path: root/lib/bundler.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 545 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler.rb b/lib/bundler.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bef2caabcf..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "bundler/compatibility_guard"
-require "bundler/vendored_fileutils"
-require "pathname"
-require "rbconfig"
-require "thread"
-require "bundler/errors"
-require "bundler/environment_preserver"
-require "bundler/plugin"
-require "bundler/rubygems_ext"
-require "bundler/rubygems_integration"
-require "bundler/version"
-require "bundler/constants"
-require "bundler/current_ruby"
-require "bundler/build_metadata"
-module Bundler
- environment_preserver = EnvironmentPreserver.new(ENV, EnvironmentPreserver::BUNDLER_KEYS)
- ORIGINAL_ENV = environment_preserver.restore
- ENV.replace(environment_preserver.backup)
- SUDO_MUTEX = Mutex.new
- autoload :Definition, "bundler/definition"
- autoload :Dependency, "bundler/dependency"
- autoload :DepProxy, "bundler/dep_proxy"
- autoload :Deprecate, "bundler/deprecate"
- autoload :Dsl, "bundler/dsl"
- autoload :EndpointSpecification, "bundler/endpoint_specification"
- autoload :Env, "bundler/env"
- autoload :Fetcher, "bundler/fetcher"
- autoload :FeatureFlag, "bundler/feature_flag"
- autoload :GemHelper, "bundler/gem_helper"
- autoload :GemHelpers, "bundler/gem_helpers"
- autoload :GemRemoteFetcher, "bundler/gem_remote_fetcher"
- autoload :GemVersionPromoter, "bundler/gem_version_promoter"
- autoload :Graph, "bundler/graph"
- autoload :Index, "bundler/index"
- autoload :Injector, "bundler/injector"
- autoload :Installer, "bundler/installer"
- autoload :LazySpecification, "bundler/lazy_specification"
- autoload :LockfileParser, "bundler/lockfile_parser"
- autoload :MatchPlatform, "bundler/match_platform"
- autoload :ProcessLock, "bundler/process_lock"
- autoload :RemoteSpecification, "bundler/remote_specification"
- autoload :Resolver, "bundler/resolver"
- autoload :Retry, "bundler/retry"
- autoload :RubyDsl, "bundler/ruby_dsl"
- autoload :RubyGemsGemInstaller, "bundler/rubygems_gem_installer"
- autoload :RubyVersion, "bundler/ruby_version"
- autoload :Runtime, "bundler/runtime"
- autoload :Settings, "bundler/settings"
- autoload :SharedHelpers, "bundler/shared_helpers"
- autoload :Source, "bundler/source"
- autoload :SourceList, "bundler/source_list"
- autoload :SpecSet, "bundler/spec_set"
- autoload :StubSpecification, "bundler/stub_specification"
- autoload :UI, "bundler/ui"
- autoload :URICredentialsFilter, "bundler/uri_credentials_filter"
- autoload :VersionRanges, "bundler/version_ranges"
- class << self
- def configure
- @configured ||= configure_gem_home_and_path
- end
- def ui
- (defined?(@ui) && @ui) || (self.ui = UI::Silent.new)
- end
- def ui=(ui)
- Bundler.rubygems.ui = ui ? UI::RGProxy.new(ui) : nil
- @ui = ui
- end
- # Returns absolute path of where gems are installed on the filesystem.
- def bundle_path
- @bundle_path ||= Pathname.new(configured_bundle_path.path).expand_path(root)
- end
- def configured_bundle_path
- @configured_bundle_path ||= settings.path.tap(&:validate!)
- end
- # Returns absolute location of where binstubs are installed to.
- def bin_path
- @bin_path ||= begin
- path = settings[:bin] || "bin"
- path = Pathname.new(path).expand_path(root).expand_path
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(path) {|p| FileUtils.mkdir_p(p) }
- path
- end
- end
- def setup(*groups)
- # Return if all groups are already loaded
- return @setup if defined?(@setup) && @setup
- definition.validate_runtime!
- SharedHelpers.print_major_deprecations!
- if groups.empty?
- # Load all groups, but only once
- @setup = load.setup
- else
- load.setup(*groups)
- end
- end
- def require(*groups)
- setup(*groups).require(*groups)
- end
- def load
- @load ||= Runtime.new(root, definition)
- end
- def environment
- SharedHelpers.major_deprecation 2, "Bundler.environment has been removed in favor of Bundler.load"
- load
- end
- # Returns an instance of Bundler::Definition for given Gemfile and lockfile
- #
- # @param unlock [Hash, Boolean, nil] Gems that have been requested
- # to be updated or true if all gems should be updated
- # @return [Bundler::Definition]
- def definition(unlock = nil)
- @definition = nil if unlock
- @definition ||= begin
- configure
- Definition.build(default_gemfile, default_lockfile, unlock)
- end
- end
- def frozen?
- frozen = settings[:deployment]
- frozen ||= settings[:frozen] unless feature_flag.deployment_means_frozen?
- frozen
- end
- def locked_gems
- @locked_gems ||=
- if defined?(@definition) && @definition
- definition.locked_gems
- elsif Bundler.default_lockfile.file?
- lock = Bundler.read_file(Bundler.default_lockfile)
- LockfileParser.new(lock)
- end
- end
- def ruby_scope
- "#{Bundler.rubygems.ruby_engine}/#{Bundler.rubygems.config_map[:ruby_version]}"
- end
- def user_home
- @user_home ||= begin
- home = Bundler.rubygems.user_home
- warning = if home.nil?
- "Your home directory is not set."
- elsif !File.directory?(home)
- "`#{home}` is not a directory."
- elsif !File.writable?(home)
- "`#{home}` is not writable."
- end
- if warning
- user_home = tmp_home_path(Etc.getlogin, warning)
- Bundler.ui.warn "#{warning}\nBundler will use `#{user_home}' as your home directory temporarily.\n"
- user_home
- else
- Pathname.new(home)
- end
- end
- end
- def tmp_home_path(login, warning)
- login ||= "unknown"
- Kernel.send(:require, "tmpdir")
- path = Pathname.new(Dir.tmpdir).join("bundler", "home")
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(path) do |tmp_home_path|
- unless tmp_home_path.exist?
- tmp_home_path.mkpath
- tmp_home_path.chmod(0o777)
- end
- tmp_home_path.join(login).tap(&:mkpath)
- end
- rescue => e
- raise e.exception("#{warning}\nBundler also failed to create a temporary home directory at `#{path}':\n#{e}")
- end
- def user_bundle_path
- Pathname.new(user_home).join(".bundle")
- end
- def home
- bundle_path.join("bundler")
- end
- def install_path
- home.join("gems")
- end
- def specs_path
- bundle_path.join("specifications")
- end
- def user_cache
- user_bundle_path.join("cache")
- end
- def root
- @root ||= begin
- SharedHelpers.root
- rescue GemfileNotFound
- bundle_dir = default_bundle_dir
- raise GemfileNotFound, "Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory" unless bundle_dir
- Pathname.new(File.expand_path("..", bundle_dir))
- end
- end
- def app_config_path
- if app_config = ENV["BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG"]
- Pathname.new(app_config).expand_path(root)
- else
- root.join(".bundle")
- end
- end
- def app_cache(custom_path = nil)
- path = custom_path || root
- Pathname.new(path).join(settings.app_cache_path)
- end
- def tmp(name = Process.pid.to_s)
- Kernel.send(:require, "tmpdir")
- Pathname.new(Dir.mktmpdir(["bundler", name]))
- end
- def rm_rf(path)
- FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(path) if path && File.exist?(path)
- rescue ArgumentError
- message = <<EOF
-It is a security vulnerability to allow your home directory to be world-writable, and bundler can not continue.
-You should probably consider fixing this issue by running `chmod o-w ~` on *nix.
-Please refer to http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.1.2/libdoc/fileutils/rdoc/FileUtils.html#method-c-remove_entry_secure for details.
- File.world_writable?(path) ? Bundler.ui.warn(message) : raise
- raise PathError, "Please fix the world-writable issue with your #{path} directory"
- end
- def settings
- @settings ||= Settings.new(app_config_path)
- rescue GemfileNotFound
- @settings = Settings.new(Pathname.new(".bundle").expand_path)
- end
- # @return [Hash] Environment present before Bundler was activated
- def original_env
- end
- # @deprecated Use `original_env` instead
- # @return [Hash] Environment with all bundler-related variables removed
- def clean_env
- Bundler::SharedHelpers.major_deprecation(2, "`Bundler.clean_env` has weird edge cases, use `.original_env` instead")
- env = original_env
- if env.key?("BUNDLER_ORIG_MANPATH")
- end
- env.delete_if {|k, _| k[0, 7] == "BUNDLE_" }
- if env.key?("RUBYOPT")
- env["RUBYOPT"] = env["RUBYOPT"].sub "-rbundler/setup", ""
- end
- if env.key?("RUBYLIB")
- rubylib = env["RUBYLIB"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
- rubylib.delete(File.expand_path("..", __FILE__))
- env["RUBYLIB"] = rubylib.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
- end
- env
- end
- def with_original_env
- with_env(original_env) { yield }
- end
- def with_clean_env
- with_env(clean_env) { yield }
- end
- def clean_system(*args)
- with_clean_env { Kernel.system(*args) }
- end
- def clean_exec(*args)
- with_clean_env { Kernel.exec(*args) }
- end
- def local_platform
- return Gem::Platform::RUBY if settings[:force_ruby_platform]
- Gem::Platform.local
- end
- def default_gemfile
- SharedHelpers.default_gemfile
- end
- def default_lockfile
- SharedHelpers.default_lockfile
- end
- def default_bundle_dir
- SharedHelpers.default_bundle_dir
- end
- def system_bindir
- # Gem.bindir doesn't always return the location that RubyGems will install
- # system binaries. If you put '-n foo' in your .gemrc, RubyGems will
- # install binstubs there instead. Unfortunately, RubyGems doesn't expose
- # that directory at all, so rather than parse .gemrc ourselves, we allow
- # the directory to be set as well, via `bundle config bindir foo`.
- Bundler.settings[:system_bindir] || Bundler.rubygems.gem_bindir
- end
- def use_system_gems?
- configured_bundle_path.use_system_gems?
- end
- def requires_sudo?
- return @requires_sudo if defined?(@requires_sudo_ran)
- sudo_present = which "sudo" if settings.allow_sudo?
- if sudo_present
- # the bundle path and subdirectories need to be writable for RubyGems
- # to be able to unpack and install gems without exploding
- path = bundle_path
- path = path.parent until path.exist?
- # bins are written to a different location on OS X
- bin_dir = Pathname.new(Bundler.system_bindir)
- bin_dir = bin_dir.parent until bin_dir.exist?
- # if any directory is not writable, we need sudo
- files = [path, bin_dir] | Dir[path.join("build_info/*").to_s] | Dir[path.join("*").to_s]
- sudo_needed = files.any? {|f| !File.writable?(f) }
- end
- @requires_sudo_ran = true
- @requires_sudo = settings.allow_sudo? && sudo_present && sudo_needed
- end
- def mkdir_p(path)
- if requires_sudo?
- sudo "mkdir -p '#{path}'" unless File.exist?(path)
- else
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(path, :write) do |p|
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(p)
- end
- end
- end
- def which(executable)
- if File.file?(executable) && File.executable?(executable)
- executable
- elsif paths = ENV["PATH"]
- quote = '"'.freeze
- paths.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).find do |path|
- path = path[1..-2] if path.start_with?(quote) && path.end_with?(quote)
- executable_path = File.expand_path(executable, path)
- return executable_path if File.file?(executable_path) && File.executable?(executable_path)
- end
- end
- end
- def sudo(str)
- SUDO_MUTEX.synchronize do
- prompt = "\n\n" + <<-PROMPT.gsub(/^ {6}/, "").strip + " "
- Your user account isn't allowed to install to the system RubyGems.
- You can cancel this installation and run:
- bundle install --path vendor/bundle
- to install the gems into ./vendor/bundle/, or you can enter your password
- and install the bundled gems to RubyGems using sudo.
- Password:
- unless @prompted_for_sudo ||= system(%(sudo -k -p "#{prompt}" true))
- raise SudoNotPermittedError,
- "Bundler requires sudo access to install at the moment. " \
- "Try installing again, granting Bundler sudo access when prompted, or installing into a different path."
- end
- `sudo -p "#{prompt}" #{str}`
- end
- end
- def read_file(file)
- File.open(file, "rb", &:read)
- end
- def load_marshal(data)
- Marshal.load(data)
- rescue => e
- raise MarshalError, "#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
- end
- def load_gemspec(file, validate = false)
- @gemspec_cache ||= {}
- key = File.expand_path(file)
- @gemspec_cache[key] ||= load_gemspec_uncached(file, validate)
- # Protect against caching side-effected gemspecs by returning a
- # new instance each time.
- @gemspec_cache[key].dup if @gemspec_cache[key]
- end
- def load_gemspec_uncached(file, validate = false)
- path = Pathname.new(file)
- contents = path.read
- spec = if contents.start_with?("---") # YAML header
- eval_yaml_gemspec(path, contents)
- else
- # Eval the gemspec from its parent directory, because some gemspecs
- # depend on "./" relative paths.
- SharedHelpers.chdir(path.dirname.to_s) do
- eval_gemspec(path, contents)
- end
- end
- return unless spec
- spec.loaded_from = path.expand_path.to_s
- Bundler.rubygems.validate(spec) if validate
- spec
- end
- def clear_gemspec_cache
- @gemspec_cache = {}
- end
- def git_present?
- return @git_present if defined?(@git_present)
- @git_present = Bundler.which("git") || Bundler.which("git.exe")
- end
- def feature_flag
- @feature_flag ||= FeatureFlag.new(VERSION)
- end
- def reset!
- reset_paths!
- Plugin.reset!
- reset_rubygems!
- end
- def reset_paths!
- @bin_path = nil
- @bundler_major_version = nil
- @bundle_path = nil
- @configured = nil
- @configured_bundle_path = nil
- @definition = nil
- @load = nil
- @locked_gems = nil
- @root = nil
- @settings = nil
- @setup = nil
- @user_home = nil
- end
- def reset_rubygems!
- return unless defined?(@rubygems) && @rubygems
- rubygems.undo_replacements
- rubygems.reset
- @rubygems = nil
- end
- private
- def eval_yaml_gemspec(path, contents)
- Kernel.send(:require, "bundler/psyched_yaml")
- # If the YAML is invalid, Syck raises an ArgumentError, and Psych
- # raises a Psych::SyntaxError. See psyched_yaml.rb for more info.
- Gem::Specification.from_yaml(contents)
- rescue YamlLibrarySyntaxError, ArgumentError, Gem::EndOfYAMLException, Gem::Exception
- eval_gemspec(path, contents)
- end
- def eval_gemspec(path, contents)
- eval(contents, TOPLEVEL_BINDING.dup, path.expand_path.to_s)
- rescue ScriptError, StandardError => e
- msg = "There was an error while loading `#{path.basename}`: #{e.message}"
- if e.is_a?(LoadError) && RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9"
- msg += "\nDoes it try to require a relative path? That's been removed in Ruby 1.9"
- end
- raise GemspecError, Dsl::DSLError.new(msg, path, e.backtrace, contents)
- end
- def configure_gem_home_and_path
- configure_gem_path
- configure_gem_home
- bundle_path
- end
- def configure_gem_path(env = ENV)
- blank_home = env["GEM_HOME"].nil? || env["GEM_HOME"].empty?
- if !use_system_gems?
- # this needs to be empty string to cause
- # PathSupport.split_gem_path to only load up the
- # Bundler --path setting as the GEM_PATH.
- env["GEM_PATH"] = ""
- elsif blank_home
- possibles = [Bundler.rubygems.gem_dir, Bundler.rubygems.gem_path]
- paths = possibles.flatten.compact.uniq.reject(&:empty?)
- env["GEM_PATH"] = paths.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
- end
- end
- def configure_gem_home
- Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "GEM_HOME", File.expand_path(bundle_path, root)
- Bundler.rubygems.clear_paths
- end
- # @param env [Hash]
- def with_env(env)
- backup = ENV.to_hash
- ENV.replace(env)
- yield
- ensure
- ENV.replace(backup)
- end
- end