path: root/error.c
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1 files changed, 291 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/error.c b/error.c
index 2cced9aa62..cfa5d57ce2 100644
--- a/error.c
+++ b/error.c
@@ -1084,6 +1084,295 @@ syserr_eqq(VALUE self, VALUE exc)
return Qfalse;
+ * Document-class: StandardError
+ *
+ * The most standard error types are subclasses of StandardError. A
+ * rescue clause without an explicit Exception class will rescue all
+ * StandardErrors (and only those).
+ *
+ * def foo
+ * raise "Oups"
+ * end
+ * foo rescue "Hello" # => "Hello"
+ *
+ * On the other hand:
+ *
+ * require 'does/not/exist' rescue "Hi"
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * LoadError: no such file to load -- does/not/exist
+ *
+ */
+ * Document-class: SystemExit
+ *
+ * Raised by +exit+ to initiate the termination of the script.
+ */
+ * Document-class: SignalException
+ *
+ * Raised when a signal is received.
+ *
+ * begin
+ * Process.kill('HUP',Process.pid)
+ * rescue SignalException => e
+ * puts "received Exception #{e}"
+ * end
+ *
+ * <em>produces:</em>
+ *
+ * received Exception SIGHUP
+ */
+ * Document-class: Interrupt
+ *
+ * Raised with the interrupt signal is received, typically because the
+ * user pressed on Control-C (on most posix platforms). As such, it is a
+ * subclass of +SignalException+.
+ *
+ * begin
+ * puts "Press ctrl-C when you get bored"
+ * loop {}
+ * rescue Interrupt => e
+ * puts "Note: You will typically use Signal.trap instead."
+ * end
+ *
+ * <em>produces:</em>
+ *
+ * Press ctrl-C when you get bored
+ *
+ * <em>then waits until it is interrupted with Control-C and then prints:</em>
+ *
+ * Note: You will typically use Signal.trap instead.
+ */
+ * Document-class: TypeError
+ *
+ * Raised when encountering an object that is not of the expected type.
+ *
+ * [1, 2, 3].first("two")
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * TypeError: can't convert String into Integer
+ *
+ */
+ * Document-class: ArgumentError
+ *
+ * Raised when the arguments are wrong and there isn't a more specific
+ * Exception class.
+ *
+ * Ex: passing the wrong number of arguments
+ *
+ * [1, 2, 3].first(4, 5)
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)
+ *
+ * Ex: passing an argument that is not acceptable:
+ *
+ * [1, 2, 3].first(-4)
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * ArgumentError: negative array size
+ */
+ * Document-class: IndexError
+ *
+ * Raised when the given index is invalid.
+ *
+ * a = [:foo, :bar]
+ * a.fetch(0) #=> :foo
+ * a[4] #=> nil
+ * a.fetch(4) #=> IndexError: index 4 outside of array bounds: -2...2
+ *
+ */
+ * Document-class: KeyError
+ *
+ * Raised when the specified key is not found. It is a subclass of
+ * IndexError.
+ *
+ * h = {"foo" => :bar}
+ * h.fetch("foo") # => :bar
+ * h.fetch("baz") # => KeyError: key not found: "baz"
+ *
+ */
+ * Document-class: RangeError
+ *
+ * Raised when a given numerical value is out of range.
+ *
+ * [1, 2, 3].drop(1 << 100)
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * RangeError: bignum too big to convert into `long'
+ */
+ * Document-class: ScriptError
+ *
+ * ScriptError is the superclass for errors raised when a script
+ * can not be executed because of a +LoadError+,
+ * +NotImplementedError+ or a +SyntaxError+. Note these type of
+ * +ScriptErrors+ are not +StandardExceptions+ and will not be
+ * rescued unless it is specified explicitly (or its ancestor
+ * +Exception+).
+ */
+ * Document-class: SyntaxError
+ *
+ * Raised when encountering Ruby code with an invalid syntax.
+ *
+ * eval("1+1=2")
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * SyntaxError: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end
+ */
+ * Document-class: LoadError
+ *
+ * Raised when a file required (a Ruby script, extension library, ...)
+ * fails to load.
+ *
+ * require 'this/file/does/not/exist'
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * LoadError: no such file to load -- this/file/does/not/exist
+ */
+ * Document-class: NotImplementedError
+ *
+ * Raised when a feature is not implemented on the current platform. For
+ * example, methods depending on the +fsync+ or +fork+ system calls may
+ * raise this exception if the underlying operating system or Ruby
+ * runtime does not support them.
+ *
+ * Note that if +fork+ raises a +NotImplementedError+, then
+ * <code>respond_to?(:fork)</code> returns +false+.
+ */
+ * Document-class: NameError
+ *
+ * Raised when a given name is invalid or undefined.
+ *
+ * puts foo
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * NameError: undefined local variable or method `foo' for main:Object
+ *
+ * Since constant names must start with a capital:
+ *
+ * Fixnum.const_set :answer, 42
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * NameError: wrong constant name answer
+ */
+ * Document-class: NoMethodError
+ *
+ * Raised when a method is called on a receiver which doesn't have it
+ * defined and also fails to respond with +method_missing+.
+ *
+ * "hello".to_ary
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * NoMethodError: undefined method `to_ary' for "hello":String
+ */
+ * Document-class: RuntimeError
+ *
+ * A generic error class raised when an invalid operation is attempted.
+ *
+ * [1, 2, 3].freeze << 4
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * RuntimeError: can't modify frozen array
+ *
+ * Kernel.raise will raise a RuntimeError if no Exception class is
+ * specified.
+ *
+ * raise "ouch"
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * RuntimeError: ouch
+ */
+ * Document-class: SecurityError
+ *
+ * Raised when attempting a potential unsafe operation, typically when
+ * the $SAFE level is raised above 0.
+ *
+ * foo = "bar"
+ * proc = Proc.new do
+ * $SAFE = 4
+ * foo.gsub! "a", "*"
+ * end
+ * proc.call
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * SecurityError: Insecure: can't modify string
+ */
+ * Document-class: NoMemoryError
+ *
+ * Raised when memory allocation fails.
+ */
+ * Document-class: SystemCallError
+ *
+ * SystemCallError is the base class for all low-level
+ * platform-dependent errors.
+ *
+ * The errors available on the current platform are subclasses of
+ * SystemCallError and are defined in the Errno module.
+ *
+ * File.open("does/not/exist")
+ *
+ * <em>raises the exception:</em>
+ *
+ * Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - does/not/exist
+ */
+ * Document-class: Encoding::CompatibilityError
+ *
+ * Raised by Encoding and String methods when the source encoding is
+ * incompatible with the target encoding.
+ */
* Descendants of class <code>Exception</code> are used to communicate
* between <code>raise</code> methods and <code>rescue</code>
@@ -1091,7 +1380,8 @@ syserr_eqq(VALUE self, VALUE exc)
* objects carry information about the exception---its type (the
* exception's class name), an optional descriptive string, and
* optional traceback information. Programs may subclass
- * <code>Exception</code> to add additional information.
+ * <code>Exception</code>, or more typically <code>StandardException</code>
+ * to provide custom classes and add additional information.