path: root/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/bwidget/demo.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/bwidget/demo.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 244 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/bwidget/demo.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/bwidget/demo.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe54eebbd..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/bwidget/demo.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/bwidget'
-module DemoVar
- @_wfont = nil
- @notebook = nil
- @mainframe = nil
- @status = TkVariable.new
- @prgtext = TkVariable.new
- @prgindic = TkVariable.new
- @font = nil
- @font_name = nil
- @toolbar1 = TkVariable.new(true)
- @toolbar2 = TkVariable.new(true)
-class << DemoVar
- attr_accessor :_wfont, :notebook, :mainframe, :font, :font_name
- attr_reader :status, :prgtext, :prgindic, :toolbar1, :toolbar2
-class BWidget_Demo
- DEMODIR = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
- %w(manager basic select dnd tree tmpldlg).each{|f|
- require File.join(DEMODIR, f << '.rb')
- }
- def initialize
- TkOption.add('*TitleFrame.l.font', 'helvetica 11 bold italic')
- root = TkRoot.new(:title=>'BWidget demo')
- root.withdraw
- _create
- Tk::BWidget.place(root, 0, 0, :center)
- root.deiconify
- root.raise
- root.focus(true)
- root.geometry(root.geometry)
- end
- def _create
- DemoVar.prgtext.value = 'Please wait while loading font...'
- DemoVar.prgindic.value = -1
- intro = _create_intro
- Tk.update
- Tk::BWidget::SelectFont.load_font
- descmenu = [
- '&File', 'all', 'file', 0, [
- ['command', 'E&xit', [], 'Exit BWidget demo', [],
- {:command=>proc{exit}}]
- ],
- '&Options', 'all', 'options', 0, [
- ['checkbutton', 'Toolbar &1', ['all', 'option'],
- 'Show/hide toolbar 1', [],
- { :variable=>DemoVar.toolbar1,
- :command=>proc{
- DemoVar.mainframe.show_toolbar(0, DemoVar.toolbar1.value)
- }
- }
- ],
- ['checkbutton', 'Toolbar &2', ['all', 'option'],
- 'Show/hide toolbar 2', [],
- { :variable=>DemoVar.toolbar2,
- :command=>proc{
- DemoVar.mainframe.show_toolbar(1, DemoVar.toolbar2.value)
- }
- }
- ]
- ]
- ]
- DemoVar.prgtext.value = 'Creating MainFrame...'
- DemoVar.prgindic.value = 0
- DemoVar.mainframe = Tk::BWidget::MainFrame.new(
- :menu=>descmenu,
- :textvariable=>DemoVar.status,
- :progressvar=>DemoVar.prgindic
- )
- # toolbar 1 creation
- DemoVar.prgindic.numeric += 1
- DemoVar.mainframe.add_toolbar{|tb1|
- Tk::BWidget::ButtonBox.new(tb1, :spacing=>0, :padx=>1, :pady=>1){|bbox|
- add(:image=>Tk::BWidget::Bitmap.new('new'),
- :highlightthickness=>0, :takefocus=>0, :relief=>:link,
- :borderwidth=>1, :padx=>1, :pady=>1,
- :command=>proc{puts 'select "Create a new file" icon'},
- :helptext=>"Create a new file")
- add(:image=>Tk::BWidget::Bitmap.new('open'),
- :highlightthickness=>0, :takefocus=>0, :relief=>:link,
- :borderwidth=>1, :padx=>1, :pady=>1,
- :command=>proc{puts 'select "Open an existing file" icon'},
- :helptext=>"Open an existing file")
- add(:image=>Tk::BWidget::Bitmap.new('save'),
- :highlightthickness=>0, :takefocus=>0, :relief=>:link,
- :borderwidth=>1, :padx=>1, :pady=>1,
- :command=>proc{puts 'select "Save file" icon'},
- :helptext=>"Save file")
- pack(:side=>:left, :anchor=>:w)
- }
- Tk::BWidget::Separator.new(tb1, :orient=>:vertical){
- pack(:side=>:left, :fill=>:y, :padx=>4, :anchor=>:w)
- }
- DemoVar.prgindic.numeric += 1
- Tk::BWidget::ButtonBox.new(tb1, :spacing=>0, :padx=>1, :pady=>1){|bbox|
- add(:image=>Tk::BWidget::Bitmap.new('cut'),
- :highlightthickness=>0, :takefocus=>0, :relief=>:link,
- :borderwidth=>1, :padx=>1, :pady=>1,
- :command=>proc{puts 'select "Cut selection" icon'},
- :helptext=>"Cut selection")
- add(:image=>Tk::BWidget::Bitmap.new('copy'),
- :highlightthickness=>0, :takefocus=>0, :relief=>:link,
- :borderwidth=>1, :padx=>1, :pady=>1,
- :command=>proc{puts 'select "Copy selection" icon'},
- :helptext=>"Copy selection")
- add(:image=>Tk::BWidget::Bitmap.new('paste'),
- :highlightthickness=>0, :takefocus=>0, :relief=>:link,
- :borderwidth=>1, :padx=>1, :pady=>1,
- :command=>proc{puts 'select "Paste selection" icon'},
- :helptext=>"Paste selection")
- pack(:side=>:left, :anchor=>:w)
- }
- }
- # toolbar 2 creation
- DemoVar.prgindic.numeric += 1
- tb2 = DemoVar.mainframe.add_toolbar
- DemoVar._wfont = Tk::BWidget::SelectFont::Toolbar.new(tb2,
- :command=>proc{update_font(DemoVar._wfont[:font])}
- )
- DemoVar.font = DemoVar._wfont[:font]
- DemoVar._wfont.pack(:side=>:left, :anchor=>:w)
- DemoVar.mainframe.add_indicator(
- :text=>"BWidget #{Tk::BWidget.package_version}"
- )
- DemoVar.mainframe.add_indicator(:textvariable=>'tk_patchLevel')
- # NoteBook creation
- DemoVar.notebook = Tk::BWidget::NoteBook.new(DemoVar.mainframe.get_frame)
- DemoVar.prgtext.value = "Creating Manager..."
- DemoVar.prgindic.numeric += 1
- DemoManager.create(DemoVar.notebook)
- DemoVar.prgtext.value = "Creating Basic..."
- DemoVar.prgindic.numeric += 1
- DemoBasic.create(DemoVar.notebook)
- DemoVar.prgtext.value = "Creating Select..."
- DemoVar.prgindic.numeric += 1
- DemoSelect.create(DemoVar.notebook)
- DemoVar.prgtext.value = "Creating Dialog..."
- DemoVar.prgindic.numeric += 1
- DemoDialog.create(DemoVar.notebook)
- DemoVar.prgtext.value = "Creating Drag and Drop..."
- DemoVar.prgindic.numeric += 1
- DemoDnD.create(DemoVar.notebook)
- DemoVar.prgtext.value = "Creating Tree..."
- DemoVar.prgindic.numeric += 1
- DemoTree.create(DemoVar.notebook)
- DemoVar.prgtext.value = "Done"
- DemoVar.prgindic.numeric += 1
- DemoVar.notebook.compute_size
- DemoVar.notebook.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true, :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
- DemoVar.notebook.raise(DemoVar.notebook.get_page(0))
- DemoVar.mainframe.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
- Tk.update_idletasks
- intro.destroy
- end
- def update_font(newfont)
- root = Tk.root
- root[:cursor] = 'watch'
- if newfont != '' && DemoVar.font != newfont
- DemoVar._wfont[:font] = newfont
- DemoVar.notebook[:font] = newfont
- DemoVar.font = newfont
- end
- root[:cursor] = ''
- end
- def _create_intro
- top = TkToplevel.new(:relief=>:raised, :borderwidth=>2)
- top.withdraw
- top.overrideredirect(true)
- ximg = TkLabel.new(top, :bitmap=>"@#{File.join(DEMODIR,'x1.xbm')}",
- :foreground=>'grey90', :background=>'white')
- bwimg = TkLabel.new(ximg, :bitmap=>"@#{File.join(DEMODIR,'bwidget.xbm')}",
- :foreground=>'grey90', :background=>'white')
- frame = TkFrame.new(ximg, :background=>'white')
- TkLabel.new(frame, :text=>'Loading demo',
- :background=>'white', :font=>'times 8').pack
- TkLabel.new(frame, :textvariable=>DemoVar.prgtext,
- :background=>'white', :font=>'times 8', :width=>35).pack
- Tk::BWidget::ProgressBar.new(frame, :width=>50, :height=>10,
- :background=>'white',
- :variable=>DemoVar.prgindic,
- :maximum=>10).pack
- frame.place(:x=>0, :y=>0, :anchor=>:nw)
- bwimg.place(:relx=>1, :rely=>1, :anchor=>:se)
- ximg.pack
- Tk::BWidget.place(top, 0, 0, :center)
- top.deiconify
- top
- end
-module DemoVar
- Demo = BWidget_Demo.new