path: root/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 505 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 022d9784e9..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Tabset < TkWindow
- class Tab < TkObject
- include TkTreatItemFont
- TabID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (TabsetTab_ID = ['blt_tabset_tab'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TabID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tabset, id)
- tpath = tabset.path
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TabID_TBL[tpath]
- TabID_TBL[tpath][id]? TabID_TBL[tpath][id]: id
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.new(parent, pos=nil, name=nil, keys={})
- if pos.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = pos
- name = nil
- pos = nil
- end
- if name.kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = name
- name = nil
- end
- obj = nil
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if name && TabID_TBL[parent.path] && TabID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- obj = TabID_TBL[parent.path][name]
- if pos
- if pos.to_s == 'end'
- obj.move_after('end')
- else
- obj.move_before(pos)
- end
- end
- obj.configure if keys && ! keys.empty?
- else
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(parent, pos, name, keys)
- TabID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TabID_TBL[@tpath]
- TabID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- }
- obj
- end
- def initialize(parent, pos, name, keys)
- @t = parent
- @tpath = parent.path
- if name
- @path = @id = name
- unless (list(tk_call(@tpath, 'tab', 'names', @id)).empty?)
- if pos
- idx = tk_call(@tpath, 'index', '-name', @id)
- if pos.to_s == 'end'
- tk_call(@tpath, 'move', idx, 'after', 'end')
- else
- tk_call(@tpath, 'move', idx, 'before', pos)
- end
- end
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tab', 'configure', @id, keys)
- else
- pos = 'end' unless pos
- tk_call(@tpath, 'insert', pos, @id, keys)
- end
- else
- pos = 'end' unless pos
- TabsetTab_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = TabsetTab_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- TabsetTab_ID[1].succ!
- }
- tk_call(@tpath, 'insert', pos, @id, keys)
- end
- end
- #def bind(context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # @t.tab_bind(@id, context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def bind(context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- @t.tab_bind(@id, context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def bind_append(context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # @t.tab_bind_append(@id, context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def bind_append(context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- @t.tab_bind_append(@id, context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def bind_remove(context)
- @t.tab_bind_remove(@id, context)
- self
- end
- def bindinfo(context=nil)
- @t.tab_bindinfo(@id, context)
- end
- def cget_tkstring(*args)
- @t.tab_cget_tkstring(@id, *args)
- end
- def cget(*args)
- @t.tab_cget(@id, *args)
- end
- def cget_strict(*args)
- @t.tab_cget_strict(@id, *args)
- end
- def configure(*args)
- @t.tab_configure(@id, *args)
- end
- def configinfo(*args)
- @t.tab_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def current_configinfo(*args)
- @t.current_tab_configinfo(@id, *args)
- end
- def delete()
- @t.delete(@id)
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TabID_TBL[@tpath].delete(@id)
- }
- self
- end
- def get_name()
- @id.dup
- end
- def focus()
- @t.focus(self.index)
- end
- def index()
- @t.index_name(@id)
- end
- def invoke()
- @t.invoke(self.index)
- end
- def move_before(idx)
- @t.move_before(self.index, idx)
- end
- def move_after(idx)
- @t.move_after(self.index, idx)
- end
- def perforation_highlight(mode)
- @t.perforation_highlight(self.index, mode)
- end
- def perforation_invoke()
- @t.perforation_invoke(self.index)
- end
- def see()
- @t.see(self.index)
- end
- def tearoff(name=None)
- @t.tab_tearoff(self.index, *args)
- end
- end
- ########################################
- class NamedTab < Tab
- def self.new(parent, name)
- super(parent, nil, name, {})
- end
- end
- ########################################
- include X_Scrollable
- include TkItemConfigMethod
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tabset'.freeze].freeze
- WidgetClassName = 'Tabset'.freeze
- WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab::TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab::TabID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- ########################################
- def __boolval_optkeys
- super() << 'samewidth' << 'tearoff'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __strval_optkeys
- super() << 'tabbackground' << 'tabforeground'
- end
- private :__strval_optkeys
- def __item_cget_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'tab', 'cget', id]
- end
- private :__item_cget_cmd
- def __item_config_cmd(id)
- [self.path, 'tab', 'configure', id]
- end
- private :__item_config_cmd
- def __item_pathname(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab)
- self.path + ';' + tagOrId.id.to_s
- else
- self.path + ';' + tagOrId.to_s
- end
- end
- private :__item_pathname
- alias tab_cget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
- alias tab_cget itemcget
- alias tab_cget_strict itemcget_strict
- alias tab_configure itemconfigure
- alias tab_configinfo itemconfiginfo
- alias current_tab_configinfo current_itemconfiginfo
- def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
- super(id) << 'shadow'
- end
- private :__item_strval_optkeys
- def tagid(tab)
- if tab.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab)
- tab.id
- else
- tab
- end
- end
- def tagindex(tab)
- if tab.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab)
- tab.index
- else
- tab
- end
- end
- ########################################
- def activate(index)
- tk_send('activate', tagindex(index))
- self
- end
- alias highlight activate
- #def tabbind(tag, context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def tabbind(tag, context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- #def tabbind_append(tag, context, cmd=Proc.new, *args)
- # _bind_append([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- # self
- #end
- def tabbind_append(tag, context, *args)
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
- cmd = args.shift
- else
- cmd = Proc.new
- end
- _bind_append([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, *args)
- self
- end
- def tabbind_remove(tag, context)
- _bind_remove([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context)
- self
- end
- def tabbindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- _bindinfo([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context)
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send('delete', tagindex(first), tagindex(last))
- if first.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab)
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TabID_TBL[@path].delete(first.id)
- }
- end
- # middle tabs of the range are unknown
- if last.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab)
- TabID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TabID_TBL[@path].delete(last.id)
- }
- end
- self
- end
- def focus(index)
- tk_send('focus', tagindex(index))
- self
- end
- def get_tab(index)
- if (idx = tk_send_without_enc('get', tagindex(index))).empty?
- nil
- else
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.id2obj(self, idx)
- end
- end
- def get_tabobj(index)
- if (idx = tk_send_without_enc('get', tagindex(index))).empty?
- nil
- else
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.new(self, nil, name, {})
- end
- end
- def index(str)
- num_or_str(tk_send('index', str))
- end
- def index_name(tab)
- num_or_str(tk_send('index', '-name', tagid(tab)))
- end
- def insert(pos, tab, keys={})
- pos = 'end' if pos.nil?
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.new(self, tagindex(pos), tagid(tab), keys)
- end
- def insert_tabs(pos, *tabs)
- pos = 'end' if pos.nil?
- if tabs[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = tabs.pop
- else
- keys = {}
- end
- fail ArgumentError, 'no tabs is given' if tabs.empty?
- tabs.map!{|tab| tagid(tab)}
- tk_send('insert', tagindex(pos), *(tabs + [keys]))
- tabs.collect{|tab| Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.new(self, nil, tagid(tab))}
- end
- def invoke(index)
- tk_send('invoke', tagindex(index))
- end
- def move_before(index, base_idx)
- tk_send('move', tagindex(index), 'before', tagindex(base_idx))
- self
- end
- def move_after(index, base_idx)
- tk_send('move', tagindex(index), 'after', tagindex(base_idx))
- self
- end
- def nearest(x, y)
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.id2obj(self, num_or_str(tk_send_without_enc('nearest', x, y)))
- end
- def perforation_activate(mode)
- tk_send('perforation', 'activate', mode)
- self
- end
- def perforation_highlight(index, *args)
- if args.empty?
- # index --> mode
- tk_send('perforation', 'highlight', index)
- elsif args.size == 1
- # args[0] --> mode
- tk_send('perforation', 'highlight', tagindex(index), args[0])
- else # Error: call to get Tcl's error message
- tk_send('perforation', 'highlight', tagindex(index), *args)
- end
- self
- end
- def perforation_invoke(index=nil)
- if index
- tk_send('perforation', 'invoke', tagindex(index))
- else
- tk_send('perforation', 'invoke')
- end
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y)
- self
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y)
- self
- end
- def see(index)
- tk_send('see', tagindex(index))
- self
- end
- def size()
- number(tk_send_without_enc('size'))
- end
- def select(index)
- tk_send('select', tagindex(index))
- self
- end
- def tab_dockall
- tk_send('tab', 'dockall')
- self
- end
- def tab_names(pat=None)
- simplelist(tk_send('tab', 'names', pat)).collect{|name|
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.id2obj(self, name)
- }
- end
- def tab_objs(pat=None)
- simplelist(tk_send('tab', 'names', pat)).collect{|name|
- Tk::BLT::Tabset::Tab.new(self, nil, name, {})
- }
- end
- def tab_ids(pat=None)
- simplelist(tk_send('tab', 'names', pat))
- end
- def tab_pageheight
- number(tk_send('tab', 'pageheight'))
- end
- def tab_pagewidth
- number(tk_send('tab', 'pagewidth'))
- end
- def tab_tearoff(index, parent=None)
- window(tk_send('tab', 'tearoff', tagindex(index), parent))
- end
- def xscrollcommand(cmd=Proc.new)
- configure_cmd 'scrollcommand', cmd
- self
- end
- alias scrollcommand xscrollcommand
- def xview(*index)
- if index.empty?
- list(tk_send_without_enc('view'))
- else
- tk_send_without_enc('view', *index)
- self
- end
- end
- alias view xview
- alias view_moveto xview_moveto
- alias view_scroll xview_scroll
- alias scrollbar xscrollbar
- end