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-irb -- interactive ruby
- $Release Version: 0.9 $
- $Revision$
- by Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ishitsuka.com)
- by gotoken-san who is original translater from japanese version
-= What is irb?
-irb stands for `interactive ruby'. irb is a tool to execute interactively
-ruby expressions read from stdin.
-= Invoking
- % irb
-= Usage
-Use of irb is easy if you know ruby. Executing irb, prompts are
-displayed as follows. Then, enter expression of ruby. A input is
-executed when it is syntacticaly completed.
- dim% irb
- irb(main):001:0> 1+2
- 3
- irb(main):002:0> class Foo
- irb(main):003:1> def foo
- irb(main):004:2> print 1
- irb(main):005:2> end
- irb(main):006:1> end
- nil
- irb(main):007:0>
-And, Readline extesion module can be used with irb. Using Readline
-is the standard default action if Readline is installed.
-= Command line option
- irb.rb [options] file_name opts
- options:
- -f suppress read ~/.irbrc
- -m bc mode (fraction or matrix are available)
- -d set $DEBUG to true (same as `ruby -d')
- -Kc same as `ruby -Kc'
- -r load-module same as `ruby -r'
- --verbose command input is echoed(default)
- --noverbose command input isn't echoed
- --echo commands are echoed immediately before execution(default)
- --noecho commands aren't echoed immediately before execution
- --inspect uses `inspect' for output (the default except bc mode)
- --noinspect doesn't uses inspect for output
- --readline uses Readline extension module
- --noreadline doesn't use Readline extension module
- --prompt prompt-mode
- --prompt-mode prompt-mode
- switches prompt mode. Pre-defined prompt modes are
- `default', `simple', `xmp' and `inf-ruby'
- --inf-ruby-mode uses prompt appreciate for inf-ruby-mode on emacs.
- Suppresses --readline.
- --simple-prompt simple prompt mode
- --noprompt no prompt
- --tracer display trace for each execution of commands.
- --back-trace-limit n
- displayes backtrace top n and tail n. The default
- value is 16.
- --irb_debug n sets internal debug level to n (It shouldn't be used)
- -v, --version prints the version of irb
-= Configurations
-irb reads `~/.irbrc' when it is invoked. If `~/.irbrb' doesn't exist
-irb try to read in the order `.irbrc', `irb.rc', `_irbrc' then `$irbrc'.
-The following is altanative to the command line option. To use them
-type as follows in an irb session.
- IRB.conf[:IRB_NAME]="irb"
- IRB.conf[:MATH_MODE]=false
- IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER]=false
- IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER]=false
- IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT]=true
- IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF]=false
- IRB.conf[:INSPECT_MODE]=nil
- IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] = nil
- IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER] = false
- IRB.conf[:USE_READLINE] = nil
- IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER] = false
- IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT] = true
- IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF] = false
- IRB.conf[:PROMPT] = {...}
- IRB.conf[:DEBUG_LEVEL]=0
- IRB.conf[:VERBOSE]=true
-== Customizing prompt
-To costomize the prompt you set a variable
- IRB.conf[:PROMPT]
-For example, describe as follows in `.irbrc'.
- IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:MY_PROMPT] = { # name of prompt mode
- :PROMPT_I => nil, # normal prompt
- :PROMPT_S => nil, # prompt for continuated strings
- :PROMPT_C => nil, # prompt for continuated statement
- :RETURN => " ==>%s\n" # format to return value
- }
-Then, invoke irb with the above prompt mode by
- % irb --prompt my-prompt
-Or add the following in `.irbrc'.
-Constants PROMPT_I, PROMPT_S and PROMPT_C specifies the format.
-In the prompt specification, some special strings are available.
- %N command name which is running
- %m to_s of main object (self)
- %M inspect of main object (self)
- %l type of string(", ', /, ]), `]' is inner %w[...]
- %NNi indent level. NN is degits and means as same as printf("%NNd").
- It can be ommited
- %NNn line number.
- %% %
-For instance, the default prompt mode is defined as follows:
- :PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ",
- :PROMPT_S => "%N(%m):%03n:%i%l ",
- :PROMPT_C => "%N(%m):%03n:%i* ",
- :RETURN => "%s\n"
-RETURN is used to printf.
-== Configurating subirb
-The command line option or IRB.conf specify the default behavior of
-(sub)irb. On the other hand, each conf of in the next sction `6. Command'
-is used to individually configurate (sub)irb.
-If proc is set to IRB.conf[:IRB_RC], its subirb will be invoked after
-execution of that proc under giving the context of irb as its
-aregument. By this mechanism each subirb can be configurated.
-= Command
-For irb commands, both simple name and `irb_'-prefixed name are prepared.
---- exit, quit, irb_exit
- Quits (sub)irb.
---- conf, irb_context
- Displays current configuration. Modifing the configuration is
- achieved by sending message to `conf'.
---- conf.eval_history = N
- Sets execution result history.
- N is a integer or nil. If N > 0, the number of historys is N.
- If N == 0, the number of historys is unlimited. If N is nill,
- execution result history isn't used(default).
---- conf.back_trace_limit
- Sets display lines of backtrace as top n and tail n.
- The default value is 16.
---- conf.debug_level = N
- Sets debug level of irb.
---- conf.ignore_eof = true/false
- Whether ^D (control-d) will be ignored or not.
- If false is set, ^D means quit.
---- conf.ignore_sigint= true/false
- Whether ^C (control-c) will be ignored or not.
- If false is set, ^D means quit. If true,
- during input: cancel inputing then return to top level.
- during execute: abondon current execution.
---- conf.inf_ruby_mode = true/false
- Whether inf-ruby-mode or not. The default value is false.
---- conf.inspect_mode = true/false/nil
- Specifies inspect mode.
- true: display inspect
- false: display to_s
- nil: inspect mode in non math mode,
- non inspect mode in math mode.
---- conf.math_mode
- Whether bc mode or not.
---- conf.use_loader = true/false
- Whether irb's own file reader method is used when load/require or not.
- This mode is globaly affected (irb wide).
---- conf.prompt_c
- prompt for a continuating statement (e.g, immediately after of `if')
---- conf.prompt_i
- standard prompt
---- conf.prompt_s
- prompt for a continuating string
---- conf.rc
- Whether ~/.irbrc is read or not.
---- conf.use_prompt = true/false
- Prompting or not.
---- conf.use_readline = true/false/nil
- Whether readline is used or not.
- true: uses
- false: doen't use
- nil: intends to use readline except for inf-ruby-mode (default)
-#--- conf.verbose=T/F
-# Whether verbose messages are display or not.
---- cws, chws, irb_change_workspace [obj]
- obj will be self. If obj is omitted, self will be home-object, or
- the main object of first started irb.
---- pushws, irb_pushws, irb_push_workspace [obj]
- same as UNIX-shell command pushd.
---- popws, irb_popws, irb_pop_workspace
- same as UNIX-shell command popd
---- irb [obj]
- Invoke subirb. If obj is given, obj will be self.
---- jobs, irb_jobs
- List of subirb
---- fg n, irb_fg n
- Switch into specified subirb. The following is candidates of n:
- irb number
- thhread
- irb object
- self(obj which is specified of irb obj)
---- kill n, irb_kill n
- Kill subirb. The means of n is as same as the case of irb_fg.
---- source, irb_source path
- This is a like UNIX-shell command source. evaluate script in path
- on current context.
---- irb_load path, prev
- irb-version of Ruby's load.
-= System variable
---- _ The latest value of evaluation (it is local)
---- __ The history of evaluation values.
- __[line_no] return an evaluation value of line number<line_no>. If
- line_no is a negative, return value before -<line_no> from latest
- value.
-= Session Example
- dim% ruby irb.rb
- irb(main):001:0> irb # invoke subirb
- irb#1(main):001:0> jobs # list of subirbs
- #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : stop)
- #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : running)
- nil
- irb#1(main):002:0> fg 0 # switch job
- nil
- irb(main):002:0> class Foo;end
- nil
- irb(main):003:0> irb Foo # invoke subirb which has the
- # context of Foo
- irb#2(Foo):001:0> def foo # define Foo#foo
- irb#2(Foo):002:1> print 1
- irb#2(Foo):003:1> end
- nil
- irb#2(Foo):004:0> fg 0 # switch job
- nil
- irb(main):004:0> jobs # list of job
- #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : running)
- #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : stop)
- #2->irb#2 on Foo (#<Thread:0x4011d54c> : stop)
- nil
- irb(main):005:0> Foo.instance_methods # Foo#foo is defined asurely
- ["foo"]
- irb(main):006:0> fg 2 # switch job
- nil
- irb#2(Foo):005:0> def bar # define Foo#bar
- irb#2(Foo):006:1> print "bar"
- irb#2(Foo):007:1> end
- nil
- irb#2(Foo):010:0> Foo.instance_methods
- ["bar", "foo"]
- irb#2(Foo):011:0> fg 0
- nil
- irb(main):007:0> f = Foo.new
- #<Foo:0x4010af3c>
- irb(main):008:0> irb f # invoke subirb which has the
- # context of f (instance of Foo)
- irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):001:0> jobs
- #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : stop)
- #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : stop)
- #2->irb#2 on Foo (#<Thread:0x4011d54c> : stop)
- #3->irb#3 on #<Foo:0x4010af3c> (#<Thread:0x4010a1e0> : running)
- nil
- irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):002:0> foo # evaluate f.foo
- 1nil
- irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):003:0> bar # evaluate f.bar
- barnil
- irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):004:0> kill 1, 2, 3# kill job
- nil
- irb(main):009:0> jobs
- #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : running)
- nil
- irb(main):010:0> exit # exit
- dim%
-= Restrictions
-Because irb evaluates the inputs immediately after the imput is
-syntactically completed, irb gives slight different result than
-directly use ruby. Known difference is pointed out here.
-== Declaration of the local variable
-The following causes an error in ruby:
- eval "foo = 0"
- foo
- --
- -:2: undefined local variable or method `foo' for #<Object:0x40283118> (NameError)
- ---
- NameError
-Though, the above will successfully done by irb.
- >> eval "foo = 0"
- => 0
- >> foo
- => 0
-Ruby evaluates a code after reading entire of code and determination
-of the scope of local variables. On the other hand, irb do
-immediately. More precisely, irb evaluate at first
- evel "foo = 0"
-then foo is defined on this timing. It is because of this
-If you'd like to detect those differences, begin...end can be used:
- >> begin
- ?> eval "foo = 0"
- >> foo
- >> end
- NameError: undefined local variable or method `foo' for #<Object:0x4013d0f0>
- (irb):3
- (irb_local_binding):1:in `eval'
-== Here-document
-Implementation of Here-document is incomplete.
-== Symbol
-Irb can not always recognize a symbol as to be Symbol. Concretely, an
-expression have completed, however Irb regard it as continuation line.
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