path: root/lib/bundler/settings.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/settings.rb')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/settings.rb b/lib/bundler/settings.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1898738b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/settings.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "uri"
+module Bundler
+ class Settings
+ autoload :Mirror, "bundler/mirror"
+ autoload :Mirrors, "bundler/mirror"
+ BOOL_KEYS = %w(
+ allow_offline_install
+ auto_install
+ cache_all
+ cache_all_platforms
+ disable_checksum_validation
+ disable_exec_load
+ disable_local_branch_check
+ disable_shared_gems
+ disable_version_check
+ force_ruby_platform
+ frozen
+ gem.coc
+ gem.mit
+ ignore_messages
+ major_deprecations
+ no_install
+ no_prune
+ only_update_to_newer_versions
+ plugins
+ silence_root_warning
+ ).freeze
+ redirect
+ retry
+ ssl_verify_mode
+ timeout
+ ).freeze
+ :redirect => 5,
+ :retry => 3,
+ :timeout => 10,
+ }.freeze
+ attr_accessor :cli_flags_given
+ def initialize(root = nil)
+ @root = root
+ @local_config = load_config(local_config_file)
+ @global_config = load_config(global_config_file)
+ @cli_flags_given = false
+ @temporary = {}
+ end
+ def [](name)
+ key = key_for(name)
+ value = @temporary.fetch(name) do
+ @local_config.fetch(key) do
+ ENV.fetch(key) do
+ @global_config.fetch(key) do
+ DEFAULT_CONFIG.fetch(name) do
+ nil
+ end end end end end
+ converted_value(value, name)
+ end
+ def []=(key, value)
+ if cli_flags_given
+ command = if value.nil?
+ "bundle config --delete #{key}"
+ else
+ "bundle config #{key} #{Array(value).join(":")}"
+ end
+ Bundler::SharedHelpers.major_deprecation \
+ "flags passed to commands " \
+ "will no longer be automatically remembered. Instead please set flags " \
+ "you want remembered between commands using `bundle config " \
+ "<setting name> <setting value>`, i.e. `#{command}`"
+ end
+ local_config_file || raise(GemfileNotFound, "Could not locate Gemfile")
+ set_key(key, value, @local_config, local_config_file)
+ end
+ alias_method :set_local, :[]=
+ def temporary(update)
+ existing = Hash[update.map {|k, _| [k, @temporary[k]] }]
+ @temporary.update(update)
+ return unless block_given?
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ existing.each {|k, v| v.nil? ? @temporary.delete(k) : @temporary[k] = v }
+ end
+ end
+ def delete(key)
+ @local_config.delete(key_for(key))
+ end
+ def set_global(key, value)
+ set_key(key, value, @global_config, global_config_file)
+ end
+ def all
+ env_keys = ENV.keys.select {|k| k =~ /BUNDLE_.*/ }
+ keys = @global_config.keys | @local_config.keys | env_keys
+ keys.map do |key|
+ key.sub(/^BUNDLE_/, "").gsub(/__/, ".").downcase
+ end
+ end
+ def local_overrides
+ repos = {}
+ all.each do |k|
+ repos[$'] = self[k] if k =~ /^local\./
+ end
+ repos
+ end
+ def mirror_for(uri)
+ uri = URI(uri.to_s) unless uri.is_a?(URI)
+ gem_mirrors.for(uri.to_s).uri
+ end
+ def credentials_for(uri)
+ self[uri.to_s] || self[uri.host]
+ end
+ def gem_mirrors
+ all.inject(Mirrors.new) do |mirrors, k|
+ mirrors.parse(k, self[k]) if k =~ /^mirror\./
+ mirrors
+ end
+ end
+ def locations(key)
+ key = key_for(key)
+ locations = {}
+ locations[:local] = @local_config[key] if @local_config.key?(key)
+ locations[:env] = ENV[key] if ENV[key]
+ locations[:global] = @global_config[key] if @global_config.key?(key)
+ locations[:default] = DEFAULT_CONFIG[key] if DEFAULT_CONFIG.key?(key)
+ locations
+ end
+ def pretty_values_for(exposed_key)
+ key = key_for(exposed_key)
+ locations = []
+ if @local_config.key?(key)
+ locations << "Set for your local app (#{local_config_file}): #{converted_value(@local_config[key], exposed_key).inspect}"
+ end
+ if value = ENV[key]
+ locations << "Set via #{key}: #{converted_value(value, exposed_key).inspect}"
+ end
+ if @global_config.key?(key)
+ locations << "Set for the current user (#{global_config_file}): #{converted_value(@global_config[key], exposed_key).inspect}"
+ end
+ return ["You have not configured a value for `#{exposed_key}`"] if locations.empty?
+ locations
+ end
+ def without=(array)
+ set_array(:without, array)
+ end
+ def with=(array)
+ set_array(:with, array)
+ end
+ def without
+ get_array(:without)
+ end
+ def with
+ get_array(:with)
+ end
+ # @local_config["BUNDLE_PATH"] should be prioritized over ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"]
+ def path
+ key = key_for(:path)
+ path = ENV[key] || @global_config[key]
+ return path if path && !@local_config.key?(key)
+ if path = self[:path]
+ "#{path}/#{Bundler.ruby_scope}"
+ else
+ Bundler.rubygems.gem_dir
+ end
+ end
+ def allow_sudo?
+ !@local_config.key?(key_for(:path))
+ end
+ def ignore_config?
+ end
+ def app_cache_path
+ @app_cache_path ||= begin
+ path = self[:cache_path] || "vendor/cache"
+ raise InvalidOption, "Cache path must be relative to the bundle path" if path.start_with?("/")
+ path
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def key_for(key)
+ key = Settings.normalize_uri(key).to_s if key.is_a?(String) && /https?:/ =~ key
+ key = key.to_s.gsub(".", "__").upcase
+ "BUNDLE_#{key}"
+ end
+ def parent_setting_for(name)
+ split_specfic_setting_for(name)[0]
+ end
+ def specfic_gem_for(name)
+ split_specfic_setting_for(name)[1]
+ end
+ def split_specfic_setting_for(name)
+ name.split(".")
+ end
+ def is_bool(name)
+ BOOL_KEYS.include?(name.to_s) || BOOL_KEYS.include?(parent_setting_for(name.to_s))
+ end
+ def to_bool(value)
+ case value
+ when nil, /\A(false|f|no|n|0|)\z/i, false
+ false
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ def is_num(value)
+ NUMBER_KEYS.include?(value.to_s)
+ end
+ def get_array(key)
+ self[key] ? self[key].split(":").map(&:to_sym) : []
+ end
+ def set_array(key, array)
+ self[key] = (array.empty? ? nil : array.join(":")) if array
+ end
+ def set_key(key, value, hash, file)
+ key = key_for(key)
+ unless hash[key] == value
+ hash[key] = value
+ hash.delete(key) if value.nil?
+ SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(file) do |p|
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(p.dirname)
+ require "bundler/yaml_serializer"
+ p.open("w") {|f| f.write(YAMLSerializer.dump(hash)) }
+ end
+ end
+ value
+ end
+ def converted_value(value, key)
+ if value.nil?
+ nil
+ elsif is_bool(key) || value == "false"
+ to_bool(value)
+ elsif is_num(key)
+ value.to_i
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ def global_config_file
+ Pathname.new(ENV["BUNDLE_CONFIG"])
+ else
+ begin
+ Bundler.user_bundle_path.join("config")
+ rescue PermissionError, GenericSystemCallError
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def local_config_file
+ Pathname.new(@root).join("config") if @root
+ end
+ CONFIG_REGEX = %r{ # rubocop:disable Style/RegexpLiteral
+ ^
+ (BUNDLE_.+):\s # the key
+ (?: !\s)? # optional exclamation mark found with ruby 1.9.3
+ (['"]?) # optional opening quote
+ (.* # contents of the value
+ (?: # optionally, up until the next key
+ (\n(?!BUNDLE).+)*
+ )
+ )
+ \2 # matching closing quote
+ $
+ }xo
+ def load_config(config_file)
+ return {} if !config_file || ignore_config?
+ SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(config_file, :read) do |file|
+ valid_file = file.exist? && !file.size.zero?
+ return {} unless valid_file
+ require "bundler/yaml_serializer"
+ YAMLSerializer.load file.read
+ end
+ end
+ # TODO: duplicates Rubygems#normalize_uri
+ # TODO: is this the correct place to validate mirror URIs?
+ def self.normalize_uri(uri)
+ uri = uri.to_s
+ uri = "#{uri}/" unless uri =~ %r{/\Z}
+ uri = URI(uri)
+ unless uri.absolute?
+ raise ArgumentError, format("Gem sources must be absolute. You provided '%s'.", uri)
+ end
+ uri
+ end
+ end