path: root/lib/bundler/compact_index_client.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/compact_index_client.rb')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/compact_index_client.rb b/lib/bundler/compact_index_client.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ed05ca484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/compact_index_client.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "pathname"
+require "set"
+module Bundler
+ class CompactIndexClient
+ DEBUG_MUTEX = Mutex.new
+ def self.debug
+ return unless ENV["DEBUG_COMPACT_INDEX"]
+ DEBUG_MUTEX.synchronize { warn("[#{self}] #{yield}") }
+ end
+ class Error < StandardError; end
+ require "bundler/compact_index_client/cache"
+ require "bundler/compact_index_client/updater"
+ attr_reader :directory
+ # @return [Lambda] A lambda that takes an array of inputs and a block, and
+ # maps the inputs with the block in parallel.
+ #
+ attr_accessor :in_parallel
+ def initialize(directory, fetcher)
+ @directory = Pathname.new(directory)
+ @updater = Updater.new(fetcher)
+ @cache = Cache.new(@directory)
+ @endpoints = Set.new
+ @info_checksums_by_name = {}
+ @parsed_checksums = false
+ @mutex = Mutex.new
+ @in_parallel = lambda do |inputs, &blk|
+ inputs.map(&blk)
+ end
+ end
+ def names
+ Bundler::CompactIndexClient.debug { "/names" }
+ update(@cache.names_path, "names")
+ @cache.names
+ end
+ def versions
+ Bundler::CompactIndexClient.debug { "/versions" }
+ update(@cache.versions_path, "versions")
+ versions, @info_checksums_by_name = @cache.versions
+ versions
+ end
+ def dependencies(names)
+ Bundler::CompactIndexClient.debug { "dependencies(#{names})" }
+ in_parallel.call(names) do |name|
+ update_info(name)
+ @cache.dependencies(name).map {|d| d.unshift(name) }
+ end.flatten(1)
+ end
+ def spec(name, version, platform = nil)
+ Bundler::CompactIndexClient.debug { "spec(name = #{name}, version = #{version}, platform = #{platform})" }
+ update_info(name)
+ @cache.specific_dependency(name, version, platform)
+ end
+ def update_and_parse_checksums!
+ Bundler::CompactIndexClient.debug { "update_and_parse_checksums!" }
+ return @info_checksums_by_name if @parsed_checksums
+ update(@cache.versions_path, "versions")
+ @info_checksums_by_name = @cache.checksums
+ @parsed_checksums = true
+ end
+ private
+ def update(local_path, remote_path)
+ Bundler::CompactIndexClient.debug { "update(#{local_path}, #{remote_path})" }
+ unless synchronize { @endpoints.add?(remote_path) }
+ Bundler::CompactIndexClient.debug { "already fetched #{remote_path}" }
+ return
+ end
+ @updater.update(local_path, url(remote_path))
+ end
+ def update_info(name)
+ Bundler::CompactIndexClient.debug { "update_info(#{name})" }
+ path = @cache.info_path(name)
+ checksum = @updater.checksum_for_file(path)
+ unless existing = @info_checksums_by_name[name]
+ Bundler::CompactIndexClient.debug { "skipping updating info for #{name} since it is missing from versions" }
+ return
+ end
+ if checksum == existing
+ Bundler::CompactIndexClient.debug { "skipping updating info for #{name} since the versions checksum matches the local checksum" }
+ return
+ end
+ Bundler::CompactIndexClient.debug { "updating info for #{name} since the versions checksum #{existing} != the local checksum #{checksum}" }
+ update(path, "info/#{name}")
+ end
+ def url(path)
+ path
+ end
+ def synchronize
+ @mutex.synchronize { yield }
+ end
+ end