_while [Feature #10769]
-* Enumerator::Lazy
- * Enumerator::Lazy#grep_v [Feature #11773]
-* File
- * File.mkfifo [Feature #11536]
- * Add File::TMPFILE corresponding to O_TMPFILE
-* Hash
- * Hash#fetch_values [Feature #10017]
- * Hash#dig [Feature #11643]
- * Hash#<=, Hash#<, Hash#>=, Hash#> [Feature #10984]
- * Hash#to_proc [Feature #11653]
-* IO
- * new mode flag File::SHARE_DELETE is available.
- this flag means to permit deleting opened file on Windows, but currently
- this affect only files opened as binary. [Feature #11218]
- * new option parameter `flags' is added.
- this parameter is bitwise-ORed to oflags generated by normal mode argument.
- [Feature #11253]
- * IO#advise no longer raises Errno::ENOSYS in cases where it was
- detected at build time but not available at runtime. [Feature #11806]
-* Kernel
- * Kernel#loop, when stopped by a StopIteration exception, returns
- what the enumerator has returned instead of nil. [Feature #11498]
-* Module
- * Module#deprecate_constant [Feature #11398]
-* NameError
- * NameError#receiver is added to take the receiver object. [Feature #10881]
-* Numeric
- * Numeric#positive? and Numeric#negative? are added, which return
- true when the receiver is positive and negative respectively.
- [Feature #11151]
-* Proc
- * Proc#call (and also #[], #===, #yield) are optimized.
- Backtrace doesn't show each method (show block lines directly).
- TracePoint also ignores these calls. [Feature #11569]
-* Queue (Thread::Queue)
- * Queue#close is added to notice a termination. [Feature #10600]
-* Regexp/String: Updated Unicode version from 7.0.0 to 8.0.0
-* RubyVM::InstructionSequence
- * add the following methods as a primitive tool of iseq loader.
- See sample/iseq_loader.rb for usage.
- Note that loader does not have verifier so it is easy to cause
- critical problem by loading modified/broken binary data.
- See [Feature #11788] for more details. (experimental feature)
- * RubyVM::InstructionSequence#to_binary(extra_data = nil)
- * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary(binary)
- * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary_extra_data(binary)
-* String
- * String#+@ and String#-@ are added to get mutable/frozen strings.
- [Feature #11782]
- * String.new now accepts new option parameter `encoding'.
- [Feature #11785]
-* Struct
- * Struct#dig [Feature #11688]
-* Thread
- * Thread#name, Thread#name= are added to handle thread names [Feature #11251]
-=== Core classes compatibility issues (excluding feature bug fixes)
-* Array
- * Array#select!, Array#keep_if, Array#reject!, and Array#delete_if
- no longer changes the receiver array instantly every time the
- block is called. [Feature #10714]
- * Array#flatten and Array#flatten! no longer try to call #to_ary
- method on elements beyond the given level. [Bug #10748]
- * Array#inspect doesn't raise error even if its content returns
- a string which is not compatible with Encoding.default_external
- as inspected result. [Feature #11801]
-* Enumerable
- * Enumerable#chunk and Enumerable#slice_before no longer takes the
- initial_state argument. [Feature #10958]
- Use a local variable instead to maintain a state.
-* File::Stat
- * On Windows File::Stat#ino always returned 0, but now returns
- BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION.nFileIndexHigh/Low. [Feature #11216]
-* Hash
- * Hash#inspect doesn't raise error even if its content returns
- a string which is not compatible with Encoding.default_external
- as inspected result. [Feature #11801]
-* IO
- * IO#close doesn't raise when the IO object is closed. [Feature #10718]
- * IO#each_codepoint raises an exception at incomplete character
- before EOF when conversion takes place. [Bug #11444]
-* Module
- * Module#define_method and Object.define_singleton_method now
- require method body, Proc, Method, or a block, and raise
- ArgumentError if no block is given directly. [Bug #11283]
-* pack/unpack (Array/String)
- * j and J directives for pointer width integer type. [Feature #11215]
-=== Stdlib updates (outstanding ones only)
-* Logger
- * Logger#level= now supports symbol and string levels such as :debug, :info,
- :warn, :error, :fatal (case insensitive) [Feature #11695]
- * Logger#reopen is added to reopen a log device. [Feature #11696]
-* io/wait
- * IO#wait_readable no longer checks FIONREAD, it may be used for
- non-bytestream IO such as listen sockets.
-* Net::FTP
- * Net::FTP#mlst is added.
- * Net::FTP#mlsd is added.
-* nkf
- * Merge nkf 2.1.4.
-* ObjectSpace (objspace)
- * ObjectSpace.count_symbols is added.
- * ObjectSpace.count_imemo_objects is added.
- * ObjectSpace.internal_class_of is added.
- * ObjectSpace.internal_super_of is added.
-* OpenSSL
- * OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#accept_nonblock and
- OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#connect_nonblock supports `exception: false`.
- [Feature #10532]
-* Pathname
- * Pathname#descend and Pathname#ascend supported blockless form.
- [Feature #11052]
-* Socket
- * Socket#connect_nonblock, Socket#accept_nonblock,
- TCPServer#accept_nonblock, UNIXServer#accept_nonblock,
- BasicSocket#recv_nonblock, BasicSocket#recvmsg_nonblock,
- BasicSocket#sendmsg_nonblock all support `exception: false` to return
- :wait_readable or :wait_writable symbols instead of raising
- IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable exceptions
- [Feature #10532] [Feature #11229]
- * BasicSocket#recv and BasicSocket#recv_nonblock allow an output
- String buffer argument like IO#read and IO#read_nonblock to reduce
- GC overhead [Feature #11242]
-* StringIO
- * In read-only mode, StringIO#set_encoding no longer sets the encoding
- of its buffer string. Setting the encoding of the string directly
- without StringIO#set_encoding may cause unpredictable behavior now.
- [Bug #11827]
-* timeout
- * Object#timeout is now warned as deprecated when called.
-=== Stdlib compatibility issues (excluding feature bug fixes)
-* ext/coverage/coverage.c
- * Coverage.peek_result: new method to allow coverage to be captured without
- stopping the coverage tool. [Feature #10816]
-* Fiddle
- * Fiddle::Function#call releases the GVL. [Feature #11607]
-* io-console
- * Update to io-console 0.4.5, and change the license to BSD 2-clause
- "Simplified" License.
-* lib/base64.rb
- * Base64.urlsafe_encode64: added a "padding" option to suppress
- the padding character ("="). [Feature #10740]
- * Base64.urlsafe_decode64: now it accepts not only correctly-padded
- input but also unpadded input. [Feature #10740]
-* lib/drb/drb.rb
- * removed unused argument. https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/515
-* lib/matrix.rb
- * Add Vector#round. https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/802
-* lib/webrick/utils.rb
- * removed unused argument. https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/356
-* Net::FTP
- * Connections are in passive mode per default now. The default mode can
- be changed by Net::FTP.default_passive=. [Feature #11612]
-* Net::HTTP
- * default value of Net::HTTP#open_timeout is now 60 (was nil).
-* Net::Telnet
- * Net::Telnet is extracted to net-telnet gem. It's unmaintain code.
- [Feature #11083]
-* Psych
- * Updated to Psych 2.0.17
-* Rake
- * Rake is removed from stdlib. [Feature #11025]
-* RDoc
- * Updated to RDoc 4.2.1. For full release notes see:
- https://github.com/rdoc/rdoc/blob/master/History.rdoc#421--2015-12-22
-* RubyGems
- * Updated to RubyGems 2.5.1. For full release notes see:
- http://docs.seattlerb.org/rubygems/History_txt.html#label-2.5.0+-2F+2015-11-03
- and
- http://docs.seattlerb.org/rubygems/History_txt.html#label-2.5.1+-2F+2015-12-10
-=== Built-in global variables compatibility issues
-* $SAFE
- * $SAFE=2 and $SAFE=3 are obsolete. If $SAFE is set to 2 or larger,
- an ArgumentError is raised. [Feature #5455]
-=== C API updates
-* rb_define_class_id_under() now raises a TypeError exception when the
- class is already defined but its superclass does not match the given
- superclass, as well as definitions in ruby level.
-* rb_timespec_now() is added to fetch current datetime as struct timespec.
- [Feature #11558]
-* rb_time_timespec_new() is added to create a time object with epoch,
- nanosecond, and UTC/localtime/time offset arguments. [Feature #11558]
-* rb_autoload() deprecated, use rb_funcall() instead. [Feature #11664]
-* rb_compile_error_with_enc(), rb_compile_error(), and rb_compile_bug()
- deprecated. these functions are exposed but only for internal use.
- external libraries should not use them.
-=== Supported platform changes
-* OS/2 is no longer supported
-* BeOS is no longer supported
-* Borland-C is no longer supported
-* Haiku now stable and best effort
-=== Implementation improvements
-* Optimize Proc#call to eliminate method frame construction.
- [Feature #11569]
-* Reconsidering method entry data structure.
- [Bug #11278]
-* Introducing new table data structure for ID keys tables used by
- method table and so on. New table structure is simple and fast
- than st_table. [Feature #11420]
-* Machine code level tuning for object allocation and method calling
- code. r52099, r52254
-* RubyVM::InstructionSequence is extended for future improvement.
- [Feature #11788]
-* Case dispatch is now optimized for all special constant literals
- including nil, true, and false. Previously, only literal strings,
- symbols, integers and floats compiled to optimized case dispatch.
- [Feature #11769]
-* Instance variables on non-pure Ruby classes (T_DATA, T_FILE,
- etc..) is less expensive to store than before. [Feature #11170]
-* All accesses to members of big Struct objects are performed in
- constant-time. Previously, Struct elements beyond the first 10
- 10 elements used a linear scan. [Feature #10585]
-* The Set class got several speed up.
- [Misc #10754], [r52591]
-* Socket and I/O-related improvements
- * Calling overhead of most of new keyword-using I/O methods in
- [Feature #11229] is reduced by avoiding the inefficient C API
- to parse keywords. [Feature #11339]
- * The standard library is updated to use the improved
- exception-free non-blocking I/O from [Feature #11229].
- This has the additional benefit of quieter $DEBUG output in
- addition to reducing expensive exceptions. [Feature #11044]
- * (Linux-only) waiting on a single FD anywhere in the stdlib no longer
- uses select(2), making it immune to slowdowns with high-numbered FDs.
- [Feature #11081] [Feature #11377]
-* CGI.escapeHTML is optimized with C extention.
- https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/1164