path: root/ext/tk/sample/demos-en
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample/demos-en')
87 files changed, 0 insertions, 17527 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ChangeLog b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index c3f66cf409..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-2002-08-29 16:30 matt
- * ChangeLog: ChangeLog is auto-generated *from* CVS log.
-2002-08-29 16:27 matt
- * ChangeLog.prev: [no log message]
-2002-08-28 18:07 matt
- * browse1, browse2, hello, ixset, rmt, rolodex, rolodex-j, square,
- tcolor, timer, widget: Changed #! lines to the slightly more
- portable '#!/usr/bin/env ruby'.
-2002-08-28 17:56 matt
- * icon.rb, items.rb, label.rb, menu.rb, ruler.rb: Changed bitmap
- file extensions from .bmp to .xbm.
-2002-08-28 17:55 matt
- * images/: face.bmp, face.xbm, flagdown.bmp, flagdown.xbm,
- flagup.bmp, flagup.xbm, gray25.bmp, gray25.xbm, letters.bmp,
- letters.xbm, noletter.bmp, noletter.xbm, pattern.bmp, pattern.xbm:
- Changed X bitmap file extensions from .bmp to the more intuitive
- .xbm.
-2002-08-28 17:35 matt
- * bitmap.rb, colors.rb, cscroll.rb, ctext.rb, hello, ixset,
- menubu.rb, patch_1.1c1, rmt, style.rb, timer, ChangeLog, README,
- README.tkencoding, arrow.rb, bind.rb, browse1, browse2, button.rb,
- check.rb, clrpick.rb, dialog1.rb, dialog2.rb, entry1.rb, entry2.rb,
- filebox.rb, floor.rb, form.rb, hscale.rb, icon.rb, image1.rb,
- image2.rb, items.rb, label.rb, menu.rb, msgbox.rb, plot.rb,
- puzzle.rb, radio.rb, rolodex, rolodex-j, ruler.rb, sayings.rb,
- search.rb, square, states.rb, tcolor, text.rb, tkencoding.rb,
- twind.rb, vscale.rb, widget, doc.org/README, doc.org/README.JP,
- doc.org/README.tk80, doc.org/license.terms,
- doc.org/license.terms.tk80, images/earth.gif, images/earthris.gif,
- images/face.bmp, images/flagdown.bmp, images/flagup.bmp,
- images/gray25.bmp, images/grey.25, images/grey.5,
- images/letters.bmp, images/noletter.bmp, images/pattern.bmp,
- images/tcllogo.gif, images/teapot.ppm: Initial revision
-2002-08-28 17:35 matt
- * bitmap.rb, colors.rb, cscroll.rb, ctext.rb, hello, ixset,
- menubu.rb, patch_1.1c1, rmt, style.rb, timer, ChangeLog, README,
- README.tkencoding, arrow.rb, bind.rb, browse1, browse2, button.rb,
- check.rb, clrpick.rb, dialog1.rb, dialog2.rb, entry1.rb, entry2.rb,
- filebox.rb, floor.rb, form.rb, hscale.rb, icon.rb, image1.rb,
- image2.rb, items.rb, label.rb, menu.rb, msgbox.rb, plot.rb,
- puzzle.rb, radio.rb, rolodex, rolodex-j, ruler.rb, sayings.rb,
- search.rb, square, states.rb, tcolor, text.rb, tkencoding.rb,
- twind.rb, vscale.rb, widget, doc.org/README, doc.org/README.JP,
- doc.org/README.tk80, doc.org/license.terms,
- doc.org/license.terms.tk80, images/earth.gif, images/earthris.gif,
- images/face.bmp, images/flagdown.bmp, images/flagup.bmp,
- images/gray25.bmp, images/grey.25, images/grey.5,
- images/letters.bmp, images/noletter.bmp, images/pattern.bmp,
- images/tcllogo.gif, images/teapot.ppm: Taking over demo package
- from Jonathan Conway.
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ChangeLog.prev b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ChangeLog.prev
deleted file mode 100644
index ba808eca8b..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ChangeLog.prev
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-2001-07-26 <rise@leannan.knavery.net>
- * Moved files to directory ruby-tk81-demos-english in tarball.
-2001-07-26 <rise@knavery.net>
- * Added test to widget and hello versus Tk::TCL_VERSION & Tk::JAPANIZED_TK (per Guy Decoux in [ruby-talk:18559]) before requiring tkencoding.rb.
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/README b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 033dca33c6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-Current Maintainer:
- Jonathan Conway
- rise@knavery.net
- Please direct all bug reports/requests/suggestions to the above
- address.
-* The files hello and widget have been changed to test Tk::TCL_VERSION
- and Tk::JAPANIZED_TK before requiring tkencoding.rb to prevent an
- infinite loop. This test was taken from a message in
- [ruby-talk:18559] by Guy Decoux.
-* The .bmp files in the images directory are X bitmaps (i.e. XBM to many
- graphics packages), not Windows bitmaps (.bmp). You will not be
- able to use images exported by a graphics program as Windows
- bitmaps with this demo collection nor will you be able to edit the
- included images without setting the file type correctly.
--- Jonathan Conway, 2001-07-26
-# ==== Introduction. ====
-# To create this version of the Ruby/Tk widget demo, I took the
-# ruby-tk81-demos and removed all the Kanji strings and comments. I
-# have tried to restore the original English strings and comments
-# using the Tcl/Tk8.2.2 version of the widget demo.
-# When I tried running the Kanji version, all I got was a mostly blank
-# panel with a non-functional "File" button. I disovered that if all
-# non-ASCII characters were replaced with blanks, then I could get the
-# gutted stuff running.
-# Since English Ruby/Tk documentation is lacking and I needed this
-# code to see how it worked and to use as the basis of my try-it
-# prototype (The Ruby Yielding Interactive Toolkit), plus the fact
-# that no help was forthcoming for making the Kanji version work (plus
-# the fact that I can't read Kanji anyway), I decided to embark on
-# this English restoration project.
-# Thanks to everyone who worked on the original Ruby/Tk widget demo
-# (and the preceding Tcl/Tk version for that matter). The
-# comparatively simple task of changing text strings and comments has
-# made me appreciate the great amount of original work that went into
-# this.
-# -- Conrad Schneiker, 2000-07-23.
-# ==== Known bugs. ====
-# ^C-ing the demo gives Ruby interrupt and stack message; clean exit needed.
-# Font settings don't work correctly.
-# Dismissing the embedded windows demo (tkwind.rb) kills the widget demo.
-# Rerunning the canvas item demo from the code widow get errors.
-# The "press me" button in the canvas item demo doesn't time out.
-# The simple 2 d plot starts up extremely slow compared to the Tcl version.
-# The first item message on the icon menu on the menu and cascades demo doesn't work.
-###################### Original README ########################################
- Ruby/Tk81 widget-demo 1999/08/13
- 北陸先端大情報科学研究科
- 立石 <ttate@jaist.ac.jp>
-* ruby-1.3.7,ruby-1.4.0
-* tcl8.1, tk8.1
-* linux-2.2
- 情報提供:渡辺さん
- <eban@os.rim.or.jp>
- Ruby/Tk widget-demo
- version 1.1 ( 1998/07/24 )
- 永井@知能.九工大 (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-標準配布の Tcl/Tk 拡張パッケージを取り込んだ Ruby (以下 Ruby/Tk と呼びます)
-では,Tk widget を用いた GUI の作成を行うことができます.実際に GUI を作成
-拡張パッケージの元である Tcl/Tk には,Tk widget を用いてどのようなことがで
-きるかを示すものとして widget-demo が存在しおり,Tcl/Tk を用いた GUI の作成
-を習得する際の代表的サンプルとなっています.本アーカイブは,Ruby/Tk の習得の
-ための代表的なサンプルスクリプトとすべく,Tcl/Tk の widget-demo を移植したも
-本アーカイブに含まれるスクリプトを実行するためには,ruby-1.1c2 以上であるこ
-とが必要です.1.1c1 の場合は,本アーカイブに含まれる patck_1.1c1 を Ruby の
-ライブラリにあててください.組み込む Tk のバージョンは,4.2 でも 8.0 でも修
-れた Tk をご利用ください.スクリプトのテストは,Tk4.2jp と Tk8.0jp の上で行
-いました (完璧にではないですが).
-本アーカイブに含まれるスクリプトの多くは,元となっている Tcl/Tk 版に比較的近
-いスクリプト記述となるようにしています.そのため,Ruby/Tk のサンプルと言うに
-は,あまり Ruby らしくないとも言えるでしょう.にもかかわらず,そのような記述
-を取っている理由は,Ruby/Tk のドキュメント不足にあります.
-Tcl/Tk には適当な参考書が何冊か存在していますから,Ruby/Tk スクリプトを作成
-する際は,そのような Tcl/Tk の参考書で情報を補いながら作成することになると思
-います.各 widget の使用例として,Tcl/Tk の widget-demo を参照することもある
-でしょう.Ruby/Tk 版の記述を widget-demo を Tcl/Tk 版の記述に近いものにして
-おけば,その対比によって,Ruby/Tk の理解を早めることができると考えられます.
-一旦 Ruby/Tk での 各 widget の使用方法を習得してしまえば,Ruby らしいスクリ
-widget-demo の移植にあたっては,次の方にも移植したスクリプトを提供していただ
- 立石@JAIST (ttate@jaist.ac.jp) さん
- 平松祥史 (hiramatu@cdrom.co.jp) さん
-平松さんによる Ruby/Tk 入門の Web page (http://www.cdrom.co.jp/~hiramatu/)
-も Ruby/Tk の習得に有用と思えますので,ぜひご参照ください.
-また,前橋 (maebashi@iij.ad.jp) さんをはじめとして,widget-demo の移植に際し
-て必要となった Ruby の Tk 関連ライブラリ修正について,問題点,バグの指摘をし
-そして最後に最大の感謝を Ruby 設計者の まつもと ゆきひろ (matz@netlab.co.jp)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/README.1st b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/README.1st
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ba1e275c8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/README.1st
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-There are Ruby/Tk demo scripts.
-Files with '.rb' extension are sub-scripts which are launched 'widget'
-script. Those files don't work independently. Please call them from
-'widget' script.
-If you want start some sub-scripts at same time when the launcher
-script tarts, please give the sub-script names as arguments.
-(e.g. /usr/local/bin/ruby widget button.rb entry1.rb text.rb )
-You can ommit '.rb' of the sub-scripts
-(e.g. /usr/local/bin/ruby widget button entry1 text )
-If you don't need launcher's main window, give -n option.
-(e.g. /usr/local/bin/ruby widget -n button.rb entry1.rb text.rb )
-Others (browse1, hello, and so on) are standalone scripts.
- 2004/04/14 Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/README.tkencoding b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/README.tkencoding
deleted file mode 100644
index cca8734a28..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/README.tkencoding
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-This is a original document of 'tkencoding.rb'.
-The library 'tkencoding.rb' is obsolete.
-Functions of tkencoding.rb is already included into Ruby/Tk.
-Copyright (C) 1999/07, Takaaki Tateishi <ttate@jaist.ac.jp>
-1. tkencoding.rbとは?
-2. 使い方
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkencoding'
-Tk.encoding = "utf-8"
-# Tk.encoding = "shiftjis"
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/anilabel.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/anilabel.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a48f4a10e8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/anilabel.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# animated label widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# based on Tcl/Tk8.5a2 widget demos
-if defined?($anilabel_demo) && $anilabel_demo
- $anilabel_demo.destroy
- $anilabel_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$anilabel_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Animated Label Demonstration")
- iconname("anilabel")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($anilabel_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "Four animated labels are displayed below; each of the labels on the left is animated by making the text message inside it appear to scroll, and the label on the right is animated by animating the image that it displays."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $anilabel_demo
- $anilabel_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'See Code'
- command proc{showCode 'anilabel'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# create frame for label demo
-f_left = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, :text=>'Scrolling Texts')
-f_right = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, :text=>'GIF Image')
-Tk.pack(f_left, f_right, 'side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both',
- 'padx'=>10, 'pady'=>10)
-# animated label
-class AnimatedTextLabel < TkLabel
- def initialize(*args)
- super(*args)
- @timer = TkTimer.new{ _animation_callback }
- @timer.loop_exec = -1
- # bind('Destroy'){ @timer.stop }
- @btag = TkBindTag.new('Destroy'){ @timer.stop }
- self.bindtags_unshift(@btag)
- end
- def _animation_callback()
- txt = self.text
- self.text = (txt[1..-1] << txt[0])
- end
- private :_animation_callback
- def start(interval)
- @timer.set_interval(interval)
- @timer.start
- end
- def stop
- @timer.stop
- end
-# animated image
-class AnimatedImageLabel < AnimatedTextLabel
- def initialize(*args)
- super(*args)
- @destroy_image = false
- @btag.bind_append('Destroy'){
- if @destroy_image
- begin
- self.image.delete
- rescue
- end
- end
- }
- end
- attr_accessor :destroy_image
- def _animation_callback()
- img = self.image
- fmt = img.format
- if fmt.kind_of?(Array)
- if fmt[1].kind_of?(Hash)
- # fmt == ['GIF', {'index'=>idx}]
- idx = fmt[1]['index']
- else
- # fmt == ['GIF', '-index', idx] :: Ruby1.8.2 returns this.
- idx = fmt[2]
- end
- elsif fmt.kind_of?(String) && fmt =~ /GIF -index (\d+)/
- idx = $1.to_i
- else
- idx = -1
- end
- begin
- img.format("GIF -index #{idx + 1}")
- rescue => e
- img.format("GIF -index 0")
- end
- end
- private :_animation_callback
-# create labels
-l1 = AnimatedTextLabel.new(f_left, :borderwidth=>4, :relief=>:ridge,
- :font=>{:family=>'Courier', :size=>10})
-l2 = AnimatedTextLabel.new(f_left, :borderwidth=>4, :relief=>:groove,
- :font=>{:family=>'Courier', :size=>10})
-l3 = AnimatedTextLabel.new(f_left, :borderwidth=>4, :relief=>:flat,
- :font=>{:family=>'Courier', :size=>10}, :width=>18)
-Tk.pack(l1, l2, l3,
- :side=>:top, :expand=>true, :anchor=>:w, :padx=>10, :pady=>10)
-limg = AnimatedImageLabel.new(f_right, :borderwidth=>0)
-limg.pack(:side=>:top, :expand=>true, :padx=>10, :pady=>10)
-# base64-encoded animated GIF file
-tclPowerdData = <<EOD
- R0lGODlhKgBAAPQAAP//////zP//AP/MzP/Mmf/MAP+Zmf+ZZv+ZAMz//8zM
- zMyZmcyZZsxmZsxmAMwzAJnMzJmZzJmZmZlmmZlmZplmM5kzM2aZzGZmzGZm
- dF03bx7YcuHIDkGBR7SZeIyhTID4FZ+4Es8nQyCe2EeUNJ0peY2s9mi7PhAM
- ngEAMGRbUpvzSxskLh1J+Hkg134OdDIDEB+GHxtYMEQMTjMGEYeGFoomezaC
- DZGSHFmLXTQKkh8eNQVpZ2afmDQGHaOYSoEyhhcklzVmMpuHnaZmDqiGJbg0
- qFqvh6UNAwB7VA+OwydEjgujkgrPNhbTI8dFvNgEYcHcHx0lB1kX2IYeA2G6
- 0RAFSROyeEg38caDiB/+JEgqxsODrZJ1BkT0oHKSmI0ceQxo94HDpg0qsuDk
- UmRAMgu8OgwQ+uIJgUMVeGXA+IQkzEeHGvD8cIGlDXsLiRjQ+EHroQhea7xY
- Ysgxor5+Xfgq0qByYUpiXmwuoredB2aYH4gWWda0B7SeNENpEJHC1ghi+pS4
- AJpIAwWvKPBi+8YEht5EriEqpFfMlhEdkBNpx0HUhwypx5T4IB1MBg/Ws2sn
- wV3MSQOkzI8fUd48Aw3dOZto71x85hHtHijYv18Gf/3GqCdDCXHNoICBobSo
- IqBqJLyCoH8JPrLgdh88CKCFD0CGmAiGYPgffwceZh6FC2ohIIklnkhehTNY
- 4CIHHGzgwYw01ujBBhvAqKOLLq5AAk9kuSPkkKO40NB+h1gnypJIIvkBf09a
- N5QIRz5p5ZJXJpmlIVhOGQA2TmIJZZhKKmmll2BqyWSXWUrZpQtpatlmk1c2
- r+vGaTmac63v/GP9HM7GQyx+jsgkkoRUHJ3Qx0cK/VQVTKtWwbVKn9suNunc
- oCB+z/MJX2o+I2miKimiawgAIfkEBQoAAAAsFwA3AAcABQAABRGgIHzfY47j
- Q4qk+aHl+pZmCAAh+QQFCgAAACwbADcABwAFAAAFEaAgfs/zCV9qPiNJouo7
-l1.text('* Slow Animation *').start(300)
-l2.text('* Fast Animation *').start(80)
-l3.text('This is a longer scrolling text in a widget that will not show the whole message at once. ').start(150)
-limg.destroy_image = true
-limg.image(TkPhotoImage.new(:format=>'GIF', :data=>tclPowerdData)).start(100)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 955f202767..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# animated wave demo (called by 'widget')
-# based on Tcl/Tk8.5a2 widget demos
-# destroy toplevel widget for this demo script
-if defined?($aniwave_demo) && $aniwave_demo
- $aniwave_demo.destroy
- $aniwave_demo = nil
-# create toplevel widget
-$aniwave_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Animated Wave Demonstration")
- iconname("aniwave")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($aniwave_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# create label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text 'This demonstration contains a canvas widget with a line item inside it. The animation routines work by adjusting the coordinates list of the line.'
-# create frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $aniwave_demo
- $aniwave_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'See Code'
- command proc{showCode 'aniwave'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# animated wave
-class AnimatedWaveDemo
- def initialize(frame, dir=:left)
- @direction = dir
- # create canvas widget
- @c = TkCanvas.new(frame, :width=>300, :height=>200,
- :background=>'black')
- @c.pack(:padx=>10, :pady=>10, :expand=>true)
- # Creates a coordinates list of a wave.
- @waveCoords = []
- @backupCoords = []
- n = 0
- (-10..300).step(5){|n| @waveCoords << [n, 100]; @backupCoords << [n, 100] }
- n = 305
- @waveCoords << [n, 0]; @backupCoords << [n, 0]
- @waveCoords << [n+5, 200]; @backupCoords << [n+5, 200]
- @coordsLen = @waveCoords.length
- # Create a smoothed line and arrange for its coordinates to be the
- # contents of the variable waveCoords.
- @line = TkcLine.new(@c, @waveCoords,
- :width=>1, :fill=>'green', :smooth=>true)
- # Main animation "loop".
- # Theoretically 100 frames-per-second (==10ms between frames)
- @timer = TkTimer.new(10){ basicMotion; reverser }
- # Arrange for the animation loop to stop when the canvas is deleted
- @c.bindtags_unshift(TkBindTag.new('Destroy'){ @timer.stop })
- end
- # Basic motion handler. Given what direction the wave is travelling
- # in, it advances the y coordinates in the coordinate-list one step in
- # that direction.
- def basicMotion
- @backupCoords, @waveCoords = @waveCoords, @backupCoords
- (0...@coordsLen).each{|idx|
- if @direction == :left
- @waveCoords[idx][1] = @backupCoords[(idx+1 == @coordsLen)? 0: idx+1][1]
- else
- @waveCoords[idx][1] = @backupCoords[(idx == 0)? -1: idx-1][1]
- end
- }
- @line.coords(@waveCoords)
- end
- # Oscillation handler. This detects whether to reverse the direction
- # of the wave by checking to see if the peak of the wave has moved off
- # the screen (whose size we know already.)
- def reverser
- if @waveCoords[0][1] < 10
- @direction = :right
- elsif @waveCoords[-1][1] < 10
- @direction = :left
- end
- end
- # animation control
- def move
- @timer.start
- end
- def stop
- @timer.stop
- end
-# Start the animation processing
-AnimatedWaveDemo.new(base_frame, :left).move
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/arrow.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/arrow.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 46229668c2..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/arrow.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# arrow.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a canvas widget that displays a
-# large line with an arrowhead whose shape can be edited interactively.
-# arrowhead widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# arrowSetup --
-# This method regenerates all the text and graphics in the canvas
-# window. It's called when the canvas is initially created, and also
-# whenever any of the parameters of the arrow head are changed
-# interactively.
-# Arguments:
-# c - Name of the canvas widget.
-def arrowSetup(c)
- v = $demo_arrowInfo
- # Remember the current box, if there is one.
- tags = c.gettags('current')
- if tags != []
- cur = tags.find{|t| t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^box[1-3]$/ }
- else
- cur = nil
- end
- # Create the arrow and outline.
- c.delete('all')
- TkcLine.new(c, v.x1, v.y, v.x2, v.y,
- { 'width'=>10 * v.width,
- 'arrowshape'=>[10*v.a, 10*v.b, 10*v.c],
- 'arrow'=>'last'
- }.update(v.bigLineStyle) )
- xtip = v.x2 - 10*v.b
- deltaY = 10*v.c + 5*v.width
- TkcLine.new(c, v.x2, v.y, xtip, v.y + deltaY,
- v.x2 - 10*v.a, v.y, xtip, v.y - deltaY, v.x2, v.y,
- 'width'=>2, 'capstyle'=>'round', 'joinstyle'=>'round')
- # Create the boxes for reshaping the line and arrowhead.
- TkcRectangle.new(c, v.x2-10*v.a-5, v.y-5, v.x2-10*v.a+5, v.y+5,
- {'tags'=>['box1', $arrowTag_box]}.update(v.boxStyle) )
- TkcRectangle.new(c, xtip-5, v.y-deltaY-5, xtip+5, v.y-deltaY+5,
- {'tags'=>['box2', $arrowTag_box]}.update(v.boxStyle) )
- TkcRectangle.new(c, v.x1-5, v.y-5*v.width-5, v.x1+5, v.y-5*v.width+5,
- {'tags'=>['box3', $arrowTag_box]}.update(v.boxStyle) )
- c.itemconfigure cur, v.activeStyle if cur
- # Create three arrows in actual size with the same parameters
- TkcLine.new(c, v.x2+50, 0, v.x2+50, 1000, 'width'=>2)
- tmp = v.x2+100
- TkcLine.new(c, tmp, v.y-125, tmp, v.y-75, 'width'=>v.width,
- 'arrow'=>'both', 'arrowshape'=>[v.a, v.b, v.c])
- TkcLine.new(c, tmp-25, v.y, tmp+25, v.y, 'width'=>v.width,
- 'arrow'=>'both', 'arrowshape'=>[v.a, v.b, v.c])
- TkcLine.new(c, tmp-25, v.y+75, tmp+25, v.y+125, 'width'=>v.width,
- 'arrow'=>'both', 'arrowshape'=>[v.a, v.b, v.c])
- # Create a bunch of other arrows and text items showing the
- # current dimensions.
- tmp = v.x2+10
- TkcLine.new(c, tmp, v.y-5*v.width, tmp, v.y-deltaY,
- 'arrow'=>'both', 'arrowshape'=>v.smallTips)
- TkcText.new(c, v.x2+15, v.y-deltaY+5*v.c, 'text'=>v.c, 'anchor'=>'w')
- tmp = v.x1-10
- TkcLine.new(c, tmp, v.y-5*v.width, tmp, v.y+5*v.width,
- 'arrow'=>'both', 'arrowshape'=>v.smallTips)
- TkcText.new(c, v.x1-15, v.y, 'text'=>v.width, 'anchor'=>'e')
- tmp = v.y+5*v.width+10*v.c+10
- TkcLine.new(c, v.x2-10*v.a, tmp, v.x2, tmp,
- 'arrow'=>'both', 'arrowshape'=>v.smallTips)
- TkcText.new(c, v.x2-5*v.a, tmp+5, 'text'=>v.a, 'anchor'=>'n')
- tmp = tmp+25
- TkcLine.new(c, v.x2-10*v.b, tmp, v.x2, tmp,
- 'arrow'=>'both', 'arrowshape'=>v.smallTips)
- TkcText.new(c, v.x2-5*v.b, tmp+5, 'text'=>v.b, 'anchor'=>'n')
- if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- TkcText.new(c, v.x1, 310, 'text'=>"'width'=>#{v.width}", 'anchor'=>'w',
- 'font'=>'-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- TkcText.new(c, v.x1, 330,
- 'text'=>"'arrowshape'=>[#{v.a}, #{v.b}, #{v.c}]",'anchor'=>'w',
- 'font'=>'-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- else
- TkcText.new(c, v.x1, 310, 'text'=>"'width'=>#{v.width}", 'anchor'=>'w',
- 'font'=>'Helvetica 18')
- TkcText.new(c, v.x1, 330,
- 'text'=>"'arrowshape'=>[#{v.a}, #{v.b}, #{v.c}]",
- 'anchor'=>'w', 'font'=>'Helvetica 18')
- end
- v.count += 1
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($arrow_demo) && $arrow_demo
- $arrow_demo.destroy
- $arrow_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$arrow_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Arrowhead Editor Demonstration")
- iconname("arrow")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($arrow_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'font'=>$font, 'wraplength'=>'5i', 'justify'=>'left',
- 'text'=>"This widget allows you to experiment with different widths and arrowhead shapes for lines in canvases. To change the line width or the shape of the arrowhead, drag any of the three boxes attached to the oversized arrow. The arrows on the right give examples at normal scale. The text at the bottom shows the configuration options as you'd enter them for a canvas line item."){
- pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-$arrow_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $arrow_demo
- $arrow_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'arrow'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-$arrow_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# canvas
-$arrow_canvas = TkCanvas.new(base_frame, 'width'=>500, 'height'=>350,
- 'relief'=>'sunken', 'borderwidth'=>2)
-$arrow_canvas.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-unless Struct.const_defined?("ArrowInfo")
- $demo_arrowInfo = Struct.new("ArrowInfo", :a, :b, :c, :width, :motionProc,
- :x1, :x2, :y, :smallTips, :count,
- :bigLineStyle, :boxStyle, :activeStyle).new
-$demo_arrowInfo.a = 8
-$demo_arrowInfo.b = 10
-$demo_arrowInfo.c = 3
-$demo_arrowInfo.width = 2
-$demo_arrowInfo.motionProc = proc{}
-$demo_arrowInfo.x1 = 40
-$demo_arrowInfo.x2 = 350
-$demo_arrowInfo.y = 150
-$demo_arrowInfo.smallTips = [5, 5, 2]
-$demo_arrowInfo.count = 0
-if TkWinfo.depth($arrow_canvas) > 1
- $demo_arrowInfo.bigLineStyle = {'fill'=>'SkyBlue1'}
- $demo_arrowInfo.boxStyle = {'fill'=>'', 'outline'=>'black', 'width'=>1}
- $demo_arrowInfo.activeStyle = {'fill'=>'red', 'outline'=>'black', 'width'=>1}
- $demo_arrowInfo.bigLineStyle = {'fill'=>'black',
- 'stipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir,'..','images','grey.25'].join(File::Separator)}
- $demo_arrowInfo.boxStyle = {'fill'=>'', 'outline'=>'black', 'width'=>1}
- $demo_arrowInfo.activeStyle = {'fill'=>'black','outline'=>'black','width'=>1}
-$arrowTag_box = TkcTag.new($arrow_canvas)
-arrowSetup $arrow_canvas
-$arrowTag_box.bind('Enter', proc{$arrow_canvas.itemconfigure('current', $demo_arrowInfo.activeStyle)})
-$arrowTag_box.bind('Leave', proc{$arrow_canvas.itemconfigure('current', $demo_arrowInfo.boxStyle)})
-$arrowTag_box.bind('B1-Enter', proc{})
-$arrowTag_box.bind('B1-Leave', proc{})
-$arrow_canvas.itembind('box1', '1',
- proc{$demo_arrowInfo.motionProc \
- = proc{|x,y| arrowMove1 $arrow_canvas, x, y}})
-$arrow_canvas.itembind('box2', '1',
- proc{$demo_arrowInfo.motionProc \
- = proc{|x,y| arrowMove2 $arrow_canvas, x, y}})
-$arrow_canvas.itembind('box3', '1',
- proc{$demo_arrowInfo.motionProc \
- = proc{|x,y| arrowMove3 $arrow_canvas, x, y}})
- proc{|x,y| $demo_arrowInfo.motionProc.call(x,y)}, "%x %y")
-$arrow_canvas.bind('Any-ButtonRelease-1', proc{arrowSetup $arrow_canvas})
-# arrowMove1 --
-# This method is called for each mouse motion event on box1 (the
-# one at the vertex of the arrow). It updates the controlling parameters
-# for the line and arrowhead.
-# Arguments:
-# c - The name of the canvas window.
-# x, y - The coordinates of the mouse.
-def arrowMove1(c,x,y)
- v = $demo_arrowInfo
- newA = (v.x2+5-c.canvasx(x).round)/10
- newA = 0 if newA < 0
- newA = 25 if newA > 25
- if newA != v.a
- c.move('box1', 10*(v.a-newA), 0)
- v.a = newA
- end
-# arrowMove2 --
-# This method is called for each mouse motion event on box2 (the
-# one at the trailing tip of the arrowhead). It updates the controlling
-# parameters for the line and arrowhead.
-# Arguments:
-# c - The name of the canvas window.
-# x, y - The coordinates of the mouse.
-def arrowMove2(c,x,y)
- v = $demo_arrowInfo
- newB = (v.x2+5-c.canvasx(x).round)/10
- newB = 0 if newB < 0
- newB = 25 if newB > 25
- newC = (v.y+5-c.canvasy(y).round-5*v.width)/10
- newC = 0 if newC < 0
- newC = 20 if newC > 20
- if newB != v.b || newC != v.c
- c.move('box2', 10*(v.b-newB), 10*(v.c-newC))
- v.b = newB
- v.c = newC
- end
-# arrowMove3 --
-# This method is called for each mouse motion event on box3 (the
-# one that controls the thickness of the line). It updates the
-# controlling parameters for the line and arrowhead.
-# Arguments:
-# c - The name of the canvas window.
-# x, y - The coordinates of the mouse.
-def arrowMove3(c,x,y)
- v = $demo_arrowInfo
- newWidth = (v.y+2-c.canvasy(y).round)/5
- newWidth = 0 if newWidth < 0
- newWidth = 20 if newWidth > 20
- if newWidth != v.width
- c.move('box3', 0, 5*(v.width-newWidth))
- v.width = newWidth
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 38f2b46eaf..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# bind.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a text widget with bindings set
-# up for hypertext-like effects.
-# text (tag bindings) widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($bind_demo) && $bind_demo
- $bind_demo.destroy
- $bind_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$bind_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Text Demonstration - Tag Bindings")
- iconname("bind")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($bind_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $bind_demo
- $bind_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'bind'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# bind
-def tag_binding_for_bind_demo(tag, enter_style, leave_style)
- tag.bind('Any-Enter', proc{tag.configure enter_style})
- tag.bind('Any-Leave', proc{tag.configure leave_style})
-# text
-txt = TkText.new(base_frame){|t|
- #
- setgrid 'true'
- #width 60
- #height 24
- font $font
- wrap 'word'
- TkScrollbar.new(base_frame) {|s|
- pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- command proc{|*args| t.yview(*args)}
- t.yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- #
- if TkWinfo.depth($root).to_i > 1
- tagstyle_bold = {'background'=>'#43ce80', 'relief'=>'raised',
- 'borderwidth'=>1}
- tagstyle_normal = {'background'=>'', 'relief'=>'flat'}
- else
- tagstyle_bold = {'foreground'=>'white', 'background'=>'black'}
- tagstyle_normal = {'foreground'=>'', 'background'=>''}
- end
- # insert text
- insert 'insert', "The same tag mechanism that controls display styles in text widgets can also be used to associate Tcl commands with regions of text, so that mouse or keyboard actions on the text cause particular Tcl commands to be invoked. For example, in the text below the descriptions of the canvas demonstrations have been tagged. When you move the mouse over a demo description the description lights up, and when you press button 1 over a description then that particular demonstration is invoked.
- insert('end', '1. Samples of all the different types of items that can be created in canvas widgets.', (d1 = TkTextTag.new(t)) )
- insert('end', "\n\n")
- insert('end', '2. A simple two-dimensional plot that allows you to adjust the positions of the data points.', (d2 = TkTextTag.new(t)) )
- insert('end', "\n\n")
- insert('end', '3. Anchoring and justification modes for text items.',
- (d3 = TkTextTag.new(t)) )
- insert('end', "\n\n")
- insert('end', '4. An editor for arrow-head shapes for line items.',
- (d4 = TkTextTag.new(t)) )
- insert('end', "\n\n")
- insert('end', '5. A ruler with facilities for editing tab stops.',
- (d5 = TkTextTag.new(t)) )
- insert('end', "\n\n")
- insert('end',
- '6. A grid that demonstrates how canvases can be scrolled.',
- (d6 = TkTextTag.new(t)) )
- # binding
- [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6].each{|tag|
- tag_binding_for_bind_demo(tag, tagstyle_bold, tagstyle_normal)
- }
- d1.bind('1',
- proc{
- eval_samplecode(`cat #{[$demo_dir,'items.rb'].join(File::Separator)}`, 'items.rb')
- })
- d2.bind('1',
- proc{
- eval_samplecode(`cat #{[$demo_dir,'plot.rb'].join(File::Separator)}`, 'plot.rb')
- })
- d3.bind('1',
- proc{
- eval_samplecode(`cat #{[$demo_dir,'ctext.rb'].join(File::Separator)}`, 'ctext.rb')
- })
- d4.bind('1',
- proc{
- eval_samplecode(`cat #{[$demo_dir,'arrow.rb'].join(File::Separator)}`, 'arrow.rb')
- })
- d5.bind('1',
- proc{
- eval_samplecode(`cat #{[$demo_dir,'ruler.rb'].join(File::Separator)}`, 'ruler.rb')
- })
- d6.bind('1',
- proc{
- eval_samplecode(`cat #{[$demo_dir,'cscroll.rb'].join(File::Separator)}`, 'cscroll.rb')
- })
- TkTextMarkInsert.new(t, '0.0')
- configure('state','disabled')
-txt.width 60
-txt.height 24
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bitmap.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bitmap.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bb7a13d7b6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bitmap.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# bitmap.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window that displays
-# all of Tk's built-in bitmaps.#
-# bitmap widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# bitmapRow --
-# Create a row of bitmap items in a window.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The parent window that is to contain the row.
-# args - The names of one or more bitmaps, which will be displayed
-# in a new row across the bottom of w along with their
-# names.
-def bitmapRow(w,*args)
- TkFrame.new(w){|row|
- pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both')
- for bitmap in args
- TkFrame.new(row){|base|
- pack('side'=>'left', 'fill'=>'both', 'pady'=>'.25c', 'padx'=>'.25c')
- TkLabel.new(base, 'text'=>bitmap, 'width'=>9).pack('side'=>'bottom')
- Tk::Label.new(base, 'bitmap'=>bitmap).pack('side'=>'bottom')
- }
- end
- }
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($bitmap_demo) && $bitmap_demo
- $bitmap_demo.destroy
- $bitmap_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$bitmap_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Bitmap Demonstration")
- iconname("bitmap")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($bitmap_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
- 'text'=>"This window displays all of Tk's built-in bitmaps, along with the names you can use for them in Tcl scripts."){
- pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-$bitmap_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $bitmap_demo
- $bitmap_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'bitmap'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-$bitmap_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
- bitmapRow(f,'error','gray25','gray50','hourglass')
- bitmapRow(f,'info','question','questhead','warning')
- pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/browse1 b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/browse1
deleted file mode 100644
index 568892e4a8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/browse1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# browse --
-# This script generates a directory browser, which lists the working
-# directory and allow you to open files or subdirectories by
-# double-clicking.
-require 'tk'
-# Create a scrollbar on the right side of the main window and a listbox
-# on the left side.
-listbox = TkListbox.new(nil, 'relief'=>'sunken',
- 'width'=>20, 'height'=>20, 'setgrid'=>'yes') {|l|
- TkScrollbar.new(nil, 'command'=>proc{|*args| l.yview *args}) {|s|
- pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- l.yscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| s.set(first,last)})
- }
- pack('side'=>'left', 'fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes')
-root = TkRoot.new
-# The procedure below is invoked to open a browser on a given file; if the
-# file is a directory then another instance of this program is invoked; if
-# the file is a regular file then the Mx editor is invoked to display
-# the file.
-def browse (dir, file)
- file = dir + File::Separator + file if dir != '.'
- type = File.ftype(file)
- if type == 'directory'
- system($0 + ' ' + file + ' &')
- else
- if type == 'file'
- if ENV['EDITOR']
- system(ENV['EDITOR'] + ' ' + file + ' &')
- else
- system('xedit ' + file + ' &')
- end
- else
- STDOUT.print "\"#{file}\" isn't a directory or regular file"
- end
- end
-# Fill the listbox with a list of all the files in the directory (run
-# the "ls" command to get that information).
-dir = ARGV[0] ? ARGV[0] : '.'
-open("|ls -a #{dir}", 'r'){|fid| fid.readlines}.each{|fname|
- listbox.insert('end', fname.chomp)
-# Set up bindings for the browser.
-Tk.bind_all('Control-c', proc{root.destroy})
- proc{TkSelection.get.each{|f| browse dir, f}})
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/browse2 b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/browse2
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a511c8d29..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/browse2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# browse --
-# This script generates a directory browser, which lists the working
-# directory and allow you to open files or subdirectories by
-# double-clicking.
-require 'tk'
-class Browse
- BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER = TkVariable.new(0)
- def initialize(dir)
- # create base frame
- base = TkToplevel.new {
- minsize(1,1)
- title('Browse : ' + dir)
- }
- # Create a scrollbar on the right side of the main window and a listbox
- # on the left side.
- list = TkListbox.new(base, 'relief'=>'sunken',
- 'width'=>20, 'height'=>20, 'setgrid'=>'yes') {|l|
- TkScrollbar.new(base, 'command'=>proc{|*args| l.yview *args}) {|s|
- pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- l.yscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| s.set(first,last)})
- }
- pack('side'=>'left', 'fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes')
- # Fill the listbox with a list of all the files in the directory (run
- # the "ls" command to get that information).
- open("|ls -a #{dir}", 'r'){|fid| fid.readlines}.each{|fname|
- l.insert('end', fname.chomp)
- }
- }
- # Set up bindings for the browser.
- base.bind('Destroy', proc{
- Browse::BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER.value = \
- Browse::BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER.to_i - 1
- })
- base.bind('Control-c', proc{base.destroy})
- list.bind('Double-Button-1',
- proc{TkSelection.get.each{|f| self.browse dir, f}})
- end
- # The method below is invoked to open a browser on a given file; if the
- # file is a directory then another instance of this program is invoked; if
- # the file is a regular file then the Mx editor is invoked to display
- # the file.
- def browse (dir, file)
- file = dir + File::Separator + file if dir != '.'
- type = File.ftype(file)
- if type == 'directory'
- Browse.new(file)
- else
- if type == 'file'
- if ENV['EDITOR']
- system(ENV['EDITOR'] + ' ' + file + ' &')
- else
- system('xedit ' + file + ' &')
- end
- else
- STDOUT.print "\"#{file}\" isn't a directory or regular file"
- end
- end
- end
-Browse.new(ARGV[0] ? ARGV[0] : '.')
-TkRoot.new {
- withdraw
- Browse::BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER.trace('w', proc{exit if Browse::BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER.to_i == 0})
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/button.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/button.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 00331002d2..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/button.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# button.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
-# several button widgets.
-# button widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($button_demo) && $button_demo
- $button_demo.destroy
- $button_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$button_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Button Demonstration")
- iconname("button")
- positionWindow(w)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new($button_demo) {
- font $kanji_font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "If you click on any of the four buttons below, the background of the button area will change to the color indicated in the button. You can press Tab to move among the buttons, then press Space to invoke the current button."
-# frame
-$button_buttons = Tk::Frame.new($button_demo) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $button_demo
- $button_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'See Code'
- command proc{showCode 'button'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# button
- text "Peach Puff"
- width 10
- command proc{
- $button_demo.configure('bg','PeachPuff1')
- $button_buttons.configure('bg','PeachPuff1')
- }
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'pady'=>2)
- text "Light Blue"
- width 10
- command proc{
- $button_demo.configure('bg','LightBlue1')
- $button_buttons.configure('bg','LightBlue1')
- }
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'pady'=>2)
- text "Sea Green"
- width 10
- command proc{
- $button_demo.configure('bg','SeaGreen2')
- $button_buttons.configure('bg','SeaGreen2')
- }
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'pady'=>2)
- text "Yellow"
- width 10
- command proc{
- $button_demo.configure('bg','Yellow1')
- $button_buttons.configure('bg','Yellow1')
- }
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'pady'=>2)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/check.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/check.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f3b07bd0a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/check.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# check.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
-# several checkbuttons.
-# checkbutton widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($check_demo) && $check_demo
- $check_demo.destroy
- $check_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$check_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Checkbutton Demonstration")
- iconname("check")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($check_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "Three checkbuttons are displayed below. If you click on a button, it will toggle the button's selection state and set a Tcl variable to a value indicating the state of the checkbutton. Click the \"See Variables\" button to see the current values of the variables."
-wipers = TkVariable.new(0)
-brakes = TkVariable.new(0)
-sober = TkVariable.new(0)
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $check_demo
- $check_demo = nil
- $showVarsWin[tmppath.path] = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'check'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'See Variables'
- command proc{
- showVars(base_frame,
- ['wipers', wipers], ['brakes', brakes], ['sober', sober])
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# checkbutton
-[ TkCheckButton.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Wipers OK', 'variable'=>wipers),
- TkCheckButton.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Brakes OK', 'variable'=>brakes),
- TkCheckButton.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Driver Sober', 'variable'=>sober)
-].each{|w| w.relief('flat'); w.pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w')}
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/check2.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/check2.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d68b86438a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/check2.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# checkbutton widget demo2 (called by 'widget')
-# delete old toplevel widget
-if defined?($check2_demo) && $check2_demo
- $check2_demo.destroy
- $check2_demo = nil
-# create demo toplevel widget
-$check2_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Checkbutton Demonstration 2")
- iconname("check2")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($check2_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "Four checkbuttons are displayed below. If you click on a button, it will toggle the button's selection state and set a Tcl variable to a value indicating the state of the checkbutton. The first button also follows the state of the other three. If only some of the three are checked, the first button will display the tri-state mode. Click the \"See Variables\" button to see the current values of the variables."
-# variable
-safety = TkVariable.new(0)
-wipers = TkVariable.new(0)
-brakes = TkVariable.new(0)
-sober = TkVariable.new(0)
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkGrid(TkFrame.new(frame, :height=>2, :relief=>:sunken, :bd=>2),
- :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'See Variables',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- showVars($check2_demo,
- ['safety', safety], ['wipers', wipers],
- ['brakes', brakes], ['sober', sober])
- }),
- TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'check2'}),
- TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- tmppath = $check2_demo
- $check2_demo = nil
- $showVarsWin[tmppath.path] = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x')
-# checkbutton
-TkCheckButton.new(base_frame, :text=>'Safety Check', :variable=>safety,
- :relief=>:flat, :onvalue=>'all', :offvalue=>'none',
- :tristatevalue=>'partial'){
- pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w')
-[ TkCheckButton.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Wipers OK', 'variable'=>wipers),
- TkCheckButton.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Brakes OK', 'variable'=>brakes),
- TkCheckButton.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Driver Sober', 'variable'=>sober)
- w.relief('flat')
- w.pack('side'=>'top', 'padx'=>15, 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w')
-# tristate check
-in_check = false
-tristate_check = proc{|n1,n2,op|
- unless in_check
- in_check = true
- begin
- if n1 == safety
- if safety == 'none'
- wipers.value = 0
- brakes.value = 0
- sober.value = 0
- elsif safety == 'all'
- wipers.value = 1
- brakes.value = 1
- sober.value = 1
- end
- else
- if wipers == 1 && brakes == 1 && sober == 1
- safety.value = 'all'
- elsif wipers == 1 || brakes == 1 || sober == 1
- safety.value = 'partial'
- else
- safety.value = 'none'
- end
- end
- ensure
- in_check = false
- end
- end
-[wipers, brakes, sober, safety].each{|v| v.trace('w', tristate_check)}
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/clrpick.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/clrpick.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 081d11be4f..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/clrpick.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# clrpick.rb
-# This demonstration script prompts the user to select a color.
-# widget demo prompts the user to select a color (called by 'widget')
-# Note: don't support ttk_wrapper. work with standard widgets only.
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($clrpick_demo) && $clrpick_demo
- $clrpick_demo.destroy
- $clrpick_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$clrpick_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Color Selection Dialogs")
- iconname("colors")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($clrpick_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
- 'text'=>"Press the buttons below to choose the foreground and background colors for the widgets in this window.").pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-#TkFrame.new($clrpick_demo) {|frame|
-Tk::Frame.new($clrpick_demo) {|frame|
- # TkButton.new(frame) {
- Tk::Button.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $clrpick_demo
- $clrpick_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- # TkButton.new(frame) {
- Tk::Button.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'clrpick'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# button
-# TkButton.new($clrpick_demo, 'text'=>'Set background color ...') {|b|
-Tk::Button.new($clrpick_demo, 'text'=>'Set background color ...') {|b|
- command(proc{setColor $clrpick_demo, b, 'background',
- ['background', 'highlightbackground']})
- pack('side'=>'top', 'anchor'=>'c', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# TkButton.new($clrpick_demo, 'text'=>'Set foreground color ...') {|b|
-Tk::Button.new($clrpick_demo, 'text'=>'Set foreground color ...') {|b|
- command(proc{setColor $clrpick_demo, b, 'foreground', ['foreground']})
- pack('side'=>'top', 'anchor'=>'c', 'pady'=>'2m')
-def setColor(w,button,name,options)
- w.grab
- initialColor = button[name]
- color = Tk.chooseColor('title'=>"Choose a #{name} color", 'parent'=>w,
- 'initialcolor'=>initialColor)
- if color != ""
- setColor_helper(w,options,color)
- end
- w.grab('release')
-def setColor_helper(w, options, color)
- options.each{|opt|
- begin
- w[opt] = color
- rescue
- end
- }
- TkWinfo.children(w).each{|child|
- setColor_helper child, options, color
- }
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/colors.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/colors.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dca147b51e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/colors.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# colors.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a listbox widget that displays
-# many of the colors from the X color database. You can click on
-# a color to change the application's palette.
-# listbox widget demo 'colors' (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($colors_demo) && $colors_demo
- $colors_demo.destroy
- $colors_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$colors_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Listbox Demonstration (colors)")
- iconname("colors")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($colors_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "A listbox containing several color names is displayed below, along with a scrollbar. You can scan the list either using the scrollbar or by dragging in the listbox window with button 2 pressed. If you double-click button 1 on a color, then the application's color palette will be set to match that color"
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $colors_demo
- $colors_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'colors'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-colors_lbox = nil
-TkFrame.new(base_frame, 'borderwidth'=>10) {|w|
- s = TkScrollbar.new(w)
- colors_lbox = TkListbox.new(w) {
- setgrid 1
- width 10
- height 12
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- s.command(proc{|*args| colors_lbox.yview(*args)})
- s.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- colors_lbox.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>1, 'fill'=>'both')
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'y')
-#colors_lbox.bind('Double-1', proc{TkPalette.setPalette TkSelection.get})
-colors_lbox.bind('Double-1', proc{
- begin
- TkPalette.setPalette TkSelection.get
- rescue => e
- p e
- Tk.tk_call_without_enc('destroy', '.___tk_set_palette')
- end
- })
-ins_data = [
- 'gray60','gray70','gray80','gray85','gray90','gray95',
- 'snow1','snow2','snow3','snow4','seashell1','seashell2',
- 'seashell3','seashell4','AntiqueWhite1','AntiqueWhite2',
- 'AntiqueWhite3','AntiqueWhite4','bisque1','bisque2',
- 'bisque3','bisque4','PeachPuff1','PeachPuff2',
- 'PeachPuff3','PeachPuff4','NavajoWhite1','NavajoWhite2',
- 'NavajoWhite3','NavajoWhite4','LemonChiffon1',
- 'LemonChiffon2','LemonChiffon3','LemonChiffon4',
- 'cornsilk1','cornsilk2','cornsilk3','cornsilk4',
- 'ivory1','ivory2','ivory3','ivory4','honeydew1',
- 'honeydew2','honeydew3','honeydew4','LavenderBlush1',
- 'LavenderBlush2','LavenderBlush3','LavenderBlush4',
- 'MistyRose1','MistyRose2','MistyRose3','MistyRose4',
- 'azure1','azure2','azure3','azure4','SlateBlue1',
- 'SlateBlue2','SlateBlue3','SlateBlue4','RoyalBlue1',
- 'RoyalBlue2','RoyalBlue3','RoyalBlue4','blue1','blue2',
- 'blue3','blue4','DodgerBlue1','DodgerBlue2',
- 'DodgerBlue3','DodgerBlue4','SteelBlue1','SteelBlue2',
- 'SteelBlue3','SteelBlue4','DeepSkyBlue1','DeepSkyBlue2',
- 'DeepSkyBlue3','DeepSkyBlue4','SkyBlue1','SkyBlue2',
- 'SkyBlue3','SkyBlue4','LightSkyBlue1','LightSkyBlue2',
- 'LightSkyBlue3','LightSkyBlue4','SlateGray1',
- 'SlateGray2','SlateGray3','SlateGray4',
- 'LightSteelBlue1','LightSteelBlue2','LightSteelBlue3',
- 'LightSteelBlue4','LightBlue1','LightBlue2',
- 'LightBlue3','LightBlue4','LightCyan1','LightCyan2',
- 'LightCyan3','LightCyan4','PaleTurquoise1',
- 'PaleTurquoise2','PaleTurquoise3','PaleTurquoise4',
- 'CadetBlue1','CadetBlue2','CadetBlue3','CadetBlue4',
- 'turquoise1','turquoise2','turquoise3','turquoise4',
- 'cyan1','cyan2','cyan3','cyan4','DarkSlateGray1',
- 'DarkSlateGray2','DarkSlateGray3','DarkSlateGray4',
- 'aquamarine1','aquamarine2','aquamarine3','aquamarine4',
- 'DarkSeaGreen1','DarkSeaGreen2','DarkSeaGreen3',
- 'DarkSeaGreen4','SeaGreen1','SeaGreen2','SeaGreen3',
- 'SeaGreen4','PaleGreen1','PaleGreen2','PaleGreen3',
- 'PaleGreen4','SpringGreen1','SpringGreen2',
- 'SpringGreen3','SpringGreen4','green1','green2',
- 'green3','green4','chartreuse1','chartreuse2',
- 'chartreuse3','chartreuse4','OliveDrab1','OliveDrab2',
- 'OliveDrab3','OliveDrab4','DarkOliveGreen1',
- 'DarkOliveGreen2','DarkOliveGreen3','DarkOliveGreen4',
- 'khaki1','khaki2','khaki3','khaki4','LightGoldenrod1',
- 'LightGoldenrod2','LightGoldenrod3','LightGoldenrod4',
- 'LightYellow1','LightYellow2','LightYellow3',
- 'LightYellow4','yellow1','yellow2','yellow3','yellow4',
- 'gold1','gold2','gold3','gold4','goldenrod1',
- 'goldenrod2','goldenrod3','goldenrod4','DarkGoldenrod1',
- 'DarkGoldenrod2','DarkGoldenrod3','DarkGoldenrod4',
- 'RosyBrown1','RosyBrown2','RosyBrown3','RosyBrown4',
- 'IndianRed1','IndianRed2','IndianRed3','IndianRed4',
- 'sienna1','sienna2','sienna3','sienna4','burlywood1',
- 'burlywood2','burlywood3','burlywood4','wheat1',
- 'wheat2','wheat3','wheat4','tan1','tan2','tan3','tan4',
- 'chocolate1','chocolate2','chocolate3','chocolate4',
- 'firebrick1','firebrick2','firebrick3','firebrick4',
- 'brown1','brown2','brown3','brown4','salmon1','salmon2',
- 'salmon3','salmon4','LightSalmon1','LightSalmon2',
- 'LightSalmon3','LightSalmon4','orange1','orange2',
- 'orange3','orange4','DarkOrange1','DarkOrange2',
- 'DarkOrange3','DarkOrange4','coral1','coral2','coral3',
- 'coral4','tomato1','tomato2','tomato3','tomato4',
- 'OrangeRed1','OrangeRed2','OrangeRed3','OrangeRed4',
- 'red1','red2','red3','red4','DeepPink1','DeepPink2',
- 'DeepPink3','DeepPink4','HotPink1','HotPink2',
- 'HotPink3','HotPink4','pink1','pink2','pink3','pink4',
- 'LightPink1','LightPink2','LightPink3','LightPink4',
- 'PaleVioletRed1','PaleVioletRed2','PaleVioletRed3',
- 'PaleVioletRed4','maroon1','maroon2','maroon3',
- 'maroon4','VioletRed1','VioletRed2','VioletRed3',
- 'VioletRed4','magenta1','magenta2','magenta3',
- 'magenta4','orchid1','orchid2','orchid3','orchid4',
- 'plum1','plum2','plum3','plum4','MediumOrchid1',
- 'MediumOrchid2','MediumOrchid3','MediumOrchid4',
- 'DarkOrchid1','DarkOrchid2','DarkOrchid3',
- 'DarkOrchid4','purple1','purple2','purple3','purple4',
- 'MediumPurple1','MediumPurple2','MediumPurple3',
- 'MediumPurple4','thistle1','thistle2','thistle3', 'thistle4'
-colors_lbox.insert(0, *ins_data)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/combo.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/combo.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b8bf2d8803..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/combo.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# combo.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates several combobox widgets.
-# based on "Id: combo.tcl,v 1.3 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp"
-if defined?($combo_demo) && $combo_demo
- $combo_demo.destroy
- $combo_demo = nil
-$combo_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Combobox Demonstration")
- iconname("combo")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($combo_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-Ttk::Label.new(base_frame, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'5i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)
-Three different combo-boxes are displayed below. \
-You can add characters to the first \
-one by pointing, clicking and typing, just as with an entry; pressing \
-Return will cause the current value to be added to the list that is \
-selectable from the drop-down list, and you can choose other values \
-by pressing the Down key, using the arrow keys to pick another one, \
-and pressing Return again. The second combo-box is fixed to a \
-particular value, and cannot be modified at all. The third one only \
-allows you to select values from its drop-down list of Australian \
-## variables
-firstValue = TkVariable.new
-secondValue = TkVariable.new
-ozCity = TkVariable.new
-## See Code / Dismiss buttons
-Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Variables',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- showVars(base_frame,
- ['firstVariable', firstValue],
- ['secondVariable', secondValue],
- ['ozCity', ozCity])
- }),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'combo'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- $combo_demo.destroy
- $combo_demo = nil
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x)
-frame = Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-australianCities = [
- 'Canberra', 'Sydney', 'Melbourne', 'Perth', 'Adelaide', 'Brisbane',
- 'Hobart', 'Darwin', 'Alice Springs'
-secondValue.value = 'unchangeable'
-ozCity.value = 'Sydney'
-Tk.pack(Ttk::Labelframe.new(frame, :text=>'Fully Editable'){|f|
- Ttk::Combobox.new(f, :textvariable=>firstValue){|b|
- b.bind('Return', '%W'){|w|
- w.values <<= w.value unless w.values.include?(w.value)
- }
- }.pack(:pady=>5, :padx=>10)
- },
- Ttk::LabelFrame.new(frame, :text=>'Disabled'){|f|
- Ttk::Combobox.new(f, :textvariable=>secondValue, :state=>:disabled) .
- pack(:pady=>5, :padx=>10)
- },
- Ttk::LabelFrame.new(frame, :text=>'Defined List Only'){|f|
- Ttk::Combobox.new(f, :textvariable=>ozCity, :state=>:readonly,
- :values=>australianCities) .
- pack(:pady=>5, :padx=>10)
- },
- :side=>:top, :pady=>5, :padx=>10)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/cscroll.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/cscroll.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index eac615d035..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/cscroll.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# cscroll.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a simple canvas that can be
-# scrolled in two dimensions.
-# simple scrollable canvas widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($cscroll_demo) && $cscroll_demo
- $cscroll_demo.destroy
- $cscroll_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$cscroll_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Scrollable Canvas Demonstration")
- iconname("cscroll")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($cscroll_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'font'=>$font, 'wraplength'=>'4i',
- 'justify'=>'left', 'text'=>"This window displays a canvas widget that can be scrolled either using the scrollbars or by dragging with button 2 in the canvas. If you click button 1 on one of the rectangles, its indices will be printed on stdout."){
- pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-$cscroll_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $cscroll_demo
- $cscroll_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'cscroll'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-$cscroll_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-unless $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- $cscroll_grid = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both', 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1)
- }
- TkGrid.rowconfigure($cscroll_grid, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure($cscroll_grid, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
-# canvas
-$cscroll_canvas = TkCanvas.new(base_frame,
- 'relief'=>'sunken', 'borderwidth'=>2,
- 'scrollregion'=>['-11c', '-11c', '50c', '20c']
- ) {|c|
- if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- else
- grid('in'=>$cscroll_grid, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- end
- TkScrollbar.new(base_frame, 'command'=>proc{|*args| c.yview(*args)}) {|vs|
- c.yscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| vs.set first,last})
- if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- else
- grid('in'=>$cscroll_grid, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>1,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- end
- }
- TkScrollbar.new(base_frame, 'orient'=>'horiz',
- 'command'=>proc{|*args| c.xview(*args)}) {|hs|
- c.xscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| hs.set first,last})
- if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x')
- else
- grid('in'=>$cscroll_grid, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>1, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- end
- }
-bg = $cscroll_canvas.configinfo('bg')[4]
- x = -10+3*i
- y = -10
- (0..9).each{|j|
- TkcRectangle.new($cscroll_canvas, "#{x}c", "#{y}c", "#{x+2}c", "#{y+2}c",
- 'outline'=>'black', 'fill'=>bg, 'tags'=>'rect')
- TkcText.new($cscroll_canvas, "#{x+1}c", "#{y+1}c",
- 'text'=>"#{i},#{j}", 'anchor'=>'center', 'tags'=>'text')
- y += 3
- }
-$cscroll_canvas.itembind('all', 'Any-Enter', proc{scrollEnter $cscroll_canvas})
-$cscroll_canvas.itembind('all', 'Any-Leave', proc{scrollLeave $cscroll_canvas})
-$cscroll_canvas.itembind('all', '1', proc{scrollButton $cscroll_canvas})
-$cscroll_canvas.itembind('all', 'Any-Enter', proc{scrollEnter $cscroll_canvas})
-$cscroll_canvas.bind('2', proc{|x,y| $cscroll_canvas.scan_mark(x,y)}, '%x %y')
- proc{|x,y| $cscroll_canvas.scan_dragto(x,y)}, '%x %y')
-def scrollEnter(c)
- id = c.find_withtag('current')[0].id
- id -= 1 if c.gettags('current').include?('text')
- $oldFill = c.itemconfiginfo(id, 'fill')[4]
- if TkWinfo.depth(c) > 1
- c.itemconfigure(id, 'fill'=>'SeaGreen1')
- else
- c.itemconfigure(id, 'fill'=>'black')
- c.itemconfigure(id+1, 'fill'=>'white')
- end
-def scrollLeave(c)
- id = c.find_withtag('current')[0].id
- id -= 1 if c.gettags('current').include?('text')
- c.itemconfigure(id, 'fill'=>$oldFill)
- c.itemconfigure(id+1, 'fill'=>'black')
-def scrollButton(c)
- id = c.find_withtag('current')[0].id
- id += 1 unless c.gettags('current').include?('text')
- print "You buttoned at #{c.itemconfiginfo(id,'text')[4]}\n"
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ctext.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ctext.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fdb2f423e2..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ctext.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ctext.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a canvas widget with a text
-# item that can be edited and reconfigured in various ways.
-# Canvas Text widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($ctext_demo) && $ctext_demo
- $ctext_demo.destroy
- $ctext_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$ctext_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Canvas Text Demonstration")
- iconname("Text")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($ctext_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'font'=>$font, 'wraplength'=>'5i', 'justify'=>'left',
- 'text'=>"This window displays a string of text to demonstrate the text facilities of canvas widgets. You can click in the boxes to adjust the position of the text relative to its positioning point or change its justification. The text also supports the following simple bindings for editing:
- 1. You can point, click, and type.
- 2. You can also select with button 1.
- 3. You can copy the selection to the mouse position with button 2.
- 4. Backspace and Control+h delete the selection if there is one;
- otherwise they delete the character just before the insertion cursor.
- 5. Delete deletes the selection if there is one; otherwise it deletes
- the character just after the insertion cursor."){
- pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-$ctext_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $ctext_demo
- $ctext_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'ctext'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-$ctext_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# canvas
-$ctext_canvas = TkCanvas.new(base_frame, 'relief'=>'flat',
- 'borderwidth'=>0, 'width'=>500, 'height'=>350)
-$ctext_canvas.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-# font
-if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- textFont = '-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- textFont = 'Helvetica 24'
-# canvas
-TkcRectangle.new($ctext_canvas, 245, 195, 255, 205,
- 'outline'=>'black', 'fill'=>'red')
-ctag_text_param = {
- 'text'=>"This is just a string of text to demonstrate the text facilities of canvas widgets. Bindings have been been defined to support editing (see above).",
- 'width'=>440, 'anchor'=>'n', 'justify'=>'left'
-if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- ctag_text_param['font'] = '-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- ctag_text_param['font'] = 'Helvetica 24'
-$ctag_text = TkcTag.new($ctext_canvas)
-$ctag_text.withtag(TkcText.new($ctext_canvas, 250, 200, ctag_text_param))
-$ctag_text.bind('1', proc{|x,y| textB1Press $ctext_canvas,x,y}, "%x %y")
-$ctag_text.bind('B1-Motion', proc{|x,y| textB1Move $ctext_canvas,x,y}, "%x %y")
- proc{|x,y| $ctext_canvas.select_adjust 'current', "@#{x},#{y}"},
- "%x %y")
- proc{|x,y| textB1Move $ctext_canvas,x,y}, "%x %y")
-$ctag_text.bind('KeyPress', proc{|a| textInsert $ctext_canvas,a}, "%A")
-$ctag_text.bind('Return', proc{textInsert $ctext_canvas,"\n"})
-$ctag_text.bind('Control-h', proc{textBs $ctext_canvas})
-$ctag_text.bind('BackSpace', proc{textBs $ctext_canvas})
-$ctag_text.bind('Delete', proc{textDel $ctext_canvas})
-$ctag_text.bind('2', proc{|x,y| textPaste $ctext_canvas, "@#{x},#{y}"},
- "%x %y")
-# Next, create some items that allow the text's anchor position
-# to be edited.
-def mkTextConfig(w,x,y,option,value,color)
- item = TkcRectangle.new(w, x, y, x+30, y+30,
- 'outline'=>'black', 'fill'=>color, 'width'=>1)
- item.bind('1', proc{$ctag_text.configure option, value})
- w.addtag_withtag('config', item)
-x = 50
-y = 50
-color = 'LightSkyBlue1'
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x, y, 'anchor', 'se', color
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x+30, y, 'anchor', 's', color
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x+60, y, 'anchor', 'sw', color
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x, y+30, 'anchor', 'e', color
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x+30, y+30, 'anchor', 'center', color
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x+60, y+30, 'anchor', 'w', color
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x, y+60, 'anchor', 'ne', color
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x+30, y+60, 'anchor', 'n', color
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x+60, y+60, 'anchor', 'nw', color
-item = TkcRectangle.new($ctext_canvas, x+40, y+40, x+50, y+50,
- 'outline'=>'black', 'fill'=>'red')
-item.bind('1', proc{$ctag_text.configure 'anchor', 'center'})
-if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- TkcText.new($ctext_canvas, x+45, y-5, 'text'=>'Text Position',
- 'font'=>'-*-times-medium-r-normal--*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*',
- 'anchor'=>'s', 'fill'=>'brown')
- TkcText.new($ctext_canvas, x+45, y-5, 'text'=>'Text Position',
- 'font'=>'Times 24', 'anchor'=>'s', 'fill'=>'brown')
-# Lastly, create some items that allow the text's justification to be
-# changed.
-x = 350
-y = 50
-color = 'SeaGreen2'
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x, y, 'justify', 'left', color
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x+30, y, 'justify', 'center', color
-mkTextConfig $ctext_canvas, x+60, y, 'justify', 'right', color
-if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- TkcText.new($ctext_canvas, x+45, y-5, 'text'=>'Justification',
- 'font'=>'-*-times-medium-r-normal--*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*',
- 'anchor'=>'s', 'fill'=>'brown')
- TkcText.new($ctext_canvas, x+45, y-5, 'text'=>'Justification',
- 'font'=>'Times 24', 'anchor'=>'s', 'fill'=>'brown')
-$ctext_canvas.itembind('config', 'Enter', proc{textEnter $ctext_canvas})
-$ctext_canvas.itembind('config', 'Leave',
- proc{$ctext_canvas\
- .itemconfigure('current',
- 'fill'=>$textConfigFill)})
-$textConfigFill = ''
-def textEnter(w)
- $textConfigFill = (w.itemconfiginfo 'current', 'fill')[4]
- w.itemconfigure 'current', 'fill', 'black'
-def textInsert(w, string)
- return if string == ""
- begin
- $ctag_text.dchars 'sel.first', 'sel.last'
- rescue
- end
- $ctag_text.insert 'insert', string
-def textPaste(w, pos)
- begin
- $ctag_text.insert pos, TkSelection.get
- rescue
- end
-def textB1Press(w,x,y)
- w.icursor 'current', "@#{x},#{y}"
- w.itemfocus 'current'
- w.focus
- w.select_from 'current', "@#{x},#{y}"
-def textB1Move(w,x,y)
- w.select_to 'current', "@#{x},#{y}"
-def textBs(w)
- begin
- $ctag_text.dchars 'sel.first', 'sel.last'
- rescue
- char = $ctag_text.index('insert').to_i - 1
- $ctag_text.dchars(char) if char >= 0
- end
-def textDel(w)
- begin
- $ctag_text.dchars 'sel.first', 'sel.last'
- rescue
- $ctag_text.dchars 'insert'
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/dialog1.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/dialog1.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fd56a69c3..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/dialog1.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# a dialog box with a local grab (called by 'widget')
-class TkDialog_Demo1 < TkDialog
- ###############
- private
- ###############
- def title
- "Dialog with local grab"
- end
- def message
- 'This is a modal dialog box. It uses Tk\'s "grab" command to create a "local grab" on the dialog box. The grab prevents any pointer-related events from getting to any other windows in the application until you have answered the dialog by invoking one of the buttons below. However, you can still interact with other applications.'
- end
- def bitmap
- 'info'
- end
- def default_button
- 0
- end
- def buttons
- # ["Dismiss", "", "Show Code"]
- ["OK", "Cancel", "Show Code"]
- end
-ret = TkDialog_Demo1.new('message_config'=>{'wraplength'=>'4i'}).value
-case ret
-when 0
- print "You pressed OK\n"
-when 1
- print "You pressed Cancel\n"
-when 2
- showCode 'dialog1'
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/dialog2.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/dialog2.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fed14081c8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/dialog2.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# a dialog box with a global grab (called by 'widget')
-class TkDialog_Demo2 < TkDialog
- ###############
- private
- ###############
- def title
- "Dialog with global grab"
- end
- def message
- "This dialog box uses a global grab, so it prevents you from interacting with anything on your display until you invoke one of the buttons below. Global grabs are almost always a bad idea; don't use them unless you're truly desperate."
- end
- def bitmap
- 'info'
- end
- def default_button
- 0
- end
- def buttons
- ["OK", "Cancel", "Show Code"]
- end
-ret = TkDialog_Demo2.new('message_config'=>{'wraplength'=>'4i'},
- 'prev_command'=>proc{|dialog|
- Tk.after 100, proc{dialog.grab('global')}
- }).value
-case ret
-when 0
- print "\You pressed OK\n"
-when 1
- print "You pressed Cancel\n"
-when 2
- showCode 'dialog2'
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/README b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 90677d3316..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains a collection of demonstration programs that
-are translated into Japanese. You need to use a Japanized "wish" to
-see these Japanese-translated demonstration programs. You also need
-to put this directory ("demos.jp") at the next to "demos" since some
-of the programs refer to the image files at "demos".
-Please refer to the README file at "demos" for more detail.
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/README.JP b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/README.JP
deleted file mode 100644
index 42b4929378..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/README.JP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains "widget" demo for the Japanized Tcl7.6/Tk4.2.
-Most of the messages in the original are translated to Japanese.
-But other tools in this directory are not translated.
-Following 2 kanji fonts are defined at the beginning of the file "widget."
- -*--24-*-jisx0208.1983-0
- -*--16-*-jisx0208.1983-0
-These fonts are all part of the core distribution of X11R5, so
-if you are running X11R5, you don't have to modify the file.
-But if you don't have these fonts, replace them with appropriate ones.
-"-*--14-*-jisx0208.1983-0" will be a good choice.
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/README.tk80 b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/README.tk80
deleted file mode 100644
index c71f977d74..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/README.tk80
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains a collection of programs to demonstrate
-the features of the Tk toolkit. The programs are all scripts for
-"wish", a windowing shell. If wish has been installed in /usr/local
-then you can invoke any of the programs in this directory just
-by typing its file name to your command shell. Otherwise invoke
-wish with the file as its first argument, e.g., "wish hello".
-The rest of this file contains a brief description of each program.
-Files with names ending in ".tcl" are procedure packages used by one
-or more of the demo programs; they can't be used as programs by
-themselves so they aren't described below.
-hello - Creates a single button; if you click on it, a message
- is typed and the application terminates.
-widget - Contains a collection of demonstrations of the widgets
- currently available in the Tk library. Most of the .tcl
- files are scripts for individual demos available through
- the "widget" program.
-ixset - A simple Tk-based wrapper for the "xset" program, which
- allows you to interactively query and set various X options
- such as mouse acceleration and bell volume. Thanks to
- Pierre David for contributing this example.
-rolodex - A mock-up of a simple rolodex application. It has much of
- the user interface for such an application but no back-end
- database. This program was written in response to Tom
- LaStrange's toolkit benchmark challenge.
-tcolor - A color editor. Allows you to edit colors in several
- different ways, and will also perform automatic updates
- using "send".
-rmt - Allows you to "hook-up" remotely to any Tk application
- on the display. Select an application with the menu,
- then just type commands: they'll go to that application.
-timer - Displays a seconds timer with start and stop buttons.
- Control-c and control-q cause it to exit.
-browse - A simple directory browser. Invoke it with and argument
- giving the name of the directory you'd like to browse.
- Double-click on files or subdirectories to browse them.
- Control-c and control-q cause the program to exit.
-sccs id = SCCS: @(#) README 1.3 96/02/16 10:49:14
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/license.terms b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/license.terms
deleted file mode 100644
index c0a44d3fc2..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/license.terms
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-This software is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of
-California, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and other parties. The following
-terms apply to all files associated with the software unless explicitly
-disclaimed in individual files.
-The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,
-and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided
-that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this
-notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement,
-license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses.
-Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors
-and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that
-the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where
-they apply.
-GOVERNMENT USE: If you are acquiring this software on behalf of the
-U.S. government, the Government shall have only "Restricted Rights"
-in the software and related documentation as defined in the Federal
-Acquisition Regulations (FARs) in Clause 52.227.19 (c) (2). If you
-are acquiring the software on behalf of the Department of Defense, the
-software shall be classified as "Commercial Computer Software" and the
-Government shall have only "Restricted Rights" as defined in Clause
-252.227-7013 (c) (1) of DFARs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
-authors grant the U.S. Government and others acting in its behalf
-permission to use and distribute the software in accordance with the
-terms specified in this license.
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/license.terms.tk80 b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/license.terms.tk80
deleted file mode 100644
index c0a44d3fc2..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/doc.org/license.terms.tk80
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-This software is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of
-California, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and other parties. The following
-terms apply to all files associated with the software unless explicitly
-disclaimed in individual files.
-The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,
-and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided
-that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this
-notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement,
-license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses.
-Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors
-and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that
-the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where
-they apply.
-GOVERNMENT USE: If you are acquiring this software on behalf of the
-U.S. government, the Government shall have only "Restricted Rights"
-in the software and related documentation as defined in the Federal
-Acquisition Regulations (FARs) in Clause 52.227.19 (c) (2). If you
-are acquiring the software on behalf of the Department of Defense, the
-software shall be classified as "Commercial Computer Software" and the
-Government shall have only "Restricted Rights" as defined in Clause
-252.227-7013 (c) (1) of DFARs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
-authors grant the U.S. Government and others acting in its behalf
-permission to use and distribute the software in accordance with the
-terms specified in this license.
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/entry1.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/entry1.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d6b0af2b5d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/entry1.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# entry (no scrollbars) widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($entry1_demo) && $entry1_demo
- $entry1_demo.destroy
- $entry1_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$entry1_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Entry Demonstration (no scrollbars)")
- iconname("entry1")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($entry1_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '5i'
- justify 'left'
- text "Three different entries are displayed below. You can add characters by pointing, clicking and typing. The normal Motif editing characters are supported, along with many Emacs bindings. For example, Backspace and Control-h delete the character to the left of the insertion cursor and Delete and Control-d delete the chararacter to the right of the insertion cursor. For entries that are too large to fit in the window all at once, you can scan through the entries by dragging with mouse button2 pressed."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $entry1_demo
- $entry1_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'entry1'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-e1 = TkEntry.new(base_frame, 'relief'=>'sunken')
-e2 = TkEntry.new(base_frame, 'relief'=>'sunken')
-e3 = TkEntry.new(base_frame, 'relief'=>'sunken')
-[e1,e2,e3].each{|w| w.pack('side'=>'top', 'padx'=>10, 'pady'=>5, 'fill'=>'x')}
-e1.insert(0, 'Initial value')
-e2.insert('end', "This entry contains a long value, much too long ")
-e2.insert('end', "to fit in the window at one time, so long in fact ")
-e2.insert('end', "that you'll have to scan or scroll to see the end.")
-e2.insert('end', "")
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/entry2.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/entry2.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 460a0a02ea..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/entry2.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# entry2.rb
-# This demonstration script is the same as the entry1.tcl script
-# except that it creates scrollbars for the entries.
-# entry (with scrollbars) widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($entry2_demo) && $entry2_demo
- $entry2_demo.destroy
- $entry2_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$entry2_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Entry Demonstration (with scrollbars)")
- iconname("entry2")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($entry2_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '5i'
- justify 'left'
- text "Three different entries are displayed below, with a scrollbar for each entry. You can add characters by pointing, clicking and typing. The normal Motif editing characters are supported, along with many Emacs bindings. For example, Backspace and Control-h delete the character to the left of the insertion cursor and Delete and Control-d delete the chararacter to the right of the insertion cursor. For entries that are too large to fit in the window all at once, you can scan through the entries with the scrollbars, or by dragging with mouse button2 pressed."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $entry2_demo
- $entry2_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'entry2'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame, 'borderwidth'=>10) {|w|
- # entry 1
- s1 = TkScrollbar.new(w, 'relief'=>'sunken', 'orient'=>'horiz')
- e1 = TkEntry.new(w, 'relief'=>'sunken') {
- xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s1.set first,last}
- }
- s1.command(proc{|*args| e1.xview(*args)})
- e1.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- s1.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- # spacer
- TkFrame.new(w, 'width'=>20, 'height'=>10).pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- # entry 2
- s2 = TkScrollbar.new(w, 'relief'=>'sunken', 'orient'=>'horiz')
- e2 = TkEntry.new(w, 'relief'=>'sunken') {
- xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s2.set first,last}
- }
- s2.command(proc{|*args| e2.xview(*args)})
- e2.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- s2.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- # spacer
- TkFrame.new(w, 'width'=>20, 'height'=>10).pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- # entry 3
- s3 = TkScrollbar.new(w, 'relief'=>'sunken', 'orient'=>'horiz')
- e3 = TkEntry.new(w, 'relief'=>'sunken') {
- xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s3.set first,last}
- }
- s3.command(proc{|*args| e3.xview(*args)})
- e3.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- s3.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- #
- e1.insert(0, 'Initial value')
- e2.insert('end', "This entry contains a long value, much too long ")
- e2.insert('end', "to fit in the window at one time, so long in fact ")
- e2.insert('end', "that you'll have to scan or scroll to see the end.")
- e2.insert('end', "")
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x', 'expand'=>'yes')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/entry3.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/entry3.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6170fe1365..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/entry3.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# entry3.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates several entry widgets whose
-# permitted input is constrained in some way. It also shows off a
-# password entry.
-# based on Tcl/Tk8.4.4 widget demos
-if defined?($entry3_demo) && $entry3_demo
- $entry3_demo.destroy
- $entry3_demo = nil
-$entry3_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Constrained Entry Demonstration")
- iconname("entry3")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($entry3_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'5i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:side=>:top)
-Four different entries are displayed below. You can add characters \
-by pointing, clicking and typing, though each is constrained in what \
-it will accept. The first only accepts integers or the empty string \
-(checking when focus leaves it) and will flash to indicate any \
-problem. The second only accepts strings with fewer than ten \
-characters and sounds the bell when an attempt to go over the limit \
-is made. The third accepts US phone numbers, mapping letters to \
-their digit equivalent and sounding the bell on encountering an \
-invalid character or if trying to type over a character that is not \
-a digit. The fourth is a password field that accepts up to eight \
-characters (silently ignoring further ones), and displaying them as \
-asterisk characters.
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x, :pady=>'2m')
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'Dismiss', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- $entry3_demo.destroy
- $entry3_demo = nil
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'See Code', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- showCode 'entry3'
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
-# focusAndFlash --
-# Error handler for entry widgets that forces the focus onto the
-# widget and makes the widget flash by exchanging the foreground and
-# background colours at intervals of 200ms (i.e. at approximately
-# 2.5Hz).
-# Arguments:
-# widget - entry widget to flash
-# fg - Initial foreground colour
-# bg - Initial background colour
-# count - Counter to control the number of times flashed
-def focusAndFlash(widget, fg, bg, count=5)
- return if count <= 0
- if fg && !fg.empty? && bg && !bg.empty?
- TkTimer.new(200, count,
- proc{widget.configure(:foreground=>bg, :background=>fg)},
- proc{widget.configure(:foreground=>fg, :background=>bg)}
- ).start
- else
- # TkTimer.new(150, 3){Tk.bell}.start
- Tk.bell
- TkTimer.new(200, count,
- proc{widget.configure(:foreground=>'white',
- :background=>'black')},
- proc{widget.configure(:foreground=>'black',
- :background=>'white')}
- ).at_end{begin
- widget.configure(:foreground=>fg,
- :background=>bg)
- rescue
- # ignore
- end}.start
- end
- widget.focus(true)
-l1 = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, :text=>"Integer Entry")
-TkEntry.new(l1, :validate=>:focus,
- :vcmd=>[
- proc{|s| s == '' || /^[+-]?\d+$/ =~ s }, '%P'
- ]) {|e|
- fg = e.foreground
- bg = e.background
- invalidcommand [proc{|w| focusAndFlash(w, fg, bg)}, '%W']
- pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>'1m', :pady=>'1m')
-l2 = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, :text=>"Length-Constrained Entry")
-TkEntry.new(l2, :validate=>:key, :invcmd=>proc{Tk.bell},
- :vcmd=>[proc{|s| s.length < 10}, '%P']
- ).pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>'1m', :pady=>'1m')
-# Note that the source to this is quite a bit longer as the behaviour
-# demonstrated is a lot more ambitious than with the others.
-# Initial content for the third entry widget
-entry3content = TkVariable.new("1-(000)-000-0000")
-# Mapping from alphabetic characters to numbers.
-$phoneNumberMap = {}
-Hash[*(%w(abc 2 def 3 ghi 4 jkl 5 mno 6 pqrs 7 tuv 8 wxyz 9))].each{|chars, n|
- chars.split('').each{|c|
- $phoneNumberMap[c] = n
- $phoneNumberMap[c.upcase] = n
- }
-# phoneSkipLeft --
-# Skip over fixed characters in a phone-number string when moving left.
-# Arguments:
-# widget - The entry widget containing the phone-number.
-def phoneSkipLeft(widget)
- idx = widget.index('insert')
- if idx == 8
- # Skip back two extra characters
- widget.cursor = idx - 2
- elsif idx == 7 || idx == 12
- # Skip back one extra character
- widget.cursor = idx - 1
- elsif idx <= 3
- # Can't move any further
- Tk.bell
- Tk.callback_break
- end
-# phoneSkipRight --
-# Skip over fixed characters in a phone-number string when moving right.
-# Arguments:
-# widget - The entry widget containing the phone-number.
-# add - Offset to add to index before calculation (used by validation.)
-def phoneSkipRight(widget, add = 0)
- idx = widget.index('insert')
- if (idx + add == 5)
- # Skip forward two extra characters
- widget.cursor = idx + 2
- elsif (idx + add == 6 || idx + add == 10)
- # Skip forward one extra character
- widget.cursor = idx + 1
- elsif (idx + add == 15 && add == 0)
- # Can't move any further
- Tk.bell
- Tk.callback_break
- end
-# validatePhoneChange --
-# Checks that the replacement (mapped to a digit) of the given
-# character in an entry widget at the given position will leave a
-# valid phone number in the widget.
-# widget - entry widget to validate
-# vmode - The widget's validation mode
-# idx - The index where replacement is to occur
-# char - The character (or string, though that will always be
-# refused) to be overwritten at that point.
-def validatePhoneChange(widget, vmode, idx, char)
- return true if idx == nil
- Tk.after_idle(proc{widget.configure(:validate=>vmode,
- :invcmd=>proc{Tk.bell})})
- if !(idx<3 || idx==6 || idx==7 || idx==11 || idx>15) && char =~ /[0-9A-Za-z]/
- widget.delete(idx)
- widget.insert(idx, $phoneNumberMap[char] || char)
- Tk.after_idle(proc{phoneSkipRight(widget, -1)})
- return true
- # Tk.update(true) # <- Don't work 'update' inter validation callback.
- # It depends on Tcl/Tk side (tested on Tcl/Tk8.5a1).
- end
- return false
-l3 = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, :text=>"US Phone-Number Entry")
-TkEntry.new(l3, :validate=>:key, :invcmd=>proc{Tk.bell},
- :textvariable=>entry3content,
- :vcmd=>[
- proc{|w,v,i,s| validatePhoneChange(w,v,i,s)},
- "%W %v %i %S"
- ]){|e|
- # Click to focus goes to the first editable character...
- bind('FocusIn', proc{|d,w|
- if d != "NotifyAncestor"
- w.cursor = 3
- Tk.after_idle(proc{w.selection_clear})
- end
- }, '%d %W')
- bind('Left', proc{|w| phoneSkipLeft(w)}, '%W')
- bind('Right', proc{|w| phoneSkipRight(w)}, '%W')
- pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>'1m', :pady=>'1m')
-l4 = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, :text=>"Password Entry")
-TkEntry.new(l4, :validate=>:key, :show=>'*',
- :vcmd=>[
- proc{|s| s.length <= 8},
- '%P'
- ]).pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>'1m', :pady=>'1m')
- lower
- TkGrid.configure(l1, l2, :in=>f, :padx=>'3m', :pady=>'1m', :sticky=>:ew)
- TkGrid.configure(l3, l4, :in=>f, :padx=>'3m', :pady=>'1m', :sticky=>:ew)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(f, [0,1], :uniform=>1)
- pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/filebox.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/filebox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bdf0aac10..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/filebox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# filebox.rb
-# This demonstration script prompts the user to select a file.#
-# widget demo prompts the user to select a file (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($filebox_demo) && $filebox_demo
- $filebox_demo.destroy
- $filebox_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$filebox_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("File Selection Dialogs")
- iconname("filebox")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($filebox_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
- 'text'=>"Enter a file name in the entry box or click on the \"Browse\" buttons to select a file name using the file selection dialog.").pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $filebox_demo
- $filebox_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'filebox'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-['open', 'save'].each{|type|
- TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|f|
- TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>"Select a file to #{type}: ", 'anchor'=>'e')\
- .pack('side'=>'left')
- TkEntry.new(f, 'width'=>20) {|e|
- pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'x')
- TkButton.new(f, 'text'=>'Browse ...',
- 'command'=>proc{fileDialog base_frame,e,type})\
- .pack('side'=>'left')
- }
- pack('fill'=>'x', 'padx'=>'1c', 'pady'=>3)
- }
-$tk_strictMotif = TkVarAccess.new('tk_strictMotif')
-if ($tk_platform['platform'] == 'unix')
- TkCheckButton.new(base_frame,
- 'text'=>'Use Motif Style Dialog',
- 'variable'=>$tk_strictMotif,
- 'onvalue'=>1, 'offvalue'=>0 ).pack('anchor'=>'c')
-def fileDialog(w,ent,operation)
- # Type names Extension(s) Mac File Type(s)
- #
- #--------------------------------------------------------
- types = [
- ['Text files', ['.txt','.doc'] ],
- ['Text files', [], 'TEXT' ],
- ['Ruby Scripts', ['.rb'], 'TEXT' ],
- ['Tcl Scripts', ['.tcl'], 'TEXT' ],
- ['C Source Files', ['.c','.h'] ],
- ['All Source Files', ['.rb','.tcl','.c','.h'] ],
- ['Image Files', ['.gif'] ],
- ['Image Files', ['.jpeg','.jpg'] ],
- ['Image Files', [], ['GIFF','JPEG']],
- ['All files', '*' ]
- ]
- if operation == 'open'
- file = Tk.getOpenFile('filetypes'=>types, 'parent'=>w)
- else
- file = Tk.getSaveFile('filetypes'=>types, 'parent'=>w,
- 'initialfile'=>'Untitled',
- 'defaultextension'=>'.txt')
- end
- if file != ""
- ent.delete 0, 'end'
- ent.insert 0, file
- # ent.xview 'end'
- Tk.update_idletasks # need this for Tk::Tile::Entry
- # (to find right position of 'xview').
- ent.xview(ent.index('end'))
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/floor.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/floor.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b77ea6a8a..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/floor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1724 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# floor.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a canvas widget that displays the
-# floorplan for DEC's Western Research Laboratory.
-# floorDisplay widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# floorDisplay --
-# Recreate the floorplan display in the canvas given by "w". The
-# floor given by "active" is displayed on top with its office structure
-# visible.
-# Arguments:
-# w - Name of the canvas window.
-# active - Number of active floor (1, 2, or 3).
-def floorDisplay(w,active)
- return if $activeFloor == active
- w.delete('all')
- $activeFloor = active
- # First go through the three floors, displaying the backgrounds for
- # each floor.
- floor_bg1(w,$floor_colors['bg1'],$floor_colors['outline1'])
- floor_bg2(w,$floor_colors['bg2'],$floor_colors['outline2'])
- floor_bg3(w,$floor_colors['bg3'],$floor_colors['outline3'])
- # Raise the background for the active floor so that it's on top.
- w.raise("floor#{active}")
- # Create a dummy item just to mark this point in the display list,
- # so we can insert highlights here.
- TkcRectangle.new(w,0,100,1,101, 'fill'=>'', 'outline'=>'', 'tags'=>'marker')
- # Add the walls and labels for the active floor, along with
- # transparent polygons that define the rooms on the floor.
- # Make sure that the room polygons are on top.
- $floorLabels.clear
- $floorItems.clear
- send("floor_fg#{active}", w, $floor_colors['offices'])
- w.raise('room')
- # Offset the floors diagonally from each other.
- w.move('floor1', '2c', '2c')
- w.move('floor2', '1c', '1c')
- # Create items for the room entry and its label.
- TkcWindow.new(w, 600, 100, 'anchor'=>'w', 'window'=>$floor_entry)
- TkcText.new(w, 600, 100, 'anchor'=>'e', 'text'=>"Room: ")
- w['scrollregion'] = w.bbox('all')
-# newRoom --
-# This method is invoked whenever the mouse enters a room
-# in the floorplan. It changes tags so that the current room is
-# highlighted.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The name of the canvas window.
-def newRoom(w)
- id = w.find_withtag('current')[0]
- $currentRoom.value = $floorLabels[id.id] if id != ""
- Tk.update(true)
-# roomChanged --
-# This method is invoked whenever the currentRoom variable changes.
-# It highlights the current room and unhighlights any previous room.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window displaying the floorplan.
-# args - Not used.
-def roomChanged(w,*args)
- w.delete('highlight')
- item = $floorItems[$currentRoom.value]
- return if item == nil
- new = TkcPolygon.new(w, *(w.coords(item)))
- new.configure('fill'=>$floor_colors['active'], 'tags'=>'highlight')
- w.raise(new, 'marker')
-# floor_bg1 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the background information for the first
-# floor.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# fill - Fill color to use for the floor's background.
-# outline - Color to use for the floor's outline.
-def floor_bg1(w,fill,outline)
- TkcPolygon.new(w,347,80,349,82,351,84,353,85,363,92,375,99,386,104,
- 386,129,398,129,398,162,484,162,484,129,559,129,559,133,725,
- 133,725,129,802,129,802,389,644,389,644,391,559,391,559,327,
- 508,327,508,311,484,311,484,278,395,278,395,288,400,288,404,
- 288,409,290,413,292,418,297,421,302,422,309,421,318,417,325,
- 411,330,405,332,397,333,344,333,340,334,336,336,335,338,332,
- 342,331,347,332,351,334,354,336,357,341,359,340,360,335,363,
- 331,365,326,366,304,366,304,355,258,355,258,387,60,387,60,391,
- 0,391,0,337,3,337,3,114,8,114,8,25,30,25,30,5,93,5,98,5,104,7,
- 110,10,116,16,119,20,122,28,123,32,123,68,220,68,220,34,221,
- 22,223,17,227,13,231,8,236,4,242,2,246,0,260,0,283,1,300,5,
- 321,14,335,22,348,25,365,29,363,39,358,48,352,56,337,70,
- 344,76,347,80, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'], 'fill'=>fill)
- TkcLine.new(w,386,129,398,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,355,258,387, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,387,60,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,0,337,0,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,3,114,3,337, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,387,60,387, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,162,398,162, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,162,398,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,278,484,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,311,508,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,508,327,508,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,559,327,508,327, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,644,391,559,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,644,389,644,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,559,129,484,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,162,484,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,725,133,559,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,559,129,559,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,725,129,802,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,802,389,802,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,3,337,0,337, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,559,391,559,327, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,802,389,644,389, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,725,133,725,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,8,25,8,114, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,8,114,3,114, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,30,25,8,25, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,278,395,278, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,30,25,30,5, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,93,5,30,5, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,98,5,93,5, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,104,7,98,5, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,110,10,104,7, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,116,16,110,10, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,119,20,116,16, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,122,28,119,20, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,123,32,122,28, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,123,68,123,32, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,220,68,123,68, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,386,129,386,104, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,386,104,375,99, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,375,99,363,92, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,353,85,363,92, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,220,68,220,34, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,337,70,352,56, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,352,56,358,48, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,358,48,363,39, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,363,39,365,29, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,365,29,348,25, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,348,25,335,22, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,335,22,321,14, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,321,14,300,5, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,300,5,283,1, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,283,1,260,0, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,260,0,246,0, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,246,0,242,2, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,242,2,236,4, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,236,4,231,8, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,231,8,227,13, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,223,17,227,13, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,221,22,223,17, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,220,34,221,22, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,360,335,363, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,335,363,331,365, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,331,365,326,366, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,326,366,304,366, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,304,355,304,366, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,395,288,400,288, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,404,288,400,288, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,409,290,404,288, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,413,292,409,290, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,418,297,413,292, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,421,302,418,297, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,422,309,421,302, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,421,318,422,309, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,421,318,417,325, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,417,325,411,330, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,411,330,405,332, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,405,332,397,333, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,397,333,344,333, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,344,333,340,334, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,334,336,336, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,336,336,335,338, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,335,338,332,342, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,331,347,332,342, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,332,351,331,347, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,334,354,332,351, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,336,357,334,354, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,341,359,336,357, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,341,359,340,360, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,395,288,395,278, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,304,355,258,355, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,347,80,344,76, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,344,76,337,70, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,349,82,347,80, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,351,84,349,82, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,353,85,351,84, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
-# floor_bg2 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the background information for the first
-# floor.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# fill - Fill color to use for the floor's background.
-# outline - Color to use for the floor's outline.
-def floor_bg2(w,fill,outline)
- TkcPolygon.new(w,559,129,484,129,484,162,398,162,398,129,315,129,
- 315,133,176,133,176,129,96,129,96,133,3,133,3,339,0,339,0,391,
- 60,391,60,387,258,387,258,329,350,329,350,311,395,311,395,280,
- 484,280,484,311,508,311,508,327,558,327,558,391,644,391,644,
- 367,802,367,802,129,725,129,725,133,559,133,559,129,
- 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'], 'fill'=>fill)
- TkcLine.new(w,350,311,350,329, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,129,398,162, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,802,367,802,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,802,129,725,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,725,133,725,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,559,129,559,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,559,133,725,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,162,484,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,559,129,484,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,802,367,644,367, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,644,367,644,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,644,391,558,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,558,327,558,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,558,327,508,327, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,508,327,508,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,311,508,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,280,484,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,162,484,162, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,280,395,280, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,395,280,395,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,387,60,387, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,3,133,3,339, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,3,339,0,339, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,0,339,0,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,387,60,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,329,258,387, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,350,329,258,329, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,395,311,350,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,129,315,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,133,315,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,129,96,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,3,133,96,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,315,133,315,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,133,176,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,96,133,96,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
-# floor_bg3 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the background information for the first
-# floor.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# fill - Fill color to use for the floor's background.
-# outline - Color to use for the floor's outline.
-def floor_bg3(w,fill,outline)
- TkcPolygon.new(w,159,300,107,300,107,248,159,248,159,129,96,129,96,
- 133,21,133,21,331,0,331,0,391,60,391,60,370,159,370,159,300,
- 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'], 'fill'=>fill)
- TkcPolygon.new(w,258,370,258,329,350,329,350,311,399,311,399,129,
- 315,129,315,133,176,133,176,129,159,129,159,370,258,370,
- 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'], 'fill'=>fill)
- TkcLine.new(w,96,133,96,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,129,96,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,129,176,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,315,133,176,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,315,133,315,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,399,129,315,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,399,311,399,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,399,311,350,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,350,329,350,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,350,329,258,329, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,370,258,329, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,370,258,370, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,370,60,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,0,391,0,331, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,21,331,0,331, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,21,331,21,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,96,133,21,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- TkcLine.new(w,107,300,159,300,159,248,107,248,107,300,
- 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
-# floor_fg1 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the foreground information for the first
-# floor (office outlines and numbers).
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# color - Color to use for drawing foreground information.
-def floor_fg1(w,color)
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,375,246,375,172,341,172,341,246,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '101'
- $floorItems['101'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,358,209, 'text'=>'101', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,307,240,339,240,339,206,307,206,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'Pub Lift1'
- $floorItems['Pub Lift1'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,323,223, 'text'=>'Pub Lift1', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,339,205,307,205,307,171,339,171,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'Priv Lift1'
- $floorItems['Priv Lift1'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,323,188, 'text'=>'Priv Lift1', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,42,389,42,337,1,337,1,389,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '110'
- $floorItems['110'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,21.5,363, 'text'=>'110', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,59,389,59,385,90,385,90,337,44,337,44,389,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '109'
- $floorItems['109'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,67,363, 'text'=>'109', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,51,300,51,253,6,253,6,300,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '111'
- $floorItems['111'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,28.5,276.5, 'text'=>'111', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,98,248,98,309,79,309,79,248,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '117B'
- $floorItems['117B'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,88.5,278.5, 'text'=>'117B', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,51,251,51,204,6,204,6,251,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '112'
- $floorItems['112'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,28.5,227.5, 'text'=>'112', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,6,156,51,156,51,203,6,203,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '113'
- $floorItems['113'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,28.5,179.5, 'text'=>'113', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,85,169,79,169,79,192,85,192,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '117A'
- $floorItems['117A'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,82,180.5, 'text'=>'117A', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,77,302,77,168,53,168,53,302,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '117'
- $floorItems['117'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,65,235, 'text'=>'117', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,51,155,51,115,6,115,6,155,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '114'
- $floorItems['114'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,28.5,135, 'text'=>'114', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,95,115,53,115,53,168,95,168,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '115'
- $floorItems['115'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,74,141.5, 'text'=>'115', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,87,113,87,27,10,27,10,113,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '116'
- $floorItems['116'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,48.5,70, 'text'=>'116', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,89,91,128,91,128,113,89,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '118'
- $floorItems['118'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,108.5,102, 'text'=>'118', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,178,128,178,132,216,132,216,91,
- 163,91,163,112,149,112,149,128,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '120'
- $floorItems['120'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,189.5,111.5, 'text'=>'120', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,79,193,87,193,87,169,136,169,136,192,
- 156,192,156,169,175,169,175,246,79,246,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '122'
- $floorItems['122'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,131,207.5, 'text'=>'122', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,138,169,154,169,154,191,138,191,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '121'
- $floorItems['121'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,146,180, 'text'=>'121', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,99,300,126,300,126,309,99,309,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '106A'
- $floorItems['106A'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,112.5,304.5, 'text'=>'106A', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,128,299,128,309,150,309,150,248,99,248,99,299,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '105'
- $floorItems['105'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,124.5,278.5, 'text'=>'105', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,174,309,174,300,152,300,152,309,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '106B'
- $floorItems['106B'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,163,304.5, 'text'=>'106B', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,176,299,176,309,216,309,216,248,152,248,152,299,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '104'
- $floorItems['104'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,184,278.5, 'text'=>'104', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,138,385,138,337,91,337,91,385,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '108'
- $floorItems['108'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,114.5,361, 'text'=>'108', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,256,337,140,337,140,385,256,385,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '107'
- $floorItems['107'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,198,361, 'text'=>'107', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,300,353,300,329,260,329,260,353,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'Smoking'
- $floorItems['Smoking'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,280,341, 'text'=>'Smoking', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,314,135,314,170,306,170,306,246,177,246,177,135,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '123'
- $floorItems['123'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,245.5,190.5, 'text'=>'123', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,217,248,301,248,301,326,257,326,257,310,217,310,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '103'
- $floorItems['103'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,259,287, 'text'=>'103', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,396,188,377,188,377,169,316,169,316,131,396,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '124'
- $floorItems['124'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,356,150, 'text'=>'124', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,397,226,407,226,407,189,377,189,377,246,397,246,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '125'
- $floorItems['125'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,392,217.5, 'text'=>'125', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,399,187,409,187,409,207,474,207,474,164,399,164,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '126'
- $floorItems['126'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,436.5,185.5, 'text'=>'126', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,409,209,409,229,399,229,399,253,
- 486,253,486,239,474,239,474,209,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '127'
- $floorItems['127'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,436.5,'231', 'text'=>'127', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,501,164,501,174,495,174,495,188,
- 490,188,490,204,476,204,476,164,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'MShower'
- $floorItems['MShower'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,488.5,'184', 'text'=>'MShower', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,497,176,513,176,513,204,492,204,492,190,497,190,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'Closet'
- $floorItems['Closet'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,502.5,190, 'text'=>'Closet', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,476,237,476,206,513,206,513,254,488,254,488,237,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'WShower'
- $floorItems['WShower'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,494.5,230, 'text'=>'WShower', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,486,131,558,131,558,135,724,135,724,166,
- 697,166,697,275,553,275,531,254,515,254,
- 515,174,503,174,503,161,486,161,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '130'
- $floorItems['130'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,638.5,205, 'text'=>'130', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,308,242,339,242,339,248,342,248,
- 342,246,397,246,397,276,393,276,
- 393,309,300,309,300,248,308,248,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '102'
- $floorItems['102'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,367.5,278.5, 'text'=>'102', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,397,255,486,255,486,276,397,276,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '128'
- $floorItems['128'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,441.5,265.5, 'text'=>'128', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,510,309,486,309,486,255,530,255,
- 552,277,561,277,561,325,510,325,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '129'
- $floorItems['129'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,535.5,293, 'text'=>'129', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,696,281,740,281,740,387,642,387,
- 642,389,561,389,561,277,696,277,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '133'
- $floorItems['133'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,628.5,335, 'text'=>'133', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,742,387,742,281,800,281,800,387,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '132'
- $floorItems['132'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,771,334, 'text'=>'132', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,800,168,800,280,699,280,699,168,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '134'
- $floorItems['134'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,749.5,224, 'text'=>'134', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,726,131,726,166,800,166,800,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '135'
- $floorItems['135'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,763,148.5, 'text'=>'135', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,340,360,335,363,331,365,326,366,304,366,
- 304,312,396,312,396,288,400,288,404,288,
- 409,290,413,292,418,297,421,302,422,309,
- 421,318,417,325,411,330,405,332,397,333,
- 344,333,340,334,336,336,335,338,332,342,
- 331,347,332,351,334,354,336,357,341,359,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'Ramona Stair'
- $floorItems['Ramona Stair'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,368,323, 'text'=>'Ramona Stair', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,30,23,30,5,93,5,98,5,104,7,110,10,116,16,119,20,
- 122,28,123,32,123,68,220,68,220,87,90,87,90,23,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'University Stair'
- $floorItems['University Stair'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,155,77.5, 'text'=>'University Stair', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,282,37,295,40,312,49,323,56,337,70,352,56,
- 358,48,363,39,365,29,348,25,335,22,321,14,
- 300,5,283,1,260,0,246,0,242,2,236,4,231,8,
- 227,13,223,17,221,22,220,34,260,34,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'Plaza Stair'
- $floorItems['Plaza Stair'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,317.5,28.5, 'text'=>'Plaza Stair', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,220,34,260,34,282,37,295,40,312,49,
- 323,56,337,70,350,83,365,94,377,100,
- 386,104,386,128,220,128,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'Plaza Deck'
- $floorItems['Plaza Deck'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,303,81, 'text'=>'Plaza Deck', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,257,336,77,336,6,336,6,301,77,301,77,310,257,310,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '106'
- $floorItems['106'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,131.5,318.5, 'text'=>'106', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,146,110,162,110,162,91,130,91,130,115,95,115,
- 95,128,114,128,114,151,157,151,157,153,112,153,
- 112,130,97,130,97,168,175,168,175,131,146,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '119'
- $floorItems['119'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,143.5,133, 'text'=>'119', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- TkcLine.new(w,155,191,155,189, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,155,177,155,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,96,129,96,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,78,169,176,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,247,176,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,206,307,206, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,187,340,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,210,340,201, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,247,340,224, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,241,307,241, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,376,246,376,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,307,247,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,376,170,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,315,129,315,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,147,129,176,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,202,133,176,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,129,315,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,352,258,387, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,387,60,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,0,337,0,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,3,114,3,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,387,60,387, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,237,52,273, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,189,52,225, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,140,52,177, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,395,306,395,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,531,254,398,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,475,178,475,238, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,502,162,398,162, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,129,398,188, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,383,188,376,188, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,408,188,408,194, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,227,398,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,408,227,398,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,408,222,408,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,408,206,408,210, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,408,208,475,208, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,278,484,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,311,508,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,508,327,508,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,559,327,508,327, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,644,391,559,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,644,389,644,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,514,205,475,205, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,496,189,496,187, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,559,129,484,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,162,484,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,725,133,559,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,559,129,559,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,725,149,725,167, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,725,129,802,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,802,389,802,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,739,167,802,167, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,396,188,408,188, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,0,337,9,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,58,337,21,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,43,391,43,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,105,337,75,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,91,387,91,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,154,337,117,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,139,387,139,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,227,337,166,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,337,251,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,328,302,328, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,302,355,302,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,395,311,302,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,278,395,278, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,395,294,395,278, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,473,278,473,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,473,256,473,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,533,257,531,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,553,276,551,274, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,698,276,553,276, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,559,391,559,327, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,802,389,644,389, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,741,314,741,389, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,698,280,698,167, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,707,280,698,280, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,802,280,731,280, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,741,280,741,302, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,698,167,727,167, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,725,137,725,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,514,254,514,175, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,496,175,514,175, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,502,175,502,162, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,475,166,475,162, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,496,176,496,175, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,491,189,496,189, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,491,205,491,189, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,487,238,475,238, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,487,240,487,238, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,487,252,487,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,315,133,304,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,256,133,280,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,78,247,270,247, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,307,247,294,247, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,214,133,232,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,217,247,217,266, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,217,309,217,291, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,217,309,172,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,154,309,148,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,175,300,175,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,151,300,175,300, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,151,247,151,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,78,237,78,265, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,78,286,78,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,106,309,78,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,130,309,125,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,99,309,99,247, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,127,299,99,299, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,127,309,127,299, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,155,191,137,191, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,137,169,137,191, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,78,171,78,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,78,190,78,218, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,86,192,86,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,86,192,78,192, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,301,3,301, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,286,52,301, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,252,3,252, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,203,3,203, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,3,156,52,156, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,8,25,8,114, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,63,114,3,114, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,75,114,97,114, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,108,114,129,114, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,129,114,129,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,114,52,128, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,132,89,88,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,88,25,88,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,88,114,88,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,218,89,144,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,147,111,147,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,162,111,147,111, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,162,109,162,111, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,162,96,162,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,218,89,218,94, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,218,89,218,119, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,8,25,88,25, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,337,258,328, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,113,129,96,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,302,355,258,355, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,386,104,386,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,377,100,386,104, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,365,94,377,100, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,350,83,365,94, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,337,70,350,83, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,337,70,323,56, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,312,49,323,56, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,295,40,312,49, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,282,37,295,40, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,260,34,282,37, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,253,34,260,34, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,386,128,386,104, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,113,152,156,152, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,113,152,156,152, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,113,152,113,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
-# floor_fg2 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the foreground information for the second
-# floor (office outlines and numbers).
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# color - Color to use for drawing foreground information.
-def floor_fg2(w,color)
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,748,188,755,188,755,205,758,205,758,222,
- 800,222,800,168,748,168,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '238'
- $floorItems['238'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,774,195, 'text'=>'238', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,726,188,746,188,746,166,800,166,800,131,726,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '237'
- $floorItems['237'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,763,148.5, 'text'=>'237', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,497,187,497,204,559,204,559,324,641,324,
- 643,324,643,291,641,291,641,205,696,205,
- 696,291,694,291,694,314,715,314,715,291,
- 715,205,755,205,755,190,724,190,724,187,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '246'
- $floorItems['246'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,600,264, 'text'=>'246', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,694,279,643,279,643,314,694,314,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 559,274,482,274,482,278,396,278,396,274,232,274,
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 306,196,306,180,175,180,175,169,156,169,
- 156,196,176,196,176,228,
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- TkcLine.new(w,558,327,508,327, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,558,275,484,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,558,302,558,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,508,327,508,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,311,508,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,275,484,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,475,208,408,208, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,408,206,408,210, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,408,222,408,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,408,227,398,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,227,398,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,408,188,408,194, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,383,188,376,188, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,188,398,162, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,162,484,162, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,475,162,475,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,254,475,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,484,280,395,280, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,395,311,395,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,307,197,293,197, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,278,197,233,197, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,233,197,233,249, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,307,179,284,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,233,249,278,249, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,269,179,269,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,220,179,220,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,155,191,110,191, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,90,190,98,190, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,98,169,98,190, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,133,52,165, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,214,52,177, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,226,52,262, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,274,52,276, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,234,275,234,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,226,339,258,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,211,387,211,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,214,339,177,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,387,60,387, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,3,133,3,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,165,339,129,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,117,339,80,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,68,339,59,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,0,339,46,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,0,339,0,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,387,60,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,329,258,387, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,350,329,258,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,395,311,350,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,398,129,315,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,133,315,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,129,96,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,3,133,96,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,66,387,66,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,115,387,115,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,163,387,163,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,234,275,276,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,288,275,309,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,298,275,298,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,341,283,350,283, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,321,275,341,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,375,275,395,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,315,129,315,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,376,170,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,307,250,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,376,245,376,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,241,307,241, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,245,340,224, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,210,340,201, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,187,340,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,206,307,206, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,293,250,307,250, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,271,179,238,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,226,179,195,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,129,176,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,182,179,176,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,174,169,176,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,162,169,90,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,96,169,96,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,175,227,90,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,90,190,90,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,179,3,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,228,3,228, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,276,3,276, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,155,177,155,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,110,191,110,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,155,189,155,197, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,350,283,350,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,162,197,155,197, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,341,275,341,283, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
-# floor_fg3 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the foreground information for the third
-# floor (office outlines and numbers).
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# color - Color to use for drawing foreground information.
-def floor_fg3(w,color)
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,89,228,89,180,70,180,70,228,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '316'
- $floorItems['316'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,79.5,204, 'text'=>'316', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,115,368,162,368,162,323,115,323,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '309'
- $floorItems['309'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,138.5,345.5, 'text'=>'309', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,164,323,164,368,211,368,211,323,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '308'
- $floorItems['308'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,187.5,345.5, 'text'=>'308', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,256,368,212,368,212,323,256,323,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '307'
- $floorItems['307'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,234,345.5, 'text'=>'307', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,244,276,297,276,297,327,260,327,260,321,244,321,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '305'
- $floorItems['305'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,270.5,301.5, 'text'=>'305', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,251,219,251,203,244,203,244,219,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '324B'
- $floorItems['324B'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,247.5,211, 'text'=>'324B', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,251,249,244,249,244,232,251,232,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '324A'
- $floorItems['324A'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,247.5,240.5, 'text'=>'324A', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,223,135,223,179,177,179,177,135,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '320'
- $floorItems['320'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,200,157, 'text'=>'320', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,114,368,114,323,67,323,67,368,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '310'
- $floorItems['310'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,90.5,345.5, 'text'=>'310', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,23,277,23,321,68,321,68,277,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '312'
- $floorItems['312'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,45.5,299, 'text'=>'312', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,23,229,68,229,68,275,23,275,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '313'
- $floorItems['313'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,45.5,252, 'text'=>'313', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,68,227,23,227,23,180,68,180,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '314'
- $floorItems['314'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,40.5,203.5, 'text'=>'314', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,95,179,95,135,23,135,23,179,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '315'
- $floorItems['315'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,59,157, 'text'=>'315', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,99,226,99,204,91,204,91,226,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '316B'
- $floorItems['316B'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,95,215, 'text'=>'316B', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,91,202,99,202,99,180,91,180,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '316A'
- $floorItems['316A'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,95,191, 'text'=>'316A', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,97,169,109,169,109,192,154,192,154,198,
- 174,198,174,226,101,226,101,179,97,179,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '319'
- $floorItems['319'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,141.5,209, 'text'=>'319', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,65,368,58,368,58,389,1,389,1,333,23,333,23,323,65,323,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '311'
- $floorItems['311'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,29.5,361, 'text'=>'311', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,154,191,111,191,111,169,154,169,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '318'
- $floorItems['318'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,132.5,180, 'text'=>'318', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,175,168,97,168,97,131,175,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '317'
- $floorItems['317'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,136,149.5, 'text'=>'317', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,274,194,274,221,306,221,306,194,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '323'
- $floorItems['323'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,290,207.5, 'text'=>'323', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,306,222,274,222,274,249,306,249,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '325'
- $floorItems['325'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,290,235.5, 'text'=>'325', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,263,179,224,179,224,135,263,135,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '321'
- $floorItems['321'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,243.5,157, 'text'=>'321', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,314,169,306,169,306,192,273,192,
- 264,181,264,135,314,135,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '322'
- $floorItems['322'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,293.5,163.5, 'text'=>'322', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,307,240,339,240,339,206,307,206,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'Pub Lift3'
- $floorItems['Pub Lift3'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,323,223, 'text'=>'Pub Lift3', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,339,205,307,205,307,171,339,171,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = 'Priv Lift3'
- $floorItems['Priv Lift3'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,323,188, 'text'=>'Priv Lift3', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,350,284,376,284,376,276,397,276,397,309,350,309,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '303'
- $floorItems['303'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,373.5,292.5, 'text'=>'303', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,272,203,272,249,252,249,252,230,
- 244,230,244,221,252,221,252,203,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '324'
- $floorItems['324'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,262,226, 'text'=>'324', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,299,276,299,327,349,327,349,284,341,284,341,276,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '304'
- $floorItems['304'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,324,301.5, 'text'=>'304', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,375,246,375,172,341,172,341,246,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '301'
- $floorItems['301'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,358,209, 'text'=>'301', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,397,246,377,246,377,185,397,185,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '327'
- $floorItems['327'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,387,215.5, 'text'=>'327', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,316,131,316,169,377,169,377,185,397,185,397,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '326'
- $floorItems['326'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,365.5,150, 'text'=>'326', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,308,251,242,251,242,274,342,274,342,282,375, 282,
- 375,274,397,274,397,248,339,248,339,242,308,242,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '302'
- $floorItems['302'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,319.5,261, 'text'=>'302', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,70,321,242,321,242,200,259,200,259,203,272,203,
- 272,193,263,180,242,180,175,180,175,169,156,169,
- 156,196,177,196,177,228,107,228,70,228,70,275,107,275,
- 107,248,160,248,160,301,107,301,107,275,70,275,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels[i.id] = '306'
- $floorItems['306'] = i
- TkcText.new(w,200.5,284.5, 'text'=>'306', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- TkcLine.new(w,341,275,341,283, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,162,197,155,197, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,396,247,399,247, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,399,129,399,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,202,243,202, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,350,283,350,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,251,231,243,231, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,243,220,251,220, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,243,250,243,202, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,155,197,155,190, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,110,192,110,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,155,192,110,192, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,155,177,155,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,197,176,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,69,280,69,274, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,21,276,69,276, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,69,262,69,226, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,21,228,69,228, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,21,179,75,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,69,179,69,214, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,90,220,90,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,90,204,90,202, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,90,203,100,203, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,90,187,90,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,90,227,176,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,100,179,100,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,100,179,87,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,96,179,96,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,162,169,96,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,173,169,176,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,182,179,176,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,129,176,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,195,179,226,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,224,133,224,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,264,179,264,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,238,179,264,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,273,207,273,193, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,273,235,273,250, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,273,224,273,219, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,273,193,307,193, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,273,222,307,222, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,273,250,307,250, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,384,247,376,247, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,206,307,206, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,187,340,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,210,340,201, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,247,340,224, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,340,241,307,241, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,376,247,376,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,307,250,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,376,170,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,315,129,315,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,376,283,366,283, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,376,283,376,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,399,275,376,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,341,275,320,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,341,283,350,283, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,298,275,298,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,308,275,298,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,243,322,243,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,243,275,284,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,322,226,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,212,370,212,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,214,322,177,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,163,370,163,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,165,322,129,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,84,322,117,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,71,322,64,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,115,322,115,370, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,66,322,66,370, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,52,322,21,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,21,331,0,331, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,21,331,21,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,96,133,21,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,176,129,96,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,315,133,176,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,315,129,399,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,399,311,350,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,350,329,258,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,322,258,370, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,370,258,370, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,370,60,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,0,391,0,331, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,307,250,307,242, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,273,250,307,250, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- TkcLine.new(w,258,250,243,250, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
-# Below is the "main program" that creates the floorplan demonstration.
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($floor_demo) && $floor_demo
- $floor_demo.destroy
- $floor_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$floor_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Floorplan Canvas Demonstration")
- iconname("Floorplan")
- positionWindow(w)
- geometry('+20+20')
- minsize(100,100)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($floor_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'font'=>$font, 'wraplength'=>'8i', 'justify'=>'left',
- 'text'=>"This window contains a canvas widget showing the floorplan of Digital Equipment Corporation's Western Research Laboratory. It has three levels. At any given time one of the levels is active, meaning that you can see its room structure. To activate a level, click the left mouse button anywhere on it. As the mouse moves over the active level, the room under the mouse lights up and its room number appears in the \"Room:\" entry. You can also type a room number in the entry and the room will light up."){
- pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-$floor_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $floor_demo
- $floor_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'floor'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-$floor_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-$floorLabels = {}
-$floorItems = {}
-# canvas
-if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- $floor_canvas_frame = TkFrame.new(base_frame,'bd'=>2,'relief'=>'sunken',
- 'highlightthickness'=>2)
- $floor_canvas = TkCanvas.new($floor_canvas_frame,
- 'width'=>900, 'height'=>500, 'borderwidth'=>0,
- 'highlightthickness'=>0) {|c|
- TkScrollbar.new(base_frame, 'orient'=>'horiz',
- 'command'=>proc{|*args| c.xview(*args)}){|hs|
- c.xscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| hs.set first,last})
- pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x')
- }
- TkScrollbar.new(base_frame, 'command'=>proc{|*args| c.yview(*args)}){|vs|
- c.yscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| vs.set first,last})
- pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- }
- }
- $floor_canvas_frame.pack('side'=>'top','fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes')
- $floor_canvas.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|f|
- pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes')
- h = TkScrollbar.new(f, 'highlightthickness'=>0, 'orient'=>'horizontal')
- v = TkScrollbar.new(f, 'highlightthickness'=>0, 'orient'=>'vertical')
- TkFrame.new(f, 'bd'=>2, 'relief'=>'sunken') {|f1|
- $floor_canvas = TkCanvas.new(f1, 'width'=>900, 'height'=>500,
- 'borderwidth'=>0,
- 'highlightthickness'=>0) {
- xscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| h.set first,last})
- yscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| v.set first,last})
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- }
- grid('padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- }
- v.grid('padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>1,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- h.grid('padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>1, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both', 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1)
- v.command(proc{|*args| $floor_canvas.yview(*args)})
- h.command(proc{|*args| $floor_canvas.xview(*args)})
- }
-# Create an entry for displaying and typing in current room.
-$currentRoom = TkVariable.new
-$floor_entry = TkEntry.new($floor_canvas, 'width'=>10, 'relief'=>'sunken',
- 'bd'=>2, 'textvariable'=>$currentRoom)
-# Choose colors, then fill in the floorplan.
-$floor_colors = {}
-if TkWinfo.depth($floor_canvas) > 1
- $floor_colors['bg1'] = '#a9c1da'
- $floor_colors['outline1'] = '#77889a'
- $floor_colors['bg2'] = '#9ab0c6'
- $floor_colors['outline2'] = '#687786'
- $floor_colors['bg3'] = '#8ba0b3'
- $floor_colors['outline3'] = '#596673'
- $floor_colors['offices'] = 'Black'
- $floor_colors['active'] = '#c4d1df'
- $floor_colors['bg1'] = 'white'
- $floor_colors['outline1'] = 'black'
- $floor_colors['bg2'] = 'white'
- $floor_colors['outline2'] = 'black'
- $floor_colors['bg3'] = 'white'
- $floor_colors['outline3'] = 'black'
- $floor_colors['offices'] = 'Black'
- $floor_colors['active'] = 'black'
-$activeFloor = ''
-floorDisplay $floor_canvas,3
-# Set up event bindings for canvas:
-$floor_canvas.itembind('floor1', '1', proc{floorDisplay $floor_canvas,1})
-$floor_canvas.itembind('floor2', '1', proc{floorDisplay $floor_canvas,2})
-$floor_canvas.itembind('floor3', '1', proc{floorDisplay $floor_canvas,3})
-$floor_canvas.itembind('room', 'Enter', proc{newRoom $floor_canvas})
-$floor_canvas.itembind('room', 'Leave', proc{$currentRoom.value = ''})
-$floor_canvas.bind('2', proc{|x,y| $floor_canvas.scan_mark x,y}, '%x %y')
- proc{|x,y| $floor_canvas.scan_dragto x,y}, '%x %y')
-$floor_canvas.bind('Destroy', proc{$currentRoom.unset})
-$currentRoom.value = ''
-$currentRoom.trace('w',proc{roomChanged $floor_canvas})
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/floor2.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/floor2.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 518dd3b0fd..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/floor2.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1723 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-%# floor2.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a canvas widget that displays the
-# floorplan for DEC's Western Research Laboratory.
-# floorDisplay widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# floorDisplay2 --
-# Recreate the floorplan display in the canvas given by "w". The
-# floor given by "active" is displayed on top with its office structure
-# visible.
-# Arguments:
-# w - Name of the canvas window.
-# active - Number of active floor (1, 2, or 3).
-def floorDisplay2(w,active)
- return if $activeFloor2 == active
- w.delete('all')
- $activeFloor2 = active
- # First go through the three floors, displaying the backgrounds for
- # each floor.
- floor2_bg1(w,$floor2_colors['bg1'],$floor2_colors['outline1'])
- floor2_bg2(w,$floor2_colors['bg2'],$floor2_colors['outline2'])
- floor2_bg3(w,$floor2_colors['bg3'],$floor2_colors['outline3'])
- # Raise the background for the active floor so that it's on top.
- w.raise("floor#{active}")
- # Create a dummy item just to mark this point in the display list,
- # so we can insert highlights here.
- w.create(TkcRectangle,0,100,1,101,'fill'=>'','outline'=>'','tags'=>'marker')
- # Add the walls and labels for the active floor, along with
- # transparent polygons that define the rooms on the floor.
- # Make sure that the room polygons are on top.
- $floorLabels2.clear
- $floorItems2.clear
- send("floor2_fg#{active}", w, $floor2_colors['offices'])
- w.raise('room')
- # Offset the floors diagonally from each other.
- w.move('floor1', '2c', '2c')
- w.move('floor2', '1c', '1c')
- # Create items for the room entry and its label.
- w.create(TkcWindow, 600, 100, 'anchor'=>'w', 'window'=>$floor2_entry)
- w.create(TkcText, 600, 100, 'anchor'=>'e', 'text'=>"Room: ")
- w['scrollregion'] = w.bbox('all')
-# newRoom2 --
-# This method is invoked whenever the mouse enters a room
-# in the floorplan. It changes tags so that the current room is
-# highlighted.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The name of the canvas window.
-def newRoom2(w)
- id = w.find_withtag('current')[0]
- $currentRoom2.value = $floorLabels2[id.id] if id != ""
- Tk.update(true)
-# roomChanged2 --
-# This method is invoked whenever the currentRoom variable changes.
-# It highlights the current room and unhighlights any previous room.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window displaying the floorplan.
-# args - Not used.
-def roomChanged2(w,*args)
- w.delete('highlight')
- item = $floorItems2[$currentRoom2.value]
- return if item == nil
- new = TkcPolygon.new(w, *(w.coords(item)))
- new.configure('fill'=>$floor2_colors['active'], 'tags'=>'highlight')
- w.raise(new, 'marker')
-# floor2_bg1 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the background information for the first
-# floor.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# fill - Fill color to use for the floor's background.
-# outline - Color to use for the floor's outline.
-def floor2_bg1(w,fill,outline)
- w.create(TkcPolygon,347,80,349,82,351,84,353,85,363,92,375,99,386,104,
- 386,129,398,129,398,162,484,162,484,129,559,129,559,133,725,
- 133,725,129,802,129,802,389,644,389,644,391,559,391,559,327,
- 508,327,508,311,484,311,484,278,395,278,395,288,400,288,404,
- 288,409,290,413,292,418,297,421,302,422,309,421,318,417,325,
- 411,330,405,332,397,333,344,333,340,334,336,336,335,338,332,
- 342,331,347,332,351,334,354,336,357,341,359,340,360,335,363,
- 331,365,326,366,304,366,304,355,258,355,258,387,60,387,60,391,
- 0,391,0,337,3,337,3,114,8,114,8,25,30,25,30,5,93,5,98,5,104,7,
- 110,10,116,16,119,20,122,28,123,32,123,68,220,68,220,34,221,
- 22,223,17,227,13,231,8,236,4,242,2,246,0,260,0,283,1,300,5,
- 321,14,335,22,348,25,365,29,363,39,358,48,352,56,337,70,
- 344,76,347,80, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'], 'fill'=>fill)
- w.create(TkcLine,386,129,398,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,355,258,387, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,387,60,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,0,337,0,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,3,114,3,337, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,387,60,387, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,162,398,162, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,162,398,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,278,484,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,311,508,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,508,327,508,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,559,327,508,327, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,644,391,559,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,644,389,644,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,559,129,484,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,162,484,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,725,133,559,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,559,129,559,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,725,129,802,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,802,389,802,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,3,337,0,337, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,559,391,559,327, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,802,389,644,389, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,725,133,725,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,8,25,8,114, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,8,114,3,114, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,30,25,8,25, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,278,395,278, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,30,25,30,5, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,93,5,30,5, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,98,5,93,5, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,104,7,98,5, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,110,10,104,7, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,116,16,110,10, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,119,20,116,16, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,122,28,119,20, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,123,32,122,28, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,123,68,123,32, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,220,68,123,68, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,386,129,386,104, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,386,104,375,99, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,375,99,363,92, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,353,85,363,92, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,220,68,220,34, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,337,70,352,56, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,352,56,358,48, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,358,48,363,39, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,363,39,365,29, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,365,29,348,25, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,348,25,335,22, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,335,22,321,14, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,321,14,300,5, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,300,5,283,1, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,283,1,260,0, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,260,0,246,0, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,246,0,242,2, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,242,2,236,4, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,236,4,231,8, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,231,8,227,13, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,223,17,227,13, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,221,22,223,17, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,220,34,221,22, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,360,335,363, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,335,363,331,365, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,331,365,326,366, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,326,366,304,366, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,304,355,304,366, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,395,288,400,288, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,404,288,400,288, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,409,290,404,288, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,413,292,409,290, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,418,297,413,292, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,421,302,418,297, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,422,309,421,302, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,421,318,422,309, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,421,318,417,325, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,417,325,411,330, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,411,330,405,332, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,405,332,397,333, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,397,333,344,333, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,344,333,340,334, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,334,336,336, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,336,336,335,338, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,335,338,332,342, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,331,347,332,342, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,332,351,331,347, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,334,354,332,351, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,336,357,334,354, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,341,359,336,357, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,341,359,340,360, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,395,288,395,278, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,304,355,258,355, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,347,80,344,76, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,344,76,337,70, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,349,82,347,80, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,351,84,349,82, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,353,85,351,84, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor1','bg'])
-# floor2_bg2 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the background information for the first
-# floor.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# fill - Fill color to use for the floor's background.
-# outline - Color to use for the floor's outline.
-def floor2_bg2(w,fill,outline)
- w.create(TkcPolygon,559,129,484,129,484,162,398,162,398,129,315,129,
- 315,133,176,133,176,129,96,129,96,133,3,133,3,339,0,339,0,391,
- 60,391,60,387,258,387,258,329,350,329,350,311,395,311,395,280,
- 484,280,484,311,508,311,508,327,558,327,558,391,644,391,644,
- 367,802,367,802,129,725,129,725,133,559,133,559,129,
- 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'], 'fill'=>fill)
- w.create(TkcLine,350,311,350,329, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,129,398,162, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,802,367,802,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,802,129,725,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,725,133,725,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,559,129,559,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,559,133,725,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,162,484,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,559,129,484,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,802,367,644,367, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,644,367,644,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,644,391,558,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,558,327,558,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,558,327,508,327, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,508,327,508,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,311,508,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,280,484,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,162,484,162, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,280,395,280, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,395,280,395,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,387,60,387, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,3,133,3,339, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,3,339,0,339, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,0,339,0,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,387,60,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,329,258,387, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,350,329,258,329, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,395,311,350,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,129,315,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,133,315,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,129,96,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,3,133,96,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,315,133,315,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,133,176,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,96,133,96,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor2','bg'])
-# floor2_bg3 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the background information for the first
-# floor.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# fill - Fill color to use for the floor's background.
-# outline - Color to use for the floor's outline.
-def floor2_bg3(w,fill,outline)
- w.create(TkcPolygon,159,300,107,300,107,248,159,248,159,129,96,129,96,
- 133,21,133,21,331,0,331,0,391,60,391,60,370,159,370,159,300,
- 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'], 'fill'=>fill)
- w.create(TkcPolygon,258,370,258,329,350,329,350,311,399,311,399,129,
- 315,129,315,133,176,133,176,129,159,129,159,370,258,370,
- 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'], 'fill'=>fill)
- w.create(TkcLine,96,133,96,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,129,96,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,129,176,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,315,133,176,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,315,133,315,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,399,129,315,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,399,311,399,129, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,399,311,350,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,350,329,350,311, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,350,329,258,329, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,370,258,329, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,370,258,370, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,370,60,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,0,391,0,331, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,21,331,0,331, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,21,331,21,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,96,133,21,133, 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
- w.create(TkcLine,107,300,159,300,159,248,107,248,107,300,
- 'fill'=>outline, 'tags'=>['floor3','bg'])
-# floor2_fg1 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the foreground information for the first
-# floor (office outlines and numbers).
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# color - Color to use for drawing foreground information.
-def floor2_fg1(w,color)
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,375,246,375,172,341,172,341,246,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '101'
- $floorItems2['101'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,358,209, 'text'=>'101', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,307,240,339,240,339,206,307,206,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'Pub Lift1'
- $floorItems2['Pub Lift1'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,323,223, 'text'=>'Pub Lift1', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,339,205,307,205,307,171,339,171,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'Priv Lift1'
- $floorItems2['Priv Lift1'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,323,188, 'text'=>'Priv Lift1', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,42,389,42,337,1,337,1,389,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '110'
- $floorItems2['110'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,21.5,363, 'text'=>'110', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,59,389,59,385,90,385,90,337,44,337,44,389,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '109'
- $floorItems2['109'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,67,363, 'text'=>'109', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,51,300,51,253,6,253,6,300,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '111'
- $floorItems2['111'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,28.5,276.5, 'text'=>'111', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,98,248,98,309,79,309,79,248,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '117B'
- $floorItems2['117B'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,88.5,278.5, 'text'=>'117B', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,51,251,51,204,6,204,6,251,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '112'
- $floorItems2['112'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,28.5,227.5, 'text'=>'112', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,6,156,51,156,51,203,6,203,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '113'
- $floorItems2['113'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,28.5,179.5, 'text'=>'113', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,85,169,79,169,79,192,85,192,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '117A'
- $floorItems2['117A'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,82,180.5, 'text'=>'117A', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,77,302,77,168,53,168,53,302,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '117'
- $floorItems2['117'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,65,235, 'text'=>'117', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,51,155,51,115,6,115,6,155,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '114'
- $floorItems2['114'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,28.5,135, 'text'=>'114', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,95,115,53,115,53,168,95,168,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '115'
- $floorItems2['115'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,74,141.5, 'text'=>'115', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,87,113,87,27,10,27,10,113,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '116'
- $floorItems2['116'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,48.5,70, 'text'=>'116', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,89,91,128,91,128,113,89,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '118'
- $floorItems2['118'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,108.5,102, 'text'=>'118', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,178,128,178,132,216,132,216,91,
- 163,91,163,112,149,112,149,128,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '120'
- $floorItems2['120'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,189.5,111.5, 'text'=>'120', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,79,193,87,193,87,169,136,169,136,192,
- 156,192,156,169,175,169,175,246,79,246,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '122'
- $floorItems2['122'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,131,207.5, 'text'=>'122', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,138,169,154,169,154,191,138,191,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '121'
- $floorItems2['121'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,146,180, 'text'=>'121', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,99,300,126,300,126,309,99,309,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '106A'
- $floorItems2['106A'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,112.5,304.5, 'text'=>'106A', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,128,299,128,309,150,309,150,248,99,248,99,299,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '105'
- $floorItems2['105'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,124.5,278.5, 'text'=>'105', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,174,309,174,300,152,300,152,309,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '106B'
- $floorItems2['106B'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,163,304.5, 'text'=>'106B', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,176,299,176,309,216,309,216,248,152,248,152,299,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '104'
- $floorItems2['104'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,184,278.5, 'text'=>'104', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,138,385,138,337,91,337,91,385,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '108'
- $floorItems2['108'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,114.5,361, 'text'=>'108', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,256,337,140,337,140,385,256,385,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '107'
- $floorItems2['107'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,198,361, 'text'=>'107', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,300,353,300,329,260,329,260,353,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'Smoking'
- $floorItems2['Smoking'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,280,341, 'text'=>'Smoking', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,314,135,314,170,306,170,306,246,177,246,177,135,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '123'
- $floorItems2['123'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,245.5,190.5, 'text'=>'123', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,217,248,301,248,301,326,257,326,257,310,217,310,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '103'
- $floorItems2['103'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,259,287, 'text'=>'103', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,396,188,377,188,377,169,316,169,316,131,396,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '124'
- $floorItems2['124'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,356,150, 'text'=>'124', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,397,226,407,226,407,189,377,189,377,246,397,246,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '125'
- $floorItems2['125'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,392,217.5, 'text'=>'125', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,399,187,409,187,409,207,474,207,474,164,399,164,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '126'
- $floorItems2['126'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,436.5,185.5, 'text'=>'126', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,409,209,409,229,399,229,399,253,
- 486,253,486,239,474,239,474,209,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '127'
- $floorItems2['127'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,436.5,'231', 'text'=>'127', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,501,164,501,174,495,174,495,188,
- 490,188,490,204,476,204,476,164,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'MShower'
- $floorItems2['MShower'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,488.5,'184', 'text'=>'MShower', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,497,176,513,176,513,204,492,204,492,190,497,190,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'Closet'
- $floorItems2['Closet'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,502.5,190, 'text'=>'Closet', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,476,237,476,206,513,206,513,254,488,254,488,237,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'WShower'
- $floorItems2['WShower'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,494.5,230, 'text'=>'WShower', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,486,131,558,131,558,135,724,135,724,166,
- 697,166,697,275,553,275,531,254,515,254,
- 515,174,503,174,503,161,486,161,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '130'
- $floorItems2['130'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,638.5,205, 'text'=>'130', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,308,242,339,242,339,248,342,248,
- 342,246,397,246,397,276,393,276,
- 393,309,300,309,300,248,308,248,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '102'
- $floorItems2['102'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,367.5,278.5, 'text'=>'102', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,397,255,486,255,486,276,397,276,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '128'
- $floorItems2['128'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,441.5,265.5, 'text'=>'128', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,510,309,486,309,486,255,530,255,
- 552,277,561,277,561,325,510,325,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '129'
- $floorItems2['129'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,535.5,293, 'text'=>'129', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,696,281,740,281,740,387,642,387,
- 642,389,561,389,561,277,696,277,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '133'
- $floorItems2['133'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,628.5,335, 'text'=>'133', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,742,387,742,281,800,281,800,387,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '132'
- $floorItems2['132'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,771,334, 'text'=>'132', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,800,168,800,280,699,280,699,168,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '134'
- $floorItems2['134'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,749.5,224, 'text'=>'134', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,726,131,726,166,800,166,800,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '135'
- $floorItems2['135'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,763,148.5, 'text'=>'135', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,340,360,335,363,331,365,326,366,304,366,
- 304,312,396,312,396,288,400,288,404,288,
- 409,290,413,292,418,297,421,302,422,309,
- 421,318,417,325,411,330,405,332,397,333,
- 344,333,340,334,336,336,335,338,332,342,
- 331,347,332,351,334,354,336,357,341,359,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'Ramona Stair'
- $floorItems2['Ramona Stair'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,368,323, 'text'=>'Ramona Stair', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,30,23,30,5,93,5,98,5,104,7,110,10,116,16,119,20,
- 122,28,123,32,123,68,220,68,220,87,90,87,90,23,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'University Stair'
- $floorItems2['University Stair'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,155,77.5, 'text'=>'University Stair', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,282,37,295,40,312,49,323,56,337,70,352,56,
- 358,48,363,39,365,29,348,25,335,22,321,14,
- 300,5,283,1,260,0,246,0,242,2,236,4,231,8,
- 227,13,223,17,221,22,220,34,260,34,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'Plaza Stair'
- $floorItems2['Plaza Stair'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,317.5,28.5, 'text'=>'Plaza Stair', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,220,34,260,34,282,37,295,40,312,49,
- 323,56,337,70,350,83,365,94,377,100,
- 386,104,386,128,220,128,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'Plaza Deck'
- $floorItems2['Plaza Deck'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,303,81, 'text'=>'Plaza Deck', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,257,336,77,336,6,336,6,301,77,301,77,310,257,310,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '106'
- $floorItems2['106'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,131.5,318.5, 'text'=>'106', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,146,110,162,110,162,91,130,91,130,115,95,115,
- 95,128,114,128,114,151,157,151,157,153,112,153,
- 112,130,97,130,97,168,175,168,175,131,146,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor1','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '119'
- $floorItems2['119'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,143.5,133, 'text'=>'119', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor1','label'])
- w.create(TkcLine,155,191,155,189, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,155,177,155,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,96,129,96,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,78,169,176,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,247,176,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,206,307,206, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,187,340,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,210,340,201, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,247,340,224, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,241,307,241, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,376,246,376,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,307,247,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,376,170,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,315,129,315,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,147,129,176,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,202,133,176,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,129,315,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,352,258,387, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,387,60,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,0,337,0,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,3,114,3,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,387,60,387, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,237,52,273, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,189,52,225, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,140,52,177, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,395,306,395,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,531,254,398,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,475,178,475,238, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,502,162,398,162, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,129,398,188, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,383,188,376,188, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,408,188,408,194, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,227,398,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,408,227,398,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,408,222,408,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,408,206,408,210, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,408,208,475,208, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,278,484,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,311,508,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,508,327,508,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,559,327,508,327, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,644,391,559,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,644,389,644,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,514,205,475,205, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,496,189,496,187, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,559,129,484,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,162,484,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,725,133,559,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,559,129,559,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,725,149,725,167, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,725,129,802,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,802,389,802,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,739,167,802,167, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,396,188,408,188, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,0,337,9,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,58,337,21,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,43,391,43,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,105,337,75,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,91,387,91,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,154,337,117,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,139,387,139,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,227,337,166,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,337,251,337, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,328,302,328, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,302,355,302,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,395,311,302,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,278,395,278, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,395,294,395,278, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,473,278,473,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,473,256,473,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,533,257,531,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,553,276,551,274, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,698,276,553,276, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,559,391,559,327, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,802,389,644,389, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,741,314,741,389, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,698,280,698,167, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,707,280,698,280, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,802,280,731,280, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,741,280,741,302, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,698,167,727,167, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,725,137,725,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,514,254,514,175, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,496,175,514,175, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,502,175,502,162, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,475,166,475,162, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,496,176,496,175, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,491,189,496,189, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,491,205,491,189, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,487,238,475,238, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,487,240,487,238, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,487,252,487,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,315,133,304,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,256,133,280,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,78,247,270,247, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,307,247,294,247, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,214,133,232,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,217,247,217,266, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,217,309,217,291, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,217,309,172,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,154,309,148,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,175,300,175,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,151,300,175,300, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,151,247,151,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,78,237,78,265, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,78,286,78,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,106,309,78,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,130,309,125,309, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,99,309,99,247, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,127,299,99,299, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,127,309,127,299, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,155,191,137,191, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,137,169,137,191, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,78,171,78,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,78,190,78,218, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,86,192,86,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,86,192,78,192, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,301,3,301, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,286,52,301, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,252,3,252, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,203,3,203, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,3,156,52,156, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,8,25,8,114, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,63,114,3,114, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,75,114,97,114, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,108,114,129,114, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,129,114,129,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,114,52,128, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,132,89,88,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,88,25,88,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,88,114,88,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,218,89,144,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,147,111,147,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,162,111,147,111, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,162,109,162,111, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,162,96,162,89, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,218,89,218,94, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,218,89,218,119, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,8,25,88,25, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,337,258,328, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,113,129,96,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,302,355,258,355, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,386,104,386,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,377,100,386,104, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,365,94,377,100, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,350,83,365,94, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,337,70,350,83, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,337,70,323,56, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,312,49,323,56, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,295,40,312,49, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,282,37,295,40, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,260,34,282,37, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,253,34,260,34, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,386,128,386,104, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,113,152,156,152, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,113,152,156,152, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,113,152,113,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor1','wall'])
-# floor2_fg2 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the foreground information for the second
-# floor (office outlines and numbers).
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# color - Color to use for drawing foreground information.
-def floor2_fg2(w,color)
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,748,188,755,188,755,205,758,205,758,222,
- 800,222,800,168,748,168,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '238'
- $floorItems2['238'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,774,195, 'text'=>'238', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,726,188,746,188,746,166,800,166,800,131,726,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '237'
- $floorItems2['237'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,763,148.5, 'text'=>'237', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,497,187,497,204,559,204,559,324,641,324,
- 643,324,643,291,641,291,641,205,696,205,
- 696,291,694,291,694,314,715,314,715,291,
- 715,205,755,205,755,190,724,190,724,187,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '246'
- $floorItems2['246'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,600,264, 'text'=>'246', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,694,279,643,279,643,314,694,314,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '247'
- $floorItems2['247'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,668.5,296.5, 'text'=>'247', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,232,250,308,250,308,242,339,242,339,246,
- 397,246,397,255,476,255,476,250,482,250,559,250,
- 559,274,482,274,482,278,396,278,396,274,232,274,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '202'
- $floorItems2['202'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,285.5,260, 'text'=>'202', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,53,228,53,338,176,338,233,338,233,196,
- 306,196,306,180,175,180,175,169,156,169,
- 156,196,176,196,176,228,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '206'
- $floorItems2['206'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,143,267, 'text'=>'206', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,51,277,6,277,6,338,51,338,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '212'
- $floorItems2['212'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,28.5,307.5, 'text'=>'212', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- w.create(TkcText,579.5,357.5, 'text'=>'244', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- w.create(TkcText,622,357.5, 'text'=>'243', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,802,367,759,367,759,226,802,226,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'Barbecue Deck'
- $floorItems2['Barbecue Deck'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,780.5,296.5, 'text'=>'Barbecue Deck', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- w.create(TkcText,722,340.5, 'text'=>'241', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- w.create(TkcText,736,233.5, 'text'=>'239', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 572,143,579,143,579,185,626,185,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 578,185,527,185,527,131,557,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- w.create(TkcText,500.5,158, 'text'=>'232', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- w.create(TkcText,485.5,195, 'text'=>'229', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- w.create(TkcText,323,188, 'text'=>'Priv Lift2', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'Pub Lift 2'
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- w.create(TkcText,323,223, 'text'=>'Pub Lift 2', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor2','room'])
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- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor2','label'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,175,197,175,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,747,167,747,189, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,755,189,739,189, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,802,129,725,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,725,186,690,186, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,579,144,579,186, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,725,133,559,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,559,129,484,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,526,129,526,186, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,540,186,581,186, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,528,186,523,186, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,511,186,475,186, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,558,205,558,249, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,558,249,475,249, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,695,206,675,206, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,695,291,695,206, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,757,206,716,206, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,757,221,757,224, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,793,224,802,224, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,757,262,716,262, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,716,220,716,264, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,716,315,716,276, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,757,315,703,315, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,757,325,757,224, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,757,367,644,367, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,647,315,644,315, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,659,315,691,315, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
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- w.create(TkcLine,627,325,644,325, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,644,391,644,315, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,615,325,575,325, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,644,391,558,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,563,325,558,325, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,558,391,558,314, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,558,327,508,327, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,558,275,484,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,558,302,558,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,508,327,508,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,311,508,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,275,484,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,475,208,408,208, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,408,206,408,210, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,408,222,408,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,408,227,398,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,227,398,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,408,188,408,194, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,383,188,376,188, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,188,398,162, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,162,484,162, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,475,162,475,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,254,475,254, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,484,280,395,280, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,395,311,395,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,307,197,293,197, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,278,197,233,197, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,233,197,233,249, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,307,179,284,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,233,249,278,249, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,269,179,269,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,220,179,220,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,155,191,110,191, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,90,190,98,190, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,98,169,98,190, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,133,52,165, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,214,52,177, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,226,52,262, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,274,52,276, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,234,275,234,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,226,339,258,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,211,387,211,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,214,339,177,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,387,60,387, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,3,133,3,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,165,339,129,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,117,339,80,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,68,339,59,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,0,339,46,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,0,339,0,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,387,60,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,329,258,387, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,350,329,258,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,395,311,350,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,398,129,315,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,133,315,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,129,96,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,3,133,96,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,66,387,66,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,115,387,115,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,163,387,163,339, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,234,275,276,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,288,275,309,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,298,275,298,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,341,283,350,283, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,321,275,341,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,375,275,395,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,315,129,315,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,376,170,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,307,250,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,376,245,376,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,241,307,241, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,245,340,224, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,210,340,201, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,187,340,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,206,307,206, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,293,250,307,250, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,271,179,238,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,226,179,195,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,129,176,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,182,179,176,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,174,169,176,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,162,169,90,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,96,169,96,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,175,227,90,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,90,190,90,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,179,3,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,228,3,228, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,276,3,276, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,155,177,155,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,110,191,110,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,155,189,155,197, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,350,283,350,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,162,197,155,197, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,341,275,341,283, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor2','wall'])
-# floor2_fg3 --
-# This method represents part of the floorplan database. When
-# invoked, it instantiates the foreground information for the third
-# floor (office outlines and numbers).
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# color - Color to use for drawing foreground information.
-def floor2_fg3(w,color)
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,89,228,89,180,70,180,70,228,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '316'
- $floorItems2['316'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,79.5,204, 'text'=>'316', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,115,368,162,368,162,323,115,323,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '309'
- $floorItems2['309'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,138.5,345.5, 'text'=>'309', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,164,323,164,368,211,368,211,323,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '308'
- $floorItems2['308'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,187.5,345.5, 'text'=>'308', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,256,368,212,368,212,323,256,323,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '307'
- $floorItems2['307'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,234,345.5, 'text'=>'307', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,244,276,297,276,297,327,260,327,260,321,244,321,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '305'
- $floorItems2['305'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,270.5,301.5, 'text'=>'305', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,251,219,251,203,244,203,244,219,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '324B'
- $floorItems2['324B'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,247.5,211, 'text'=>'324B', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,251,249,244,249,244,232,251,232,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '324A'
- $floorItems2['324A'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,247.5,240.5, 'text'=>'324A', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,223,135,223,179,177,179,177,135,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '320'
- $floorItems2['320'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,200,157, 'text'=>'320', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,114,368,114,323,67,323,67,368,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '310'
- $floorItems2['310'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,90.5,345.5, 'text'=>'310', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,23,277,23,321,68,321,68,277,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '312'
- $floorItems2['312'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,45.5,299, 'text'=>'312', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,23,229,68,229,68,275,23,275,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '313'
- $floorItems2['313'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,45.5,252, 'text'=>'313', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,68,227,23,227,23,180,68,180,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '314'
- $floorItems2['314'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,40.5,203.5, 'text'=>'314', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,95,179,95,135,23,135,23,179,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '315'
- $floorItems2['315'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,59,157, 'text'=>'315', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,99,226,99,204,91,204,91,226,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '316B'
- $floorItems2['316B'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,95,215, 'text'=>'316B', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,91,202,99,202,99,180,91,180,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '316A'
- $floorItems2['316A'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,95,191, 'text'=>'316A', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,97,169,109,169,109,192,154,192,154,198,
- 174,198,174,226,101,226,101,179,97,179,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '319'
- $floorItems2['319'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,141.5,209, 'text'=>'319', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,65,368,58,368,58,389,1,389,1,333,23,333,23,323,65,323,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '311'
- $floorItems2['311'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,29.5,361, 'text'=>'311', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,154,191,111,191,111,169,154,169,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '318'
- $floorItems2['318'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,132.5,180, 'text'=>'318', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,175,168,97,168,97,131,175,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '317'
- $floorItems2['317'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,136,149.5, 'text'=>'317', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,274,194,274,221,306,221,306,194,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '323'
- $floorItems2['323'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,290,207.5, 'text'=>'323', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,306,222,274,222,274,249,306,249,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '325'
- $floorItems2['325'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,290,235.5, 'text'=>'325', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,263,179,224,179,224,135,263,135,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '321'
- $floorItems2['321'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,243.5,157, 'text'=>'321', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,314,169,306,169,306,192,273,192,
- 264,181,264,135,314,135,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '322'
- $floorItems2['322'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,293.5,163.5, 'text'=>'322', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,307,240,339,240,339,206,307,206,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'Pub Lift3'
- $floorItems2['Pub Lift3'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,323,223, 'text'=>'Pub Lift3', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,339,205,307,205,307,171,339,171,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = 'Priv Lift3'
- $floorItems2['Priv Lift3'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,323,188, 'text'=>'Priv Lift3', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,350,284,376,284,376,276,397,276,397,309,350,309,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '303'
- $floorItems2['303'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,373.5,292.5, 'text'=>'303', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,272,203,272,249,252,249,252,230,
- 244,230,244,221,252,221,252,203,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '324'
- $floorItems2['324'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,262,226, 'text'=>'324', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,299,276,299,327,349,327,349,284,341,284,341,276,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '304'
- $floorItems2['304'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,324,301.5, 'text'=>'304', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,375,246,375,172,341,172,341,246,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '301'
- $floorItems2['301'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,358,209, 'text'=>'301', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,397,246,377,246,377,185,397,185,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '327'
- $floorItems2['327'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,387,215.5, 'text'=>'327', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,316,131,316,169,377,169,377,185,397,185,397,131,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '326'
- $floorItems2['326'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,365.5,150, 'text'=>'326', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,308,251,242,251,242,274,342,274,342,282,375, 282,
- 375,274,397,274,397,248,339,248,339,242,308,242,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '302'
- $floorItems2['302'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,319.5,261, 'text'=>'302', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- i = TkcPolygon.new(w,70,321,242,321,242,200,259,200,259,203,272,203,
- 272,193,263,180,242,180,175,180,175,169,156,169,
- 156,196,177,196,177,228,107,228,70,228,70,275,107,275,
- 107,248,160,248,160,301,107,301,107,275,70,275,
- 'fill'=>'', 'tags'=>['floor3','room'])
- $floorLabels2[i.id] = '306'
- $floorItems2['306'] = i
- w.create(TkcText,200.5,284.5, 'text'=>'306', 'fill'=>color,
- 'anchor'=>'c', 'tags'=>['floor3','label'])
- w.create(TkcLine,341,275,341,283, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,162,197,155,197, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,396,247,399,247, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,399,129,399,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,202,243,202, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,350,283,350,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,251,231,243,231, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,243,220,251,220, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,243,250,243,202, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,155,197,155,190, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,110,192,110,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,155,192,110,192, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,155,177,155,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,197,176,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,69,280,69,274, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,21,276,69,276, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,69,262,69,226, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,21,228,69,228, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,21,179,75,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,69,179,69,214, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,90,220,90,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,90,204,90,202, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,90,203,100,203, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,90,187,90,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,90,227,176,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,100,179,100,227, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,100,179,87,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,96,179,96,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,162,169,96,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,173,169,176,169, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,182,179,176,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,129,176,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,195,179,226,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,224,133,224,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,264,179,264,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,238,179,264,179, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,273,207,273,193, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,273,235,273,250, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,273,224,273,219, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,273,193,307,193, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,273,222,307,222, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,273,250,307,250, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,384,247,376,247, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,206,307,206, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,187,340,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,210,340,201, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,247,340,224, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,340,241,307,241, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,376,247,376,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,307,250,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,376,170,307,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,315,129,315,170, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,376,283,366,283, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,376,283,376,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,399,275,376,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,341,275,320,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,341,283,350,283, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,298,275,298,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,308,275,298,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,243,322,243,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,243,275,284,275, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,322,226,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,212,370,212,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,214,322,177,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,163,370,163,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,165,322,129,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,84,322,117,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,71,322,64,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,115,322,115,370, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,66,322,66,370, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,52,322,21,322, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,21,331,0,331, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,21,331,21,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,96,133,21,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,176,129,96,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,315,133,176,133, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,315,129,399,129, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,399,311,350,311, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,350,329,258,329, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,322,258,370, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,370,258,370, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,370,60,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,0,391,0,331, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,60,391,0,391, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,307,250,307,242, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,273,250,307,250, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
- w.create(TkcLine,258,250,243,250, 'fill'=>color, 'tags'=>['floor3','wall'])
-# Below is the "main program" that creates the floorplan demonstration.
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($floor2_demo) && $floor2_demo
- $floor2_demo.destroy
- $floor2_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$floor2_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Floorplan Canvas Demonstration 2")
- iconname("Floorplan2")
- positionWindow(w)
- geometry('+20+20')
- minsize(100,100)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($floor2_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'font'=>$font, 'wraplength'=>'8i', 'justify'=>'left',
- 'text'=>"This window contains a canvas widget showing the floorplan of Digital Equipment Corporation's Western Research Laboratory. It has three levels. At any given time one of the levels is active, meaning that you can see its room structure. To activate a level, click the left mouse button anywhere on it. As the mouse moves over the active level, the room under the mouse lights up and its room number appears in the \"Room:\" entry. You can also type a room number in the entry and the room will light up."){
- pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-$floor2_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $floor2_demo
- $floor2_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'floor2'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-$floor2_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-$floorLabels2 = {}
-$floorItems2 = {}
-# canvas
-if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- $floor2_canvas_frame = TkFrame.new(base_frame,'bd'=>2,'relief'=>'sunken',
- 'highlightthickness'=>2)
- $floor2_canvas = TkCanvas.new($floor2_canvas_frame,
- 'width'=>900, 'height'=>500, 'borderwidth'=>0,
- 'highlightthickness'=>0) {|c|
- TkScrollbar.new(base_frame, 'orient'=>'horiz',
- 'command'=>proc{|*args| c.xview(*args)}){|hs|
- c.xscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| hs.set first,last})
- pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x')
- }
- TkScrollbar.new(base_frame, 'command'=>proc{|*args| c.yview(*args)}){|vs|
- c.yscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| vs.set first,last})
- pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- }
- }
- $floor2_canvas_frame.pack('side'=>'top','fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes')
- $floor2_canvas.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|f|
- pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes')
- h = TkScrollbar.new(f, 'highlightthickness'=>0, 'orient'=>'horizontal')
- v = TkScrollbar.new(f, 'highlightthickness'=>0, 'orient'=>'vertical')
- TkFrame.new(f, 'bd'=>2, 'relief'=>'sunken') {|f1|
- $floor2_canvas = TkCanvas.new(f1, 'width'=>900, 'height'=>500,
- 'borderwidth'=>0,
- 'highlightthickness'=>0) {
- xscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| h.set first,last})
- yscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| v.set first,last})
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- }
- grid('padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- }
- v.grid('padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>1,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- h.grid('padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>1, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both', 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1)
- v.command(proc{|*args| $floor2_canvas.yview(*args)})
- h.command(proc{|*args| $floor2_canvas.xview(*args)})
- }
-# Create an entry for displaying and typing in current room.
-$currentRoom2 = TkVariable.new
-$floor2_entry = TkEntry.new($floor2_canvas, 'width'=>10, 'relief'=>'sunken',
- 'bd'=>2, 'textvariable'=>$currentRoom2)
-# Choose colors, then fill in the floorplan.
-$floor2_colors = {}
-if TkWinfo.depth($floor2_canvas) > 1
- $floor2_colors['bg1'] = '#a9c1da'
- $floor2_colors['outline1'] = '#77889a'
- $floor2_colors['bg2'] = '#9ab0c6'
- $floor2_colors['outline2'] = '#687786'
- $floor2_colors['bg3'] = '#8ba0b3'
- $floor2_colors['outline3'] = '#596673'
- $floor2_colors['offices'] = 'Black'
- $floor2_colors['active'] = '#c4d1df'
- $floor2_colors['bg1'] = 'white'
- $floor2_colors['outline1'] = 'black'
- $floor2_colors['bg2'] = 'white'
- $floor2_colors['outline2'] = 'black'
- $floor2_colors['bg3'] = 'white'
- $floor2_colors['outline3'] = 'black'
- $floor2_colors['offices'] = 'Black'
- $floor2_colors['active'] = 'black'
-$activeFloor2 = ''
-floorDisplay2 $floor2_canvas,3
-# Set up event bindings for canvas:
-$floor2_canvas.itembind('floor1', '1', proc{floorDisplay2 $floor2_canvas,1})
-$floor2_canvas.itembind('floor2', '1', proc{floorDisplay2 $floor2_canvas,2})
-$floor2_canvas.itembind('floor3', '1', proc{floorDisplay2 $floor2_canvas,3})
-$floor2_canvas.itembind('room', 'Enter', proc{newRoom2 $floor2_canvas})
-$floor2_canvas.itembind('room', 'Leave', proc{$currentRoom2.value = ''})
-$floor2_canvas.bind('2', proc{|x,y| $floor2_canvas.scan_mark x,y}, '%x %y')
- proc{|x,y| $floor2_canvas.scan_dragto x,y}, '%x %y')
-$floor2_canvas.bind('Destroy', proc{$currentRoom2.unset})
-$currentRoom2.value = ''
-$currentRoom2.trace('w',proc{roomChanged2 $floor2_canvas})
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/form.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/form.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b6c6655083..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/form.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# form widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($form_demo) && $form_demo
- $form_demo.destroy
- $form_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$form_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Form Demonstration")
- iconname("form")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($form_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "This window contains a simple form where you can type in the various entries and use tabs to move circularly between the entries."
-msg.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $form_demo
- $form_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'form'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# entry
-form_data = []
- f = TkFrame.new(base_frame, 'bd'=>2)
- e = TkEntry.new(f, 'relief'=>'sunken', 'width'=>40)
- l = TkLabel.new(f)
- e.pack('side'=>'right')
- l.pack('side'=>'left')
- form_data[i] = {'frame'=>f, 'entry'=>e, 'label'=>l}
-# pack
-(1..5).each{|i| form_data[i]['frame'].pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')}
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/goldberg.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/goldberg.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 729cdf0e94..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/goldberg.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2007 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# Ruby/Tk Goldverg demo (called by 'widget')
-# Based on Tcl/Tk8.5a2 widget demos.
-# The following is the original comment of TkGoldberg.tcl.
-#>># TkGoldberg.tcl
-#>># by Keith Vetter, March 13, 2003
-#>># "Man will always find a difficult means to perform a simple task"
-#>># Rube Goldberg
-#>># Reproduced here with permission.
-#>># Keith Vetter 2003-03-21: this started out as a simple little program
-#>># but was so much fun that it grew and grew. So I apologize about the
-#>># size but I just couldn't resist sharing it.
-#>># This is a whizzlet that does a Rube Goldberg type animation, the
-#>># design of which comes from an New Years e-card from IncrediMail.
-#>># That version had nice sound effects which I eschewed. On the other
-#>># hand, that version was in black and white (actually dark blue and
-#>># light blue) and this one is fully colorized.
-#>># One thing I learned from this project is that drawing filled complex
-#>># objects on a canvas is really hard. More often than not I had to
-#>># draw each item twice--once with the desired fill color but no
-#>># outline, and once with no fill but with the outline. Another trick
-#>># is erasing by drawing with the background color. Having a flood fill
-#>># command would have been extremely helpful.
-#>># Two wiki pages were extremely helpful: Drawing rounded rectangles
-#>># which I generalized into Drawing rounded polygons, and regular
-#>># polygons which allowed me to convert ovals and arcs into polygons
-#>># which could then be rotated (see Canvas Rotation). I also wrote
-#>># Named Colors to aid in the color selection.
-#>># I could comment on the code, but it's just 26 state machines with
-#>># lots of canvas create and move calls.
-if defined?($goldberg_demo) && $goldberg_demo
- $goldberg_demo.destroy
- $goldberg_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$goldberg_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Tk Goldberg (demonstration)")
- iconname("goldberg")
-# positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($goldberg_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new($goldberg_demo) {
- font 'Arial 10'
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "This is a demonstration of just how complex you can make your animations become. Click the ball to start things moving!\n\n\"Man will always find a difficult means to perform a simple task\"\n - Rube Goldberg"
-# frame
-TkFrame.new($goldberg_demo) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $goldberg_demo
- $goldberg_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'See Code'
- command proc{showCode 'goldberg'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-class TkGoldberg_Demo
- def initialize(parent)
- @parent = parent
- @S = {}
- @S['title'] = 'Tk Goldberg'
- @S['speed'] = TkVariable.new(5)
- @S['cnt'] = TkVariable.new(0)
- @S['message'] = TkVariable.new("\\nWelcome\\nto\\nRuby/Tk")
- @S['pause'] = TkVariable.new
- @S['details'] = TkVariable.new(true)
- @S['mode'] = TkVariable.new(:MSTART, :symbol)
- # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- @speed = [1, 10, 20, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500]
- # colors
- @C = {}
- @C['fg'] = 'black'
- # @C['bg'] = 'gray75'
- @C['bg'] = 'cornflowerblue'
- @C['0'] = 'white'; @C['1a'] = 'darkgreen'; @C['1b'] = 'yellow'
- @C['2'] = 'red'; @C['3a'] = 'green'; @C['3b'] = 'darkblue'
- @C['4'] = @C['fg']; @C['5a'] = 'brown'; @C['5b'] = 'white'
- @C['6'] = 'magenta'; @C['7'] = 'green'; @C['8'] = @C['fg']
- @C['9'] = 'blue4'; @C['10a'] = 'white'; @C['10b'] = 'cyan'
- @C['11a'] = 'yellow'; @C['11b'] = 'mediumblue'; @C['12'] = 'tan2'
- @C['13a'] = 'yellow'; @C['13b'] = 'red'; @C['14'] = 'white'
- @C['15a'] = 'green'; @C['15b'] = 'yellow'; @C['16'] = 'gray65'
- @C['17'] = '#A65353'; @C['18'] = @C['fg']; @C['19'] = 'gray50'
- @C['20'] = 'cyan'; @C['21'] = 'gray65'; @C['22'] = @C['20']
- @C['23a'] = 'blue'; @C['23b'] = 'red'; @C['23c'] = 'yellow'
- @C['24a'] = 'red'; @C['24b'] = 'white';
- @STEP = TkVariable.new_hash
- @STEP.default_value_type = :numeric
- @XY = {}
- @XY6 = {
- '-1'=>[366, 207], '-2'=>[349, 204], '-3'=>[359, 193], '-4'=>[375, 192],
- '-5'=>[340, 190], '-6'=>[349, 177], '-7'=>[366, 177], '-8'=>[380, 176],
- '-9'=>[332, 172], '-10'=>[342, 161], '-11'=>[357, 164],
- '-12'=>[372, 163], '-13'=>[381, 149], '-14'=>[364, 151],
- '-15'=>[349, 146], '-16'=>[333, 148], '0'=>[357, 219],
- '1'=>[359, 261], '2'=>[359, 291], '3'=>[359, 318], '4'=>[361, 324],
- '5'=>[365, 329], '6'=>[367, 334], '7'=>[367, 340], '8'=>[366, 346],
- '9'=>[364, 350], '10'=>[361, 355], '11'=>[359, 370], '12'=>[359, 391],
- '13,0'=>[360, 456], '13,1'=>[376, 456], '13,2'=>[346, 456],
- '13,3'=>[330, 456], '13,4'=>[353, 444], '13,5'=>[368, 443],
- '13,6'=>[339, 442], '13,7'=>[359, 431], '13,8'=>[380, 437],
- '13,9'=>[345, 428], '13,10'=>[328, 434], '13,11'=>[373, 424],
- '13,12'=>[331, 420], '13,13'=>[360, 417], '13,14'=>[345, 412],
- '13,15'=>[376, 410], '13,16'=>[360, 403]
- }
- @timer = TkTimer.new(@speed[@S['speed'].numeric]){|timer|
- timer.set_interval(go)
- }
- do_display
- reset
- # Start everything going
- @timer.start
- end
- def do_display()
- @ctrl = TkFrame.new(@parent, :relief=>:ridge, :bd=>2, :padx=>5, :pady=>5)
- @screen = TkFrame.new(@parent, :bd=>2,
- :relief=>:raised).pack(:side=>:left, :fill=>:both,
- :expand=>true)
- @canvas = TkCanvas.new(@parent, :width=>850, :height=>700,
- :bg=>@C['bg'], :highlightthickness=>0){
- scrollregion([0, 0, 1000, 1000]) # Kludge to move everything up
- yview_moveto(0.05)
- }.pack(:in=>@screen, :side=>:top, :fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- @canvas.bind('3'){ @pause.invoke }
- @canvas.bind('Destroy'){ @timer.stop }
- do_ctrl_frame
- do_detail_frame
- # msg = TkLabel.new(@parent, :bg=>@C['bg'], :fg=>'white') {
- msg = Tk::Label.new(@parent, :bg=>@C['bg'], :fg=>'white') {
- font 'Arial 10'
- wraplength 600
- justify 'left'
- text "This is a demonstration of just how complex you can make your animations become. Click the ball to start things moving!\n\"Man will always find a difficult means to perform a simple task\" - Rube Goldberg"
- }
- msg.place(:in=>@canvas, :relx=>0, :rely=>0, :anchor=>:nw)
- frame = TkFrame.new(@parent, :bg=>@C['bg'])
- # TkButton.new(frame, :bg=>@C['bg'], :activebackground=>@C['bg']) {
- Tk::Button.new(frame, :bg=>@C['bg'], :activebackground=>@C['bg']) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $goldberg_demo
- $goldberg_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left')
- # TkButton.new(frame, :bg=>@C['bg'], :activebackground=>@C['bg']) {
- Tk::Button.new(frame, :bg=>@C['bg'], :activebackground=>@C['bg']) {
- text 'See Code'
- command proc{showCode 'goldberg'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>5)
- # @show = TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'>>', :command=>proc{show_ctrl},
- @show = Tk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'>>', :command=>proc{show_ctrl},
- :bg=>@C['bg'], :activebackground=>@C['bg'])
- @show.pack('side'=>'left')
- frame.place(:in=>@canvas, :relx=>1, :rely=>0, :anchor=>:ne)
- Tk.update
- end
- def do_ctrl_frame
- @start = Tk::Button.new(@parent, :text=>'Start', :bd=>6,
- :command=>proc{do_button(0)})
- if font = @start['font']
- @start.font(font.weight('bold'))
- end
- @pause = TkCheckbutton.new(@parent, :text=>'Pause', :font=>font,
- :command=>proc{do_button(1)}, :relief=>:raised,
- :variable=>@S['pause'])
- @step = TkButton.new(@parent, :text=>'Single Step', :font=>font,
- :command=>proc{do_button(2)})
- @bstep = TkButton.new(@parent, :text=>'Big Step', :font=>font,
- :command=>proc{do_button(4)})
- @reset = TkButton.new(@parent, :text=>'Reset', :font=>font,
- :command=>proc{do_button(3)})
- @details = TkFrame.new(@parent, :bd=>2, :relief=>:ridge)
- @detail = TkCheckbutton.new(@parent, :text=>'Details', :font=>font,
- :relief=>:raised, :variable=>@S['details'])
- @msg_entry = TkEntry.new(@parent, :textvariable=>@S['message'],
- :justify=>:center)
- @speed_scale = TkScale.new(@parent, :orient=>:horizontal,
- :from=>1, :to=>10, :font=>font,
- :variable=>@S['speed'], :bd=>2,
- :relief=>:ridge, :showvalue=>false)
- @about = TkButton.new(@parent, :text=>'About',
- :command=>proc{about}, :font=>font)
- Tk.grid(@start, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>0, :sticky=>:ew)
- @ctrl.grid_rowconfigure(1, :minsize=>10)
- Tk.grid(@pause, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>2, :sticky=>:ew)
- Tk.grid(@step, :in=>@ctrl, :sticky=>:ew)
- Tk.grid(@bstep, :in=>@ctrl, :sticky=>:ew)
- Tk.grid(@reset, :in=>@ctrl, :sticky=>:ew)
- @ctrl.grid_rowconfigure(10, :minsize=>20)
- Tk.grid(@details, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>11, :sticky=>:ew)
- Tk.grid(@detail, :in=>@details, :row=>0, :sticky=>:ew)
- @ctrl.grid_rowconfigure(50, :weight=>1)
- @S['mode'].trace('w', proc{|*args| active_GUI(*args)})
- @S['details'].trace('w', proc{|*args| active_GUI(*args)})
- @S['speed'].trace('w', proc{|*args| active_GUI(*args)})
- Tk.grid(@msg_entry, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>98, :sticky=>:ew, :pady=>5)
- Tk.grid(@speed_scale, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>99, :sticky=>:ew)
- Tk.grid(@about, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>100, :sticky=>:ew)
- @reset.bind('3'){@S['mode'].value = -1} # Debugging
- end
- def do_detail_frame
- @f_details = TkFrame.new(@details)
- @label = TkLabel.new(@f_details, :textvariable=>@S['cnt'],
- :bd=>1, :relief=>:solid, :bg=>'white')
- Tk.grid(@label, '-', '-', '-', :sticky=>:ew, :row=>0)
- idx = 1
- loop {
- break unless respond_to?("move#{idx}")
- l = TkLabel.new(@f_details, :text=>idx, :anchor=>:e,
- :width=>2, :bd=>1, :relief=>:solid, :bg=>'white')
- @STEP[idx] = 0
- ll = TkLabel.new(@f_details, :textvariable=>@STEP.ref(idx),
- :width=>5, :bd=>1, :relief=>:solid, :bg=>'white')
- row = (idx + 1)/2
- col = ((idx + 1) & 1) * 2
- Tk.grid(l, :sticky=>:ew, :row=>row, :column=>col)
- Tk.grid(ll, :sticky=>:ew, :row=>row, :column=>(col + 1))
- idx += 1
- }
- @f_details.grid_columnconfigure(1, :weight=>1)
- end
- def show_ctrl
- if @ctrl.winfo_mapped?
- @ctrl.pack_forget
- @show.text('>>')
- else
- @ctrl.pack(:side=>:right, :fill=>:both, :ipady=>5)
- @show.text('<<')
- end
- end
- def draw_all
- reset_step
- @canvas.delete(:all)
- idx = 0
- loop{
- m = "draw#{idx}"
- break unless respond_to?(m)
- send(m)
- idx += 1
- }
- end
- def active_GUI(var1, var2, op)
- st = {false=>:disabled, true=>:normal}
- m = @S['mode'].to_sym
- @S['pause'].value = (m == :MPAUSE)
- @start.state(st[m != :MGO])
- @pause.state(st[m != :MSTART && m != :MDONE])
- @step.state(st[m != :MGO && m != :MDONE])
- @bstep.state(st[m != :MGO && m != :MDONE])
- @reset.state(st[m != :MSTART])
- if @S['details'].bool
- Tk.grid(@f_details, :in=>@details, :row=>2, :sticky=>:ew)
- else
- Tk.grid_forget(@f_details)
- end
- @speed_scale.label("Speed: #{@S['speed'].value}")
- end
- def start
- @S['mode'].value = :MGO
- end
- def do_button(what)
- case what
- when 0 # Start
- reset if @S['mode'].to_sym == :MDONE
- @S['mode'].value = :MGO
- when 1 # Pause
- @S['mode'].value = ((@S['pause'].bool)? :MPAUSE: :MGO)
- when 2 # Step
- @S['mode'].value = :MSSTEP
- when 3 # Reset
- reset
- when 4 # Big step
- @S['mode'].value = :MBSTEP
- end
- end
- def go(who = nil)
- now = Tk::Clock.clicks(:milliseconds)
- if who # Start here for debugging
- @S['active'] = [who]
- @S['mode'].value = :MGO
- end
- return if @S['mode'].to_sym == :MDEBUG # Debugging
- # If not paused, do the next move
- n = next_step if @S['mode'].to_sym != :MPAUSE
- @S['mode'].value = :MPAUSE if @S['mode'].to_sym == :MSSTEP # Single step
- @S['mode'].value = :MSSTEP if @S['mode'].to_sym == :MBSTEP && n # big step
- elapsed = Tk::Clock.clicks(:milliseconds) - now
- delay = @speed[@S['speed'].to_i] - elapsed
- delay = 1 if delay <= 0
- return delay
- end
- def next_step
- retval = false # Return value
- if @S['mode'].to_sym != :MSTART && @S['mode'].to_sym != :MDONE
- @S['cnt'].numeric += 1
- end
- alive = []
- @S['active'].each{|who|
- who = who.to_i
- n = send("move#{who}")
- if (n & 1).nonzero? # This guy still alive
- alive << who
- end
- if (n & 2).nonzero? # Next guy is active
- alive << (who + 1)
- retval = true
- end
- if (n & 4).nonzero? # End of puzzle flag
- @S['mode'].value = :MDONE # Done mode
- @S['active'] = [] # No more animation
- return true
- end
- }
- @S['active'] = alive
- return retval
- end
- def about
- msg = "Ruby/Tk Version ::\nby Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)\n\n"
- msg += "Original Version ::\n"
- msg += "#{@S['title']}\nby Keith Vetter, March 2003\n(Reproduced by kind permission of the author)\n\n"
- msg += "Man will always find a difficult means to perform a simple task"
- msg += "\nRube Goldberg"
- Tk.messageBox(:message=>msg, :title=>'About')
- end
- ################################################################
- #
- # All the drawing and moving routines
- #
- # START HERE! banner
- def draw0
- color = @C['0']
- TkcText.new(@canvas, [579, 119], :text=>'START HERE!',
- :fill=>color, :anchor=>:w,
- :tag=>'I0', :font=>['Times Roman', 12, :italic, :bold])
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [719, 119, 763, 119], :tag=>'I0', :fill=>color,
- :width=>5, :arrow=>:last, :arrowshape=>[18, 18, 5])
- @canvas.itembind('I0', '1'){ start }
- end
- def move0(step = nil)
- step = get_step(0, step)
- if @S['mode'].to_sym != :MSTART # Start the ball rolling
- move_abs('I0', [-100, -100]) # Hide the banner
- return 2
- end
- pos = [
- [673, 119], [678, 119], [683, 119], [688, 119],
- [693, 119], [688, 119], [683, 119], [678, 119]
- ]
- step = step % pos.length
- move_abs('I0', pos[step])
- return 1
- end
- # Dropping ball
- def draw1
- color = @C['1a']
- color2 = @C['1b']
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas,
- [ 844, 133, 800, 133, 800, 346, 820, 346,
- 820, 168, 844, 168, 844, 133 ],
- :width=>3, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas,
- [ 771, 133, 685, 133, 685, 168, 751, 168,
- 751, 346, 771, 346, 771, 133 ],
- :width=>3, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(812, 122, 9),
- :tag=>'I1', :fill=>color2, :outline=>'')
- @canvas.itembind('I1', '1'){ start }
- end
- def move1(step = nil)
- step = get_step(1, step)
- pos = [
- [807, 122], [802, 122], [797, 123], [793, 124], [789, 129], [785, 153],
- [785, 203], [785, 278, :x], [785, 367], [810, 392], [816, 438],
- [821, 503], [824, 585, :y], [838, 587], [848, 593], [857, 601],
- [-100, -100]
- ]
- return 0 if step >= pos.length
- where = pos[step]
- move_abs('I1', where)
- move15a if where[2] == :y
- return 3 if where[2] == :x
- return 1
- end
- # Lighting the match
- def draw2
- color = @C['2']
- # Fulcrum
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, [750, 369, 740, 392, 760, 392],
- :fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>@C['fg'])
- # Strike box
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, [628, 335, 660, 383],
- :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'])
- (0..2).each{|y|
- yy = 335 + y*16
- TkcBitmap.new(@canvas, [628, yy], :bitmap=>'gray25',
- :anchor=>:nw, :foreground=>@C['fg'])
- TkcBitmap.new(@canvas, [644, yy], :bitmap=>'gray25',
- :anchor=>:nw, :foreground=>@C['fg'])
- }
- # Lever
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [702, 366, 798, 366],
- :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>6, :tag=>'I2_0')
- # R strap
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [712, 363, 712, 355],
- :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I2_1')
- # L strap
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [705, 363, 705, 355],
- :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I2_2')
- # Match stick
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [679, 356, 679, 360, 717, 360, 717, 356, 679, 356],
- :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I2_3')
- # Match head
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas,
- [ 671, 352, 677.4, 353.9, 680, 358.5, 677.4, 363.1,
- 671, 365, 664.6, 363.1, 662, 358.5, 664.6, 353.9 ],
- :fill=>color, :outline=>color, :tag=>'I2_4')
- end
- def move2(step = nil)
- step = get_step(2, step)
- stages = [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1]
- xy = []
- xy[0] = [
- 686, 333, 692, 323, 682, 316, 674, 309, 671, 295, 668, 307,
- 662, 318, 662, 328, 671, 336
- ]
- xy[1] = [
- 687, 331, 698, 322, 703, 295, 680, 320, 668, 297, 663, 311,
- 661, 327, 671, 335
- ]
- xy[2] = [
- 686, 331, 704, 322, 688, 300, 678, 283, 678, 283, 674, 298,
- 666, 309, 660, 324, 672, 336
- ]
- if step >= stages.length
- @canvas.delete('I2')
- return 0
- end
- if step == 0 # Rotate the match
- beta = 20
- ox, oy = anchor('I2_0', :s) # Where to pivot
- i = 0
- until @canvas.find_withtag("I2_#{i}").empty?
- rotate_item("I2_#{i}", ox, oy, beta)
- i += 1
- end
- # For the flame
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, [], :tag=>'I2', :smooth=>true, :fill=>@C['2'])
- return 1
- end
- @canvas.coords('I2', xy[stages[step]])
- return ((step == 7)? 3: 1)
- end
- # Weight and pulleys
- def draw3
- color = @C['3a']
- color2 = @C['3b']
- xy = [ [602, 296], [577, 174], [518, 174] ]
- xy.each{|x, y| # 3 Pulleys
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 13),
- :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 2), :fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>@C['fg'])
- }
- # Wall to flame
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [750, 309, 670, 309], :tag=>'I3_s',
- :width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true)
- # Flame to pulley 1
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [670, 309, 650, 309], :tag=>'I3_0',
- :width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true)
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [650, 309, 600, 309], :tag=>'I3_1',
- :width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true)
- # Pulley 1 half way to 2
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [589, 296, 589, 235], :tag=>'I3_2',
- :width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'])
- # Pulley 1 other half to 2
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [589, 235, 589, 174], :width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'])
- # Across the top
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [577, 161, 518, 161], :width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'])
- # Down to weight
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [505, 174, 505, 205], :tag=>'I3_w',
- :width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'])
- # Draw the weight as 2 circles, two rectangles and 1 rounded rectangle
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = [515, 207, 495, 207]
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x1, y1, 6),
- :tag=>'I3_', :fill=>color2, :outline=>color2)
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x2, y2, 6),
- :tag=>'I3_', :fill=>color2, :outline=>color2)
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, x1, y1 - 6, x2, y2 + 6,
- :tag=>'I3_', :fill=>color2, :outline=>color2)
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, round_rect([492, 220, 518, 263], 15),
- :smooth=>true, :tag=>'I3_', :fill=>color2, :outline=>color2)
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [500, 217, 511, 217],
- :tag=>'I3_', :fill=>color2, :width=>10)
- # Bottom weight target
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [502, 393, 522, 393, 522, 465],
- :tag=>'I3__', :fill=>@C['fg'], :joinstyle=>:miter, :width=>10)
- end
- def move3(step = nil)
- step = get_step(3, step)
- pos = [ [505, 247], [505, 297], [505, 386.5], [505, 386.5] ]
- rope = []
- rope[0] = [750, 309, 729, 301, 711, 324, 690, 300]
- rope[1] = [750, 309, 737, 292, 736, 335, 717, 315, 712, 320]
- rope[2] = [750, 309, 737, 309, 740, 343, 736, 351, 725, 340]
- rope[3] = [750, 309, 738, 321, 746, 345, 742, 356]
- return 0 if step >= pos.length
- @canvas.delete("I3_#{step}") # Delete part of the rope
- move_abs('I3_', pos[step]) # Move weight down
- @canvas.coords('I3_s', rope[step]) # Flapping rope end
- @canvas.coords('I3_w', [505, 174].concat(pos[step]))
- if step == 2
- @canvas.move('I3__', 0, 30)
- return 2
- end
- return 1
- end
- # Cage and door
- def draw4
- color = @C['4']
- x0, y0, x1, y1 = [527, 356, 611, 464]
- # Horizontal bars
- y0.step(y1, 12){|y|
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [x0, y, x1, y], :fill=>color, :width=>1)
- }
- # Vertical bars
- x0.step(x1, 12){|x|
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [x, y0, x, y1], :fill=>color, :width=>1)
- }
- # Swing gate
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [518, 464, 518, 428],
- :tag=>'I4', :fill=>color, :width=>1)
- end
- def move4(step = nil)
- step = get_step(4, step)
- angles = [-10, -20, -30, -30]
- return 0 if step >= angles.length
- rotate_item('I4', 518, 464, angles[step])
- @canvas.raise('I4')
- return((step == 3)? 3: 1)
- end
- # Mouse
- def draw5
- color = @C['5a']
- color2 = @C['5b']
- xy = [377, 248, 410, 248, 410, 465, 518, 465] # Mouse course
- xy.concat [518, 428, 451, 428, 451, 212, 377, 212]
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color2, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [
- 534.5, 445.5, 541, 440, 552, 436, 560, 436, 569, 440, 574, 446,
- 575, 452, 574, 454, 566, 456, 554, 456, 545, 456, 537, 454, 530, 452
- ]
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_0'], :fill=>color)
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, [573, 452, 592, 458, 601, 460, 613, 456], # Tail
- :tag=>['I5', 'I5_1'], :fill=>color, :smooth=>true, :width=>3)
- xy = box(540, 446, 2) # Eye
- xy = [540, 444, 541, 445, 541, 447, 540, 448, 538, 447, 538, 445]
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_2'], :fill=>@C['bg'],
- :outline=>'', :smooth=>true)
- xy = [538, 454, 535, 461] # Front leg
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_3'], :fill=>color, :width=>2)
- xy = [566, 455, 569, 462] # Back leg
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_4'], :fill=>color, :width=>2)
- xy = [544, 455, 545, 460] # 2nd front leg
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_5'], :fill=>color, :width=>2)
- xy = [560, 455, 558, 460] # 2nd back leg
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_6'], :fill=>color, :width=>2)
- end
- def move5(step = nil)
- step = get_step(5, step)
- pos = [
- [553, 452], [533, 452], [513, 452], [493, 452], [473, 452],
- [463, 442, 30], [445.5, 441.5, 30], [425.5, 434.5, 30], [422, 414],
- [422, 394], [422, 374], [422, 354], [422, 334], [422, 314], [422, 294],
- [422, 274, -30], [422, 260.5, -30, :x], [422.5, 248.5, -28], [425, 237]
- ]
- return 0 if step >= pos.length
- x, y, beta, nxt = pos[step]
- move_abs('I5', [x, y])
- if beta
- ox, oy = centroid('I5_0')
- (0..6).each{|id| rotate_item("I5_#{id}", ox, oy, beta) }
- end
- return 3 if nxt == :x
- return 1
- end
- # Dropping gumballs
- def draw6
- color = @C['6']
- xy = [324, 130, 391, 204] # Ball holder
- xy = round_rect(xy, 10)
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true,
- :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :fill=>color)
- xy = [339, 204, 376, 253] # Below the ball holder
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
- :fill=>color, :tag=>'I6c')
- xy = box(346, 339, 28)
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'') # Roter
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :style=>:arc,
- :start=>80, :extent=>205)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :style=>:arc,
- :start=>-41, :extent=>85)
- xy = box(346, 339, 15) # Center of rotor
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>@C['fg'], :tag=>'I6m')
- xy = [352, 312, 352, 254, 368, 254, 368, 322] # Top drop to rotor
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2)
- xy = [353, 240, 367, 300] # Poke bottom hole
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
- xy = [341, 190, 375, 210] # Poke another hole
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
- xy = [
- 368, 356, 368, 403, 389, 403, 389, 464, 320, 464, 320, 403,
- 352, 403, 352, 366
- ]
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'',
- :width=>2) # Below rotor
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2)
- xy = box(275, 342, 7) # On/off rotor
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>@C['fg'])
- xy = [276, 334, 342, 325] # Fan belt top
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [276, 349, 342, 353] # Fan belt bottom
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [337, 212, 337, 247] # What the mouse pushes
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I6_')
- xy = [392, 212, 392, 247]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I6_')
- xy = [337, 230, 392, 230]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>7, :tag=>'I6_')
- who = -1 # All the balls
- colors = %w(red cyan orange green blue darkblue)
- colors *= 3
- (0..16).each{|i|
- loc = -i
- color = colors[i]
- x, y = @XY6["#{loc}"]
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 5),
- :fill=>color, :outline=>color, :tag=>"I6_b#{i}")
- }
- draw6a(12) # The wheel
- end
- def draw6a(beta)
- @canvas.delete('I6_0')
- ox, oy = [346, 339]
- (0..3).each{|i|
- b = beta + i * 45
- x, y = rotate_c(28, 0, 0, 0, b)
- xy = [ox + x, oy + y, ox - x, oy - y]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>'I6_0', :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2)
- }
- end
- def move6(step = nil)
- step = get_step(6, step)
- return 0 if step > 62
- if step < 2 # Open gate for balls to drop
- @canvas.move('I6_', -7, 0)
- if step == 1 # Poke a hole
- xy = [348, 226, 365, 240]
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@canvas.itemcget('I6c', :fill),
- :outline=>'')
- end
- return 1
- end
- s = step - 1 # Do the gumball drop dance
- (0..(((s - 1)/3).to_i)).each{|i|
- tag = "I6_b#{i}"
- break if @canvas.find_withtag(tag).empty?
- loc = s - 3*i
- if @XY6["#{loc},#{i}"]
- move_abs(tag, @XY6["#{loc},#{i}"])
- elsif @XY6["#{loc}"]
- move_abs(tag, @XY6["#{loc}"])
- end
- }
- if s % 3 == 1
- first = (s + 2)/3
- i = first
- loop {
- tag = "I6_b#{i}"
- break if @canvas.find_withtag(tag).empty?
- loc = first - i
- move_abs(tag, @XY6["#{loc}"])
- i += 1
- }
- end
- if s >= 3 # Rotate the motor
- idx = s % 3
- draw6a(12 + s * 15)
- end
- return((s == 3)? 3 : 1)
- end
- # On/off switch
- def draw7
- color = @C['7']
- xy = [198, 306, 277, 374] # Box
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
- :fill=>color, :tag=>'I7z')
- @canvas.lower('I7z')
- xy = [275, 343, 230, 349]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>'I7', :fill=>@C['fg'], :arrow=>:last,
- :arrowshape=>[23, 23, 8], :width=>6)
- xy = [225, 324] # On button
- x, y = xy
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 3), :fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>@C['fg'])
- xy = [218, 323] # On text
- font = ['Times Roman', 8]
- TkcText.new(@canvas, xy, :text=>'on', :anchor=>:e,
- :fill=>@C['fg'], :font=>font)
- xy = [225, 350] # Off button
- x, y = xy
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 3), :fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>@C['fg'])
- xy = [218, 349] # Off text
- TkcText.new(@canvas, xy, :text=>'off', :anchor=>:e,
- :fill=>@C['fg'], :font=>font)
- end
- def move7(step = nil)
- step = get_step(7, step)
- numsteps = 30
- return 0 if step > numsteps
- beta = 30.0 / numsteps
- rotate_item('I7', 275, 343, beta)
- return((step == numsteps)? 3: 1)
- end
- # Electricity to the fan
- def draw8
- sine([271, 248, 271, 306], 5, 8, :tag=>'I8_s', :fill=>@C['8'], :width=>3)
- end
- def move8(step = nil)
- step = get_step(8, step)
- return 0 if step > 3
- if step == 0
- sparkle(anchor('I8_s', :s), 'I8')
- return 1
- elsif step == 1
- move_abs('I8', anchor('I8_s', :c))
- elsif step == 2
- move_abs('I8', anchor('I8_s', :n))
- else
- @canvas.delete('I8')
- end
- return((step == 2)? 3: 1)
- end
- # Fan
- def draw9
- color = @C['9']
- xy = [266, 194, 310, 220]
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>color, :fill=>color)
- xy = [280, 209, 296, 248]
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>color, :fill=>color)
- xy = [
- 288, 249, 252, 249, 260, 240, 280, 234,
- 296, 234, 316, 240, 324, 249, 288, 249
- ]
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :smooth=>true)
- xy = [248, 205, 265, 214, 264, 205, 265, 196] # Spinner
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color)
- xy = [255, 206, 265, 234] # Fan blades
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I9_0')
- xy = [255, 176, 265, 204]
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I9_0')
- xy = [255, 206, 265, 220]
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :width=>1, :tag=>'I9_1')
- xy = [255, 190, 265, 204]
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :width=>1, :tag=>'I9_1')
- end
- def move9(step = nil)
- step = get_step(9, step)
- if (step & 1).nonzero?
- @canvas.itemconfigure('I9_0', :width=>4)
- @canvas.itemconfigure('I9_1', :width=>1)
- @canvas.lower('I9_1', 'I9_0')
- else
- @canvas.itemconfigure('I9_0', :width=>1)
- @canvas.itemconfigure('I9_1', :width=>4)
- @canvas.lower('I9_0', 'I9_1')
- end
- return 3 if step == 0
- return 1
- end
- # Boat
- def draw10
- color = @C['10a']
- color2 = @C['10b']
- xy = [191, 230, 233, 230, 233, 178, 191, 178] # Sail
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :width=>3, :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :tag=>'I10')
- xy = box(209, 204, 31) # Front
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :style=>:pie,
- :start=>120, :extent=>120, :tag=>'I10')
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
- :start=>120, :extent=>120, :tag=>'I10')
- xy = box(249, 204, 31) # Back
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>@C['bg'], :width=>3,
- :style=>:pie, :start=>120, :extent=>120, :tag=>'I10')
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
- :start=>120, :extent=>120, :tag=>'I10')
- xy = [200, 171, 200, 249] # Mast
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I10')
- xy = [159, 234, 182, 234] # Bow sprit
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I10')
- xy = [180, 234, 180, 251, 220, 251] # Hull
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>6, :tag=>'I10')
- xy = [92, 255, 221, 255] # Waves
- sine(xy, 2, 25, :fill=>color2, :width=>1, :tag=>'I10w')
- xy = @canvas.coords('I10w')[4..-5] # Water
- xy.concat([222, 266, 222, 277, 99, 277])
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color2, :outline=>color2)
- xy = [222, 266, 222, 277, 97, 277, 97, 266] # Water bottom
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = box(239, 262, 17)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
- :start=>95, :extent=>103)
- xy = box(76, 266, 21)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
- :extent=>190)
- end
- def move10(step = nil)
- step = get_step(10, step)
- pos = [
- [195, 212], [193, 212], [190, 212], [186, 212], [181, 212], [176, 212],
- [171, 212], [166, 212], [161, 212], [156, 212], [151, 212], [147, 212],
- [142, 212], [137, 212], [132, 212, :x], [127, 212], [121, 212],
- [116, 212], [111, 212]
- ]
- return 0 if step >= pos.length
- where = pos[step]
- move_abs('I10', where)
- return 3 if where[2] == :x
- return 1
- end
- # 2nd ball drop
- def draw11
- color = @C['11a']
- color2 = @C['11b']
- xy = [23, 264, 55, 591] # Color the down tube
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
- xy = box(71, 460, 48) # Color the outer loop
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
- xy = [55, 264, 55, 458] # Top right side
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [55, 504, 55, 591] # Bottom right side
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = box(71, 460, 48) # Outer loop
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
- :start=>110, :extent=>-290, :tag=>'I11i')
- xy = box(71, 460, 16) # Inner loop
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>'',
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I11i')
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>@C['bg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [23, 264, 23, 591] # Left side
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = box(1, 266, 23) # Top left curve
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
- :style=>:arc, :extent=>90)
- xy = box(75, 235, 9) # The ball
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color2, :outline=>'',
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I11')
- end
- def move11(step = nil)
- step = get_step(11, step)
- pos = [
- [75, 235], [70, 235], [65, 237], [56, 240], [46, 247], [38, 266],
- [38, 296], [38, 333], [38, 399], [38, 475], [74, 496], [105, 472],
- [100, 437], [65, 423], [-100, -100], [38, 505], [38, 527, :x], [38, 591]
- ]
- return 0 if step >= pos.length
- where = pos[step]
- move_abs('I11', where)
- return 3 if where[2] == :x
- return 1
- end
- # Hand
- def draw12
- xy = [
- 20, 637, 20, 617, 20, 610, 20, 590, 40, 590, 40, 590,
- 60, 590, 60, 610, 60, 610
- ]
- xy.concat([60, 610, 65, 620, 60, 631]) # Thumb
- xy.concat([60, 631, 60, 637, 60, 662, 60, 669, 52, 669,
- 56, 669, 50, 669, 50, 662, 50, 637])
- y0 = 637 # Bumps for fingers
- y1 = 645
- 50.step(21, -10){|x|
- x1 = x - 5
- x2 = x - 10
- xy << x << y0 << x1 << y1 << x2 << y0
- }
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['12'], :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :smooth=>true, :tag=>'I12', :width=>3)
- end
- def move12(step = nil)
- step = get_step(12, step)
- pos = [[42.5, 641, :x]]
- return 0 if step >= pos.length
- where = pos[step]
- move_abs('I12', where)
- return 3 if where[2] == :x
- return 1
- end
- # Fax
- def draw13
- color = @C['13a']
- xy = [86, 663, 149, 663, 149, 704, 50, 704, 50, 681, 64, 681, 86, 671]
- xy2 = [
- 784, 663, 721, 663, 721, 704, 820, 704, 820, 681, 806, 681, 784, 671
- ]
- radii = [2, 9, 9, 8, 5, 5, 2]
- round_poly(@canvas, xy, radii, :width=>3,
- :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>color)
- round_poly(@canvas, xy2, radii, :width=>3,
- :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>color)
- xy = [56, 677]
- x, y = xy
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 4), :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I13')
- xy = [809, 677]
- x, y = xy
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 4), :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I13R')
- xy = [112, 687] # Label
- TkcText.new(@canvas, xy, :text=>'FAX', :fill=>@C['fg'],
- :font=>['Times Roman', 12, :bold])
- xy = [762, 687]
- TkcText.new(@canvas, xy, :text=>'FAX', :fill=>@C['fg'],
- :font=>['Times Roman', 12, :bold])
- xy = [138, 663, 148, 636, 178, 636] # Paper guide
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [732, 663, 722, 636, 692, 636]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- sine([149, 688, 720, 688], 5, 15,
- :tag=>'I13_s', :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- end
- def move13(step = nil)
- step = get_step(13, step)
- numsteps = 7
- if step == numsteps + 2
- move_abs('I13_star', [-100, -100])
- @canvas.itemconfigure('I13R', :fill=>@C['13b'], :width=>2)
- return 2
- end
- if step == 0 # Button down
- @canvas.delete('I13')
- sparkle([-100, -100], 'I13_star') # Create off screen
- return 1
- end
- x0, y0 = anchor('I13_s', :w)
- x1, y1 = anchor('I13_s', :e)
- x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (step - 1) / numsteps.to_f
- move_abs('I13_star', [x, y0])
- return 1
- end
- # Paper in fax
- def draw14
- color = @C['14']
- xy = [102, 661, 113, 632, 130, 618] # Left paper edge
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>color,
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I14L_0')
- xy = [148, 629, 125, 640, 124, 662] # Right paper edge
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>color,
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I14L_1')
- draw14a('L')
- xy = [
- 768.0, 662.5, 767.991316225, 662.433786215, 767.926187912, 662.396880171
- ]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>color,
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I14R_0')
- @canvas.lower('I14R_0')
- # NB. these numbers are VERY sensitive, you must start with final size
- # and shrink down to get the values
- xy = [
- 745.947897349, 662.428358855, 745.997829056, 662.452239237, 746.0, 662.5
- ]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>color,
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I14R_1')
- @canvas.lower('I14R_1')
- end
- def draw14a(side)
- color = @C['14']
- xy = @canvas.coords("I14#{side}_0")
- xy2 = @canvas.coords("I14#{side}_1")
- x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 = xy
- x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5 = xy2
- zz = [
- x0, y0, x0, y0, xy, x2, y2, x2, y2,
- x3, y3, x3, y3, xy2, x5, y5, x5, y5
- ].flatten
- @canvas.delete("I14#{side}")
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, zz, :tag=>"I14#{side}", :smooth=>true,
- :fill=>color, :outline=>color, :width=>3)
- @canvas.lower("I14#{side}")
- end
- def move14(step = nil)
- step = get_step(14, step)
- # Paper going down
- sc = 0.9 - 0.05*step
- if sc < 0.3
- @canvas.delete('I14L')
- return 0
- end
- ox, oy = @canvas.coords('I14L_0')
- @canvas.scale('I14L_0', ox, oy, sc, sc)
- ox, oy = @canvas.coords('I14L_1')[-2..-1]
- @canvas.scale('I14L_1', ox, oy, sc, sc)
- draw14a('L')
- # Paper going up
- sc = 0.35 + 0.05*step
- sc = 1/sc
- ox, oy = @canvas.coords('I14R_0')
- @canvas.scale('I14R_0', ox, oy, sc, sc)
- ox, oy = @canvas.coords('I14R_1')[-2..-1]
- @canvas.scale('I14R_1', ox, oy, sc, sc)
- draw14a('R')
- return((step == 10)? 3: 1)
- end
- # Light beam
- def draw15
- color = @C['15a']
- xy = [824, 599, 824, 585, 820, 585, 829, 585]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I15a')
- xy = [789, 599, 836, 643]
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [778, 610, 788, 632]
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [766, 617, 776, 625]
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [633, 600, 681, 640]
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [635, 567, 657, 599]
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2)
- xy = [765, 557, 784, 583]
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2)
- sine([658, 580, 765, 580], 3, 15,
- :tag=>'I15_s', :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- end
- def move15a
- color = @C['15b']
- @canvas.scale('I15a', 824, 599, 1, 0.3) # Button down
- xy = [765, 621, 681, 621]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :dash=>'-', :width=>3, :fill=>color, :tag=>'I15')
- end
- def move15(step = nil)
- step = get_step(15, step)
- numsteps = 6
- if step == numsteps + 2
- move_abs('I15_star', [-100, -100])
- return 2
- end
- if step == 0 # Break the light beam
- sparkle([-100, -100], 'I15_star')
- xy = [765, 621, 745, 621]
- @canvas.coords('I15', xy)
- return 1
- end
- x0, y0 = anchor('I15_s', :w)
- x1, y1 = anchor('I15_s', :e)
- x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (step - 1) / numsteps.to_f
- move_abs('I15_star', [x, y0])
- return 1
- end
- # Bell
- def draw16
- color = @C['16']
- xy = [722, 485, 791, 556]
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = box(752, 515, 25) # Bell
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'black',
- :tag=>'I16b', :width=>2)
- xy = box(752, 515, 5) # Bell button
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'black', :outline=>'black', :tag=>'I16b')
- xy = [784, 523, 764, 549] # Clapper
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :width=>3, :tag=>'I16c', :fill=>@C['fg'])
- xy = box(784, 523, 4)
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>@C['fg'], :tag=>'I16d')
- end
- def move16(step = nil)
- step = get_step(16, step)
- # Note: we never stop
- ox, oy = [760, 553]
- if (step & 1).nonzero?
- beta = 12
- @canvas.move('I16b', 3, 0)
- else
- beta = -12
- @canvas.move('I16b', -3, 0)
- end
- rotate_item('I16c', ox, oy, beta)
- rotate_item('I16d', ox, oy, beta)
- return ((step == 1)? 3: 1)
- end
- # Cat
- def draw17
- color = @C['17']
- xy = [584, 556, 722, 556]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [584, 485, 722, 485]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
- xy = [664, 523, 717, 549] # Body
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>color, :width=>3,
- :style=>:chord, :start=>128, :extent=>260, :tag=>'I17')
- xy = [709, 554, 690, 543] # Paw
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>color,
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I17')
- xy = [657, 544, 676, 555]
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>color,
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I17')
- xy = box(660, 535, 15) # Lower face
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
- :start=>150, :extent=>240, :tag=>'I17_')
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :width=>1,
- :style=>:chord, :start=>150, :extent=>240, :tag=>'I17_')
- xy = [674, 529, 670, 513, 662, 521, 658, 521, 650, 513, 647, 529] # Ears
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'', :width=>1,
- :tag=>['I17_', 'I17_c'])
- xy = [652, 542, 628, 539] # Whiskers
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
- xy = [652, 543, 632, 545]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
- xy = [652, 546, 632, 552]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
- xy = [668, 543, 687, 538]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
- :tag=>['I17_', 'I17_w'])
- xy = [668, 544, 688, 546]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
- :tag=>['I17_', 'I17_w'])
- xy = [668, 547, 688, 553]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
- :tag=>['I17_', 'I17_w'])
- xy = [649, 530, 654, 538, 659, 530] # Left eye
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
- :smooth=>true, :tag=>'I17')
- xy = [671, 530, 666, 538, 661, 530] # Right eye
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
- :smooth=>true, :tag=>'I17')
- xy = [655, 543, 660, 551, 665, 543] # Mouth
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
- :smooth=>true, :tag=>'I17')
- end
- def move17(step = nil)
- step = get_step(17, step)
- if step == 0
- @canvas.delete('I17') # Delete most of the cat
- xy = [655, 543, 660, 535, 665, 543] # Mouth
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
- :smooth=>true, :tag=>'I17_')
- xy = box(654, 530, 4) # Left eye
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :fill=>'',
- :tag=>'I17_')
- xy = box(666, 530, 4) # Right eye
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :fill=>'',
- :tag=>'I17_')
- @canvas.move('I17_', 0, -20) # Move face up
- xy = [652, 528, 652, 554] # Front leg
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
- xy = [670, 528, 670, 554] # 2nd front leg
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
- xy = [ # Body
- 675, 506, 694, 489, 715, 513, 715, 513, 715, 513, 716, 525,
- 716, 525, 716, 525, 706, 530, 695, 530, 679, 535, 668, 527,
- 668, 527, 668, 527, 675, 522, 676, 517, 677, 512
- ]
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@canvas.itemcget('I17_c', :fill),
- :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :smooth=>true,
- :tag=>'I17_')
- xy = [716, 514, 716, 554] # Back leg
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
- xy = [694, 532, 694, 554] # 2nd back leg
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
- xy = [715, 514, 718, 506, 719, 495, 716, 488] # Tail
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
- :smooth=>true, :tag=>'I17_')
- @canvas.raise('I17w') # Make whiskers visible
- @canvas.move('I17_', -5, 0) # Move away from the wall a bit
- return 2
- end
- return 0
- end
- # Sling shot
- def draw18
- color = @C['18']
- xy = [721, 506, 627, 506] # Sling hold
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :width=>4, :fill=>@C['fg'], :tag=>'I18')
- xy = [607, 500, 628, 513] # Sling rock
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'', :tag=>'I18a')
- xy = [526, 513, 606, 507, 494, 502] # Sling band
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>4, :tag=>'I18b')
- xy = [485, 490, 510, 540, 510, 575, 510, 540, 535, 491] # Sling
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>6)
- end
- def move18(step = nil)
- step = get_step(18, step)
- pos = [
- [587, 506], [537, 506], [466, 506], [376, 506], [266, 506, :x],
- [136, 506], [16, 506], [-100, -100]
- ]
- b = []
- b[0] = [490, 502, 719, 507, 524, 512] # Band collapsing
- b[1] = [
- 491, 503, 524, 557, 563, 505, 559, 496, 546, 506, 551, 525,
- 553, 536, 538, 534, 532, 519, 529, 499
- ]
- b[2] = [
- 491, 503, 508, 563, 542, 533, 551, 526, 561, 539, 549, 550, 530, 500
- ]
- b[3] = [
- 491, 503, 508, 563, 530, 554, 541, 562, 525, 568, 519, 544, 530, 501
- ]
- return 0 if step >= pos.length
- if step == 0
- @canvas.delete('I18')
- @canvas.itemconfigure('I18b', :smooth=>true)
- end
- if b[step]
- @canvas.coords('I18b', b[step])
- end
- where = pos[step]
- move_abs('I18a', where)
- return 3 if where[2] == :x
- return 1
- end
- # Water pipe
- def draw19
- color = @C['19']
- xx = [[249, 181], [155, 118], [86, 55], [22, 0]]
- xx.each{|x1, x2|
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, x1, 453, x2, 467,
- :fill=>color, :outline=>'', :tag=>'I19')
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, x1, 453, x2, 453,
- :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>1) # Pipe top
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, x1, 467, x2, 467,
- :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>1) # Pipe bottom
- }
- @canvas.raise('I11i')
- xy = box(168, 460, 16) # Bulge by the joint
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1, :style=>:arc,
- :start=>21, :extent=>136)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1, :style=>:arc,
- :start=>-21, :extent=>-130)
- xy = [249, 447, 255, 473] # First joint 26x6
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
- xy = box(257, 433, 34) # Bend up
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :width=>1,
- :style=>:pie, :start=>0, :extent=>-91)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
- :style=>:arc, :start=>0, :extent=>-90)
- xy = box(257, 433, 20)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>@C['bg'], :width=>1,
- :style=>:pie, :start=>0, :extent=>-92)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
- :style=>:arc, :start=>0, :extent=>-90)
- xy = box(257, 421, 34) # Bend left
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :width=>1,
- :style=>:pie, :start=>0, :extent=>91)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
- :style=>:arc, :start=>0, :extent=>90)
- xy = box(257, 421, 20)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>@C['bg'], :width=>1,
- :style=>:pie, :start=>0, :extent=>90)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
- :style=>:arc, :start=>0, :extent=>90)
- xy = box(243, 421, 34) # Bend down
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :width=>1,
- :style=>:pie, :start=>90, :extent=>90)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
- :style=>:arc, :start=>90, :extent=>90)
- xy = box(243, 421, 20)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>@C['bg'], :width=>1,
- :style=>:pie, :start=>90, :extent=>90)
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
- :style=>:arc, :start=>90, :extent=>90)
- xy = [270, 427, 296, 433] # 2nd joint bottom
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
- xy = [270, 421, 296, 427] # 2nd joint top
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
- xy = [249, 382, 255, 408] # Third joint right
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
- xy = [243, 382, 249, 408] # Third joint left
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
- xy = [203, 420, 229, 426] # Last joint
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
- xy = box(168, 460, 6) # Handle joint
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>'', :tag=>'I19a')
- xy = [168, 460, 168, 512] # Handle bar
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>5, :tag=>'I19b')
- end
- def move19(step = nil)
- step = get_step(19, step)
- angles = [30, 30, 30]
- return 2 if step == angles.length
- ox, oy = centroid('I19a')
- rotate_item('I19b', ox, oy, angles[step])
- return 1
- end
- # Water pouring
- def draw20
- # do nothing
- end
- def move20(step = nil)
- step = get_step(20, step)
- pos = [451, 462, 473, 484, 496, 504, 513, 523, 532]
- freq = [20, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40]
- pos = [
- [451, 20], [462, 40], [473, 40], [484, 40], [496, 40],
- [504, 40], [513, 40], [523, 40], [532, 40, :x]
- ]
- return 0 if step >= pos.length
- @canvas.delete('I20')
- where = pos[step]
- y, f = where
- h20(y, f)
- return 3 if where[2] == :x
- return 1
- end
- def h20(y, f)
- color = @C['20']
- @canvas.delete('I20')
- sine([208, 428, 208, y], 4, f, :tag=>['I20', 'I20s'],
- :width=>3, :fill=>color, :smooth=>true)
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, @canvas.coords('I20s'), :width=>3,
- :fill=>color, :smooth=>1, :tag=>['I20', 'I20a'])
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, @canvas.coords('I20s'), :width=>3,
- :fill=>color, :smooth=>1, :tag=>['I20', 'I20b'])
- @canvas.move('I20a', 8, 0)
- @canvas.move('I20b', 16, 0)
- end
- # Bucket
- def draw21
- color = @C['21']
- xy = [217, 451, 244, 490] # Right handle
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :tag=>'I21_a')
- xy = [201, 467, 182, 490] # Left handle
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :tag=>'I21_a')
- xy = [245, 490, 237, 535] # Right side
- xy2 = [189, 535, 181, 490] # Left side
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy + xy2, :fill=>color, :outline=>'',
- :tag=>['I21', 'I21f'])
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :tag=>'I21')
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy2, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :tag=>'I21')
- xy = [182, 486, 244, 498] # Top
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'', :width=>2,
- :tag=>['I21', 'I21f'])
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
- :tag=>['I21', 'I21t'])
- xy = [189, 532, 237, 540] # Bottom
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
- :tag=>['I21', 'I21b'])
- end
- def move21(step = nil)
- step = get_step(21, step)
- numsteps = 30
- return 0 if step >= numsteps
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = @canvas.coords('I21b')
- # lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2 = @canvas.coords('I21t')
- lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2 = [183, 492, 243, 504]
- f = step / numsteps.to_f
- y2 = y2 - 3
- xx1 = x1 + (lx1 - x1) * f
- yy1 = y1 + (ly1 - y1) * f
- xx2 = x2 + (lx2 - x2) * f
- yy2 = y2 + (ly2 - y2) * f
- @canvas.itemconfigure('I21b', :fill=>@C['20'])
- @canvas.delete('I21w')
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, x2, y2, x1, y1, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy1,
- :tag=>['I21', 'I21w'], :outline=>'', :fill=>@C['20'])
- @canvas.lower('I21w', 'I21')
- @canvas.raise('I21b')
- @canvas.lower('I21f')
- return((step == numsteps - 1)? 3: 1)
- end
- # Bucket drop
- def draw22
- # do nothing
- end
- def move22(step = nil)
- step = get_step(22, step)
- pos = [[213, 513], [213, 523], [213, 543, :x], [213, 583], [213, 593]]
- @canvas.itemconfigure('I21f', :fill=>@C['22']) if step == 0
- return 0 if step >= pos.length
- where = pos[step]
- move_abs('I21', where)
- h20(where[1], 40)
- @canvas.delete('I21_a') # Delete handles
- return 3 if where[2] == :x
- return 1
- end
- # Blow dart
- def draw23
- color = @C['23a']
- color2 = @C['23b']
- color3 = @C['23c']
- xy = [185, 623, 253, 650] # Block
- TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'black', :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :width=>2, :tag=>'I23a')
- xy = [187, 592, 241, 623] # Balloon
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :tag=>'I23b')
- TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I23b',
- :style=>:arc, :start=>12, :extent=>336)
- xy = [239, 604, 258, 589, 258, 625, 239, 610] # Balloon nozzle
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :tag=>'I23b')
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I23b')
- xy = [285, 611, 250, 603] # Dart body
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color2, :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I23d')
- xy = [249, 596, 249, 618, 264, 607, 249, 596] # Dart tail
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color3, :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I23d')
- xy = [249, 607, 268, 607] # Dart detail
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I23d')
- xy = [285, 607, 305, 607] # Dart needle
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I23d')
- end
- def move23(step = nil)
- step = get_step(23, step)
- pos = [
- [277, 607], [287, 607], [307, 607, :x], [347, 607], [407, 607],
- [487, 607], [587, 607], [687, 607], [787, 607], [-100, -100]
- ]
- return 0 if step >= pos.length
- if step <= 1
- ox, oy = anchor('I23a', :n)
- @canvas.scale('I23b', ox, oy, 0.9, 0.5)
- end
- where = pos[step]
- move_abs('I23d', where)
- return 3 if where[2] == :x
- return 1
- end
- # Balloon
- def draw24
- color = @C['24a']
- xy = [366, 518, 462, 665] # Balloon
- TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I24')
- xy = [414, 666, 414, 729] # String
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I24')
- xy = [410, 666, 404, 673, 422, 673, 418, 666] # Nozzle
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'],
- :width=>3, :tag=>'I24')
- xy = [387, 567, 390, 549, 404, 542] # Reflections
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true,
- :width=>2, :tag=>'I24')
- xy = [395, 568, 399, 554, 413, 547]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true,
- :width=>2, :tag=>'I24')
- xy = [403, 570, 396, 555, 381, 553]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true,
- :width=>2, :tag=>'I24')
- xy = [408, 564, 402, 547, 386, 545]
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true,
- :width=>2, :tag=>'I24')
- end
- def move24(step = nil)
- step = get_step(24, step)
- return 0 if step > 4
- return 2 if step == 4
- if step == 0
- @canvas.delete('I24') # Exploding balloon
- xy = [
- 347, 465, 361, 557, 271, 503, 272, 503, 342, 574, 259, 594,
- 259, 593, 362, 626, 320, 737, 320, 740, 398, 691, 436, 738,
- 436, 739, 476, 679, 528, 701, 527, 702, 494, 627, 548, 613,
- 548, 613, 480, 574, 577, 473, 577, 473, 474, 538, 445, 508,
- 431, 441, 431, 440, 400, 502, 347, 465, 347, 465
- ]
- TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>'I24', :fill=>@C['24b'],
- :outline=>@C['24a'], :width=>10, :smooth=>true)
- msg = Tk.subst(@S['message'].value)
- TkcText.new(@canvas, centroid('I24'), :text=>msg, :tag=>['I24', 'I24t'],
- :justify=>:center, :font=>['Times Roman', 18, :bold])
- return 1
- end
- @canvas.itemconfigure('I24t', :font=>['Times Roman', 18 + 6*step, :bold])
- @canvas.move('I24', 0, -60)
- ox, oy = centroid('I24')
- @canvas.scale('I24', ox, oy, 1.25, 1.25)
- return 1
- end
- # Displaying the message
- def move25(step = nil)
- step = get_step(25, step)
- if step == 0
- @XY['25'] = Tk::Clock.clicks(:milliseconds)
- return 1
- end
- elapsed = Tk::Clock.clicks(:milliseconds) - @XY['25']
- return 1 if elapsed < 5000
- return 2
- end
- # Collapsing balloon
- def move26(step = nil)
- step = get_step(26, step)
- if step >= 3
- @canvas.delete('I24', 'I26')
- TkcText.new(@canvas, 430, 740, :anchor=>:s, :tag=>'I26',
- :text=>'click to continue',
- :font=>['Times Roman', 24, :bold])
- @canvas.bind('1', proc{reset})
- return 4
- end
- ox, oy = centroid('I24')
- @canvas.scale('I24', ox, oy, 0.8, 0.8)
- @canvas.move('I24', 0, 60)
- @canvas.itemconfigure('I24t', :font=>['Times Roman', 30 - 6*step, :bold])
- return 1
- end
- ################################################################
- #
- # Helper functions
- #
- def box(x, y, r)
- [x - r, y - r, x + r, y + r]
- end
- def move_abs(item, xy)
- x, y = xy
- ox, oy = centroid(item)
- dx = x - ox
- dy = y - oy
- @canvas.move(item, dx, dy)
- end
- def rotate_item(item, ox, oy, beta)
- xy = @canvas.coords(item)
- xy2 = []
- 0.step(xy.length - 1, 2){|idx|
- x, y = xy[idx, 2]
- xy2.concat(rotate_c(x, y, ox, oy, beta))
- }
- @canvas.coords(item, xy2)
- end
- def rotate_c(x, y, ox, oy, beta)
- # rotates vector (ox,oy)->(x,y) by beta degrees clockwise
- x -= ox # Shift to origin
- y -= oy
- beta = beta * Math.atan(1) * 4 / 180.0 # Radians
- xx = x * Math.cos(beta) - y * Math.sin(beta) # Rotate
- yy = x * Math.sin(beta) + y * Math.cos(beta)
- xx += ox # Shift back
- yy += oy
- [xx, yy]
- end
- def reset
- draw_all
- @canvas.bind_remove('1')
- @S['mode'].value = :MSTART
- @S['active'] = [0]
- end
- # Each Move## keeps its state info in STEP, this retrieves and increments it
- def get_step(who, step)
- if step
- @STEP[who] = step
- else
- if !@STEP.exist?(who) || @STEP[who] == ""
- @STEP[who] = 0
- else
- @STEP[who] += 1
- end
- end
- @STEP[who]
- end
- def reset_step
- @S['cnt'].value = 0
- @STEP.keys.each{|k| @STEP[k] = ''}
- end
- def sine(xy0, amp, freq, opts = {})
- x0, y0, x1, y1 = xy0
- step = 2
- xy = []
- if y0 == y1 # Horizontal
- x0.step(x1, step){|x|
- beta = (x - x0) * 2 * Math::PI / freq
- y = y0 + amp * Math.sin(beta)
- xy << x << y
- }
- else
- y0.step(y1, step){|y|
- beta = (y - y0) * 2 * Math::PI / freq
- x = x0 + amp * Math.sin(beta)
- xy << x << y
- }
- end
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, opts)
- end
- def round_rect(xy, radius, opts={})
- x0, y0, x3, y3 = xy
- r = @canvas.winfo_pixels(radius)
- d = 2 * r
- # Make sure that the radius of the curve is less than 3/8 size of the box!
- maxr = 0.75
- if d > maxr * (x3 - x0)
- d = maxr * (x3 - x0)
- end
- if d > maxr * (y3 - y0)
- d = maxr * (y3 - y0)
- end
- x1 = x0 + d
- x2 = x3 - d
- y1 = y0 + d
- y2 = y3 - d
- xy = [x0, y0, x1, y0, x2, y0, x3, y0, x3, y1, x3, y2]
- xy.concat([x3, y3, x2, y3, x1, y3, x0, y3, x0, y2, x0, y1])
- return xy
- end
- def round_poly(canv, xy, radii, opts)
- lenXY = xy.length
- lenR = radii.length
- if lenXY != 2*lenR
- raise "wrong number of vertices and radii"
- end
- knots = []
- x0 = xy[-2]; y0 = xy[-1]
- x1 = xy[0]; y1 = xy[1]
- xy << xy[0] << xy[1]
- 0.step(lenXY - 1, 2){|i|
- radius = radii[i/2]
- r = canv.winfo_pixels(radius)
- x2 = xy[i+2]; y2 = xy[i+3]
- z = _round_poly2(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, r)
- knots.concat(z)
- x0 = x1; y0 = y1
- x1 = x2; y1 = y2
- }
- TkcPolygon.new(canv, knots, {:smooth=>true}.update(opts))
- end
- def _round_poly2(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius)
- d = 2 * radius
- maxr = 0.75
- v1x = x0 - x1
- v1y = y0 - y1
- v2x = x2 - x1
- v2y = y2 - y1
- vlen1 = Math.sqrt(v1x*v1x + v1y*v1y)
- vlen2 = Math.sqrt(v2x*v2x + v2y*v2y)
- if d > maxr * vlen1
- d = maxr * vlen1
- end
- if d > maxr * vlen2
- d = maxr * vlen2
- end
- xy = []
- xy << (x1 + d * v1x / vlen1) << (y1 + d * v1y / vlen1)
- xy << x1 << y1
- xy << (x1 + d * v2x / vlen2) << (y1 + d * v2y / vlen2)
- return xy
- end
- def sparkle(oxy, tag)
- xy = [
- [299, 283], [298, 302], [295, 314], [271, 331],
- [239, 310], [242, 292], [256, 274], [281, 273]
- ]
- xy.each{|x, y|
- TkcLine.new(@canvas, 271, 304, x, y,
- :fill=>'white', :width=>3, :tag=>tag)
- }
- move_abs(tag, oxy)
- end
- def centroid(item)
- anchor(item, :c)
- end
- def anchor(item, where)
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = @canvas.bbox(item)
- case(where)
- when :n
- y = y1
- when :s
- y = y2
- else
- y = (y1 + y2) / 2.0
- end
- case(where)
- when :w
- x = x1
- when :e
- x = x2
- else
- x = (x1 + x2) / 2.0
- end
- return [x, y]
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/hello b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/hello
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e86ad7e3e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/hello
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'tk'
-#unless /^8\.[1-9]/ =~ Tk::TCL_VERSION && !Tk::JAPANIZED_TK
-# require 'tkencoding'
- 'text'=>"Hello Ruby world!",
- 'font'=>TkFont.new('k14'),
- 'command'=>proc{print "Hello Ruby world!\n"; exit}
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/hscale.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/hscale.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 05a8f39362..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/hscale.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require "tkcanvas"
-if defined?($hscale_demo) && $hscale_demo
- $hscale_demo.destroy
- $hscale_demo = nil
-$hscale_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Horizontal Scale Demonstration")
- iconname("hscale")
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($hscale_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '3.5i'
- justify 'left'
- text "An arrow and a horizontal scale are displayed below. If you click or drag mouse button 1 in the scale, you can change the length of the arrow."
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc {
- tmppath = $hscale_demo
- $hscale_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc { showCode 'hscale' }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-def setWidth(w, width)
- width = width + 21
- x2 = width - 30
- if x2 < 21
- x2 = 21
- end
- w.coords 'poly',20,15,20,35,x2,35,x2,45,width,25,x2,5,x2,15,20,15
- w.coords 'line',20,15,20,35,x2,35,x2,45,width,25,x2,5,x2,15,20,15
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- canvas = TkCanvas.new(frame) {|c|
- width 50
- height 50
- bd 0
- highlightthickness 0
- TkcPolygon.new(c, '0', '0', '1', '1', '2', '2') {
- fill 'DeepSkyBlue'
- tags 'poly'
- }
- TkcLine.new(c, '0', '0', '1', '1', '2', '2', '0', '0') {
- fill 'black'
- tags 'line'
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'anchor'=>'s', 'fill'=>'x', 'padx'=>'15')
- scale = TkScale.new(frame) {
- orient 'horizontal'
- length 284
- from 0
- to 250
- command proc{|value| setWidth(canvas, value)}
- tickinterval 50
- }.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'expand'=>'yes', 'anchor'=>'n')
- scale.set 75
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/icon.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/icon.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e0cb88ad80..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/icon.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# icon.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
-# buttons that display bitmaps instead of text.
-# iconic button widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($icon_demo) && $icon_demo
- $icon_demo.destroy
- $icon_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$icon_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Iconic Button Demonstration")
- iconname("icon")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($icon_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '5i'
- justify 'left'
- text "This window shows three ways of using bitmaps or images in radiobuttons and checkbuttons. On the left are two radiobuttons, each of which displays a bitmap and an indicator. In the middle is a checkbutton that displays a different image depending on whether it is selected or not. On the right is a checkbutton that displays a single bitmap but changes its background color to indicate whether or not it is selected. (This change is visible when the mouse pointer is not directly over the button.)"
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $icon_demo
- $icon_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'icon'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# image
-flagup = \
- 'images','flagup.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'maskfile'=>\
- [$demo_dir,'..','images','flagup.xbm'].join(File::Separator))
-flagdown = \
- 'images','flagdown.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'maskfile'=>\
- [$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','flagdown.xbm'].join(File::Separator))
-# create variable
-letters = TkVariable.new
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame, 'borderwidth'=>10){|w|
- TkFrame.new(w) {|f|
- # TkRadioButton.new(f){
- Tk::RadioButton.new(f){
- bitmap '@' + [$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','letters.xbm'].join(File::Separator)
- variable letters
- value 'full'
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes')
- # TkRadioButton.new(f){
- Tk::RadioButton.new(f){
- bitmap '@' + [$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','noletter.xbm'].join(File::Separator)
- variable letters
- value 'empty'
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes')
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'padx'=>'5m')
- # TkCheckButton.new(w) {
- Tk::CheckButton.new(w) {
- image flagdown
- selectimage flagup
- indicatoron 0
- selectcolor self['background']
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'padx'=>'5m')
- # TkCheckButton.new(w) {
- Tk::CheckButton.new(w) {
- bitmap '@' + [$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','letters.xbm'].join(File::Separator)
- indicatoron 0
- selectcolor 'SeaGreen1'
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'padx'=>'5m')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/image1.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/image1.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c7c0989df8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/image1.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-## image1.rb
-# This demonstration script displays two image widgets.
-# two image widgets demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($image1_demo) && $image1_demo
- $image1_demo.destroy
- $image1_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$image1_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title('Image Demonstration #1')
- iconname("Image1")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($image1_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "This demonstration displays two images, each in a separate label widget."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $image1_demo
- $image1_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'image1'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# image
-image1a = \
- 'images','earth.gif'].join(File::Separator))
-image1b = \
- 'images','earthris.gif'].join(File::Separator))
-# label
-#[ TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'image'=>image1a, 'bd'=>1, 'relief'=>'sunken'),
-# TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'image'=>image1b, 'bd'=>1, 'relief'=>'sunken')
-#].each{|w| w.pack('side'=>'top', 'padx'=>'.5m', 'pady'=>'.5m')}
-[ Tk::Label.new(base_frame, 'image'=>image1a, 'bd'=>1, 'relief'=>'sunken'),
- Tk::Label.new(base_frame, 'image'=>image1b, 'bd'=>1, 'relief'=>'sunken')
-].each{|w| w.pack('side'=>'top', 'padx'=>'.5m', 'pady'=>'.5m')}
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/image2.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/image2.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dfb993e434..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/image2.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# image2.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a simple collection of widgets
-# that allow you to select and view images in a Tk label.
-# widget demo 'load image' (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($image2_demo) && $image2_demo
- $image2_demo.destroy
- $image2_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$image2_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title('Image Demonstration #2')
- iconname("Image2")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($image2_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "This demonstration allows you to view images using a Tk \"photo\" image. First type a directory name in the listbox, then press Enter to load the directory into the listbox. Then double-click on a file name in the listbox to see that image."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $image2_demo
- $image2_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'image2'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# create variable
-$dirName = TkVariable.new([$demo_dir,'..','images'].join(File::Separator))
-# image
-$image2a = TkPhotoImage.new
-TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Directory:')\
-.pack('side'=>'top', 'anchor'=>'w')
-image2_e = TkEntry.new(base_frame) {
- width 30
- textvariable $dirName
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'anchor'=>'w')
-TkFrame.new(base_frame, 'height'=>'3m', 'width'=>20)\
-.pack('side'=>'top', 'anchor'=>'w')
-TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'File:')\
-.pack('side'=>'top', 'anchor'=>'w')
- s = TkScrollbar.new(w)
- l = TkListbox.new(w) {
- width 20
- height 10
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- s.command(proc{|*args| l.yview(*args)})
- l.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'y')
- s.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'y')
- #l.insert(0,'earth.gif', 'earthris.gif', 'mickey.gif', 'teapot.ppm')
- l.insert(0,'earth.gif', 'earthris.gif', 'teapot.ppm')
- l.bind('Double-1', proc{|x,y| loadImage $image2a,l,x,y}, '%x %y')
- image2_e.bind 'Return', proc{loadDir l}
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'anchor'=>'w')
-# image
-[ TkFrame.new(base_frame, 'height'=>'3m', 'width'=>20),
- TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Image:'),
- TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'image'=>$image2a)
-].each{|w| w.pack('side'=>'top', 'anchor'=>'w')}
-def loadDir(w)
- w.delete(0,'end')
- Dir.glob([$dirName,'*'].join(File::Separator)).sort.each{|f|
- w.insert('end',File.basename(f))
- }
-def loadImage(img,w,x,y)
- img.file([$dirName, w.get("@#{x},#{y}")].join(File::Separator))
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/image3.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/image3.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b2be20073..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/image3.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# image3.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a simple collection of widgets
-# that allow you to select and view images in a Tk label.
-# widget demo 'load image' (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($image3_demo) && $image3_demo
- $image3_demo.destroy
- $image3_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$image3_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title('Image Demonstration #3')
- iconname("Image3")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($image3_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-def loadDir3(w)
- w.delete(0,'end')
- Dir.glob([$dirName,'*'].join(File::Separator)).sort.each{|f|
- w.insert('end',File.basename(f))
- }
-# selectAndLoadDir3 --
-# This procedure pops up a dialog to ask for a directory to load into
-# the listbox and (if the user presses OK) reloads the directory
-# listbox from the directory named in the demo's entry.
-# Arguments:
-# w - Name of the toplevel window of the demo.
-def selectAndLoadDir3(w, lbox)
- dir = Tk.chooseDirectory(:initialdir=>$dirName.value,
- :parent=>w, :mustexist=>true)
- if dir.length > 0
- $dirName.value = dir
- loadDir3(lbox)
- end
-def loadImage(w,x,y)
- $image3a.file([$dirName, w.get("@#{x},#{y}")].join(File::Separator))
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "This demonstration allows you to view images using a Tk \"photo\" image. First type a directory name in the listbox, then type Return to load the directory into the listbox. Then double-click on a file name in the listbox to see that image."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $image3_demo
- $image3_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'image3'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# variable
-$dirName = TkVariable.new([$demo_dir,'..','images'].join(File::Separator))
-# image
- $image3a.delete
-$image3a = TkPhotoImage.new
-image3_f = TkFrame.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-image3_df = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, :text=>'Directory:')
-image3_ff = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, :text=>'File:',
- :padx=>'2m', :pady=>'2m')
-image3_lbx = TkListbox.new(image3_ff, :width=>20, :height=>10) {
- pack(:side=>:left, :fill=>:y, :expand=>true)
- yscrollbar(TkScrollbar.new(image3_ff).pack(:side=>:left, :fill=>:y,
- :expand=>true))
- insert(0, *(%w(earth.gif earthris.gif teapot.ppm)))
- bind('Double-1', proc{|x,y| loadImage(self, x, y)}, '%x %y')
-image3_ent = TkEntry.new(image3_df, :width=>30, :textvariable=>$dirName){
- pack(:side=>:left, :fill=>:both, :padx=>'2m', :pady=>'2m', :expand=>true)
- bind('Return', proc{loadDir3(image3_lbx)})
-TkButton.new(image3_df, :pady=>0, :padx=>'2m', :text=>"Select Dir.",
- :command=>proc{selectAndLoadDir3(image3_ent, image3_lbx)}) {
- pack(:side=>:left, :fill=>:y, :padx=>[0, '2m'], :pady=>'2m')
-image3_if = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, :text=>'Image:') {|f|
- # TkLabel.new(f, :image=>$image3a).pack(:padx=>'2m', :pady=>'2m')
- Tk::Label.new(f, :image=>$image3a).pack(:padx=>'2m', :pady=>'2m')
-Tk.grid(image3_df, '-',
- :sticky=>:ew, :padx=>'1m', :pady=>'1m', :in=>image3_f)
-Tk.grid(image3_ff, image3_if,
- :sticky=>:nw, :padx=>'1m', :pady=>'1m', :in=>image3_f)
-TkGrid.columnconfigure(image3_f, 1, :weight=>1)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/items.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/items.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d6de1e557e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/items.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# items.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a canvas that displays the
-# canvas item types.
-# canvas item types widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($items_demo) && $items_demo
- $items_demo.destroy
- $items_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$items_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Canvas Item Demonstration")
- iconname("Items")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($items_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '5i'
- justify 'left'
- text "This window contains a canvas widget with examples of the various kinds of items supported by canvases. The following operations are supported:\n Button-1 drag:\tmoves item under pointer.\n Button-2 drag:\trepositions view.\n Button-3 drag:\tstrokes out area.\n Ctrl+f:\t\tprints items under area."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $items_demo
- $items_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'items'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-cvs = nil
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|cf|
- # canvas
- cvs = TkCanvas.new(cf) {|c|
- focus
- scrollregion '0c 0c 30c 24c'
- width '15c'
- height '10c'
- relief 'sunken'
- borderwidth 2
- hs = TkScrollbar.new(cf) {|s|
- orient 'horizontal'
- command proc{|*args| c.xview(*args)}
- c.xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- vs = TkScrollbar.new(cf) {|s|
- command proc{|*args| c.yview(*args)}
- c.yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- hs.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x')
- vs.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- c.pack('in'=>cf, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- else
- c.grid('in'=>cf, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- vs.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- hs.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(cf, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(cf, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- end
- }
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes')
-# Display a 3x3 rectangular grid
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '0c', '0c', '30c', '24c', 'width'=>2)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '0c', '8c', '30c', '8c', 'width'=>2)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '0c', '16c', '30c', '16c', 'width'=>2)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '10c', '0c', '10c', '24c', 'width'=>2)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '20c', '0c', '20c', '24c', 'width'=>2)
-if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- font1 = '-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- font2 = '-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- font1 = 'Helvetica 12'
- font2 = 'Helvetica 24 bold'
-if TkWinfo.depth($root).to_i > 1
- blue = 'DeepSkyBlue3'
- red = 'red'
- bisque = 'bisque3'
- green = 'SeaGreen3'
- blue = 'black'
- red = 'black'
- bisque = 'black'
- green = 'black'
-# tag
-$tag_item = TkcGroup.new(cvs)
-# Set up demos within each of the areas of the grid.
-TkcText.new(cvs, '5c', '.2c', 'text'=>'Lines', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '1c', '1c', '3c', '1c', '1c', '4c', '3c', '4c',
- 'width'=>2, 'fill'=>blue, 'capstyle'=>'butt',
- 'join'=>'miter', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '4.67c','1c','4.67c','4c', 'arrow'=>'last', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '6.33c','1c','6.33c','4c', 'arrow'=>'both', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '5c','6c','9c','6c','9c','1c','8c','1c','8c','4.8c','8.8c',
- '4.8c','8.8c','1.2c','8.2c','1.2c','8.2c','4.6c','8.6c','4.6c',
- '8.6c','1.4c','8.4c','1.4c','8.4c','4.4c',
- 'width'=>3, 'fill'=>red, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '1c','5c','7c','5c','7c','7c','9c','7c', 'width'=>'.5c',
- 'stipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'arrow'=>'both', 'arrowshape'=>'15 15 7', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '1c','7c','1.75c','5.8c','2.5c','7c','3.25c','5.8c','4c','7c',
- 'width'=>'.5c', 'capstyle'=>'round', 'join'=>'round',
- 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '15c', '.2c',
- 'text'=>'Curves (smoothed lines)', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '11c','4c','11.5c','1c','13.5c','1c','14c','4c',
- 'smooth'=>'on', 'fill'=>blue, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '15.5c','1c','19.5c','1.5c','15.5c','4.5c','19.5c','4c',
- 'smooth'=>'on', 'arrow'=>'both', 'width'=>3, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '12c','6c','13.5c','4.5c','16.5c','7.5c','18c','6c',
- '16.5c','4.5c','13.5c','7.5c','12c','6c',
- 'smooth'=>'on', 'width'=>'3m', 'capstyle'=>'round',
- 'stipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'fill'=>red, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '25c', '.2c', 'text'=>'Polygons', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcPolygon.new(cvs, '21c','1.0c','22.5c','1.75c','24c','1.0c','23.25c','2.5c',
- '24c','4.0c','22.5c','3.25c','21c','4.0c','21.75c','2.5c',
- 'fill'=>'green', 'outline'=>'black', 'width'=>4,
- 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcPolygon.new(cvs, '25c','4c','25c','4c','25c','1c','26c','1c','27c','4c',
- '28c','1c','29c','1c','29c','4c','29c','4c',
- 'fill'=>red, 'smooth'=>'on', 'tags'=> $tag_item)
-TkcPolygon.new(cvs, '22c','4.5c','25c','4.5c','25c','6.75c','28c','6.75c',
- '28c','5.25c','24c','5.25c','24c','6.0c','26c','6c','26c',
- '7.5c','22c','7.5c',
- 'stipple'=>'@' + [$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'outline'=>'black', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '5c', '8.2c', 'text'=>'Rectangles', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '1c','9.5c','4c','12.5c',
- 'outline'=>red, 'width'=>'3m', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '0.5c','13.5c','4.5c','15.5c',
- 'fill'=>green, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '6c','10c','9c','15c', 'outline'=>'',
- 'stipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'fill'=>blue, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '15c', '8.2c', 'text'=>'Ovals', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcOval.new(cvs, '11c','9.5c','14c','12.5c',
- 'outline'=>red, 'width'=>'3m', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcOval.new(cvs, '10.5c','13.5c','14.5c','15.5c',
- 'fill'=>green, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcOval.new(cvs, '16c','10c','19c','15c', 'outline'=>'',
- 'stipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'fill'=>blue, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '25c', '8.2c', 'text'=>'Text', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '22.4c','8.9c','22.6c','9.1c')
-TkcText.new(cvs, '22.5c', '9c', 'anchor'=>'n', 'font'=>font1, 'width'=>'4c',
- 'text'=>'A short string of text, word-wrapped, justified left, and anchored north (at the top). The rectangles show the anchor points for each piece of text.', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '25.4c','10.9c','25.6c','11.1c')
-TkcText.new(cvs, '25.5c', '11c', 'anchor'=>'w', 'font'=>font1, 'fill'=>blue,
- 'text'=>"Several lines,\n each centered\nindividually,\nand all anchored\nat the left edge.", 'justify'=>'center', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '24.9c','13.9c','25.1c','14.1c')
-if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- TkcText.new(cvs, '25c', '14c', 'anchor'=>'c', 'font'=>font2, 'fill'=>red,
- 'stipple'=>'@' + [$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'grey.5'].join(File::Separator),
- 'text'=>'Stippled characters', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
- TkcText.new(cvs, '25c', '14c', 'anchor'=>'c', 'font'=>font2, 'fill'=>red,
- 'stipple'=>'gray50', 'text'=>'Stippled characters',
- 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '5c', '16.2c', 'text'=>'Arcs', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcArc.new(cvs, '0.5c','17c','7c','20c', 'fill'=>green, 'outline'=>'black',
- 'start'=>45, 'extent'=>270, 'style'=>'pieslice', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-#TkcArc.new(cvs, '6.5c','17c','9.5c','20c', 'width'=>'4m', 'style'=>'arc',
-# 'outline'=>blue, 'start'=>135, 'extent'=>270,
-# 'outlinestipple'=>'@' + ['images', 'grey.25'].join(File::Separator),
-# 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcArc.new(cvs, '6.5c','17c','9.5c','20c', 'width'=>'4m', 'style'=>'arc',
- 'outline'=>blue, 'start'=>135, 'extent'=>270,
- 'outlinestipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images','gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcArc.new(cvs, '0.5c','20c','9.5c','24c', 'width'=>'4m', 'style'=>'pieslice',
- 'fill'=>'', 'outline'=>red, 'start'=>225, 'extent'=>90,
- 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcArc.new(cvs, '5.5c','20.5c','9.5c','23.5c', 'width'=>'4m', 'style'=>'chord',
- 'fill'=>blue, 'outline'=>'', 'start'=>45, 'extent'=>270,
- 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcText.new(cvs, '15c', '16.2c', 'text'=>'Bitmaps', 'anchor'=>'n')
-#TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '13c','20c',
-# 'bitmap'=>'@' + ['images', 'face'].join(File::Separator),
-# 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '13c','20c',
- 'bitmap'=>'@' + [$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'face.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-#TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '17c','18.5c',
-# 'bitmap'=>'@' + ['images', 'noletters'].join(File::Separator),
-# 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '17c','18.5c',
- 'bitmap'=>'@' + [$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'noletter.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-#TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '17c','21.5c',
-# 'bitmap'=>'@' + ['images', 'letters'].join(File::Separator),
-# 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '17c','21.5c') {
- bitmap '@' + [$demo_dir, '..', 'images', 'letters.xbm'].join(File::Separator)
- tags $tag_item
-#TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '17c','21.5c') {
-# bitmap '@' + ['images', 'letters'].join(File::Separator)
-# tags $tag_item
-TkcText.new(cvs, '25c', '16.2c', 'text'=>'Windows', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkButton.new(cvs) {|b|
- text 'Press Me'
- command proc{butPress cvs, red}
- TkcWindow.new(cvs, '21c','18c',
- 'window'=>b, 'anchor'=>'nw', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkEntry.new(cvs, 'width'=>20, 'relief'=>'sunken') {|e|
- insert 'end', 'Edit this text'
- TkcWindow.new(cvs, '21c','21c',
- 'window'=>e, 'anchor'=>'nw', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkScale.new(cvs, 'from'=>0, 'to'=>100, 'length'=>'6c', 'sliderlength'=>'.4c',
- 'width'=>'.5c', 'tickinterval'=>0 ) {|scl|
- TkcWindow.new(cvs, '28.5c','17.5c',
- 'window'=>scl, 'anchor'=>'n', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcText.new(cvs, '21c', '17.9c', 'text'=>'Button:', 'anchor'=>'sw')
-TkcText.new(cvs, '21c', '20.9c', 'text'=>'Entry:', 'anchor'=>'sw')
-TkcText.new(cvs, '28.5c', '17.4c', 'text'=>'Scale:', 'anchor'=>'s')
-# Set up event bindings for canvas:
-cvs.itembind($tag_item, 'Any-Enter', proc{itemEnter cvs})
-cvs.itembind($tag_item, 'Any-Leave', proc{itemLeave cvs})
-cvs.bind('2', proc{|x,y| cvs.scan_mark x,y}, '%x %y')
-cvs.bind('B2-Motion', proc{|x,y| cvs.scan_dragto x,y}, '%x %y')
-cvs.bind('3', proc{|x,y| itemMark cvs,x,y}, '%x %y')
-cvs.bind('B3-Motion', proc{|x,y| itemStroke cvs,x,y}, '%x %y')
-cvs.bind('Control-f', proc{itemsUnderArea cvs})
-cvs.bind('1', proc{|x,y| itemStartDrag cvs,x,y}, '%x %y')
-cvs.bind('B1-Motion', proc{|x,y| itemDrag cvs,x,y}, '%x %y')
-# Utility methods for highlighting the item under the pointer
-$restoreCmd = nil
-def itemEnter (c)
- if TkWinfo.depth(c).to_i == 1
- $restoreCmd = nil
- return
- end
- type = c.itemtype('current')
- if type == TkcWindow
- $restoreCmd = nil
- return
- end
- if type == TkcBitmap
- bg = (c.itemconfiginfo('current', 'background'))[4]
- $restoreCmd = proc{c.itemconfigure 'current', 'background', bg}
- c.itemconfigure 'current', 'background', 'SteelBlue2'
- return
- end
- fill = (c.itemconfiginfo('current', 'fill'))[4]
- if (type == TkcRectangle || type == TkcOval || type == TkcArc) && fill == []
- outline = (c.itemconfiginfo('current', 'outline'))[4]
- $restoreCmd = proc{c.itemconfigure 'current', 'outline', outline}
- c.itemconfigure 'current', 'outline', 'SteelBlue2'
- else
- $restoreCmd = proc{c.itemconfigure 'current', 'fill', fill}
- c.itemconfigure 'current', 'fill', 'SteelBlue2'
- end
-def itemLeave(c)
- $restoreCmd.call if $restoreCmd
-# Utility methods for stroking out a rectangle and printing what's
-# underneath the rectangle's area.
-def itemMark(c,x,y)
- $areaX1 = c.canvasx(x)
- $areaY1 = c.canvasy(y)
- c.delete 'area'
-def itemStroke(c,x,y)
- x = c.canvasx(x)
- y = c.canvasy(y)
- if $areaX1 != x && $areaY1 != y
- c.delete 'area'
- c.addtag_withtag 'area', TkcRectangle.new(c, $areaX1, $areaY1, x, y,
- '-outline', 'black')
- $areaX2 = x
- $areaY2 = y
- end
-def itemsUnderArea(c)
- area = c.find_withtag('area')
- items = []
- c.find_enclosed($areaX1,$areaY1,$areaX2,$areaY2).each{|i|
- items.push(i) if i.gettags.include?($tag_item)
- }
- print "Items enclosed by area: #{items.inspect}\n"; STDOUT.flush
- items.clear
- c.find_overlapping($areaX1,$areaY1,$areaX2,$areaY2).each{|i|
- items.push(i) if i.gettags.include?($tag_item)
- }
- print "Items overlapping area: #{items.inspect}\n"; STDOUT.flush
-$areaX1 = 0
-$areaY1 = 0
-$areaX2 = 0
-$areaY2 = 0
-# Utility methods to support dragging of items.
-def itemStartDrag(c,x,y)
- $lastX = c.canvasx(x)
- $lastY = c.canvasy(y)
-def itemDrag(c,x,y)
- x = c.canvasx(x)
- y = c.canvasy(y)
- c.move 'current', x - $lastX, y - $lastY
- $lastX = x
- $lastY = y
-# Method that's invoked when the button embedded in the canvas
-# is invoked.
-def butPress(w,color)
- i = TkcText.new(w, '25c', '18.1c',
- 'text'=>'Ouch!!', 'fill'=>color, 'anchor'=>'n')
- Tk.after(500, proc{w.delete i})
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ixset b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ixset
deleted file mode 100644
index 40a77f487c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ixset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# ixset --
-# A nice interface to "xset" to change X server settings
-require 'tk'
-class Xsettings
- #
- # Button actions
- #
- def quit
- @root.destroy
- end
- def ok
- writesettings
- quit
- end
- def cancel
- readsettings
- dispsettings
- end
- # apply is just "writesettings"
- #
- # Read current settings
- #
- def readsettings
- xfd = open("|xset q", 'r')
- xfd.readlines.each{|line|
- fields = line.chomp.strip.split(/\s+/)
- case fields[0]
- when "auto"
- if fields[1] == 'repeat:'
- @kbdrep = fields[2]
- @w_kbdrep.set(@kbdrep)
- @kbdcli = fields[6]
- end
- when "bell"
- @bellvol = fields[2]
- @bellpit = fields[5]
- @belldur = fields[8]
- when "acceleration:"
- @mouseacc = fields[1]
- @mousethr = fields[3]
- when "prefer"
- if fields[2] == 'yes'
- @screenbla = 'blank'
- else
- @screenbla = 'noblank'
- end
- @w_screenbla.set(@screenbla)
- when "timeout:"
- @screentim = fields[1]
- @screencyc = fields[3]
- end
- }
- xfd.close
- end
- #
- # Write settings into the X server
- #
- def writesettings
- @bellvol = @w_bellvol.get
- @bellpit = @w_bellpit.get
- @belldur = @w_belldur.get
- @kbdrep = @w_kbdrep.get
- if @kbdrep == 'on'
- @kbdcli = @w_kbdcli.get
- else
- @kbdcli = 'off'
- end
- @mouseacc = @w_mouseacc.get
- @mousethr = @w_mousethr.get
- @screentim = @w_screentim.get
- @screencyc = @w_screencyc.get
- @screenbla = @w_screenbla.get
- system("xset \
- b #{@bellvol} #{@bellpit} #{@belldur} \
- c #{@kbdcli} \
- r #{@kbdrep} \
- m #{@mouseacc} #{@mousethr} \
- s #{@screentim} #{@screencyc} \
- s #{@screenbla}")
- end
- #
- # Sends all settings to the window
- #
- def dispsettings
- @w_bellvol.set(@bellvol)
- @w_bellpit.set(@bellpit)
- @w_belldur.set(@belldur)
- @w_kbdonoff.set(@w_kbdrep.get)
- @w_kbdcli.set(@kbdcli)
- @w_mouseacc.set(@mouseacc)
- @w_mousethr.set(@mousethr)
- @w_screenblank.set(@w_screenbla.get)
- @w_screenpat.set(@w_screenbla.get)
- @w_screentim.set(@screentim)
- @w_screencyc.set(@screencyc)
- end
- #
- # Create all windows, and pack them
- #
- class LabelEntry
- def initialize(parent, text, length)
- @frame = TkFrame.new(parent)
- TkLabel.new(@frame, 'text'=>text).pack('side'=>'left','expand'=>'y')
- @entry = TkEntry.new(@frame, 'width'=>length, 'relief'=>'sunken') {
- pack('side'=>'left','expand'=>'y')
- }
- end
- def pack(keys)
- @frame.pack(keys)
- end
- def get
- @entry.value
- end
- def set(value)
- @entry.delete(0,'end')
- @entry.insert(0, value)
- end
- end
- def createwindows
- win = self
- #
- # Buttons
- #
- buttons = TkFrame.new(@root) {|f|
- [ TkButton.new(f, 'command'=>proc{win.ok}, 'text'=>'Ok'),
- TkButton.new(f, 'command'=>proc{win.writesettings}, 'text'=>'Apply'),
- TkButton.new(f, 'command'=>proc{win.cancel}, 'text'=>'Cancel'),
- TkButton.new(f, 'command'=>proc{win.quit}, 'text'=>'Quit') ].each{|b|
- b.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'pady'=>5)
- }
- }
- #
- # Bell settings
- #
- bell = TkFrame.new(@root, 'relief'=>'raised', 'borderwidth'=>2)
- l = TkLabel.new(bell, 'text'=>'Bell Settings')
- @w_bellvol = TkScale.new(bell, 'from'=>0, 'to'=>100, 'length'=>200,
- 'tickinterval'=>20, 'orient'=>'horizontal',
- 'label'=>"Volume (%)")
- f = TkFrame.new(bell)
- @w_bellpit = LabelEntry.new(f, "Pitch (Hz)", 6)
- @w_bellpit.pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>5)
- @w_belldur = LabelEntry.new(f, "Duration (ms)", 6)
- @w_belldur.pack('side'=>'right', 'padx'=>5)
- l.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes')
- @w_bellvol.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes')
- f.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes')
- #
- # Keyboard settings
- #
- kbdonoff = nil
- kbdcli = nil
- kbd = TkFrame.new(@root, 'relief'=>'raised', 'borderwidth'=>2)
- l = TkLabel.new(kbd, 'text'=>'Keyboard Repeat Settings')
- f = TkFrame.new(kbd)
- @w_kbdonoff = TkCheckButton.new(f, 'text'=>'On', 'relief'=>'flat',
- 'onvalue'=>'on', 'offvalue'=>'off',
- 'variable'=>@w_kbdrep ) {
- def self.set(value)
- if value == 'on'
- self.select
- else
- self.deselect
- end
- end
- pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- }
- @w_kbdcli = TkScale.new(f, 'from'=>0, 'to'=>100, 'length'=>200,
- 'tickinterval'=>20, 'orient'=>'horizontal',
- 'label'=>'Click Volume (%)')
- @w_kbdcli.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- l.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes')
- f.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'pady'=>2, 'fill'=>'x')
- #
- # Mouse settings
- #
- mouse = TkFrame.new(@root, 'relief'=>'raised', 'borderwidth'=>2)
- l = TkLabel.new(mouse, 'text'=>'Mouse Settings')
- f = TkFrame.new(mouse)
- @w_mouseacc = LabelEntry.new(f, 'Acceleration', 3)
- @w_mouseacc.pack('side'=>'left')
- @w_mousethr = LabelEntry.new(f, 'Threshold (pixels)', 3)
- @w_mousethr.pack('side'=>'right')
- l.pack('side'=>'top')
- f.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes')
- #
- # Screen Saver settings
- #
- screen = TkFrame.new(@root, 'relief'=>'raised', 'borderwidth'=>2)
- l = TkLabel.new(screen, 'text'=>'Screen-saver Settings')
- f = TkFrame.new(screen)
- ff1 = TkFrame.new(f)
- [ @w_screenblank = TkRadioButton.new(ff1, 'text'=>'Blank',
- 'relief'=>'flat',
- 'variable'=>@w_screenbla,
- 'value'=>'blank') {
- def self.set(value)
- if value == 'blank'
- self.select
- else
- self.deselect
- end
- end
- },
- @w_screenpat = TkRadioButton.new(ff1, 'text'=>'Pattern',
- 'relief'=>'flat',
- 'variable'=>@w_screenbla,
- 'value'=>'noblank') {
- def self.set(value)
- if value != 'blank'
- self.select
- else
- self.deselect
- end
- end
- }
- ].each {|w| w.pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w') }
- ff2 = TkFrame.new(f)
- [ @w_screentim = LabelEntry.new(ff2, 'Timeout (s)', 5),
- @w_screencyc = LabelEntry.new(ff2, 'Cycle (s)', 5) ].each{|w|
- w.pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'e')
- }
- ff1.pack('side'=>'left')
- ff2.pack('side'=>'left')
- l.pack('side'=>'top')
- f.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes')
- #
- # Main window
- #
- buttons.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both')
- bell.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both', 'ipady'=>5, 'expand'=>'yes')
- kbd.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both', 'ipady'=>5, 'expand'=>'yes')
- mouse.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both', 'ipady'=>5, 'expand'=>'yes')
- screen.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both', 'ipady'=>5, 'expand'=>'yes')
- #
- # Let the user resize our window
- #
- @root.minsize(10,10)
- end
- def initialize
- @root = TkRoot.new
- @kbdrep = 'on'
- @w_kbdrep = TkVariable.new(@kbdrep)
- def @w_kbdrep.get
- self.value
- end
- def @w_kbdrep.set(val)
- self.value=val
- end
- @kbdcli = 0
- @bellvol = 100
- @bellpit = 440
- @belldur = 100
- @mouseacc = "3/1"
- @mousethr = 4
- @screenbla = "blank"
- @w_screenbla = TkVariable.new(@screenbla)
- def @w_screenbla.get
- self.value
- end
- def @w_screenbla.set(val)
- self.value=val
- end
- @screentim = 600
- @screencyc = 600
- #
- # Listen what "xset" tells us...
- #
- readsettings
- #
- # Create all windows
- #
- createwindows
- #
- # Write xset parameters
- #
- dispsettings
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ixset2 b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ixset2
deleted file mode 100644
index cb99c60793..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ixset2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# ixset --
-# A nice interface to "xset" to change X server settings
-require 'tk'
-class Xsettings
- #
- # Button actions
- #
- def quit
- @root.destroy
- end
- def ok
- writesettings
- quit
- end
- def cancel
- readsettings
- dispsettings
- @btn_APPLY.state(:disabled)
- @btn_CANCEL.state(:disabled)
- end
- # apply is just "writesettings"
- def apply
- writesettings
- @btn_APPLY.state(:disabled)
- @btn_CANCEL.state(:disabled)
- end
- #
- # Read current settings
- #
- def readsettings
- xfd = open("|xset q", 'r')
- xfd.readlines.each{|line|
- fields = line.chomp.strip.split(/\s+/)
- case fields[0]
- when "auto"
- if fields[1] == 'repeat:'
- @kbdrep = fields[2]
- @w_kbdrep.set(@kbdrep)
- @kbdcli = fields[6]
- end
- when "bell"
- @bellvol = fields[2]
- @bellpit = fields[5]
- @belldur = fields[8]
- when "acceleration:"
- @mouseacc = fields[1]
- @mousethr = fields[3]
- when "prefer"
- if fields[2] == 'yes'
- @screenbla = 'blank'
- else
- @screenbla = 'noblank'
- end
- @w_screenbla.set(@screenbla)
- when "timeout:"
- @screentim = fields[1]
- @screencyc = fields[3]
- end
- }
- xfd.close
- end
- #
- # Write settings into the X server
- #
- def writesettings
- @bellvol = @w_bellvol.get
- @bellpit = @w_bellpit.get
- @belldur = @w_belldur.get
- @kbdrep = @w_kbdrep.get
- if @kbdrep == 'on'
- @kbdcli = @w_kbdcli.get
- else
- @kbdcli = 'off'
- end
- @mouseacc = @w_mouseacc.get
- @mousethr = @w_mousethr.get
- @screentim = @w_screentim.get
- @screencyc = @w_screencyc.get
- @screenbla = @w_screenbla.get
- system("xset \
- b #{@bellvol} #{@bellpit} #{@belldur} \
- c #{@kbdcli} \
- r #{@kbdrep} \
- m #{@mouseacc} #{@mousethr} \
- s #{@screentim} #{@screencyc} \
- s #{@screenbla}")
- end
- #
- # Sends all settings to the window
- #
- def dispsettings
- @w_bellvol.set(@bellvol)
- @w_bellpit.set(@bellpit)
- @w_belldur.set(@belldur)
- @w_kbdonoff.set(@w_kbdrep.get)
- @w_kbdcli.set(@kbdcli)
- @w_mouseacc.set(@mouseacc)
- @w_mousethr.set(@mousethr)
- @w_screenblank.set(@w_screenbla.get)
- @w_screenpat.set(@w_screenbla.get)
- @w_screentim.set(@screentim)
- @w_screencyc.set(@screencyc)
- end
- #
- # Create all windows, and pack them
- #
- class LabelEntry
- def initialize(parent, text, length, range=[])
- @frame = TkFrame.new(parent)
- TkLabel.new(@frame, 'text'=>text).pack('side'=>'left')
- if range.size > 0
- @entry = TkSpinbox.new(@frame, 'width'=>length, 'relief'=>'sunken',
- 'from'=>range[0], 'to'=>range[1])
- else
- @entry = TkEntry.new(@frame, 'width'=>length, 'relief'=>'sunken')
- end
- @entry.pack('side'=>'right','expand'=>'y', 'fill'=>'x')
- end
- def epath
- @frame
- end
- def pack(keys)
- @frame.pack(keys)
- end
- def get
- @entry.value
- end
- def set(value)
- @entry.delete(0,'end')
- @entry.insert(0, value)
- end
- end
- def createwindows
- win = self
- #
- # Buttons
- #
- btn_frame = TkFrame.new(@root)
- buttons = [
- @btn_OK = TkButton.new(btn_frame, 'command'=>proc{win.ok},
- 'default'=>'active', 'text'=>'Ok'),
- @btn_APPLY = TkButton.new(btn_frame, 'command'=>proc{win.writesettings},
- 'default'=>'normal', 'text'=>'Apply',
- 'state'=>'disabled'),
- @btn_CANCEL = TkButton.new(btn_frame, 'command'=>proc{win.cancel},
- 'default'=>'normal', 'text'=>'Cancel',
- 'state'=>'disabled'),
- @btn_QUIT = TkButton.new(btn_frame, 'command'=>proc{win.quit},
- 'default'=>'normal', 'text'=>'Quit')
- ]
- buttons.each{|b| b.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'pady'=>5) }
- @root.bind('Return', proc{@btn_OK.flash; @btn_OK.invoke})
- @root.bind('Escape', proc{@btn_QUIT.flash; @btn_QUIT.invoke})
- @root.bind('1', proc{|w|
- unless buttons.index(w)
- @btn_APPLY.state(:normal)
- @btn_CANCEL.state(:normal)
- end
- }, '%W')
- @root.bind('Key', proc{|w, k|
- unless buttons.index(w)
- case k
- when 'Return', 'Escape', 'Tab', /.*Shift.*/
- # do nothing
- else
- @btn_APPLY.state(:normal)
- @btn_CANCEL.state(:normal)
- end
- end
- }, '%W %K')
- #
- # Bell settings
- #
- bell = TkLabelframe.new(@root, 'text'=>'Bell Settings',
- 'padx'=>'1.5m', 'pady'=>'1.5m')
- @w_bellvol = TkScale.new(bell, 'from'=>0, 'to'=>100, 'length'=>200,
- 'tickinterval'=>20, 'orient'=>'horizontal',
- 'label'=>"Volume (%)")
- f = TkFrame.new(bell)
- @w_bellpit = LabelEntry.new(f, "Pitch (Hz)", 6, [25, 20000])
- @w_bellpit.pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>5)
- @w_belldur = LabelEntry.new(f, "Duration (ms)", 6, [1, 10000])
- @w_belldur.pack('side'=>'right', 'padx'=>5)
- @w_bellvol.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes')
- f.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes')
- #
- # Keyboard settings
- #
- kbdonoff = nil
- kbdcli = nil
- kbd = TkLabelframe.new(@root, 'text'=>'Keyboard Repeat Settings',
- 'padx'=>'1.5m', 'pady'=>'1.5m')
- f = TkFrame.new(kbd)
- @w_kbdonoff = TkCheckButton.new(f, 'text'=>'On', 'relief'=>'flat',
- 'onvalue'=>'on', 'offvalue'=>'off',
- 'variable'=>@w_kbdrep ) {
- def self.set(value)
- if value == 'on'
- self.select
- else
- self.deselect
- end
- end
- pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'x', 'padx'=>[0, '1m'])
- }
- @w_kbdcli = TkScale.new(f, 'from'=>0, 'to'=>100, 'length'=>200,
- 'tickinterval'=>20, 'orient'=>'horizontal',
- 'label'=>'Click Volume (%)')
- @w_kbdcli.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes',
- 'fill'=>'x', 'padx'=>['1m', 0])
- f.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'pady'=>2, 'fill'=>'x')
- #
- # Mouse settings
- #
- mouse = TkLabelframe.new(@root, 'text'=>'Mouse Settings',
- 'padx'=>'1.5m', 'pady'=>'1.5m')
- f = TkFrame.new(mouse)
- @w_mouseacc = LabelEntry.new(f, 'Acceleration', 5)
- @w_mouseacc.pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>[0, '1m'])
- @w_mousethr = LabelEntry.new(f, 'Threshold (pixels)', 3, [1, 2000])
- @w_mousethr.pack('side'=>'right', 'padx'=>['1m', 0])
- f.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes')
- #
- # Screen Saver settings
- #
- screen = TkLabelframe.new(@root, 'text'=>'Screen-saver Settings',
- 'padx'=>'1.5m', 'pady'=>'1.5m')
- @w_screenblank = TkRadioButton.new(screen, 'text'=>'Blank',
- 'relief'=>'flat', 'anchor'=>'w',
- 'variable'=>@w_screenbla,
- 'value'=>'blank') {
- def self.set(value)
- if value == 'blank'
- self.select
- else
- self.deselect
- end
- end
- }
- @w_screenpat = TkRadioButton.new(screen, 'text'=>'Pattern',
- 'relief'=>'flat', 'anchor'=>'w',
- 'variable'=>@w_screenbla,
- 'value'=>'noblank') {
- def self.set(value)
- if value != 'blank'
- self.select
- else
- self.deselect
- end
- end
- }
- @w_screentim = LabelEntry.new(screen, 'Timeout (s)', 5, [1, 100000])
- @w_screencyc = LabelEntry.new(screen, 'Cycle (s)', 5, [1, 100000])
- Tk.grid(@w_screenblank, @w_screentim, 'sticky'=>'e')
- Tk.grid(@w_screenpat, @w_screencyc, 'sticky'=>'e')
- TkGrid.configure(@w_screenblank, @w_screenpat, 'sticky'=>'ew')
- #
- # Main window
- #
- param = {
- 'side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes',
- 'padx'=>'1m', 'pady'=>'1m'
- }
- btn_frame.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both')
- bell.pack(param)
- kbd.pack(param)
- mouse.pack(param)
- screen.pack(param)
- #
- # Let the user resize our window
- #
- @root.minsize(10,10)
- end
- def initialize(title)
- @root = TkRoot.new('title'=>title)
- @kbdrep = 'on'
- @w_kbdrep = TkVariable.new(@kbdrep)
- def @w_kbdrep.get
- self.value
- end
- def @w_kbdrep.set(val)
- self.value=val
- end
- @kbdcli = 0
- @bellvol = 100
- @bellpit = 440
- @belldur = 100
- @mouseacc = "3/1"
- @mousethr = 4
- @screenbla = "blank"
- @w_screenbla = TkVariable.new(@screenbla)
- def @w_screenbla.get
- self.value
- end
- def @w_screenbla.set(val)
- self.value=val
- end
- @screentim = 600
- @screencyc = 600
- #
- # Listen what "xset" tells us...
- #
- readsettings
- #
- # Create all windows
- #
- createwindows
- #
- # Write xset parameters
- #
- dispsettings
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/knightstour.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/knightstour.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ad82fcc9d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/knightstour.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# Based on the widget demo of Tcl/Tk8.5.2
-# The following is the original copyright text.
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Pat Thoyts <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>
-# Calculate a Knight's tour of a chessboard.
-# This uses Warnsdorff's rule to calculate the next square each
-# time. This specifies that the next square should be the one that
-# has the least number of available moves.
-# Using this rule it is possible to get to a position where
-# there are no squares available to move into. In this implementation
-# this occurs when the starting square is d6.
-# To solve this fault an enhancement to the rule is that if we
-# have a choice of squares with an equal score, we should choose
-# the one nearest the edge of the board.
-# If the call to the Edgemost function is commented out you can see
-# this occur.
-# You can drag the knight to a specific square to start if you wish.
-# If you let it repeat then it will choose random start positions
-# for each new tour.
-require 'tk'
-class Knights_Tour
- # Return a list of accessible squares from a given square
- def valid_moves(square)
- moves = []
- [
- [-1,-2], [-2,-1], [-2,1], [-1,2], [1,2], [2,1], [2,-1], [1,-2]
- ].each{|col_delta, row_delta|
- col = (square % 8) + col_delta
- row = (square.div(8)) + row_delta
- moves << (row * 8 + col) if row > -1 && row < 8 && col > -1 && col < 8
- }
- moves
- end
- # Return the number of available moves for this square
- def check_square(square)
- valid_moves(square).find_all{|pos| ! @visited.include?(pos)}.length
- end
- # Select the next square to move to. Returns -1 if there are no available
- # squares remaining that we can move to.
- def next_square(square)
- minimum = 9
- nxt = -1
- valid_moves(square).each{|pos|
- unless @visited.include?(pos)
- cnt = check_square(pos)
- if cnt < minimum
- minimum = cnt
- nxt = pos
- elsif cnt == minimum
- nxt = edgemost(nxt, pos)
- end
- end
- }
- nxt
- end
- # Select the square nearest the edge of the board
- def edgemost(nxt, pos)
- col_A = 3 - ((3.5 - nxt % 8).abs.to_i)
- col_B = 3 - ((3.5 - pos % 8).abs.to_i)
- row_A = 3 - ((3.5 - nxt.div(8)).abs.to_i)
- row_B = 3 - ((3.5 - pos.div(8)).abs.to_i)
- (col_A * row_A < col_B * row_B)? nxt : pos
- end
- # Display a square number as a standard chess square notation.
- def _N(square)
- '%c%d' % [(97 + square % 8), (square.div(8) + 1)]
- end
- # Perform a Knight's move and schedule the next move.
- def move_piece(last, square)
- @log.insert(:end, "#{@visited.length}. #{_N last} -> #{_N square}\n", '')
- @log.see(:end)
- @board.itemconfigure(1+last, :state=>:normal, :outline=>'black')
- @board.itemconfigure(1+square, :state=>:normal, :outline=>'red')
- @knight.coords(@board.coords(1+square)[0..1])
- @visited << square
- if (nxt = next_square(square)) != -1
- @after_id = Tk.after(@delay.numeric){move_piece(square, nxt) rescue nil}
- else
- @start_btn.state :normal
- if @visited.length == 64
- if @initial == square
- @log.insert :end, 'Closed tour!'
- else
- @log.insert :end, "Success\n", {}
- Tk.after(@delay.numeric * 2){tour(rand(64))} if @continuous.bool
- end
- else
- @log.insert :end, "FAILED!\n", {}
- end
- end
- end
- # Begin a new tour of the board given a random start position
- def tour(square = nil)
- @visited.clear
- @log.clear
- @start_btn.state :disabled
- 1.upto(64){|n|
- @board.itemconfigure(n, :state=>:disabled, :outline=>'black')
- }
- unless square
- square = @board.find_closest(*(@knight.coords << 0 << 65))[0].to_i - 1
- end
- @initial = square
- Tk.after_idle{ move_piece(@initial, @initial) rescue nil }
- end
- def _stop
- Tk.after_cancel(@after_id) rescue nil
- end
- def _exit
- _stop
- $knightstour.destroy
- end
- def set_delay(new)
- @delay.numeric = new.to_i
- end
- def drag_start(w, x, y)
- w.dtag('selected')
- w.addtag('selected', :withtag, 'current')
- @dragging = [x, y]
- end
- def drag_motion(w, x, y)
- return unless @dragging
- w.move('selected', x - @dragging[0], y - @dragging[1])
- @dragging = [x, y]
- end
- def drag_end(w, x, y)
- square = w.find_closest(x, y, 0, 65)
- w.coords('selected', w.coords(square)[0..1])
- w.dtag('selected')
- @dragging = nil
- end
- def make_SeeDismiss
- ## See Code / Dismiss
- frame = Ttk::Frame.new($knightstour)
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'knightstour'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- $knightstour.destroy
- $knightstour = nil
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- frame
- end
- def create_gui(parent = nil)
- $knightstour.destroy rescue nil
- $knightstour = Tk::Toplevel.new(parent, :title=>"Knight's tour")
- $knightstour.withdraw
- base_f = Ttk::Frame.new($knightstour)
- @board = Tk::Canvas.new(base_f, :width=>240, :height=>240)
- @log = Tk::Text.new(base_f, :width=>12, :height=>1,
- :font=>'Arial 8', :background=>'white')
- scr = @log.yscrollbar(Ttk::Scrollbar.new(base_f))
- @visited = []
- @delay = TkVariable.new(600)
- @continuous = TkVariable.new(false)
- tool_f = Ttk::Frame.new($knightstour)
- label = Ttk::Label.new(tool_f, :text=>'Speed')
- scale = Ttk::Scale.new(tool_f, :from=>8, :to=>2000, :variable=>@delay,
- :command=>proc{|n| set_delay(n)})
- check = Ttk::Checkbutton.new(tool_f, :text=>'Repeat',
- :variable=>@continuous)
- @start_btn = Ttk::Button.new(tool_f, :text=>'Start',
- :command=>proc{tour()})
- @exit_btn = Ttk::Button.new(tool_f, :text=>'Exit',
- :command=>proc{_exit()})
- 7.downto(0){|row|
- 0.upto(7){|col|
- if ((col & 1) ^ (row & 1)).zero?
- fill = 'bisque'
- dfill = 'bisque3'
- else
- fill = 'tan3'
- dfill = 'tan4'
- end
- coords = [col * 30 + 4, row * 30 + 4, col * 30 + 30, row * 30 + 30]
- @board.create(TkcRectangle, coords,
- :fill=>fill, :disabledfill=>dfill,
- :width=>2, :state=>:disabled)
- }
- }
- @knight_font = TkFont.new(:size=>-24)
- @knight = TkcText.new(@board, 0, 0, :font=>@knight_font,
- :text=>Tk::UTF8_String.new('\u265e'),
- :anchor=>'nw', # :tags=>'knight',
- :fill=>'black', :activefill=>'#600000')
- @knight.coords(@board.coords(rand(64)+1)[0..1])
- @knight.bind('ButtonPress-1', '%W %x %y'){|w,x,y| drag_start(w,x,y)}
- @knight.bind('Motion', '%W %x %y'){|w,x,y| drag_motion(w,x,y)}
- @knight.bind('ButtonRelease-1', '%W %x %y'){|w,x,y| drag_end(w,x,y)}
- Tk.grid(@board, @log, scr, :sticky=>'news')
- base_f.grid_rowconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- base_f.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- Tk.grid(base_f, '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', :sticky=>'news')
- widgets = [label, scale, check, @start_btn]
- sg = nil
- unless $RubyTk_WidgetDemo
- widgets << @exit_btn
- if Tk.windowingsystem != 'aqua'
- #widgets.unshift(Ttk::SizeGrip.new(tool_f))
- Ttk::SizeGrip.new(tool_f).pack(:side=>:right, :anchor=>'se')
- end
- end
- Tk.pack(widgets, :side=>:right)
- if Tk.windowingsystem == 'aqua'
- TkPack.configure(widgets, :padx=>[4, 4], :pady=>[12, 12])
- TkPack.configure(widgets[0], :padx=>[4, 24])
- TkPack.configure(widgets[-1], :padx=>[16, 4])
- end
- Tk.grid(tool_f, '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', :sticky=>'ew')
- if $RubyTk_WidgetDemo
- Tk.grid(make_SeeDismiss(), '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', :sticky=>'ew')
- end
- $knightstour.grid_rowconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- $knightstour.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- $knightstour.bind('Control-F2'){TkConsole.show}
- $knightstour.bind('Return'){@start_btn.invoke}
- $knightstour.bind('Escape'){@exit_btn.invoke}
- $knightstour.bind('Destroy'){ _stop }
- $knightstour.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW'){ _exit }
- $knightstour.deiconify
- $knightstour.tkwait_destroy
- end
- def initialize(parent = nil)
- create_gui(parent)
- end
-Tk.root.withdraw unless $RubyTk_WidgetDemo
-Thread.new{Tk.mainloop} if __FILE__ == $0
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/label.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/label.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d9cfd92364..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/label.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# label.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
-# several label widgets.
-# label widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($label_demo) && $label_demo
- $label_demo.destroy
- $label_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$label_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Label Demonstration")
- iconname("label")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($label_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "Five labels are displayed below: three textual ones on the left, and a bitmap label and a text label on the right. Labels are pretty boring because you can't do anything with them."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $label_demo
- $label_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'See Code'
- command proc{showCode 'label'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# label demo
-f_left = TkFrame.new(base_frame)
-f_right = TkFrame.new(base_frame)
-[f_left, f_right].each{|w| w.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes',
- 'padx'=>10, 'pady'=>10, 'fill'=>'both')}
-# label
-[ TkLabel.new(f_left, 'text'=>'First label'),
- TkLabel.new(f_left, 'text'=>'Second label, raised',
- 'relief'=>'raised'),
- TkLabel.new(f_left, 'text'=>'Third label, sunken', 'relief'=>'sunken')
-].each{|w| w.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w')}
-# TkLabel.new(f_right) {
-Tk::Label.new(f_right) {
- bitmap('@' + [$demo_dir,'..','images','face.xbm'].join(File::Separator))
- borderwidth 2
- relief 'sunken'
-TkLabel.new(f_right) { text 'Tcl/Tk Proprietor' }.pack('side'=>'top')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/labelframe.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/labelframe.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bd2d8f335e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/labelframe.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# labelframe.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
-# several labelframe widgets.
-# based on "Id: labelframe.tcl,v 1.2 2001/10/30 11:21:50 dkf Exp"
-if defined?($labelframe_demo) && $labelframe_demo
- $labelframe_demo.destroy
- $labelframe_demo = nil
-$labelframe_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Labelframe Demonstration")
- iconname("labelframe")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($labelframe_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# Some information
- :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:side=>:top)
-Labelframes are used to group related widgets together. \
-The label may be either plain text or another widget. \
-If your Tk library linked to Ruby doesn't include a 'labelframe' widget, \
-this demo doesn't work. Please use later version of Tk \
-which supports a 'labelframe' widget.
-# The bottom buttons
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x, :pady=>'2m')
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'Dismiss', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- $labelframe_demo.destroy
- $labelframe_demo = nil
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'See Code', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- showCode 'labelframe'
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
-# Demo area
-w = TkFrame.new(base_frame).pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:both,
- :expand=>true)
-# A group of radiobuttons in a labelframe
-TkLabelFrame.new(w, :text=>'Value',
- :padx=>2, :pady=>2) {|f|
- grid(:row=>0, :column=>0, :pady=>'2m', :padx=>'2m')
- v = TkVariable.new
- (1..4).each{|i|
- TkRadiobutton.new(f, :text=>"This is value #{i}",
- :variable=>v, :value=>i) {
- pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x, :pady=>2)
- }
- }
-# Using a label window to control a group of options.
-$lfdummy = TkVariable.new(0)
-def lfEnableButtons(w)
- TkWinfo.children(w).each{|child|
- next if child.path =~ /\.cb$/
- if $lfdummy == 1
- child.state(:normal)
- else
- child.state(:disabled)
- end
- }
-TkLabelFrame.new(w, :pady=>2, :padx=>2){|f|
- TkCheckButton.new(f, :widgetname=>'cb', :variable=>$lfdummy,
- :text=>"Use this option.", :padx=>0) {|cb|
- command proc{lfEnableButtons(f)}
- f.labelwidget(cb)
- }
- grid(:row=>0, :column=>1, :pady=>'2m', :padx=>'2m')
- %w(Option1 Option2 Option3).each{|str|
- TkCheckbutton.new(f, :text=>str).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x, :pady=>2)
- }
- lfEnableButtons(f)
-TkGrid.columnconfigure(w, [0,1], :weight=>1)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/mclist.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/mclist.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 61ebff1805..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/mclist.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# mclist.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing a Ttk
-# tree widget configured as a multi-column listbox.
-# based on "Id: mclist.tcl,v 1.3 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp"
-if defined?($mclist_demo) && $mclist_demo
- $mclist_demo.destroy
- $mclist_demo = nil
-$mclist_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Multi-Column List")
- iconname("mclist")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($mclist_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-## Explanatory text
-Ttk::Label.new(base_frame, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i',
- :justify=>:left, :anchor=>'n', :padding=>[10, 2, 10, 6],
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:fill=>:x)
-Ttk is the new Tk themed widget set. \
-One of the widgets it includes is a tree widget, \
-which can be configured to display multiple columns of informational data \
-without displaying the tree itself. \
-This is a simple way to build a listbox that has multiple columns. \
-Clicking on the heading for a column will sort the data by that column. \
-You can also change the width of the columns \
-by dragging the boundary between them.
-## See Code / Dismiss
-Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'mclist'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- $mclist_demo.destroy
- $mclist_demo = nil
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x)
-container = Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame)
-tree = Ttk::Treeview.new(base_frame, :columns=>%w(country capital currency),
- :show=>:headings)
-if Tk.windowingsystem != 'aqua'
- vsb = tree.yscrollbar(Ttk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
- hsb = tree.xscrollbar(Ttk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
- vsb = tree.yscrollbar(Tk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
- hsb = tree.xscrollbar(Tk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
-container.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-Tk.grid(tree, vsb, :in=>container, :sticky=>'nsew')
-Tk.grid(hsb, :in=>container, :sticky=>'nsew')
-container.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
-container.grid_rowconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
-## The data we're going to insert
-data = [
- ['Argentina', 'Buenos Aires', 'ARS'],
- ['Australia', 'Canberra', 'AUD'],
- ['Brazil', 'Brazilia', 'BRL'],
- ['Canada', 'Ottawa', 'CAD'],
- ['China', 'Beijing', 'CNY'],
- ['France', 'Paris', 'EUR'],
- ['Germany', 'Berlin', 'EUR'],
- ['India', 'New Delhi', 'INR'],
- ['Italy', 'Rome', 'EUR'],
- ['Japan', 'Tokyo', 'JPY'],
- ['Mexico', 'Mexico City', 'MXN'],
- ['Russia', 'Moscow', 'RUB'],
- ['South Africa', 'Pretoria', 'ZAR'],
- ['United Kingdom', 'London', 'GBP'],
- ['United States', 'Washington, D.C.', 'USD'],
-## Code to insert the data nicely
-font = Ttk::Style.lookup(tree[:style], :font)
-cols = %w(country capital currency)
-cols.zip(%w(Country Capital Currency)).each{|col, name|
- tree.heading_configure(col, :text=>name,
- :command=>proc{sort_by(tree, col, false)})
- tree.column_configure(col, :width=>TkFont.measure(font, name))
-data.each{|country, capital, currency|
- #tree.insert('', :end, :values=>[country, capital, currency])
- tree.insert(nil, :end, :values=>[country, capital, currency])
- cols.zip([country, capital, currency]).each{|col, val|
- len = TkFont.measure(font, "#{val} ")
- if tree.column_cget(col, :width) < len
- tree.column_configure(col, :width=>len)
- end
- }
-## Code to do the sorting of the tree contents when clicked on
-def sort_by(tree, col, direction)
- tree.children(nil).map!{|row| [tree.get(row, col), row.id]} .
- sort(&((direction)? proc{|x, y| y <=> x}: proc{|x, y| x <=> y})) .
- each_with_index{|info, idx| tree.move(info[1], nil, idx)}
- tree.heading_configure(col, :command=>proc{sort_by(tree, col, ! direction)})
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menu.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menu.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index db0541c608..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menu.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# menus widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($menu_demo) && $menu_demo
- $menu_demo.destroy
- $menu_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$menu_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("File Selection Dialogs")
- iconname("menu")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($menu_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# menu frame
-$menu_frame = TkFrame.new(base_frame, 'relief'=>'raised', 'bd'=>2)
-$menu_frame.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- windowingsystem = Tk.windowingsystem()
- windowingsystem = ""
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame,'font'=>$font,'wraplength'=>'4i','justify'=>'left') {
- if $tk_platform['platform'] == 'macintosh' ||
- windowingsystem == "classic" || windowingsystem == "aqua"
- text("This window contains a menubar with cascaded menus. You can invoke entries with an accelerator by typing Command+x, where \"x\" is the character next to the command key symbol. The rightmost menu can be torn off into a palette by dragging outside of its bounds and releasing the mouse.")
- else
- text("This window contains a menubar with cascaded menus. You can post a menu from the keyboard by typing Alt+x, where \"x\" is the character underlined on the menu. You can then traverse among the menus using the arrow keys. When a menu is posted, you can invoke the current entry by typing space, or you can invoke any entry by typing its underlined character. If a menu entry has an accelerator, you can invoke the entry without posting the menu just by typing the accelerator. The rightmost menu can be torn off into a palette by selecting the first item in the menu.")
- end
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $menu_demo
- $menu_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'menu'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# menu
-TkMenubutton.new($menu_frame, 'text'=>'File', 'underline'=>0) {|m|
- pack('side'=>'left')
- TkMenu.new(m, 'tearoff'=>false) {|file_menu|
- m.configure('menu'=>file_menu)
- add('command', 'label'=>'Open...', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "Open..." entry'})
- add('command', 'label'=>'New', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "New" entry'})
- add('command', 'label'=>'Save', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "Save" entry'})
- add('command', 'label'=>'Save As...', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "Save As..." entry'})
- add('separator')
- add('command', 'label'=>'Print Setup...', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "Print Setup..." entry'})
- add('command', 'label'=>'Print...', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "Print..." entry'})
- add('separator')
- add('command', 'label'=>'Dismiss Menus Demo', 'command'=>proc{$menu_demo.destroy})
- }
-if $tk_platform['platform'] == 'macintosh' ||
- windowingsystem == "classic" || windowingsystem == "aqua"
- modifier = 'Command'
-elsif $tk_platform['platform'] == 'windows'
- modifier = 'Control'
- modifier = 'Meta'
-TkMenubutton.new($menu_frame, 'text'=>'Basic', 'underline'=>0) {|m|
- pack('side'=>'left')
- TkMenu.new(m, 'tearoff'=>false) {|basic_menu|
- m.configure('menu'=>basic_menu)
- add('command', 'label'=>'Long entry that does nothing')
- ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G'].each{|c|
- add('command', 'label'=>"Print letter \"#{c}\"",
- 'underline'=>14,
- 'command'=>proc{print c,"\n"}, 'accelerator'=>"#{modifier}+#{c}")
- $menu_demo.bind("#{modifier}-#{c.downcase}", proc{print c,"\n"})
- }
- }
-TkMenubutton.new($menu_frame, 'text'=>'Cascades', 'underline'=>0) {|m|
- pack('side'=>'left')
- TkMenu.new(m, 'tearoff'=>false) {|cascade_menu|
- m.configure('menu'=>cascade_menu)
- add('command', 'label'=>'Print hello',
- 'command'=>proc{print "Hello\n"},
- 'accelerator'=>"#{modifier}+H", 'underline'=>6)
- $menu_demo.bind("#{modifier}-h", proc{print "Hello\n"})
- add('command', 'label'=>'Print goodbye',
- 'command'=>proc{print "Goodbye\n"},
- 'accelerator'=>"#{modifier}+G", 'underline'=>6)
- $menu_demo.bind("#{modifier}-g", proc{print "Goodbye\n"})
- TkMenu.new(cascade_menu, 'tearoff'=>false) {|cascade_check|
- cascade_menu.add('cascade', 'label'=>'Check buttons',
- 'menu'=>cascade_check, 'underline'=>0)
- oil = TkVariable.new(0)
- add('check', 'label'=>'Oil checked', 'variable'=>oil)
- trans = TkVariable.new(0)
- add('check', 'label'=>'Transmission checked', 'variable'=>trans)
- brakes = TkVariable.new(0)
- add('check', 'label'=>'Brakes checked', 'variable'=>brakes)
- lights = TkVariable.new(0)
- add('check', 'label'=>'Lights checked', 'variable'=>lights)
- add('separator')
- add('command', 'label'=>'Show current values',
- 'command'=>proc{showVars($menu_demo,
- ['oil', oil],
- ['trans', trans],
- ['brakes', brakes],
- ['lights', lights])} )
- invoke 1
- invoke 3
- }
- TkMenu.new(cascade_menu, 'tearoff'=>false) {|cascade_radio|
- cascade_menu.add('cascade', 'label'=>'Radio buttons',
- 'menu'=>cascade_radio, 'underline'=>0)
- pointSize = TkVariable.new
- add('radio', 'label'=>'10 point', 'variable'=>pointSize, 'value'=>10)
- add('radio', 'label'=>'14 point', 'variable'=>pointSize, 'value'=>14)
- add('radio', 'label'=>'18 point', 'variable'=>pointSize, 'value'=>18)
- add('radio', 'label'=>'24 point', 'variable'=>pointSize, 'value'=>24)
- add('radio', 'label'=>'32 point', 'variable'=>pointSize, 'value'=>32)
- add('separator')
- style = TkVariable.new
- add('radio', 'label'=>'Roman', 'variable'=>style, 'value'=>'roman')
- add('radio', 'label'=>'Bold', 'variable'=>style, 'value'=>'bold')
- add('radio', 'label'=>'Italic', 'variable'=>style, 'value'=>'italic')
- add('separator')
- add('command', 'label'=>'Show current values',
- 'command'=>proc{showVars($menu_demo,
- ['pointSize', pointSize],
- ['style', style])} )
- invoke 1
- invoke 7
- }
- }
-TkMenubutton.new($menu_frame, 'text'=>'Icons', 'underline'=>0) {|m|
- pack('side'=>'left')
- TkMenu.new(m, 'tearoff'=>false) {|icon_menu|
- m.configure('menu'=>icon_menu)
- add('command',
- 'bitmap'=>'@'+[$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','pattern.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'command'=>proc{TkDialog.new('title'=>'Bitmap Menu Entry',
- 'text'=>'The menu entry you invoked displays a bitmap rather than a text string. Other than this, it is just like any other menu entry.',
- 'bitmap'=>'', 'default'=>0,
- 'buttons'=>'Dismiss')} )
- ['info', 'questhead', 'error'].each{|icon|
- add('command', 'bitmap'=>icon,
- 'command'=>proc{print "You invoked the #{icon} bitmap\n"})
- }
- }
-TkMenubutton.new($menu_frame, 'text'=>'More', 'underline'=>0) {|m|
- pack('side'=>'left')
- TkMenu.new(m, 'tearoff'=>false) {|more_menu|
- m.configure('menu'=>more_menu)
- [ 'An entry','Another entry','Does nothing','Does almost nothing',
- 'Make life meaningful' ].each{|i|
- add('command', 'label'=>i,
- 'command'=>proc{print "You invoked \"#{i}\"\n"})
- }
- }
-TkMenubutton.new($menu_frame, 'text'=>'Colors', 'underline'=>0) {|m|
- pack('side'=>'left')
- TkMenu.new(m) {|colors_menu|
- m.configure('menu'=>colors_menu)
- ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue'].each{|c|
- add('command', 'label'=>c, 'background'=>c,
- 'command'=>proc{print "You invoked \"#{c}\"\n"})
- }
- }
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menu84.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menu84.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 714fb3c553..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menu84.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# menus widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($menu84_demo) && $menu84_demo
- $menu84_demo.destroy
- $menu84_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$menu84_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("File Selection Dialogs")
- iconname("menu84")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($menu84_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- windowingsystem = Tk.windowingsystem()
- windowingsystem = ""
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame,'font'=>$font,'wraplength'=>'4i','justify'=>'left') {
- if $tk_platform['platform'] == 'macintosh' ||
- windowingsystem == "classic" || windowingsystem == "aqua"
- text("This window contains a menubar with cascaded menus. You can invoke entries with an accelerator by typing Command+x, where \"x\" is the character next to the command key symbol. The rightmost menu can be torn off into a palette by dragging outside of its bounds and releasing the mouse.")
- else
- text("This window contains a menubar with cascaded menus. You can post a menu from the keyboard by typing Alt+x, where \"x\" is the character underlined on the menu. You can then traverse among the menus using the arrow keys. When a menu is posted, you can invoke the current entry by typing space, or you can invoke any entry by typing its underlined character. If a menu entry has an accelerator, you can invoke the entry without posting the menu just by typing the accelerator. The rightmost menu can be torn off into a palette by selecting the first item in the menu.")
- end
-menustatus = TkVariable.new(" ")
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkLabel.new(frame, 'textvariable'=>menustatus, 'relief'=>'sunken',
- 'bd'=>1, 'font'=>['Helvetica', '10'],
- 'anchor'=>'w').pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>2,
- 'expand'=>true, 'fill'=>'both')
- pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>2)
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $menu84_demo
- $menu84_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'menu84'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# create menu frame
-$menu84_frame = TkMenu.new($menu84_demo, 'tearoff'=>false)
-# menu
-TkMenu.new($menu84_frame, 'tearoff'=>false) {|m|
- $menu84_frame.add('cascade', 'label'=>'File', 'menu'=>m, 'underline'=>0)
- add('command', 'label'=>'Open...', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "Open..." entry'})
- add('command', 'label'=>'New', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "New" entry'})
- add('command', 'label'=>'Save', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "Save" entry'})
- add('command', 'label'=>'Save As...', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "Save As..." entry'})
- add('separator')
- add('command', 'label'=>'Print Setup...', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "Print Setup..." entry'})
- add('command', 'label'=>'Print...', 'command'=>proc{fail 'this is just a demo: no action has been defined for the "Print..." entry'})
- add('separator')
- add('command', 'label'=>'Dismiss Menus Demo', 'command'=>proc{$menu84_demo.destroy})
-if $tk_platform['platform'] == 'macintosh' ||
- windowingsystem = "classic" || windowingsystem = "aqua"
- modifier = 'Command'
-elsif $tk_platform['platform'] == 'windows'
- modifier = 'Control'
- modifier = 'Meta'
-TkMenu.new($menu84_frame, 'tearoff'=>false) {|m|
- $menu84_frame.add('cascade', 'label'=>'Basic', 'menu'=>m, 'underline'=>0)
- add('command', 'label'=>'Long entry that does nothing')
- ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G'].each{|c|
- add('command', 'label'=>"Print letter \"#{c}\"",
- 'underline'=>14,
- 'command'=>proc{print c,"\n"}, 'accelerator'=>"#{modifier}+#{c}")
- $menu84_demo.bind("#{modifier}-#{c.downcase}", proc{print c,"\n"})
- }
-TkMenu.new($menu84_frame, 'tearoff'=>false) {|m|
- $menu84_frame.add('cascade', 'label'=>'Cascades', 'menu'=>m, 'underline'=>0)
- add('command', 'label'=>'Print hello',
- 'command'=>proc{print "Hello\n"},
- 'accelerator'=>"#{modifier}+H", 'underline'=>6)
- $menu84_demo.bind("#{modifier}-h", proc{print "Hello\n"})
- add('command', 'label'=>'Print goodbye',
- 'command'=>proc{print "Goodbye\n"},
- 'accelerator'=>"#{modifier}+G", 'underline'=>6)
- $menu84_demo.bind("#{modifier}-g", proc{print "Goodbye\n"})
- TkMenu.new(m, 'tearoff'=>false) {|cascade_check|
- m.add('cascade', 'label'=>'Check buttons',
- 'menu'=>cascade_check, 'underline'=>0)
- oil = TkVariable.new(0)
- add('check', 'label'=>'Oil checked', 'variable'=>oil)
- trans = TkVariable.new(0)
- add('check', 'label'=>'Transmission checked', 'variable'=>trans)
- brakes = TkVariable.new(0)
- add('check', 'label'=>'Brakes checked', 'variable'=>brakes)
- lights = TkVariable.new(0)
- add('check', 'label'=>'Lights checked', 'variable'=>lights)
- add('separator')
- add('command', 'label'=>'Show current values',
- 'command'=>proc{showVars($menu84_demo,
- ['oil', oil],
- ['trans', trans],
- ['brakes', brakes],
- ['lights', lights])} )
- invoke 1
- invoke 3
- }
- TkMenu.new(m, 'tearoff'=>false) {|cascade_radio|
- m.add('cascade', 'label'=>'Radio buttons',
- 'menu'=>cascade_radio, 'underline'=>0)
- pointSize = TkVariable.new
- add('radio', 'label'=>'10 point', 'variable'=>pointSize, 'value'=>10)
- add('radio', 'label'=>'14 point', 'variable'=>pointSize, 'value'=>14)
- add('radio', 'label'=>'18 point', 'variable'=>pointSize, 'value'=>18)
- add('radio', 'label'=>'24 point', 'variable'=>pointSize, 'value'=>24)
- add('radio', 'label'=>'32 point', 'variable'=>pointSize, 'value'=>32)
- add('separator')
- style = TkVariable.new
- add('radio', 'label'=>'Roman', 'variable'=>style, 'value'=>'roman')
- add('radio', 'label'=>'Bold', 'variable'=>style, 'value'=>'bold')
- add('radio', 'label'=>'Italic', 'variable'=>style, 'value'=>'italic')
- add('separator')
- add('command', 'label'=>'Show current values',
- 'command'=>proc{showVars($menu84_demo,
- ['pointSize', pointSize],
- ['style', style])} )
- invoke 1
- invoke 7
- }
-TkMenu.new($menu84_frame, 'tearoff'=>false) {|m|
- $menu84_frame.add('cascade', 'label'=>'Icons', 'menu'=>m, 'underline'=>0)
- add('command', 'hidemargin'=>1,
- 'bitmap'=>'@'+[$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','pattern.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'command'=>proc{TkDialog.new('title'=>'Bitmap Menu Entry',
- 'text'=>'The menu entry you invoked displays a bitmap rather than a text string. Other than this, it is just like any other menu entry.',
- 'bitmap'=>'', 'default'=>0,
- 'buttons'=>'Dismiss')} )
- ['info', 'questhead', 'error'].each{|icon|
- add('command', 'bitmap'=>icon, 'hidemargin'=>1,
- 'command'=>proc{print "You invoked the #{icon} bitmap\n"})
- }
- entryconfigure(2, :columnbreak=>true)
-TkMenu.new($menu84_frame, 'tearoff'=>false) {|m|
- $menu84_frame.add('cascade', 'label'=>'More', 'menu'=>m, 'underline'=>0)
- [ 'An entry','Another entry','Does nothing','Does almost nothing',
- 'Make life meaningful' ].each{|i|
- add('command', 'label'=>i,
- 'command'=>proc{print "You invoked \"#{i}\"\n"})
- }
- m.entryconfigure('Does almost nothing',
- 'bitmap'=>'questhead', 'compound'=>'left',
- 'command'=>proc{
- TkDialog.new('title'=>'Compound Menu Entry',
- 'message'=>'The menu entry you invoked'+
- 'displays both a bitmap and '+
- 'a text string. Other than '+
- 'this, it is just like any '+
- 'other menu entry.',
- 'buttons'=>['OK'], 'bitmap'=>'')
- })
-TkMenu.new($menu84_frame) {|m|
- $menu84_frame.add('cascade', 'label'=>'Colors', 'menu'=>m, 'underline'=>0)
- ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue'].each{|c|
- add('command', 'label'=>c, 'background'=>c,
- 'command'=>proc{print "You invoked \"#{c}\"\n"})
- }
-TkMenu.bind('<MenuSelect>', proc{|w|
- begin
- label = w.entrycget('active', 'label')
- rescue
- label = " "
- end
- menustatus.value = label
- Tk.update(true)
- }, '%W')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menubu.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menubu.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ff683d09c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menubu.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# menubutton.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a window with a bunch of menus
-# and cascaded menus using menubuttons.
-require "tkcanvas"
-def optionMenu(menubutton, varName, firstValue, *rest)
- varName.value = firstValue
- configoptions = {'textvariable'=>varName,'indicatoron'=>'on',
- 'relief'=>'raised','borderwidth'=>2,'highlightthickness'=>2,
- 'anchor'=>'c','direction'=>'flush'}
- configoptions.each {|key, value|
- menubutton.configure(key, value)
- }
- menu = TkMenu.new(menubutton) {
- tearoff 'off'
- add 'radio', 'label'=>firstValue, 'variable'=>varName
- }
- menubutton.menu(menu)
- for i in rest
- menu.add 'radio', 'label'=>i, 'variable'=>varName
- end
- return menu
-if defined?($menubu_demo) && $menubu_demo
- $menubu_demo.destroy
- $menubu_demo = nil
-$menubu_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Menu Button Demonstration")
- iconname("menubutton")
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($menubu_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# version check
-if $tk_version.to_f < 8.0
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame,'font'=>$font,'wraplength'=>'4i','justify'=>'left') {
- text("This is a demonstration of menubuttons. The \"Below\" menubutton pops its menu below the button; the \"Right\" button pops to the right, etc. There are two option menus directly below this text; one is just a standard menu and the other is a 16-color palette.")
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $menubu_demo
- $menubu_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'menubu'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-else ; # Tk8.x
-body = TkFrame.new(base_frame)
-body.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-below = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Below"
- underline 0
- direction 'below'
- relief 'raised'
-belowMenu = TkMenu.new(below) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Below menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Below menu.\""}
-below.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'n')
-below = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Below"
- underline 0
- direction 'below'
- relief 'raised'
-belowMenu = TkMenu.new(below) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Below menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Below menu.\""}
-below.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'n')
-below = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Below"
- underline 0
- direction 'below'
- relief 'raised'
-belowMenu = TkMenu.new(below) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Below menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Below menu.\""}
-below.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'n')
-right = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Right"
- underline 0
- direction 'right'
- relief 'raised'
-rightMenu = TkMenu.new(right) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Right menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Left menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Right menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Right menu.\""}
-right.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'w')
-left = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Left"
- underline 0
- direction 'left'
- relief 'raised'
-leftMenu = TkMenu.new(left) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Left menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Left menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Left menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Left menu.\""}
-left.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>2, 'sticky'=>'e')
-center = TkFrame.new(body) {
- grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
-above = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Above"
- underline 0
- direction 'above'
- relief 'raised'
-aboveMenu = TkMenu.new(above) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Above menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Above menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Above menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Above menu.\""}
-above.grid('row'=>2, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'s')
-center = TkFrame.new(body) {
- grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc {
- tmppath = $menubu_demo
- $menubu_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc { showCode 'menubu' }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-msg = TkLabel.new(center) {
-# font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "This is a demonstration of menubuttons. The \"Below\" menubutton pops its menu below the button; the \"Right\" button pops to the right, etc. There are two option menus directly below this text; one is just a standard menu and the other is a 16-color palette."
-msg.pack('side'=>'top', 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25)
-TkFrame.new(center) {|f|
- menubuttonoptions = TkVariable.new
- mbutton = TkMenubutton.new(f)
- options = optionMenu(mbutton, menubuttonoptions,
- 'one', 'two', 'three')
- mbutton.pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25)
- paletteColor = TkVariable.new
- colors = ['Black','red4','DarkGreen','NavyBlue', 'gray75',
- 'Red','Green','Blue','gray50','Yellow','Cyan','Magenta',
- 'White','Brown','DarkSeaGreen','DarkViolet']
- colorMenuButton = TkMenubutton.new(f)
- m = optionMenu(colorMenuButton, paletteColor, *colors)
- begin
- windowingsystem = Tk.windowingsystem()
- rescue
- windowingsystem = ""
- end
- if windowingsystem == "classic" || windowingsystem == "aqua"
- topBorderColor = 'Black'
- bottomBorderColor = 'Black'
- else
- topBorderColor = 'gray50'
- bottomBorderColor = 'gray75'
- end
- for i in 0..15
- image = TkPhotoImage.new('height'=>16, 'width'=>16)
- image.put(topBorderColor, 0, 0, 16, 1)
- image.put(topBorderColor, 0, 1, 1, 16)
- image.put(bottomBorderColor, 0, 15, 16, 16)
- image.put(bottomBorderColor, 15, 1, 16, 16)
- image.put(colors[i], 1, 1, 15, 15)
- selectimage = TkPhotoImage.new('height'=>16, 'width'=>16)
- selectimage.put('Black', 0, 0, 16, 2)
- selectimage.put('Black', 0, 2, 2, 16)
- selectimage.put('Black', 2, 14, 16, 16)
- selectimage.put('Black', 14, 2, 16, 14)
- selectimage.put(colors[i], 2, 2, 14, 14)
- m.entryconfigure(i, 'image'=>image, 'selectimage'=>selectimage, 'hidemargin'=>'on')
- end
- m.configure('tearoff', 'on')
- for c in ['Black', 'gray75', 'gray50', 'White']
- m.entryconfigure(c, 'columnbreak'=>1)
- end
- colorMenuButton.pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25)
- pack 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25
-end ; # Tk8.x
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/msgbox.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/msgbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a5ff51b4b..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/msgbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# msgbox.rb
-# This demonstration script creates message boxes of various type
-# message boxes widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($msgbox_demo) && $msgbox_demo
- $msgbox_demo.destroy
- $msgbox_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$msgbox_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Message Box Demonstration")
- iconname("messagebox")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($msgbox_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'font'=>$font, 'wraplength'=>'4i', 'justify'=>'left',
- 'text'=>"Choose the icon and type option of the message box. Then press the \"Message Box\" button to see the message box.").pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $msgbox_demo
- $msgbox_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'msgbox'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Message Box'
- command proc{showMessageBox $msgbox_demo}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-$msgbox_leftframe = TkFrame.new(base_frame)
-$msgbox_rightframe = TkFrame.new(base_frame)
-$msgbox_leftframe .pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'y',
- 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c')
-$msgbox_rightframe.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'y',
- 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c')
-TkLabel.new($msgbox_leftframe, 'text'=>'Icon').pack('side'=>'top')
-TkFrame.new($msgbox_leftframe, 'relief'=>'ridge', 'bd'=>1, 'height'=>2)\
-.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x', 'expand'=>'no')
-$msgboxIcon = TkVariable.new('info')
-['error', 'info', 'question', 'warning'].each {|icon|
- TkRadioButton.new($msgbox_leftframe, 'text'=>icon, 'variable'=>$msgboxIcon,
- 'relief'=>'flat', 'value'=>icon, 'width'=>16,
- 'anchor'=>'w').pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2,
- 'anchor'=>'w', 'fill'=>'x')
-TkLabel.new($msgbox_rightframe, 'text'=>'Type').pack('side'=>'top')
-TkFrame.new($msgbox_rightframe, 'relief'=>'ridge', 'bd'=>1, 'height'=>2)\
-.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x', 'expand'=>'no')
-$msgboxType = TkVariable.new('ok')
-['abortretryignore', 'ok', 'okcancel',
- 'retrycancel', 'yesno', 'yesnocancel'].each {|type|
- TkRadioButton.new($msgbox_rightframe, 'text'=>type, 'variable'=>$msgboxType,
- 'relief'=>'flat', 'value'=>type, 'width'=>16,
- 'anchor'=>'w').pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2,
- 'anchor'=>'w', 'fill'=>'x')
-def showMessageBox(w)
- button = Tk.messageBox('icon'=>$msgboxIcon.value, 'type'=>$msgboxType.value,
- 'title'=>'Message', 'parent'=>w,
- 'message'=>"This is a \"#{$msgboxType.value}\" type messagebox with the \"#{$msgboxIcon.value}\" icon")
- Tk.messageBox('icon'=>'info', 'type'=>'ok', 'parent'=>w,
- 'message'=>"You have selected \"#{button}\"")
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/msgbox2.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/msgbox2.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb35c486d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/msgbox2.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# msgbox2.rb
-# This demonstration script creates message boxes of various type
-# message boxes widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($msgbox2_demo) && $msgbox2_demo
- $msgbox2_demo.destroy
- $msgbox2_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$msgbox2_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Message Box Demonstration")
- iconname("messagebox")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($msgbox2_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'font'=>$font, 'wraplength'=>'4i', 'justify'=>'left',
- 'text'=>"Choose the icon and type option of the message box. Then press the \"Message Box\" button to see the message box with both of a message and a detail.").pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $msgbox2_demo
- $msgbox2_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'msgbox2'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Message Box'
- command proc{showMessageBox2 $msgbox2_demo}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-$msgbox_leftframe = TkFrame.new(base_frame)
-$msgbox_rightframe = TkFrame.new(base_frame)
-$msgbox_leftframe .pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'y',
- 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c')
-$msgbox_rightframe.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'y',
- 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c')
-TkLabel.new($msgbox_leftframe, 'text'=>'Icon').pack('side'=>'top')
-TkFrame.new($msgbox_leftframe, 'relief'=>'ridge', 'bd'=>1, 'height'=>2)\
-.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x', 'expand'=>'no')
-$msgboxIcon = TkVariable.new('info')
-['error', 'info', 'question', 'warning'].each {|icon|
- TkRadioButton.new($msgbox_leftframe, 'text'=>icon, 'variable'=>$msgboxIcon,
- 'relief'=>'flat', 'value'=>icon, 'width'=>16,
- 'anchor'=>'w').pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2,
- 'anchor'=>'w', 'fill'=>'x')
-TkLabel.new($msgbox_rightframe, 'text'=>'Type').pack('side'=>'top')
-TkFrame.new($msgbox_rightframe, 'relief'=>'ridge', 'bd'=>1, 'height'=>2)\
-.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x', 'expand'=>'no')
-$msgboxType = TkVariable.new('ok')
-['abortretryignore', 'ok', 'okcancel',
- 'retrycancel', 'yesno', 'yesnocancel'].each {|type|
- TkRadioButton.new($msgbox_rightframe, 'text'=>type, 'variable'=>$msgboxType,
- 'relief'=>'flat', 'value'=>type, 'width'=>16,
- 'anchor'=>'w').pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2,
- 'anchor'=>'w', 'fill'=>'x')
-def showMessageBox2(w)
- button = Tk.messageBox('icon'=>$msgboxIcon.value, 'type'=>$msgboxType.value,
- 'title'=>'Message', 'parent'=>w,
- 'message'=>"\"#{$msgboxType.value}\" Type MessageBox",
- 'detail'=>"This is a \"#{$msgboxType.value}\" type messagebox with the \"#{$msgboxIcon.value}\" icon. Please click one of the following button.")
- Tk.messageBox('icon'=>'info', 'type'=>'ok', 'parent'=>w,
- 'message'=>"You have selected \"#{button}\"")
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/paned1.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/paned1.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c14562a962..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/paned1.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# paned1.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
-# a paned window that separates two windows horizontally.
-# based on "Id: paned1.tcl,v 1.1 2002/02/22 14:07:01 dkf Exp"
-if defined?($paned1_demo) && $paned1_demo
- $paned1_demo.destroy
- $paned1_demo = nil
-$paned1_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Horizontal Paned Window Demonstration")
- iconname("paned1")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($paned1_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:side=>:top)
-The sash between the two coloured windows below can be used to divide the area between them. Use the left mouse button to resize without redrawing by just moving the sash, and use the middle mouse button to resize opaquely (always redrawing the windows in each position.)
-If your Tk library linked to Ruby doesn't include a 'panedwindow', this demo doesn't work. Please use later version of Tk which supports a 'panedwindow'.
-# The bottom buttons
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x, :pady=>'2m')
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'Dismiss', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- $paned1_demo.destroy
- $paned1_demo = nil
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'See Code', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- showCode 'paned1'
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
-TkPanedwindow.new(base_frame, :orient=>:horizontal){|f|
- add(Tk::Label.new(f, :text=>"This is the\nleft side", :bg=>'yellow'),
- Tk::Label.new(f, :text=>"This is the\nright side", :bg=>'cyan'))
- pack(:side=>:top, :expand=>true, :fill=>:both, :pady=>2, :padx=>'2m')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/paned2.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/paned2.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c62235112..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/paned2.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# paned2.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
-# a paned window that separates two windows vertically.
-# based on "Id: paned2.tcl,v 1.1 2002/02/22 14:07:01 dkf Exp"
-if defined?($paned2_demo) && $paned2_demo
- $paned2_demo.destroy
- $paned2_demo = nil
-$paned2_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Vertical Paned Window Demonstration")
- iconname("paned2")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($paned2_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:side=>:top)
-The sash between the two scrolled windows below can be used to divide the area between them. Use the left mouse button to resize without redrawing by just moving the sash, and use the middle mouse button to resize opaquely (always redrawing the windows in each position.)
-If your Tk library linked to Ruby doesn't include a 'panedwindow', this demo doesn't work. Please use later version of Tk which supports a 'panedwindow'.
-# The bottom buttons
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x, :pady=>'2m')
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'Dismiss', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- $paned2_demo.destroy
- $paned2_demo = nil
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'See Code', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- showCode 'paned2'
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
-paneList = TkVariable.new # define as normal variable (not array)
-paneList.value = [ # ruby's array --> tcl's list
- 'List of Ruby/Tk Widgets',
- 'TkButton',
- 'TkCanvas',
- 'TkCheckbutton',
- 'TkEntry',
- 'TkFrame',
- 'TkLabel',
- 'TkLabelframe',
- 'TkListbox',
- 'TkMenu',
- 'TkMenubutton',
- 'TkMessage',
- 'TkPanedwindow',
- 'TkRadiobutton',
- 'TkScale',
- 'TkScrollbar',
- 'TkSpinbox',
- 'TkText',
- 'TkToplevel'
-# Create the pane itself
-TkPanedwindow.new(base_frame, :orient=>:vertical){|f|
- pack(:side=>:top, :expand=>true, :fill=>:both, :pady=>2, :padx=>'2m')
- add(TkFrame.new(f){|paned2_top|
- TkListbox.new(paned2_top, :listvariable=>paneList) {
- # Invert the first item to highlight it
- itemconfigure(0, :background=>self.cget(:foreground),
- :foreground=>self.cget(:background) )
- yscrollbar(TkScrollbar.new(paned2_top).pack(:side=>:right,
- :fill=>:y))
- pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- }
- },
- TkFrame.new(f, :height=>120) {|paned2_bottom|
- # The bottom window is a text widget with scrollbar
- paned2_xscr = TkScrollbar.new(paned2_bottom)
- paned2_yscr = TkScrollbar.new(paned2_bottom)
- paned2_text = TkText.new(paned2_bottom, :width=>30, :wrap=>:non) {
- insert('1.0', "This is just a normal text widget")
- xscrollbar(paned2_xscr)
- yscrollbar(paned2_yscr)
- }
- Tk.grid(paned2_text, paned2_yscr, :sticky=>'nsew')
- Tk.grid(paned2_xscr, :sticky=>'nsew')
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(paned2_bottom, 0, :weight=>1)
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(paned2_bottom, 0, :weight=>1)
- } )
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/pendulum.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/pendulum.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 833a31084f..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/pendulum.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# This demonstration illustrates how Tcl/Tk can be used to construct
-# simulations of physical systems.
-# (called by 'widget')
-# based on Tcl/Tk8.5a2 widget demos
-# destroy toplevel widget for this demo script
-if defined?($pendulum_demo) && $pendulum_demo
- $pendulum_demo.destroy
- $pendulum_demo = nil
-# create toplevel widget
-$pendulum_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Pendulum Animation Demonstration")
- iconname("pendulum")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($pendulum_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# create label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text 'This demonstration shows how Ruby/Tk can be used to carry out animations that are linked to simulations of physical systems. In the left canvas is a graphical representation of the physical system itself, a simple pendulum, and in the right canvas is a graph of the phase space of the system, which is a plot of the angle (relative to the vertical) against the angular velocity. The pendulum bob may be repositioned by clicking and dragging anywhere on the left canvas.'
-# create frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $pendulum_demo
- $pendulum_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'See Code'
- command proc{showCode 'pendulum'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# animated wave
-class PendulumAnimationDemo
- def initialize(frame)
- # Create some structural widgets
- @pane = TkPanedWindow.new(frame, :orient=>:horizontal).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# @pane.add(@lf1 = TkLabelFrame.new(@pane, :text=>'Pendulum Simulation'))
-# @pane.add(@lf2 = TkLabelFrame.new(@pane, :text=>'Phase Space'))
- @lf1 = TkLabelFrame.new(@pane, :text=>'Pendulum Simulation')
- @lf2 = TkLabelFrame.new(@pane, :text=>'Phase Space')
- # Create the canvas containing the graphical representation of the
- # simulated system.
- @c = TkCanvas.new(@lf1, :width=>320, :height=>200, :background=>'white',
- :borderwidth=>2, :relief=>:sunken)
- TkcText.new(@c, 5, 5, :anchor=>:nw,
- :text=>'Click to Adjust Bob Start Position')
- # Coordinates of these items don't matter; they will be set properly below
- @plate = TkcLine.new(@c, 0, 25, 320, 25, :width=>2, :fill=>'grey50')
- @rod = TkcLine.new(@c, 1, 1, 1, 1, :width=>3, :fill=>'black')
- @bob = TkcOval.new(@c, 1, 1, 2, 2,
- :width=>3, :fill=>'yellow', :outline=>'black')
- TkcOval.new(@c, 155, 20, 165, 30, :fill=>'grey50', :outline=>'')
- # pack
- @c.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- # Create the canvas containing the phase space graph; this consists of
- # a line that gets gradually paler as it ages, which is an extremely
- # effective visual trick.
- @k = TkCanvas.new(@lf2, :width=>320, :height=>200, :background=>'white',
- :borderwidth=>2, :relief=>:sunken)
- @y_axis = TkcLine.new(@k, 160, 200, 160, 0, :fill=>'grey75', :arrow=>:last)
- @x_axis = TkcLine.new(@k, 0, 100, 320, 100, :fill=>'grey75', :arrow=>:last)
- @graph = {}
- 90.step(0, -10){|i|
- # Coordinates of these items don't matter;
- # they will be set properly below
- @graph[i] = TkcLine.new(@k, 0, 0, 1, 1, :smooth=>true, :fill=>"grey#{i}")
- }
- # labels
- @label_theta = TkcText.new(@k, 0, 0, :anchor=>:ne,
- :text=>'q', :font=>'Symbol 8')
- @label_dtheta = TkcText.new(@k, 0, 0, :anchor=>:ne,
- :text=>'dq', :font=>'Symbol 8')
- # pack
- @k.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- # Initialize some variables
- @points = []
- @theta = 45.0
- @dTheta = 0.0
- @length = 150
- # animation loop
- @timer = TkTimer.new(15){ repeat }
- # binding
- @c.bindtags_unshift(btag = TkBindTag.new)
- btag.bind('Destroy'){ @timer.stop }
- btag.bind('1', proc{|x, y| @timer.stop; showPendulum(x.to_i, y.to_i)},
- '%x %y')
- btag.bind('B1-Motion', proc{|x, y| showPendulum(x.to_i, y.to_i)}, '%x %y')
- btag.bind('ButtonRelease-1',
- proc{|x, y| showPendulum(x.to_i, y.to_i); @timer.start },
- '%x %y')
- btag.bind('Configure', proc{|w| @plate.coords(0, 25, w.to_i, 25)}, '%w')
- @k.bind('Configure', proc{|h, w|
- h = h.to_i
- w = w.to_i
- @psh = h/2;
- @psw = w/2
- @x_axis.coords(2, @psh, w-2, @psh)
- @y_axis.coords(@psw, h-2, @psw, 2)
- @label_theta.coords(@psw-4, 6)
- @label_dtheta.coords(w-6, @psh+4)
- }, '%h %w')
- # add
- Tk.update
- @pane.add(@lf1)
- @pane.add(@lf2)
- # init display
- showPendulum
- # animation start
- @timer.start(500)
- end
- # This procedure makes the pendulum appear at the correct place on the
- # canvas. If the additional arguments x, y are passed instead of computing
- # the position of the pendulum from the length of the pendulum rod and its
- # angle, the length and angle are computed in reverse from the given
- # location (which is taken to be the centre of the pendulum bob.)
- def showPendulum(x=nil, y=nil)
- if x && y && (x != 160 || y != 25)
- @dTheta = 0.0
- x2 = x - 160
- y2 = y - 25
- @length = Math.hypot(x2, y2)
- @theta = Math.atan2(x2,y2)*180/Math::PI
- else
- angle = @theta*Math::PI/180
- x = 160 + @length*Math.sin(angle)
- y = 25 + @length*Math.cos(angle)
- end
- @rod.coords(160, 25, x, y)
- @bob.coords(x-15, y-15, x+15, y+15)
- end
- # Update the phase-space graph according to the current angle and the
- # rate at which the angle is changing (the first derivative with
- # respect to time.)
- def showPhase
- unless @psw && @psh
- @psw = @k.width/2
- @psh = @k.height/2
- end
- @points << @theta + @psw << -20*@dTheta + @psh
- if @points.length > 100
- @points = @points[-100..-1]
- end
- (0...100).step(10){|i|
- first = - i
- last = 11 - i
- last = -1 if last >= 0
- next if first > last
- lst = @points[first..last]
- @graph[i].coords(lst) if lst && lst.length >= 4
- }
- end
- # This procedure is the "business" part of the simulation that does
- # simple numerical integration of the formula for a simple rotational
- # pendulum.
- def recomputeAngle
- scaling = 3000.0/@length/@length
- # To estimate the integration accurately, we really need to
- # compute the end-point of our time-step. But to do *that*, we
- # need to estimate the integration accurately! So we try this
- # technique, which is inaccurate, but better than doing it in a
- # single step. What we really want is bound up in the
- # differential equation:
- # .. - sin theta
- # theta + theta = -----------
- # length
- # But my math skills are not good enough to solve this!
- # first estimate
- firstDDTheta = -Math.sin(@theta * Math::PI/180) * scaling
- midDTheta = @dTheta + firstDDTheta
- midTheta = @theta + (@dTheta + midDTheta)/2
- # second estimate
- midDDTheta = -Math.sin(midTheta * Math::PI/180) * scaling
- midDTheta = @dTheta + (firstDDTheta + midDDTheta)/2
- midTheta = @theta + (@dTheta + midDTheta)/2
- # Now we do a double-estimate approach for getting the final value
- # first estimate
- midDDTheta = -Math.sin(midTheta * Math::PI/180) * scaling
- lastDTheta = midDTheta + midDDTheta
- lastTheta = midTheta + (midDTheta+ lastDTheta)/2
- # second estimate
- lastDDTheta = -Math.sin(lastTheta * Math::PI/180) * scaling
- lastDTheta = midDTheta + (midDDTheta + lastDDTheta)/2
- lastTheta = midTheta + (midDTheta + lastDTheta)/2
- # Now put the values back in our globals
- @dTheta = lastDTheta
- @theta = lastTheta
- end
- # This method ties together the simulation engine and the graphical
- # display code that visualizes it.
- def repeat
- # Simulate
- recomputeAngle
- # Update the display
- showPendulum
- showPhase
- end
-# Start the animation processing
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/plot.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/plot.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 786695a85c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/plot.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# plot.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a canvas widget showing a 2-D
-# plot with data points that can be dragged with the mouse.
-# 2-D plot widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($plot_demo) && $plot_demo
- $plot_demo.destroy
- $plot_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$plot_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Plot Demonstration")
- iconname("Plot")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($plot_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'font'=>$font, 'wraplength'=>'4i', 'justify'=>'left',
- 'text'=>"This window displays a canvas widget containing a simple 2-dimensional plot. You can doctor the data by dragging any of the points with mouse button 1."){
- pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-$plot_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $plot_demo
- $plot_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'plot'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-$plot_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# font
-plotFont = '-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*'
-# canvas
-$plot_canvas = TkCanvas.new(base_frame,'relief'=>'raised','width'=>450,'height'=>300)
-$plot_canvas.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-# plot
-TkcLine.new($plot_canvas, 100, 250, 400, 250, 'width'=>2)
-TkcLine.new($plot_canvas, 100, 250, 100, 50, 'width'=>2)
-TkcText.new($plot_canvas, 225, 20,
- 'text'=>"A Simple Plot", 'font'=>plotFont, 'fill'=>'brown')
-(0..10).each {|i|
- x = 100 + (i * 30)
- TkcLine.new($plot_canvas, x, 250, x, 245, 'width'=>2)
- TkcText.new($plot_canvas, x, 254,
- 'text'=>10*i, 'font'=>plotFont, 'anchor'=>'n')
-(0..5).each {|i|
- y = 250 - (i * 40)
- TkcLine.new($plot_canvas, 100, y, 105, y, 'width'=>2)
- TkcText.new($plot_canvas, 96, y,
- 'text'=>"#{i*50}.0", 'font'=>plotFont, 'anchor'=>'e')
-for xx, yy in [[12,56],[20,94],[33,98],[32,120],[61,180],[75,160],[98,223]]
- x = 100 + (3*xx)
- y = 250 - (4*yy)/5
- item = TkcOval.new($plot_canvas, x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6,
- 'width'=>1, 'outline'=>'black', 'fill'=>'SkyBlue2')
- item.addtag 'point'
-$plot_canvas.itembind('point', 'Any-Enter',
- proc{$plot_canvas.itemconfigure 'current','fill','red'})
-$plot_canvas.itembind('point', 'Any-Leave',
- proc{$plot_canvas.itemconfigure 'current','fill','SkyBlue2'})
-$plot_canvas.itembind('point', '1',
- proc{|x,y| plotDown $plot_canvas,x,y}, "%x %y")
-$plot_canvas.itembind('point', 'ButtonRelease-1',
- proc{$plot_canvas.dtag 'selected'})
- proc{|x,y| plotMove $plot_canvas,x,y}, "%x %y")
-$plot = {'lastX'=>0, 'lastY'=>0}
-# plotDown --
-# This method is invoked when the mouse is pressed over one of the
-# data points. It sets up state to allow the point to be dragged.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# x, y - The coordinates of the mouse press.
-def plotDown (w, x, y)
- w.dtag 'selected'
- w.addtag_withtag 'selected', 'current'
- w.raise 'current'
- $plot['lastX'] = x
- $plot['lastY'] = y
-# plotMove --
-# This method is invoked during mouse motion events. It drags the
-# current item.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The canvas window.
-# x, y - The coordinates of the mouse.
-def plotMove (w, x, y)
- w.move 'selected', x - $plot['lastX'], y - $plot['lastY']
- $plot['lastX'] = x
- $plot['lastY'] = y
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/puzzle.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/puzzle.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index edefa66d73..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/puzzle.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# puzzle.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a 15-puzzle game using a collection
-# of buttons.
-# widget demo 'puzzle' (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($puzzle_demo) && $puzzle_demo
- $puzzle_demo.destroy
- $puzzle_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$puzzle_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("15-Puzzle Demonstration")
- iconname("15-Puzzle")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($puzzle_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "A 15-puzzle appears below as a collection of buttons. Click on any of the pieces next to the space, and that piece will slide over the space. Continue this until the pieces are arranged in numerical order from upper-left to lower-right."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $puzzle_demo
- $puzzle_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'puzzle'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-# Special trick: select a darker color for the space by creating a
-# scrollbar widget and using its trough color.
- if Tk.windowingsystem() == 'aqua'
- frameWidth = 168
- frameHeight = 168
- elsif Tk.default_widget_set == :Ttk
- frameWidth = 148
- frameHeight = 124
- else
- frameWidth = 120
- frameHeight = 120
- end
- frameWidth = 120
- frameHeight = 120
-# depend_on_button_width = true
-depend_on_button_width = false
-s = TkScrollbar.new(base_frame)
-base = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {
- width frameWidth
- height frameHeight
- borderwidth 2
- relief 'sunken'
- bg s['troughcolor']
-base.pack('side'=>'top', 'padx'=>'1c', 'pady'=>'1c')
-def def_puzzleswitch_proc(w, num)
- proc{puzzleSwitch w, num}
-$xpos = {}
-$ypos = {}
-order = [3,1,6,2,5,7,15,13,4,11,8,9,14,10,12]
- num = order[i]
- $xpos[num] = (i % 4) * 0.25
- $ypos[num] = (i / 4) * 0.25
- TkButton.new(base) {|w|
- relief 'raised'
- text num
- highlightthickness 0
- command def_puzzleswitch_proc(w, num)
- if depend_on_button_width && (w.winfo_reqwidth * 4 > base.width)
- base.width = w.winfo_reqwidth * 4
- end
- }.place('relx'=>$xpos[num], 'rely'=>$ypos[num],
- 'relwidth'=>0.25, 'relheight'=>0.25)
-$xpos['space'] = 0.75
-$ypos['space'] = 0.75
-# puzzleSwitch --
-# This procedure is invoked when the user clicks on a particular button;
-# if the button is next to the empty space, it moves the button into the
-# empty space.
-def puzzleSwitch(w, num)
- if ( ($ypos[num] >= ($ypos['space'] - 0.01)) \
- && ($ypos[num] <= ($ypos['space'] + 0.01)) \
- && ($xpos[num] >= ($xpos['space'] - 0.26)) \
- && ($xpos[num] <= ($xpos['space'] + 0.26))) \
- || (($xpos[num] >= ($xpos['space'] - 0.01)) \
- && ($xpos[num] <= ($xpos['space'] + 0.01)) \
- && ($ypos[num] >= ($ypos['space'] - 0.26)) \
- && ($ypos[num] <= ($ypos['space'] + 0.26)))
- tmp = $xpos['space']
- $xpos['space'] = $xpos[num]
- $xpos[num] = tmp
- tmp = $ypos['space']
- $ypos['space'] = $ypos[num]
- $ypos[num] = tmp
- w.place('relx'=>$xpos[num], 'rely'=>$ypos[num])
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/radio.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/radio.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d6b3ffbcbe..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/radio.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# radio.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
-# several radiobutton widgets.
-# radiobutton widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($radio_demo) && $radio_demo
- $radio_demo.destroy
- $radio_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$radio_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Radiobutton Demonstration")
- iconname("radio")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($radio_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "Two groups of radiobuttons are displayed below. If you click on a button then the button will become selected exclusively among all the buttons in its group. A Tcl variable is associated with each group to indicate which of the group's buttons is selected. Click the \"See Variables\" button to see the current values of the variables."
-size = TkVariable.new
-color = TkVariable.new
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $radio_demo
- $radio_demo = nil
- $showVarsWin[tmppath.path] = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'radio'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'See Variables'
- command proc{
- showVars(base_frame, ['size', size], ['color', color])
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-f_left = TkFrame.new(base_frame)
-f_right = TkFrame.new(base_frame)
-f_left.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'padx'=>'.5c', 'pady'=>'.5c')
-f_right.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'padx'=>'.5c', 'pady'=>'.5c')
-# radiobutton
-[10, 12, 18, 24].each {|sz|
- TkRadioButton.new(f_left) {
- text "Point Size #{sz}"
- variable size
- relief 'flat'
- value sz
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w')
-['Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Orange', 'Purple'].each {|col|
- TkRadioButton.new(f_right) {
- text col
- variable color
- relief 'flat'
- value col.downcase
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/radio2.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/radio2.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ece7cfdf08..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/radio2.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# radio2.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
-# several radiobutton widgets.
-# radiobutton widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($radio2_demo) && $radio2_demo
- $radio2_demo.destroy
- $radio2_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$radio2_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Radiobutton Demonstration 2")
- iconname("radio2")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($radio2_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '5i'
- justify 'left'
- text "Three groups of radiobuttons are displayed below. If you click on a button then the button will become selected exclusively among all the buttons in its group. A Tcl variable is associated with each group to indicate which of the group's buttons is selected. Click the \"See Variables\" button to see the current values of the variables."
-size = TkVariable.new
-color = TkVariable.new
-align = TkVariable.new
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $radio2_demo
- $radio2_demo = nil
- $showVarsWin[tmppath.path] = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'radio2'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'See Variables'
- command proc{
- showVars(base_frame,
- ['size', size], ['color', color], ['compound', align])
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-f_left = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Point Size',
- 'pady'=>2, 'padx'=>2)
-f_mid = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Color',
- 'pady'=>2, 'padx'=>2)
-f_right = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Alignment',
- 'pady'=>2, 'padx'=>2)
-f_left.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'padx'=>'.5c', 'pady'=>'.5c')
-f_mid.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'padx'=>'.5c', 'pady'=>'.5c')
-f_right.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'padx'=>'.5c', 'pady'=>'.5c')
-# radiobutton
-[10, 12, 18, 24].each {|sz|
- TkRadioButton.new(f_left) {
- text "Point Size #{sz}"
- variable size
- relief 'flat'
- value sz
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w', 'fill'=>'x')
-['Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Orange', 'Purple'].each {|col|
- TkRadioButton.new(f_mid) {
- text col
- variable color
- relief 'flat'
- value col.downcase
- anchor 'w'
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'fill'=>'x')
-# label = TkLabel.new(f_right, 'text'=>'Label', 'bitmap'=>'questhead',
-label = Tk::Label.new(f_right, 'text'=>'Label', 'bitmap'=>'questhead',
- 'compound'=>'left')
-label.configure('width'=>TkWinfo.reqwidth(label), 'compound'=>'top')
-abtn = ['Top', 'Left', 'Right', 'Bottom'].collect{|a|
- lower = a.downcase
- TkRadioButton.new(f_right, 'text'=>a, 'variable'=>align, 'relief'=>'flat',
- 'value'=>lower, 'indicatoron'=>0, 'width'=>7,
- 'command'=>proc{label.compound(align.value)})
-Tk.grid('x', abtn[0])
-Tk.grid(abtn[1], label, abtn[2])
-Tk.grid('x', abtn[3])
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/radio3.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/radio3.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d1629c884e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/radio3.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# radio3.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
-# several radiobutton widgets.
-# radiobutton widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($radio3_demo) && $radio3_demo
- $radio3_demo.destroy
- $radio3_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$radio3_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Radiobutton Demonstration 3")
- iconname("radio3")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($radio3_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '5i'
- justify 'left'
- text "Three groups of radiobuttons are displayed below. If you click on a button then the button will become selected exclusively among all the buttons in its group. A Tcl variable is associated with each group to indicate which of the group's buttons is selected. When the 'Tristate' button is pressed, the radio buttons will display the tri-state mode. Selecting any radio button will return the buttons to their respective on/off state. Click the \"See Variables\" button to see the current values of the variables."
-msg.grid(:row=>0, :column=>0, :columnspan=>3, :sticky=>'nsew')
-# variable
-size = TkVariable.new
-color = TkVariable.new
-align = TkVariable.new
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkGrid(TkFrame.new(frame, :height=>2, :relief=>:sunken, :bd=>2),
- :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'See Variables',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- showVars(base_frame, ['size', size],
- ['color', color], ['compound', align])
- }),
- TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'radio3'}),
- TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- tmppath = $radio3_demo
- $radio3_demo = nil
- $showVarsWin[tmppath.path] = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- TkGrid(frame, :row=>3, :column=>0, :columnspan=>3, :sticky=>'nsew')
-# frame
-f_left = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Point Size',
- 'pady'=>2, 'padx'=>2)
-f_mid = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Color',
- 'pady'=>2, 'padx'=>2)
-f_right = TkLabelFrame.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Alignment',
- 'pady'=>2, 'padx'=>2)
-f_left .grid('column'=>0, 'row'=>1, 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c', 'rowspan'=>2)
-f_mid .grid('column'=>1, 'row'=>1, 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c', 'rowspan'=>2)
-f_right.grid('column'=>2, 'row'=>1, 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c')
-TkButton.new(base_frame, 'text'=>'Tristate',
- 'command'=>proc{size.value = 'multi'; color.value = 'multi'}){
- grid('column'=>2, 'row'=>2, 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c')
-# radiobutton
-[10, 12, 14, 18, 24].each {|sz|
- TkRadioButton.new(f_left) {
- text "Point Size #{sz}"
- variable size
- relief 'flat'
- value sz
- tristatevalue 'multi'
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w', 'fill'=>'x')
-['Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Orange', 'Purple'].each {|col|
- TkRadioButton.new(f_mid) {
- text col
- variable color
- relief 'flat'
- value col.downcase
- anchor 'w'
- tristatevalue 'multi'
- command proc{f_mid.fg(color.value)}
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'fill'=>'x')
-# label = TkLabel.new(f_right, 'text'=>'Label', 'bitmap'=>'questhead',
-label = Tk::Label.new(f_right, 'text'=>'Label', 'bitmap'=>'questhead',
- 'compound'=>'left')
-label.configure('width'=>TkWinfo.reqwidth(label), 'compound'=>'top')
-a_btn = ['Top', 'Left', 'Right', 'Bottom'].collect{|a|
- TkRadioButton.new(f_right, 'text'=>a, 'variable'=>align, 'relief'=>'flat',
- 'value'=>a.downcase, 'indicatoron'=>0, 'width'=>7,
- 'command'=>proc{label.compound(align.value)})
-Tk.grid('x', a_btn[0])
-Tk.grid(a_btn[1], label, a_btn[2])
-Tk.grid('x', a_btn[3])
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/rmt b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/rmt
deleted file mode 100644
index dcfb328fc8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/rmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# rmt --
-# This script implements a simple remote-control mechanism for
-# Tk applications. It allows you to select an application and
-# then type commands to that application.
-require 'tk'
-class Rmt
- def initialize(parent=nil)
- win = self
- unless parent
- parent = TkRoot.new
- end
- root = TkWinfo.toplevel(parent)
- root.minsize(1,1)
- # The instance variable below keeps track of the remote application
- # that we're sending to. If it's an empty string then we execute
- # the commands locally.
- @app = 'local'
- @mode = 'Ruby'
- # The instance variable below keeps track of whether we're in the
- # middle of executing a command entered via the text.
- @executing = 0
- # The instance variable below keeps track of the last command executed,
- # so it can be re-executed in response to !! commands.
- @lastCommand = ""
- # Create menu bar. Arrange to recreate all the information in the
- # applications sub-menu whenever it is cascaded to.
- TkFrame.new(root, 'relief'=>'raised', 'bd'=>2) {|f|
- pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- TkMenubutton.new(f, 'text'=>'File', 'underline'=>0) {|mb|
- TkMenu.new(mb) {|mf|
- mb.menu(mf)
- TkMenu.new(mf) {|ma|
- postcommand proc{win.fillAppsMenu ma}
- mf.add('cascade', 'label'=>'Select Application',
- 'menu'=>ma, 'underline'=>0)
- }
- add('command', 'label'=>'Quit',
- 'command'=>proc{root.destroy}, 'underline'=>0)
- }
- pack('side'=>'left')
- }
- }
- # Create text window and scrollbar.
- @txt = TkText.new(root, 'relief'=>'sunken', 'bd'=>2, 'setgrid'=>true) {
- yscrollbar(TkScrollbar.new(root){pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')})
- pack('side'=>'left')
- }
- @promptEnd = TkTextMark.new(@txt, 'insert')
- # Create a binding to forward commands to the target application,
- # plus modify many of the built-in bindings so that only information
- # in the current command can be deleted (can still set the cursor
- # earlier in the text and select and insert; just can't delete).
- @txt.bindtags([@txt, TkText, root, 'all'])
- @txt.bind('Return', proc{
- @txt.set_insert('end - 1c')
- @txt.insert('insert', "\n")
- win.invoke
- Tk.callback_break
- })
- @txt.bind('Delete', proc{
- begin
- @txt.tag_remove('sel', 'sel.first', @promptEnd)
- rescue
- end
- if @txt.tag_nextrange('sel', '1.0', 'end') == []
- if @txt.compare('insert', '<', @promptEnd)
- Tk.callback_break
- end
- end
- })
- @txt.bind('BackSpace', proc{
- begin
- @txt.tag_remove('sel', 'sel.first', @promptEnd)
- rescue
- end
- if @txt.tag_nextrange('sel', '1.0', 'end') == []
- if @txt.compare('insert', '<', @promptEnd)
- Tk.callback_break
- end
- end
- })
- @txt.bind('Control-d', proc{
- if @txt.compare('insert', '<', @promptEnd)
- Tk.callback_break
- end
- })
- @txt.bind('Control-k', proc{
- if @txt.compare('insert', '<', @promptEnd)
- @txt.set_insert(@promptEnd)
- end
- })
- @txt.bind('Control-t', proc{
- if @txt.compare('insert', '<', @promptEnd)
- Tk.callback_break
- end
- })
- @txt.bind('Meta-d', proc{
- if @txt.compare('insert', '<', @promptEnd)
- Tk.callback_break
- end
- })
- @txt.bind('Meta-BackSpace', proc{
- if @txt.compare('insert', '<=', @promptEnd)
- Tk.callback_break
- end
- })
- @txt.bind('Control-h', proc{
- if @txt.compare('insert', '<=', @promptEnd)
- Tk.callback_break
- end
- })
- @txt.tag_configure('bold', 'font'=>['Courier', 12, 'bold'])
- @app = Tk.appname('rmt')
- if (@app =~ /^rmt(.*)$/)
- root.title("Tk Remote Controller#{$1}")
- root.iconname("Tk Remote#{$1}")
- end
- prompt
- @txt.focus
- #@app = TkWinfo.appname(TkRoot.new)
- end
- def tkTextInsert(w,s)
- return if s == ""
- begin
- if w.compare('sel.first','<=','insert') \
- && w.compare('sel.last','>=','insert')
- w.tag_remove('sel', 'sel.first', @promptEnd)
- w.delete('sel.first', 'sel.last')
- end
- rescue
- end
- w.insert('insert', s)
- w.see('insert')
- end
- # The method below is used to print out a prompt at the
- # insertion point (which should be at the beginning of a line
- # right now).
- def prompt
- @txt.insert('insert', "#{@app}: ")
- @promptEnd.set('insert')
- @promptEnd.gravity = 'left'
- @txt.tag_add('bold', "#{@promptEnd.path} linestart", @promptEnd)
- end
- # The method below executes a command (it takes everything on the
- # current line after the prompt and either sends it to the remote
- # application or executes it locally, depending on "app".
- def invoke
- cmd = @txt.get(@promptEnd, 'insert')
- @executing += 1
- case (@mode)
- when 'Tcl'
- if Tk.info('complete', cmd)
- if (cmd == "!!\n")
- cmd = @lastCommand
- else
- @lastCommand = cmd
- end
- begin
- msg = Tk.appsend(@app, false, cmd)
- rescue
- msg = "Error: #{$!}"
- end
- @txt.insert('insert', msg + "\n") if msg != ""
- prompt
- @promptEnd.set('insert')
- end
- when 'Ruby'
- if (cmd == "!!\n")
- cmd = @lastCommand
- end
- complete = true
- begin
- eval("proc{#{cmd}}")
- rescue
- complete = false
- end
- if complete
- @lastCommand = cmd
- begin
-# msg = Tk.appsend(@app, false,
-# 'ruby',
-# '"(' + cmd.gsub(/[][$"]/, '\\\\\&') + ').to_s"')
- msg = Tk.rb_appsend(@app, false, cmd)
- rescue
- msg = "Error: #{$!}"
- end
- @txt.insert('insert', msg + "\n") if msg != ""
- prompt
- @promptEnd.set('insert')
- end
- end
- @executing -= 1
- @txt.yview_pickplace('insert')
- end
- # The following method is invoked to change the application that
- # we're talking to. It also updates the prompt for the current
- # command, unless we're in the middle of executing a command from
- # the text item (in which case a new prompt is about to be output
- # so there's no need to change the old one).
- def newApp(appName, mode)
- @app = appName
- @mode = mode
- if @executing == 0
- @promptEnd.gravity = 'right'
- @txt.delete("#{@promptEnd.path} linestart", @promptEnd)
- @txt.insert(@promptEnd, "#{appName}: ")
- @txt.tag_add('bold', "#{@promptEnd.path} linestart", @promptEnd)
- @promptEnd.gravity = 'left'
- end
- end
- # The method below will fill in the applications sub-menu with a list
- # of all the applications that currently exist.
- def fillAppsMenu(menu)
- win = self
- begin
- menu.delete(0,'last')
- rescue
- end
- TkWinfo.interps.sort.each{|ip|
- begin
- if Tk.appsend(ip, false, 'info commands ruby') == ""
- mode = 'Tcl'
- else
- mode = 'Ruby'
- end
- menu.add('command', 'label'=>format("%s (#{mode}/Tk)", ip),
- 'command'=>proc{win.newApp ip, mode})
- rescue
- menu.add('command', 'label'=>format("%s (unknown Tk)", ip),
- 'command'=>proc{win.newApp ip, mode}, 'state'=>'disabled')
- end
- }
- menu.add('command', 'label'=>format("local (Ruby/Tk)"),
- 'command'=>proc{win.newApp 'local', 'Ruby'})
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/rolodex b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/rolodex
deleted file mode 100644
index b4c42b6199..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/rolodex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# rolodex --
-# This script is a part of Tom LaStrange's rolodex
-# Copyright (C) 1998 by Takaaki Tateishi <ttate@jaist.ac.jp>
-# Time-stamp: "03/08/02 06:23:06 nagai"
-require "tk"
-def show_help(topic,x=0,y=0)
- if( topic.is_a?(TkWindow) )
- w = TkWinfo.containing(x,y)
- if( TkWinfo.exist?(w) )
- topic = w
- end
- end
- if( $helpTopics.include?(topic) )
- msg = $helpTopics[topic]
- else
- msg = "Sorry, but no help is available for this topic"
- end
- TkDialog.new("title"=>"Rolodex Help",
- "message"=>"Information on #{topic}:\n\n#{msg}",
- "default_button"=>0,
- "buttons"=>["OK"])
-def fillCard
- clearAction
- $root.frame.entry[1].insert(0,"Takaaki Tateishi")
- $root.frame.entry[2].insert(0,"Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Techonology")
- $root.frame.entry[3].insert(0,"1-1 Asahidai, Tatsunokuchi")
- $root.frame.entry[4].insert(0,"Ishikawa 923-1292, Japan")
- $root.frame.entry[5].insert(0,"private")
- $root.frame.entry[6].insert(0,"***-***-****")
- $root.frame.entry[7].insert(0,"***-***-****")
-def addAction
- for i in 1..7
- STDERR.print format("%-12s %s\n",
- RolodexFrame::LABEL[i],
- $root.frame.entry[i].value)
- end
-def clearAction
- for i in 1..7
- $root.frame.entry[i].delete(0,"end")
- end
-def fileAction
- TkDialog.new("title"=>"File Selection",
- "message"=>"This is a dummy file selection dialog box.\n",
- "default_button"=>0,
- "buttons"=>["OK"])
- STDERR.print "dummy file name\n"
-def deleteAction
- result = TkDialog.new("title"=>"Confirm Action",
- "message"=>"Are you sure?",
- "default_button"=>0,
- "buttons"=>["Cancel"])
- if( result.value == 0 )
- clearAction
- end
-class RolodexFrame < TkFrame
- attr_reader :entry, :label
- LABEL = ["","Name:","Address:","","","Home Phone:","Work Phone:","Fax:"]
- def initialize(parent=nil,keys=nil)
- super(parent,keys)
- self["relief"] = "flat"
- @i = []
- @label = []
- @entry = []
- for i in 1..7
- @i[i] = TkFrame.new(self)
- @i[i].pack("side"=>"top",
- "pady"=>2,
- "anchor"=>"e")
- @label[i] = TkLabel.new(@i[i],
- "text"=>LABEL[i],
- "anchor"=>"e")
- @entry[i] = TkEntry.new(@i[i],
- "width"=>30,
- "relief"=>"sunken")
- @entry[i].pack("side"=>"right")
- @label[i].pack("side"=>"right")
- end
- end
-class RolodexButtons < TkFrame
- attr_reader :clear, :add, :search, :delete
- def initialize(parent,keys=nil)
- super(parent,keys)
- @clear = TkButton.new(self,
- "text" => "Clear")
- @add = TkButton.new(self,
- "text" => "Add")
- @search = TkButton.new(self,
- "text" => "Search")
- @delete = TkButton.new(self,
- "text" => "Delete")
- for w in [@clear,@add,@search,@delete]
- w.pack("side"=>"left", "padx"=>2)
- end
- end
-class RolodexMenuFrame < TkFrame
- attr_reader :file_menu, :help_menu, :file, :help
- def initialize(parent,keys=nil)
- super(parent,keys)
- configure("relief"=>"raised",
- "borderwidth"=>1)
- @file = TkMenubutton.new(self,
- "text"=>"File",
- "underline"=>0)
- @file_menu = TkMenu.new(@file)
- @file_menu.add("command",
- "label" => "Load ...",
- "command" => proc{fileAction},
- "underline" => 0)
- @file_menu.add("command",
- "label" => "Exit",
- "command" => proc{$root.destroy},
- "underline" => 0)
- @file.menu(@file_menu)
- @file.pack("side"=>"left")
- @help = TkMenubutton.new(self,
- "text"=>"Help",
- "underline"=>0)
- @help_menu = TkMenu.new(@help)
- @help_menu.add("command",
- "label"=>"On Context...",
- "command"=>proc{show_help("context")},
- "underline"=>3)
- @help_menu.add("command",
- "label"=>"On Help...",
- "command"=>proc{show_help("help")},
- "underline"=>3)
- @help_menu.add("command",
- "label"=>"On Window...",
- "command"=>proc{show_help("window")},
- "underline"=>3)
- @help_menu.add("command",
- "label"=>"On Keys...",
- "command"=>proc{show_help("keys")},
- "underline"=>3)
- @help_menu.add("command",
- "label"=>"On version...",
- "command"=>proc{show_help("version")},
- "underline"=>3)
- @help.menu(@help_menu)
- @help.pack("side"=>"right")
- end
-class Rolodex < TkRoot
- attr_reader :frame, :buttons, :menu
- def initialize(*args)
- super(*args)
- @frame = RolodexFrame.new(self)
- @frame.pack("side"=>"top",
- "fill"=>"y",
- "anchor"=>"center")
- @buttons = RolodexButtons.new(self)
- @buttons.pack("side"=>"bottom",
- "pady"=>2,
- "anchor"=>"center")
- @menu = RolodexMenuFrame.new(self)
- @menu.pack("before"=>@frame,
- "side"=>"top",
- "fill"=>"x")
- end
-$root = Rolodex.new
-$root.buttons.search.configure("command"=>proc{addAction; fillCard})
-$root.buttons.clear.configure("text"=>"Clear Ctrl+C")
-$root.buttons.add.configure("text"=>"Add Ctrl+A")
-$root.buttons.search.configure("text"=>"Search Ctrl+S")
-$root.bind("Control-s",proc{addAction; fillCard})
-$root.buttons.delete.configure("text"=>"Delete... Ctrl+D")
-$root.menu.file_menu.entryconfigure(1, "accel"=>"Ctrl+F")
-$root.menu.file_menu.entryconfigure(2, "accel"=>"Ctrl+Q")
- proc{|event| show_help(event.widget, event.x_root, event.y_root)})
- proc{|event| show_help(event.widget, event.x_root, event.y_root)})
-$helpTopics = {}
-$helpTopics[$root.menu.file] = <<EOF
-This is the "file" menu. It can be used to invoke\
-some overall operations on the rolodex applications,\
-such as loading a file or exiting.
-$helpTopics[$root.menu.file_menu.index(0)] = <<EOF
-The "Load" entry in the "File" menu posts a dialog box\
-that you can use to select a rolodex file
-$helpTopics[$root.menu.file_menu.index(1)] = <<EOF
-The "Exit" entry in the "File" menu causes the rolodex\
-application to terminate
-$helpTopics[$root.frame.entry[1]] = <<EOF
-In this field of the rolodex entry you should\
-type the person's name
-$helpTopics[$root.frame.entry[2]] = <<EOF
-In this field of the rolodex entry you should\
-type the first line of the person's address
-$helpTopics[$root.frame.entry[3]] = <<EOF
-In this field of the rolodex entry you should\
-type the second line of the person's address
-$helpTopics[$root.frame.entry[4]] = <<EOF
-In this field of the rolodex entry you should\
-type the third line of the person's address
-$helpTopics[$root.frame.entry[5]] = <<EOF
-In this field of the rolodex entry you should\
-type the person's home phone number, or "private"\
-if the person doesn't want his or he number publicized
-$helpTopics[$root.frame.entry[6]] = <<EOF
-In this field of the rolodex entry you should\
-type the person's work phone number
-$helpTopics[$root.frame.entry[7]] = <<EOF
-In this field of the rolodex entry you should\
-type the phone number for the person's FAX machine
-$helpTopics["context"] = <<EOF
-Unfortunately, this application doesn't support context-sensitive\
-help in the usual way, because when this demo was written Ruby/Tk\
-didn't have a grab mechanism and this is needed for context-sensitive\
-help. Instead, you can achieve much the same effect by simply moving\
-the mouse over the window you're curious about and pressing the\
-Help or F1 keys. You can do this anytime.
-$helpTopics["help"] = <<EOF
-This application provides only very crude help. Besides the\
-entries in this menu, you can get help on individual windows\
-by moving the mouse cursor over the window and pressing the\
-Help or F1 keys.
-$helpTopics["window"] = <<EOF
-This window is a dummy rolodex application created as part of\
-Tom LaStrange's toolkit benchmark. It doesn't really do anything\
-useful except to demonstrate a few features of the Ruby/Tk.
-$helpTopics["keys"] = <<EOF
-The following accelerator keys are defined for this application\
-(in addition to those already available for the entry windows):
-Ctrl+A: Add
-Ctrl+C: Clear
-Ctrl+D: Delete
-Ctrl+F: Enter file name
-Ctrl+Q: Exit application (quit)
-Ctrl+S: Search (dummy operation)
-$helpTopics["version"] = <<EOF
-This is version 1.0.1.
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ruler.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ruler.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d9a2c037b8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ruler.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ruler.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a canvas widget that displays a ruler
-# with tab stops that can be set, moved, and deleted.
-# ruler widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# rulerMkTab --
-# This method creates a new triangular polygon in a canvas to
-# represent a tab stop.
-# Arguments:
-# c - The canvas window.
-# x, y - Coordinates at which to create the tab stop.
-def rulerMkTab(c,x,y)
- v = $demo_rulerInfo
- TkcPolygon.new(c, x, y, x+v.size, y+v.size, x-v.size, y+v.size)
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($ruler_demo) && $ruler_demo
- $ruler_demo.destroy
- $ruler_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$ruler_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Ruler Demonstration")
- iconname("ruler")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($ruler_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame, 'font'=>$font, 'wraplength'=>'5i', 'justify'=>'left',
- 'text'=>"This canvas widget shows a mock-up of a ruler. You can create tab stops by dragging them out of the well to the right of the ruler. You can also drag existing tab stops. If you drag a tab stop far enough up or down so that it turns dim, it will be deleted when you release the mouse button."){
- pack('side'=>'top')
-# frame
-$ruler_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $ruler_demo
- $ruler_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'ruler'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-$ruler_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# canvas
-$ruler_canvas = TkCanvas.new(base_frame, 'width'=>'14.8c', 'height'=>'2.5c')
-$ruler_canvas.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-unless Struct.const_defined?("RulerInfo")
- $demo_rulerInfo = Struct.new("RulerInfo", :grid, :left, :right, :x, :y,
- :top, :bottom, :size, :normalStyle,
- :activeStyle, :deleteStyle).new
-$demo_rulerInfo.grid = '.25c'
-$demo_rulerInfo.left = TkWinfo.fpixels($ruler_canvas, '1c')
-$demo_rulerInfo.right = TkWinfo.fpixels($ruler_canvas, '13c')
-$demo_rulerInfo.top = TkWinfo.fpixels($ruler_canvas, '1c')
-$demo_rulerInfo.bottom = TkWinfo.fpixels($ruler_canvas, '1.5c')
-$demo_rulerInfo.size = TkWinfo.fpixels($ruler_canvas, '.2c')
-$demo_rulerInfo.normalStyle = {'fill'=>'black'}
-if TkWinfo.depth($ruler_canvas) > 1
- $demo_rulerInfo.activeStyle = {'fill'=>'red', 'stipple'=>''}
- $demo_rulerInfo.deleteStyle = {'fill'=>'red',
- 'stipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator)}
- $demo_rulerInfo.activeStyle = {'fill'=>'black', 'stipple'=>''}
- $demo_rulerInfo.deleteStyle = {'fill'=>'black',
- 'stipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator)}
- '1c', '0.5c', '1c', '1c', '13c', '1c', '13c', '0.5c', 'width'=>1)
- x = i+1
- TkcLine.new($ruler_canvas, "#{x}c", '1c', "#{x}c", '0.6c', 'width'=>1)
- TkcLine.new($ruler_canvas, "#{x}.25c", '1c', "#{x}.25c", '0.8c', 'width'=>1)
- TkcLine.new($ruler_canvas, "#{x}.5c", '1c', "#{x}.5c", '0.7c', 'width'=>1)
- TkcLine.new($ruler_canvas, "#{x}.75c", '1c', "#{x}.75c", '0.8c', 'width'=>1)
- TkcText.new($ruler_canvas, "#{x}.15c", '0.75c', 'text'=>i, 'anchor'=>'sw')
-$rulerTag_well = TkcTag.new($ruler_canvas)
- TkcRectangle.new($ruler_canvas,
- '13.2c', '1c', '13.8c', '0.5c',
- 'outline'=>'black',
- 'fill'=>($ruler_canvas\
- .configinfo('background'))[4]) )
- rulerMkTab($ruler_canvas,
- TkWinfo.pixels($ruler_canvas, '13.5c'),
- TkWinfo.pixels($ruler_canvas, '.65c') ) )
-$rulerTag_well.bind('1', proc{|x,y| rulerNewTab($ruler_canvas,x,y)}, '%x %y')
-$ruler_canvas.itembind('tab', '1',
- proc{|x,y| rulerSelectTab($ruler_canvas,x,y)}, '%x %y')
- proc{|x,y| rulerMoveTab($ruler_canvas,x,y)}, '%x %y')
-$ruler_canvas.bind('Any-ButtonRelease-1', proc{rulerReleaseTab($ruler_canvas)})
-# rulerNewTab --
-# Does all the work of creating a tab stop, including creating the
-# triangle object and adding tags to it to give it tab behavior.
-# Arguments:
-# c - The canvas window.
-# x, y - The coordinates of the tab stop.
-def rulerNewTab(c,x,y)
- v = $demo_rulerInfo
- c.addtag_withtag('active', rulerMkTab(c,x,y))
- c.addtag_withtag('tab', 'active')
- v.x = x
- v.y = y
- rulerMoveTab(c,x,y)
-# rulerSelectTab --
-# This method is invoked when mouse button 1 is pressed over
-# a tab. It remembers information about the tab so that it can
-# be dragged interactively.
-# Arguments:
-# c - The canvas widget.
-# x, y - The coordinates of the mouse (identifies the point by
-# which the tab was picked up for dragging).
-def rulerSelectTab(c,x,y)
- v = $demo_rulerInfo
- v.x = c.canvasx(x, v.grid)
- v.y = v.top+2
- c.addtag_withtag('active', 'current')
- c.itemconfigure('active', v.activeStyle)
- c.raise('active')
-# rulerMoveTab --
-# This method is invoked during mouse motion events to drag a tab.
-# It adjusts the position of the tab, and changes its appearance if
-# it is about to be dragged out of the ruler.
-# Arguments:
-# c - The canvas widget.
-# x, y - The coordinates of the mouse.
-def rulerMoveTab(c,x,y)
- v = $demo_rulerInfo
- return if c.find_withtag('active') == []
- cx = c.canvasx(x,v.grid)
- cy = c.canvasy(y)
- cx = v.left if cx < v.left
- cx = v.right if cx > v.right
- if (cy >= v.top && cy <= v.bottom)
- cy = v.top+2
- c.itemconfigure('active', v.activeStyle)
- else
- cy = cy-v.size-2
- c.itemconfigure('active', v.deleteStyle)
- end
- c.move('active', cx-v.x, cy-v.y)
- v.x = cx
- v.y = cy
-# rulerReleaseTab --
-# This method is invoked during button release events that end
-# a tab drag operation. It deselects the tab and deletes the tab if
-# it was dragged out of the ruler.
-# Arguments:
-# c - The canvas widget.
-# x, y - The coordinates of the mouse.
-def rulerReleaseTab(c)
- v = $demo_rulerInfo
- return if c.find_withtag('active') == []
- if v.y != v.top+2
- c.delete('active')
- else
- c.itemconfigure('active', v.normalStyle)
- c.dtag('active')
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/sayings.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/sayings.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ddfe5b5d..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/sayings.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# sayings.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a listbox that can be scrolled
-# both horizontally and vertically. It displays a collection of
-# well-known sayings.
-# listbox widget demo 'sayings' (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($sayings_demo) && $sayings_demo
- $sayings_demo.destroy
- $sayings_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$sayings_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Listbox Demonstration (well-known sayings)")
- iconname("sayings")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($sayings_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "The listbox below contains a collection of well-known sayings. You can scan the list using either of the scrollbars or by dragging in the listbox window with button 2 pressed."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $sayings_demo
- $sayings_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'sayings'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-sayings_lbox = nil
-TkFrame.new(base_frame, 'borderwidth'=>10) {|w|
- sv = TkScrollbar.new(w)
- sh = TkScrollbar.new(w, 'orient'=>'horizontal')
- sayings_lbox = TkListbox.new(w) {
- setgrid 1
- width 20
- height 10
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| sv.set first,last}
- xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| sh.set first,last}
- }
- sv.command(proc{|*args| sayings_lbox.yview(*args)})
- sh.command(proc{|*args| sayings_lbox.xview(*args)})
- if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- sv.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- sh.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x')
- sayings_lbox.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'y')
- else
- sayings_lbox.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- sv.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- sh.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(w, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(w, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- end
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'y')
-"Waste not, want not",
-"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise",
-"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country",
-"I shall return",
-"A picture is worth a thousand words",
-"User interfaces are hard to build",
-"Thou shalt not steal",
-"A penny for your thoughts",
-"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me",
-"Every cloud has a silver lining",
-"Where there's smoke there's fire",
-"It takes one to know one",
-"Curiosity killed the cat; but satisfaction brought it back",
-"Take this job and shove it",
-"Up a creek without a paddle",
-"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more",
-"An apple a day keeps the doctor away",
-"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/search.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/search.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c0d169a9..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/search.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# search.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a collection of widgets that
-# allow you to load a file into a text widget, then perform searches
-# on that file.
-# Text Search widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# textLoadFile --
-# This method below loads a file into a text widget, discarding
-# the previous contents of the widget. Tags for the old widget are
-# not affected, however.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The window into which to load the file. Must be a
-# text widget.
-# file - The name of the file to load. Must be readable.
-def textLoadFile(w,file)
- w.delete('1.0', 'end')
- f = open(file, 'r')
- while(!f.eof?)
- w.insert('end', f.read(1000))
- end
- f.close
-# textSearch --
-# Search for all instances of a given string in a text widget and
-# apply a given tag to each instance found.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The window in which to search. Must be a text widget.
-# string - The string to search for. The search is done using
-# exact matching only; no special characters.
-# tag - Tag to apply to each instance of a matching string.
-def textSearch(w, string, tag)
- tag.remove('0.0', 'end')
- return if string == ""
- cur = '1.0'
- loop {
- cur, len = w.search_with_length(string, cur, 'end')
- break if cur == ""
- tag.add(cur, "#{cur} + #{len} char")
- cur = w.index("#{cur} + #{len} char")
- }
-# textToggle --
-# This method is invoked repeatedly to invoke two commands at
-# periodic intervals. It normally reschedules itself after each
-# execution but if an error occurs (e.g. because the window was
-# deleted) then it doesn't reschedule itself.
-# Arguments:
-# cmd1 - Command to execute when method is called.
-# sleep1 - Ms to sleep after executing cmd1 before executing cmd2.
-# cmd2 - Command to execute in the *next* invocation of this method.
-# sleep2 - Ms to sleep after executing cmd2 before executing cmd1 again.
-def textToggle(cmd1,sleep1,cmd2,sleep2)
- sleep_list = [sleep2, sleep1]
- TkAfter.new(proc{sleep = sleep_list.shift; sleep_list.push(sleep); sleep},
- -1, cmd1, cmd2).start(sleep1)
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($search_demo) && $search_demo
- $search_demo.destroy
- $search_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$search_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Text Demonstration - Search and Highlight")
- iconname("search")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($search_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# frame
-$search_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $search_demo
- $search_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'search'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-$search_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|f|
- TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>'File name:',
- 'width'=>13, 'anchor'=>'w').pack('side'=>'left')
- $search_fileName = TkVariable.new
- TkEntry.new(f, 'width'=>40,
- 'textvariable'=>$search_fileName) {
- pack('side'=>'left')
- bind('Return', proc{textLoadFile($search_text, $search_fileName.value)
- $search_string_entry.focus})
- focus
- }
- TkButton.new(f, 'text'=>'Load File',
- 'command'=>proc{textLoadFile($search_text,
- $search_fileName.value)})\
- .pack('side'=>'left', 'pady'=>5, 'padx'=>10)
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|f|
- TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>'Search string:',
- 'width'=>13, 'anchor'=>'w').pack('side'=>'left')
- $search_searchString = TkVariable.new
- $search_string_entry = TkEntry.new(f, 'width'=>40,
- 'textvariable'=>$search_searchString) {
- pack('side'=>'left')
- bind('Return', proc{textSearch($search_text, $search_searchString.value,
- $search_Tag)})
- }
- TkButton.new(f, 'text'=>'Highlight',
- 'command'=>proc{textSearch($search_text,
- $search_searchString.value,
- $search_Tag)}) {
- pack('side'=>'left', 'pady'=>5, 'padx'=>10)
- }
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-$search_text = TkText.new(base_frame, 'setgrid'=>true, 'wrap'=>'word') {|t|
- $search_Tag = TkTextTag.new(t)
- TkScrollbar.new(base_frame, 'command'=>proc{|*args| t.yview(*args)}) {|sc|
- t.yscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| sc.set first,last})
- pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- }
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-# Set up display styles for text highlighting.
-if TkWinfo.depth($search_demo) > 1
- textToggle(proc{
- $search_Tag.configure('background'=>'#ce5555',
- 'foreground'=>'white')
- },
- 800,
- proc{
- $search_Tag.configure('background'=>'', 'foreground'=>'')
- },
- 200 )
- textToggle(proc{
- $search_Tag.configure('background'=>'black',
- 'foreground'=>'white')
- },
- 800,
- proc{
- $search_Tag.configure('background'=>'', 'foreground'=>'')
- },
- 200 )
-$search_text.insert('1.0', "\
-This window demonstrates how to use the tagging facilities in text \
-widgets to implement a searching mechanism. First, type a file name \
-in the top entry, then type <Return> or click on \"Load File\". Then \
-type a string in the lower entry and type <Return> or click on \
-\"Load File\". This will cause all of the instances of the string to \
-be tagged with the tag \"search\", and it will arrange for the tag\'s \
-display attributes to change to make all of the strings blink.")
-$search_text.insert('end', "\
-The current directory to load a file is \"#{Dir.pwd}\".\
-$search_text.set_insert '0.0'
-$search_fileName.value = ''
-$search_searchString.value = ''
-$search_text.width = 60
-$search_text.height = 20
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/spin.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/spin.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d3558d56d6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/spin.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# spin.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates several spinbox widgets.
-# based on Tcl/Tk8.4.4 widget demos
-if defined?($spin_demo) && $spin_demo
- $spin_demo.destroy
- $spin_demo = nil
-$spin_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Spinbox Demonstration")
- iconname("spin")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($spin_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'5i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:side=>:top)
-Three different spin-boxes are displayed below. \
-You can add characters by pointing, clicking and typing. \
-The normal Motif editing characters are supported, along with \
-many Emacs bindings. For example, Backspace and Control-h \
-delete the character to the left of the insertion cursor and \
-Delete and Control-d delete the chararacter to the right of the \
-insertion cursor. For values that are too large to fit in the \
-window all at once, you can scan through the value by dragging \
-with mouse button2 pressed. Note that the first spin-box will \
-only permit you to type in integers, and the third selects from \
-a list of Australian cities.
-If your Tk library linked to Ruby doesn't include a 'spinbox' widget, \
-this demo doesn't work. Please use later version of Tk \
-which supports a 'spinbox' widget.
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x, :pady=>'2m')
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'Dismiss', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- $spin_demo.destroy
- $spin_demo = nil
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'See Code', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- showCode 'spin'
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
-australianCities = [
- 'Canberra', 'Sydney', 'Melbourne', 'Perth', 'Adelaide',
- 'Brisbane', 'Hobart', 'Darwin', 'Alice Springs'
- TkSpinbox.new(base_frame, :from=>1, :to=>10, :width=>10, :validate=>:key,
- :validatecommand=>[
- proc{|s| s == '' || /^[+-]?\d+$/ =~ s }, '%P'
- ]),
- TkSpinbox.new(base_frame, :from=>0, :to=>3, :increment=>0.5,
- :format=>'%05.2f', :width=>10),
- TkSpinbox.new(base_frame, :values=>australianCities, :width=>10)
-].each{|sbox| sbox.pack(:side=>:top, :pady=>5, :padx=>10)}
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/square b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/square
deleted file mode 100644
index bb66282154..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/square
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# square --
-# This script generates a demo application containing only
-# a "square" widget. It's only usable if Tk has been compiled
-# with tkSquare.c and with the -DSQUARE_DEMO compiler switch.
-# This demo arranges the following bindings for the widget:
-# Button-1 press/drag: moves square to mouse
-# "a": toggle size animation on/off
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkafter'
-class TkSquare<TkWindow
- def create_self
- begin
- tk_call 'square', path
- rescue
- STDERR.print "\nSorry. Your Tk interpreter does not contain " +
- 'a "square" demonstration widget.' +
- "\n ( See documents included the Tcl/Tk source archive. )\n\n"
- exit
- end
- end
- def size(amount=nil)
- if amount
- tk_send 'size', amount
- else
- number(tk_send('size'))
- end
- end
- def position(x,y)
- tk_send 'position', x, y
- end
-$s = TkSquare.new{
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- bind('1', proc{|x,y| center(x,y)}, '%s %y')
- bind('B1-Motion', proc{|x,y| center(x,y)}, '%s %y')
- bind('a', proc{animate})
- focus
-# The procedure below centers the square on a given position.
-def center(x,y)
- a = $s.size
- $s.position(x-(a/2), y-(a/2))
-# The procedures below provide a simple form of animation where
-# the box changes size in a pulsing pattern: larger, smaller, larger,
-# and so on.
-$inc = 0
-def timer_proc
- a = $s.size
- return if $inc == 0
- $inc = -3 if a >= 40
- $inc = 3 if a <= 10
- $s.size(a+$inc)
-$timer = TkAfter.new(30, -1, proc{timer_proc})
-def animate
- if $inc == 0
- $inc = 3
- $timer.start
- else
- $inc = 0
- $timer.stop
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/states.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/states.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eac7424e7..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/states.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# states.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a listbox widget that displays
-# the names of the 50 states in the United States of America.
-# listbox widget demo 'states' (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($states_demo) && $states_demo
- $states_demo.destroy
- $states_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$states_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Listbox Demonstration (states)")
- iconname("states")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($states_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "A listbox containing the 50 states is displayed below, along with a scrollbar. You can scan the list either using the scrollbar or by scanning. To scan, press button 2 in the widget and drag up or down."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $states_demo
- $states_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'states'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-states_lbox = nil
-TkFrame.new(base_frame, 'borderwidth'=>'.5c') {|w|
- s = TkScrollbar.new(w)
- states_lbox = TkListbox.new(w) {
- setgrid 1
- height 12
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- s.command(proc{|*args| states_lbox.yview(*args)})
- s.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- states_lbox.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>1, 'fill'=>'both')
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'y')
-ins_data = [
- 'Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California',
- 'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia',
- 'Hawaii', 'Idaho', 'Illinois',
- 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana', 'Maine', 'Maryland',
- 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota', 'Mississippi', 'Missouri',
- 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada', 'New_Hampshire', 'New_Jersey', 'New_Mexico',
- 'New_York', 'North_Carolina', 'North_Dakota',
- 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon', 'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode_Island',
- 'South_Carolina', 'South_Dakota',
- 'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington',
- 'West_Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming'
-states_lbox.insert(0, *ins_data)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 60185ed874..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# style.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a text widget that illustrates the
-# various display styles that may be set for tags.
-# text (display styles) widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($style_demo) && $style_demo
- $style_demo.destroy
- $style_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$style_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Text Demonstration - Display Styles")
- iconname("style")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($style_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $style_demo
- $style_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'style'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# text
-txt = TkText.new(base_frame){|t|
- #
- setgrid 'true'
- #width 70
- #height 32
- wrap 'word'
- font $font
- TkScrollbar.new(base_frame) {|s|
- pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- command proc{|*args| t.yview(*args)}
- t.yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- #
- family = 'Courier'
- if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- style_tag_bold = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>'-*-Courier-Bold-O-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- style_tag_big = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>'-*-Courier-Bold-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*', 'kanjifont'=>$msg_kanji_font)
- style_tag_verybig = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>'-*-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- # style_tag_small = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>'-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-100-*', 'kanjifont'=>$kanji_font)
- style_tag_small = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>'-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-100-*')
- else
- style_tag_bold = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>[family, 12, :bold, :italic])
- style_tag_big = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>[family, 14, :bold])
- style_tag_verybig = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>['Helvetica', 24, :bold])
- style_tag_small = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>'Times 8 bold')
- end
-# case($tk_version)
-# when /^4.*/
-# style_tag_big = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>'-*-Courier-Bold-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*', 'kanjifont'=>$msg_kanji_font)
-# style_tag_small = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>'-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-100-*', 'kanjifont'=>$kanji_font)
-# when /^8.*/
-# unless $style_demo_do_first
-# $style_demo_do_first = true
-# Tk.tk_call('font', 'create', '@bigascii',
-# '-copy', '-*-Courier-Bold-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*')
-# Tk.tk_call('font', 'create', '@smallascii',
-# '-copy', '-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-100-*')
-# Tk.tk_call('font', 'create', '@cBigFont',
-# '-compound', '@bigascii @msg_knj')
-# Tk.tk_call('font', 'create', '@cSmallFont',
-# '-compound', '@smallascii @kanji')
-# end
-# style_tag_big = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>'@cBigFont')
-# style_tag_small = TkTextTag.new(t, 'font'=>'@cSmallFont')
-# end
- #
- if TkWinfo.depth($root).to_i > 1
- style_tag_color1 = TkTextTag.new(t, 'background'=>'#a0b7ce')
- style_tag_color2 = TkTextTag.new(t, 'foreground'=>'red')
- style_tag_raised = TkTextTag.new(t, 'relief'=>'raised', 'borderwidth'=>1)
- style_tag_sunken = TkTextTag.new(t, 'relief'=>'sunken', 'borderwidth'=>1)
- else
- style_tag_color1 = TkTextTag.new(t, 'background'=>'black',
- 'foreground'=>'white')
- style_tag_color2 = TkTextTag.new(t, 'background'=>'black',
- 'foreground'=>'white')
- style_tag_raised = TkTextTag.new(t, 'background'=>'white',
- 'relief'=>'raised', 'borderwidth'=>1)
- style_tag_sunken = TkTextTag.new(t, 'background'=>'white',
- 'relief'=>'sunken', 'borderwidth'=>1)
- end
- #
- if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- style_tag_bgstipple = TkTextTag.new(t, 'background'=>'black',
- 'borderwidth'=>0,
- 'bgstipple'=>'gray25')
- else
- style_tag_bgstipple = TkTextTag.new(t, 'background'=>'black',
- 'borderwidth'=>0,
- 'bgstipple'=>'gray12')
- end
- style_tag_fgstipple = TkTextTag.new(t, 'fgstipple'=>'gray50')
- style_tag_underline = TkTextTag.new(t, 'underline'=>'on')
- style_tag_overstrike = TkTextTag.new(t, 'overstrike'=>'on')
- style_tag_right = TkTextTag.new(t, 'justify'=>'right')
- style_tag_center = TkTextTag.new(t, 'justify'=>'center')
- if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- style_tag_super = TkTextTag.new(t, 'offset'=>'4p', 'font'=>'-Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- style_tag_sub = TkTextTag.new(t, 'offset'=>'-2p', 'font'=>'-Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- else
- style_tag_super = TkTextTag.new(t, 'offset'=>'4p', 'font'=>[family, 10])
- style_tag_sub = TkTextTag.new(t, 'offset'=>'-2p', 'font'=>[family, 10])
- end
- style_tag_margins = TkTextTag.new(t, 'lmargin1'=>'12m', 'lmargin2'=>'6m',
- 'rmargin'=>'10m')
- style_tag_spacing = TkTextTag.new(t, 'spacing1'=>'10p', 'spacing2'=>'2p',
- 'lmargin1'=>'12m', 'lmargin2'=>'6m',
- 'rmargin'=>'10m')
- #
- insert('end', 'Text widgets like this one allow you to display information in a
-variety of styles. Display styles are controlled using a mechanism
-called ')
- insert('end', 'tags', style_tag_big)
- insert('end', '. Tags are just textual names that you can apply to one
-or more ranges of characters within a text widget. You can configure
-tags with various display styles. If you do this, then the tagged
-characters will be displayed with the styles you chose. The
-available display styles are:
- insert('end', "\n1. Font.", style_tag_big)
- insert('end', " You can choose any X font, ")
- insert('end', "large", style_tag_verybig)
- insert('end', " or ")
- insert('end', "small", style_tag_small)
- insert('end', ".\n")
- insert('end', "\n2. Color.", style_tag_big)
- insert('end', " You can change either the ")
- insert('end', "background", style_tag_color1)
- insert('end', " or ")
- insert('end', "foreground", style_tag_color2)
- insert('end', "\ncolor, or ")
- insert('end', "both", style_tag_color1, style_tag_color2)
- insert('end', ".\n")
- insert('end', "\n3. Stippling.", style_tag_big)
- insert('end', " You can cause either the ")
- insert('end', "background", style_tag_bgstipple)
- insert('end', " or ")
- insert('end', "foreground", style_tag_fgstipple)
- insert('end', "\ninformation to be drawn with a stipple fill instead of a solid fill.\n")
- insert('end', "\n4. Underlining.", style_tag_big)
- insert('end', " You can ")
- insert('end', "underline", style_tag_underline)
- insert('end', " ranges of text.\n")
- insert('end', "\n5. Overstrikes.", style_tag_big)
- insert('end', " You can ")
- insert('end', "draw lines through", style_tag_overstrike)
- insert('end', " ranges of text.\n")
- insert('end', "\n6. 3-D effects.", style_tag_big)
- insert('end', " You can arrange for the background to be drawn\nwith a border that makes characters appear either\n")
- insert('end', "raised", style_tag_raised)
- insert('end', " or ")
- insert('end', "sunken", style_tag_sunken)
- insert('end', ".\n")
- insert('end', "\n7. Justification.", style_tag_big)
- insert('end', " You can arrange for lines to be displayed\n")
- insert('end', "left-justified,\n")
- insert('end', "right-justified, or\n", style_tag_right)
- insert('end', "centered.\n", style_tag_center)
- insert('end', "\n8. Superscripts and subscripts.", style_tag_big)
- insert('end', " You can control the vertical\n")
- insert('end', "position of text to generate superscript effects like 10")
- insert('end', "n", style_tag_super)
- insert('end', " or\nsubscript effects like X")
- insert('end', "i", style_tag_sub)
- insert('end', ".\n")
- insert('end', "\n9. Margins.", style_tag_big)
- insert('end', " You can control the amount of extra space left")
- insert('end', " on\neach side of the text:\n")
- insert('end', "This paragraph is an example of the use of ", style_tag_margins)
- insert('end', "margins. It consists of a single line of text ", style_tag_margins)
- insert('end', "that wraps around on the screen. There are two ", style_tag_margins)
- insert('end', "separate left margin values, one for the first ", style_tag_margins)
- insert('end', "display line associated with the text line, ", style_tag_margins)
- insert('end', "and one for the subsequent display lines, which ", style_tag_margins)
- insert('end', "occur because of wrapping. There is also a ", style_tag_margins)
- insert('end', "separate specification for the right margin, ", style_tag_margins)
- insert('end', "which is used to choose wrap points for lines.\n", style_tag_margins)
- insert('end', "\n10. Spacing.", style_tag_big)
- insert('end', " You can control the spacing of lines with three\n")
- insert('end', "separate parameters. \"Spacing1\" tells how much ")
- insert('end', "extra space to leave\nabove a line, \"spacing3\" ")
- insert('end', "tells how much space to leave below a line,\nand ")
- insert('end', "if a text line wraps, \"spacing2\" tells how much ")
- insert('end', "space to leave\nbetween the display lines that ")
- insert('end', "make up the text line.\n")
- insert('end', "These indented paragraphs illustrate how spacing ", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "can be used. Each paragraph is actually a ", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "single line in the text widget, which is ", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "word-wrapped by the widget.\n", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "Spacing1 is set to 10 points for this text, ", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "which results in relatively large gaps between ", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "the paragraphs. Spacing2 is set to 2 points, ", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "which results in just a bit of extra space ", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "within a paragraph. Spacing3 isn't used ", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "in this example.\n", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "To see where the space is, select ranges of ", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "text within these paragraphs. The selection ", style_tag_spacing)
- insert('end', "highlight will cover the extra space.", style_tag_spacing)
-txt.width 70
-txt.height 32
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tcolor b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tcolor
deleted file mode 100644
index 48cda6d1da..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tcolor
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# tcolor --
-# simple color editor which supports RGB, HSB and CYM color space
-# Copyright (C) 1998 Takaaki Tateishi(ttate@jaist.ac.jp)
-# last update: Thu Jun 18 06:32:35 JST 1998
-require "tk"
-# use TkVariable instance for the variable which is changed by Tk interpreter
-$colorSpace = TkVariable.new(:rgb)
-$master = nil
-$red = 65535
-$green = 0
-$blue = 0
-$color = "#ffff00000000"
-$updating = TkVariable.new(0)
-$autoUpdate = TkVariable.new(1)
-$name = TkVariable.new($color)
-$command = TkVariable.new("print(%%,\"\n\")")
-# $command = TkVariable.new("")
-$label1 = TkVariable.new("label1")
-$label2 = TkVariable.new("label2")
-$label3 = TkVariable.new("label3")
-# setup the entry of the resourc database
-if (TkVarAccess.new('tcl_platform')['platform'] == 'unix')
- TkOptionDB.add('*Entry.background', 'white')
-# methods for events
-def rgbToHsv(red,green,blue)
- if ( red > green )
- max = red
- min = green
- else
- max = green
- min = red
- end
- if ( blue > max )
- max = blue
- else
- if ( blue < min )
- min = blue
- end
- end
- range = max - min
- if ( max == 0 )
- sat = 0.0
- else
- sat = (max-min)/max
- end
- if ( sat == 0 )
- hue = 0.0
- else
- rc = (max-red)/range
- gc = (max-green)/range
- bc = (max-blue)/range
- if ( red == max )
- hue = 0.166667 * (bc - gc)
- else
- if ( green == max )
- hue = 0.166667 * (2.0 + rc - bc)
- else
- hue = 0.166667 * (4.0 + gc - rc)
- end
- end
- if ( hue < 0.0 )
- hue = hue + 1.0
- end
- end
- [hue,sat,max/65535]
-def hsbToRgb(hue,sat,value)
- v = 65535.0 * value
- if( sat == 0 )
- ans = [v,v,v]
- else
- hue = hue*6.0
- if ( hue >= 6 )
- hue = 0.0
- end
- i = hue.to_i
- f = hue - i
- p = 65535.0 * value * (1.0 - sat)
- q = 65535.0 * value * (1.0 - (sat * f))
- t = 65535.0 * value * (1.0 - (sat * (1.0 - f)))
- case i
- when 0
- ans = [v,t,p]
- when 1
- ans = [q,v,p]
- when 2
- ans = [p,v,t]
- when 3
- ans = [p,q,v]
- when 4
- ans = [t,p,v]
- when 5
- ans = [v,p,q]
- else
- raise(eException,"i value #{i} is out of range")
- end
- end
- return ans
-def _null_binding
- Module.new.instance_eval{binding}
-private :_null_binding
-def doUpdate
- newCmd = $command.to_s.gsub("%%","\"#{$color}\"")
- eval(newCmd, _null_binding)
-def tc_scaleChanged
- if( $updating.to_i == 1 )
- return
- end
- $master = :scale if $master == nil
- scale1 = $root.middle.middle.scale1
- scale2 = $root.middle.middle.scale2
- scale3 = $root.middle.middle.scale3
- case $colorSpace.value.intern
- when :rgb
- $red = (scale1.get * 65.535).to_i
- $green = (scale2.get * 65.535).to_i
- $blue = (scale3.get * 65.535).to_i
- when :cmy
- $red = (65535 - scale1.get * 65.535).to_i
- $green = (65535 - scale2.get * 65.535).to_i
- $blue = (65535 - scale3.get * 65.535).to_i
- when :hsb
- list = hsbToRgb(scale1.get / 1000.0,
- scale2.get / 1000.0,
- scale3.get / 1000.0)
- $red = list[0]
- $green = list[1]
- $blue = list[2]
- else
- raise(Exception,"unknown colorSpace")
- end
- $color = format("#%04x%04x%04x",$red.to_i,$green.to_i,$blue.to_i)
- $name.value = $color if $master == :scale
- $root.middle.right.set_color($color)
- if( $autoUpdate.to_i == 1 )
- doUpdate
- end
- Tk.update(true)
- $master = nil if $master == :scale
-def tc_setScales
- $updating.value = 1
- scale1 = $root.middle.middle.scale1
- scale2 = $root.middle.middle.scale2
- scale3 = $root.middle.middle.scale3
- case $colorSpace.value.intern
- when :rgb
- scale1.set($red / 65.535)
- scale2.set($green / 65.535)
- scale3.set($blue / 65.535)
- when :cmy
- scale1.set((65535 - $red) / 65.535)
- scale2.set((65535 - $green) / 65.535)
- scale3.set((65535 - $blue) / 65.535)
- when :hsb
- list = rgbToHsv($red,$green,$blue)
- scale1.set( list[0] * 1000.0 )
- scale2.set( list[1] * 1000.0 )
- scale3.set( list[2] * 1000.0 )
- else
- raise(Exception,"unknown colorSpace")
- end
- $updating.value = 0
-def tc_loadNamedColor(name)
- $name.value = name
- $master = :name if $master == nil
- if name[0,1] != "#"
- list = TkWinfo.rgb($root.middle.right.swatch,name)
- $red = list[0]
- $green = list[1]
- $blue = list[2]
- else
- case name.length
- when 4
- fmt = /#(.{1})(.{1})(.{1})/
- shift = 12
- when 7
- fmt = /#(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})/
- shift = 8
- when 10
- fmt = /#(.{3})(.{3})(.{3})/
- shift = 4
- when 13
- fmt = /#(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})/
- shift = 0
- else
- raise(eException,"syntax error in color name \"#{name}\"")
- end
- name.scan(fmt){|strlist|
- if strlist.length != 3
- raise(eException,"syntax error in color name \"#{name}\"")
- end
- $red = strlist[0].hex
- $green = strlist[1].hex
- $blue = strlist[2].hex
- }
- $red = $red << shift
- $green = $green << shift
- $blue = $blue << shift
- end
- tc_setScales
- $color = format("#%04x%04x%04x",$red,$green,$blue)
- $root.middle.right.set_color($color)
- if $autoUpdate.to_i == 1
- doUpdate
- end
- Tk.update(true)
- $master = nil if $master == :name
-def changeColorSpace(space)
- case space
- when :rgb
- $label1.value = "Red"
- $label2.value = "Green"
- $label3.value = "Blue"
- when :cmy
- $label1.value = "Cyan"
- $label2.value = "Magenta"
- $label3.value = "Yellow"
- when :hsb
- $label1.value = "Hue"
- $label2.value = "Saturation"
- $label3.value = "Brightness"
- end
- tc_setScales
-# menu
-class TkColorMenuFrame<TkFrame
- def initialize(parent)
- super(parent,
- "relief"=>"raised",
- "borderwidth"=>"2")
- # File menubutton
- @file = TkMenubutton.new(self){|button|
- # File menu
- @file_menu = TkMenu.new(button){
- add "radio",
- "label" => "RGB color space",
- "variable" => $colorSpace,
- "value" => :rgb,
- "underline" => "0",
- "command" => proc{changeColorSpace(:rgb)}
- add "radio",
- "label" => "CMY color space",
- "variable" => $colorSpace,
- "value" => :cmy,
- "underline" => "0",
- "command" => proc{changeColorSpace(:cmy)}
- add "radio",
- "label" => "HSB color space",
- "variable" => $colorSpace,
- "value" => :hsb,
- "underline" => "0",
- "command" => proc{changeColorSpace(:hsb)}
- add "separator"
- add "radio",
- "label" => "Automatic updates",
- "variable" => $autoUpdate,
- "value" => "1",
- "underline" => "0"
- add "radio",
- "label" => "Manual updates",
- "variable" => $autoUpdate,
- "value" => "0",
- "underline" => "0"
- add "separator"
- add "command",
- "label" => "Exit program",
- "underline" => "0",
- "command" => proc{exit}
- }
- # assign File menu to File button
- menu @file_menu
- text "File"
- underline "0"
- }.pack("side"=>"left")
- self
- end
-# bottom frame
-class TkColorBotFrame<TkFrame
- def initialize(parent)
- super(parent,
- "relief"=> "raised",
- "borderwidth"=> 2)
- @commandLabel = TkLabel.new(self,
- "text"=> "Command:")
- @command = TkEntry.new(self,
- "relief"=> "sunken",
- "borderwidth"=> "2",
- "textvariable"=> $command,
- "font"=> "-Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*")
- @update = TkButton.new(self,
- "text"=> "Update",
- "command"=> proc{doUpdate})
- @commandLabel.pack("side"=>"left")
- @update.pack("side"=>"right","pady"=>".1c","padx"=>".25c")
- @command.pack("expand"=>"yes","fill"=>"x","ipadx"=>".25c")
- self
- end
-# left side frame of middle level
-class TkColorMiddleLeftFrame<TkFrame
- def initialize(parent)
- super(parent)
- for i in ["/usr/local/lib/X11rgb.txt","/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt",
- "/X11/R5/lib/X11/rgb.txt","/X11/R4/lib/rgb/rgb.txt",
- "/usr/openwin/lib/X11/rgb.txt"]
- if !File.readable?(i)
- next
- end
- f = File.open(i)
- @scroll = TkScrollbar.new(self,
- "orient"=>"vertical",
- "relief"=>"sunken",
- "borderwidth"=>"2")
- @scroll.pack("side"=>"right","fill"=>"y")
- @names = TkListbox.new(self,
- "width"=>"20",
- "height"=>"12",
- "yscrollcommand"=> proc{|first,last| @scroll.set first,last},
- "relief"=>"sunken",
- "borderwidth"=>"2",
- "exportselection"=>"false")
- @scroll.command(proc{|*args| @names.yview(*args)})
- @names.bind("Double-1",proc{
- tc_loadNamedColor(@names.get(@names.curselection))})
- @names.pack("side"=>"left")
- while (line = f.gets)
- line.chop!
- linelist = line.split(/[ \t]+/)
- if linelist.length == 4
- @names.insert("end",linelist[3])
- end
- end
- f.close
- break
- end
- self
- end
-# middle frame of middle level
-class TkColorMiddleMiddleFrame<TkFrame
- attr_reader :scale1, :scale2, :scale3
- def initialize(parent)
- super(parent)
- @f1 = TkFrame.new(self)
- @f2 = TkFrame.new(self)
- @f3 = TkFrame.new(self)
- @f4 = TkFrame.new(self)
- for f in [@f1,@f2,@f3]
- f.pack("side"=>"top","expand"=>"yes")
- end
- @f4.pack("side"=>"top","expand"=>"yes","fill"=>"x")
- @label1 = TkLabel.new(self,"textvariable"=>$label1)
- @scale1 = TkScale.new(self,"from"=>"0","to"=>"1000","length"=>"6c",
- "orient"=>"horizontal",
- "command"=>proc{tc_scaleChanged})
- @scale1.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w")
- @label1.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w")
- @label2 = TkLabel.new(self,"textvariable"=>$label2)
- @scale2 = TkScale.new(self,"from"=>"0","to"=>"1000","length"=>"6c",
- "orient"=>"horizontal",
- "command"=>proc{tc_scaleChanged})
- @scale2.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w")
- @label2.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w")
- @label3 = TkLabel.new(self,"textvariable"=>$label3)
- @scale3 = TkScale.new(self,"from"=>"0","to"=>"1000","length"=>"6c",
- "orient"=>"horizontal",
- "command"=>proc{tc_scaleChanged})
- @scale3.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w")
- @label3.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w")
- @nameLabel = TkLabel.new(self,"text"=>"Name:")
- @name = TkEntry.new(self,"relief"=>"sunken","borderwidth"=>"2",
- "textvariable"=>$name,"width"=>"10",
- "font"=>"-Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*")
- @nameLabel.pack("side"=>"left")
- @name.pack("side"=>"right", "expand"=>"1", "fill"=>"x")
- @name.bind("Return",proc{tc_loadNamedColor $name.to_s})
- self
- end
-class TkColorMiddleRightFrame<TkFrame
- attr_reader :swatch
- def initialize(parent)
- super(parent)
- @swatch = TkFrame.new(self, "width"=>"2c", "height"=>"5c",
- "background"=>$color)
- @value = TkLabel.new(self,
- "text"=>$color,
- "width"=>"13",
- "font"=>"-Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*")
- @swatch.pack("side"=>"top","expand"=>"yes","fill"=>"both")
- @value.pack("side"=>"bottom","pady"=>".25c")
- self
- end
- def set_color(color)
- @swatch["background"] = color
- @value["text"] = color
- end
-# middle level frame
-class TkColorMiddleFrame<TkFrame
- attr_reader :left, :middle, :right
- def initialize(parent)
- super(parent,
- "relief"=> "raised",
- "borderwidth"=> "2")
- @left = TkColorMiddleLeftFrame.new(self)
- @left.pack("side"=>"left","padx"=>".25c","pady"=>".25c")
- @middle = TkColorMiddleMiddleFrame.new(self)
- @middle.pack("side"=>"left","expand"=>"yes","fill"=>"y")
- @right = TkColorMiddleRightFrame.new(self)
- @right.pack("side"=>"left","padx"=>".25c","pady"=>".25c","anchor"=>"s")
- self
- end
-class TkColor<TkRoot
- attr_reader :menu, :bottom, :middle
- def initialize(*args)
- super(*args)
- @menu = TkColorMenuFrame.new(self)
- @menu.pack("side"=>"top", "fill"=>"x")
- @bottom = TkColorBotFrame.new(self)
- @bottom.pack("side"=>"bottom","fill"=>"x")
- @middle = TkColorMiddleFrame.new(self)
- @middle.pack("side"=>"top","fill"=>"both")
- self
- end
-$root = TkColor.new
-changeColorSpace :rgb
-# start eventloop
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/text.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/text.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c44be395b6..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/text.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# text.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a text widget that describes
-# the basic editing functions.
-# text (basic facilities) widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($text_demo) && $text_demo
- $text_demo.destroy
- $text_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$text_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Text Demonstration - Basic Facilities")
- iconname("text")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($text_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# version check
-if ((Tk::TK_VERSION.split('.').collect{|n| n.to_i} <=> [8,4]) < 0)
- undo_support = false
- undo_support = true
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $text_demo
- $text_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'text'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# text
- relief 'sunken'
- bd 2
- setgrid 1
- height 30
- if undo_support
- undo true
- autoseparators true
- end
- TkScrollbar.new(base_frame) {|s|
- pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- command proc{|*args| t.yview(*args)}
- t.yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- #
- insert('0.0', <<EOT)
-This window is a text widget. It displays one or more lines of text
-and allows you to edit the text. Here is a summary of the things you
-can do to a text widget:
-1. Scrolling. Use the scrollbar to adjust the view in the text window.
-2. Scanning. Press mouse button 2 in the text window and drag up or down.
-This will drag the text at high speed to allow you to scan its contents.
-3. Insert text. Press mouse button 1 to set the insertion cursor, then
-type text. What you type will be added to the widget.
-4. Select. Press mouse button 1 and drag to select a range of characters.
-Once you've released the button, you can adjust the selection by pressing
-button 1 with the shift key down. This will reset the end of the
-selection nearest the mouse cursor and you can drag that end of the
-selection by dragging the mouse before releasing the mouse button.
-You can double-click to select whole words or triple-click to select
-whole lines.
-5. Delete and replace. To delete text, select the characters you'd like
-to delete and type Backspace or Delete. Alternatively, you can type new
-text, in which case it will replace the selected text.
-6. Copy the selection. To copy the selection into this window, select
-what you want to copy (either here or in another application), then
-click button 2 to copy the selection to the point of the mouse cursor.
-7. Edit. Text widgets support the standard Motif editing characters
-plus many Emacs editing characters. Backspace and Control-h erase the
-character to the left of the insertion cursor. Delete and Control-d
-erase the character to the right of the insertion cursor. Meta-backspace
-deletes the word to the left of the insertion cursor, and Meta-d deletes
-the word to the right of the insertion cursor. Control-k deletes from
-the insertion cursor to the end of the line, or it deletes the newline
-character if that is the only thing left on the line. Control-o opens
-a new line by inserting a newline character to the right of the insertion
-cursor. Control-t transposes the two characters on either side of the
-insertion cursor. #{
- if undo_support
- undo_text = "Control-z undoes the last editing action performed,\nand "
- case $tk_platform['platform']
- when "unix", "macintosh"
- undo_text << "Control-Shift-z"
- else # 'windows'
- undo_text << "Control-y"
- end
- undo_text << "redoes undone edits."
- else
- ""
- end
-8. Resize the window. This widget has been configured with the "setGrid"
-option on, so that if you resize the window it will always resize to an
-even number of characters high and wide. Also, if you make the window
-narrow you can see that long lines automatically wrap around onto
-additional lines so that all the information is always visible.
- set_insert('0.0')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/textpeer.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/textpeer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 26f8f9f9b9..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/textpeer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# text widget peering demo (called by 'widget')
-# based on Tcl/Tk8.5.0 widget demos
-if defined?($textpeer_demo) && $textpeer_demo
- $textpeer_demo.destroy
- $textpeer_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$textpeer_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Text Widget Peering Demonstration")
- iconname("textpeer")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($textpeer_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-count = [0]
-## Define a widget that we peer from; it won't ever actually be shown though
-first = TkText.new(base_frame, :widgetname=>"text#{count[0] += 1}")
-first.insert :end,"This is a coupled pair of text widgets; they are peers to "
-first.insert :end,"each other. They have the same underlying data model, but "
-first.insert :end,"can show different locations, have different current edit "
-first.insert :end,"locations, and have different selections. You can also "
-first.insert :end,"create additional peers of any of these text widgets using "
-first.insert :end,"the Make Peer button beside the text widget to clone, and "
-first.insert :end,"delete a particular peer widget using the Delete Peer "
-first.insert :end,"button."
-Tk.update_idletasks ## for 'first' widget
-## Procedures to make and kill clones; most of this is just so that the demo
-## looks nice...
-def makeClone(count, win, txt)
- cnt = (count[0] += 1)
- peer = TkText::Peer.new(txt, win, :widgetname=>"text#{cnt}")
- sbar = TkScrollbar.new(win, :widgetname=>"sb#{cnt}")
- peer.yscrollbar sbar
- b1 = TkButton.new(win, :widgetname=>"clone#{cnt}", :text=>'Make Peer',
- :command=>proc{makeClone(count, win, peer)})
- b2 = TkButton.new(win, :widgetname=>"kill#{cnt}", :text=>'Delete Peer',
- :command=>proc{killClone(win, cnt)})
- row = cnt * 2
- TkGrid.configure(peer, sbar, b1, :sticky=>'nsew', :row=>row)
- TkGrid.configure('^', '^', b2, :sticky=>'nsew', :row=>(row+=1))
- TkGrid.configure(b1, b2, :sticky=>'new')
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(win, b2, :weight=>1)
-def killClone(win, cnt)
- Tk.destroy("#{win.path}.text#{cnt}", "#{win.path}.sb#{cnt}",
- "#{win.path}.clone#{cnt}", "#{win.path}.kill#{cnt}")
-## Now set up the GUI
-makeClone(count, base_frame, first)
-makeClone(count, base_frame, first)
-## See Code / Dismiss buttons
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'Dismiss', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- $textpeer_demo.destroy
- $textpeer_demo = nil
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'See Code', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- showCode 'textpeer'
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
- TkGrid.configure(f, '-', '-', :sticky=>'ew', :row=>5000)
-TkGrid.columnconfigure(base_frame, 0, :weight=>1)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/timer b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/timer
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cb7c87e09..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/timer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# timer --
-# This script generates a counter with start,stop and reset buttons.
-# Copyright (C) 1998 Takaaki Tateishi (ttate@jaist.ac.jp)
-# last update: Sat Jun 27 12:24:14 JST 1998
-require "tk"
-require "thread"
-require "tkafter"
-$time = "0.00"
-$m = Mutex.new
-$loop = false
-def timer_stop
- $loop = false
- $m.lock
-def timer_start
- $loop = true
- $m.unlock
-def timer_reset
- $time = "0.00"
- $root.countframe.counter['text'] = $time
-def timer_loop
- if $loop
- $time = $time.succ
- $root.countframe.counter['text'] = $time
- end
- Tk.after(10,proc{timer_loop})
-# thread version
-def timer_loop2
- while true
- $m.lock
- $time = $time.succ
- $root.countframe.counter['text'] = $time
- sleep(0.01)
- $m.unlock
- end
-# TkAfter
-def timer_loop3
- if $loop
- $time = $time.succ
- $root.countframe.counter['text'] = $time
- end
-class CountFrame < TkFrame
- attr_reader :counter
- def initialize(parent=nil,keys=nil)
- super(parent,keys)
- @counter = TkLabel.new(self,
- 'text'=>$time,
- 'relief'=>'raised')
- @counter.pack('fill'=>'both')
- self
- end
-class ButtonFrame < TkFrame
- def initialize(parent=nil,keys=nil)
- super(parent,keys)
- @stop = TkButton.new(self,
- 'text'=>'Stop',
- 'command'=>proc{timer_stop})
- @start = TkButton.new(self,
- 'text'=>'Start',
- 'command'=>proc{timer_start})
- @stop = TkButton.new(self, :text=>'Stop', :state=>:disabled)
- @start = TkButton.new(self, :text=>'Start', :state=>:normal)
- @stop.command proc{
- timer_stop
- @start.state(:normal)
- @stop.state(:disabled)
- }
- @start.command proc{
- timer_start
- @stop.state(:normal)
- @start.state(:disabled)
- }
- @reset = TkButton.new(self,
- 'text'=>'Reset',
- 'command'=>proc{timer_reset})
- for b in [@stop,@start,@reset]
- b.pack('side'=>'left', 'fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes')
- end
- end
-class Timer < TkRoot
- attr_reader :countframe
- def initialize(*args)
- super(*args)
- @countframe = CountFrame.new(self)
- @buttonframe = ButtonFrame.new(self)
- for f in [@buttonframe,@countframe]
- f.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both')
- end
- self
- end
-$root = Timer.new
-#$thread = Thread.start{timer_loop2}
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tkencoding.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tkencoding.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 01a11ad7ed..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tkencoding.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# -*- ruby -*-
-# tkencoding.rb
-# written by ttate@jaist.ac.jp
-class TclTkIp
- alias __eval _eval
- alias __invoke _invoke
- private :__eval
- private :__invoke
- attr_accessor :encoding
- def _eval(cmd)
- if( @encoding )
- _fromUTF8(__eval(_toUTF8(cmd,@encoding)),@encoding)
- else
- __eval(cmd)
- end
- end
- def _invoke(*cmds)
- if( @encoding )
- cmds = cmds.collect{|cmd| _toUTF8(cmd,@encoding)}
- _fromUTF8(__invoke(*cmds),@encoding)
- else
- __invoke(*cmds)
- end
- end
-module Tk
- def encoding=(name)
- INTERP.encoding = name
- end
- def encoding
- INTERP.encoding
- end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/toolbar.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/toolbar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 074bb94c1c..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/toolbar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# toolbar.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates a toolbar that can be torn off.
-# based on "Id: toolbar.tcl,v 1.3 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp"
-if defined?($toolbar_demo) && $toolbar_demo
- $toolbar_demo.destroy
- $toolbar_demo = nil
-$toolbar_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Ttk Menu Buttons")
- iconname("toolbar")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = Ttk::Frame.new($toolbar_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-if Tk.windowingsystem != 'aqua'
- msg = Ttk::Label.new(base_frame, :wraplength=>'4i',
- :text=>Tk::UTF8_String.new(<<EOL))
-This is a demonstration of how to do \
-a toolbar that is styled correctly \
-and which can be torn off (this feature requires Tcl/Tk8.5). \
-The buttons are configured to be \\u201Ctoolbar style\\u201D buttons by \
-telling them that they are to use the Toolbutton style. At the left \
-end of the toolbar is a simple marker that the cursor changes to a \
-movement icon over; drag that away from the toolbar to tear off the \
-whole toolbar into a separate toplevel widget. When the dragged-off \
-toolbar is no longer needed, just close it like any normal toplevel \
-and it will reattach to the window it was torn off from.
- msg = Ttk::Label.new(base_frame, :wraplength=>'4i',
- :text=>Tk::UTF8_String.new(<<EOL))
-This is a demonstration of how to do \
-a toolbar that is styled correctly. The buttons are configured to \
-be \\u201Ctoolbar style\\u201D buttons by telling them that they are \
-to use the Toolbutton style.
-## Set up the toolbar hull
-tbar_base = Tk::Frame.new(base_frame, # Must be a standard Tk frame!
- :widgetname=>'toolbar') # for window title
-sep = Ttk::Separator.new(base_frame)
-to_base = Ttk::Frame.new(tbar_base, :cursor=>'fleur')
-if Tk.windowingsystem != 'aqua'
- to = Ttk::Separator.new(to_base, :orient=>:vertical)
- to2 = Ttk::Separator.new(to_base, :orient=>:vertical)
- to.pack(:fill=>:y, :expand=>true, :padx=>2, :side=>:left)
- to2.pack(:fill=>:y, :expand=>true, :side=>:left)
-contents = Ttk::Frame.new(tbar_base)
-Tk.grid(to_base, contents, :sticky=>'nsew')
-tbar_base.grid_columnconfigure(contents, :weight=>1)
-contents.grid_columnconfigure(1000, :weight=>1)
-if Tk.windowingsystem != 'aqua'
- ## Bindings so that the toolbar can be torn off and reattached
- to_base.bind('B1-Motion', '%X %Y'){|x, y| tbar_base.tearoff(to_base, x, y)}
- to. bind('B1-Motion', '%X %Y'){|x, y| tbar_base.tearoff(to_base, x, y)}
- to2. bind('B1-Motion', '%X %Y'){|x, y| tbar_base.tearoff(to_base, x, y)}
- def tbar_base.tearoff(w, x, y)
- on_win = TkWinfo.containing(x, y)
- return unless (on_win && on_win.path =~ /^#{@path}(\.|$)/)
- self.grid_remove
- w.grid_remove
- self.wm_manage
- # self.wm_title('Toolbar') # if you don't want to use its widget name as a window title.
- self.wm_protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW'){ self.untearoff(w) }
- end
- def tbar_base.untearoff(w)
- self.wm_forget
- w.grid
- self.grid
- end
-## Some content for the rest of the toplevel
-text = TkText.new(base_frame, :width=>40, :height=>10)
-## Toolbar contents
-tb_btn = Ttk::Button.new(tbar_base, :text=>'Button', :style=>'Toolbutton',
- :command=>proc{text.insert(:end, "Button Pressed\n")})
-tb_chk = Ttk::Checkbutton.new(tbar_base, :text=>'Check', :style=>'Toolbutton',
- :variable=>(check = TkVariable.new),
- :command=>proc{
- text.insert(:end, "Check is #{check.value}\n")
- })
-tb_mbtn = Ttk::Menubutton.new(tbar_base, :text=>'Menu')
-tb_combo = Ttk::Combobox.new(tbar_base, :value=>TkFont.families,
- :state=>:readonly)
-tb_mbtn.menu(menu = Tk::Menu.new(tb_mbtn))
-menu.add(:command, :label=>'Just', :command=>proc{text.insert(:end, "Just\n")})
-menu.add(:command, :label=>'An', :command=>proc{text.insert(:end, "An\n")})
-menu.add(:command, :label=>'Example',
- :command=>proc{text.insert(:end, "Example\n")})
-tb_combo.bind('<ComboboxSelected>'){ text.font.family = tb_combo.get }
-## Arrange contents
-Tk.grid(tb_btn, tb_chk, tb_mbtn, tb_combo,
- :in=>contents, :padx=>2, :sticky=>'ns')
-Tk.grid(tbar_base, :sticky=>'ew')
-Tk.grid(sep, :sticky=>'ew')
-Tk.grid(msg, :sticky=>'ew')
-Tk.grid(text, :sticky=>'nsew')
-base_frame.grid_rowconfigure(text, :weight=>1)
-base_frame.grid_columnconfigure(text, :weight=>1)
-## See Code / Dismiss buttons
-Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'toolbar'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- $toolbar_demo.destroy
- $toolbar_demo = nil
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- Tk.grid(frame, :sticky=>'ew')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tree.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tree.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e3e5527f79..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tree.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tree.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing a Ttk
-# tree widget.
-# based on "Id: tree.tcl,v 1.4 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp"
-if defined?($tree_demo) && $tree_demo
- $tree_demo.destroy
- $tree_demo = nil
-$tree_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Directory Browser")
- iconname("tree")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($tree_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-## Explanatory text
-Ttk::Label.new(base_frame, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i',
- :justify=>:left, :anchor=>'n', :padding=>[10, 2, 10, 6],
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:fill=>:x)
-Ttk is the new Tk themed widget set. \
-One of the widgets it includes is a tree widget, \
-which allows the user to browse a hierarchical data-set such as a filesystem. \
-The tree widget not only allows for the tree part itself, \
-but it also supports an arbitrary number of additional columns \
-which can show additional data (in this case, the size of the files \
-found in your filesystem). \
-You can also change the width of the columns \
-by dragging the boundary between them.
-## See Code / Dismiss
-Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'tree'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- $tree_demo.destroy
- $tree_demo = nil
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x)
-## Code to populate the roots of the tree (can be more than one on Windows)
-def populate_roots(tree)
- TkComm.simplelist(Tk.tk_call('file', 'volumes')).sort.each{|dir|
- populate_tree(tree, tree.insert(nil, :end, :text=>dir,
- :values=>[dir, 'directory']))
- }
-## Code to populate a node of the tree
-def populate_tree(tree, node)
- return if tree.get(node, :type) != 'directory'
- path = tree.get(node, :fullpath)
- tree.delete(tree.children(node))
- Dir.glob("#{path}/*").sort.each{|f|
- type = File.ftype(f) rescue nil
- id = tree.insert(node, :end,
- :text=>File.basename(f), :values=>[f, type]).id
- if type == 'directory'
- ## Make it so that this node is openable
- tree.insert(id, 0, :text=>'dummy')
- tree.itemconfigure(id, :text=>File.basename(f))
- elsif type == 'file'
- size = File.size(f)
- if size >= 1024*1024*1024
- size = '%.1f GB' % (size.to_f/1024/1024/1024)
- elsif size >= 1024*1024
- size = '%.1f MB' % (size.to_f/1024/1024)
- elsif size >= 1024
- size = '%.1f KB' % (size.to_f/1024)
- else
- size = '%.1f bytes' % (size.to_f/1024)
- end
- tree.set(id, :size, size)
- end
- }
- # Stop this code from rerunning on the current node
- tree.set(node, :type, 'processed_directory')
-## Create the tree and set it up
-tree = Ttk::Treeview.new(base_frame, :columns=>%w(fullpath type size),
- :displaycolumns=>['size'])
-if Tk.windowingsystem != 'aqua'
- vsb = tree.yscrollbar(Ttk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
- hsb = tree.xscrollbar(Ttk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
- vsb = tree.yscrollbar(Tk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
- hsb = tree.xscrollbar(Tk::Scrollbar.new(base_frame))
-tree.heading_configure('#0', :text=>'Directory Structure')
-tree.heading_configure('size', :text=>'File Size')
-tree.column_configure('size', :stretch=>0, :width=>70)
-tree.bind('<TreeviewOpen>', '%W'){|w| populate_tree(w, w.focus_item)}
-## Arrange the tree and its scrollbars in the toplevel
-container = Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-Tk.grid(tree, vsb, :in=>container, :sticky=>'nsew')
-Tk.grid(hsb, :in=>container, :sticky=>'nsew')
-container.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
-container.grid_rowconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkbut.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkbut.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e308cdd23f..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkbut.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ttkbut.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing several
-# simple Ttk widgets, such as labels, labelframes, buttons, checkbuttons and
-# radiobuttons.
-# based on "Id: ttkbut.tcl,v 1.4 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp"
-if defined?($ttkbut_demo) && $ttkbut_demo
- $ttkbut_demo.destroy
- $ttkbut_demo = nil
-$ttkbut_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Simple Ttk Widgets")
- iconname("ttkbut")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($ttkbut_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-Ttk::Label.new(base_frame, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)
-Ttk is the new Tk themed widget set. This is a Ttk themed label, \
-and below are three groups of Ttk widgets in Ttk labelframes. \
-The first group are all buttons that set the current application theme \
-when pressed. The second group contains three sets of checkbuttons, \
-with a separator widget between the sets. Note that the "Enabled" \
-button controls whether all the other themed widgets in this toplevel are \
-in the disabled state. The third group has a collection of linked \
-## Add buttons for setting the theme
-buttons = Ttk::Labelframe.new(base_frame, :text=>'Buttons')
-# Ttk::Style.theme_names.each{|theme|
-# Ttk::Button.new(buttons, :text=>theme,
-# :command=>proc{Ttk::Style.theme_use theme}).pack(:pady=>2)
-# }
- Ttk::Button.new(buttons, :text=>theme,
- :command=>proc{Ttk.set_theme theme}).pack(:pady=>2)
-## Helper procedure for the top checkbutton
-def setState(root, value, *excepts)
- return if excepts.member?(root)
- ## Non-Ttk widgets (e.g. the toplevel) will fail, so make it silent
- begin
- root.state = value
- rescue
- end
- ## Recursively invoke on all children of this root that are in the same
- ## toplevel widget
- root.winfo_children.each{|w|
- setState(w, value, *excepts) if w.winfo_toplevel == root.winfo_toplevel
- }
-## Set up the checkbutton group
-checks = Ttk::Labelframe.new(base_frame, :text=>'Checkbuttons')
-enabled = TkVariable.new(true)
-e = Ttk::Checkbutton.new(checks, :text=>'Enabled', :variable=>enabled,
- :command=>proc{
- setState($ttkbut_demo,
- ((enabled.bool)? "!disabled" : "disabled"),
- e)
- })
-## See ttk_widget(n) for other possible state flags
-sep1 = Ttk::Separator.new(checks)
-sep2 = Ttk::Separator.new(checks)
-cheese = TkVariable.new
-tomato = TkVariable.new
-basil = TkVariable.new
-oregano = TkVariable.new
-c1 = Ttk::Checkbutton.new(checks, :text=>'Cheese', :variable=>cheese)
-c2 = Ttk::Checkbutton.new(checks, :text=>'Tomato', :variable=>tomato)
-c3 = Ttk::Checkbutton.new(checks, :text=>'Basil', :variable=>basil)
-c4 = Ttk::Checkbutton.new(checks, :text=>'Oregano', :variable=>oregano)
-Tk.pack(e, sep1, c1, c2, sep2, c3, c4, :fill=>:x, :pady=>2)
-## Set up the radiobutton group
-radios = Ttk::Labelframe.new(base_frame, :text=>'Radiobuttons')
-happiness = TkVariable.new
-r1 = Ttk::Radiobutton.new(radios, :variable=>happiness,
- :text=>'Great', :value=>'great')
-r2 = Ttk::Radiobutton.new(radios, :variable=>happiness,
- :text=>'Good', :value=>'good')
-r3 = Ttk::Radiobutton.new(radios, :variable=>happiness,
- :text=>'Ok', :value=>'ok')
-r4 = Ttk::Radiobutton.new(radios, :variable=>happiness,
- :text=>'Poor', :value=>'poor')
-r5 = Ttk::Radiobutton.new(radios, :variable=>happiness,
- :text=>'Awful', :value=>'awful')
-Tk.pack(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, :fill=>:x, :padx=>3, :pady=>2)
-## See Code / Dismiss
-Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Variables',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- showVars(base_frame, ['enabled', enabled],
- ['cheese', cheese], ['tomato', tomato],
- ['basil', basil], ['oregano', oregano],
- ['happiness', happiness])
- }),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'ttkbut'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- tmppath = $ttkbut_demo
- $ttkbut_demo = nil
- $showVarsWin[tmppath.path] = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x, :expand=>true)
-## Arrange things neatly
-f = Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-Tk.grid(buttons, checks, radios, :in=>f, :sticky=>'nwe', :pady=>2, :padx=>3)
-f.grid_columnconfigure([0, 1, 2], :weight=>1, :uniform=>:yes)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkmenu.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkmenu.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f84c9138d5..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkmenu.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ttkmenu.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing several Ttk
-# menubutton widgets.
-# based on "Id: ttkmenu.tcl,v 1.3 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp"
-if defined?($ttkmenu_demo) && $ttkmenu_demo
- $ttkmenu_demo.destroy
- $ttkmenu_demo = nil
-$ttkmenu_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Ttk Menu Buttons")
- iconname("ttkmenu")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = Ttk::Frame.new($ttkmenu_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-Ttk::Label.new(base_frame, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)
-Ttk is the new Tk themed widget set, \
-and one widget that is available in themed form is the menubutton. \
-Below are some themed menu buttons \
-that allow you to pick the current theme in use. \
-Notice how picking a theme changes the way \
-that the menu buttons themselves look, \
-and that the central menu button is styled differently \
-(in a way that is normally suitable for toolbars). \
-However, there are no themed menus; the standard Tk menus were judged \
-to have a sufficiently good look-and-feel on all platforms, \
-especially as they are implemented as native controls in many places.
-Ttk::Separator.new(base_frame).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)
-## See Code / Dismiss
-Ttk::Frame.new($ttkmenu_demo) {|frame|
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'ttkmenu'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- $ttkmenu_demo.destroy
- $ttkmenu_demo = nil
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x)
-b1 = Ttk::Menubutton.new(base_frame,:text=>'Select a theme',:direction=>:above)
-b2 = Ttk::Menubutton.new(base_frame,:text=>'Select a theme',:direction=>:left)
-b3 = Ttk::Menubutton.new(base_frame,:text=>'Select a theme',:direction=>:right)
-b4 = Ttk::Menubutton.new(base_frame,:text=>'Select a theme',:direction=>:flush,
- :style=>Ttk::Menubutton.style('Toolbutton'))
-b5 = Ttk::Menubutton.new(base_frame,:text=>'Select a theme',:direction=>:below)
-b1.menu(m1 = Tk::Menu.new(b1, :tearoff=>false))
-b2.menu(m2 = Tk::Menu.new(b2, :tearoff=>false))
-b3.menu(m3 = Tk::Menu.new(b3, :tearoff=>false))
-b4.menu(m4 = Tk::Menu.new(b4, :tearoff=>false))
-b5.menu(m5 = Tk::Menu.new(b5, :tearoff=>false))
- m1.add(:command, :label=>theme, :command=>proc{Ttk.set_theme theme})
- m2.add(:command, :label=>theme, :command=>proc{Ttk.set_theme theme})
- m3.add(:command, :label=>theme, :command=>proc{Ttk.set_theme theme})
- m4.add(:command, :label=>theme, :command=>proc{Ttk.set_theme theme})
- m5.add(:command, :label=>theme, :command=>proc{Ttk.set_theme theme})
-f = Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:x)
-f1 = Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-TkGrid('x', b1, 'x', :in=>f, :padx=>3, :pady=>2)
-TkGrid(b2, b4, b3, :in=>f, :padx=>3, :pady=>2)
-TkGrid('x', b5, 'x', :in=>f, :padx=>3, :pady=>2)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttknote.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttknote.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7540fde3ce..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttknote.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ttknote.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing a Ttk
-# notebook widget.
-# based on "Id: ttknote.tcl,v 1.5 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp"
-if defined?($ttknote_demo) && $ttknote_demo
- $ttknote_demo.destroy
- $ttknote_demo = nil
-$ttknote_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Ttk Notebook Widget")
- iconname("ttknote")
- positionWindow(w)
-## See Code / Dismiss
-Ttk::Frame.new($ttknote_demo) {|frame|
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'ttknote'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- $ttknote_demo.destroy
- $ttknote_demo = nil
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x)
-base_frame = Ttk::Frame.new($ttknote_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-## Make the notebook and set up Ctrl+Tab traversal
-notebook = Ttk::Notebook.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true,
- :padx=>2, :pady=>3)
-## Populate the first pane
-f_msg = Ttk::Frame.new(notebook)
-msg_m = Ttk::Label.new(f_msg, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i',
- :justify=>:left, :anchor=>'n', :text=><<EOL)
-Ttk is the new Tk themed widget set. \
-One of the widgets it includes is the notebook widget, \
-which provides a set of tabs that allow the selection of a group of panels, \
-each with distinct content. \
-They are a feature of many modern user interfaces. \
-Not only can the tabs be selected with the mouse, \
-but they can also be switched between using Ctrl+Tab \
-when the notebook page heading itself is selected. \
-Note that the second tab is disabled, and cannot be selected.
-neat = TkVariable.new
-after_id = nil
-msg_b = Ttk::Button.new(f_msg, :text=>'Neat!', :underline=>0,
- :command=>proc{
- neat.value = 'Yeah, I know...'
- Tk.after_cancel(after_id) if after_id
- after_id = Tk.after(500){neat.value = ''}
- })
-msg_b.winfo_toplevel.bind('Alt-n'){ msg_b.focus; msg_b.invoke }
-msg_l = Ttk::Label.new(f_msg, :textvariable=>neat)
-notebook.add(f_msg, :text=>'Description', :underline=>0, :padding=>2)
-Tk.grid(msg_m, '-', :sticky=>'new', :pady=>2)
-Tk.grid(msg_b, msg_l, :pady=>[2, 4])
-f_msg.grid_rowconfigure(1, :weight=>1)
-f_msg.grid_columnconfigure([0, 1], :weight=>1, :uniform=>1)
-## Populate the second pane. Note that the content doesn't really matter
-f_disabled = Ttk::Frame.new(notebook)
-notebook.add(f_disabled, :text=>'Disabled', :state=>:disabled)
-## Populate the third pane
-f_editor = Ttk::Frame.new(notebook)
-notebook.add(f_editor, :text=>'Text Editor', :underline=>0)
-editor_t = Tk::Text.new(f_editor, :width=>40, :height=>10, :wrap=>:char)
-if Tk.windowingsystem != 'aqua'
- editor_s = editor_t.yscrollbar(Ttk::Scrollbar.new(f_editor))
- editor_s = editor_t.yscrollbar(Tk::Scrollbar.new(f_editor))
-editor_s.pack(:side=>:right, :fill=>:y, :padx=>[0,2], :pady=>2)
-editor_t.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true, :padx=>[2,0], :pady=>2)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkpane.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkpane.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eb4c29731..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkpane.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ttkpane.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates a Ttk pane with some content.
-# based on "Id: ttkpane.tcl,v 1.3 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp"
-if defined?($ttkpane_demo) && $ttkpane_demo
- $ttkpane_demo.destroy
- $ttkpane_demo = nil
-$ttkpane_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Themed Nested Panes")
- iconname("ttkpane")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($ttkpane_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-Ttk::Label.new(base_frame, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)
-This demonstration shows off a nested set of themed paned windows. \
-Their sizes can be changed by grabbing the area \
-between each contained pane and dragging the divider.
-Ttk::Separator.new(base_frame).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)
-## See Code / Dismiss
-Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'ttkpane'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- $ttkpane_demo.destroy
- $ttkpane_demo = nil
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x)
-frame = Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-outer = Ttk::Panedwindow.new(frame, :orient=>:horizontal)
-outer.add(in_left = Ttk::Panedwindow.new(outer, :orient=>:vertical))
-outer.add(in_right = Ttk::Panedwindow.new(outer, :orient=>:vertical))
-in_left.add(left_top = Ttk::Labelframe.new(in_left, :text=>'Button'))
-in_left.add(left_bot = Ttk::Labelframe.new(in_left, :text=>'Clocks'))
-in_right.add(right_top = Ttk::Labelframe.new(in_right, :text=>'Progress'))
-in_right.add(right_bot = Ttk::Labelframe.new(in_right, :text=>'Text'))
-if Tk.windowingsystem == 'aqua'
- [left_top, left_bot, right_top, right_bot].each{|w| w.padding(3) }
-# Fill the button pane
-Ttk::Button.new(left_top, :text=>'Press Me',
- :command=>proc{
- Tk.messageBox(:type=>'ok', :icon=>'info', :message=>'Ouch!',
- :detail=>'That hurt...', :parent=>base_frame,
- :title=>'Button Pressed')
- }).pack(:padx=>2, :pady=>5)
-zones_list = [
- [':Europe/Berlin'],
- [':America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', ':America/Buenos_Aires'],
- [':Africa/Johannesburg'],
- [':Europe/London'],
- [':America/Los_Angeles'],
- [':Europe/Moscow'],
- [':America/New_York'],
- [':Asia/Singapore'],
- [':Australia/Sydney'],
- [':Asia/Tokyo'],
-zones = []
-# Check tzinfo support
-if $tk_major_ver > 8 || ($tk_major_ver == 8 && $tk_minor_ver >= 5)
- tzinfo = :tcl
- # Force a pre-load of all the timezones needed; otherwise can end up
- # poor-looking synch problems!
- zones_list.each{|list|
- list.each{|zone|
- begin
- Tk.tk_call('clock', 'format', '0', '-timezone', zone)
- rescue RuntimeError
- # ignore
- else
- zones << [zone, zone[%r<[^/:]+$>].tr('_', ' ')]
- break
- end
- }
- }
- begin
- require 'tzinfo'
- tzinfo = :tzinfo
- rescue Exception
- begin
- require 'tzfile'
- tzinfo = :tzfile
- rescue Exception
- tzinfo = nil
- end
- end
- case tzinfo
- when :tzinfo
- zones_list.each{|list|
- list.each{|zone|
- begin
- tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get(zone[%r<[^:]+$>])
- rescue Exception
- # ignore
- else
- zones << [tz, zone[%r<[^/:]+$>].tr('_', ' ')]
- break
- end
- }
- }
- when :tzfile
- zones_list.each{|list|
- list.each{|zone|
- begin
- tz = TZFile.create(zone[%r<[^:]+$>])
- rescue Exception
- # ignore
- else
- zones << [tz, zone[%r<[^/:]+$>].tr('_', ' ')]
- break
- end
- }
- }
- else
- [ -7, -4, -2, -1, 0, +1, +3, +8, +9, +10 ].each{|zone|
- zones << [zone, 'UTC%+03d00' % zone]
- }
- end
-time = TkVariable.new_hash
-case tzinfo
-when :tcl
- update_proc = proc{|now, tz, label|
- time[label] = Tk.tk_call('clock', 'format', now.tv_sec,
- '-timezone', tz, '-format', '%T')
- }
-when :tzinfo
- update_proc = proc{|now, tz, label|
- time[label] = tz.utc_to_local(now).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
- }
-when :tzfile
- update_proc = proc{|now, tz, label|
- time[label] = tz.at(now.tv_sec).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
- }
- update_proc = proc{|now, tz, label|
- time[label] = (now + (tz * 3600)).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
- }
-# Fill the clocks pane
-zones.each_with_index{|(zone, label), idx|
- Ttk::Separator.new(left_bot).pack(:fill=>:x) if idx > 0
- Ttk::Label.new(left_bot, :text=>label, :anchor=>'w').pack(:fill=>:x)
- Ttk::Label.new(left_bot, :textvariable=>time.ref(label),
- :anchor=>'w').pack(:fill=>:x)
-# Timer start
-every = proc{
- now = Time.now.utc
- zones.each{|zone, label| update_proc.call(now, zone, label) }
-TkRTTimer.new(1000, -1, every).start(0, every)
-# Fill the progress pane
-Ttk::Progressbar.new(right_top, :mode=>:indeterminate).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true).start
-# Fill the text pane
-if Tk.windowingsystem != 'aqua'
- # The trick with the ttk::frame makes the text widget look like it fits with
- # the current Ttk theme despite not being a themed widget itself. It is done
- # by styling the frame like an entry, turning off the border in the text
- # widget, and putting the text widget in the frame with enough space to allow
- # the surrounding border to show through (2 pixels seems to be enough).
- f = Ttk::Frame.new(right_bot, :style=>Ttk::Entry)
- txt = TkText.new(frame, :wrap=>:word, :width=>30, :borderwidth=>0)
- txt.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true, :in=>f, :pady=>2, :padx=>2)
- scr = txt.yscrollbar(Ttk::Scrollbar.new(frame))
- scr.pack(:side=>:right, :fill=>:y, :in=>right_bot)
- f.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- outer.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- txt = TkText.new(frame, :wrap=>:word, :width=>30, :borderwidth=>0)
- scr = txt.yscrollbar(TkScrollbar.new(frame))
- scr.pack(:side=>:right, :fill=>:y, :in=>right_bot)
- txt.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true, :in=>right_bot)
- outer.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true, :padx=>10, :pady=>[6, 10])
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkprogress.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkprogress.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 09bf398e17..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/ttkprogress.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# ttkprogress.rb --
-# This demonstration script creates several progress bar widgets.
-# based on "Id: ttkprogress.tcl,v 1.3 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp"
-if defined?($ttkprogress_demo) && $ttkprogress_demo
- $ttkprogress_demo.destroy
- $ttkprogress_demo = nil
-$ttkprogress_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Progress Bar Demonstration")
- iconname("ttkprogress")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($ttkprogress_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-Ttk::Label.new(base_frame, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=>Tk::UTF8_String.new(<<EOL)).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x)
-Below are two progress bars. \
-The top one is a \\u201Cdeterminate\\u201D progress bar, \
-which is used for showing how far through a defined task the program has got. \
-The bottom one is an \\u201Cindeterminate\\u201D progress bar, \
-which is used to show that the program is busy \
-but does not know how long for. Both are run here in self-animated mode, \
-which can be turned on and off using the buttons underneath.
-## See Code / Dismiss buttons
-Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- sep = Ttk::Separator.new(frame)
- Tk.grid(sep, :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'ttkprogress'}),
- Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- $ttkprogress_demo.destroy
- $ttkprogress_demo = nil
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x)
-frame = Ttk::Frame.new(base_frame).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-p1 = Ttk::Progressbar.new(frame, :mode=>:determinate)
-p2 = Ttk::Progressbar.new(frame, :mode=>:indeterminate)
-start = Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Start Progress',
- :command=>proc{ p1.start; p2.start })
-stop = Ttk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'Stop Progress',
- :command=>proc{ p1.stop; p2.stop })
-Tk.grid(p1, '-', :pady=>5, :padx=>10)
-Tk.grid(p2, '-', :pady=>5, :padx=>10)
-Tk.grid(start, stop, :padx=>10, :pady=>5)
-frame.grid_columnconfigure(:all, :weight=>1)
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/twind.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/twind.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a709f0d188..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/twind.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# twind.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a text widget with a bunch of
-# embedded windows.
-# text (embedded windows) widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($twind_demo) && $twind_demo
- $twind_demo.destroy
- $twind_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$twind_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Text Demonstration - Embedded Windows")
- iconname("Embedded Windows")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($twind_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# frame
-$twind_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $twind_demo
- $twind_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'twind'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-$twind_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-$twind_text = nil
-TkFrame.new(base_frame, 'highlightthickness'=>2, 'borderwidth'=>2,
- 'relief'=>'sunken') {|f|
- $twind_text = TkText.new(f, 'setgrid'=>'true', 'font'=>$font,
- 'width'=>'70', 'height'=>35, 'wrap'=>'word',
- 'highlightthickness'=>0, 'borderwidth'=>0 ){|t|
- TkScrollbar.new(f) {|s|
- command proc{|*args| t.yview(*args)}
- t.yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- }.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-}.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-$tag_center = TkTextTag.new($twind_text,
- 'justify' =>'center',
- 'spacing1'=>'5m',
- 'spacing3'=>'5m' )
-$tag_buttons = TkTextTag.new($twind_text,
- 'lmargin1'=>'1c',
- 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'rmargin' =>'1c',
- 'spacing1'=>'3m',
- 'spacing2'=>0,
- 'spacing3'=>0 )
-$twind_text.insert('end', "A text widget can contain other widgets embedded ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "it. These are called \"embedded windows\", ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "and they can consist of arbitrary widgets. ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "For example, here are two embedded button ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "widgets. You can click on the first button to ")
-TkTextWindow.new($twind_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind_text) {
- #text 'ON'
- text 'Turn On'
- command proc{textWindOn $twind_text,$twind_buttons}
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- })
-$twind_text.insert('end', " horizontal scrolling, which also turns off ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "word wrapping. Or, you can click on the second ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "button to\n")
-TkTextWindow.new($twind_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind_text) {
- #text 'OFF'
- text 'Turn Off'
- command proc{textWindOff $twind_text}
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- })
-$twind_text.insert('end', " horizontal scrolling and turn back on word wrapping.\n\n")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "Or, here is another example. If you ")
-TkTextWindow.new($twind_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind_text) {
- text 'Click Here'
- command proc{textWindPlot $twind_text}
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- })
-$twind_text.insert('end', " a canvas displaying an x-y plot will appear right here.")
-$mark_plot = TkTextMark.new($twind_text, 'insert')
-$twind_text.insert('end', " You can drag the data points around with the mouse, ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "or you can click here to ")
-TkTextWindow.new($twind_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind_text) {
- text 'Delete'
- command proc{textWindDel $twind_text}
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- })
-$twind_text.insert('end', " the plot again.\n\n")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "You may also find it useful to put embedded windows in ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "a text without any actual text. In this case the ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "text widget acts like a geometry manager. For ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "example, here is a collection of buttons laid out ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "neatly into rows by the text widget. These buttons ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "can be used to change the background color of the ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "text widget (\"Default\" restores the color to ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "its default). If you click on the button labeled ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "\"Short\", it changes to a longer string so that ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "you can see how the text widget automatically ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "changes the layout. Click on the button again ")
-$twind_text.insert('end', "to restore the short string.\n")
-TkTextWindow.new($twind_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind_text) {|b|
- text 'Default'
- command proc{embDefBg $twind_text}
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- $tag_buttons.add('end')
- },
- 'padx'=>3 )
-embToggle = TkVariable.new('Short')
-TkTextWindow.new($twind_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkCheckButton.new($twind_text) {
- textvariable embToggle
- indicatoron 0
- variable embToggle
- onvalue 'A much longer string'
- offvalue 'Short'
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- pady 5
- padx 2
- },
- 'padx'=>3,
- 'pady'=>2 )
-[ 'AntiqueWhite3', 'Bisque1', 'Bisque2', 'Bisque3', 'Bisque4',
- 'SlateBlue3', 'RoyalBlue1', 'SteelBlue2', 'DeepSkyBlue3', 'LightBlue1',
- 'DarkSlateGray1', 'Aquamarine2', 'DarkSeaGreen2', 'SeaGreen1',
- 'Yellow1', 'IndianRed1', 'IndianRed2', 'Tan1', 'Tan4'
- TkTextWindow.new($twind_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind_text) {
- text twind_color
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- command proc{$twind_text.bg twind_color}
- },
- 'padx'=>3,
- 'pady'=>2 )
-def textWindOn (w,f)
- if defined? $twind_scroll
- begin
- $twind_scroll.destroy
- rescue
- end
- $twind_scroll = nil
- end
- base = TkWinfo.parent( TkWinfo.parent(w) )
- $twind_scroll = TkScrollbar.new(base) {|s|
- orient 'horizontal'
- command proc{|*args| w.xview(*args)}
- w.xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- w.wrap 'none'
- pack('after'=>f, 'side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x')
- }
- return nil
-def textWindOff (w)
- if defined? $twind_scroll
- begin
- $twind_scroll.destroy
- rescue
- end
- $twind_scroll = nil
- end
- w.xscrollcommand ''
- w.wrap 'word'
-def textWindPlot (t)
- if (defined? $twind_plot) && TkWinfo.exist?($twind_plot)
- return
- end
- $twind_plot = TkCanvas.new(t) {
- relief 'sunken'
- width 450
- height 300
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- }
- if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- font = '-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- else
- font = 'Helvetica 18'
- end
- TkcLine.new($twind_plot, 100, 250, 400, 250, 'width'=>2)
- TkcLine.new($twind_plot, 100, 250, 100, 50, 'width'=>2)
- TkcText.new($twind_plot, 225, 20,
- 'text'=>"A Simple Plot", 'font'=>font, 'fill'=>'brown')
- (0..10).each {|i|
- x = 100 + (i * 30)
- TkcLine.new($twind_plot, x, 250, x, 245, 'width'=>2)
- TkcText.new($twind_plot, x, 254,
- 'text'=>10*i, 'font'=>font, 'anchor'=>'n')
- }
- (0..5).each {|i|
- y = 250 - (i * 40)
- TkcLine.new($twind_plot, 100, y, 105, y, 'width'=>2)
- TkcText.new($twind_plot, 96, y,
- 'text'=>"#{i*50}.0", 'font'=>font, 'anchor'=>'e')
- }
- for xx, yy in [[12,56],[20,94],[33,98],[32,120],[61,180],[75,160],[98,223]]
- x = 100 + (3*xx)
- y = 250 - (4*yy)/5
- item = TkcOval.new($twind_plot, x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6,
- 'width'=>1, 'outline'=>'black', 'fill'=>'SkyBlue2')
- item.addtag 'point'
- end
- $twind_plot.itembind('point', 'Any-Enter',
- proc{$twind_plot.itemconfigure 'current', 'fill', 'red'})
- $twind_plot.itembind('point', 'Any-Leave',
- proc{$twind_plot.itemconfigure 'current', 'fill', 'SkyBlue2'})
- $twind_plot.itembind('point', '1',
- proc{|x,y| embPlotDown $twind_plot,x,y}, "%x %y")
- $twind_plot.itembind('point', 'ButtonRelease-1',
- proc{$twind_plot.dtag 'selected'})
- $twind_plot.bind('B1-Motion',
- proc{|x,y| embPlotMove $twind_plot,x,y}, "%x %y")
- while ($twind_text.get($mark_plot) =~ /[ \t\n]/)
- $twind_text.delete $mark_plot
- end
- $twind_text.insert $mark_plot,"\n"
- TkTextWindow.new($twind_text, $mark_plot, 'window'=>$twind_plot)
- $tag_center.add $mark_plot
- $twind_text.insert $mark_plot,"\n"
-$embPlot = {'lastX'=>0, 'lastY'=>0}
-def embPlotDown (w, x, y)
- w.dtag 'selected'
- w.addtag_withtag 'selected', 'current'
- w.raise 'current'
- $embPlot['lastX'] = x
- $embPlot['lastY'] = y
-def embPlotMove (w, x, y)
- w.move 'selected', x - $embPlot['lastX'], y - $embPlot['lastY']
- $embPlot['lastX'] = x
- $embPlot['lastY'] = y
-def textWindDel (w)
- if (defined? $twind_text) && TkWinfo.exist?($twind_plot)
- $twind_text.delete $twind_plot
- $twind_plot = nil
- while ($twind_text.get($mark_plot) =~ /[ \t\n]/)
- $twind_text.delete $mark_plot
- end
- $twind_text.insert $mark_plot," "
- end
-def embDefBg (w)
- w['background'] = w.configinfo('background')[3]
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/twind2.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/twind2.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a59a2e613..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/twind2.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# text (embedded windows) widget demo 2 (called by 'widget')
-# delete toplevel widget
-if defined?($twind2_demo) && $twind2_demo
- $twind2_demo.destroy
- $twind2_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$twind2_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Text Demonstration - Embedded Windows 2")
- iconname("Embedded Windows")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($twind2_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# frame
-$twind2_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkGrid(TkFrame.new(frame, :height=>2, :relief=>:sunken, :bd=>2),
- :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
- TkGrid('x',
- TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'See Code',
- :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{showCode 'twind2'}),
- TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss',
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left,
- :command=>proc{
- tmppath = $twind2_demo
- $twind2_demo = nil
- $showVarsWin[tmppath.path] = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }),
- :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
-$twind2_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-$twind2_text = nil
-TkFrame.new(base_frame, 'highlightthickness'=>2, 'borderwidth'=>2,
- 'relief'=>'sunken') {|f|
- $twind2_text = TkText.new(f, 'setgrid'=>true, 'font'=>$font,
- # 'width'=>'70', 'height'=>35, 'wrap'=>'word',
- 'width'=>'70', 'height'=>35, 'wrap'=>'char',
- 'highlightthickness'=>0, 'borderwidth'=>0 ){|t|
- TkScrollbar.new(f) {|s|
- command proc{|*args| t.yview(*args)}
- t.yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- }.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-}.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-# text tags
-$tag2_center = TkTextTag.new($twind2_text,
- 'justify' =>'center',
- 'spacing1'=>'5m',
- 'spacing3'=>'5m' )
-$tag2_buttons = TkTextTag.new($twind2_text,
- 'lmargin1'=>'1c',
- 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'rmargin' =>'1c',
- 'spacing1'=>'3m',
- 'spacing2'=>0,
- 'spacing3'=>0 )
-# insert text
- 'A text widget can contain many different kinds of items, ')
- "both active and passive. It can lay these out in various ")
- "ways, with wrapping, tabs, centering, etc. In addition, ")
- "when the contents are too big for the window, smooth ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "scrolling in all directions is provided.\n\n")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "A text widget can contain other widgets embedded ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "it. These are called \"embedded windows\", ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "and they can consist of arbitrary widgets. ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "For example, here are two embedded button ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "widgets. You can click on the first button to ")
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind2_text) {
- text 'ON'
- command proc{textWindOn2 $twind2_text,$twind2_buttons}
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- })
-$twind2_text.insert('end', " horizontal scrolling, which also turns off ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "word wrapping. Or, you can click on the second ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "button to\n")
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind2_text) {
- text 'OFF'
- command proc{textWindOff2 $twind2_text}
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- })
- " horizontal scrolling and turn back on word wrapping.\n\n")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "Or, here is another example. If you ")
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind2_text) {
- text 'Click Here'
- command proc{textWindPlot2 $twind2_text}
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- })
- " a canvas displaying an x-y plot will appear right here.")
-$mark2_plot = TkTextMark.new($twind2_text, 'insert')
- " You can drag the data points around with the mouse, ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "or you can click here to ")
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind2_text) {
- text 'Delete'
- command proc{textWindDel2 $twind2_text}
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- })
-$twind2_text.insert('end', " the plot again.\n\n")
- "You may also find it useful to put embedded windows in ")
- "a text without any actual text. In this case the ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "text widget acts like a geometry manager. For ")
- "example, here is a collection of buttons laid out ")
- "neatly into rows by the text widget. These buttons ")
- "can be used to change the background color of the ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "text widget (\"Default\" restores the color to ")
- "its default). If you click on the button labeled ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "\"Short\", it changes to a longer string so that ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "you can see how the text widget automatically ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "changes the layout. Click on the button again ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "to restore the short string.\n")
-btn_default = TkButton.new($twind2_text) {|b|
- text 'Default'
- command proc{embDefBg2 $twind2_text}
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end', 'window'=>btn_default, 'padx'=>3)
-embToggle = TkVariable.new('Short')
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkCheckButton.new($twind2_text) {
- textvariable embToggle
- indicatoron 0
- variable embToggle
- onvalue 'A much longer string'
- offvalue 'Short'
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- pady 5
- padx 2
- },
- 'padx'=>3,
- 'pady'=>2 )
-[ 'AntiqueWhite3', 'Bisque1', 'Bisque2', 'Bisque3', 'Bisque4',
- 'SlateBlue3', 'RoyalBlue1', 'SteelBlue2', 'DeepSkyBlue3', 'LightBlue1',
- 'DarkSlateGray1', 'Aquamarine2', 'DarkSeaGreen2', 'SeaGreen1',
- 'Yellow1', 'IndianRed1', 'IndianRed2', 'Tan1', 'Tan4'
- TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind2_text) {
- text twind_color
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- command proc{$twind2_text.bg twind_color}
- },
- 'padx'=>3,
- 'pady'=>2 )
-$tag2_buttons.add(btn_default, 'end')
-$text_normal2 = {}
-$text_normal2['border'] = $twind2_text.cget('borderwidth')
-$text_normal2['highlight'] = $twind2_text.cget('highlightthickness')
-$text_normal2['pad'] = $twind2_text.cget('padx')
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "\nYou can also change the usual border width and ")
-$twind2_text.insert('end', "highlightthickness and padding.\n")
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind2_text, :text=>"Big borders",
- :cursor=>'top_left_arrow',
- 'command'=>proc{
- textWinBigB2 $twind2_text
- }))
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind2_text, :text=>"Small borders",
- :cursor=>'top_left_arrow',
- 'command'=>proc{
- textWinSmallB2 $twind2_text
- }))
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind2_text, :text=>"Big highlight",
- :cursor=>'top_left_arrow',
- 'command'=>proc{
- textWinBigH2 $twind2_text
- }))
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind2_text, :text=>"Small highlight",
- :cursor=>'top_left_arrow',
- 'command'=>proc{
- textWinSmallH2 $twind2_text
- }))
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind2_text, :text=>"Big pad",
- :cursor=>'top_left_arrow',
- 'command'=>proc{
- textWinBigP2 $twind2_text
- }))
-TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'window'=>TkButton.new($twind2_text, :text=>"Small pad",
- :cursor=>'top_left_arrow',
- 'command'=>proc{
- textWinSmallP2 $twind2_text
- }))
- "\n\nFinally, images fit comfortably in text widgets too:")
-TkTextImage.new($twind2_text, 'end',
- 'image'=>TkBitmapImage.new(:file=>[
- $demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'face.xbm'
- ].join(File::Separator)))
-# methods
-def textWinBigB2(w)
- w.borderwidth 15
-def textWinSmallB2(w)
- w.borderwidth $text_normal2['border']
-def textWinBigH2(w)
- w.highlightthickness 15
-def textWinSmallH2(w)
- w.highlightthickness $text_normal2['highlight']
-def textWinBigP2(w)
- w.configure(:padx=>15, :pady=>15)
-def textWinSmallP2(w)
- w.configure(:padx=>$text_normal2['pad'], :pady=>$text_normal2['pad'])
-def textWindOn2 (w,f)
- if defined? $twind2_scroll
- begin
- $twind2_scroll.destroy
- rescue
- end
- $twind2_scroll = nil
- end
- base = TkWinfo.parent( TkWinfo.parent(w) )
- $twind2_scroll = TkScrollbar.new(base) {|s|
- orient 'horizontal'
- command proc{|*args| w.xview(*args)}
- w.xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- w.wrap 'none'
- pack('after'=>f, 'side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x')
- }
- return nil
-def textWindOff2 (w)
- if defined? $twind2_scroll
- begin
- $twind2_scroll.destroy
- rescue
- end
- $twind2_scroll = nil
- end
- w.xscrollcommand ''
- #w.wrap 'word'
- w.wrap 'char'
-def textWindPlot2 (t)
- if (defined? $twind2_plot) && (TkWinfo.exist?($twind2_plot))
- return
- end
- $twind2_plot = TkCanvas.new(t) {
- relief 'sunken'
- width 450
- height 300
- cursor 'top_left_arrow'
- }
- #font = '-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- font = 'Helvetica 18'
- TkcLine.new($twind2_plot, 100, 250, 400, 250, 'width'=>2)
- TkcLine.new($twind2_plot, 100, 250, 100, 50, 'width'=>2)
- TkcText.new($twind2_plot, 225, 20,
- 'text'=>"A Simple Plot", 'font'=>font, 'fill'=>'brown')
- (0..10).each {|i|
- x = 100 + (i * 30)
- TkcLine.new($twind2_plot, x, 250, x, 245, 'width'=>2)
- TkcText.new($twind2_plot, x, 254,
- 'text'=>10*i, 'font'=>font, 'anchor'=>'n')
- }
- (0..5).each {|i|
- y = 250 - (i * 40)
- TkcLine.new($twind2_plot, 100, y, 105, y, 'width'=>2)
- TkcText.new($twind2_plot, 96, y,
- 'text'=>"#{i*50}.0", 'font'=>font, 'anchor'=>'e')
- }
- for xx, yy in [[12,56],[20,94],[33,98],[32,120],[61,180],[75,160],[98,223]]
- x = 100 + (3*xx)
- y = 250 - (4*yy)/5
- item = TkcOval.new($twind2_plot, x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6,
- 'width'=>1, 'outline'=>'black', 'fill'=>'SkyBlue2')
- item.addtag 'point'
- end
- $twind2_plot.itembind('point', 'Any-Enter',
- proc{$twind2_plot.itemconfigure 'current', 'fill', 'red'})
- $twind2_plot.itembind('point', 'Any-Leave',
- proc{$twind2_plot.itemconfigure 'current', 'fill', 'SkyBlue2'})
- $twind2_plot.itembind('point', '1',
- proc{|x,y| embPlotDown2 $twind2_plot,x,y}, "%x %y")
- $twind2_plot.itembind('point', 'ButtonRelease-1',
- proc{$twind2_plot.dtag 'selected'})
- $twind2_plot.bind('B1-Motion',
- proc{|x,y| embPlotMove2 $twind2_plot,x,y}, "%x %y")
- while ($twind2_text.get($mark2_plot) =~ /[ \t\n]/)
- $twind2_text.delete $mark2_plot
- end
- $twind2_text.insert $mark2_plot,"\n"
- TkTextWindow.new($twind2_text, $mark2_plot, 'window'=>$twind2_plot)
- $tag2_center.add $mark2_plot
- $twind2_text.insert $mark2_plot,"\n"
-$embPlot2 = {'lastX'=>0, 'lastY'=>0}
-def embPlotDown2 (w, x, y)
- w.dtag 'selected'
- w.addtag_withtag 'selected', 'current'
- w.raise 'current'
- $embPlot2['lastX'] = x
- $embPlot2['lastY'] = y
-def embPlotMove2 (w, x, y)
- w.move 'selected', x - $embPlot2['lastX'], y - $embPlot2['lastY']
- $embPlot2['lastX'] = x
- $embPlot2['lastY'] = y
-def textWindDel2 (w)
- if (defined? $twind2_text) && TkWinfo.exist?($twind2_plot)
- $twind2_text.delete $twind2_plot
- $twind2_plot = nil
- while ($twind2_text.get($mark2_plot) =~ /[ \t\n]/)
- $twind2_text.delete $mark2_plot
- end
- $twind2_text.insert $mark2_plot," "
- end
-def embDefBg2 (w)
- w['background'] = w.configinfo('background')[3]
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/unicodeout.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/unicodeout.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 910dff38b7..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/unicodeout.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# unicodeout.rb --
-# This demonstration script shows how you can produce output (in label
-# widgets) using many different alphabets.
-# based on Tcl/Tk8.4.4 widget demos
-if defined?($unicodeout_demo) && $unicodeout_demo
- $unicodeout_demo.destroy
- $unicodeout_demo = nil
-$unicodeout_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Unicode Label Demonstration")
- iconname("unicodeout")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($unicodeout_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'5.4i', :justify=>:left,
- :text=><<EOL).pack(:side=>:top)
-This is a sample of Tk's support for languages that use non-Western \
-character sets. However, what you will actually see below depends \
-largely on what character sets you have installed, and what you see \
-for characters that are not present varies greatly between platforms as well. \
-Please try to click the 'See Code' button, \
-and click the 'Rerun Demo' button after editing \
-(the source file is not changed) \
-the definition of @@font on the Unicodeout_SampleFrame class.
-The strings are written in Tcl using UNICODE characters \
-using the \\uXXXX escape so as to do so in a portable fashion.
-The strings are converted to the encoded string objects \
-(completed to rewrite Tcl's escapes) by Tk::UTF8_String method. \
-And the Tk::UTF8_String objects are passed to the label widgets.
- pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x, :pady=>'2m')
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'Dismiss', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- $unicodeout_demo.destroy
- $unicodeout_demo = nil
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
- TkButton.new(f, :text=>'See Code', :width=>15, :command=>proc{
- showCode 'unicodeout'
- }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true)
-wait_msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame,
- :text=>"Please wait while loading fonts...",
- :font=>"Helvetica 12 italic").pack
-class Unicodeout_SampleFrame < TkFrame
- @@font = $font
- # @@font = 'Helvetica 14'
- # @@font = 'Courier 12'
- # @@font = 'clearlyu 16'
- # @@font = 'fixed 12'
- # @@font = 'Times 12'
- # @@font = 'Newspaper 12'
- # @@font = '{New century schoolbook} 12'
- def initialize(base)
- super(base)
- grid_columnconfig(1, :weight=>1)
- end
- def add_sample(lang, *args)
- sample_txt = Tk::UTF8_String(args.join(''))
- l = TkLabel.new(self, :font=>@@font, :text=>lang+':',
- :anchor=>:nw, :pady=>0)
- #s = TkLabel.new(self, :font=>@@font, :text=>sample_txt,
- s = TkLabel.new(self, :font=>TkFont.new(@@font), :text=>sample_txt,
- :anchor=>:nw, :width=>30, :pady=>0)
- Tk.grid(l, s, :sticky=>:ew, :pady=>0)
- l.grid_config(:padx, '1m')
- end
-f = Unicodeout_SampleFrame.new(base_frame)
-f.pack(:expand=>true, :fill=>:both, :padx=>'2m', :pady=>'1m')
-# Processing when some characters are missing might take a while, so make
-# sure we're displaying something in the meantime...
-oldCursor = $unicodeout_demo.cursor
- '\uFE94\uFEF4\uFE91\uFEAE\uFECC\uFEDF\uFE8D\uFE94',
- '\uFEE4\uFEE0\uFEDC\uFEDF\uFE8D')
-f.add_sample('Trad. Chinese', '\u4E2D\u570B\u7684\u6F22\u5B57')
-f.add_sample('Simpl. Chinese', '\u6C49\u8BED')
- '\u0395\u03BB\u03BB\u03B7\u03BD\u03B9\u03BA\u03AE ',
- '\u03B3\u03BB\u03CE\u03C3\u03C3\u03B1')
- '\u05DD\u05D9\u05DC\u05E9\u05D5\u05E8\u05D9 ',
- '\u05DC\u05D9\u05D0\u05E8\u05E9\u05D9')
- '\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u306E\u3072\u3089\u304C\u306A, ',
- '\u6F22\u5B57\u3068\u30AB\u30BF\u30AB\u30CA')
-f.add_sample('Korean', '\uB300\uD55C\uBBFC\uAD6D\uC758 \uD55C\uAE00')
- '\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439 ',
- '\u044F\u0437\u044B\u043A')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/vscale.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/vscale.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ce522f7be..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/vscale.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# vscale.rb
-# This demonstration script shows an example with a vertical scale.
-require "tkcanvas"
-if defined?($vscale_demo) && $vscale_demo
- $vscale_demo.destroy
- $vscale_demo = nil
-$vscale_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Vertical Scale Demonstration")
- iconname("vscale")
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($vscale_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '3.5i'
- justify 'left'
- text "An arrow and a vertical scale are displayed below. If you click or drag mouse button 1 in the scale, you can change the size of the arrow."
-msg.pack('side'=>'top', 'padx'=>'.5c')
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc {
- tmppath = $vscale_demo
- $vscale_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc { showCode 'vscale' }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-def setHeight(w, height)
- height = height + 21
- y2 = height - 30
- if y2 < 21
- y2 = 21
- end
- w.coords 'poly',15,20,35,20,35,y2,45,y2,25,height,5,y2,15,y2,15,20
- w.coords 'line',15,20,35,20,35,y2,45,y2,25,height,5,y2,15,y2,15,20
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- borderwidth 10
- canvas = TkCanvas.new(frame) {|c|
- width 50
- height 50
- bd 0
- highlightthickness 0
- TkcPolygon.new(c, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2) {
- fill 'SeaGreen3'
- tags 'poly'
- }
- TkcLine.new(c, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0) {
- fill 'black'
- tags 'line'
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'anchor'=>'nw', 'fill'=>'y')
- scale = TkScale.new(frame) {
- orient 'vertical'
- length 284
- from 0
- to 250
- command proc{|value| setHeight(canvas, value)}
- tickinterval 50
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'anchor'=>'ne')
- scale.set 75
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget
deleted file mode 100644
index fb49a746b9..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1087 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# widget --
-# This script demonstrates the various widgets provided by Tk,
-# along with many of the features of the Tk toolkit. This file
-# only contains code to generate the main window for the
-# application, which invokes individual demonstrations. The
-# code for the actual demonstrations is contained in separate
-# ".rb" files is this directory, which are sourced by this script
-# as needed.
-require 'tk'
-# require 'tkafter'
-### $DEBUG=1 ##########
-$RubyTk_WidgetDemo = true
-# The code below create the main window, consisting of a menu bar
-# and a text widget that explains how to use the program, plus lists
-# all of the demos as hypertext items.
-# widget demo directory
-# $demo_dir = File.dirname($0)
-$demo_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
-# root
-$root = TkRoot.new{title "Ruby/Tk Widget Demonstration"}
-# tk
-$tk_version = Tk::TK_VERSION
-$tk_major_ver, $tk_minor_ver = $tk_version.split('.').map{|n| n.to_i}
-$tk_patchlevel = Tk::TK_PATCHLEVEL
-# tcl_platform
-$tk_platform = TkVarAccess.new('tcl_platform')
-when /^4.*/
- $font = TkFont.new('-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*', nil)
- $font = TkFont.new('Helvetica -12')
-# images
-$image = {}
-if $tk_major_ver >= 8
-$image['refresh'] = TkPhotoImage.new(:height=>16, :format=>'GIF', :data=><<EOD)
- R0lGODlhEAAQAPMAAMz/zCpnKdb/1z9mPypbKBtLGy9NMPL/9Or+6+P+4j1Y
-if $tk_major_ver >= 8
-$image['view'] = TkPhotoImage.new(:height=>16, :format=>'GIF', :data=><<EOD)
- KFjWdQQYap1QrCaGBmrRrS4nj5b53jOgbwXBKGACoYLDIuAoHCmZyYvR1rT5
-if $tk_major_ver >= 8
-$image['delete'] = TkPhotoImage.new(:height=>16, :format=>'GIF', :data=><<EOD)
- lI9pAKHbIHNoVhYhTdjlJ2AWKG2g+CldmB6rxo2uybYhbS80eRQAOw==
-if $tk_major_ver >= 8
-$image['print'] = TkPhotoImage.new(:height=>19, :format=>'GIF', :data=><<EOD)
- UlpChFpCjFpGkFpSc1paa2NKc2NKnGNja2tapWtjc29KnHNanHNjc3NjrXNr
- jHNrnHNzc3tjpXtrtXtzhICAgIRzvYSEjIZzqox7tYyEnIyMjJSEtZSEvZSM
- lJyMtZyMvZyUlJyUrZyUvZycnKWctaWlpa2czq2lzrWtvbWtzrW1tb21xr21
- 1sa9zs693s7OztbO3tbO597W1t7W7+fe7+fn5////+/n7+/v7+/v9////wAA
- PcIWKRGz5YgLbAco+KkQBQoJIRgjdGEVq+SaJajqtNrzMgsPCmoIzqmDgmWE
-if $tk_major_ver >= 8
- $root.add_menubar([[['File', 0],
- ['About ... ', proc{aboutBox}, 0, '<F1>'],
- '---',
- ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0, 'Ctrl-Q']
- ]])
- TkMenubar.new($root,
- [[['File', 0],
- ['About ... ', proc{aboutBox}, 0, '<F1>'],
- '---',
- ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0, 'Ctrl-Q']
- ]]).pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-$root.bind('F1', proc{aboutBox})
-$root.bind('Control-q', proc{exit})
- TkMenubutton.new(frame){|button|
- m = TkMenu.new(button) {
- add 'command', 'label'=>'Quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}, 'underline'=>0
- }
- menu m
- text 'File'
- underline 0
- }.pack('side'=>'left')
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- scr = TkScrollbar.new($root, 'orient'=>'vertical')
- txt = TkText.new($root) {
- wrap 'word'
- width 70
- height 30
- font $font
- setgrid 'yes'
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| scr.set first,last}
- }
- scr.command(proc{|*args| txt.yview(*args)})
- scr.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- txt.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- textFrame = TkFrame.new($root)
- scr = TkScrollbar.new($root, 'orient'=>'vertical',
- 'highlightthickness'=>0, 'takefocus'=>1) {
- pack('in'=>textFrame, 'side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y', 'padx'=>1)
- }
- txt = TkText.new($root) {
- wrap 'word'
- width 70
- height 30
- font $font
- setgrid 'yes'
- highlightthickness 0
- padx 4
- pady 2
- takefocus 0
- bd 1
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| scr.set first,last}
- }
- scr.command(proc{|*args| txt.yview(*args)})
-# txt.pack('in'=>textFrame, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both', 'padx'=>1)
-# txt.pack('in'=>textFrame, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-# textFrame.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both', 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>2)
- textFrame.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- # $root.withdraw.deiconify
- Tk.update_idletasks
- txt.pack('in'=>textFrame, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- statusBar = TkFrame.new($root) {|f|
- if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- statusfont = '-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- else
- statusfont = 'Helvetica 10'
- end
- $statusBarLabel = \
- TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>" ", 'relief'=>'sunken', 'bd'=>1, 'anchor'=>'w',
- 'font'=>statusfont) \
- .pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>2, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- TkLabel.new(f, 'width'=>8, 'relief'=>'sunken', 'bd'=>1, 'anchor'=>'w',
- 'font'=>statusfont) \
- .pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>2)
- }.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>2)
-# Create a bunch of tags to use in the text widget, such as those for
-# section titles and demo descriptions. Also define the bindings for
-# tags.
-if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- tag_title = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'font'=>'-*-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- tag_title = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'font'=>'Helvetica 18 bold')
-# We put some "space" characters to the left and right of each demo description
-# so that the descriptions are highlighted only when the mouse cursor
-# is right over them (but not when the cursor is to their left or right)
-tag_demospace = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c')
-if TkWinfo.depth($root) == 1
- tag_demo = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'underline'=>1)
- $tag_visited = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'underline'=>1)
- tag_hot = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'background'=>'black', 'foreground'=>'white')
- tag_demo = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'foreground'=>'blue', 'underline'=>1)
- $tag_visited = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'lmargin1'=>'1c', 'lmargin2'=>'1c',
- 'foreground'=>'#303080', 'underline'=>1)
-# tag_hot = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'relief'=>'raised', 'borderwidth'=>1,
-# 'background'=>'SeaGreen3')
- tag_hot = TkTextTag.new(txt, 'borderwidth'=>1, 'foreground'=>'red')
-#tag_demo.bind('Button-1', proc{invoke txt, txt.index('current')})
- proc{|x,y|invoke txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")}, '%x %y')
-lastLine = TkVariable.new("")
-newLine = TkVariable.new("")
-tag_demo.bind('Enter', proc{|x,y|
- lastLine.value = txt.index("@#{x},#{y} linestart")
- tag_hot.add(lastLine.value, "#{lastLine.value} lineend")
- showStatus txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")
- },
- '%x %y')
- proc{
- tag_hot.remove('1.0','end')
- txt.configure('cursor','xterm')
- $statusBarLabel.configure('text'=>"")
- })
-tag_demo.bind('Motion', proc{|x, y|
- newLine.value = txt.index("@#{x},#{y} linestart")
- if newLine.value != lastLine.value
- tag_hot.remove('1.0','end')
- lastLine.value = newLine.value
- if ( txt.tag_names("@#{x},#{y}").find{|t|
- t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^demo-/
- } )
- tag_hot.add(lastLine.value,
- "#{lastLine.value} lineend -1 chars")
- end
- end
- showStatus txt, txt.index("@#{x},#{y}")
- },
- '%x %y')
-# Create the text for the text widget.
-txt.insert('end', "Ruby/Tk Widget Demonstrations\n\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', <<EOT)
-This application provides a front end for several short scripts that \
-demonstrate what you can do with Tk widgets. Each of the numbered \
-lines below describes a demonstration; you can click on it to invoke \
-the demonstration. Once the demonstration window appears, you can \
-click the "See Code" button to see the Ruby/Tk code that created the \
-demonstration. If you wish, you can edit the code and click the \
-"Rerun Demo" button in the code window to reinvoke the demonstration \
-with the modified code. \
-Don't worry about breaking the source code. \
-Your modifications are not reflected on the original file. \
-Please try many kind of changes.
-Some demo scripts require the recent version of Tk library \
-(e.g. Tk8.4 or later) \
-If your Tk library linked to Ruby doesn't support the functions \
-required by the demo script, the demo doesn't work. \
-In such a case, please re-compile tcltklib with the later Tk library \
-which supports the required functions.
-If your Tk supports Ttk (Tile) extension (included or installed), \
-please try the demo of Ttk extension (sample/tkextlib/tile/demo.rb) too.
-( Probably, Ttk extension \
- require 'tkextlib/tile'
- "is already installed on your environment"
- "is not installed on your environment yet"
-. )
-Ttk extension is a standard feature of Tk8.5 or later.
-txt.insert('end', "Labels, buttons, checkbuttons, and radiobuttons.\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Labels (text and bitmaps).\n", tag_demo, "demo-label")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Labels and UNICODE text. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-unicodeout")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Buttons.\n", tag_demo, "demo-button")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. Checkbuttons (select any of a group).\n", tag_demo, "demo-check")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. Checkbuttons (if supported).\n", tag_demo, "demo-check2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "6. Radiobuttons (select one of a group).\n", tag_demo, "demo-radio")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "7. Radiobuttons (if supported 'compound' option).\n", tag_demo, "demo-radio2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "8. Radiobuttons (if supported).\n", tag_demo, "demo-radio3")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "9. A 15-puzzle game made out of buttons.\n", tag_demo, "demo-puzzle")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "10. Iconic buttons that use bitmaps.\n", tag_demo, "demo-icon")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "11. Two labels displaying images.\n", tag_demo, "demo-image1")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "12. A simple user interface for viewing images.\n", tag_demo, "demo-image2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "13. A simple user interface for viewing images. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-image3")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "14. Labelled frames (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-labelframe")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "15. The simple Themed Tk widgets (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-ttkbut")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Listboxes\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. 50 states.\n", tag_demo, "demo-states")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Colors: change the color scheme for the application.\n", "#{tag_demo.id} demo-colors")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. A collection of famous sayings.\n", tag_demo, "demo-sayings")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. A multi-column list of contries. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-mclist")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. A directory browser tree. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-tree")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Entries and Spin-boxes\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Without scrollbars.\n", tag_demo, "demo-entry1")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. With scrollbars.\n", tag_demo, "demo-entry2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
- "3. Validated entries and password fields. (if supported)\n",
- tag_demo, "demo-entry3")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. Spin-boxes. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-spin")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. Combo-boxes. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-combo")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "6. Simple Rolodex-like form.\n", tag_demo, "demo-form")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Text\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Basic editable text.\n", tag_demo, "demo-text")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Text display styles.\n", tag_demo, "demo-style")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Hypertext (tag bindings).\n", tag_demo, "demo-bind")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. A text widget with embedded windows.\n", tag_demo, "demo-twind")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. A text widget with embedded windows. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-twind2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "6. A search tool built with a text widget.\n", tag_demo, "demo-search")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "7. Peering text widgets. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-textpeer")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Canvases\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. The canvas item types.\n", tag_demo, "demo-items")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. A simple 2-D plot.\n", tag_demo, "demo-plot")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Text items in canvases.\n", tag_demo, "demo-ctext")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. An editor for arrowheads on canvas lines.\n", tag_demo, "demo-arrow")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. A ruler with adjustable tab stops.\n", tag_demo, "demo-ruler")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "6. A building floor plan.\n", tag_demo, "demo-floor")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "7. A building floor plan. (another way to create canvas items)\n", tag_demo, "demo-floor2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "8. A simple scrollable canvas.\n", tag_demo, "demo-cscroll")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "9. A Knight's tour of the chess board. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-knightstour")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Scales and Progress Bars\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Vertical scale.\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-vscale")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Horizontal scale.\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-hscale")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Progress bar. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-ttkprogress")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Paned Windows and Notebooks\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Horizontal paned window. (if supported)\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-paned1")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Vertical paned window. (if supported)\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-paned2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Themed nested panes. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-ttkpane")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. Notebook widget. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo.id, "demo-ttknote")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Menus and Toolbars\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Menus and cascades.\n", tag_demo, "demo-menu")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Menus and cascades. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-menu84")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Menubuttons.\n", tag_demo, "demo-menubu")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. Themed menu buttons. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-ttkmenu")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "5. Themed toolbar. (require Tile/Ttk extension)\n", tag_demo, "demo-toolbar")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Common Dialogs\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Message boxes.\n", tag_demo, "demo-msgbox")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Message boxes with detail text. (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-msgbox2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. File selection dialog.\n", tag_demo, "demo-filebox")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. Color picker.\n", tag_demo, "demo-clrpick")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Animation\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. Animated labels (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-anilabel")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. Animated wave (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-aniwave")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. Pendulum simulation (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-pendulum")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "4. A celebration of Rube Goldberg (if supported)\n", tag_demo, "demo-goldberg")
-txt.insert('end', "\n")
-txt.insert('end', "Miscellaneous\n", tag_title)
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "1. The built-in bitmaps.\n", tag_demo, "demo-bitmap")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "2. A dialog box with a local grab.\n", tag_demo, "demo-dialog1")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-txt.insert('end', "3. A dialog box with a global grab.\n", tag_demo, "demo-dialog2")
-txt.insert('end', " \n ", tag_demospace)
-# positionWindow --
-# This procedure is invoked by most of the demos to position a
-# new demo window.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The name of the window to position.
-def positionWindow(w)
- w.geometry('+300+300')
-# showVars --
-# Displays the values of one or more variables in a window, and
-# updates the display whenever any of the variables changes.
-# Arguments:
-# w - Name of new window to create for display.
-# args - Any number of names of variables.
-$showVarsWin = {}
-def showVars1(parent, *args)
- if $showVarsWin[parent.path]
- begin
- $showVarsWin[parent.path].destroy
- rescue
- end
- end
- w = TkToplevel.new(parent) {|w|
- title "Variable values"
- base = TkFrame.new(w).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- TkLabel.new(base) {
- text "Variable values:"
- width 20
- anchor 'center'
- if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- font '-Adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- else
- font 'Helvetica 14'
- end
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
- len = 1
- args.each{|vnam,vbody|
- len = vnam.to_s.length if vnam.to_s.length > len
- }
- args.each{|vnam,vbody|
- TkFrame.new(w){|f|
- #TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>"#{vnam}: ").pack('side'=>'left')
- TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>"#{vnam}: ",'width'=>len+2).pack('side'=>'left')
- TkLabel.new(f, 'textvariable'=>vbody, 'anchor'=>'w')\
- .pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'x')
- }.pack('side'=>'top', 'anchor'=>'w', 'fill'=>'x')
- }
- TkButton.new(base) {
- text "OK"
- command proc{w.destroy}
- }.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'pady'=>2)
- }
- $showVarsWin[parent.path] = w
-def showVars2(parent, *args)
- if $showVarsWin[parent.path]
- begin
- $showVarsWin[parent.path].destroy
- rescue
- end
- end
- $showVarsWin[parent.path] = TkToplevel.new(parent) {|top|
- title "Variable values"
- base = TkFrame.new(top).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- TkLabelFrame.new(base, :text=>"Variable values:",
- :font=>{:family=>'Helvetica', :size=>14}){|f|
- args.each{|vnam,vbody|
- TkGrid(TkLabel.new(f, :text=>"#{vnam}: ", :anchor=>'w'),
- TkLabel.new(f, :textvariable=>vbody, :anchor=>'w'),
- :padx=>2, :pady=>2, :sticky=>'w')
- }
- f.grid(:sticky=>'news', :padx=>4)
- f.grid_columnconfig(1, :weight=>1)
- f.grid_rowconfig(100, :weight=>1)
- }
- TkButton.new(base, :text=>"OK", :width=>8, :default=>:active,
- :command=>proc{top.destroy}){|b|
- top.bind('Return', proc{b.invoke})
- top.bind('Escape', proc{b.invoke})
- b.grid(:sticky=>'e', :padx=>4, :pady=>[6, 4])
- }
- base.grid_columnconfig(0, :weight=>1)
- base.grid_rowconfig(0, :weight=>1)
- }
-if $tk_major_ver < 8
- alias showVars showVars1
-elsif $tk_major_ver == 8 && $tk_minor_ver < 4
- alias showVars showVars1
-else # ver >= 8.4
- alias showVars showVars2
-# Pseudo-Toplevel support
-module PseudoToplevel_Evaluable
- def pseudo_toplevel_eval(body = Proc.new)
- Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL] = self
- begin
- body.call
- ensure
- Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL] = nil
- end
- end
- def pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?
- @pseudo_toplevel_evaluable
- end
- def pseudo_toplevel_evaluable=(mode)
- @pseudo_toplevel_evaluable = (mode)? true: false
- end
- def self.extended(mod)
- mod.__send__(:extend_object, mod)
- mod.instance_variable_set('@pseudo_toplevel_evaluable', true)
- end
-class Object
- alias __method_missing__ method_missing
- private :__method_missing__
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- begin
- has_top = (top = Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL]) &&
- top.respond_to?(:pseudo_toplevel_evaluable?) &&
- top.pseudo_toplevel_evaluable? &&
- top.respond_to?(id)
- rescue Exception => e
- has_top = false
- end
- if has_top
- top.__send__(id, *args)
- else
- __method_missing__(id, *args)
- end
- end
-class Proc
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- @__pseudo_toplevel__ = Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL]
- end
- alias __call__ call
- def call(*args, &b)
- if top = @__pseudo_toplevel__
- orig_top = Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL]
- Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL] = top
- begin
- __call__(*args, &b)
- ensure
- Thread.current[:TOPLEVEL] = orig_top
- end
- else
- __call__(*args, &b)
- end
- end
-def proc(&b)
- Proc.new(&b)
-def lambda(&b)
- Proc.new(&b)
-def _null_binding
- Module.new.instance_eval{extend PseudoToplevel_Evaluable}
- # binding
- # Module.new.instance_eval{binding}
-private :_null_binding
-def eval_samplecode(code, file=nil)
- #eval(code)
- #_null_binding.pseudo_toplevel_eval{ eval(code) }
- #Thread.new{ _null_binding.pseudo_toplevel_eval{ eval(code) } }
- Thread.new{
- _null_binding.pseudo_toplevel_eval{
- begin
- if file
- eval(code, binding, "(eval:#{file})")
- else
- eval(code)
- end
- rescue Exception=>e
- #p e
- TkBgError.show(e.class.inspect + ': ' + e.message + "\n" +
- "\n---< backtrace of Ruby side >-----\n" +
- e.backtrace.join("\n") +
- "\n---< backtrace of Tk side >-------")
- end
- }
- }
- Tk.update rescue nil
-# invoke --
-# This procedure is called when the user clicks on a demo description.
-# It is responsible for invoking the demonstration.
-# Arguments:
-# txt - Name of text widget
-# index - The index of the character that the user clicked on.
-def invoke(txt, idx)
- tag = txt.tag_names(idx).find{|t| t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^demo-/}
- return unless tag
- cursor = txt.cget('cursor')
- txt.cursor('watch')
- Tk.update rescue nil
- # eval(IO.readlines("#{[$demo_dir, tag[5..-1]].join(File::Separator)}.rb").join, _null_binding)
- # Tk.update
- eval_samplecode(IO.readlines("#{[$demo_dir, tag[5..-1]].join(File::Separator)}.rb").join, tag[5..-1] + '.rb')
- txt.cursor(cursor)
- $tag_visited.add("#{idx} linestart +1 chars", "#{idx} lineend +1 chars")
-def invoke (txt, idx)
- tag = txt.tag_names(idx).find{|t| t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^demo-/}
- return unless tag
- current_cursor = txt.cget('cursor')
- txt.cursor('watch')
- Tk.update
-# eval `cat #{tag[5..-1]}.rb`
-# eval `cat #{[$demo_dir, tag[5..-1]].join(File::Separator)}.rb`
- eval IO.readlines("#{[$demo_dir, tag[5..-1]].join(File::Separator)}.rb").join
- Tk.update
-# txt.cursor('xterm')
- txt.cursor(current_cursor)
- $tag_visited.add("#{idx} linestart +1 chars", "#{idx} lineend +1 chars")
-# showStatus --
-# Show the name of the demo program in the status bar. This procedure
-# is called when the user moves the cursor over a demo description.
-def showStatus (txt, index)
- tag = txt.tag_names(index).find{|t| t.kind_of?(String) && t =~ /^demo-/}
- cursor = txt.cget('cursor')
- unless tag
- $statusBarLabel.configure('text', " ")
- newcursor = 'xterm'
- else
- demoname = tag[5..-1]
- $statusBarLabel.configure('text',
- "Run the \"#{demoname}\" sample program")
- newcursor = 'hand2'
- end
- txt.configure('cursor'=>newcursor) if cursor != newcursor
-# showCode --
-# This procedure creates a toplevel window that displays the code for
-# a demonstration and allows it to be edited and reinvoked.
-# Arguments:
-# demo - The name of the demonstration's window, which can be
-# used to derive the name of the file containing its code.
-def showCode1(demo)
- file = "#{demo}.rb"
- $code_window = nil unless defined? $code_window
- if $code_window == nil || TkWinfo.exist?($code_window) == false
- $code_window = TkToplevel.new(nil)
- f = TkFrame.new($code_window)
- TkButton.new(f) {
- text "Dismiss"
- command proc{
- $code_window.destroy
- $code_window = nil
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'right', 'expand'=>'false', 'pady'=>2, 'padx'=>25)
- TkButton.new(f) {
- text "Rerun Demo"
- # command proc{eval($code_text.get('1.0','end'), _null_binding)}
- command proc{eval_samplecode($code_text.get('1.0','end'), '<viewer>')}
- }.pack('side'=>'right', 'expand'=>'false', 'pady'=>2)
- TkLabel.new(f,'text'=>'line:').pack('side'=>'left')
- linenum =TkLabel.new(f,'text'=>'').pack('side'=>'left')
- TkLabel.new(f,'text'=>' pos:').pack('side'=>'left')
- posnum =TkLabel.new(f,'text'=>'').pack('side'=>'left')
- $set_linenum = proc{|w|
- line, pos = w.index('insert').split('.')
- linenum.text = line
- posnum.text = pos
- }
- f.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'expand'=>'true', 'fill'=>'x')
- if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- s = TkScrollbar.new($code_window, 'orient'=>'vertical')
- $code_text = TkText.new($code_window) {
- height 40
- setgrid 'yes'
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- s.command(proc{|*args| $code_text.yview(*args)})
- s.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- $code_text.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- else
- TkFrame.new($code_window) {|f|
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both', 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1)
- hs = TkScrollbar.new($code_window, 'highlightthickness'=>0,
- 'orient'=>'horizontal')
- vs = TkScrollbar.new($code_window, 'highlightthickness'=>0,
- 'orient'=>'vertical')
- $code_text = TkText.new($code_window) {|t|
- height 40
- wrap 'word'
- xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| hs.set first,last}
- yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| vs.set first,last}
- setgrid 'yes'
- highlightthickness 0
- pady 2
- padx 3
- hs.command(proc{|*args| $code_text.xview(*args)})
- vs.command(proc{|*args| $code_text.yview(*args)})
- }
- $code_text.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- vs.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>1,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
-# xs.grid('in'=>f, 'padx'=>1, 'pady'=>1, 'row'=>1, 'column'=>0,
-# 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
-# JKC 2001-07-26: segfaults under 1.7.1 (2001-06-19) [i686-linux]
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(f, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- }
- end
- btag = TkBindTag.new
- btag.bind('Key', $set_linenum, '%W')
- btag.bind('Button', $set_linenum, '%W')
- btags = $code_text.bindtags
- btags.insert(btags.index($code_text.class) + 1, btag)
- $code_text.bindtags = btags
- else
- $code_window.deiconify
- $code_window.raise
- end
- $code_window.title("Demo code: #{file}")
- $code_window.iconname(file)
-# fid = open(file, 'r')
- fid = open([$demo_dir, file].join(File::Separator), 'r')
- $code_text.delete('1.0', 'end')
- #$code_text.insert('1.0', `cat #{file}`)
- $code_text.insert('1.0', fid.read)
- #$code_mark = TkTextMark.new($code_text, '1.0')
- #$code_text.set_insert('1.0')
- TkTextMarkInsert.new($code_text,'1.0')
- $set_linenum.call($code_text)
- fid.close
-def showCode2(demo)
- file = "#{demo}.rb"
- $code_window = nil unless defined? $code_window
- if $code_window == nil || TkWinfo.exist?($code_window) == false
- $code_window = TkToplevel.new(nil)
- tf = TkFrame.new($code_window)
- $code_text = TkText.new(tf, :font=>'Courier 10', :height=>30,
- :wrap=>'word', :bd=>1, :setgrid=>true,
- :highlightthickness=>0, :pady=>2, :padx=>3)
- xscr = TkScrollbar.new(tf, :bd=>1){assign($code_text)}
- yscr = TkScrollbar.new(tf, :bd=>1){assign($code_text)}
- TkGrid($code_text, yscr, :sticky=>'news')
- #TkGrid(xscr)
- tf.grid_rowconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- tf.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- bf = TkFrame.new($code_window)
- lf = TkFrame.new(bf)
- TkLabel.new(lf, :text=>'line:').pack(:side=>:left)
- linenum =TkLabel.new(lf, :text=>'').pack(:side=>:left)
- TkLabel.new(lf, :text=>' pos:').pack(:side=>:left)
- posnum =TkLabel.new(lf, :text=>'').pack(:side=>:left)
- $set_linenum = proc{|w|
- line, pos = w.index('insert').split('.')
- linenum.text = line
- posnum.text = pos
- }
- b_dis = TkButton.new(bf, :text=>'Dismiss', :default=>:active,
- :command=>proc{
- $code_window.destroy
- $code_window = nil
- },
- :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left)
- b_prn = TkButton.new(bf, :text=>'Print Code',
- :command=>proc{printCode($code_text, file)},
- :image=>$image['print'], :compound=>:left)
- b_run = TkButton.new(bf, :text=>'Rerun Demo',
- :command=>proc{
- # eval($code_text.get('1.0','end'), _null_binding)
- eval_samplecode($code_text.get('1.0','end'), '<viewer>')
- },
- :image=>$image['refresh'], :compound=>:left)
- TkGrid(lf, 'x', b_run, b_prn, b_dis, :padx=>4, :pady=>[6,4])
- bf.grid_columnconfigure(1, :weight=>1)
- TkGrid(tf, :sticky=>'news')
- TkGrid(bf, :sticky=>'ew')
- $code_window.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- $code_window.grid_rowconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
- $code_window.bind('Return', proc{|win|
- b_dis.invoke unless win.kind_of?(TkText)
- }, '%W')
- $code_window.bindinfo('Return').each{|cmd, arg|
- $code_window.bind_append('Escape', cmd, arg)
- }
- btag = TkBindTag.new
- btag.bind('Key', $set_linenum, '%W')
- btag.bind('Button', $set_linenum, '%W')
- btag.bind('Configure', $set_linenum, '%W')
- btags = $code_text.bindtags
- btags.insert(btags.index($code_text.class) + 1, btag)
- $code_text.bindtags = btags
- else
- $code_window.deiconify
- $code_window.raise
- end
- $code_window.title("Demo code: #{file}")
- $code_window.iconname(file)
- fid = open([$demo_dir, file].join(File::Separator), 'r')
- $code_text.delete('1.0', 'end')
- $code_text.insert('1.0', fid.read)
- TkTextMarkInsert.new($code_text,'1.0')
- $set_linenum.call($code_text)
- fid.close
-if $tk_major_ver < 8
- alias showCode showCode1
-elsif $tk_major_ver == 8 && $tk_minor_ver < 4
- alias showCode showCode1
-else # ver >= 8.4
- alias showCode showCode2
-# printCode --
-# Prints the source code currently displayed in the See Code dialog.
-# Much thanks to Arjen Markus for this.
-# Arguments:
-# txt - Name of text widget containing code to print
-# file - Name of the original file (implicitly for title)
-def printCode(txt, file)
- code = txt.get('1.0', 'end - 1c')
- dir = '.'
- dir = ENV['HOME'] if ENV['HOME']
- dir = ENV['TMP'] if ENV['TMP']
- dir = ENV['TEMP'] if ENV['TEMP']
- fname = [dir, 'tkdemo-' + file].join(File::Separator)
- open(fname, 'w'){|fid| fid.print(code)}
- begin
- case Tk::TCL_PLATFORM('platform')
- when 'unix'
- msg = `lp -c #{fname}`
- unless $?.exitstatus == 0
- Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Print spooling failure',
- :message=>'Print spooling probably failed: ' + msg)
- end
- when 'windows'
- begin
- printTextWin32(fname)
- rescue => e
- Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Print spooling failure',
- :message=>'Print spooling probably failed: ' +
- e.message)
- end
- when 'macintosh'
- Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Operation not Implemented',
- :message=>'Oops, sorry: not implemented yet!')
- else
- Tk.messageBox(:title=>'Operation not Implemented',
- :message=>'Wow! Unknown platform: ' +
- Tk::TCL_PLATFORM('platform'))
- end
- ensure
- File.delete(fname)
- end
-# printTextWin32 --
-# Print a file under Windows
-# Arguments:
-# filename - Name of the file
-def printTextWin32(fname)
- require 'win32/registry'
- begin
- app = Win32::Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT['.txt']
- pcmd = nil
- Win32::Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.open("#{app}\\shell\\print"){|reg|
- pcmd = reg['command']
- }
- rescue
- app = Tk.tk_call('auto_execok', 'notepad.exe')
- pcmd = "#{app} /p %1"
- end
- pcmd.gsub!('%1', fname)
- puts pcmd
- cmd = Tk.tk_call('auto_execok', 'start') + ' /min ' + pcmd
- msg = `#{cmd}`
- unless $?.exitstatus == 0
- fail RuntimeError, msg
- end
-# aboutBox
-# Pops up a message box with an "about" message
-def aboutBox
- Tk.messageBox('icon'=>'info', 'type'=>'ok', 'title'=>'About Widget Demo',
- 'message'=>"Ruby/Tk widget demonstration Ver.1.7.1-en\n\n" +
- "based on demos of Tk8.1 -- 8.5 " +
- "( Copyright of Tcl/Tk demos:: " +
- "(c) 1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. / " +
- "(c) 1997-2000 Ajuba Solutions, Inc. / " +
- "(c) 2001-2007 Donal K. Fellows / " +
- "(c) 2002-2007 Daniel A. Steffen )\n\n" +
- "Your Ruby & Tk Version ::\n" +
- "Ruby#{RUBY_VERSION}(#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE})[#{RUBY_PLATFORM}] / Tk#{$tk_patchlevel}#{(Tk::JAPANIZED_TK)? '-jp': ''}\n\n" +
- "Ruby/Tk release date :: tcltklib #{TclTkLib::RELEASE_DATE}; tk #{Tk::RELEASE_DATE}")
-# start demos if given at command line
-no_launcher = false
-if ARGV[0] == '-n'
- ARGV.shift
- no_launcher = true if ARGV.size > 0
- # show the root widget to make it lower then demo windows
- Tk.update rescue nil
- if cmd =~ /(.*).rb/
- cmd = $1
- end
- #eval(IO.readlines("#{[$demo_dir, cmd].join(File::Separator)}.rb").join,
- # _null_binding)
- eval_samplecode(IO.readlines("#{[$demo_dir, cmd].join(File::Separator)}.rb").join, cmd + '.rb')
-if no_launcher
- $root.withdraw # hide root window
- Thread.start{
- loop do
- count = 0
- $root.winfo_children.each{|w|
- count += 1 if w.kind_of?(TkToplevel)
- }
- $root.destroy if count == 0
- end
- }
-# start eventloop