path: root/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/textpeer.rb
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1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/textpeer.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/textpeer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d98ef170b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/textpeer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# text widget peering demo (called by 'widget')
+# based on Tcl/Tk8.5.0 widget demos
+if defined?($textpeer_demo) && $textpeer_demo
+ $textpeer_demo.destroy
+ $textpeer_demo = nil
+# demo toplevel widget
+$textpeer_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
+ title("Text Wdget Peering Demonstration")
+ iconname("textpeer")
+ positionWindow(w)
+count = [0]
+## Define a widget that we peer from; it won't ever actually be shown though
+first = TkText.new($textpeer_demo, :widgetname=>"text#{count[0] += 1}")
+first.insert :end,"This is a coupled pair of text widgets; they are peers to "
+first.insert :end,"each other. They have the same underlying data model, but "
+first.insert :end,"can show different locations, have different current edit "
+first.insert :end,"locations, and have different selections. You can also "
+first.insert :end,"create additional peers of any of these text widgets using "
+first.insert :end,"the Make Peer button beside the text widget to clone, and "
+first.insert :end,"delete a particular peer widget using the Delete Peer "
+first.insert :end,"button."
+## Procedures to make and kill clones; most of this is just so that the demo
+## looks nice...
+def makeClone(count, win, txt)
+ cnt = (count[0] += 1)
+ peer = TkText::Peer.new(txt, win, :widgetname=>"text#{cnt}")
+ sbar = TkScrollbar.new(win, :widgetname=>"sb#{cnt}")
+ peer.yscrollbar sbar
+ b1 = TkButton.new(win, :widgetname=>"clone#{cnt}", :text=>'Make Peer',
+ :command=>proc{makeClone(count, win, peer)})
+ b2 = TkButton.new(win, :widgetname=>"kill#{cnt}", :text=>'Delete Peer',
+ :command=>proc{killClone(win, cnt)})
+ row = cnt * 2
+ TkGrid.configure(peer, sbar, b1, :sticky=>'nsew', :row=>row)
+ TkGrid.configure('^', '^', b2, :sticky=>'nsew', :row=>(row+=1))
+ TkGrid.configure(b1, b2, :sticky=>'new')
+ TkGrid.rowconfigure(win, b2, :weight=>1)
+def killClone(win, cnt)
+ Tk.destroy("#{win.path}.text#{cnt}", "#{win.path}.sb#{cnt}",
+ "#{win.path}.clone#{cnt}", "#{win.path}.kill#{cnt}")
+## Now set up the GUI
+makeClone(count, $textpeer_demo, first)
+makeClone(count, $textpeer_demo, first)
+## See Code / Dismiss buttons
+ TkButton.new(f, :text=>'Dismiss', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
+ $textpeer_demo.destroy
+ $textpeer_demo = nil
+ }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
+ TkButton.new(f, :text=>'See Code', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
+ showCode 'textpeer'
+ }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
+ TkGrid.configure(f, '-', '-', :sticky=>'ew', :row=>5000)
+TkGrid.columnconfigure($textpeer_demo, 0, :weight=>1)