path: root/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/blt/pareto.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/blt/pareto.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/blt/pareto.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/blt/pareto.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e68cde7992..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/blt/pareto.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt'
-# Example of a pareto chart.
-# The pareto chart mixes line and bar elements in the same graph.
-# Each processing operating is represented by a bar element. The
-# total accumulated defects is displayed with a single line element.
-b = Tk::BLT::Barchart.new(:title=>'Defects Found During Inspection',
- :font=>'Helvetica 12', :plotpady=>[12, 4],
- :width=>'6i', :height=>'5i')
-Tk::BLT::Table.add(Tk.root, b, :fill=>:both)
-data = [
- ["Spot Weld", 82, 'yellow'],
- ["Lathe", 49, 'orange'],
- ["Gear Cut", 38, 'green'],
- ["Drill", 24, 'blue'],
- ["Grind", 17, 'red'],
- ["Lapping", 12, 'brown'],
- ["Press", 8, 'purple'],
- ["De-burr", 4, 'pink'],
- ["Packaging", 3, 'cyan'],
- ["Other", 12, 'magenta']
-# Create an X-Y graph line element to trace the accumulated defects.
-b.line_create('accum', :label=>'', :symbol=>:none, :color=>'red')
-# Define a bitmap to be used to stipple the background of each bar.
-pattern1 = Tk::BLT::Bitmap.define([ [4, 4], [1, 2, 4, 8] ])
-# For each process, create a bar element to display the magnitude.
-count = 0
-sum = 0
-ydata = [0]
-xdata = [0]
-labels = []
-data.each{|label, value, color|
- count += 1
- b.element_create(label, :xdata=>count, :ydata=>value, :foreground=>color,
- :relief=>:solid, :borderwidth=>1, :stipple=>pattern1,
- :background=>'lightblue')
- labels[count] = label
- # Get the total number of defects.
- sum += value
- ydata << sum
- xdata << count
-# Configure the coordinates of the accumulated defects,
-# now that we know what they are.
-b.element_configure('accum', :xdata=>xdata, :ydata=>ydata)
-# Add text markers to label the percentage of total at each point.
-xdata.zip(ydata){|x, y|
- percent = (y * 100.0) / sum
- if x == 0
- text = ' 0%'
- else
- text = '%.1f' % percent
- end
- b.marker_create(:text, :coords=>[x, y], :text=>text, :font=>'Helvetica 10',
- :foreground=>'red4', :anchor=>:center, :yoffset=>-5)
-# Display an auxiliary y-axis for percentages.
-b.axis_configure('y2', :hide=>false, :min=>0.0, :max=>100.0,
- :title=>'Percentage')
-# Title the y-axis
-b.axis_configure('y', :title=>'Defects')
-# Configure the x-axis to display the process names, instead of numbers.
-b.axis_configure('x', :title=>'Process', :rotate=>90, :subdivisions=>0,
- :command=>proc{|w, val|
- val = val.round
- labels[val]? labels[val]: val
- })
-# No legend needed.
-# Configure the grid lines.
-b.gridline_configure(:mapx=>:x, :color=>'lightblue')