path: root/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget
index f529792e78..133d151d46 100644
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget
@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ end
- [[['File', 0],
- ['About ... ', proc{aboutBox}, 0, '<F1>'],
- '---',
- ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0, 'Meta-Q']
- ]]).pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
+ [[['File', 0],
+ ['About ... ', proc{aboutBox}, 0, '<F1>'],
+ '---',
+ ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0, 'Meta-Q']
+ ]]).pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
$root.bind('F1', proc{aboutBox})
$root.bind('Meta-q', proc{exit})
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
textFrame = TkFrame.new($root)
scr = TkScrollbar.new($root, 'orient'=>'vertical',
- 'highlightthickness'=>0, 'takefocus'=>1) {
+ 'highlightthickness'=>0, 'takefocus'=>1) {
pack('in'=>textFrame, 'side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y', 'padx'=>1)
txt = TkText.new($root) {
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ else
statusBar = TkFrame.new($root) {|f|
$statusBarLabel = \
TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>" ", 'relief'=>'sunken', 'bd'=>1, 'anchor'=>'w',
- 'font'=>'-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*') \
- .pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>2, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
+ 'font'=>'-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*') \
+ .pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>2, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
TkLabel.new(f, 'width'=>8, 'relief'=>'sunken', 'bd'=>1, 'anchor'=>'w',
- 'font'=>'-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*') \
- .pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>2)
+ 'font'=>'-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*') \
+ .pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>2)
}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>2)
@@ -188,53 +188,53 @@ tag_demospace = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c')
if TkWinfo.depth($root) == 1
tag_demo = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'underline'=>1)
+ 'underline'=>1)
$tag_visited = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'underline'=>1)
+ 'underline'=>1)
tag_hot = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'background'=>'black', 'foreground'=>'white')
tag_demo = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'foreground'=>'blue', 'underline'=>1)
+ 'foreground'=>'blue', 'underline'=>1)
$tag_visited = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'foreground'=>'#303080', 'underline'=>1)
+ 'foreground'=>'#303080', 'underline'=>1)
# tag_hot = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'relief'=>'raised', 'borderwidth'=>1,
-# 'background'=>'SeaGreen3')
+# 'background'=>'SeaGreen3')
tag_hot = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'borderwidth'=>1, 'foreground'=>'red')
#tag_demo.bind('Button-1', proc{invoke txt, txt.index('current')})
- proc{|x,y|invoke txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")}, '%x %y')
+ proc{|x,y|invoke txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")}, '%x %y')
lastLine = TkVariable.new("")
newLine = TkVariable.new("")
tag_demo.bind('Enter', proc{|x,y|
- lastLine.value = txt.index("@#{x},#{y} linestart")
- tag_hot.add(lastLine.value, "#{lastLine.value} lineend")
- showStatus txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")
- },
- '%x %y')
+ lastLine.value = txt.index("@#{x},#{y} linestart")
+ tag_hot.add(lastLine.value, "#{lastLine.value} lineend")
+ showStatus txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")
+ },
+ '%x %y')
- proc{
- tag_hot.remove('1.0','end')
- txt.configure('cursor','xterm')
- $statusBarLabel.configure('text'=>"")
- })
+ proc{
+ tag_hot.remove('1.0','end')
+ txt.configure('cursor','xterm')
+ $statusBarLabel.configure('text'=>"")
+ })
tag_demo.bind('Motion', proc{|x, y|
- newLine.value = txt.index("@#{x},#{y} linestart")
- if newLine.value != lastLine.value
- tag_hot.remove('1.0','end')
- lastLine.value = newLine.value
- if ( txt.tag_names("@#{x},#{y}").find{|t|
- t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^demo-/
- } )
- tag_hot.add(lastLine.value,
- "#{lastLine.value} lineend -1 chars")
- end
- end
- showStatus txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")
- },
- '%x %y')
+ newLine.value = txt.index("@#{x},#{y} linestart")
+ if newLine.value != lastLine.value
+ tag_hot.remove('1.0','end')
+ lastLine.value = newLine.value
+ if ( txt.tag_names("@#{x},#{y}").find{|t|
+ t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^demo-/
+ } )
+ tag_hot.add(lastLine.value,
+ "#{lastLine.value} lineend -1 chars")
+ end
+ end
+ showStatus txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")
+ },
+ '%x %y')
# Create the text for the text widget.
@@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
txt.insert('end', "2. With scrollbars.\n", tag_demo, "demo-entry2")
txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
- "3. Validated entries and password fields. (if supported)\n",
- tag_demo, "demo-entry3")
+ "3. Validated entries and password fields. (if supported)\n",
+ tag_demo, "demo-entry3")
txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
txt.insert('end', "4. Spin-boxes. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-spin")
txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ scr.focus
# new demo window.
# Arguments:
-# w - The name of the window to position.
+# w - The name of the window to position.
def positionWindow(w)
@@ -417,8 +417,8 @@ end
# updates the display whenever any of the variables changes.
# Arguments:
-# w - Name of new window to create for display.
-# args - Any number of names of variables.
+# w - Name of new window to create for display.
+# args - Any number of names of variables.
$showVarsWin = {}
def showVars1(parent, *args)
@@ -442,10 +442,10 @@ def showVars1(parent, *args)
- #TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>"#{vnam}: ").pack('side'=>'left')
- TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>"#{vnam}: ",'width'=>len+2).pack('side'=>'left')
- TkLabel.new(f, 'textvariable'=>vbody, 'anchor'=>'w')\
- .pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'x')
+ #TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>"#{vnam}: ").pack('side'=>'left')
+ TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>"#{vnam}: ",'width'=>len+2).pack('side'=>'left')
+ TkLabel.new(f, 'textvariable'=>vbody, 'anchor'=>'w')\
+ .pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'x')
}.pack('side'=>'top', 'anchor'=>'w', 'fill'=>'x')
TkButton.new(w) {
@@ -467,11 +467,11 @@ def showVars2(parent, *args)
title "Variable values"
TkLabelFrame.new(w, :text=>"Variable values:",
- :font=>{:family=>'Helvetica', :size=>14}){|f|
+ :font=>{:family=>'Helvetica', :size=>14}){|f|
- TkGrid(TkLabel.new(f, :text=>"#{vnam}: ", :anchor=>'w'),
- TkLabel.new(f, :textvariable=>vbody, :anchor=>'w'),
- :padx=>2, :pady=>2, :sticky=>'w')
+ TkGrid(TkLabel.new(f, :text=>"#{vnam}: ", :anchor=>'w'),
+ TkLabel.new(f, :textvariable=>vbody, :anchor=>'w'),
+ :padx=>2, :pady=>2, :sticky=>'w')
f.grid(:sticky=>'news', :padx=>4)
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ def showVars2(parent, *args)
f.grid_rowconfig(100, :weight=>1)
TkButton.new(w, :text=>"OK", :width=>8, :default=>:active,
- :command=>proc{w.destroy}){|b|
+ :command=>proc{w.destroy}){|b|
w.bind('Return', proc{b.invoke})
w.bind('Escape', proc{b.invoke})
@@ -503,8 +503,8 @@ end
# It is responsible for invoking the demonstration.
# Arguments:
-# txt - Name of text widget
-# index - The index of the character that the user clicked on.
+# txt - Name of text widget
+# index - The index of the character that the user clicked on.
def invoke (txt, index)
tag = txt.tag_names(index).find{|t| t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^demo-/}
@@ -524,8 +524,8 @@ end
# showStatus --
-# Show the name of the demo program in the status bar. This procedure
-# is called when the user moves the cursor over a demo description.
+# Show the name of the demo program in the status bar. This procedure
+# is called when the user moves the cursor over a demo description.
def showStatus (txt, index)
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ def showStatus (txt, index)
demoname = tag[5..-1]
- "Run the \"#{demoname}\" sample program")
+ "Run the \"#{demoname}\" sample program")
newcursor = 'hand2'
txt.configure('cursor'=>newcursor) if cursor != newcursor
@@ -548,8 +548,8 @@ end
# a demonstration and allows it to be edited and reinvoked.
# Arguments:
-# demo - The name of the demonstration's window, which can be
-# used to derive the name of the file containing its code.
+# demo - The name of the demonstration's window, which can be
+# used to derive the name of the file containing its code.
def showCode1(demo)
file = "#{demo}.rb"
@@ -560,8 +560,8 @@ def showCode1(demo)
TkButton.new(f) {
text "Dismiss"
command proc{
- $code_window.destroy
- $code_window = nil
+ $code_window.destroy
+ $code_window = nil
}.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'pady'=>2)
TkButton.new(f) {
@@ -574,44 +574,44 @@ def showCode1(demo)
if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
s = TkScrollbar.new($code_window, 'orient'=>'vertical')
$code_text = TkText.new($code_window) {
- height 40
- setgrid 'yes'
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
+ height 40
+ setgrid 'yes'
+ yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
s.command(proc{|*args| $code_text.yview(*args)})
s.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
$code_text.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
TkFrame.new($code_window) {|f|
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both', 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1)
- hs = TkScrollbar.new($code_window, 'highlightthickness'=>0,
- 'orient'=>'horizontal')
- vs = TkScrollbar.new($code_window, 'highlightthickness'=>0,
- 'orient'=>'vertical')
- $code_text = TkText.new($code_window) {|t|
- height 40
- wrap 'word'
- xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| hs.set first,last}
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| vs.set first,last}
- setgrid 'yes'
- highlightthickness 0
- pady 2
- padx 3
- hs.command(proc{|*args| $code_text.xview(*args)})
- vs.command(proc{|*args| $code_text.yview(*args)})
- }
- $code_text.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- vs.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>1,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
-# xs.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>1, 'column'=>0,
-# 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
+ pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both', 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1)
+ hs = TkScrollbar.new($code_window, 'highlightthickness'=>0,
+ 'orient'=>'horizontal')
+ vs = TkScrollbar.new($code_window, 'highlightthickness'=>0,
+ 'orient'=>'vertical')
+ $code_text = TkText.new($code_window) {|t|
+ height 40
+ wrap 'word'
+ xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| hs.set first,last}
+ yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| vs.set first,last}
+ setgrid 'yes'
+ highlightthickness 0
+ pady 2
+ padx 3
+ hs.command(proc{|*args| $code_text.xview(*args)})
+ vs.command(proc{|*args| $code_text.yview(*args)})
+ }
+ $code_text.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>0,
+ 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
+ vs.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>1,
+ 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
+# xs.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>1, 'column'=>0,
+# 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
# JKC 2001-07-26: segfaults under 1.7.1 (2001-06-19) [i686-linux]
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
+ TkGrid.rowconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
+ TkGrid.columnconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
@@ -638,8 +638,8 @@ def showCode2(demo)
$code_window = TkToplevel.new(nil)
tf = TkFrame.new($code_window)
$code_text = TkText.new(tf, :font=>'Courier 10', :height=>30,
- :wrap=>'word', :bd=>1, :setgrid=>true,
- :highlightthickness=>0, :pady=>2, :padx=>3)
+ :wrap=>'word', :bd=>1, :setgrid=>true,
+ :highlightthickness=>0, :pady=>2, :padx=>3)
xscr = TkScrollbar.new(tf, :bd=>1){assign($code_text)}
yscr = TkScrollbar.new(tf, :bd=>1){assign($code_text)}
TkGrid($code_text, yscr, :sticky=>'news')
@@ -650,17 +650,17 @@ def showCode2(demo)
bf = TkFrame.new($code_window)
b_dis = TkButton.new(bf, :text=>'Dismiss', :default=>:active,
- :command=>proc{
- $code_window.destroy
- $code_window = nil
- },
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left)
+ :command=>proc{
+ $code_window.destroy
+ $code_window = nil
+ },
+ :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left)
b_prn = TkButton.new(bf, :text=>'Print Code',
- :command=>proc{printCode($code_text, file)},
- :image=>$image['print'], :compound=>:left)
+ :command=>proc{printCode($code_text, file)},
+ :image=>$image['print'], :compound=>:left)
b_run = TkButton.new(bf, :text=>'Rerun Demo',
- :command=>proc{eval($code_text.get('1.0','end'))},
- :image=>$image['refresh'], :compound=>:left)
+ :command=>proc{eval($code_text.get('1.0','end'))},
+ :image=>$image['refresh'], :compound=>:left)
TkGrid('x', b_run, b_prn, b_dis, :padx=>4, :pady=>[6,4])
bf.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
@@ -671,8 +671,8 @@ def showCode2(demo)
$code_window.grid_rowconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
$code_window.bind('Return', proc{|win|
- b_dis.invoke unless win.kind_of?(TkText)
- }, '%W')
+ b_dis.invoke unless win.kind_of?(TkText)
+ }, '%W')
$code_window.bindinfo('Return').each{|cmd, arg|
$code_window.bind_append('Escape', cmd, arg)
@@ -704,8 +704,8 @@ end
# Much thanks to Arjen Markus for this.
# Arguments:
-# txt - Name of text widget containing code to print
-# file - Name of the original file (implicitly for title)
+# txt - Name of text widget containing code to print
+# file - Name of the original file (implicitly for title)
def printCode(txt, file)
code = txt.get('1.0', 'end - 1c')
@@ -721,24 +721,24 @@ def printCode(txt, file)
when 'unix'
msg = `lp -c #{fname}`
unless $?.exitstatus == 0
- Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Print spooling failure',
- :message=>'Print spooling probably failed: ' + msg)
+ Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Print spooling failure',
+ :message=>'Print spooling probably failed: ' + msg)
when 'windows'
- printTextWin32(fname)
+ printTextWin32(fname)
rescue => e
- Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Print spooling failure',
- :message=>'Print spooling probably failed: ' +
- e.message)
+ Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Print spooling failure',
+ :message=>'Print spooling probably failed: ' +
+ e.message)
when 'macintosh'
Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Operation not Implemented',
- :message=>'Oops, sorry: not implemented yet!')
+ :message=>'Oops, sorry: not implemented yet!')
Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Operation not Implemented',
- :message=>'Wow! Unknown platform: ' +
- Tk::TCL_PLATFORM('platform'))
+ :message=>'Wow! Unknown platform: ' +
+ Tk::TCL_PLATFORM('platform'))
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ end
# Print a file under Windows
# Arguments:
-# filename - Name of the file
+# filename - Name of the file
def printTextWin32(fname)
require 'win32/registry'
@@ -780,12 +780,12 @@ end
def aboutBox
Tk.messageBox('icon'=>'info', 'type'=>'ok', 'title'=>'About Widget Demo',
- 'message'=>"Ruby/Tk widget demonstration Ver.1.4.3-en\n\n" +
+ 'message'=>"Ruby/Tk widget demonstration Ver.1.4.3-en\n\n" +
"based on demos of Tk8.1 -- 8.5 " +
- "( Copyright:: " +
- "(c) 1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. / " +
+ "( Copyright:: " +
+ "(c) 1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. / " +
"(c) 1997-2000 Ajuba Solutions, Inc. / " +
- "(c) 2001-2003 Donal K. Fellows )\n\n" +
+ "(c) 2001-2003 Donal K. Fellows )\n\n" +
"Your Ruby & Tk Version ::\n" +
"Ruby#{RUBY_VERSION}(#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE})[#{RUBY_PLATFORM}] / Tk#{$tk_patchlevel}#{(Tk::JAPANIZED_TK)? '-jp': ''}")
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ if no_launcher
loop do
count = 0
- count += 1 if w.kind_of?(TkToplevel)
+ count += 1 if w.kind_of?(TkToplevel)
$root.destroy if count == 0