path: root/ext/nkf/nkf1.7
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/nkf/nkf1.7')
1 files changed, 1899 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/nkf/nkf1.7/nkf.c b/ext/nkf/nkf1.7/nkf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26ef657021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/nkf/nkf1.7/nkf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1899 @@
+/** Network Kanji Filter. (PDS Version)
+** Copyright (C) 1987, Fujitsu LTD. (Itaru ICHIKAWA)
+** $BO"Mm@h!'(B $B!J3t!KIY;NDL8&5f=j!!%=%U%H#38&!!;T@n!!;j(B
+** $B!J(BE-Mail Address: ichikawa@flab.fujitsu.co.jp$B!K(B
+** Copyright (C) 1996,1998
+** $BO"Mm@h!'(B $BN05eBg3X>pJs9)3X2J(B $B2OLn(B $B??<#(B mine/X0208 support
+** $B!J(BE-Mail Address: kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp$B!K(B
+** $BO"Mm@h!'(B COW for DOS & Win16 & Win32 & OS/2
+** $B!J(BE-Mail Address: GHG00637@niftyserve.or.p$B!K(B
+** $B$3$N%=!<%9$N$$$+$J$kJ#<L!$2~JQ!$=$@5$b5vBz$7$^$9!#$?$@$7!"(B
+** $B$=$N:]$K$O!"C/$,9W8%$7$?$r<($9$3$NItJ,$r;D$9$3$H!#(B
+** $B:FG[I[$d;(;o$NIUO?$J$I$NLd$$9g$o$;$bI,MW$"$j$^$;$s!#(B
+** $B$3$N%W%m%0%i%`$K$D$$$F$OFC$K2?$NJ]>Z$b$7$J$$!"0-$7$+$i$:!#(B
+** Everyone is permitted to do anything on this program
+** including copying, modifying, improving.
+** as long as you don't try to pretend that you wrote it.
+** i.e., the above copyright notice has to appear in all copies.
+** You don't have to ask before copying or publishing.
+static char *CopyRight =
+ "Copyright (C) 1987, FUJITSU LTD. (I.Ichikawa),1998 S. Kono, COW";
+static char *Version =
+ "1.7";
+static char *Patchlevel =
+ "0/9711/Shinji Kono";
+** USAGE: nkf [flags] [file]
+** Flags:
+** b Output is bufferred (DEFAULT)
+** u Output is unbufferred
+** t no operation
+** j Outout code is JIS 7 bit (DEFAULT SELECT)
+** s Output code is MS Kanji (DEFAULT SELECT)
+** e Output code is AT&T JIS (DEFAULT SELECT)
+** l Output code is JIS 7bit and ISO8859-1 Latin-1
+** m MIME conversion for ISO-2022-JP
+** i_ Output sequence to designate JIS-kanji (DEFAULT_J)
+** o_ Output sequence to designate single-byte roman characters (DEFAULT_R)
+** r {de/en}crypt ROT13/47
+** v display Version
+** T Text mode output (for MS-DOS)
+** x Do not convert X0201 kana into X0208
+** Z Convert X0208 alphabet to ASCII
+** f60 fold option
+** m MIME decode
+** B try to fix broken JIS, missing Escape
+** B[1-9] broken level
+** O Output to 'nkf.out' file
+** d Delete \r in line feed
+** c Add \r in line feed
+/* $B%G%U%)%k%H$N=PNO%3!<%IA*Br(B */
+/* Select DEFAULT_CODE */
+/* #define DEFAULT_CODE_SJIS */
+/* #define DEFAULT_CODE_EUC */
+#if (defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(LSI_C)) && !defined(MSDOS)
+#define MSDOS
+#ifndef PERL_XS
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(__OS2__)
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#ifdef LSI_C
+#define setbinmode(fp) fsetbin(fp)
+#else /* Microsoft C, Turbo C */
+#define setbinmode(fp) setmode(fileno(fp), O_BINARY)
+#else /* UNIX,OS/2 */
+#define setbinmode(fp)
+#ifdef _IOFBF /* SysV and MSDOS */
+#define setvbuffer(fp, buf, size) setvbuf(fp, buf, _IOFBF, size)
+#else /* BSD */
+#define setvbuffer(fp, buf, size) setbuffer(fp, buf, size)
+/*Borland C++ 4.5 EasyWin*/
+#if defined(__TURBOC__) && defined(_Windows) && !defined(__WIN32__) /*Easy Win */
+#define EASYWIN
+#include <windows.h>
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE 1
+/* state of output_mode and input_mode */
+#define ASCII 0
+#define X0208 1
+#define X0201 2
+#define NO_X0201 3
+#define JIS_INPUT 4
+#define SJIS_INPUT 5
+#define LATIN1_INPUT 6
+#define FIXED_MIME 7
+#define DOUBLE_SPACE -2
+#define NL 0x0a
+#define ESC 0x1b
+#define SPACE 0x20
+#define AT 0x40
+#define SSP 0xa0
+#define DEL 0x7f
+#define SI 0x0f
+#define SO 0x0e
+#define SSO 0x8e
+#define HOLD_SIZE 32
+#define IOBUF_SIZE 16384
+#define DEFAULT_J 'B'
+#define DEFAULT_R 'B'
+#define SJ0162 0x00e1 /* 01 - 62 ku offset */
+#define SJ6394 0x0161 /* 63 - 94 ku offset */
+/* MIME preprocessor */
+#undef STRICT_MIME /* do stupid strict mime integrity check */
+#define GETC(p) ((!mime_mode)?getc(p):mime_getc(p))
+#define UNGETC(c,p) ((!mime_mode)?ungetc(c,p):mime_ungetc(c))
+#ifdef EASYWIN /*Easy Win */
+extern POINT _BufferSize;
+/* function prototype */
+#ifndef _
+# ifdef __STDC__
+# define _(args) args
+# else
+# define _(args) ()
+# endif
+#ifndef PERL_XS
+static void noconvert _((FILE *f));
+static int mime_integrity _((FILE *f,unsigned char *p));
+static int usage _((void));
+static char stdibuf[IOBUF_SIZE];
+static char stdobuf[IOBUF_SIZE];
+static unsigned int mime_input = 0; /* undecoded */
+static int end_check;
+static void kanji_convert _((FILE *f));
+static void h_conv _((FILE *f,int c2,int c1));
+static int push_hold_buf _((int c2,int c1));
+static void s_iconv _((int c2,int c1));
+static void e_oconv _((int c2,int c1));
+static void s_oconv _((int c2,int c1));
+static void j_oconv _((int c2,int c1));
+static int line_fold _((int c2,int c1));
+static int pre_convert _((int c1,int c2));
+static int mime_begin _((FILE *f));
+static int mime_getc _((FILE *f));
+static int mime_ungetc _((unsigned int c));
+static int base64decode _((int c));
+static void arguments _((char *c));
+static void reinit _((void));
+/* buffers */
+static unsigned char hold_buf[HOLD_SIZE*2];
+static int hold_count;
+/* MIME preprocessor fifo */
+#define MIME_BUF_SIZE (1024) /* 2^n ring buffer */
+#define Fifo(n) mime_buf[(n)&MIME_BUF_MASK]
+static unsigned char mime_buf[MIME_BUF_SIZE];
+static unsigned int mime_top = 0;
+static unsigned int mime_last = 0; /* decoded */
+/* flags */
+static int unbuf_f = FALSE;
+static int estab_f = FALSE;
+static int nop_f = FALSE;
+static int binmode_f = TRUE; /* binary mode */
+static int rot_f = FALSE; /* rot14/43 mode */
+static int input_f = FALSE; /* non fixed input code */
+static int alpha_f = FALSE; /* convert JIx0208 alphbet to ASCII */
+static int mime_f = TRUE; /* convert MIME B base64 or Q */
+static int mimebuf_f = FALSE; /* MIME buffered input */
+static int broken_f = FALSE; /* convert ESC-less broken JIS */
+static int iso8859_f = FALSE; /* ISO8859 through */
+#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(__OS2__)
+static int x0201_f = TRUE; /* Assume JISX0201 kana */
+static int x0201_f = NO_X0201; /* Assume NO JISX0201 */
+/* X0208 -> ASCII converter */
+static int c1_return;
+/* fold parameter */
+static int line = 0; /* chars in line */
+static int prev = 0;
+static int fold_f = FALSE;
+static int fold_len = 0;
+/* options */
+static char kanji_intro = DEFAULT_J,
+ ascii_intro = DEFAULT_R;
+/* Folding */
+int line_fold();
+#define FOLD_MARGIN 10
+#define DEFAULT_FOLD 60
+/* converters */
+# define DEFAULT_CONV j_oconv
+# define DEFAULT_CONV s_oconv
+# define DEFAULT_CONV e_oconv
+static void (*iconv) _((int c2,int c1));
+ /* s_iconv or oconv */
+static void (*oconv) _((int c2,int c1)) = DEFAULT_CONV;
+ /* [ejs]_oconv */
+/* Global states */
+static int output_mode = ASCII, /* output kanji mode */
+ input_mode = ASCII, /* input kanji mode */
+ shift_mode = FALSE; /* TRUE shift out, or X0201 */
+static int mime_mode = FALSE; /* MIME mode B base64, Q hex */
+/* X0201 / X0208 conversion tables */
+/* X0201 kana conversion table */
+/* 90-9F A0-DF */
+unsigned char cv[]= {
+/* X0201 kana conversion table for daguten */
+/* 90-9F A0-DF */
+unsigned char dv[]= {
+/* X0201 kana conversion table for han-daguten */
+/* 90-9F A0-DF */
+unsigned char ev[]= {
+/* X0208 kigou conversion table */
+/* 0x8140 - 0x819e */
+unsigned char fv[] = {
+} ;
+static int file_out = FALSE;
+static int add_cr = FALSE;
+static int del_cr = FALSE;
+#ifndef PERL_XS
+main(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv;
+ FILE *fin;
+ char *cp;
+#ifdef EASYWIN /*Easy Win */
+ _BufferSize.y = 400;/*Set Scroll Buffer Size*/
+ for (argc--,argv++; (argc > 0) && **argv == '-'; argc--, argv++) {
+ cp = *argv;
+ arguments(cp);
+ }
+ if(iso8859_f && (oconv != j_oconv || !x0201_f )) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Mixed ISO8859/JISX0201/SJIS/EUC output is not allowed.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(binmode_f == TRUE)
+#ifdef __OS2__
+ if(freopen("","wb",stdout) == NULL)
+ return (-1);
+ setbinmode(stdout);
+ if(unbuf_f)
+ setbuf(stdout, (char *) NULL);
+ else
+ setvbuffer(stdout, stdobuf, IOBUF_SIZE);
+ if(argc == 0) {
+ if(binmode_f == TRUE)
+#ifdef __OS2__
+ if(freopen("","rb",stdin) == NULL) return (-1);
+ setbinmode(stdin);
+ setvbuffer(stdin, stdibuf, IOBUF_SIZE);
+ if(nop_f)
+ noconvert(stdin);
+ else
+ kanji_convert(stdin);
+ } else {
+ while (argc--) {
+ if((fin = fopen(*argv++, "r")) == NULL) {
+ perror(*--argv);
+ return(-1);
+ } else {
+/* reopen file for stdout */
+ if(file_out == TRUE){
+ if(argc == 1 ) {
+ if(freopen(*argv++, "w", stdout) == NULL) {
+ perror(*--argv);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ argc--;
+ } else {
+ if(freopen("nkf.out", "w", stdout) == NULL) {
+ perror(*--argv);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(binmode_f == TRUE) {
+#ifdef __OS2__
+ if(freopen("","wb",stdout) == NULL)
+ return (-1);
+ setbinmode(stdout);
+ }
+ }
+ if(binmode_f == TRUE)
+#ifdef __OS2__
+ if(freopen("","rb",fin) == NULL)
+ return (-1);
+ setbinmode(fin);
+ setvbuffer(fin, stdibuf, IOBUF_SIZE);
+ if(nop_f)
+ noconvert(fin);
+ else
+ kanji_convert(fin);
+ fclose(fin);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef EASYWIN /*Easy Win */
+ if(file_out == FALSE)
+ scanf("%d",&end_check);
+ else
+ fclose(stdout);
+#else /* for Other OS */
+ if(file_out == TRUE)
+ fclose(stdout);
+ return (0);
+static void
+ char *cp;
+ while (*cp) {
+ switch (*cp++) {
+ case 'b': /* buffered mode */
+ unbuf_f = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ case 'u': /* non bufferd mode */
+ unbuf_f = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ case 't': /* transparent mode */
+ nop_f = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ case 'j': /* JIS output */
+ case 'n':
+ oconv = j_oconv;
+ continue;
+ case 'e': /* AT&T EUC output */
+ oconv = e_oconv;
+ continue;
+ case 's': /* SJIS output */
+ oconv = s_oconv;
+ continue;
+ case 'l': /* ISO8859 Latin-1 support, no conversion */
+ iso8859_f = TRUE; /* Only compatible with ISO-2022-JP */
+ input_f = LATIN1_INPUT;
+ continue;
+ case 'i': /* Kanji IN ESC-$-@/B */
+ if(*cp=='@'||*cp=='B')
+ kanji_intro = *cp++;
+ continue;
+ case 'o': /* ASCII IN ESC-(-J/B */
+ if(*cp=='J'||*cp=='B'||*cp=='H')
+ ascii_intro = *cp++;
+ continue;
+ case 'r':
+ rot_f = TRUE;
+ continue;
+#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(__OS2__)
+ case 'T':
+ binmode_f = FALSE;
+ continue;
+#ifndef PERL_XS
+ case 'v':
+ usage();
+ exit(1);
+ break;
+ /* Input code assumption */
+ case 'J': /* JIS input */
+ case 'E': /* AT&T EUC input */
+ input_f = JIS_INPUT;
+ continue;
+ case 'S': /* MS Kanji input */
+ input_f = SJIS_INPUT;
+ if(x0201_f==NO_X0201) x0201_f=TRUE;
+ continue;
+ case 'Z': /* Convert X0208 alphabet to asii */
+ /* bit:0 Convert X0208
+ bit:1 Convert Kankaku to one space
+ bit:2 Convert Kankaku to two spaces
+ */
+ if('9'>= *cp && *cp>='0')
+ alpha_f |= 1<<(*cp++ -'0');
+ else
+ alpha_f |= TRUE;
+ continue;
+ case 'x': /* Convert X0201 kana to X0208 or X0201 Conversion */
+ x0201_f = FALSE; /* No X0201->X0208 conversion */
+ /* accept X0201
+ ESC-(-I in JIS, EUC, MS Kanji
+ SI/SO in JIS, EUC, MS Kanji
+ SSO in EUC, JIS, not in MS Kanji
+ MS Kanji (0xa0-0xdf)
+ output X0201
+ ESC-(-I in JIS (0x20-0x5f)
+ SSO in EUC (0xa0-0xdf)
+ 0xa0-0xd in MS Kanji (0xa0-0xdf)
+ */
+ continue;
+ case 'X': /* Assume X0201 kana */
+ /* Default value is NO_X0201 for EUC/MS-Kanji mix */
+ x0201_f = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ case 'f': /* folding -f60 or -f */
+ fold_f = TRUE;
+ fold_len = atoi(cp);
+ if(!(0<fold_len && fold_len<BUFSIZ))
+ fold_len = DEFAULT_FOLD;
+ while('0'<= *cp && *cp <='9') cp++;
+ continue;
+ case 'm': /* MIME support */
+ mime_f = TRUE;
+ if(*cp=='B'||*cp=='Q') {
+ mime_mode = *cp++;
+ mimebuf_f = FIXED_MIME;
+ } else if (*cp=='0') {
+ mime_f = FALSE;
+ }
+ continue;
+ case 'M': /* MIME output */
+ oconv = j_oconv; /* sorry... not yet done.. */
+ continue;
+ case 'B': /* Broken JIS support */
+ /* bit:0 no ESC JIS
+ bit:1 allow any x on ESC-(-x or ESC-$-x
+ bit:2 reset to ascii on NL
+ */
+ if('9'>= *cp && *cp>='0')
+ broken_f |= 1<<(*cp++ -'0');
+ else
+ broken_f |= TRUE;
+ continue;
+#ifndef PERL_XS
+ case 'O':/* for Output file */
+ file_out = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ case 'c':/* add cr code */
+ add_cr = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ case 'd':/* delete cr code */
+ del_cr = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ default:
+ /* bogus option but ignored */
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef PERL_XS
+static void
+ FILE *f;
+ int c;
+ while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF)
+ putchar(c);
+static void
+ FILE *f;
+ int c1, c2;
+ c2 = 0;
+ if(input_f == JIS_INPUT || input_f == LATIN1_INPUT) {
+ estab_f = TRUE; iconv = oconv;
+ } else if(input_f == SJIS_INPUT) {
+ estab_f = TRUE; iconv = s_iconv;
+ } else {
+ estab_f = FALSE; iconv = oconv;
+ }
+ input_mode = ASCII;
+ output_mode = ASCII;
+ shift_mode = FALSE;
+#define NEXT continue /* no output, get next */
+#define SEND ; /* output c1 and c2, get next */
+#define LAST break /* end of loop, go closing */
+ while ((c1 = GETC(f)) != EOF) {
+ if(c2) {
+ /* second byte */
+ if(c2 > DEL) {
+ /* in case of 8th bit is on */
+ if(!estab_f) {
+ /* in case of not established yet */
+ if(c1 > SSP) {
+ /* It is still ambiguious */
+ h_conv(f, c2, c1);
+ c2 = 0;
+ } else if(c1 < AT) {
+ /* ignore bogus code */
+ c2 = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* established */
+ /* it seems to be MS Kanji */
+ estab_f = TRUE;
+ iconv = s_iconv;
+ }
+ } else
+ /* in case of already established */
+ if(c1 < AT) {
+ /* ignore bogus code */
+ c2 = 0;
+ } else
+ } else
+ /* 7 bit code */
+ /* it might be kanji shitfted */
+ if((c1 == DEL) || (c1 <= SPACE)) {
+ /* ignore bogus first code */
+ c2 = 0;
+ } else
+ } else {
+ /* first byte */
+ if(c1 > DEL) {
+ /* 8 bit code */
+ if(!estab_f && !iso8859_f) {
+ /* not established yet */
+ if(c1 < SSP) {
+ /* it seems to be MS Kanji */
+ estab_f = TRUE;
+ iconv = s_iconv;
+ } else if(c1 < 0xe0) {
+ /* it seems to be EUC */
+ estab_f = TRUE;
+ iconv = oconv;
+ } else {
+ /* still ambiguious */
+ }
+ c2 = c1;
+ } else { /* estab_f==TRUE */
+ if(iso8859_f) {
+ } else if(SSP<=c1 && c1<0xe0 && iconv == s_iconv) {
+ /* SJIS X0201 Case... */
+ /* This is too arrogant, but ... */
+ if(x0201_f==NO_X0201) {
+ iconv = oconv;
+ c2 = c1;
+ } else
+ if(x0201_f) {
+ if(dv[(c1-SSP)*2]||ev[(c1-SSP)*2]) {
+ /* look ahead for X0201/X0208conversion */
+ if((c2 = GETC(f)) == EOF) {
+ (*oconv)(cv[(c1-SSP)*2],cv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ } else if(c2==(0xde)) { /* $BByE@(B */
+ (*oconv)(dv[(c1-SSP)*2],dv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ c2=0;
+ } else if(c2==(0xdf)&&ev[(c1-SSP)*2]) {
+ /* $BH>ByE@(B */
+ (*oconv)(ev[(c1-SSP)*2],ev[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ c2=0;
+ }
+ UNGETC(c2,f); c2 = 0;
+ }
+ (*oconv)(cv[(c1-SSP)*2],cv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ } else
+ } else if(c1==SSO && iconv != s_iconv) {
+ /* EUC X0201 Case */
+ /* This is too arrogant
+ if(x0201_f == NO_X0201) {
+ estab_f = FALSE;
+ c2 = 0;
+ } */
+ c1 = GETC(f); /* skip SSO */
+ euc_1byte_check:
+ if(x0201_f && SSP<=c1 && c1<0xe0) {
+ if(dv[(c1-SSP)*2]||ev[(c1-SSP)*2]) {
+ if((c2 = GETC(f)) == EOF) {
+ (*oconv)(cv[(c1-SSP)*2],cv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ }
+ /* forward lookup $BByE@(B/$BH>ByE@(B */
+ if(c2 != SSO) {
+ UNGETC(c2,f); c2 = 0;
+ (*oconv)(cv[(c1-SSP)*2],cv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ } else if((c2 = GETC(f)) == EOF) {
+ (*oconv)(cv[(c1-SSP)*2],cv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ (*oconv)(0,SSO);
+ } else if(c2==(0xde)) { /* $BByE@(B */
+ (*oconv)(dv[(c1-SSP)*2],dv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ c2=0;
+ } else if(c2==(0xdf)&&ev[(c1-SSP)*2]) {
+ /* $BH>ByE@(B */
+ (*oconv)(ev[(c1-SSP)*2],ev[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ c2=0;
+ } else {
+ (*oconv)(cv[(c1-SSP)*2],cv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ /* we have to check this c2 */
+ /* and no way to push back SSO */
+ c1 = c2; c2 = 0;
+ goto euc_1byte_check;
+ }
+ }
+ (*oconv)(cv[(c1-SSP)*2],cv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ } else
+ } else if(c1 < SSP && iconv != s_iconv) {
+ /* strange code in EUC */
+ iconv = s_iconv; /* try SJIS */
+ c2 = c1;
+ } else {
+ /* already established */
+ c2 = c1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if((c1 > SPACE) && (c1 != DEL)) {
+ /* in case of Roman characters */
+ if(shift_mode) {
+ c1 |= 0x80;
+ /* output 1 shifted byte */
+ if(x0201_f && (!iso8859_f||input_mode==X0201) &&
+ SSP<=c1 && c1<0xe0 ) {
+ if(dv[(c1-SSP)*2]||ev[(c1-SSP)*2]) {
+ if((c2 = GETC(f)) == EOF) {
+ (*oconv)(cv[(c1-SSP)*2],cv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ } else if(c2==(0xde&0x7f)) { /* $BByE@(B */
+ (*oconv)(dv[(c1-SSP)*2],dv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ c2=0;
+ } else if(c2==(0xdf&0x7f)&&ev[(c1-SSP)*2]) {
+ /* $BH>ByE@(B */
+ (*oconv)(ev[(c1-SSP)*2],ev[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ c2=0;
+ }
+ UNGETC(c2,f); c2 = 0;
+ }
+ (*oconv)(cv[(c1-SSP)*2],cv[(c1-SSP)*2+1]);
+ } else
+ } else if(c1 == '(' && broken_f && input_mode == X0208
+ && !mime_mode ) {
+ /* Try to recover missing escape */
+ if((c1 = GETC(f)) == EOF) {
+ (*oconv)(0, '(');
+ } else {
+ if(c1 == 'B' || c1 == 'J' || c1 == 'H') {
+ input_mode = ASCII; shift_mode = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ (*oconv)(0, '(');
+ /* do not modify various input_mode */
+ /* It can be vt100 sequence */
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(input_mode == X0208) {
+ /* in case of Kanji shifted */
+ c2 = c1;
+ /* goto next_byte */
+ } else if(c1 == '=' && mime_f && !mime_mode ) {
+ if((c1 = getc(f)) == EOF) {
+ (*oconv)(0, '=');
+ } else if(c1 == '?') {
+ /* =? is mime conversiooon start sequence */
+ if(mime_begin(f) == EOF) /* check in detail */
+ else
+ } else {
+ (*oconv)(0, '=');
+ ungetc(c1,f);
+ }
+ } else if(c1 == '$' && broken_f && !mime_mode) {
+ /* try to recover missing escape */
+ if((c1 = GETC(f)) == EOF) {
+ (*oconv)(0, '$');
+ } else if(c1 == '@'|| c1 == 'B') {
+ /* in case of Kanji in ESC sequence */
+ input_mode = X0208;
+ shift_mode = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ /* sorry */
+ (*oconv)(0, '$');
+ (*oconv)(0, c1);
+ }
+ } else
+ } else if(c1 == SI) {
+ shift_mode = FALSE;
+ } else if(c1 == SO) {
+ shift_mode = TRUE;
+ } else if(c1 == ESC ) {
+ if((c1 = GETC(f)) == EOF) {
+ (*oconv)(0, ESC);
+ } else if(c1 == '$') {
+ if((c1 = GETC(f)) == EOF) {
+ (*oconv)(0, ESC);
+ (*oconv)(0, '$');
+ } else if(c1 == '@'|| c1 == 'B') {
+ /* This is kanji introduction */
+ input_mode = X0208;
+ shift_mode = FALSE;
+ } else if(c1 == '(') {
+ if((c1 = GETC(f)) == EOF) {
+ (*oconv)(0, ESC);
+ (*oconv)(0, '$');
+ (*oconv)(0, '(');
+ } else if(c1 == '@'|| c1 == 'B') {
+ /* This is kanji introduction */
+ input_mode = X0208;
+ shift_mode = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ (*oconv)(0, ESC);
+ (*oconv)(0, '$');
+ (*oconv)(0, '(');
+ (*oconv)(0, c1);
+ }
+ } else if(broken_f&0x2) {
+ input_mode = X0208;
+ shift_mode = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ (*oconv)(0, ESC);
+ (*oconv)(0, '$');
+ (*oconv)(0, c1);
+ }
+ } else if(c1 == '(') {
+ if((c1 = GETC(f)) == EOF) {
+ (*oconv)(0, ESC);
+ (*oconv)(0, '(');
+ } else {
+ if(c1 == 'I') {
+ /* This is X0201 kana introduction */
+ input_mode = X0201; shift_mode = X0201;
+ } else if(c1 == 'B' || c1 == 'J' || c1 == 'H') {
+ /* This is X0208 kanji introduction */
+ input_mode = ASCII; shift_mode = FALSE;
+ } else if(broken_f&0x2) {
+ input_mode = ASCII; shift_mode = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ (*oconv)(0, ESC);
+ (*oconv)(0, '(');
+ /* maintain various input_mode here */
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* lonely ESC */
+ (*oconv)(0, ESC);
+ }
+ } else if(c1 == NL && broken_f&4) {
+ input_mode = ASCII;
+ } else
+ }
+ /* send: */
+ if(input_mode == X0208)
+ (*oconv)(c2, c1); /* this is JIS, not SJIS/EUC case */
+ else
+ (*iconv)(c2, c1); /* can be EUC/SJIS */
+ c2 = 0;
+ continue;
+ /* goto next_word */
+ }
+ /* epilogue */
+ (*iconv)(EOF, 0);
+static void
+h_conv(f, c2, c1)
+ FILE *f;
+ int c1, c2;
+ int wc;
+ /** it must NOT be in the kanji shifte sequence */
+ /** it must NOT be written in JIS7 */
+ /** and it must be after 2 byte 8bit code */
+ hold_count = 0;
+ push_hold_buf(c2, c1);
+ c2 = 0;
+ while ((c1 = GETC(f)) != EOF) {
+ if(c2) {
+ /* second byte */
+ if(!estab_f) {
+ /* not established */
+ if(c1 > SSP) {
+ /* it is still ambiguious yet */
+ } else if(c1 < AT) {
+ /* ignore bogus first byte */
+ c2 = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* now established */
+ /* it seems to be MS Kanji */
+ estab_f = TRUE;
+ iconv = s_iconv;
+ }
+ } else
+ } else {
+ /* First byte */
+ if(c1 > DEL) {
+ /* 8th bit is on */
+ if(c1 < SSP) {
+ /* it seems to be MS Kanji */
+ estab_f = TRUE;
+ iconv = s_iconv;
+ } else if(c1 < 0xe0) {
+ /* it seems to be EUC */
+ estab_f = TRUE;
+ iconv = oconv;
+ } else {
+ /* still ambiguious */
+ }
+ c2 = c1;
+ } else
+ /* 7 bit code , then send without any process */
+ }
+ /* send: */
+ if((push_hold_buf(c2, c1) == EOF) || estab_f)
+ break;
+ c2 = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /** now,
+ ** 1) EOF is detected, or
+ ** 2) Code is established, or
+ ** 3) Buffer is FULL (but last word is pushed)
+ **
+ ** in 1) and 3) cases, we continue to use
+ ** Kanji codes by oconv and leave estab_f unchanged.
+ **/
+ for (wc = 0; wc < hold_count; wc += 2) {
+ c2 = hold_buf[wc];
+ c1 = hold_buf[wc+1];
+ (*iconv)(c2, c1);
+ }
+ return;
+static int
+push_hold_buf(c2, c1)
+ int c2, c1;
+ if(hold_count >= HOLD_SIZE*2)
+ return (EOF);
+ hold_buf[hold_count++] = c2;
+ hold_buf[hold_count++] = c1;
+ return ((hold_count >= HOLD_SIZE*2) ? EOF : hold_count);
+static void
+s_iconv(c2, c1)
+ int c2,
+ c1;
+ if((c2 == EOF) || (c2 == 0)) {
+ /* NOP */
+ } else {
+ c2 = c2 + c2 - ((c2 <= 0x9f) ? SJ0162 : SJ6394);
+ if(c1 < 0x9f)
+ c1 = c1 - ((c1 > DEL) ? SPACE : 0x1f);
+ else {
+ c1 = c1 - 0x7e;
+ c2++;
+ }
+ }
+ (*oconv)(c2, c1);
+static void
+e_oconv(c2, c1)
+ int c2, c1;
+ c2 = pre_convert(c1,c2); c1 = c1_return;
+ if(fold_f) {
+ switch(line_fold(c2,c1)) {
+ case '\n':
+ if(add_cr == TRUE) {
+ putchar('\r');
+ c1 = '\n';
+ }
+ putchar('\n');
+ break;
+ case 0: return;
+ case '\r':
+ c1 = '\n'; c2 = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\t':
+ case ' ':
+ c1 = ' '; c2 = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(c2==DOUBLE_SPACE) {
+ putchar(' '); putchar(' ');
+ return;
+ }
+ if(c2 == EOF)
+ return;
+ else if(c2 == 0 && (c1&0x80)) {
+ putchar(SSO); putchar(c1);
+ } else if(c2 == 0) {
+ if(c1 == '\n' && add_cr == TRUE)
+ putchar('\r');
+ if(c1 != '\r')
+ putchar(c1);
+ else if(del_cr == FALSE)
+ putchar(c1);
+ } else {
+ if((c1<0x20 || 0x7e<c1) ||
+ (c2<0x20 || 0x7e<c2)) {
+ estab_f = FALSE;
+ return; /* too late to rescue this char */
+ }
+ putchar(c2 | 0x080);
+ putchar(c1 | 0x080);
+ }
+ return;
+static void
+s_oconv(c2, c1)
+ int c2, c1;
+ c2 = pre_convert(c1,c2); c1 = c1_return;
+ if(fold_f) {
+ switch(line_fold(c2,c1)) {
+ case '\n':
+ if(add_cr == TRUE) {
+ putchar('\r');
+ c1 = '\n';
+ }
+ putchar('\n');
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ c1 = '\n'; c2 = 0;
+ break;
+ case 0: return;
+ case '\t':
+ case ' ':
+ c1 = ' '; c2 = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(c2==DOUBLE_SPACE) {
+ putchar(' '); putchar(' ');
+ return;
+ }
+ if(c2 == EOF)
+ return;
+ else if(c2 == 0) {
+ if(c1 == '\n' && add_cr == TRUE)
+ putchar('\r');
+ if(c1 != '\r')
+ putchar(c1);
+ else if(del_cr == FALSE)
+ putchar(c1);
+ } else {
+ if((c1<0x20 || 0x7e<c1) ||
+ (c2<0x20 || 0x7e<c2)) {
+ estab_f = FALSE;
+ return; /* too late to rescue this char */
+ }
+ putchar((((c2 - 1) >> 1) + ((c2 <= 0x5e) ? 0x71 : 0xb1)));
+ putchar((c1 + ((c2 & 1) ? ((c1 < 0x60) ? 0x1f : 0x20) : 0x7e)));
+ }
+ return;
+static void
+j_oconv(c2, c1)
+ int c2, c1;
+ c2 = pre_convert(c1,c2); c1 = c1_return;
+ if(fold_f) {
+ switch(line_fold(c2,c1)) {
+ case '\n':
+ if(output_mode) {
+ putchar(ESC);
+ putchar('(');
+ putchar(ascii_intro);
+ }
+ if(add_cr == TRUE) {
+ putchar('\r');
+ c1 = '\n';
+ }
+ putchar('\n');
+ output_mode = ASCII;
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ c1 = '\n'; c2 = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\t':
+ case ' ':
+ c1 = ' '; c2 = 0;
+ break;
+ case 0: return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(c2 == EOF) {
+ if(output_mode) {
+ putchar(ESC);
+ putchar('(');
+ putchar(ascii_intro);
+ }
+ } else if(c2 == 0 && (c1 & 0x80)) {
+ if(input_mode==X0201 || !iso8859_f) {
+ if(output_mode!=X0201) {
+ putchar(ESC);
+ putchar('(');
+ putchar('I');
+ output_mode = X0201;
+ }
+ c1 &= 0x7f;
+ } else {
+ /* iso8859 introduction, or 8th bit on */
+ /* Can we convert in 7bit form using ESC-'-'-A ?
+ Is this popular? */
+ }
+ putchar(c1);
+ } else if(c2 == 0) {
+ if(output_mode) {
+ putchar(ESC);
+ putchar('(');
+ putchar(ascii_intro);
+ output_mode = ASCII;
+ }
+ if(c1 == '\n' && add_cr == TRUE)
+ putchar('\r');
+ if(c1 != '\r')
+ putchar(c1);
+ else if(del_cr == FALSE)
+ putchar(c1);
+ } else if(c2 == DOUBLE_SPACE) {
+ if(output_mode) {
+ putchar(ESC);
+ putchar('(');
+ putchar(ascii_intro);
+ output_mode = ASCII;
+ }
+ putchar(' ');
+ if(c1 == '\n' && add_cr == TRUE)
+ putchar('\r');
+ if(c1 != '\r')
+ putchar(c1);
+ else if(del_cr == FALSE)
+ putchar(c1);
+ } else {
+ if(output_mode != X0208) {
+ putchar(ESC);
+ putchar('$');
+ putchar(kanji_intro);
+ output_mode = X0208;
+ }
+ if(c1<0x20 || 0x7e<c1)
+ return;
+ if(c2<0x20 || 0x7e<c2)
+ return;
+ putchar(c2);
+ if(c1 == '\n' && add_cr == TRUE)
+ putchar('\r');
+ if(c1 != '\r')
+ putchar(c1);
+ else if(del_cr == FALSE)
+ putchar(c1);
+ }
+ return;
+#define rot13(c) ( \
+ ( c < 'A' ) ? c: \
+ (c <= 'M') ? (c + 13): \
+ (c <= 'Z') ? (c - 13): \
+ (c < 'a') ? (c): \
+ (c <= 'm') ? (c + 13): \
+ (c <= 'z') ? (c - 13): \
+ (c) \
+#define rot47(c) ( \
+ ( c < '!' ) ? c: \
+ ( c <= 'O' ) ? (c + 47) : \
+ ( c <= '~' ) ? (c - 47) : \
+ c \
+ Return value of line_fold()
+ \n add newline and output char
+ \r add newline and output nothing
+ ' ' space
+ 0 skip
+ 1 (or else) normal output
+ fold state in prev (previous character)
+ >0x80 Japanese (X0208/X0201)
+ <0x80 ASCII
+ \n new line
+ ' ' space
+ This fold algorthm does not preserve heading space in a line.
+ This is the main difference from fmt.
+static int
+int c2,c1;
+ int prev0;
+ if(c1=='\r')
+ return 0; /* ignore cr */
+ if(c1== 8) {
+ if(line>0) line--;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(c2==EOF && line != 0) /* close open last line */
+ return '\n';
+ /* new line */
+ if(c1=='\n') {
+ if(prev == c1) { /* duplicate newline */
+ if(line) {
+ line = 0;
+ return '\n'; /* output two newline */
+ } else {
+ line = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(prev&0x80) { /* Japanese? */
+ prev = c1;
+ return 0; /* ignore given single newline */
+ } else if(prev==' ') {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ prev = c1;
+ if(++line<=fold_len)
+ return ' ';
+ else {
+ line = 0;
+ return '\r'; /* fold and output nothing */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(c1=='\f') {
+ prev = '\n';
+ if(line==0)
+ return 1;
+ line = 0;
+ return '\n'; /* output newline and clear */
+ }
+ /* X0208 kankaku or ascii space */
+ if( (c2==0&&c1==' ')||
+ (c2==0&&c1=='\t')||
+ (c2==DOUBLE_SPACE)||
+ (c2=='!'&& c1=='!')) {
+ if(prev == ' ') {
+ return 0; /* remove duplicate spaces */
+ }
+ prev = ' ';
+ if(++line<=fold_len)
+ return ' '; /* output ASCII space only */
+ else {
+ prev = ' '; line = 0;
+ return '\r'; /* fold and output nothing */
+ }
+ }
+ prev0 = prev; /* we still need this one... , but almost done */
+ prev = c1;
+ if(c2 || (SSP<=c1 && c1<=0xdf))
+ prev |= 0x80; /* this is Japanese */
+ line += (c2==0)?1:2;
+ if(line<=fold_len) { /* normal case */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(line>=fold_len+FOLD_MARGIN) { /* too many kinsou suspension */
+ line = (c2==0)?1:2;
+ return '\n'; /* We can't wait, do fold now */
+ }
+ /* simple kinsoku rules return 1 means no folding */
+ if(c2==0) {
+ if(c1==0xde) return 1; /* $B!+(B*/
+ if(c1==0xdf) return 1; /* $B!,(B*/
+ if(c1==0xa4) return 1; /* $B!#(B*/
+ if(c1==0xa3) return 1; /* $B!$(B*/
+ if(c1==0xa1) return 1; /* $B!W(B*/
+ if(c1==0xb0) return 1; /* - */
+ if(SSP<=c1 && c1<=0xdf) { /* X0201 */
+ line = 1;
+ return '\n';/* add one new line before this character */
+ }
+ /* fold point in ASCII { [ ( */
+ if(( c1!=')'&&
+ c1!=']'&&
+ c1!='}'&&
+ c1!='.'&&
+ c1!=','&&
+ c1!='!'&&
+ c1!='?'&&
+ c1!='/'&&
+ c1!=':'&&
+ c1!=';')&&
+ ((prev0=='\n')|| (prev0==' ')|| /* ignored new line */
+ (prev0&0x80)) /* X0208 - ASCII */
+ ) {
+ line = 1;
+ return '\n';/* add one new line before this character */
+ }
+ return 1; /* default no fold in ASCII */
+ } else {
+ if(c2=='!') {
+ if(c1=='"') return 1; /* $B!"(B */
+ if(c1=='#') return 1; /* $B!#(B */
+ if(c1=='$') return 1; /* $B!$(B */
+ if(c1=='%') return 1; /* $B!%(B */
+ if(c1=='\'') return 1; /* $B!\(B */
+ if(c1=='(') return 1; /* $B!((B */
+ if(c1==')') return 1; /* $B!)(B */
+ if(c1=='*') return 1; /* $B!*(B */
+ if(c1=='+') return 1; /* $B!+(B */
+ if(c1==',') return 1; /* $B!,(B */
+ }
+ line = 2;
+ return '\n'; /* add one new line before this character */
+ }
+static int
+ int c1,c2;
+ if(c2) c1 &= 0x7f;
+ c1_return = c1;
+ if(c2==EOF) return c2;
+ c2 &= 0x7f;
+ if(rot_f) {
+ if(c2) {
+ c1 = rot47(c1);
+ c2 = rot47(c2);
+ } else {
+ if(!(c1 & 0x80))
+ c1 = rot13(c1);
+ }
+ c1_return = c1;
+ }
+ /* JISX0208 Alphabet */
+ if(alpha_f && c2 == 0x23 ) return 0;
+ /* JISX0208 Kigou */
+ if(alpha_f && c2 == 0x21 ) {
+ if(0x21==c1) {
+ if(alpha_f&0x2) {
+ c1_return = ' ';
+ return 0;
+ } else if(alpha_f&0x4) {
+ c1_return = ' ';
+ return DOUBLE_SPACE;
+ } else {
+ return c2;
+ }
+ } else if(0x20<c1 && c1<0x7f && fv[c1-0x20]) {
+ c1_return = fv[c1-0x20];
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return c2;
+/* This converts */
+unsigned char *mime_pattern[] = {
+ (unsigned char *)"\075?ISO-8859-1?Q?",
+ (unsigned char *)"\075?ISO-2022-JP?B?",
+ (unsigned char *)"\075?ISO-2022-JP?Q?",
+ (unsigned char *)"\075?JAPANESE_EUC?B?",
+ (unsigned char *)"\075?SHIFT_JIS?B?",
+int mime_encode[] = {
+ 'Q', 'B', 'Q',
+ 0
+#define MAXRECOVER 20
+int iso8859_f_save;
+#define nkf_toupper(c) (('a'<=c && c<='z')?(c-('a'-'A')):c)
+/* I don't trust portablity of toupper */
+static int
+ FILE *f;
+ int c1;
+ int i,j,k;
+ unsigned char *p,*q;
+ int r[MAXRECOVER]; /* recovery buffer, max mime pattern lenght */
+ mime_mode = FALSE;
+ /* =? has been checked */
+ j = 0;
+ p = mime_pattern[j];
+ r[0]='='; r[1]='?';
+ for(i=2;p[i]>' ';i++) { /* start at =? */
+ if( ((((r[i] = c1 = getc(f))==EOF) || nkf_toupper(c1) != p[i] ) {
+ /* pattern fails, try next one */
+ q = p;
+ while (p = mime_pattern[++j]) {
+ for(k=2;k<i;k++) /* assume length(p) > i */
+ if(p[k]!=q[k]) break;
+ if(k==i && nkf_toupper(c1)==p[k]) break;
+ }
+ if(p) continue; /* found next one, continue */
+ /* all fails, output from recovery buffer */
+ ungetc(c1,f);
+ for(j=0;j<i;j++) {
+ (*oconv)(0,r[j]);
+ }
+ return c1;
+ }
+ }
+ mime_mode = mime_encode[j];
+ iso8859_f_save = iso8859_f;
+ if(j==0) {
+ iso8859_f = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(mime_mode=='B') {
+ mimebuf_f = unbuf_f;
+ if(!unbuf_f) {
+ /* do MIME integrity check */
+ return mime_integrity(f,mime_pattern[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ mimebuf_f = TRUE;
+ return c1;
+#define mime_getc0(f) (mimebuf_f?getc(f):Fifo(mime_input++))
+#define mime_ungetc0(c,f) (mimebuf_f?ungetc(c,f):mime_input--)
+static int
+FILE *f;
+ int c1;
+ int i,j;
+ int r[MAXRECOVER]; /* recovery buffer, max mime pattern lenght */
+ mime_mode = FALSE;
+ /* =? has been checked */
+ j = 0;
+ r[0]='='; r[1]='?';
+ for(i=2;i<MAXRECOVER;i++) { /* start at =? */
+ /* We accept any charcter type even if it is breaked by new lines */
+ if( (r[i] = c1 = getc(f))==EOF) break;
+ if(c1=='=') break;
+ if(c1<' '&& c1!='\r' && c1!='\n') break;
+ if(c1=='?') {
+ i++;
+ if(!(i<MAXRECOVER) || (r[i] = c1 = getc(f))==EOF) break;
+ if(c1=='b'||c1=='B') {
+ mime_mode = 'B';
+ } else if(c1=='q'||c1=='Q') {
+ mime_mode = 'Q';
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ if(!(i<MAXRECOVER) || (r[i] = c1 = getc(f))==EOF) break;
+ if(c1=='?') {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ mime_mode = FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!mime_mode || c1==EOF || i==MAXRECOVER) {
+ ungetc(c1,f);
+ if (i == MAXRECOVER)
+ i--;
+ for(j=0;j<i;j++) {
+ (*oconv)(0,r[j]);
+ }
+ return c1;
+ }
+ iso8859_f_save = iso8859_f;
+ /* do no MIME integrity check */
+ return c1; /* used only for checking EOF */
+#define mime_getc0(f) getc(f)
+#define mime_ungetc0(c,f) ungetc(c,f)
+static int
+ FILE *f;
+ int c1, c2, c3, c4, cc;
+ int t1, t2, t3, t4, mode, exit_mode;
+ if(mime_top != mime_last) { /* Something is in FIFO */
+ return Fifo(mime_top++);
+ }
+ if(mimebuf_f == FIXED_MIME)
+ exit_mode = mime_mode;
+ else
+ exit_mode = FALSE;
+ if(mime_mode == 'Q') {
+ if((c1 = mime_getc0(f)) == EOF) return (EOF);
+ if(c1=='_') return ' ';
+ if(c1!='=' && c1!='?')
+ return c1;
+ mime_mode = exit_mode; /* prepare for quit */
+ if(c1<=' ') return c1;
+ if((c2 = mime_getc0(f)) == EOF) return (EOF);
+ if(c2<=' ') return c2;
+ if(c1=='?'&&c2=='=') {
+ /* end Q encoding */
+ input_mode = exit_mode;
+ iso8859_f = iso8859_f_save;
+ return getc(f);
+ }
+ if(c1=='?') {
+ mime_mode = 'Q'; /* still in MIME */
+ mime_ungetc0(c2,f);
+ return c1;
+ }
+ if((c3 = mime_getc0(f)) == EOF) return (EOF);
+ if(c2<=' ') return c2;
+ mime_mode = 'Q'; /* still in MIME */
+#define hex(c) (('0'<=c&&c<='9')?(c-'0'):\
+ ('A'<=c&&c<='F')?(c-'A'+10):('a'<=c&&c<='f')?(c-'a'+10):0)
+ return ((hex(c2)<<4) + hex(c3));
+ }
+ if(mime_mode != 'B') {
+ mime_mode = FALSE;
+ return getc(f);
+ }
+ /* Base64 encoding */
+ /*
+ MIME allows line break in the middle of
+ Base64, but we are very pessimistic in decoding
+ in unbuf mode because MIME encoded code may broken by
+ less or editor's control sequence (such as ESC-[-K in unbuffered
+ mode. ignore incomplete MIME.
+ */
+ mode = mime_mode;
+ mime_mode = exit_mode; /* prepare for quit */
+ while ((c1 = mime_getc0(f))<=' ') {
+ if(c1==EOF)
+ return (EOF);
+ }
+ if((c2 = mime_getc0(f))<=' ') {
+ if(c2==EOF)
+ return (EOF);
+ if(mimebuf_f!=FIXED_MIME) input_mode = ASCII;
+ return c2;
+ }
+ if((c1 == '?') && (c2 == '=')) {
+ input_mode = ASCII;
+ while((c1 = getc(f))==' ' /* || c1=='\n' || c1=='\r' */);
+ return c1;
+ }
+ if((c3 = mime_getc0(f))<=' ') {
+ if(c3==EOF)
+ return (EOF);
+ if(mimebuf_f!=FIXED_MIME) input_mode = ASCII;
+ return c3;
+ }
+ if((c4 = mime_getc0(f))<=' ') {
+ if(c4==EOF)
+ return (EOF);
+ if(mimebuf_f!=FIXED_MIME) input_mode = ASCII;
+ return c4;
+ }
+ mime_mode = mode; /* still in MIME sigh... */
+ /* BASE 64 decoding */
+ t1 = 0x3f & base64decode(c1);
+ t2 = 0x3f & base64decode(c2);
+ t3 = 0x3f & base64decode(c3);
+ t4 = 0x3f & base64decode(c4);
+ cc = ((t1 << 2) & 0x0fc) | ((t2 >> 4) & 0x03);
+ if(c2 != '=') {
+ Fifo(mime_last++) = cc;
+ cc = ((t2 << 4) & 0x0f0) | ((t3 >> 2) & 0x0f);
+ if(c3 != '=') {
+ Fifo(mime_last++) = cc;
+ cc = ((t3 << 6) & 0x0c0) | (t4 & 0x3f);
+ if(c4 != '=')
+ Fifo(mime_last++) = cc;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return c1;
+ }
+ return Fifo(mime_top++);
+static int
+ unsigned int c;
+ Fifo(mime_last++) = c;
+ return c;
+ FILE *f;
+ unsigned char *p;
+ int c,d;
+ unsigned int q;
+ /* In buffered mode, read until =? or NL or buffer fffull
+ */
+ mime_input = mime_top;
+ mime_last = mime_top;
+ while(*p) Fifo(mime_input++) = *p++;
+ d = 0;
+ q = mime_input;
+ while((c=getc(f))!=EOF) {
+ if(((mime_input-mime_top)&MIME_BUF_MASK)==0) break;
+ if(c=='=' && d=='?') {
+ /* checked. skip header, start decode */
+ Fifo(mime_input++) = c;
+ mime_input = q;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(!( (c=='+'||c=='/'|| c=='=' || c=='?' ||
+ ('a'<=c && c<='z')||('A'<= c && c<='Z')||('0'<=c && c<='9'))))
+ break;
+ /* Should we check length mod 4? */
+ Fifo(mime_input++) = c;
+ d=c;
+ }
+ /* In case of Incomplete MIME, no MIME decode */
+ Fifo(mime_input++) = c;
+ mime_last = mime_input; /* point undecoded buffer */
+ mime_mode = 1; /* no decode on Fifo last in mime_getc */
+ return 1;
+static int
+ int c;
+ int i;
+ if(c > '@')
+ if(c < '[')
+ i = c - 'A'; /* A..Z 0-25 */
+ else
+ i = c - 'G' /* - 'a' + 26 */ ; /* a..z 26-51 */
+ else if(c > '/')
+ i = c - '0' + '4' /* - '0' + 52 */ ; /* 0..9 52-61 */
+ else if(c == '+')
+ i = '>' /* 62 */ ; /* + 62 */
+ else
+ i = '?' /* 63 */ ; /* / 63 */
+ return (i);
+static void
+ unbuf_f = FALSE;
+ estab_f = FALSE;
+ nop_f = FALSE;
+ binmode_f = TRUE;
+ rot_f = FALSE;
+ input_f = FALSE;
+ alpha_f = FALSE;
+ mime_f = TRUE;
+ mimebuf_f = FALSE;
+ broken_f = FALSE;
+ iso8859_f = FALSE;
+ x0201_f = TRUE;
+ x0201_f = NO_X0201;
+ fold_f = FALSE;
+ kanji_intro = DEFAULT_J;
+ ascii_intro = DEFAULT_R;
+ oconv = DEFAULT_CONV;
+ output_mode = ASCII;
+ input_mode = ASCII;
+ shift_mode = FALSE;
+ mime_mode = FALSE;
+ file_out = FALSE;
+ add_cr = FALSE;
+ del_cr = FALSE;
+#ifndef PERL_XS
+ fprintf(stderr,"USAGE: nkf(nkf32,wnkf,nkf2) -[flags] [in file] .. [out file for -O flag]\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"Flags:\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"b,u Output is bufferred (DEFAULT),Output is unbufferred\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"j,s,e Outout code is JIS 7 bit, Shift JIS (DEFAULT), AT&T JIS (EUC)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"j,s,e Outout code is JIS 7 bit (DEFAULT), Shift JIS, AT&T JIS (EUC)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"j,s,e Outout code is JIS 7 bit, Shift JIS, AT&T JIS (EUC) (DEFAULT)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"J,S,E Input assumption is JIS 7 bit , Shift JIS, AT&T JIS (EUC)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"t no conversion\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"i_ Output sequence to designate JIS-kanji (DEFAULT B)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"o_ Output sequence to designate ASCII (DEFAULT B)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"r {de/en}crypt ROT13/47\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"v Show this usage\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"m[BQ0] MIME decode [B:base64,Q:quoted,0:no decode]\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"l ISO8859-1 (Latin-1) support\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"f Folding: -f60 or -f\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"Z[0-2] Convert X0208 alphabet to ASCII 1: Kankaku to space,2: 2 spaces\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"X,x Assume X0201 kana in MS-Kanji, -x preserves X0201\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"B[0-2] Broken input 0: missing ESC,1: any X on ESC-[($]-X,2: ASCII on NL\n");
+#ifdef MSDOS
+ fprintf(stderr,"T Text mode output\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"O Output to File (DEFAULT 'nkf.out')\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"d,c Delete \\r in line feed, Add \\r in line feed\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"Network Kanji Filter Version %s (%s) "
+#if defined(MSDOS) && !defined(_Windows)
+ "for DOS"
+#if !defined(__WIN32__) && defined(_Windows)
+ "for Win16"
+#if defined(__WIN32__) && defined(_Windows)
+ "for Win32"
+#ifdef __OS2__
+ "for OS/2"
+ ,Version,Patchlevel);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",CopyRight);
+ return 0;
+ ** $B%Q%C%A@):n<T(B
+ ** void@merope.pleiades.or.jp (Kusakabe Youichi)
+ ** NIDE Naoyuki <nide@ics.nara-wu.ac.jp>
+ ** ohta@src.ricoh.co.jp (Junn Ohta)
+ ** inouet@strl.nhk.or.jp (Tomoyuki Inoue)
+ ** kiri@pulser.win.or.jp (Tetsuaki Kiriyama)
+ ** Kimihiko Sato <sato@sail.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
+ ** a_kuroe@kuroe.aoba.yokohama.jp (Akihiko Kuroe)
+ ** kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp (Shinji Kono)
+ ** GHG00637@nifty-serve.or.jp (COW)
+ **
+ ** $B:G=*99?7F|(B
+ ** 1998.11.7
+ **/
+/* end */