path: root/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkmenu.rb
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkmenu.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkmenu.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f84c9138d5..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkmenu.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ttkmenu.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing several Ttk
-# menubutton widgets.
-# based on "Id: ttkmenu.tcl,v 1.3 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp"
-if defined?($ttkmenu_demo) && $ttkmenu_demo
- $ttkmenu_demo.destroy
- $ttkmenu_demo = nil
-$ttkmenu_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Ttk Menu Buttons")
- iconname("ttkmenu")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = Ttk::Frame.new($ttkmenu_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-Ttk::Label.new(base_frame, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)
-Ttk is the new Tk themed widget set, \
-and one widget that is available in themed form is the menubutton. \
-Below are some themed menu buttons \
-that allow you to pick the current theme in use. \
-Notice how picking a theme changes the way \
-that the menu buttons themselves look, \
-and that the central menu button is styled differently \
-(in a way that is normally suitable for toolbars). \
-However, there are no themed menus; the standard Tk menus were judged \
-to have a sufficiently good look-and-feel on all platforms, \
-especially as they are implemented as native controls in many places.
-Ttk::Separator.new(base_frame).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)
-## See Code / Dismiss
-Ttk::Frame.new($ttkmenu_demo) {|frame|
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'ttkmenu'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- $ttkmenu_demo.destroy
- $ttkmenu_demo = nil
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x)
-b1 = Ttk::Menubutton.new(base_frame,:text=>'Select a theme',:direction=>:above)
-b2 = Ttk::Menubutton.new(base_frame,:text=>'Select a theme',:direction=>:left)
-b3 = Ttk::Menubutton.new(base_frame,:text=>'Select a theme',:direction=>:right)
-b4 = Ttk::Menubutton.new(base_frame,:text=>'Select a theme',:direction=>:flush,
- :style=>Ttk::Menubutton.style('Toolbutton'))
-b5 = Ttk::Menubutton.new(base_frame,:text=>'Select a theme',:direction=>:below)
-b1.menu(m1 = Tk::Menu.new(b1, :tearoff=>false))
-b2.menu(m2 = Tk::Menu.new(b2, :tearoff=>false))
-b3.menu(m3 = Tk::Menu.new(b3, :tearoff=>false))
-b4.menu(m4 = Tk::Menu.new(b4, :tearoff=>false))
-b5.menu(m5 = Tk::Menu.new(b5, :tearoff=>false))
- m1.add(:command, :label=>theme, :command=>proc{Ttk.set_theme theme})
- m2.add(:command, :label=>theme, :command=>proc{Ttk.set_theme theme})
- m3.add(:command, :label=>theme, :command=>proc{Ttk.set_theme theme})
- m4.add(:command, :label=>theme, :command=>proc{Ttk.set_theme theme})
- m5.add(:command, :label=>theme, :command=>proc{Ttk.set_theme theme})
-f = Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:x)
-f1 = Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-TkGrid('x', b1, 'x', :in=>f, :padx=>3, :pady=>2)
-TkGrid(b2, b4, b3, :in=>f, :padx=>3, :pady=>2)
-TkGrid('x', b5, 'x', :in=>f, :padx=>3, :pady=>2)