path: root/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1087 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget
deleted file mode 100644
index fb49a746b9..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1087 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# widget --
-# This script demonstrates the various widgets provided by Tk,
-# along with many of the features of the Tk toolkit. This file
-# only contains code to generate the main window for the
-# application, which invokes individual demonstrations. The
-# code for the actual demonstrations is contained in separate
-# ".rb" files is this directory, which are sourced by this script
-# as needed.
-require 'tk'
-# require 'tkafter'
-### $DEBUG=1 ##########
-$RubyTk_WidgetDemo = true
-# The code below create the main window, consisting of a menu bar
-# and a text widget that explains how to use the program, plus lists
-# all of the demos as hypertext items.
-# widget demo directory
-# $demo_dir = File.dirname($0)
-$demo_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
-# root
-$root = TkRoot.new{title "Ruby/Tk Widget Demonstration"}
-# tk
-$tk_version = Tk::TK_VERSION
-$tk_major_ver, $tk_minor_ver = $tk_version.split('.').map{|n| n.to_i}
-$tk_patchlevel = Tk::TK_PATCHLEVEL
-# tcl_platform
-$tk_platform = TkVarAccess.new('tcl_platform')
-when /^4.*/
- $font = TkFont.new('-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*', nil)
- $font = TkFont.new('Helvetica -12')
-# images
-$image = {}
-if $tk_major_ver >= 8
-$image['refresh'] = TkPhotoImage.new(:height=>16, :format=>'GIF', :data=><<EOD)
- R0lGODlhEAAQAPMAAMz/zCpnKdb/1z9mPypbKBtLGy9NMPL/9Or+6+P+4j1Y
-if $tk_major_ver >= 8
-$image['view'] = TkPhotoImage.new(:height=>16, :format=>'GIF', :data=><<EOD)
- KFjWdQQYap1QrCaGBmrRrS4nj5b53jOgbwXBKGACoYLDIuAoHCmZyYvR1rT5
-if $tk_major_ver >= 8
-$image['delete'] = TkPhotoImage.new(:height=>16, :format=>'GIF', :data=><<EOD)
- lI9pAKHbIHNoVhYhTdjlJ2AWKG2g+CldmB6rxo2uybYhbS80eRQAOw==
-if $tk_major_ver >= 8
-$image['print'] = TkPhotoImage.new(:height=>19, :format=>'GIF', :data=><<EOD)
- UlpChFpCjFpGkFpSc1paa2NKc2NKnGNja2tapWtjc29KnHNanHNjc3NjrXNr
- jHNrnHNzc3tjpXtrtXtzhICAgIRzvYSEjIZzqox7tYyEnIyMjJSEtZSEvZSM
- lJyMtZyMvZyUlJyUrZyUvZycnKWctaWlpa2czq2lzrWtvbWtzrW1tb21xr21
- 1sa9zs693s7OztbO3tbO597W1t7W7+fe7+fn5////+/n7+/v7+/v9////wAA
- PcIWKRGz5YgLbAco+KkQBQoJIRgjdGEVq+SaJajqtNrzMgsPCmoIzqmDgmWE
-if $tk_major_ver >= 8
- $root.add_menubar([[['File', 0],
- ['About ... ', proc{aboutBox}, 0, '<F1>'],
- '---',
- ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0, 'Ctrl-Q']
- ]])
- TkMenubar.new($root,
- [[['File', 0],
- ['About ... ', proc{aboutBox}, 0, '<F1>'],
- '---',
- ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0, 'Ctrl-Q']
- ]]).pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-$root.bind('F1', proc{aboutBox})
-$root.bind('Control-q', proc{exit})
- TkMenubutton.new(frame){|button|
- m = TkMenu.new(button) {
- add 'command', 'label'=>'Quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}, 'underline'=>0
- }
- menu m
- text 'File'
- underline 0
- }.pack('side'=>'left')
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- scr = TkScrollbar.new($root, 'orient'=>'vertical')
- txt = TkText.new($root) {
- wrap 'word'
- width 70
- height 30
- font $font
- setgrid 'yes'
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| scr.set first,last}
- }
- scr.command(proc{|*args| txt.yview(*args)})
- scr.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- txt.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- textFrame = TkFrame.new($root)
- scr = TkScrollbar.new($root, 'orient'=>'vertical',
- 'highlightthickness'=>0, 'takefocus'=>1) {
- pack('in'=>textFrame, 'side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y', 'padx'=>1)
- }
- txt = TkText.new($root) {
- wrap 'word'
- width 70
- height 30
- font $font
- setgrid 'yes'
- highlightthickness 0
- padx 4
- pady 2
- takefocus 0
- bd 1
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| scr.set first,last}
- }
- scr.command(proc{|*args| txt.yview(*args)})
-# txt.pack('in'=>textFrame, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both', 'padx'=>1)
-# txt.pack('in'=>textFrame, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-# textFrame.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both', 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>2)
- textFrame.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- # $root.withdraw.deiconify
- Tk.update_idletasks
- txt.pack('in'=>textFrame, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- statusBar = TkFrame.new($root) {|f|
- if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- statusfont = '-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- else
- statusfont = 'Helvetica 10'
- end
- $statusBarLabel = \
- TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>" ", 'relief'=>'sunken', 'bd'=>1, 'anchor'=>'w',
- 'font'=>statusfont) \
- .pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>2, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- TkLabel.new(f, 'width'=>8, 'relief'=>'sunken', 'bd'=>1, 'anchor'=>'w',
- 'font'=>statusfont) \
- .pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>2)
- }.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>2)
-# Create a bunch of tags to use in the text widget, such as those for
-# section titles and demo descriptions. Also define the bindings for
-# tags.
-if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- tag_title = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'font'=>'-*-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- tag_title = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'font'=>'Helvetica 18 bold')
-# We put some "space" characters to the left and right of each demo description
-# so that the descriptions are highlighted only when the mouse cursor
-# is right over them (but not when the cursor is to their left or right)
-tag_demospace = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c')
-if TkWinfo.depth($root) == 1
- tag_demo = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'underline'=>1)
- $tag_visited = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'underline'=>1)
- tag_hot = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'background'=>'black', 'foreground'=>'white')
- tag_demo = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'foreground'=>'blue', 'underline'=>1)
- $tag_visited = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'foreground'=>'#303080', 'underline'=>1)
-# tag_hot = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'relief'=>'raised', 'borderwidth'=>1,
-# 'background'=>'SeaGreen3')
- tag_hot = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'borderwidth'=>1, 'foreground'=>'red')
-#tag_demo.bind('Button-1', proc{invoke txt, txt.index('current')})
- proc{|x,y|invoke txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")}, '%x %y')
-lastLine = TkVariable.new("")
-newLine = TkVariable.new("")
-tag_demo.bind('Enter', proc{|x,y|
- lastLine.value = txt.index("@#{x},#{y} linestart")
- tag_hot.add(lastLine.value, "#{lastLine.value} lineend")
- showStatus txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")
- },
- '%x %y')
- proc{
- tag_hot.remove('1.0','end')
- txt.configure('cursor','xterm')
- $statusBarLabel.configure('text'=>"")
- })
-tag_demo.bind('Motion', proc{|x, y|
- newLine.value = txt.index("@#{x},#{y} linestart")
- if newLine.value != lastLine.value
- tag_hot.remove('1.0','end')
- lastLine.value = newLine.value
- if ( txt.tag_names("@#{x},#{y}").find{|t|
- t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^demo-/
- } )
- tag_hot.add(lastLine.value,
- "#{lastLine.value} lineend -1 chars")
- end
- end
- showStatus txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")
- },
- '%x %y')
-# Create the text for the text widget.
-txt.insert('end', "Ruby/Tk Widget Demonstrations\n\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', <<EOT)
-This application provides a front end for several short scripts that \
-demonstrate what you can do with Tk widgets. Each of the numbered \
-lines below describes a demonstration; you can click on it to invoke \
-the demonstration. Once the demonstration window appears, you can \
-click the "See Code" button to see the Ruby/Tk code that created the \
-demonstration. If you wish, you can edit the code and click the \
-"Rerun Demo" button in the code window to reinvoke the demonstration \
-with the modified code. \
-Don't worry about breaking the source code. \
-Your modifications are not reflected on the original file. \
-Please try many kind of changes.
-Some demo scripts require the recent version of Tk library \
-(e.g. Tk8.4 or later) \
-If your Tk library linked to Ruby doesn't support the functions \
-required by the demo script, the demo doesn't work. \
-In such a case, please re-compile tcltklib with the later Tk library \
-which supports the required functions.
-If your Tk supports Ttk (Tile) extension (included or installed), \
-please try the demo of Ttk extension (sample/tkextlib/tile/demo.rb) too.
-( Probably, Ttk extension \
- require 'tkextlib/tile'
- "is already installed on your environment"
- "is not installed on your environment yet"
-. )
-Ttk extension is a standard feature of Tk8.5 or later.
-txt.insert('end', "Labels, buttons, checkbuttons, and radiobuttons.\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Labels (text and bitmaps).\n", tag_demo, "demo-label")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Labels and UNICODE text. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-unicodeout")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Buttons.\n", tag_demo, "demo-button")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. Checkbuttons (select any of a group).\n", tag_demo, "demo-check")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. Checkbuttons (if supported).\n", tag_demo, "demo-check2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "6. Radiobuttons (select one of a group).\n", tag_demo, "demo-radio")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "7. Radiobuttons (if supported 'compound' option).\n", tag_demo, "demo-radio2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "8. Radiobuttons (if supported).\n", tag_demo, "demo-radio3")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "9. A 15-puzzle game made out of buttons.\n", tag_demo, "demo-puzzle")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "10. Iconic buttons that use bitmaps.\n", tag_demo, "demo-icon")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "11. Two labels displaying images.\n", tag_demo, "demo-image1")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "12. A simple user interface for viewing images.\n", tag_demo, "demo-image2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "13. A simple user interface for viewing images. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-image3")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "14. Labelled frames (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-labelframe")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "15. The simple Themed Tk widgets (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-ttkbut")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Listboxes\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. 50 states.\n", tag_demo, "demo-states")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Colors: change the color scheme for the application.\n", "#{tag_demo.id} demo-colors")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. A collection of famous sayings.\n", tag_demo, "demo-sayings")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. A multi-column list of contries. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-mclist")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. A directory browser tree. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-tree")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Entries and Spin-boxes\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Without scrollbars.\n", tag_demo, "demo-entry1")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. With scrollbars.\n", tag_demo, "demo-entry2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
- "3. Validated entries and password fields. (if supported)\n",
- tag_demo, "demo-entry3")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. Spin-boxes. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-spin")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. Combo-boxes. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-combo")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "6. Simple Rolodex-like form.\n", tag_demo, "demo-form")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Text\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Basic editable text.\n", tag_demo, "demo-text")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Text display styles.\n", tag_demo, "demo-style")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Hypertext (tag bindings).\n", tag_demo, "demo-bind")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. A text widget with embedded windows.\n", tag_demo, "demo-twind")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. A text widget with embedded windows. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-twind2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "6. A search tool built with a text widget.\n", tag_demo, "demo-search")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "7. Peering text widgets. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-textpeer")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Canvases\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. The canvas item types.\n", tag_demo, "demo-items")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. A simple 2-D plot.\n", tag_demo, "demo-plot")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Text items in canvases.\n", tag_demo, "demo-ctext")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. An editor for arrowheads on canvas lines.\n", tag_demo, "demo-arrow")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. A ruler with adjustable tab stops.\n", tag_demo, "demo-ruler")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "6. A building floor plan.\n", tag_demo, "demo-floor")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "7. A building floor plan. (another way to create canvas items)\n", tag_demo, "demo-floor2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "8. A simple scrollable canvas.\n", tag_demo, "demo-cscroll")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "9. A Knight's tour of the chess board. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-knightstour")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Scales and Progress Bars\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Vertical scale.\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-vscale")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Horizontal scale.\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-hscale")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Progress bar. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-ttkprogress")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Paned Windows and Notebooks\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Horizontal paned window. (if supported)\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-paned1")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Vertical paned window. (if supported)\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-paned2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Themed nested panes. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-ttkpane")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. Notebook widget. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-ttknote")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Menus and Toolbars\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Menus and cascades.\n", tag_demo, "demo-menu")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Menus and cascades. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-menu84")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Menubuttons.\n", tag_demo, "demo-menubu")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. Themed menu buttons. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-ttkmenu")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. Themed toolbar. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-toolbar")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Common Dialogs\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Message boxes.\n", tag_demo, "demo-msgbox")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Message boxes with detail text. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-msgbox2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. File selection dialog.\n", tag_demo, "demo-filebox")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. Color picker.\n", tag_demo, "demo-clrpick")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Animation\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Animated labels (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-anilabel")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Animated wave (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-aniwave")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Pendulum simulation (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-pendulum")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. A celebration of Rube Goldberg (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-goldberg")
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Miscellaneous\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. The built-in bitmaps.\n", tag_demo, "demo-bitmap")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. A dialog box with a local grab.\n", tag_demo, "demo-dialog1")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. A dialog box with a global grab.\n", tag_demo, "demo-dialog2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-# positionWindow --
-# This procedure is invoked by most of the demos to position a
-# new demo window.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The name of the window to position.
-def positionWindow(w)
- w.geometry('+300+300')
-# showVars --
-# Displays the values of one or more variables in a window, and
-# updates the display whenever any of the variables changes.
-# Arguments:
-# w - Name of new window to create for display.
-# args - Any number of names of variables.
-$showVarsWin = {}
-def showVars1(parent, *args)
- if $showVarsWin[parent.path]
- begin
- $showVarsWin[parent.path].destroy
- rescue
- end
- end
- w = TkToplevel.new(parent) {|w|
- title "Variable values"
- base = TkFrame.new(w).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- TkLabel.new(base) {
- text "Variable values:"
- width 20
- anchor 'center'
- if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- font '-Adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- else
- font 'Helvetica 14'
- end
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- len = 1
- args.each{|vnam,vbody|
- len = vnam.to_s.length if vnam.to_s.length > len
- }
- args.each{|vnam,vbody|
- TkFrame.new(w){|f|
- #TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>"#{vnam}: ").pack('side'=>'left')
- TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>"#{vnam}: ",'width'=>len+2).pack('side'=>'left')
- TkLabel.new(f, 'textvariable'=>vbody, 'anchor'=>'w')\
- .pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'x')
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'anchor'=>'w', 'fill'=>'x')
- }
- TkButton.new(base) {
- text "OK"
- command proc{w.destroy}
- }.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'pady'=>2)
- }
- $showVarsWin[parent.path] = w
-def showVars2(parent, *args)
- if $showVarsWin[parent.path]
- begin
- $showVarsWin[parent.path].destroy
- rescue
- end
- end
- $showVarsWin[parent.path] = TkToplevel.new(parent) {|top|
- title "Variable values"
- base = TkFrame.new(top).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- TkLabelFrame.new(base, :text=>"Variable values:",
- :font=>{:family=>'Helvetica', :size=>14}){|f|
- args.each{|vnam,vbody|
- TkGrid(TkLabel.new(f, :text=>"#{vnam}: ", :anchor=>'w'),
- TkLabel.new(f, :textvariable=>vbody, :anchor=>'w'),
- :padx=>2, :pady=>2, :sticky=>'w')
- }
- f.grid(:sticky=>'news', :padx=>4)
- f.grid_columnconfig(1, :weight=>1)
- f.grid_rowconfig(100, :weight=>1)
- }
- TkButton.new(base, :text=>"OK", :width=>8, :default=>:active,
- :command=>proc{top.destroy}){|b|
- top.bind('Return', proc{b.invoke})
- top.bind('Escape', proc{b.invoke})
- b.grid(:sticky=>'e', :padx=>4, :pady=>[6, 4])
- }
- base.grid_columnconfig(0, :weight=>1)
- base.grid_rowconfig(0, :weight=>1)
- }
-if $tk_major_ver < 8
- alias showVars showVars1
-elsif $tk_major_ver == 8 && $tk_minor_ver < 4
- alias showVars showVars1
-else # ver >= 8.4
- alias showVars showVars2
-# Pseudo-Toplevel support
-module PseudoToplevel_Evaluable
- def pseudo_toplevel_eval(body = Proc.new)
- Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL] = self
- begin
- body.call
- ensure
- Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL] = nil
- end
- end
- def pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?
- @pseudo_toplevel_evaluable
- end
- def pseudo_toplevel_evaluable=(mode)
- @pseudo_toplevel_evaluable = (mode)? true: false
- end
- def self.extended(mod)
- mod.__send__(:extend_object, mod)
- mod.instance_variable_set('@pseudo_toplevel_evaluable', true)
- end
-class Object
- alias __method_missing__ method_missing
- private :__method_missing__
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- begin
- has_top = (top = Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL]) &&
- top.respond_to?(:pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?) &&
- top.pseudo_toplevel_evaluable? &&
- top.respond_to?(id)
- rescue Exception => e
- has_top = false
- end
- if has_top
- top.__send__(id, *args)
- else
- __method_missing__(id, *args)
- end
- end
-class Proc
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- @__pseudo_toplevel__ = Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL]
- end
- alias __call__ call
- def call(*args, &b)
- if top = @__pseudo_toplevel__
- orig_top = Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL]
- Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL] = top
- begin
- __call__(*args, &b)
- ensure
- Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL] = orig_top
- end
- else
- __call__(*args, &b)
- end
- end
-def proc(&b)
- Proc.new(&b)
-def lambda(&b)
- Proc.new(&b)
-def _null_binding
- Module.new.instance_eval{extend PseudoToplevel_Evaluable}
- # binding
- # Module.new.instance_eval{binding}
-private :_null_binding
-def eval_samplecode(code, file=nil)
- #eval(code)
- #_null_binding.pseudo_toplevel_eval{ eval(code) }
- #Thread.new{ _null_binding.pseudo_toplevel_eval{ eval(code) } }
- Thread.new{
- _null_binding.pseudo_toplevel_eval{
- begin
- if file
- eval(code, binding, "(eval:#{file})")
- else
- eval(code)
- end
- rescue Exception=>e
- #p e
- TkBgError.show(e.class.inspect + ': ' + e.message + "\n" +
- "\n---< backtrace of Ruby side >-----\n" +
- e.backtrace.join("\n") +
- "\n---< backtrace of Tk side >-------")
- end
- }
- }
- Tk.update rescue nil
-# invoke --
-# This procedure is called when the user clicks on a demo description.
-# It is responsible for invoking the demonstration.
-# Arguments:
-# txt - Name of text widget
-# index - The index of the character that the user clicked on.
-def invoke(txt, idx)
- tag = txt.tag_names(idx).find{|t| t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^demo-/}
- return unless tag
- cursor = txt.cget('cursor')
- txt.cursor('watch')
- Tk.update rescue nil
- # eval(IO.readlines("#{[$demo_dir, tag[5..-1]].join(File::Separator)}.rb").join, _null_binding)
- # Tk.update
- eval_samplecode(IO.readlines("#{[$demo_dir, tag[5..-1]].join(File::Separator)}.rb").join, tag[5..-1] + '.rb')
- txt.cursor(cursor)
- $tag_visited.add("#{idx} linestart +1 chars", "#{idx} lineend +1 chars")
-def invoke (txt, idx)
- tag = txt.tag_names(idx).find{|t| t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^demo-/}
- return unless tag
- current_cursor = txt.cget('cursor')
- txt.cursor('watch')
- Tk.update
-# eval `cat #{tag[5..-1]}.rb`
-# eval `cat #{[$demo_dir, tag[5..-1]].join(File::Separator)}.rb`
- eval IO.readlines("#{[$demo_dir, tag[5..-1]].join(File::Separator)}.rb").join
- Tk.update
-# txt.cursor('xterm')
- txt.cursor(current_cursor)
- $tag_visited.add("#{idx} linestart +1 chars", "#{idx} lineend +1 chars")
-# showStatus --
-# Show the name of the demo program in the status bar. This procedure
-# is called when the user moves the cursor over a demo description.
-def showStatus (txt, index)
- tag = txt.tag_names(index).find{|t| t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^demo-/}
- cursor = txt.cget('cursor')
- unless tag
- $statusBarLabel.configure('text', " ")
- newcursor = 'xterm'
- else
- demoname = tag[5..-1]
- $statusBarLabel.configure('text',
- "Run the \"#{demoname}\" sample program")
- newcursor = 'hand2'
- end
- txt.configure('cursor'=>newcursor) if cursor != newcursor
-# showCode --
-# This procedure creates a toplevel window that displays the code for
-# a demonstration and allows it to be edited and reinvoked.
-# Arguments:
-# demo - The name of the demonstration's window, which can be
-# used to derive the name of the file containing its code.
-def showCode1(demo)
- file = "#{demo}.rb"
- $code_window = nil unless defined? $code_window
- if $code_window == nil || TkWinfo.exist?($code_window) == false
- $code_window = TkToplevel.new(nil)
- f = TkFrame.new($code_window)
- TkButton.new(f) {
- text "Dismiss"
- command proc{
- $code_window.destroy
- $code_window = nil
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'right', 'expand'=>'false', 'pady'=>2, 'padx'=>25)
- TkButton.new(f) {
- text "Rerun Demo"
- # command proc{eval($code_text.get('1.0','end'), _null_binding)}
- command proc{eval_samplecode($code_text.get('1.0','end'), '<viewer>')}
- }.pack('side'=>'right', 'expand'=>'false', 'pady'=>2)
- TkLabel.new(f,'text'=>'line:').pack('side'=>'left')
- linenum =TkLabel.new(f,'text'=>'').pack('side'=>'left')
- TkLabel.new(f,'text'=>' pos:').pack('side'=>'left')
- posnum =TkLabel.new(f,'text'=>'').pack('side'=>'left')
- $set_linenum = proc{|w|
- line, pos = w.index('insert').split('.')
- linenum.text = line
- posnum.text = pos
- }
- f.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'expand'=>'true', 'fill'=>'x')
- if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- s = TkScrollbar.new($code_window, 'orient'=>'vertical')
- $code_text = TkText.new($code_window) {
- height 40
- setgrid 'yes'
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- s.command(proc{|*args| $code_text.yview(*args)})
- s.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- $code_text.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- else
- TkFrame.new($code_window) {|f|
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both', 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1)
- hs = TkScrollbar.new($code_window, 'highlightthickness'=>0,
- 'orient'=>'horizontal')
- vs = TkScrollbar.new($code_window, 'highlightthickness'=>0,
- 'orient'=>'vertical')
- $code_text = TkText.new($code_window) {|t|
- height 40
- wrap 'word'
- xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| hs.set first,last}
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| vs.set first,last}
- setgrid 'yes'
- highlightthickness 0
- pady 2
- padx 3
- hs.command(proc{|*args| $code_text.xview(*args)})
- vs.command(proc{|*args| $code_text.yview(*args)})
- }
- $code_text.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- vs.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>1,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
-# xs.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>1, 'column'=>0,
-# 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
-# JKC 2001-07-26: segfaults under 1.7.1 (2001-06-19) [i686-linux]
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- }
- end
- btag = TkBindTag.new
- btag.bind('Key', $set_linenum, '%W')
- btag.bind('Button', $set_linenum, '%W')
- btags = $code_text.bindtags
- btags.insert(btags.index($code_text.class) + 1, btag)
- $code_text.bindtags = btags
- else
- $code_window.deiconify
- $code_window.raise
- end
- $code_window.title("Demo code: #{file}")
- $code_window.iconname(file)
-# fid = open(file, 'r')
- fid = open([$demo_dir, file].join(File::Separator), 'r')
- $code_text.delete('1.0', 'end')
- #$code_text.insert('1.0', `cat #{file}`)
- $code_text.insert('1.0', fid.read)
- #$code_mark = TkTextMark.new($code_text, '1.0')
- #$code_text.set_insert('1.0')
- TkTextMarkInsert.new($code_text,'1.0')
- $set_linenum.call($code_text)
- fid.close
-def showCode2(demo)
- file = "#{demo}.rb"
- $code_window = nil unless defined? $code_window
- if $code_window == nil || TkWinfo.exist?($code_window) == false
- $code_window = TkToplevel.new(nil)
- tf = TkFrame.new($code_window)
- $code_text = TkText.new(tf, :font=>'Courier 10', :height=>30,
- :wrap=>'word', :bd=>1, :setgrid=>true,
- :highlightthickness=>0, :pady=>2, :padx=>3)
- xscr = TkScrollbar.new(tf, :bd=>1){assign($code_text)}
- yscr = TkScrollbar.new(tf, :bd=>1){assign($code_text)}
- TkGrid($code_text, yscr, :sticky=>'news')
- #TkGrid(xscr)
- tf.grid_rowconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- tf.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- bf = TkFrame.new($code_window)
- lf = TkFrame.new(bf)
- TkLabel.new(lf, :text=>'line:').pack(:side=>:left)
- linenum =TkLabel.new(lf, :text=>'').pack(:side=>:left)
- TkLabel.new(lf, :text=>' pos:').pack(:side=>:left)
- posnum =TkLabel.new(lf, :text=>'').pack(:side=>:left)
- $set_linenum = proc{|w|
- line, pos = w.index('insert').split('.')
- linenum.text = line
- posnum.text = pos
- }
- b_dis = TkButton.new(bf, :text=>'Dismiss', :default=>:active,
- :command=>proc{
- $code_window.destroy
- $code_window = nil
- },
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left)
- b_prn = TkButton.new(bf, :text=>'Print Code',
- :command=>proc{printCode($code_text, file)},
- :image=>$image['print'], :compound=>:left)
- b_run = TkButton.new(bf, :text=>'Rerun Demo',
- :command=>proc{
- # eval($code_text.get('1.0','end'), _null_binding)
- eval_samplecode($code_text.get('1.0','end'), '<viewer>')
- },
- :image=>$image['refresh'], :compound=>:left)
- TkGrid(lf, 'x', b_run, b_prn, b_dis, :padx=>4, :pady=>[6,4])
- bf.grid_columnconfigure(1, :weight=>1)
- TkGrid(tf, :sticky=>'news')
- TkGrid(bf, :sticky=>'ew')
- $code_window.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- $code_window.grid_rowconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- $code_window.bind('Return', proc{|win|
- b_dis.invoke unless win.kind_of?(TkText)
- }, '%W')
- $code_window.bindinfo('Return').each{|cmd, arg|
- $code_window.bind_append('Escape', cmd, arg)
- }
- btag = TkBindTag.new
- btag.bind('Key', $set_linenum, '%W')
- btag.bind('Button', $set_linenum, '%W')
- btag.bind('Configure', $set_linenum, '%W')
- btags = $code_text.bindtags
- btags.insert(btags.index($code_text.class) + 1, btag)
- $code_text.bindtags = btags
- else
- $code_window.deiconify
- $code_window.raise
- end
- $code_window.title("Demo code: #{file}")
- $code_window.iconname(file)
- fid = open([$demo_dir, file].join(File::Separator), 'r')
- $code_text.delete('1.0', 'end')
- $code_text.insert('1.0', fid.read)
- TkTextMarkInsert.new($code_text,'1.0')
- $set_linenum.call($code_text)
- fid.close
-if $tk_major_ver < 8
- alias showCode showCode1
-elsif $tk_major_ver == 8 && $tk_minor_ver < 4
- alias showCode showCode1
-else # ver >= 8.4
- alias showCode showCode2
-# printCode --
-# Prints the source code currently displayed in the See Code dialog.
-# Much thanks to Arjen Markus for this.
-# Arguments:
-# txt - Name of text widget containing code to print
-# file - Name of the original file (implicitly for title)
-def printCode(txt, file)
- code = txt.get('1.0', 'end - 1c')
- dir = '.'
- dir = ENV['HOME'] if ENV['HOME']
- dir = ENV['TMP'] if ENV['TMP']
- dir = ENV['TEMP'] if ENV['TEMP']
- fname = [dir, 'tkdemo-' + file].join(File::Separator)
- open(fname, 'w'){|fid| fid.print(code)}
- begin
- case Tk::TCL_PLATFORM('platform')
- when 'unix'
- msg = `lp -c #{fname}`
- unless $?.exitstatus == 0
- Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Print spooling failure',
- :message=>'Print spooling probably failed: ' + msg)
- end
- when 'windows'
- begin
- printTextWin32(fname)
- rescue => e
- Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Print spooling failure',
- :message=>'Print spooling probably failed: ' +
- e.message)
- end
- when 'macintosh'
- Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Operation not Implemented',
- :message=>'Oops, sorry: not implemented yet!')
- else
- Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Operation not Implemented',
- :message=>'Wow! Unknown platform: ' +
- Tk::TCL_PLATFORM('platform'))
- end
- ensure
- File.delete(fname)
- end
-# printTextWin32 --
-# Print a file under Windows
-# Arguments:
-# filename - Name of the file
-def printTextWin32(fname)
- require 'win32/registry'
- begin
- app = Win32::Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT['.txt']
- pcmd = nil
- Win32::Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.open("#{app}\\shell\\print"){|reg|
- pcmd = reg['command']
- }
- rescue
- app = Tk.tk_call('auto_execok', 'notepad.exe')
- pcmd = "#{app} /p %1"
- end
- pcmd.gsub!('%1', fname)
- puts pcmd
- cmd = Tk.tk_call('auto_execok', 'start') + ' /min ' + pcmd
- msg = `#{cmd}`
- unless $?.exitstatus == 0
- fail RuntimeError, msg
- end
-# aboutBox
-# Pops up a message box with an "about" message
-def aboutBox
- Tk.messageBox('icon'=>'info', 'type'=>'ok', 'title'=>'About Widget Demo',
- 'message'=>"Ruby/Tk widget demonstration Ver.1.7.1-en\n\n" +
- "based on demos of Tk8.1 -- 8.5 " +
- "( Copyright of Tcl/Tk demos:: " +
- "(c) 1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. / " +
- "(c) 1997-2000 Ajuba Solutions, Inc. / " +
- "(c) 2001-2007 Donal K. Fellows / " +
- "(c) 2002-2007 Daniel A. Steffen )\n\n" +
- "Your Ruby & Tk Version ::\n" +
- "Ruby#{RUBY_VERSION}(#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE})[#{RUBY_PLATFORM}] / Tk#{$tk_patchlevel}#{(Tk::JAPANIZED_TK)? '-jp': ''}\n\n" +
- "Ruby/Tk release date :: tcltklib #{TclTkLib::RELEASE_DATE}; tk #{Tk::RELEASE_DATE}")
-# start demos if given at command line
-no_launcher = false
-if ARGV[0] == '-n'
- ARGV.shift
- no_launcher = true if ARGV.size > 0
- # show the root widget to make it lower then demo windows
- Tk.update rescue nil
- if cmd =~ /(.*).rb/
- cmd = $1
- end
- #eval(IO.readlines("#{[$demo_dir, cmd].join(File::Separator)}.rb").join,
- # _null_binding)
- eval_samplecode(IO.readlines("#{[$demo_dir, cmd].join(File::Separator)}.rb").join, cmd + '.rb')
-if no_launcher
- $root.withdraw # hide root window
- Thread.start{
- loop do
- count = 0
- $root.winfo_children.each{|w|
- count += 1 if w.kind_of?(TkToplevel)
- }
- $root.destroy if count == 0
- end
- }
-# start eventloop