path: root/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/treectrl/random.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/treectrl/random.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 509 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/treectrl/random.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/treectrl/random.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 33bbcc2631..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/treectrl/random.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-def random_N
- @RandomN[0] || 500
-# Demo: random N items
-def demoRandom(t)
- init_pics('folder-*', 'small-*')
- height = t.font.metrics(:linespace)
- height = 18 if height < 18
- t.configure(:itemheight=>height, :selectmode=>:extended,
- :showroot=>true, :showrootbutton=>true, :showbuttons=>true,
- :showlines=>true, :scrollmargin=>16,
- :xscrolldelay=>[500, 50], :yscrolldelay=>[500, 50])
- if $Version_1_1_OrLater
- t.column_create(:expand=>true, :text=>'Item',
- :itembackground=>['#e0e8f0', []], :tag=>'item')
- t.column_create(:text=>'Parent', :justify=>:center,
- :itembackground=>['gray90', []], :tag=>'parent')
- t.column_create(:text=>'Depth', :justify=>:center,
- :itembackground=>['linen', []], :tag=>'depth')
- else # TreeCtrl 1.0
- t.column_configure(0, :expand=>true, :text=>'Item',
- :itembackground=>['#e0e8f0', []], :tag=>'item')
- t.column_configure(1, :text=>'Parent', :justify=>:center,
- :itembackground=>['gray90', []], :tag=>'parent')
- t.column_configure(2, :text=>'Depth', :justify=>:center,
- :itembackground=>['linen', []], :tag=>'depth')
- end
- t.element_create('e1', :image, :image=>[
- @images['folder-open'], ['open'],
- @images['folder-closed'], []
- ])
- t.element_create('e2', :image, :image=>@images['small-file'])
- t.element_create('e3', :text,
- :fill=>[@SystemHighlightText, ['selected', 'focus']])
- t.element_create('e4', :text, :fill=>'blue')
- t.element_create('e6', :text)
- t.element_create('e5', :rect, :showfocus=>true,
- :fill=>[
- @SystemHighlight, ['selected', 'focus'],
- 'gray', ['selected', '!focus']
- ])
- s = t.style_create('s1')
- t.style_elements(s, ['e5', 'e1', 'e3', 'e4'])
- t.style_layout(s, 'e1', :padx=>[0,4], :expand=>:ns)
- t.style_layout(s, 'e3', :padx=>[0,4], :expand=>:ns)
- t.style_layout(s, 'e4', :padx=>[0,6], :expand=>:ns)
- t.style_layout(s, 'e5', :union=>['e3'], :iexpand=>:ns, :ipadx=>2)
- s = t.style_create('s2')
- t.style_elements(s, ['e5', 'e2', 'e3'])
- t.style_layout(s, 'e2', :padx=>[0,4], :expand=>:ns)
- t.style_layout(s, 'e3', :padx=>[0,4], :expand=>:ns)
- t.style_layout(s, 'e5', :union=>['e3'], :iexpand=>:ns, :ipadx=>2)
- s = t.style_create('s3')
- t.style_elements(s, ['e6'])
- t.style_layout(s, 'e6', :padx=>6, :expand=>:ns)
- @Priv[:sensitive, t] = [
- [:item, 's1', 'e5', 'e1', 'e3'],
- [:item, 's2', 'e5', 'e2', 'e3']
- ]
- @Priv[:dragimage, t] = [
- [:item, 's1', 'e1', 'e3'],
- [:item, 's2', 'e2', 'e3']
- ]
- clicks = Tk::Clock.clicks
- items = [ t.index(:root) ]
- (1...(random_N())).each{|i|
- item_i = t.item_create
- item_j = nil
- loop {
- j = rand(i)
- item_j = items[j]
- break if t.depth(item_j) < 5
- }
- if $Version_1_1_OrLater
- t.item_collapse(item_i) if rand(2) == 0
- else # TreeCtrl 1.0
- t.collapse(item_i) if rand(2) == 0
- end
- if rand(2) == 0
- t.item_lastchild(item_j, item_i)
- else
- t.item_firstchild(item_j, item_i)
- end
- items << item_i
- }
- puts "created #{random_N() - 1} items in #{Tk::Clock.clicks - clicks} clicks"
- clicks = Tk::Clock.clicks
- (0...(random_N())).each{|i|
- item_i = items[i]
- numChildren = t.item_numchildren(item_i)
- if numChildren > 0
- if $Version_1_1_OrLater
- t.item_configure(item_i, :button=>true)
- else # TreeCtrl 1.0
- t.item_hasbutton(item_i, true)
- end
- t.item_style_set(item_i, 0, 's1', 1, 's3', 2, 's3')
- t.item_complex(item_i,
- [ ['e3', {:text=>"Item #{i}"}],
- ['e4', {:text=>"(#{numChildren})"}] ],
- [ ['e6', {:text=>"#{t.item_parent(item_i)}"}] ],
- [ ['e6', {:text=>"#{t.depth(item_i)}"}] ])
- else
- t.item_style_set(item_i, 1, 's3', 2, 's3', 0, 's2')
- t.item_complex(item_i,
- [ ['e3', {:text=>"Item #{i}"}] ],
- [ ['e6', {:text=>"#{t.item_parent(item_i)}"}] ],
- [ ['e6', {:text=>"#{t.depth(item_i)}"}] ])
- end
- }
- puts "configured #{random_N()} items in #{Tk::Clock.clicks - clicks} clicks"
- treeCtrlRandom = TkBindTag.new
- treeCtrlRandom.bind('Double-ButtonPress-1',
- proc{|w, x, y|
- Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback.doubleButton1(w, x, y)
- Tk.callback_break
- }, '%W %x %y')
- treeCtrlRandom.bind('Control-ButtonPress-1',
- proc{|w, x, y|
- @Priv['selectMode'] = :toggle
- randomButton1(w, x, y)
- Tk.callback_break
- }, '%W %x %y')
- treeCtrlRandom.bind('Shift-ButtonPress-1',
- proc{|w, x, y|
- @Priv['selectMode'] = :add
- randomButton1(w, x, y)
- Tk.callback_break
- }, '%W %x %y')
- treeCtrlRandom.bind('ButtonPress-1',
- proc{|w, x, y|
- @Priv['selectMode'] = :set
- randomButton1(w, x, y)
- Tk.callback_break
- }, '%W %x %y')
- treeCtrlRandom.bind('Button1-Motion',
- proc{|w, x, y|
- randomMotion1(w, x, y)
- Tk.callback_break
- }, '%W %x %y')
- treeCtrlRandom.bind('Button1-Leave',
- proc{|w, x, y|
- randomLeave1(w, x, y)
- Tk.callback_break
- }, '%W %x %y')
- treeCtrlRandom.bind('ButtonRelease-1',
- proc{|w, x, y|
- randomRelease1(w, x, y)
- Tk.callback_break
- }, '%W %x %y')
- t.bindtags = [ t, treeCtrlRandom, Tk::TreeCtrl, t.winfo_toplevel, :all ]
-def randomButton1(t, x, y)
- t.set_focus
- id = t.identify(x, y)
- puts id.inspect
- @Priv['buttonMode'] = ''
- # Click outside any item
- if id.empty?
- t.selection_clear
- # Click in header
- elsif id[0] == 'header'
- Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback.buttonPress1(t, x, y)
- # Click in item
- else
- where, item, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 = id
- case arg1
- when 'button'
- if $Version_1_1_OrLater
- t.item_toggle(item)
- else # TreeCtrl 1.0
- t.toggle(item)
- end
- when 'line'
- if $Version_1_1_OrLater
- t.item_toggle(arg2)
- else # TreeCtrl 1.0
- t.toggle(arg2)
- end
- when 'column'
- ok = false
- # Clicked an element
- if id.length == 6
- column = id[3]
- e = id[5]
- @Priv.list_element(:sensitive, t).each{|lst|
- c, s, *eList = TkComm.simplelist(lst)
- next if column != t.column_index(c)
- next if t.item_style_set(item, c) != s
- next if eList.find{|le| le == e} == nil
- ok = true
- break
- }
- end
- unless ok
- t.selection_clear
- return
- end
- @Priv[:drag, :motion] = 0
- @Priv[:drag, :x] = t.canvasx(x)
- @Priv[:drag, :y] = t.canvasy(y)
- @Priv[:drop] = ''
- if @Priv['selectMode'] == 'add'
- Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback.beginExtend(t, item)
- elsif @Priv['selectMode'] == 'toggle'
- Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback.beginToggle(t, item)
- elsif ! t.selection_includes(item)
- Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback.beginSelect(t, item)
- end
- t.activate(item)
- if t.selection_includes(item)
- @Priv['buttonMode'] = 'drag'
- end
- end
- end
-def randomMotion1(t, x, y)
- case @Priv['buttonMode']
- when 'resize', 'header'
- Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback.motion1(t, x, y)
- when 'drag'
- randomAutoScanCheck(t, x, y)
- randomMotion(t, x, y)
- end
-def randomMotion(t, x, y)
- case @Priv['buttonMode']
- when 'resize', 'header'
- Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback.motion1(t, x, y)
- when 'drag'
- # Detect initial mouse movement
- unless @Priv.bool_element(:drag, :motion)
- @Priv[:selection] = t.selection_get
- @Priv[:drop] = ''
- t.dragimage_clear
- # For each selected item, add 2nd and 3rd elements of
- # column "item" to the dragimage
- @Priv.list_element(:selection).each{|i|
- @Priv.list_element(:dragimage,t).each{|lst|
- c, s, *eList = TkComm.simplelist(lst)
- if t.item_style_set(i, c) == s
- t.dragimage_add(i, c, *eList)
- end
- }
- }
- @Priv[:drag,:motion] = true
- end
- # Find the item under the cursor
- cursor = 'X_cursor'
- drop = ''
- id = t.identify(x, y)
- ok = false
- if !id.empty? && id[0] == 'item' && id.length == 6
- item = id[1]
- column = id[3]
- e = id[5]
- @Priv.list_element(:sensitive,t).each{|lst|
- c, s, *eList = TkComm.simplelist(lst)
- next if column != t.column_index(c)
- next if t.item_style_set(item, c) != s
- next unless eList.find{|val| val.to_s == e.to_s}
- ok = true
- break
- }
- ok = true if @Priv.list_element(:sensitive,t).find{|val| TkComm.simplelist(val).index(e)}
- end
- if ok
- # If the item is not in the pre-drag selection
- # (i.e. not being dragged) see if we can drop on it
- unless @Priv.list_element(:selection).find{|val| val.to_s == item.to_s}
- drop = item
- # We can drop if dragged item isn't an ancestor
- @Priv.list_element(:selection).each{|item2|
- if t.item_isancestor(item2, item)
- drop = ''
- break
- end
- }
- if drop != ''
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = t.item_bbox(drop)
- if y < y1 + 3
- cursor = 'top_side'
- @Priv[:drop,:pos] = 'prevsibling'
- elsif y >= y2 - 3
- cursor = 'bottom_side'
- @Priv[:drop,:pos] = 'nextsibling'
- else
- cursor = ''
- @Priv[:drop,:pos] = 'lastchild'
- end
- end
- end
- end
- t[:cursor] = cursor if t[:cursor] != cursor
- # Select the item under the cursor (if any) and deselect
- # the previous drop-item (if any)
- t.selection_modify(drop, @Priv[:drop])
- @Priv[:drop] = drop
- # Show the dragimage in its new position
- x = t.canvasx(x) - @Priv.numeric_element(:drag,:x)
- y = t.canvasx(y) - @Priv.numeric_element(:drag,:y)
- t.dragimage_offset(x, y)
- t.dragimage_configure(:visible=>true)
- end
-def randomLeave1(t, x, y)
- # This is called when I do ButtonPress-1 on Unix for some reason,
- # and buttonMode is undefined.
- return unless @Priv.exist?('buttonMode')
- case @Priv['buttonMode']
- when 'header'
- Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback.leave1(t, x, y)
- end
-def randomRelease1(t, x, y)
- case @Priv['buttonMode']
- when 'resize', 'header'
- Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback.release1(t, x, y)
- when 'drag'
- Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback.autoScanCancel(t)
- t.dragimage_configure(:visible=>false)
- t.selection_modify('', @Priv[:drop])
- t[:cursor] = ''
- if @Priv[:drop] != ''
- randomDrop(t, @Priv[:drop], @Priv.list_element(:selection),
- @Priv[:drop, :pos])
- end
- end
- @Priv['buttonMode'] = ''
-def randomDrop(t, target, src, pos)
- parentList = []
- case pos
- when 'lastchild'
- parent = target
- when 'prevsibling'
- parent = t.item_parent(target)
- when 'nextsibling'
- parent = t.item_parent(target)
- end
- src.each{|item|
- # Ignore any item whose ancestor is also selected
- ignore = false
- t.item_ancestors(item).each{|ancestor|
- if src.find{|val| val.to_s == ancestor.to_s}
- ignore = true
- break
- end
- }
- next if ignore
- # Update the old parent of this moved item later
- unless parentList.find{|val| val.to_s == item.to_s}
- parentList << t.item_parent(item)
- end
- # Add to target
- t.__send__("item_#{pos}", target, item)
- # Update text: parent
- t.item_element_configure(item, 'parent', 'e6', :text=>parent)
- # Update text: depth
- t.item_element_configure(item, 'depth', 'e6', :text=>t.depth(item))
- # Recursively update text: depth
- itemList = []
- item = t.item_firstchild(item)
- itemList << item if item != ''
- while item = itemList.pop
- t.item_element_configure(item, 'depth', 'e6', :text=>t.depth(item))
- item2 = t.item_nextsibling(item)
- itemList << item2 if item2 != ''
- item2 = t.item_firstchild(item)
- itemList << item2 if item2 != ''
- end
- }
- # Update items that lost some children
- parentList.each{|item|
- numChildren = t.item_numchildren(item)
- if numChildren == 0
- if $Version_1_1_OrLater
- t.item_configure(item, :button=>false)
- else # TreeCtrl 1.0
- t.item_hasbutton(item, false)
- end
- t.item_style_map(item, 'item', 's2', ['e3', 'e3'])
- else
- t.item_element_configure(item, 'item', 'e4', :text=>"(#{numChildren})")
- end
- }
- # Update the target that gained some children
- if t.item_style_set(parent, 0) != 's1'
- if $Version_1_1_OrLater
- t.item_configure(parent, :button=>true)
- else # TreeCtrl 1.0
- t.item_hasbutton(parent, true)
- end
- t.item_style_map(parent, 'item', 's1', ['e3', 'e3'])
- end
- numChildren = t.item_numchildren(parent)
- t.item_element_configure(parent, 'item', 'e4', :text=>"(#{numChildren})")
-# Same as TreeCtrl::AutoScanCheck, but calls RandomMotion and
-# RandomAutoScanCheckAux
-def randomAutoScanCheck(t, x, y)
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = t.contentbox
- margin = t.winfo_pixels(t.scrollmargin)
- if x < x1 + margin || x >= x2 - margin || y < y1 + margin || y >= y2 - margin
- if ! @Priv.exist?(:autoscan, :afterId, t)
- if y >= y2 - margin
- t.yview(:scroll, 1, :units)
- delay = t.yscrolldelay
- elsif y < y1 + margin
- t.yview(:scroll, -1, :units)
- delay = t.yscrolldelay
- elsif x >= x2 - margin
- t.xview(:scroll, 1, :units)
- delay = t.xscrolldelay
- elsif x < x1 + margin
- t.xview(:scroll, -1, :units)
- delay = t.xscrolldelay
- end
- if @Priv.exist?(:autoscan, :scanning, t)
- delay = delay[1] if delay.kind_of?(Array)
- else
- delay = delay[0] if delay.kind_of?(Array)
- @Priv[:autoscan, :scanning, t] = true
- end
- case @Priv['buttonMode']
- when 'drag', 'marquee'
- randomMotion(t, x, y)
- end
- @Priv[:autoscan, :afterId, t] =
- Tk.after(delay, proc{ randomAutoScanCheckAux(t) })
- end
- return
- end
- Tk::TreeCtrl::BindCallback.autoScanCancel(t)
-def randomAutoScanCheckAux(t)
- @Priv.unset(:autoscan, :afterId, t)
- x = t.winfo_pointerx - t.winfo_rootx
- y = t.winfo_pointery - t.winfo_rooty
- randomAutoScanCheck(t, x, y)
-# Demo: random N items, button images
-def demoRandom2(t)
- demoRandom(t)
- init_pics('mac-*')
- t.configure(:openbuttonimage=>@images['mac-collapse'],
- :closedbuttonimage=>@images['mac-expand'],
- :showlines=>false)