path: root/ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/menubu.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/menubu.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/menubu.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/menubu.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 57b1d41420..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/menubu.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require "tkcanvas"
-def optionMenu(menubutton, varName, firstValue, *rest)
- varName.value = firstValue
- configoptions = {'textvariable'=>varName,'indicatoron'=>'on',
- 'relief'=>'raised','borderwidth'=>2,'highlightthickness'=>2,
- 'anchor'=>'c','direction'=>'flush'}
- configoptions.each {|key, value|
- menubutton.configure(key, value)
- }
- menu = TkMenu.new(menubutton) {
- tearoff 'off'
- add 'radio', 'label'=>firstValue, 'variable'=>varName
- }
- menubutton.menu(menu)
- for i in rest
- menu.add 'radio', 'label'=>i, 'variable'=>varName
- end
- return menu
-if defined?($menubu_demo) && $menubu_demo
- $menubu_demo.destroy
- $menubu_demo = nil
-$menubu_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Menu Button Demonstration")
- iconname("menubutton")
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($menubu_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# version check
-if $tk_version.to_f < 8.0
-# label 生成
-TkLabel.new(base_frame,'font'=>$font,'wraplength'=>'4i','justify'=>'left') {
- text("実行しようとしたスクリプトは Tk8.0 以上で利用できる機能を利用しているため、あなたの Ruby#{VERSION}/Tk#{$tk_version}#{(Tk::JAPANIZED_TK)? 'jp': ''} では正常に実行できません。よってデモの実行を中止しました。ただし、下のコード参照ボタンを押すことで、実行が中止されたスクリプトのソースを参照することは可能です。")
-# frame 生成
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- #text '了解'
- text '閉じる'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $menubu_demo
- $menubu_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'コード参照'
- command proc{showCode 'menubu'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-else ; # Tk8.x
-body = TkFrame.new(base_frame)
-body.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-below = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Below"
- underline 0
- direction 'below'
- relief 'raised'
-belowMenu = TkMenu.new(below) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Below menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Below menu.\""}
-below.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'n')
-below = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Below"
- underline 0
- direction 'below'
- relief 'raised'
-belowMenu = TkMenu.new(below) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Below menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Below menu.\""}
-below.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'n')
-below = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Below"
- underline 0
- direction 'below'
- relief 'raised'
-belowMenu = TkMenu.new(below) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Below menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Below menu.\""}
-below.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'n')
-right = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Right"
- underline 0
- direction 'right'
- relief 'raised'
-rightMenu = TkMenu.new(right) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Right menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Left menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Right menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Right menu.\""}
-right.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'w')
-left = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Left"
- underline 0
- direction 'left'
- relief 'raised'
-leftMenu = TkMenu.new(left) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Left menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Left menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Left menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Left menu.\""}
-left.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>2, 'sticky'=>'e')
-center = TkFrame.new(body) {
- grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
-above = TkMenubutton.new(body) {
- text "Above"
- underline 0
- direction 'above'
- relief 'raised'
-aboveMenu = TkMenu.new(above) {
- tearoff 0
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Above menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Above menu.\""}
- add 'command', 'label'=>"Above menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Above menu.\""}
-above.grid('row'=>2, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'s')
-center = TkFrame.new(body) {
- grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- #text '了解'
- text '閉じる'
- command proc {
- tmppath = $menubu_demo
- $menubu_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'コード参照'
- command proc { showCode 'menubu' }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-msg = TkLabel.new(center) {
-# font $font
- wraplength '4i'
- justify 'left'
- text "これはメニューボタンのデモです。\"Below\"のボタンは\
-msg.pack('side'=>'top', 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25)
-TkFrame.new(center) {|f|
- menubuttonoptions = TkVariable.new
- mbutton = TkMenubutton.new(f)
- options = optionMenu(mbutton, menubuttonoptions,
- 'one', 'two', 'three')
- mbutton.pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25)
- paletteColor = TkVariable.new
- colors = ['Black','red4','DarkGreen','NavyBlue', 'gray75',
- 'Red','Green','Blue','gray50','Yellow','Cyan','Magenta',
- 'White','Brown','DarkSeaGreen','DarkViolet']
- colorMenuButton = TkMenubutton.new(f)
- m = optionMenu(colorMenuButton, paletteColor, *colors)
- begin
- windowingsystem = Tk.windowingsystem()
- rescue
- windowingsystem = ""
- end
- if windowingsystem == "classic" || windowingsystem == "aqua"
- topBorderColor = 'Black'
- bottomBorderColor = 'Black'
- else
- topBorderColor = 'gray50'
- bottomBorderColor = 'gray75'
- end
- for i in 0..15
- image = TkPhotoImage.new('height'=>16, 'width'=>16)
- image.put(topBorderColor, 0, 0, 16, 1)
- image.put(topBorderColor, 0, 1, 1, 16)
- image.put(bottomBorderColor, 0, 15, 16, 16)
- image.put(bottomBorderColor, 15, 1, 16, 16)
- image.put(colors[i], 1, 1, 15, 15)
- selectimage = TkPhotoImage.new('height'=>16, 'width'=>16)
- selectimage.put('Black', 0, 0, 16, 2)
- selectimage.put('Black', 0, 2, 2, 16)
- selectimage.put('Black', 2, 14, 16, 16)
- selectimage.put('Black', 14, 2, 16, 14)
- selectimage.put(colors[i], 2, 2, 14, 14)
- m.entryconfigure(i, 'image'=>image, 'selectimage'=>selectimage, 'hidemargin'=>'on')
- end
- m.configure('tearoff', 'on')
- for c in ['Black', 'gray75', 'gray50', 'White']
- m.entryconfigure(c, 'columnbreak'=>1)
- end
- colorMenuButton.pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25)
- pack 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25
-end ; # Tk8.x